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Fp) Community Schools (U) sJenaury 20, 2020, Re: Recommendation for David Ruehs Dear Educators, Itis wh the highest regard that recommend Davia Ruchs for an adminsatve postion in your choo! system, | met David when he bogan working Inthe Bueington Cammunty School Distct | am impressed by Davies understanding and implementation of he change process and his passion and dedication to ‘education and the students he serves, [Mc Ruehs s commited to students, teachers and the community. Since he became a leader inthe Burlington Community Schools, he has exampliad servant leadership. He rcontly moved from assistant Principal tthe high schoo! to assistant pxincpal atthe SP buling, His experiance asa mide schoo! teacher allows Mr Ruohs to morge his passin forthe squiele we call mide schoolers and his leadership syle. Hes leader and a ltoner. As assetant principal, his responsbilies include working ‘wih students and parents, dicipling, eshman academy coordinator, evaluation, and professional dovelomant. He jumped into this work and impressed me wih his insighs, his ably to bud relationships, and his commitment to al hase he sorves. David continually visits classrooms, coordinates the freshman academy mostngs, bulls relationships with eachers, and is acve atthe dstct love in professional earring planning-specialy the district's ein native. Alot tase examples are indicative of Mr. Rush’ commitment to education and his abit to think beyond what is ypca to maximize opportunites for students Mr Ruchs is able to assess situatons and stings and use that information to guide and challenge teachers to gonerate and implement solitons, He encourages change based on data ad sli resoarch-based pracices. David aleo callanges those he works with to lea themeelves to higher standads, tobe uncomfotabe at ines, to take a new perspective and look at improving educational practices forthe benefit ofall students, | think very highly of Mr. Ruehs and have no doubt that as he continues to develop his leadership styl, he will become even stronger. | know that we need qualty administrators and eaders in all schools and Mr Ruchs wil be sod feader, We wil continue ta have chalengas; however, Mr. Rus wil tke on ‘those challenges and be commited oa the students, teachers, staff and community he serves, Regardless of what role David has in education, he willcontinve torso to the change. He wll continue to push himself and thoae around him to make the educational opportune afrded to al students valuable ard meaningful. tis without reervaion tht recommend David Ruch Shoe, rariiyer ‘Superintendent, nertate 35 CSD “Developing ife-ong leamers and responsible, productive, successful elizens In an ever-changing society.”

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