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List of Questions.

1. How will be my health in future?

2. Will I get government job or not?
3. When my marriage will take place?
4. Will love affair would materialize or not?
5. Will I get divorce?
6. Decision delivered by court would be stayed or not?
7. Court judgment on favor or not?
8. When I would be reinstated in Job?
9. When my financial position will improve?
10. Will I get success in competitive examination?
11. Will I do P.G in my specialization?
12. When I can purchase a land or property?
13. Whether land or property would be gainful to me in future or not?
14. Will I get admission in medical college?
15. When my first child will be born?
16. Litigation regarding property will end or not?
17. Will I get loan form bank?
18. Whether my entangled money would be recovered or not?
19. Whether my partner could be trusted or not?
20. Is there any possibility of second marriage in my life?
21. When my wife will be appointed?
22. When I will go to abroad in near future?
23. When I will get transfer in my job?
24. When I will get promotion in my job?
25. Is my transfer possible?
26. When will be promoted to the post of Manager?
27. Will I become District Magistrate or not?
28. Lost Gold will it be recovered or not?
29. Lost file - will it be found?
30. When I would be nominated chairman of this institution?
31. Will I get popularity or fame?
32. Will I be punished in departmental enquiry?
33. When can I pay off my market debts?
34. When I would be able to repay the debts of market?
35. Can I become a successful businessman?
36. What will be the future of my business?
When we hear complaints from astrological minded people, we find that they do not ridicule the
science of astrology but only those astrologers whom they consulted. The main reason for the failure
of most of the astrologers is due to the defects in their methods of interpretation and their incapacity
to satisfy the qualifications.

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