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In the assessment phase of the family health nursing process, an indicator for the
problem prioritization of family health problem is
A. Nature of the problem B. Physical assessment C. Modifiability D. Salience

Ans. & rationale: ANSWER: A. Nature of the problem RATIONALE: Assessment is the first
step of the nursing process and takes priority over all other steps. NATURE OF THE
PROBLEM- categorized into health deficit, health threat and foreseeable crisis REFERENCE:
CHN. (n.d.). In All About Nursing. Accessed (15 April 2020) from

24. By its nature, which of the following problems will be given LEAST priority?
A. Unemployment B. Scabies C. Poor home environment D.

Ans. & rationale: ANSWER: A. Unemployment RATIONALE: Among all the problems given
above, unemployment is the problem where CH nurses will be not much of a help. Unlike the
other problems where CH nurses can help by giving health teaching, for scabies where CH
nurses can teach people about Lagundi, a DOH approved herbal plant, can be used to treat
the skin disease and as well as Niyog-niyogan to treat Ascariasis. And Teaching how to
maintain proper home environment can be done. REFERENCE: Reyala, J. P., Nisce, Z. P.,
Martinez, F. R., Hizon, N. F., Ruzol, C. A., Dequina, R. B., Alcantara, A. P., Bermudez, M. T. C.
& Estipona, G. R. (2000). Community Health Nursing Services In the Department of Health

25. Which of the following indicators are used for determining the family’s value on
1-Updated immunization schedule 3-Compliance behavior
2-Family’s concept of prevention 4-Eating habits
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 1,2,and 3 D. All of the above

Ans. & rationale: ANSWER: C. 1,2, and 3 RATIONALE: Updated immunization schedule,
Family’s concept of prevention and compliance behaviour are indicators in determining the
family’s value on prevention. Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it
ever occurs; an example of this type of prevention is the updated immunization schedule to
prevent contacting any form of illness like Polio. Prevention of illness will greatly reflect on
the family’s concept of prevention and compliance behaviour. REFERENCE: At Work, Issue
80, Spring 2015: Institute for Work & Health, Toronto. Accessed (15 April 2020) from

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