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NIM; 125902717

1) Face
2) Shoulder
3) Chest
4) Stomach
5) hip
6) Head
7) Neck
8) Back
9) Waist
10) Buttock
N: Morning Ms Dungga. Are your ready for your exercises session today?

D: I m a little tired this morning but I,II try.

N: Good to hear that. We,re going to try some new exercises today to help you walk

D: ok. The old exercises were a little too easy

N: Well, that,s good news. Now ,first, I”II put the chair (1) front of you. Hold it. Good. Now lift
(2) with up Your right knee – not too high. Yes just there. Don”t lift it(3) above your waist.

D: CAN I put it (4) down it hurts

N: Yes that”s OK put your leg (5) and in . that”s good. Now repeat that five times. Let”s
coun together. One, two, three, that”s very good. Well done how do you feel?

D: Not so bad. It”at first, especially the left leg, but I Can feel I’m getting stronger

1) How does ms dungga feel this morning?

2) What does she think about the old exercises?
3) Does she start with the left or right leg.?
4) What does she think of the new exercises?


1) I’m a little tired this morning but I”II try

2) Ok. The old exercises were a little too easy
3) Mr dungga started with the right foot
4) Ok. The old exercises were a little too easy

Task 2. Try to find out the meaning of the words below:

 Toothache: ……sakit gigi……………………………..

 Backache: ……sakit punggung……………………………..
 Headache: ……sakit kepala……………………………
 Soar arm: ………lengan yang sakit…………………………
 Soar knee: ………lutut sakit………………………..
Task 3

Mr d: hello nurse lia

N lia: hello mr. doni what did you feel yesterday
Mr d: how many days I feel dizzy
N lia: how dizzy do you feel
Mr d : like being stabbed

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