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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra


Basic Operations

Algebra is that part of mathematics in

which the relations and properties of
numbers are investigated by means of
general symbols. For example, the area of a
rectangle is found by multiplying the length
by the breadth; this is expressed
algebraically as A=l ×b, where A represents
the area, l the length and b the breadth.

The basic laws introduced in arithmetic are

generalized in algebra.
Let a, b, c and d represents any four
numbers. Then:
(i) a + (b + c) = ( a + b ) + c
(ii) a (bc) = (ab) c
(iii) a + b = b + a
(iv) ab = ba
(v) a (b + c ) = ab + ac
(vi) (a+b)/c = a/c + b/c
(vii) (a+b)(c+d) = ac + ad + bc + bd

Problem 1: Multiply 2a+3b by a+b

Ans: 2a2 +5ab+3b2

Problem 2: Multiply 3x −2y2 +4xy by 2x −5y

Ans: 6x2 −24xy2 +8x2y−15xy+10y3

Laws of Indices

Brackets & factorization

When two or more terms in an algebraic
expression contain a common factor, then
this factor can be shown outside of a
bracket. For example:

Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

Ans: 4x2-12xy+9y2

Further Algebra

Polynomial Division

(Note that a polynomial is an expression of

the form
f (x) = a+bx +cx2 +dx3+ ………….. and
polynomial division is sometimes required
when resolving into partial fractions.


Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

The Factor Theorem

There is a simple relationship between the

factors of a quadratic expression and the
roots of the equation obtained by equating
the expression to zero.

For example, consider the quadratic

x2 +2x −8=0

To solve this we may factorise the quadratic

expression x2 +2x −8 giving (x −2)(x +4)
Hence (x −2)(x +4) = 0

Then, if the product of two numbers is zero,

one or both of those numbers must equal
zero. Therefore, either (x−2) = 0, from
which, x =2 or (x +4) = 0, from which, x= −4

Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

The Remainder Theorem

Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

Partial Fractions (Ch-7)

Introduction to Partial fractions

Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

Partial Fractions with repeated linear


Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra


Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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EEE501 Engineering Mathematics 1 Topic 2: Algebra

Partial fractions with quadratic factors


Lecturer: Rajeev K Piyare

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