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I have requested a printed mark sheet and have been told that it will be sent via email, it's

to ensure that the email address provided is correct and that the mail isn't landing in the spam
folder. If a photograph is also needed and hasn't been provided, it might be necessary to follow up
with a formal written request, outlining the necessity of the photograph for identification purposes.

I am rasing question from Eelection Committee as an owner of 3 TP. As per latest of eligible
member post on Nobroker hood 16th March 6.50 PM. I believe it’s a final list after no eligible list is
posted in the Nobroker hood nor any notification posted in Nobroker hood. But my query is Mr
Keynes Arokiaraj from 4 SM name as per list posted on 16 th in nobroker hood not eligible for voting
righties but how he can contest in the election.

@Election committee I am writing to seek clarification regarding the eligibility of a candidate

contesting in the election. According to the final list of eligible members posted on NoBroker Hood
on March 16th, Mr. Keynes Arokiaraj from 4 SM was not listed as eligible for voting rights. However,
it has come to my attention that he is running for a position in the election. As an owner of 3 TP
within the society, I am concerned about the adherence to the election rules and the integrity of the
process. The guidelines clearly state that only eligible members can contest in elections. If there has
been an update or exception made in this case, I kindly request that it be communicated to all
members to ensure transparency. Please address this matter at the earliest convenience and provide
a detailed explanation for the eligibility criteria applied in Mr. Arokiaraj's case. Your prompt
response will be greatly appreciated as it impacts the fairness of the election process.

The concerns regarding the transparency of our election committee's communications. It has come
to my attention that there are doubts about the integrity of the process due to the absence of posts
on NoBrokerHood, which is our official communication platform. To ensure transparency and
maintain trust within our community, I propose that all official communications regarding the
election process be posted on NoBrokerHood. This will allow every member to stay informed and
engage in the democratic process.

Regarding various social media platforms that are considered as communication media. Specifically, I
am interested in understanding how these platforms manage the visibility of posts. For instance, if
one user's post is placed on top, does it cause subsequent posts to be hidden or less visible. From my
understanding, social. However, the algorithms that determine the order of posts can sometimes
result in newer posts being more prominent, potentially obscuring earlier ones.

I hope this details finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in the State Programme
Manager. As a highly experienced professional with extensive knowledge and skills in the
industry, I believe I am an ideal candidate for this role.

Allow me to highlight some of my key achievements as the Regional Manager (South) &
Early Experience in Skill development.:

1. Placement of 1000 candidates: Through effective networking and strategic partnerships, I

successfully placed 1,000 skilled candidates in various renowned food processing companies
and other Sector across Southern states. This not only contributed to their growth but also
helped bridge the skill gap in the industry.

2. MoU with 40 groups of companies: Recognizing the need for skilled manpower, I
negotiated and signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with 40 prominent groups of
companies. These agreements ensured a steady supply of skilled professionals to meet their
workforce requirements.

3. Establishment of new training centers: To enhance skill development opportunities, I

spearheaded the creation of over 25 new training centers across the region. These centers
have trained more than 1600 candidates, equipping them with essential skills necessary for
success in the food processing industry.

With my proven track record and passion for driving growth in food processing and other
sector, I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your organization's objectives. My
expertise extends beyond just managing regional operations; I also possess strong leadership
abilities and a keen eye for identifying emerging trends and opportunities within the industry.

I would welcome an opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience align with your
organization's goals during an interview. Please find attached my resume and certificate for
your reference.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Here are some questions I have about Tamilisai Sounderajan... Can someone pl find the answers.

- does she also not come from a political family? Pl list out her family members who are/we're in

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, a prominent Indian politician, has indeed been actively involved in
politics. Let’s delve into her family background:
1. Father: Kumari Ananthan
o He is a former Member of Parliament and a senior Indian National Congress leader in Tamil Nadu.
2. Husband: Soundararajan Periyasamy
o A medical doctor by profession.
3. Paternal Cousin: Vijay Vasanth
o An actor and businessman-turned-politician.

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan herself has had a remarkable political journey, serving in various
capacities within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She has held positions such as the President of the
Tamil Nadu BJP, National Secretary of BJP, and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry (in addition to
being the second Governor of Telangana) 12.
Her family’s political involvement extends beyond her immediate relatives, making her a part of a
dynamic political lineage.
- governor's post is usually given to people as retirement or punishment post - what were the
circumstances under which she went away from TN?

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, a seasoned Indian politician, has indeed had an intriguing political
journey. Let’s explore the circumstances that led her away from Tamil Nadu and into other
significant roles:
1. Governor of Telangana:
o Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan assumed the position of Governor of Telangana on September 8, 2019 1.
o Her appointment as Governor was not a typical retirement move. Instead, it provided her with an
opportunity to serve in a constitutional role.
2. Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry (Additional Charge):
o In February 2021, she took on the additional responsibility of Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry 1.
o This dual role allowed her to contribute to the administration of both Telangana and Puducherry.
3. Resignation and Return to Politics:
o On March 18, 2024, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan resigned from her gubernatorial posts in Telangana
and Puducherry 1.
o Her decision to step down was not sudden; it came after a period of service.
o She rejoined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on March 20, 2024, in the presence of Tamil Nadu BJP
President K. Annamalai, Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, and Union Minister of State L. Murugan 2.
o Her return to active politics marked a significant shift from her previous roles as Governor and
Lieutenant Governor.
4. Electoral Aspirations:
o Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan’s resignation was strategic. She expressed her desire to directly serve
the public and hinted at contesting the upcoming Lok Sabha polls from Tamil Nadu 34.
o Despite her unsuccessful attempts in previous elections, she remains committed to contributing to
the political landscape.

In summary, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan’s journey has been marked by transitions between
constitutional roles and active political engagement. Her decision to step down from the
gubernatorial posts reflects her dedication to public service and her desire to actively participate in
electoral politics once again.

- has she contested before (mp Or mla) ? Statistics pl

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, a dedicated Indian politician, has indeed contested in both Assembly
elections (MLA) and Parliament elections (MP). Let’s explore her electoral history:
1. Assembly Elections (MLA):
o In the 2011 Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, she contested from two constituencies:
 Velachery: Unfortunately, she did not emerge victorious.
 Virugambakkam: Again, she faced defeat at the polls.
o Similarly, in the 2016 Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, she contested from the same constituencies
but was unsuccessful in both.
2. Parliament Elections (MP):
o During the 2019 Indian general election, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan contested for a seat in the Lok
o Her opponent was Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, daughter of the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M.
o Unfortunately, she lost the election from the Thoothukkudi constituency
- has she made any "people friendly" Changes to protocols while being governor.

Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, during her tenure as Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of
Puducherry (Additional Charge), made several notable contributions that aimed to be people-
friendly. Let’s explore some of these changes:
1. Accessibility and Outreach:
o Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan actively engaged with the public through various initiatives.
o She participated in public events, interacted with citizens, and listened to their concerns.
o Her approach emphasized accessibility and transparency.
2. Healthcare and Awareness:
o As a medical doctor herself, she advocated for healthcare awareness.
o She encouraged preventive measures, health camps, and awareness drives.
o Her focus on health-related issues resonated with the public.
3. Women’s Empowerment:
o Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan championed women’s rights and empowerment.
o She supported initiatives that aimed to uplift women economically, socially, and politically.
o Her efforts contributed to creating a more inclusive environment.
4. Temple Management:
o She actively engaged with temple authorities and worked towards transparent temple
o Her approach aimed to ensure that temple resources were utilized for the welfare of devotees.
5. People-Centric Policies:
o While serving as Governor, she advocated for policies that directly benefited the common people.
o Her decisions were guided by the principle of public welfare.
6. Resignation and Return to Politics:
o Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan’s decision to resign from her gubernatorial posts was strategic.
o She expressed her desire to directly serve the public and hinted at contesting the upcoming Lok
Sabha polls from Tamil Nadu 12.

In summary, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan’s tenure as Governor and Lieutenant Governor reflected
her commitment to people-friendly governance. Her accessibility, focus on healthcare, women’s
empowerment, and transparent temple management contributed to positive changes during her

- any other notable achievements

As per the earlier communication, In the month of April shar will review for visit to ISRO -
SDSC SHAR. This mail for recheck any chance to visit in April month. Sorry for disturb.

Dear Gopi Sir,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of visiting
ISRO - SDSC SHAR in the month of April. As per our previous communications, I
understand that a review for visits is scheduled during this time. I would be grateful if you
could confirm whether there is an opportunity for a visit in April.
I apologize for any inconvenience my request may cause and appreciate your
understanding. Your assistance in this matter is highly valued as it will greatly aid in planning
my visit accordingly.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,

Sorry to update the information to you sir. Today from 13.49 to 17.50 I have tried more than
25 times no one pick the please guide me sir

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have attempted to contact team multiple times today,
specifically from 13:49 to 17:50, without any success. Despite over 25 attempts, my calls
have gone unanswered I am seeking your guidance on how to proceed further sir.
Please advice on the appropriate course of action. Should there be an alternative contact
method or a specific time when the team is more readily available, I would appreciate that
Thank you for your time and assistance sir.

I like to inform we want cancel the connection no +91-4479643354 because we want

to change connection name but as per jio policy name change is not
possible. So we have plan to cancel this connection and take a new
connection but customer care person handle worst I have

Dear Sir,

This is Mr Mainkandan, Secretary, Casagrande Tulipso, Pallikarani,

Chennai. This is bring to notice to health department of Tamilnadu problem
we are facing one of the apartment in our association. Already tenant and
owner having rental problem court cases is going. Problem we are facing is
tenant having pets in the apartment we are not sure whether they are
maintaining the pets hygienically because past 6 month we are facing
stinking from the pets. Day by day stinking smell going worst past one
month one of the tenant got fainting while she came down from terrace.
Because of reason past 1 month she is in bed rest similar other tenant also
facing problem. Now we are facing other issue is gasping issue recently
another owner left from association while they vacating they have
informed the above reason. So we are request heath department to visit
our apartment and do the needful. While we want to see the apartment
tenant is treating cases is already in the court we will add association also
in the cases by passing unwanted word used by Secretary to my family
members also they will file cases in local station. So we are totally 18
apartment in our block please do the needful.

Subject: Urgent Intervention Required for Health and Sanitation Issues at

Casagrande Tulipso

Dear Health Department Officials,

I am writing to you as the Secretary of Casagrande Tulipso, located in

Pallikarani, Chennai, to formally request your immediate intervention
regarding a serious health and sanitation issue that has arisen in one of
the apartments within our association. Over the past six months, we have
been subjected to an increasingly intolerable stench believed to be
emanating from pets kept by one of the tenants. Despite repeated
attempts to address this matter, the situation has escalated to the point
where it is now affecting the health and well-being of other residents.

The severity of the issue cannot be overstated. Just last month, a resident
fainted and has since been confined to bed rest due to the overwhelming
odours. This incident underscores the urgency of the situation.
Furthermore, another family has vacated their apartment, citing the same
concerns, which indicates a pattern that cannot be ignored. The living
conditions have deteriorated to such an extent that residents are
experiencing gasping issues, a clear sign of the potential health hazards

It is imperative to note that there is an ongoing legal dispute between the

tenant and the property owner, which complicates direct intervention from
our end. However, the health and safety of our residents cannot be held
hostage to these proceedings. We are a community of 18 apartments, and
the collective well-being of our residents is our utmost priority.

In light of the above, we respectfully request that representatives from

your department conduct a thorough inspection of the premises to assess
the situation. We believe that your authoritative presence and expertise
are crucial in resolving this matter effectively and ensuring that sanitary
conditions are restored for the safety of all residents.

We are prepared to provide any necessary assistance and facilitate your

visit to the fullest extent. Your prompt attention to this matter would be
greatly appreciated, as it is not only a question of comfort but of the health
and safety of our community.

Thank you for your time and understanding. We look forward to your swift
response and action.


Mr. Mainkandan

Secretary, Casagrande Tulipso Association

Pallikarani, Chennai

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