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Title: Drop Like a Puppet

Instructional Objectives
At the end of the module, the student is expected to:

1. Identify the process of clinical evaluation of a child with neurologic problems, taking
consideration the following:
1.1 The neurologic history
1.2 Neurologic examination of the premature and newborn
1.3 Neurologic examination of the child
1.4. Diagnostic procedures in neurological disorders
1.4.1 Lumbar tap
1.4.2 Subdural tap
1.4.3 Ventricular tap
1.4.4 Cranial Ultrasound
1.4.5 Neuroradiologic procedures
1.4.6 Electroencephalography
1.4.7 Evoked Potentials
1.4.8 Electrodiagnosis
1.4.9 Muscle Biopsy
2. Discuss seizures in childhood.
2.1 Identify descriptions of seizure in children and the evaluation of fist seizure
2.2 Identify descriptions, definition, clinical manifestations and treatment of the
2.2.1 Febrile Seizures
2.2.2 Unprovoked Seizures: First seizure & recurrent seizures Partial Seizures Generalized Seizures Unclassified Seizures

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 20th edition

Given a child presenting with seizure student must be able to:
 Define and characterize the presenting sign/symptom
 Perform a focused history and physical/neurologic examination
 Identify the most likely cause
 Explain the underlying pathophysiology of the condition
 Describe the clinical manifestations
 Choose appropriate diagnostic tests and interpret the results
 Integrate clinical and laboratory data to establish diagnosis
 Choose the appropriate treatment

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