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Заняття 8

Тема: Екологічне виробництво сільськогосподарської продукції. Інфінітив

4. Завдання. Organic farming is a way of getting organic food without the use of any synthetic
pesticides or fertilizers. They are also not given ionizing radiation.

3. Завдання.

1. Sustainable agriculture - is considered the cycle of agriculture as a whole system and is a commonly
used term when it comes to alternative agriculture.

2. The purpose of farmers is to change their farming practices so that they are in harmony with the

3. Agroecology study – it’s a studying of entire system (soil, water, sun, plants, air, animals,
microorganisms, and people) in complex, together.

4. Sustainable agriculture practices include:

1) Use of chemicals or very few chemicals to reduce damage to crop pests.

2) Use of fewer herbicides (weed killers).
3) Minimization of runoff to reduce soil erosion.
4) Soil testing to determine what nutrients are available.
5) Crop rotation so that the land is not overused or depleted of critical nutrients. Rotation also
reduces insects and weeds.
6) Minimization of soil erosion.
7) Improvement and protection of wildlife habitats.
8) Monitoring practices of grazing of animals are that the land is not susceptible to abuse and
forbidden land.

5. Some people argue that sustainable agriculture is not as productive and expensive as traditional
farming. Regardless of what people have to say in favor of sustainable agriculture or not, it has become
an important part of agriculture over the last few years.

3.3 Завдання.

A. 1. I am happy to work at the factory.

2. I'm glad to see you.

3. I'm glad to study French.

4. I'm happy to live in this town.

5. I'm happy to know this man.

B. 1. I am happy to be going to Paris.

2. I am happy to be spending my holidays in Crimea.

3. I'm glad to be listening the symphony.

4. I am glad to be reading his letter.

5. I'm glad to be playing chess with you.

C. 1. I am happy to have spent a holidays in the country.

2. He is happy to have played chess with the world champion.

3. I'm glad to have bathed in the river.

4. I'm glad to have learned English at school.

5. I am glad to have passed my examination yesterday.

D. 1. I'm sorry don't to understand this rule.

2. I'm sorry not to be working there now.

3. I'm sorry not to have seen this film.

4. She's sorry she hasn't been working all these years.

5. Peter’s sorry not to have saw her.

E. 1. She is sorry that she not to have been invited to the evening party.

2. We are glad to have taught English.

3. I am glad to have waked early this morning.

4. I'm sorry not to have been informed of it

5. I'm sorry I'm not allowed to go there.

4.4 Завдання.

1.I like to play the guitar. 2.My brother can speak French. 3.We had to put on our overcoats because it
was cold. 4.They wanted to cross the river. 5.It’s high time for you to go to bed. 6.May I use your
telephone? 7.They heard the girl cry out with joy. 8. I would rather stay at home today. 9.He did not
want to play in the yard any more. 10. Would you like to go to England? 11.You look tired. You had
better go home. 12.I wanted speak to Nick, but could not find his telephone number. 13.He made me
do it all over again. 14. She can sing quite well. 15.He will be able to swim very soon. 16.You ought to go
today. It may rain tomorrow.
2.2. Завдання.

1. He seems to read a lot. 2. He seems to be reading now. 3. He seems to have been reading since
morning. 4. He seems to have read all the books in the library. 5. I want to take you to the concert. 6. I
want to be taken to the concert by my father. 7. She hoped to help her friends. 8. She hoped to be
helped by her friends. 9. I hope to see you soon. 10. We expect to be back in two days. 11. He expected
to be helped by the teacher. 12. The children seem to have been playing since morning. 13. I am glad to
have done all the homework yesterday. 14. She seems to have been working at this problem ever since
she came here.

1.1. Завдання.
1. I am glad to have given you a dictionary. Active Voice/Perfect

2. I am glad to have been given a dictionary. Passive Voice/Perfect

3. We want to inform you about it. Active Voice/Present

4. We want to be informed about it. Passive Voice/Present

5. Children like to be told tales. Passive Voice/Present

6. You seem to have been sitting for a long time. Active Voice/Perfect Continuous
6. I can’t hear a word, though he seems to be speaking. Active Voice/Continuous

7. One of the students was suddenly taken ill and had to be operated on immediately. Passive

8. He was very sorry to have missed so many lessons just before the exam. Active Voice/Perfect

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