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College will conduct all the assessments as was planned before the
Corona outbreak. There won’t be any delay in examination, hence the
students can join their respective internships as per their starting dates.

Further Companies:
College deans are having meetings to make sure that once college
resumes, a maximum number of companies will come for internships.
Further details will be conveyed later.

Instead of GD, there will be a PPT presentation. Students can either go
with the same GD topic for PPT, or if they want they can change the topic
by talking with respective teachers.

If the college does not open when the viva is scheduled, then viva will be
taken on the Zoom platform. Exact details will be conveyed later.

End Semester MCQ Exam:

The End semester exam will be taken online if the college does not resume
till that time. College is developing a software to conduct the end semester

For those students who haven’t yet re-registered for backlog subjects can
fill the re-registration fees online and send a mail to Shinde Sir and the
Registrar, VIT that they have paid the fees. Then sir will look after the
assessment of such students.
In 2-3 days, all students will receive an email regarding the entire process
of re-registration of backlog subjects. So they can wait till the notice comes
and then proceed.
Regarding the assessment of backlog subjects, sir will let us know later.
Last date for EDI completion and paper publication is extended to 30th
April.​ The published paper is not mandatory and carries no marks.
College encourages all groups to publish the papers in order for their hard
work to get recognition.
Even if a group is unable to publish a paper, they still have to submit the
report to their respective guides in IEEE format.

Course Project:
The deadline for submission of course projects of all subjects is extended
to 30​th​ April. There is no need to give any PPT or IEEE report.

Lab Assignments and Home assignments​ still have to be submitted by

13th April for all subjects.

For all subjects there is ​no need​ to submit your work on all the platforms:
VIERP, VOLP and Google Classroom.
For every subject, only one of the platforms is to be used for submission.
Since VIERP and VOLP are down most of the times, we’ll ask teachers to
take all submissions on Google Classroom

Lectures of all subjects will happen as per regular time table on Zoom and
the lectures will be recorded. Sir has requested all CRs to report any
nonsense that will happen in lecture.

The entire syllabus of all subjects should finish by 30th April max.

Home Assignments:
Blog- ​Students are requested to publish blogs on any good blogging
platform but they must first confirm with the respective subject teacher
before publishing the blog.
For other HA methods,contact respective subject teachers.

If anyone has any doubts, they can contact me.

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