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Fifth Tips To Protect Ourselves From Covid-19

To prevent spreading of Covid-19, we need to do five tips to protect ourselves. First wash your
hands as often as possible. Accordingly to, wash your hands regularly and as
often as possible with soap and water or ingredients containing Alcohol, it will kill viruses that
may be in your hands. Second, apply social distancing. As a result at, keep a
minimum distance of one meter from those who cough or sneeze. The reason is, when someone
coughs or sneezes, the spray small drops of liquid from their nose or mouth that may contain of
viruses. If you get too close, you can breathe the droplets that may contain the Covid-19 virus.
Third avoid touch the eyes, nose and mouth. According to, The hands touch
many surfaces and the virus might stick there. After being contaminated, the hands can transfer
the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter the body and can make you
sick. Fourth do rules of sneeze correctly, for example cover your mouth and cover your nose
with elbows when you cough or sneeze. It can prevent the virus from spreading from droplets
that come out while you sneeze or cough. Fifth if you have a fever, cough and difficulty while
breath, get treatment immediately, an example you must report to the nearest medical and care
yourselves. In conclusion, those are some of ways that we can do for protect ourselves from

Fifth Tips To Protect Ourselves From Covid-19

Corona virus has 5 tips to prevent of its spreading for everyone . those are,the First iswash your
hands as often as possible. Accordingly to, wash your hands regularly and as
often as possible with soap and water or ingredients containing Alcohol, it will kill viruses that
may be in every hands. Second, apply social distancing. As a result at, keep a
minimum distance of one meter from those who cough or sneeze. In fact, when someone coughs
or sneezes, the spray small drops of liquid from their nose or mouth that may contain of viruses.
If each one get too close, breathe the droplets that may contain the Covid-19 virus. The Third is
avoid to touch of eyes, nose and mouth. According to, The hands touch many
surfaces and the virus might stick there. After being contaminated, the hands can transfer the
virus to eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter the body and can make you sick.
Fourth do rules of sneeze correctly, for example cover mouth and cover your nose with elbows
when cough or sneeze. It can prevent the virus from spreading from droplets that come out while
sneeze or cough. Fifth if people have a fever, cough and difficulty while breath, get treatment
immediately, an example its must report to the nearest medical . In conclusion, those are some of
ways that people can do for protect theirselves from covid-19.

Corrector: nesi ramadani 2318031

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