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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

By J. K. Rowling
CHAPTER 4: The Keeper of the Keys

1. Give two examples of onomatopoeia on page 39. (2)

2. What does “yeh” mean? Why does Rowling spell it like that? (2)
3. How does Hagrid show his strength? (2)
4. What gift makes Harry Happy? (1)
5. Why is harry so happy? (2)
6. What is a “Muggle”? Quote your answer. (1)
7. Why is Hagrid so angry with the Dursleys? (2)
8. How did Harry get the big scar on his forehead? (3)
9. Why did Hagrid’s wand in the shape of an umbrella? (2)
10. What does “kip” mean? (1)


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