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Moral Practices -

Ethical Standards -
Right and Wrong
Morality is knowing how to accurately calculate the differences
between right and wrong, and good and bad. There are many benefits of
being right and good, and there are many negative consequences that are
the result of being bad or wrong. The more you understand
these differences, the more you will benefit, and the less you will suffer
from mistakes. Knowing comes from Learning, and there is a lot to learn as
you can see. This is not about restricting your thoughts or actions, this is
about increased awareness and
fully understanding the differences between what is logical, and what
is illogical.

Social Norms are informal understandings that govern the behavior of

members of a society. Rules that help guide behavior in a certain
situations or environments. They are sometimes collective
representations of acceptable group conduct as well as individual
perceptions of particular group conduct. They can be viewed
as cultural products (including values, customs, and traditions) which
represent individuals' basic knowledge of what others do and think that
they should do. Respecting someone does not always mean that
you're agreeing with someone, you're just waiting for a better time and
place to address certain actions and behaviors. Asking questions to better
understand behaviors is better then jumping to conclusions on your
personal interpretation. Rulemaking is one of the basic systems that
humans have for organizing and simplifying actions. But it must be done
without risking blind conformity, and without
infringing on individuality or freedoms of expressions.
Individual Responsibility - Human Rights - Civics - Ethics - Social

Social Rule System Theory is an attempt to formally approach different

kinds of social rule systems in a unified manner. Social rules systems
include institutions such as norms, laws, regulations, taboos, customs,
and a variety of related concepts and are important in the social
sciences and humanities. Social rule system theory is fundamentally an
institutionalist approach to the social sciences, both in its placing primacy on
institutions and in its use of sets of rules to define concepts in social theory.

Convention as a norm is a set of agreed, stipulated, or generally accepted

standards, norms, social norms, or criteria, often taking the form of a

Virtue is the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.

Any admirable quality or attribute. A particular moral
excellence. Morality with respect to sexual relations. Virtue (wiki).

Humane is being motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering and

having or showing compassion or benevolence. Showing evidence of moral
and intellectual advancement.

Principles is a rule or standard especially of good behavior. Rule

of personal conduct. A basic generalization that is accepted as true and
that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct. A basic truth or
law or assumption. A rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the
function of a complex system. Principle.

Solemn is being formal and dignified and characterized by deep sincerity.

A firm belief in the validity of your opinions.

Formal is being in accord with established forms and conventions and

requirements. Logically deductive.

Standard is a basis for comparison and a reference point against which

other things can be evaluated.

Good, Bad, Right and Wrong can be measured and quantified in many

ways. So Morality and Math go hand in hand.

Moral Knowledge helps you to

avoid regret, guilt, shame, remorse, mistakes, abuse, grief, embarrass
ment, crime and disappointment, just to name a few. Moral knowledge
helps to guide you so that you can make good decisions.

Good things come from people when they know better. Bad things
come from people when they don't know any better. If everyone knew better
then they would not do bad things. Everyone has a right to know better.

People should not be good just because they fear punishment. That doesn't
work because people who feel they are above the law will most
always commit crimes, and people who don't fear punishment or consider
punishment, will also commit crimes. The same thing goes for being good.
If people are only good because they seek reward, then people will not be
good all the time because they believe that there is no benefit to being good.
People will also never fully understand the true impacts of their actions,
whether those actions are good or bad. Grateful
Respect - Being Respected
Respect is being nice to someone in a fair and reasonable way that lets
that person or persons know that you care about them and also lets them
know that you think they're important and valuable. Respect is listening
to people and understanding their rights and their feelings. Respect is having
courteous regard for people's feelings. A polite expression of desire for
someone's welfare. Respect is a feeling of admiration toward a person, child,
non-human animal, group, ideal, or indeed almost any entity or concept, as
well as specific actions representative of that esteem. Respect can be a
specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected (e.g., "I
have great respect for her judgment"). It can also be conduct in accord with a
specific ethic of respect. The opposite of Disrespect, which is another
education problem to correct and improve.

Reverence is a feeling of profound respect for someone or

something. Ethics - Hero's.

Deserving is someone worthy of being treated in a particular way. Not the

same as being Privileged.

Worthy is having importance or merit or value; being honorable or

admirable. Having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way.

Merit is any admirable quality or attribute that would make a person worthy
or deserving. The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so
as to deserve praise or reward or some form of compensation.

Dignity is the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect.

Integrity is the qualifications of being Honest and having strong moral
principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to hold oneself
to consistent moral and ethical standards. In Ethics, integrity is regarded by
many as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions.
Integrity can stand in opposition to Hypocrisy, in that judging with the
standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and
suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting
values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.

Humility is the quality of being humble or modest and free from vanity or


Sacred is something worthy of respect or dedication because it's believed to

be holy.

Veneration is a feeling of profound respect for someone or something.

Recognize is to express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for someone. To

show approval or appreciation for someone. Recognize also can meant to
be fully aware or cognizant of something or someone. To detect and
perceive something with the senses.
Acknowledge is to declare something to be true or admit the existence or
reality or truth of something. Report the receipt of something. To express
recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with someone. To
express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for someone or something. To accept
something as legally binding and valid.

Consider is to think about something carefully or analyze something

carefully so as to weigh, judge, take into account, regard or treat something
with careful consideration, respect, and esteem. To perceive or think about
something in a particular way. To look at something attentively and study
something in order to find a solution. Focus on something as an example.

Considerate is showing concern for the rights and feelings of

others. Attention.

Consideration is the process of giving careful thought to something.

Information that should be kept in mind when making a decision. Kind and
thoughtful regard for others.

Noblesse Oblige is whoever claims to be noble must conduct himself nobly.

Requires the person who holds such status to fulfill social responsibilities,
particularly in leadership roles. One must act in a fashion that conforms to
one's position and with the reputation that one has earned.

Chivalry key features are generosity, fidelity, liberality, and courtesy.

Sublime is something inspiring awe and worthy of adoration or reverence.

Of high moral or intellectual value and elevated in nature or style. Lifted up or
set high.

Honor System is a philosophical way of running a variety of endeavors

based on trust, honor, and honesty. Something that operates under
the rule of the "honor system" is usually something that does not have
strictly enforced rules governing its principles. In British English, it would
more often be called a "trust system" and should not be confused with the
British honours system. The honor system is also a system granting freedom
from customary surveillance (as to students or prisoners) with the
understanding that those who are so freed will be bound by their honor to
observe regulations (e.g. prison farms are operated under the honor
system), and will therefore not abuse the trust placed in them. A person
engaged in an honor system has a strong negative concept of breaking or
going against it. The negatives may include community shame, loss of status,
loss of a personal sense of integrity and pride or in extreme situations,
banishment from one's community.

Respectable Behavior
Etiquette are rules governing socially acceptable behavior. Work Place
Honorable is not having the need or the desire to cheat or defraud
someone. Not being deceptive or fraudulent. Adhering to ethical and
moral principles. Deserving of esteem and respect.

Conduct is controlling yourself and behaving in a respectable way

toward other people.

Code of Conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms, religious rules

and responsibilities of, and or proper practices for, an individual and
group. Ethics - Codes of conduct is useless if people don't follow them.
Codes of conduct are useless when they are outdated and have grey areas
that can be exploited.

Personal Conduct is a set of rules that one individual tries to observe in

daily life, like preserving human life, speaking truthfully, and being nice to
people. Not being a scumbag.

Politeness is being nice and being fair to others, especially yourself. It's

acting in a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage and shows
regard for others.

Polite is showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc., Not

rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social
usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others.

Being Nice can be Catchy or Contagious. When you say

that someone is rubbing off on you, that means that a
certain characteristic or behavior of someone else is now a part of your
behavior and your personality. Like if your parent or friend loved reading,
then that love of reading might influence you to read more. Or if someone
was always kind and thoughtful, then that characteristic might rub off on you
and make you more kind and thoughtful.

Behaving is acting with good manners and being in control.

Having Good Manners is a way of acting or behaving so as not to disturb

someone or insult someone.

Table Manners is being nice and fair to others while eating.

Propriety is having correct or appropriate behavior.

Humane - Compassion

Dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the

order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws,
conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.

Rta that which is properly/excellently joined; order, rule; truth") is

the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation
of the universe and everything within it.
Patience - Tolerance - Understanding


Friendliness is a
feeling of liking for another person; enjoyment in their company. Inclined
to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile. Share specific examples of
some of the things that people have done for you and how that made a
difference in your life.

Affability is a disposition to be friendly and approachable and easy to talk

to. Affable is someone who spreads kindness or shows warmth and

Look people straight in the eyes and say, “You make the world a better

Salutations is an act of honor or courteous recognition and an

acknowledgment or expression of good will, especially on meeting or greeting

Friendship - Being Good

Words that Describe Nice People

Good-Neighborliness is a disposition to be friendly and helpful to


Hospitality refers to the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein

the host receives the guest with goodwill, including the reception and
entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Louis, chevalier de Jaucourt
describes hospitality in the Encyclopédie as the virtue of a great soul that
cares for the whole universe through the ties of humanity. Hospitality ethics is
a discipline that studies this usage of hospitality.
Good - Reliable - Trustworthy

Civility is formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech. Civilized

conduct (especially: courtesy or politeness) or a polite act or expression.
Historically, civility also meant training in the humanities.

Pashtunwali "the code of life"

Precautionary Principle if an action or policy has a suspected risk

of causing harm to the public, or to the environment, in the absence of
scientific consensus (that the action or policy is not harmful), the burden of
proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking an action that may or may
not be a risk.

Cordial is being Politely warm and friendly.

Decorum is correct or appropriate behavior in manners and

conduct. Decorous is characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste
in manners and conduct.

17 Verbal Habits of Highly Likable People

1. They are polite when then can be. Words like "please" and "thank you"
might be technically unnecessary but they're invaluable if you want to be
more charismatic. Want to see an example? Watch this video of an extremely
polite and apologetic armed robber--especially starting around the 23-second
mark--and tell me you don't feel a bit of sympathy for him (even if you still
think he needs to go to jail).
2. They acknowledge small favors. "You're welcome." These two short
words communicate much more than "no problem" (or, of course, "yup")
when someone thanks you for something. Likable people appreciate being
thanked, and they pay it back verbally.
3. They offer meaningful praise. The key word here is "meaningful."
Charismatic people give sincere compliments--never bashful, never
obsequious. When someone merits praise, they say so.
4. They express sincere empathy. They use phrases like, "That must have
made you feel proud," or "I can imagine you must feel angry," thus both
exploring and validating other people's feelings. (Because here's a little
secret: Everybody wants to be understood.)
5. They share useful information. Some people like to hoard information
because they think it makes them more powerful. Don't be that person.
Important caveat, however: Truly likable people understand that
"information" and "rumors" are not the same thing.
6. They offer to help. Many of us want to contribute to our society, but we
often don't know where to begin. The most charismatic people among us start
simply by looking for chances to help--in their families, in their communities,
and in the small moments of their day-to-day lives. (Note to America: Hold
doors for people coming in behind you!)
7. They speak with justifiable confidence. They don't boast or brag. But
when faced with challenging situations--especially things that affect other
people--they're the ones who approach the problem with an air of calmness,
curiosity, and confidence. You might hear them saying things like, "Hmmm. I
wonder how we're going to solve this."
8. They use names and titles that connote respect. Charismatic people
remember other people's names, and use their titles in circumstances when it
makes those people feel good. It takes a long time to earn titles like "doctor"
or police officer, for example; why not use them?
9. They express their faith in others. Four simple words: "I believe in
you." My old boss Bob Woodward used to talk about how a few small words of
encouragement from Ben Bradlee, his editor at The Washington Post, were all
he needed to feel he could succeed as a journalist. That kind of validation
from others can inspire achievement--and affection for the person who gives
the validation.
10. They remember that they're part of a team. A sense of camaraderie
makes tough situations bearable. Having a sense of humor can even make
them fun. Really charismatic people are the ones who say things like, "Hey,
we're all in it together" during tough times--and then work hard to achieve
the team's goals.
11. They make introductions. Want to know five of the nicest words
anyone can ever say to two people at the same time? "I'd like you to
meet...." We're all networkers these days, I suppose, but truly charismatic
people are the ones who are out to help others meet still more people--rather
than just building their own networks.
12. They take their turn. Likable people aren't afraid to step up when it's
their turn to do something enjoyable, or even to bear the burden of
something that isn't so great. In other words, they can take a compliment or
be gracious, but they're also the ones who remember when it's their turn to
pick up the tab for lunch.
13. They let others make their own decisions. Truly charismatic people
have confidence in their opinions--but they also recognize that other people
may legitimately see things differently, and that they have to choose their
own paths in life. Moreover, charismatic leaders aren't afraid to delegate, and
then to trust others to accomplish what they've asked them to do.
14. They listen--and they want to hear more. Highly likable people are
active and sincere listeners. You can tell them your opinion or a story or ask
for their advice, and they respond with questions and verbal cues that
suggest they're present in the moment--interested, even. For any of us, our
time is our most valuable resource, and yet they're more than willing to give
it to you.
15. They take  Responsibility. When it's their job or their fault, they step
up. They take control of the things they're supposed to have control over. It
makes sense: Reliable people are often very likable.
16. They voice their support. We all appreciate people who stand by us
and who let us know that they're there. In the military it's called having the
other guy's "six"--his backside position. Think of someone who showed you
support when you needed it and tell me you didn't think of him or her as
highly likable in that moment.
17. They ask, "Why not?" Likable people are often dreamers, optimists,
and doers. RFK put it best: "There are those that look at things the way they
are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?"
Kindness - Assistance

Kind is having or showing a tender

and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their
behavior. Tolerant and forgiving under provocation. Your True Nature.

Considerate is showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. It's
knowledge of cause and effect, and the clear understanding of good and right
verses bad and wrong. Friendly.

Thoughtful is careful thought and acting with or showing good sense by

giving close and thoughtful attention. Considerate of the feelings or well-
being of others.

Caring - Compassion - Friendly

Unselfish is disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of

others. Not greedy or narrow minded.

Generosity is the virtue of not being tied down by concerns about one's
possessions. Often it means to provide help to others by giving them an
(usually precious) item without thinking twice.

Gift (reciprocate) - Sharing - If you have a little, you give a little, if you

have a lot, you give a lot.

Help is to give assistance and to be of service to someone. To improve

the condition of someone in need. To make it easier for someone to do
something by offering one's services, resources or financial aid.
To contribute to the furtherance of someone. To improve and change for
the better. The activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or
furtherance of an effort or purpose. To give a portion of food or
drink. Counseling and Therapy - Help! - The Beatles (youtube).

Assistance is the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or

furtherance of an effort or purpose. Assistant is a person who contributes
to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose. Being
of service.

Assistance Types - Public
Service - Volunteering - Humanitarian - Security - Emergency

Bolster is to support and strengthen. Add padding

to. Defender (recourse)

Support is to give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to

someone. Provide material help or money to cover living expenses. Argue
or speak in defense of someone. Supporting structure that holds up or
provides a foundation.

Contribution is the part played by a person in bringing about a result. Act

of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a
charity. A voluntary gift. An amount of money contributed.

Good Samaritan is to give reasonable assistance to those who are, or who

they believe to be, injured, ill, in danger, or otherwise incapacitated. Whistle
Blower - Bystander Effect.

Duty to Rescue is coming to the rescue of another person or group in

danger. Duty of Care.

Benevolence is a disposition to do good. An inclination to do kind or

charitable acts. An act intending or showing kindness and good will. Buddha.

Philanthropy is the voluntary promotion of human welfare. Phony

Philanthropy is when wealthy people fight social problems in a way that
doesn't threaten the people at the top. Financial Aid Types.

Charity is to promote public good by being kind and lenient toward

people. An activity or gift that benefits the public at large. An institution or
foundation created and set up to provide help to the needy. Charity as a
practice means the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a
humanitarian act. Charity as a virtue.

New Changes to Tax Law will make deducting charitable giving from

next year's taxes more difficult for taxpayers. The National Council of
Nonprofits in Washington, D.C., estimates that charities and nonprofits such
as churches, will see big drops in donations in the coming year. The drop in
charitable giving could be as much as $20 billion nationwide because more
people will take the standard deduction as opposed to itemizing.

The main reason why we have to have charities is because people are allowed
to hoard the wealth of citizens. And then they use that money to buy
people that helps to protect them from justice. Treating a disease never
cures the disease. Greed and corruption murders people every single day.
You don't need more charities, you need more educated people who can't be
corrupted by money. So you need more education.

Pro-Social Behavior is the voluntary behavior intended to benefit

another. Ethics.
Virtue is the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. Any
admirable quality or attribute. moral excellence.

Honesty - Grateful

Do-gooders is doing the right

things for people at the right time, which is not always easy. Intentions of a
Do-gooder is to help, but they don't always know all the details that surround
a particular problem, so helping looks good, but it doesn't solve the problem.
Be a do-gooder, but also be a good learner, treat the disease, but don't ever
stop working on the cure. And let people know this, you are not just a do-
gooder, but you are a problem solver working on the cause, and not just the

Character is the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons

moral and ethical actions and reactions.

Attributes is a construct whereby objects or individuals can be


Qualities is an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or

someone. A degree or grade of excellence or worth. A characteristic
property that defines the apparent individual nature of something.

Agreeableness is being kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and


Self-Expression Values are social toleration, life satisfaction, public

expression and an aspiration to liberty.

Compassion is a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's
suffering. The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and
wanting to do something about it. Compassion is the response to the
suffering of others that motivates a desire to help.

Caring - Duty of Care - Reciprocation

Regard is a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare. A feeling of

friendship, admiration and esteem or a feeling of delighted approval and
liking. Connect closely and often incriminatingly. Paying particular notice
attentively as to children or people in need. Keep in mind or convey as with
conviction or an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or
evidence. Consider.

Civility is the act of showing regard for others. Civil Rights.

Consideration is kind and considerate regard for others. The process of

giving careful thought to something or someone. Information that should be
kept in mind when making a decision. Ethical.

Consolable is being able to be consoled or the action of giving moral or

emotional strength to someone or to comfort someone.

Attentive is giving care or thoughtful attention and listening carefully.

Bodhisattva is the Sanskrit term for anyone who is motivated by great

Tenderness is warm compassionate feelings. A feeling of concern for the

welfare of someone, especially someone defenseless. A tendency to express
warm and affectionate feeling. Pleasure.

Tender is someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of

another. Love and Care.

Gentle showing a kind or tender nature that is quiet and soothing and

more favorably inclined to gain the good will of people. Gentle also means to
stroke or touch soothingly. Something that is soft and mild and not harsh,
stern or severe.

Metta means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will,

and active interest in others. It is the first of the four sublime states
(Brahmavihāras) and one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school
of Buddhism.

Beholden is being under a moral obligation to someone. Oaths of


Sympathy is understanding the needs of other people who are suffering,
or understanding the needs of other life forms in distress. Opposite
of Apathy.
Sympathize is to share the feelings of someone and understand the
sentiments of someone. Not a sympathizer.

Sentiment is a deep feeling or an emotion of warmth or affection toward a

situation, a person or an event.

Altruism is the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others. The

principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. Altruistic is
showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Working Together.

Altruism can be Trained. Mental training can effectively cultivate care,

compassion and even altruistically motivated behavior psychologists have
shown in a recent study. Learning.

Concern is something on your mind that interests you because

it's important to you or affects you. A feeling of sympathy for someone or
something. Caring.

Commiserates is to feel or express sympathy or

compassion. Listening with an Open Mind.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is
experiencing from within the other being's frame of reference, i.e., the
capacity to place oneself in another's position. (imagine being someone
else and feeling what someone else is feeling).
Theory of Mind - Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test.

Empathize is to be understanding of someone without enabling them or

ignoring bad behaviors. Seeing the world through someone else's eyes or
seeing the world through different eyes. Thinking Outside the Box.

Empathic Intelligence is being able to put yourself in other people’s

shoes, or situations, so as to better understand their struggles and
behaviors. Being able to walk in someone else's shoes means that you
have the ability to understand how far a person has come and how much
suffering they had to endure. Understanding a person is the first step
to helping them. See the world as they do. You have to imagine having
the same fears as someone else does. You have to imagine using the same
kind of reasoning as someone else uses. You have to imagine having the
same lack of knowledge and information as someone else does. You have to
imagine the struggles that a person may experience. Can you help guide
someone through their own intervention?

Something is acceptable until it happens to you, and when that

something happens to you, then all of a sudden that thing becomes
unacceptable and bad. If you can't walk in other peoples shoes, you will
eventually wear them whether they like it or not. Why does something
become bad and wrong only when it happens to you? It's not bad until it
affects me. It's not bad because it only happens to other people is a lie.

Empathizing-Systemizing Theory suggests that people may be classified

on the basis of their scores along two dimensions: empathizing (E) and
systemizing (S). It measures a person's strength of interest in empathy (the
ability to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and to
respond to these with appropriate emotions) and a person's strength of
interest in systems (in terms of the drive to analyse or construct them).

Empathy Quotient is the ability to feel an appropriate emotion in response

to another's emotion and the ability to understand the others'
emotion. Listening.

Roots of Empathy is a classroom program that claims to have dramatic

effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising
social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. ROE.

Compersion is the feeling of joy that you get when you see
someone else experiencing joy, such as in witnessing a toddler's joy
and feeling joy in response. The feeling of joy associated with seeing a loved
one love another, which is the opposite or in contrast with jealousy.

Vicarious is the feeling of joy that you get when experiencing

someone else's joy, such as when witnessing a toddler's joy and feeling
joy in response. Vicarious is a feeling that you experience in
the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. Social
Networks - Fame.

Living Vicariously is living as if through someone else or acting for

someone else. Vicariously means that you're experiencing something
indirectly, like when your friend's adventure feels like that you were there
experiencing the same thing, or when seeing a movie or reading a book you
feel like you were there in the story. Vicarious is feeling happy when you see
someone do the things that you always wanted to do, and you're so glad to
see someone you love have a better life than you.

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People

Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care: Cleo
Wade (video and text)

College Roommates Underestimate each other's Distress, new

psychology research shows. College roommates are sensitive to their
roommates’ distress but tend to underestimate the level of distress being
experienced by others.

Distancing in psychology is seeing ourselves as though we were an outside

observer, leads to a more confident and positive response to upcoming
stressors than seeing the experience through our own eyes. Distancing
describes the process by which psychologists help a person establish their
own individuality through understanding their separateness from everything
around them. This understanding of one's identity is considered an essential
phase in coming to terms with symbols, which in turn forms the foundation
for full cognition and language. Recently, work has been done in psychological
distancing in terms of development, personality and behavior.

Responsible Behavior Teaching Ideas

If you can't relate to a victim or put yourself in other people shoes, that
means you need help too. You are not the only human, or are you the first
human or the last human. So what kind of human are you now? You are
everything that we are. So which part of life are you focusing on? Everyone
gets distracted, but not everyone stays distracted. We have to balance our
own personal goals with everyone else's shared goals around us, including the
goals our planet Earth. If we don't, we will eventually have no goals at all or
anything to live for, not even instinct will save us then.

Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being thorough, careful, or

vigilant. Conscientiousness implies a desire to do a task well. Conscientious
people are efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly.
They exhibit a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for
achievement; they display planned rather than spontaneous behavior; and
they are generally organized and dependable. They have a more functional
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) than the average person. It is manifested in
characteristic behaviors such as being neat and systematic; also including
such elements as carefulness, thoroughness, and deliberation (the tendency
to think carefully before acting.) Conscientiousness is one of the five traits of
the Five Factor Model of personality and is an aspect of what has
traditionally been referred to as having character. Conscientious individuals
are generally hard-working and reliable. When taken to an extreme, they may
also be "workaholics", perfectionists, and compulsive in their behavior. People
who score low on conscientiousness tend to be laid back, less goal-oriented,
and less driven by success; they also are more likely to engage in antisocial
and criminal behavior.


Good is that which is pleasing

or valuable or useful. Proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard.
Positive. Beneficial. Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude.
Promoting or enhancing well-being. Having desirable or positive qualities
especially those suitable for a thing specified.

Kindness - Friendly - Caring - Responsibilities

You can't do everything, but the one thing that you do, you should be good at
it, and that thing should also be good and provide something of value. Be
good and be good at it. But remember, always be ready to modify
your priorities because things change, which means that you too may have
to change with it. And sometimes balance is not an option.

Words that describe "Good" (nice words)

- Success - Progress - Positive Thinking

Positive is characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or


Correct is being free from error and in accordance with fact or truth. In

accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure. Correct in opinion or
judgment. Alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or agree to a
standard. Treat a defect. Correcting is to make right and to adjust a defect
to improve it. Logical.

Right is something free from error and agreeable to Fact or Truth.

Socially right or correct. In conformance with justice or law or morality.
Correct in opinion or judgment. In or into a satisfactory condition. In accord
with accepted standards of usage or procedure. Precisely accurate. In an
accurate manner. Human Rights. Right is also a direction or side,
navigating through what is right and wrong.

Accurate is a fact or truth that can be proven, sometimes using scientific

methods and procedures along with calibrated instruments and a peer
review by experts for verification or constructive feedback.

Good (relationships)

Benefit is something that aids or promotes well-being. Beneficial is

something that promotes or enhances well-being.

Aiding is the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or

furtherance of an effort or purpose. The work of providing treatment for
or attending to someone or something. To give help or assistance to
someone and to be of service. Money to support a worthy person or cause.

Beneficence is the quality of being kind or helpful to someone and giving

generous assistance to someone by doing something good for them.

Better is having or showing good knowledge and skill and aptitude. Having
desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing
specified. Promoting or enhancing well-being. More excellent manner or
more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc. Wiser or
more advantageous and hence advisable. Superior to another (of the same
class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability;
more highly skilled than another. Changed for the better in health or
fitness. In excellent physical condition.

OK is an English word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or

acknowledgment."OK" principally means "adequate" or "acceptable". OK
term originated as an abbreviation of orl korrekt, which is a jokey misspelling
of 'all correct' that was in the US in the 1830s. The oldest written references
result from its use as a slogan by the Democratic party during the American
Presidential election of 1840. Their candidate, President Martin Van Buren,
was nicknamed 'Old Kinderhook' (after his birthplace in New York State), and
his supporters formed the 'OK Club'. This undoubtedly helped to popularize
the term (though it did not get President Van Buren re-elected).

Quality is a degree or grade of excellence or worth. Quality

Control - Perfection.

Excellent is very good and of the highest quality. Excellence is a talent

or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is
also used as a standard of performance that can be accurately measured.

Superior is high quality or performance or importance.

Uber is something super, extreme or outstanding.

Intelligence - Respect - Etiquette - Friendly

Success - Prosper - Validity - Positive Thinking

Praise (dangers) - Errors

Idealization and Devaluation - Hypocrisy

Acceptable is something satisfactory that meets the requirements

needed so that it's adequate for a purpose and approved for usage.

A Path of Least Resistance is the physical or metaphorical pathway that

provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or
entity, among a set of alternative paths. The concept is often used to describe
why an object or entity takes a given path.

Sophrosyne an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind.

Meliorism progress is a real concept leading to an improvement of the world.

Orenda a spiritual power inherent in people and their environment.

Biocentric Universe sees biology as the central driving science in the


Copasetic means that things are completely satisfactory or in good order.

Reciprocation is an expression of Gratitude and Understanding.
It's Giving Thanks and showing Appreciation for the actions of others
that you have benefited from by returning the favor so that others will
benefit from your actions, thus preserving the cycle of kindness and not
breaking this cycle by taking more then you give. This does not just apply to
people, but the environment as well.

Reciprocity in social psychology is a social rule that says people should

repay, in kind, what another person has provided for them; that is, people
give back (reciprocate) the kind of treatment they have received from
another. Reciprocally is in a mutual or shared manner.

Reciprocity in social and political philosophy is the expectation that

people will respond to each other in similar ways—responding to gifts and
kindnesses from others with similar benevolence of their own.

Helping (therapeutic ideas) - Guaranteed Income - Seed Money (funding)

- Trade

Helping people is not to feel better about yourself, it's to make

other people feel better, so that better people can make the world a better
place, which in return will find its way back to you making you a better
person and making your life better.

Cause and Effect (what goes around comes around)

Reciprocity in cultural anthropology refers to the non-market exchange of

goods or labour ranging from direct barter (immediate exchange) to forms
of gift exchange where a return is eventually expected (delayed exchange)
as in the exchange of birthday gifts.

Reciprocal Altruism is a behavior whereby an organism acts in a manner

that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism's
fitness, with the expectation that the other organism will act in a similar
manner at a later time.

Serial Reciprocity or Pay it Forward is an expression for describing the

beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original
benefactor. Sharing - Compassion.

Pay it Forward is when you are the beneficiary of a good deed and then you
repay the gift to others instead of to the original person who gave you the
gift. Not like those selfish Bank Loans.

Ethic of Reciprocity or the Golden Rule, is the principle of treating others

as one would wish to be treated oneself. It is a maxim of altruism seen in
many human religions and human cultures. The maxim may appear as
either a positive or negative injunction governing conduct: One
should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive or
directive form). One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to
be treated (negative or prohibitive form). What you wish upon others, you
wish upon yourself (empathic or responsive form).

Golden Rule Day is Everyday. Treat others and the planet as you would
like to be treated.

"The Golden Rule is not an option – it’s the key to our common survival."
-Karen Armstrong

Doing one good thing can create benefits for other

things because things are connected. Doing something good here will
have a good effect on something over there. You can help one person and
then that person can help one person and so on and so on, until that good
gesture comes full circle and the process of compassion continues again and
again. What goes around comes around. Working together is in our blood,
it's what we are made of. Our human nature is to be good. Our body is
a symbiotic organism. You help me and I will help you is what's happening
inside your body every second of every day. This is one of the reasons why
hatred and anger is so bad for your health. Your body starts to hurt itself
because it becomes disrupted from your negativity and can't be productive in
the way it should. Doing one bad thing can have repercussions for other
things. Collateral Damage.

Gifts - Donations - Charity

Gift or a present is an item given to someone without the expectation of
payment in return. An item is not a gift if that item is already owned by
the one to whom it is given. Although gift-giving might involve an expectation
of reciprocity, a gift is meant to be free, but of course nothing is free,
everything has some sort of a cost involved. And just because something is
free, this is not a measurement of worth or value. Life is gift, but you
couldn't say that you got life for nothing. Gift Economy (sharing). A gift can
also mean having a natural ability or talent, something that came easy
because of previous learned knowledge and skills, along with many hours of

Gift Economy is a mode of exchange where valuables are not traded or sold,
but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or
future rewards. This contrasts with a barter economy or a market
economy, where goods and services are primarily exchanged for value
received. Social norms and custom govern gift exchange. Gifts are not given
in an explicit exchange of goods or services for money or some other
commodity. Sharing.

Donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable

purposes and/or to benefit a cause. A donation may take various forms,
including cash offering, services, new or used goods including clothing, toys,
food, and vehicles. It also may consist of emergency, relief or humanitarian
aid items, development aid support, and can also relate to medical care needs
as i.e. blood or organs for transplant. Charitable gifts of goods or services are
also called gifts in kind. Bribes (lobbying).
Charity is a foundation created to promote the public good (not for
assistance to any particular individuals). An activity or gift that benefits the
public at large. A kindly and lenient attitude toward people. Humanitarian.

Charitable Organization s a non-profit organization (NPO) whose primary

objectives are philanthropy and social well-being (e.g. charitable, educational,
religious, or other activities serving the public interest or common good).
An institution set up to provide help to the needy.

If you have a little, you give a little, if you have a lot, you give a
lot. Generosity - Symbiosis.

Grateful - Gratitude
Gratitude is understanding the value of someone or something that has
benefited you, and then showing your appreciation by being thankful for
that person and reciprocating if possible. Gratitude is the proper, fitting or
called-for response to benefits or beneficence from a benefactor, like the
garbage man.

Grateful is feeling gratitude or showing gratitude. To Be the cause or source

of comfort or pleasure.

Appreciation is understanding the true nature of things and understanding

the meaning of life and how much we need to depend on each other
and our environment in order to live, learn, love and progress.

Acknowledge is to declare something to be true or to admit the

existence or reality or truth of something. To express recognition of the
presence or existence of something, or that acquaintance with
something. Enlightenment - Knowledge.

Recognize is to be fully aware or cognizant of. Detect with the senses.

Perceive to be the same. Exhibit recognition for an antigen or a substrate.

Validity - Scientifically - Approval - Acknowledge - Condescension - Pr
ivilege - Selfish

Thankful is appreciating other peoples hard work and sacrifices by

showing reciprocation in way that lets that person or persons know that
you recognize their hard work and effort and that you are aware of
the value that they have given to this world and to you.

Thanks is to acknowledge and appreciate someone's actions by expressing

gratitude and showing appreciation by saying thanks or thank you, or by
doing something nice and positive for that person. Giving thanks to clean

Thank you is a common expression of gratitude and a way of being

polite to someone. Without over doing the Praise.
Thanksgiving began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest
and of the preceding year. Prayers of thanks and special
thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after
harvests and at other times.

Thank you Sun, Thank you Earth, Thank you Life, Thank you for this Daily
Bread, Thank you Lord, Thank you God.

Taken for Granted is failing to properly appreciate someone or something,

usually because you mistakenly underestimate the value of that
person or thing. When you take someone for granted it means that
you expect or assume that someone or something will always available for
you, and thus you never give enough recognition or thanks to that person, or
prepare yourself for the day when that person or thing is no longer available.

Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth means that you should

not judge the value of a gift prematurely or measure quality of something
using only a few superficial indicators. Looking at a horses teeth might not
tell you everything about the horses health.

Content is being satisfied with things as they are and

being comfortable with your situation in life. Something's in life you cannot
change, so you must change yourself. Just as long as you never stop
learning and you never confuse being content with conformity, or
confuse satisfaction with acceptance.

Having a conscience is important, but if your conscience is not effective in

determining right from wrong or good from bad, then your conscience will
not benefit you, or benefit anyone else. Conscience is like a system check,
it's knowing what questions to ask and when to ask them, it's knowing how to
pretend that you are the other person by being able to put yourself in other
peoples shoes. You can even recall similar experiences that you had when
you were the other person, to get a better idea.

Traditions - 50 Creative ways to Express Gratitude.

"Sometimes people don’t notice the things others do for them until they stop
doing them."

Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be

treated oneself.

Balance - Delayed Gratification - Positivity

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." 

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get
better, it's not." - The Lorax

American Humanist Association is the ability and responsibility of human

beings to lead personal lives of ethical fulfillment that aspire to the greater
good of humanity.
Recipe for Life: A Few Cups of Love. Take one tablespoon of patience, one
teaspoon of generosity, one pint of kindness; Take one quart of laughter, one
pinch of concern. And then mix willingness with happiness, add lots of faith
and stir it up well. Then spread it over a span of a life time and serve it to
each and every deserving person you meet. ~ Muhammad Ali  “Float like a
butterfly, sting like a bee”.

People who are more active and experience more happiness are
people that...Read everyday, compliment others, adapt to changes, forgive
others, talk about their ideas, they continuously learn, they accept
responsibility. they learn from their mistakes, their grateful for the things
they have, they sets goals and make plans.

People who are less active and experience more sadness are
people TV every day, overly criticize, they fear change, they
hold grudges, they talk about other people too much, they think they know it
all, they blame others for their problems, they believe they are entitled, they
never set goals or have plans.

Life Stance - Humanism

Most people know right from wrong and good and bad, but people don't
always practice what they preach. People seem to be selective, or, they
don't fully understand the facts of the situation. This is another problem we
can solve by improving education. Tragedy of the Commons and
the Prisoner's Dilemma is a perfect example of people not having enough
information and knowledge in order to calculate the best decisions and
choices that people have, especially group decisions. Ignorance will always
make people more vulnerable to corruption and selfishness. Social

Jainism practitioners believe nonviolence and self-control are the means to

liberation. The three main principles of Jainism are nonviolence, non-
absolutism (anekantavada) and non-possessiveness (aparigraha). Followers
of Jainism take 5 major vows: nonviolence, not lying, not stealing (asteya),
chastity, and non-attachment. Parasparopagraho Jivanam is the motto of
Jainism. Its theological system is termed as transtheistic. Jain
Philosophy (wiki).

We know that all Babies are born with an Instinctual Behavior to be Good.

But this Biological Nature to be Good is very basic and incomplete, so it
can be easily Manipulated. So Good Behavior must be Nurtured and
thoroughly educated in order for a young child to fully understand moral
concepts and the numerous benefits that come from having good and
fair Behavior.

Self Smart

Always try to keep your values as close to being logical as humanly possible.
Logic is one of the reasons why we are all here. So it makes sense to use
logic as much as possible because logic usually works really well. 
Learning Methods

Ben Franklin Effect is when a person who has performed a favor for
someone is more likely to do another favor for that person than they would
be if they had received a favor from that person. An explanation for this
would be that we internalize the reason that we helped them was because we
liked them. The opposite case is also believed to be true, namely that we
come to hate a person whom we did wrong to. We de-humanize them to
justify the bad things we did to them.

Praxeology is the deductive study of human action, based on the notion that
humans engage in purposeful behavior, as opposed to reflexive behavior like
sneezing and inanimate behavior. According to its theorists, with the action
axiom as the starting point, it is possible to draw conclusions about human
behavior that are both objective and universal. For example, the notion that
humans engage in acts of choice implies that they have preferences, and this
must be true for anyone who exhibits intentional behavior.

Merit in Catholicism is to be a property of a good work which entitles the

doer to receive a reward.
Merit in Buddhism is a power which accumulates as a result of good deeds,
acts, or thoughts.
Confucianism is a way of governing, or simply a way of life. Philosophy.

Related Subjects
Love - Duty - Priorities
Forgiveness - Patience - Tolerance - Empathy
Understanding - Decision Theory
Validity - Fallacy
Problem Solving
Regrets - Remorse
Ego - Praise

Dave Meslin: The Antidote to Apathy(youtube) 

Frans De Waal: Do Animals Have Morals (video)
School of Life Channel (youtube)

Learning to Give - Human Basics - Ethical Inquiry

People who take more sometimes give more, which is not giving, it's just
feeling guilty because you have taken more then you needed, and now you
want to give some back. And people call that generosity?

Repentance (regret)

"Not taking more then you need is the purest form of giving."

Wrong - Bad
Negative is having the characteristic of
something harmful or unpleasant. Involving disadvantage or harm.
To suffer or to be susceptible to damage. Any physical damage to the
body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. Having no positive
features. The occurrence of a change for the worse. The act of damaging
something or someone. Reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded
as positive.

Anger - Profanity

Bad is having undesirable or negative qualities. Below average in quality

or performance. That which is below standard or expectations as of ethics
or decency. Markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or
behavior. Characterized by wickedness or immorality. Not working
properly. Physically unsound or diseased. Capable of harming. Involving
risk or danger. Asshole is another word for bad. But profane words are
not recommended.

Doesn't Sit Right or it Doesn't Feel Right is when someone does or

says something that does not sit well with you, so you do not agree with it,
you do not like it, you do not accept it, and you do not understand it.

Bad Apple or Rotten Apple is a bad person or someone who is corrupt,

dishonest or untrustworthy, typically one whose behavior is likely to have
a detrimental or adverse influence on other people.

Wrong is something that is not correct and not good and not right and

not based on fact or truth. Wrong is something that is not appropriate for a
particular purpose or occasion. Wrong is an error in judgment that goes
against the principles of justice or law. Contrary to conscience or morality
or law. Not functioning properly. Based on or acting or judging in error. In
an inaccurate manner. Not in accord with established usage or procedure.
Characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following
established rules. Any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal

Incompatible is something that is not suitable to your needs and not easy

to combine harmoniously. Something that is not correct or proper and
incapable of being used.

Fault as a wrong action is bad judgment or ignorance or inattention that

makes you responsible for a bad situation or an event. Fault can also mean
an imperfection in an object or machine. The quality of being inadequate or
falling short of perfection.

Waste is to spend or throw away something without thinking about its

impact. To consume thoughtlessly or carelessly. To use
something inefficiently or inappropriately. To cause extensive destruction or
ruin by doing useless or profitless activity. The trait of wasting resources.
To lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief. To become physically weaker.
Waste in law is reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect.

Unwarranted is doing
something that is incapable of being justified or explained. Without a basis
in reason or fact. Lacking justification or authorization. FUBAR.

Futility is something pointlessness or uselessness.

Futile is something unproductive and producing no result or effect.

Two Wrongs don't Make a Right.

"The lesser of two evils is still evil." Voting.

Atrocity is something that is shockingly cruel and inhumane and

extremely wicked involving physical violence or injury. Habitat

Amoral is lacking any sense of moral standards or principles.

Heinous is a wrongful act, especially a crime that is utterly odious or


Egregious is something outstandingly bad and shocking. Conspicuously and

outrageously bad or reprehensible.

Detestable is something that is offensive to the mind. Dehumanize.

Despicable is someone that that is morally reprehensible, criminal or

vicious. Abusive.

Diabolical is something extremely evil or cruel and comparable to

hell. Scumbag.

Demoralizing is destructive and corrupt behavior against another

person. Condescending.

Demeaning is to reduce in worth or character of someone, usually verbally.

Causing awareness of your shortcomings.

Deplorable is something bad and unfortunate that deserves severe rebuke

or censure. Very poor quality or condition.

Demonstrous is to react in melodramatic fashion to a merely normal

comment, incident, or impetus; to be overly demonstrative, akin to tantrum.
To exhibit demonistic qualities. Monstrous is shockingly brutal or cruel.
Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous.

Degrading is something harmful to the mind or morals. Reduce in worth or

character, usually verbally.

Demonize is to make someone into a demon. Slander.

Derelict is failing to do what duty requires.

Offensive is to violate, attack or offend. Violent.

Offend is to act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises.

Woefully is something unfortunate or a deplorable manner.

Resentment is a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.

Repulsive is something extremely distorted as to be terrifying.

Ruthless is a person without mercy or pity or compassion for others. Cruel.

Apathy is the absence of emotion or the lack of interest in things

generally. Showing no empathy, sympathy or care.

Repugnant is something extremely distasteful and offensive to the mind.

Something that is unacceptable that is in conflict and incompatible with
something good and right.

Scumbag is a contemptible or objectionable person. A lowlife or a very

unpleasant person who has done
something dishonest or unacceptable. Ignorance can turn toxic.

Villain is a wicked or evil person or someone who does evil

things deliberately. Villain is a cruelly malicious person who is involved in
or devoted to wickedness or crime; A scoundrel; A villain can also mean a
character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil
agency in the plot. The principal bad character in a film or work of fiction.

Unscrupulous is someone having or showing no moral principles.

Someone who is not honest or not fair.

Disrespectful is showing a lack of respect.

Incivility is rude or unsociable speech or behavior. A social

behaviour lacking in civility or good manners, on a scale from rudeness or
lack of respect for elders, to vandalism and hooliganism, through public
drunkenness and threatening behaviour. The word "incivility" is derived from
the Latin incivilis, meaning "not of a citizen".

Abomination is an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses

disgust or abhorrence. A thing that causes disgust or hatred. Something that
is really bad. Synonyms: atrocity, disgrace, horror, obscenity, outrage, evil,
crime, monstrosity, anathema, bane.

Devil's Advocate is a person who takes a position he or she does not

necessarily agree with in order to manipulate the beliefs of others
while distracting people from solving real problems and discussing real

Making Deals with the Devil is when a person offers his or her soul or
the lives of others in exchange for diabolical favors.

Demonic Possession is when individuals are though to be under the

influence of malevolent preternatural beings, commonly referred to as
demons or devils. Sometimes related to traumatic experiences, suggesting
that possession experiences may be caused by mental distress.

Gall describes doing something shocking and offensive, something irritating

and very rude. (The gall of that person to commit such a horrible crime).
People lose their minds and do horrible and despicable things. It's more than
being criminally insane, it's more of a demonic possession from
being brainwashed and undereducated, and sometimes as the result of
a physical disease affecting the mind.

Underhanded is doing something secretly and deceptively. Betrayal.

Spite is feeling a need to see others suffer. Frivolous.

Malice or Malicious is feeling a need to see others suffer. The quality of

threatening Evil. 

Malice aforethought is premeditation or Intention. Knowledge of


Malice in law is a legal term referring to a party's intention to do injury to

another party. Malice is either expressed or implied. Malice is expressed when
there is manifested a deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a
human being. Malice is implied when no considerable provocation appears, or
when the circumstances attending the killing show an abandoned and
malignant heart. Cal. Pen. Code § 188. Malice, in a legal sense, may be
inferred from the evidence and imputed to the defendant, depending on the
nature of the case. Corrupt Legal System.

Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that

comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of

Willful Blindness describes a situation in which a person seeks to avoid civil

or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally keeping himself or
herself unaware of facts that would render him or her liable. Pretend not
to Know.

Malevolent is wishing or
appearing to wish evil to others. Behavior arising from intense ill will
or hatred. Having or exerting a malignant influence.

Wanton is to behave extremely cruelly and brutally without motivation or

provocation. To waste time and spend one's time idly or inefficiently. Become
unrestrained and extravagant and indulge oneself luxuriously. Lewd is to
be crude and offensive.

Delinquent is being guilty of a misdeed.

Ill-Will is the feeling of a hostile person. Animosity or bitterness.

Animosity is a  feeling of ill will arousing active hostility.

Machiavellianism is a psychological traits of manipulativeness, callousness,
and an indifference to morality. A narrow-minded belief that the ends justify
the means.
Manipulativeness is a skillful tactic in influencing or controlling others
to your own advantage.

Callousness is being insensitive and having a cruel disregard for others.

Void of passion or feeling.

Indifference is lacking concern or care for others, demonstrated by an

absence of emotional reactions.

Moral disengagement is a cognitive processing style that allow behaving

unethically without feeling distress.

Evil is displaying morally objectionable behavior. That which

causes harm or destruction or misfortune. Morally bad or wrong. The
quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice. Having or exerting a
malignant influence. Defining the Degrees of Evil - Depravity
Standard - Media Literacy.

Sinister is threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments.

Stemming from evil characteristics or forces.

Wicked is being morally bad in principle or practice. Having committed

unrighteous acts. Intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or
quality. Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust. Premeditated.

Nefarious is extremely wicked. Villainous.

Sadism is a desire to inflict mental or physical harm on others for one's own
pleasure or to benefit oneself.

Psychopathy is the lack of empathy and self-control, combined

with impulsive behavior.

Ominous is suggesting that something bad is going to happen.

Dishonorable is being deceptive or fraudulent and disposed

to cheat or defraud or deceive.

Impropriety is the failure to observe standards or show due honesty or


Improper is not suitable or right or appropriate. Not conforming to legality,

moral law, or social convention. Not appropriate for a purpose or occasion.
Not conforming to accepted rules or standards.

Inappropriate is something not suitable, correct or proper for a particular

occasion, condition or purpose.

Indecent is not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper

in polite society.
Moral Turpitude refers to "an act or behavior that gravely violates the
sentiment or accepted standard of the community".

Infamy is a state of extreme dishonor. Evil fame or public reputation.

Contempt is a willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a

court or legislative body. Open disrespect for a person or thing.

Flouted is to treat with contemptuous disregard. Laugh at with contempt

and derision.

Misconduct is unacceptable or improper behavior. Bad or dishonest

management by persons supposed to act on another's behalf. Activity that
transgresses moral or civil law. Behave badly. Manage badly
or incompetently. Police Misconduct
Gross Misconduct is being drunk or under the influence of any drug while on
duty, Illegal drug use or alcohol at work, Fighting, Sexual harassment at
workplace, Stealing, Subjecting people to discrimination, Falsifying time
records, Falsification of accounts, Negligence, Bribery, Gross
insubordination/ disobedience / misappropriation, Conviction of a felony (in
some states), Illicit use, Financial Misconduct. Ethics.

Malfeasance is wrongdoing, especially by a public official. Wrongful

conduct by a public official. Misfeasance or nonfeasance are types of
failure to discharge public obligations existing by common law, custom, or
statute. When a contract creates a duty that does not exist at common law,
there are three things the parties can do wrong: Nonfeasance is the failure to
act where action is required—willfully or in neglect. Misfeasance is the willful
inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action or advice. Malfeasance is
the willful and intentional action that injures a party.

Provocation is unfriendly behavior that causes Anger or resentment.

Something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to
action. Bully.

Gall is a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will. Being rude and
impertinent or improperly forward or bold. Inclined to take liberties or act in a
way that is too free and does not show enough respect.

Derogatory is showing a critical or disrespectful attitude. Expressive of low

opinion. Tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or
thing. Slander - Profiling.

Vexatious is causing irritation or annoyance.

Obnoxious is something very unpleasant.

Grotesque is something repulsively ugly or distorted.

Repulsive is something offensive to the mind.

Grisly is something that causes horror or revulsion, terrifying.

Psychologists define the 'Dark Core of Personality'. Egoism,
Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism, spitefulness are all traits
that stand for the malevolent dark sides of human personality, or just
the pure ignorance of an under-educated person.

Guilty is when your are responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible


Crab Mentality is when an ignorant person try's to undermine someone

else's success by disrupting their progress because they're envious of the
other person and they resent them. A kind of "if I can't have it, neither
can you" mentality. Instead of a person trying to be productive themselves,
they ignorantly believe that their time and resources is better spent trying to
make others less productive so they don't feel so bad about how unproductive
they are. Just because their life sucks, they want other peoples life to suck
too so that you don't feel alone in being a loser. Making other people fail in
order to make themselves feel better about their own failures, which only
proves how insane and ignorant they are. Spite.

"Not feeling bad about doing something bad, is really f*cking bad. If you
don't know that you are an a*shole, you will never stop being an a*shole. But
that's not your fault, and no one is to blame. But now that you know this, the
questions are, can you adjust? Can you adapt? Can you give as well as you
receive? And, are you willing to learn about things that you may have over
looked or perceived as being not important? Will you at least try to
understand? You are nothing without people, and people will always be
something with or without you. So, are you the thorn or are you the foot?
You're the foot, so please stop being an as*hole." Shadow Work is a way
Getting to Know Your Darker Half.

"The reasons why so many people are not getting any meaningful work done
is because they're too busy maliciously attacking other people and stabbing
each other in the back. How about making a difference instead of just adding
to everyone's problems."

Words that describe "Bad"

Cruelty is when a person does not care about other people suffering, and
sometimes even finds pleasure in inflicting suffering. Sadism can also be
related to this form of action or concept. Cruel way of inflicting suffering may
involve violence.

Hate - Domestic Violence - Self Defense

Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of a person, often

to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such
as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust
practices; crimes, or other types of aggression.

Violence the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or

actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community,
which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury,
death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation".

Barbarism is a brutal barbarous savage act. Murderer.

Savage is an uncivilized, cruel and violent person who inflicts pain or


Sexual Abuse and Violence (sex crimes)

Super Predators would not exist if super predators did not exist at the
top, what is above, so is below. People in jail share the same ignorance as
the system that put them there. Not everyone knows what
a systemic problem is. They might know the meaning or definition of the
word, but they can't visualize it or understand it. How can a word be so
important yet at the same time be so meaningless? People never see the
system as a whole. And they never fully understand all the connections.

Aggression is overt, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of

inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual. It may
occur either in retaliation or without provocation. In humans, frustration due
to blocked goals can cause aggression. Human aggression can be classified
into direct and indirect aggression, whilst the first is characterized by physical
or verbal behavior intended to cause harm to someone, the second one is
characterized by a behavior intended to harm social relations of an individual
or a group.

Intimidation is the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do

something. Being made to feel afraid or timid. The feeling of discouragement
in the face of someone's perceived fame or wealth or status etc..


Hostility is violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked. A form of

emotionally charged aggressive behavior. In everyday speech it is more
commonly used as a synonym for anger and aggression.

Torture is the act of deliberately inflicting physical or psychological pain on

an organism in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer, or compel some
action from the victim. Torture, by definition, is a knowing and intentional
act; deeds which unknowingly or negligently inflict pain without a specific
intent to do so are not typically considered torture, just a scumbag criminal
who didn't know any better because of their ignorance.


Suffering is an experience of unpleasantness and dislike associated with the

perception of harm or threat of harm in an individual.
Economic Weapons - Monopolies

Criminal - Sanity - Abuse of Power

Sin is any thought or action that endangers the ideal relationship between

an individual and God; or as any diversion from the perceived ideal order for
human living. To sin has been defined as "to miss the mark"

Racism - Discrimination - Prejudice

Evil and ignorance go hand in hand. There are no intelligent evil people.

When you hear people say that a criminal is smart, what they mean to say is
that the criminal has gone to school, but failed to learn what's important.
Though they are smart in certain subjects, they are not intelligent. They are
in fact extremely dangerous because they naively believe that they are

Good is the opposite of Evil, when good prevails, evil is defeated.

Problem of Evil states that just because there is goodness in people, how
could there be evil? Evil is not just the absence of goodness, it is the
absence of knowledge.

Hell is believed to be a place of torment and punishment in an afterlife. Hell

can also be seen as a life filled with suffering and abuse.


Consequentialism is the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate

basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct.
Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act (or omission
from acting) is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence.

Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, and concern. Apathy is a state

of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement,
motivation, and/or passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest
in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical and/or physical
life and the world.

Egocentrism is the inability to "put oneself in other peoples' shoes".

Unrepentant is being unremorseful. Stubbornly persistent in
wrongdoing. Regretting.

Ingrate is a person who shows no gratitude. An ungrateful person.

Scheming is concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest.

(astute, defraud or Scam: A fraudulent business scheme).


Taboo is the forbidding of an action based on the belief that such behavior is
either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake. Such
prohibitions are present in virtually all societies. The word has been
somewhat expanded in the social sciences to strong prohibitions relating to
any area of human activity or custom that is sacred or forbidden based on
moral judgment and religious beliefs. "Breaking a taboo" is usually considered
objectionable by society in general, not merely a subset of a culture.

Public-Order Crime is a crime which involves acts that interfere with the
operations of society and the ability of people to function efficiently", i.e., it is
behavior that has been labeled criminal because it is contrary to shared
norms, social values, and customs.

"If you have good information and good knowledge you are most likely to do
good things."

"If you have bad information and bad knowledge you are most likely to do
bad things."

Sisyphus was a king that was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness

and deceitfulness. His punishment was being forced to roll an immense
boulder up a hill, only to watch it come back to hit him, and then was forced
to repeat this action for eternity.

Condescension - Looking Down on Someone

Condescension is the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing
those considered inferior. A communication that indicates Lack of
Respect by patronizing the recipient. Lack of affability to
your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank.

Patronizing is characteristic of those who abuse others with

condescension. Bad Jokes.

Despise is to dislike someone or something.

Hate - Dehumanizing - Racism - Wrong - Bad - Prejudice - Privileged - 

Ridicule is abusive language or behavior towards someone. Hate

Speech used to damage the reputation of someone and cause someone to
be distrusted or disbelieved, or bring shame or dishonor to someone. Open
disrespect for a person or thing.

Contempt is the Lack of Respect accompanied by a feeling of intense

dislike. A behavior that perceives a person or a thing to be worthless and
not deserving of respect or careful thought or consideration. A disregard
for something that should be taken into account. Open disrespect for a
person or thing. Contempt can also mean the offense of
being disrespectful to a court of law and its officers.

Disrespect is to violate a persons human right to be treated fairly and

politely. Being disrespectful is ignoring the facts of a situation and ignoring
human standards of morality when communicating with someone or
expressing behavior around someone. To be abusive, prejudice or
discriminating. Unkind.

Insolent is showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.

Inconsiderate is lacking regard for the rights or feelings of

others without proper consideration or reflection.

Blasphemy is the act of Insulting or showing Contempt or lack of

reverence for any religion's deity or deities. Lacking piety or respect for
the sacred.

Egoism is an excessive preoccupation with one's own advantage at the

expense of others and the community.

Psychological entitlement is a recurring belief that one is better than

others and deserves better treatment.

Self-interest is a desire to further and highlight one's own social and

financial status.

Narcissism is excessive self-absorption, a sense of superiority, and an

extreme need for attention from others.

Spitefulness is a destructiveness and willingness to cause harm to

others, even if one harms oneself in the process.

“Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up.” Jesse

Jackson (wiki)

Talking Heads - Pulled Up (youtube) I was complaining, I was down in the

dumps, I feel so strong now 'cause you pulled me up, Pull me up up up up, up
up up up.

You think that you're better then others, or superior to others just
because you have more, or have done more, or have gone to better schools?
But that doesn't make you better or does it make other people insignificant or
worthless. It only makes you a person who has more potential. And potential
is not a right to be prejudice or ignorant towards other people, because that
would be a waste of potential, and a waste of time. So if you are smarter,
then that means you must have learned that condescension is pure prejudice
and pure ignorance. Just because other people don't live up to your
standards, or haven't benefited from life the same way that you have, does
not make other people insignificant or worthless. People are not abusing
themselves or struggling on purpose because they're stupid, they do it for the
same reasons that you do, because they have not learned enough. Pride is
good, but not when pride turns into a form of prejudice and disrespect
towards other people. Self-respect is not a reason to disrespect. Respect is a
courteous regard for people's feelings, and also, respect is common sense in
knowing that being nice to people has lot more benefits that not being nice to
people. When you are aware of other people, instead of being weary of or
judgmental, then you start seeing people more clearly, and you also
start listening more carefully, so you hear more and understand
more. Prejudice kills communication, so that means that prejudice is a
threat to life. Prejudice is the highest form of ignorance a person can have,
it's not only illogical and wrong, it's a form of violence against others, and
violence against yourself. If you really believe that your life is special then
you would want more people to understand it, and not be victimized by it.
And poor people shouldn't feel inferior just because they see other people
who have more. One of the mains reasons why we have poor people is not
because we have rich people, it's because we have too much ignorance in our
world. Money does not buy intelligence, as we can clearly see, and clearly
not see. Poor people have fewer opportunities, they have less access to
informational services, and a lower quality of educational services. But when
people finally become more educated and learn the things that we should be
learning, then everyone will live better lives, and no will have to waste time
looking up at people, unless that person is a source of inspiration. And no one
would have to waste time looking down on people, unless they were helping
them up. Confidence.

To be Prejudice is a life sentence of misery, because there will never a day
in your life that will go by that you will not experience anger or frustration.
This is not to say that you will never be able to laugh or experience
happiness, it's just that those moments will always be interrupted by misery.
So you see, prejudice is not only stupid, it's bad for your health, and it
reduces your quality of life. Even if you become successful, it will not matter,
prejudice will ruin your life. And it might not be that obvious at first, but it will
be, and then you will realize how illogical it is, and how bad it is, and how bad
it is for the people around you. A life without prejudice is a beautiful life. But
a beautiful life will never happen if you allow prejudice to be part of
it. Discrimination Barriers.

"Out of all the prejudice people that I have ever known in my life, I notice
one particular thing about them, they were always the most miserable people
I knew. Even though I did see them experience happiness, it was never for

Me, Me, Me
Selfishness is being concerned chiefly or only with yourself, and your
advantage to the exclusion of others. Denoting the precedence given in
thought or deed to the self, i.e., self-interest or self concern.- Bias.

Self-Interest is taking advantage of opportunities without regard for

the consequences for others. Concerned with mostly your own interests and
welfare and not for others. Conservatives - Privileged - Condescension.

Parasite is an animal or plant that obtains nourishment from the host

without benefiting the host or killing the host. Lives in or on a host another
animal or plant. Greedy.

Narcissism an unhealthy self-absorption due to a disturbance in the sense of

self. - Ego.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a long-term pattern of abnormal

behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an
excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings.
People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power
or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the
people around them. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and
occurs across a variety of situations.

Individualism is a philosophy stressing the worth of individual selves. A

focus on the individual as opposed to society.

Expedience is taking advantage of opportunities without regard for

the consequences for others.

It's extremely important that you Love yourself, because the mind and body
needs care. But when the Love you have for yourself makes other people
suffer, or requires other people to make sacrifices, or requires you to steal
from other people, then that's not love, that's just a sad excuse for being an

Dehumanization is someone who acts without compassion towards

humans. A behavior or process that undermines individuality of and in

Machiavellianism a tendency to deceive and manipulate others for

personal gain. - Profit.

Selling Out is disregarding a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or

principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money.

Self Love is the regard for one's own happiness or advantage over others.
Not to be confused with self-respect or loving your self.

Me Generation is a culture of narcissism among the younger generation.

From 1946 to 1964, the baby boomers became ignorant mindless
consumers because of our inadequate education system. This poor education
caused "self-realization" and "self-fulfillment" to be confused with social
responsibility, thus many mistakes were made.

Marx's Theory of Alienation describes the estrangement of people as a

consequence of living in a society of stratified social classes. The alienation
from the self is a consequence of being a mechanistic part of a social class,
the condition of which estranges a person from their humanity.

Selfism a pejorative term referring to any philosophy, doctrine, or tendency

that upholds explicitly selfish principles as being desirable. 

Solipsism (sometimes called egoism), the belief that only one's self exists,
or that only the experiences of one's self can be verified.

Anthropocentrism is the belief that human beings are the central or most

significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to
have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms), or the
assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.

Suitheism the belief in self as a deity.

Absolute is the belief that "being" itself transcends and comprehends all
other beings.

Psychological Egoism the view that humans are always motivated by self-

interest. Ego.

Ethical Egoism the ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in

their own self-interest.

Rational Egoism is the belief that an action is rational if and only if it

maximizes one's self-interest.

Satanism a philosophy based on individualism and self-preservation.

Absolute idealism (pretend to know)

Hedonism the school of ethics which argues that pleasure is the only

intrinsic good.

Epicureanism a philosophical system related to hedonism.

Can Narcissists Be Empathic? - psp

Enlightened Self-interest a philosophy which states that acting to further

the interests of others also serves one's own self-interest.

Pride is a feeling of self-respect and personal worth. Satisfaction with your

(or another's) achievements. Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something
by which you measure your self-worth. Not over Confident.

Seven Social Processes that Grease the Slippery Slope of

Evil. Psych Central
Mindlessly taking the first small step.
Dehumanization of others.
De-individuation of self (anonymity).
Diffusion of personal responsibility.
Blind Obedience to Authority.
Uncritical conformity to group norms.
Passive tolerance of evil through inaction or indifference.

Philip Zimbardo: The Psychology of Evil (video)

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a person who is vastly different in moral character

from one situation to the next.

Lucifer is another word for the devil, though the word has other meanings

Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil.

Homo-Duplex -- a divided human; the belief that a human being is

comprised of an antagonism between (1) the instinctual desires of the
human animal (think of the four "Fs" Fight, Flee, Feed, Fornication) and (2)
the desire to follow and obey societal pressures (rules, morals, and ethics)
to maintain self-control. (see Emile Durkheim).

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right means that using an ignorant excuse to

explain why you did something wrong and bad, just because someone else
did a similar wrong and bad thing, is not a Justified Reason. Just because
someone else did something stupid, that doesn't give you the right to repeat
another stupid action. You are Responsible for your own actions. You
can't blame others for what you did wrong, or use their behavior as an
excuse for.

Whataboutism describes a propaganda technique that uses the response

"What about so and so, if they can be a moron criminal why can't I?"
A fallacy which attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the
opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position, without
directly refuting or disproving the opponent's initial argument. (like when a 4
year old says "Jimmy gets away with everything, why can't
I?"). Hypocrisy - Contradiction.

Excuse is a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a

promise etc.. Serve as a reason or cause or justification of. Defend, explain,
clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning. Denial.

Fessup is to admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error.

Reason is a rational motive for a belief or action. An explanation of the

cause of some phenomenon. A justification for something existing or

Explanation is a statement that makes something comprehensible by

describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.. Thought
that makes something comprehensible. The act of explaining; making
something plain or intelligible.
Revenge is never the answer.

Eye for an Eye will leave everyone blind.

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