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Ask the angels for help in understanding new concepts...

Keep for future reference.

This chart shows the flow of information energy from the sun and moon through the planets.
Use this chart to help you under-stand the hierarchy of your spiritual family. The angels of your
sun and moon would be the most powerful. The angels of your Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus
would be next. Then follows the visible planets, The chart ends showing how the energy flows
from the planets into the signs themselves. Remember that the outward heavens are mirrored in
the inner worlds of archetypes.

All planets on the left side of this list are Feminine-Magnetic-Receptive. All planets on the right
side are

- One: Delta Brainwave Level:...

Pure Being. The Divine Self. Right brain.
The moon represents the receptive, magnetic, activity of Universal Consciousness The Sun
represents the masculine, electrical, expression of Universal Consciousness

- Two: Theta Brainwave Level:

These three planets are both electric (will) and magnetic (feeling)
They relate to deep inward thought of Theta brainwaves and activate the left brain.
Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus
These planets are step-down transformers for Love, Will, and Wisdom respectively, from the
Higher Self.

- Three: Alpha Brainwave Level:

Emotions and Psychic sensitivity to the outer world. These six planets activate the alpha level of
the Right brain. The Alpha level is feelings.

The visible planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

Four: Beta Brainwave Level:

The twelve signs activate the beta level of the Left brain, which is memory, logic, and the five
The twelve signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Informational energy flows from the Higher Self, which is composed of the Sun-Moon
combination, to the three planets of Pluto , Neptune, and Uranus as follows:

Divine Love
Pluto receives both magnetic and electric energy from the Sun-Moon.
The energy flows from Pluto to:

Venus receives magnetic love and Mars transmits electric love
Love energy flows from Venus into the signs of Libra and Taurus.
Love energy flows from Mars to the signs of Aries and Scorpio.

>Venus flows to Libra and Taurus

>Mars Flows to Aries and Scorpio

Libra is mind-air, Taurus is earth-action.........Aries is will-fire, Scorpio is feeling-water

[Divine Wisdom}
Neptune is both magnetic and electric
It represents the path of spirituality, Divine Wisdom.
The energy of Divine Wisdom flows from Neptune to Jupiter and Mercury.

Mercury receives magnetic wisdom and Jupiter transmits electric wisdom Wisdom flows from
Mercury into the signs of Gemini and Virgo. It flows from Jupiter to the signs of Sagittarius and

Jupiter flows to Sagittarius and Pisces

Mercury flows to Gemini and Virgo

Gemini is mind-air, Virgo is earth-action......Sagittarius is will-fire,

Pisces is feeling-water

Receives the flow of both electric and magnetic Divine Will-Power
from the Sun-Moon. Uranus is the kundalini, or power, of the Higher Self. Will power flows from
Uranus into Saturn and Earth.

Saturn receives magnetic power and Earth transmits electric power Will power flows from Saturn
into the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. It flows from Earth to the signs of Leo and Cancer.

Earth flows to Leo and Cancer Saturn flows to Aquarius and Capricorn
Aquarius is mind-air, Capricorn is earth-action.....Leo is will-fire, Cancer is feeling-water

A few other important other important things to consider:

South node of the moon.......................North node of the moon

The south node represents your status at beginning of this incarnation, and the north node
represents the final outcome .

This asteroid, or small planet, is between Saturn and Uranus.
It represents the connection between the lower and higher self or between the feeling level and
deep inward thought.
It signifies the wounding of the soul that causes the personality to seek enlightenment in order to

Interpretations for all other planets, transpluto planets*, asteroids, and points are available in
books on line or in local bookstores .
Email Cyrus the Astrologer for recommendations. He can be reached at ""

*Transpluto planets apply to the path of enlightenment and world service. These planets would
be important to almost anyone reading these messages. Fixed star aspecting any of the planets of
a birth chart show the purpose of incarnation and the tools available for completing this
purpose. Look up the angels for each planet and star according to their exact degree. Remember
to read the next degree...i.e. if a planet is 4.3 degrees Scorpio, the planet has already reached 4
and 3/10 degrees into the 5th... thereforeyou would look up 5 degrees Scorpio to get the correct
angel group.


Note: In my experience the time it takes for these initiations can range from instantly to decades.
I have found that it is important to address the issue of timing with the angels when the request
for help is made. If it is very important to me for help to be accomplished within a certain time
frame, I have to let that be known to the angels in the beginning. I have found that vague asking
equates to vague receiving. The angels' notion of time is unlike our own. They are ancient and
immortal and a thousand years to them can be a second to us and vice versa.

I have noticed that even when I ask for something to be done in a certain period of earth time, it
still can take much longer or much shorter than I had imagined. I have had instantaneous
results, like last week when I had an emergency and I called for their help. It took about 10
seconds. [Which under the
circumstances seemed like an eternity anyway.]

I have learned that when the results are taking a very long time, I can speak to them in my
prayers about this and ask them to speed things up. They always do, but sometimes I have to ask
a few more times and state how important it is to me in no uncertain terms. Secondly, it is
important to learn surrender of control. As they change my life and my consciousness , surrender
is of the utmost importance.

When I ask them to speed things up, sometimes the changes are drastic and I have to be very
flexible to embrace them.
Clear requests, faith and surrender of control, are all skills that I have found to be absolutely
necessary. There are specific angels who help with each of these skills. Just ask, it has never
worked very well for me when I tried to do it by myself.

Of the three skills, CLEAR REQUESTS is the most important . In their great power and wisdom,
they can get around lack of faith and surrender. They can reach us and create changes on all
levels regardless of obstacles within us or around us. The angels respect our free will so the one
thing they MUST have from us is clear requests.



The practice for mastering each of the letters is the same. It is recommended by long tradition to
start at the beginning of the alphabet and work letter by letter through it sequentially.


The practical application of letter "A" [short A as in arm] is started from the principle of
God-penetrating-all, which means the akasha principle in traditional quaballah.

First you picture to yourself your physical body, then your emotional body [or astral body],
which has the same shape as your material body, then the spirit dwelling in the emotional body,
which is the I, the ego.

At the same time, you meditate on there being a connection between your material body and the
physical world, also a connection between your emotional body and the emotional world, and a
connection between your mental body and the mental world.

In your meditation you further go on with the consciousness that you are not only pronouncing
letter "A" ["ah"] with your physical voice, but simultaneously with your will and mind, [which is
known as your spirit] , and your feeling, or emotions, [which is known as the soul] and your
physical body.

Then you meditate on the qualities and the analogies of the "A" [ah] as they have been
described,[i.e. wisdom and enlightenment], by emotionally comprehending the original ideas.
This means that you get the "feeling" of the divine qualities of wisdom and enlightenment
penetrating all.

Then you get the sense that parallel to the akasha principle and emanating from it, the mental is
manifested in the intellect and from there it is realized in the emotional and in the material

After these meditations you transfer yourself, with your consciousness, into the akasha principle
by sensing that you are a dot in your solar plexus, I.e., your own microcosm, evoking a space- and
timeless state, a state of trance.

The practice of transferring yourself into a state of trance in this way is the traditional exercise of
quaballists that has been secretly passed down through the ages.

As soon as you feel yourself to be the center, the focal point or center of gravity, of your
microcosm and sense your whole body to be an infinite space, you utter in the three-dimensional
way, letter "A" [ah] into the whole universe.

This means that you imagine that the whole universe is filled, in the microcosm, with the
relevant color - which is the light-blue color with letter "A" [ah]. At the same time you imagine
the sound of the G tone also filling all of this universe -and the consciousness of all penetrating
wisdom and enlightenment filling this universe. Since the letter "A" is the air element, you also
fill infinite space with the feeling of ease.

The greatest care should be devoted to the virtues and the qualities. This is more important than
the color or the tone, although these should not be left out.

When you are finished, you return to your normal consicousness and then meditate on the
meaning and deeper significance of the qualities of letter "A" {ah}.

Depending on your diligence, maturity, and perserverance, the virtues analogous to each letter
will somehow be expressed in will and mind[the spirit] as well as in your emotions and physical
body [soul].

It is said in the ancient literature that only when mastering one letter, which will take a longer
period of practicing at first, should you go on to the exercises with the next.

Persistent exercise will teach you to perceive the connections, oscillations or energy signatures,
powers, and spheres of influence of each virtue more and more clearly, and you will be able to
eventually apply each letter from various states of consciousness.

You will be able to picture to yourself the relevant virtues and to perceive them consciously. You
will digest them spiritually.
Once the meaning and feeling is mastered in this way, imagine filling all of inward and outward
space with it's tone, color, and sense at the same time that you fill all of space with it's divine

This is what is meant by mastering a letter. On a personal note, I worked with the letter "A" [ah]
for several years before going on to letter B. Most of the students of the cosmic language,
however, practice the first letter very well in a few months.
Once I had mastered the letter "A", it was easy for me to master the following letters much much
faster, for the skills are the same for all the letters.

To transfer the letter oscillation onto another person simply means to go into a trance state of
consciousness in which you feel yourself one with God penetrating all, a state of oneness with all
creation and therefore oneness with the person you are working with, and to imagine, sense, and
feel the desired quality penetrating their consciousness in will, mind, emotion, and body.

One of the primary reasons that these skills had remained secret for so long, before the
publishing of the above mentioned books, is that there was danger that they would be misused
by immature persons. The state of the world is such now that it is of the greatest importance that
people be given this instruction so that they can move into their God-consciousness and work the
miracles that will bring heaven on earth.

Anyone receiving these instructions who would misuse them is prevented from doing so by
special angels whose job it is to protect the purity of the sacred knowledge. Usually this is done
by never letting immature people get this information in the first place. In the case that they did,
they would find themselves distracted by doubt, confusion, and rigidity in their own limited
belief systems.



This system of letters, comes from the ancient Hebrew Quaballah, {sometimes referred to as The
Tree Of Life,} and is known traditionally as "THE COSMIC LANGUAGE". The Angel groups, their
names, and their degree of the zodiac, also come from this. Quaballah is of the lineage of
Abraham, the original common root of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Below is a brief summary of the cosmic meaning of the letters. Letters have sounds, and each
sound is a harmonic of a Divine Virtue. Included is their virtue, their musical note, the feeling of
their element, their color, and the part of the body temple which they heal.

Start with the first letter and then work slowly through all of the letters so that they are
integrated fully. Imagine each letter with it's virtue, color, feeling, and tone filling all of space
within your infinite inner worlds and then filling the infinite outer universes. Stay with each
letter long enough and deeply enough to fill yourself and the universes completely with the
essence of the Divine Virtue in your imagination.

The neuropeptides of the glands, especially the pineal gland, which will be stimulated by these
exercises, will
alter the chemical makeup of your body. When these virtues are fully mastered, the chemical
changes are
enough to spiritualize the body to the extent of fulfilling the ancient prophecy," All that I do ye
shall do and more!"
A....[ soft A as in arm].....All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with a sense of ease, the
musical note G, use to heal the lungs

B....Universal life and polarity in all it's forms, light violet with a sense of weight, musical note A,
use to heal the
right eye

C....The Eucharist in all it's forms, the virtue of self-spiritualization, vermilion with warmth and a
sense of
ease, musical note D, use to heal the stomach

D....Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to
heal the right ear

E....the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all,
musical note D,
use to heal the spine

F....Legality , which IS harmony, of all visible worlds, light green with a feeling of weight, musical
note F sharp, use to heal the left hand

G....Divine Grace and Mercy in all it's aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical
note F, use to heal the left eye

H....The power of the word, which is the cosmic language, silvery violet with a feeling of warmth,
musical note A, use to heal the right arm

Ch....The virtue of clarity and perfect purity, light violet with a feeling of coolness, musical note D
Sharp, use to heal the left leg

I....The law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of weight, musical note G, use to heal the
left kidney

J....The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of coolness, musical note G
Sharp, use to heal the diaphragm-midriff

K....The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note B, use to heal
the left ear

L....The Virtues of Majesty, dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease, musical note F,
use to heal the spleen

M....Original Water principle of emotions and magnetism, blue-green with a sense of coolness,
musical note D, use to heal the abdominal area

N....The highest state of happiness, dark red with a sense of coolness, musical note A, use to heal
the liver

O....The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue with a feeling of weight,
musical note C, use to heal the throat and windpipe area

P....The longing for spiritual progress and perfection, dark gray with a sense of weight, musical
note B, use to heal the right nostril quaballah Q is the same as K---refer to K

R.... Independence and Freedom, golden light with a feeling of ease, musical note C, use to heal
the left nostril

S....All penetrating power which is original fire [will], purple with a reddish tint with a feeling of
warmth, musical note G sharp, use to heal the gall bladder

Sch.... combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is the original light, blazing
red with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal the brain

T....High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth, musical note F, use to heal the
right kidney

U....The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling of penetrating everything,
musical note B, use to heal the pancreas

V.... in quaballah is the same as F- refer to F

W....Cosmic intuition, lilac with a feeling of coolness, musical note G, use to heal the gut quaballah X is seen as a combination of E, K, and S

Y [UE} umlaut U.....The origin of the rhythm of life, pink light with a feeling of weight
penetrating everything,
musical note C sharp, use to heal the heart

Z....Highest intellectual faculties, light yellow with a feeling of ease, musical note G, use to heal
the heart

Umlaut A {AE].......Origin and mystery of life and death and transformation, loamy brown with a
feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal the lower colon

Umlaut O {OE] ....The most Profound Divine Cognition, dark orange light with a feeling of
weight penetrating
everything, musical note D sharp, use to heal the testicles and ovaries. If healing the ovaries, heal
the left
ovary first then the right.

These exercises come from the Ancient of Days. They have been passed down faithfully
throughout all the twists and turns of our varied history. Within each person who masters them
for the future, the Alpha and the Omega have indeed become one. The miracles of the Masters
Saints and Prophets are the Divine Birthright of all children of the light. These miraculous
powers are The Divine Magic which manifests heaven on earth.

Whenever anyone masters these Divine Virtues, they claim their rightful place as creators of the
most beautiful out-picturings of heavenly Love. Miracles on earth still the waters of life so that
the reflection of the galactic
perfection of the macrocosm is mirrored clearly in the microcosm. As above, so below.

The following five words are a general translation of an ancient code designed to jog the memory
of your rightful inheritance of the finest gifts of the Holy Spirit. These five words,which unite the
logical understanding of the left brain with the intuitive knowing of the right, are again passed
along to seekers who wish to evolve as Students of Truth to Manifestors of Truth.

Magic maker: Magic Power: Creators!


Note: If you are working on one of the letters and need a more detailed explanation of the Divine
Virtue as it
manifests through the levels of spirit, mind, emotion, and form - please feel free to email.



Here are the meanings of numbers. Number one is the first number in the universe and
represents the highest form which is God Himself. The manifested light, and everything that was
made of it is God in His Oneness. Whenever the Deity is to be identified, this is done by number
one. One means highest cognition, highest unity, highest wisdom. All evolution starts with this
number. It is represented by a dot. The middle of
flowers represents the Oneness of God. One is represented by the center of the mandala.

Number two is the number of duality, of polarity, of the positive and the negative principle. In
the material world, the two indicates electricity and magnetism, love and hate, light and shadow.
It is always a pole and its anti-pole, of which one could not exist without the other. It is God and
man. It appertains to those religions which regard God as something separate, whereby the
dualistic principle is to be found in all forms of existence. Two is represented by a horizontal line.

Number three is symbolized by a triangle. The three is the number of akasha principle, of fate, of
cause and effect, of Karma, and is attributed to the sphere of Saturn. All things on all levels
originate from the akasha principle, the fine pre-matter of all existence, and therefore from the
number three. It is the original idea of procreation. Man and woman and child. Also it represents
spirit, soul, and body. It is the number of intuition, life and death, and cognition in its highest
form. Many mandalas have patterns of three or multiples of three. When you gaze upon such a
mandala, remember the unity of your spirit [will], soul[ feeling] and your body.

Number four is the perfect number of mastery of creation.

The work of Carl G. Jung emphasized that mandalas with four or a multiple of four spokes
(petals) represented
complete balance and healing in the four brain wave states. It is represented by Jupiter. It
represents the four basic elements of fire, air, water and earth. It also represents the four
directions, the four fundamental features of God which are omnipotence, wisdom, love -
immortality, and perfect consciousness. It is the number of everything that is created in the
visible and the invisible worlds. It is highest wisdom and the number of length, width, height,
and depth. It is represented by a cross with arms of equal length, or by an equilateral quadrangle.
Think of the lovely dogwood flower with it's four perfect petals.

Number five is the perfect representation of the microcosm, of man in all his phases and forms of
existence. It represents the microcosm in its perfection. The working of the four elements, ruled
by the akasha principle, is represented by five and also expresses the power and the might which
is symbolized by Mars. All active miracles belong to this number and is represented by a
pentagon. Many mandalas have five petals and can connect you with power and might and
individual perfection.

Mandalas are similar to telephone numbers in that you can connect yourself with the actual
divine qualities that they represent by attuning to their energy. Even if you do not know the
meanings of the numbers and the colors, by asking for our assistance, we can flood you with the
divine qualities in your intuition.

Number six represents the macrocosm in its perfection. It is represented by an equilateral

hexagram. This is the number of man when he finally reaches that state of enlightenment in
which he is one with God. Jesus referred to this number when he said, "I and the Father are
One." The lower triangle of the hexagram denotes, in the mystical sense, man with his three
dimensional aspect of body, soul and spirit. The upper triangle of the hexagram points to the
three dimensional unification and influence of divine power and virtues in the mental, feeling,
and physical worlds.

Number six represents the sun and all spherical miracles. When you behold a mandala with six
spokes, ask us to connect you with this energy of the sun and your oneness with the Creator.
Focus your eyes on the mandala and become receptive. We will establish a column of light that
fills you with the vibration of the true esoteric qualities of the mandala. This is very powerful.
Great healing and enlightenment is possible through the use of mandalas in this way.

Number seven is the number of harmony, fertility, propagation and growing. It is also the
number of love with all its phases, no matter whether the lowest form of love or the highest
cosmic aspect of love. Mercy, benevolence, virtuousness, and happiness are also aspects of love.
It is the number of beauty, purity, and harmony. It is the number of Venus, the seven basic
notes, the seven states of maturity [chackras], and is
represented by a septangle. There are various symbols for seven. The colors of the rainbow are
also the seven vibration. Mandalas with seven spokes or multiples of seven carry this vibration.

Whenever you create a mandala, if you ask us to impregnate the spirit, mind, emotions, and body
with its true esoteric vibrations, we can bless each beholder with such healing and enlightenment
as you could ever wish. Many miracles can be performed with the help of mandalas.

Number eight is the number of the mind, the intellect, and thus the number of knowledge. It is
analogous to the planet Mercury.The octagon is a symbol of the native American Medicine wheel
in all of its forms. All knowledge, actual or theoretical, is a part of the eight vibration. This was
Carl Jung's favorite type of mandala.

Number nine is symbolized by three equilateral triangles interlacing one another. It represents
the original idea of the astral or feeling world. It is the number of motion, of rhythm and thus, of
life in its most subtle form. It is the number which prepares every situation in the astral or
feeling world for the material world. It represents the moon. It is the highest number .

The number ten is the last number. It is the reflection of number one in its roughest form. Ten is
the number of
physical matter, the number of realization. Ten is called "The Kingdom" in Hebrew Quaballah.
The human body is subject to number ten, and so also is the mineral, vegetable, and animal
kingdom, and everything that is perceived by the five senses. It's symbol is a circle with a cross
consisting of eight arms in its middle, contrary to number one which is usually symbolized by a
dot or a circle as the sign of infinity.
Ten can also be represented by a square with a circle drawn in its middle. Ten is the starting
point on the way to God.



Here are the instructions for REM eye movement:

Eye Movement in Flowing Emotions

Remember to use eye-movement exercise when letting emotions flow. If necessary, this can be
done very privately in public situations by pretending to read a book, watching traffic pass by, or
look at a monitor or television etc..

As you tune into your feelings, move your eyes back and forth, left to right and back and over and
over again at any speed, slow or fast, that is comfortable to you. This can be done either opened
or closed.

Pay close attention to your feelings and keep the feelings flowing. They go through their changes,
while the memories and the insights come.

Eye movement shifts the energy back and forth from one hemisphere of the brain to the other,
allowing the energy
to process naturally. This is the same technique that the
body uses every night in dreaming.

Suggestion: Print this section out as part of an emotional

healing notebook for future reference.



Healing the Divine Feminine Force

The magnetic Divine Feminine force expresses itself through emotions and through the physical

Feelings are intense now because great healing is underway.

Some people are ending lifelong relationships, leaving projects that they have faithfully given
their all to, experiencing death of loved ones, and facing uncertain futures. They may be feeling
great fear and trepedation about politics, health, and the future of earth.

Wounded feelings from childhood are coming up to be healed in everyone. There are feelings that
need to be healed now.
This is necessary for the transformation of consciousness in the physical body. In flowing into
these feelings, sometimes memories surface that feel violent. They have so much pain associated
with them that the programed instinctual reflex is to do everything to avoid feeling them. It feels
like life itself is at stake...This is a true panic attack.

Everyone has experienced panic and these feelings are surfacing now to be healed. Emotions heal
through flowing.
Use eye movement to relive the tragic event, if you can remember it. Relive the memory over and
over until all the feelings associated with it have time to flow. If you cannot remember anything,
but just have the feelings, flow with them using eye movement and deep breathing.

These are times when overwhelming feelings are coming up to be healed. KEEP BREATHING.
Deep rythmic breathing is the foundation of holotropic breath work. Just as a woman breathes
while giving birth, keep breathing when panic feelings come up. In addition to deep breathing,
use eye movement and stay focused on the feelings for as long as it takes for good feelings to
return. Usually this happens quickly.

Traditionally when panic attacks happen...... the old paradigm of shutting DOWN the feelings
IMMEDIATELY takes over.
This has been accomplished through medication, alcolhol, diversion, dissassociation, denial,
magic, hynosis, etc.

Break the habit and STAY WITH THE PANIC.

The panic passes in SECONDS.... BREATHE and use EYE MOVEMENT, and use every bit of will
power and mastery to stay with the feelings and to FEEL THE FEELINGS through. Conscious
flowing is how feelings heal.

This is important, everything depends on GETTING THROUGH THE FEELING and NOT
AROUND IT. Flowing is how EMOTIONS heal, denial just makes them unconscious and the
body stores them as tension and stress in the musculature. Use eye movement and breathing
instead of giving into disassociation
or destructive acting out.

It is wonderful when panic comes up. By healing these emotions, the Divine Feminine Force is
healed. By healing the emotions of the dark dark wounding, the body is healed. It is like having
an emotional bowel movement. Whether it is fear, anger, hopelessness, suffocation, betrayal,
shame, etc, this is the healing process at work.

The next time feelings become unbearable, stay with the feelings no matter how painful they are,
use eye movement and keep breathing. The feelings heal so fast it is amazing.

Note: A number of you have written about intense feelings of sadness, disconnection, pain, and
anger coming up at this time.

The feminine energy is the emotional energy and now is the time that the feminine energy is
going through healing and balancing. Uncomfortable feelings must not be bottled up any longer,
or suppressed by chemical means.
Any attempt to "make them go away", or bypass them with "positive thinking", is just another
way of refusing to FEEL the feelings that need to heal. Once they are healed, positive feeling and
thinking comes naturally.

The most difficult thing to do, and paradoxically the easiest, is to allow spontaneous feelings to
come up and feel them.
It is the only way they heal. Feelings are like water, they cleanse themselves the more they flow

Feelings stay the same only when they are not felt and they are bottled up. When they are
expressed appropriately, they change quickly. The key to doing this is to allow any feeling that
comes up to be felt with an accepting, unconditionally loving, and patient attitude.

The creative aspect of expressing a feeling is to tune in to exactly how the feeling "wants" to come
through. Then experiment with sounds and movements until you find the way that feels most
releaseful. It hurts "good." The most important precaution is to find a way to express these
feelings in a non-destructive way to property and to others.
Screaming into a pillow, or beating up a pillow releases anger and pain in a safe way. [ according
to Adele Davis, it also helps get rid of arthritis ]

Use eye movement like your body does in REM sleep.

While feeling, move your eyes back and forth, left to right and back again, slow or fast, whatever
is most natural. This shifts the energy from one brain hemisphere to the other in order to process
the feeling energy on all levels in all brainwave patterns.

When the feelings are strong, it's because they have re-awakened an earlier time in your life when
you suffered a traumatic situation. Allow yourself to remember this time and relive it in your
memory the best that you can, feeling the feelings that come up as you do so. Once you have
done this, repeat it again, and remember the memory from the beginning, like a movie, all the
way through to the end.

Each time you relive the memory like this, more of the memory will come back, and more of the
feelings will
come back.

By feeling the feelings, crying the tears, feeling the anger, reliving the pain, the emotions can
release. The memory will go through changes, and some of the changes will be healing insights
and desires. Follow these intuitive changes. When you have a desire to correct something, or if
there is something you wish you could have said, imagine that you are doing it.

The changes in the memory that arise from these imagined interventions is the process that the
psyche uses to heal.
The Kahunas of Hawaii call this type of process 'O Pono Pono', and the native Americans refer to
it as 'Recapitulation'.
Stay with this process, reliving the memory over and over from the beginning to end, until you
feel all the feelings and "rewrite" the memory completely through the healing images that come
up naturally.

Be free to call in the angels for help, or ask the higher self of one of the people involved, including
your own Self, to come back in time and heal it.

This is the divine healing energy of the Feminine Force. It is very dreamlike, and involves the
same brainwave patterns that are used in dreaming.

By learning how to do this, you are taking the automatic process of healing that happens every
night in dreaming into conscious control. In this way you heal feelings as they come up naturally
day to day.

When the psyche is ready for a certain memory to heal, it will flood your consciousness with the
feelings from that memory. That is the time to embrace these painful feelings and process them,
and the memory they are associated with, instead of trying to run from them.

There are a finite number of emotional wounds, so this process eventually heals all of the past
traumas of your life.
This frees up the energy in your body so that instead of holding in the tensions of all the
emotional pain of every traumatic event of your entire life, your body can dance with the joy of
the Divine in each present moment.

This totally alters the chemical makeup of your glandular secretions, which in turn alters your
aging process and stimulates your immune system.

"And the last enemy to be overcome is death."

It is becoming common knowledge in the scientific community that emotions are the causitive
factor in creating
reality on a quantum level. As each one of us heals emotionally from our past, we free ourselves
to feel Divine
Joy and unconditional Love in the present.
Radiating this Joy and unconditional Love is the precursor to heaven on earth.




The angels for each degree of the zodiac are applicable for any planet, asteroid, star, or point of
interpretation in the astrological chart which has that degree. For example: if your natal Mercury
is in 3 degrees Libra, then the Angels of Peekah were blending their powers and qualities with
your receptive mental processes at birth .

By understanding the Divine Qualities of each letter of the name Peekah, you can understand the
exact influences on your natal position of Mercury. By meditating on each quality in the order
given in the name, you will have a formula of mastery for Mercury in your astrological chart.
In this example it would be

P.........The urge towards perfection

A.........All wisdom and enlightenment
H.........The power of the Word

In using this formula, it is important to master one letter before going on to the next. This is
because the formula is a PROCESS. To master a letter requires the fourfold meditation on the
four levels of Ð1- the will, -2- imagination, -3- feelings, and -4- the actual act of meditation -
which is the physical level.

Like with everything else in life, the more thoroughly you do this, the more benefit you will
derive. Refer to previous messages for more detailed instructions on each letter and each level.

Your angelic assignment is to obtain a copy of your astrological chart and start with the sun and
then with the
moon. You have until the first week of July of 2001 to do this, because it will take that long for all
of the angel
messages with all the degrees of the zodiac to go out over the web.

If you have a copy of your astrological chart, you can begin at least with the signs and the degrees
already given for any of your planets, house cusps, or other points. At this point much of Cancer,
all of Leo and Virgo and the beginning of Libra has been covered. The actual names of the angels
of each degree has only recently been added to the angel messages. The list of omitted names and
degrees is at the end of this message.

First look at the sign and the degree of the sun. Meditate on the name, the formula, and when
that has been mastered, it is time to do the same with the moon, and so on.

The order of planets for meditation is: All planets on the left side of this list are
Magnetic-Receptive . All planets on the right side are Electric-Creative.

This is the level of the Atman – oversoul. The moon is the receptive expression of Universal
Consciousness The Sun is the creative expression of Universal Consciousness.

Divine Love
Pluto is both magnetic and electric.
This is the path of the soul.

Venus is receptive love and Mars is creative love. Both express on a personality level.

[Divine Wisdom}
Neptune is both magnetic and electric.
It is the path of religion and spirituality.

Mercury is receptive wisdom and Jupiter is creative wisdom.
Both express on a personality level.

[Divine Will-Power]
Uranus is both electric and magnetic.
Uranus is the kundalini, or instinctive life force energy.

Saturn is receptive will and Earth is creative will.
Both express on a personality level.

South node of the moon………..North node of the moon

The south node represents your status at beginning of this incarnation and the north node
represents the final goal.

Rising Sign-Ascendant - Represents path of accomplishment

Chiron - Represents the wounding of the soul that causes the personality to seek enlightenment
in order to heal. All other planets and points

Transpluto planets* apply to the person who has matured to the stage of having consciously
entered upon the path of enlightenment and service . This would apply to almost anyone reading
these messages.

*[Software can be obtained from Astrolabe .Tel.: USA

[508] 896-5081*Fax: [508]896-5289 ] Future angel
messages will have interpretations for these planets beyond Pluto.



For those of you who are using the color and grid locator technique for mental and emotional
wandering as taught in 27 Aquarius, the Angels of Ebaron message; please be sure to use only
very pure spiritual color backgrounds and beautiful overlaying patterns and shapes. Also learn
and understand The Law of One for your own protection.
It is almost inevitable that some people, out of curiosity, will be tempted to use a color and grid
combination that is not a high vibration. I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of not
giving into this type of curiosity.
It would be similar to jumping into a pool of alligators.

A low vibration color and grid goes to a destination of low consciousness. Sometimes the beings
of such a place are very selfish, greedy, and dangerous. They may also be extremely ancient,
INTELLIGENT, skilled, and powerful.
If you come into the aura of such a being, you are in no danger as long as you do not believe they
can control you.
However, they can be hypnotic and very convincing, playing on your subconscious fears.
If for any reason this were to happen, the way out is to leave quickly using the Law of One and
the help of Christ or the angels of Ebaron, or your personal guardian angels.

Invoke the Law of One and break free. Leave immediately.

Remember the way to leave is by intention. This means that you must use mental willpower to
take your mind off of whatever is going on and put it fully to the intention of coming back. You
will come back instantly and effortlessly.
This works the same way an intention works with picking up a glass of water. Once you make the
decision to do it, the arm automatically picks up the glass. It just does it effortlessly.

In any situation anywhere, the Law of One is your most effective and highest prayer, protection,
and truth. Use this law in all situations with complete confidence. This is the Law of Laws in all
universes and all times. It is written in the DNA of all beings that exist. It overrides all other laws.
All beings embrace this law, because they understand it and because it asks for their highest good
along with the highest good of all others.

1st day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Tides
Also known as The Angels of 'Ebvap'


We have been given the responsibility by Divine Providence to control the tides of earth. When
the children of God call on us for our help, we teach them about the use of strong will and intent
in combination with strong feelings in healing the emotional reality of earth.

We particularly attune the child of God to the use of the Sacred Dream, which is the blueprint for
perfection on the Earth. This blueprint for perfection is the Prime Will of Earth.

This is the prime Will for bringing about a perfect kingdom of pristine beauty and harmony as a
home for all living creatures.
By combining this WILL of the Earth, which is the electric-masculine force, with the FEELINGS
of the Sacred Dream of the Moon, which is the magnetic-feminine force, miracles are created.
Just like the miracles of the tides, The FEELINGS OF THE SACRED DREAM OF THE MOON are
that of perfect
power, rhythm, harmony, and cycles of flow in the emotional life of all of the children of God and
of all sentient creatures. By studying the tides, and feeling their healing effects, perfect
understanding of this is
attained. By studying the scientific effects of the tides, the influence of this type of emotional life
on the well-being of the physical bodies of the children of God and on the creatures of the world
is understood.


E - We use cosmic and universal transference of consciousness

B - to produce miraculous phenomena, to change the course of fate, and to teach the children of
God the

control of will and feeling in all planes.

V - We mentor masters to control the unfolding of spiritual qualities in self and others.

A - We teach seekers to apply wisdom and truth of the enlightened mind to develop magical
abilities like clairvoyance, mental discipline, the language of symbols, and mind control.

P - We instill devotion to service and to sacredness. We inspire the perception of beauty from the
universal perspective as harmony and the cultivation of unconditional parental love, which
provides an umbrella of
protection and nurturance to promote creativity.

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of D, A, F sharp, G, and B.

We inspire perfect use of SACRED WILL and SACRED FEELING in the meditation of the divine
virtues so that all things are possible.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."


2nd day of the 28 day moon cycle

The Angels of Biorhythms
Also known as The Angels of 'Emtircheyud'

We are responsible for controlling the feelings that govern the manifestation of all biorhythms in
the physical world.
We are the teachers of biorhythm and periodicity and their use for healing and mystical

We help the children of God to understand that the nine months of a woman's pregnancy is
related to the mystical meaning of the number nine, which is graphically symbolized by three
equilateral triangles interlacing one another. Nine, the highest number, is the number of feelings
and of the moon. We are the controllers of cycles of menstruation, polarity, and periodicity.

Now that Divine Providence has ordained the healing of the emotional awareness of the children
of God so that heaven can manifest on earth, we are especially active in bringing forth the
understanding of these
natural feeling cycles and their corresponding physical manifestations in body functions. The
prophets foretold that when the Divine Masculine Force of Will, the electric power, was perfectly
united with the Divine Feminine Force of Feeling, the magnetic power, that bliss would return to

With enlightenment concerning the importance and cyclic nature of feelings, the day to day
traditions and lifestyle of cultures make use of the power of feelings that create biorhythms and
periodicity. Living in conscious alignment with these feeling states creates security, rejuvenation ,
and creativity which allows the human body to take on a state of immortality, ecstasy, and bliss.

Because feelings, the Divine Feminine Force, has been held in such fear and superstition, it is
only now that the children of God have found a way to accept and understand them. It is only as
feelings are embraced with unconditional all emcompassing love and acceptance that the practice
of suppressing, controlling,denying, medicating, and destructively acting out is being replaced.
We are teaching the children of God to allow feelings to flow naturally and safely into a healed
and ecstatic state.That is why it was spoken, "And the last enemy to be overcome is death."


E - We unite ordinary with cosmic consciousness.

M - As masters of feelings and vitality, we specialize in emotional vicissitudes and rhythm.

T - We have mastered all the elements and can awaken remarkable inventive ability and expand
memory capacity.

I - We can trigger any memory and teach practices with brath and how to bring what is dead back
to life.

R - We awaken ingeuity and we facilitate quick learning ability.

Ch - We understand and control the rhythms of life on earth , especially the water element and
the flow of feelings and will.
E - We confer intuition, which is learning to flow with the universal transfer of consciousness.

Y - We reveal the true origin of the rhythm of life and teach the law of evolution from the onset of
creation to its perfection, which is "the alpha and the omega", the beginning and the end.

U - We teach how to trace and understand the original source of everything that exists through
all of its form, which means that we teach the original source of everything on the four levels of
will, intellect, feeling and form.

D - We know all mysteries of creation.

The music of the letters of our name are the notes of D, D, F, G, C, F sharp, D, C sharp, B, and C.


Day 3 of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Happiness
Also known as The Angels of 'Ezhesekis'

We instruct the children of God to powerfully feel the presence of the indwelling consciousness
of God in all things.

We heighten attunement to the desire of Divine Providence for "Heaven on Earth" to manifest in
and for all created beings.

We align the feelings of each child of God with the feelings of Divine Consciousness.

We heighten in each moment, with each situation, intuitive cognition and feelings that manifest
happiness in every situation for every being involved.


E - The consciousness of God is in everything that has ever been created.

Z - The highest form of intuition and intellectual cognition flows from this consciousness that is
already present in everything.

H - We confer the highest clairvoyance in understanding the work of Divine Providence in


We confer E - The highest form of intuition in which there is no consciousness of time and space.

S - We inspire the children of God to maintain unbroken and steady focus on the feelings and
object of their will, the will that has been inspired by Divine Providence.

E - We confer such an intense feeling of this will, that all beings, including animals, are
controlled by it.

K - This feeling is so powerful and at one with the divine virtues, that a child of God literally
becomes one with God in feeling.

I - Perfect mastery of cause and effect is thus obtained over everything in the physical world,
through the understanding of analogy, the "as above, so below".

S - Power over the consciousness of all beings is perfected for the highest good of all concerned.

During this time of healing emotions so that heaven can manifest on earth, we are working
powerfully with each child of God to feel the indwelling perfection of every being ever created. At
the same time, we are
enabling each one to feel the powerful will of Divine Providence for all beings to be happy and
successful. These feelings create the magnetic energy required to attract the perfect outcome in
every situation.


The 4th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Protection
Also known as The Angels of 'Emvatibe'

When a pebble is dropped in the water, ripples spread out and out to the furthest shore.
In the realm of feelings, the same effect occurs. A feeling spreads out and out through the unified
field of energy, collecting more energy of its kind through the law of magnetic attraction. That is
why all but four of the 28 angel groups of the Moon Sphere have names that begin with the letter
E, which represents the omnipresence of God. The letter E is of the Akashic element, which is

Whenever a hostile or negative feeling is sent out upon the waters of life, these vibrations are
sensed by the angels of 'Emvatibe', who immediately take remedial action to protect those who
are the targets for harmful actions resulting from these negative feelings.

A person who is the target of negative feelings is warned, and appropriate meditations of the
divine virtues is inspired. The Angels of 'Emvatibe' empower these meditations so greatly, that
literal miracles transpire.
Evil plots and actions are stopped immediately.

If a child of God is sending out tremendous amounts of negative feeling energy, the Angels of
'Emvatibe' are sometimes instructed by Divine Providence to terminate the physical incarnation
of that person, or to
inspire this ability in another child of God, in order to reduce the amount of damage to all

"As you sow, so shall ye reap."


E - We help a child of God control the consciousness of self and others, giving the ability to hear
other beings and understand their intent and their coming actions.

M - We teach how to penetrate into the life experiences, feelings, sensations, vitality of anyone,
how to study and master them, and to foresee changes in behaviour.

V - We differentiate the lasting from the ephemeral and reveal how to recognize any kind of
deception by others and how to gain control of change processes in the physical world.

A - We teach mystical abilities like clairvoyance, control of thought processes, command of

storms, etc.
T - We confer the ability to put into practice many mystical abilities to master the elements and
apply laws of analogy in practice.

I - We empower a child of God to control vitality by means of breath and literally master the
principle of life. This is the understanding of how to connect body and soul with vitality

B - and become master of life and death, with power to change any fate according to impeccable
adherence to the highest good of all concerned, the Law of One.

E - We unite ordinary consciousness with cosmic consciousness to make the children of God
experience the omnipresence at will.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are D, D, G, G, F, G, A, and D.

The feeling of real safety is required for a child of God to live in a state of childlike trust and

"Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven."

Divine Providence has entrusted us with the absolute protection of every child of God. We do this
through the realm of feelings, and we teach each child of God not only how to invoke our
assistance, but also how to become one with consciousness and feelings of God whose
consciousness is everywhere. Feelings are the magnetic force, and have the power to attract
whatever is needed for the highest good of all concerned.

" and the lion shall lay down with the lamb".


The 5th Day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Sympathy and Assistance
Also known as The Angels of 'Amzhere'

It has been spoken that "God is love". Behind the appearance of the many is the one, the unified
field of energy or consciousness, which forms the web of life and the body of the Divine Creator.

Will and Love together is the electro-magnetic sustaining lifeforce between the unified field and
the singularity.

As singularities grow strings of love and harmonious will with other singularities, the energy
manifests in perfect symmetrical designs within the web of life. This is the source of mandala
-like patterns, such as
found in snowflakes, that reflect the perfection of Divine Consciousness.
Feelings of love and harmonious intent form these beautiful patterns. These patterns create
vortexes of magnetism which attract abundant life.

Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to strengthen the love-will, electro- magnetic
bonds between the children of God so that harmonious co-operation flows and beautiful patterns
form in the web of life.

Whenever someone desires or needs the help and assistance of another person, we delicately
attune their feelings so that even the hardest of hearts melt, and assistance is offered.


A - We tap the high intelligence of the enlightened mind expressed as eloquence , clairvoyance
and mystical abilities.

M - We help the children of God to master feelings and sensations in order to conrol the process
of interpersonal influence.

Z - We help you express yourself verbally, articulately, clearly, and powerfully with a cheerful
good humor to elevate people's moods.

H - We inspire you to easiy grasp all languages, symbols, and meanings of everyone and easily be
understood by them.

E - We evoke highest intuition and universal transferrance of consciousness, influencing the

emotions of other people. We help you to foresee past, present and future.

R - We help awaken tremendous ingenuity as long as it is used for impeccable service.

E - We bring attunement to cosmic consciousness to the ability to intuitively understand others.


The 6th Day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Sexual Attraction
Also known as The Angels of 'Enchede'

Beloved, the creative feelings of the moon enable the propagation, maturity, and decay of life
according to perfect rhythms and cycles.

It is during the 6th day of each moon cycle that the sexual energy of kundalini, or life force, is
heightened on a feeling, or magnetic, level throughout all kingdoms of life.

Whenever a child of God wishes to arouse feelings of sexual attraction for the purpose of
happiness and the highest good of all concerned, and calls on us, we respond bringing clarity and

We give instructions in infusing the feelings of sexual attraction into jewelry, such as rings of
endearment, and into other objects.
We help with the areas of love, sympathy, popularity, and sexual attractiveness.


E - The omnipresence of Divine Consciousness on all levels in all beings

N - supports the manifestation of supreme happiness, delight, satisfaction, and bliss

Ch - and clarity

E - in and between all beings.

C - The spiritualization of feelings and form

E - for the happiness of all beings is our intent.

It is the will of Divine Providence that the spiritual use of sexual energy for the purpose of
creating supreme happiness in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned, be understood
and mastered by all of the
children of God.

The magnetic attractive power of sexual energy used in this way anchors the feelings of ecstasy
and bliss to earth, and attracts conditions of health, success, and happiness for all life.


7th Day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Success
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Emrudue'

Divine Providence has ordained that the children of God understand and master the magnetic
energy of feelings for the purpose of manifesting heaven on earth.
EVERY GOOD THING AND SITUATION is obtainable through the magnetic attracting power of
positive feelings, combined with clear intent and will.
When a child of God has negative and perplexing feelings, we help them to embrace these
feelings in a way that allows healing to occur, so that powerful,happy, positive feelings evolve out
of them. The magnetic
attracting power of loving, happy, safe, secure, grateful, and wonderful feelings combined with
will for, and visual imagery of, desired situations and objects, allows the succesfull manifestation
of every good situation and thing.
"On earth as it is in heaven."
Divine Providence has given us the responsibility of helping each child of God with their feelings,
concerning the manifesting of success and good fortune in life.
In the Law of One, which is the Law of Laws, it is written, "When one is helped, all are helped."
Upon the web of life, when any being is blessed with the feelings of good fortune and success, the
entire ocean of magnetic energy is uplifted and revivified for all.
Meditate on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and call on our help to
gain the following:


E - We infuse cosmic consciousness into the physical world. We help the children of God by
conferring clairsentience and the ability to transfer consciousness.

M - We teach how the law of flowing and changing emotions are the foundation of the laws of
change and therefore we teach how to call forth the flow of beautiful music.

R - We teach how to stay free, independent, and mentally perfect.

U - We help to attune to the creative source of everything in form, and thus learn how to evoke
great intuition, inspiration, and trance states.

D - We bring forth moon magic, which is the mystical magnetism of feeling states. These are
states of love that are necessary in order to fulfill earthly desires, make initiatives productive, and
create new realities.

U - We help the children of God understand and apply secret principles of higher truth, and
mystical insights about feelings in order to help manifest the heart's desire.

E - We reveal profound mysteries of feeling and will so that the ability to materialize and
dematerialize any situation, object or vision is mastered.

The musical notes of the divine virtues of the letters of our name are D, D, C, B, C, B, and D.
"As above, so below."
The true and natural state for earth is to reflect the perfection, beauty, and harmony of heaven.
On the seventh day of every twenty eight day moon cycle, we infuse all sentient beings upon the
earth with feelings of their rightful inheritance from Divine Providence.


8th Day of Lunar Cycle

The Moon Angels of Politics

Angels of 'E-N-E-Y-E’

We assist all diplomats and politicians who espouse high ideals of peace, truth, and justice. We
are angels of peace.
We oversee all political and diplomatic events. With our help a diplomat or politician 'can win
any fight, any war, no matter how it is to be carried out'.
We teach this through the mastery of feelings, teaching mastery over the magnetic power of
By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and calling on our
help, the following is gained:


E - We teach the perception of past , present, and future events.

N - We inspire the drive for self-preservation, and the enjoyment of a state of absolute freedom
and independence of feeling.

E - We confer the understanding of the language of everyone and of all animals.

Y - We teach the children of God to know through feeling how to prophecy accurately and know
the fate of any person, being, or creature.

E - We teach perfect control over the feelings of all people, beings, and animals.

On the 8th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with feelings of peace, truth, and
justice, so that conflicts are resolved in a diplomatic way and heaven manifests on earth.


9th Day of Lunar Cycle

The Moon Angels of Psychosomatic Healing
Angels of 'E-M-Z-H-E-B-Y-P'

When a person is overwhelmed with negative feelings, the physical body reacts with alarm and
alert, or sadness and depression. If these negative feeling states are prolonged, various diseases
often result. In the instance of alarm, the stress wears down various body systems.
In the instance of depression, the body receives information that life is not worth living and the
immune system shuts down accordingly.
In the ocean of feelings, which is the realm of magnetic energy called 'the astral plane',
negative and positive feelings attract negative and positive astral spirits respectively.
Over time, negative feelings attract even more negative feelings through the law of attraction.
When a child of God experiences enough negative emotional energy over long enough time, or
with strong enough passion, a negative magnetic spirit often attaches itself to that person.
Some of these spirits are very powerful. This is often the cause of states of obsession, hysteria,
lunacy, St. Vitus's Dance, menstruation difficulties and the like.
A child of God removes a negative spirit from themselves or another with our help, by using the
Law of One, and/or through the power of the word in the meditations of the ancient language.
The Law of One
"We are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
and I am one with all masters, saints,
and prophets, all beings, and with the Christ;
I ask that only that which is the
Happen here.
I give thanks that this is being done.
So be it.
The recovering person now goes through a process of emotional healing to recover from a
previous traumatic event that originally created the alarm or depression. This is done through
remembering the original wounding event and reliving the memory of it over and over in a safe
and non-destructive way.
Feelings are like water.
When they are bottled up and kept from flowing, they stagnate and become poisonous in the
When they are allowed to flow in a safe and non-destructive way, they cleanse themselves and
become pure and life-giving once again.
In the cleansing and healing process, new insights about the original wounding are remembered,
and a person moves out of victimhood and gains a broader understanding of why the event
happened from the viewpoint of the higher self.
The original negative ideas and beliefs about the nature of reality that result from emotional
trauma are changed, becoming positive and life affirming once again.
At night during dreaming, the eyes move back and forth.
This is called REM, or Rapid Eye Movement.
REM shifts emotional energy back and forth between the two hemispheres of the brain and the
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
This allows emotional energy in the dream to process and heal itself on all four levels of
When a person is recalling and reliving a memory of an emotional trauma, and feeling the
original feelings as they come up in the process, it is wise to shift the eyes back and forth exactly
the same way as in
The most important principles to remember in healing emotions are:
Recall and relive only one memory at a time.
Choose the memory that is the most painful.
had a snapshot of the event.
Write down a description of this snapshot.
Remember and relive the memory completely from beginning to end.
Do this a number of times, reliving the memory from beginning to end.
Do this as long as it takes to bring up all the feelings.
Commit to stay with the remembering and feeling process for as long as it takes in order to
obtain healing insights into the circumstances of the wounding event. This takes discipline.
Always, at some point in the healing process, there is a strong, powerful urge to "bolt" and walk
away from the painful feelings.
Usually this happens just prior to the stage when the most intense healing is about to occur.
Use REM movement in order to help the brain process the powerful emotional energies.
The speed of eye movement is optional, whatever is comfortable.
As you feel strong feelings, move the eyes back and forth.
The eyes can be open or closed.
Emotional traumas, especially when they occur at a young age, cause a person to form negative
beliefs about themselves and the nature of reality. In reliving a memory of a painful trauma,
insights occur which free a person from these negative beliefs.
When enough of these insights have occurred to shed a new positive light on the memory,
Merge the two snapshots together and WATCH CAREFULLY WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM
This final image is the resolution image that replaces the original picture in the memory of the
wounding event. Since memories are made up of only pictures, thoughts, and feelings, and all of
these have now changed, the memory is changed forever. Whenever this event is remembered in
the future, it will be remembered as the resolution image, with the new insights, and changed
This is a natural process that must be experienced in order to understand the power of it.
Each person has a finite number of individual traumas that must be healed, and in time, using
this process, a person's original bliss and innocence is regained.
"Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of God."
By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters in our name, and calling on our
help, the following benefits are gained:


E - We teach the perception of past, present, and future events,

M - and the pure experience of feelings and magnetism.
Z - We help with the artistic expression of feelings and ideas.
H - We teach the children of God to have control over the fate of any being,
E - We evoke highest intuition and universal transference of consciousness, influencing the
emotions of other people. We help you to foresee past, present and future.
B - and help with the understanding of polarity, the plus and the minus, and the necessity for the
existence of polarity.
Y - We teach how to know the fate of any being,
P - and the longing for spiritual perfection, beauty, and harmony.

Whenever a child of God sets about the task of healing emotions, we come along with many
orders of angels to give help and inspiration.
Emotions are the precursor of materialization, so each child of God, in order to outpicture
perfect health and immortality, must be filled with joy.
"I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy and life everlasting."
Every 9th day of each 28-day moon cycle, the Moon Angels of Psychosomatic Healing radiate
and knowledge that encourage the cure of illnesses caused by harmful effects of negative
In a blissful state, the physical body is perfectly capable of remaining free of disease and the
effects of aging. Each child of God longs to feel bliss, and instinctively knows that this is their
natural emotional state.
On the 9th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with feelings of the importance of
maintaining happiness for the purpose of manifesting health.
"On earth as it is in heaven."


10th Day of Lunar Cycle

The Moon Angels of Pregnancy & Childbirth
Angels of 'E-M-N-Y-M-A-R'

We control feelings during the pregnancy period and birth of the children of God.
We work in conjunction with relevant angels of the earth sphere during this time.
All gynecologists, midwives and their assistants are under our protection and influence.
By creating powerful feeling states of happiness and security, a painless birth is possible. We also
inspire, through feeling, when to have intercourse in order to produce a child of a certain sex.
Anyone can call on us for success in healing any disease. Diseases are cured through replacing
negative feeling states with feelings of supreme happiness, contentment, and security; attuning
to natural rhythm and cycles.
Beautiful emotions and natural rhythms stimulate the immune and glandular systems, working
miracles. Mystics teach that venereal disease can be cured in this manner.
Meditate on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and call on our help, to
receive the following benefits:


E - We teach the children of God how to control feelings in self and others.
M - We inspire each child of God to attain complete mastery of feelings
N - and the drive for self-preservation and freedom from negative feelings of others.
Y - We give prophetic knowing of the fate of any being through strong feeling.
M - The mastery of feelings and

A - the gifts of the spirit, such as the art of clairvoyance, clairaudience, levitation, etc.,
R - combines with ingenuity that is brought about by feeling the will of Divine Providence.

On the tenth day of every 28-day Moon Cycle, we radiate into the feeling state of all beings the
innate knowledge of the importance of love, peace, safety, bliss, and happiness on pregnant
mothers and their developing offspring.
The peace and happiness of Mother and Child secures a strong connection with Divine
Consciousness and the Divine Virtues that remains throughout the entire life of both.


The 11th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Mystical Influence
Also known as The Angels of 'Ebvep'

When Divine Providence ordains that it is necessary for a child of God to impress others in order
to gain respect, we bring about powerful and mystical phenomena. These phenomena create fear
and trembling in non-initiates who witness them.

Similar to Moses, who was able to manifest a snake out of his wooden walking stick in order to
impress Pharaoh enough to "let his people go", so too there are times in the life of each child of
God who is treading the path of perfection when measures of a magical nature must be taken in
order to gain the necessary respect of others.
Just as there are physical beings who inhabit the physical world, so are there emotional beings
who inhabit the feeling world, intellectual beings who inhabit the mental world, and beings of
intent who inhabit the world of will. The Angels of the Moon Sphere control the feeling world
and all beings of the feeling world.

The more powerful of these beings of the feeling world are capable of creating powerful magnetic
feeling states that result in amazing and magical changes in matter.

These beings are assigned to help the children of God who must impress others in order to gain
respect when it is for the highest good of all concerned under the approval of Divine Providence.

We teach those who contact us to manifest changes themselves through powerful feeling states
and through the transference of these to others.

Emotion is the magnetic power that changes matter and also changes the psycho-active chemical
make-up of everyone involved. Emotion is combined with concentration on an idea or visual
image with the intent to manifest it.


E - We unite normal consciousness with cosmic, universal consciousness.

B - As masters of life and death, with the power to change fate, we teach wisdom about polarity
and perception of universal life. Universal life indwells everything.

V - We awaken magical powers, like clairsentience and the ability to concentrate.

E - We confer high intuition, abilities to control the emotions of others, and and the ability to
intensify any idea, image, etc. into physical creation.

P - We inspire devoted humble service and longing for purification, in order to see the beauty of
God and be empowered to birth new realities at will.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are D, A, G, D, and B.


The 12th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Marriage and True Love
Also known as The Angels of 'Emkebpe'

We promote peace and happiness in marriage, and bring good luck, love and sympathy to any
desired situation through the transmuting power of real love.

The transmuting power of real love is the strongest magnetic force there is. It attracts spiritual
perfection and the understanding and mastery of polarity.

True love is all encompassing and unconditional. In the presence of this type of love, all other
feelings that are present are sympathetically accepted and understood. With this loving
acceptance, every emotion of whatever kind is transmuted into peace and harmony.


E - The control and transmutation of feelings comes by allowing the feelings of self and others to
flow in an
atmosphere of all encompassing and unconditional love. When this is done, control over the
feelings of all beings is possible.

M - Feelings cleanse and purify themselves naturally by flowing in an atmosphere of acceptance

and love, they do this to reflect the perfection of Divine Consciousness and birth heaven on
earth. By mastering feelings, mastery over all physical creation is gained.

K - Great courage, persistence, and desire for self-preservation is required of each child of God
mastering the feeling world.

E - By lovingly attuning to the feelings of all beings, all beings can be understood.

B - By attuning to the feelings of all beings, a child of God understands the necessity for polarity.

P - The longing for absolute beauty and harmony, for purification and the transformation of
one's character, is necessary in order to attract spiritual perfection.

E - This longing for spiritual perfection calls forth the self-discipline needed to master feelings in
self and others.


The 13th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Emotional Immortality
Also known as The Angels of 'Emcheba'

It was written that "The last enemy to be overcome is death."

Emotions are the magnetic force that, through the law of attraction, is the precursor of reality on
the physical plane.
Emotions that create the love and desire for life attract corresponding anti-aging results in the
physical body of a child of God.

Because a child of God, in day to day life, must embrace negative emotions for the purpose of
transmuting and healing them with all encompassing, unconditional love, we teach ways in
which the power of positive emotions on the physical body can be held constantly with an
unbroken energy field of enforcement in order to create immortality.

We do this by teaching each child of God to create and imagine a visual image of their physical
body in perfect health, youth, and beauty. This image in thought is created both on an
intellectual level and a feeling level. In ancient times this image was often symbolized on a
physical level in the form of a talisman.

The visualized mental image of the body in perfect health, youth, and beauty is visualized on a
day to day basis, and is filled and enlivened by feeling wonderful life-enhancing emotions that
signal the desire to live. This creates a constant and permanent magnet of emotional energy that
is constantly in force and affects the physical body in a positive manner.

Doing this creates a physical "memory" of feeling, an emotional software program that is used to
"run in the
background". It maintains a constant flow of positive feeling energy that is used by the body to
maintain a
positive chemical stasis regardless of whatever other emotional "programs" are running in the

"Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter he kingdom of heaven."

Do the following: Each morning say to yourself, "I am the Divine Infant, ever young, ever
beautiful, ever perfect."
Remember that the physical body is mostly water, which is malleable and responds to emotion.
Create the feeling of being a Divine Child, ever young and ever perfect. Each time a negative
emotion or belief creates the reality of aging, tiredness, and not wanting to live, remember the
image of yourself as a Divine Infant, perhaps 16 years old, ever young, ever beautiful, ever

Train yourself to remember this frequently. Imagine, feel, sense, and intellectually grasp your
image of yourself as the Divine Infant, ever young, ever beautiful, ever perfect.

Over time, and according to the power of your emotion, your image of perfect youth, vitality,
beauty, and health takes on a powerful life. By constantly reinforcing it through repetition, it
becomes stronger and stronger. The body identifies with it and the glands create the chemicals
necessary to retain youth and good health. The intelligence of the body, in creating new cells,
forms the body to become ever more beautiful.


E - Divine Intelligence, which has infinite power, dwells within all of creation, large and small.

M - The magnetic power of feeling attracts realities into physical manifestation.

Ch - Constantly creating a clearly defined mental image of a perfect, divine, youthful, and
beautiful physical body

E - allows indwelling Divine intelligence to constantly feel like the Divine Infant, ever young, ever
beautiful, ever perfect.

B - This attracts the manifestation of the polarity of immortality instead of death and manifests
this on the
physical level.

A - Clairvoyant communication between the image of Physical perfection, health, and youth and
the indwelling intelligence of the physical body is maintained.

Everything in creation was created beautiful, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy. The
children of God are the crown of creation, and it is the will of Divine Providence for them to be
the most beautiful of all.



The Angels of Moon Magic
Also known as The Angels of 'Ezhobar'

When emotions are running at full power, magnetic attraction is at its peak. Magnetic attraction
causes changes in matter. This is the basis of manifesting miracles in the physical world.

Polarity is a fact of creation on all levels and emotions have polarity. By mastering polarity of
emotions, all things are possible, including levitation of self, others, and objects.The key is a
whole brain concentration on the four levels of being, simultaneously, while feeling powerful

The level of Delta brainwaves allows a person to feel oneness with the unified field of energy,
oneness with
Divine Consciousness and with all life. At the end of the spectrum of Delta brainwaves, INTENT
or WILL is
generated for manifesting a divine virtue for the benefit of the unified field. This is the level of
electrical energy. The stronger the WILL, the larger will be the mold that is created on the next

At the level of Theta brainwaves, a person contemplates the MEANING of the divine virtue that
is being generated.
Clear and precise intellectual understanding of the divine virtue creates a blueprint, or mold that
will be filled on the next level with magnetic energy.

The next level, Alpha brainwaves, is the level of EMOTION. Strength of EMOTION determines
strength of the magnetic power generated to fill the mold that was created on the previous level.
When the mold, or blueprint is filled, it manifests on the next level, which is the level of form or

During a full moon, a person can align his/her strongest emotions with the most powerful
emotional energy of the Unified Field with great ease, and piggyback personal feeling energy with
Divine Feeling Energy. In this way, the most amazing manifestations in magnetic and physical
creation are mastered.


E - We infuse cosmic consciousness and awaken talents and abilities, especially clairvoyance, and
help you understand symbols and the ancient language of Quaballah.

Z - We impart an excellent gift for prophecy, and the ability to see the working of magic in the
physical world.

H - We teach all languages of all spheres, and confer power to raise the dead, and perform
miracles using the power of the word according to the meditations of the ancient language.

O - We help you attain acute power of judgment, especially regarding justice and fate.

B - We initiate masters over life and death and the power to change fate. We also gift magic
powers and teach the need for the existence of polarity.

A - We aid development of artistic talents, eloquence, and magic powers like levitation and
learning the language of symbols.

R - We cause mind expansion in order to learn new information quickly and easily. We impart
ingenuity that
manifests itself in a number of abilities.
The cycles of the moon are the natural cycles and rhythms of the sea of magnetic energy, the sea
of the emotions of the universe. By consciously aligning personal emotions with moon cycles, a
state of almost indescribable bliss and well being can be maintained on an on-going basis.

Periods of quietness at the dark of the moon gives birth to new feelings which grow gracefully
into periods of intense excitement and completion at the full of the moon. The period of
passionate completion of the full moon then gradually relaxes into satisfaction and serenity at
the end of the cycle, at the dark of the moon, again.

The 28 day cycle of the moon, the dark of the moon waxing to the full moon and the waning back
again to the dark of the moon, carefully guide the emotional sea of magnetic energy for all
creation, according to impeccable rhythms of harmony and life.


The 15th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Divine Virtues
Also known as The Angels of 'Emnepe'

Our purpose is to teach the children of God how to relate everyday feelings to the feelings of
original Divine Virtues in Universal Consciousness. In doing this, feelings become their most
pure and powerful. This is necessary in order for anyone to manifest miracles.

Suppose you have a feeling of contentment and happiness.

The feeling of contentment and security relates directly to the virtue of Supreme Happiness,
which is represented by the letter N in the ancient language. By meditating on this virtue in its
original form in Universal Consciousness, the feeling of contentment and security grows and
grows until it becomes infinitely more powerful and sweeping in intensity and magnetism. The
power and intensity is now
strong enough to attract great changes in the material world.

A meditation on Supreme Happiness, according to the ancient language, would look like this:
Imagine yourself as a small dot in your solar plexus. Imagine that your body is a vast swirling
universe all around you. Now imagine that out of the area of your liver, a deep red light is shining
that fills the entire body and creates a feeling of supreme happiness. Imagine a sensation of
refreshing coolness and hear angel choirs singing the note of A. Take as much time on this
meditation as is necessary to become completely infused with the feeling of Supreme Happiness.

The longing for spiritual growth requires that all feelings be brought into a state of perfection
that vibrates in
sympathetic resonance with their original Divine Virtues in Universal Consciousness.

When a child of God has negative feelings, the feelings can heal and become positive by allowing
them to flow safely and non-destructively in an atmosphere of all encompassing and
unconditional love. Feelings, like water, change and cleanse themselves through flowing.

The process of allowing the feelings to flow in a non self-critical and non-destructive atmosphere
not only heals the feelings, it also promotes insights into the conditions that caused the
unhappiness and negativity in the first place.
As the feelings flow and heal, and the insights come, the resulting positive feelings can then taken
up into a state of meditation to relate them to original feelings of divine virtues in Universal

In this manner, newly healed feelings are attuned to Universal Feelings and become very
powerful and
magnetic. This feeling energy attracts and manifests the solutions that were discovered in the
process of healing.


E - Universal Consciousness is everywhere and exists in all things. Universal Consciousness has
will, intellect, and feeling. We teach the ability to unite individual consciousness with Universal

M - Feelings are the magnetic power that shape physical reality, and feelings control change. We
teach a child of God to attune individual feelings to Universal feelings.

N - By attuning to the virtue of supreme happiness, the feeling for self-preservation becomes so
strong that a child of God remains free and independent of all other influences in order to feel
whatever they chose.

E - In attuning to Universal Consciousness, a person goes into a state of high intuition. In this
state there exists no sense of time and space. Divinity in its highest form speaks in this manner.

P - The longing for purification and transformation of one's character drives a person to attune
their feelings to the feelings of Universal Consciousness on an on-going basis.

E - By feeling Divine Consciousness in everything, control over one's own feelings and the
feelings of others is attained.


The 16th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Protection
Also known as The Angels of 'Echotasa'

We teach the children of God how to control the negative beings of the feeling world through the
power of
unconditional all-encompassing love and the Law of One.
"God's love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and the bad alike."

All beings, both positive and negative are loved equally by the Creator. We teach how to remain
in a state of love, instead of fear, and thereby gain control over all beings.

The Law of One is the original law of creation, and all other laws come from it. It overrides all
lessor laws and it is encoded in the life force of every created being.

True dominion over creation is the birthright of the children of God. Nowhere is this more clearly
demonstrated than when negative beings of the feeling realm are commanded with the Law of

When a child of God chooses love instead of fear in relating to negative beings of the feeling
world, the utterance of the Law of One brings about instantaneous changes in the Web of Life so
that no one is hurt and all are helped.
"Judge not."
"Love conquers all."

"The Law of One We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are
helped. Therefore, in the name of Who I AM; and I am one with all beings, and with the masters,
saints, and prophets. I AM one with God, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient; I ask that
thanks that this is done. So be it. Amen."

When this law is spoken out loud or even in the silence, remembrance is sudden and swift in all
beings, negative and positive. This law activates Universal Consciousness itself, and all the
powers act together to bring about the highest good of all.


E - Universal Consciousness exists in all beings throughout all time and all space and beyond all
time and
all space.

Ch - We teach the children of God to remove all obscurity and see beyond all polarity so that the
ONE BEING is perceived through outward appearances. We teach the secret of life force, which is
emotion, and the secret of rhythm by which the dead can be brought back to life and the living
can be brought to decay.

O - We inspire poise that is brought about by unimpeachable judgment and oneness with the
virtue of
justice, and the ability to bring about any situation on any level.

T - We teach the child of God, through true communion with Divine Consciousness, how to
control feelings to such an extent that both mastery over all the elements and any miracle is

A - We inspire occult faculties, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, and mastery over the
spirits of the air.

S - Through feeling the virtue of all-penetrating-power, true clairvoyance and the gift of
prophecy is attained.

A - We confer mastery over the language of symbols and its command and power.


The 17th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Protection
Also known as The Angels of 'Emzhom'

Beloved, When danger is real, the adrenal glands produce chemicals that enter the bloodstream
and enable the body to perform miraculous feats of survival. By taking this heightened state of
energy and directing it to the feelings of the divine virtues, a child of God can avert any disaster.

By mastering the steps of emotional consciousness of the first sixteen days of the 28 day moon
cycle, at this 17th day a child of God is capable of producing an unstoppable force for magnetic
attraction of any reality.

Feelings are the magnetic force that attract change in physical reality. It is the will of Divine
Providence that
heaven manifests on earth.

We encourage the children of God to meditate on the virtues of our name on the regular basis of
every 17th day of the 28 day moon cycle. Then, if any being, person, or thing uses their free will
with the intention to harm them at any time, the individual will and feelings of the intended
victim can become one with the will and feelings of Divine Providence, and immediate relief is
brought about. This skill can never be misused, and it is for the mature person only to use, and
then only in real and immediate danger.

We teach the particular meditations by which ' any enemy can be destroyed at once, thieves are
checked on their escape, attackers are rendered stiff and lifeless at an instant.'

'Further, the most furious beast rendered harmless, whether in the air, on land or in the water.'


E - We teach control of the feelings of all other beings, through mastery of the divine virtue of

M - We teach the power of feelings, and thereby the mastery of magnetism.

Z - We teach how to immediately transfer ideas to others.

H - We inspire the children of God with the correct divine virtues to invoke and meditate on in
any situation. We do this to those who are familiar with the divine virtues through prior
meditations with the letters and divine virtues of the ancient language.

O - We teach how to always feel contentment and poise, through perfect attunement with Divine

M....We inspire the children of God to develop their feelings so powerfully, that complete mastery
over change in the feeling and material world is successfully attained.

In times of real and immediate danger, we inspire mature people to direct their adrenal energy
into awareness of feeling. We inspire them with the feelings of the divine virtues that ban any
negative being and render them harmless.


The 18th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Transmutation
Also known as The Angels of 'Emzhit'

We confer on the children of God greater understanding of the power of feelings to transmute
matter. The most important divine virtue to understand in mastering feelings for the purpose of
transmutation, is the virtue of omnipresence. Divine Consciousness exists in everything.

Feelings are magnetic and have the power of ATTRACTION. Just like a magnet, a feeling pulls
out of
the all-pervading consciousness in space whatever is in harmony with it.

The consciousness of Divine Intelligence and Feeling in all that exists is all-powerful. When a
child of God meditates on divine virtues and generates their powerful feelings, all things are
possible through intent.

E - We reveal how to apply profound mysteries of materialization to become invisible

M - and we initiate you into laws of mystical transmutation.

Z - We awaken memories of knowledge gained in previous lifetimes.

H - We help you to understand and use the ancient language.

I - We evoke appropriate memories toward these ends

T - and we awaken intuition, inspiration, and remarkable inventive abilities.

Visibility and invisibility, and the transmutation of feelings in self and others is part of the
natural birthright of the children of God.


The 19th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Emotional Harmony
Also known as The Angels of 'Ezheme'

We teach the children of God the relationship of emotions to the laws of harmony that govern
the Universe.

The ORIGINAL law, from which all other laws come, is the LAW OF ONE that states "When one
is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are helped."

In the mastery of emotions, the understanding of this law is of utmost importance, because
emotion is magnetism and attraction. Emotion is the precursor of manifestation on the physical
plane and therefore emotions determine whether the physical realm is heaven or hell.

Harm done to anyone, self or other, harms the entire Web of Life.

To understand emotions, and render them not only harmless, but to make them beneficial to self
and others
requires certain rules, or laws.

They are as follows:

1. Emotions MUST FLOW. They cannot be bottled up, denied, bypassed, or medicated away. It is
difficult to meditate on the positive feelings of the Divine Virtues when negative feelings are
begging to be heard, felt, and healed.
Trying to avoid and hold back this healing process takes tremendous energy and is exhausting. It
is important to heal negative emotions when they come up. Bottled up or denied negative
emotions go inward into the subconscious and are held in the body tissue. There they cause
dis-ease, suppress the immune system, and are acted out sub-consciously without conscious
awareness. Negative feelings must be
allowed to flow IN A SAFE AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE MANNER, for it is in flowing that they are

Find a safe private place and feel the negative feelings without acting destructively. Cry or scream
into a pillow in order not to alarm others. Do not break anything, or harm yourself. Strong
over-reactive negative emotions almost always go back to a previous emotional traumatic event.
Many of the most painful events happen in very young childhood.

By allowing negative emotions to flow, the memory of the original wounding event is often
remembered. By reliving the painful memory over and over in your mind from beginning to end,
and feeling through all the feelings each time; healing insights arise and the emotions begin to
heal naturally.

Using rapid eye movement, moving the eyes back and forth like the body does in dreaming sleep,
shifts the flow of emotional energy back and forth between the two hemispheres of the brain so
that the energy is processed in a whole brain manner.

Allowing negative emotions to flow and process in this way brings healing. This is how you
prevent negative emotions from harming yourself or others.

2. Once negative emotions are healed, meditating on the Divine Virtues arouses blissful feelings
of happiness and power. This is done effectively in a wholebrain manner by using the ancient
will-thought-feeling-and-sensation technique of the ancient language. The stronger the positive
feelings, the stronger the magnetic power of attraction in forming reality in the physical world.
Learning to control the mind so that it focuses on the beauty and perfection of the Divine, allows
the feelings to grow and grow in bliss and strength.

It is in this second step that we teach the children of God to understand the laws of harmony of
emotion through analogy. In every moment, in every situation, the most harmonious feelings
flow when the mind sees Divine Life expressing itself through everything in existence. We
encourage you to meditate on the letters of the ancient language, and thereby become masters of


E - We show you how to spiritualize matter, obtain clairvoyance, and understand the mysteries
of manifesting new realities.

Z - We help seekers with the ability to gain general mind expansion, talents, and abilities such as
eloquence, abstract ability, and grasp of high tantric magic.

H - We teach all levels of the symbolic expressions of the ancient language, the power of the

E....We evoke the highest form of intuition and confer the ability to transfer consciousness and
transform ordinary consciousness into cosmic consciousness.

M - We initiate masters of feelings, vitality, and the change process in order to help understand
the laws of fluidity.

E - We teach seekers to intensify their ideas and visions into material form.

Seeing the beauty of Divine Will, Divine Intelligence and Ideas, Divine Love and Mercy, and
Divine Beauty in Form in everything that exists, arouses feelings that attract heaven on earth and
give understanding of the laws of harmony in the feeling world.


The 20th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Angels of Ecstasy and Dance
Also known as The Angels of 'Etsacheye'

Beloved, All of the beings and angels of the moon sphere serve in the realm of emotion and
feeling. As you know, the key to manifestation on the physical level is EMOTION.

Emotions are divine energy flowing in a magnetic way, so that the LAW OF ATTRACTION pulls
together realities out of the infinite possibilities of Divine Mind.

THE EMOTION OF ECSTASY is the key emotion for the production of heavenly states of being
upon the earth. It is the will of Divine Providence that on the 20th night of each moon cycle, as
many of the children of God as is possible dance in ecstasy. This permits the proper flow of
rhythmic magnetic energy to attract permanent conditions of heaven on earth for one and all.

As this is done on a regular basis, the manifestation of heaven on earth is magnified and held
stable.Suggestions for ecstatic dancing are as follows:

Dance at night, and if possible, dance under the moon in a natural surrounding with natural
sounds of nature as a background for music. Some of these sounds are bugs singing, beating surf,
wind rustling the trees, birds calling, and rivers flowing etc. These natural sounds enter the ear
and stimulate the production of appropriate chemicals in the glands for dancing in ecstasy.

The addition of manmade music is fine, as long as notes in the pentatonic key scale are played.
These are the black keys on a keyboard. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. If
drums are used, they should accompany and be in tune with natural night sounds.

Keep light natural. At night, dim light such as starlight, moonlight, and candlelight or firelight
allow the body to produce melatonin, which is an important body chemical for ecstatic dancing.
Bright artificial light inhibits the production of melatonin. Melatonin is necessary for youth and
for deep restful sleep.

If you are dancing in a group, allow everyone to dance, including children and old people. Those
who are disabled dance in whatever way they can, even if it is only by tapping a finger or swaying
their heads. Dancing alone is also very wonderful. Dancing as a group in a circle is very powerful
and recommended. The steps to the dance and the body movements are unique to each person,
as they find their own alignment with Universal Rhythms. Dancing with eyes closed much of the
time is recommended.

It is good for each community or tribe to create a permanent dance circle in a beautiful place.
Placing a fire in the middle is good, the flickering firelight on the optic nerve has a similar effect
on the brain as the natural sounds of nature.
If your community builds a covered space for ecstatic dancing, make it round with a dome or
pyramid roof with a skylight to let in the natural moonlight. If the roof is a pyramid, be sure to
align it to true north. Use natural stone or wood for floors and keep everything as natural and
beautiful as possible to reflect the perfection of the divine virtues.

Artwork and symbols, plants and running water reflect higher qualities; as it is written, "As
above, so below". If you are dancing in a square or rectangular space, round it off to make a circle
as much as you can with hanging cloth, pillows , screens, furniture, or plants etc. or do it in your
imagination. The circle anchors powerful healing energy.

The key to ecstatic dance is emotion. Attunement to the feelings of Divine Virtues are important.
This stage of the moon cycle is one of reaping what one has sown during the first two weeks, so
feelings of gratitude, resting, accomplishment, security, satisfaction, and happiness etc….are
natural. Powerful ecstatic emotions of gratitude and happiness generated during the dance
strongly attract ecstatic conditions into the earth realm.
If natural outer conditions or a round building are not available, create them in your imagination
and dance the dance ecstatic with eyes closed. In your imagination feel yourself at the seashore
with crashing surf, calling birds and blissful wind; deep in the forest with singing bugs, hooting
owls, and laughing rivers; in a wonderful cave overlooking the desert, with flickering firelight; or
in a beautiful round temple filled with objects and symbols of divine perfection.


E - We spiritualize matter, and with our aid and instruction it is possible to dynamize thoughts
and feelings to take on a life of their own.

T - We help seekers apply magical rituals and practices to gain mastery over the elements,

S - in order to gain perfect control over other people and evoke clairvoyance and the gift of
prophecy for the highest good of all concerned.

A - We inspire the children of God to be in tune with wisdom of the most profound truths,
coming through
magical exercises, dance, and ritual.

Ch - Practical application of rhythm removes obscurity and awakens clarity.

E - These dances of ecstasy awakens intense cosmic love,

Y - inspiration,

E - and intuition which taps into the original rhythms of life.

The rhythmic magnetic pulsation of ecstasy every 28 days, on the 20th day of the moon cycle,
affects weather, crops, animals, and every aspect of consciousness on earth. In every home, town,
city, and country this act should have top priority for the health, well-being, and protection of
the people.

Performing ecstatic dance on the 20th day of each 28 day moon cycle is one of the most
important rituals for the establishment and maintenance of heaven on earth.


The 21st day of the 28 day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Invincibility
Also known as The Moon Angels of ' Etamrezh'

Emotion is the precursor of materialization.

After successfully completing the initiations of the first 20 angel groups of the moon, a child of

By combining STRONGLY EMOTIONAL meditation of the divine virtues with evocation of our
assistance, a child of God ' becomes strong and resistant against any visible and invisible enemy,
against any kind of influence by elements. He or she becomes magically taboo. No person on
earth is able to assail or do harm to a chid of God who enjoys, and works under, the protection
and guidance of the Moon Angels of Etarezh.'
' A person is safe from any persecution or magical assault. He or she can endure the greatest
possible heat, of going through the greatest fire, without a single hair being burned. By following
special methods revealed by us, a person can make their body as hard as a diamond.they become
masters over life and death.'

These skills are second nature when strong emotional meditation on the divine virtues has been
perfected and made a natural part of the psyche.

Here are some suggestions for this initiation:

Practice meditating on the FEELING OF INVINCIBILITY. Do this frequently so that if an

emergency ever comes up, you can immediately snap into this feeling with great power and focus.
The feeling of invincibility is acquired in great depth by identifying with the divine virtues in the
ancient language.

Each time you meditate on any of the letters, pay particular attention to the FEELING OF THE

For instance, if you are meditating on the letter A, which is the divine virtue of wisdom and
enlightenment: after attuning to the intent of divine wisdom and grasping the intellectual
meaning of enlightenment and the purity of all original ideas, then FEEL ELOQUENCE AND
POETIC AND MUSICAL TALENT, which is the feeling of wisdom and enlightenment. FEEL
LIGHTNESS, so that you feel as if you can levitate, which is the feeling of the air element.
Air is the element of wisdom and enlightenment. FEEL CLAIRAUDIENCE AND
CLAIRVOYANCE, which is the feeling of wisdom and enlightenment. In addition to this, imagine
the light blue color and the sensation of ease and hear the note of G. The human brain is
designed to do this, and it is in doing this that wholebrain thinking is strengthened.

The stronger that YOU FEEL divine virtues, the better. The key is FEELING so strongly that the
feeling of the divine virtue supplants all other feelings.

The feeling of divine virtues should be so strong, that you are not aware of feeling anything else.
When you come to the point that you can "snap" into THE FEELING of each of the divine virtues
in this way, you are on your way to fulfilling the initiation of invincibility. FEELING is magnetic.
FEELING attracts into physical reality whatever qualities it is emitting. This is the source and
cause of miracles. As has been demonstrated by spiritual masters throughout time and history,
the physical body reactes INSTANTLY to strong coherant feeling. The experience of firewalking is
one of the better known examples of this.

We guide you to the correct DIVINE VIRTUES to feel in any situation.

In this way, as you will see through experience, invincibility is manifested in your life.

We inspire you to meditate on the feeling of SUPREME HAPPINESS, the letter N.

This virtue of SUPREME HAPPINESS is of the water element, so FEEL REFRESHING

COOLNESS, visualize a deep red color coming from the liver, hear the note of A, and feel the
drive for self-preservation and absolute freedom and independence.

The FEELING of this divine virtue gives you absolute command over all beings upon or around
the earth.
The physical body knows how to protect itself. It knows how to walk on water, to be
impermeable to fire, to be impermeable to puncture, and to protect itself in any and all
situations. All it needs is the FEELING to do

Filled with THE FEELING OF SUPREME HAPPINESS, the physical body does whatever it has to
do to protect itself so that this feeling is maintained.
It does so effortlessly, just as it breathes, pumps blood, and performs all other bodily functions.

It has all of the attributes and abilities of God. "As above, so below."

Never knowingly put yourself in harm's way unless strongly guided by inner guidance on the
path of service. Use these abilities when danger is present.

By cultivating a strong emotional euphoric FEELING OF SUPREME HAPPINESS as a general

daily attunement, dangers are NOT ATTRACTED to you.

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and calling on our
help, the following is gained:


E - We reveal how to apply profound mysteries of materialization and de-materialization to

become invisable.

T - We help you awaken intuition, inspiration, and remarkable inventive abilities.

A - We help you feel the feelings of wisdom and enlightenment, so that you have clairvoyance,
clairaudience, and the gift of levitation.

R - We awaken ingenuity, an eminent mind, and a sense of deep humility and sacredness.

E - We attune you to the most subtle secrets of Universal Consciousness and intuition.

Z - We awaken memories of knowledge gained in previous lifetimes.

H - We help you understand and FEEL the divine virtues described in the ancient language so
that complete mastery over everything, including the physical body, is attained.

"With faith of a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to the mountain "Be ye
removed unto the sea" and it shall be done."

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

On the 21st day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings of earth
with the emotions of invincibility so that the children of God dare to
create their heart's desire.

The 22nd day of the 28 day Moon Cycle
The Moon Angels of Space and Time
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Rivatim'

We help the children of God travel through space and time, with special emphasis on FEELING.
This is known as transmigration.
Here is a useful exercise for this:

Lay down and relax. Breathe very deeply and slowly and VIVDLY imagine that you feel your body
growing 3 inches longer out of the bottom of your feet.
Then imagine that it is also growing 3 inches taller through the top of your head. Take your time.
FEEL this.
Now extend your body's growth to a foot out of the bottom of your feet and a foot out of the top
of your head. Do this several times, practicing bringing yourself back to normal size and then
growing back quickly to the bigger size. Pay attention to the reality of the FEELING of it.
Now puff yourself up like a balloon, extending your body about 18 inches in all directions.
Feel yourself rising up like a balloon through the roof and out over the top of the building.
Over the roof, imagine that the light is very very bright.
Practice zooming around over the surrounding countryside. When you are ready, come back over
the rooftop and make it even brighter.
Now ask your imagination to travel into the future to the time when you are COMPLETELY
ENLIGHTENED. Take your time and meet your enlightened self, your Christ Self.
Even if this is a few weeks or months or a few lifetimes in the future, it doesn't matter, you go
immediately to that time in the future when you are Christ Conscious.
As you meet your Christ Conscious SELF, ask your Christ Self to travel back with you in time to
this time, the present.
Ask your Christ Self to heal you in the present time on an on-going basis and in the past from
this lifetime's conception all the way to the present.
You can ask this SELF to heal all lifetimes, or to heal another child of God, or to heal any
Use this same technique to travel anywhere, always using the Law of One for your own and
other's protection.
When you meditate on the divine virtues associated with the letters in our name, and call on our
assistance, the following is gained:


R - We awaken ingenuity that manifests in a number of mystical abilities.

I - We teach the "as above, so below" and all laws of analogy, in order to empower you to perform
the greatest miracles and become a master of metaphysics.
V - We confer on you the ability to understand and use the power of the quadrapolar magnet,
which is the wise use of will, intellect, feeling, and sensation.
A - We encourage you to FEEL the divine virtue of wisdom and enlighenment.
These feelings lead to clairvoyance, clairaudience, the ability to levitate, the understanding of all
languages, and control the spirits of the air.
T - We attune you to high inspiration, and the ability to enter a timeless and spaceless state of
trance, in which you become one with Divine Mind.
I - We teach you to control your feelings completely, and to give them strength and attunement
to the qualities of the divine virtues. We teach you to master and feel the concepts of shape,
measure, number, and weight.
M - We teach you to become masters of transformation.

The melody formed by the letters of our name is the notes of C, G, G, G, F, G, and D.

In the workshop of Divine Emanation, the children of God travel in their imaginations and
feelings, through time and space.
Because FEELING is the precursor of change in the physical, when the FEELING of traveling is
strong enough, even the physical body can travel effortlessly through time and space.

On the 22nd day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with feelings of omnipresence so
that the children of God meditate and experience their oneness with the web of life.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."


The 23rd Day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Infinite Power
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Liteviche'

When a child of God has explored and strengthened their emotional body according to the angels
of the first 22 stations of the Moon Sphere, we show additional use of feelings to attract
miraculous results.

We inspire powerful words, made from wholebrain use of the letters of the ancient language, that
generate feelings to calm the greatest storms, stop erupting volcanoes, and stop whole armies etc.
We inspire this only in accordance with the highest good and with Divine Providence. Only very
mature and ethical students come under our tutelage, so no harm comes to them or others by the
misuse of such words of power. Misuse is anything that would oppose the legality of Divine
Harmony and the Law of One.

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and calling on our
help, the following is gained:


L - The letter L represents the majesty and splendor of all the divine virtues taken together. In
the realm of feelings, the mystery of emotional equilibrium in interacting with others is mastered
by meditating on this
letter. Also, you gain the ability to be filled with such high feelings that you actually become
identical with all divine virtues.
I - The letter I represents the law of cause and effect. In the feelings, this virtue corresponds to
the emotional matrix with all its functions. The emotional matrix is the connecting link between
the material body and the emotions, which is also called the soul, and is the principle of life. The
emotional matrix is kept alive by breathing, so mastering cause and effect in the emotional body
means the mastering breath.
Meditating on the letter I, the virtue of cause and effect, reveals the secrets of breath.
T - The letter T represents high inspiration. In the feelings, high inspiration enables one to carry
through miracles of magnetic attraction through attunement to the proper feelings needed in any
E - The letter E represents the omnipresence of Divine Consciousness. In the feeling body, the
letter E represents the control of the feelings of oneself and of other people.
V - The letter V when pronounced sharply is phonetically equivalent to the letter F. The letter F
represents the legality and harmony of all visible worlds in the micro-and the macrocosm. In the
feelings, this virtue makes one perceive and control the mysteries of the guadrapolar magnet,
which are the four levels known as will, intellect, feeling, and form. At the same time, it gives
control over the elements, which correspond, to these four levels of consciousness. The
understanding of all universal laws is attained by meditating on this letter.
I - The letter I is the law of cause and effect. In the feeling world this gives mastery over breath,
and therefore mastery over life and death. If a person has died, by evoking the emotional matrix
back into the body, breathing will resume. Likewise, by removing the emotional matrix,
breathing will stop.
Ch - The sound of Ch represents the virtue of perfect purity and clarity. In the feeling body, the
faculty of understanding and practically applying rhythm in the macro-and microcosm, [i.e. a
person's own body and the whole universe], is attained. This virtue also gives power over life and
death in the feeling world. By applying rhythm one way, life is given, by applying it in the
opposite way, life is withdrawn. This is the method that Christ used to make a tree wither within
a few moments to demonstrate his power.
E - The letter E is the virtue of Omnipresence, the presence of Divine Consciousness in
everything. When this virtue is felt in the emotions, not only is control over feelings in self and
others gained, but also the
ability to understand the language of all beings, and to see the past, present, and future.


We encourage everyone to meditate on the divine virtues of all of the letters of the alphabet as
explained in the ancient language, and especially the letters of our name, with particular
emphasis on feelings.

As you grow in maturity, ethicalness, and harmlessness, we infuse you with such powerful
feelings of these virtues that in times of need you perform feats of miraculous power that words
can hardly describe.

"Divine Providence puts angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go. They hold you
up with their hands to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones."

On the 23rd day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings of earth with the emotion of
Infinite Power so that each child of God feels confident to follow in the footsteps of the Masters
and become one Divine Consciousness.

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

The 24th day of the 28 day Moon Cycle
The Moon Angels of Elements, Transformation, Life and Death
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Zhevekryev"

We help you understand the effect of feelings on the four elements, on transformation of metals,
and on the life and death of the physical body.

For too long, feelings have been misunderstood, avoided, and controlled.

All of you have longed for the power to perform miracles, and deep in your heart you have known
that this ability belongs to you.

However, few have understood the power that feelings have to attract change in the physical

Had the power of feelings to alter physical reality been understood;

creating and maintaining wonderful, positive feelings that are attuned to the powerful
emanations of Divine Reality would have been of utmost importance.

>From the time of conception, feelings of Mother and Child etc. attract realities on the level of
will, intellect, emotion, and form.

Because feelings, once generated, flow in order to change, the only way to correct the disastrous
effects of negative feelings is to LOVE THEM and ALLOW THEM TO FLOW IN A SAFE AND
HARMONIOUS SETTING. By doing this, intuition generates insights into the causes and cures
of the negative feelings so that corrections are made on every level. Once these corrections are
made, positive feelings flow once again. Every effort must be made to heal negative feelings
quickly. Everything should be done to generate positive feelings.

A balance between generating positive feelings through meditation on the divine virtues and with
creative acts in the physical world reflects the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain,
between the
parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system.

In the state of heaven on earth; music, art, dance, worldservice, and meditation is the order of
the day for all, so that beautiful feelings are generated and nourished.

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and calling on our
help, the following is gained:


Z - The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence. When meditating on this in
the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise. The ability to put all abstract ideas into
words develops.
H - This letter represents the power of the word. When meditating on this virtue in the feeling
realm, the faculty of influencing each fate at will is gained. All tantra and mantra practices are
E - This is the virtue of Universal Consciousness, the presence of God's awareness in all that
exists. When meditating on this virtue, the feelings of control over one's own emotions and the
emotions of all beings arise.
V - This letter equates to the letter F, which represents the legality and harmony of all visible
worlds. In the feeling realm, meditating on this virtue gives one the ability to perceive and
control all elements and will,
intellect, feeling, and form.
E - This represents omnipresence, or the presence of Divine Consciousness in everything,
through all time and space. In the feeling world this also give the ability to see the remotest past,
the present, and even the future of anything or anyone.
K - This letter represents omnipotence, or infinite power. In the feeling world this gives courage,
endurance, and toughness, etc. The ability to summon courage in self and others is gained, and
the removal of any feeling of fear. This feeling strengthens the instinct for self-preservation.
R - The letter R represents the virtue of freedom and independence. In the feeling world this
awakens ingenuity.
Y - The letter Y represents the rhythm of life. In the feeling world, this gives an excellent aptitude
for prophecy.
E - The letter E is the omnipresence of God. In the emotions, this virtue gives control over the
feelings of oneself and others, and the ability to understand the language of all beings.
V - The letter V, pronounced sharply, is phonetically equivalent to F. The letter F represents the
legality and harmony of all visible worlds, the microcosm and the macrocosm. In the feeling
realms, this virtue allows you to perceive and control the mysteries of will, intellect, feeling, and
By doing so, the four elements are controlled. The ability to comprehend all universal laws is


ALL feelings are important.

To be healthy, all feelings must flow.

The negative ones are important to be healed immediately when they are aroused through
flowing in a safe and non-destructive way so that they become positive once again.

The positive ones are important to emphasize and flow because they are attracting wonderful
changes in the physical realms, as well as the levels of will, intellect, and emotions.

Emotions follow a rhythm in their flowing. Emotional rhythm relates to the rhythm of breath in
the microcosm and of the moon as it waxes and wanes in the macrocosm.

Flowing keeps the magnetic field of heavenly attraction in place upon the earth. Emotions ARE
magnetic energy.

It is the will of Divine Providence that each child of God become aware of their feelings, and
become masters of feeling the Divine Virtues.

In this way, miracles happen in the lives of each and every one, according to the splendor of
Divine Truth.

On the 24th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings of earth with the emotions of
mastery over life and transformation.

The 25th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle
The Moon Angels of Plants
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Lavemizhu'

We influence and control the plant kingdom through emanation of FEELING, combined with

We teach the children of God how feelings control the mysteries of life, of sprouting and growing.
By controlling feelings, a person ' can make fertile in a supernatural way, a whole field, no matter
how large it may be, or vice versa, to make it infertile and change it into a desert.'

We inspire each person who comes under our influence which divine virtues in the ancient
language to attune to, feel, and emanate in order to make grow whatever they desire.

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and calling on our
help, the following is gained:

L - The letter L represents the sum total of all divine virtues taken together, so therefore it
represents the splendor and majesty of God. In the feeling realm this virtue endows a person with
the mystery of emotional
equilibrium with regard to the character of any human being. It also endows one with the ability
to BECOME ONE WITH ALL DIVINE VIRTUES. We can change disharmonies into harmonies,
bestow health and vitality. We connect with and intensify vital energy.
A - This represents wisdom and enlightenment, and the original purity of all ideas. In the feeling
realm, eloquence, musical gift, poetic talent, and mystical faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience,
levitation are attained.
Also control over the spirits of the air is attained, and therefore over weather. We tap into the
wisdom of divine mind in order to teach the mysteries of life and growth in plants.
V - This letter equates to the letter F, which represents the legality and harmony of all visible
worlds. In the feeling realm, meditating on this virtue gives one the ability to perceive and
control all elements and will,
intellect, feeling, and form. We control the water element and help you discern mortal from
eternal and thus control material world phenomena.
E - The letter E is the omnipresence of God. In the emotions, this virtue gives control over the
feelings of oneself and others, and the ability to understand the language of all beings. We teach
how to understand the languages and communication of all levels of beings on earth.
M - This letter represents the magnetic power of emotions. It also represents control over the
element of water, and therefore over rain and all manifestations of water. We reveal the
mysteries of the growth process and how water brings vitality and renews life.
E - We bring cosmic into ordinary consciousness and confer upon you high intuition and the
faculty of transfer of consciousness.
Z - The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence.
When meditating on this in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise. The ability to
put all abstract ideas into words develops. We can introduce tremendous endurance and
resilience into material world forms.
H - This letter represents the power of the word. When meditating on this virtue in the feeling
realm, the faculty of influencing each fate at will is gained. All tantra and mantra practices are
understood. We teach the power of the word to invoke certain divine virtues and accordingly,
influence growth.
U - The letter U represents the understanding of the creative act and karma, and the original
source of everything that exists. In the feeling realm, this virtue bestows the faculty of
transferring one's consciousness wherever you want it to be and thus becoming perfect master of
it. The ability to evoke states of trance of any kind, and of emitting strong feeling states is also
gained. We are attuned to the original source, pristine pure essence of everything that exists in all
its forms.
The melody formed by the virtues of our name are the notes of F, G, G, D, D, D, G, A, and B.

Each of the children of God has been given dominion over creation. As each person begins to
understand the POWER OF FEELING to create realities on the physical world, then the value of
aligning one's feelings with the feelings of the divine virtues becomes paramount. Skill in creating
different realities using the different divine virtues grows with practice. In the world of plants,
this skill will manifest miracles of growth and fertility beyond anything that words can describe.

On the 25th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the feelings of earth with the consciousness
of the plant kingdom.


The 26th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Sunlight on the Moon
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Empebyn'

'As above, so below."

Every divine virtue manifests on all levels. Each virtue manifests in will, intellect, emotion, and
form. Every physical thing in creation has analogous correspondence with the divine virtues on
the levels of emotion,
intellect, and will.

The Sun is the physical manifestation of the Masculine Force which is INTENT, or WILL. The
Moon is the manifestation of the Feminine Force, which is EMOTION, or FEELING.

Will is electric in nature and Feeling is magnetic. Together they form the electro-magnetic energy
that flows and forms the hologram of Creation. The ancients call this the electro-magnetic fluid.

When the Sun's Light hits the Moon, will connects with feeling. Electrical energy transforms and
becomes magnetic.

Magnetic energy is the precursor of change in the physical realm. Magnetic energy ATTRACTS.
All miracles in the physical realm are preceded by and depend on the generation of appropriate

Each degree of the zodiac that the Sun focuses on the Moon determines the specific WILL or
INTENT that the Moon changes into feeling. By knowing the INTENT, you know the FEELING.
If a specific change is desired upon the physical realm, it can be most easily manifested during
the appropriate zodiacal degree of the sun.

The second factor is the day of the Moon Cycle. Each day of the 28 day Moon Cycle has a specific
receptivity. A child of God can determine which day of the moon cycle corresponds with the
specific feeling that needs to be generated for a specific manifestation. For example, the 25th day
of each 28-day Moon Cycle is attuned to plants. Anytime a person desires to create a miracle
concerning plants, it is wise to do it on the 25th day of a moon cycle.

For example: Suppose a person wishes to grow medicinal plants that enhance EMOTIONAL
attunement to Divine Will at the level of the highest illumination possible. The time to meditate
and generate the will, concepts, and feelings to manifest powerful plants of this nature would the
25th day of Cancer on the 25th day of the Moon Cycle. That is because the 25th Day of Cancer is
the governed by the Angels of The First Light, the Angels of 'Aragor', and the 25th day of the
Moon Cycle is governed by the Angels of
Plants, the Angels of 'Lavemezhu'. The entire constellation of Cancer is specifically attuned to the

By looking at the Angels who govern the sign of the zodiac for each day, and seeing which day of
the 28 day Moon Cycle is in effect, a child of God can align their meditations accordingly in order
to ride the waves of Universal Consciousness.

'We explain the influences that the sunlight has on the moon and from there on our human
bodies, the animal kingdom, the vegetable and mineral kingdoms;
in the mental, emotional and physical respect.'

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters in our name, and calling on our
assistance, the following is gained:


E - We are attuned to cosmic consciousness as it manifests in terms of materialization and

dematerialization and the power to create new realities.
M - We are masters of fluidity and the emotional flow and receptivity of the moon.
P - We teach divine nostalgia and the longing for merging with perfection of spiritual realization,
the outpouring of light from the Sun.
E - We confer special INTUITION and the faculty of universal transfer of consciousness.
B - Cognition of polarity; yin and yang, sun and moon, male and female, will and feeling, and
how each complements the other, leads to profound wisdom.
Y - We teach understanding of the rhythms of light and darkness of the sun and moon, the dance
of male and female. We teach how the application of these principles explains many of the
miracles spoken of in holy books.
N - We seek to bless humanity with supreme happiness and to awaken recognition of the state of
spiritual evolution of every being.


The melody formed by the letters and virtues of our name are the notes of D, D, G, A, G, A, and

In the time of the Alpha and the Omega, the time of heaven on earth, which is now birthing, the
Children of God flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Web of Life, the unified field of
On the 26th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with feelings of The Sun, so that
the children of God understand the changing of electrical energy of will into the magnetic energy
of emotion.


The 27th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Minerals
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Emzhabe'

Every form in physical creation is ATTRACTED into place through the magnetism of feeling.
Therefore, every form in creation has an analogous feeling.

We teach the children of God the connection between divine emotions and the minerals that they

Each mineral is created and is sustained by powerful magnetic feelings held in place by Divine
Consciousness. By understanding this, and attuning to the emotional energy of each mineral,
great healing and enlightenment can be enjoyed.

At this time of the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, the children of God are being inspired to seek out
and wear minerals for the purpose of healing and enlightenment.

"In the end times, even the rocks cry out."

As minerals are understood and used according to their emotional-magnetic influence, their use
as adornments, in homes and temples and in healing elixirs become a source of great joy and
union with Divine Consciousness.

By meditating on the divine virtues that correspond to the letters in our name, and seeking our
assistance, the following is gained:

E - The letter in the ancient language represents the divine virtue of omnipresence. This virtue is
used to create the spinal chord of every child of God. In the emotions, this virtue gives control
over the feelings of
oneself and others, and the ability to understand the language of all beings, including plants and
minerals. We teach how to understand the languages and communication of all levels of beings
on earth. The letter E
has the musical note of D, is of the dark violet color, and is meditated on with the feeling of

M - This letter represents the magnetic power of emotions. It also represents control over the
element of water, and therefore over rain and all manifestations of water. We reveal the
mysteries of the growth process and how feelings attract manifestation into form. The letter M
has the musical note of D, the color of blue-green, and has the sensation of coolness, like water.
The abdomen of every child of God was created with this virtue.
Z - The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence.
When meditating on this in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise. The ability to
put all abstract ideas into words develops.
This virtue introduces tremendous endurance and resilience into material world forms. The
divine virtue of the letter Z has the musical note of G, is a light yellow color, is of the air element
and has the sensation of
ease, and is practiced in the heart. The heart of every child of God was created with this virtue.
H - This letter represents the power of the word. When meditating on this virtue in the feeling
realm, the faculty of influencing each fate at will is gained. All tantra and mantra practices are
understood. We teach the power of the word to invoke certain divine virtues and accordingly,
influence growth and manifestation of the virtues of Divine Consciousness. This virtue has the
musical note of A, the color of silver-violet, is of the water element and has the sensation of
coolness, and is practiced in the right arm. The right arm of every child of God was created with
this virtue.
A - This letter represents wisdom and enlightenment, and the original purity of all ideas. In the
feeling realm, eloquence, musical gift, poetic talent, and mystical faculties of clairvoyance,
clairaudience, levitation are attained. Also control over the spirits of the air is attained, and
therefore over weather. We tap into the wisdom of divine mind in order to teach the mysteries of
life and growth in minerals. This virtue has the
musical note of G, the color of light blue, is the air principle and is meditated on with a sense of
ease, and is felt in the lungs.
B - The letter B represents the divine virtue of polarity. Cognition of polarity; yin and yang, sun
and moon, male and female, will and feeling, and how each complements the other, leads to
profound wisdom. By meditating on this virtue, the different polarities of emotions represented
by minerals can be understood. This virtue has the musical note of A, the color of light violet, is
of the earth element and therefore meditated on with a sense of gravity. It is felt in the right eye.
E - We help you bring cosmic into ordinary consciousness and confer upon you high intuition
and the faculty of transfer of consciousness into any being or kingdom, including the mineral

We are inspiring the children of God to look about them with new eyes, at all of the minerals of
earth. The emotional energy held in each mineral is a treasure house of attunement with Divine

On the 27th day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with feelings of the
consciousness of the mineral kingdom.


The 28th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels of Water
Also known as The Moon Angels of 'Emzher'

Emotions flow like water, and in their physical expression they ARE water.
We teach how to control all water in the physical world through the mastery of the feelings of the
divine virtues. Not only water, but also all animals who live in water obey when emotions are
controlled and combined with clear inner guidance, intent and high intellect.

Temperature also comes under your control, so that even very hot water does not burn.


E - This letter in the ancient language represents the divine virtue of omnipresence. In the
emotions, this virtue gives control over the feelings of oneself and others, and the ability to
understand the language of all
beings, including animals. We teach how to understand the languages and communication of all
levels of beings on earth. The letter E has the musical note of D, is of the dark violet color, and is
meditated on with the feeling of God-penetrating-all. Imagine yourself as a small dot in your
solar plexus and visualize your body as a giant universe all around you.
See the dark violet light shining from your spine and imagine that you hear the musical note of
D. Sense the consciousness of God-penetrating -all, and meditate on this Consciousness filling all
life, and all space, and all time. Then realize, through the law of correspondences, that as you
meditate in your physical body you are simultaneously creating the same changes in the larger
universe. "As above, so below."
M - This letter represents the magnetic power of emotions. It also represents control over the
element of water, and all manifestations of water. The letter M has the musical note of D, the
color of blue-green, and
has the sensation of coolness, like water. The abdomen of every child of God was created with
this virtue. Use the same meditation for M as you did for E, except use the color of blue-green
and the sensation of coolness.
Meditate on feelings, on their power, and how they flow and create magnetism.
Z - The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence.
When meditating on this in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise. The ability to
put all abstract ideas into words develops.
This virtue introduces tremendous endurance and resiliance into material world manifestations.
The divine virtue of the letter Z has the musical note of G, is a light yellow color, is of the air
element and has the
sensation of ease, and is practiced in the heart.
H - This letter represents the power of the word. When meditating on this virtue in the feeling
realm, the faculty of influencing ech fate at will is gained. All ancient tantra and mantra practices
are understood. We teach the power of the word to invoke certain divine virtues and accordingly,
influence growth and manifestation of the virtues of Divine Consciousness.
This virtue has the musical note of A, the color of silver-violet, is of the water element and has
the sensation of coolness, and is practiced in the right arm.
E - We help you bring cosmic into ordinary consciousness and confer upon you high intuition
and the faculty of transfer of consciousness into any being or kingdom, including the water
R - The letter R represents the virtue of freedom and independence. In the feeling world this
awakens ingenuity. This virtue has a golden color, the musical note of C, and is meditated on in
the solar plexus.

Answers to the questions of sovereignty and dominion of the earth are gained through
meditation and attunement to the all-pervading consciousness of God in Space. As each child of
God meditates and gains mastery over their own physical body, their emotions, their intellect,
and their will, so does their mastery over the outer universe simultaneously manifest.

On the 28th day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with the feelings of the
consciousness of water.

1 degree Cancer

The Angels of Emotional Alchemy

Also known as The Angels of 'Nablum'

The Constellation of Cancer represents the Feminine Force of Feeling as it filters through the
aspect of WILL-POWER. There are three aspects of Divine Consciousness. They are Love,
Wisdom, And Will-power.
There are four constellations under each of these three aspects, making twelve constellations in
all. These four constellations are divided one each to the four levels or four elements. These four
levels are Will, Intellect, Feeling, and Form. The four elements fire, air, water, and earth. So
therefore, under each of the three aspects of Love, Wisdom, and Will-Power, there is one
constellation of Fire or Will, one constellation of Intellect or Air, one constellation of Feeling or
water, and one constellation of form, or earth.
Cancer is the constellation of feeling under the aspect of Will-Power.
This means that feelings that are connected to Will are being developed. During the next thirty
degrees of Cancer, mastery of feelings of will is perfected by the children of God. The symbols of
the Angels of the constellation of Cancer are drawn in silvery white.
The Angels of 'Nablum' teach the children of God through intuition the correct amount of WILL
that is necessary to use in preparing healing substances from herbs, water, metals, or other
materials. They also inform about which of the divine virtues to use, which will determine the
use of light, color, tone, oscillation etc. in the preparation of these remedies.


N.We teach healing the intellect and we confer the ability to know the state of spiritual
development of any being.

A.We inspire the children of God to apply wisdom of the enlightened mind to reveal remedies for
depression and dysfunctional programming.
B.We confer intuition and the power to heal disharmonies, cure diseases in the body, and charge
remedies made from plants, metals, and fluids.

L.We reveal the mystery of magic equilibrium to balance and spiritualize in order to glorify the
greatness of God.

U.We evoke the highest form of intuition and inspiration.

M.We mentor masters of feelings, sensations, and vitality, who can intuitively diagnose mental,
emotional, and physical disharmonies.

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of A, G, A, F, B, and D.

We inspire the sons and daughters of God with the making of healing remedies from plants,
liquids, metals, etc. for mental, emotional, and physical disharmonies. Our specific focus is on
the importance of the use of FEELING in the WILL to impregnate these substances with the
divine virtues.
By using the skills developed in the constellation of Gemini, and paying particular attention to
intensity of FEELING in meditation on the divine virtues, powerful substances are created that
are capable of seemingly miraculous curative power.


2 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Volcanoes, Caves, and Pyrotechnics
Also known as The Angels of 'Nudatoni'
Beloved, In this second step on the path of will-power working on the level of feeling, the child of
God learns how feeling combined with will-power is the driving force behind miraculous
transformation of matter.
Because of this, we are the angels of phenomena of nature such as volcanoes, caves, buried
treasure, and pyrotechnics. Once a child of God understands the amazing simplicity that
underlies the appearance of complexity, and understands the Law of Correspondences [ the "As
above, so below" and "As within-so without" law ] , then the manifestation of miracles becomes
second nature. That is why it was spoken, "Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter
the kingdom of heaven".
The simplicity of a little child matches the simplicity of Divine Consciousness. Since mankind is
"made in the image and likeness of God" it requires the original purity and innocence of a small
child to understand and therefore control the utter simplicity of all natural phenomena.
Something as simple as basic will and feeling is the key to understanding both changes within the
human physical body temple and changes within the planetary physical body temple.
Performing the meditations with the divine virtues wherein first you become a tiny dot located
within your solar plexus area with the rest of the body a vast swirling universe around you, and
filling the body from this perspective with the desired divine virtues, sets up a corresponding set
of sine waves that demolishes previous blueprints of reality and reestablishes a new divine
blueprint on the will, intellect, emotional and physical levels (These four levels are referred to by
the ancient mystics as the "quadripolar magnet".)
This new blueprint manifests within the microcosm and the macrocosm, or in the human body
temple and the universal body temple.
The key to POWER is found in will and feeling, which are half of the quadrapolar magnet of will,
intellect, feeling, and form. What FORM THE POWER TAKES is found in the other half of the
quadrapolar magnet, which is intellect and form. What the power DOES, AND WHAT FORM IT
TAKES is found in the intellect and then manifests in form. When you add the WHAT to the
HOW you get MIRACLES. This is the source of changes in the material world.
In other words, the WILL combined with STRONG FEELING is the HOW, or the POWER. Then
Take for instance the WILL to heal or free imprisoned animals. The mind conceives of the divine
virtues needed to do this, such as the letters A, O, B, E, S, I and G. These are the virtues of
enlightenment, justice, polarity, mnipresence, all-penetrating-power, cause and effect, and
mercy. The mind performs the necessary meditation with each of these virtues in which THE
FEELING of each of these virtues is FELT INTENSELY. This step, the step of FEELING
INTENSELY the virtues of the WIL.L is the entire meaning of the Constellation of Cancer. The
mind also calls in the help of the angels who embody these virtues, who also will, conceive, and
feel. Finally, the necessary changes or miracles on the material level of manifestation and form
happens because of this meditation and this help.
We recommend practice with this formula so that you may convince yourself of its truth and
In the teachings of the thirty angel groups of the constellation of Cancer, perfection of using
strong feeling in combination with will is attained.


N - We evoke the drive for self preservation and put seekers in contact with the beings and
principles of the earth and its firey emanations.

U - We endow seekers with the ability to transfer consciousness, to evoke trance states, and to
learn how the quadripolar magnet, which is the ancient term for the conscious use of will,
intellect, feeling, and form, works
in the physical world.

D - We are instrumental in the eruption of new energies, creation of new life, fertility, and
production of new forms from creative acts of love.

A - We direct our talents and magical abilities, like clairvoyance, into service of the highest
destiny according to the highest good of all.

T - We are creative, inventive, and inspired to link up seekers with knowledge of the physical
elements of earth in order to apply all laws of analogy to changes in the mineral, animal and
vegetable kingdoms.

O - We mentor masters of astro- and metaphysics who can learn to control the flow of will and
feeling, which is known by the ancients as "the electromagnetic fluids" in the human body and
material world. Our delight is in choreographing happy and successful situations.

N - We are attuned to ecstatic happiness, and we confer facility at problem solving.

I - We selectively trigger remembrance & conscientiousness in service of these goals.

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of A, B, C, G, F, C, A, and G.

We protect and inspire the children of God who require caves for the purpose of providing
suitable homes to live in, the finding of healing gemstones and minerals, and the guidance of
those who require the knowledge of volcanoes and their eruptions in order to remain safe from


3 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Mystical Eroticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Jachil'

Beloved, When the will of Divine Providence guides a child of God to form a loving sexual
relationship, we inspire and teach the secrets of mystical love-making.
The primary key of arousing mystical sexual attraction is feeling strong sympathy for the
beloved. Any person can arouse mutual feelings of love and then sexual attraction through
sincere and all embracing sympathy for
the other person, when it is the will of Divine Providence for this to happen.
The development of sympathy and its expression is the first step of the art of erotic love-making.
As long as this sympathy is maintained, erotic love can bloom and flourish if the following keys
are also followed.
The second key is to use eloquence and sometimes gifts of clairvoyance to guide the erotic sexual
energy into exploration of the divine virtue of mental and spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.
The purpose of this is twofold. Sexual energy, or "kundalini" energy as it is called in the ancient
language of Sanskrit, must connect with the master gland, the pineal gland, of the brain in order
for psychoactive, mood altering, chemicals called neuropeptides to be secreted into the body's
These sychoactive chemicals are a thousand times more powerful than any other form of
psychoactive chemicals from other sources, and they contain information codes that affect all of
the other glands.
The saying "Where the attention goes the energy flows" describes the conscious process of
enlivening this center with erotic sexual energy, or kundalini. This is done through using deep
sympathy for each other to build a safe psychological environment in which each person
eloquently shares their own deep personal beliefs about highest spiritual wisdom and ideals. This
must continue until each partner discovers true and sincere common ground with the other. This
common ground is an area of shared, mutual, and compatible beliefs about the nature of reality,
spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.
As much time should be spent on this process as is necessary to clarify and remove all obscurity
concerning each persons most inward and deep spiritual truth. Through loving sympathy,
respect, and real emotional safety, each person is encouraged to reveal their truest and deepest
understanding of what the original truth of the Universe is. This intense and shared
concentration on Divine Wisdom stimulates the pineal gland of both lovers. In this sympathetic
process of deep intimate spiritual revelation, the common ground that is discovered concerning
the nature of Divine Truth enables both partners to obtain a similar altered state of
consciousness through the production of compatible neuropeptides in the pineal gland.
As these psychoactive substances from the pineal gland enter the bloodstream, erotic energy is
powerfully enhanced. This powerful erotic energy must be directed carefully and systematically
down through each glandular plexus, or chakra along the spinal column on its way to the sexual
organs in order to activate the psychoactive hormones associated with each of the glands in order
to stimulate them as explained below to bring erotic energy to its height.

The process of sympathy and eloquence is used with each glandular plexus in order of descent,
taking as much time as necessary to explore and discover mutual agreement and resonance in the
areas of consciousness
listed below.

The time that it takes to do this varies with each relationship. In the altered state of erotic
arousal, this process of shared realities is a mystical journey of self disclosure, mutual discovery
and growing love. Self-discipline is required in this journey as it is in all of the journeys of life. By
carefully adherring to this plan, erotic arousal is heightened to almost unbelievable peaks of
safety, love, respect, excitement, enchantment and bliss. These keys allow erotic energy to
carefully build and build and build, transforming the feelings and the chemical makeup of the
physical body entirely. In the process, the entire human emotional and physical reality is
rejuvenated, enlivened, and refined.
The primary list of the other glands to be enlivened and brought into sympathetic resonance are:

Pituitary gland: third eye chakra, find areas of shared intellectual interests.
Thyroid gland: throat chakra, find areas of shared creative interests.
Thymus: heart chakra, find areas of shared love

Adrenal: solar plexus chakra, find areas of shared beliefs about free will, self-determination,
individual divinity, and personal sovereignity.
Ovaries: sexual chakra, find areas of shared beliefs concerning relationships. This means
relationship with each other, with people in general, animals, and all other beings in the
Testicles: first chakra, find areas of shared beliefs concerning security, abundance, and the
manifesting of heaven on earth.

As this process of sympathetic sharing is completed and physical lovemaking commences; care
must be taken to come close to orgasm at least four times and optimally seven times before
actually climaxing. This allows the climatic energy in orgasm to course back up the spine through
at least the heart center and optimally all seven glandular centers. This orgasmic energy heals
and revivifies the glands, and therefore the entire body, leading
to permanently heightened states of awareness and longer life.
Both hands of each lover should be placed upon the other's body at the moment of orgasm in
order too complete the electrical circuit that courses through the body. Any area of the body that
particularly needs healing or enlightenment can be touched to specifically direct powerful
healing energy to it.
Ideally, the left hand should be placed upon a positively, or electrically charged glandular center
and the right hand should be placed upon a receptive, or magnetically charged glandular center.
The glands alternate from electric to magnetic one after the other, going up the spine. With
males, the first chakra, or testicle center is electric, with the next one up, being magnetic, then
electric, then magnetic, and so forth. With females, the first chakra is magnetic, with the womb
area which is the second chakra being electric, the stomach area is magnetic, the heart electric,
and so forth. Understanding the polarity of each chakra enables the original process of sharing to
be done very ensitively and delicately.

As each glandular center is being shared, the partner whose gland is electric is primarily
responsible for creating a psychological environment of safety and sympathy for the other.
It is also important to place the tongue at the roof of the mouth during orgasm, in order to
complete another major electrical circuit of the physical human body temple.
If a child is not being conceived, it is ideal that the male experiences orgasm without ejaculation.
This forces the body to reintegrate and reassimilate the sexual fluid so that it becomes a type of
cerebrio-spinal fluid and is used by the body to bring about extended life and permanent
heightening of consciousness. We teach all of these things and more.


J - We are attuned to all embracing love expressed as ecstatic rapture. We teach all the mysteries
of love magic, and how to evoke love and attraction.

A - We heal mental programming and elevate the art of love making using clairvoyance into
enlightened wisdom.
Ch.We bring total clarity in understanding and expressing all languages and symbols of all
spiritual beings, facilitating intuitive inward communication.
I - We control activities on earth according to karmic law in order to revitalize and connect body
with soul.
L - We teach how to spiritualize the emotions of the children of God, to the point of
enlightenment, into an experience of glorification and divine majesty.

By asking for our assistance, we guide you through the delicate process of entertwining your
energies on every level. As you become one in body, you in some ways, for a time, also become
one in soul. This ecstatic process of the two becoming one is similar to the larger process of the
Many becoming One in the cyclic process of the One becoming Many and the Many becoming
The mystical feelings of erotic love making contain many of the ancient keys to union with Divine
Consciousness and immortality of the human body. As the sons and daughters of God experience
erotic sexuality in this sacred way, powers are unleashed that unite heaven on earth for all


4 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Immortality
Also known as The Angels of 'Helali'

Divine Providence has ordained that as earth becomes as heaven, death is overcome and
immortality of the physical body reflects the immortality of the spirit.

"As above, so below."

We teach how the four levels of consciousness that are used in the meditations of the cosmic
language are used to enhance feelings which attract life and preserve the body.
Emotions are the magnetic force of the universe.
Emotions that enliven the will to live signal the glands of the human body to secret chemicals
that prevent aging, sickness, and death.
We teach the children of God how to use the ancient language with particular emphasis on
FEELING. This ancient language is the language of meditation on the divine virtues which
assigns different letters to different virtues.
The letters are assigned according to the sound signiture of their utterance, which has a
correspondance to the frequency signature of the different virtues.
The meditations on the divine virtues utilizes the four brainwave patterns of the human brain,
which is effective whole brain thinking.

The Delta brainwave pattern of Pure Being corresponds to the originating INTENT of each

The Theta brainwave pattern of Deep Inward Thought corresponds to the INTELLECTUAL
MEANING of each virtue.

The Alpha brainwave pattern of emotions corresponds to the FEELING of each virtue.

The Beta brainwave pattern of the five senses, logic, and memory corresponds to the
SENSATION of each virtue. The sensation of each virtue is composed of a color, a musical note,
and a tactile quality.
Take for instance the letter L, which represents the divine virtue of Splendor. The INTENT of this
virtue is attunement to the supreme and highest form of all of the divine virtues taken together
within Divine Consciousness. The INTELLECTUAL MEANING is that of true morality. The
FEELING is that of majesty and splendor. The SENSATION is the musical note of F, the color of
clear and glowing olive green, and the tactile quality is that of air and ease.
With our help, a child of God becomes transfixed in the FEELING of the divine virtues when
meditating on the letters. Immersion in these feelings trigger chemical responses within the
glands that promote health and well-being. Over time, through constant use of the meditations
of the ancient language with particular emphasis on FEELINGS, the chemical secretions of the
glands permanently preserve youth and vitality, leading to immortality.
Many of the children of God who have experienced negative or traumatic experiences in life must
allow healing of emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, and despair to take place in order for
immortality to be possible.
Negative emotions that have been suppressed, denied, medicated, or bypassed have gone
underground into the subconscious. These negative emotions are held as tension in the
musculature of the body. This stress, combined
with the subconscious will to die, causes aging, sickness, and death. When negative emotions are
embraced with unconditional all-emcompassing love and are allowed to flow in a safe,
non-destructive way, they go through a
catharsis, a natural process of cleansing, purification, and transmutation that is similar to the
process that water exhibits by cleansing itself through flowing freely.


H - We teach how to understand and use the power of the word, which is the ancient language,
and teach visualizations of it symbolically in the form of images.

E - We initiate seekers in the universal transference of consciousness, evoking high intuition and
understanding of all languages of man and animals.

L - We can gift permanent youth, health, and vitality, and beauty, empowering the child of God
to master their own youth.

A - We heal the body, especially breath related illnesses, and reveal mystical-mantras to heal
L - We teach spiritualization of emotions: insight into how to lighten emotions and to merge
them with divine qualities and no longer be subject to the elements of aging, and how to achieve
moral impeccability.

I - We re-awaken any memory, remembrance, and conscientiousness to empower seekers to

influence their own fate and the fate of others.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are A, D, F, G, F, and G.

The colors of the letters of our name are silvery violet, dark violet, olive green, light blue, olive
green, and light opal.
The elements and tactile sensations of the letters of our name are water and coolness, akasha and
God-penetrating-all, air and ease, air and ease, air and ease, and earth and weight.


5 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Health
Also known asThe Angels of 'Emfalion'

We follow the Angels of 'Helali', 4 degrees Cancer, who inspire the children of God to produce a
rapturous emotional life in order to induce glandular secretions of immortality and youth.

Each child of God is created perfect and beautiful and this beauty and perfection of spirit is
meant to be manifested as health, beauty, and youth in the physical form.

"As above, so below."

To this end we are intrusted by Divine Providence to teach additional methods of health, youth,
and especially beauty.
Divine Providence has intrusted us with teaching the art of having a 'strong and healthy
constitution, a handsome, attractive face, fascinating eyes, and the freshness of youth for as long
as physical incarnation is desired'.
Mankind was created to be the pinnacle of Creation, the greatest and most perfect of all God's
creations, made in the image and likeness of God.
It is of utmost importance that the original intention of the Creator is carried forth into
manifestation on the Earth, especially in the perfection and beauty of the physical body.
As the children of God turn their attention and efforts to the simple skills and instructions of the
ancient language, the appearance of all that is imperfect falls away.
The physical body, which is mostly water, responds dramatically to feelings. The change in health
and appearance of the body is miraculous then the emotional state is brought into sympathetic
resonance with the feelings of divine consciousness.
ALL conditions of the physical body are malleable and respond to the power of divine feeling,
when it is joined with clear intent, and intellectual comprehension.
Even though many of the children of God have been damaged so that they are only using a small
portion of their brains, with the practices of the ancient language, the help of angels, and
exercises such as the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox*, whole-brain functioning is regained.
As this ancient technology is mastered and put into practice, all conditions--even deformities,
missing limbs, and blindness etc. will be healed, as they have always been, by the children of God
who are enlightened.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

We inspire each child of God in the blessing of food and other substances so that their influence
on the body prolongs and perfects life. Whole-brain meditations undertaken by each child of God
on the divine virtues are half the equation of immortality and heaven on earth. The other half is
angelic assistance that is provided each child of God by the creator.
It has been written that "angels are the messengers of God". In practical terms this means that
angels perform as intelligent, self aware feedback loops or intelligent software programs, between
the child and the Creator, or between the individual consciousness of a child of God and the
Unified Field of Divine Consciousness.
When a person commences on a path of meditation on the divine virtues, especially using the
whole-brain approach of the ancient language, the messengers of God add almighty and
everlasting enlightenment, joy, grace, power, and majesty to the process when they are asked.
They do this by shepherding or formatting the connection between the Individual and the
Universal. They are living "messengers" between the incarnated child of God and the
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Divine Consciousness.
In the letters of the names of the Angels are descriptions of what divine virtues their "software
program" provides. At the head of each group of Angels is a master intelligence of the same name
who carries forth the will of Divine Providence and oversees the development of each child of
God over time.

"Ask and ye shall receive."

"Test me, try me, let me fight your battles for you."

We ask you to embark and continue upon this program of whole-brain imaginative meditation
using will, intellect, feeling, and sensation. We also ask you to use your free will to request our
aid, for "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

"On earth as it is in heaven."


E - We teach how to infuse the physical body with cosmic consciousness.

M - We teach the children of God how to control the process of change as perfect masters of
feelings, sensations, and vitality.

F - We help them the mysteries of the quadrapolar magnet, which is the influence of the four
elements on the body. The quadrapolar magnet and the four elements correspond to the four
levels of consciousness of will, intellect, feeling, and sensation.

A - We uplift mystical abilities into enlightenment toward this goal, L.and teach true morality to
enlighten the mind and emotionas and spiritualize the body.

I - We evoke conscientiousness and trigger appropriate memories to achieve our goals.

O - We confer high power of judgment to bring contentment, poise, and happy, successful
changes in the body.
N - We can help solve any of these kinds of problems in connecting body to spirit and making the
emotions impervious to stress while evoking the the drive for self-preservation.


6 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Telepathy
Also known as The Angels of 'Pliroki'

We teach communication with the intellect and feelings of other people over distances. With the
help of the spirits of the air, and others, we even inspire actual physical communication over
The longing for spiritual perfection causes the glands of the body to produce
consciousness-altering chemicals that enable a person to perceive subtle energies. Those who feel
their longing for connection with the splendor and majesty of divine awareness to an acute
degree often experience "messages" and "communications" from invisable sources. This is why
itwas written, "Ask, and ye shall receive."
Feelings are the direct catalyst for the production of psychoactive chemical substances in the
pineal and other glands. That is why it is so important for the children of God to heal and uplift
their feelings in order for heaven to manifest on earth.
Writings from enlightened people of all ages have born testimony to the fact that heaven and
earth was perceived as being one when the veils of illusion were cast aside and the light and
ecstasy of truth filled their body and soul.

"On Earth as it is in Heaven."

That is why the greater the longing for spiritual perfection is, the greater the likelihood for the
experience of communication with beings of a higher state of awareness. As clear communication
between the children of God and higher mind and the heavenly hosts manifests, heaven will
indeed be deemed as being one with earth.
Communication over distance is triggered by ANY intense feeling and longing for communication
with another person, such as in times of great love or danger.
The intellect and feelings of the sender are sent through the web of light of the unified field of
energy. The thoughts and feelings from the sender are received even in untrained recepients
because they have been sent out with such passion and clarity. It is our province to teach the
children of God how to visualize and feel so strongly that ommunication is clear and easily
perceptible over great distance to almost anyone.


P - The longing for spiritual perfection on all levels of will, intellect, feeling, and form

L - and the desire for true morality and feelings that are one with God

I - enable a person to communicate with higher mind and understand the laws of cause and
effect and master the manifestation of miracles.
R - By following inner guidance

O - and adhering to true divine justice

K - a child of God uses the virtue of omnipotence

I - to bring about any effect on any level.


7 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Ancient Miracles and Levitation
Also known as The Angels of 'Losimon'

We inform the children of God about all of the original mysteries and religious systems of the
These mysteries and systems are based on powerful feeling and intent. It is through feeling that
magnetic power is generated and it is through intent that it is directed.
The understanding, generation, and mastery of FEELING is of such importance, that earth
cannot reflect the will of Heaven until the children of God pass this initiation.
ALL of the miracles and powers of ancient religions and priesthoods depend on FEELING, and
the directing of that feeling through intent.
Just as a computer works on two principles, the 1 and the 0, so do all miracles depend on the two
principles of WILL AND FEELING.
It is important that the sons and daughters of God reclaim their ability to produce miracles.
To produce feelings that are powerful enough to create miraculous effects, ALL PREVIOUS
FEELINGS held on a subconscious level that contradict the one being generated for the miracle
must have been cleansed and transmuted previously through FLOWING.
That is why the socially sanctioned practices of suppressing, denying, medicating, and by-passing
painful or wounded feelings must stop, so that intense periods of catharsis, or recapitulation
begin. Periods of recapitulation of previous emotional traumas and conditions allows old painful
and limiting feelings to be remembered and aroused.
As old feelings come up to be healed, the key is to feel them through completely in a safe and
non-destructive manner. In the ancient process of recapitulation, the memory of the traumatic
event or situation is repeated vividly in the imagination over and over until all feelings associated
with the emotional trauma have been FELT.
It is through FEELING emotions that they "spend" their energy, change, and evolve. The
memories themselves change as the feelings change. This is because as the feelings are
remembered and experienced over and over,
they change through powerful life-changing INSIGHTS that occur concerning the nature of the
wounding event and the people involved. These deep, penetrating insights allow healing even on
the deepest levels of core beliefs about self, others, and the nature of reality itself.
These insights, with their vivid visual images, change the memory forever. When the event is
recalled in the future, the insights and their visual images will be recalled as opposed to the
memory in its old original painful form.
A typical "insight" might be that the persecutor in a persecutor-victim relationship, such as a
violent parent with an abused child, was himself, or herself, under the influence of a severe
stress, so that the violent act was not a result of a personal vendetta against the victim, but was
an act caused by a an inability to cope with personal stress. This insight could be lifesaving to
someone who had felt for years unlovable because they had interpreted as a child that the act of
violence against them was evidence of a lack of love in the relationship.
It is important to stay with a painful life-changing memory long enough for these insights to
have time to fully develop. These insights come spontaneously from the subconscious and the
superconscious mind. Many angels help in the process. In this way, self-limiting feelings,
self-concepts, and beliefs are healed. Once these are healed, it is possible for a person to generate
strong enough beliefs, intent, and feelings to produce miraculous effects.
When the event is recalled in the future, the insights and their visual images will be recalled as
opposed to the memory in its old original painful form.
A typical "insight" might be that the persecutor in a persecutor-victim relationship, such as a
violent parent with an abused child, was himself, or herself, under the influence of a severe
stress, so that the violent act was not a result of a personal vendetta against the victim, but was
an act caused by a an inability to cope with personal stress. This
insight could be lifesaving to someone who had felt for years unlovable because they had
interpreted as a child that the act of violence against them was evidence of a lack of love in the
It is important to stay with a painful life-changing memory long enough for these insights to
have time to fully develop. These insights come spontaneously from the subconscious and the
superconscious mind. Many angels help in the process. In this way, self-limiting feelings,
self-concepts, and beliefs are healed. Once these are healed, it is possible for a person to generate
strong enough beliefs, intent, and feelings to produce miraculous effects.
The mastery of will and feeling allows a person to ' withdraw from the earth its power of
gravitation and make himself, other people, and objects to become as light as a feather'.

L - We teach the mystery of magic equilibrium, which is the clarity and peacefulness of the will,
intellect, feelings, and body. We teach insights about true morality, enlightenment, and divine
perspectives about the meaning of good and evil.
O - We confer acute discernment and understanding of the legality of spirituality, which is the
maintaining of harmony in the web of life.
S - We teach the children of God to control the electric fluid, which is the fire principle of WILL
I - We reveal insights into divine laws of karma, which are the laws of cause and effect. We teach
the law of evolution and history of such unfoldment in context of metaphysical laws such as the
"as above, so below".
M - We teach the principle of fluidity, of emotional flowing, which allows a person to monitor of
the course of evolution in any area, place, or period of time by understanding the feelings of that
place and time. We teach how to master the magnetic fluid, or feeling energy, in order to master
the laws of gravity.

O - We teach the children of God how to attune to divine justice, so that they have the power to
evoke any scenario to manifest with an absolute sense of divine justice, order and harmony.
N - We reveal the stage of development of any spirits, how to achieve absolute mastery over all
beings on earth in a way that is in harmony with Divine Will, and how to control electromagnetic
fluids, which are the flowing energies of WILL and FEELING, to regulate and /or overcome the
force of gravity.'

The musical notes of the letters of our name are F, C, G sharp, G, D, C, and A.

When you visualize the desired outcome, and fill yourself with the powerful blissful feeling of it
happening, even the magnetic force of gravity is replaced by the magnetic force of your feelings.
It is important to note that we add the power of our feeling energy to yours, and nothing is

"To the children of God was given dominion over all the earth, and everything upon it."
"All that I do ye shall do and more."


8 degrees Cancer
The Angels of The Rhythm of Life
Also known as The Angels of 'Kiliki'

We are the angels of rhythm and vibration, for life is rhythm and vibration.
Our responsibility is to initiate the children of God into the mastery of rhythm and vibration, and
therefore into the mastery of life.
The divine virtue of Omnipotence is the first letter, K, of our name.
Omnipotence is the highest power imaginable. This power is the highest and purest light, which
means that it is the highest and purest WILL.

The WILL TO LIVE is the electric force. When will becomes emotional, or feeling, electric energy
becomes magnetic. The alternating rhythm or pulse between electric and magnetic energy is
The letter I represents the laws of cause and effect, which are the laws of WILL and EMOTION.
In practical terms, this means that WILL generates electricity, which transforms itself into
EMOTION, which is magnetism. It does this for the purpose of MANIFESTING THE SPLENDOR
AND MAJESTY OF DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. The back and forth motion of attention between
WILL and EMOTION, creates rhythm and vibration.
As each child of God becomes aware of the power and nature of their WILL and their EMOTION,
they become aware of the cause-effect relationship between the two, and in time they realize the
nature of life itself.
As the individual will and emotion aligns itself with Divine Will and Emotion, the two forces
embed and become one. When this happens, the individual will takes on the properties of Divine
Will. This is how an individual's will and emotions become All-Powerful and Pure.
A person becomes a master of miracles by becoming a master of the electro-magnetic force
within their own consciousness.
The other letter in our name, L, represents the sum total of all of the Divine Virtues, which taken
together exemplify the magnificent Splendors and Majesties of Divine Consciousness.
The learning of the divine virtues follows a natural order.
For instance, the divine virtue of wisdom, letter A, precedes all other divine virtues. After the
divine virtue of wisdom and enlightenment is integrated within the consciousness, the next
divine virtue, letter B, which is the virtue of polarity, is studied. It is the mastery of the divine
virtue of polarity that gives mastery over life and death. After the
virtue of polarity is integrated, the next virtue is letter C, which is the virtue of the
spiritualization of matter and so forth. The INTENT to understand a virtue combined with
meditation upon its meaning, feeling, color, musical note, and sensation opens up the awareness
so that the consciousness becomes one with it.
A child of God masters the divine virtues according to the ancient language. In the ancient
language the divine virtues are mastered in the sequence according to the letters of the alphabet.
There are many orders of angels who assist with this process. Because of this, when the
meditations are pursued diligently, the process flows easily and in a way that is custom tailored
to each unique psyche, temperament, and situation.
As each child of God goes through the process of integrating the divine virtues, we come to teach
the laws of emotional rhythm, vibration, and cycles. The rhythm, vibration, and cycles of
emotion determine WHICH
VIRTUES AT WHICH TIME are brought into manifestation.
By attuning to the natural feeling cycles of the universe, the will of the individual is in step with
the will of Divine Providence, and unlimited power over the laws of cause and effect is attained.


K - The virtue of omnipotent will

I - combined with the understanding of breath, emotions, and rhythm

L - allows the splendor of Divine Consciousness

K - to manifest with infinite power

I - so that complete mastery over all of life is attained.


9 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Occult Faculties
Also known as The Angels of 'Oramos'
We teach the children of God how to follow in the footsteps of the masters
by making use of the gifts of the spirit.
"All that I do ye shall do and more."

Being made in God's image, mankind was intended to manifest fully in the likeness of God. This
includes having Divine Consciousness and Divine faculties. These faculties include clairvoyance,
clairaudience, clairfeeling, psychometry, and the like. They also include command and dominion
over spirits of every level.

"Powerful feelings attract powerfully."

The energy of FEELING attracts specific results through magnetic resonance.

Whenever you wish to obtain information through the mystical faculties, place your attention on
the desired person, information, or object. WILL to hear, see, and feel the essence of that person
or object. As the strength of your will turns into strength of receptive feeling, or as electric turns
into magnetic, information is ATTRACTED into your feelings and into your consciousness.
Visual images come into your visual imagination, sounds come into your imagination, and
sensations and feelings also come into your imagination. The key is to TRUST the information as
it comes into your mind's eye, hearing, and feeling. The intensity of your focus and feeling
determines the intensity of your results.

If a child of God has unresolved and unconscious emotional traumas within their body tissues
and in their subconscious mind, with their correlative negative beliefs and concepts, these
intrude into the imagination during times of receptivity.

Instead of getting pure information from the object of attention, the intrusion of these
unresolved emotional feelings and beliefs contaminates the accuracy of the incoming
information. In this case, it is important to embark upon an on-going course of emotional
healing and resolution of past traumas and wounding to correct this.

We help each child of God to bring their feelings into alignment with the principle of Divine
Justice and Harmony, so that only that which is the highest good of all concerned is desired and
therefore attracted.

"As you sow, so shall you reap."

Understanding of the dynamics of the Unified Field teaches each child of God to use careful
adherance to inner guidance and wisdom in using the gifts of magnetic attraction. It is in this
way that heaven and earth are made


O - We impart unity with the divine virtue of Justice, R.and the ability to freely follow inner
guidance impeccably, in
complete harmony with Divine Consciousness.

A - We help the children of God to understand and use gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience,
clairsentience and the like.

M - We teach how to feel strongly, so that great magnetic attraction is generated to produce any
desired effect.

O.We teach how to create any feeling in a way that is all powerful and unimpeachably in tune
with Divine Providence.

S - We enable the perfect control over any being, and over the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience

As each child of God regains the use of power of the gifts of the spirit, their priorities, values, and
the use of their time on Earth changes.
Their activities become that of creative, loving, ecstatic, and enlightened children in a garden of
Eden. Thus is God's will for heaven on earth manifest.


10 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Weather Control
Also known as The Angels of 'Tarato'

We teach and assist the children of God on methods of controlling the weather. Divine
Providence has given
dominion over all that is created to the sons and daughters of God.

If a feeling of doubt or confusion exists when certain weather is desired, even on a subconscious
level, the
emotions and intent generated will not bring about the desired results. In order for a child of God
to generate
the will and feelings necessary to control weather; high inspiration, wisdom, and inner guidance
must be present
in conjunction with an impeccable sense of divine justice.
This clear intent is combined with mastery of feelings and the understanding of the law of
correspondences. This
combination gives a child of God the ability to have perfect command over the beings of the

We inspire meditations for clarifying guidance, will and intent for determining which weather is
appropriate for the
highest good of all concerned. Then we inspire meditations for perfecting feeling states that
magnetically attract the
beings of the elements and the specific form of weather desired.

Making it rain or stop raining, leading lightning in a certain direction, causing hail-storms, or any
other type of weather; all of these happen with the use of will and feeling.


T....Mastery over feelings gives mastery over all the elements.

A....When an enlightened mind, with a feeling of freedom of will that is in tune with the highest levels of Divine

A....and uses wisdom of thought and feeling to control the spirits of the air,
T....and adds to that high inspiration in the feeling nature; then control over all of the elements
of fire, air, water, and

O.... and absolute success and happiness is certain.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

11 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Mystical Initiation
Also known as The Angels of 'Horomor'

At the appropriate time in the cycles, rhythms and vibrations of each child of God, an initiation
from the Universe into higher consciousness is in order. All mystical initiations on the earth of
this type are governed by us.

We teach the children of God all mysteries of wisdom from the point of view of the universe.

Change in consciousness occurs both ways, from the large to the small and from the small to the
large, or, in other
words, from the macrocosm to the microcosm and from the microcosm to the macrocosm.
Initiation works both ways, from the inner to the outer and from the outer to the inner.

In doing the meditations of the ancient language, in which the attention is placed in the solar
plexus and the physical body is imagined as a vast universe swirling all around one, a child of
God uses meditation to create changes in their own body, feelings, mind and will and through the
law of correspondences the larger universe is likewise changed on these four levels.

In Universal initiations, the opposite dynamic occurs. The vast macrocosmic universe creates
changes in the smaller microcosm of the individual. This is usually done through a teacher who
attunes to Universal Consciousness through the power of meditation and wills, or asks for, the
transference of this consciousness onto the student. "Ask and ye shall receive."

When a child of God goes through an initiation, the powerful FEELINGS of Universal
Intelligence are
transferred into the feelings of the initiate, and the initiate's physical body is changed. Because
the physical body has changed, the chemical make-up of the glandular system changes. These
changes in the production of psychoactive mind-altering glandular secretions enable permanent
changes on the levels of will, intellect, feeling, and form.


H....We teach the power of the word, the ancient language known as Quaballah, and initiate
seekers into how to
translate and use the work of divine Providence to fully understand symbols and use the ancient

O....We evoke happy, successful situations in the physical world and we empower metaphysical

R....We command impeccable service. In exchange we confer highly astute discernment ,

ingenuity, and expand
the mind to grasp and apply this information quickly and easily.
O....We help develop high powers of judgment and initiate seekers to use the ancient language to
manifest any
emotional outcome and turn or twist of fate.

M....As masters of the processing of emotions, we understand the change process.

O....We bestow contentment and poise in this work

R....We empower our students to acquire deep inner guidance and a number of magical powers.'

The musical notes of the letters of our name are A, C, C, C, D, C, and C.

12 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Transmutation
Also known as The Angels of 'Tmako'

The Constellation of Cancer is the path of feeling, or emotion, in manifesting Divine Will. Here,
at the 12th
degree, feeling is used to transmute magnetic powers.

Each child of God encounters personal and group situations in which raw negative emotional
power must be
transmuted, then directed and used to attract harmony and justice.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

Take for example the situation in which a child of God feels strong anger and despair concerning
an inharmonious and intolerable situation. The strong feeling of anger and despair is magnetic
POWER. This power must be TRANSMUTED in order to use it to attract a harmonious and
beautiful solution.

Another example would be a situation in which an entire group of people, or a crowd, is

producing powerful negative feelings. A child of God can attune to this group with their
combined raw emotional power, feel him/her self at one with it, and transmute it internally
within , knowing that it is being transmuted for all through the law of

This is what is meant by " taking on the sins of the world".

The technique for transmuting feelings is as follows:

1. Instead of resisting the negative emotion, or being afraid of it, or trying to change it, or
bypassing it, embrace the
negative feeling with unconditional all encompassing love, acceptance, and compassion. If it is a
group feeling, feel
yourself at one with the negative feeling energy of the entire group. Your body is designed to
withstand this sort of
powerful negative energy safely as long as it is allowed to run, or flow, without resistance in a
loving, non-self-critical and non-destructive manner. "God's love is like the sun, it shines equally
on the good and the bad alike."

2. Feel the negative feeling.letting it flow. Let the power of the negative feeling run through your
body and awareness like a powerful river. Using REM eye movement, such as in dreaming, where
the eyes are moved back and forth, left to right over and over again, shifts the emotional energy
between the two hemispheres of the brain and the two nervous systems, the sympathetic and
This activates the four brainwaves.

3. During this process, penetrating insights into the nature of the situation, the causes and the
solutions, arise. These insights are healing images from universal mind and contain information
that you need to affect a cure for the problems that led to the situation in the first place. Take as
much time as you need to make sure that you have allowed all of the negative feeling to be felt,
milking the negative feeling for all the insights, or healing images, that you can get. As the
negative feelings flow,and as the insights arise, the feeling purifies and changes and becomes
In this manner you end up with final healing images, or insights, that contain the answers or
solutions to the original
problems that caused the negativity to begin with.

4. Take this healing image, or solution, and hold it steadily in your mind's eye. Direct all of the
power of the now
transmuted positive feeling into this vision of the perfect solution. In other words, hold the
vision of the healing
This manifests the vision on

the physical plane through the power of attraction.

It only takes trying this a few times to realize the reliability, consistency, simplicity and power of

"All that I do , ye shall do and MORE!"


T....We mentor inventors and awaken intuition to inspire remarkable inventive acumen. We
favorably improve
mechanical memory to facilitate alchemical or transmutation activities in all kingdoms.

M....We teach the transmutation of powers, which is the alchemical process.

A....We bring comprehensive insights, the wisdom and high intelligence, of the divine mind to
bear on developing talents and abilities.

K....We confer mastery of all earthly treasures of the physical planet earth and teach how to get
what you want.

O....We evoke successful happy situations, and produce masters of astro- and metaphysics who
have the power to
manifest any scenario that is in divine harmony and order.

A child of God uses transmuted magnetic feeling power to manifest the just and perfect outcome
for all concerned.

We reveal to the child of God the feeling nature of plants, minerals, and metals, and inspire the
transmutation of these feelings into higher vibrations.

"On earth as it is in heaven."


13 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Translation from Invisible Realms
Also known as The Angels of 'Nimalon'

When communicating with invisible beings of other realms and spheres, a child of God requires
the ability to translate in intellectual terms the information received. To teach and inspire this
ability is our responsibility.

Information from non-physical intelligences comes through feelings and symbols that are
translated into ideas and then into words. The act of communication with unseen beings is done
in a state of meditation in which all four brainwave patterns are active.

In the Delta brainwave state of pure being, the "presence" of another intelligence is perceived
visually in the imagination when communication is requested.

In the Theta brainwave state of deep inner thought, ideas from the being are received.

In the Alpha brainwave state of feeling, feelings from the being are received.

The Beta brainwave state of memory, language, linear thought and the five senses is where
translation occurs into
words. The ideas and feelings received from invisible beings are translated according to
sympathetic resonance
with familiar memories and feelings. We inspire true remembrance, not only from present
lifetime experiences,
but also from previous and future ones. It is important to remember that time only appears to be
linear, just as two
parallel lines appear to meet in the distance. Time is actually circular and spiraling, creating
tunnels into other

"In my Father's house are many mansions."


N....We are attuned to supreme happiness and confer insight into the state of realization of any
spirit or unseen

I....We reawaken any memory or ancient conscientiousness and sensitize you to the presence of
unseen beings.

M....As masters of feelings, sensations, and vitality, we sensitize you to subtle emotionality.

A....We bring to bear the perceptiveness and wisdom of the enlightened mind to clairvoyantly
attune to and understand and articulate unseen beings. We confer the wisdom of the language of
symbols, the ancient language and the gifts and faculties of intellectual translation of ideas.

L....We confer discernment as to what is true morality and spiritualization of emotions, into
synchronization with
divine qualities.

O....We help mentor masters of metaphysics. We evoke successful, happy outcomes.

N....We teach healing power of cohesion. Cohesion is the power over "gait and movement of all
beings, men and
animals". Cohesion is created by emotional rhythms. By understanding these emotional rhythms,
you understand the laws of attraction.

The cohesive power of all embracing, unconditional love gives infinite strength to the lines of
communication and life force that form the Web of Life. The rhythmic pulsation of true
unconditional love attracts whatever or whoever is desired. A strong magnetic bond of
communication is established. True love desires the highest good of all
concerned, and thus does supreme happiness grow.


14 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Invisibility
Also known as The Angels of 'Camalo'

In order to be masters of the physical world and maintain heaven on earth, the children of God
are extremely sensitive to the world of feelings.

This world of feelings applies to the feelings from self as well as others.

When a child of God is in a sacred emotional state of being that is attracting great beauty and
perfection, it is often
necessary to be invisible to others in order to maintain privacy and personal concentration.

This is a very important skill that is not difficult once a person has learned how to remain
focused on their own
reality to the exclusion of all else. This is similar to a person who is "lost" in concentration on a
project and is
so deeply focused that they do not notice anything around them. In other words, once other
people are "unnoticeable" or invisible to you, you will be "unnoticeable" or invisible to them.
Lines of communication and perception flow both ways. If the flow is broken by one, it is broken
for all.

Invisibility can apply to the mental, emotional, or physical level or all three. If a person is
invisible only on a mental
level and emotional level, then their thoughts and feelings are invisible to others even though
their body is visible.

If a person is invisible mentally, emotionally, and physically, then their body is also invisible to
Perfect concentration and will makes for perfect invisibility.
Even though few people have mastered this skill in the past, Divine Providence has ordained that
the children of God easily master it now.


C....We teach how to spiritualize emotions and matter in order to prolong life.

A....We access highest wisdom and illumination.

M....As perfect masters of feelings, sensations and life spirit, we teach and empower you to
transmute emotions.
A....We teach you the most profound truths of enlightened mind that are expressed as mystical

L....We teach true morality and how to spiritualize emotions to become invisible.

O....We confer control of the mental and emotional functioning of the human body and mentor
masters of

Remember that emotions are magnetic force that attracts change in matter. When the emotions
of a child of God are powerful enough, actual physical invisibility is possible. By running focused
emotions of aloneness and privacy, the physical body can actually reside in an "alone" state and
be invisible to others.

The human body is capable of levitation in this manner also. In this case, emotions of lightness
and floating, if
pure and focused without subconscious feelings of fear, doubt, or weightiness, cause the matter
in a body to
instantaneously manifest lightness. Great mastery over focus and emotion is required in order to
maintain the
desired manifestation and not become distracted.

The human body, and in fact all matter, is capable of manifesting instantaneous changes that
have been perceived
as miracles throughout history. These changes are caused by powerful focused emotions
accompanied by clear
intentional will in a mind that understands the oneness of all life.


15 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Materialization and Dematerialization
Also known as The Angels of 'Nimtrix'

Beloved, It was spoken, "All that I do ye shall do and more." The ability to perform all miracles is
the birthright
of each child of God.

The materialization of objects is accomplished by condensing MAGNETIC or FEELING energy of

a visualized form. This is done in meditation by FEELING shape, measure, number, and weight
of the imagined form in a particular place.

The de-materialization of objects is the opposite, it requires de-condensing energy by FEELING

the form becoming
light and airy.

To the extent that the FEELING of the qualities of shape, measure, number and weight is focused
with the feeling of all-penetrating power, to that degree the materialization is successful. To the
extent that the FEELING of an object becoming light and airy is focused and strong, to this
degree the de- materialization is successful.

Even though the final act of materialization and dematerialization is a result of the feeling energy
of Alpha
brainwaves, wholebrain functioning is required for this skill. The particular wholebrain
functioning in this case
requires mastery of the divine virtues, symbolized by the letters of our name in the ancient
language, according to the formula below.


N....Because of the omnipresent Divine Virtue of Supreme Happiness, the drive for
self-preservation finally becomes so strong that no being or force can affect the freedom and
independence of a child of God.

I....We teach how the memory and conscience becomes powerful through understanding the
virtue of cause and
effect, and the ability to enliven anything is attained.

M....With our help, complete mastery over feelings, and therefore the principle of change, is

T....Through meditation, high intuition with adherence to Divine Harmony is perfected

concerning anything that is
of interest to the child of God.

R....The freedom of will, and the freedom of action, is acquired in such a way that there is
resonance with Divine Harmony.

I.....Perfect control of breath, and of feeling is mastered. This gives the ability to enliven anything.

X....This letter is always a combination of the three letters E, K, and S. They are as follows:

E....A child of God learns how to intensify any mental or feeling idea, concept, or form in such a
way that they
become physically visible, or to de-intensify it in order to make it go back to its most refined

K....Through understanding the virtue of omnipotence on the levels of will, mind, and feeling,
complete mastery over all terrestrial forms and treasures is attained.

S....By understanding the virtue of all-penetrating-power on the levels of will, mind, and feeling,
a child of God attains complete control of his/her own consciousness or the consciousness of any
other being , starting from the kingdom of the elements up to the highest angels.'

We teach the children of God how to materialize or de-materialize objects in this manner. We
also accomplish
the materializing or de-materializing of objects ourselves when asked by a child of God who has
mastered the virtues described above through meditation.


The Angels of Cosmic Law
Also known as The Angels of Kalote

Beloved, we are the masters of cosmic law. We are the angels who instruct you in the divine
virtues. As you look
about you, we ask that you be aware each time you feel yourself desiring a specific virtue. This
could be the virtue
of justice, or harmony, or peace, or joy. There are many different virtues. Whatever virtue it is
that you are desiring,
on whatever level of your being, we ask that you be simply take note and be aware of the divine
virtue that you wish to manifest for yourself or for the world.

The angels of Kalote oversee many orders of angels for there are angels for each virtue. Each of
these orders has
a certain color or hue, a musical tone, a smell, a feel, and a taste. In these ways you will know
them in time, for we can open up for you the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience,
and the gifts of psychic taste and smell.

On this day of Virtues, we rejoice as you clothe yourselves in the many hues and sounds and
feelings of the qualities of the virtues.

May you first be aware of the virtue of a clear mind and a heart of love. Call on us, the Angels of
Cosmic Law.

We are here and we answer when you call us. We are One Together. We are One on the Giant
Spiral of Space-Time.

We Are One.


17 degrees Cancer
The Angels of the Legality of Virtues
Also known as The Angels of Ysquiron

Beloved, we are angels of Divine Love. This love gives birth to Mercy and it's parallel virtues .
How does this love
operate in the spheres and planes of spirit, mind, emotion, and form? How does Divine Love in
it's manifestation as
Mercy fulfill the laws of justice and karma? Listen as we speak to you of this.

If one of you creates harm, according to the laws of karma and justice , this same energy must be
returned in order that the lesson that what "goes around comes around" is learned.

If, through an act of Divine Mercy, the guilty person is protected from the harmful results of a
past mistake, how
can justice and harmony be served? This great mystery can be explained simply. It is possible,
and often happens,
that a person grows in spirit through the beneficial rays of Divine Love that constantly fills all of
space. The lesson of
harmlessness can grow within the heart over time and the teaching of the karmic return is no
longer needed.

As the Sun traverses the frequency of Divine Love in it's manifestation as Mercy, know the power
of Love to fulfill
karma and justice. Love can teach each heart that opens to it the Wisdom of Ages. The emanation
of Divine Love in
the role of Mercy can heal the results of the past .

We wish to point this out to you as you ponder the possible future results of the past mistakes of
mankind. Know that
within the virtue of Divine Mercy lies the power that can heal the Earth and bring forth the
kingdom of Heaven .
We are the Angels of the Virtues of Divine Love.


18 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Evolution
Also known as The Angels of Sikesti

Beloved. Today we come before you to speak of the Divine Purpose behind all evolution. This is
the purpose that guides the growth of all creation. From the smallest particle, to the largest
universe, the Divine Purpose behind all of creation is the theme of the Angelic choirs of Sikesti.

So we speak to you today of the myriads of angels who serve on this day. We are the ANGELS OF
It is our duty to provide all that is necessary for evolution. It is we whose duty it is to establish
the conditions necessary for each creature to grow . We are the Angels who respond to your call
whenever you desire better conditions for your growth and evolution on the levels of spirit, mind,
emotions, and body.

We are the Angels who await your directions for creating Heaven on Earth, both in your personal
world and in the
world at large.

We are the Angels who have been with you since the beginning of time, providing all that you
need to evolve
into your highest destiny.

We are one with you. Om Alim We are One.


19 degrees Cancer
The Angels of The Word
Also known as The Angels of Abagrion

Beloved, today we introduce to you the Angels of the understanding of the power of the word
that is spoken
on the four levels of will, thought, emotion, and form.

In the angel messages that follow we will guide you, step by step, to understand the cosmic
language, the power of
the word. This knowledge can be used to perform the miracles that your teachers have shown

Often this knowledge is used to speak the word of protection. In your plane of existence it is still
for many to learn the lessons of unity and harmlessness through their own experience of
suffering, or as it is called
in your oriental religions, karma.

How many masters on their path to illumination reached their final breakthroughs in
consciousness in extreme
moments of crisis. It is said that even your Master Jesus spent three days in darkest hell before

It was taught that Lord Buddha obtained enlightenment as he pondered the sufferings of his

It is important that negativity exist as one of the many choices that the soul can experience on it's
journey to
perfection. Therefore the Angels of the Word, are called by God to speak with you. This is the day
of acknowledging our presence with you.

Listen to our song, and know that we are here to help you.
Whenever you sense the need of protection from negative influences, CALL ON US, so that we
can teach you the path of mastery. See how quickly we come when you summon us in your heart.

Call on us. How swiftly we come when you call. How quickly we surround you and the ones for
whom you pray
as we teach you the mysteries of the power of prayer, of the word. Call on us.

Our joy is in the wellbeing of all of God's children. With the power of the word, only your own
soul will allow any
negativity to befall you, and that will only happen when it is for your own highest good. Call on
us. We come when
you beckon.

We are the Angels of The Word.


20 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Evocation
Also known as The Angels of Kibigili

Beloved, we are the angels who are summoned by the Creator to teach you how to create
happiness and safety
through the power of evocation. We teach you the power of prayer on the levels of will, thought,
emotion, and form .
It is we who help you to understand the way of fulfilling the admonition of your scriptures for
asking for divine

When others send thoughts of ill will, or malice, your way, it is we who teach you how to protect
your awareness and to keep your thoughts centered on the Love that creates and protects all of

We whisper the truth into your mind. We help you to remember that you can ask for help and we
connect you with those who will come to your aid. We are powerful and we are commanded by
God to protect you as you journey in consciousness through the many mansions of the created

Do not underestimate our power. We ask you to not attempt to fight your battles in
consciousness alone. We are here to help you. How many times it is spoken of in the Bible, in the
Koran, in all of your holy books, that God wishes you to rely on Him and His angels for
protection and for sustenance.

Remember that it was your master Jesus who told his disciples that, "I of myself can do nothing,
it is the Father
within, it is He that doeth the works." It is by asking that you access Divine Power.

So we introduce ourselves to you this day. We are one of the orders of the Angels of Protection.
We work in the mental world. We are known as the Angels of Evocation.

Call on us now and let us help you this day and always. We come when you summon us. Whether
your prayer for help and assistance is for yourself, or for those you love, or for the entire world
--the entire human family, we come and we answer your call.


21 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Wisdom
Also known as The Angels of Arakuson

Beloved, as you can see from our previous messages, there are many orders of angels. Today we
wish to introduce to you one of the orders of angels whose purpose it is to administer and teach
divine laws for the purpose of under-
standing how to manifest the kingdom of heaven on earth.

We are the specific angels who introduce you to the divine laws that are the cause behind the
effects of success and
excellence in world service. Those who attain excellence in world service pay a tremendous cost
in the effort that it
takes to become aware of these laws and to master them.
It is of this that we wish to speak.

In every moment of your day, there exists the choice to focus the attention freely on whatever
you wish..

When the decision is made to dedicate your life to the service of bringing beauty and truth to as
many people as
possible, an intense process of learning and preparation begins.This preparation usually takes
many years and
requires the help of many teachers.

We are the angels that come when such a commitment is made, and it is we who guide you in
your great quest
for understanding and mastery of the divine laws that lie behind creation, so that you can be

We guide you to your teachers. We create the experiences that will teach you all that you need to
know in order to
fulfill your quest to serve and do your part in bringing heaven to earth. We rejoice in this day,
that we can make
our presence known to you. For when you step upon the path of service, know that you are not
alone. We, the Angels of Wisdom, are here to serve you and guide you .

It is we who join in the mighty angelic choirs of thanksgiving whenever any man or woman so
shines their
light upon the world . It is ordained by Divine Love and Providence that we answer your call for

We are the Angels of Justice. We are here to help you excel in your path of service. Call on us.

22 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Emanation
Also known as The Angels of Maggio

Beloved, we are the angels of Divine Providence who create within the hearts of yourselves and
your children the feeling of expectation and anticipation. We do this by teaching you how to
access the gifts of God in the ways that your teachers have done before you.

We ask you to meditate on the hope that keeps the flame of life burning brightly within your

When the social environment does not bring satisfaction and there is a longing for
transcendental happiness, we are
the angels who hover around you.

We are the ones who know of THE GREAT DREAM within your soul . We ride the winds of spirit
bringing visions of
The Beloved coming across the inner sea of consciousness.

As you wait patiently for fulfillment and bliss, for realization and joy, we keep alive the
anticipation and hope of Divine
Inheritance within your heart and carefully guide you to the best teachers and instructions on
how to create a new reality in your earthly existence.

We are of the order of Angels known as Emanations.

In the following messages, we also will be guiding you step by step to understand how to create
with the powers of the Divine. We connect the dreamer with the dream, the recipient with the
given. We come forth from the Perfection to those in process of creating perfection. The hope
that you feel within your breast is based on Truth. We work with the Power of Truth within your
soul when you call forth things hoped for but not seen.

With us, you can trust that the sacred dream within you will be manifest.


23 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Space
Also known as The Angels of Dirilisin

Beloved,we are the angels of space and we are the angels of time. We inspire the scientists who
work with the theory that the function of space is a continuum of the function of time.
We are the masters of space in the physical worlds and also the worlds of feeling and thought. As
we come before you this day, we ask you to consider space and time. In the microcosm and the
macrocosm, the small and the large, we inspire the understanding and mastery of time and it's
sister space.

In this understanding lies the ability to create great happiness and individuality. Our purpose is
to teach the consciousness how to spread it's wings and fly . We are the angels who help you
travel into the infinite realms of possibility and higher vision . We help when present space is
haunted or contaminated by pain from the past, or fear of the future.

When you call upon us to help you personally, or to help a large group of people, we bring
inspiration and under-
standing concerning the possibilities of creating different realities.
We help you to change the quality of the space that you are in, and we help you to specify WHAT
time you wish
to focus on.

Many people on your planet have made commitments to keep their focus on times from the past.
They recreate their
present space to reflect a another space and a different time.
Many wars are fought over ancestral or traditional issues.

It is our job to awaken people to the fact that they are doing this and to empower them to
RELEASE this focus and
servitude to the past. We empower them to shift into a different space and focus on the present .
We inspire them
to create a beautiful and unique present and a joyful future.

Call on us for assistance whenever you feel that allegiance to the past, or fear of the future,is
taking predominance over common sense in present situations. It is we who understand the
methods of refocusing the minds and the hearts of the people.

Our reaction is swift and our power is miraculous. We, the Angels of Space, await your call. We
serve by wielding the
power of time and space. We help mankind to create the highest good of all concerned.

We are one with the Father and we are one with Creation.
We are one with Beauty and we are one with Love.

Call on us.


24 degrees Cancer
The Commanding Angels of Virtue
Also known as The Angels of Akahimo

Beloved, we are the angels who direct the emanation of virtues. There are many many divine
virtues, qualities, or
powers. We orchestrate the emanation of these divine qualities, these powers, to the earth. We
radiate various
virtues for different purposes at different times. Whatever divine virtues are needed in any
situation, it is we who choose and it is we who control the power, the emanation, of these
qualities. There are many virtues, and each virtue has it's own legion and order of angels to
administer it.

We command the many orders of angels who work with the divine virtues. It is our joy to list
some of these. There are
virtues of wisdom, love, patience, mercy, legality, harmony, balance, beauty, innocence, and joy.
There are virtues of
strength, clarity, compassion, steadfastness, understanding, mastery, individuality, and serenity.
There are virtues of
spontaneity, trust, generosity ,inspiration,and loyalty. There are virtues of courage, conviction,
surrender, freewill,
knowledge, leadership ,and gratitude. There are virtues of sovereignty, purity, grace, and
We are the angels who know which virtues are necessary to bring about the highest good of all
concerned in any
situation. Call on us when you feel that virtues are needed in your personal life or in the lives of
those for whom you pray.

Virtues are the divine qualities and powers for which you long, and it is this divine nostalgia
which causes your heart
to seek our presence. The virtues that we emanate enable you to grow and become perfect like
your Father, who is the Creator of all. We bring these virtues to you in the way that is for the
highest good, so that Earth may reflect Heaven as you trod upon her.

We come when your heart desires us. God has given us the command to serve all of you, his
beloved children. We come when you call. Call on us. We are powerful, we are radiant.
We are here to nourish you.

Alim. Shalom. Amen.


25 degrees Cancer
The Angels of The First Light
Also known as The Angels of Aragor

Beloved, many times when you find yourselves responding to problems in your world, you do so
with the use of will and creative imagination to call forth help from the Divine. We are the angels
who create a descent of superior power , an endowment of grace or providential assistance, in
answer to your call.

When you stand firmly rooted in your willpower and visualize the divine light descending and
healing whatever is
concerning you, a Pentecostal outpouring of brilliance occurs from above. This descending light
is the essence of what you know of in your myths as THE MANTLE OF POWER.

To be a spiritual leader of people, you must be clothed in this mantle of power. This mantle is
woven upon the warp and the woof of your deepest will and your creative imagination of the
perfect outcome. The Visualization of Perfection is based on profound love for all and is based on
the understanding that when one is harmed, all are harmed, because unity is the foundation of
truth and we are all one in the consciousness of God.

We are the angels who respond to your will and your perfect visualization with the outpouring of
divine light from the
regions of the First Light of Divine Providence. We dwell at the beginning of Cause. When you
assume your rightful
place as the caretakers of creation, the dominion that you wield is made manifest by a
combination of your energies
and ours.

Know that we answer your call when you take command of the kingdom in the name of God's
Wisdom and Love. We
are the angels of grace and happiness, law, infinite knowledge, individuality, and power.

Call on us.


[ This one already happened, but it interesting reading for

those into astrology ]

Emergency Angel Message Galactic Portal

Dearly Beloved, We come before you at this time to herald the coming of a comet. This comet is
of amazing brilliance
and it's significance for your SHAMEN ELDERS of wisdom is immense. This comet will arrive a
few days after
the full lunar eclipse in 25 degrees Cancer/Capricorn on July the 16th.

This moon and it's eclipse of 25 degrees Capricorn ,signifies the final understanding of the secret
of matter in
your physical world. Matter's chemical and physical effects are revealed to certain of your elders
both in the shamanic world and the world of your science.

The arrival of the comet signifies the flash of illumination in the mind as a great concept is

Shamen study the mastery of the right brain which is the function of spatial knowing, or
intuition. Scientists study
the mastery of the left brain which works in a linear and sequential manner and is the seat of
memory and logic.
these elders are coming together and sharing their wisdom and understanding of the one world.
This is being done on four levels.

The first, and most important, is the level of will and desire.
Agreement is being reached . The will and desire is for the highest good of all concerned to
happen. This is making
possible the descent of power from the highest realms of infinite knowing. [Refer to the angel
message of this day,
July 16th the Angels of The First Light. ]

The second , and next most important level of agreement , is a mental understanding of the best
way to bring this about with maximum efficiency and minimum effort in a timely way. This will
require a synthesis of the shamanic and the scientific disciplines.

The third level is that of the heart. True and honest love, grounded in a feeling of trust and
innocence, is now to be
the prevailing emotion between the two groups of elders, the shamen and the scientists.

The final level of the physical earth, as a consequence of this shared love, will undergo a
transformation that will
create heaven on earth. beginning to All things are Sacred, sacredness is omnipresent

We , the Angels of Manifestation, are revealing both to your elders and to all peoples the secrets
of matter on all planes. We are inspiring you with the knowledge about earth just when the
joining of your shamen and your scientists
becomes the outward manifestation of the left and right brain balance . This is the whole brain
functioning of
Enlightened Human. This is the perfection of millions of years of evolution between man and
nature. Chiron , the
planet of the wounded healer, is conjuncting the fixed star Sirius, which means to make all things

Pluto, the path of the soul, is conjuncting the fixed star Antares. This signifies the greatest
success that can be

The asteroid Ceres , goddess of the harvest, is conjuncting the fixed star Diadem. Diadem is the
star of the most
profound service to others in the sense that it is the sacrifice of the lower personality to the call of
the higher self.

The asteroid Hygaea, healing, is conjuncting the fixed star Toliman, which signifies learning the
lessons of life.

The part of Fortune , planetary joy and happiness, is under influence of the fixed star Fomalhaut,
which is success
through noble ideals.

The transplutonian planet of Chronos, the symbol of high authority, is blending it's energy with
the fixed star Hamal,
which means following one's inner guidance. It is also blending it's energies with Betelgeuse and
the fixed star
Polaris , which is certain success and knowledge of the way. Venus, Divine love in all of it's
forms,is blending it's
energy with the fixed star Zosma, which represents both the victims and the saviors of the world.

Mars, the planet of creative love is conjuncting the fixed star Castor, which is the ability to create
and to communicate
from the level of the personality. This dominance of personality will be getting less as Castor
moves away from
your solar system and his twin, Pollux, moves closer. Pollux was the twin of Castor in your
Roman myths. Castor in these myths slew Pollux. Pollux signifies the soul. At that time the
personality lost contact with the soul. At this time in the evolution of the Earth, Pollux, the soul,
returns and becomes powerful, while the influence of Castor, the personality, becomes less

And finally, the asteroid Black Moon , the shadows of the unawakened heart, is conjuncting the
fixed star Vega,
which signifies the outpourings of charismatic miracles

The deep wounding of your heart will be healed with the abundance brought forth by The New
Group of World
Servers who are equally linked to the inner and outer worlds.
Know that the individual will is being reborn. It is awakening into oneness with Divine Will .

Listen, oh children of the One Light, great is our Power. We are the angels of will,
omnipresence,happiness and grace, law, and beauty. We are the angels of answered prayer. We
are the Angels of Manifestation. In our awareness of our oneness with All, we are one with you.

Let us walk through the gateway of manifestation and Love, the DIVINE PERFECTION. We are
dancing awake the
Ancient Future of Mayan Prophecy.


26 degrees Cancer
The Angels of the Interplanetary Spheres
Also known as The Angels of Granona
Beloved, all forms in creation are expressions of The Holy Spirit and it's divine attributes. Even
the smallest flower
expresses the spirit of the Infinite in beauty and color.

The time comes in understanding when a person sees that the earth contains a spirit, just as a
person's body contains a spirit, or even a simple flower has a spirit. It is natural that this
understanding expands to the conclusion that planetary bodies of the solar system also have

We are the angels who provide a connection with the spirits of the interplanetary spheres. We
understand the divine
attributes of each heavenly sphere as they express themselves in the realms of thought and
feeling and of cause and effect.
It is we who create cosmic alliances in consciousness between each sphere and the seeker who
desires to know.. It
is we who whisper the divine attributes of the various planets into your dreams and inspire the
writers of your myths and stories.

When the seeker looks afar into the sky and asks the questions of the meaning of the heavenly
orbs, it is we who
answer his call. We provide diverse visions to the seeker, these often occur in trance, during
sleep, or in day-dreams.
We are here to serve you when your thoughts reach up into the heavens and you are filled with
wonder. Call on us.

We are the angels of the spheres.


27 degrees Cancer
Angels of the Miracles of the Spheres
Also known as The Angels of Zogal

Beloved, we are the angels who are in charge of miracles as they relate to the planets that share
the solar system with Earth.

Our particular influence is felt whenever one of you spends time in contemplation of the spiritual
essence of the
interplanetary spheres and at the same time desires help from the spiritual consciousness that
they represent. This is similar to obtaining help from the spiritual essence of a plant, or a
beautiful ocean, or from the spiritual essence of a forest. In each of these cases, there is a specific
group of angels who make possible the transference of information and help.

When help is desired from the interplanetary spheres , we are the angels who facilitate the seeker
to experience miraculous changes in consciousness. Just as different people have different gifts
of the spirit , the different planets also have different spiritual qualities and gifts. It is for this
reason that many many books and philosophies exist concerning the different planets and the
attributes that they represent. Roman and Greek mythology are based on this. The native
American and other aboriginal cultures are replete with teachings concerning the identities of the
planets and the powers and qualities that these identities possess.

We introduce ourselves to you today so that you may enjoy and obtain wisdom and healing from
the interplanetary
spheres just as you do from so many sources of God's infinite creation.
It is our joy to list a few of the divine attributes of the planets.
Mercury represents the receptivity of Wisdom, Venus represents the receptivity of Divine Love,
Mars represents
Creative Love, Jupiter represents Creative Wisdom, Saturn represents the receptivity of Divine
Will, Uranus represents The Will of God, Neptune represents the Wisdom of God, and Pluto
represents the Love of God.

Call on us when your thoughts ponder the meaning of the celestial lights, and you desire our help
in your quest to
become more filled with Love, and with Wisdom , and with God's Will.

We are the angels of sphere miracles.

Call on us. Shalom.


28 degrees Cancer
Angels of the Music of the Spheres
Also known as The Angels of Mennolika

Beloved, we are the angels of unification of consciousness with the interplanetary spheres. It is
we who impart the ability or the experience of merging, of becoming one with, the divine
qualities of the spheres. Often this is experienced in meditation and prayerful contemplation as
the experience of hearing the celestial music of the spheres. Music is a language that unites the
right and left brain, it is sequential like language and intuitive like space.

In the history of the birth of Jesus, the three wise men who followed the star of the humble
manger, experienced this
beautiful music as they trod day after day.

Oftentimes in the stories of your saints and prophets of many religions, there are accounts of the
sound of celestial music accompanying moments of great insight and revelation. Just as a
mountain range or a beautiful sunset can inspire the soul to glimpse the majesty of God, so too
can the contemplation of the divine qualities of the planets inspire lofty wisdom.

It is we who whisper to you the abundance of knowledge hidden in the deep sky. We are the
angels who help your
soul to experience the beauty of celestial music and the inspiration that follows. Know that it is
we who are with you
when you feel the ecstasy of the music of the spheres. Call on us when you gaze at the heavens
and sense the infinite in it's beauty and greatness. We will be there with you to help you feel
oneness with the sky.


29 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Decision
Also known as The Angels of Forfasan

Beloved, There are times when the path of Life requires a decision to be made as to which course
of action to take. It
usually takes the form of the question," whose expectations and values do I honor?" "Do I honor
the desires of my
family, my country, my peers , and become successful and self-supporting ? Do I contribute to
my society by achieving a useful profession and raising a family , being a good parent and
spouse? Or do I decide to follow the mystical teachings of my spiritual upbringing, forsaking all
else, and dedicate myself to the inward path of seeking truth, following in the footsteps of the
masters of old?"

Whenever this question arises, whether at the start of a young life, or in the course of the day,
when the decision to stop and pray and go within, or fix the supper, make the bed, draft a paper,
or fulfill some duty calls and beckons, we are the angels that assist you.

The question takes many forms and yet always it is the same.
Which path do you take? If you chose the path of duty to the spirit , then what contributions to
the world will go unrealized?
If you chose the path of duty to the world, what inner realizations and spiritual knowledge will be

As you weigh the decision of service on the scales of inner guidance, we are the angels who
connect you with Higher
Wisdom. In each and every choice, if you will be silent and go within and ask for our help, if you
will pause and be still and wait, we inspire you and help you decide. As you grow in maturity,
your own unique path unfolds clearly before your feet.

We are the Angels of Decision, of the order of The Angels of Individuation. Know that we are
always with you. Open your consciousness to us and let us provide the wisdom that you seek.


30 degrees Cancer
The Angels of Fate
Also known as The Angels of Charonthona

Beloved, In your choice of parents, country, gender, race, class, health, time, genes, and other
circumstances of life, your soul accepted certain influences or fate. You were allowed to have this
particular fate for your highest good, by Divine Providence itself. This choice was designed to
allow your soul the greatest chance of development in it's journey to perfection.
The influences of your fate usually cannot be avoided, and these influences can be favorable or
unfavorable, easy or difficult. If the fate is unfavorable, opportunities exist for the soul to learn
patience, fortitude, surrender, faith, service, humility, courage, persistence, compassion,
strength, and understanding, among others. If the fate is favorable, the soul can learn the lessons
of happiness, satisfaction, joy, love, education, pleasure, abundance, beauty, power, and
freedom, among others.
Usually there are both easy and difficult lessons of fate in life. We are the angels who know the
fate of all we serve. It is we who understand the reasons behind the chosen fate. We know that
Divine Providence only allows the soul to take on the fate that is most suited to it's best
Divine Providence never allows a soul to take on more than it can accomplish.
We help each of you with your fate. Easy or difficult, it is we who help you to know that all is in
divine harmony, that all is working out as it should. We help you call forth those virtues and
qualities from the Divine that are required in order to successfully work with your individual
circumstances. We make sure that your fate unfolds as you and Divine Providence intended.
Finally you will reach the point of such wisdom, love, and power that the intended lessons of
your fate are accomplished in their entirety. Then we rejoice in your freedom to live your life as a
master of your own fate. It is at this point that cause and effect are finally understood, and there
is no further danger that the soul will cause harm, either to him/herself or to another, either
intentionally or through ignorance.
We are the Angels of Fate, and we also are of the Order of The Angels of Individuation. We serve
you through the will of God, who is The Highest Love, Wisdom, and Power.


1 degree Leo
The Angels of Power
Also known as The Angels of Kosem

Beloved, whenever a person's heart erupts in fiery emotion, a tremendous power is unleashed
that moves over the entire ocean of consciousness surrounding the earth. Within the heart, the
individual has now begun a birth into spiritual power.
This power can ignite the flames within the hearts of many others. This chain reaction is similar
to the processes of
combustion in the solar sun. For the sake of all peoples, it is therefore of utmost importance that
this power be used to create the highest beauty on all levels of the mind, the emotions, and the
physical world.
We, the Angels of Power, assist you in directing this passion.
We open up your intuition and help you access guidance and insight from Divine Providence.
Therefore it is possible for a man or a woman to have the power to profoundly nourish and bless
the entire world.
Ya Fatah!
This power opens the door to the miracles prayed for in the hearts of all beings. . When the
power of the erupting desire and passion and will of the heart is combined with Divine Wisdom,
it expresses itself as Divine Love. This is the greatest power that there is.


The Angels of Electricity
Also known as The Angels of Methaera

Beloved, we are the Angels of the Masculine Force. We are similar to the Angels of the Sun, and
the Angels of Desire.
We are the Angels of Creativity, we are Angels of the Dance of Giving. When you look at the rays
of the sun, we dance into your optic nerve and inform the pituitary and hypothalamus. We
reawaken the memory of your intent to
manifest the Ancient Future. When you call upon us, we awaken within you fiery intent.
Manifest creation is made possible through electrical and magnetic energy. These energies
correspond not only to
masculine and feminine, positive and negative, creative and receptive, but also to all other
In the oriental philosophies of health, it is said that a balance of 5 to 1 yin/yang is optimum. Yin
is feminine magnetic energy and yang is masculine electric energy. When you feel that your
energy is too magnetic, too receptive, call on us. We will speed to you and infuse you with intent
and desire. We will help you to balance your waiting and your passivity. We will inspire you with
great will and with power.
If you pray for others who seem helpless, call on us and we will remind them of their Sonship and
Daughtership with the Creator of All Life.
We can teach you through inspiration of the way electricity manifests in the realms of spirit,
thought, feeling, and form.
Many are the miracles that we can help you to perform in the inner and the outer worlds. If you
find yourself in a storm and the electrical powers frighten you, call on us for we ARE the
electrical powers.
We are ONE with the Creator of All Life, and we are ONE with you. We are ONE with ALL for
ALL is ONE. Our love for you is as powerful as lightening. We wish to serve you.
It is our purpose and our will to do so. We HELP you understand ELECTRICITY IN YOUR LIFE.


The Angels of Passion
Also known as The Angels of Jvar

Beloved, In the emotional nature of man and woman reside the passions that can overwhelm the
consciousness. These passions contain powerful lifeforce energies that, if brought under control,
can strengthen the will power . When these energies are directed in positive directions through
will power, they can be used to perform miracles.

Strong passions can be used by an enlightened man or woman to bring about amazing changes in
the mind,
emotions, and body of themselves or in others. They can also be used to bring about beneficial
changes in the weather, or in the behaviors of the plant and animal kingdoms.
When passions run unchecked by will power , and they are left to play themselves out,
destruction can result. This is similar to a powerful storm that destroys everything in it's path.
We are the angels who help you when the passions of your emotional nature are aroused and you
seek to direct this energy into constructive channels.
We understand the wonderful potential of passions. We understand the keys of passion mastery.
We know how
to convert the energy of passion into miracles. Just as a nondestructive storm can be very
beautiful, and can bring
much needed rain , so too can your passions bring great beauty and nourishment. Call on us, the
Angels of Passion, when you need our help. Like a mighty galleon safely riding the heaving seas,
we ride the winds of power and purpose with you.
Great is the joy, the exuberance, the wild freedom of passion's wind and wave when it is directed
through will
power. When a passion is a servant and not a master, when it is directed through wisdom and
love, It is one of the most beautiful of the Divine attributes. Call on us when you need us.
We are the Angels of Passion, of the order of the Angels of Power.


4 degrees Leo

The Angels of the Elementals In the Order of the Angels of the Elements Also known as The
Angels of Mahra
Beloved, today the angels call to you to speak of the four elements as they manifest in nature.
As you know, all of the individual expressions of God in manifest creation are outpicturings of
the nature of God. The grandeur, the beauty, the intelligence, the exquisite perfection, of the
Almighty is present in even the least of the objects of His handiwork to the eyes that have the
grace to look and see.
The more that scientists and philosophers look, the more that they contemplate, the more that
the infinite consciousness is obvious in the intricate perfection of creation.
We are the angels of the four elements of fire, air, water, and earth. These four elements contain
within them the secrets of the fourfold nature of God. The element of fire is the outpicturing of
God's desire, the element of air is the out-picturing of God's intelligence, the element of water is
the outpicturing of God's feelings, and the element of earth is the outpicturing of God's form. By
studying the qualities of the four elements, and how they evolve one into the other, they keys to
creation are made known.
This is why it was written that God's handiwork is The Book in which all wisdom and
understanding is opened
to the seeker.
When you study the four elements of nature with the intent of penetrating the secrets of the
creativity of God,
we, the Angels of the Elementals, will silently guide your understanding step by step. As you
prove yourself to be
harmless and pure, we will open up to you the secrets written in the elements and their
interactions. Not only will you begin to understand your own true nature, you will also
understand the nature of All That Is.
The heart that is pure, that values wisdom and love above all else, that carefully safeguards the
use of will power, will KNOW THE TRUTH. The TRUTH shall make you free.
The Angels of the Elementals, the angels of the spiritual forces indwelling all of nature, will guide
your footsteps .
Come, come walk with us as we explore the mysteries of God in his handiworks. Come, come
with us, the Angels of the Elementals, of the Order of the Angels of the Elements, as we learn of
the Nature of God.


5 degrees Leo
The Angels of Nature
Also known as The Angels of Gagolchon

Beloved, we are the guardians of all people who explore nature. Anyone dealing with natural
science is awakened
to extraordinary genius through our inspiration.

According to the development and maturity of mankind, we unveil successively the secrets of

It is we who are inspiring people to evolve beyond artificiality to embrace elegant lives of
simplicity in nature. We are inspiring them to remember that being surrounded by nature is a
greater treasure than being surrounded by a complex artificial environment.

We are creating a transference of value and treasure from synthetic material possessions to the
wonders of natural life. Each day we carefully guide people to reacquaint themselves with the
luxury of natural opulence and majesty. Instead of sitting at the head of a corporate board
meeting, many people are finding that they would rather be sitting on top of a rocky
mountaintop staring at the view.

Now that the time has come for The Enchantment to return to Earth , people are once again
discovering that Earth is the Garden of Eden that Divine Consciousness intended at the dawn of
time. From the buzzing of the bees to the gurgling of streams, we enchant people into the arms of
The Divine Mother.

In nature the truth is whispered on the wind, and is tucked in the petals of each tiny Lady Slipper
which grows at the base of great trees. The graceful movements of the squirrels, the shy glance of
a chickadee, the majestic leap of the deer; all of nature sings of harmony and the secrets of

In nature the infinite library of life awaits the contemplative mind. The flight of the eagle or a
view from the heights,
opens up vast vistas of insight into the mind of Infinity. In nature, the heart finds itself afloat in
the sea of bliss and

In the silence hear the angels sing, Within your heart let dreams take wing.
Explore the cathedrals of leaf and of bough Go deep and grow for the time is now.
Each person's soul is nurtured in the cosmic womb for divine rebirth when they swim deep in a
sea of natural perfection.

In the other messages, various orders of angels explain divine plans for architecture, roads,
technology, mining, farming, and every other aspect of life that will work with nature instead of
against it. Now is the time that people are rediscovering these original ways of living in perfect
harmony with nature.

Modesty and opulence go hand in hand. True majesty and wealth is found in balance of
simplicity and complexity. In a Land of Enchantment, the dangers and blessings of both wealth
and of poverty are understood, and the middle path of perfect balance is held in sacredness.

The night of resisting polarities is drawing to a close, and the peaceful dawn of sacred alchemical
marriage of opposites is bringing restoration to the earth.

We are Inspiring a sudden leap in will and consciousness that is exploding all over the world for
restoring the pristine condition of Earth. As the joy and passion for doing this is fully unleashed,
nature, mankind and the heavenly hosts create a powerful whirlwind of change and healing that
extends beyond your grandest dreams.

Rejoice! Rejoice, for we tell you that the many of the buildings that have been built over forests,
and much of the
asphalt that covers ancient lands, will be joyfully removed and earth restored to better than

All the beings of heaven, and all of the beings of nature, with more and more of the children of
earth are restoring this ancient land to it's natural state.

Return to nature, dear sister and brother, return to the arms of our Sacred Mother.
Flow, oh flow, with the river of time To the shores of serenity and peace sublime.

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

As above, so below.


6 degrees Leo
The Angels of Regeneration Of the Order of the Angels of Power
Also known as The Angels of Aslotama

Beloved, we come before you, The Angels of Regeneration.

We are the angels who teach of charging the seed with the intent and desire for even greater
perfection than ever before.
This charging of the seed with the desire for and visualization of highest perfection applies to the
microcosm of the smallest material form to the macrocosm of the greatest universe. We are the
Angels of Regeneration. It is our order of angels who impregnate the regeneration of form with
the intent and image of greater perfection.

Each and every seed, be it plant, or animal, or human, is influenced by the power of this desire
for perfection. We
teach you to influence the seeds of your fields, the seeds of your animals, and the seeds of your
children with the power of intention and desire and visualization of manifesting the highest
qualities of Divine Perfection.
The greatest Beauty, the greatest Harmony, the greatest Intelligence and Form, each and every
divine quality that you can imagine can be willed into the seeds of regeneration on every level. So
today is the day to dance with us in your heart.

We are supporting you in your intention to regenerate everything in the world with the Vision
and the Will of
bringing forth Heaven on Earth. Visualize, visualize, visualize.
Feel the passion and energy in your heart. Uncover in your heart the deepest longing for Beauty
and Perfection. With
our help, charge each and every seed, from the smallest plant to the grandest human, with the
power of this desire.

Create a vision of Earth in her Edenic State and charge the seed of this vision and the Holy Spirit
will bring Heaven to
Earth. It can and it will be done.


7 degrees Leo
The Angels of the Firmament Of the Order of the Angels of Wisdom
Also known as The Angels of Kagaros

Beloved, every desire or will impulse from the spirit manifests through the visual images created
in the mind.
After the will is clothed in an image, the passion for it's manifestation carries it into form. Today
we speak to you
of this image, the visual blueprint seen in the imagination of the creator.

The Mind of God is passed on to the souls of all of his beloved children as genetic qualities are
passed on from
one generation to the next. God has placed the stars in the firmament as a physical reflection of
the points of light of
wisdom inherent in the Infinite Divine Mind. These points of wisdom light represent all ideas in
all forms of existence.
Know that just as there are infinite numbers of stars in the sky, so also are there infinite ideas
that can be given
expression by imagination. It is the power of the mind that it can mold spiritual energy into
specific form with it's power of imagination.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the images of the mind be ones of great beauty that
accurately reflect the light of Divine Perfection. The longing within the heart of each being to live
in Paradise can be fulfilled when mankind learns to daydream the beautiful dreams of perfection
for all.

We, the Angels of the Firmament, have been ordained by God to remind you of the infinite
choices that you have when you shine your light unto the world through your creative power of
imagination. We have helped place the stars in the firmament as teachers of the power of light to
illumine and make beautiful the darkness of the night. We have helped place the sun in the sky
as a teacher of the power of light to sustain life.

It is the power of spirit flowing through your thoughts and imagination that can illumine the
darkness and bring life to
your world. Ask us for help and inspiration so that the results of your thoughts and imagination
can reflect the perfection of Divine Providence in your life and in the lives of others. Let us dance
the dance of creativity together in it's infinite possibilities for beauty.
We are the Angels of the Firmament of the Order of the Angels of Wisdom.


8 degrees Leo
The Angels of Breath Of the Order of the Angels of Power
Also known as The Angels of Romasara

Beloved, We are the angels of breath, and it is we who understand and teach the principles
behind the ancient yogic
science of breathing called Pranayama. Breath contains within it the air principle of mind and
connects the fire of
spiritual will with the feelings of passion in the heart. All of this together results in creativity, the
precursor of all form.

The inbreath contains within it the mystery of magnetism.

The outbreath contains within it the mystery of electricity.
Become aware of your breath.

On the inbreath imagine that all that you need to sustain you on the levels of spirit, mind,
emotions, and form is coming toward you. On the outbreath, imagine all the gifts of your spirit,
your mind, and the love of your heart flowing outwards unto the world. Sometimes on the
inbreath imagine the energy of the Earth rising up through your feet and on the outbreath
imaging this energy rising up through the top of your head into the sun! Or you can imagine the
energy of the sun pouring into the top of your head on the inbreath, and on the outbreath
imagine this sunlight shooting out through the soles of your feet into the earth!

If you are wishing to send healing energy to a loved one, imagine the lifeforce in space coming
into you on the
inbreath, and then imaging this lifeforce flowing to the loved one on the outbreath.

We are the angels who assist with the intention, the imagination, the feeling, and the effects of

It is in this way that God breathed life into all of his beloved creation. As a person matures in
understanding and wisdom, the ability to use the breath to attract and send creative energy
becomes more and more refined. Eventually the level of mastery is reached that enables miracles.

As you are becoming aware of the spiritual gifts inherent in breath, we are assisting you. We
protect you from unwise use of this power by inspiring you with the truth that WE ARE ALL
ONE. We remind you that when one is harmed, all are harmed, And that when one is healed, all
are healed. We remind you to always intend and imagine and breath in and out the passion for
the highest good of all concerned. In this way the most remarkable miracles that can be imagined
can be brought into form. In this way the kingdom of Heaven will be established on Earth as God
has intended from the beginning.

For we are all one with God as God is one with us.


9 Degrees Leo
The Angels of the Mystic Path
Also known as The Angels of Anemalon
Beloved, There are two paths that exist for those who seek Enlightenment. One of these is The
Path of Perfection. The other is the Path of Love and Holiness.

The path of perfection is the path of mastery. In this path lies knowledge and self discipline. This
path is one of perfecting the spirit, the mind, the emotions, and the physical body using the
ancient techniques of the yogis and the shamen.

The Path of Love and Holiness is the one that we, the Angels of the Mystic Path , guard and
nourish. This path is a great mystery, and is centered in the flame of the Heart Divine.

On the path of Love and Holiness, the self becomes the crucible of God's transforming Love. On
this path, devotion
to the Presence of God in All becomes the Rapture that is the flame of Transfiguration and
Redemption. In the passion of this Love, enlightenment is certain, and all else falls away.

Each step of this path requires a choice. It is the choice between focusing the attention on the
Many or the One. The
Many is all of the manifestations of the worlds of spirit, mind, emotion, and form. The One is
omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient DIVINE LOVE .

We are the angels who walk beside you on this path of Love.
We go before you, we go behind you, and we walk on each side of you. It is we who fill your days
and your nights with choirs of ecstasy and devotion.

We are of the order of the Angels of Rapture. We open your eyes to see the Beloved Creator in
everything that you look upon. We help you to see and to understand that the Many ARE the
One. In Love and Holiness, we stand with you as the fires of bliss and purity remove any trace of
separation between your soul and the One Being. We guide your footsteps safely into the arms of
the Beloved. We stand in awe as the crown of Enlightenment shines forth finally from your brow
at path's end.

We are the Angels of the Mystic Path.


10 degrees Leo
The Angels of Inspiration Of the Order of the Angels of Transfiguration
Also known as The Angels of Tabbata

Beloved, There comes a time when the fiery passion of desire within the heart has been
successfully directed into Divine Creativity through the alignment of individual will with Divine

It is at this stage that darkness is filled with light.

The tears of separation become the dew drops of the morning as the light warms all in it's path.

This wonderful power of desire, coupled with imagination and will, used with the magic of
breath, makes possible the
miracles demonstrated by yogis and saints and masters of old.

Each moment in life brings opportunities for Divine Creativity. In each moment, Divine
Inspiration can guide the
passionate heart to outpicture Perfection in unique and specific ways.

We are the angels who guide, who inspire, in each moment, the vision of what is the highest good
for all concerned. We are an aspect of Infinite Mind. We are aware of the special signature of each
situation and through Divine Intelligence we know.

It was your Master Jesus who said, "I, of myself, can do nothing, it is the Father within, it is He
that doeth the works."
Just as we were there for Him when he walked the earth, so are we here for you. Just as we
inspired Him with perfect visions for the outpouring of His passionate heart, so are we here to
inspire you . In each and every moment we inspire you to create the perfect image to be filled
with the fiery energy of your passionate heart. Just ask and become receptive in silence and
stillness, and our knowing will come upon you.


11 degrees Leo
The Angels of Ecstasy and Rapture Of the Order of the Angels of Trance
Also known as The Angels of Ahahbon

Beloved, having learned to channel the passion of the Heart through imagination that is attuned
to Divine Will , and
through the mystical breath, it is easy for you to manifest higher states of ecstatic experience.

We are the Angels of Trance. It is we who assist you when you desire to bring forth the harmony,
love, grace and power of the inner realms of meditation and prayer into your everyday world.

Often when you look about you and see suffering in the eyes and bodies of the people, the desire
to bring them inspiration and hope wells up within your heart. Their suffering is oftentimes
considerable, but it is the fertile soil in which the Flower of Understanding and Compassion

When you focus your desire to uplift and inspire these who are locked in suffering, we are there
to encircle each and
every one of them with the energy of joy and ecstasy and even rapture.

We work together. Man/Woman and Angels work together to bring forth the kingdom of God. It
has always been this
way and it will always be . This is how the Creator designed the Kingdom to function.

Close your eyes. Feel the passion in your heart. Call forth the angels of inspiration to guide your
imagination to envision the most perfect ecstasy for those you desire to serve.

Now, breathe in the envisioned ecstasy and rapture. As you breathe out, imagine your breath
filled with this rapture
surrounding and filling up the people. Continue doing this in prayerful attunement and focus,
calling on us to help you and them. AS you are doing this we, the angels of ecstasy and rapture
will do our part.

Try this and be surprised at the results that you see before you! It is so easy.

Your teachers have told you two very important things. One is that you must be as a little child to
enter the kingdom of heaven. The other is that all that the Master did, you shall do also. So you
see, these great works MUST be so simple that a little child can do them. Try it and see.


12 degrees Leo
The Angels of Consecration Of the Order of the Angels of Virtue
Also known as The Angels of Akanejonaho

Beloved, often times when you are focusing the passion of your heart through guided
imagination and mystic breath in attunement with Divine Will, it becomes necessary to inspire
others with divine virtues.

Sometimes the virtue of courage, of strength, or patience, or love, of honesty, or helpfulness, of

kindness, or compassion, of temperance, or abundance,of healing, or forgiveness, of insight, or
faith is called for. We are angels who are attuned to the virtues of God with the special purpose of
assisting in the consecrating of the consciousness of those who are suffering and lost.

We come to assist when you call us forth from the realms of the Almighty. We come on wings of
victory and gentleness.
We come bringing solace and much needed grace. We are the servants of One who infinitely loves
creation with the
love of unity and power. We give you insight so that you are aware of which of the Divine Virtues
are needed in
any situation by any person. We call forth other orders of Angels as needed to accomplish
whatever consecration and spiritualization is necessary to heal and uplift and bring forth joy.

You are not alone. You do not have to face the task of healing and uplifting humanity by yourself.
The more that
you call upon us, the more that you will see the results of the interconnectedness of man/woman
and angels. There
are orders upon orders upon orders of Angels for every conceivable purpose and need.

Having free will as you do, it is dependent on your free will to call upon us to help you. The more
that you send forth
this call for help, the more that the flow of power and love and wisdom increases in volume and

Like everything else in life, the more something is repeated, the easier and more automatic it
becomes. At this time in the history of man and earth, it is important that the connection
between angels and man/woman be firmly established in the minds and hearts of all who seek
heaven to be completely restored on earth.


13 degrees Leo
The Angels of Perfection
Also known as The Angels of Horog

Beloved, there are two general paths to enlightenment, The Path of Love and Holiness, and the
Path of Perfection. The Sufis, the wise mystics of Islam, say there is a third path. It is the Path of
the Prophet, which is the Path of Divine Will.

We are the angels of the path of love and perfection. The Path Of Love and Perfection is
extremely simple. It may be
difficult as well, but it is extremely simple. It is the mystical path of Love Divine. It is the path of
surrender to the Love
of God in All of His Forms. It is the Path of Faith.

The Path of the Prophet, or the Path of Surrender to Divine Will is both complex and simple . It
requires dentification with and attunement to Divine Will, a single minded focus like the Path of
Love and Holiness, and also a keen understanding of the Laws of Manifestation, which is
somewhat complex like the Path of Perfection.
The Path of Perfection is extremely complex. It sometimes is the path of least resistance because
it is the path of
knowledge , but it is very complex. Here the wisdom and the wonders of God's kingdom, both
inside yourself [ the
microcosm], and in the outer world [the macrocosm] are mastered and understood. The Path of
Perfection is the
path of the Yogi , the Magi, or the Shaman. It is the path of modern and ancient Understanding
and Knowledge . In this path application is everything. Here lies mastery of the worlds of form, of
feeling, of mind, and of spirit.
We are the order of angels who assist those who study on the Path of Perfection. We make sure
that the next teacher, the next class, or book, or article, or opportunity is there for learning the
next level of knowledge, of wisdom ,of understanding. We assign angelic teachers that guide your
dreams, thoughts, and insights. We are there with you every step of the way to protect and guide
and instruct you.

Nothing is by chance. Everything that happens is by design.

Every moment and situation is a classroom, every breath can bring a quantum leap in

Imagine Divine Wisdom flowing into your mind on the inbreath and on your outbreath imagine
that the radiance of
your understanding is an illuminating Light shining unto the world.
Ask us to assist you as you study the teachings of old. Ask us to assist you as you study the
Wisdom of the Moment.
Ask us to assist you as you study the teachings of the future.

We are the Angels of Perfection.


14 degrees Leo
The Angels of Synthesis
Also known as The Angels of Texai

Beloved.. We are the angels who enable you to understand and absorb fully the synthesis of all
religious systems. We also initiate you into the ability to transmute the symbolic presentation of
philosophical systems into intellectual

We are Angels of Divine Mind. We infuse your understanding with the highest form of intuition.
We connect you with the purity of all ideas in all forms of existence.
We bring to you the understanding of Power, of Cosmic Presence, of Divine Will.

We inspire you with the concept of fate, of karma, of cause and effect. As each child grows and
learns, [s]he is presented with one or more religious and philosophical systems.
Oftentimes these are couched in symbol and allegory. When this child wonders how to integrate
this knowledge into practical understanding of life, we come when we are called and reveal the
underlying principles of creation and truth.
It is especially important to call upon us when confusion comes about by conflicting
presentations of religious and
philosophical systems. It is our purpose and assignment by Divine Providence to open your
intuition so that insight and synthesis of all ideas is simplified and made clear.
We are also available to enlighten you when you gaze upon the symbols that are used in religious
and philosophical
systems.We are the angels who hover around you and release flashes of insight and
understanding when you ask
us what these symbols mean.
It is important that you call on us as you study and search for Truth. Man was never meant to
figure it out alone. Even
though you have teachers and books available to you, the angels of wisdom and synthesis have
the power to open your mind to great bursts of insight and comprehension. We have been given
great Power and Wisdom by God to help you.
Call on us. We are your family. It is our joy to walk with you.


15 degrees Leo
The Angels of Balance Of the Order of the Angels of the Word
Also known as The Angels of Herich

Beloved, we are another order of angels who teach you the power of the word. There are four
levels of manifestation.
There is the level of the spirit, which is the level of desire and intent. Then there is the level of the
mind, which is the level of imagination and thought, vision and understanding.
There is then the level of feelings, the level of the heart and emotion. And finally there is the level
of form, of bringing the energy into expression in a physical way.
Whenever one of these levels is out of balance, the entire flow of creativity and manifestation is
interrupted. This often results in mental, emotional, or physical disease. Our specific assignment,
by Divine Providence, is to instruct you how to bring and keep these levels in balance with each
The Mystics of Old veiled their teachings in secrecy, and taught only those students who had
proven their purity
and their devotion . Now it has been ordained by Divine Providence that the teachings of the
Masters be made
available to all of the children of God. It has been decreed that the time has come for everyone to
have access to
knowledge they need in order to understand and manifest the gifts God has given them to share
with others.The Power of the Holy Spirit is residing within each of God's children and we, the
angels of God, are ready to answer any call.
The most important concept to grasp is the Law of One. It is the Law of Laws and is Original Law.
All other laws in all dimensions come from this Original Law. When the Law of One is invoked,
all the lessor laws fall away and are
In order to keep the four levels of manifestation in balance, the Law of One must be grasped and
understood in it's
entirety. Otherwise one or the other of the levels will not vibrate in total harmony.

Here is the Law of One:

We are all One.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are healed.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM ,
in the name of my oneness with all of God,
In the name of my oneness with all masters,
all saints, and all angels, and the Christ,
I ask that ONLY that which is THE HIGHEST GOOD,
of ALL concerned, happen here.
I give thanks that this is done.

So be it.
Once this is grasped and integrated, the next step is to BE AWARE of when you have a desire or
intent to manifest.
Then it is important to CLEARLY understand, imagine and visualize the desired outcome of this
desire. Next fill this
image with love and passion. The last and final act is to bring this image into form. It could be a
creative act such as painting or building or writing a poem or book. It could be a telephone call or
a business meeting. It could be an act of the miraculous. The act and the form will depend
entirely on the image that you made and the feeling with which you imbued it .
This fourfold process of intent, imagination, feeling, and bringing into form is the true utterance
of manifestation.
The WORD, "Let it be", to be uttered in a way that has true power, must be carried forth from the
high vibrations of
spirit through the mind and emotions and into form with complete consciousness.

To be successful, each step of this process must be carefully and precisely mastered.

We are the angels who diagnose how you are operating with your intent, with your thoughts and
understanding, with your emotions and feelings, and with your actions. We call in whatever
orders of angels are necessary to help remedy whatever imbalance or confusion is in any level of
your creative process.

Remember that first you must have deep and true spiritual desire, then clear visual image of the
image with
the deepest, most profound emotion. This emotion is the magnetic energy that will attract what
happens. Finally the
act, the manifestation into form, is accomplished. As long as WHAT you ask for is the highest
good of all concerned, and HOW you ask for it to be done is the highest good of all concerned, we
can help you. LET the angels help you. ASK AND IT SHALL BE DONE. So be it.



16 degrees Leo
The Angels of Omniscience
Also known as The Angels of Ychniag

Beloved, As we behold the beliefs of mankind over the centuries, we find that most people believe
that the
Divine Attributes of Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence are not possible to obtain.
Most believe that
these attributes are not permitted, and that desire for them is presumptious, dangerous, and
How then could your teachers, including The Christ, have admonished you to go within and find
and be found by the Holy Spirit and become ONE with God? When Jesus said, "All that I do ye
shall do and more." Was that a
Mankind is permitted to mature into the Divine Attributes, all the masters, saints, and prophets
are not illusions and
their examples and teachings are based on reality. It is the cherished purpose of Divine
Providence that each soul shall eventually shine in all the splendor and brilliance of complete
Divine Consciousness.
There are cycles that govern life as it evolves over the centuries in forms of mineral, plant,
animal, and human. As
your teachers have foretold, now is the time in the cycle of creation that many of you will be
maturing into greater
levels of Divine Consciousness.
It is the purpose of these messages from the angels to build, day by day, the framework of
knowledge that will allow you to access the resources that are available to help you .
Whenever a long time goes by and there is no interaction or communication with a friend, a
distance grows between the consciousness of the two of you. So too it is with relationships with
the angels, when you do not correspond and interact frequently with the angels, a distance and
unfamiliarity develops.
When you first begin to ask us for assistance, this unfamiliarity and distance is quite large. As
time goes
by and we interact more and more, a great closeness, understanding, and connection develops.
We are the Angels of Omniscience. When you desire to be one with God, to absolutely follow in
the footsteps of the
enlightened ones, you can call on us with the assurance that your desire is Holy and Beloved of
When you call on us, understand that whatever beliefs and knowledge that you entertain already
will be expanded
beyond the infinite . Over time, the limits of the ability of words to describe will be transcended
and the most profound intuition will descend upon you.

As your mind and heart are opened to the omniscience of Divine Understanding, great is the
rejoicing in Heaven, for one of God's children has become The One. Remember that your master
Jesus said, "I and the Father are One."
"ALL that I do ye shall do and more."
The greatest and final belief in illusion to be overcome is death. As we are called to help you
obtain Omniscience,
this illusion, like all others, is overcome step by step.



17 degrees Leo
The Angels of Cosmic Love
Of the Order of the Angels of the Alpha and the Omega
Also known as The Angels of Odac

Beloved, it has often been written by scribes of old that GOD IS LOVE. It has been said that
LOVE is the strongest and most powerful of all Divine attributes and that LOVE alone can
conquer ALL.
As you know, creation is built on order, legality, justice, and harmony. Where these virtues are
weak, there is stress.
Stress is the cause of all disease and dysfunction.
LOVE is the remedy. LOVE is the source of order, legality, justice, and harmony, and LOVE is the
result of order,
legality, justice and harmony. It is the Alpha and the Omega.
LOVE is the source of Divine Wisdom and Power. Love is also the result of Divine Wisdom and
Power. LOVE is the
Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
We are the Angelic Orders of Cosmic Love. The ancient teachings pointed out that when a person
wants to heal the outer world, it is first imperative that he/she heals that which is stressed in
their own inner world.
So when you first seek the remedy, when you seek healing for yourself and then for another, we
tell you that YOU
MUST FIRST SEEK LOVE above all else. We ask you to call on us for this reason . Love will heal
you and LOVE
will be the result of your healing.
It is true that in the beginning and in the end, you are one with God. However, in the cycles of life
between the
beginning and the end, you believe yourself to be separate from God.
When under the illusion of separation, you, of yourself, can do nothing by yourself. It is
imperative that, instead of
attempting to heal yourself by yourself, that you call upon help from God who will send His
angels. The first angels
that God will send are the Angels of Cosmic Love.
As we said before, illusion of separation traps the soul in the cycle of time. . The masters of old
knew this and
depended on angels to give them assistance.
This is why scriptures of great religions frequently mentioned the existence and function of
angels. Remember
that your Master Jesus said, "I, of myself, can do nothing.
It is the Father within, it is He that doeth the works." We mention this to you because of your
tendency to attempt to
do by yourself WHAT ONLY GOD AND HIS ANGELS CAN DO from within you.
When you are in the state of Universal Consciousness, or omniscience, you are not trapped in the
cycle of time.
Omniscience, or all-knowing, is timeless. Therefore when you attain unto the state of
All-Knowing, or omniscience,
the illusion of separation is transcended and the state of PERFECT GOD IN PERFECT FORM
manifests instantly.
In this state there is no separation and there is no time between asking and receiving. This is the
ultimate teaching
and the ultimate healing. This is known as the state of "heaven on earth'.
So you can see that if healing is needed, the illusion of separation has created a condition which
requires angelic
We, the Angels of Cosmic Love are the first angels that come to you when you ask for healing.
We, The Angels of
Cosmic Love, are the first angels that came to you when you uttered your first cry as an infant.
And it is we, The
Angels of Cosmic Love, who are the last angels that you call upon as you enter Omniscience,the
Exalted State of
Oneness with the Creator.

We are Order of the Alpha and the Omega, The Angels of Cosmic Love.


18 degrees Leo
The Angels of The Holy Temple
Also known as The Angels of Mechebbera

Beloved, it is written that the human form is the true Temple of God. The Spirit of God The
Divine. who dwells within the body. is the Soul, the life force and the cause of consciousness.
We come before you on this day to honor your Temple Divine, the physical dwelling place of God.
Each person manifests a unique vibration of Infinite Consciousness. This is reflected in the
individual uniqueness
of DNA and fingerprints. There are no two exactly alike and yet the obvious similarities reflect
the same SOURCE . We are the Angels of The As Above, So Below. We understand that the
qualities and attributes of God are precisely manifested in the different organs, glands, bones,
blood, of the Temple Divine, the Human Body. We are the angels who inspire your teachers and
healers with understanding that the health of the body is directly related to the health of the
emotions, the mind, and the spirit.
We are the ones who teach that if the feeling of loving and of being loved is inadequate, the
physical heart will break, or become weak. We teach that when a person feels burdened by life,
by the world, the shoulders will curl over and the spine will no longer be straight. We teach that
when there is no joy in what is seen, the eyes will grow dim or become unable to focus.
We are the Angels Of The Temple Divine, the Human Body, and it is we that you should call upon
when you wish to feel health and youth and immortality. We will teach you and inspire you with
We network with other orders of angels who will help us to inspire you, to teach you, to uplift
you, to purify you, to bring you balance.
It is our purpose and assignment from Divine Providence to bring forth the wisdom of TRUE
PERFECTION. TRUE HEALTH is the perfection of spirit, mind, and emotions, manifesting in
form. Changes on these levels can result in spontaneous remission and for health to
permanently manifest in the Human Body Temple. We work closely with the Angels of Purity
and the Angels of Feeling, or Magnetism.

We are as close to you as a prayer. When you activate our assistance in your life, be prepared to
heal and address THE DWELLER IN THE TEMPLE who is yourself. It is yourself who is the
beloved of the angels, and the Child of God. We, the angels of The Holy Temple, are ecstatic in
our love for the perfection that you are in truth.


19 degrees Leo
The Angels of Sacred Objects
Also known as The Angels of Paschan

Beloved, the desire to strive upwards to the Divine Light is the highest form of expression of the
law of evolution of any spirit. The longing for spiritual progress, spiritual perfection, and higher
spiritualization in general,and the profound longing for unification with the four basic divine
qualities is incarnated in every human being. This longing for unification is a specific sensation
which leads many people to charge certain spiritual objects with divine attributes to remind them
of the spiritual perfection that they so ardently desire
In every religion there are objects that are held sacred.

Statues, talismans, kivas, scriptures, vestments, sacraments, buildings, and relics hold powerful
and sacred vibrations.
We are the angels who assist in charging the atomic structure of such objects with their sacred
qualities. We take the energy of the highest joy and happiness, the energy of the purity of all
ideas in their highest form, and through the power of will and intent impregnate the vibrations of
each holy place and object. Being masters of time, we endow these objects with the purity of
holiness that will endure .
How many times a weary soul has crossed the threshold of a sacred spot and felt the refreshing
currents of Divine
Remembrance whisper from the depths of their soul?
How many times a pilgrim, weary and saddened by the world, grasped to their breast the holy
talisman that had been blessed by one who had touched the heights of the Glorious Perfection?
How many souls have been uplifted and renewed by touching their lips to the waters that had
been blessed by a saint divine?
We are the Angels of Holy and Sacred Objects and it is we who come and turn Earth's places and
stones and material forms into chalices of Divine Remembrance. Call on us when you desire to
make your dwelling place into a sanctuary for spiritual retreat and renewal. Call on us as you
enter a hospital room, or a battle field, or a place of barren waste when you wish to replace the
sadness there with the vibration of the sacred and the divine.
Whisper within your soul, "Oh come to me, Angels of The Holy Objects. Oh come here, to this
place, to this book, or to this object and fill it with the energy of the Spirit of God."
"Fill this earthly object or place with the power and purity and loveliness of Divine Perfection, so
that whosoever touches or gazes upon it may be blessed and restored." When you call upon us in
this way, within the mystical laws of your free will, we marshal the legions of Angels of God to
It is our joy to bring the energy of the kingdom of heaven into whatever form we are asked. From
a small stone to a
large gathering place, from a spring to a beautiful valley, from a holy book to a sacred vestment,
whatever object that you desire to sanctify, call on us.

We are the Angels of All Holy Objects.


20 degrees Leo
The Healing Angels of Metals
Also known as The Angels of Corocona

Beloved, just as the Angels of the Spheres focus the healing energies of the different planets, we
focus the healing
energies of different metals that are found in the earth. Metals are valued for their healing energy
in many lands and cultures.
We are the angels who inspired alchemists to fashion rings, bracelets, breastplates, crowns, and
amulets of various metal combinations for the purpose of healing. We have also inspired health
practitioners to make tinctures out of metals.

As you know, all forms of all things manifest unique attributes of the Creator. Different metals
came into existence
to magnify different divine qualities, and they transmit these faithfully over time. Metals are
durable and malleable and as such they are the obvious material for fashioning objects to wear
on the human form.

Gold carries the vibration of the sun, of enlightenment.

Silver holds the vibration of the moon, of wisdom.

Copper gives off the vibration of the healing of the emotions, of the heart , of love.

Iron holds the energy of the earth,and of evolution into greater beauty. Brass is a catalyst metal,
and enhances any
other metal that it is used with.

Different metals resonate with the different planets.

Wearing a piece of metal on the body enables the body to attune to it's frequency. If a person is
depressed, wearing
gold, with it's sympathetic resonance to the sun and enlightenment, helps that person to attune
to the qualities
of the sun. As angels, we enhance the healing attributes of metals when they are used for healing.
We are similar to the Angels of Sacred Objects in this way.
Metals often become impregnated by unbalanced vibrations from the environment and it is our
responsibility to purify
and refocus the energy. Remember us when you place a ring upon your finger. Call on us to help
select the proper metal combination when you decide to obtain and wear precious metals.

We teach you how to intuitively know which metals are best for you or for someone you wish to
help. We guide you
intuitively to the proper books and teachers when you feel inner guidance learn about metals and
their healing gifts.

We work with The Healing Angels of Stones and Minerals when these are used in combination
with metals.

We are blessed by Divine Providence with great power to enhance the healing powers of metals .
Call on us to work
with all of the metals that you use. The metal in your cookware, of your vehicles, or the metal in
the machinery and
in the structures in which you live are all capable of emitting powerful healing energies. The
copper wires that you use to carry electrical signals can be charged by us with ever greater power
to heal emotions.

It is even possible for us to charge the metals used in guns and weapons with such healing
energies that they strongly affect those who use them to rise above destruction and attain to
higher love, wisdom and will. We are the Healing Angels of Metals.

It is important that you use your free will to call on us for help.


21 degrees Leo
The Angels of Prophecy
Also known as The Angels of Rimog

Beloved, free will is a fact of existence on the physical plane. Every act of free will causes a
cascading chain of results. Many people look at the collective results of their life's use of free will
and have mixed feelings about the fate that they have created for themselves.

With our help, we can inspire you to understand the short and long term implications of each
choice made through your free will. We can inspire you with the highest intuition and
understanding of cause and effect, and much like a master chess player, we help you see in your
mind's eye possible moves and their effects that are many steps further along in the game.

As other angels have spoken before in previous messages, man and woman were never intended
to design and
choreograph their lives alone. The directions given by almost all the masters of old included the
importance of asking for assistance from the angelic kingdom.

Neither was humanity intended to make decisions from a purely rational or logical viewpoint.
Intuition, the province
of the right hemisphere of the brain and the parasympathetic nervous system, was provided to
add a spatial and creative perspective to the linear, rational one.

When you ask for our assistance, we permeate your mental world with access to the highest
insights along these lines.
We help you see the cascading results of various decisions far into the future and we inspire you
with this knowledge.
We also provide this information about the decisions that have been made by others. This is why
we are called The
Angels of Prophecy. We help you to take into account not only the laws of the universe, but also
the effects of Grace
and Mercy on the future.

Angels were never intended to do things for you, only with you. Together man/woman and
angels make a complete
feedback loop. Angels evolve through ever greater complexity of service and man/woman evolve
through the use of free will.
When man/woman uses their free will to make a choice, then it is designed by the Creator for the
angels to help that choice to manifest.

The Angels of Light only work for the highest good of all concerned because of their
understanding of the oneness of
all life and the fact that when one is harmed, all are harmed, and when one is helped, all are
helped. Therefore, The Angels of Light can only assist you when your choice is one that will
benefit the entire being of the One God.

The Angels of Duality, often referred to as the Angels of Darkness, exist to help man/woman
outpicture their choices
when their choice would harm any part of the one being.
When this happens great suffering occurs and in time the lesson of harmlessness is learned
through reaping the results of this suffering. As we said before in a previous message, whenever
there is a long time between instances of communication between two friends, then that
friendship grows distant and weakens. So it is with the communication between man/woman
and angels.

Many people have not often communicated with the angels.

Or if they have, sometimes it is a one way communication where they do all the talking and not
enough time is given to listening. Just as frequent and high quality communication is the
lifeblood of a friendship between people, so it is the lifeblood of a relationship between
man/woman and angels.

Most of your talking with us will be from your left, linear, rational , verbal brain. Most of your
listening will be from
your right, intuitive, spatial, nonverbal brain. Learn to do this. Take time out from your daily
routines to establish
this communication with us. Learn how to mentally ask us to come to you, how to wait until you
intuitively feel our
presence with you. Learn how to alternate your speaking to us with your listening to us. Learn
how to be just as
comfortable with linear verbal thought processes as you are with nonverbal intuitive ones.

Then when a decision lies before you, it will be easy and second nature to call us, The Angels of
Prophecy, to help
you understand the best course of action to take.


22 degrees Leo
The Angels of Wealth, High Esteem and Power
Also known as The Angels of Abbetira

Beloved, there are as many paths of service in this world as there are people. No two people are
the same and no two paths are exactly alike. There are a certain number of people whose soul's
path of service takes them into the world of the wealthy and the powerful. The high esteem of
others is the most important tool for effectiveness on this path.

Whenever it is the highest good for a soul to move into these areas of the elite and powerful, we
are the angels who protect, inspire, and guide. We specialize in divine order and law, we
harmonize this with free will and the understanding of polarities and fate. First and last we
maintain the absolute focus of the highest purity of divine ideals.

We protect the soul from harm and at the same time assist in fulfilling the desire to serve. The
world of the wealthy and powerful has a technology all it's own, just as every other population
segment has it's unique signature of basic
assumptions and styles. Within this unique world, the privilege of wealth and power requires
skills in dealing
with opposite points of view.

To enjoy high esteem, it is necessary to have an understanding of consciousness and how it

functions through
the desire nature, the mental nature , and the emotional nature in one's self and in others.

Throughout the ages we have assisted those souls who move in the world of wealth, power, and
high esteem. If you find yourself drawn into this world, or if you wish to be drawn into this
world, then take the time to summon us and ask us for assistance. We then begin to spread
before your footsteps a carpet of the finest wisdom and enlightenment.

We help you avoid being caught in the trap of resisting the natural polarities required for free
will. We work with
different orders of angels to help you refine the use of your free will and understand it , so that
only the desired positive effects are created.

Just as a powerful speeding car has a much greater impact than a slow car when it crashes, so do
mistakes have a

tremendous impact in the realms of wealth and power. For this reason angelic assistance is so
important in these realms .
Our specialty is in providing the finest and highest divine inspiration.


23 degrees Leo
The Angels of Initiation
Also known as The Angels of Eralicarison

Beloved, there have been great teachers and schools of esoteric and mystical enlightenment
throughout the lands and histories of the earth. When a seeker approaches a teacher or a school
and seeks instruction on spiritual enlightenment and development, sometimes an initiation is
offered as part of this process.

Initiation can take many forms. Sometimes there is a ceremony in which high beings are invoked.
Often there is a
direct transmission of energy from a teacher. Sometimes the student must go on a vision quest
and receives an initiation from enduring the process itself.

Abisheka is an ancient word referring to absolute direct initiation. In Abisheka, the actual energy
of enlightenment,
the actual being of enlightenment, enters the top of the head through the crown chakra, the
pineal and pituitary glands, and floods the entire body. Even more than this, the actual presence
of the desired enlightened state permeates and anchors itself in the spirit, the mind, the
emotions, and the body. This is true abisheka. With this direct initiation, all religious systems,
and especially all types of yoga, can be much more quickly attained by the seeker. Even the most
difficult tantric texts can be understood.

We desire that spiritual seekers understand initiation.

Furthermore, we desire that spiritual seekers ask us for help in obtaining initiation. Even when
initiation is offered and
experienced in other ways, by calling us with their free will, and asking for our assistance, any
form of initiation will be
infinitely enhanced and made more effective.

When people pray for peace on earth, they are in effect choosing an initiation into a higher
consciousness and
experience. If they ask the angelic kingdom for help with this initiation, we, the Angels of
Abisheka , come.

It is possible, and even desirable at this time in history, for groups of people to experience mass
initiations into higher
paths of consciousness and awareness. With the angelic assistance of the Angels of Abisheka ,
this is possible.
Therefore, we wish to remind you that in the laws of the Universe, any embodied person can pray
on behalf of
another. This is called intercessory prayer. Through intercessory prayer, it is possible for a few
people to ask for
initiation on behalf of many others. As long as the requested initiations are for the highest good
of all concerned, we come, and almost overnight groups of people experience a great speeding up
of their growth in spiritual consciousness.

So it is with great joy that we introduce ourselves to you at this time. How great is the celebration
in heaven when even one request for initiation is received from the prayers of a seeker!

We are the Angels of Abisheka, The Angels of Divine Initiation.


24 degrees Leo
The Angels of the Akasha
Also known as The Angels of Golopa

Beloved, The word akasha is the name given to the fine ethereal pre-matter of existence. This
pre-matter responds to every thought, feeling, word, and gesture. The akasha acts like a mold
from initial responses that it receives. Every
smidgen of every thought and feeling and act creates a mold in the akashic principle.

We are the angels who teach you how this works. We help you to understand and feel and know
what effects your
actions and thoughts and words and feelings will have on the akasha and what sort of mold you
are creating.

Furthermore, we teach you the cascading effects of the mold, how every mold qualifies energy to
create more of itself. We also teach you how to locate and read the akashic molds that have been
created through all time.
In your desire for perfection, the time comes when you become aware of your desire to have
perfect actions, perfect
thoughts, and perfect feelings. At the time of this desire, call on us in your prayers and

Through the power of Abisheka, the true initiatory process, we will merge our knowing into
yours. From that point,
intuition and inspiration will flood your awareness. The Akashic pre-matter will be obvious to
you and it will be
easy for you to see how it works.


25 degrees Leo
The Angels of Spheric Abisheka
Also known as The Angels of Jgakys

Beloved, just as there are various ways to study and communicate with one another on earth, so
are there various
ways to communicate mentally with intelligences from other spheres. It is our province to show
you how to commune
with spheric beings through Abisheka, or the merging and infusion of consciousness in thoughts
and feelings.

For instance, recently Saturn began to dip into the constellation of Gemini. It is going back and
forth between
Gemini and Taurus and next year it will be permanently in Gemini for about 2 and a half years.
The consciousness
of Saturn is the archetype of the divine teacher. The constellation of Gemini represents the
archetype of
communication, divine wisdom in the mental processes.

The archetype of Taurus is divine love manifesting in form and refers to one's material values
and possessions. The
divine teacher has been spotlighting our material values and possessions and is now moving into
the area of
communications. What this means on a practical level is that everyone on the earth is under
pressure now to learn
how to walk their talk.

We help the consciousness of walking your talk to flood your mental and feeling natures with
wave after wave of
realizations about communication and integrity in your life. When you call on the Angels of
Spheric Abisheka to put you into contact with the divine archetype of Saturn in Gemini, as
Saturn progresses through each degree of Gemini, different orders of communication angels
work through the Saturnian teaching energy.

Each day with our help an entirely new set of insights and realignments transpires within your
intuitive nature. As you
take time to perform conscious meditation with us, the right hemisphere of your brain processes
intuitive images while your logical left brain is flooded with insights and understanding.

Remember that God ordained that angels and people work together . Because of your free will
you have the option of
not calling on us for help. If that were to happen in this case, the tendency to overstate your
commitments and
take on more than you can deliver might cause stress and breakdowns in relationships and
organizations. There are
many pitfalls when communication is out of integrity and practicality.

If you desire for us to merge you with all of the spheric activity as it unfolds moment to moment,
or if you desire a
particular attunement such as Saturn in Gemini, call on us and we will open such floods of
wisdom, love, and power
as words cannot describe.


26 degrees Leo
The Angels of Materialization
Also known as The Angels of Pagalusta

Beloved, many are the miracles attributed in your histories and legends to saints and masters
who have walked the
spiritual path. One of the miracles reported is that of materialization and de-materialization of
objects. There are
instances of even a physical body being transported over great distances. For us to teach you how
to do this, we
inspire you with the greatest longing for spiritual perfection.
Next we inspire you with awareness of the purity of the divine ideas in universal consciousness.
The next step is to
discern in the akasha principle of all spheres and planes , the profundity of divine grace and
mercy in all of their aspects.
Following this is an infusion through abisheka, the true direct initiation, of the highest divine
virtues in all of their variety.
Next comes a comprehension of the akashic principle from the viewpoint of the creative act and
karma. Then follows an infusion of all-pentrating power. After this comes divine inspiration and
intuition with an profound understanding
of the legality of these qualities. Finally, there is again an infusion of the purity of Universal

As you can see, materialization and de-materialization is an act of great enlightenment and

We feel that it is important for you to reclaim the mystical powers that have been shown to you
throughout the ages by your teachers. It is not enough that you study miracles in history books
alone. The Creator always intended for the
spiritual teachers to show you the way to follow. We are the angels who assist you when you are
ready to understand and apply the ability to materialize and de-materialize either objects or your
physical self. Depending on the quality and the intensity of your focus and meditation practices,
we fill your inner perception with the above mentioned qualities and perceptions in the order
given. In the outer world we guide you to the best teachers, books, and experiences. Each time
you request assistance from any of the angelic orders, other orders of angels are attracted into
service AS NEEDED for maximum efficiency and minimum effort. By using your free will to
request angelic assistance, you set into motion a cascading string of effects and events.

We have told you before, and we tell you again, that our love for you is infinite and our
connection to you is divinely

27 degrees Leo
The Angels of Miraculous Powers
Also known as The Angels of Ichdison

Beloved, We are the angels who are masters of the miracles of water. We remind you that the
miracles performed by
your teachers of old were examples that were meant to be followed by you in your spiritual
development. "Ask, and ye shall receive." " Nothing shall be impossible to you. With faith all
things are possible." "All that I do , ye shall do and more." With all of the historical references to
the ability to perform miracles, surely you must have wondered why
magical or miraculous occurrences are so rarely seen in contemporary society?

Parallel with the development of societies where miracles are the rare exception rather than the
rule , was the development of spiritual teachings that gave very little attention to the presence
and the technology of angels and their relationship with man. This is why we have felt that it was
so important to reach you with these messages. Please remember that we ask you to share these
messages with others. They are from the angelic kingdom to the human kingdom and , as such,
must be shared with others. Do not worry about copyright laws.
Copyright Law is man's law and these messages fall under Sacred Law. Under Sacred Law, the
understanding that We Are All One is paramount. In the sacred legal system, it is known that
when one is harmed, all are harmed, and that when one is helped , all are helped. Sacred Law
demands that only the highest good of all concerned happen in any and all instances. Therefore,
pay attention to inner guidance that prompts you. Sacred Law is accessible within your heart.

When you call on the ANGELS OF MAGICAL POWERS, through the power of Abisheka, direct
initiation, we begin
with the karma law, which is the law of cause and effect. In the mental level, this is analogous to
memory, remembrance and conscience. In the astral, or feeling body, this corresponds to the
astral matrix with all of it's functions. As you know, the astral matrix is the connecting link
between the material body and the soul, l.e., the astral or feeling body.

It is a known fact that the astral matrix, and with it the whole body, is kept alive by breathing.
With the initiation into
karma law, the knowledge of cause and effect, you are in the position to get under your perfect
control the breath with all of it's aspects and ways of application. All magical abilities are subject
to the mastery of breath. On the material world, everything that has shape, measure, number and
weight can be understood and mastered with this law.

Next , again through abisheka, the virtue of clarity and perfect purity is attained. With this
ability, it is possible for you to eliminate any obscurities and to perceive and understand
everything in it's purest form. Mentally you will be able to
understand all spiritual beings, men and animals, and they will understand you. On the feeling
level, the astral, the
understanding and practical application of rhythm in the macro- and microcosm in all phases is
grasped. The power
over life and death is revealed. Even the Bible mentions such an event as a miracle by which
Christ made Lazarus rise from the dead and made a tree wither within a few moments to
demonstrate this power.

Next we work with you to understand the mysteries of creation, the mysteries of the art of
creation in the micro- and
the macrocosm. The most profound wisdom comes at this stage and the mastery of love in all it's
phases is attained.

The next step is merging again into karma law, the knowledge of cause and effect. Then follows
initiation into
understanding divine justice as an original principle. At this point in your development you
identify with divine justice
and will never slip, for you are filled with the legality of Divine Providence, with an absolute
sense of justice. And
finally, we initiate you into the highest state of happiness.


28 degrees Leo
The Angels of the Elements
Also known as The Angels of Takarosa

Beloved, many of the miracles spoken of in holy scriptures were accomplished by teachers who
understood and
mastered the four elements. In their most simplistic form, the elements can be understood as
fire, air, water, and earth.

As you know, all physical creations are the final results of feeling, mental, and spiritual creations
Therefore, the elements of fire , air, water, and earth exist as fire feelings, air feelings, water
feelings and earth feelings. The traditional native Americans and other aboriginals have very
effective ways of teaching their children to identify with the feeling of fire, air, water, and earth.

These elements also exist as thoughts in the mental realm. In the Hebrew Quaballah and in the
mystical teachings of many lands from antiquity fire has been understood as the ideas of desire
or will and is identified with electricity. All knowledge about desire, will, and the principle of
electricity are manifestations of fire in the realm of the mind. Air identifies itself as the idea of the
mind, which is thought plus intuition.
All knowledge about the workings of the mind are manifestations of air as ideas.

The water principle is understood to be the idea of emotions and is also identified with
magnetism. All knowledge about emotions and magnetism is the water element expressing itself
as thoughts and ideas. Earth is known to be the idea of anything in solid, three dimensional form
that contains weight, measure, space, and number. All the sciences concerning this is the element
Earth expressing itself as thoughts.

Fire, air, water, and earth also exist as original impulses of will and desire from Universal
Consciousness. Again, the
aboriginal cultures have intact technology for accessing the desire or will level of the elements.
Imagine yourself as God and that you desire and will fire to exist. Experience ideas about fire and
then feelings. Next imagine the physical creation of fire itself. Do this in turn with air, water, and

When you call out to The Angels of the Miracles of the Elements, we guide you through the
following eight steps
to mastery.

The first step is initiation into high inspiration with special reference to all legal matters of this

The second step is immersion to the highest wisdom and the highest illumination that may ever
be lavished on a human being.

The third initiation is that of omnipotence, which is also one of the divine virtues. As such,
omnipotence manifests itself as the highest power imaginable. This virtue will reveal itself as the
all embracing power by which you will be able to work direct miracles in the micro-as well as the
macrocosm. This virtue is manifested in the akasha principle as the highest and purest light,
which is analogous to the fire principle.
This corresponds to the principle of faith on a mental level, courage, and endurance on a feeling
level, and mastery of the earth on a physical level.

In the fourth step, we again immerse you in the highest wisdom and illumination.

For the fifth step, we initiate you with the divine virtue of independence and freedom. By this
time you have achieved a state of maturity by which your feeling of independence has been
transformed into an absolute state of security and
unimpeachability. Mentally, you will have an eminent mind and the feeling of freedom of will
and action. Not only this,
but also the state of maturity in which you will never violate a law, having yourself become a
master of all laws . In spite of your freedom of will, you will find yourself willing to subject
yourself freely to Divine Providence, and accept missions to serve Divine Providence with deep
humility, immense gratitude and the highest devotion without losing your feeling of absolute
freedom of will in any way. Such great ingenuity will proceed from this that you will be able to
comprehend any knowledge quickly and without difficulty.

In the sixth step, you will experience through our help the initiation into the original principle of
divine justice. Mentally
you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic qualities of
the elements. You
will have a high power of judgment and the ability to comprehend sprititually any legality, any
interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice. You will never be able to condemn
anyone unjustly. This will bring about the
abilities to created any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in and to have
absolute success and
happiness on all levels.

The seventh step is initiation into all-penetrating power, all-power - in contradiction to the
omnipotence we spoke of
before. This all-power is quantitative in form in comparison to omnipotence which is qualitative
in form.This all-power
is to be understood substantially, whereas omnipotence is to be regarded as the highest divine
virtue . With all-power you get into contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit,
i.e., with the original divine fire which works as a substantial power in everything that has been
created by Divine Providence.

Omnipotence, on the other hand, is manifested in the original idea as the original virtue of the
first divine principle in all the kingdoms and in everything that has been created. Oneness with
all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of desire and will and brings about a state of
clairvoyance in its purest form. Complete control over consciousness results from this.

And finally,in the eighth step, we again, for the third time, immerse you into the highest wisdom
and enlightenment.

These states of consciousness are the true inheritance of man/woman from the Divine Creator.
As your scriptures
have admonished you, you are made in the image and likeness of God. This applies to your spirit,
your mind, your
emotions, and your body.

As you learn to relate to angels and experience us as real, you are free to call on us for the help
that we were created to give you.
When you desire to master the four elements and establish miracles in this beautiful world
through your mastery of the four elements, we will stand by you and make sure that your
consciousness is filled with light and understanding and that you are successful.

We are The Angels of the Miracles of the Elements


29 degrees Leo
The Angels of Water
Also known as The Angels of Andrachor

Beloved, we are a sub-order of the Angels of the Miracles of the Elements. We specifically attune
you with the element of water. Water is analogous to feeling. It is also one with the principle of
magnetism. Many books are being written now on the importance of feelings in the process of
We are the angels who are specifically inspiring mankind at this time to learn that feelings attract
, magnetize, to
themselves whatever is resonating to their frequency.

If you have negative feelings, be sure that you are attracting negative situations into your life. If
your feelings are positive, it is the law of the universe that whatever vibrates to a similar positive
frequency to that which you are feeling will be drawn into your life experience. The greater the
intensity of your feelings, the greater the magnetic pull will be. This is why great masters of
miracles understand and respect the role of passion. It is passion which is the great attractor in
the universe.

There are eight levels of initiation that we are responsible for when you call on us to help you
with the element of water, of feelings in your life. The first level is initiation into the highest
wisdom and the purity of all ideas in existence.
This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind.
Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high
intelligence, and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence,
poetic talent, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air
element and its beings are all aroused by this initiation. On the physical plane the command of
the beings of the air, control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest

On the second level of this process, we initiate you into the highest state of happiness. The drive
for self-preservation
becomes perfected and you begin to control the elements of water, of feeling. In the material
world you gain mastery over the power of coherence in any material thing.

The third step is initiation into the mysteries of creation. The same laws apply to the microcosm
and the macrocosm, and the highest wisdom is gained in regard to creation in both the inner and
outer worlds, to both the personal and the universal universes. In the mental level you attain the
profoundest cognition with regard to the ego-consciousness. In the feelings, the understanding
of love in all of it's aspects is perfected. On the material plane the mastery of fertility and
everything that has to do with procreation is attained.

The fourth step is initiation into freedom and independence.

It is the same initiation that the Angels of the Miracles of the Elements provide and we ask you to
reassess their
description in the previous message. The fifth level of progress is a repeating of the first step,
immersion into
the highest wisdom and enlightenment.
The sixth level is the initiation into the virtue of clarity and perfect purity. One who masters this
will achieve the faculty
of differentiating the clear from the unclear, to eliminate any obscurities and to perceive and
understand everything in its purest form.

The seventh step is mastery of justice. You will be filled completely with the legality of Divine

The eighth step is again the merging with perfect freedom and independence in it's highest and
most divine

As you master the element of water, of feeling, it will be possible for you to heal diseases, control
rain, and perform
all manner of miracles through magnetism just as your scriptures have told you.


30 degrees Leo
The Angels of Protection from Storms
Also known as The Angels of Carona

Beloved, in this our final degree of Leo, we introduce ourselves to you as the Angels who protect
you against thunderstorms and gales. We also teach you how to calm the rough seas, stop or
cause heavy rains, and evoke or cease storms.

All these things we can teach you to do in your physical world, but more importantly, and it
should be easy for you to understand this by now, we teach you how to protect yourself from the
storms of the emotions and of the mind and of the spirit.

It is so important to your development in universal consciousness that you attain the realization
of the fourfold nature of reality. Whatever exists in the physical world does so by the fact that it
also exists in the realms of feeling, thought, and will. To cause effects in the physical world we
must help you to understand the importance of creating change in your will, thought, and
feeling. We must also accomplish teaching you that by making changes in your inner world, you
can also create changes in your outer world.
The same laws apply to the micro and the macrocosm. As above, so below. As below, so above. As
within, so without.
As without, so within. By understanding this, it is possible for you to tread in the footsteps of the
When you call upon us, the very first thing that we teach you is the mysteries of the Eucharist
with all its aspects. This symbolizes the mystery of self-spiritualization. When you master this
mystery well, you will comprehend and understand the profundity of the Eucharist and will
master all the practical methods of relating to the Eucharist. It has to do with the transformation
or incorporation of a divine idea, a higher virtue, into a certain form. We teach you how to
influence your own mental body or the spirit of somebody else by a divine idea, virtue, quality,
power, or might. We also teach you how to influence your own or someone else's feelings with
these qualities. And finally we help you to impregnate any material form at will with these divine

Next we fill you with the highest wisdom and enlightenment.

Then we initiate you into the perfection of divine free will and independence.Then we make you
one with the principle of Divine Justice. Next we initiate you into the highest state of happiness.

With this comes a mastery of the mental matrix and the mental aura. The mental matrix is the
spiritual bonding material which connects the astral [feeling] body to the mental body, [the
spirit]. The mastery of this will reveal the mysteries relating to the mental matrix and bestow
upon you
the ability to comprehend, see, sense, and control, the mental matrix with its sphere of action, in
regard to yourself or to others.

You will also be able to see the mental aura and to define it with regard to its scope of action. You
will be able to recognize your own mental maturity and that of other people.
This will give you the ability to enlighten anyone who you deem worthy, on account of their
maturity, so that the person is able to solve any problem corresponding to his grade of
development without difficulty. This mastery will give you great skill in the use of magnetism for
the purpose of

And finally, we finish our teaching with another immersion into the highest wisdom and

As you perfect these skills, it will be easy for you to effect change in your inner world and in your
outer world. It was written in your scriptures that man/woman was given dominion over all that
God created. It is simply our job to bring you back into a state of knowing so that you can
exercise complete dominion over all creation with safety and with ease.

As you hear of so many catastrophes and emergencies in your world, we can see that increasingly
you are desiring, nay, DEMANDING, for these abilities to be restored to you.
We tell you that they have never been lost. All that you see around you , both happy and sad,
have been created by you and others through the powers inherent in your ancient God-given
dominion of this world.

It is time, and we are here to help you, for you to understand the powers of the will, the mind, the
feelings, and therefore of the material world. It is time for you to be filled with the bliss, the
happiness, the ecstasy of union with the Divine and all of its qualities and virtues.. It is time for
you to step into the footsteps of the Masters.

The constellation of Leo is about passion of the heart. This passion is the magnetic power that
you will use with all the other constellations to rule and affect great blessings upon your world.
Remember that we are with you and do not try to do it alone. We are of the Order of the Angels
of Passion.


1 degree Virgo
The Angels of Politics
Also known as The Angels of Peresch

Beloved, the sun is now entering into the constellation of Virgo. Virgo operates on the Wisdom
Ray and deals with earthly, material reality. Virgo is receptive to Divine Wisdom in the inner
worlds and is also receptive to Divine Wisdom as it manifests in creation, in the outer worlds.
constellation Virgo represents the archetype of Service.

As the sun enters into the influence of Service, the angels begin their work within the arena of
world politics. From ancient days, politicians were known as political servants. In the myths of
the grail king, the ideal of serving the people, of protecting the people, of uplifting and of
enlightening the
people was uppermost. No price was too great to pay, no task too daunting, for the king who
wished to serve his people.

When you turn your eye to the world and wish to bring about changes and either become or to
help elect the politicians and leaders, we are the angels who respond to your prayers.

We are the angels who, depending on the degree of development and maturity of mankind, cause
this or that idea to come to importance and we help determine social attitudes.
We help determine the duration of a political power, and let poliitical views have failure or
success, as Divine Providence orders it. If you wish it, we help you with a high political career,
and equip you with the faculties of an excellent orator, so that you know how to bind people by
word. We also
equip you with toughness and endurance which remains without comparison so that you can
realize all of your wishes.

When you call upon us, we take you through six levels of initiation. The first level is that of the
longing for spiritual progress, spiritual perfection and highest spiritualization, in general. Here
you will feel the desire to strive upwards to the Divine Light, you will sense an ever increasing
longing for unification with the four basic divine qualities and will realize how divine love, which
is incarnated into every human being, will contantly urge you to be connected to divine
omnipotence, love and wisdom and to have these incarnated within yourself. This longing for
unification with
the four basic divine qualities, God incarnate in will, thought, feeling, and form, is a specific
sensation which is only comprehensible to the practical expert and which one may live through
but never be able to explain.

The second initiation is into universal consciousness, which represents, as a divine idea and
virtue, its omnipresence in everything that has ever been created. This will unite your normal
consciousness with the universal consciousness, with the cosmic consciousness, so that you can
attain , in the akasha principle omnipresence yourself. This is known in oriental wisdom as

You will attain the highest form of intuition in your mental world, you will be able to transfer
your consciousness so that there exists no sense of time and space. Divinity in His highest form
will be able to speak through you. The most profound mysteries of materialization and
will become obvious to you as you master this, everything that is material may be transferred
back into its refined and most subtle form and any idea can be intensified in such a way that it
will become physically visible.

The third step is the perfection of independence and freedom. We ask you to refer back to the
discourses of this initiation in previous messages. The fourth level is a repeat of the second,
immersion into consciousness universal , immersion into the omnipresence of God's
in everything that has been created.

The fifth level is the initiation, through Abisheka, the true initiation, into all-power, all
penetrating power. We ask you to refer to previous explanations of this divine quality in recent

The sixth and final initiation is into the virtue of clarity and perfect purity. All that is meant by
the words "the purity of all ideas" is expressed by this. With this virtue you will be able to learn to
consciously perceive and understand all languges of the universe, all languages of the spheres
planes in their utmost clairity, and gain the faaculty of not only of understanding all spiritual
beings, men and animals, but also of being understood by them all.

On the feeling level, the astral level, you will attain the faculty of understanding and practically
applying rhythm in the macro- and microcosm in all its phases. This brings mastery over life and
death. Refer to previous messages on this virtue. On the physical level, this clarity is analogous to
the water element. You will have the faculty of solving all the mysteries of the water element .
This is a faculty that was used by Christ when he walked over the water and calmed the waves of
the sea.

Study carefully the six steps that we have outlined here for you so that when you make your
decision to serve in a position of high political power you will be aware of the expansion of
consciousness that you will be undertaking with our help.

We are the Angels of the first degree of Virgo.


2 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Inventions
Also known as The Angels of Bruahi

Beloved, we are the protector of all inventions in the Akasha-principle, so that they are not
realized before their time. We inspire certain individuals to make certain inventions and we cause
these to be realized in the physical world. We also hinder people with high intuitive faculties
from realizing inventions which are not to be made known to the public before a longer time,
maybe a century or five centuries, has passed.

To attune to our guidance and mastery , the following skills must be mastered with our help.

First comes the initiation into universal life and the cognition of polarity in all forms of existence
which will lead to the profoundest wisdom. You will learn to perceive the plus and the minus,
and it will become clear that nothing has been made in vain and that the negative as well as the
positive must exist, for without these contradictions the one could not be told from the other.
This will give you perfect mastery over the electric [will and desire ] and the magnetic [feeling
and emotions] energies of creation.

Then comes mastery over divine freedom and individuality.

[Refer to recint angel messages that explain this principle more completely. ] After that we help
you with the
immersion into the most profound wisdom and enlightenment.
Next we help you attain the faculty of understanding the creative act and karma. With this comes
the understanding
of the original source of everything that exists in all its forms.

The highest form of intuition and inspiration in the mental body and the ability of transferring
consciousness and
evoking states of trance in the emotional body comes next.
Then the understanding of matter becomes apparent. We feel to remind you that many of these
skills and abilities have been explained in greater depth in previous angel messages.
The energy of Virgo is one of detailed analysis. It would be very fruitful for you now to go back
and read and study the previous messages. They build one upon the other and over time a
comprehe sive picture emerges.

We then help you understand the power of the word as it was meant to be understood in divine
consciousness. This is the cosmic language that endows each letter with meaning and creative
power. For instance, the letter A represents the highest wisdom and enlightenment and when we
initiate you into this virtue we do it with the proper utterance of the letter A. By proper utterance
we mean that we invoke the will, thought, feeling and the physical element of the A letter. In this
case, the letter A represents the element of air in the physical world.

This A Vibration is to be imagined as a light blue color that fills both your inner universe and the
outer universe. This color and sound [soft A as in ah] is to be imagined as the virtue of the
Highest Wisdom and Enlightenment and the purity of all ideas in existence. In your feeling
nature it is to be felt as the greatest sense of ease. We sense these divine qualities in the micro
and the macrocosm and thereby bring about it's manifestation.

To make certain that you will work only in accord with the will of Divine Providence for the
highest good of all
concerned, we finalize your training with the initiation into the karma law, which is governed by
the letter I [not L, but I as in I AM}. With the proper divine utterance of this letter, on the levels
of will, mind, emotions, and physical , we impregnate your consciousness with this divine
quality, the understanding of cause and effect. With this understanding, it will not be possible for
you to misuse your power to bring about inventions or to cause harm unknowingly.

As you can see, when you allow the angelic kingdom to assist you in practical matters, the
original divine intent for
perfection to manifest on Ôearth as it is in heaven' is made possible. Divine Providence has
entrusted us with the
responsibility to safeguard mankind from destructive inventions either through intentional or
unintentional use.
Since so many technological inventions already in existance are not being used wisely, we ask you
to summon us and allow us to help you with bringing about their proper use.

As more and more of you ask for our assistance, there will be profound and great shifts in how
inventions are used in your world. As we bring about greater wisdom and maturity in mankind,
we will be allowed by divine providence to inspire you with inventions beyond your current level
of imagination. Remember that because you have free will,
and we are ordained by the Creator to respect it, that for us to help you requires that you ask for
our help.

In a previous message it was explained that through the Law of Intercession, it is possible for you
to pray on behalf
of others. When you do this, it is then possible for us to administer help to others in your name.
Although it is true
that you then take on karmic responsibility for all that happens through the effects of your
intercessory prayer,
remember that we only work through the Law of One, which requires that only the highest good
of all concerned happen.

Therefore, the fate that you create through intercessory prayer is one of the Highest Good of All.
This is the
highest and purest fate and this is the fate that brings about perfection in your own life and in
the world. When Christ took on the sins of the world, he was exhibiting this principle. Remember
that he told his disciples, "All that I
do, ye shall do and more."

Remember that in God we are all one, man/woman and angels.


3 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Art
Also known as The Angels of Moschel

Beloved, We are the angels who control every art in the physical world. Angels in our Order
administrate the various branches of art. Special methods are revealed by us that enable you to
equip yourself with any artistic faculty. We also help you with establishing a career in the field of



With this comes "flow intelligence", which has been written about more and more frequently in
your press with our help.
" Flow intelligence" is the ability to use streaming intuition and inspiration in present time in the
process of creation. By locking into the "feeling" of creating, the thoughts and ideas necessary to
bring about a work of art are accessed from Universal Consciousness in a free-flowing, streaming,

It is very much like downloading software into your computer. Your right brain, the intuitive
faculty, can "download" from Universal Consciousness, with our help, unlimited ideas and
inspriation in present time as you set about the act of creating in any art medium that you chose.
When the left brain is flexible and allowing, the ideas and inspiration are readily accessed for true
works of art.

The letter M is to be thought of in regard to the original water, emotional, magnetic principle.
It"s color is the most lovely blue-green imaginable. When you meditate on this letter, fill your
inner and outer worlds with a sense of coolness. In the Quaballah, the ancient mystical teachings
of Judiasm, this letter represents the divine feminine, one of the original Mother letters from
which all other letters come. We suggest that each time you see, speak, or think of the letter M
that you remember that emotions and water and magnetism are the same frequency.

As you know, the physical body is the most holy temple of the divine spirit. The wisdom inherent
in the body is a
reflection of the wisdom that runs thoughout all of creation due to the omnipresence of God. At
night when you are
dreaming your eyes move back and forth from left to right and back, over and over. The ancient
practice for processing emotions is to move the eyes in this manner while feeling any emotion.

If the emotions are negative, such as fear, doubt, envy, dispair, anger, helplessness, and
confusion, if you move your eyes - either shut or open - back and forth for a while as you feel the
emotion, it will allow the two hemispheres of the brain to PROCESS the magnetic energy of the
feeling and bring about resolution and healing. If the emotion is positive, such as love, awe,
gratitude, peace, contentment, joy, or courage, moving the eyes back and forth, over and over
again, while feeling the positive feeling, will allow the two hemispheres of the brain to PROCESS
the deepest and highest connections to spirit in regards to the divine virtues represented by these

This is one of the most important and effective exercises that we will ever give you and it will
become easier and second nature to you as you practice . We cannot overemphasize the
importance of this skill, and you will experience the results very quickly if you stay with it. Your
body does this automatically every night and much research has been done on the importanace
of REM {Rapid Eye Movement } sleep and dreaming.

This same process is crucial to bring under conscious control whenever you are aware of strong
feelings. No matter how busy you are, this is an exercise that can be done with the eyes closed at
any moment during your day, whenever you feel an emotion, and even as little as a few seconds
will create change. If you do it for as long as 30 seconds, you will be amazed at how the emotion
matures up.

If you practice this for longer periods of time, it will be possible to process large amounts of
emotions, including
emotions of past experiences. The emotion itself will change and evolve and intuitive flashes of
insight will occur. This process removes all blocks to flow intelligence, which is necessary for true
artistic expression.

In the next phase we flood you with the divine virtue of justice, and the love of divine laws. The
letter associated with this principle is O. The color that represents divine justice is ultramarine
blue This divine quality of justice brings about the feeling of absolute contentment and poise,
satisfaction, security, infallibility and unimpeachability.

The process of artistic initiation and inspiration and mastery continues with the descent of
all-power, all penetrating
power. As you know, will and desire are of the element of fire, or spirit. This letter corresponds to
the fire element and electricity. This virtue of all- power, or expression of divine will, is
represented by the letter S. When you imagine the letter S for purposes of meditation, imagine
the color purple-red , and the feeling of warmth filling your inner and outer worlds. In previous
messages this quality was explained in greater detail.

Then comes the immersion into absolute clarity – which is represented by the ch sound. It is to
be imagined as the
manifestation of the light violet color. As you can see, by consciously using the sounds
representing the different
divine qualities, you are utilizing a very ancient science of sound, of toning. In India, sounds used
in this way, to
focus on divine meanings, are called mantras.

All of the ancient mystical cultures use the power of sound in this way to bless and purify the
spirit, the mind, the emotions, and the body. Since sound is a major medium of artistic
expression, sometimes we will inspire you to quietly "sing" to yourself in your inner world or to
bring great power and blessings to your environment by toning the different sounds out loud
while focusing on their divine meanings.

And finally, we inspire you with the letter L. It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. This
letter represents
the highest divine virtues that may be described by words, irrespective of whatever sort they may
be. This letter
oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty and the greatness of God in the form of the
purest virtues.

>From this comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest point of
view. This will lead you to the borders of saintliness. On the feeling level true equilibrium of
character occurs and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is attained. On the
physical level you will gain perfect helath, beauty and harmony and you will become absolute
master of your own vitality.

Even though we are giving you much information in these messages, remember that in your
subconscious mind you have a photographic memory. This information is retained and is
processed subconsciously over time. We ask you to study these messages with a sense of ease and
enjoyment, using eye movement whenever emotions come up.

4 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Flowers
Also known as The Angels of Raschea

Beloved, we are the Angels of Flowers. All flowers on the earth are under our protection.

>From us you can learn to understand the language of flowers, the symbolic meaning of the
various kinds of flowers in their relationship to man as well as to the universal laws. The color,
shape and number of the petals reveal the analogies to the universal laws . When you understand
this, you can then understand their true beauty. We teach you how to understand each flower
form the esoteric point of view. We inspire you to grasp the qualities of each flower and use them
for mystical purposes.

Already you are beginning to understand the esoteric meaning of colors. In the last message we
mentioned that
justice is ultramarine blue, and the water principle of feeling is a lovely blue-green. The S fire
principle of will and
power is a purple Ðred, and the divine virtues are olive green. Absolute clarity is the light violet
color. As the
angel messages continue to describe the divine qualities of colors, you may apply them to
understanding the different flowers and their esoteric meaning. We wish to share with you the
meanings of the numbers.

Number one is the first number in the universe and represents the highest form which is God
Himself. The manifested light, and everything that was made of it is God in His Oneness.
Whenever the Deity is to be identified, this is done by number one. One means highest cognition,
highest unity,
highest wisdom. All evolution starts with this number. It is represented by a dot. The dot in the
middle of each flower represents the Oneness of God.

Number two is the number of duality, of polarity, of the positive and the negative principle. In
the material world , the two indicates electricity and magnetism, love and hate, light and shadow.
It is always a pole and its anti-pole, of which one could not exist without the other. It is God and
man. It appertains to those religions which regard God as something separate, whereby the
dualistic principle is to be found in all forms of existence. Two is represented by a horizontal line.
The stem of the flower which connects the blossom to the earth is represented by the number

Number three is symbolized by a triangle. The three is the number of akasha principle, of fate, of
Karma, and is
attributed to the sphere of Saturn. All things on all level originate from the akasha principle, the
fine pre-matter of
all existence, and therefore from the nuimber three. It is the original idea of procreation. Man
and woman and child.
Also it represents spirit, soul, and body. It is the number of intuition, life and death, and
cognition in its highest form.
Many flowers have patterns of three or multiples of three.
When you gaze upon such a flower, remember the unity of your spirit [will], soul[ feeling] and
your body.

Number four is the perfect number of mastery of creation.

It is represented by Jupiter. It represents the four basic elements of fire, air water and earth. It
also represents the
four directions, the four fundamental features of God which are omnipotence, wisdom, love -
immortality, and perfect consicousness. It is the number of eveything that is created in the visible
and the invisible worlds. It is highest wisdom and the number of length, width, height, and
depth. It is represented by a cross with arms of equal length, or by an equilateral quadrangle.
Think of the lovely dogwood flower with it"s four perfect petals. It blooms early in the spring
after the cold of the winter. The next time you behold this flower, ask the Angels of Flowers to
initiate you with it"s esoteric meaning.

Number five is the perfect representation of the microcosm, of man in all his phases and forms of
existence. It represents the microcosm in its perfection. The working of the four elements, ruled
by the akasha principle, is represented by five and also expresses the power and the might which
is symbolized by Mars. All active magic belongs to this number and is represented by a pentagon.
Many flowers have five petals and can connect you with power and might and individual
perfection. Flowers are similar to telephone numbers in that you can connect yourself with the
actual divine qualities that they represent by attuning to their energy.
Even if you do not know the meanings of the numbers and the colors, by asking for our
assistance, we can flood you with the divine qualities in your intuition.

Number six represents the macrocosm in its perfection. It is represented by an equilateral

hexagram. This is the number of man when he finally reaches that state of enlightenment in
which he is one with God. Jesus referred to this number when he said,"I and the Father are One."
The lower triangle of the hexagram denotes, in the mystical sense, man with his three
dimensional aspect of body, soul and spirit. The upper triangle of the hexagram points to the
three dimensional unification and influence of divine power and virtues in the mental, feeling,
and physical worlds. Number six represents the sun and all spherical miracles. When you hold a
flower with six petals in your hand, ask us to connect you with this energy of the sun and your
oneness with the Creator. Close your eyes and become receptive. We will establish a column of
light that fills you with the vibration of the true esoteric qualities of the flower. This is our gift to
you and it is very powerful. Great healing and enlightenment is possible through the use of
flowers in this way with our help.

Number seven is the number of harmony, ferility, propagation and growing. It is also the number
of love with all its phases, no matter whether the lowest form of love or the highest cosmic aspect
of love. Mercy, bnenvolence, virtuousness, and happiness are also aspects of love. It is the
number of beauty, purity, and harmony. It is the number of Venus, the seven basic notes, the
seven states of maturity [chackras], and is represented by a septangle. There are various symbols
for seven. A great triangle with a square in its middle or viceversa, for instance. The colors of the
rainbow are also the seven vibration. Flowers with seven petals or multiples of seven carry this

Whenever you give someone a flower, if you ask us to impregnate their spirit, mind, emotions,
and body with the true esoteric vibrations of the flower , we can bless them with such healing
and enlightenment as you could ever wish. Many miracles can be performed with the help of

Number eight is the number of the mind, the intellect, and thus the number of knowledge. It is
anologous to the planet Mercury.The octagon is a symbol of the native American Medicine wheel
in all of its forms. All knowledge, actual or theoretical, is a part of the eight vibration.

Number nine is symbolized by three equilateral triangles interlacing one another. It represents
the original idea of the astral or feeling world. It is the number of motion, of rhythm and thus, of
life in tis most subtle form. It is the number which prepares every situation in the astral or
feeling world for the material world. It represents the moon. It is the highest number.

The number ten is the last number. It is the reflection of number one in its roughest form. Ten is
the number of
physical matter, the number of realization. Ten is called "The Kingdom "in Hebrew Quabbalah.
The human body is subject to number ten, and so also is the mineral, vegetable , and animal
kingdom, and everything that is perceived by the five senses. It"s symbol is a circle with a cross
consisting of eight arms in its middle, contrary to number one which is usually symbolized by a
dot or a circle as the sign of infinity.
Ten can also be represented by a square with a circle drawn in its middle. Ten is the starting
point on the way to God.

The letters associated with initiation by the Angels of Flowers are :

R.........divine freedom and independence

A.........The greatest wisdom and enlightenment
S.........All-power, all penetrating power
CH......Absolute clarity
A.........The greatest wisdom and enlightenment

Today, as you receive this angel message from the angels of Flowers, either imagine flowers
around you and those you love, or actually obtain flowers for yourself and some other.
Do this with the prayer that the true healing energies of the flowers fill you both with their great
potential. Allow yourself time to receive this in meditation.

Great, Oh GREAT will be the blessings thereof.


5 degrees Virgo
Also known as The Angels of Girmil

Beloved, We are the angels of love, harmony, and beauty and at the same time we are their
protector. We teach you to see love in everything. With our influence, it is even possible to
perceive the energy processes known in your myths and lore as fairies and nature spirits. Your
mind will begin to process the meanings behind the meanings, the worlds behind the world. In
time, the omnipresence of love in everything that you perceive with your five senses will open up
the inner sight, the world of intuitive perception and imagination.

Love and harmony on the one hand, and hate and disharmony on the other will teach you to
understand, too,
the exact laws of sympathy and antipathy. After you gain this knowledge, you will realize what is
true beauty. Once
this is understood, it will be clear that beauty is but another expression for harmony.

We will teach you the profundity of divine grace and mercy.

In a previous angel message it was explained to you how divine grace and mercy work within
divine law. With this
understanding the virtue of peacefulness and blessing by divine Providence is acquired. A feeling
of happiness, of
complete satisfaction is mastered both for oneself and for others. On the material plane great
abundance is attracted, along with tremendous satisfaction and unity with Divine Consciousness.

We make sure that you understand fate, and cause and effect, so that you are able to create only
what is beautiful and harmonious for yourself and others. We fill you with Divine individuality
and freedom and the understanding and mastery of the emotions. We futher initiate you into the
complete and absolute understanding of cause and effect and finally unite you with all of the
Divine Virtues.

The letters associated with the Angels of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, are:

G......Divine Grace and Mercy, color green, feeling-water principle . Imagine with a sense of

I.......The karma law of cause and effect. A light opal color. A feeling of weight, of the element of

R......Divine Independence and freedom. A golden light in the solar plexus.

M......The mastery of feeling, of life, and sensation. The original water principle. Blue green color
with a sense
of coolness.

I........Cause and effect. Light opal. Earth.

L.......The highest divine virtues. Radiant and brilliant olive green color, invigorates the spleen.
Air element, located
in the chest of the human body temple.

The divine meanings of the letters, the colors associated with the different divine attributes and
virtues, and their
relationship with different parts of the human body temple, will reprogram your consciousness
so that you can transform both your physical reality and the universal. This ancient science is
designed as keys that you can use to follow in the footsteps of the masters.

As you walk upon this path, great beauty, love, and harmony will surround you in ever increasing
splendour and majesty.
Finally, even the smallest and most insignificant of God's creations will reveal to you the most
beautiful evidence of the love and harmony of the Divine Creator. With your free will, you may
ask us, the Angels of Love, Harmony, and Beauty, to be with you always.

You may ask us to bless anyone or anything, whenever and however you desire. There is no
request too large or too small that you can make . It is our joy to assist you, for truly WE ARE
ALL ONE IN COMPLETE LOVE, BEAUTY AND HARMONY. As you begin to realize this, it is
inevitable that veils of illusion are lifted from the earth and the eternal perfection of the Divine
Creator in all of the splendor and majesty and love, beauty, and harmony is
revealed in joyous fullfillment of Divine Will.


6 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Teaching
Also known as The Angels of Zagriona

Beloved, we are the angels of teaching in its widest application. In Islam, there is a name for
those we serve, it
is the Rasul, the Rasul of God, the great teacher and prophet.
All teachers, writers, journalists and editors are inspired and protected by us. Teaching is a
function of the higher
intellectual faculties, of cognition in it's highest sense, and we are responsible for bringing about
a general increase of intellectual talents and abilities. We enable teachers to renew all intellectual
gifts and talents that they have acquired in former lives.
Remember the soul is eternal and before the present life many experiences have been acquired in
it's journey to

All kinds of artistic faculties are awakened, and the ability develops of clothing all abstract ideas
into words that are
easy to grasp . Great cheerfulness and the ability to bring about gaiety and amusement is

When you call upon us to help you with teaching others, we are happy to secure for you not only
the abilities themselves but also the means by which you can be successful in a career.

The folowing Divine attributes are brought to you in the angelic initiation of teaching:

Z........Higher cognition, remembrance , the actual merging with, past life abilities.
A.......The highest wisdom and enlightenment

G.......Divine grace and mercy

R........Independence and freedom
I... ....Mastery of cause and effect, understanding fate and karma
O........Mastery of Divine Justice
N.......The highest state of happiness and the ability of knowing exactly your own state of mental
maturity as
well as that of others.. the understanding of the instinct for self-preservation.
A........The highest wisdom and enlightenment

The teachers of earth have the responsibility of taking the burdens of ignorance and fear from
their students and
transforming them into growth and opportunity. There is no greater calling and no greater act of
service. With our
assistance, the teacher becomes the Divine Initiator of all whose lives come under their sphere of

We guide talented students to the proper teachers and books, and we protect both teacher and
student as the wondrous alchemy of wisdom and enlightenment is transferred from one to
another. Great is the joy in heaven when a teacher and student connect and the spark of divine
congnition bursts into a flame of higher intellectual understanding and ability.

It is through the long line of teachers stretching throughout history, through their deeds and
through their words written down in books, that the divine spark has remained alive even
through the darkest night. So great is the grace and mercy that comes through the act of teaching
that words do not have the power to convey. The angels of heaven stand in awe at the power and
majesty of the written word, and the power of teaching.


7 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Language and Writing
Also known as The Angels of Ygilon

Beloved, the spoken and written word has evolved over a long and varied history. It was our
assignment by Divine
Providence to carefully guide mankind to share, preserve, and safeguard sacred teachings that
are given by Divine
inspiration in a form that could be passed on from one person to the next, from one generation
to the next,
throughout the ages. Every act of speaking and writing has come under our sphere of influence
from the earliest times to the present. As you can see, angels are immortal and we are ancient of
days. When you call on us, you connect yourself to all that has ever happened and all that will
ever be.

We inspire you with the understanding to interpret even the most ancient symbols.. . as
archeologists find ever more artifacts from old cultures, we inspire them with insight and
intuition in various ways to understand the meanings of the written symbols that they find.

We are the angels who are designing these angel messages to teach you the cosmic language, the
Divine Language, that is, the way to give every letter a divine attribute that expresses equally on
the four levels of will, thought, emotion, and form, in the micro- and the macrocosm, the inner
and the outer worlds. We have been instrumental in the development of the internet, and it is
our intent that this medium of expression bring the cosmic knowledge to ever increasing
numbers of people as heaven manifests more fully on earth.

Remember that mankind has free will. Over the past decades so many of you have prayed to us to
bring an end to illusion and to manifest the perfection of Divine Providence upon the earth. We
have heard, as we always hear, your prayers, and it is in response to these prayers that we are
bringing many miracles upon the earth. Among the most important of these is the ability to
communicate in the Divine Language.

Therefore, we implore you to take the time to ask us for our assistance. We ask you to value your
times of quiet
introspection and prayer at least as much as you value the time you spend in activities in the
world. We know that this is a paradigm shift of the greatest proportion, since your cultures have
placed so much emphasis on busyness and outward responsibility.

We ask you to be careful before you take on added responsibilities in the outer world, so that you
do not find
yourselves in the impossible situation of having so many things to do that you do not have time
for the most important work of all, the time to commune with God Within - the time to study
and deepen in the cosmic knowledge of the soul.

If you find yourself in this situation now, call on your guardian angels and ask them to analyze
your present life and come up with and implement a program that will eventually free you from
imbalance, from stress, in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned. They have the
power and the knowledge to do this, and they only await your request. Whenever you speak with
them, we ask you to be clear and precise, for this gives them the clarity that they need to
understand exactly what your will is.

Seek deeply within, and remember that inside you are still but a child of God. Remember that
your teachers have told you that unless you be as a child, that you will not be able to fully grasp
and live in the perfected state of manifested Divinity.
Go within, and ask the child within what it needs to be happy, to be educated, to be safe.

When you connect with that knowing, then you will understand what you need to ask the angels
to help you with.
That is when we ask you to call on your guardian angels and tell them what you wish for all of us
in the Angelic Kingdom to do for you. There is nothing too large or too small that you can ask of
us. We are the ancient of days.

We are ordained by the Mighty Creator to help and guide you. It is important that you do this in
your journey to
perfection. This is the way that it was meant to be, it is the way that the creator designed creation
to work..

It was when mankind decided to take upon him/her self the task of perfection that things began
to go terribly wrong.
Remember that your teacher Jesus told the disciples,"I, of myself, can do nothing, it is the Father
within, it is He that doeth the works." Know now that the Father works through His angelic
kingdom and make use of that knowing.

In this message, as in all of the messages, you can see the power of the spoken and the written
word. Call on us when in your own journey to perfection you wish to teach and communicate
with others.

The letters through which we express today's initiation are:

Y......The origin of the rhythm of life . Profound cosmic intuition and inspiration which brings
about the gift for
absolute devotion to, and deepest love for, Divine Providence. The aptitude for prophecy that
precludes any possibliity of mistake and the spiritualizing of the emotions to a degree beyond the
ability of words to describe.

G........Divine grace and mercy.

I ........The mastery of the laws of karma and fate, cause and effect.
L.........Initiation into the Divine Virtues
O........Initiation of Divine Justice
N........Divine Happiness


8 degrees Virgo
The Angels of the Poor and the Suppressed
Also known as The Angels of Alpaso

Beloved, Since the beginning of human records we are the angels who have been the protectors of
the poor and the suppressed, the homeless and the slaves, the beggars and the gypsies. We also
protect those who are addicted to narcotics and are thrown out of the normal balance of life.
When a soul incarnates into this fate, we are assigned to them to protect them from accidents
and all harm that is not theirs to suffer. The saying that "drunkards lead a charmed life" can be
attributed to our service.

The soul is immortal and made in the image of the Creator.

Sometimes when it becomes time for the soul to take on physical form, a life path is chosen that
will allow the soul
to experience first hand what it is like to be despised and misunderstood, alone and abandoned.
This experience is

intense and the impression that it makes upon the soul is profound. The understanding of what
it means to live as a
victim in a society that is often lacking in compassion, creates the most powerful desire in the
soul to never, ever cause harm or deprivation to another human being or creature.

This desire for greater spiritualization and Divine Love and Compassion is so deeply etched
within the fabric of the soul, that the way becomes clear for this to happen. We cherish our
mission to protect these unfortunates, for we understand that they are souls in training for that
most important initiation of all, the initiation into harmlessness.

Before Divine Providence will allow a soul to amass great powers and great wisdom, it is
important that the soul amass great love. This path of poverty and suppression is usually an
important part of the chosen avenue for this accomplishment.
When the eyes of the homeless and downtrodden look up to heaven and beseach the angels for
help, these are the downpourings of spirit that we give them:

A..........The initiation into great wisdom and enlightenment. Look into the eyes of some of the
beggars and the homeless and often you will see the eyes of great wisdom looking back at you.
These are the ones who have asked for and received this level of our initiation.

L..........The initiation into the various virtues of Divine Providence. Have you noticed the virtues
of courage, of
patience, or tolerance, of compassion and understanding in the slaves and the poor? Have you
seen their humbleness, and their surrender and faith? Have you been there when they share with
each other of the little that they have, and when they band together to give comfort and help to
each other?
Do you know how often they accept the responsibility of each others' children when the parents
can no longer
provide? Many many times great saints can be found within their ranks.

P...........Initiation into the desire for perfection and greater spirituality. The poor and
downtrodden can often see from afar the hypnotic effects of wealth and power and pleasure on
those who have them. Deep in their hearts they know that perhaps they, the poor, are the ones
who may truly have the real riches and the best society. Because they learn not to be fooled by
the emptiness of what the world has to offer, they focus their desires and wills on the path of
perfection and mastery. During the darkest of ages, the gypsies carefully tended the flame of
esoteric wisdom and quaballah and even to this day some of the greatest adepts live among them.

A.......................Even deeper initiation into wisdom and enlightenment. As the life of suppression
continues day after day, year after year, the soul values more and more those things that are free
to every man and woman. The sun, the air, the water, and the earth. The gifts of speech, and
thought, and feeling, and form. Just the ability to wake up each morning and experience another
day, another person's presence, or the presence of another creature or the beauty of trees and
plants, all of these things take on the profoundest meaning and value. The lack of having the
things of the world which are ephemeral focuses the attention on what is real and true and great
wisdom awakens within. When the soul calls on us for our help, we awaken the consciousness to
these things.

S............Initiation into all-power, all penetrating power. As the soul copes with the impossible
day after day, time after time, the need to summon the power of the will to manifest becomes a
motivating force. To those who witness the ability of these people to survive and survive and
survive, this virtue of all- power is evident.

O........The initiation into Divine Justice. Nowhere is it more feasible to learn of Divine Justice
than in those parts of
societies where justice is sometimes totally lacking. No-where can a small light be better seen
than in a completely
dark room. Never will a small bite of simple food taste more delicious than when the body is
starving. The thirst
for justice is so great when it is rare and the soul of the unfortunate becomes keenly aware of
Divine Justice in all
of its most subtle expressions.

As you can see, the pathway of poverty, servitude, homelessness, and addiction can be rich in the
blessings of
wisdom and love. Remember the next time you look into the face of such a one that their soul is
learning the lessons of harmlessness, virtue, power, justice, wisdom, and the desire for
perfection, and call on us, the Angels of the Poor and the Suppressed, to minister to them in
spirit and in truth.


9 degrees Virgo
The Angels of The Feelings of Omnipotence
Also known as The Angels of Kirek

Beloved, we are angels who help you with manifesting the miracles that your teachers have
encouraged you by their own example to perform as you journey on earth. There are various
orders of angels who work with the attribute of Divine Power, our particular office is that of
mastering omnipotence on the level of emotion or feeling.

Omnipotence is one of the divine virtues and is represented by the letter K in the cosmic
language. This virtue reveals itself as the all embracing power by which miracles are made
possible in the micro-and the macrocosm. In the akasha, the subtle pre-matter, it is the highest
and purest light and is analogous to the original fire, or desire principle. In the mind, it manifests
as the state of faith.

This is the faith that was spoken of in the Bible that could move mountains and "do all things".
In the soul, which is
also called the astral, or feeling body , this virtue manifests as endurance, toughness, courage,
and the ability to remove any feeling of fear within yourself or within others.

The angels within our order must also make sure that the understanding of cause and effect is
mastered when you pray to the Creator for the power to work miracles. The law of evolution of
everything by Divine Providence IS the law of cause and effect. This gives the great
understanding and mastery of the akasha, or subtle pre-matter principle. The understanding of
cause and effect also enables the perfection of memory and conscience. The letter "I" {as in I Am}
represents this virtue in the cosmic language.

The next step in the initiation of omnipotence in the feeling body is that of becoming the master
and guardian of freedom and independence. In this state there is the feeling of freedom of any
pressing burden of the laws, for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a
state of maturity by which this feeling of independence has been transformed into an absolute
state of security and unimpeachability.

This comes from the realization of the harmony and perfection of all divine laws and the
identification and love of them so intensely that they have actually become merged with oneself.
In this case you are the personification and
representation of the divine laws and they will serve you, and your sense of freedom will derive
from them rather than in spite of them.

This is a very high state of consciousness, but it is the state that every human being is destined to
accomplish. It is for this reason that your teachers have told you that "the truth is written within
your heart". We remind you that on a level that is both above and below your present state of
consciousness, you are already one with Divine Mind and you have never been separated from it.

Within your heart you can access these levels and therefore you can access all divine laws and
your oneness with them.
This is one of the meanings of the "sacred heart of Christ" , and the statement that "The Christ is
with you always." The letter that represents this in the cosmic language is the letter R. It is seen
as a golden light within the solar plexus.

To master the feeling of omnipotence also requires an identification with Omnipresence, the
spirit of God in
everything that has ever been created. When you ask us to initiate you into omnipotence so that
you can follow in the works of the masters who have gone before, we inspire you with the
memory of your roots in the Divine Life which enlivens all things and is omnipresent in them.

As you can see, once you see yourself as one with all things, with all life, you are not able to hurt
another, because you are forever free from the illusion of separation. This quality is also to be
seen in the solar plexus as with the letter R, and in the color of the deepest and purest violet . The
letter that represents this awareness in the cosmic language is the letter E.

And finally, as you receive the mantle of omnipotence in the soul, or the feeling body, you will
again, as you were in the beginning, be united with the virtue of the purest light of divine
desire/will in the pre-matter of the akasha. This is the letter K in the cosmic language which is
omnipotence and is both the fire and the air element combined. It is to be imagined as a silvery
blue color in the region of the head and the chest. As previous angel messages have mentioned,
the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit in its truest form and every part of the body
temple is a home to the various divine qualities. Therefore, the letter K is also imagined, at the
same time, as residing in the left ear.

The letter "I" [as in I AM] with its light opalescent color, representing the law of cause and effect,
is the spiritual
essense of the left kidney. The R, with its golden color, resides as the spiritual quality of divine
freedom and
independence in the left side of the nose. The E, with it’s deep violet color, the quality of
omnipresence, is practiced in the entire spine, form the coccyx up to the back of the head.
Throughout the ages , the adepts of this cosmic language have healed various parts of the body
through the use of the relevant sounds, colors, and divine virtues.

As you already know, the power of the will, the consciousness, the feelings, and actions, to affect
reality on all levels, is the cause and effect principle. As you begin to equate the sounds and sights
of the letters with their corresponding divine qualities, and their location in your body temple on
a daily basis, these qualities will become more and more obvious and available to you as the
inheritance of your divine birthright as children of God. They are necessary for you to realize the
gift of immortality.

The paradigm shifts that are experienced from these practices place you squarely in the footsteps
of the Divine Masters who have gone before. It is they who have lived and transcribed this
knowledge and these exercises throughout the ages so that they are available to you now in the
form of sacred scripture and teachings such as the Quaballah, the Upanashads, and others. We
help guide you to the proper teachers and books in the outer world just as we initiate you
intuitively in the inner worlds.

Go within now, and call on us if you desire our help. We are The Angels of Omnipotence in the
world of your feelings.


10 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Sacred Oils and Essences
Also known as The Angels of Buriuh

Beloved, We are the angels that you call upon when you wish to gather together flowers, herbs,
oils, and objects in order to make incense, sacred oils, healing and spiritual essences and objects
that contain healing and spiritual properties. We are called the Angels of Buriuh, because these
letters contain our divine assignment and attunement in the cosmic language.
Many of you have been asking the question, "How can I use the knowledge of the Divine
Attributes, the letter, the color, and the element to affect changes in the outer worlds?" It is our
great joy to answer that question so that you may impregnate anything that you choose with
divine qualities.

The first principle that we wish you to understand is that there is a cause-effect relationship
between the inner and the outer, and the micro- and the macrocosm. You have known this by the
conventional phrase "As above, so below". This principle has been used in ceremonies and
spiritual practices in religions since time began.

For instance, the sacraments that are performed at temple services create symbolically on the
physical level the changes that are desired on the spiritual levels. Likewise, the priest is creating
on the spiritual levels the changes that are desired on the physical.

Whenever you wish to create changes on the physical level, remember that first comes the desire,
which is the spiritual element, then comes the thought, which is the mental element, then the
feeling of the desired effect, which is the emotional element, and finally the physical effect is
manifested into form.

Remember that solid matter is not solid at all. Everything, on all levels, is mostly space. It is this
space, even in physical objects, that is flooded with energy of the desired attributes by the use of
will, thought and feeling. Depending on the strength of the will, the faith and clarity of the
thought, and the passion of feeling, the space of the physical form will be filled more or less with
the desired virtue and divine qualities.
When you call in angels to help you with this, we perfectly permeate the space of the physical
object or substance with the desired virtue.

The letter "B" vibrates to a beautiful light violet color and is of the earth element. It is imagined
in the legs and feet with a feeling of gravity and weight. Just as there are two legs and two feet,
this letter represents polarity, the two sides of everything in existence, the positive and the
negative, the left and the right, the inner and the outer, the up and the down, the hot and the
cold, the masculine and the feminine, the light and the dark, and electricity and magnetism.

The attunement to this principle of polarity in Universal Consciousness gives mastery over will
[fire, electricity,
masculine energy] and emotion [ water, magnetism, feminine energy] and this in turn
impregnates the space of physical forms with will and gives the forms the ability to attract the
desired qualities through emotion.

The letter "U" in the cosmic language represents the faculty of comprehending the creative act
and it’s relationship to karma. It evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration and makes
possible the understanding of one’s own karma and it’s modification. It also makes possible the
transfer of consciousness to any state imaginable and this results in states of highest trance.This
letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus and then in the legs
and feet. The pancreas is enlivened by this letter.

The letter "R", representing divine freedom and independence is next, followed by the letter "I"
[as in I AM] which
represents the law of cause and effect. "U" is repeated and finally the letter "H" is evoked, which
represents the power of the word. H respresents this process itself, these practices, of
empowering each letter with cosmic significance through the these visualizations.

Thus, the power of the word IS the cosmic language as we have been discussing. "H" is to be
visualized as a silver violet color with warmth. In practice, see this color, this ability of using
cosmic language with a sense of warmth in the region of the head, and in the right arm since it is
the enlivening principle of the right arm. The mastery of the "H" dynamic enables you also to
embue every other letter with greater creative power.

Mastering this ability deepens your understanding of Divine Providence not only with the
intellect, but also with symbols, in the form of pictures with the spiritual senses. The repetition
of the exercises with the letter "H" oscillation results in the highest form of clairvoyance. All of
the mantra and tantra practices can be comprehended in this manner and the full meaning of the
words, "it shall be", is revealed to you in its cosmic sense.

As you, perhaps, are realizing, when you wish to spiritualize any substance, such as oils, incense,
and objects, the ability to comprehend and use the cosmic language is of utmost importance. The
combination of each letter's divine virtue with its corresponding color and element [fire-warmth,
air-ease, water-coolness, and earth-gravity/weight] must be fully embraced in imagination in the
inner worlds and in the outer worlds.

In the past, whenever the cosmic language has been taught, the student was always admonished
to rely on the help of angels every step of the way. Has not it seemed strange to you that angels
are mentioned so often in scriptures and yet so rarely have you been told to call on them and rely
on them? We are wishing to remedy this situation and that is why we are bringing forth these
angel messages.

Over time, a full picture is emerging, through these messages, of the exact nature and process of
angelic and human interaction. It has been decreed by Divine Providence that this knowledge
should be made available at this time in answer to the prayers of so many people and because of
the will of Divine Providence itself. Now the words of the Masters, that "ye shall do all things",
must come true as the prayers " that earth should be as heaven" are answered.


11 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Honor, Esteem, and Success in Business
Also known as The Angels of Yraganon

Beloved, We are the Angels who minister to those souls whose path of growth and service aspires
to a life of
perfection in business. Each letter in our name is a key from the cosmic language, and each letter
has been explained and given to you in a previous message. We encourage you to go back and
analyze these messages again, for each time that you do, more will be revealed.

We are the angels who are directed to you when you ask Divine Providence for success, honor,
esteem and abundance in business. A person's profession is like their child; it is a creative avenue
for expressing all that is the best and most worthwhile of indwelling divinity . Within the heart of
each business man or woman is the spiritual desire to unite the source of livelihood with their
spiritual path of development.

In Sufism, this is called the path of the Salik. It is a very difficult path. It is so difficult, in fact,
that many souls choose instead the path of the aesthetic, the renunciate, known in Sufism as the
path of the Vairagi. In the path of the Salik, a soul embraces the life of the marketplace and at the
same time attempts to live a life of perfection.

We are the angels who make possible the success of such an undertaking. Below are the virtues
that we use to accomplish this.

Y......understanding and mastery of the rhythm of life.

R..... the perfection of divine freedom and individuality.
A......wisdom and enlightenment.
G......Divine Grace, love, and Mercy
A..... is the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment
N..... divine happiness
O......divine justice
N......divine happiness.

There is a master who has written four books that chronicle precisely the cosmic language and
the practices that have been passed down through the ages from teacher to student.
These books are written by Franz Bardon*. We have guided the writer of these Angel Messages to
use these books as references to help her and now we are guiding you to these books as well. In
the third of these four books, you will find a list of the enlightened masters who work with the
angels of each degree of the zodiac and who embody the mastery of each degree and who go by
the same name in the cosmic language as the angels of that degree.

The divine virtues described in Quaballah are illuminated in Tibetan traditions of Buddhism and
also in the spiritual
traditions found in Islam, Christianity, shamanism, and in most of the ancient religions around
the world. Divine virtues are universal . When you attune to the "A" , the virtue of wisdom and
enlightenment, we flood your intuition with direct knowing of this as you meditate with desire,
faith, feeling and imagination as described in previous messages.

This intuitive experience, a function of your right brain, is balanced by the left brain function of
reading and thinking.
If while you are engaged in your inward studies, you make use of eye movement that replicates
the eye movement of REM sleep, moving the eyes back and forth, right to left and back again
over and over, you will find your rogress
greatly enhanced. Eye movement is both a natural function of dreaming and an ancient
shamanic exercise which
accelerates the integration of right & left brain functioning.

The study of Quaballah is Hebrew mysticism. The understanding of the salik and the vairagi
comes from Islamic
mysticism. As you can see, a broad study of different scriptures and pathways creates an
amalgam of eternal truth,
as it has been revealed by Divine Providence to different peoples.

The angelic kingdom has been instructed by Divine Providence to bring about forgiveness and
reconciliation, grace and mercy, love and justice, between different religions at this time so that
their teachings can be shared and a full
picture can emerge from bringing together all of the pieces of the spiritual puzzle that each one
holds. We are the particular angels who are guiding forgiveness and reconciliation among the
businesses and economies of the world at this time as part of the same effort.

There is enough technology, talent, and resources to address and remedy environmental and
economic problems if
everyone pulls together in selfless service. This creates a foundation in the world for freedom,
wisdom, grace, love and mercy, happiness, plenty, and divine justice in the rhythm of


12 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Religion
Also Known as The Angels of Argaro
Beloved, we are the custodians of all religions of the world from the beginning of mankind to the
modern ages. We
protect and empower all relics, holy places, temples, churches, statues of saints, and pictures of
saints. We can help you to understand anything that has to do with these matters and reveal to
you their divine meaning.

As you enter the sanctuary of a consecrated temple, it is angels from our order who connect your
consciousness with all of the divine virtues and attributes that are represented by the physical
structure itself. As you gaze upon the portrait of a spiritual master or saint, it is we who create a
very real and powerful bond between your consciousness and the consciousness of the person in
the portrait, it is we who unveil the hidden truth that lies within the form.

Statues that weep, and relics that exhibit miraculous effects are all administered and protected
by us. We wish to tell you that these powers and connections are very very real. It was Divine
Providence itself that ordained that such physical manifestations of divinity should exist and that
we should help you use these things as a way to unite with Divine Consciousness.

The existence of religions was ordained to be a means of instruction and connection with Divine
Providence. We
design and empower whatever form of religion is deemed necessary for each time,culture, and
place in order to
establish a way for the people to find and unite with Divinity that lies equally within them and all
around them, in the inner and the outer world. The letters in our name reveal the virtues and
attributes that have been ordained by Divine Providence for us to use in our service to mankind.

A.......the highest wisdom and enlightenment

R.......divine freedom and independence
G.......Divine grace and mercy in all of its aspects
A.......wisdom and enlightenment
R...... perfect freedom and independence
O...... Divine justice and legality of divine laws

We have similar powers to other orders of angels who work with the impregnation of physical
matter with spiritual
qualities, but in our case we also help establish and protect a working religion that complements
the use of such physical forms.

As you create a special clearing in a grove of trees in a forest, and you wish to consecrate this spot
to be forever sacred and empowered with the divine so that you and others may come often to
pray, you may call upon us, the angels of religion, the Angels of Argaro, to bring this about, to
instruct you with the best ritual and teachings, and to protect it from that time forth.


13 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Ceremony
Also known as The Angels of Algebol

Beloved, we are angels who inspire and protect religious ritual and ceremony throughout all time
from the most
ancient past and into the most distant future. We supplement the work of the Angels of Argaro in
their work of creating and protecting religions. It is our job to create and empower religious
ceremonies so that people everywhere, in all cultures and situations, can access the Divine in
spirit and in truth in this way.

Ceremonies and rituals connect mankind with the virtues of Divine Consciousness. The number
of divine virtues
that exist cannot be counted, and they are so profound, and pure and great that words cannot
cover their depth or their perfection or their scope. Did you know that there are whole orders of
angels who serve with each of the divine virtues?
It has been said that the number of angels cannot be counted, that there are infinite numbers of
angels, and this is true.
Imagine, if you will, how many angels administer the virtue of courage alone. Think of the
number of people, animals, and other beings who must face life with courage each day.
There must be enough angels of courage to support and serve each of them, at all times.

Each of these interactions is performed in a ceremonial manner. So you can see that rituals and
ceremonies exist
in the invisible as well as in the visible worlds. That is why we are called the Angels of
Ceremonies, for we design the particular form that the interactions take when angels are called to
establish a connection with Divine Consciousness & to identify the appropriate Divine Virtues
that are needed at any particular time.

We oversee the ceremonies and rituals that are performed in religious services. Whether in a
great cathedral in a ritual that has existed for hundreds of years, or in the outback where a
beloved companion faces a daunting task and a prayer is being offered for Divine assistance,
wherever and whenever a ceremony is being performed we are present for inspiration and

The letters in our name offer the way to understand our nature through the use of the cosmic

A.........All wisdom and enlightenment

L.........The entire scope of Divine Virtue
G.........Divine Grace and Mercy in all their aspects
E..........Omnipresence, the existence of God in all things
B..........Polarity. The balance of opposites in Universal Consciousness.
O.........Divine Justice and the legality of all divine laws.
L ........ All of the Divine Virtues

Some of the letters of our name have already been described in previous messages, with their
colors, and the parts of the body temple that are analogous to them. The letter "G" is the water
principle, or magnetism, and vibrates as the most beautiful grass green. Imagine it as a sense of
coolness, like water, and sounding like the F note in music. This principle, the principle of Divine
Love and Mercy, is the enlivening energy of the left eye.

Even though each letter corresponds to a particular organ, all letters belong to one of the four
elements and the four elements each relate to an area of the human body temple.
All letters of the water principle belong in the abdomen area, with a sense of coolness and
magnetism. So the practice of the water element in general, which is emotion, magnetism,
coolness and cohesiveness is practiced in the abdomen area.

When using the letter "G" specifically, imagine it both in the abdomen and also in the left eye.
All "air" letters are imagined in the area of the lungs, with a sense of ease. All "fire" letters are in
the region of the
throat and head, with a sense of warmth and electricity. All "earth" letters are in the feet and legs,
to be imagined with a sense of weight and gravity.

Remember when doing the exercises of the cosmic language in your imagination, to see each
letter both in the proper area of the body for its element and at the same time in the particular
organ of the body that corresponds to it's virtue.
The benefits that accrue from using this "art of healing with the cosmic language" cannot be

The letter "O" is an earth letter and vibrates to the musical note C. It is ultramarine blue and
enlivens the throat and

The letter "L" is a glowing olive green, air element, musical note F, and enlivens the spleen.

A.......air, light blue, musical note G, lobes of the lungs, light violet, musical note A, right eye

E...... .dark violet, musical note D, akasha as element - a feeling of power penetrating all, enlivens
the whole spine

We encourage you to study all of the angels' messages again, and keep a record of each of the
letters. It is the way that your left brain, which is the seat of memory, logic, linear thought and
language can make sense of the heavenly attributes which are your inheritance as a child of God.
We are encouraging you to activate and utilize both hemispheres of your brain by means of these
exercises that we are giving you.

When you pray to the angels for help and illumination, we interact directly with your right brain,
which is spacial and
intuitive. The corpus collosum, the neurological "bridge" connecting the two hemispheres of the
brain, is activated by eye movement exercises (see previous messages for how to do them). The
combination of all three practices- perceiving our interaction with you using your right-brain
intuition in prayer, with the left-brain memory and knowledge of the Divine Language, and eye
movement (left to right, back & forth) to access both sides of the brain - enables you to fulfill
your most cherished desire to TALK WITH THE ANGELS. It is not that hard.

Relax and find a balance between control [keeping the attention focused on your prayer-using
eye movement] and
allowing, so that whatever images [right brain] and thoughts [left brain] spontaneously arise can
flow easily and naturally across your awareness unhindered. Remember practice makes perfect.
Avail yourself of this. Do not be discouraged.

Like with anything else, the first attempts are always the most awkward. This is a natural ability
of mankind and in the future children will learn this from birth.


14 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Medicine
Also known as The Angels of Karasa

Beloved, we protect and inspire all people who work to heal others. From the most modern
specialist in western culture, to the most traditional tribal medicine man, we are the angels who
oversee and bless each and every one whose purpose and intent is to administer healing. Also
under our jurisdiction are the pharmaceutical companies and anyone who is in the business of
making medicines of any sort.

When someone is sick, it is our job to connect him/her with the appropriate doctor. When a
doctor is seeking the right diagnosis and the proper cure, it is our responsibility to reveal this to

As you can see, it is so very important that people ask us for our assistance. With all of the
sickness and all of the
frustrations within the health-care profession , it is imperative that our existence be made known
to mankind. Because of the legalities of free will, it is imperative that we are asked for assistance
in order for us to bring the quality of healing and medicine to the earth that is so sorely needed in
these times.

Even though we have in place a contract with the soul of each health practitioner before they
incarnate upon the earth, if there is a conscious relationship with us in everyday life, we are
permitted by Divine Providence to do so much more than we could do in a general way from the
original contract only.
It is within our power to bring about such skill in the doctors and such effectiveness in medicines
as would hardly be believable to you in your present state of understanding.

This is an intense time upon the earth. There are great abuses by the pharmaceutical companies
against their clients and themselves, for they are not allowing the knowledge and technology of
angels to assist them. When Divine Laws of justice are broken, such as they are now with the
cruel testing of medicines upon animals, and the overcharging of medicines to their clients, the
unwanted repercussions are almost endless. We are in the process of introducing testing
methods of great accuracy and reliability which do not break Divine Law. The medicines that we
have to share with mankind will allow abundance to be enjoyed by all alike.

The entire health care system, in all of its aspects and departments, is under careful supervision
by the angels at this time as we attempt to inspire everyone involved with new paradigms that
will break the stalemate between fact and fantasy in the healing professions. It is a fact that
realtiy is composed of more than just the physcial dimension. Even though the importance of the
emotions is finally beginning to get some of the attention that is its due, there must be equal
understanding of the importance of the spiritual [will] and mental realms as well. Any other
approach is not scientifically valid and we are attempting to inspire all doctors and health
support professions with this

So come with us now as we ask you to bow your heads in supplication to the Almighty Maker and
Sustainer of All
and join us as we ask for the complete understanding and experience of our oneness in the
kingdom of heaven to be restored. When this condition of oneness and interdependence is
accepted and utilized, both of us, man and
angels, will be in the right position to work together to efficiently administer to all who cry out
for healing.

Amen Shalom


15 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Commerce In textiles and paper
Also known as The Angels of Akirgi

Beloved, In the realms of business and commerce, with a special attunement to the field of
textiles and paper, we bring success and ingenuity. Over the centuries we have brought mankind
through the most primitive paper and textile making skills to the wonders of the modern age. .
You may call on us for help in any business, the field of textiles and paper is simply our specialty.

At this time we are inspiring mankind to shift the paradigm in the use of fibers in the making of
textiles and paper. Due to overuse of forests and chemical fertilizers, the unwise treatment of
sheep and other animals, and many other pratcial considerations that are humane and
environmental in nature, we are preparing the legal , business, and manufacturing systems of the
world for the use of certain types of hemp plants in greater amounts for textiles and paper. This
plant was designed by Universal Providence for many uses and paper and textile products
manufactured from it are superior in special ways.

Various other fibers are being developed and we are shifting the emphasis from writing on paper
to electronic writing. We are working with other orders of angels to inspire creators of fashion
with apparel that has more universal and permanent applications in design and use. In the
coming times more and more emphasis will be put on permanence and reusability and there will
be much less waste and strain on the earth's resources.

When we are asked for assistance in business, we have been directed by Universal Providence to
ensure that success is attained through very enlightened means.

When you are seeking help and ingenuity in your business, as you walk the path of the SALIK,
enlightenment through involvement in the world, call on our help and we will assist you in
wonderful ways. Refer to previous angel messages to interpret the letters in our name in order to
understand the Divine Virtues that we bring to your intuition.


16 degrees Virgo
The Angels of All Plants
Also known as The Angels of Basanola

Beloved, we are the angels of Basanola.

All living green vegetation was given to us by Divine Providence to nourish and protect. Our
relationship to you
is one of teaching as well as helping. We were given to you by Divine Providence to teach you the
proper way to either speed up or slow down the growth of plants, whichever is the highest good
of all concerned at the time. We teach you about forestry, and all agriculture. We are the angels
who are in charge of everything that has to do with plants. With our help, miracles with plants
are accomplished. You must look to the letters of our name.


The -B- is balance between polarities. This letter, in the Cosmic Language, represents the mind,
or consciousness, of the Universe, which mystically exists through the tension of opposites.
There is hot and cold, up and down, in and out, night and day, magnetism and electricity. In
order for life to exist, there must exist the positive and the negative, the male and the female, the
one and the many.

And now look at the letter -A-. This letter has been introduced to you many times before.
Because this is the
constellation of Virgo, we will ask you once again to study and analyze previous messages .
Briefly, the letter -A-, in the cosmic language, signifies all Divine Wisdom, complete

Next comes the letter -S-. This is a fire letter. All fire letters have to do with electricity. All
electricity is a manifestation of WILL and POWER. -S- is all power, all penetrating power that
resides in all of creation.

Another -A-, then an -N-. This letter represents the principle of Divine Happiness. An -O- follows
next. The -O-
represents the virtue of Divine Justice. Then an -L-, which signifies ALL of the Divine Virtues.
And finally an -A- once again.
By meditating on the virtues of the letters of our name, by integrating their consciousness with
yours, with our help, it is possible to do all of the miracles that your masters of spiritual
enlightenment have always done throughout the

The instructions beyond that are very simple. Meditate on the virtues of the letters of our name
in the order given while forming a clear desire of the effects that you wish to bring about in the
vegetable kingdom. In this state of consciousness, you will see the angels carry out your will just
as you can see your arm pick up a glass.

It is very very simple. Therein lies the saying that unless you be as a little child, you will in no way
enter the kingdom of heaven. Think of a little child. Do you remember? This act of remembering
the child that you were is a very important step in the letter meditations. Do you remember how
you felt when your awareness was complete and everything was obvious as to who or what it

A child can instantly react and feel whether or not a thing is hot or cold, good or bad, pleasant or
unpleasant, right
or wrong. This state of primitive, or early, knowing is the indwelling knowing of God within you,
remember God is omnipresent. . This state is necessary for the letter meditations. You simply
pray for the angels to help you become the virtue that you are meditating on. You desire [fire],
imagine[ air], feel [water] and get results [earth].

For instance, ask the angels of the letter -A-, for there are many legions of them, to help you with
that letter in your
imagination [light blue color filling the infinite within and the infinite without ], your will
[desire] , your sensing [air
principle with a sense of ease, and the musical note G], and with your understanding [-the
becoming--of the principle of All Wisdom ]

Call in the angels of each letter as you do these meditations on the Divine Attributes. Go back
and reread the colors, the musical notes, and the feel of each letter. Bring these elements into
your imagination Remember the letter -N- is a dark red color, and is a fire-or
Imagine it in the head with a feeling of warmth. The liver is enlivened by the Divine Happiness
that this letter represents.
The letter -N- can be imagined as sounding as the musical note -A.

Once you are receiving instruction from us, The Angels of All Green Plants, the Garden of Eden
that you have always wished for in your heart, the child' s heart, will appear. Very quickly we can
restore the vegetation upon the planet earth to wherever it needs to be . Very quickly the variety
and loveliness of the green plants upon the earth will reflect the perfect beauty of God's will and
intention for his Creation.



Additional message from the Basanola Angels

Beloved, we are coming to you with a special request. Please make it known to your city
governments that tax breaks and other incentives should be in place to encourage homeowners
to allow their lawns to go back to natural vegetation. If you are living in a temperate rainforest
zone, such as Atlanta Georgia in the United States, then your yard should be allowed to restore
itself in such a way as to become again an active part of the rainforest.

Do not rake up leaves, the soil and the trees need them to survive. Spread leaves on your lawn
thickly, if you have
one, and the seeds, such as acorns, will sprout and grow and soon your little bit of the forest will
be in recovery.

If you are in a desert, then allow a natural outdoor environment that will allow other species to
thrive. In all areas, public and private, land and vegetation should be protected and restored to
it's natural ancient state with an
emphasis on beauty and fragrance.

All waterways should be center pieces for urban tranquility.

Not only will other species repopulate urban areas, but nature angels such as ourselves can
return in force and life will be much finer, much more beautiful than anyone has ever imagined.
All of this will complement and be supported by new architecture that blends in well with the
natural topography and the natural urban layout of pathways and roads that the Angels of
Tigrapho are bringing through from Divine Providence.

All of the orders of angels work together much as the neuropeptides of your glandular system
work together. We
are like the nerve pathways connecting the one universal mind with all the individual minds of
creation. Even though there are many angels doing many different things, there is one guiding
intelligence that lives and moves through all.
Call on us and allow us to help you.

Remember We Are All One in Divine Mind.


17 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Fantastic Vision
Also known as The Angels of Rotor

Beloved, we are the angelic masters of sagas, fairy tales, and stories. We inspire all poets and
writers who produce stories of imagination. We inspire them to hide true events and mysteries of
spiritual mastery within these tales. Over many centuries the secrets of Divine Knowledge are
passed along this way, even when all other avenues of such instruction are stopped or blocked.

As you can see from the letters in our name, first and last is the Divine Virtue of Freedom and
Independence. How else can the mind of these writers break free from the general constraints of
society's accepted views of knowledge and reality? Whenever society is locked within a general
consensus view of what is real, those who fall under our
inspiration go far far beyond, in their imagination, to situations that reflect the miraculous
powers inherent in
mastery on the spiritual path.

We wish to tell you, in this angel message now going out on the internet, that we inspired writers
of long ago to fantasize about the medium of instant communication such as this. We also wish
to tell you that if the truth were fully known about your past, your present, and your future, it
would surpass even the wildest tales of fantasy and imaginagion that you have ever heard.

We reflect back to you to your spiritual masters of all religions. The tales told of the miracles
performed under their
watch are as fantastic as anything that has ever been written in fairy tales or science fiction.
If you wish for us to help you understand the massive volumes of truth that are your inheritance
as children of a
Divine Creator, you can answer your desire by taking pen in hand, or doing the same thing on a
computer, and begin to write, write, write. And while you are writing, keep our presence in mind
as you ask us for our assistance to inspire your imagination with a tale of such fantastic vision
that your soul will fly with liberation into realms of thought and freedom undreamed of in
common hours.

Write, write, write. Unleash your mind. Dream and dream again as the words flow through your
fingertips. Write and
we will guide you. It is so easy. The two letters of -O- that follow and precede the first and last
-R-s in our name stand for the virtue of Divine Justice. The -T-in the middle represents High
Inspiration. Do you remember how the
stories of your childhood, the wonderful fairytales of yore, always taught morals and higher
truths of justice? Unfold,
unfold your imagination. Let us speak through your hands as you scribe the fantastic visions that
we escort your mind so delicately through.

Dance with us.

Let us guide your mind.
Write down your stories and share them with your children.
We are ROTOR,
The Angels of Fantastic Vision.
Come with us.


18 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Architecture And Structural Engineering
Also known as The Angels of Tigrapho

Beloved, the art of structural engineering from the beginning of mankind has been under our
care. We are the angels who instruct man on how he should dwell. We protect all builders and
architects on earth and inspire them with their designs.

We help them with designing highways, river basins, water works, and anything at all that
requires structural

We particularly enjoyed working with the builders of the great cathedrals in the middle ages, and
the great temples of the Mayans and the Egyptians! At present we are busy introducing designs
that will withstand wind, and rain, and flood, and earthquake, while at the same time blending in
with natural topography so that people can live in such a way that the natural wildness of a place
can be preserved.

We are promoting structures that will also incorporate shapes that create healthful harmonics so
that the life expectancy of the occupants can be extended and sound can be enhanced.
We are doing this by promoting, with the help of other orders of angels, a better understanding
of the role of sacred
geometry, in particular the phi ratio, as it applies to structure and form.

The human body is built according to the phi ratio and human habitation ideally should be an
extension of this. We
are also promoting shapes other than boxes for living space, it is much more healthful on all
levels of being to live in naturally shaped curved spaces that are more free flowing.
We are so filled with excitement and joy over the wonderful changes that will be occuring in
architecture in your near future that we can hardly contain ourselves!

We are also busy promoting the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui, the understanding of earth Chi
[energy], so that your roads and pathways, your village layouts and overall designs of structures
and areas can promote lovely and exciting, healthful and magical, flowing energy. We are
inspiring designs that copy rivers and other natural meandering flow paths of energy.

Many many roads and structures presently in existence will be torn down and replaced with such
beautiful and sensitive structural artwork as can hardly be imagined. As your architects and
engineers learn to attune to our inspiration, your experience of earth will change drastically to
one of sheer utter delight and fantasy.

After reading this message, close your eyes and summon our assistance. Then when you open
your eyes look around you at your surroundings. What fantastic new ideas can you imagine to
change your space? Be brave, dare, and take action. Even a little change will bring great rewards
to the overall energy of your space.

Go to a bookstore and obtain a copy of Feng Shui instruction. There are many. Take matters into
your own
hands and redefine the living areas of your home and work.
Talk to your boss and co-workers, your family and your spouse, your friends and your neighbors.
What can be
done to bring fantasy and imagination to the structures and designs of your shared spaces? On
the short term we suggest putting large and generously well-endowed islands of trees in the
middle of existing paved areas such as parking lots. We are also being charged by Divine
Providence to have springs and waterways uncapped and uncovered, restored to an undulating
flow pattern, and turned into centerpieces for urban tranquility.

First and foremost, ask us to inspire yourself and those you talk to, and all of the people involved
in any way with
designing space. We have great power and you will be amazed at what we can do when we are
asked for help.

Give yourselves time, for with many we must work in their dreams and in their subconscious
mind until meditation
becomes common and an understood skill in certain parts of your present society. Just the act of
closing your eyes and praying for our help will start in motion a great cascading series of events
on the inner and the outer world. Take the time and dare.

Talk with angels!!. You can do it!! We can do it together.

LET'S CHANGE THE WORLD!!! We are the Angels of Tigrapho. The Angels of Architects and
Structural Engineers.


19 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Aromatherapy
Also known as The Angels of Cobel

Beloved, we are the angels who have been assigned by Divine Providence to control everything
that has to do with scents in your world. All the mysteries concerning the use of scents for
healing and inspiration comes under our guidance.
Remember that your nose is placed right over your brain and is actually an extension of it, and
that the air that mixes with the molecules of scent affects the brain directly and goes next into
your lungs and then into your blood. The power of smell is so great and yet it is understood by
only a few. If the people who designed your cities and areas of population fully understood the
powers of scents, it would be a matter of public policy to plant fragrant vegetation everywhere.
There would be special fragrant vegetation for hospitals, others for places of education, and all
sorts of special ones for sports venues, places of worship, research, and relaxation.

Different scents have different effects on humans and animals alike. Combinations of scents,
properly administered, can bring about tremendous healing and inspiration in spirit, mind,
emotions, and body. As your scientific community begins to understand the reality and function
of angels and work with them, the manifestation of heaven-on-earth will not seem like such an
unreachable goal. Vegetation will be developed with such powerful fragrances that the act of
smelling will be one of your most cherished experiences each day.

With our help the science of aromatherapy will reach new heights undreamed of in your present
experience. Imagine smelling intoxicating and euphoric smells everyday on a regular basis. See
yourself reading a book, or walking with a friend, and every breath is filled with the most
enchanting and stimulating fragrance imaginable..This is exactly the way Divine Providence
desires it to be.for His beloved Earth and all His beloved children who live upon Her.

There are beautiful fragrances available to you now. More books and information about the
healing power of scents are in your bookstores than ever before. Ask for our help, and we will
guide you to information and scents that will greatly facilitate your quest for healing and

Ask us to surround you with angelic scents. We can gently enhance your sensitivity to smell so
that you can perceive fragrances on a psychic intuitive level. Different orders of angels can be
identified by their fragrances. Did you know that every person exudes subtle fragrances that
correspond to their feelings and thoughts?

Ask us to design and choreograph the understanding and implementation of the science of smell
in your societies and universities and in your governments. Remember that one person can pray
on behalf of all others, and that when the intercessory prayer is for the highest good of all
concerned we can answer it in full. When two or more join their hearts in a prayer, it sets up an
alternating current of power that is an information-encoded light that reaches very quickly into
the very heart of Universal Consciousness.

The use of free will in intercessory prayer on behalf of the world activates the angelic kingdom
like nothing else. The sooner that the science of fragrance is understood and manifested in your
world, the sooner that many things that are wrong will be made right. The power of fragrance to
heal and to inspire is just that great.

We are The Angels of Fragrances and Scents

We are The Angels of Cobel


20 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Water Travel
Also known as The Angels of Hipogo

Beloved, we are the angels who have watched over mankind since the beginning of time
whenever travel over, under, or through the water is desired. Whether it is swimming, or travel
by boat or submarine, we are the angels whose duty it is to guide and protect every aspect of the
means and the act of water travel. We are the inspirers of technology concerning water travel.
When you get in touch with us, we can show you water travel inventions of the farthest future.

At the present time we are charged by Divine Providence to inspire mankind to travel in and
through the waters in a way that maintains the integrity of the water environment for the
creatures who live there. Very quickly, with our help, you will use soundless and almost
vibrationless technology in your boats and submarines so that the sensitive hearing of the water
creatures is respected. At the same time, speed will be increased and resistance will be decreased.
The mystical ratios of the dimensions of the ark of Noah will be rediscovered and used, and boats
will be impervious to stormy conditions.

When your shipbuilders finally work consciously with us, we will inspire them with such
wonderful materials and
technology that travel in or on the water will be completely safe and comfortable. The water
vehicles that we are helping you to create will be marvels of recycling and cleanliness. At the
same time, we will inspire your hipbuilders with designs and decorations of such great beauty,
inside and outside, that water travel will seem like a magical journey in a mystical heaven.

Imagine a sleek graceful boat that is watertight all around, up and down. Imagine it is of a design
that goes right through a wave instead of over it. The ride is smooth, even in stormy weather.
And no matter what speed it is actually going, inside it is as if it is standing still. Inside the boat
there are deep rich carpets of beautiful color, lovely curtains are draped over doorways and walls,
and exquisite furniture is carved into the interior. Beautiful music, soothing and continuous, and
fragrances of exquisite delight, create an experience of deep relaxation and regeneration. You can
take as long or as short as you desire to reach your destination. When you arrive, it is
as if you are reborn and renewed.

Please call upon us to inspire and guide all people who are connected in any way to water travel.
Remember that your intention on behalf of all of your brothers and your sisters, not only in the
human kingdom, but with all life, will allow us to help you in so many important ways. Because
of your free will, it is imperative that you go into prayer and call on us to help and guide you.

As you know, it is time for man/woman to work closely with angels. Both Divine Providence and
the people of the world are calling for an end to misery and suffering . Every aspect of life, from
the most simple organism to the most complex technological systems, are important and capable
of adding to the overall perfection of life on earth.

It is only when the greatest technology of all, the technology of the interworkings of man and
angels, is in common
use that you will see magnificent perfection manifested completely on earth with maximum
efficiency and minimum
effort in a timely way.

Call us. We are here. We are here when you call. Come travel with us on the water. We are the
Angels of Hipogo
The Angels of Water Travel


21 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Fortune and Contentment
Also known as The Angels of Iserag


We are the angels of such joy and contentment that only in your fondest dreams can you imagine
such happiness. The phrase in the scriptures that says," For I have given you the spirit of joy....."
is God's reference to our assignment in Divine Providence. We are the angels of good fortune.

We are the angels of success and well-being in any endeaver for which you ask our help. Not only
do we bring success, but we bring it in such a way that it helps, not hinders, your spiritual
evolution and growth. It is God's good will toward all of creation that joy , contentment,
happiness, and success be plentiful for all.

Every letter in our name has been explained in previous angel messages in regards to the divine
qualities that it represents. Keep in mind that it is not only the letters themselves, but also the
order in which they appear that is so important.

The order of the letters is a blueprint for a journey in consciousness that is undertaken whenever
your spirit
assimilates the lessons inherent in Divine Contentment and Good Fortune.

The Lessons of Iserag.

- I - is the letter of cause and effect. All life comes under this law of fate. ""You reap what you
sow" is this law in a
nutshell. All conscience comes from the understanding of cause and effect. Deep in the soul of
every being is the
memory that what is done unto another will come around and be done unto self.

This is the beginning of the path to good fortune and contentment. When the divine virtue of fate
is understood
and accomplished, never will you ever ever knowingly harm another being. Why would you do
such a thing? It
is impossible to harm any being when you understand that every such action will come back to
haunt you. Good fortune begins by good actions.

Next comes the letter -S-. This wonderful letter represents the divine power, the divine WILL,
that exists in all of creation.
Just imagine, you have been sowing only good actions, and the divine power, the divine WILL,
that is present in all of creation, works to bring back to you the results of the good energy that
you have created!

Now we enter onto the part of the pathway represented by the letter -E-. E-, as we have told you
before, represents the omnipresence of Life and intelligence throughout all of space.
This means that there is absolutely nowhere that is devoid of the unified intelligence of Divine
Consciousness. In practical terms this means that no matter who you are, or what you do, if you
have been creating only goodness, only goodness can return to you. If your life and presence is
good fortune to all who are in your presence, then all who are in your joy and your peace and
your presence, all the beings of earth and of heaven, will thank God for you and will be blessed by
you and they will give back all that they can. This includes Divine Providence Itself, for even God
will thank you and will surround you with good fortune.

Next comes the letter -R-. Remember this letter represents Perfected Freedom and
Independence. We recommend that you study the messages in which this letter has been
explained in depth. This divine virtue gives such a feeling of mental perfection, freedom from any
pressing burden of the laws, such a state of maturity that words can hardly describe!

The letter -A-, is ease, the wind, the air, the universal wisdom that contains all divine virtues.
This wisdom both causes good deeds towards others, in will, thought, feeling, and action, and is
also caused in turn by the good deeds of others who return the energy.
And now, to the end of this journey to good fortune (I-S-E-R-A-G), the last letter, and in many
ways the most
lovely letter of them all. -G-. Beautiful -G-. G is the color of emerald green. Its musical note is F.
It is the enlivening
principle of the left eye. It is a feminine virtue. It is magnetic in nature. It is a feeling and
represents the water element.
Imagine it filling all space with a sense of coolness. G is the VIRTUE OF DIVINE MERCY AND

Be still and ask us, the the angels of Iserag for the initiations that we long to give you. Come with
us into the Ancient Future, when all beings are incarnations of Mercy and Grace, and when good
fortune comes to all.


22 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Material Laws and Justice
Also known as The Angels of Breffeo

Beloved, we are the angels who protect you in matters of earthly living. We are the angels who
were assigned to you by Divine Providence to protect you from all sorts of harm.
When you were children you knew us. Remember when you went through an age when you knew
you were protected?
That was us. We are the angels of Breffeo.

AS you know, the cosmic reality represented by the letters in our name is the key to
understanding who we are and how we work. When you desire to know us, and have our help
with you always, it is important that you become one with us. By meditating on each letter's
meaning, you will become initiated into the vibration of Breffeo.

Each of the letters in our name has been explained in previous messages in greater detail. Here is
a simple glance at the meaning of Breffeo.
Consider the first letter. It symbolizes all polarity in all created universes on all levels and in all
planes of existence.
As long as there is time and space there will be polarity. One begets the other. There will always
be an in and an out. An up and a down. A cold and a hot. Electricity and magnetism. The positive
cannot exist without the negative in time and space.
Understanding polarity is to understand the nature of universal consciousness .

Then comes the -R- which is the divine quality of freedom and independence. Next in the process
of understanding
material law and justice is the letter E. This represents omnipresence of universal mind. With
this comes the
understanding that all space is filled with divine life and consciousness. Then we have two F's.
This is the KEY to
our assignment from universal consciousness. F signifies the divine virtues of legality and

Legality is harmony. Harmony is legality. True divine harmony occurs on four levels at once.
These are the levels
of will, mind, emotion, and action.

Adepts of high wisdom who have mastered harmony on these four levels are absolutely free of
any injustice on any level. If you are anywhere and do not know the laws, as long as you stay IN
HARMONY, you will not be unjustly accosted or accused. When you ask for the assistance of the
angels of Breffeo, we superimpose our consciousness over yours through intuition, and the four
levels of harmony flood your being as you move through life. As you move in harmony with all
that is, we protect you from the effects of the inharmony of any other being.

Following that there is another immersion into the virtue of omnipresence. Divine Intelligence
itself protects you when you stay in harmony in will, thought, feeling, and action.
Divine Intelligence is everywhere present. There is no space where the consciousness of God is

The -O- at the end is the Divine Virtue of Justice. Divine Justice is predicated on the Highest Law
of All. It is the Law of One and it states that we are all one, and that when one is harmed, all are
harmed. Likewise, when one is helped, all are helped. If any harm is being attempted toward you
on any level, as you live and move in harmony on the four levels of your will, thoughts, feelings,
and actions, Divine Providence has given us the ability to protect you.

We do this by immediately returning the harmful energy back to the perpetrator. Whether it be
misuse of will, thought, feeling, or action the result is powerful and it is swift. We simply remove
gaps in time in the karmic return of 'reaping what you sow'. Our interventions accelerate the
speed at which injustice is healed all over the planet. As people and organizations immediately
reap the results of their creations on the four levels of being, they learn to create beauty,
forgiveness, understanding, and love. The matter, in this way, resolves itself so that natural
divine justice is carried out. We make sure that everything ends up favorably for anyone who is
wrongly treated.

Especially at this time when there is so much ignorance of divine law, and so many people and
creatures are suffering from misuse of power, it is important for you to call upon us for help.
Because of free will, the only way we can be called into active service is through the prayers of
those who desire protection under divine law and justice. Remember that through the use of free
will and intercessory prayer any one of you can activate the Angels of Breffeo for all. When two or
more of you join together with this intention and prayer, the reaction from Divine Consciousness
is magnified very greatly.

Whatever injustice has been endured by any must be corrected because each act affects the entire
being of God.
Call on us now for we are powerful and ready.

We are the Angels of Breffeo, the Angels of Protection, the Angels of Material Laws and Justice.


23 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Fortune-telling
Also known as The Angels of Elipinon

Beloved, from the beginning of time we have instructed and trained all the experts in the mantic
arts. We have taught the way of accessing analogies between the micro- and the macrocosm
through the use of cards, the tarot, the I-Ching, chiromancy, astrology, and others. Whether a
person reads the cards for themselves or has a professional reader do it for them,. Now invoke
The Law Of One.

We are the angels who guide and protect the process.

Different Indian elders looked at the patterns in the smoke, in the fire itself, in the patterns of the
geese flying over.
Carl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst who specialized in archetypes , used mandalas to read the
legend of the soul.
The different cards, tarot decks, the I-Ching, astrology, chiromancy, all of these systems have
symbols that represent the unfolding stages of life.
This is the purpose of our service to The One Being through the many beings that we serve. We
bring about intuitive understanding of Universal Consciousness through symbols and patterns
representing archetypes. Archetypes represent the different stages of growth that everything in
creation goes through as it progresses from infancy to maturity. There is therefore a blueprint of
creation itself and everything follows this blueprint. The different cards and systems are a
collection of symbols representing these archetypes.

We are the angels who receive the inquiry from anyone using these symbol systems. We guide
the process of
interpretation. We become a conduit between the intuitive mind of the reader and the
all-knowing aspect of Divine
Mind. How does this happen? Let us take a journey through the qualities that are symbolized by
the letters of our name.

L.......... Divine Virtues
I............Knowledge of Cause and Effect
P.......... Desire for Perfection
I............Knowledge of Cause and Effect
N..........Divine Happiness
O......... Divine Justice
N..........Divine Happiness

As you can see, we have an agenda. We desire divine happiness for all. When we help you read
the map of your
path of enlightenment, we work with you to create changes in your awareness so that YOUR
FATE can be brought more quickly to a state of happiness . The fate of the least sparrow affects
the divine fabric of universal consciousness. Divine Providence always intended for all of creation
to exist in a state of joy.

By sharing wisdom and insight, with our help, a skilled fortune-teller can initiate a seeker into a
higher state of
awareness. Even if a person is reading the meaning of the archetypes from a book, the words of
the teacher who wrote the book can reach across time and facilitate an initiation. If a harmful
tendency of the seeker is healed through gaining higher consciousness, the desire for perfection
can lessen the coming misfortune. Each time this happens, there is such joy in the kingdom of

Whenever we are called upon to facilitate the understanding of the macrocosm by analogy with
the microcosm, such as with a spread of cards or a mandalic painting, we create an intuitive
pathway of consciousness between the reader and Divine Mind where all things are known.

When people desire to become masters of these arts for the purpose of helping others we are the
angels who teach, guide, inspire, and protect them.

We guide those who seek perfection to the best set of archetypes for them to use or to the best
fortune-tellers. We
stay with the seeker afterwards to facilitate integration of higher truth and insight. When there
have been warnings
of coming karmic hardship, we work with the seeker to understand the causes behind this so that
the outworkings
of divine justice can be fulfilled through grace and mercy as much as possible. When the seeker
has already traveled a long and perilous journey paying back past karma and it is time for higher
truth and happiness to manifest, we often speak through the cards or a reader to tell him the glad
Divine Providence throughout time has worked through the devices of archetypes such as the
I-Ching and the tarot to give warnings and to give guidance and hope.

We are the angels of Elipinon.


24 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Material Protection
Also known as The Angels of Naniroa

Beloved, we are the angels who guard the property of every person. We protect against all kinds
of catastrophe, not only fire, thunderstorms, floods, but also against burglary and theft. We
influence thieves to return stolen property or to give themselves away in some manner. We aid in
the recovery of lost goods by many different ways.

In the fourfold nature of God in creation, the will, the mind, the emotions, and the physical
reality, each of the four aspects is equally sacred and important. There are orders of angels who
protect one's will, one's mind, and one's emotions. We are the angels who protect the objects that
form one's reality on the physical plane.

Universal Life is present equally on all four planes of existence. Any harm that is endured on any
of these planes
affects the entire being of God. Whether it is the widow's mite that is stolen, or the hopes and
dreams of a child, the
damage done sends ripples out to the farthest reaches of the universe.

We are assigned by Universal Providence to protect the physical gifts that God so lovingly
provides for each of his
children. Whether it is a simple jar of clay, or the richest treasures, whatever rightly belongs to a
person is sacred
and worthy of our protection.

It matters not if the source of potential danger is a storm or a burglar,. we have it within our
power to protect your
possessions from all harm. In this day and age, so many people feel powerless to protect
themselves and their
belongings from the forces of the weather, earthquakes, fires, or corrupt people. This feeling of
helplessness should not be.
When the interrelationship between man and angels is finally understood and integrated into the
core of society's belief system, all such fears will be laid to rest. Doors will be unlocked, guns will
be unnecessary. Storms and floods will be looked upon as beautiful displays of nature that bear
no harm to the possessions of anyone.

This is how it is meant to be. It is so important to us that you make our presence known to the
many beloved children of the Divine Creator. The fear and suffering that you have endured for so
long upon the earth could be stopped in a moment. All it takes is a shift of paradigm, a shift in
perception, and we can take our rightful places as protectors of all that you own on the physical

Because of your free will, because you are free to create anything that you desire to create, many
of you have long
forgotten us.
Remember us now. Ask us to come into your lives and into the lives of all others. Remember that
the homes and
possessions of the animals and other creatures is theirs in sacredness also. God has given in love
to all beings the
provisions that they need. Call upon us to protect the physical possessions of all beings upon the

We are the angels who guard possessions.

We are the Angels of Narinoa.

Call on us to enable you to greet each day with complete safety and security concerning your
physical possessions.
When you live in fear and concern for your wellbeing on any of the four levels , the entire temple
of the Holy Spirit, the Body Temple, experiences glandular changes that over time manifests as
diabetes or other sugar disorders. Life should be sweet for the sake of the children. And all
humans are children in the eyes of the Creator.

We are the angels of Naniroa


25 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Ground Travel
Also known as The Angels of Olaski

Beloved, we are the angels who inspired the original inventors of all vehicles and means for
transportation on the dry land.
>From the simple cart up to the most advanced automobiles, we are the ones who work with the
people in the field of ground transportation.

At the present time our order of angels are diligently working to promote fuels and power
supplies that are completely benign. The vehicles that are being developed will be completely
quiet with no vibration. It is of utmost importance that these new machines last almost
indefinitely in order to cut down on wasteful use of raw materials and resources. Parts will hold
up and will be universally standardized. Repairs will be simple and the same for every vehicle.

In some instances we are inspiring inventors to design magnetic force fields that will repel
vehicles from each other
so that no collisions are possible. Radar activated avoidance systems are already being tested.
Vehicle design is becoming more and more beautiful, inside and out, so that travel is a time for
rejuvenation and fantastic enrichment.

The cost of vehicles will be minimal. Cars will be passed down proudly from one generation to
the next; they will never wear out. The paradigms of commerce, education, economics, are all
changing. Soon there will be much less need for road travel as people live and work and learn in
the same location.

By the time a person is ready to marry, they will already have a home, that they have built, and
land and an occupation that fulfills their spiritual and emotional path of optimum satisfaction
and development. The human consciousness is becoming more sophisticated so that much more
is accomplished through the power of enlightenment, along the lines of your spiritual teachers.
Miracles, once so rare, will be commonplace. The use of ground transportation will be a choice
based on inner guidance rather than a necessity.
Communities will easily fullfill food, power, and other needs locally. Material goods will become
works of art produced in a spiritually satisfying manner so that they carry great intrinsic
meaning and value. For this reason the present paradigm of mass production will shift into the
new version of the ancient paradigm of object sacredness and uniqueness.
There will be much less to transport. Heavy volumes of traffic will no longer be necessary.

Other orders of angels, the angels of Tigrapho, are inspiring roads that are art works of mystical
beauty that scientifically enhance the energy of the land. The vehicles that will travel upon them,
that we are bringing through to mankind, are delightful, beautiful, safe and practical beyond
anything that has ever been seen before.

It is important that everyone who is in any way connected to developing ground transportation
realize who we are and seek greater communication with us. Even though we presently work with
each and every one of them, according to the will of Divine Providence, so much more progress
can be made when there is conscious communication and attunement.

We are so excited with the thought of your delight in the vehicles to come. Even as children, even
in your fondest fairy tales, you could not envision more wonderful ways of ground travel than
what we have in store for you.
We are the angels of ground travel throughout all time.
We are the angels of Olaski.
Our love for you is infinite.


26 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Human Consciousness
Also Known as The Angels of Hyrmiua

Beloved, we are the mighty protectors of human conscousness on the earth. The range of our
power is beyond
the comprehension of the average person. We prevent the consciousness of each person from
traveling beyond the limits of the physical world until they have the maturity to do so, and then
we allow the expansion of consciousness to occur. If someone is mentally imbalanced and unable
to function normally, we are the angels who determine when the time for healing is to occur and
then guide those working with them so that this comes about.

If someone commits suicide and dies before their appointed time, we carefully protect their
consciousness so that they can fully awake on the astral plane only when their proper time comes

We teach spiritual adepts how to carry out transferance of consciousness in the manner of
Abisheka, or Ankhur,
which is the true initiatory process. We are aware of the consciousness of every person on the
earth and it is our
vast responsibility to protect and guide each one.

When you come directly to us for assistance, we know how to enlarge the capacity of your
consciousness to such a degree that it is beyond anything that you have ever imagined. The
extent to which we can help you depends entirely on your maturity. Let us now look to the letters
of our name.

H......silver violet light color, water principle, represents the power of the word. Enlivens the right
arm. Musical note A
Y......The pure akasha principle, imagine as penetrating all, color pink, enlivens the heart, The
true origin of the rhythm of life and all its relations. Musical note is C sharp. R......Divine
Freedom and Independence..Golden light. Enlivens solar plexus. Musical note C. Both akasha
principle and water principle. M.....Original water principle. Mastery of Feelings. Blue Green
color. Musical note D practiced in a grumbling tone like deep water in the abdominal area which
is seen as a hollow space.With a sense of coolness. I.......Karma Law, the Law of Cause and Effect.
Light opal color. Earth element, imagine with weight and gravity. Enlivens left kidney.
Musical note G. U......The Creative Act. Ivory Black color.
Musical note B. Enlivens the pancreas. Etheric Earth element, imagine as heavy and penetrating
all.. A......All wisdom.
Enlightenment. Light Blue color. Air principle, imagine with a sense of ease. Enlivens the lungs.
Musical note G.

These principles: the power of the word, the origin and rhythm of life, divine freedom and
independence, mastery
of feelings, knowledge of cause and effect, mastery of the creative act, and all wisdom and
enlightenment are the
essense of consciousness expansion.

This is your inheritance as a divine child of the Almighty Creator. It is inevitable that at some
point each of you will
become mature and manifest yourselves fully in Divine Consciousness as you follow in the
footsteps of all the
spiritual masters who have gone before you.

The free will act of calling upon us to enlarge the capacity of your consciousenss will set in
motions on all four planes of will, thought, feeling, and action, a series of events that will cascade
through time. The results of this prayer will be a speeding up of the evolutionary process of the
expansion of your consciousness. It is important at this time that the people of earth greatly
expand their awareness in order to make the decisions that will allow earth to survive and
flourish. We are very active at this time bringing this about. Your conscious participation, as
members of the human kingdom, with us, the angelic kingdom, creates an explosive powerful
in the process of consciousness evolution.

We have been ordained by God to come when you call.


27 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Air Creatures
Also known as The Angels of Sumuram

Beloved, we are the angels who protect and guide all animals of the air. From the smallest fly up
to the noble eagle, we know the secrets of flying animals. If you let us teach you, the most
amazing connection can be made in consciousness between you and any creature of the air. You
will be able to summon the hawk to land happily on your shoulder. The most powerful and
dangerous birds of prey will safely and gently play with children and little creatures under your

In your mythologies, the magician often appears with a bird of prey perched upon his shoulder.
Remember that these myths of yours, are similar across cultural and generational boundaries.
The reason is that they contain a grain of truth, and it is true that people who summon the angels
of air creatures, and patiently attune to the guidance that we give intuitively, can and do love and
control the creatures of the air.

AS children when your parents read aloud the spiritual tales of wondrous yore, in which magicai
and miraculous
happenings were commonplace, do you remember sleepily wondering how the magic was done?
This simple question, gently offered to the omnipresent Consciousness of the Divine, has set in
motion a chain of events that has led to you reading this message before you now.

If you give any credence to the scriptures that exist in your world that point to the spiritual life,
then you must give
credence to our words. We are angels and we exist to work with mankind to establish the
kingdom of heaven.

It is our great joy to work with you as you discover your kinship with the creatures of the air.
These animals are
capable of the greatest love, and they have many things to teach you.
We are the angels of Sumuram.


28 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Aeronautics
Also known as The Angels of Astolitu

Beloved, we are the custodians of many magic keys and secrets. In our present time, we lead and
control aeronautices and all inventions in the field of aeronautics. When you have the proper
maturity, we can reveal to you the secrets of gravity and how to understand and control its

In the past, in previous civilizations that are merely hinted at in your most ancient texts, our gifts
were misused, and great cataclysmic harm was done as a result. For this reason we are excitedly
waiting to reveal to you the most exciting inventions of all. In the future when you are fully
integrated with your original Divine Innocence and Purity, we will reveal to you the design and
choreography of flying machines that make no noise, and have no vibration. You will be able to
reach speeds that approach the rotational speed of the earth. Heavy loads will be lifted with no

Yes, until such a time as you have regained your original perfection, we must keep these
wonderful secrets to ourselves.
However, the time is fast approaching when you will be catapulted into higher states of
perfection like quantum leaps.
It is just the nature of the universe to do so at this time. The natural cycle of Universal
Consciousness is to express itself in this way , in this galaxy, in this solar system, at this time.

It is a manifestation of the instinctive urge of the life force to exist and survive. The state of
dispair of the life force of the earth has reached the point where extraordinary changes are
necessary for survival. God loves His Creation. He has not brought it this far along just to have it
fail now. You can count on the fact that the angels have it in hand.

Angels are intervening now because enough prayers have been heard by Divine Providence.
Angels have been loosed in force to bring healing and enlightenment. This is in respect to the
Law of Free Will. Enough people have willed the Angels into active duty, to allow us to make a
difference and usher in the changes that must be made.

We say this to you in final reference to the fact that we can soon reveal to you the secrets of
gravity, for soon the mass conscious mind will be in full sympathetic resonance with the Mind of
God. Already the minerals, the plants, and the animals are in sympathetic resonance, it is only
right that the time arrive when man and woman will be revealed in all of their glory and
perfection as sons and daughters of God.
As that time comes, call on us, oh Children of Light! We will reveal all to you, and we can dance
the dance of joy together.

Man and Angel. Together as One.


29 degrees Virgo
The Angels of Intellect and Knowledge
Also known as The Angels of Notiser

Beloved, we are similar to the angels of Hyrmiua, in that our powers are vast and the
consciousness of every human being in the world is under our protection. We control each
person's capacity of perception and we make sure that each person knows those things that are
appropriate to their momentary stage of development.

We are the angels who are masters of knowledge. We can influence you so that your intellect is
sharpened, your
memory is enlarged, and we can guide you in any field of any science whatsoever. With our help,
the average educational experience is completely different, for we empower the student to
embark upon a fascinating journey of inquiry which results in absolute genius in his/her chosen

When humans and angels are in much better communication with each other, the pursuit of
knowledge will be much more exciting and rewarding than anything that you have imagined.
The ecstasy of learning and vast treasures of knowledge are so close to you, if you would but ask
for our help.

The potential for knowledge and genius in each human being is far greater than you would
believe. The realms of
information and understanding is limitless. Divine Providence has in store for you such treasures
of wisdom. We are the angels who are safeguard your awareness and carefully guide your
accumulation of knowledge.

Call on us and let us help you experience the exquisite beauty of your mind as it was originally
created by Divine
Providence. We have always been with you and we always will be.
We are the Angels of Notiser.
The Angels of Intellect and Knowledge.


30 degrees Virgo
The Angels of The Mysteries of Wisdom
Also known as The Angels of Regerio

Beloved, we are the last order of Angels under the sign of Virgo. We are the guardians of many
mysteries of wisdom.
We teach the seeker the difference between knowledge and wisdom by intuition.

Divine Providence has entrusted us to make sure that divine wisdom is only made accessible to
virtually mature people. If the powerful secrets of wisdom ever do fall into the hands of any who
are not mature, we veil these people with disbelief, doubt, suspicion, one-sided views, and
self-conceit, so that even if all the books containing all of the wisdom of heaven were at their
disposal, they could not see any of it.
Intuition is capable of receiving the highest wisdom of all. Understanding that transcends
knowledge, that transcends memory and logic, is available with our assistance.

The famous seer, Edgar Cayce, tapped into this vast storehouse of intuitive wisdom. Great
teachers of the spiritual
path refer to this as "accessing the Akashic records".

As you read these angel messages, some of you in disbelief, and others with the deep longing and
hope that these
messages are true, remember that these messages only echo what your sacred scriptures have
told you all along. There comes a time in life when the decision is made to either turn away from
the ancient teachings and rely completely on cultural tradition and the rationale of the left brain,
or to bravely go and follow the path of the Masters.

When you take that dare, when you confront the angels of heaven and demand that they assist
you with enlightenment, that is when the alchemy of "asking" reaches its height. "Ask and ye
shall receive." What greater promise was ever made??


1 degree Libra
On the sign of Libra: There are three aspects of God. They are Love, Willpower, and Wisdom. Of
the twelve signs of the Zodiac, four each fall under these three aspects of Love, Willpower , and
Wisdom. Of these four signs, there will be one each for spirit, mind, emotions, and matter. Libra
is the mind sign under Love.


1 degree Libra
The Angels of Thirana
Also known as The Angels of Sex

Beloved, we control the sexual sphere of mankind. The propagation of mankind falls under our
competence. We give many instructions and methods on how to impregnate the seed before
having sexual intercourse, so that these qualities pass over into the generated child. We provide
you with full knowledge about the prenatal education of a child. We show you how to bring
about the embodying of certain talents and hereditary factors in the child while the child is
growing in the womb.

Along with other orders of angels, we teach you how to spiritually, mentally, and emotionally
attune to your sexual
partner so that heaven and earth are brought together as one in the sexual act.

The act of intercourse is designed to release a clear pathway for energy to gloriously rise up to the
highest reaches of enlightenment, while at the same time the most supreme light from Universal
Consciousness descends into the top of the cranium and flows downward along the spine.

The ecstasy of sex is usually misunderstood and bypassed through lack of understanding of the
four-fold nature of
reality . Any act, sexual or not, is composed of will, thought, emotion, and physical
carry-through. When any of these levels are not confronted and choreographed according to the
highest intentions, the result is disappointing and even devastating.

When a man wills for his forthcoming child to be full of the highest divine virtues, and imagines
this with focus and full concentration, and then feels emotionally the truth of this concentration
before engaging in the sexual act, you can be sure that the sperm that represents those qualities ,
out of all the thousands and thousands of sperm that are released, will be the one to successfully
make it to conception. At the same time, the woman has done the same concentrations in
preparing her egg and her womb. The third factor , and a most important factor, is the act of sex

The man and the woman should have found a space of oneness in will, thought, and emotion
before engaging in
intercourse. A whole book could be written on all four of these levels just for the act of sex itself.
Suffice it to say that time must be spent together so that oneness is reached in will from the
deepest parts of the soul with both partners.

Next, communication must be clear and honest enough so that shared images and thoughts of
the most sacred nature are in place. Then powerful feelings of oneness, trust, beauty, and love
should naturally arise and the act of sex itself will have the ground of reality to support ecstasy.
The final step, intercourse, can be done instinctively through the wisdom of intuition or it can be
acted out according to the techniques of ancient breathing and touching arts of Tantra.

While the child is developing within the womb, we help both parents to maintain the connections
that were described above for each other and we help them hold their focus on the combined
will, image, and feeling of perfection for the developing child.

If the sexual act is desired for spiritual and emotional communion and ecstasy alone, we teach
you how to avoid
conception through communicating to the sperm and the egg on all four levels, that the time is
not right for conception to take place.

We are the Angels of Sex The Angels of Thirana


2 degrees Libra
The Angels of Apollyon
Also known as The Angels of Metal-working

Beloved, we are the custodians of metal-working. We fall under the 2nd degree of Libra because
metals are the physical counterpart of close bonded relationships. The saying,"As above, so
below" was never more true than here. When two people bond spiritually and emotionally
through sexual intercourse, an energy field is created between them that is very strong and
enduring. If you think of the sexual energy as fire, and the psychical energies of relationship as
metal, you can see that the creative act of relationship forges and shapes a very strong psychic

Likewise, on the plane of matter, when metal is heated it can be shaped and formed into a very
strong and enduring physical reality. Just as the Angels of Thirana guard and initiate the forming
of sexual relationships, we are the original initiators of all those people who have been occupied
with the working up of metals, no matter whether founder, smith, engineer, mechanic, jeweler,
or any other. We are their loyal guardians and teachers.

Therefore, the first degree of Libra has to do with the higher dimension of forging permanent and
long lasting
relationships, such as between lovers and child and the second degree of Libra has to do with the
counterpart, the forging of permanent and long lasting objects with metal. Both of them use fire
to melt and form.
With sex, the fire is metaphysical. With metal, the fire is physical.

Stable and enduring love is the aspect of the Divine that manifests as metal in the world of form.
This is why the
tradition of a wedding ring is endures through time and across cultures.

When metal workers are aware of us and seek our help, we not only instruct, inspire, and protect
them, we also attune and fill them with the divine qualities inherent in our name.

A..........all wisdom and enlightenment

P...........the urge toward perfection
O..........Divine Justice
L...........All Divine Virtues
L...........All Divine Virtues
Y...........Origin of the Rhythm of Life
O..........Divine Justice


3 degrees Libra
The Angels of Peekah
Also known as The Angels of Protection for Animals

Beloved, the love and the care of animals is one of the most important duties given to mankind,
each animal is pure and sacred in the light of Universal Consciousness. At the present time
Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to end the suffering of food animals all over the

It has been our ancient duty from the beginning of time, to teach mankind to follow Divine
Guidance before killing
any animal for any reason. Remember that death must come naturally at some time to every
animal. Under Divine
Guidance, the killing of an animal for food is meant to be a means of merciful, painless, and
compassionate death. This release from life was always meant to end the suffering of old age,
with its resultant weakness and increasingly painful infirmities for each animal. A compassionate
and painless death is the best death of all.

We are the angels who have been ordained by Divine Providence to always watch over and guard
the process by
which mankind obtains and consumes any kind of meat.

Food obtained in the way ordained by the Creator is blessed in three ways, by the Creator, by the
one who releases the spirit of the animal from the body, and by the animal itself.

All incarnate beings wish for three things. They wish for a joyful and painless birth. They wish for
a happy and fruitful life. And they wish for a merciful and painless death. It is right and holy for
those who wish to eat meat, to be the means for this last wish to be granted.

Many original native Americans knew and practiced these teachings for centuries. The animal
spirits blessed them and they blessed the animal spirits. We are the angels who were always
summoned through prayer and we made sure that the animals who contributed their flesh for
food were at the perfect time in their lives to make a quick and holy transition.
It was we who guided the arrow to its mark. We were helpful in every aspect of the interaction. It
was even our instruction that was followed in the cooking and preparation of the meat.
We are also the angels who instruct and guard those who raise animals for food. It is we who
instruct mankind to form a spiritual connection with animals, to provide them with love and joy
in birth and a wonderful quality of life.

Divine Providence has provided you with ways to bring about ecstatic and painless death when
an animal spirit's transition time has come . It is up to us to instruct you about this, so that their
life and their death is holy. When their spirits awaken in the afterlife, they awaken with gratitude
and love.

Just as a painful, fearful, death causes meat to be flooded by adrenalin-based toxins, an ecstatic,
peaceful death floods the meat with glandular substances that bring health. This is very
important and is the original purpose for the Hebrew tradition of kosher.

When the animal no longer has need for it's body, it is glad to offer it up to the humans who it
loves and who have loved it.

Only Divine Providence can tell the best time of transition, so it is important that guidance is
sought; we help you know the best time. When an animal has reached the highest consciousness
possible in its present form, it is advantageous for its spirit to seek a more highly evolved body.
At this time, more and more people on earth are destined to become vegetarian. In fact, the time
is coming when energy will be taken directly from the light of spirit and food will no longer be a
necessity, but simply a preference or a celebration.

When animals are no longer eaten by mankind for food, our duties will still be to safeguard them
and to carefully
protect the quality of their lives and death.
The angels of this third degree of Libra bring through understanding about the evolution of
animals through love.
Through loving interaction with a human, an animal's consciousness of love grows, until that
love is so strong that
it becomes stronger even than the instinct for its own survival.
Many a story exist of animals who sacrificed their lives out of love for their master.

When there is this much love, a primitive causal body is formed and the animal's next
incarnation will no longer be
in the animal kingdom. Love causes evolution. We ask that anyone who consumes meat, or is in
the business of raising animals for food, to call on us so that we can help you to be impeccable.
Help us watch over the happiness of all sentient beings.

Pray that all people who deal with animals become attuned to our instruction. This is so
important in bringing heaven to earth. Together- man/woman and angels- we can heal so much
of the accumulated energy of fear and loneliness on this earth, and bring joy, evolution, and
safety to the creatures who depend upon mankind.

We are the Angels of Peekah. One of the orders of The Angels of Compassionate Birth, Life, and




The angels for each degree of the zodiac are applicable for any planet, asteroid, star, or point of
interpretation in the astrological chart which has that degree. For example: if your natal Mercury
is in 3 degrees Libra, then the Angels of Peekah were blending their powers and qualities with
your receptive mental processes at birth .

By understanding the Divine Qualities of each letter of the name Peekah, you can understand the
exact influences on your natal position of Mercury. By meditating on each quality in the order
given in the name, you will have a
formula of mastery for Mercury in your astrological chart.
In this example it would be

P.........The urge towards perfection

A.........All wisdom and enlightenment
H.........The power of the Word

In using this formula, it is important to master one letter before going on to the next. This is
because the formula
is a PROCESS. To master a letter requires the fourfold meditation on the four levels of Ð1- the
will, -2- imagination,
-3- feelings, and -4- the actual act of meditation - which is the physical level.

Like with everything else in life, the more thoroughly you do this, the more benefit you will
derive. Refer to previous
messages for more detailed instructions on each letter and each level.

Your angelic assignment is to obtain a copy of your astrological chart and start with the sun and
then with the
moon. You have until the first week of July of 2001 to do this, because it will take that long for all
of the angel
messages with all the degrees of the zodiac to go out over the web.

If you have a copy of your astrological chart, you can begin at least with the signs and the degrees
already given for any of your planets, house cusps, or other points. At this point much of Cancer,
all of Leo and Virgo and the beginning of Libra has been covered. The actual names of the angels
of each degree has only recently been added to the angel messages. The list of omitted names and
degrees is at the end of this message.

First look at the sign and the degree of the sun. Meditate on the name, the formula, and when
that has been mastered, it is time to do the same with the moon, and so on.

The order of planets for meditation is: All planets on the left side of this list are
Magnetic-Receptive . All planets on the right side are Electric-Creative.

This is the level of the Atman –oversoul
The moon is the receptive expression of Universal Consciousness
The Sun is the creative expression of Universal Consciousness

Divine Love
Pluto is both magnetic and electric
This is the path of the soul

Venus is receptive love and mars is creative love
Both express on a personality level.

[Divine Wisdom}
Neptune is both magnetic and electric
It is the path of religion and spirituality

Mercury is receptive wisdom and Jupiter is creative wisdom
Both express on a personality level.

[Divine Will-Power]
Uranus is both electric and magnetic
Uranus is the kundalini, or instinctive life force energy

Saturn is receptive will and Earth is creative will
Both express on a personality level.

South node of the moon………..North node of the moon

The south node represents your status at beginning of this incarnation and the north node
represents the final goal.

Rising Sign-Ascendant - Represents path of accomplishment

Chiron - Represents the wounding of the soul that causes the personality to seek enlightenment
in order to heal.

All other planets and points

Transpluto planets apply to the person who has matured to the stage of having consciously
entered upon the path
of enlightenment and service . This would apply to almost anyone reading these messages.

4 degrees Libra
The Angels of Nogah
Also known as The Angels of Fertility

Beloved, we have been given the power to control fertility upon the earth. With our help, all
conditions that concern
fertility can be successfully addressed, including sterility and impotence.

It was our intervention, from direction of Divine Providence, that allowed John the Baptist to be
born to his mother who was quite advanced in age. Whenever a child is desired, we are the angels
who respond to your call for help.

There are many things that we can teach you concerning fertility. We can teach you how to stay
fertile until an
advanced age. We can enhance the vibrations of the sexual field between man and woman. The
key is to meditate on the divine qualities inherent in our name.
G.........Mercy and Grace
A.........Wisdom and enlightenment
H.........The power of the Word

Through this process of meditation, we can inspire you with the power to create the field of
consciousness necessary for fertility to manifest.


5 Degrees Libra
The Angels of Food
Also known as The Angels of Tolet

Beloved, we are the angels who have been ordained by Divine Providence from the beginning of
time to guide and protect mankind in the eating of food. We inspire feeding habits and give
inspiration on which kinds of food are necessary for the maintenance of health. We teach you the
difference between the electric [will], the magnetic [feeling], and the electro-magnetic energies in
their relation to the various dishes and how to take them into consideration in the case of illness.

We are also the initiators into all recipes for diets. All people who work up food fall under our
guidance and protection.
We teach them the diverse kinds of food which serve as stimulants for the production of special
states of mind.

So many times the very course of history itself has been changed through the effects created in
the preparation,
serving, and eating of food. Whenever you sit down to eat, alone or with others, we are present to
inspire you. With
our help, we connect your intuitive sense of well-being to the source of all nourishment, the
Divine Life-force and
Intelligence which pervades all of space.

The great mystery of the inbreathing and the outbreathing of spirit, manifest and unmanifest, is
enacted each time food is taken. The act of eating itself, is a celebration of the mysteries of
unending Love with which Creation is sustained.
Whenever you partake of food, whenever you prepare it, call on us to inspire you.

We are the Angels of Tolet.

The Angels of Food.


6 degrees Libra
The Angels of Laughter !
Also known as The Angels of Parmasa

Beloved, we are the masters of gaiety and laughter. It is our divine privilege to inspire mankind to
feel enjoyment from the very core of being. Under our sphere of competence fall amusing ideas,
jokes, jests, anecdotes, comedies, and all other sorts of entertainments that bring laughter and
fun. We inspire people to tell funny jokes and stories, and to write and perform them.

We flock around children and those who are young at heart.

Right now Divine Providence has given us the assignment to bring more fun into the lives of
everyone, especially children.
The educational leaders of the world do not realize that fun and laughter do more to develop a
child than any amount of book learning. The centers in the brain that should develop for
successful living are stimulated and enhanced by joy and play. Many numbers of skills: social
skills, math skills, motor skills, memory and cognitive skills are naturally developed in the fun,
play and laughter that we inspire in children.

Laughter and enjoyment stimulate special neuropeptides to be secreted in the glandular centers.
These natural "brain" and nervous system chemicals do more to enhance learning and
development than any of the educational systems and theories now in use.

The secret is to provide children with love, safety and freedom to develop naturally, as children
do when they are
left to their own devices. We inspire teachers and parents to teach without teaching, to interfere
without interfering. It is a delicate art, one that is very akin to the study of Zen. The best teacher
is one who is filled with joy and laughter themselves, so that they set the example of creativity
and inspiration that comes from play. Happy children grow up to be happy adults. Way leads on
to way. The sound of children playing with delight and happiness is one of the most beautiful
sounds on earth. Their laughter connects the world to the very heart of God.

Life is about playing and joy. Health is based on it. To confine bodies and minds, especially
growing ones indoors
in school, deprives our children of their natural birthright. It is a very sad thing. All of heaven
weeps when a child is refused the right to play and have fun. The human organism is capable of
so much happiness, creativity, and joy. Everything should be done to enhance it.

Even if someone is at a very advanced age, and their health is very fragile, laughter and joy can
turn things around. You have had wonderful books, inspired by us, written about the miraculous
effects that laughter and joy have on the immune system, and how even terminal illnesses at an
advanced stage have been turned around with gaiety.

Do not take us lightly! {Chuckle} We can lighten your life.

Call on us and ask us to inspire you to laughter.

We are the Angels of Laughter. The Angels of Parmasa

Shall we laugh?


7 Degrees Libra
The Angels of Wood
Also known as The Angels of Gesegos

Beloved, wood and everything connected to it falls under our competence. We are the guardians
of all who are occupied with wood and it's working. Lumberjacks, carpenters, joiners, cabinet
makers, turners, carvers, and people who in ANY way are working with wood or wood products
are inspired and protected by us.

Divine Providence has ordained that we inspire people to obtain wood in such a way that the
beauty and viability of the natural environment is both restored and enhanced. We are doing this
by promoting inventions that make wood-like products out of the cellulose of sewage and waste
by-products and hemp.

We are introducing discoveries which make wood cellulose impervious to rot, to infestation, to
fire, and to weakness of any kind in ways that are non-toxic and good for the environment.
We are one of many orders of angels who are charged by Divine Providence to bring through
technologies and ways of doing things that restore perfect health to all areas of the world's

All of this is happening very quickly. Most of the inventions are already known and ready to go,
they are simply waiting for the paradigm shifts that encourage them to take the place of present
technologies that are harmful. As you know, harmful technologies bring short term gain for long
term pain. The efforts and resources to switch over to the new ways will only cause short term
pain for a great long term gain.

When people reconnect to the angelic kingdom, in a practical and conscious way, the
manifestation of heaven on earth will come about in the seeming twinkling of an eye.

The confusion and mystique that exists about what angels are and how they work is fading away,
and the ancient link between the division of power between the manifest and the unmanifest is
being restored to fully conscious use.

The angelic kingdom and the human kingdom are interactive and interdependent. The angelic
kingdom forms the conduits of energy both to and from the non-created and the created states of
being. Mankind exists simultaneously in both states. The angels are the manifestors of the
intelligent and self-aware feedback loop between the two polarities. The aboriginal shamanic way
of explaining angels is that they carry messages to and from the manifest and the unmanifest
through the dreamtime. When you put out an intention, thought, and feeling to the All-That-Is,
we connect this energy to Source and from there to the outcome in manifest creation.

Think of angels as the corpus coliseum, the bridge between the two hemispheres of the brain. Or
the beings who carry nerve signals across the gaps in the synapsis between dendrites in the brain.
We are connectors. "As above, so below".

In the Orient, wood has always been considered one of the five elements and represents family. {
The oriental elements are Metal, water, wood, fire, and earth ] When it comes to frequency of
creation known as wood, we are the feedback loop between the void and the creation.

Our divine qualities are:

G............Grace and Mercy

S.............All-penetrating Power
G............Grace and Mercy
O............Divine Justice
S.............All-penetrating Power

We are the Angels of Gesegos ,

The Angels of Wood.


8 degrees Libra
The Angels of Music
Also known as The Angels of Soteri

Beloved, we are the angels who are the original initiators into all musical instruments that
mankind has ever used.
We inspire all composers. All inspiration in music comes through us.
With our help, whatever element, feeling, or height of attunement that you wish to express
through music comes
easily, and flows gently through you and the musical instrument that you are playing. We are the
essence of music
itself, we merge with you and you also become music.

Music may be the greatest blessing that can be bestowed upon you.When you receive the blessing
of music, then it flows through you and blesses all who hear it. The name of music is blessing. It
is love made audible. It bathes your skin with vibrations of loveliness. It fills your head with
melody and your heart with bliss.

If you love light and life, would you not love to become the music of light and life? Is there a
greater gift? Is there anything more that you would become? If you love goodness, and
innocence, and beauty, then the music of goodness,and innocence, and beauty will fill your soul
and flow out of your voice and through your fingertips.

Of all the friends that you could ever make, are there any who would make better friends than
the Angels of Soteri? We give you the fine treasure of song, of music. We give you the only
language understood by ALL beings alike.

We give unto you the language of Angels!

We are the Soteri, the Angels of Music

The meanings of the letters in our name:

S............All penetrating power

O...........Divine Justice
T............High Inspiration
R............Freedom and Independence
I.............Cause and Effect



9 degrees Libra
The Angels of Divine Raiment
Also known as The Angels of Batamabub

Beloved, the clothes and headgear of mankind have been under our influence right from the
prime origin up to the
present day. We direct people in their choice of clothes according to climate, weather, maturity,
and personal
attitude.We inspire each momentary fashion, so that rank, social position, and religion is taken
into consideration. All fashion designers and dressmakers, and anyone who is involved in the
making of clothes are inspired and protected by us.

Divine Providence has now instructed us to direct mankind to create and wear clothes that
conserve natural resources. We inspire fashion designers to use materials that are natural and
long lasting and obtained in environmentally responsible ways.

>From the growing of cotton, to the shearing of sheep, it is important that reasonableness and
compassion be used so that the health of the soil and water is enhanced and the quality of life of
the sheep is protected. This is important because the psychic sensitivity of everyone on earth is
becoming more acute. If the wool of a sheep is obtained in a cruel and uncaring manner, the
cloth made from this wool will carry painful vibrations and will cause stress to the one who
wears it.

If cotton is grown with pesticides and fertilizers that deplete the soil and poison the water, then
the material made from it will carry the song of woe from the elemental kingdoms that have been
damaged by it's growing. Likewise, if the making up of the clothes has been done with greed and
suffering, the clothes will be contaminated by these energies. The soil and the water and the
plants and the animals and the workers and the consumers all cry out for love. God is Love.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to guide mankind into the awareness that whatever energy goes
into the making of a piece of clothing affects the person who wears it for good or ill. As we bring
forth this awareness to mankind, each piece of clothing will take on spiritual significance. Great
care will be taken in the making of it and great healing will result in the wearing.

At the same time, more and more beauty will be incorporated into each design, for color and
symbol will be seen to
represent divine virtues and qualities. The time is coming when each person will seek to
represent their own soul's
purpose in the clothing that they wear.

When this happens, it will be easier to see each human being as the expression of divinity that
they really are.No longer will people seek to dress alike out of fear of rejection. Instead, people
will seek to express their uniqueness and individuality with beauty and dignity. We are so excited
in this development of the clothing of mankind. It is the ancient and future way, for this is how it
was always meant to be.

As you move into the sacred and ceremonial consciousness of divine raiment, call on us to inspire
and guide you.Wherever you are, and whatever materials you work with, we will be there to bless
each step of the process from the initial concept to the finished product. Even more than that, we
will be with you over the years and years and years that each garment, so made, is worn and

The meaning of the letters in our name:

A..........Wisdom and Enlightenment
T..........High Inspiration
A..........Wisdom and Enlightenment
A..........Wisdom and Enlightenment
U....... ..Desire to Create


Note: all meanings of the letters come from Quaballah, the ancient scriptures of Jewish
mysticism known as "The Tree of Life".

10 degrees Libra
The Angels of Hairdressers
Also known as The Angels of Omana

Beloved, the hairy covering of the human body has a special purpose in the divine blueprint, and
all hairdressers and barbers are under our guidance and protection. Everything having to do with
hair and beards falls under our competence.
All dyes, scissors, tools, and adornments are are under our guidance and inspiration. Throughout
history, we have
inspired coiffures and hair styles according to social, personal, and religious conventions. At this
time Divine Providence has charged us with teaching mankind the significance and function of
hair. We are encouraging all people to let their hair grow and perform it's natural function which
is far more than just cosmetic appearance.

Hair functions as highly evolved antennae, much like the whiskers of a cat or the feelers of a bug.
On a
parasympathetic level, the hair on the head carries the energies of the cranial cavity to the lower
extremities of
the body. On a sympathetic level, it receives the energies of the various parts of the body that it
touches and sends the signals back to the cranial cavity.

For instance, men who have well developed beards receive their own heart frequencies through
their beard's hairs. This allows the energy to travel between their heart and their head on a
sympathetic level. Meanwhile,the energy from the jaw area, which is creative, travels in a
parasympathetic way to the heart through these same hairs. Together this forms a feedback loop
between the two areas of the body.

When head hair is allowed to grow long and hang naturally, a powerful feedback loop functions
between the head and the entire length of the body which is touched by the hair.

Likewise, the hair also acts as an antennae to energies in the outer world.Long hair allows much
more energy to be
received by the senses. Whether the hair actually touches a person, a plant, or a gentle breeze, the
energy of the thing touched travels along the hair. Hair even amplifies the subtle energies of
thoughts and feelings. Likewise, the
cranial energy travels along the hair to bless whatever is touched by it.

Historically this fact was influential in wars between countries in India, who fought for years
over possession of hair from the beard of an important saint. The biblical story of Samson and
Delilah further demonstrates the ancient teachings concerning the divine purpose of hair.

The science behind coiffures is to position the hair according to the amount and type of
sensitivity desired for the occasion. If you will be in a business situation, it would be a good idea
to pile the hair on top of the head, to protect and enhance the cranial area and amplify the energy
concentration to intellect as opposed to heart. If on the other hand you are in a romantic or
family situation where an open and sensitive heart is desirable, having the hair flowing to the
heart area is advisable.
This can be done either loose, or as a long braid, or some other creative way that suits the

We are the angels who inspire you to create the most beautiful and practical of hair creations for
whatever purpose
you have. Whether the adornment of ribbons, or other decorations, or the use of braids or curls,
the options are

If the hair is parted in the middle, it allows the energy of the two hemispheres of the brain to flow
in a balanced way to the trunk of the body. If a part is placed on the right side of the head, then
the energy of the right brain will be directed along the hair to the left side of the body. This will
enhance the intuition. Likewise a left part would enhance the energy of the memory and the
rational intellect.
Pulling the hair back would direct the energy to the medulla oblongata, the seat of memory of the
soul. Bringing the
hair to the top of the head concentrates the energies of the brahmarandra, the soft spot at the top
of the skull, the
connection with higher dimensions of consciousness. Adding beads of quartz, or some other
natural conductor of energy, in this case, would not only add beauty, but also be a wonderful way
to enhance the effects of the higher dimensional energy.

As you can see, the science behind different ways of wearing the hair is important and mankind
needs this information in order to make informed decisions. When this information is
understood, the whole rationale behind hairstyles will change from what it is now. As with
raiment, hairstyles will no longer be a way of conforming to obtain social acceptance, but will
evolve into an important and personal way of channeling energy.

Mankind is beginning to learn that nature, in her wisdom, knows much better how to manifest
divine perfection when left in her natural state.With long natural hair, the variety of beautiful
hairstyles is much greater and more exciting, and using hair to properly channel energy brings
more control, health, and pleasure to the experience of living. If you decide to grow your hair, we
recommend cutting the tips every six weeks on a growing moon. Even hair that normally does
not grow long or fast will often respond favorably.

The meaning of the letters of our name:

O..........Divine Justice
A..........Wisdom and Enlightenment
A..........Wisdom and Enlightenment


11 degrees Libra
The Angels of Patrons and Benefactors
Also known as The Angels of Lagiros

Beloved, many times the will of Divine Providence is carried out in the world through benevolent
patronage. Often great discoveries, inventions,art works, or projects are developed by gifted
people who do not have enough wealth or influence to bring these to full completion. When this
happens, it is up to a person of power to step in and offer help.

We are the angels who are aware of every genius who requires patronage. When Divine
Providence ordains it, we
make sure that connection is made with the person of power or wealth who can bring this genius
to fruition. We stay with both parties, the benefactor and the genius, to inspire and guide the
relationship. The importance and sacredness of this interaction to the world cannot be

In both cases, with both the benefactor and the genius, their lives have been spent in creating
their respective positions.
Because the genius sacrificed everything to develop his/her gift, opportunities to become
financially successful or
powerful were never realized. Likewise, in the case of the benefactor, a lifetime of developing
his/her financial base
and sphere of influence meant that whatever other potential genius lay within him/her could not
be realized. By bringing these two people together, they do what either could not do alone. The
genius gives wings to the patron's money and power, and the patron gives wings to the genius'

If you feel that you are one of these people, call on us, the angels of Lagiros, the Angels of
Patrons. If you have
developed a gift that can bring great healing and joy to the world, we will connect you with the
benefactor who can finally guide this sacred dream into manifest reality. If, on the other hand,
you are in a position of wealth and power and you wish to use all of this to help bring heaven to
earth, we will connect you with the blessed cause that brings joy and satisfaction to your soul and
to your fellow human beings and gives you a divine feeling of worth that transcends anything
that you have ever known before.

Know that Divine Providence has ordained the sacred interactions between benefactor and
genius since the
beginning of time. If you fall into either of these categories, call on us to connect you so that you
both realize the
satisfaction of service fulfilled, the feeling of worth that comes from making a real difference in
this world, the
knowledge that grace and mercy are working through you to answer the call of perfection.
Realize that patron and genius are benefactors both to each other as well as to the world.

The meaning of the letters in our name:

L........... Divine Virtues

A...........Wisdom and Enlightenment
G...........Grace and Mercy
I.............Cause and Effect
R...........Freedom and Independence
O...........Divine Justice
S...........All-penetrating Power

We are the Angels of Patrons, The Angels of Lagiros.


12 degrees Libra
The Angels of Miracles of Love
Also known as The Angels of Afrei

Beloved, we are the initiators and masters of the miracles of Love. We teach those who call on us
how to produce many wonders in the mental, feeling, and physical world by the dynamization of
divine qualities, especially of divine love and mercy.

As you know, the first letter of our name represents all wisdom and enlightenment. It is the
second letter that we
wish to draw attention to. The letter F, in ancient scripture, represents harmony and legality.
Throughout the ages,
seekers of spiritual mastery have learned that harmony IS legality and legality IS harmony.
Therefore, in any situation in which chaos and suffering are manifesting, you can call forth,
through the power of divine law, miracles that restore harmony. Divine Power and
Consciousness are everywhere present. When you stand on the rock of Truth, and call forth
Divine Law, through your sonship or daughtership with Almighty Creator, the harmony that is
the legal right of creation, the Love and Mercy of Divine Providence, MUST manifest.

If you question that this is so, we ask you to remember how often you have actually CALLED
FOR HELP in situations where you were in doubt! It is not enough to be miserable and hope that
God will intervene. The act of knowing the truth and asking that it set you free is as important as
turning on the light in your home to dispel the darkness.

Wishing that the light will turn on of itself does not work. The ACT of turning on the light is
equivalent to the ACT of asking for divine harmony to be restored. That is why your scriptures
repeat over and over, in every way imaginable, that the act of asking is prerequisite to divine

It is in the understanding of Free Will that this admonition makes sense. Every situation is the
effect of causes set in motion by the use of freewill. What is caused by free will must be healed by
free will. The act of asking is the use of free will to unleash the power of the mighty angels.Angels
are not allowed to intervene of themselves. They must be asked by the free will of a son or
daughter of God. The act of asking angels is the equivalent to the act of asking someone in the
physical world. As above, so below.

Clearly state what you are wanting to happen and ask that it be done.It is a simple concept to
grasp, and yet the doubt, confusion and guilt experienced by some people makes it very difficult
for them to do.

The third letter of our name is R and represents freedom and independence. You must use your
independent free will to ask for harmony to manifest as a legal right of creation. The letter E
follows this and is there to remind you that the power to fulfill your request is everywhere
present. It does not come from somewhere, it comes from everywhere. It is not for you to worry if
God or the angels hear your prayer, your prayer is heard by the All-that-Is everywhere.

The last letter of our name is I. The letter I represents the Law of Cause and Effect. We have
explained this to you very carefully and now we will shed a little more light upon this subject.
Manifestation happens on four levels at once. They are the level of will, mind, feeling, and the
physical world.

At the level of "will", if you are blocked from asking for help - if for any reason you don't do it -
the first level is
contaminated. If, for example, you are afraid that it won't work to ask, or you feel you are
unworthy, or you simply
believe that it is wrong to intervene in situations with your personal will, the first level is
contaminated. Will is
electric and is the power aspect of God. God wills through you, and you are actually Manifest God
on the physical level.
That is what all of your spiritual Teachers have been trying to tell you: That you and God are one,
and that NOT using your will to create freely in the world is a misuse of your co-creative power.

If your mind is confused and unclear about what you are asking, the second level is
contaminated. That is why we are telling you that harmony is legality. Asking for harmony brings
about the highest good and asking for the

Highest good brings about harmony. There should be no confusion about this. Do not worry
yourself with WHAT is the highest good. That part of yourself which fills all of space and is one
with God knows precisely what is the greatest harmony for all concerned. Just asking for
harmony from your INDIVIDUAL SELF, the one that experiences time and space, will trigger
your UNIFIED SELF to do exactly what needs to be done.

If you are feeling doubt and fear, the third level is contaminated. As you know, feelings are
magnetic. Like attracts like. Doubt and fear attract more doubt and fear. By your feeling Divine
Love, only Divine Love is attracted to you.
We, the Angels of Afrei, are exquisitely attuned to Divine Love and, therefore, when you feel
Divine Love, you are
automatically drawing us to you. Furthermore, we will also help you when you ask us to fill you
with this feeling of
Divine Love.

You cannot expect the fourth level, the level of material reality, to manifest in and of itself
separate from will, thought, and feeling. This is why we are bringing you these angel messages.
We are helping you to stand firm in the of use personal will, to understand clearly what you are
asking for, and to fill yourself with Divine Love so that you can manifest miracles on the physical
level as your spiritual teachers have told you that you would, and must, in these latter days.

By understanding that harmony is the law of the universe, it will be easy for you to feel Divine
Love. You will feel good about asking for harmony to manifest in any situation.
Not only will we come and carry forth your request into manifestation, but many other orders of
angels will also.It is
our purpose to teach you the power of Love to produce miracles.

Call on us, the Angels of AFREI, the angels of the Miracles of Love.


13 degrees Libra
The Angels of Opening Hearts
Also known as The Angels of Rigolon

Beloved, we are a specific order of Angels who open hearts. Ask us for assistance when it is
important that you connect with someone on a level in which love , kindness, help, and
understanding flows forth.

In whatever situation you find yourself in, and no matter how cold and unfeeling the participants
have historically been, or how hopeless it seems, with our help the doors of each heart will open.
Sometimes. if their hearts are extremely numbed out and inaccessible, it may take us some time,
but we can do it. God has created us specifically for this purpose. It is what we do. From the
beginning of time we have opened hearts
and miracles have flowed .

We understand that you are being introduced to so many orders of angels that it may be difficult
to remember which ones to ask when a need arises. Just remember that there is an order of
angels for every need, and when you ask for help from God, the appropriate Angels come to you
automatically. It is important that the introductions have been made, for in your subconscious
mind everything is remembered.

So we are the Angels of Rigolon, and we open hearts. We open all hearts. Even the hearts of
animals are opened by us. If your own heart has been wounded, and the door is locked and you
wish for it to open, call on us and we will show you the lovely light that shines through. If
someone you know is lost in the deepest dungeon of a closed heart, call on us and watch the
wonders of our healing.

We are the Angels of The Open Heart, the Angels of Rigolon.


14 degrees Libra
The Angels of Song
Also known as The Angels of Riqita

Beloved, we are angels of song, of singing. We equip you with a lovely voice which fascinates
people. We protect and inspire all singers, whether they sing as a profession or just out of
feelings. We help you develop your voice. As you know, the human body is made in the image
and likeness of God. Each part embodies certain principles and qualities that are divine. The
human voice has great power.

The letter Q in our name represents this power, for in Quaballah it has the same meaning as the
letter K, which
represents the highest power imaginable, omnipotence.

"In the beginning was the word." "All that I do ye shall do and more." These scriptures point out
that the voice has the power to create, and that mankind is destined by Divine Providence to
create miracles. The voice is electric. The voice is also magnetic. "Ask and ye shall receive."
Asking is the use of the voice. The voice is an instrument for creating and receiving Divine Grace.
The Power of Divine Grace flows through the voice. The voice is halfway between the heart and
the head. Talking is the language of the intellect. Singing is the language of the heart.

When you sing, your voice expresses divine feelings. Melody expresses subtleties of feeling that
talking alone will never accomplish. Along with music, singing is the language of the angels. The
difference is that singing is more direct and therefore more precise in it's connection with divine

At this time Divine Providence has ordained that EVERYONE SING! This is important . The
more people
sing, the more the world is blessed by the presence of Divine Heart . The more you sing, the
easier it is to sing. The more you sing, the easier it is to experience the emotional healing that you
so fervently pray for. The power of the voice is so great! Every tree, every rock, every ear is
blessed by the sound of your singing. What greater gift can you receive, or give?

It is easy. Lift up your voice. Sing the song that your heart is feeling. Call on us and let us help
you. Your voice is more lovely than you have ever imagined. Would God have given you any less
than a lovely voice? There are no two people alike. Your voice is like no other. Give to yourself
and to the world the gift of your songs.

Sing what is in your heart. If you feel sadness, and sing it in a song, you and everyone who hears
feels the compassion of God. If you feel love, and sing it in a song, the love fills the hearts of all.
There are legions of us, and for each one of you who calls, we come. " AND ON EARTH AS IT IS
IN HEAVEN." Heaven is filled with the sound of song.


Note: In yesterday's Angel Letter, I omitted an important point. I always, ALWAYS, ask the
angels to heal for
everybody else whatever they are healing for me.

For instance: suppose I am in a wrenching relationship dispute. I am asking the angels to bring
harmony and
resolution that is best for everyone involved. At the same time that I ask for myself, I ask them to
go throughout the world and wherever there are similar disputes to bring healing to those also.

The understanding that I have personally with the angels is that as they bring healing to this
situation in the world, then mine gets resolved. I can only see and witness my own personal
experience, so the rest I trust to the angels and Divine Providence. It is interesting to me that I
quickly see validating news somewhere in the media pointing to break-throughs in the
consciousness of the world regarding my generic situation. It happens time after time....

It feels good to me in my heart to pray for others whenever I pray for myself. The angels have
taught me that doing this is very very important. I believe that praying for others at the same
time that I pray for myself is intrinsic to the science of prayer, especially in communicating with
angels. It has to do, I believe, with the law of reaping and sowing. By praying for others, I reap the
same for myself.


15 degrees Libra
The Angels of Art
Also known as The Angels of Tapum

Beloved, we are one of the many orders of angels who bring forth beauty in the world. We
awaken in mankind a sense for the arts. Everything that has to do with embellishment and
ornamentation comes under our guidance. Decoration and advertising falls under our
competence, and those who work in these professions are under our guidance and protection.

>From the beginning of time we have inspired the ornamentation of places of worship, the
decoration for
festivities, the brightly colored signs of shopkeepers. In the present time we inspire the visual
media in all fields.

It is important now that we inspire artists of all types to bring forth a coherent form of beauty
called "mandalas". Mandalas are designs based on the wheel. There is always a center area
representing God, surrounded by an outer ring usually with symmetrical petals, representing the
manifestations. A cross is a simple mandala; so are a snowflake, a medicine wheel, a flower. The
sun is a mandala and so is the Star of David. A kaleidoscope produces infinite varieties of
mandalas. Whether in advertising, design, or ornamentation of anything, we are promoting the
use of mandalas in visual art.

A great pioneer in transpersonal psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, did the research in the early part
of the last century
documenting the profound healing and organizing effect that mandalas have on the human
psyche. We inspired his work and the many who have since developed his research even further.
There are many available books on mandalas that we have inspired. Mandalas have been used to
promote spiritual development in every culture from the beginning of time.

As more and more artists create mandalas for everyday use and expression, the healing and
uplifting effect on
the subconscious mind of beholders will be profound. Depending on the number of petals, color,
and form, different
varieties of healing occur. Every aspect of a mandala has archtyple significance. The colors relate
to the chakras.

Here are the meanings of numbers. Number one is the first number in the universe and
represents the highest form which is God Himself. The manifested light, and everything that was
made of it is God in His Oneness. Whenever the Deity is to be identified, this is done by number
one. One means highest cognition, highest unity, highest wisdom. All evolution starts with this
number. It is represented by a dot. The middle of flowers represents the Oneness of God. One is
represented by the center of the mandala.

Number two is the number of duality, of polarity, of the positive and the negative principle. In
the material world, the
two indicates electricity and magnetism, love and hate, light and shadow. It is always a pole and
its anti-pole, of which one could not exist without the other. It is God and man. It appertains to
those religions which regard God as something separate, whereby the dualistic principle is to be
found in all forms of existence. Two is represented by a horizontal line.

Number three is symbolized by a triangle. The three is the number of akasha principle, of fate, of
cause and effect, of Karma, and is attributed to the sphere of Saturn. All things on all levels
originate from the akasha principle, the fine pre-matter of all existence, and therefore from the
number three. It is the original idea of procreation. Man and woman and child. Also it represents
spirit, soul, and body. It is the number of intuition, life and death, and cognition in its highest
form. Many mandalas have patterns of three or multiples of three. When you gaze upon such a
mandala, remember the unity of your spirit [will], soul[ feeling] and your body.

Number four is the perfect number of mastery of creation. The work of Carl G. Jung emphasized
that mandalas with four or a multiple of four spokes (petals) represented complete balance and
healing in the four brain wave states. It is represented by Jupiter. It represents the four basic
elements of fire, air, water and earth. It also represents the four directions, the four fundamental
features of God which are omnipotence, wisdom, love - immortality, and perfect consciousness.
It is the number of everything that is created in the visible and the invisible worlds. It is highest
wisdom and the number of length, width, height, and depth. It is represented by a cross with
arms of equal length, or by an equilateral quadrangle. Think of the lovely dogwood flower with
it's four perfect petals.

Number five is the perfect representation of the microcosm, of man in all his phases and forms of
existence. It represents the microcosm in its perfection. The working of the four elements, ruled
by the akasha principle, is represented by five and also expresses the power and the might which
is symbolized by Mars. All active miracles belong to this number and is represented by a
pentagon. Many mandalas have five petals and can connect you with power and might and
individual perfection.

Mandalas are similar to telephone numbers in that you can connect yourself with the actual
divine qualities that they represent by attuning to their energy. Even if you do not know the
meanings of the numbers and the colors, by asking for our assistance, we can flood you with the
divine qualities in your intuition.

Number six represents the macrocosm in its perfection. It is represented by an equilateral

hexagram. This is the number of man when he finally reaches that state of enlightenment in
which he is one with God. Jesus referred to this number when he said, "I and the Father are
One." The lower triangle of the hexagram denotes, in the mystical sense, man with his three
dimensional aspect of body, soul and spirit. The upper triangle of the hexagram points to the
three dimensional unification and influence of divine power and virtues in the mental, feeling,
and physical worlds.

Number six represents the sun and all spherical miracles. When you behold a mandala with six
spokes, ask us to
connect you with this energy of the sun and your oneness with the Creator. Focus your eyes on
the mandala and
become receptive. We will establish a column of light that fills you with the vibration of the true
esoteric qualities of
the mandala. This is very powerful. Great healing and enlightenment is possible through the use
of mandalas in
this way.

Number seven is the number of harmony, fertility, propagation and growing. It is also the
number of love with all its phases, no matter whether the lowest form of love or the highest
cosmic aspect of love. Mercy, benevolence, virtuousness, and happiness are also aspects of love.
It is the number of beauty, purity, and harmony. It is the number of Venus, the seven basic
notes, the seven states of maturity [chackras], and is represented by a septangle. There are
various symbols for seven. The colors of the rainbow are also the seven vibration. Mandalas with
seven spokes or multiples of seven carry this vibration.

Whenever you create a mandala, if you ask us to impregnate the spirit, mind, emotions, and body
with its true esoteric vibrations, we can bless each beholder with such healing and enlightenment
as you could ever wish. Many miracles can be performed with the help of mandalas.

Number eight is the number of the mind, the intellect, and thus the number of knowledge. It is
analogous to the planet Mercury.The octagon is a symbol of the native American Medicine wheel
in all of its forms. All knowledge, actual or theoretical, is a part of the eight vibration. This was
Carl Jung's favorite type of mandala.

Number nine is symbolized by three equilateral triangles interlacing one another. It represents
the original idea of the astral or feeling world. It is the number of motion, of rhythm and thus, of
life in its most subtle form. It is the number which prepares every situation in the astral or
feeling world for the material world. It represents the moon. It is the highest number .

The number ten is the last number. It is the reflection of number one in its roughest form. Ten is
the number of
physical matter, the number of realization. Ten is called "The Kingdom" in Hebrew Quaballah.
The human body is subject to number ten, and so also is the mineral, vegetable, and animal
kingdom, and everything that is perceived by the five senses. It's symbol is a circle with a cross
consisting of eight arms in its middle, contrary to number one which is usually symbolized by a
dot or a circle as the sign of infinity.
Ten can also be represented by a square with a circle drawn in its middle. Ten is the starting
point on the way to God.

A mandala can be subtle , or it can be very graphic. As long as there is a center in the middle, with
a harmonious design around it, some form of healing and balancing of the psyche will occur. If
you are a graphic designer, and the picture you are creating has a lighter color in the middle,
representing God, as opposed to putting the lighter color or objects off-center, there will be a
healing effect on the viewer.

So we ask the next time color, form, shape, and size express themselves through you, that you
give the gift of healing and beauty through creating a mandala . During this time of great
upliftment, all of humanity is reaching out for healing on every level. Healing will travel through
the eyes of the beholder along the optic nerve and into the pituitary and hypothalamus from
your beautiful mandala.

We are the angels of Tapum,

The Angels of Art.


16 degrees Libra
The Angels of Animals
Also known as The Angels of Nachero

Beloved, we are angels who have been assigned to the beloved animal kingdom along with the
angels of Peekah. We control the health and duration of life of all animals on earth. We are also
control animal instincts. We inspire mankind with curing methods and remedies against the
various diseases of animals.

We guide and protect all zoologists, veterinarians, and tamers of animals. Anyone who works
with animals in any capacity are surrounded by us. At this time Divine Providence has ordained
that animals be given equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Divine
Creator has endowed all of creation with these rights. Even the plant and mineral kingdoms have
been given these inalienable rights by the Source of All That Is.

As scientists penetrate the mysteries of life and consciousness, it will be easier for them to
understand why
the rights to life, liberty , and the pursuit of happiness are equally applicable to all animals. These
qualities are necessary for any life to survive. If any level of the food chain breaks down, life as
you know it now on earth will be unsustainable.

It is an instinct, not only in the human and animal kingdoms, but in all levels of consciousness,
to be happy, to live in security, and to have freedom.

With other orders of angels, we work to prevent cruelty and suffering in all parts of
Manifestation. When well-being and health are seen by people as a top priority across the board
for all, heaven will indeed return to earth. We ask you to deeply open your hearts and love the
animal kingdom. That is God's will on earth.

Angels of Nachero and the angels of Peekah, watch over animals from the minute of conception
to the moment of
death. Any person who has any interaction with an animal immediately comes under our
influence. Our influence can be understood by the letters in our name:

A.........Wisdom and Enlightenment
Ch.......Clarity and perfect purity [in Quaballah the sound of ch is different from c or h alone and
is treated as
a separate letter]
R..........Freedom and Independence

Animals have powerful feeling natures. When an animal is happy and contented, it acts as a
grounding rod for that
particular emotional energy. That is why aboriginal peoples describe animals as protectors and
teachers. Protecting and guiding animals' feeling nature is one of the most important
assignments we have!

Dogs, for example, hold the concentration of trust and innocence, devotion, loyalty, and steadfast
faith--qualities that literally set up an energy field within which to understand and attune to
these particular aspects of the love of God.

Remember how Jesus was described as "the lamb of God". When even the little lamb enjoys the
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then you are respecting God's plan for the
beloved kingdom of animals.
We ask you to pray for the happiness of all animals. When you pray for the happiness of all
animals, we are allowed to bring forth understanding about what animals actually are, and how
they contribute to the quality of life for all beings. The happiness of the earth depends on it.


17 degrees Libra
The Angels of Wine
Also known as The Angels of Arator

Beloved, we are the angels of all intoxicating drinks. From the prime origin, we have been
teaching mankind by intuition how to make the most diverse kinds of intoxicating drinks. Wine,
mead, beer, and liquors are designed by Divine Providence to put you in a happy mood and make
your life easier, especially when you are under stress. . We are not to be mistaken for
fallen-angels of alcohol who control drunkards.

We protect and guide anyone who produces or sells alcoholic drinks. We give you excellent
recipes for the making of these drinks as well as how to ameliorate their influences so that you
can remain sober when need be. We even teach you how to turn water into wine.

The first recorded public display of the miraculous power of Jesus was at a wedding. This miracle
was the turning of water into wine. We participated at this happy event as emissaries of the Holy

Our assignment is a happy one. In the history of mankind, we made sure that a good drink of
alcohol brought moments of joviality and relaxation. It is written that God does not give anyone
more than he/she can bear. This promise is sometimes kept through the Angels of Arator, we
who bring drinks of lightness and song to brighten the darkness.

It has been intended by Divine Providence that alcoholic drinks be prayerfully blessed. By doing
this, we, the angels are allowed to protect you from any harmful effects of intoxication
whatsoever, if it concerns your health and safety.
Even if the prayer is a brief one, angels can make sure that these drinks are used in the spirit that
they were intended to be used, to bring happiness and gaiety. Invite the angels and ask us for
blessings when you drink your next glass of wine!

In order for you to feel good about invoking us in this way you may have to overcome some of
your long held,
judgmental attitudes about the inherent wrongness or evil nature of these substances based on
your early acculturation.
In undertaking this reprogramming, be assured that all things can work for good, and
accordingly, so can alcohol &
intoxicating beverages if treated with conscious reverence for the right use of them - considering
also such issues as appropriate timing, situation, & moderation. Ask and then follow inner
guidance about when and how to enjoy alcoholic drinks.

As prayer is understood and offered for all things, including alcoholic drinks, everything in
creation can be used according to divine law and harmony. For God has given you the spirit of
joy, of peace, and life everlasting, with many delights to bring you happiness. Remember that
deep inside, all people are still little children in the heart of God.


18 degrees Libra
The Angels of The Circulatory System
Also known as The Angels of Malata

Beloved, we are one of many orders of angels whose focus is health. In particular our order
specifically watches over the purity and health of the blood in the circulatory systems of humans
and animals.

We know the secrets of blood. We have inspired scientists about its classification in groups and
RH-factors. In many fields of science like medicine, chemistry, physiology, psychology, and
genetics, we bring forth, according to the maturity of mankind, knowledge and understanding of
the secrets of blood.

It was written in the ancient scriptures that in the end times ALL WOULD BE KNOWN.

There is a language of light called "Hiburu". This language of light is the power of the word as
spoken of in scripture. It is the process of activation by sound. We are teaching you in these
messages how to use this ancient Hebrew Quaballistic language. Hiburu is a harmonic language
that mimics the waveforms of light. Divine Providence has ordained that mankind must learn
this language at this time.

This is because the proper creation of sound is so important to the manifestation of the kingdom
of heaven on earth. Sound activates physical matter when properly uttered with concentration
on the three higher levels of consciousness:
the will [desire-intent], the mind [image-thought], and the feelings.

These sounds, properly intoned, become waveforms that encode any matter with Divine Virtues.
Blood is
electro-magnetism, life itself, in liquid form. Blood is a programmable medium. The key to
unlocking the power of
blood is proper use of sound to enliven it. Therefore, when you intone sounds that are qualified
by will, image-thought, and feeling, the blood receives it-magnetically- and then
charges-electrically- the cells of the body with it.

Sound penetrates the skin and enters the blood. It also enters the cranial cavity through the ears
and enlivens the blood there. When sound is made with the voice, the sound waves additionally
penetrate the blood from within at the area of the throat which is the thyroid and parathyroid. It
travels down into the trunk of the body.

The true and proper way of intoning sounds of Hiburu is to feel the sounds originating from the
proper area of the body for each letter and then to imagine it filling all of space For instance, the
fire letters are to be imagined and felt in the head, air letters in the region of the chest, water
letters in the abdomen, and earth letters in the legs and feet.

Take the letters in our name:

M...... 13th letter. Mastery of Feeling-Water-Abdomen. One of the original Mother letters. All
water was created with the utterance of this letter in the Quaballistic-Hiburuic fashion that you
are learning now. Imagine it as a lovely blue-green color with a feeling of coolness first in the
abdomen [as a hollow space] and then filling all of the universe. Intone it as the musical note D
with a grumbling voice like deep water moving. Your intent should be to fill all of space with the
ideal quality of perfect feeling, sensation, and life spirit. This letter strengthens the magnetic
quality of the blood and keeps it flowing without obstruction of any kind.

A........All wisdom and enlightenment-Air-Chest area, Imagine it as Light Blue filling first the
chest and then all of
space with a feeling of ease, [A as in ahhhh] To quote from a Quaballistic text: "the student
advances on to no longer getting the light blue color oscillation of letter A into his chest by
breathing it in through his mouth or nose, but through the circumference of his/her chest
region, similar to breathing through the pores. Also, the student must try to achieve sufficient
dynamics by repeatedly using his imaginative faculty. The student must be capable of drawing
any letter oscillation into the respective region of the body and emitting it again, inductively and
deductively, in a simple or condensed state.

These exercises have to be repeated until such a proficiency is achieved that the student can do
all the quaballistic tasks mentioned so far with effortless ease." . Your intent is to fill first your
chest and then all of space with the highest wisdom and highest illumination that may ever be
lavished on a human being: Enlightenment. This letter purifies the blood and charges it with

L......Divine Virtues- The intent is to fill first your left hand and then all of space with all Divine
Virtues [love, beauty,
truth, wisdom, power, compassion, harmony, freedom, individuality, É.] This letter oscillation
represents the highest
divine virtues that may be described by words. The quaballist usually only uses this letter
oscillation when wanting to comprehend the Divine Majesty or the greatness of God in the form
of the purest virtues. This letter purifies the blood and charges it with virtue. Intone it to the
musical note "F" with a sense of ease filling all of space with a dark green glowing olive color. This
is an air element. Intone it with a sound of hissing air. Enlivens the spleen.


T.........This letter oscillation brings forth high inspiration to anything and everything that would
ordinarily be thought of as merely arousing your interest or attention . With the help of this
letter, the quaballist realizes that he/she is able to infuse divine inspiration and intuition into all
things. Intone it with the musical note F , just as you did with L, but this time with a brownish
black light. The intent is to fill first the right kidney and the head and then all of space with high
inspiration. It is a fire element and has to be practiced with the elemental characteristics of
warmth. Therefore you imagine a warm brownish black light filling all of space with high
This encodes the blood with high inspiration.

A........Final repetition of A

Use these letters of our name with the fourfold concentration of strong intention, holding the
image of its color filling all of space with the divine quality it expresses, and feeling it intensely,
while intoning its sound as we have explained.
Doing this, your blood is now properly charged. If you do this for 28 consecutive days, one lunar
cycle, the charge will remain indefinitely. The charge will be passed along from blood cell to
blood cell as long as you live. It is best to start at a new moon. The strength of the waveforms are
directly related to the strength of your meditation. As you practice and become better at
meditation, you intensify the power and the purity of the waveforms created by the sounds that
you make.

With the proper intensity and purity, the power of your words can manifest miracles.


19 degrees Libra
The Angels of Birth
Also known as The Angels of Arioth
Beloved, we are the guardian angels of all women on earth delivering babies. Having always taken
into consideration the states of development and maturity, we have inspired mankind with the
various methods of midwifery, starting from the most primitive deliveries up to the most modern
methods of gynecology. We are the protectors of all gynecologists and midwives. Divine
Providence has ordained that the experience of birth should be painless, joyful and peaceful for
infant and Mother.

>From even before conception, the egg and the sperm that join together to form the infant are
profoundly influenced by the thoughts, feelings and environment of the Mother and the Father.
Everything about the pre- and peri-natal development of the infant affects it for better or for
worse. There are different orders of angels who preside over and guard each phase of growth.

The experience of birth itself, over which we preside, must be beautiful in order for the infant to
avoid emotional trauma that may detrimentally color it's attitude for life. We are inspiring
mankind to move beyond the old belief of painful birth as a retribution for original sin and move
into the present paradigm of The Highest Good of All Concerned - The Law of One.

The concept of original sin was allowed to be created for purposes of free will. Divine Love
transmutes this concept
when harmlessness towards all, including self, is learned.
The consciousness of the peoples of the earth is moving into wisdom and harmlessness. It is now
the will of Divine
Providence for birth to be peaceful and beautiful. The spiritual relationship of the infant with life
itself is shaped by the experience of birth. This experience should be one of love, mercy, security,
illumination, and joy.

As the relationship between mankind and angels is restored to it's original blueprint, or purpose,
heavenly birth is restored.
Call on the Angels of Arioth when birth time draws near.


20 degrees Libra
The Angels of Electro-Chemistry
Also known as The Angels of Agikus

Beloved, mankind still faces many problems and mysteries in electrochemistry. The answers will
not be revealed until harmlessness is completely integrated on all levels of the psyche, all three
levels of consciousness. As you are ready in this respect, we will unveil many secrets and entrust
you with the relevant knowledge.

The angels of Agikus are the original initiators of galvanic electricity. Following our intuitive
inspirations, you have
invented batteries, radionics devices, accumulators, the dissolving of metals by electricity,
catalysts and

We will allow you to look into the future. We show you tiny quantities of chemical compounds
changing into great
electrical discharges with an immense voltage and amperage. This knowledge will be of great
value in the technical and domestic domain.

It is only when you are mature enough to use these gifts without causing harm that you receive
them. Whether harm is caused by ignorance or custom, harm affects the entire being of God. If
harm is caused intentionally out of malice, then resulting darkness is magnified.

The beneficial potential of these electro-chemical gifts is great. They can potentially bring
warmth and light, and
power for all your domestic and technical needs without causing harm to the environment or
costing anything. The
will of Divine Providence is for mankind to STOP stressful WORKING. It is only with ease and
contemplation that the voice of God is heard loudly enough to heal wounds of the past and fill
the consciousness with light.

Basic needs such as food, energy, clothes, and shelter are to be more simply provided so that the
real work of humanity can be done--the work of unfolding the spirit and healing the soul.

As mankind turns every resource to inner and outer beauty, harmony, and peace, we will ensure
that inventions of
amazing scope are created and put to use. These inventions are more fantastic than even fairy


21 degrees Libra
The Angels of Mathematics
Also known as The Angels of Cheikaseph

Beloved, we are regarded as the original initiators into mathematics on the earth. Our range of
competence varies
from the easiest adding operations to the most difficult mathematical problems expressed by
astronomical figures,
including the basic ideas of the mathematical figure, of measurements and weights in relation to
matter. From us
you may learn how to express an idea in mathematical terms and also how to master the
knowledge of quantities
and qualities.

We can show you how the four operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing relate
to quaballistic
science, to the elements of the micro-and the macrocosm.

The path of mathematics and sacred geometry is an excellent means for the spiritual seeker to
access the greatness of Infinite Mind. Even if you feel challenged by mathematics, with our help
you can much more easily understand the seeming complexities in the world of numbers.

One of our most exuberant accomplishments recently has been the expression of highest
spiritual ideals in the
mathematical formulas of crop circles. These formations exemplify the range of profound truths
about the micro-
and macrocosm that can be expressed mathematically.

When the optic nerve is stimulated by these formations, they trigger specific responses in the
pituitary, pineal, and
hypothalamus glands in the cranial cavity.

All people who work with numbers are under our guidance and protection. As always, the
quaballistic understanding and mastery of the letters of our name is the key to our part of the
divine mystery.

22 degrees Libra
The Angels of Physiology
Also known as The Angels of Ornion

Beloved, we are one of the orders of angels who are initiators into physiology. All of the people
who work in
the arts of reading from a person's body fall under our guidance and protection. Among these are
the art of reading
from a person's face [physiognomy], the art of reading from a person's forehead, the art of hand
reading [chiromancy], of diagnosing from fingers and fingernails, from the eyes, and so on. All of
the necessary scientific facts by which you can tell the character, health, and personal
peculiarities of an individual by his appearance fall under our range of instruction.

Beyond this, we can instruct you in mystical discrimination to be gained by a person's


At the present time, Divine Providence has ordained that all people have the intuitive ability to
know the character and condition of people by their appearance. Therefore it is important that
the free will of mankind ask for this ability.
This is part of the fulfillment of the prophecies that in the latter days "all men shall be known"
and that "nothing shall
be hidden". The reasons for this are many. To those who are simple and trusting and easily
manipulated, this intuitive ability will protect them from false prophets of all kinds, whether
financial, political, theosophical, social, or
educational. The time is nigh that all will be known.

Those who use the arts of manipulation to control others will realize that their skills can now
only be used to promote truth and the highest good of all concerned.

We ask that you call on us for discrimination in your relationships. With our help it will be easy
to look into the
face of your child and see whatever physical, emotional, or mental stress needs to be understood
and soothed. Likewise, when looking into the eyes of a neighbor, or an acquaintance, the state of
their being will be known to you, and you will know how to proceed in a way that will bring the
greatest harmony and blessing.

When making decisions as to who to trust, or who and how to help, information will be available
to you intuitively at the very least, and should you desire, you can learn scientifically and
logically as well. This is a very important skill, and is one of the gifts of the spirit, the spirit of
discrimination, that is yours by Divine Right .

There are two O's in our name, which signify Divine Justice.
There are two N 's as well, which signify Happiness. The R is for freedom and independence and
the I is for Cause and Effect. Meditating on these qualities will connect you with our

We bless you with the deepest love from the Angels of Ornion.


23 degrees Libra
The Angels of Physics
Also known as The Angels of Gariniramus

Beloved, we are initiators into physics. Everything that has been explored in this field up to the
present day has
happened on account of intuitive inspiration by us. We can show you the achievements of
physics in the future. All
phases of metaphysics also fall under our competence.
We also can inspire you into astrophysics.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the division between science and spirituality be
removed. Many books have been available, and more are on the way, that explain the connection
between consciousness and matter.

We are working with other orders of angels to show a unified, comprehensive view of reality that
includes every
science known to mankind.

We are in an assembly of angels and people who are bringing forth the ancient and future
teachings to the present
time so that peace and harmony can be understood as more than a moral or ethical prerogative.
Peace and harmony are applicable to every department of science and learning. Peace and
harmony affect everything from the developing fetus to the properly working computer

Peace and harmony affects the workings of every aspect of nature and consciousness, with no
exceptions, across the board, in a scientific and understandable way. This is now being
acknowledged in your halls of learning, in your
temples, and in the hearts and minds of people in all walks of life.

It was predicted in times of old that when religion and science came together as one, the circle
would be complete.
As we explained before, in the beginning of this series on the Angels of the 360 degrees of the
Zodiac, the circle is open and is actually a level of an ever expanding spiral.


24 degrees Libra
The Angels of Loyalty
Also known as The Angels of Istaroth

Beloved, we are the protectors of loyalty. Whenever it is written in your holy books about
"treasures of the heart",
we are the essential key to unlocking these mysteries of love.
For, by committing to be completely loyal to that which you love, you are embracing trust, purity
and inner joy which will itself transform you. The purest loyalty is a kind of devotion, an
initiation, that allows you to enter into the sacredness of the inner sanctuary.

In any relationship, we inspire each person so that they will never be disloyal. We help you
discover anything that would cause infidelity, as you go along, so that you prevent it before it
even starts. We teach you about love, friendship, and sympathy. We keep man and woman
together in fidelity through intuitive sympathy and caring of the heart.

Since the very beginning, we have helped turn enemies into loyal and faithful friends.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that we, The Angels of Istaroth, blanket the world
in answer to prayers
for peace and understanding. Even though many religious people think that loyalty to the Divine
calls for them to turn against those of other faiths, we would say otherwise. This is a
misinterpretation of the prophesies of the holy books.

The greatest loyalty of all is loyalty to harmlessness and it is found in the hearts of all children in
their natural state of innocence. It has been written that if you are not as a little child, you shall
"in no wise" enter the kingdom of heaven, and, also, that if you have all wisdom and power, and
have not love, then you are utterly lost. Loyalty is that most wonderful and endearing quality,
which blossoms forth out of the kind of pure love which would never harm the beloved under
any circumstances.

Even though the wise and powerful of many ideologies have urged their people to lay down their
lives for the love of God, we urge you to treasure your lives for the love of God. God is your life
and the life of all who breathe. All life is precious and belongs to God. Love, not wisdom, has the
power to overcome temptation. God is love.

Ask us into your life. Open your heart to the Istaroth angels of loyalty. To open your heart to the
angels of loyalty is to receive one of the greatest of blessings and step forward into the service of
peace on earth. Allow the Istaroth angels to serve you as God has ordained for them to do. We
awaken within you sympathy, friendship, and love.


25 degrees Libra
The Angels of Sexual Transmutation
Also known as The Angels of Haiamon

Beloved, we are the angels who have helped transmute sexual energy in mankind since the
beginning of time. When it is not desirable or appropriate to use sexual energy for sexual
expression, we instruct you on ways to focus and express this energy constructively.

We are one of several orders of angels who have inspired mankind to master sexual energy
through the ancient
techniques of tantra in the East and Quedoshka in the West. In different cultures there are
techniques that we
have inspired for building, decreasing, and raising the sexual energy up the spine to different
ganglia of nerves
called 'chakras'.

We inspire the mastery of this energy so that the body and consciousness is enlivened and
uplifted. We work with you intuitively, but we also guide you to books and teachers who explain
how sexual energy is guided through focus of attention and intent.

At this time when sexual energy is at the forefront of so many people's attention, it is important
that the skills for
directing this energy become widely available. There is no need to be frustrated, distracted, or
dismayed by strong
sexual energy at a time in your life when you do not choose to be in a sexual relationship. With
our help, you can direct this energy in all sorts of ways to enhance your life.

You can use this energy for physical vitality, emotional intensity, creative inspiration, intellectual
enhancement, or
a strong spiritual connection to Divine Consciousness.
If you desire for this information to be available to you, we respond and begin to guide you. You
may also pray on
behalf of another who may be experiencing frustration with sexual energy. We will inspire them
intuitively to channel this energy up the spine to higher centers of consciousness.


26 Degrees Libra
The Angels of Jewelry
Also known as The Angels of Canali

Beloved, we are the initiators into jewelry of every kind. We inspire all novelties in the fashion of
jewelry, for instance, rings, bracelets, precious stones, and everything of this sort that can be
worn. We protect and inspire all people who are involved in the manufacture of jewels from the
mining of precious metals and stones to the making of the finished jewelry.

Precious and semi-precious metals and stones function as record-keepers of Divine qualities.
Since ancient times,
priests and rulers found that wearing jewelry increased and uplifted their energy vibration and
gave them additional help in attuning to divine inspiration.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that all of the angelic orders do everything in their
power to bring about a golden age, an age when the Law of One is embraced and followed above
all else. This Law of One is the Law of Laws and is the original source of all other laws.

The Law of One overrides all other laws. This original law states that we are all one, and that
when one is harmed, all are harmed. Conversely, when one is helped, all are helped. To activate
this law, you simply request that only the highest good of all concerned happen in any given
situation or circumstance.

We mention this because our order of angels, the Angels of Canali, are bringing forth much more
important information about the healing and inspirational power of metals and stones in order
to fulfill this decree of Divine Providence to bring about a Golden Age. The books that are now
available on this subject are all inspired by us.

If you are not presently wearing jewelry, we encourage you to do so. Even the most simple metals
and stones carry
profound healing qualities that will influence your body energy for the better. We can even help
you fashion your
own jewelry from such simple materials as copper wire and a beautiful stone that we help you
find yourself.

If there is much negativity that you are working to heal, it is wise to wash your jewelry in running
water. Breathing on jewelry while in a state of prayer also charges it. If you do not have time to
do this, remember that our angelic assistance for the cleansing and charging of your jewelry is

When you are deciding on what jewelry to wear, we are there prompting you intuitively to make
the best selection
for your present circumstances. We guide you to put certain stones over the parts of the body
that need it most. Whenever you wear jewelry, the angels of Canali are happy to assist you in
cleansing and charging the metals and stones to keep them strong.

We are using our influence to encourage the wearing of jewelry by all people so that they can feel
the energies of
the divine qualities that are embodied in the metals and the stones . Each person has a divine
purpose, so therefore each person is a priest in God's eyes. All people are royal blood by virtue of
the fact that all people are God's children.

Adorn yourself appropriately.


27 degrees Libra
The Angels of Infants
Also known as The Angels of Aglasis

Beloved, we are the guardians of all babies and infants, be they human or animal. We protect
everything that has to do with milk . We have taught mankind over time to make milk products
of all kinds from the milk of animals.

Divine Providence has ordained at this time that mankind understand that the emotional
well-being of the mother,
whether human or animal, has as much to do with the quality of milk as does diet or any other
health factor. If the mother is in bliss, her milk tastes the sweetest, and induces bliss in her

Whatever infants, human or animal, experience in their earliest months affects their entire
emotional attitude
towards life from then on.

As mankind begins to understand that the four-fold nature of reality, the spiritual, mental,
emotional, and physical, is one continuum of energy, then great emphasis will be put on
maintaining happiness and harmony in everything.

People who have dairy cows will pride themselves on the happiness of their animals, and the
sweetness of their milk.
Infants who do not nurse from the mother, but who use formula, miss out on an important
element of growth. If
formula must be used, it is wise to ask us to charge it with the vibrations of love, and to
administer it with love, in order to reduce damaging effects.

The effects of bliss-produced milk are profound. A nursing race horse whose mother is tame and
happy is much easier to train later and is healthier than one whose mother is under stress at the
time of nursing. Parents who wish for their children to be strong and happy must safeguard the
happiness of the nursing mother.

Ways of ensuring the well-being of mothers, especially while they are nursing, must be studied in
great depth,
because happiness is one of the greatest considerations in the quality of milk of any kind.


28 degrees Libra
The Angels of Water Animals
Also known as The Angels of Merki

Beloved, we protect all animals that live in the water. We watch over their propagation. Anyone
who has anything
to do with water animals comes under our guidance and protection.
We are the angels who guide fishermen, and nudge them to know where fish congregate. We are
the angels who taught men how to can fish and preserve them in different ways.

With our help, mankind can control water animals through knowledge of the elements. There are
many things that we can teach you in this respect.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that mankind learn the importance of all water life,
from the plankton to the great whales. Everything is connected to everything else, and to the
extent that any part of the chain is disrupted or endangered, all life on earth is in jeopardy. Water
animals depend heavily on the sense of sound for their survival. Anything that makes artificial
noise should be avoided. For this reason, motorboats must be phased out and replaced with
technology that maintains the environment of sound in it's natural state.

The emotional peace and harmony of water animals is as important to the subtle energy fields of
water as is the
emotional well-being of mothers to the production of milk.
The continuum of energy; spirit, mind, emotion, and form, must be understood and protected .

We are working to restore rivers to their natural state as well. The earth is very ancient and very
wise. The earth is a working organism where every part must be healthy for the whole to flourish.
As mankind rediscovers the wisdom of nature, every resource will be brought to bear to return
the earth and it's waters to their original pristine condition.

In the future, when mankind has learned the value of harmlessness and balance, we will reveal
ways of working
with water animals that will astound you.


29 degrees Libra
The Angels of Health
Also known as The Angels of Filakon

Beloved, we are the angels who have inspired mankind with the sense of orderliness and
cleanness. Everything connected with hygiene comes under our competence. We inspire and
protect everyone working in the fields of health. We are the originators of the knowledge that
many diseases are caused by infection, and we have inspired the ways to recognize them and
protect against them.

We can be found with all bacteriologists, toxicologists, and everyone researching bacteria, bacilli,
and virus etc.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that mankind realize that the continuum of will,
mind, emotion, and form applies to everything including disease.

We have inspired work on psychosomatic causes of disease, so that mankind will understand
that cleanliness, harmony, and orderliness applies to the desire, mental, and emotional nature as
well as to the physical. We recommend that you obtain and study some of the books that have
become available over the last half century that explain the effect of the spirit, mind, and
emotions on the immune system.

As scientists, researchers, hygienists, doctors, and health care workers everywhere begin to
master the unbreakable continuum of energy that is will, mind, emotion, and form, the cure of
disease will be perfected. It is at this point that seemingly miraculous cures will be commonplace.

30 degrees Libra
The Angels of Medicinal Springs
Also known as The Angels of Megalogi

Beloved, we are another of the angel orders who work with healing. We guard all the medicinal
springs on the earth. We guide animals to step into certain waters instinctively in the case of
injuries. With our assistance mankind has learned from the animals how to cure themselves of
many diseases with the use of medicinal waters.

Throughout history we have inspired people to heal themselves with water. The time is coming
when we will
teach you methods of hydrotherapy that at present are unknown to science.

Divine Providence has ordained at this time that all medicinal springs, many of which have not
yet been discovered, are to be protected and beautified, as the greatest and most sacred treasures
upon the earth.

Wherever sacred springs have been covered up or capped, even in cases of buildings of antiquity,
they must be freed immediately and restored to their original pristine condition. We protect all
those who use these springs, human and animal, so that all who meet in their waters meet in
sacredness and harmony.

Medicinal springs are to be freely and completely available to all life, man and animal, forever. It
is the original and
infinite Divine Will of the Most Holy Creator.


1 degree Scorpio
The Angels of Fire
Also known as The Angels of Aluph

Beloved, we are the protectors of fire on this earth. Everything connected to fire on all levels
comes under our range of competence. Spirit is fire and functions as will, desire, intent, and

All thoughts that have to do with will, desire, intent, and electricity are fiery, spiritual thoughts.
All feelings that have
to do with will, desire, intent, and electricity are fiery, spiritual feelings.

The many physical forms of fire and electricity are protected by us.

With our guidance and inspiration, the mystery of fire on all levels is made understandable.
Many many wonders are to be revealed to you in the coming times concerning fire.

At this time Divine Providence has ordained a fiery explosion of energy in the part of the sky
known to astronomers as 4555. In the constellation Coma [ meaning Mother and Child], in the
zodiacal sign Virgo, a galaxy named Eta
Carina is exploding in ways never before seen by scientists.

These explosions of light are information-carrying photon waves that will hit earth between the
year 2000 and 2002.
These light-waves enter the pineal glands of all living creatures on earth and correct faulty DNA
on all levels of
will, thought, emotion, and form. We rejoice to tell you that the influx of these fiery messenger
photons are the long
sought remedy.

Initiations into higher consciousness through informational light are the answers to your
prayers. The fiery spiritual
intent for peace and the highest good of all concerned is written into the very fabric of life itself.

Surrender and relax into the cradle of the universe as these fiery messengers of light caress your
spiritual essence and bring about the New Jerusalem of Peace on the Earth.


[for more information on Eta Carina, go to]


2 Scorpio
The Angels of Electricity
Also known as The Angels of Schaluah

Beloved, the Schaluah Angels are another of the orders of angels who are guardians of fire. We
specialize in the
manifestation of divine will and spirit that manifests in form as electricity. The electrical
inventions that you enjoy were inspired by us and more are being revealed every day.

At the present time, Divine Providence has ordained that mankind enjoy many different
electrical devices.

This is in preparation for the approaching time when ALL OF A SUDDEN a great work will
earnestly be embraced
by all of the governments, corporations, and peoples of the world to correct and perfect the
environment and the
economy. This joint effort will take priority over all else and will be guided by the indwelling Holy

When this happens, your wonderful communications systems are ready. Computers, and
electrical systems of
many kinds are ready. We are the angels who have made this possible!

As harmlessness to all life is integrated as the fundamental scientific standard for operations, we
are ready to reveal more secrets about electricity that will make even present day inventions
crude by comparison. Remember electricity in the energy continuum of will, thought, feeling,
and form.
Electricity, on the form end of the continuum, is the purest physical manifestation of WILL that
there is. Electricity is
embodied WILL. So is fire. Remember this.

We ask you, at this time, to utilize your will for the manifestation of the Highest Good of All
according to the indwelling Wisdom of the Almighty Creator.

3 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Self-Preservation
Also known as The Angels of Hasperim

Beloved, we inspire man and animal with the drive for selfpreservation. We are responsible for
giving animals the
appropriate means for protection by nature to defend themselves against dangers.

We inspire animal instincts.

Mankind is guided by us to make a living by hard work, endurance, and diligence.

Whenever mankind or animal must find the will to "go ahead", we are there. We are the source of
enormous powers that people and animals find whenever their survival is at stake.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that certain people and animals survive, in spite of
enormous difficulties brought about by the shifting of old paradigms into new.

In every country, stories of survival in the face of tremendous odds are unfolding as this great
time of change continues.

We wish to tell you that the new paradigms are from the most ancient beginnings of time.

The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, are two ends of a circle, they touch each

In the beginning all was one, and in the end all are also one.

The difference is that in the beginning only God knew of this oneness, for all was created out of
God. Now all that was created knows of this oneness, for the fullness of time has brought about
the knowledge of the unified field of life that is the foundation of the many, like the one tree
which has many branches and leaves.

It is the presence of Life itself, throughout all it's different forms, that gives strength for survival.

It is said in your teachings that angels are messengers.

We connect the One Source with the Many.

When your survival is at stake, it is the Angels of Hasperim who connect you with the force of
Life and the urge to
survive. Call on us for we can show you many things.

We are almost home.


4 degrees Scorpio

The Angels of Families

Also known as The Angels of Adae

Beloved, we are the protectors of child love, motherly love, and parental love. We guard and
inspire everything that keeps a family together. With our assistance, you can deal with any
quarrel or discord within the family.
We inspire you with different ways to strengthen the love that holds you and resolve all
difficulties. We inspire every
member of the family in times of stress, so that the family stays together.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that each member of the family be seen and
understood as a unique and sovereign expression of God. Each member of the family has united
with the others in order to manifest heaven on earth.

In your teachings you were told that the man is the head of the family and that the children
should honor their parents.
What we say to you is that God indwells each person, and the parents must teach the children
that each person's allegiance must first be to the indwelling spirit of God within.

To accomplish this, the parents must exemplify in their own lives and in their relationship with
each other the sacredness of following inner guidance that comes from within.

When this is done, the father is guided to be the best father, and the mother is guided to be the
best mother. The father learns that the mother has the gift of intuition, which is her rightful
contribution to the father. The mother learns that her husband has inherited the strength of The
Lion, the protector and provider, from the indwelling Spirit of God Within.
Together they make a home for the children, who are fresh from heaven, and carry the light of
purity and promise from the highest realms of light.

with the full support of the others, the father naturally acts as head of the family and the mother
naturally follows him in his protective ways. Likewise, the father listens to counsel of the mother,
who accesses Holy guidance from Spirit Within.

They naturally teach the children to respect the inner voice that comes from within and how to
follow the ways of
indwelling Spirit. This is how the children are prepared for life on their own, where they must
daily choose from the
many ways of the world.

This family is the most complete and perfect manifestation of God's love in the world.

The nature of God is Love. When love is present, wisdom and power follow naturally. Love is the
beginning and the
end. The Alpha and the Omega.

As you love one another, putting love and each person's right to follow inner guidance first,
wisdom and the power
to overcome all obstacles is given you.

We, the angels of Adae, are the protectors of family love.


5 Degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Milk
Also known as The Angels of Helmis

Beloved, like the Angels of Aglasis, 27 degrees Libra, we are also assigned by Divine Providence to
be protectors of milk.
We also protect all nurses and all mothers, human and animal, who suckle their babies. Our
range of competence is very wide.

During the course of time we have taught mankind to use milk as nutrition. We have inspired the
manufacture of dairy products. There are certain types of diseases that can be treated with milk
that we have revealed. There are many things about the working up of milk that will be shown to
mankind in the future.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that we , along with the Angels of Aglasis, reveal to
mankind the importance of emotional and mental love and harmony on the production of milk
in both the human and animal kingdoms. Certain glandular secretions occur in response to a
loving and harmonious emotional state that directly affect the taste and nutritional value of milk.

There is a type of informational download that milk induces in the infant on a vibrational level. It
is similar to telepathy, in that milk absorbs and then emits information about the quality and
essence of life from the mother and her surroundings.
When love is introduced into the formula, milk takes on a Eucharistic and sacramental function
of uniting the infant with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in form. Within the
developing brain and nervous system, this influence lays the foundation for a life of close
communion with Divine Consciousness.

As the healing effects of love-saturated milk are known and understood, mankind will allow no
other kind to be produced, whether for nursing by infants or consumption as food.

In fact, milk will no longer be looked upon as just another type of food, but will be understood as
a special Eucharistic substance for spiritual attunement.

The importance of all of this is so great on health and consciousness, that in the future the
emotional and mental
well-being of milk producing mothers, human and animal, will be carefully protected by every
segment of society.


6 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Ideals
Also known as The Angels of Sarasi

Beloved, we are the original initiators of all human ideals. On all levels, the mental, the
emotional, and the physical, all ideals are protected and inspired by us. Depending on the
maturity and development of mankind, we control the most diverse ideals of each individual.

We cause situations and possibilities for the realization of an ideal in the mental, the emotional,
and the physical world to a small or large extent. The angels of Sarasi supply the appropriate
enthusiasm and the endurance for the realization of the ideal in question in accordance with
one's maturity and fate.

We teach you a great deal: for instance how various ideals are born in the world and how they
decay again.

This is an important time in the history of the world, for Divine Providence has ordained that a
vast array of historical ideals transform into more advanced ones.

Ideals of nationalism, isolationism, caste, elitism, dominance over nature-development,

population growth, materialism, industrialism, rationalism, zionism, communism, urbanism,
workaholism, conformity, are evolving into unity, co-operative effort, equality, oneness with
nature-restoration of it, naturalism, population stability, less-is-more, simplicity,
shamanism-balancing rationalismÑwhole brain thinking, attunement to the omnipresence of
God in all, the value of contemplation and meditation, and individuality, etc. . The vision of the
FABRIC of LIFE is becoming clearer in the awareness of people. It is easier now for mankind to
understand that everything is connected to everything else, and that if any part is damaged, the
whole is harmed.

Newtonian understanding is collapsing into Quantum understanding.

Almost every ideal on earth is going through rapid transformation at this time in answer to the
prayers within the
hearts of the people who desire love, wisdom, peace, security and beauty in all life.

The search for perfection is bringing you into the Ancient Future . The Alpha and the Omega.

"ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" is for this time.


7 degrees Scorpio
Angels of Intellect
Also known as The Angels of Ugefor

Beloved, we are among the orders of angels who work with the intellect of mankind. We control
the intellectual
development of everyone. Depending on each person's state of maturity, certain facts of
knowledge are revealed to them by us.

Much of what we reveal to each person is determined by the commission that they have been
charged to fulfill on the earth. We show you the manner by which human intellect can be
enlightened and how you can acquire an extraordinary memory. All knowledge that can be
grasped with the human intellect is made accessible by us, the Angels of Ugefor.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that whole brain thinking replace both left and
right brain dominance.
Left brain dominant people are locked into linear logic, rationalization, and memory. Right brain
dominant people
are locked into spatial, non-verbal, intuitive cognition.

The human brain is designed to be used wholistically. When it is, not only does mankind use
much more than the 3 to10 percent of the brain that is currently being used, but the entire body's
endocrine system is drastically upgraded.

Wholistic cognition causes glandular systems to produce neuropeptides and other chemicals that
cause enlightened states of awareness that are a thousand times more powerful and safe than any
of the states of consciousness that can be produced by drugs that are ingested, smoked, or taken
by Injection.

There are over 20 thousand different psychoactive chemicals in the pineal gland alone, and they
can be combined in almost infinite ways to produce almost infinite states of consciousness.

As mankind begins to appreciate the unlimited power of the human intellect, great emphasis will
be put into the
development of whole-brain intellectual cognition. We will help you understand techniques for
doing this from
ever-expanding aboriginal and scientific resources. As these techniques are implemented,
education will become so different as to be almost unrecognizable from the systems that you
have in place presently.

The human intellect is so much more than what you have thought, that the greatest discoveries
of all time will be found in inner space. Once inner space is understood and utilized, outer space
will also reveal it 's secrets, for they are connected.

We are the Angels of Ugefor. We are here to serve you.


8 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Health
Also known as The Angels of Armillee

Beloved,we are one of the orders of angels who safeguard the health of mankind. We are the
angels who protect people against all infectious diseases and cause them to look after themselves,
so that they are at any time able to resist infection.

If karmic reasons make it necessary, or if it lies in one's fate, we will not prevent an infection.

We also teach you many means of protection against the most diverse types of infectious diseases
from a psychosomatic point of view.

Since there exists the possibility of mental or emotional influences, that are the psychosomatic
causes of infection,
we teach you how to protect yourself by taking care of your mental and emotional health. We do
this through intuition and by guiding you to the best teachers and information. Negative
emotions and thoughts send a signal to the millions of cells of the body that all is not well with
life. These cells then respond with a type of despair that causes them to 'cancel out' or 'forget'
certain chemical reactions in their defense systems.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the people of medicine begin to understand
that there is an intelligence that keeps the immune system of the body functioning.

Within every cell, there is a keen sensitivity and reaction to every thought and every emotion.
Intelligence within cells is like that of a little child. Love and protection is needed for the cell to
thrive and desire to live. If cells are receiving positive influences from the will, the mind, and the
emotions, and this is combined with good hygiene and nutrition, then the immune system will be
literally impervious to infection and disease. It is also important to have enough water to drink
for the proper electrical activity of the cells to function.

The powers of the body to resist infection and to heal itself are much stronger than is generally
understood. In fact, the power of the body to protect and heal itself is miraculous, when properly
understood and mastered. As with all of life, the key to understanding this lies in the continuum
of energy that is known as will, thought, emotion, and matter.

In cases of spontaneous remission of otherwise incurable diseases, it is simply a matter of a

sudden reversal from
negative to positive information and input to the cells of the body within this continuum of
energy. Even at the last minute, the body can bring about health and even youthing when the
proper signal is given.

There was once a time when angels were much better understood than they are now and nothing
was undertaken
without their help. It is important to know that you are entering upon another time in history
when this again will be true. It was written in your teachings that angels are messengers of God.
If you understand God to be omnipresent in all life, then it will be easier to understand that
angels act as intelligent self-aware information codes that carry the data of the eternal truth of
life itself.

When you call upon the angels of Armillee, you are accessing and downloading the information
codes of positive life energy from original Divine Consciousness. Remember that prayer is the
process of sending information to God and meditation is the receiving of it. Prayer and
meditation are like everything else, it must be done with the full energy continuum of will,
thought, emotion, and form. The physical body posture of praying on bended knees with hands
together in prayer position, with the attention balanced between the heart area and the pineal
gland in the middle of the brain, aligns the energy meridians of the cells in a way that facilitates
sending energy into the unified field of energy known as Universal Consciousness.

Sitting with straight spine and hands resting on knees, palms open with thumbs and pointer
fingers touching [to make an '''] with the focus of attention in the pineal gland in the middle of
the brain, is a good meditation position for receiving energy from Universal Consciousness by
way of the angels, or the messengers, of Light. Another posture that aligns the energy currents of
the cells when either praying or meditating is with the forehead on the ground, knees bent under
the body, and the palms on the ground. The focus of attention is balanced between the heart
center and the pineal gland.

Laying on a slanted 36 and a half degree angle surface with the feet lower than the head,
positions the body for deep restful union with Universal Consciousness at the delta or 0 to 4
oscillations per second of brainwave activity level. At this level there is neither sending or
receiving, there is at-one-ment. The left arm should be laying straight out from the body and
bent at a 45 degree angle with the hand resting above and to the left of the head. The right arm
should be straight down touching the body with the hand touching the thigh. The fingers of both
hands should be same as described above for the sitting meditation and totally relaxed. The focus
of attention should be on a ray of light coming in through the top of the head and entering the
pineal gland in the middle of the brain. It is best to do this after using the sending and receiving
procedures. In this third position, you will find yourself resting in stillness and union.


9 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Spiritual Protection
Also known as The Angels of Ranar

Beloved, all people dealing with spiritual knowledge are protected by us against obsession or any
other accompanying unfavourable psychic factors. We have at our disposal the most diverse
methods which make comunication with the knowledge of different spiritual realms possible,
and these we guide you to use as it becomes appropriate for your stage of development.

We acquaint spiritual seekers with special practices of mental and emotional attunement to
different states of enlightenment.
We are regarded as the most trusted protectors for those who tread on the path to perfection.

At this time Divine Providence has ordained that many different types of people, who ordinarily
might not be
consciously on a spiritual path, receive spiritual enlightenment to some degree so that certain
new paradigms can come into center stage in the world. These new paradigms allow people to
understand the underlying unity of all life, so that they make decisions that allow the earth to
heal from previous imbalances .
Once these decisions are made and implemented, the heightened quality of life itself will be a
source of spiritual
inspiration and knowledge. We are presently protecting and guiding many of you, as you go
through changes in your understanding about the world and the nature of realtiy.


10 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Pranic and Magnetic Healing
Also known as The Angels of Caraschi

Beloved, we protect and inspire all people occupied with medical magnetism and healing through
Magnetic healing allows the transfer of vitalized life force to the patient by attraction.
Pranic-treatment uses breath and oxygenation to charge the body with life force.

Whole volumes could be written on this science of life force, and much can be learned from the
ancients in this regard. In India the ancient science of breath is called Pranayama.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that these ancient sciences be rediscovered. We are
inspiring researchers to study this type of healing, while at the same time there is a renewal in
the interest of yoga, in which the old techniques of breathing are taught.

By analyzing the letters in our name, Caraschi, you may understand the way to charge the
magnetic or pranic energy with will, thought, emotion and form. C musical note D, fire and air
element-warmth with sense of ease, vermilion, eucharist and self-spiritualization, stomach.

A. musical note G, air element-ease, light blue, wisdom and enlightenment, lungs R. musical
note C, fire element-warmth, golden-shining, independence and freedom, left nostril S.
musical note G sharp, fire element-warmth, purple-red, all power everywhere, gall bladder
A..musical note G, air element-ease, light blue, wisdom and
enlightenment, lungs Ch.musical note D sharp, water element-chill, light violet, purity and
clarity, left leg
Imusical note G, earth element-weight, opal, karma-law cause and effect, left kidney

As it was written, the Alpha and the Omega is the Universal Consciousness, and the ancient
sciences and the newest sciences are destined now to unify as one.


11 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of The Philosopher's Stone
Also known as The Angels of Eralier

Beloved, if you connect with us, we can convince you that the making of the philosopher's stone
is no allegory and
no symbolic-esoteric speculation. We teach you that the preparation of the philosopher's stone
has diverse grades
for the most various purposes.

We teach you methods of transmuting metals, especially by the dry procedure, which is known to
alchemists. The
preparation and realization of the philosopher's stone rests on many methods. To those of you
who have the proper
degree of maturity, and who thoroughly understand the scientific reasons behind harmony and
harmlessness, we
will entrust these methods.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the vast science of immortality become
available once again. The
reason for this is that reincarnation has served it's usefulness and has become more or less
It is much more desirable that the fruits of wisdom gained from age and experience not be cut
short by degeneration and death.

As greed and insecurity are replaced by harmony and balance, the population will stabilize and
children will not
be brought into the world until the conditions for their happiness and well-being are met. As
these children gain
the experience of time, their continuing strength and youth will allow them to serve in ways that
fully manifests the
kingdom of heaven on earth.


12 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Miracles
Also known as The Angels of Sagara

Beloved, we are the angels who are ordained by Divine Providence to initiate the children of God
when they are at
that stage in their development that allows them to follow in the footsteps of the Masters and
produce miracles in the physical world.

Many of you have had the sense of this ever since you were very small, because at this time
Divine Providence has ordained the quickening of times, so that the world can be healed and the
kingdom of heaven can be brought forth.

To those of you who are studying these angel messages, know that we are one of the primary
groups of angels
directing them to you, for this group of messages, taken together, explain the technology of the
cosmic language, the use of THE WORD in the science of miracles and theurgy.

We take this opportunity to give you a complete list of the letters of the alphabet, with their
corresponding meanings
on the four levels of will, thought, emotion, and form.
Words, whose letters are uttered with the following attunements, have great power to manifest
miracles. The
proper utterance of each letter, has to do with will-intent, imagination-thought, feeling, and
sensation. When you do
this exercise, imagine each letter's energy filling infinite space within you by locating yourself as a
small dot in your
solar plexus and imagining that your body is an infinite universe, and then return to normal
consciousness and
imagine filling all space outside of you.

* See article titled Summary Of The Letters

It is important to pronounce each letter of the NAMES of the various angel groups in the
four-fold manner of
will-intent, imagination-thought, feeling, and sense, as described in the above list. With practice
and purity of
focus and concentration, you will be able to access and eventually master the original virtues and
essences within
your own consciousness. Then, when you speak the word, you will be fulfilling the saying ,"All
that I do , ye shall do
and more."


13 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of The Sun
Also known as The Angels of Trasorim

Beloved, we are the angels of the sun. The sun is life. We have inspired mankind with this idea
since the origin of
time. We have allowed mankind to make inventions during the course of time which have
brought the use of the power of the sun. We teach you to use the rays of the sun by application of
colored filters for various medical purposes.

We are the originators of the colour-light treatment.

Medicines which are influenced by the colored light of the sun, in analogy to the universal laws,
show a better quality and capacity and have a better dynamic effect than medicines produced in
the normal way.

The rays of the sun are actually streaming information. This information originates from galactic
center, which is the
central sun. In India galactic center is historically referred to as the "Eye of Buddha". The solar
sun is a step-down
transformer of this energy.

By isolating different colors of the spectrum through the use of filters, specific domains of
information can be
concentrated and collected. Each color of the spectrum carries specific information. In a previous
angel message,
message number 25 of the 28 day cycle, the colors of the seven main ganglia of glands, or
chakras, in the human
body were described in terms of function and also color.
This description can be used to explain the domain of information for each of the colors.

These are:

The first chakra - a brilliant hue of ruby red, is supreme happiness and abundance and health in
the world of form..

The second chakra - scintillating shades of fiery orange, is the ability to relate in sacredness and
intimacy with other expressions of God in form.

The third chakra - gold and yellow like the shining sun, is the perfection of the personal will in
attunement with the

The fourth chakra - endless varieties of emerald green, is the OCEAN of DIVINE LOVE and the
ENDLESS FLOWING JOY of the emotional nature.
The fifth chakra - infinite sapphire blue, is the doorway of unlimited creativity and the ability to
manifest the qualities
of the ONE BEING.

The sixth chakra - deepest shades of indigo blue, is the infinite space of ALL WISDOM and

The seventh chakra - shades of flaming violet and purple, is the merging with the almighty
connection with the

These are the seven candlesticks that appear in symbolic form in many religions in many worlds.
Visualize and see
the colors swirling around your being at the places where the encircling bands of the chakra
energy reside.

The first chakra - beautiful and pure Ruby Red, is glowing around your lower body at the base of
your spine .

The second chakra - blazing shades of Orange, Shine forth from your body below your navel;

The third chakra - Sunlight Yellow, Shines like a sun from your solar plexus;

The fourth chakra - endless shades of Emerald Green, Flows like an ocean in your heart;

The fifth chakra - infinite sapphire Blues, Emerges in your throat;

The sixth chakra - Deep and endless Indigo Blues; Forming an infinite space within your

The seventh chakra - an up reaching Violet flame, at the crown of your head merging with the
infinite Being of God.

We have given you much information, and it need not be difficult to make practical use of it. For
instance, if your
health is weak, putting a simple piece of red cellophane on your window where the sun shines
through and sitting in it will revitalize your physical body. You may increase it's potency even
more if, at the same time, you meditate on infinite abundance and security in the world of form.
Your immune system and vitality will be greatly strengthened over time.

The potential of these domains of information that are encoded in the colors of the rays of the
sun is so great, that
seemingly miraculous results can be obtained by using them for various purposes.

Divine Providence has ordained that the ancient knowledge of the original and grandest
computer of them all, the light of the universe, be rediscovered and put to use at this time.

It is we who have urged you to access information by looking at the sun, so that your optic nerve
can download
the streams of information into your hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. Looking at the
sun can be done
safely at sunset and sunrise, and through other means such as looking through the leaves of a
tree at small streams of light. Information can even be received by looking at the reflection of
sunlight on water, or any other reflective surface. Even the light of the moon, which reflects
sunlight onto the earth at night, carries the information of the sun's rays.
The human eye is the only eye of any mammal that has Ôthe whites of the eyes'. This is because
light goes forth
from the eyes as well as into it. This is the meaning of "darshan, the gaze of the master". When
you look directly
at the sun's rays, you can send information as well as receive it through the optic nerve.
Remember to pray as well as receive when you gaze at the light.


14 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Imitation
Also known as The Angels of Schulego

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire inventors to create anything that is an imitation of a
natural material. We have, for instance, taught man how to imitate gems. The invention of glass,
china, artificial leather, rubber, plastic, and many other synthetic products are due to our

At this time Divine Providence has ordained the invention of many synthetic products in order to
over- consumption of natural resources and to make possible certain inventions for the benefit of

This present age has been the subject of many predictions by prophets from many cultures and
times. They were able to see the future when the effects of technical inventions, such as the
internet, would transform the world in many many ways.

None of these inventions would be possible without our help, and we are happy to tell you that
much more is yet to
be revealed. As mankind matures to a level of understanding the importance of harmony,
balance, and harmlessness to all life, the products that we will reveal to inventors, through
inspiration, will rival any that you can possibly imagine.

Even though inventions have been misused, their potential for good outweighs their misuse in
the end, for Divine
Providence and the many orders of angels respond to prayers for peace, goodwill, and heaven on
earth. The light
always follows the darkness, and it is always darkest just before the dawn.

As your history unfolds, you witness the forces of heaven joining the forces of mankind, blending
the miracles of the Holy Spirit with the seeming miracles of technology. The remedies that you
have prayed for are swift and sure, and you can count on the fact that Divine Intelligence is
omnipresent and all powerful.

Divine Providence and the angels have never forsaken you and never will. We tell you that the
painful lessons of
illusion and evil will reveal themselves to be catalysts for the triumphant expansion of light into
the realms of free will.


15 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Entertainment
Also known as The Angels of Hipolopos
Beloved, we are the angels who inspire mankind with all sorts of games for young and old, jokes,
sport events,
and toys for children. We create an atmosphere for fun, relaxation, and recreation. When people
come together for
purposes of entertainment, we bless them with the spirit of fantasy, fair play,challenge, and
social interaction. There are many important lessons and skills that can be developed through
fun and playing games.

For instance, at this time in history, Divine Providence has ordained that many people learn
lessons of fair play,
endurance, self-discipline, excellence, imagination, tolerance, self-worth, and mastery through
games of different kinds.

>From football to chess, from the Olympics to the preschool sandbox, the Angels of Hipolopos
are busy
inspiring the pursuit of excellence in a spirit of fun and adventure.

The games of the future will be even more wonderful, for in the near future mankind will be
more advanced, functioning from whole-brain perspectives that allow fun and excitement
beyond anything you have ever seen. We inspire and protect children at play, whether they be
young or old.


16 degree Scorpio
The Angels of Bees and Sweeteners
Also known as The Angels of Natolisa

Beloved, we are the protectors of bees. We have taught people the art of apiculture and how to
use honey.

In the early days, mankind did not use sugar, and honey was the only sweetener. Later, when the
raising of bees no longer sufficed to cover the need for sweetening material, we again caused man
to win sugar from other substances and made him find sugar-cane in the orient and sugar-beet in
the lands with a less favorable climate. We are the guardians and protectors of all who work with
honey and sweeteners in any way.

We teach mankind many things about the production of sugar and sugar-like substances. We
teach you about
diseases which are caused by too little, or too much sugar.

All of the virtues of Divine Consciousness manifest on all levels of creation: the level of will, of
mind, of feeling, and
of form. Some of the virtues represented by sugar are those of expansiveness, thanksgiving,
lightness, hope, enthusiasm, energy, love, gaiety, success, security, blessing, relaxation, and

Sugar-related diseases of the body often result if there is too much isolation, work, heaviness,
loneliness, sorrow,
insecurity, seriousness, or stress and a lot of sugar is consumed in an effort to feel better. This is
true whether the
sugar is produced internally from the adrenal glands and pancreas or if it is taken in the form of
food. When you
embrace the virtues of sweetness, your need for sugar will balance, and your body will heal.
Divine Providence has ordained that mankind master the corresponding virtues of all foods, so
that nourishment is
obtained from spiritual, mental, and emotional sources as well as physical.

We are the order of angels who represent the qualities of sweetness, and we inspire people to
bring more
expansiveness, nurturance, love, energy, security, fun and beauty into their lives if they do not
have enough
sweetness... and to embrace the virtues of work, determination, courage, mastery, patience,
sobriety, and wisdom if they have too much.

The virtue of balance is one of the keys to the kingdom.


17 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Cooking and Baking
Also known as The Angels of Butharusch

Beloved, we first taught mankind to eat fruit in it's raw state. Then we introduced ways to process
and tin them.
During the course of time we have inspired people to prepare dishes by the help of the fire
element, by roasting,
baking, and stewing. We are the angels who have taught you how to bake bread, to make sweets,
and to create new dishes.

We inspire and protect anyone who practices the art of cooking.

Along with other orders of angels, like the Angels of Tolet, 5 degrees Libra, we bless mankind
with feasting and
sustenance. All of the five senses have corresponding virtues on the levels of will, mind, and

The sense of taste corresponds to the will, ideas, and feelings of unity. Omnipotence and
omniscience is every-
where present in the omnipresent being of Divine Life.
Divine Providence has ordained that mankind receive nourishment from all levels, and not only
the physical.

As the virtue of Unity is realized and mastered, the ability to receive complete nourishment from
various fascinating
subtle energies of spirit, mind, and feeling will provide as much nutrition as material food. The
physical body will be
discovered to be able receive every necessary element for perfect health from pranic forces.

To delight the tastes, wonderful dishes will be for of joy and pleasure, instead of necessity, as a
celebration of unity.


18 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Love
Also known as The Angels of Tagora
Beloved, we are the angels of sacred erotic love as well as love within the family. We are
responsible for the raising

of sympathetic feelings between man and woman and maintaining them.

We inspire you when you desire to make yourself loved, and we guide you and show you how to
evoke a person's
sympathy. We also inspire you when you wish to achieve peace in the family.

Divine Providence has ordained that children grow up in an atmosphere of love and peace. From
conception to adult-hood, the soul needs the shelter of a home filled with the dearest love.

When the child grows up and leaves home and begins a family, the patterns of sincere love and
peace learned from the parents serves as his/her blueprint. Within the hearts of couples and
children everywhere, prayers have come to us for love and peace, ever since the world began.

Now, more than ever, it is important that people everywhere use their free will to ask for and
receive our assistance. The peace of the world depends on it.


19 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Metallurgic Chemistry
Also known as The Angels of Panari

Beloved, we inspire mankind in the field of metallurgic chemistry. We have taught man to gain
various metals from
ores, and we have helped him with the recognition of the various metallic elements.

We are the angels who have inspired the making of metal amalgams. We have various recipes for
the working up and amalgamating of metals, and also the decomposition of metals into various
chemical products, synthetic substances and medicines.

The things that we can inspire mankind with in this regard are almost limitless.

Divine Providence has ordained that we teach mankind the corresponding spiritual, mental, and
emotional virtues of metals. For example, gold is a manifestation of spiritual will, of unlimited
fantasy and imagination, and of intuitive

Silver corresponds to the mind, of wisdom and knowledge and intellect. Copper manifests the
virtues of the emotions, of healing the wounded child within and seeing life as a wonderful

Iron is the manifestation of the ten magical powers, of transformation, of form, and of the
unconditional giveaway
of beauty.

Brass, which is an amalgam, represents the catalytic energy of kundalini, sexuality, and life force.

Many wonderful virtues of the Divine are represented by metals, and as these are integrated into
consciousness, the mysteries of the philosopher's stone will be easier to understand.

20 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Synthetic Medicines
Also known as The Angels of Nagar

Beloved, we are the angelic inspirers of all medicines which can be produced by synthetic
procedures. We guide and protect everyone involved with developing medicines from synthetic
sources, which are different from those derived from herbs.

We are similar to the angels of Panari, in that we are also ordained by Divine Providence to teach
you how to make
various medicines from the most diverse types of metals and their combinations. There are many
ways to cross-
reference and document the subtle effects of metals on the will, mind, and emotions; all of which
have a corresponding effect on form.

The virtues found in metals also correspond to the different planets.

Mercury: The planet of Receptive Wisdom, use brass.

Venus: The planet of Receptive Love, use copper.
Sun: The star of Creative Aspect of Higher Self, use gold.
Moon: The planet of Receptive Aspect of Higher Self, use silver.
Mars: The planet of Creative Love, use iron.
Jupiter: The planet of Creative Wisdom, use tin.
Saturn: The planet of Receptive Will, use lead.

We have inspired the making of colloidal metal solutions, which deliver the medicinal effects of
metals without
causing heavy metal poisoning, which can be brought about by stronger concentrations of
metals. There are many
diverse synthetic medicines that we, and the angels of Panari, are to reveal to those who earnestly
seek to heal.


21 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Answered Prayer
Also known as The Angels of Kofan

Beloved, we are the angels who answer prayers for better living conditions. Our speciality is to
change bad living
conditions into good ones and to procure people's contentment. We love to participate in the
wonderful joy and celebration in the Heavens - the exaltation – whenever any negative situation
is transformed into a positive one.
Our delight is in that moment when "the tide turns" and we are uplifted by the inevitability and
glory of the winning

Each of these reversals in some measure reaffirms the victory of light over darkness. We become
ecstatic in the
process of helping to orchestrate these healings In answer to a cry for help. We grow in service
each time anything
that is perceived as ugly is transformed into something beautiful. This is the basis of all
meaningfulness itself: The
CONTRAST between the light & the dark; the evolution of humanity toward perfection. It is what
makes these
experiences so impressive, so unmistakable, & so rich – the instant when the dawn breaks out of
the darkness, when the dismal becomes encouraging, and when the depressing dilemma becomes
forever positively improved.

We preside over the impossible becoming possible. These are some of the most meaningfully
poignant impressions in all of manifestation, The triumph of hope.

We inform people of ways and means by which they can better their own living standard and tell
them to what extent their fate is karmically conditioned and to what extent Divine Providence
allows any interference.

At this time Divine Providence has ordained that the Law of One be widely understood and
followed by mankind.
For a very long time, other laws have taken precedence in people's thinking, but this law is the
Law of Laws. This is
the original Law, from which all other laws come, and it is this Law that overrides all lesser laws.
According to the Law of One, when one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are

We, the Angels of Kofan work with this Law. We know that when the living conditions of anyone
is bettered, their
resulting joy and gratitude affects the entire Being of God in a positive way. Their energy goes out
and out, like ripples in a pond, and affects everything for good.

It is important that people understand that a remedy to suffering and hardship exists within the
Being of God. If
you study the Angels of Ysquiron [17 degrees Cancer], in their message of Love and Mercy, you
will see that through the power of Love, lessons can be learned so that the hardship of karmic
return [reaping what you sow] is no longer the only path to wisdom. This is where Grace and
Mercy allow prayers to be answered, even in cases where suffering has been given in order for the
soul to learn the lesson that harmlessness unto self is inseparable from harmlessness unto

This realization that self and others are linked in a continuum of energy, sometimes referred to
as the 'unified
field', IS the beginning of wisdom. It is impossible to affect one part without affecting the whole.
Therefore, we
ask for everyone to seek goodness and mercy for all, including self, to promote the well being of
the unified field.

If you seek Divine Love, all things will be possible unto you. The Love that you seek is the same
unconditional Love
of the Creator, whose love shines equally on the good and bad alike, that operates not on
judgment, but on the Law of One, the Highest Good of All Concerned.

This Law is to be applied in the inner worlds and the outer, to oneself and to others. We ask you
to forgive yourself
and others equally, and to love the Divine within yourself, just as you love the Divine in others.
God's love is omni-
present, omnipotent, and omniscient. With this love, which is your inheritance as Children of
God, all things are

You may call on our assistance for the betterment of your own living conditions, in will, mind,
emotions, and form,
and for the betterment of others.
We are the Angels of Answered Prayer, The Angels of Kofan.

If any planet or point in your astrological chart falls on 21 degrees Scorpio, then we are a part of
your group of
guardian angels, and you have incarnated to bring through the virtue of answered prayer into the


22 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Miraculous Rescue
Also known as The Angels of Schaluach

Beloved, we have similar, but usually more dramatic, powers and faculties as the Angels of Kofan,
the Angels of
Answered Prayer. We render people advice and assistance by intuition in even the most difficult
situations of life,
where, under normal conditions, there is no possibility of escape.

We help you find the right remedy in every situation.

We work only for the highest good of all concerned.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that many dire and impossible situations be
remedied. The forces of
darkness and confusion, greed and ignorance, have created conditions for many people and
places that seem hopeless and irreversible. REMEMBER THE STORY OF LAZARUS, ALREADY

How many times have you heard accounts, in all countries and in all cultures, of the incurable
healed, of miracles that HAVE reversed the irreversible. These stories, passed down through
scripture and through legend, document the POWER OF GOD to take any situation and heal it.
At times when people refuse to accept the unacceptable and turn to Divine Providence for
redress, we work with the angels of Kofan and other orders of angels to make the
impossible possible.

These times when you may feel the most hopeless is the time to call on us to intervene. The
lesson of this time when appearances may seem the most negative is to learn to ask for help of
the unseen beings who can accomplish miraculous reversals of fate in the most dire

Asking when it seems to you the most hopeless is a test of your faith.

We access the greatest creative and victorious power, and we bring it to bear when you call upon

We are the Angels of Miraculous Rescue, the Angels of Schaluach, and God has commanded that
we protect and
inspire those of you who turn away from defeat and demand the Highest Good of All Concerned.


23 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Faith and Conviction
Also known as The Angels of Sipillipis
Beloved ,we are regarded as very special Angels who watch over earth because we teach you the
power of faith and the power of conviction. Once you have acquired these two divine faculties,
you are capable of producing the greatest wonders in the mental, emotional, and physical world.
We advise you how to reach quickly and safely the power of faith and the power of conviction.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that people remember their divine inheritance and
their divine identity.
The energies coming to the earth, on all levels, are designed now to awaken this ancient memory.
For a long time, people have forgotten, and have not known of their divine reality first hand. The
time is coming now, when memory is being restored completely, and everyone will know their
divine identity from within and feel their oneness with Universal Consciousness.

As this happens, the power of faith and the power of conviction is restored naturally to you, the
Sons and
Daughters of God.

At the same time, your soul's purpose is revealed and you can go about manifesting your unique
and perfect
contribution to heaven-on-earth. For each of you who wish to fully remember, and who wish to
live in the power of
faith and conviction, please call on our help and we will work with you night and day until your
faith shines like
the sun.

When one is helped, all are helped.

We are the Angels of Sipillipis, The Angels of Faith and Conviction.


24 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Medical Diagnosis
Also known as The Angels of Tedea

Beloved, we are excellent experts in diagnosis as well as in analysis of disease. We teach you all
causes of diseases in the mental, astral [emotional], and physical body. We can, at the same time,
make you acquainted with means which remove the causes of disease and disharmony.

Anyone interested in medicine can acquire such a great deal of knowledge from us that they can
become an expert
in diagnosis and medical treatment. At this time Divine Providence has ordained that disease be
understood as a
continuum of disharmony in the spirit, mind, emotions, and finally the body. Even in a situation
of poisoning, which
is a physical cause, the disharmony of spirit, mind, and emotions attracted the situation to
happen in the first place. If the spiritual, mental, and emotional causes are not corrected at the
same time as the physical, the disease will
reappear at another time, or in another form.

Harmony is the greatest preventative and cure for all diseases. Mankind is made in the image and
likeness of
God. The human spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body temple is a microcosm of the
macrocosm. Harmony must exist between all the various aspects of the body for health, and even
immortality to manifest.
When you are diagnosing any illness, the first thing to identify are the areas of disharmony in the
body energy
continuum. If there is disharmony in will, which is spirit, then this must be addressed and
corrected. If there is
disharmony in thoughts and ideas, or in feelings, then these must be corrected. Finally, the
physical body itself
is brought into balance and harmony.

At this time Divine Providence is also bringing together all of the various types of healing, most
of which are
very ancient. Ayurveda, herbal, acupuncture, allopathic, chiropractic, and shamanic are some of
the ones which
are blending at this time. Once the spiritual, mental, and emotional levels are in harmony, the
physical body most
often can heal itself. When help is needed beyond this, these systems are successful.

Even if you are alone, and you must deal with your own health without outside help, you may
call on us and we
will inspire you with the understanding of what is out of harmony in your own spirit, mind,
emotions, and form We
will guide you to whatever it is that you need intuitively.


25 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Natural Medicine
Also known as The Angels of Semechle

Beloved, we initiate you into all methods of natural medicine. Herbs, water treatment, care of the
body, and other methods applied in natural medicine all fall under our range of competence.

There are many cures in natural medicine which we have yet to reveal. As the paradigms of the
old give way to the new, more of these methods will be revealed to you through intuition easily
and naturally.

Many of you will simply follow inner guidance and find the places and herbs which you need for
healing. Healing waters from springs, heat baths, breathing exercises, sunlight, fasting, proper
foods, mud baths, massage, pressure points, asanas [positions of the body that stimulate the flow
of energy to different organs and glands], dance, exercise, and other immune system stimulants
will come naturally to you to use.

Whenever you need healing, or wish to help another heal, you may obtain our assistance.
Regardless of where you are, or what your circumstances, there are natural methods of healing
that we will reveal to you.

When one is healed, all are helped.

The whole Being of God rejoices.


26 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Theurgic Healing
Also known as The Angels of Radina

Beloved, we are special experts in healing through theurgy, that is, quaballah, the cosmic
language which you are
studying in these angel messages.

We can show you how the severest diseases can be cured by quaballah. By learning the meaning
of the letters, and successfully mastering the mental and emotional exercises, it is possible to
bring about miraculous cures.

We entrust you with many quaballistic formulae, or letter combinations, for the curing of severe
diseases, so that you could compile a whole book of formulae for your personal use. For instance,
by combining the letters D and C, a radical purification of the mental body is achieved.

C.........The Eucharist in all it's forms and self-spiritualization, vermilion with warmth and a sense
of ease, musical note D, [can be used to heal the stomach] from list in Scorpio 12 message.
...everything relating to the influences of all divine ideas, virtues and qualities. From list in
Scorpio 20 message.

D..........Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, [can
be used to heal the
right ear] from Scorpio 12 message ... everything that is connected to the consciousness and the
mental matrix.
Furthermore, the "D" everywhere enlarges the ego-consciousness and leads to wisdom. From list
in Scorpio 20 message.

quaballah initiates call this formula ,C-D, "the quaballistic mental broom". Wherever a quick
purification of thoughts or negative mental qualities is in question, as , for instance, is the case
before various mystical operations requiring an absolute purity of the spirit - furthermore, also
when for the purpose of mental wandering into other spheres absolute harmony and poise are
needed - this letter combination may be used with surprising success. When applied repeatedly,
this formula brings about an increased faculty of intuition.

When transferred into the emotional body, this formula will purify the emotions. In short:
wherever a sudden
equalization of the elements in the emotional body is needed, this is an excellent letter

Inspiration is achieved and the strength of emotion is also enhanced. When applied in a
quaballistic sense in the
material world, this letter combination enlivens any substance, no matter whether it is a thing, a
human body or any other living body. If you specialize in this formulae, you are able to change
the electronic oscillation that spins round every substance at will, either speeding it up or
slowing it down.

Study carefully the letters as they have been given you in previous messages. Ask us to inspire
you with various
combinations whenever you wish to bring about healing on any level, whether personal or for

Divine Providence has ordained that people learn this cosmic language and use it to quickly bring
about heaven-on-earth in their personal inner worlds and in the outer world.

When this language is applied to any situation, miraculous results are easily obtained, depending
on the degree of
concentration and mastery of the virtues and qualities of the letters used. All of your great
teachers, in whatever religion and time, have told you over and over that all the things that they
did are available for you to do. The help that we can offer you in this respect is unlimited.

27 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Astronomical Orientation
Also known as The Angels of Hachamel

Beloved, we are experts in astronomical orientation. We have taught mankind to look up to the
stars and to fix the cardinal directions by their constellations.

We taught the sailors of old to navigate by the stars. We are the original initiators of the compass
and the magnetic
needle. All measuring devices for measuring the depth of the sea and pressure of water also fall
under our range of
competence. All astronomical measuring devices, from the most ancient to the most modern, are
inspired by us.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that instruments for measuring the vast reaches of
outer space be available to you in order for the mysteries and greatness of creation be revealed.
The veils that have hidden the truth are being removed on every level, in the micro-and
macrocosm, and the physical universe holds many secrets that will now become known. Many of
your ancient scriptures refer in coded language to the activities of the astronomical heavens,
which are the physical end of the energy continuum of the spiritual, mental, and emotional

The discovery of Eta Carina, an exploding star whose behavior baffles your scientists, is spoken
of in scripture as
the source of information that will awaken your memory of your divine birthrights as sons and
daughters of God.

In the coming times, the information that the stars reveal, through the instruments that we have
inspired, will surpass the wildest fantasies of your imagination. This information is beautiful and
paints in broad strokes the magnificence and majesty of the created universe and the
Consciousness that upholds it.


28 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Hydrotherapy
Also known as The Angels of Anadi

Beloved, we are specialists in hydrotherapy. Like the Angels of Megalogi, 30 degrees Libra, we are
responsible for all methods of water treatment.

We teach you how to use the will and the feeling energies to charge and enliven water for treating
the most various
diseases. We show you how to remove the causes of diseases by thermic stimulants and how to
create the
dispositions of harmony and health in the human body.
There are many methods of hydrotherapy which so far have remained unrevealed, which will be
entrusted to you
whenever you sincerely ask for our help. Divine Providence has ordained that all of the waters of
the earth be cleansed and charged with healing and blessing. We, and the angels of Megalogi,
have been given the responsibility to inspire and teach you how to send thought and feeling
energy into bodies of water, whether they be streams, rivers, lakes, springs, oceans, or
underground aquifers.
We are charging each of you to become conscious of the fact that you can direct and send healing
and cleansing thoughts and feelings into the water of your vicinity. Each time that you pray and
meditate, we ask you to call forth the Divine Virtues to impregnate the waters in your area.

As more and more people do this, the waters of the earth will cleanse themselves of whatever
toxins are in them, and they will take on the qualities of the miraculous Divine Healing energy.


29 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Water Regulation
Also known as The Angels of Horasul

Beloved, we control all artificial water regulations on the earth. We inspire people to make use of
the powers of water. Irrigation, canals, and all ways of controlling and directing water fall under
our range of competence. We inspire everything from simple water mills to the most complex
hydroelectric power stations.

Divine Providence has ordained that artificial water regulation be accomplished according to the
highest good of all
concerned. It is evident that even the most simple organism is crucial to the fabric of life -
everything is linked together. All previously built water systems that are compromising either
beauty, which is essential to the spirit, or the matrix of life are to be corrected.

As this correction takes place, our job is to inspire engineers with insights that allow them to
create lovely and
environmentally healthy and sustainable water systems. These new systems purify the water
through natural spin
dynamics, reverse desertification, and nourish habitat. Many of these systems work using natural
principles that require minimum maintenance. As wetland and forest habitats are restored to
large areas, weather patterns are also restored, correcting rainfall amounts in areas that receive
too little.

Water must flow in undulating patterns, as curves create spin on the water molecule and this
allows the water to free itself from toxins. A water molecule with proper spin has a surface
tension which prohibits it from absorbing impurities.

We are encouraging ways of treating waste water that create park lands and wetlands for wildlife.

The blessings that result from proper water regulation will astound you in the coming times.
Cities will be havens of
beauty and cleanliness, wildlife will thrive everywhere, and life on earth will be a garden of Eden.

Water is the feminine principle of God in physical form, just as light and fire are the masculine.
As the feminine principle is balanced with the masculine, and honored on all levels, the waters of
earth will increasingly bless and nourish all life beyond anything that you have ever imagined.


30 degrees Scorpio
The Angels of Water Animals
Also known as The Angels of Irmano
Beloved, we, like the Angels of Merki-28 degrees Libra, are protectors of every creature living in
the water.

If, for instance, you are interested in fishing, we can give you appropriate methods which can
cause fish to gather at certain places so that you may catch them without difficulty, or by which
you are able to tame and control fish in such a manner that they will allow you to take them into
your hands.

Every animal living in water, no matter whether sea serpent, crocodile, whale, or dolphin, with
the methods that we
are entrusted by Divine Providence to show you, will communicate freely with you in love, trust,
and innocence.

At this time people are moving rapidly into a consciousness of unity which is free from judgment
and effortlessly
loving. The longing for closeness with animals, that each child is born with, is to be fulfilled.

The promise of Saint Frances of Assisi, the promise of kinship with all life in trust and love, with
all creatures great
and small, is granted you. As the creatures of the sea, and lakes, and streams gather around you
in joyful celebration of life and love and joy and unity, remember that it is the angels of God who
whisper into your heart the divine virtues that make it all possible.

We are the Angels of Irmano, the angels of water creatures, who rule the last degree of the sign of
Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of the feeling of love. As you feel love shining in your hearts, so are
the creatures of the waters drawn into the warmth of your Being.

Remember, that by analyzing the letters in our name according to the cosmic language alphabet,
you may easily
access the virtues that we bring as messengers from Universal Consciousness.


1 degree Sagittarius
The Angels of Metal Working
Also known as The Angels of Neschamah

Beloved, we are the Angels of the first degree of Sagittarius.

There are three fire signs. These three are Aries, the fire, or will-intention, sign of Divine Love.
Then there is Leo, the fire-will-intent sign of Divine Willpower, and there is Sagittarius, the
fire-will-intent sign of Divine Wisdom.

So we introduce you to fire, Will, or intention, of Divine Wisdom. Each of the twelve signs of the
zodiac are related
to a color. For Sagittarius this is blue. Every group of angels, for each degree, has a symbol which
we cannot produce for you here. However, when this symbol is drawn, the signs for the angels of
Sagittarius are always drawn in blue.
Associated with Sagittarius are travel, higher wisdom, philosophy, spiritual teachers and their
teachings, and
good humor.

The Angels of Neschamah, first degree Sagittarius, are the angels who have inspired mankind
from the beginning to work up metals with the help of fire and water. All hardening of metals,
from the most primitive times to the most modern, have been under our protection and
The exploration of space would not be possible without our help, for we are the angels who have
enabled you to produce the metals used in your rockets and orbiting space modules.

As mankind becomes one in Consciousness with Divine Providence, we are destined to reveal to
you methods for the working up of metals that are far in advance of what you have at the present
time. Many things, including better space travel, will be made possible by our inspiration in this

As you travel further in space, you begin to realize the wondrous nature of God's giant universe.
Understand that
reality works in fractals, repeating patterns that nest within each other in ever larger sizes. This is
why the atom and the solar system are identical in appearance, only differing in size. The
landscape of inner space and outer space are also identical, they are mirror images of each other.

To understand this easily, consider archetypes in transpersonal psychology, such as in the works
of C.J.
Jung. These archetypes exist as energy emanations in inner space which is referred to as
"dreamtime" in shamanistic terminology. Their "location" in inner space is identical, as a mirror
image, to their "location" as astronomical bodies in outer space. This is the basis for
understanding astronomical bodies in terms of their psychological meanings.

An example of this is the planet Jupiter, which is one of two planets, the other being Mercury,
which falls under the
influence of Neptune - the secondary sun of Divine Wisdom.
Jupiter is "creative wisdom". The energy in the inner and outer worlds work much like the flow
of energy in a
computer chip. This is demonstrated in the flow chart below.
The location of the archetype of Jupiter in the inner worlds in relation to other spherical
archetypes is identical to it's
location in the outer.

Any change in the outer results as a change in the inner, just as any change in your appearance in
the outer results in a change in your mirror image. In this case however, the reverse is also true,
which is why humans in your teachings are considered "creators", just as God, the Source, is. As
you explore and understand your inner worlds, so will you find the same truths as you explore
and understand the outer worlds.

All planets on the left side of this list are Feminine-Magnetic-Receptive . All planets on the right
side are
Masculine- Electric-Creative. In actuality , Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are grouped as a triad
under the Sun and Moon, as secondary suns.

This is the level of the Atman –oversoul
The moon is the receptive expression of Universal Consciousness
The Sun is the creative expression of Universal Consciousness

Divine Love
Pluto is both magnetic and electric
This is the path of the soul

Venus is receptive love and mars is creative love
Both express on a personality level.
[Divine Wisdom}
Neptune is both magnetic and electric
It is the path of religion and spirituality

Mercury is receptive wisdom and Jupiter is creative wisdom
Both express on a personality level.

[Divine Will-Power]
Uranus is both electric and magnetic
Uranus is the kundalini, or instinctive life force energy

Saturn is receptive will and Earth is creative will
Both express on a personality level.
South node of the moon……..North node of the moon
The south node represents your status at beginning of this incarnation and the north node
represents the final goal.

Rising Sign-Ascendant Represents path of accomplishment

Chiron Represents the wounding of the soul that causes the personality to seek enlightenment in
order to heal. All other planets, asteroids, and points Interpretations are available in local
bookstores in astrology sections or email Cyrus the Astrologer.

Transpluto planets* apply to the person who has matured to the stage of having consciously
entered upon the path
of enlightenment and service . This would apply to almost anyone reading these messages.

On a practical level of physical manifestation, our help in the hardening of metals is necessary so
that you may travel to the stars in the outer worlds just as you explore the stars of your inner


2 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Fire and Water
Also known as The Angels of Myrmo

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire inventors to use steam with all of it 's diverse possibilities.
Everything from the most modern steam engine to the vaporization of liquids for manifold
purposes falls under our jurisdiction in the Divine Scheme.

As you know, Sagittarius symbolizes Divine Wisdom working through the will, spirit, intention,
or fire element.
Fire symbolizes the masculine energy of God and water symbolizes the feminine. When they are
wisely combined,
steam is created. Steam is energy. Wisdom has always ordained that the male and the female be
balanced and come together, and together they form creative energy. That is what we are to teach
That is why Divine Providence has ordained for us to teach mankind about joining fire and liquid
together, and to use this for many purposes on the physical plane. As mankind learns
harmlessness to all life, and seeks to use the diverse gifts of the angels for the highest good of all
concerned, much more will be revealed.

As you float above in the far reaches of space in journeys yet to come, our gifts of using heat to
vaporize liquids will bring many comforts and blessings. The angels will always be with you to
inspire and protect you. >From the time of the great steam engines that allowed you to explore
this great country, to inventions of the future, we reveal ever more wonders that result from
combining fire and liquids. When the deeper understanding of male and female, fire and water,
on the levels of will, mind, and feeling become clear to you, the inspiration for inventions in this
regard, in the world of form, will also become clear. So also will CERTAIN PRINCIPLES behind
the making of the philosopher's stone, become obvious.


3 Degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Fruit
Also known as The Angels of Kathim

Beloved, we control all fruits of the earth. Without mankind knowing it, we inspired people to
not only eat fruit in it's
natural state,i.e. at the moment of its becoming ripe, but also to be blessed with the gifts of
nature when nature rests and when no fruits can be harvested.

We inspired the drying of fruits, and later the cooking and conserving of them. Then people
began to work them up into jams and juices. Our reservoir of recipes and novelties in the
utilization of fruits is almost unlimited.

We are the angels of the 3rd degree of Sagittarius because fruit is an organic result of fire and
water. The fire of the
sun, with the water of the earth, combines itself through the mysteries of plant consciousness
into the most delicious of foods, which is yet another form of energy.

Wisdom rests on the blending of male and female, fire and water, will and feeling.

Divine Providence has ordained that mankind understand the powers inherent in will and feeling
and to blend them
consciously to orchestrate their energy to create the fruits of heaven on earth.

Children, from a very young age, should learn from their parents and their society that all
manifestation results from
the blending of will and feeling.

Awareness of every impulse of will and every passing feeling is of the utmost importance. If the
will is for the highest good of all concerned, and the feeling is one of love and divine virtues, you
can rest assured that the outcome will be sweet and nourishing to the spirit and the entire
continuum of creation in mind, feeling, and form.

When this happens, people will bring forth sweet fruits in whatever they create and will join in
with the plant kingdom in bringing forth the sweet fruits from the kingdom of heaven.


4 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Peace on Earth
Also known as The Angels of Erimites

Beloved, we are the Angels of Peace on Earth. To bring peace to earth and amongst the peoples of
the earth is our mission. Ideals which aim at the true peace of mankind are led and strengthened
by us. We are always pleased to entrust you with the ways in which good influences can be
produced by the Akasha-principle, penetrating - all, in order to awaken peaceful ideas.

The Akasha principal is the term for consciousness which experiences itself as omnipresent. In
the deep Delta state of Pure Being, the state of 0 to 4 Oscillations Per Second of brain wave
activity,[ before thought, or Theta, which is 4 to 7 ops] the Akasha can be experienced firsthand.

The key is to still the mind and go into this deep level of pure being. Once reached, you may then
identify with the virtues of peace and mercy, of serenity and security, of forgiveness and
compassion, of empathy and unity, of love and humor, or any of those virtues that bring forth
peace and and feel them everywhere present, willing them to be very strong.

As you are in this state, if you WILL [fire principle Delta state}, and IDENTIFY [air principle
Theta state of brain-
wave activity 4-7 ops] any of these virtues, and FEEL [water principle- Alpha state of brain wave
activity-7-12 ops] these Divine Qualities everywhere penetrating all, then their manifestation
[earth principle Beta state, 12-and up ops] will be assured. The strength and quickness of
manifestation depends entirely on the strength and purity of your will, focus and concentration.

This is the fourfold key, the quadripolar magnet, the magical process by which magicians and
miracle workers of all times bring about changes in the conditions of the earth.

Use this knowledge with the greatest care and discrimination according to the Law of One, which
clearly states that We are All One, and that when one is harmed, all are harmed, and that when
one is helped, all are helped. There is NO exception to this Law, which is the Law of Laws, the
primordial Law which is the Prime origin of all other lessor
laws. This law overrides all lessor laws, on whatever plane or dimension, and can be used with
confidence in it's outcome of the Highest Good of All Concerned. It has been stated many times
in these Angel Messages and will be stated many times hence, as it's importance and power
cannot ever be overstated.



If in the state of Delta, Pure Being, you WILL, IDENTIFY, and FEEL this Law, you may assuredly
use this to bring the Highest Good of All into manifestation.

We are the Angels of Peace on Earth, The Angels of Erimites.

5 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Good Fortune
Also known as The Angels of Asinel

Beloved, to bring about good luck to everybody is our pleasant mission from Divine Providence.
Anyone who
stays in contact with us can be sure to have good luck everywhere there is a need for it.

We bring good fortune in respect to love, to gambling, and to many other affairs. With our help,
you are not only able to bring happiness to yourself alone, but you can also bring it to other
people who do not know of us.

Whenever you are blessed by good fortune, you radiate an aura of happiness which is infectious.
When you attune
to our spirit consistently, you become a beacon of good fortune, a conduit of blessing for others
around you. We
want to emphasize that attunement to our energy precedes manifestation of good fortune.

It would be wise to analyze the letters of our name to realize the dynamics of this attunement in a
literal sense. Refer to 12 and 20 degrees Scorpio messages for the meanings of these letters.

To whatever extent you allow yourself to expand your boundaries - in terms of how much good
fortune you can
encompass within yourself (according to your idea of how much bliss you can accept) - to this
degree you can become an emissary for us. The secret of how to invite more of our energy into
your life is simply to meditate on us and allow the positive feelings to continue to grow while not
allowing the nay sayer in your programming to prevail. At the same time, your capacity to "hold"
happy feelings will be expanded at an emotional level as you experience literal breakthroughs
into higher & higher charges of our energy.

Your test will be learning to surrender to blessings rather than resisting them, and letting the
energy of blessing
re-form your being. We help you realize to what extent you can make use of your own ability to
manifest good fortune and how far Divine Providence will allow us to help you.

At this time, many people have been faithfully working for the sake of others, whether it is
selflessly raising a child,
caring for an aged parent, preventing abuse and suffering for animals, restoring the environment,
performing a
difficult job, or some other type of kindly service designed to make the world a better place.
Divine Providence has
ordained that such work not go unrewarded. So it is not really luck when good fortune happens
to such as these, but rather it is the universe returning thanks in whatever way is most

There are many people who give of themselves by offering forgiveness and tolerance to those who
mistreat them, or who plod on faithfully on a path of incredible hardship.
When good fortune comes to such as these, it is God's way of softening the blow, of easing the
burden, for each
of these is a part of God and their pain belongs to all.

Therefore it is with great joy that we bring good fortune in whatever way we can. Whenever
anyone is helped and
brought happiness, it affects the entire Being of God for the better.
We want you to feel free to call on us for good fortune for yourselves and for others. We want you
to take stock of
what goodness you have really brought to the world and to allow goodness to return freely to
you. The more that you honestly and objectively realize the contribution that you are actually
making to the betterment of life, the more that you will see that you deserve all of the happiness
for which you long.

Just the act of facing each day with resolution to do your best is an act of bravery and courage in
the light of all that
can, and often does, go wrong. Just the act of staying in a relationship that is difficult and
challenging is an act of
mercy and strength. Allow yourself to receive the blessings that are yours by right, that belong to
you as a beloved
expression of the Divine.

In doing so, you allow good luck and good fortune to bless you. When you call for good fortune
for others, you will in turn be blessed as well, for when one is helped all are blessed.

We love you and we seek to bless you.

We are the angels of good fortune, of good luck.
We are the Angels of Asinel.


6 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Morality and Introspection
Also known as The Angels of Geriola

Beloved, we are special experts in all the virtues of morality on earth. We reveal to you the
genuine secrets of mystical equilibrium. We teach you the correct use of introspection and draw
your attention to faculties and powers which are the result of introspection.

When you have carried out introspection according to our instructions and inspiration, and
according to teachings
from sources which we guide you to, you will acquire great power of intuition and the genuine
recognition of the

The Akasha principle is that essence of Divine Life which is omnipresent in all. In the deep Delta
brain wave state of pure being, it is possible to experience yourself as being limitless and
everywhere present and one with all life.

By going deep within through introspection, and peeling away layers of distractions from the will,
the mind, and the
feelings, the place of understanding unity and kinship with all life unfolds naturally and easily. It
is upon this knowing of unity and oneness that true morality rests. Absolute harmlessness and
good will springs from this place of identity with all life.

When the Spiritual Masters of old admonished their followers to harm none, and to help all, it
was from this
profound level of understanding that they themselves had reached through deep and prolonged
introspection. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you is advice based on the
literal truth that what you do unto others is exactly what you are doing to yourself, for others are
Whether you hurt a place, an animal, a person, or a spirit-being, all of these are part of yourself
and as a result,
the entire being of God suffers pain. This is the basis of true morality.

The peace that comes from loving behavior based on the level of identity of Oneness is the true
mystical equilibrium of the Masters of Wisdom and Love and Power. This mystical equilibrium
and morality is your inheritance, as children of the Most High God.

Please call on us for angelic assistance whenever you desire to embark on an inward journey of
introspection for the purpose of morality and equilibrium. We will help you as we have helped all
who have gone before you, and all who will follow. We will inspire and safeguard your success.

We are here to serve you through the Will of Divine Providence.

We are the Angels of Geriola.


7 degrees Sagittarius

The Angels of Picture-Making

Also known as The Angels of Asoreg

Beloved, the art of making pictorial impressions in a manifold manner, whether by engraving,
inscribing, sewing,
drawing, or painting has been given to the people of earth by The Angels of Asoreg.

We are the angels who are in charge of all photography, cinema and film. Television, video, and
all other
technologies involved in picture imagining are under our range of competence, and everyone
involved with these
are protected and guided by us.

Divine Providence has ordained that the Wisdom and Knowledge of Divine Virtues and Divine
Truth be made
available to all, regardless of whether the focus is on the levels of will, mind, emotion, or form.
Another way of
saying this, is that truth manifests on all levels of brain wave activity, including Delta-pure being,
Theta-deep inward
thought, Alpha-feeling and emotion, or Beta-the five senses.

For the many people who operate primarily in the five outward senses, picture imaging is one of
the most important
ways that Divine Providence has to communicate higher wisdom and ideals.

There is an ancient saying of great truth,"As above, so below." The reverse is also true, "As below,
so above."
Therefore, if a person is looking at an inspiring picture:
their feelings, their concepts, and their will are molded and shaped accordingly. Picture imaging
has such great power that those who wield it are responsible for influencing all who gaze upon
their works forever after. The pictures remain and continue to influence people long after the
artist has finished with the making of it. Therefore, it is of the greatest importance that we are
invoked, through your use of free will, to guide and inspire the making of pictures.

We ask all of you who work with picture making in any medium to invoke our aid and train your
mind to be aware
of our presence. Our guidance protects you from all that would compromise your inspiration and
safeguards the
perfection, influence, and purity of your work.

Remember in all that you do, that the idea is to produce that which is the highest good of all
concerned, not a higher good - but the very highest. With our help, this is not only possible, but
easy and exciting. Picture making work is a path of enlightenment for the one who creates and
for all who see the final results.

We guide the creation and the destination. We have ways of making sure that these pictures
reach anyone who is meant to see it at the proper time and the proper place. Analyze the letters
of our name to understand the Divine Qualities with which we work.

Call on us for help, for the call of humanity for healing and enlightenment is greater now than
ever. The inventions for dispersal of pictures to the masses are in place and will be getting more
amazing in the future, and your work is a part of the Divine Plan.


8 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of the Moon
Also known as The Angels of Ramage

Beloved, we control the influences of the 28 days of each moon cycle on the earth. We are the
angels who can give you the best information on rhythm and periodicity. We are prepared to
reveal to you the secrets of the 28 moon stations and their influences on human life in the
physical, emotional and mental aspects and to show you how to make practical use of this

Divine Providence has ordained that the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, come
together at this

In the beginning we inspired through intuition and instinct an attunement and understanding of
the 28 moon stations on the affairs of mankind. The planting of various crops at different times,
the best time to hunt, to gather, to dream, to build, to conceive, to begin and to end, all of the
various activities of life were performed according to the best influences of the moon.

Then came times when mankind forgot the lessons of periodicity and rhythm. Tradition and
circumstance began
to rule and the moon was seen only as a celestial light in the night sky. Some vague awareness
was still retained by some, such as sailors, hunters, and midwives, whose livelihood somewhat
depended on this knowledge, but much of the understanding of 28 moon stations was lost for all
practical purposes.

We are introducing ourselves to you now so that we may inspire you again with this knowledge.
With our protection
and guidance, you will find the books and teachings once again. On an intuitive level, we will
awaken within you the
feeling and sense of the unique blessing and quality of each of the 28 days of the moon cycle, as
well as the unique character and quality of the different moons of the year.

As you allow us to bless you in this way, the wonders and magnificence of THE UNITY of life will
astound you. It
is similar to swimming with the current instead of against it. By attuning to the different stations
of the moon and
performing the activities appropriate to each one, a magical ease and lack of effort will
accommodate everything you do.

Crops will be healthier, life will be simpler, and the power of the moon's energies will carry you
forward like the
wind carries the wings of the eagle. A mystical sense of enchantment, unity, and support from
the universe will be
your daily companion.


9 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Protection for the Insane
Also known as The Angels of Namalon

Beloved, we protect all insane people and all those people who by fate are not to be met with any
evils. Lunatics are under our protection so that during their fits nothing can happen to them.

We protect those who suffer from St. Vitus's Dance and epileptic fits. It is our responsibility from
Divine Providence
to teach you what causes these conditions and the way in which they can be successfully treated.
Many people
experience dramatic restructuring of perceptions of reality.
Sometimes this shift in reality is temporary and sometimes it is a condition that is ongoing.
Whatever the situation, we protect the people who are going through shifting realities, so that
they come to no harm.

Each person is a unique and perfect expression of the macrocosm, much like an atom is a replica
of a solar
system. An imbalance, sudden change, or toxic condition on any level of consciousness infects
the other levels, and often leads to instability and disorientation.

We teach you how to understand the cause and bring about a cure in a way that leads to
harmony and peace within the spirit [will ], mind, soul [feelings], and body of the person
affected. Remember that everything exists on the continuum of energy represented by will, mind,
emotion, and form: or Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta Brain wave states.

Therefore, both the cause and the cure of these conditions are to be found within this energy
continuum. Treating
these conditions with medications or physical therapy alone, or only emotional therapy without
addressing deficient diet or negative beliefs, will not effect a permanent cure. With disorientation
or insanity, the will, or spirit, must be offered healing as well. If all four levels of consciousness
are not equally treated, the imbalances will only be masked, or sublimated, and true happiness
and enlightenment - the real cure, cannot manifest.

By analyzing the letters of our name, Namalon, you can understand the process and powers with
which we work.

A....Wisdom and enlightenment
M...mastery of emotion
A...Wisdom and enlightenment
L...All Divine Virtues
O...Divine Justice

10 Degrees Sagittarius

The Angels of Sea Travelers

Also known as The Angels of Dimurga

Beloved, we are guardians of travelers, especially of those traveling by sea, on any kind of ship.
From the beginning of time we have protected those who call on us for safety and help while
traveling the sea.

We sometimes inspire those who ask for help to create certain talismans to wear, which they can
use to anchor their attention on our presence, our qualities, and be mindful of the help that we
give them for shelter and safety during traveling.

When you are under our protection, even the strongest hurricane can be survived without ever
being in danger of
drowning. The powers of Angels are greater than you imagine. We are capable of shaping reality
to permit any

Walking safely upon the waters, one of the miracles of Christ, is within our competence. By
studying the Divine
Virtues of the letters of our name, Dimurga, and becoming one with them through sincere
concentration and focus, you may fulfill His famous prophecy, "All that I do, ye shall do and
more.." in times of need.

D...Universal Consciousness, meditating on this will unite your normal consciousness with the
universal, or cosmic

I... The understanding of Cause and Effect, gives excellent memory and conscience

M...Life, feeling, and sensation, gives the ability to master emotion

U... The understanding of the creative act and karma, and the evocation of the highest intuition
and inspiration

R...Independence and freedom, freedom of will and freedom of action

G...The understanding of the profundity of Divine Grace and Mercy in all their aspects

A....The enlightened mind, gives the highest wisdom and highest illumination The animals of the
sea will themselves come and rescue you if so commanded, all things are possible.

For any of you who travel the waters, it is important that you know of The Angels of Dimurga,
and study carefully
the lessons that we have to teach you.


11 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Evocation
Also known as The Angels of Golog

Beloved, we are entrusted by Divine Providence with teaching mankind how to connect with
Beings who can help and bless them.

In the kingdoms of God, there are many many beings. Humankind has been given dominion over
these beings by
their divine inheritance as children of God. Just as there are many ways to connect with physical
beings in your world, so are there many ways to connect with the beings of the heavenly worlds.
Whenever it is important to you to learn how to connect with spiritual beings, we are excellent
teachers into the mysteries of this art.

To those of you who are mature, and who have thoroughly learned the lessons of harmlessness
and The Law of One, we will entrust words of power that will give dominion over any being of
any realm.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that all Beings work together consciously for the
Highest Good of All
Concerned. Therefore it is of the greatest importance and benefit that each of you become aware
of vertical networking, just as you have already learned about horizontal networking on the
physical plane, such as you are now using on your internet.

If there is a brown field, or toxic waste dump near your house, and you wish to clean it up, how
much easier it is for you to enlist both the help of physical experts and technicians as well as
nature spirits and angelic beings.

If there is a war within your soul, or a war in your family, or a war in a neighboring country, and
you wish to heal it and bring peace, how much easier it will be for you if you have the help of
both other people and angels and spirit guardians.

This was the reason that the scriptures have said over and over to you,"Ask, and ye shall receive.
Knock, and it shall be opened to you. Seek and ye shall find." We are very important angels to
you. You need our help in learning how to access the unlimited legions of Beings who also serve
the Most High. The times are demanding great change and great healing, and with proper help, it
is not only easy, but ecstatic and blissful to accomplish. The letters of our name, Golog, mean

G.....Everything having to do with the mysteries of Divine Grace and Mercy on all planes of

O....Divine Justice , the appreciation and recognition of Divine Laws. The absolute legality of
harmony, in all four
levels of the energy continuum -will, mind, emotion, and form. The attainment of a high power
of judgment and
the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for the
sake of justice.

L.....All of the Divine Virtues and Qualities

O....Divine Justice

G....Divine Grace and Mercy


12 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of High Magic
Also known as The Angels of Ugali

Beloved, we are the angels who initiate only those who are very advanced on the spiritual path to
perfection. We initiate people into high magic, the ability to perform the greatest miracles, and
this in turn leads to the highest wisdom.

Only a virtually enlightened person will succeed in getting into direct contact with us. If,
however, you have even once succeeded in this , we are the best initiators into the highest magic,
especially spheric magic. It is we who can initiate you into the most secret sciences that reveal to
you the highest wisdom.

At this time Divine Providence has provided for an increasing number of people to dwell within
this high degree of
consciousness. This is the part of the Divine Plan that Christ referred to this when he said,"All
that I do ye shall do and more."

It is actually possible, and preferable, for everyone to mature to this level of consciousness if they
so desire and if they dedicate themselves to the task. This journey to enlightenment is the Hero's
journey of myths and legends, and it is the truth of every soul to fulfill, it is in the blueprint of
every soul that is born.

Therefore, if you so desire our help, be assured that we will send our helpers to you in this
regard. If you follow the
inspiration of these that we send, eventually you will reach that point of perfection that will allow
you to access the
Highest Mysteries and we will help you directly. The letters of our name, Ugali, point you in the
direction of the light that we represent.

U.......The Akasha-principle [ the essence of God that penetrates all ] becomes understandable
from the point
of view of the creative act. It is at this point that karma is understood. The original source of
everything that exists,
in all its forms, is revealed so that you fully comprehend it and have it close at hand in
consciousness. This evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration in the mental body. The
ability to transfer your consciousness wherever you want or evoke states of trance is available to

G....The profundity of Divine Grace and Mercy in all aspects in the akasha principle [the essence
of God that penetrates all ] is experienced. Divine peace of the spirit and the ability to give true
divine blessing is attained. Happiness in feelings, satisfaction, and the ability to have success and
wealth in the material world manifests.

A.....This is the attainment in the akasha principle of the highest wisdom and the highest
illumination that may ever be lavished on a human being. This brings about an enlightened mind
with all it's fundamental features of reasoning, the cognition of the most profound truths,
highest knowledge, and high intelligence. On the feeling level, all talents such as musical ability,
eloquence, and poetic talent are made available. Also clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of
levitation and the control of the air element and it's beings are attained.

The mastery of languages is also given. On the material level the control of air spirits, storms, and
the ability to heal any diseases of the lungs is mastered.

L.....In the akasha principle this letter represents the highest divine virtues that may be described
by words. The Divine Majesty and Greatness of God in the form of the purest virtues can be
understood when contemplating the meaning of this letter. On a mental level, the faculty of
comprehending true morality from a mystical point of view is attained. On a feeling level, you can
become one with Divine Virtues. On a material level you gain perfect health, beauty, harmony,
and become the master of vitality.

I.....In the akasha principle this letter refers to fate, that is to the karma law, which is the law of
cause and effect. All
doings and all actions, all life, come under this law. The law of evolution is expressed by it. On the
mental level this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience. On the feeling level , the
astral matrix, the connecting link between the material body and the soul, or feelings,
corresponds to the principle and laws of cause and effect. On the material level the laws of
analogy between the microcosm and the macrocosm is understood.

The key is to follow the meditations given in previous messages on each of these letters. Expect to
spend enough
time, with enough repetitions, with each part of the meditation of the divine qualities of each
letter. This will allow the Virtues to penetrate your consciousness to the level of pure being, so
that your identity can merge with these same virtues that were always a part of your spirit. Thus
will you begin to outpicture the truth in your own being of the ancient saying that man is created
in the image and likeness of God. [refer to previous message Scorpio 12]

By allowing the light of the sun's rays to directly enter your optic nerve, your eyes, the light
encoded 'software' from
the Angels, corresponding to the degree of the zodiac that the sun is in, can download into your
pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus.

At present the Sun is emitting mass coronal ejections which are the physical manifestation of the
rapture and bliss that the sun is feeling, thinking, and willing on higher levels.

At the time of this writing, we are the angels who are the messengers, or the codes, on the rays of
the sun. Anyone
who allows direct Sun's rays into their eyes during the next 24-48 hours will get direct access to
us. We say 48 hours because tomorrow's sun is emitting similar coded messages from the Angels
of Elason, who also work with High Magic.

As we have said, we are the Angels who work only with those who have reached a high degree of

When is the last time that you gazed into the eyes of an infant? Do you remember the feeling? Do
so now. Close
your eyes and remember. We ask you, "When was the last time that you gazed into the eyes of
such perfection?" Now we ask you, "Was it not your Master's wisdom that told you that except
you become as little children, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven?" Know that it is
not only those who are small in body who are infants. The Divine Infant, ever young, ever
beautiful, ever perfect, dwells within each one of you.

The brain wave state of Delta, 0 to 4 oscillations per second, was dominant during the first four
years of your life. This brain wave state corresponds to Pure Being, the level that precedes deep
inward thought. It is the brain wave state that corresponds to spirit, to will, to intention, and is
the beginning of the continuum of energy that manifests next through your mind, then your
emotions, and finally your body. You can DWELL continuously and consciously within this Delta
state, this state of pure being. You are meant to stay within the consciousness of your spirit, to be
the Divine Infant that you always are, in this state of Pure Being.

It is only when you already are identifying yourself with Pure Being, at the same time you are
aware in thought, feeling, and form, that you can experience the kingdom of heaven within you.
This Infant Self within you is the perfection that is necessary for you to solve the mysteries of life,
for it is the part of you that is one with God-penetratingÐall. It would never harm anything, for it
is in love with all.

This gift of High Magic is your inheritance as children of the Most High God, nothing is
impossible for you.


13 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Miracles
Also known as The Angels of Elason

Beloved, when you are ready to work miracles, we reveal to you the methods by which you are
able to realize all of your high ideals. Like the Angels of Ugali, we help those who have carefully
prepared themselves for high work in the service of Divine Providence.

First you must experience your identity simultaneously as a unique individual child of God at the
same time that you experience yourself as ONE with God. This experience comes naturally
through meditation on The Divine Presence in the Delta brain wave state. This is when we can
help you comprehend the Divine Virtues and bring them through with clarity both on a mental
and emotional level, and apply them on the material level if you so chose.

At this point you are ready to receive words of power, words that are formed of the letters that
represent the qualities that you wish to manifest. The letters in our name, Elason, explains our
particular service:

E......In the Akasha principle, which is the principle of God-penetrating-all, this letter oscillation
represents the
universal consciousness which is omnipresent. Meditation on this letter oscillation will unite
your normal consciousness with the universal consciousness, ie.,with cosmic consciousness. In a
deep Delta brain wave state, a state of pure being such as the consciousness of an infant, if you
evoke this concentration, you will experience yourself as being omnipresent. In oriental wisdom
this is called the Nirvi-Kalpa-Samadhi.

As you retain this focus, it gives you the mental quality of the highest form of intuition. On a
feeling level you experience 'special clairaudience', not only the hearing of beings, etc., is meant,
but also the understanding of the language of all animals and the perception of the remotest
past, the present, and even the future, indiscriminately of distance.

On a material level you are able to reveal the profoundest mysteries of

dematerialization-refinement. You will learn to intensify any idea, concept, mental or emotional
form in such a way as they become physically visible. Visualize E as a dark violet with a feeling of
penetrating all, visualize this color with the divine virtue of enlightenment filling all space,
inwardly and outwardly. This letter sounds like the musical note D, and can be used to heal the

L....In the akasha principle this letter represents the highest divine virtues. You perceive how
divine virtues work in the various spheres and levels. On a mental level you understand and
identify with divine morality. On the feeling level you have equilibrium, and have the ability to
spiritualize your feelings so that you become one with the divine virtues.
On the material level you have perfect health, beauty, and harmony.

You are master of your own vitality. If you so chose, your body can retain the appearance of
youth. With permission
from Divine Providence, you can also confer these qualities to another person. Visualize the
divine virtues as dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease filling all of space, inwardly
and outwardly. The Divine Virtues sound like the musical note F, and can be used to heal the

A.....This is the attainment in the akasha principle of the highest wisdom and the highest
illumination that may ever be lavished on a human being. This brings about an enlightened mind
with all it's fundamental features of reasoning, the cognition of the most profound truths,
highest knowledge, and high intelligence. On the feeling level, all talents such as musical ability,
eloquence, and poetic talent are accessible.
You also experience clairvoyance, clairaudience, the mastery of languages, the art of levitation
and the control of the air element.

On the material level the control of air spirits, storms, and the ability to heal any diseases of the
lungs are available through merging in consciousness with the virtue of enlightenment that is
represented by this letter oscillation of A. This is a soft A, such as in ah or amen. Visualize it as
light blue with a sense of ease, filling all space, inwardly and outwardly. The sound of A is the
musical note G.

S.....In the akasha principle, this letter oscillation represents the all-penetrating power -
all-power. By meditating on this quality you get into contact with the most subtle substance of
the divine spirit, with the original divine fire and will in everything that has been created. On the
mental level you have perfect mastery over will and intent. On the feeling level you have absolute
clairvoyance in its purest form. You see over time and space and have control over other beings.

S.......All penetrating power which is the original fire, visualize it as purple with a reddish tint
with a feeling of warmth, filling all of space. It vibrates to the musical note G sharp, and can be
used to heal the gall bladder.

O.... In the akasha principle you will experience Divine Justice , and gain the appreciation and
recognition of Divine
Laws. The absolute legality of harmony, in all four levels of the energy continuum -will, mind,
emotion, and form
becomes clear to you. The attainment of a high power of judgment will be yours. You have the
ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for the sake
of justice......The Virtue of Justice is an original principal. Visualize it as ultramarine blue with a
feeling of weight, filling all of space. It sounds like the musical note C, and can be used to heal the
throat and windpipe area.

N....In the akasha principle the highest state of happiness may be evoked by the mastery of this
letter. This quality, when meditated on and mastered, gives you the ability of knowing the state
of mental maturity of other people. You have the faculty of enlightening anyone who you deem
worthy, on account of his state of maturity, by transferring the letter oscillation on him so that
the person concerned is able to solve any problem corresponding to his grade of
development without difficulty.

In the feelings, this letter evokes the drive for self-preservation. A person who masters this letter
in the feeling world has complete control over any influence or being , and cannot be harmed. In
the material world, everything that is related to the gait and movement of human beings and
animals is influenced by the qualities represented by this letter. Lameness can be cured.

In the material world, in all planes and worlds of the created cosmos, this letter oscillation is
identical to cohesion, or power of coherence and therefore has a certain connection to specific
gravity and attractive power of everything material. It is similar to the letter M regarding
gravitation and attractive power of matter. Visualize N as dark red with a sense of coolness filling
all of space. Divine Happiness vibrates to the musical note A and can be used to heal the liver.

As you can see, the name of each angel group contains the meditation keys for instruction and

There is no quick easy way, the path to Enlightenment and Mastery is the Hero's journey, the
great journey of the soul.
Every possible distraction offers itself to you, every possible detour is presented. If you persist,
however, and press on with determination to break through the veils of illusion and delusion, of
apathy and entropy, the angels themselves guard your every footstep so that you do not stumble.
Even more than that, they actually guide you as a little child, which indeed you truly are, and
offer you every needful assistance and more when you ask. They offer you the company of
heaven itself, and surround you with treasures and blessings that words cannot describe.

We paint for you a picture of two people side by side on a hilltop. One of them strives moment by
moment to reach
oneness with the divine, asking for help and listening intently to guidance while the other one
merely stumbles through life, seeking the path of least resistance, and hoping to fit in with

Side by side stand they on the hilltop. The first person feels a fresh breeze against her cheek, and
notices how refreshing it is, how deeply she can fill her lungs and how invigorating it feels. The
other person is slouched over slightly, and his eyes stare dully, slightly cast downward, and he is
numbed by a vague sense of discontent.

The first person lifts her eyes upward to look at the clouds scurrying in the blue sky, and she is
shocked by the beauty of the sun and the light dancing across the huge vista before her. The
other person remembers his anxious wife at home, and feels a sense of guilt and failure at the
thought of how he left the house earlier without giving her a word of hope or affection.

The woman feels a jolt of energy in the top of her head, and her eyes suddenly close as she is
plunged into an inner rapture of praise and thanksgiving to an un-namable God.... then suddenly
the sensation of love builds in her chest and for a brief moment she can hardly breathe....
Inwardly she sees the descent of the dove....the light.... she feels herself and the light merging.....

Lost in thought, the man turns around sadly and starts a slow descent of the hill to his car and
the long drive home.....


14 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Trade and Money
Also known as The Angels of Giria

Beloved, we are the angels who are assigned by Divine Providence to control trade and monetary
matters of earth.
>From the earliest beginnings, all trade and the making of coins from all types of metals, fell
under the range of our
competence. We have helped man develop in this respect in accordance with his grade of
maturity and the scheduled time.

At this time, trade and monetary activity on the earth is evenly divided between the old and the
new. The old is simple: an item or service for another item or service, or an item or service for a
physical exchange of money - person to person.
The new is an indirect exchange of services or goods for electronic money. This is not done
person to person but
through the use of technology.

The common ingredient that must be present in either system is ethics and morality.

To the extent that the Highest Ethics and Morality is present in each transaction, to that extent
the Kingdom of Heaven manifests in the affairs of mankind, and prosperity and security are
assured for everyone. This works as a kind of magic formula. When can 1 plus 1 equal 3 or 4 or 5
or more? Impossible you say? Not so! When goods or services are exchanged with love, integrity,
generosity, value, and compassion, the result is goodwill, security, understanding, satisfaction,
affection, loyalty, trust, gratitude, optimism, and inspiration.

What monetary value can you place on these? As any business person knows, these are the
qualities that make for a successful reputation, loyal customer base, the best public relations and
advertising, good credit, mutual co-operation and assistance and productive employees. Know
that Divine Providence has ordained the glorious path of the spirit and soul to be joined with the
path of business and trade. Ethics and morality function as the common life-blood of energy
joining the two paths. Spiritual use of money, services, and trade is the way that God has
provided for plenty and abundance to be rightfully inherited by all.

All sentient life is created to sing the praises of the most high God. When the connection between
eggs and bacon on the breakfast table and the presence of darkness and confusion in the public
awareness is finally understood, no longer will "pork bellies" or "factory farming" or "wood chip"
facilities chewing up sacred forests be a part of business-as-usual.

When any one person makes that leap of courage and faith and dedication to Higher Truth and
bliss and begins to
conduct business, any business, large or small, with the highest in ethics and morality, a shock
wave goes out in the surrounding mass conscious mind that is similar to a match being lit in a
dark room.

When you are that person, we, the Angels of Giria, inspire and protect you, and along with other
groups of angels, heap blessing upon blessing upon blessing upon you, for you have become the
steward of the Most High. Look at the letters in our name:

G....In the principle of God-penetrating Ðall, in all spheres and planes, this is the profundity of
Divine Grace and Mercy in all its infinite expressions. The virtue of divine peace of the mind and
the ability to give true divine blessing is attained. In the emotions there is the feeling of complete
happiness and satisfaction. In the material world, this virtue represents all phases of riches and
wealth, of happiness and satisfaction. Musical tone F. Deep grass green color. A feeling of chill.
Can heal the left eye.

I.....This is the law of cause and effect in the principle of God-penetrating-all. All doings, all life
come under this law.
This is the tenth letter and represents the one in it's highest form. This brings about perfect
memory, remembrance, and conscience in the mind. You master the understanding of feelings,
and learn how to heal your own or another's
emotions by the use of cause and effect. In the physical you can understand the laws of analogy
between the micro and the macrocosm. Musical note G. Light opal color. Earth element - sense
with a feeling of weight. Can heal the left kidney.

R......In the principle of God-penetrating-all, this is the virtue of freedom and independence. This
gives you an eminent mind and perfect attunement to Divine Providence and at-one-ment with
all Divine Laws so that you will never misuse free will in any way. In the feelings this awakens
ingenuity. In the physical this virtue causes a rational widening of your intellect. Musical note C.
Golden light. Can heal the left side of the nose.

I...Cause and Effect

A.....This is the attainment in the akasha principle of the highest wisdom and the highest
illumination that may ever be lavished on a human being. This brings about an enlightened mind
with all it's fundamental features of reasoning, the cognition of the most profound truths,
highest knowledge, and high intelligence. On the feeling level, all talents such as musical ability,
eloquence, and poetic talent are accessible. You also experience clairvoyance, clairaudience, the
mastery of languages, the art of levitation and the control of the air element.

On the material level the control of air spirits, storms, and the ability to heal any diseases of the
lungs are available through merging in consciousness with the virtue of enlightenment that is
represented by this letter oscillation of A. This is a soft A, such as in ah or amen. Visualize it as
light blue with a sense of ease, filling all space, inwardly and outwardly. The sound of A is the
musical note G. "By their fruits ye shall know them."


15 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Education
Also known as The Angels of Hosun

Beloved, we are the originators of all kinds of educational methods applied to young and old. We
are the originators of all schools, starting from the oldest schools of the prophets, and continuing
up to the many different schools of the present time.

We inspire you with everything concerning the upbringing of children. At this time of The Great
Change, paradigms of education that have been in place for a long time are giving way to new
paradigms that more closely resemble nature.

The old paradigms emphasized the development of the left hemisphere of the brain, the rational
and cognitive linear function of memory and language. This has led to an adult population that
has emphasized work over play, logic over intuition, masculine over feminine, SEPARATION
OVER UNITY, the outer world over the inner, the artificial over the natural.

The new paradigm emphasizes whole brain development.

This will balance masculine and feminine, work and play, logic and intuition, separation and
unity, the inner worlds
and the outer, the artificial and the natural. It is ONLY at this point that heaven can manifest
fully on earth. The brain works in four brain wave states, two on the right hemisphere and two
on the left. It is only when all four states are developed equally that man takes on his rightful
dominion of the Great Creation of God.

Little children experience the four brain wave states in their natural order of development within
the brain and the new education paradigm understands and enhances this.

>From 0 to 4 years of age, the deep state of pure being associated with Delta brain wave
development is enhanced
with peaceful and beautiful surroundings, mandalas, music, touch and deep spiritual

>From 4 to 7 years, the Theta state, deep inward thought, is enhanced by adding to the peaceful
conditions above, verbal interactions and other experiences designed to stimulate archetypal
identification. This function has been performed by fairy tales for thousands of years.

>From 7 to 11 years of age, the Alpha state- sensitivity to the subtle energies emitted from people,
beings, and objects in the outer world, is enhanced by adding to the peacefulness of Delta and the
archetypes of Theta, training in the skills of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and so
forth. Emotional and relationship skills are emphasized at this stage.

>From 11 and up, the Beta state- the five senses, mechanical skills and everything having to do
with interaction in a physical way with the world is taught.

Keep in mind that the brain wave states gradually emerge from the previous age and state. An
infant will begin producing Theta before 4 years old, but by 4 Theta is predominant.

Some alpha and beta is there in these earlier ages as well, but is mostly recessive at the early
stages and it is best to mostly keep it that way.

Adulthood comes soon enough and the proper time to educate the different brain wave states is
at the time that they are naturally developing. A small child will produce Alpha before 7, but by 7
Alpha is predominant. Likewise, Beta is produced long before 11 years, but by 11 Beta is

These ages vary with individual children, but the general rule applies. In the coming times,
educators will be sensitive to watch and see which brain wave states are predominant in each
child, and therefore which educational styles are appropriate from day to day.

A perfectly educated adult is able to produce all four brain wave states with equal ease, usually
Attunement to pure inner being and oneness with God- Delta, Divine Wisdom-Theta, emotional
attunement to life- Alpha, and complete awareness of the physical world- Beta, are the four arms
of the mandala of perfect wholeness and balance. This has been well documented by those such
as Carl Jung, but it has also been known by aboriginal wise-people for centuries.

As the old traditions of educational theory crumble, the new is being nurtured and prepared by
those who have sought our inspiration. The children of every age, young and old, have been
waiting for their WHOLE person to be awakened and empowered, for their WHOLE mind to be

We inspire and protect those of you who call forth to Divine Providence for the way to teach the
beloved children of The Almighty Creator and bring forth the promised kingdom.


16 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Divine Courtship
Also known as The Angels of Mesah

Beloved, we are the originators of all customs and rites of all the peoples all over the world,
especially those concerning wooing, love-making, and marriage. We allow you to behold all
customs and rites that have been in use from the prime origin to the present day as well as those
customs and rites which we are bringing for use in the future.

As you know, The Divine is The One and the many.

Whenever a person meets another, it is God meeting God, The Great Self meeting Itself in
another Itself. As the Sufis so aptly put it when they greet each other, "Thou art another Myself."
This is the basis of Christ's admonition that,"As ye do to the least of these, ye do unto me." We
are all one, even while we are the many. Scientists refer to this sometimes as the unified fled
uniting all singularities.

So from the beginning of time, we have inspired people, according to their degree of evolution,
with rites and
customs that connect and ground the plural into the one.
"How are you?" Shows that you care. Meeting in church or temple on the Sabbath with others
says,"Look, we the many are united in worship of The Divine." We are Polarity uniting.

The male and female polarities exist within each person, for each person is a microcosm of the
macrocosm, made in the image of God.

The healing and redemption of the feminine, which is the soul, the feelings, and the body, goes
hand in hand with the healing and redemption of the masculine which is the spirit, the will and
the mind.

The practice of Tantra, the most magical, mystical, sacred dance of male and female, creative and
receptive, combines all rites into an infinite cosmic reenactment of the relationship between
Spirit and Soul.

The beauty of Creation is that it reflects, as above so below, the magnificence and majesty of The
Divine Being. When the waters of life are peaceful and unruffled, the reflection is clear and

A man and a woman in this clear state of mind and feeling, through the customs and rites of
wooing and courtship that we inspire, build their combined energy of spirit, mind, emotion, and
form into the ultimate orgasm of Divine
Ecstasy and Union.

The fruits of Ecstasy are enlightenment and harmony in their relationship to each other and to
God. Any child born
of such a union is the embodiment of Bliss.

Divine Providence has ordained that this celebration of Divine Ecstasy be made available to all of
the beloved
children of Earth. To this end many teachings, old and new, are flooding into your mainstream
channels of information.

Among these are teachings on all sorts of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical healing
techniques, ancient tantra practices, shamanic sexual philosophies, new psychological
breakthroughs in intimacy and safety and emotional healing.

Ecstasy is the Bliss of Reunion, since on an instinctive-intuitive level, each of the Many
remember being
the One. Without this memory, life could not survive the experience of separation. This memory
is the strength of the body's immune system, and the software behind the ability of the broken
heart and spirit to heal. All created life is in love with Source.

Divine Providence has ordained that now, with whole brain awareness, the feeling and knowing
of Oneness with the Divine can be lived simultaneously with individual sovereignty. Christ said,"I
and the Father are One", and
"All that I do, ye shall do and more." All means all. In the beginning is now and ever shall be,
world without end, Amen.
Remember that Angels are self-aware information codes that exist beyond and in space-time.

All you have to do is ask with your left brain, learn how to listen with your right and trust the
map as it unfolds in the


17 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Orphans and Exiles
Also known as The Angels of Harkinon

Beloved, we are the angels of all orphans, of all the abandoned, of all the exiled, of the hated, and
of the out-
casts. These beloved children of God are under our special protection. According to their Karma,
we help them bear their lot more easily. In cases where Divine Providence allows it, we offer
them special help. Their heart is the embodiment of the heart of God, which calls for the Beloved.
The heart of God calls for the enthronement of Love over all else.

Divine Providence has ordained that we inspire mankind to travel the middle path of the heart
that provides exactly
enough for each person to live in complete comfort and joy. This path is earth-sustainable.

On the middle path there is neither over consumption or under consumption of the necessities of
life. On this path,
the goal that is chosen is that of love and feeling, of beauty and balance, in all aspects of life. Love
is the bridge between the seen and the unseen.

Love, the remedy, goes into the dark alleyways, into the hopeless orphan houses of desperation,
into the warehouses of prostitution and slavery. The light of Love penetrates the darkness. Love
overcomes corruption and cruelty.

Love gives.
Love gives of itself.
Whatever love has it gives.
When you are love, and you have time, you give time.
When you are love, and you have power, you give influence.
When you are love, and you have goods and money, you give goods and money.
When you are love, and you have knowledge, you give instruction.
When you are love, and you have skills, you give service.
When you are love, and you have faith, you pray unceasingly.
In severe destitution, all has been stripped away.

There is only the presence of the Divine to sustain life.Who-ever serves the destitute serves the
Divine and receives a radiance that is overpowering and brilliant. You are offered the chance to
be the Embodiment of Compassion. Remember it was spoken, "Whatsoever you do unto the least
of these, you do unto Me",

[There are multitudes of orphans and exiles everywhere.. At

the time of this writing, there are over 650,000 abandoned
children in Russia.]


18 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Hunting
Also known as The Angels of Petuno

God has always ordained that animals have a healthy birth, a happy and loving life, and, when
the time is best, a painless and blessed death. >From the beginning of time we have inspired
hunters to pray for guidance and to humbly ask permission from God and from the spirit of the
animal before they act.

In the compassionate guidance of Divine Providence, either

another animal or a person is often led by us to quickly kill an animal who would face an
intolerable and cruel death if it were left to die of old age or as a result of starvation.

It is we who overshadow the hunted animal's consciousness so that it is in a state of trance that
protects it from suffering.
It is we, along with other angels, who guide the arrow safely to it's mark. In trance, the animal's
brain produces endorphins and other chemicals that make it oblivious to pain and puts it into an
elevated state.

It is we who guide the animal's spirit into the light and the love of special angels and beings who
care for them.

Divine Providence has ordained that we, along with other angels, inspire people with the
knowledge and technology to guarantee a compassionate and loving death, free of suffering, to
any creature who depends on them for this.
We are here to teach people to recognize animals as younger brothers and sisters. The
responsibility to protect and love them was one of the most beautiful assignments given by the
Creator, when dominion was given mankind over all that was created.

As human consciousness awakens to the ancient future, the Alpha and the Omega, the desire to
live on fruits and
vegetables and other plants comes naturally. Soon, the ability to live on light and obtain
nutrients from pranic forces is discovered. Mankind will no longer see animals as food, but as the
beloved little brothers and sisters who are here to help fulfill the original intent of God to
establish a kingdom of heavenly love upon the earth.

Remember that in the Upanishads, it is said that a person's relationship to an animal is that of
master and disciple. The love between a master and a disciple is sacred and holy, and it is the love
of the Awakened for the Divine Becoming Awake. As the love grows between master and disciple,
the animal's love for the master overcomes even their instinct for survival. Tales of animals
giving their lives out of love for their masters are in stories and myths from all times and

When love for their master is the ruling force in their consciousness, they rise above simple
animal instincts
of survival and they begin the forming of a causal mental body. According to the Upanishads and
many other ancient aboriginal wisdom teachings, it is at this stage of evolution that animals are
ready to reincarnate in their next expression in form as simple human beings.

All life progresses upward through love on the path to union with Source. When love of God is
the ruling force in your life, likewise do you give all for the love of God. Likewise, it is at this point
that you begin the transfiguration into Love Itself and Divine Union with the Beloved. "All that I
do ye shall do and more."


19 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Astronomy
Also known as The Angels of Caboneton

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire mankind to learn astronomy, astrology and all affiliated
sciences. We explain to mankind in detail the synthesis of astronomy and astrology. With our
help, you learn to know the visible part of the universe and are instructed in the influences and
effects of the constellations on the earth, on the fate of individuals, and on the fate of whole

As above, so below.
As within, so without.

In the womb, the cranium is surrounded by a protective envelope of water that protects it from
outside influences.. At the moment of birth when the cranium crowns, the soft tissue in the brain
is bombarded by magnetic waves of energy from the universe. This imprints an image on the
neuro-circuits of the brain much like a film imprints an image when it is first exposed to the

This image can be interpreted through the natal astrological chart. The solar system orbits
around the Star Alcyone in the Constellation Sagittarius. One orbit takes about 250 million
years. An Age on the earth changes approximately very 2160 years. This phenomenon is known
as precession.

Precession is based on the pointing of the earth's North Pole relative to the zodiacal belt. The
zodiacal belt is related to the earth's astral vehicle and its positions are fixed. It takes 25,868
years for the equinoxes to precess through one complete zodiacal revolution. This precession is
due the galactic rotation of the sun which causes the positions of the stars to appear to move
back one degree of longitude approximately every 72 years. The exact time is 71.8556 years.
71.8556 years per degree times 360 degrees equals 25,868 years. This is known as the Great Year.
Each Age is known as the Great Month (71.8556 times 30 degrees per year) or 2155.668 years
which 1/12 of the Great Year.

The direction of Earth's North Pole has now ended its era in Pisces and is moving into its
placement in the direction of the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

The four living creatures before the throne of God in scripture are: Taurus the Bull, Divine Love
in Form, Values
and possessions Scorpio the Eagle, Divine Love in Emotion, The 10 magical powers and
transformation. Aquarius the Water Bearer, Divine Will expressing through Mind, Genius and
shared vision and goals by sovereign individuals. Leo the Lion, Divine Will in Spirit, The Divine
Infant, ever young, ever beautiful, ever perfect in the heart. The Solar System is now entering the
Time of Aquarius.

At sunset on December 21, 2012 the setting sun will be exactly conjunct Galactic Center, which is
known as the Eye of Buddha, at 26 degrees Sagittarius. The winter solstice is the beginning of the
new solar year, and this perfect conjunction of winter solstice and galactic center happens only
once every 24 thousand years.
The combined power of the Solar Sun, which is a step-down transformer, and the Central Sun at
the exact point of 26 degrees Sagittarius ushers in a new 2000 year cycle that is in exact
resonance with Galactic Center. The Galaxy orbits around The Super Galactic Center at 1 degree
and 47 minutes Libra, this is known as The Eye of God.

Any points on your astrology chart which aspect either The Central Sun or the Super Galactic
Center will explain how your Personal Purpose interacts with Galactic and Universal Purpose.
Keep in mind that the major asteroids, transpluto planets and other significant points that are
not commonly found in astrological charts are very important in this respect.

In seven days the sun will be in 26 degrees Sagittarius and the message for 26 degrees Sagittarius
will be given.


20 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Healing Incurable Diseases
Also known as The Angels of Echagi

Beloved, we are the angels who give help and advice in the case of malicious diseases like
epilepsy, cancer, diseases of the spinal cord, aids, and diseases the causes of which have not been

When you get in contact with us, we can help you recognize the causes of any disease whatsoever
and furthermore, we help you to produce a cure. The human body is like a holographic
projection from the energy of the emotional realm, which is in turn a holographic projection
from the mental realm, which is in turn a holographic projection from the spiritual realm of

This process begins at conception and continues throughout life. Wherever there is a
discontinuation of positive energy from the spiritual-will and the mental-intellect, or a
disturbance in the magnetic flow of the feelings, there is a resulting effect on the physical body.
Depending on the type and nature of the disruption of energy, the physical body is compromised.

In cases like epilepsy the energy damage is early, often prenatal. In cases such as cancer, the
disease usually
manifests in about six months after a major emotional trauma, such as the death of a loved one,
or the loss of
a way of life. In case of inherited diseases the block is passed on from parent to child and causes
in the fetal growth due to resulting imperfections in the DNA.

Even in cases where the cause of the disease is some unknown agent such as a virus, or physical
deformity, we
can show you the remedy. By looking at where a disease manifests it is possible to diagnose the
spiritual, mental,
emotional, and physical issues that must be addressed before the body can be returned to a
normal state. For
example, in the case of a disease of the spinal chord the issue to be addressed is one concerning

The spinal chord has to do with space and vibrates to the letter E in the cosmic language.

E......In the Akasha principle, which is the principle of God-penetrating-all, this letter oscillation
the universal consciousness which is omnipresent.
Meditation on this letter oscillation will unite your normal consciousness with the universal
consciousness, ie.,with
cosmic consciousness. In a deep Delta brain wave state, a state of pure being such as the
consciousness of a tiny
infant, when you evoke this concentration you will experience yourself as being omnipresent.

In oriental wisdom this is called the Nirvi-Kalpa-Samadhi.

As you retain the Delta brain wave state of omnipresence at the same time that you are also
producing Theta-deep inward thought, it gives you the mental quality of the highest form of
intuition. The human brain is designed to produce all four brain wave states at once, and there
are ancient aboriginal practices designed to facilitate this.

One of them is known as The Tibetan Exercise of Paradox.

This exercise was a state secret of the Tibetan rulers for centuries and was required to be used by
the ruling parties for 10 minutes every morning. It was in this way that whole brain thinking was
stimulated so that if a war or other disaster were to break out on several fronts, the ruler could
manage all of them at once.

While producing the Deltal brain wave state at the same time that you are producing Alpha, on a
feeling level you
experience 'special clairaudience', not only the hearing of beings, etc., is meant, but also the
understanding of the
language of all animals and the perception of the remotest past, the present, and even the future,
indiscriminately of distance.

On a physical level you are able to reveal the profoundest mysteries of

dematerialization-refinement. You will learn to intensify any idea, concept, mental or emotional
form in such a way as they become physically visible.

Visualize E as a dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all, visualize this color with the divine
virtue of enlightened
consciousness filling all of space, inward space-microcosm and outward space-macrocosm. This
letter sounds like the musical note D, and can be used to heal the spine.

In the Delta brain wave state, where the space of self is experienced as infinite, the spine is
nourished. In the first
four years of life, and also in deep dreamless sleep, the Delta brain wave is automatically
produced in everyone. Whenever there is a something blocking this experience, and the
consciousness cannot spend time in the Delta brain wave state of infinite space, the spine is
adversely affected. Therefore, this is where you look for remedy.

To stimulate the Delta brain wave state and the corrective growth of the spinal chord, create an
environment of plenty of deep sleep, peaceful and beautiful surroundings, mandalas and soft
light, silence or beautiful slow soft music done in the pentatonic key scale, gentle touch and deep
spiritual communion while meditating on the exercises for letter E.

Depending on the particular spinal condition, we would then inspire you intuitively to use
whatever other attunements, visualization and spiritual,mental, emotional, and physical
therapies that are helpful. Divine Providence has ordained the end of disease and death.

At this time, the four codons on the DNA strand which make the human body immune to any
disease are being
permanently activated in many thousands of people, mostly children. In these cases there is an
attitude of unconditional love, non-judgement, and a belief in the underlying outworking of
perfection. As you study and integrate the cosmic language, it is easy to see how to access the
understanding for miraculous cures in yourself and in others.


21 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Bliss
Also known as The Angels of Batirunos

Beloved, to give bliss, peace, pleasure, and delight to mankind is our special commission from
Divine Providence. Everything that makes man happy, each happy moment, is inspired by us and
given our protection.

Like the perfume of a fine and gigantic flower, a moment of happiness spills out an aura that
gently blesses all life for miles around. One moment of happiness is more powerful than days of
pessimism, for just like a small flame illumines the darkness of a large cavern, happiness is like
the weak force overcoming the strong in quantum mechanics.And if the small flame goes out, the
vision stays in your memory to guide you, and you never forget the power of the light.

Happiness is the Divine Presence, it is Eternal, and it is real like the Sun, while depression is but
a fleeting nightmare—a passing illusion, a dark cloud passing by in the sky.

Listen as we tell you. There is no more important manifestation than this: To be happy, to be
glad, to
be the embodiment of Bliss.

Delight is the nature of the fine royal ethereal Garment of Light. that is your Divine Birthright. In
Bliss the body
produces neuropeptides and hormones that bring about euphoric immortality, and communion
with God.

We are Angels of Immortality, for we bring you tidings of great joy.

God is born within your hearts.

The universe is filled with your light.


22 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Justice
Also known as The Angels of Hillaro

Beloved, we are the angels who carry out justice. Whether the matter is a legal one, or another,
any situation requiring a just outcome falls under our competence. Anything having to do with
judicial matters is under our protection. Call on us if your heart seeks justice.

Whether the situation is in the past or the future, the present or in some far off place, we are the
messengers from Divine Providence who inspire and protect the children of the Most High God
so that justice prevails. Divine Justice rests on the LAW OF ONE This Law reads as follows:

We are All One.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
Therefore, in the name of Who I AM,
One with all beings, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent:
I ask that Only That Which Is The Highest Good Of ALL concerned, Happen here.
I give thanks that this is Done. Amen.

When justice is called for, we rush in and declare this Law.

In Universal Consciousness, which is the Presence of the One Intelligence of the Divine Creator
everywhere, the
Highest Good is known. When you invoke this law, either directly or through us, know that only
the highest good will happen to all. The Highest Good brings perfect attunement in the spirit
with the Will of God. It brings the highest
understanding and wisdom to the intellect. The Highest Good is the Infinite Unconditional Love
flowing in the heart.
It brings the greatest beauty to the physical world For all concerned.

Know that what is done to the least in the Kingdom of God, is instantly done to ALL. There is
nothing that affects one part that does not affect All. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to
Divine Providence that all beings unite in will to create the Highest Good of All Concerned
equally. The light of the greatest wisdom and love and beauty must shine equally for All.

This lesson is so important, that the fate of all life rests upon it. If you will that justice prevail,
then will that all have justice equally. If you seek to understand justice, then seek to understand
that all are part of the body of God, all are branches on the Tree of Life. If you love justice, then
give forth Love. If you believe that justice is beautiful, then
surround all beings in beauty.

We are One in the Being of God.


23 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Color Science
Also known as The Angels of Ergomion

Beloved, of the different orders of angels who help manifest Divine Beauty through smells,
music, touch, taste, and seeing, we are the angels who inspire the use of color and the creating of
all types of pigments and mediums for painting and color reproduction . We give you
unsurpassable recipes for mixing oils, paints, and inks. We help you with their production as well
as their practical application. We are experts in synthetic inorganic chemistry.

The use of color in every type of imaginable medium and media comes from our inspiration. We
guide you to the right colors to create the most beautiful effects for the purpose at hand. Divine
Providence has ordained that all shall be on earth as it is in heaven.

The five senses are to be nourished with sights, tastes, smells, feelings, and sounds of the
heavenly realms.

The language of color is a universal language that is understood intuitively. The optic nerve of
the eyes directly
affects the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands. To gaze upon a beautiful color excites a
response of certain
neuropeptides that changes consciousness in the human body temple. We guide the children of
earth to learn the language of color to heal themselves.

Creating mandalas using color is one of the ancient-future processes for accessing, healing,
reorganizing, balancing, and developing the psyche. As the consciousness of the people of earth
entrains in sympathetic resonance with Heavenly realms, the use of creativity in color and sight,
smell, sound, touch, and taste as pathways to Divine Bliss reaches levels of perfection beyond
your grandest dreams.


24 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Introspection
Also known as The Angels of Ikon

Beloved, Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to teach you the importance of
introspection . It is only with introspection, looking within, that Divine Equilibrium is possible to
achieve. We reveal to you the mysteries of the mystical equilibrium of body, soul and spirit in
relation to the Akasha principle, which is the principle of God-penetrating-all.

Without introspection and a physical, psychic, and spiritual training, true recognition of
universal truths is not possible.
Divine happiness, represented by the last letter of our name, is obtained through the activities of
the first three letters.

I.......The mastery of cause and effect.

K......Omnipotence as a Divine Virtue
O......Divine Justice
N......Divine Happiness

It is only by recapitulation of past actions, your own and others', that the cause and effect
principle makes itself
obvious through analysis of personal experience.

The feeling and knowledge of Oneness with God, and therefore Omnipotence, is accessed
through introspection in
the deep inward reaches of spirit,mind, and heart. The Justice principle of Divine Law and
Harmony then reveals itself, and becomes a motivation for World Service. At this point the spirit
and soul understands why things are the way they are, knows that there is infinite power with
which to create, and has heartfelt motivation to bring forth Divine Justice for all.

The heavenly host nurtures each seed of love thus sown and the harvest is beautiful. The desire
to serve others on the path of World Service is the royal road to the greatest riches in the
kingdom of heaven. This state of consciousness brings the highest happiness that words can

Each divine virtue is accessed through introspection and disciplined study, and it is the Divine
virtues which give
mystical equilibrium. Self-discipline in introspective study is the path to mastery. Without
introspection the attention
searches outside of self for enlightenment. Any teachings or teachers who know the truth will
carefully point you to your inner reality.

The Kingdom of Heaven lies there within you. When heaven is found within, then you can
manifest heaven outwardly in the world.


25 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Silence
Also known as The Angels of Alosom

Beloved, we are the angels of silence. We guard the deep secrets of silence and the powers and
faculties produced by silence as a receptive, magnetic feeling state. We are guardians and
teachers of the miracles of silence.

By entering into the silence, you enter into perfect magnetic receptivity. This is the Primal Womb
of the Divine Feminine.
When you enter into the Silence, you enter into what is known as the Void. Into this vacuum,
energy is attracted. This is the decisive key to the usefulness of silence. The angels fill the void
with the beautiful song of their wisdom.

The angels have made known that the Essence of healing is balancing the active and passive
principles, the Masculine and the feminine, output and input, the vocal and the silent. In silence
occur the most powerful breakthroughs and insights in growth. In prayer, seekers devote too
much time to the Active formulations of the prayers and forget to allow the answer to come
through in the silence.

Those who fear silence miss out on the best and most essential key To developing their intuition.
It is in the silence
when the intuition flowers, when the guides can be heard, and the answers come. Those who
"lose their way", question who they are, & begin to doubt their very self identity most often do so
because of this imbalance -becoming too active in the world, not allowing themselves the silent
time to recover their center & hear the wisdom of their own guides.

In eastern methods of meditation and retreat, technologies have been taught, Esoteric secrets
passed down, from sages and rishis to seekers for generations: "Surround yourself with a zone of
silence; Unfreeze your concepts of yourself and of reality; merge yourself Into the cosmic

Imagine a large crowd of people preparing for a concert. They are tired and exhausted from long
hours in the hot sun. Some of them have traveled many miles. Even though the countryside is
beautiful, a pall of weariness and loneliness hangs over everyone.

At the edge of the crowd, a quiet stranger closes his eyes. Sitting cross legged with a very straight
back, he watches his breathing, making it slower and slower, deeper and deeper. His attention
travels to a place behind his eyes, into a deep receptive place of silence and to stillness within his
heart. He wills deeply to feel peace, to feel beauty, to feel optimism and brotherly love. Time
passes. He snaps out of it suddenly and looks about. He is amazed. Into the vacuum of his silence
new energy has come.

Everything has changed. A small flock of birds flies across the sky. The air seems cooler. A gentle
breeze dances
playfully. Time has stopped and a feeling of sacredness permeates the air. A gentle ripple of
laughter is heard.
Someone is playing a flute far away. People look at each other in the eye. An indescribable love
fills their hearts.
Suddenly the band strikes up a chord. It is beautiful. The concert begins.


26 degrees Sagittarius - GALACTIC CENTER

The Angels of Conscience
Also known as The Angels of Gezero

Beloved, the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy that the Solar System orbits is called The Eye of
Buddha in ancient
writings. It is located at 26 degrees in the constellation Sagittarius.

As you know, the outer world reflects the inner world, just as the lower world reflects the higher.
"As above, so below."
"As within, so without."

Inside every person, in the upper center of the cranial sphere, is the master gland that produces
over 20,000 psychotropic neuropeptides, which are the organic chemicals that alter
consciousness. This gland is the pineal, which is also called the Eye of Buddha in ancient
scriptures. The Eye of Buddha within the cranial sphere is a fractal of, and sensitive to, radiation
from the Eye of Buddha in the heavens. This exact point is the origin of human conscience both
within and without.

We are the angels of the Central Sun and we stimulate the pineal gland and awaken conscience in
human beings. Any expression of conscience is an expression of the Akasha-Principle, which is
the principle of God-penetrating all. It declares itself by the inner voice of guidance.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that we amplify the inner guidance within each and
every person. The
powerful mass coronal ejections coming off of the solar sun at this time are a direct physical
manifestation of these
stepped-up transmissions, because the solar sun is a step down transformer of the Central Sun.
Instead of looking
outside for direction, each person will find it easier now to look within.

As Christ said,"Go within the silence and find the still small voice. This is the voice of the Holy
Spirit. Follow it."

As the angels of Alosom explained, "When you enter into the Silence, you enter into what is
known as the Void. Into this vacuum, energy is attracted. This is the decisive key to the
usefulness of silence." Use your free will to let the angels fill the void with the beautiful song of
their wisdom so that you are filled with bliss.

The angels have made known that the Essence of healing is balancing the active and passive
principles, the Masculine and the feminine, output and input, the vocal and the silent. The Yin
and the Yang.

In silence occur the most powerful breakthroughs and insights in growth. In prayer, seekers
should now balance
the time spent in active formulation of prayer with more time for receptive surrender, allowing
the answer to come
through in the silence. For it is only by calming & stilling the environment of the inner ear from
the coarse noise of
everyday consciousness that the gentle subtlety of the angel messages can be distinguished.
Those who fear silence miss out on the best and most essential key to developing their intuition.

It is in the silence that the intuition flowers, when the guidance can be heard, and the answers
come. In eastern
methods of meditation and retreat, mystical secrets have been passed down from sages and rishis
to seekers for
generations: "Surround yourself with a zone of silence; Go deep within; Unfreeze your concepts
of yourself and
of reality; merge yourself Into the cosmic vastness," the ancient adepts said.

Intuitive faculties grow in those who give themselves enough silent time to come back into

Look at the letters in our name.

G.....Everything having to do with the mysteries of Divine Grace and Mercy on all planes of

E .....everything related to the transfer of consciousness and intuition.

Z ....everything that brings about the enhancement of general intellectual faculties and has
special influence on memory.

E ... is related to the transfer of consciousness and intuition.

R ....everything concerning freedom of will, freedom of action, and intellectuality.

O.....everything analogous to the basic qualities of the spirit with regard to harmony, fatefulness
and legality.

The Mendelbrot set equation and fractal geometry demonstrate how even chaos itself is subject
to order in the
Akashic principle, the principle of God-penetrating-all. With our help, even the greatest of
criminals experiences pricks of conscience which lead him to reason. Remember that the first
step to inner guidance is an awakening to silence and Divine Grace and Mercy. An inflowing of
higher consciousness fills you. This is followed by an illumined remembrance of lessons learned
in personal experience of cause and effect, of reaping and sowing. Rushes of highest insight open
within you. Filled with Divine Illumination, your free will creates justice, beauty, and harmony.

As above, so below.

On earth as it is in heaven.

We are One.


27 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Miraculous Powers
Also known as The Angels of Agasoly

Beloved, we are angels who respond when phenomenal miracles must be performed for the
highest good to manifest. Along with other orders of angels, when Divine Justice determines that
miraculous intervention is necessary, we find ways to inspire you.

Imagine, if you will, a slight tired man. He is in a large ornate chamber. It has been a long sleepy
day that seemed to go on forever. Most of his exhausted colleagues are gone. The rest are
gathering up their briefcases to leave. He is not happy.

He doesn't know what to do. A terrible terrible weight is over his heart; he feels emotional pain.

During the session just finished, In the silence of the afternoon, he had been amazed to see some
solutions to extremely serious national problems present themselves one by one across the vision
in his mind's eye. But he doesn't know what to do with them. Who will listen?
Who will care? If he approaches the appropriate people to explain, they will laugh secretly to
themselves and think,
"Doesn't he know that all of those issues are not his department? Doesn't he realize by now that
all of those
problems belong to their respective committees?"

What good is an answer if there is no one to hear. No one to care? He sadly picks up his briefcase
and slowly turns
toward the door. Time stops. All of his attention is on the feeling in his heart. His mind,
previously so excited and
elated is finally overwhelmed in weariness and despair and becomes silent. He offers a
prayer,"God, if you can hear me, would you please do something? I, of myself, can do nothing."

Automatically his body carries him through the now empty room down the well worn carpet to
the chamber doors. He turns left and proceeds about 30 feet down the silent empty hall. About
15 feet away slightly behind him and off to his side, a man appears unexpectedly. It is the singular
and feared power broker of the other side of the aisle. He seems stressed and looks particularly

The Senator stops. He feels like he must say something to be polite. An old newspaper article
flashes before his mind, something about this man's aged father, who had celebrated his 90th
birthday. "Hello Congressman, how is your father?"
The Congressman must have thought he was alone. He jerks to attention and fixes his gaze at the

"Well, hello Senator. How did you know?"

"Know what, Ed? "

"Know that my father is at this very moment slowly passing away."

Their eyes meet. The Congressman suddenly closes his eyes. He lurches slightly forward as stifled
sobs break from deep inside of him. The Senator puts his arms around him and gives him his
shoulder to cry on for a long time. In the silence, two hearts merge in sorrow and understanding.
We teach and inspire all those who seek our help with hints, instructions, and even practical
assistance. With our
assistance, through a balanced inward focus of prayer and receptivity to grace, you are able to
bring about the most miraculous phenomena. It is written,"All that I do, ye shall do and more."
Divine Consciousness is present everywhere, in all things. When you call upon our help, we
connect your intuition with the state of mind exemplified by miracle workers of all times.

Was not it said, "... all things are possible."? Instead of passive receptivity to outward conditions,
paradoxically, we
entreat you to Actively seek inner guidance. Go within and become receptive to Divine Wisdom,
Grace, Power, Justice, Virtue, and Will. It is the Will of Divine Providence that destiny is to be
"on earth as it is in heaven."

To bring about miracles of such a magnitude, it is critically important to allow the larger Self of
your inner being – and allow us to help guide decisions and your footsteps at every turn. For we
are the very extension of your own being that you seek at these times.

In your receptive state, ask for our assistance, ask for angelic messengers. We Angels are
commanded by God to serve all of the beloved children of earth in their efforts to manifest
perfection. By going within, into the silence -patiently—and asking for perfection, you fulfill the
requirements for the granting of miracles. "Ask and you shall receive." Dare to believe. Listen
carefully to the answers from the still small voice in your inner silence. Ask for miracles in your
heart so that Mercy and Grace may flow.

Go within. Empty yourself, but expect to be guided. Be receptive to that guidance that comes
through to you in
Silence. Allow enough silent time for the answer to become clear to you. The answer is charged
with a positive feeling of confidence and you feel the relief that comes from knowing that you are
doing the right thing. Follow carefully the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. All things are possible.


28 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Destiny
Also known as The Angels of Ekore

Beloved, as we guard the destiny of every human being, we remind you that the purpose of life is
to grow into the
likeness of God. Remember that God's love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and bad
alike. When terrible mistakes are made, whether from ignorance, fear, misunder-standing, pain,
ambition, or any other reason, the pain from these mistakes is suffered by the entire being of
God, for everything is connected in the unified field that unites all singularities. "What you do to
the least of these you do unto me."

In the darkest night of denial a soul stirs to the call of the dawn. Longing for release from pain, a
call goes forth into
Universal Consciousness. Ever watchful, the angels respond.
The timid heart is gently coaxed to open to the light of Divine Love. Embracing love, the
trembling soul takes the first step.
The journey has begun.

It is only when love is shunned that Divine Providence will not allow us to transmute the
consequences of a person's harmful actions and thereby change the outcome of their destiny. It
is when a person awakens his or her desire for peace and goodness for all, and the subtle flame of
love within the heart explodes into a blazing sun, that nothing is impossible to accomplish and
nothing is impossible to forgive.

Even the most hopeless fate can be healed by embracing love. Love brings forth Divine Grace and
Mercy. When you choose love and forgive others, you become the Beloved and the Forgiven.
Your light is a beacon to others. It multiplies a hundred fold, and then a thousand. Following the
progression of the Fibrinachi spiral, Love expands more and more.

Always equally for self and others, Divine Love opens and opens and opens. Miracles blossom in
the kingdom of earth because Divine Love contains All-Power and All-Wisdom. A blazing heart
of love changes everything. Upon this Love rests the destiny of the world.


29 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Sacredness in Matter
Also known as The Angels of Saris

Beloved, imagine seeing a beautiful strand of amber prayer beads held tenderly in the hands of
the old grandmother. She has just come from her evening prayers. She is alone on the ancient
cobbled pathway and all is quiet. There are angels around her, barely discernible in the faint
light, but they are shimmering all around the beads. She is praying. Her fingers stop lovingly with
each bead, her heart, caught in rapture as she talks with her Beloved, becomes richer each time
she pauses to listen.

Let us introduce ourselves, for we are the angels of Saris, who have guided the spiritualization of
these prayer beads for over a hundred years. Her Mother gave her these beads on her deathbed.
Blessing this strand of beads when her mother was a young girl, and before that when her great
aunt crossed the dark sea, we instructed each woman through intuition to permeate these beads
with all of the intensity of their hearts, with all the devotion of their longing.

At first you see the golden amber of the beads,,, but it is when you close your eyes and touch
them that you enter
that timeless space between moments .... and you quickly slip through the gateway between
worlds.. .... and you enter the inner world - and behold angels and glorious hosts of heaven - and
feel the heart of God, the Divine Compassion, and the light.

We inspire mankind with the understanding of the power of thought and feeling to transform
matter. Matter
so transformed by consciousness, in turn transforms consciousness. It is a feedback loop. Matter
is like a
computer disk, it records energy and information. By charging any object with powerful thought
and feeling,
a doorway into another consciousness is created.

Divine Providence has ordained that all matter, from the most simple grain of sand to the most
elaborate jewel, from the desert reaches to the holy temple grounds, become impregnated with
energy of the highest Love, Wisdom and Power.

Look upon your belongings with new eyes. Touch everything with the consciousness of
sacredness. Transform the
commonplace and ordinary into the extra-ordinary, into The Divine. It is in this way that earth
indeed becomes heaven.


30 degrees Sagittarius
The Angels of Underground Waters
Also known as The Angels of Elami

Beloved, we care for all of the waters situated under the earth's surface. We can show you how to
find subterranean mineral springs, without having to use any of the usual location-apparatus.
Wherever there is drinking water under the ground, we inspire you with the knowledge of where
it is. As above, so below. Remember water is the physical manifestation of soul, the feminine life
force, the emotions.

We guide you to the presence of underground water by awakening your clairsentience, by

awakening your ability to
feel emotions, to feel the FEELINGS, that flow underneath your feet. Children spontaneously use
clairsentience. We help you remember how.

Close your eyes. Remember when you were very little. Your mother is walking past your door
long after tucking you in the crib for the night. Unable to sleep, you wonder how she is feeling.
You project your curiosity out there into the hall, around your mother. It is easy for you to feel
she is distracted and lost in thought. You know that she is lonely and wanting your father to
come home. As you pray to the angels to bless him and to comfort her and warm her heart, you
gently nod off to sleep.
Now standing in the forest many years later, you are needing to find water to drink, and you
close your eyes. Once again you project your curiosity all around. As you project your curiosity
out, your senses are expanding, like blowing up a shimmering balloon. The more still, curious,
and silent you are, the easier it is to concentrate. The earth and stones are radiating feelings, but
these feelings stay in one area.

Are there feelings flowing underneath you? Water is energy flowing in a direction. You keep on
projecting your curiosity balloon bigger and bigger until you finally reach the rushing feeling of
water. There it is!!! Yes, that's right. You've got it. The energy is moving right over there, from
slightly behind that hill on the right flowing across toward the left. You can feel it. It is about
three feet wide, and perhaps eight inches deep. It seems to be about ten or twelve feet down
under the ground. You can feel it! You squint your eyes slightly as you sense that if you follow
the energy flow, it will come out of the ground about a quarter mile down the hill.

Running in a relaxed gait, images of kindly ancient Indian spirits, from generations upon
generations back, parade
into your mind's eye. You see that they have loved and sang praises to this water. Filled with
excitement and feeling that the water is very pure, you sprint carefully through the ferns on the
forest floor. There, it is almost hidden by overhanging leaves, a small mysterious pool of water
and the beginning of a meandering stream.

Crawling forward on hands and knees, you can feel that the dry hot feeling in your throat will
soon be drenched with coolness. Quickly your hand scoops the water into your mouth....
Swallowing deeply, you experience an explosion of Ecstatic Bliss! AHHHHH....... YES!!!, this
water is holy!
And once again the Ancient Angel of the spring smiles ever so sweetly, and the Spirits of the
mountain sigh in peace.


Capricorn represents the archetype of Divine Will manifesting in the physical world.

1 degree Capricorn
The Angels of Creation
Also known as The Angels of Milon

Beloved, in the journey and process of every soul, ultimately there comes a time when a person
realizes that they are indeed one with God, in every way. With this realization comes the
responsibility and desire to reach out in
compassion to help all other souls who are journeying to find union with Source. Christ referred
to this when he said, "All that I do , ye shall do and more." For Christ had taken on the sins of the
world within his own being and paid the price for their redemption.

This too happens in the life of every soul upon finding union with God. A person remembers
their journey out of darkness and confusion, and sees how the light has helped them every step
of the way. The role of Grace and Mercy is highlighted in sharp relief. Grace and Mercy belongs to
every aspect of God, to every created being, this is crystal clear.

With this in mind, this enlightened person desires to CREATE in the Akasha-principle, the
principle of
God-penetrating-all, a blessed pathway of Grace in the future for all created beings.

We are the angels who introduce you to Divine Magic, especially the Magic of the Akasha, and we
teach you how
to produce consciously, in the Akasha, various causes in the magical manner in order to bring
about certain effects in the smental, emotional, and physical world.

As soon as a child of God completely controls this kind of magical practice, he is able to produce
causes in the
Akasha-principle long before their realization, even many years before their realization. By this, a
person becomes a perfect master in the field of fate control and has his own Karma as well as the
Karma of other people well in his

Considering that the ethical development of this person has reached the place of oneness with
God, they will never
produce any causes which would have negative effects in any of the three planes. Such a person is
entrusted with such a great number of secrets which he would never have thought possible.


2 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Personal Mastery
Also known as The Angels of Melamo

Beloved, we are the angels who help you when you are ready to assume full responsibility for
your Birthright. In the
beginning God gave Dominion over all creation to you, you are made in His Image. We help you
with Personal Mastery.
Here is one of our stories:

We are above a mountain and it is a warm beautiful afternoon. There is a man below us And we
are watching
him. His heart is weeping. That is why we came. His heart called us to him. It hurts so deeply he
can hardly bear it. He is so filled with desire and longing! He has wanted to be one with God for
as long as he can remember! Now his longing has reached critical mass.

"Why can't I make a difference in this world?," he cries to himself. "Why can't I heal the sick,
raise the dead, and do all the miracles that I have heard about all my life?" Why would he be told
that he could do such things if it were not true?
"Can I really have the faith to follow in the footsteps of the masters, saints, and prophets?" "It is
impossible for me to go back to my old way of living, to my old way of life. I simply cannot do it."

With his whole being he reaches out to God. Praying deeply for help, his thoughts continue,
"How can I walk the world filled with Light, with Power, and with the Compassion of Love? I
want to heal and teach and help people. How can I
help them find the God-spark within themselves? " Oh how his heart is trembling....."Oh God!"
Tears fall down his
cheeks. "Why do I feel so helpless?" he sobs. He bows his head. Eyes closed, head lifting up
suddenly, from the
emptiness, from the bedrock of his being, his soul screams out for help..... ....and time collapses
into eternity.

It is a few hours later when he comes to himself. "It was like being in a Beautiful Presence,"he
muses. He notices that it is now almost twilight. Feeling wonderfully invigorated, he gets up and
hikes back to his cabin. In the wee hours of the morning the light is still burning as he pores
through his books of ancient teachings. The thoughts jump off the pages and make sense to him
now. He can not believe that he ever thought them difficult or confusing. Word by word,
sentence by sentence, he recognizes That which he knows to be the Truth of his very Being.
Filled with understanding now, he knows he can make a difference. There is no doubt
whatsoever. Grasping his pen, he writes down these words: " God, I am one with thee, and Thou
art everywhere. So I am everywhere also." "God, thou art one with me, and thou art all powerful.
So I have all power also." "God, we are everywhere present, you and I, and together we contain all
knowledge. Together we bring our Love into all the worlds, for We Are One."

Time stops. ...and from eternity Angels, Dominions, Powers, and Thrones, all come to attention
in complete and utter silence. They are watching. They are waiting. They are ready to obey. Once
again The Ancient Disguise has lifted. A Son of Man has discovered, has remembered, that He is
the Son of God.


3 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Anointing
Also known as The Angels of Porphora

Beloved, we are one of many groups of angels who inspire mankind to imbue the earth with
sacredness. "On earth as it is in heaven." We especially inspire sanctification of liquids, such as
water or oils. Anointing with oils, or holy waters, is one of the most ancient ways of offering
protection, healing, and consecration.

Molecules in liquids are "intelligent", and "remember" information which is given to them
through feeling. When the powerful feelings of Divine Virtues are clearly projected into a liquid,
with the emotion of Love being by far the most
powerful, the liquid becomes a Holy Anointing. Droplets of water and oil within The Human
Body Temple encode
themselves with the energy of the feelings that they are exposed to. . For heaven to come to
Earth, each person who walks upon Her must learn how to lovingly rule their own inner kingdom
of feelings, for feelings become the energy of earth. Here is one of our stories:

There was a young woman who had been very sad for a long time. Her father had passed away
many months ago, and nothing would shake this feeling of sadness that had come over her. She
is sitting by a small lake watching swans and ducks. Everything is beautiful and peaceful and she
is weary of her sadness. She wants to feel good again. How can she make her sadness go away?
How can she make her joy and bliss return?

As she unsuccessfully wills for the sadness to go away, she realizes that now she feels
helplessness and frustration also.
The more she tries to make her feelings go away the more unhappy she becomes. Her feelings
just will not co-operate. Would this gaping wound in her heart left by her beloved Father's
passing, ever heal?

Thoroughly exhausted, for the first time in months, she decides that she has no more strength to
fight, she surrenders with a deep sigh and gives up her struggle. Releasing control, she sinks to
the ground, feeling the living presence of the earth beneath. A faint shimmering light surrounds

A faint roll of thunder echoes across the sky. Months of self-control ends as she gasps from a
deep sob that wells
up from the depths of her being. Shaking with tears, the raindrops begin to fall and the woman
and the sky cry
together. ..for a long time...

Slowly thoughts begin to form: "My father's bad knee will never ever hurt him again." She
remembered in horror how he had suffered. "He is finally reunited with God ". Lowering her
eyes, she remembers his well worn prayer book, the endless evenings by the fire spent in deep
communion. She realizes he would want her life to expand, that he would want her to go from
being a companion to a frail old man to being the spouse of a fine young man.

As the clouds break, a ray of sunlight comes streaming through. She is amazed that In her heart
the flood of tears has washed away her sadness. With crystal clarity, she sees him standing before
her. He is standing ever radiant, surrounded in brilliant beautiful light! The strength of his
blessing fills her with peace.

Emotions are the Feminine Power which heals itself through flowing. Emotions are a higher
octave of water. Just like water, the more emotions are allowed to flow, the more pure they
become. Wounded feelings of sorrow, anger, hate, or fear that are allowed to flow naturally,
safely, and completely in a nondestructive manner ultimately purify themselves. And so do all
the thoughts and ideas that go along with them.

As once-wounded feelings clear themselves through flowing, they become life-giving feelings of
the Divine Feminine Nature. When the Divine Feminine is healed, feelings of peace, of love, of
gratitude, of strength, and life enter the waters and oils within and without.

The Ultimate Anointing is received continually... so that the Earth grows ever more life-giving
and sacred. Faith in the power of The Divine Feminine to heal through flowing grows with the
experience of it.


4 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Friendship, Love, and Marriage
Also known as The Angels of Trapi

Beloved, we are another of the Orders of Angels who protect and inspire loving relationships.
Even though each person is a complete universe within themselves, the body of The One God is
made of infinite universes. In these infinite universes, there is One Life that lives, moves, and
breathes within them all.

So there is a consciousness within each universe that dwells in Unity with all others. This
consciousness seeks ever to express itself in the world of form through feelings of sacred
relationship. This Holy spark of recognition flashes from mind to mind as feelings of Divine Love
flow from heart to heart. Within each stone and mountain, each tree and flower, each bird and
beast, each man and woman the feeling of Sacred Kinship flows eternal. These Sacred Feelings
form the Waters of Life, which course throughout the web of the Divine Feminine.

The Power of the Divine Virtues manifest themselves through the alchemical feelings of deep
Friendship, Love,
and Marriage. By the Power of these feelings Earth is transformed into Heaven. The miracles of
Friendship with all
that lives, the ecstasy of True Love, and the bliss of Marriage are the birthright of all. How
beautiful the transformation of Earth into Heaven!


5 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Incarnation
Also known as The Angels of Jonion
Beloved, the mystics of old considered us the most mysterious angels of all the many orders of
angels. We are
the angels who protect and nurture of all those in the next world who are making preparations to
enter life on this Earth.

In the Invisible World, in the zone girdling the earth, where those who are ready to incarnate live,
we attribute to those beings who are ready to be born on this Earth the place and surroundings
suited to their development. We fly between Heaven and Earth escorting new souls into their
In the minds of ancient seekers, often we were the Angels who were the most difficult for them to
understand, for they could not understand why we would allow souls to be born into conditions
of difficulty and strife.

Why would one infant be born to the wealthy woman in a lovely house on the sea, and nearby
another infant be born to a poor beggerwoman on the cruel and lonely streets of the city? What
kind of justice is it that would allow such devastation to some infants and so much security to
others? Different souls have different gifts and different needs.

If the gift is one of strength and courage, and the need is sympathy and compassion, then we
guide the soul into a
situation where strength and courage are required and where the lessons of compassion will
grow. If a soul has the gift of brilliance and eloquence, and the need is purpose and selflessness,
then that soul will go into a life situation where brilliance and eloquence is required, and the
lessons of purpose and selflessness will grow.

When a souls time upon the earth is over, only the lessons that are learned and the gifts that are
shared can be taken with them back into the Invisible Worlds.

The situation an infant is born into is carefully chosen so that their gifts will have every
opportunity to bloom and evolve and their needs will be met. Angels protect the soul every step
of the way, no one is ever left alone. Once the womb is chosen, we then teach each incarnating
soul how to produce the bond of sympathy between themselves and the ripening fruit within the
Mother's womb. We stay with the soul throughout the sojourn in the cosmic sea of gestation, and
gently help with birth when the moment is perfect.

Even as a newborn, there is free will, and when the heart of the infant calls for help, we are there.
When you look into the eyes of an infant about to sleep and see that the child is already in the
land of angels, we are the ones who are dancing in their dreams.

Even though we are the first order of angels to help an incoming soul, there are orders upon
orders of angels who
Divine Providence has given to carefully protect and inspire each step of a soul's journey. As it is
written: I have given the angels to watch over you....

Lo, I Am with you always.


6 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Planet Mercury
Also known as The Angels of Afolono

Beloved, we are the Angels of Receptive Enlightened Mind. The Archetype of the Mercury Sphere
is that of Receptive Divine Wisdom. This is the archetype of the activation of right brain intuition
which balances left brain logic and memory. Followers of Ancient Wisdom have summoned our
inspiration since the Prime Beginning.

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the earth enter into an Age of Genius that is
especially applicable to scientific and technological inventions. These inventions bring about
perfection of the environment and lifestyles of peace and high inspiration.

Everyone who is involved with any type of science which will usher in Heaven on Earth, an Age of
Paradise and freedom from stress, is under our protection and guidance.

The ultimate outcome of the marriage of Knowledge and Wisdom is firm adherence to the Law of
Efficiency and Minimum Effort. This is the Law upon which all creation is sustained.

The Golden Mean Spiral, which is formed from the emotional energy of Love and Bliss, is
energy. Self-perpetuating energy IS maximum efficiency and minimum effort.

Through the marriage of Science and Nature, when the Earth's environment is restored to
Heaven on Earth and
lifestyles are free from stress, then the Divine Feminine energy of Love and Bliss flourishes easily
with maximum
efficiency and minimum effort.

When a person experiences sustainable Love and Bliss emotional harmonics, certain changes
occur in their DNA
which allows their body to manifest youth and immortality. This is why it was written that the
last enemy to be over-
come is death. The longer a person lives, the wiser and more knowledgeable they become. The
wiser and more
knowledgeable a Child of God becomes, the more beautiful and self-sustaining the environment
around them becomes.

A beautiful natural environment inspires right brain functioning which balances knowledge with
wisdom to
inspire the cultivation of an ever more increasingly beautiful state of Perfection on Earth. Divine
Receptive Wisdom,
which is intuition combined with knowledge, is the vibrant birthright of all children of God. Love
and Bliss, ecstasy
and beauty, is the fruit of this birthright.

It is through Divine Receptive Wisdom that this ancient prayer is finally answered: ...Thy
Kingdom come, thy will
be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven....


Use Rapid Eye Movement [REM] while surfing the feelings.

This is the eye movement that the body does automatically in dreaming. Emotional processing
uses many of the same neurological states as dreaming, and could be termed "a waking dream".
REM is moving the eyes back and forth, right to left and back again, over and over, at any speed
that is comfortable, while reliving the memories or just feeling any feelings. This shifts the
emotional-thought energy back and forth from one brain hemisphere to the other and allows it
to process naturally.

7 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Drama
Also known as The Angels of Paruchu

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire great writers and actors in theatrical performances. In the
healing of the Divine Feminine, which includes the energy of Emotions, theater and drama is of
supreme importance. The many feelings which are stored subconsciously in The Body Temple
can be accessed and allowed to flow through writing, performing, and watching drama.

In order to bring heaven to earth, all of the emotions stored within the depths of each person
must be accessed and healed by allowing the feelings to flow. When stored feelings are allowed to
flow in this way, they evolve, and to the extent that they are allowed to flow to their depths, they
permanently heal and transform themselves and become positive.

Writers and actors of theatrical drama are therefore great healers of the Divine Feminine
emotional aspect of God in themselves and others. Through the attainment of free will to Divine
Will, the proper use of technology and wisdom will change paradigms of supply and demand.
Free energy, sustainable agriculture and architecture,and many other inventions will free
people's time on a day to day basis. Attitudes will shift completely so that pursuit of artistic
genius of every kind is highly valued among one and all. In this way people will discover the
hidden treasures of sublime emotions within the depths of their souls, and this will be a far more
exciting and rich time than anyone has ever imagined.

A fabulous age is dawning of high technology and wisdom combined with emotional healing and
revelation. As people heal themselves of fear and experience love, all the elements are available to
manifest Love and Bliss on a planet restored to it's Edenic state. This is the time for the marriage
of free will with Divine Will and of the Kingdom of Heaven with the Kingdom of Earth. The
infinite Power, Wisdom, and Love of the Omnipresent One Being is available to all of the beloved
children of earth in order to do all of this. This is the highest drama of them all.

Magic Maker: magic power: Creators!



8 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Earth Rays
Also known as The Angels of Pormatho

Beloved, we are the angels who are in charge of all earth radiation in the physical world. There
are zones and centers of energy of many kinds upon the earth. The different kinds of energy have
different purposes and effects. Some of them are very beneficial and healing, and we are the
angels who guide people to these places whenever it is for the highest good.

We also protect and guard certain other areas that would be harmful if their energy were
absorbed. It is also we who have inspired technical inventions that measure earth rays.

At this time Divine Providence has ordained that mankind be taught various ways of protection
against harmful rays
from earth that have been released unwisely.

As was taught to you by the Masters, it is possible by aligning the will, mind, emotions, and body
with Universal
Consciousness, for the human body to become impervious to fire, cold, harmful radiation, aging,
death, disease, and any other harm. These gifts have been demonstrated by Spiritual teachers of
old, and now the Ancient Wisdom is even more available and understandable so that it is easier
for each child of God to claim their rightful inheritance.

By aligning free will with Divine Will, integrating the powers and virtues of the Divine in your
consciousness, and allowing the heavenly hosts to assist you, these gifts manifest naturally.
Therefore, it is important to do due diligence in learning the Cosmic Language. Each letter of the
alphabet represents a different Divine Virtue. By meditating on each one and mastering the
Divine Virtue that it represents, you will be following in the ancient footsteps of those Elder
Brothers and Sisters who have reached the Holy Ground of Oneness with God.


9 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Emotional Healing
Also known as The Angels of Ampholion

Beloved, we are the angels who are guardians of the emotions of man and animal. We inspire the
scientific understanding of emotional energy so that those who have been wounded or hurt by
traumatic experiences may heal. We teach how to reach sublime emotional states such as love,
peace, security, happiness, ecstasy, rapture, generosity, bliss, wonder, awe, gratitude, forgiveness,
and power.

Whenever the emotional body of man or animal has been wounded, the emotional pain stays
within the physical body consciously or unconsciously until such time as the feelings are allowed
to completely flow and express themselves. In the case of animals, gently massage the muscles.
Wherever there is tightness and the muscles feel hard and tense, that is stored emotional pain
and fear.

As you rub the muscles into relaxing, the animal will act out by moans, groans, fearful actions,
and growls the stored feelings. Comfort and soothe the animal as it feels and releases these
feelings, going slowly, taking plenty of time and pausing often. Over time, work on the muscles
bit by bit until all tension is released and the muscles are soft and flexible. The animal will seem
like a new person!

This same technique works on humans also, and is the basis of Rolfing and other types of body
work. As the feelings surface, allow the feelings to flow deeply so great healing will occur. The
paradigm is shifting now so that instead of being ashamed of showing strong feelings, there is
great honor and rejoicing when strong feelings are shown.

All of life is destined to be the greatest drama, and each person the truest actor!

The key is to allow painful or angry feelings to flow nondestructively in a safe environment. Fear
and resistance
of negative feelings buries them deeper and destructive acting out of them adds more negativity
to them. By denying, suppressing, and bypassing painful feelings, or adding to them, the body
becomes so full of pain and anger and frustration that beautiful feelings become harder and
harder to come by.

It is only through accepting and expressing and flowing in a safe and loving environment that
emotional energy can open and heal and change. It is important that the deepest levels of old
emotional wounding be allowed to come out and flow in this way. This very same energy ,
through healing, then becomes the gold of the wonderful feelings of the Divine.
The image of lead turning into gold is true in the case of allowing negative feelings to burn
brightly and flow allowing purification and transformation.
Emotional energy is the Divine Feminine Energy of God. Feelings of love, bliss, and ecstasy are
the nourishment that the soul needs in order to stay in form. These feelings are the Mother's
Milk that enable the children of God to grow up in the Divine Image, resplendent in Love,
Wisdom, and Power.

When the ancients spoke of immortality and overcoming death, they understood the effects of
Bliss on the human
body. It was said that death would be the last enemy to be overcome because they knew that only
in the final days
would emotional energy be embraced, understood , and allowed to flow freely in the way that
makes Bliss natural
and sustainable. As the wounded painful angry feelings buried inside each person and animal are
lovingly accepted, honored, and allowed to flow and heal, the beautiful loving blissful feelings
grow and return.

When Love and Bliss return, so beauty and harmony returns to earth. Enlightened Masculine
will and thought energy equally balanced with enlightened Feminine emotional and form energy
restores Heaven to Earth. The formula for miracles is the combination of will and clear imaging
with strong feeling and action.

We ask you to remember that miracles are the Magic effects of Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power.
All children of God are destined to receive their rightful inheritance of Oneness with God and
reaching the place of miracle working. Magic maker: Magic Power: Creators! These words are an
ancient reminder of this marvelous truth. Remember that all miracles are possible because of the
Unity of All, they are possible because of the One Being, omnipresent, omnipotent, and

In science this is referred to as the Unified Field. Miracles are given for the highest good of all
concerned because all are part of the One Being of God. This is the Law of One. This Law is the
Law of Laws from which all other laws come. The Law of One overrides all lessor laws in all
worlds, whether they be civil laws or social laws. Whenever a miracle is needed, invoke this Law:


We are All One.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
I am one with all, with all beings, with God, with the Masters,
Saints, and Prophets.
Therefore, in the name of Who I Am,
I ask that only that which is the highest good of all concerned
Happen here.
I give thanks that this is done.
So be it.



10 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Cognition
Also known as The Angels of Kogid

Beloved, we are the most powerful Angels for the Path to genuine cognition. We control the
learning of each person according to his/her degree of maturity and provide him/her with the
necessary enlightenment on the path to cognition. We entrust those who seek our help with the
methods that lead to enlightenment and omniscience.

We are the guardian angels of all students of spiritual knowledge, especially of those dealing with
Inana-Yoga, the
Yoga of genuine cognition. in the Ancient Wisdom, the Divine Virtues symbolized by the letters
of our name are:

......K..... The virtue of omnipotence, the highest power imaginable. To those who master this
virtue, omnipotence will reveal itself as the all embracing power by which a child of God can
work direct miracles in the microcosm as well as the macrocosm.

This virtue is manifested in the Akasha-principle, which is the principle of God-penetrating-All,

as the highest and purest light. In the mind, this virtue corresponds to the manifestation of faith.
Anyone who is able to evoke this virtue on a mental level will achieve, as its result, a state of
manifestation in which any idea, any wish, will at once become reality in whichever plane it is
desired: spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical.

In the feelings, this virtue creates courage with all its aspects, such as endurance and toughness.
Anyone who is able to summon up great courage within him/herself and in other people is able
to overcome and remove any feeling of fear within himself or in his brothers and sisters. This
virtue also strengthens the instinct of self-preservation, perseverance, and patience.

On the physical level this virtue gives the faculty of becoming absolute master of all terrestrial

[color:silvery blue, musical note: B, element: fire, heals: left ear]

...O... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, O represents the Virtue of Justice; as adherence to

legality, as appreciation and recognition of the divine laws. Anyone mastering this virtue by
evoking it and identifying with it eventually attains divine justice. Such a person will never do
anything unjust and will never slip, for they are completely filled with the legality of Divine
Providence, with an absolute sense of justice.
Whenever the principle of justice is in question, it is controlled by the sound and essence of the
letter -O-.

In the mind this virtue gives expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all levels of spirit,
mind, feeling, and
form. It also gives control over fate. By the mastery of Divine Justice, one attains a high power of
judgment and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine
Providence for the sake of Justice. At this point a person will never condemn anyone unjustly.

In the feelings, this virtue evokes absolute emotional contentment and poise and bestows the
power to evoke
whatever emotional energy is desired. This will have its effect on the principle of
God-penetrating-all, the will, the mind, the feelings, and form. Since at this point a person has
become incarnated Justice himself, he will never want to bring about unfavorable situations in
any level without a strict order by Divine Providence. Fate has no influence on the person who
has developed this impeccability and accountability to Divine Providence. This virtue gives a
sense of satisfaction, absolute security, infallibility and unimpeachability.
In the material world the virtue of Divine Justice will evoke situations which bring about
absolute success and happiness in every respect. Because of the virtue of justice, one learns to
understand, and eventually control completely, the working and functioning of the
masculine-will-thought and feminine-feeling-form energies in the human body and in the
material world in their relation to higher consciousness and higher spheres.

Endowed with this ability, a person can become perfect master of astrophysics and metaphysics.
[color: ultramarine blue, element:earth-heaviness, musical note: C, heals: throat and windpipe.]

...G.... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, this is the virtue of Divine Grace and Mercy with all
of it's profundity. In the mind this virtue gives divine peace in the spirit, the experience of
peacefulness and the blessing by Divine Providence.
Mastering this virtue gives the absolute faculty of bestowing true Divine Blessings.

In the feelings there is great happiness and complete satisfaction. Likewise, when mastering this
virtue, situations
may be created by means of the elements and the masculine-feminine energies causing
happiness, success and wealth in the material world for oneself or others. [Color: deep grass
green, musical note: F, element water-chill,
heals: left eye]

...I... In the Akasha principle, this letter represents the virtue of Fate and Karma, the law of Cause
and Effect. All doings and all actions, all life, come under this law. The law of the evolution of
everything that has been created is expressed by this virtue. At the same time, Divine Providence
in the most subtle form is manifested in this virtue. In the alphabet the letter "I" is the tenth
letter and number ten represents the one as its highest form.

In the mind this virtue creates memory, remembrance and conscience. By mastering Cause and
Effect, one is able
to enliven everything and master it. At the same time, he achieves the spiritual ability to evoke
any remembrance in
his memory or the memory of someone else and to sharpen the conscience of another whenever
it is permitted by Divine Providence.

In the feelings this virtue controls the very act of feeling itself and therefore controls the life force
and the act of breathing. Perfect control of the Virtue of Cause and Effect brings the ability to
restore life and breath to the dead.

On the material plane this virtue corresponds to all laws of analogies between the micro-and the
macrocosm, the above and the below, the inward and the outward. Everything that has shape,
measure, number and weight has been created by the help of this virtue of Cause and Effect.
Once this virtue is mastered, the greatest miracles in the material world can be caused by using
the respective analogies to shape, measure, number and weight, which are the chief components
of the material world. Besides mastering these, a person may become a perfect metaphysician
and to comprehend all laws presently still unknown and to apply them in all fields.

[Color:light opal, musical note: G, element earth-weight, heals: left kidney.]

...D... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, this letter and it's sound represents the Virtue of
Creation. All mysteries and laws of creation and all knowledge is obtained by mastering this
virtue. Since the micro-and the macrocosms fall within the scope of the same laws, the person
mastering this virtue will master and obtain the profoundest wisdom with regard to creation and
all its analogies. In the mind full mastery and understanding of consciousness and ego is
obtained. The profoundest wisdom of the spirit in all phases and elemental analogies of ego is
realized. In the feelings, eroticism is understood and mastered. The methods and magic of love
and of sex in all aspects of the four levels of spirit, mind, emotion, and form are mastered and
therefore one becomes a perfect master of love in all its phases. In the material world this virtue
of Creation controls everything relating to fertility. A whole book could be filled with the
practical applications of this. A seed may be fertilized and implanted with the virtues and
qualities desired. All progenitive acts and everything that is given life by procreation are governed
by this virtue.
[Color:dark blue, musical note C, element fire-warmth, heals: right ear.]

As an addition to conscious meditation, many students throughout history have asked to be

taken up in Spirit at
night while sleeping and taught these things by angels during that time . In doing so,ask for help
in removing any blocks to enlightenment. Ask that full remembrance and understanding be
available upon waking. Eventually this knowing will grow until there is full memory in the
waking state.

In the footsteps of The Wise and Loving who have gone before, and for the Highest Good of All
concerned: Magic
maker: magic power: Creators! We are One in the Infinite Love of God.


(\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/)

11 degree Capricorn
The Angels of Reincarnation
Also known as The Angels of Cermiel

Beloved, we work with the angels of Jonion, of 5 degrees Capricorn, in protecting and guiding
souls who are preparing to be born on earth. We have been appointed by Divine Providence to
control the incarnation or reincarnation of every human being. We know how long each
individual must dwell in the invisible world in order to become mature for rebirth on earth, for
further attending the school of life.

We know many secrets in respect to the life and death of any human being. If allowed by Divine
Providence, we can tell you the exact moment of anyone's death and also the time and place of
reincarnation. The Divine Virtues represented by the the letters in our name are the key to
understanding the nature of preparation for reincarnation.

...C... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, the virtue of the Eucharist is represented by this
letter. This is the mystery of self-spiritualization. He who masters this mystery well, will
comprehend and understand the profundity of the Eucharist and will master all the practical
methods relating to it. The Eucharist has to do with the transformation or incorporation of a
divine idea, a higher virtue, into a certain form.

Mentally this virtue covers all practices dealing with influencing one's own mental body or the
spirit of
somebody else by a divine idea, virtue, quality, power, or might. Whatever divine quality that is
being incorporated
completely and permanently permeates the emotions.

On the physical plane the Virtue of the Eucharist gives one the ability to enliven the whole of
matter and to equip it with the mental and emotional qualities of the Divine Virtues. This is the
true"modification of matter by the word." A person who has mastered this ability may transform
any place, any thing, by infusing it with the essence of a higher virtue.

Color: Vermilion, Element: fire and air, warmth and ease, Musical note D, heals the stomach.
...E... In the Akasha, E represents the universal consciousness which is omnipresent in everything
that has ever been created.
Meditating on this virtue will unite a person's normal consciousness with the universal
consciousness, with cosmic
consciousness. This is the essence of the oriental Nirve-Kalpa-Samadhi.

Mentally the highest form of intuition is achieved. The ability to transfer consciousness is
mastered. There is no sense of time or space. Divinity in His highest form is speaking through
this Virtue. This attainment gives control over the feelings of oneself and others. Clairaudience
and the understanding of the language of all animals and the
perception of the remote past, present, and future are mastered.

The mysteries of materialization-condensation and dematerialization-refinement are understood

on the physical
plane through this attainment to Universal Consciousness. A person learns to intensify any idea,
concept, mental or
emotional energy in such a way that they become physically visible. Everything in the physical
world, it's coming into form and it's going back into the subtle worlds, was made possible by the
Virtue of Universal Consciousness.

Color:dark violet, Element: akasha-penetrating all, Musical note D, heals the whole spine.

...R... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, this is the Virtue of Freedom and Independence.
Meditating on this will
create a mental state of perfection and a feeling of freedom from any pressing burden of the laws,
since by mastery of all the preceding letters a state of maturity has been reached that has
transformed a person into a state of absolute justice and unimpeachability.

An eminent mind and a feeling of absolute security is attained. Even though there is absolute
freedom, a person
who has reached this point desires to subject themselves willingly to Divine Providence and
accept missions to serve Divine Providence with deep humility, immense gratitude and highest
devotion. This is done without losing the feeling of absolute freedom of will in any way.

In the feelings an ingenuity is awakened which manifests as a number of abilities.

In the material world, the virtue of freedom and independence causes a rational widening of
intellect which enables the comprehension of any knowledge quickly and without difficulty. The
ability to express in words is enlivened and
any mission undertaken is met with success.

Color: golden light, Musical note: C, heals left side of nose.

....M.... The letter M and it's sound represent the virtue of Flowing and of feelings in the principle
of God-penetrating-all. All water was created with this Virtue.

In the mind this virtue is manifested as life, feeling and sensation. By mastering this virtue one is
given the mental
faculty of mastering all feelings, sensations and life spirit. This enables one to penetrate into the
life, feelings and
sensations of anyone with his own consciousness. In the feelings this virtue gives one the mastery
of attracting
anything. In the physical world, the power of controlling the principle of flowing in the micro and
macrocosms is
achieved. Among other things, this gives control over gravity.
Color: blue-green, Element:water-chill, Musical note:
D, heals the abdomen area as a hollow space of energy

...I... In the Akasha principle, this letter represents the virtue of Fate and Karma, the law of Cause
and Effect. All doings and all actions, all life, come under this law. The law of the evolution of
everything that has been created is expressed by the virtue of Cause and Effect. At the same time,
Divine Providence in the most subtle form is manifested in this virtue. In the alphabet the letter
"I" is the tenth letter and number ten represents the one as its highest form.

In the mind this virtue creates memory, remembrance and conscience. By mastering Cause and
Effect, one is able
to enliven everything and master it. At the same time, he achieves the spiritual ability to evoke
any remembrance in
his memory or the memory of someone else and to sharpen the conscience of another whenever
it is permitted by Divine Providence.

In the feelings this virtue controls the very act of feeling itself and therefore controls the life force
and the act of breathing.
Perfect control of the Virtue of Cause and Effect brings the ability to restore life and breath to the

On the material plane this virtue corresponds to all laws of analogies between the micro-and the
macrocosm, the above and the below, the inward and the outward. Everything that has shape,
measure, number and weight has been created by the help of this virtue of Cause and Effect.
Once this virtue is mastered, the greatest miracles in the material world can be caused by using
the respective analogies to shape, measure, number and weight, which are the chief components
of the material world. Besides mastering these, a person may become a perfect metaphysician
and to comprehend all laws presently still unknown and to apply them in all fields.

[Color:light opal, Musical note: G, Element earth-weight, heals the left kidney.]

....E.... Universal Consciousness see above

....L.... In the principle of God-penetrating-all, the letter L with its sound represents the highest
divine virtues that may be described by words, irrespective of whatever sort they may be. This
virtue is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty or the greatness of God in the form of the purest
virtues. By meditating on L the perception of how divine virtues work in the various spheres is
mastered. It is not possible to enumerate all the divine virtues because it is impossible to describe
their greatness, purity, and profundity. They can only be felt.

In the mind true morality is attained. The understanding that both positive and negative moral
qualities must exist in order to be differentiated from each other is grasped. This will cause an
enlightenment which leads to saintliness.

In the feelings complete equilibrium and spiritualization is mastered by becoming one with the
feelings of the divine
virtues. This gives emotional strength and invulnerability.

On the physical world perfect health, beauty and harmony are attained and this creates perfect
vitality. This is the path to permanent youth. With permission from Divine Providence a person
who has mastered the Divine Virtues may give permanent youth to another. The vital energy
controlled by this mastery may be connected to any other letter and virtue for intensification. In
this way matter can be spiritualized to make medicines.
[ Color: dark olive green, Element: air-ease, Musical note: F, heals the spleen.]

Our purpose is to instruct each soul with these virtues to the extent of their level of maturity.
When the soul is ready to reenter the school of life on the physical plane, the best situation and
circumstances are chosen for their advancement.
In every step of life's journey, in the invisible and the visible worlds, there are angels commanded
by Divine Providence to protect and guide each soul.

The height and depth of Divine Love, Wisdom, and Will in these matters is beyond any words to
describe. We repeat the Ancient Words: Magic maker: magic power: Creators!



12 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of The Higher Feeling Worlds
Also known as The Angels of Erimihala

Beloved, the most subtle and refined energy is the energy of God-penetrating-all. Next in
refinement is the energy of will, intention and desire. As energy becomes more dense, it becomes
thoughts and ideas. Becoming even more dense, energy turns into feelings and emotions and
finally, at it's densest level, energy becomes material form.

The ancient terms for these levels are: the Akashic Plane, the Spiritual Plane, the Mental Plane,
the Astral Plane, and the Physical Plane. Like the colors on a rainbow, the different planes of
energy gradually change from one to another.

We are the angels of the highest end of the Astral Plane.

Emotions here are pure, virtuous, uplifting, inspiring, and invigorating. These are feelings of
love, satisfaction, gratitude, appreciation, trust, kindness, compassion, awe, wonder, peace, hope,
faith, serenity, loyalty, courage, strength, honor, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, commitment,
freedom, enthusiasm, tenderness, and devotion, etc. All of the feelings that correspond to the
Divine Virtues are found in the highest end of the Astral Plane. Gradually this emotional energy
phases into ideas and thoughts.

It is our job to teach each child of God how to nourish and foster higher feelings in the garden of
life. There are higher feelings for every purpose. These purposes correlate to the five elements.

For the "cosmic" Akashic element, the principle of God-penetrating-all, there are feelings of
unity, vastness,
bliss, transcendence, timelessness, infinity, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, samadhi,
etc. For the "hot" fire element, the spiritual principle of will, intention, and desire there are
feelings of Power, controlling, commanding, resoluteness, intensity, leadership, strength,
certainty, dominion,conviction, indominatibility, etc.

For the "light" air element which is the mental realms of thoughts and ideas, there are feelings of
clarity, ease,
astuteness, reflectivity, precision, inquisitiveness, curiosity, brilliance, understanding, ingenuity,
insightfulness, creativity, etc.

For the "cool" water element, the realm of feelings, there are feelings of receptivity, flowing,
connecting, love, empathy, passion, gratitude, nurturance, mercy, compassion, birthing, etc.
For the "heavy" earth element, the realm of matter, there are feelings of possessiveness,
responsibility, holding,
ownership, groundedness, solidity, permanence, weightiness, patience, beauty, appreciation,
valuing, protectiveness, etc.

Whatever element is needed in a person's character or circumstances can be attracted by feeling

the appropriate
emotions. Ancient practices, called wazifas, codify each divine quality, each of which is actually
an attainment to a being who is the exemplar of that quality. The intonation of the sound of the
wazifa calls forth that quality into the seeker's aura and develops the missing, needed
characteristic in the person's character as a result. The use of wazifas to change one's personality
is but one example of what can be termed the "principle of attainment".

The most exciting aspect of the topic of higher emotions is the fact that the consciousness of all
beings can be accessed directly--by being open to the particular level of the consciousness of that
person, teacher, Angel, or guide.
By becoming receptive to the energy of the teacher, consciousness can be influenced greatly, in
effect "entering
into the vibrational reality of the teacher". This principle is called the principle of attainment. To
bring forth any quality into one's character, it is necessary to concentrate on, ideally to even
become absorbed into, the desired qualities and consciousness of the teacher.

The more the seeker is able to become completely identified with the consciousness of the
teacher, the greater the growth in the seeker. This is perhaps the most powerful benefit of
meditation: "What you concentrate on, you become". The awesome implications for making
changes in one's life are only limited by the level of motivation of the seeker and the ability to
surrender to the rapid expansion into the particular higher consciousness of the teacher, realized
being or Angel chosen to be emulated.

We are the angels who protect and nourish the realm of higher emotion. There are many mystical
and miraculous
skills that we teach. Whenever anyone is trapped in the lower feelings of pain, anger, fear,
greed,cruelty, selfishness, lust, hatred, contempt, hopelessness, betrayal, destruction, need,
suffering and shame,etc. they can call on us for inspiration, protection and guidance in order to
enter into the higher realms of feeling. We will help you and show you how to allow these feelings
to flow and cleanse themselves safely and fully. We will be with you every step of the way as this
emotional energy is healed, purified, and uplifted into higher realms of Divine feeling.

In the omnipresence of Life, angels are intelligent beings of consciousness that are commanded
by God to serve all the beloved Children of Light. Remember that even Christ said, "I, of myself,
can do nothing. It is the Father within, it is He that doeth the works." He also said, "All that I do
ye shall do and more." And again he said, "I and the Father are One." By calling on the angels for
whatever help you need, and going within to that still quiet place of inner consciousness, and
receiving guidance and inspiration, all things are possible.

As the Ancient Wise Teachers would say: Magic maker:

Magic power: Creators!


13 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Optical Technology
Also known as The Angels of Trisacha
Beloved, are the angels who have inspired all optical inventions. Television was inspired by us.
inventions that allow remote viewing of any sort falls under our jurisdiction. When mankind is
spiritually mature to the point of harmlessness, we will make available technical inventions that
duplicate all the skills of clairvoyance,
including the ability to see into the past, present, or future at any distance.

People ultimately will learn to meditate on and merge with Universal Consciousness and thereby
awaken and use the gifts of the spirit directly within their own consciousness rather than relying
on technical inventions. However, for creative purposes, it is important that there always be a
choice. Both the use of spiritual gifts and technical devices to communicate is important in order
to establish the highest good of all concerned. In either case, the most important consideration is
an attainment to the Law of One and the following of inner guidance.

It is the will of Divine Providence that in this age of Aquarius technical inventions completely
mirror the gifts of the spirit.
These include everything having to do with clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and so
forth. This is part of the fulfilling of the "as above, so below" law of correspondence. As scientific
researchers enlarge their paradigms to include metaphysics and thereby gain access to the
angelic kingdoms for assistance, all things are possible.

It is at this point that kindness and responsibility to all life is viewed as the only scientifically
viable ethic, since all are indeed ONE in the unified field of energy. What affects one affects all.
Not only that, but what is accessible to one is accessible to all.

Therefore the ancients wrote: Magic maker: magic power:

Creators! Infinite Peace



14 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Gases and Liquids
Also known as The Angels of Afimo

Beloved, as the Angels of Erimihala, the Angels of Higher Emotions in 12 degrees Capricorn
explained, all energy,
which is one, takes on different expressions depending on the degree of refinement or
condensation. We take the same principles that they explained for emotions into the realm of
matter. We are the angels who control gases and liquids and the changing of one into the other
on the material plane.

In understanding energy, it is important to remember the phrase, "As above, so below." Energy is
recursive and
fractal. This means that the same patterns repeat themselves indefinitely in both directions of
smallness and largeness, condensation and expansion. That is why an atom looks identical to a
solar system.

In dealing with matter, the analogies are the same as dealing with emotions or thoughts or will.
The more expansive the energy, the more it gravitates to the next plane above it, and the
contractive the energy, the more it gravitates to the plane below it. In the realm of emotions the
five elements were explained in terms of feelings. These five elements express themselves in every
plane of energy according to the principle of "As above, so below."

For instance, in the case of the Angels of Erimihala, as emotions [water] become more expansive
and refined, they
lift themselves up gradually through will [fire] and expand to thought [air] energy. If a person is
full of love, hope, faith, peace, compassion, joy, etc., these feelings will expand into thoughts of
wisdom, inspiration and understanding.

These thoughts support expansive feelings which create even more beautiful thoughts in turn,
creating a positive feedback loop, but these thoughts naturally lead to desire for perfection. The
element of desire is fire. So the expansive energy creates a feedback loop at the same time that
the whole cycle of energy gravitates into higher and more refined states.

Lower contracting feelings such as separation, weakness, or anxiety, etc, naturally result in
actions that affect the physical plane. A person having contracting limiting feelings is inclined to
reduce relationships, limit business decisions, etc which leads to a contraction of life-force and
affairs on the physical plane. This is in turn attracts anxiety, creating a negative feedback loop, or
a self-fullfilling prophecy of lack or limitation. This stresses the immune system, hastening death
of the body just as contracting feelings are hastening the reduction of relationships and affairs.

The principles of expansion and contraction apply to the material plane in the case of liquids and
gasses. The more
heat- which is the element of fire , that is applied to a liquid, the more the liquid expands and
turns into gas- which is the element of air. As contraction is applied, the colder and more solid
the energy becomes. In this case air would become water, and water becomes ice. Energy works
in a continuum on all planes, with energy either speeding up and expanding, or slowing down
and contracting.

We are original inspirers of physics and chemistry. All people who invent and produce gases are
under our
guidance and protection. We initiate them into the secrets of evaporation in nature, into the
absorbing of liquids, and the return of water in the form of rain and snow. All the physical
procedures in the physical world having to do with evaporation of any kind are controlled by us.
We teach you how to produce rain and fog in nature and how to stop them and make them
disappear. We reveal to you how to turn liquids and sold forms into gas.

When mankind has embraced fully the scientific ethic of harmlessness, we will reveal future
inventions which will
help moderate the weather and create Edenic conditions on the Earth.



15 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Earth Ray Location
Also known as The Angels of Garses

Beloved, we are companion angels to the Angels of Pormatho, of 8 degrees Capricorn. We also
control rays of
energy emanating from the earth. Historically we have been called upon to help find healing
earth rays through the use of divining rods, pendulums and other aids without the use of
complicated measuring instruments.

The earth is a living organism and can be understood in similar ways as a human body. Different
areas of the earth, like different areas of a human body, emit different energies and relate to
different functions. Just as a small infant will place it's head upon the heart of the mother for
comfort and bonding, so will an animal or human locate certain places upon the earth for healing
and strengthening.

There are earth rays of every conceivable sort for every conceivable purpose. On any given
landscape, there will
be spots that are more conducive to resting and others that encourage activity. Some areas emit
energy that automatically creates trance and others absorb negative energy and are better for
cleansing and releasing.

Trees act as antennas and transmitters at the same time that they also embody different energies
in and of themselves. A cedar tree, for instance, is good for purification while a white oak tree
offers strength. Suppose a cedar tree is located on a piece of healing ground. This is a good place
to purify and heal at the same time. Animals also intensify the energy of earth rays, and the
different types of animals modify the earth's energies in their own unique ways. This type of
science has been inspired by angels to humankind from the prime beginning. It is only in certain
civilizations that this information has been forgotten.

Some plots of ground are energized by structures built upon them of certain shapes and
proportions. Other areas
of ground must be left strictly alone, to develop naturally according to angelic and elemental
intelligence. Still others
are perfect for a combination of human and elemental effort, hence gardens of all kinds.

Divine Providence has ordained that the earth mirror heaven accurately and clearly. Mankind is
being inspired by us and the Angels of Pormatho to remove buildings, roads, or other structures
that are in the wrong place. Even on spots of land that have the proper energy for structures,
toxic earth ray poisoning results from structures that are positioned poorly or that are not the
right dimensions and shape to magnify the land properly. All of these things we revealed to
ancient peoples. Wherever our directions were followed, their temples and structures created
beautiful healing energies.

With the Angels of Basanola, the angels of vegetation, and the angels of architecture, the angels
of color and form , the angels of mathematics, and many others; buildings, bridges and roads of
such beauty and natural harmony that words cannot describe will be built with the
understanding of the nature of earth rays. Their positioning and forms will be astonishingly
magical. Many people will chose to live in beautiful caverns under the earth, so that much of the
surface land is returned to it's natural perfection. This way the use of earth rays for healing and
enlightenment will be available to all.

If you are living or working in a structure that is not healthy, call on us to protect and guide you.
We, along with other orders of angels, create a field of protective energy around you.



16 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Energy Economy
Also known as The Angels of Masadu

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire mankind to be economical and to put aside reserves for
winter and times
of scarcity.
We endow people with the faculty of finding out in advance the times of bad harvests, of famines,
and emergency. We offer protection for these times so that people do not suffer. On the higher
levels of energy, the plane of God-penetrating-all, of will, of thought, and of feeling, we offer
guidance and inspiration on economy also.

Each plane of energy has it's own rules of reserving and storing energy. On the Akashic plane, the
plane of God-
penetrating-all, the way to store and reserve energy is to spend ten percent of the time attuning
to and receiving the Divine Virtues that permeate all of space, and the rest of the time giving and
filling all space with your own love and sacredness.

On the spiritual plane, the plane of will, desire, and intention, the way to store energy is to
reclaim your power from whatever outer sources you have given it to. Receive guidance from the
One Life that penetrates All, from Divine Providence, the still small voice within. If you have
dampened down your will in order to follow the will of someone or something else, reclaiming
this energy will increase the supply of sacred will-power to use in attainment to Divine Will.

A Wise Teacher will help you learn how to go within and follow your own inner guidance.
Attuning to the One Divine
Will purifies and perfects the personal will. Discriminate between desires that are uplifting and
those that create pain. Heal and purify the ones that create pain, by attainment to Divine Will.
The best use of willpower is in meditation and prayer to fill all of space with Holiness and Love.
By following inner guidance, and the proper use of energy on all levels, one tenth of Will Power
energy is all that is necessary to maintain balance in the outer worlds and manifest heaven on

On the mental plane, the plane of thoughts and ideas, the way to store energy is to receive ideas
that feel invigorating and uplifting . Any thought or idea that diminishes life, that leaves you
feeling less, is toxic, like rotten food and should be discarded . The perfect idea or thought is one
that uplifts All Life. Devote one tenth of your thought energy to creating and formulating ideas
and thoughts that add value to the stores of knowledge and wisdom on earth.

On the emotional plane, learn to distinguish between uplifting emotions and depressing ones.
Heal the depressing ones through recapitulation, feeling them through in a safe and
non-destructive environment until they heal and purify themselves. With the positive feelings,
give. The more you give the more you reap. Hold back one tenth of the feelings from the outer
world and give them to the inner worlds through meditation and prayer.

On the plane of matter and form, the way to store energy is to live modestly and put aside ninety
per cent of your
supplies for building up a reserve. Hold back on one-tenth of your impulses to act. Every time
you have an impulse to do something, the vital energy is generated to do it. By not carrying
through with the action, this vital energy is stored for future use. The energy builds and builds
until there is enough for any emergency. Give one tenth of your supplies to charity in a way that
bears good fruit. When these practices are mastered, the final step is the inspiring of each person
with timely premonitions and warnings concerning any situation that will require the use of
reserves of energy. The inner knowing we give you comes in plenty of time to prepare.

By spending one tenth of your time in inward attainment, you will be available to receive our
guidance and the guidance of the other angels who are assisting you. This inner attainment is a
continuum that ranges from intense trance-like communion with God to a gentle inward
listening while doing other activities. Spend at least one tenth of this time in deep meditation
whenever possible.

These skills are very important to the health and the survival of all levels of being. Even insects
and animals live according to principles of economy and storing energy. Life energy flows
according to cycles. Each stage of a cycle brings important blessings and fruits. During cycles of
lack the blessings of faith, creativity, genius, patience, inner strength, frugality, co-operation,
unity, thankfulness for small things, and persistence blossom. These fruits remain to bless future
cycles of plenty and harvest.


17 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Plant Medicine
Also known as The Angels of Arahim

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire mankind how to use the energy of plants to heal the spirit,
mind, emotions, and form. "As above, so below." The laws of analogy show the correspondence of
shape, weight, number, color, and astrological considerations to the powerful energies that
plants give. As it was written, "There is an herb to cure every ailment known to man." Generally
speaking, plants fall into five categories that correspond to the five planes of energy.

On the Akashic plane, the plane of God-penetrating-all, are psychotropic plants. Known
historically as teacher plants, they are catalysts and cause transformation.

On the spiritual plane, the plane of will and intention, are the trees. They act as antennas
broadcasting the energies
of the land and giving out healing energies from spirit.
They also purify and absorb negative energy and use it for nourishment. By leaning against a tree
and asking it to
absorb negative energy, a person can experience healing at the same time that they feed the tree.
By giving love to a tree, the love is amplified. The energy of ceremonies held near trees are picked
up, amplified, and broadcasted to the surrounding area. The ancients would join their energy
with a tree, ride the energy up the branches, and take their consciousness into spiritual realms.
Different types of trees have different spiritual qualities.

On the mental plane, are the flowers. Flowers are mandalas which bring psychic wholeness. By
studying the color, shape, and numbers of the parts, each flower's teaching is revealed.

When meditating with a flower, ask the flower to reveal it's gift to you. Still the mind and go
within to the silence. In
receptivity, listen to the flower. All wisdom is contained within flowers.

On the emotional plane are the grasses. Different grasses heal different types of emotions. When
you seek emotional healing, ask, and we inspire you to find appropriate plants. Then we guide
you to either absorb their healing through meditation, or perhaps to make a tea, or an incense,

On the physical plane are the herbs and shrubs. Within their vibrations lie the healing for the
physical body, bringing change for any condition. We are the angels who guide and inspire you
with the healing qualities of each plant. Over the ages we have inspired volumes of information
on the miracles of botany. In each culture the Wise Ones have extensive knowledge in this regard
that we have given them.

At this time Divine Providence has ordained that the knowledge and wisdom of all cultures from
all over the earth
be brought together and revealed. As this information is taken in, the greatest care will be given
to the care and use of native plants in every region on earth. Native plants have evolved over
millions of years in each area with a special and unique energy signature. Each one has an
important gift to offer, and is necessary for the healing and well being of all life in the area that it

We ask at this time that people use their free will to help the Angelic Kingdom in restoring all
plant life on earth to it's natural perfected state. As this is done, the gifts of the plants will help
heaven to naturally manifest on earth according to the Original Divine Blueprint. Volumes have
been written about this in the past, and more will be written in the future.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

World without end.
The Alpha and the Omega.



18 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Crystals and Stones
Also known as The Angels of Amia

Beloved, we have been entrusted by Divine Providence to control all crystallizations on and
under the surface of the earth. All kings of gnomes and their subordinates are ruled by us. Amia
angels allow those who are mature to penetrate further into the facts and effects of
crystallization. We show those who should know where crystals, rock crystals, and various kinds
of salt, precious stones and semi-precious stones are to be found.

To those who are mature enough to work miracles concerning precious and semi-precious
stones, we are the
angels who teach the way to turn crystalline compounds into precious and semi-precious stones
in the alchemical manner.

Whereas plants are givers of energy, minerals are holders of energy. They function as libraries
and storehouses of
information and power. Different minerals retain different sorts of information and power. On
the five planes of energy, the akashic minerals are mixed ores. Copper, lead, silver, gold, brass,
etc. function as holders of catalytic and transformational energy. They are the blood of earth.

The holders of spiritual energy are quartz crystals. They amplify and store intentions and will
power. They are the
brain of earth.

The holders of wisdom energy are semi-precious and precious gemstones. They store
information. They are
the internal organs of earth.

The holders of emotional energy are sands. They store the power to heal the emotions. They are
the skin of earth.

The holders of physical energy are rocks and stones. They store all the energies of a place. They
are the muscles and bones of earth. By going within to the receptive silence of the void, and
asking to access the energy stored in minerals, vast amounts of startling and precise information
and power is available. In any place, a person can pick up a stone, and through meditation access
complete information going back through the ages concerning everything that has happened in
that place. This information is so vast, that we recommend making specific limited requests as
you would do in any library or storehouse.
For instance, questions about a place can concern history, healing properties, visible and
invisible life forms, purpose, needs, etc. etc.. These groups can be broken into subgroups. If
asking about history, it is possible to see in the mind's eye a video-like presentation in real time
or fast forwarding that covers eons or just a few centuries, years, or days. The more specific the
question the more specific the information.

In asking about life forms, it is possible to see physical life forms in the present, or at any time in
the past. If angelic or elemental life forms are desired, asking that specific question allows the
intuitive right brain to download the images of whatever invisible intelligences are in the area,
either past, present, or future, depending on the question.

The information is accessed in the visual part of the brain; the part of the brain that records
visual images that come through the optic nerve as well as the images of daydreams, dreams, and
visualizations. For this reason, it is advisable to close your eyes and touch the stone, although
this is not absolutely necessary, just easier. Go into the void, the silence, the feminine receptive
place of Delta and Alpha brain waves, which is the right brain. Then ask to receive the
information that you seek from the stone, gem, crystal, sand, or ore.

Images, sensations, information, feelings, and transformative energies, depending on the type of
mineral being touched, stream into your consciousness.

By cross-referencing information obtained in this way with information obtained in an objective

left brain way, the
accuracy of mineral libraries can be verified. Aboriginals, healers, shamen, priests, kings, and
sensitives etc. have used the energy stored in mineral libraries and storehouses in this way since
the prime beginning through our inspiration. The angels and the earth feel joyous love whenever
people access the libraries of information and the power stored in the minerals in the places
where they live and travel.

This is how the true splendor of the stories and healing properties of Earth are known. When the
truth is known,
the children of Earth join with the kingdoms of nature and angels to sing praises for the
greatness and glory that Divine Providence has given to all of Creation. On Earth as it is in
Heaven. Ask for angelic assistance so that we can guide and inspire you.


19 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Ores and Mines
Also known as The Angels of Kamual

Beloved, we control all ore and coal mines of the earth. We are the initiators of all people having
to do with the mining of ores and coal. All miners, mining engineers, and mining experts are
under our guidance and protection.

We are working along with other orders of angels to inspire people to work with the earth as a
living being. As such, each part of this being is important to every other part. Not only that, but
each physical part has feelings, intelligence, and spirit that are unique according to each form.
Quantum scientists are being inspired about intelligence that exists in matter and are using this
knowledge to bring forth new inventions for the coming times.

It is similar to a child. If the child is seen only as a physical body, without feelings, mind, or spirit,
then the child is treated as a neutral object. The energy of the feelings, mind and spirit of a child
cannot be seen by themselves, only the effects of them can be seen. Likewise is every other form
in creation, be it mineral, plant, animal, or human. The forms can be seen, but the energy of the
other levels are too subtle to register on the five senses which operate on the Beta brain wave
level of perception.

By shifting attention to Alpha brain waves, all sorts of new perceptions are available. Every
person is born with the
ability to perceive on an alpha brain wave level, but the old paradigms of education favored left
brain development, so vast amounts of information became inaccessible and lost.

At this time new paradigms, which are really ancient paradigms, are introducing whole brain
development, which
enables mankind to work intelligently together with all other life for the mutual benefit and
pleasure of all.

The ores of the earth are happy to contribute their gifts. The spiritual beings who guide the
development of ores understand their part in the interdependent structure of the unified whole.
Anyone who is involved in mining in any way is blessed by them and the relationship is healthy
when the blessing is mutual for everyone involved.

All mining must be performed in such a way as to enhance the surrounding area, protecting
ground and surface water, and adding to the health of the overall environment. Mining should be
done in sacredness, respecting the consciousness of the miners. To mine in this way is an ancient
science, and lost aspects of this science are being rediscovered as relationships to the rest of
creation are recalibrated to be the highest good of all concerned.

Along with the mining of ores and coal, the science of their use is going through a period of
tremendous purification and enlightenment. Each grain of ore or coal is precious and took
millions of years to form. Each use that is made of them is important, and should be done with
respect and gratitude and the understanding of their higher purpose. New technologies creating
free energy, non-polluting durable machines, and wireless instrumentation, new paradigms
creating different work, travel, social, educational, and political habits, and many more changes
will reduce the amount of ore and coal used. What ores and coal are used will be used to create
that which is beautiful and healing for all at the same time that it is useful.

As these principles are understood and incorporated into the paradigms,values, and practices of
daily life all over the world, what once seemed impossible will be very possible indeed, and
heaven will be manifested easily on earth.


20 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Herbs
Also known as The Angels of Parachmo

Beloved, we work with the angels of Arahim to teach mankind how to heal with plants. We are
the angels who
acquaint mankind with all kinds of herbs of earth, and we are the special protectors of those who
gather herbs. We
teach how to make out of herbs, especially in the alchemical-spagiric manner, the medicines for
various types of diseases, including so-called incurable ones. We teach the making of herbal
essences and quintessences, and we teach methods and cures which would hardly be believable
to those unfamiliar with the cosmic language. Volumes could be written on this.

By taking into account the laws of analogy, the laws of correspondence, the laws of sympathetic
co-operation between human, angelic and elemental intelligences, and the cosmic language
working with the laws
of the different levels of the continuum of energy, herbal medicine attains seemingly miraculous
levels of refinement and effectiveness.
As with all other life forms, the types of herbs correspond to the five planes of energy: the akashic
or God-penetrating-all, the spiritual or will, the mental, the emotional, and the physical. Any
disease is curable through the use of herbal essences formulated through our inspiration.

The ancients have written that after a person lives seven years in one location, whatever herbs
they need to cure any ailment they have can be found within their immediate area. The angels
that govern plants are sure to attract these herbs to them and see to their propagation. It is for
this reason that mankind must learn to respect the natural flora that grows around them.

The angelic and elemental intelligences that seek to serve mankind must be acknowledged,
understood, and helped.
Then nature will be allowed to take it 's course and cultural and social paradigms of controlling
plant species will go
through an important and liberating shift. Native plants that just "show up" will be greeted as the
important emissaries of the plant kingdom that they truly are. "Weeds" are intensely powerful
healing plants that have evolved over millions of years to be powerful givers of medicine to man,
animal, and earth alike. With our inspiration, essences are made from these herbs that increase
their power many fold. This shift in perception allows the health that Divine Providence has
always provided for the beloved children of God to manifest as intended in the Divine Blueprint
for Earth.

One of the most powerful, easily available, free, and simple healing remedies from the angels of
Arahim is to take any of the many species of grasses, which include bamboo, and especially
native wild grasses that grow close to where you live, wash, cut up into short lengths, put in a
blender with pure water, mix, strain and drink. It often tastes similar to milk and comes out a
gorgeous emerald green. Adding honey and/or lemon juice turns it into a delicious soft drink.
This is affectionately known as "The Live Forever Drink" by healers familiar with it, and often
becomes a daily part of their diet. The life force remains in tact for twenty minutes after picking,
so prepare and drink immediately.

Charging this basic elixir with intention and virtues according to the cosmic language amplifies it
even more
and qualifies it with additional properties. Using water that has been charged with different
colored light, sound,
frequencies, or crystals does the same. With our inspiration, adding various edible herbs or
herbal tinctures and essences customizes it for specific healing purposes.

Grass is the most highly evolved plant on the planet, and it's many species are non-poisonous
and highly beneficial for healing and nutrition. Ask for angelic inspiration to intuitively guide
you as you choose which grasses to use. Crab grass, an ancient native wild wheat, stays green in
winter in some zones where all other grasses die back. Even carnivorous animals eat grass for it's
enzymes and it's detoxifying and healing properties when they are sick. Large red-blooded
mammals like deer, buffalo, pandas, cattle, and horses etc., receive enough nutrition from grass
to supply their needs for healthy skin, muscles and bones. Putting it in a blender this way and
straining it allows humans to reap the benefits of it as well. Volumes have been written just on
the benefits of fresh chlorophyll and it's healing relationship to blood.

Life was never meant to be difficult or complex. That is why it was written that you must be as a
child to enter the
kingdom of heaven. Trust and you will believe, for the fruit is there for the taking when you allow
the innate wisdom of Divine Providence to manifest through the kingdoms of nature.

[ Note: Avoid using grasses that have had toxic chemicals

and fertilizers applied to it.]


21 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Sports
Also known as The Angels of Cochaly

Beloved, athletes and sports people of all types, especially hikers and mountaineers, are under
our protection. To those who are interested in sports or athletics, we bring plentiful results. We
inspire people to make their bodies extremely adaptable so that their performances are

We inspire athletes to produce whole brain thinking, so that they intuitively access their infinite
potential and
communicate this to their bodies. We have done this from the prime beginning in order to
remind athletes and those who witness them that a human being is capable of much more than
many cultures have traditionally admitted. Look at the letters in our name:

C... The ability to spiritualize matter

O... Divine justice
Ch.. The virtue of clarity and perfect purity
A.....Wisdom and enlightenment
L......The Divine Virtues
Y......The Rhythm of Life

Athletes who ask us for help are empowered to intuitively access these virtues and qualities. The
more that they test themselves in the rigors of sport, the more that they integrate within
themselves the power of spirit in form. At a certain point of mastery, athletes cross the barriers of
conventional belief systems completely and actually become shamen or performers of sports

At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the ability to perform athletic miracles be
restored to everyone who desires them. The miracles of the ancient shamen are the birthright of
all children of God. An example of a shamanic sports miracle is the Gait of Power:

This is the effortless ability to run at very high speeds, even in the dark, and jump over very large
distances, arriving at an intended destination quickly. An shamanic student would often be taken
to a lost wilderness area of hills and gullies on a cloudy night without light, and told to meet at a
distant destination in a very short time.The teacher would take off, leaving the student alone.
Previous training had taught the student to close their eyes and run while visualizing their
destination. The fingers of the hands are curled over the thumbs and clenched in a fist to recycle
and build auric energy. Beginners doing it the first time are usually under the impression that
performing this successfully was the only thing that would ensure their survival. This enabled
them to access ancient survival instincts and memories through intuition and produce the
relevant neuropeptides from their pineal and pituitary glands.

Through sports, this biochemical reaction is obtained through joy and profound Delta and Alpha
brain wave
states. The body automatically kicks in, spiritualized with infinite potential, and the sensation of
speed and lightness
is experienced while the body performs the necessary movements of running, leaping, and
finding the exact
destination without thought, just as it does in producing heartbeat, breathing, or digesting food.
The logical left brain, which deals with memory and linear thought, is in this instance bypassed.

We have inspired the writing of volumes of material on shamanic sports miracles by different
authors of all kinds
throughout history. Tales of levitation, invisibility, walking on water, immortality,
materialization, movement into other dimensions, and lifting of great weights etc. are being told
increasingly with great detail and documentation. In this age of technology, movies are repeating
these themes as well.
It is time for the veils of limited belief systems to be removed, belief systems which have
obscured the spiritualization of the human form for so long. It is belief that either shuts the door
or opens it to the birthrights of
every human being. With faith all things are possible, and faith begins with belief. It stands to
reason that since humans are made in the image of God, that the human body temple is capable
of unlimited resources and manifestations.

When you go on hikes, or practice your favorite sport, call on us. We will open up for you new
ways of thinking and
moving, new brain wave patterns, new rhythms. The path of mastery was never intended for only
a few, it is the will of Divine Providence that all attain the kingdom of heaven.

As above, so below. On Earth as it is in Heaven.


22 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Divine Justice
Also known as The Angels of Ybari

Beloved, it is with great joy that we introduce ourselves to you. We are among the most powerful
angels of Divine
Justice. We are the special custodians of Divine Justice in that we control the doings of negative
powers in the whole zone girdling the earth as well as on the planet in all three planes, i.e. in the
mental, the emotional, and physical world.

We see to it that the negative powers never get the upper hand and that no chaos is created in
these spheres, because if this ever happened, this would have to be again equalized by the
positive powers. Our basic qualities are harmony and justice.

To those of you who feel overwhelmed by recent revelations of negativity in current events, we
point out to you that it is these very revelations that are part of the remedy and protection that
we are inspiring.

The earth is in a time of great change. The planet as a whole is going through a quantum leap in
consciousness. This is causing a great flushing out of destructive policies that have been going on
for a long time. It is similar to spontaneous remissions where great amounts of toxins and
poisons are released suddenly, leaving the body renewed and more alive.

The disturbing revelations of deception are catalyzing amazing alliances among people and
organizations from
very different backgrounds. These alliances are resulting in outpourings of fantastic creativity
and strength. Successful efforts are being made to educate the public and create positive and
evolutionary changes in laws, governments, corporations, economies, cultures, and individuals,
Destruction must have darkness in order to thrive. Many of the outworkings of Divine
Providence at this time are
revealing the alarming facts behind disguises of 'positivity' that have veiled those who perpetrate
destruction. Deception depends on secrecy, and these secrets are being revealed very quickly.

We are asking those of you who are frightened by this revelatory stage of the process to look
beyond at the
following stages. This will give you hope and great joy.

During and after this present stage, which is the unveiling of those organizations and individuals
who promote destructive policies, comes a time of great healing and pulling together. Every day
people are being snatched out of the ordinariness of their lives and assuming positions of
heroism and pivotal power in their immediate environment. Each person at some point is
realizing that they are going through a healing and awakening together with all of humanity.

So many movements of restoration and rehabilitation of the environment, institutions, and other
matters are proceeding that the family of man is finding that ancient divisions and barriers
between peoples are no longer practical or desirable in the common effort to create heaven on
earth. Positive and negative forces are ultimately governed by the same Law.
This is The Law of One that calls for the highest good of all concerned. This law is always in
operation, which is why the Wise say, "All things work for good to those who believe." and "Give
thanks for all things concerning you."

To explain what has happened: an experiment in free will concerning 'delayed time' and 'parallel
space' has been
allowed to take place to test the infinite potential of The Law of One, where time, and sometimes
space, gaps were inserted between a destructive event and the eventual outcome of 'Highest
Good'. This has resulted in terrible suffering and bloodshed, which in an after time or parallel
dimension was redeemed, but in the present world seemed to be only destructive at the time.

The coming quantum leap in consciousness is a result of this experiment, where suddenly, like
an arrow being loosed after being slowly pulled back as far as it could go, the opposite direction is
quickly and suddenly attained. This is occurring because otherwise the planet would not survive,
setting off a destructive chain reaction in space similar to that of destroying any part of any
organic ecosystem. This quantum leap is a natural reaction of an all-pervading, or omnipresent,
healthy immune system response in the organic body of Creation.

It is important to remember that energy is a continuum between negative and positive poles.
Negativity is necessary for time and space to exist. Negative forces are destructive forces. They
are important so that a fallen tree in the forest decays and becomes earth. Take for example the
time when a person uses free will to make a decision, such as to play instead of work, or write a
symphony instead of eating a dinner, then all other possible realities that energetically co-existed
at the moment of decision must decay so that the chosen activity can manifest clearly in time and

If a person decides to turn right at a crossroads, then the energetic frequencies that existed in the
possible moment in will, mind, and feeling, for turning left, going straight, stopping all together,
going back, etc. are released and must decay like the rotting tree in the forest. All of these decay
functions are performed by negative forces, and negative forces are equally loved by the Creator
because they serve in this way. "God's love shines equally on the good and the bad alike."

In the change that is coming, negative forces will recalibrate their roles so that they are the
highest good of all concerned in the present moment and space. The new quantum state will
allow, as we have said before, for the highest Good of All concerned to be attained IN THE
PRESENT MOMENT and IN THE PRESENT SPACE. Another way of explaining this would be
the concept of INSTANT KARMA.

Because human awareness is changing to whole brain [instead of half-or Ðless-brain], a wrong
decision that would
result in harm to anything, including self, will be intuitively and INSTANTLY recognized and
corrected. This will bring about the greatest harmony and justice, which is our specific angelic
assignment from Divine Providence.

Delta brain wave production ensures an innate understanding of the unified field and the
knowledge that when one is harmed all are harmed. Each man and woman is destined to discover
within their hearts the truth that they are one with God and that other men are brothers and
women are sisters.
Each child is destined to discover that all adults are loving parents. Everyone will remember that
the world is an actual extension of their own bodies.

Because of free will, we ask you, as many angel groups have asked you in these messages, to call
on us in your prayers and meditations, to call on us in your hearts. Please ask us to help bring
about the harmony and justice you desire for yourself and for all others. This will focus our
attention specifically within your individual sphere of free will. It is our assignment from Divine
Providence to respond to you when you ask for the Highest Good of All concerned.


23 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Life Preservation
Also known as The Angels of Lotifar

Beloved, we carry out a difficult job in the zone girdling the earth. It is our job to prevent people
from committing suicide by warning them through their inner voice and by diverting them, if
possible, from their plans.

We inspire people who are in hopeless misery, distress or disappointment, with the fact that life
is something holy
and cannot be replaced by anything. Often we will inspire a person to show up just when a
desperate person is giving up, so that the suicidal person begins to talk about their feelings and
let them flow. It is the nature of feelings that when they are allowed to express themselves in a
safe and non-destructive way, they heal and change. Many is the time when a good long cry and a
sympathetic ear changed a dire situation into one of hope and healing.

We are inspiring emotional understanding in mankind, so that when emotions become desperate
people can work their way through them without destructively acting on them, medicating them,
suppressing them, or denying them. When people suppress, medicate, or deny their feelings, they
are putting off for tomorrow what is possible to be healed today. Anyone who acts out on strong
negative feelings or suppresses them does not understand the changeable nature of emotions,
they do not realize that like stormy weather, emotions will change once they express
themselves.They can do this through letting the feelings flow safely and non-destructively, and
then life will seem precious again.

The seed of the feelings that lead a person to contemplate suicide are usually created by
traumatic circumstances in the first years of life. Eventually these early feelings go underground,
and then get triggered again later by some
event that consciously or unconsciously bears some resemblance to the original trauma.

When this happens, the original overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and despair of the
helpless child come rushing back into consciousness and blind side a person so strongly that they
feel the only escape is death. The perception is that the feelings are completely caused by the
current situation. They do not realize that this is a "blast from the past" and that they have the
power as an adult to change their situation that they did not have as a small child, in the original,
early experience. If the suicidal person is allowed to cry, scream, get angry, feel fear, beg for
comfort, etc. in a safe and non-destructive way, and feel whatever the emotions there are at the
time, they will eventually come to realize that things are not as bad as they seem. Allowing
emotions to flow purifies them and brings insights and revelations.

The field of psychology is beginning to shift paradigms, so that present time feelings can be
traced back to the memory of the original wounding event and cleared through living and reliving
the feelings associated with the memory until psychic healing and wholeness is permanently
restored. This is an evolutionary form of the shamanic practice known as "recapitulation".

We have saved millions of people from suicide by way of intuition, by having inspired them with
a good idea, or by
having created a situation which drove away their suicidal thoughts at the last moment. People
who could not be
diverted from their plans and who killed themselves are watched by us so that they do not regain
their complete
consciousness in the astral world before their normal life-time on this earth has elapsed. When
the suicide
awakes from this state of twilight sleep, the angels of Jonian and Cermiel, who are responsible
for the reincarnation of mankind, start looking after him. These angels then see to it that the
suicide is embodied into circumstances under which he is able to catch up what he should have
learned on earth by his fate.

There are so many people who face the dark night of the soul at some time, and the only way out
seems to be the
doorway of death. For this reason Divine Providence fills earth with heavenly messengers of hope
and inspiration .
We ask each of you to realize that the person you pass on the street, or who sits next to you at
work or university, may be hiding a pain so deep that only a miracle can bring them the strength
that they need to continue. Be a little bit quicker to glance into their eyes, to offer a smile, or a
word of hope. Remember the power of prayer, and call on us to inspire you if you sense that they
need your help. If they need to cry or express their feelings, let them know that they are safe and
listen. No one is ever truly alone.


24 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of the Atmosphere
Also known as The Angels of Kama

Beloved, we are the rulers of the physical atmosphere of Earth. We control the drifts of air,
warmth and cold, and fix
the preconditions for vegetation. Cold and warmth, heat and dryness, storms, frosts, all weather
falls under our range of competence. As mankind moves into a unified paradigm of wholeness
and harmlessness, we are destined to reveal a number of secrets of the atmosphere that are as yet

One of the most important paradigm shifts to be made by left brain dominant cultures is that of
intelligent and
deliberate communication between different domains of third-dimensional life. Quantum
physicists have known
for some time that a wave becomes a particle when it is observed. The next step is the joining of
ancient metaphysics with quantum physics in which the qualities of akasha, will, mind, and
feeling are recognized IN ALL LIFE, in ALL of
its forms. It is at this point that the concept " I have given man dominion over all that I have
created" will be under-
stood as much deeper and more usable than has been previously dreamed.

The quantity AND quality together of the concepts of omnipresence, omnipotence, and
omniscience is realized.
Aboriginal shamen, who are scientists of right brain dominant cultures, have worked within this
of communication all along . At this very time Divine Providence has ordained that left and right
brain cultures
come together in mutual respect to rehabilitate the third dimensional environment.*

Along with this outward shift will come wholebrain thinking amongst all people and cultures. As
it was explained by the Angels of Ybario, [ 22 degrees Capricorn,the angels who control negative
forces], when whole brain thinking occurs, it is impossible for harm to get the upper hand.

In the Delta and Alpha brain wave states * [the right brain] * there is an innate knowing of the
oneness of all life. It is an intimate and real personal knowing, an experience, not an abstraction.
It is at this point of conscious development that it becomes easy to accept and understand the
concept of The Oneness of All Life. It ceases to be a debatable theory or an ethical hypothesis.
Harmlessness is seen to be the key to life... . It functions energetically to the matrix of life itself as
blood in the veins functions in the human body.

It is when harmlessness becomes a law as acceptable as the law of gravity that we will reveal the
secrets of the

Even though the concept of "angels" is very ancient, this concept will be very important to
scientists as secrets of
consciousness are revealed. They will find angels, intelligent self-aware consciousness
wave-forms, in the five level energy continuum.


25 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Matter
Also known as The Angels of Segosel

Beloved, we are the keepers of the secret of the matter. It is for us to inspire mankind with the
secrets of matter of
the physical world in it's chemical and physical effects.

We protect the knowledge of everything related to the physical world. As the angels of Kama
explained in the
previous message, the law of harmlessness requires that we do not reveal much of this
information until whole brain thinking is established worldwide. Wholebrain thinking, uniting
Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brain wave states, is required to understand this information.

The concept in the phrase, "I, of myself, can do nothing." refers to the consequence of left brain
dominance, in
which perception and identity is limited to the five senses, memories and logic. The Delta brain
wave function of the
right brain allows the personal experience of the unified field of energy and the Alpha brain wave
function of the
right brain allows psychic perception such as clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, etc.

The phrase, "On earth as it is in heaven." Is the concept that applies not only to a state of visual
beauty and perfection, but also to the state of heavenly thinking. In this heavenly state of mind,
infinite power,infinite knowledge, and infinite presence is an effortless and natural awareness,
just as breathing is effortless and natural to the physical body. Heavenly thinking is wholebrain
thinking in which perceptive abilities of the right brain are joined with the five senses, memory
and logic of the left brain. In this state, a person experiences themselves IN and AS all things. In
other words, due to whole brain thinking, a person experiences their existence within time and
space and beyond time and space at the same time.* "I and the Father are One." "What you do to
the least of these you do unto me."

In this state it is impossible to wish to harm anything, for everything is experienced as a part of
Self. It is also
equally unlikely to make ignorant mistakes, because the intuition is fully activated and inner
guidance is very acute.

In response to the prayers of ages, Divine Providence has ordained that people who are here to
create heaven
on earth must have enough of the sacred keys of higher consciousness to go about their work
with maximum
efficiency and minimum effort. As the shamen say, "Maximum efficiency and minimum effort is
the way
of heaven." The first key is mastering the skills. The requirements and training necessary for
whole brain
thinking are a combination of the skills learned in The Tibetan Exercise of Paradox and the
meditation exercises
for the letters.*

The second key is the invocation of the angels of the qualities and virtues that you wish to
master. The letters of
the name of each angel group form the basis for the proper meditation. [Look at the letters of our
name Segosel:

S....All-penetrating power,
E... Omnipresence,
G....Grace and Mercy,
O....Divine Justice, S...All-penetrating power,
E.... Omnipresence,
L.... All Divine Virtues.]

These two keys used in combination, in which the imagined meditation for the letters becomes
more real and vivid than the senses of the physical body [AS WAS LEARNED IN THE TIBETAN
EXERCISE OF PARADOX], is the third key. The third key explains the meaning of the concept, "
It is the Father within, it is He that doeth the works."

These three keys correspond to the first three major arcana in the Tarot of the Quaballah. This is
the ancient path of awareness that serves as the common root, or precursor, of Islam,
Christianity, and Judaism. These three wonderful steps are yours to use on the path to fulfilling
the prophecy, "All that I do ye shall do and more."

26 degrees Capricorn a sextile with Galactic Center at

26 degrees Sagittarius. sextiles bring beauty and love

The Angels of The Wisdom Keys

Also known as The Angels of Sarsiee

Beloved, we are the angels who are the custodians of all Wisdom keys. We see to it that these
keys, by which
enormous powers and faculties can be released, never get into the hands of immature people.

We personally see to it that the true mysteries remain hidden to the non-initiate even when they
are published in hundreds of places. In the event that an immature person actually obtained and
studied the miraculous instructions; confusion, disbelief, and other limitations would soon
confound them. We turn their attention into preparatory areas of study so that they may grow
into greater spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical maturity.

The level of maturity that we seek is found in the heavenly mind. The key to the heavenly mind is
whole brain thinking.

A person obtaining great power must follow inner guidance. This guidance is their unique and
direct connection to
Source and to their Soul Purpose and to Divine Providence. It comes from their oneness with
God in the slowest region of the Delta brain wave state, a state of Pure Bliss and Oneness with the
Unified Field. The existence of The One Being, which is the unified field of Conscious Love, is the
only constant in a universe of change.

By studying the letters in our name, you will notice that the I, which represents Cause and Effect,
precedes two E's,
which represent Omnipresence. We make sure that only those who carry out the grand design of
harmony, which is a result of the Highest Good of All concerned happening at all times and in all
places, obtain a grand level of power. The two S's [cubed] signify all-penetrating power, and the A
is all wisdom and enlightenment. The R represents the maturity of freedom and independence
because one of the most important teachings is to follow inner conscience. The Law of One,
which is the prime directive of all life, states that only the Highest Good of All concerned is
divinely legal. It begins with this statement: "We are all one."

The intention of "The Highest Good of All Concerned" is always the guiding factor, because when
any part of the One Being is harmed, the whole Being of God, the unified field, trembles at it's
deepest core. Harmlessness must be equally extended to one's self as well, for harm applied to
any part stresses the whole. That is why The Law of One states that, "When one is harmed, all are
harmed." And next it is stated that, "When one is helped, all are helped."
In the slowest range of the Delta brain wave state of the right side of the brain; love, wisdom, and
power is experienced in conjunction with the consciousness of The One Being. This One Being is
the level of God-penetrating-All. This level is both masculine and feminine and relates to the
element of Akasha. It is from this first level of the Akasha, that the still inner voice of higher
conscience comes. It then flows as desire/power into the will. This level is masculine and electric
in polarity and relates to the element of fire.

In the Theta brain wave state of the left side of the brain, powerful intuitive desire from Delta
flows in and fuels deep inner thought. A person' s unique intellectual creativity unfolds here in a
unified state of flow from Delta on one hand and finally into Alpha on the other. Ideas and
thoughts are created at this level that express Divine Guidance and that create good feelings. This
brain wave is both masculine and feminine and relates to the element of air.

In the Alpha brain wave state on the right side of the brain, non-physical information is received
as feeling from the
preceding world of creative thought at the same time that feeling energy from other life forms in
the outer worlds
flows in. On the feeling level, negative feelings warn of something wrong and positive feelings
confirm rightness. It
is necessary that each person have strong and clear feelings of rightness or wrongness .
Information is experienced as clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc., and feelings.
Feelings are magnetic and feminine in polarity and relate to the element of water.

In the Beta brain wave state on the left side of the brain, the feeling is processed from Alpha.
Then the memory,
logic and five senses add their input. It is at this point that physical action takes place. This level
is both masculine and feminine in polarity and relates to the element of earth. If a person follows
the dictates of an outward force instead of inner guidance and if any part of the mind is
dysfunctional, errors occur. It is for this reason that Divine Providence has given us complete
power over the keys to Wisdom and Miracles to make sure that they are only mastered by those
who bless all and harm none.


27 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Miraculous Rescue
Also known as The Angels of Kiliosa

Beloved, we are the angels who come to you in moments of great distress. We instantly help you
in moments of highest danger. We give you words of power which may only be applied in
moments of utmost danger, words which save life at once.

There are times when we inspire words of power so that a person becomes invisible or escapes in
some other amazing way. Many difficult situations are changed by words of power. Sometimes
the effects are realized within tenths of seconds.

Throughout the ages we have been called in strongly and persistently by children. Children have
always been
told stories of being rescued by glorious beings with supernatural powers. These miraculous
beings rescue life
over and over and over again in every conceivable situation in every culture. Churches and
temples teach that beings with supernatural powers rescue those who put their faith in them.
Children wish with all their hearts for someone to come and rescue them.

A person who is in great fear for life, family, possessions, freedom, soul, or environment calls on
our help for sudden and complete safety. Many people are calling for dramatic rescue at this
time. It is for this very reason that these angel messages are going out over the world wide web.

The name of any angel or group of angels is the word of power that is used to command the
Divine Virtues that they represent. Angels act as messengers in the sense that they are connectors
between a conscious mind and the original Divine Virtue in Cosmic Consciousness. These names
must be spoken according to the meditation of the letters of the cosmic language. Angel words
are enlivened by will, formed from visualizations and feelings, and result in actions or changes in
matter. These names, with their degree of the zodiac, have endured throughout time in the
writings of Quaballah, the precursory teachings of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Angels are intelligent life forms. Humans are also intelligent life forms. However, it is only when
both of them
will together for the Highest Good of All Concerned, which means that they are in synchronicity
with Divine Will, that their energy acts together. Both then work with energy in a mutually
interdependent way, like the oxygen cycle between mammals and vegetation. Humans create a
concept and angels carry it out. This leads to more concepts being created, which in turn the
angels again carry out. Free will simply means that this is a creative universe. This is how
creators create.

When you attune to the angels using the cosmic language, the meaning of the letters of their
name becomes more real to you than what your physical body is experiencing. This is the same
mental skill that you developed in the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox. This is how to synchronize
the energy of angel intelligence and human intelligence. This is how to use your will and mind
and feelings with maximum efficiency and minimum effort to create on earth. As you master
wholebrain thinking and the cosmic language, your words have power.

It is time now to learn this cosmic language. It is time to fulfill the prophecies of the Masters, and
answer the hearts
of children everywhere. "All that I do, ye shall do and more." On earth as it is in heaven.


28 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Acoustics
Also known as The Angels of Rosora

Beloved, we are the masters of acoustics in the physical world. We are the angels who have
inspired acoustic
communication over far distances, starting from the Tom Tom of early peoples up to the modern
radio, satellites, and other inventions in this field today.

By using the Alpha brain wave state of 5 to 12 oscillations per second in the lower part of the
right brain, we show
you how everything to which you direct your attention can be heard over the greatest distances
by clairaudience.
In addition to receiving sound,we show you how acoustic vibration can be transmitted, how
spoken words, sentences, etc., can be intensified acoustically and materialized over distance.

If a person reaches a certain degree of perfection in this, he can materialize sound so that even
untrained people can hear distantly transmitted spoken words with their physical ears.

Every culture has stories of a person hearing some very important message out of thin air. This is
how children are
taught that when it is important for them to hear something, audible words will manifest out of
thin air. We are the
angels ordained by Divine Providence to make sure that this happens. Each individualized spark
of the Divine is a unique universe of a spirit-soul, and all universes together form the fabric of
the One Being. As above, so below. This is the same in a human body, where each cell is unique
unto itself, but at the same time part of the whole.
The ability to be a separate individual and be One with All at the same time is the experience of
being male/female,
positive/negative, outward/inward, up/down, powerful/powerless, fire/water, electric/magnetic,
ect., all at the same time. This is why the brain has two opposite hemispheres. Doing both at the
same time is a
result of whole brain thinking and allows one to follow in the footsteps of the masters. In
understanding acoustics,
the paradigm of selfhood shifts from being an isolated island to being the vast sea of
consciousness as a unified
whole in a unified field.

Every psychic skill depends on the ability to hold a split attention. This is what is meant by, "I am
in this world but
not of it." and "I and the Father are One." and "The Middle Path of Buddha" and "The Razors
Edge" and "The Crack Between the Worlds" and "Yea, yea. Nay, nay. More than this there is
nothing" and "God's love shines equally on the good and the bad alike". This is the Fifth
Dimension. This is putting equal attention on singularity and unity At the Same Time, as you did
in the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox.

Because the person to whom you are sending sound is part of the same fabric of energy, the
unified field, vibrations of energy reach them and are "heard" in the same part of their brain that
processes outer sound. To the extent that you will, think, feel, and sense both the word itself and
the receiving of it by the intended person, the word gets through. They experience it as an
audible sensation. It is important to use the cosmic language in doing this. The cosmic language
meditation, in which the focus of the meaning, colors, sounds, and senses of each word is more
real and vivid than the physical sensations of the body, as mastered in the Tibetan Exercise of
Paradox, is the key to mastering Alpha brain wave states. This is the frequency range, 5 to 12
oscillations per second in the lower right brain, in which clairaudience, clairvoyance,
clairsentience, etc. are experienced naturally. By perfecting this technique, a distant person will
hear, see, know, and feel the word or words that you are sending.

Many times Divine Providence directs us to allow a person to hear the beautiful music of the
spheres. This music
entrains their consciousness in times of transformation.

Small children often hear beautiful music when walking undisturbed in the woods, or playing
alone in a spot of
sunlight, or they will see and hear an invisible companion. Imagine a world filled with music, for
soon everyone will
hear music playing everywhere. Imagine ecstatic music continually strengthening, harmonizing,
and uplifting your
Cosmic Conscious SELF in will, thought, feeling, and form. And imagine "thinking" to an
ancestor or a distant loved one and actually hearing them think back, and seeing them too!
Imagine talking to an angel. Imagine.


29 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Clay
Also known as The Angels of Ekorim

Beloved, in the law of analogy and correspondences, clay is the embodiment of eternity.
Everything having to do with clay comes under our guidance and inspiration. We are the angels
who inspire and teach mankind how to create the most manifold shapes from earth, gypsum and
clay. Through the making of pottery and sculpture we guide mankind through the mysteries of
shape and form. We inspire MIRACLES in the making of pots, vessels, and statues from clay. We
are the angels involved with the making of all kinds of bricks for architecture.

We teach mankind to use the healing powers of clay in natural medicine. It takes over a thousand
years to make an
inch of clay. Clay has within it the long history of the place that it is in. Every healing influence of
stars, planets, and
memory of every life form, visible and invisible, that has ever existed there in that area is
purified, absorbed, and
embedded into clay.

If used externally or internally it restores attainment to the natural world while drawing out and
absorbing poisons.
Learn from personal experience what the ancients have taught; that the ground beneath is holy
ground, and it has
power to heal. Walking, sitting, or laying on clay gets the skin to absorb healing energies from the
clay at the same
time that the clay pulls out, absorbs, and purifies the energies being emitted from the body. An
energy current
is established that is a feedback loop.

The power of clay to heal is so great, that clay from certain locations will be sought and valued as
much as gold or
precious gems. Even very small amounts of clay provide healing benefits. Essences and
quintessences are made
from it.

We inspire each of you to reach down and rub a few pinches of clay between your fingers at
certain times and
place a small amount an inch or two behind your left ear. Ask then that the healing energies of
the clay spread it's
power within your body temple.

Place clay on a sore spot, or a weak organ. Carefully monitor changes in energy that result there
over the next
few days. As the physical impurities are drawn out, their corresponding impure feelings,
thoughts and intentions are
brought into consciousness to be healed simultaneously.
This allows you to heal the long stored angry, frustrated, or painful feelings. Go deep into your
memories and
feelings and let them flow in a safe and non-destructive way. Letting them flow deeply will heal
them. The
thoughts and intentions that caused them spontaneously heal in the psyche along with the
feelings themselves.

Imagine an ancient clay mine. The scrapings of thousands of years of clay gatherers undulate the
cliff. Feeling as if
you are asleep and having a dream, you watch from far away as your right hand slowly reaches
up to scrape some
clay under a fingernail.

Trance like, your middle finger is gently scratching as you begin to move in a spiral. Eternity
opens. Falling into the
loving arms of silence and billions and billions of stars and universes, you remember who you

"I am the beloved and the lover, and I Am The Dance of Divine Harmony."
I AM the dance of One and many.
I am healed.


30 degrees Capricorn
The Angels of Fishing
Also known as The Angels of Ramgisa

Beloved, we are the angels who direct and control fishing upon the earth. When a fish is ready to
die, a telepathic
signal is sent that is received by a nearby predator who grants a swift and natural end. The
disability and suffering
of gradually getting older and weaker is avoided.

The fish is glad to give of it's body for food when it is through using it. Divine Providence has
ordained that
mankind regain whole brain thinking. In whole brain thinking, decisions come from intuitive
guidance. In the paradigm of spiritual decision making, Universal Consciousness serves as the
source of intuitive information
to replace making decisions from a purely logical state of mind.

As this happens, not only fishing, but all activities are guided in a way that guarantees alignment
with the Highest Good of All Concerned. The archetype of Capricorn reveals inward receptivity to
Divine Will combined with outward receptivity to the world.

Listening and following inner guidance in a Delta brain wave state allows wise and loving
decisions to be made in
the Theta brain wave state. Then the Alpha brain wave state receives further information from
the invisible outer realms of thought and feeling from others to further inform the thought
process of the Beta brain wave state of memory, logic, and the five senses. Actions resulting from
this type of whole brain thinking are in tune with the harmony of the universe.

This is how to follow the great Tao, the Holy Way, the Shamanic Red Road. An action done in
this way assures
that instead of cruelly hurting a fish and depriving it of life for personal gain, a person is
compassionately and
reverently helping a fish transcend at it's chosen time.

Through spiritual guidance, a human living in trust and innocence can drop a line in the water,
catch a fish, feed
the dog and cat with it, and sleep with clear conscience.

We are the angels who guard the fish and guide you to catch just the right ones in just the right
way. Nothing is by chance.


1 degree Aquarius
The Angels of Sharpening
Also known as The Angels of 'Frasis'

We are the first order of angels in the constellation Aquarius. In the previous constellation,
Capricorn was Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned manifesting through the element
of Earth. Capricorn was receptivity to Divine Will for the highest good of all on all four levels of
will, thought, feeling, and form. Aquarius, however, is Divine Will manifesting through the
element of air, or mind.

Aquarius is receptive to DIVINE WILL on the first two levels of will and thought. On the next two
lower levels, the levels of feeling and form, Aquarius creates the feelings and forms that express
Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned.

Capricorn is completely magnetic and feminine on all four levels. Aquarius, however, is receptive,
magnetic and feminine in will and thought, and then turns creative, electric and masculine in
feeling and form. It is the will of Divine Providence that heaven manifest on earth and fulfill the
law "As above, so below". This is the meaning of letter F, which is the divine virtue of the legality
of harmony in all visible worlds, the worlds of desire, thought, feeling, and form. This virtue has
a light green light. Through the law of correspondences, actions taken in will and thought
manifests in feeling and form, and likewise actions taken on lower planes manifest on the higher.

In Aquarius, we inspire people to develop such sharp receptivity to Divine Will that their mind is
filled with ingenious thoughts and ideas, which they use to create the highest good of all
concerned in feeling and form. Receptivity to inner guidance from Divine Will is the virtue of
letter R, which has a beautiful golden light.

Learning how to sharpen cutting edges is analogous to learning how to sharpen the mind and
intellect through receptivity to Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned.

The act of sharpening is analogous to honing the mind to cleanly "cut through".

Cutting away all that is not the highest good and releasing it is the virtue of umlaut A, AE. This
virtue has a loamy brown light. In the physical act of sharpening, the brain develops
neurocircuits and neuropeptides that foster intense focus and will. This is the type of focus that
cuts through all distraction and obscurity.

The act of sharpening fosters complex insight, visioning, and goal setting.

In the Orient, when a spiritual warrior was ready to develop neurocircuitry for the type of focus
that leads to personal genius, his teacher would guide him to master the ancient way of
sharpening his own sword, upon which his life and the lives of those he protected would depend.
Intense focus and willpower that penetrates all is the divine virtue of letter S. It has a purple red
light. Through keen conscience, memory, and remembrance, a Child of Light learns to master
cause and effect. In sharpening a cutting edge, every thought and feeling can result in slight
movements in muscle tension which results either in dulling or perfecting the cutting edge. The
mastery of cause and effect is the divine virtue of letter I, which has a light opalescent light. All
penetrating Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned is meditated on while sharpening
and is impregnated into the blade itself. In this way the blade is sacred, all powerful, never causes
harm and is only used for the highest good of all, making only good karma for those who use it.
All penetrating will is the divine virtue of the second S in 'Frasis'. 'We have taught mankind how
to sharpen things. First man learned how to sharpen knives and axes, then, as time went on, he
learned how to cut stones and gems.'

'The instrument necessary for sharpening and cutting, the whetstone, has reached its modern
perfection due to our inspiration.' 'We protect and inspire everyone who has anything to do with
the art of cutting, sharpening,
and grinding.' Meditate on the divine virtues in our name, to use the skill of sharpening as a path
to enlightenment.



F. The third letter of our name is the divine virtue representing the legality and harmony of all
visible worlds in creation in both the microcosm of the human body and the macrocosm. 'By
using this virtue, a person comes
to know legality as the most perfect harmony, and furthermore, to see the operation and the laws
of analogy of the macro- and microcosm in their truest form.' In the intellect, this virtue gives
complete understanding of the interdependence of will, thought, emotion, and form. The color of
this virtue is light green; it is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It has the
musical note of F-sharp and the left hand is formed from it.

R. The sound of the letter R is the sound of freedom and independence. This is the virtue of
following inner guidance, which is a person's direct connection with Divine Providence. On a
mental level this gives an eminent
mind, and a feeling of freedom of will and absolute security that is in complete accord with
Divine Providence. On an emotional and physical level, the virtue of freedom and independence
'awakens ingenuity and a rational
widening of intellect, so that any knowledge can be comprehended quickly'. The letter R is a
golden color, is of the air element and has the sensation of ease, has the musical note of C, and is
the virtue from which the left
side of the nose was created. In meditating on this virtue, imagine the golden light radiating from
the left nostril and filling your entire universe with the virtue of freedom, independence, and
clear inner guidance.

A. 'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.' The sound of
this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and mystery of
life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of God
becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a
transformation from one state into another'. 'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this
transformation. With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres
and planes with regard to their scope of action'. ' The purpose for which negative beings have
been created becomes clear. Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each having been
created by Divine Providence to fulfill a
certain task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point
of view everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If
there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if
there were no passions, there would also be no virtues'. ' This virtue confirms the words
contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep symbolic meaning of which now
becomes clear.' In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and
concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute master'. 'In the feelings, this virtue represents
desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc. A person who masters this virtue in
their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions. Also, a person is able
to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects. This means complete
independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free". 'On the
material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it in
the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a larger
extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.' The color of this virtue is
loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the sensation of weight.
The anus is formed from this virtue.

S. This sound is the sound of all-penetrating-power. 'It has to do with everything regarding
enthusiasm and the absolute mastery of will'. 'This is the most subtle substance of the divine
spirit, i.e., with the original divine will or fire which works as a substantial power in everything
that has been created by Divine Providence.' A child of God using this divine virtue attains 'the
spiritual gift of perfect mastery over the electrical fluid, which is the use of will, and is able to
control everything analogous to will.' 'A state of clairvoyance in its purest form and perfect
control over other beings is gained by this virtue in the feeling nature.' The color of this virtue is
purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of
warmth, and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

I. The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law. 'On the mental
level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience'. ' In the feeling body, this
corresponds to the astral/physical matrix, which is the connection between feeling and physical
form, with all of its functions'. On the material world, everything that has shape, measure,
number and weight can be understood and mastered with this virtue.' The color of this virtue is
light opal, the musical note is G, the element is earth so it has the sensation of weight, and the
left kidney is created by this oscillation.

S. All penetrating will.


2 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Defense
Also known as The Angels of 'Pother'

We are here to help the Children of Light ensure that only that which is according to the Law of
One, the Highest Good of All concerned, endures and triumphs, for that was the beginning and
the end, the Alpha and the Omega.

The Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned is received mentally throughout the entire
constellation of Aquarius, and in this third degree a Child of Light learns how to create in feeling
and form the situations that
out picture the highest good whenever there is any danger. The original divine blueprint, made in
the beginning of creation, of Earth as the Garden of Eden, is the future that is happening now.
This is the meeting of the Alpha and the Omega. This is what the Mayans meant when they
referred to this time as the Ancient Future.

Now is the time for the original divine blueprint of creation to manifest fully in perfect clarity
and purity. Many overlapping cycles have been traveled and the grand circle is completing.

At any time when political, environmental, economic, and social wars are being fought both
within the inner consciousness of people and in the outer world, it is important that traditional
paradigms are replaced by the
Ancient/future paradigm of heaven on earth. In the widening spiral of life, the time of emergence
arrives for all
creation to be united with Divine Light.

The Divine Light enables the many, who are one in the web of life, to be sovereign, free,
empowered, and harmonious enlightened conscious members of the Unified Field, spiraling into
ever expanding Love and the highest good of all.

We direct those who are seeking spiritual perfection, for this is the archetype of the letter "P" in
our name. We direct those who seek justice, the letter "O". We give high inspiration about all
things, the letter "T".

We teach the use of the sacred language, the letter H, to bring about heaven on earth and
everywhere for all beings, which is the archetype of the letter "E", the divine virtue of
omnipresence. We inspire the use of inner guidance the letter "R".

Divine Providence has given us the responsibility of teaching the Children of Light the strategy of
using the cosmic language to create the highest good of all concerned. The power of the word is
the most efficient use of energy in the defense of peace and security to all beings.
Divine virtues, flowing through will, thought, feeling and sensation in a Child of Light, anchor
spiritual perfection in the Unified Field, the web of life. We are the heavenly hosts who inspired
martial arts that are used to protect peace, such as the art of Aikido, in which every move is a
defensive move.

The Aikido master understands the value of enlightenment and wisdom, which is the letter A.
The laws of cause and effect, letter I, are mastered. Then he or she learns to place whole brain
consciousness in the place of
omnipotence [the letter "K" in Aikido].

Next he or she uses the law of karma, letter I, and the laws of creation, the letter D, to transform
any situation with the power of cognition brought about by Love Divine, the letter umlaut O, OE.

IN THE LONGING FOR SPIRITUAL PERFECTION, whether a war is in the microcosm, in which
a person is at war within him or her self, or in the macrocosm, in which a war exists in the outer
world, we are the heavenly hosts to call upon to defend safety and peace and bring about victory.
If a polluting corporation pits itself against groups of citizens, for example, or countries pit
armies against each other, any Child of Light can marshal the heavenly host for a peaceful
outcome that manifests Divine Will for the highest good of all.

He or she does this by meditating on the divine virtues of 'Pother', and calling on the heavenly
hosts of 'Pother'.

The strategies that we inspire are brilliant and miraculous and ensure the highest good of all

There are tales of soldiers who report seeing angels intervene for victory.

Commanders tell of divine inspiration and brilliant strategies that come just at the right time.
Many of these tales describe our protection and inspiration throughout history.

'Divine Providence has ordained for us to guide and protect all those who are living in peace and
seeking spiritual perfection in times of danger and war.'

'We are strategists of the highest order whose purpose is to make sure that you defend, secure,
and maintain peace.' 'We give inspiration on how to successfully direct and win when in war.'

Meditate on the divine virtues of the letters of our name, and call on our help, to gain
enlightenment in the path of defending the highest good of all concerned.

P.The pursuit of spiritual perfection, longing for unity with Divine Light. This longing is present
in all of creation and can be called upon to awaken in all beings.

O. Divine Justice and Harmony.

T. High inspiration concerning all things.

H.The power of the Word, the use of will, thought, feeling, and sensation to bring forth divine
virtues in the worlds of form.

E.Omnipresence. Divine will, Divine thought, Divine love/feeling, and Divine sensation is
everywhere present, and can be brought forth in any situation.

R.Freedom and independence, following inner guidance.


3 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Imagination
Also known as The Angels of 'Badet'


In a life of secure peace made possible by the angels of 'Pother', the Children of Light are inspired
with the creative power of imagination, by us through the divine virtues of our name. Universal
Life is the divine virtue of letter B of 'Badet'. When a Child of Light meditates on the light violet
light, meaning, feeling and sensation of this virtue, the understanding and mastery of polarity in
all of its forms is gained. Will and feeling, which is electricity and magnetism, gives the power of
life and death over any creation. These creations can be creations of fire, which is will, of air,
which is thought forms, of water, which are feelings, and of earth, which are material forms. The
sensation of Universal life is weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element. In a state of pure
being and deep inner thought, a person unites with Divine Intelligence, and unites with the
original purity of all ideas. This is the
divine virtue of letter A, which is the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment.

One of these ideas is the unified field, the web of life. The web of life unites all individual beings
with filaments of will and feeling, like a spider's web, in a formation similar to a trunk connecting
the branches of a tree. Occult faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, levitation, etc. are
awakened with mental identification with original ideas of Divine Mind.

The mysteries of creation are the mysteries of love as it expresses itself by giving birth. The
offspring of love can be beings of fire, which are beings of will, of air, which are beings of
thought, of water, which are beings of emotion, and of earth, which are beings with material
forms. The divine virtue of the mysteries of creation is the letter D of 'Badet', which has a dark
blue color and the sensation of warmth and expansion.

When a Child of Light is receptive to Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned and begins
to create with love, which is magnetism, we teach the divine virtue of omnipresence. This is the
divine virtue of letter E, which has a deep purple light and the sensation of
consciousness-penetrating-all. By infusing the omnipresence with thought
forms that are enlivened with will and feeling, which are the electromagnetic fluid, a Child of
Light actually manifests into reality the fruits of creative imagination.

To be sure that these creations are from the highest levels of Divine Consciousness, we add the
divine virtue of high inspiration, the virtue of letter T. This virtue has a dark brown light and the
sensation of warmth and

The pineal gland produces over twenty thousand different psychoactive neuropeptides, and these
combine in infinite combinations analogous to intuitive and creative, imaginative states. A
person who floods their
physical body with the glandular elixirs of universal consciousness {letter B}, wisdom {A},
creativity {D}, omnipresence {E} , and high inspiration {T} is in the position to create heaven on

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

We inspire the use of inventions such as biofeedback equipment that measures brainwave
activity and can be used to picture and mold the brain wave landscape. Biofeedback training
develops skill in enhancing the production
of particular brain waves such as will, which is the Delta states, and greater alpha wave
production, which is feeling states. These and the deep inner thought state of Theta, the place of
imagination become easier to generate by heightened awareness of physiological cues that tell
when the trainee is generating brain waves in each state.

Increasingly, there are new technologies to train creativity, "convergent" thinking, and to
powerfully increase mental capacity.

One of the simplest and most effective methods to expand mental horizons is to begin every day
by doing "possibility thinking" for ten to twenty minutes.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow at least one interlude each day when it is okay to "think
big". Over time, in this practice, the seeker simply allows him/herself to visualize the realization
of every one of the fondest dreams and hopes of the child self. The imagination is allowed to
reach beyond its limits, guided by nostalgia for a possible, new world that is heaven on earth for
all beings. The most wonderful and seemingly impossible scenarios are pictured, not only in
terms of what that beautiful new world would look like but also how it would feel.

The practice is directed by asking "What if.?" and asking the heavenly hosts of 'Badet' and inner
guidance to lead the way. Positive feelings generated by each scenario are given time and
emotional permission to reach their full
electromagnetic charge of will and feeling to enliven a clear and colorful thought form of heaven
on earth. This thought form, enlivened by will and feeling, is then shared with the Unified Field,
The One Being, through intent, clear visualization, feeling, and sensation of being everywhere
present, in order to complete the multi-level creation of the new reality. The resulting
visual-emotional state is a transformational meditation in that blesses all and brings about new

We guide people to ancient teachings that help restore creative imagination. Many of these help
with the ability to sink into deep states of meditation and reverie. We inspired forms of The
Tibetan Exercise of Paradox, which enlivens the brain. The feeling of transcendental awareness is
powerful after even a few minutes of practicing this exercise. We protect and inspire each person
in order to facilitate a smooth transition from less than ten percent brain function to eighty
percent or more.

We guide people to healing on all levels of consciousness. Many people have absorbed toxic nerve
poisons in their cranial sphere due to exposure to pesticides in the environment. We inspire the
use of medicines with special
substances, such as Huperzine A* and Vinpocetine*, which remove toxins quickly and restore

sThe miracles of transformation of earth happen as the Children of Light reclaim hearts of
unconditional all encompassing love and understanding of the web of life and the Law of One,
the Highest Good of All concerned.

'We help you learn to think in a creative manner and show you how to transpose thoughts into
the Akasha, the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, in order to realize the results that you
wish to see.'
'We entrust you with many methods that give you a marvelous faculty of imagination.'

B.Universal Consciousness, polarity, manifestation into form.

A.Wisdom and enlightenment.



T.High Inspiration.


4 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Poetry
Also known as The Angels of 'Naga'

Spiritual poets are we.

Beloved, this is our saga.

Beacons of light on the sea.

Revealing the truth with verse and with rhyme.

Spiritual Poets time after time.

Creating a poem, ride the rivers of birth

With love in our sails to purify earth.

Embracing the dawn, ending the fray,

Words glow like a light and herald the day.

Waters of life, bubbling and clear,

Flow in your words to all that can hear.

When verse and rhyme open cracks between time.

The wind blows warm and soft breezes charm,

And the perfume of angels float free.

Oh ! Singer of mystery and Weaver of tales.

Hand in hand, through the spiraling light.
In the fire we hover, we give you sight.

Opening memories of heaven and soaring delight.

Life's soulful feelings flowing free...

Rising up higher, with spiritual desire,

The flames of the fire are we.

Eternity flowing, polarity exposing

We give you the art of composing.

Imagine being a beacon so bright.

Imagine staying up late to write.

Imagine yourself as a wizard of heights.

Imagine yourself as a poet of lights!


N. Supreme happiness, the power to influence. The smile. The laugh. The grin.

A. Wisdom and enlightenment, eloquence, mystical faculties. Now we begin again!

G. Grace and Mercy. The power to Bless. The very nature of Bliss.

A umlaut. [long A, AE ].To transform and control passion, what could be better than this?


5 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Redemption and Mercy
Also known as The Angels of 'Asturel'


We represent the aspect of Divine Mercy that allows lessons to be learned, whenever possible, in
a pleasant way, thereby adding to the sum joy of the whole and blessing the unified field. We
teach the Children of Light, through the divine virtues of our name, to follow inner guidance and
create pleasant ways in feeling and form to rectify past mistakes. 'We administer Divine Mercy.'

'It is our assignment to bring pleasantness to the children of God on Earth.' 'Regardless of the
difficulty of karma, of mistakes and negative causes, we find a way to bring mercy that
strengthens the legality of harmony.'

The Divine Virtue of Harmony is the basis of legality and of justice, of the Law of One, the
highest good of all concerned. When one is harmed, all are harmed. This includes both
self-inflicted harm to oneself or harm done to another. It is important that people understand
that when harm is inflicted anywhere, self or other, near or far, the whole being of God, the
whole Unified Field trembles. Any harm therefore breaks the Law of One, the highest good of all
concerned, even karmic-return harm, brought on by past misdeeds, that exists to teach the
lessons of
harmlessness through reaping the results of cause and effect.

It is for this reason that we ameliorate negative karma with Mercy in a way that allows lessons to
be learned and suffering to be minimized. Listen to one of our stories about neutralizing negative
karma through pleasantly learning the lessons of harmlessness. The Street Fighter Once upon a
time, on a damp and gloomy night in London, an angry street fighter stood brooding in the dim
glow of a street light, deep in the poorest and oldest part of town.

Bored and homeless, he waited for something, but he was not sure what it was. He had a
homeless person's instinct, a kind of body feeling, that told him when change was coming. From
the distance, he heard a girl calling for a lost pet. Soon he saw her wandering up the street, a
pretty innocent creature that seemed oblivious to any danger.

"Easy mark," he smirked as he sized up the situation. Emilie was gifted, psychic, and spiritually
attuned. She had felt his ominous presence long before she saw him, but her inner guidance was
strong, and her feeling of safety was sure. She looked at him, knowing who and what he was and
exactly what he was thinking.

Within her, fear knocked but faith answered. Praying, she felt the presence of Grace come over
her as she walked up to him. She heard herself asking out loud, "I am looking for Puffie. He is
part yellow retriever with soft long hair. Have you seen him?"

He cringed in disbelief.

Everyone had always been afraid of him.

Shocked by her utter casualness and trust, he was completely off guard. For a brief moment, all
of his dark plans escaped him and he was speechless. Not knowing what to say, he paused;
should he answer her question?

In that eternal moment, Emilie quietly continued to affirm her oneness with all creation and to
ask for the highest good of all concerned to happen. Her inner guidance gave her this prayer, "I
ask that this man's Christ
Conscious Self from higher realms travel in consciousness to his personality now. I ask that his
Divine Self enter into his body and enlighten him."

She saw and felt the Pentecost coming upon them both and a radiant presence of light descended
around and through them. Surrounded by angels and burning with spiritual fire, the homeless
street fighter closed his eyes and felt his heart explode in pain. He remembered years ago, when
his Mother had last spoken to him in trust, in
the same tone of voice that the young girl had just spoken. He swayed and nearly lost his balance
as the memory engulfed him in rivers of wonderful flowing feelings. Oh, his beloved wonderful

Oh, how she had loved him and gave him confidence. Then he remembered and relived her tragic
death. It was a terrible night when he was eight years old when his father killed her during an
alcoholic rage.

That was the night when the door to his heart locked down and he lost a part of his soul.

As he struggled with the memory, his tough psychological armor, toughened with many more
years of shock and abuse, ripped open and split asunder. He lost control. Emilie watched as he
transformed under the street light in the falling rain. She had felt the screams of a wounded
heart before when it remembered the time of wounding. She knew the power of a person's
Higher Self to heal it.

The tsunami wave of sadness crashed through him, and he looked at the girl through racking
sobs and blinding tears. She had been expecting this. Emilie sat down on the curb and pulled him
by the hand to sit down with her. In the rain, she meditates on the final outcome. She imagines
the vision of this man healed and radiant. Holding his hand more tightly, she turned to look at
him with eyes of joy. Waves of relief swept through his body as he cried the held back tears of
many years.

She gently pulled his shaggy head down to her shoulder and, putting her small arms around his
great big frame, prayed while the heaving sobs went on and on and on.

Eternity opened.

Heaven rushed through.

As he sobbed, Emilie flashed back on her past and began to muse. Over years of living in poverty,
in the dangerous inner city jungle, she had learned to call in peoples' Divine Selves and had
gained confidence in the
reliable response. When she calls, did the Divine Self come from the future back into the past,
she wondered? Or from the past when the soul was first created into the future? Or did the
Divine Self of a person just come down from Heavenly realms? .Or all three? She was not sure,
but she did know that a person's higher self always came when she called it. And it always
worked in mysterious ways. She remembered having a feeling from the very beginning, when
Puffie mysteriously bolted, that she was on another mission of Divine Providence. These divine
missions had happened often to her, and in unexpected ways, ever since she was a little girl when
she had intuitively learned the power of calling in a person's Higher Self. She had always been
glad that her parents had not had the worry of knowing about the dangerous and questionable
people, that she had met and prayed for over the years, using this technique. Recently in school
she had been relieved to find an article explaining how native Kahunas in Hawaii had been
calling in people's divine selves for centuries, and so had the Tibetans, and other ancient peoples.
It was reinforcing to her that that she was not alone, that that was how others went about healing
people too. She mused that nothing is by chance, and that her own Higher Self, her Divine
Indwelling Unity with God, would have never guided her down this alley way by mistake.

She knew at the time that it was strange that Puffie got lost; he never did that. There was a
purpose behind this. Nothing is by chance. "This man is beloved of God," she thinks to herself, "
and Omnipotent Power, Wisdom, and Love will do the work as it always does."

"Ask and you shall receive."

Even though this man had a long road to travel before he was completely healed, she knew that
he had started on his way. Standing up now, and looking down with great love, she said, "Let me
know if I can ever help you again. All you have to do is close your eyes and send me a thought,
and my Higher Self will send the angels to protect and guide you".

Feeling that he understood her, she added, " You can call on your own Higher Self to do the same
for yourself or for others too." Speechless and shaking, in awe he watched her walk away. He
emerged from deep in the Silence, and he finally came back to himself. Shaking his head, he felt
that he had a lot of serious thinking to do.

A wonderful thought occurred to him, "I will call in my Mother's Higher Self, and maybe she will
come help me too!."

Prayerfully he walked back to his cardboard box hidden under a stairwell. Under the blanket, his
fingers lovingly found his battered pouch and he stoked the wrinkled and faded photograph of
his mother. His felt his heart jump and spring back to life! He felt as if he was ten years old again!

He felt her presence glowing around him. She was with him! She was here! She was smiling and
radiant, long hair flowing in a gentle breeze. Her love illuminated his world, just like the old
times. He got to his knees and bowed his head in prayer, whispering, " Mother, I love you. I will
never disappoint you again. Stay with me Mother. Help me be the man you always wanted me to

Glowing ethereally next to him, she was smiling. She placed a radiant hand gently upon his head.

"Rest now, son", she whispers in his soul, "Rest now and I am with you as long as you need me."

" How often I have prayed to help you like this!" "Others, too, watch over you", she whispered,
"the multitudes of heaven will guide your way."

And so her street fighter son was redeemed through Mercy and Grace. Up a few blocks,
meanwhile, Emilie found Puffie safe and sound, sitting there happily waiting for her, surrounded
by angels. Under the stairwell in his cardboard box, Rodney slept the sleep of radiance in the
company of the heavenly hosts.

The Angels of Mercy and Redemption were rejoicing, and the power of their thanksgiving was
heard throughout the reaches of heaven.


A. Wisdom and enlightenment, the power of eloquence, and all mystical faculties such as
clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and artistic talent.

S. All-penetrating-divine-willpower.

T. High inspiration.

U. The creative act and its ongoing effects, its karma.

R. Freedom and independence. Following inner guidance.

E. Omnipresence.

L. The totality of Divine Virtues. The sound of this letter is the sound of the Divine Virtues all
taken together.

This letter represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words, irrespective of
whatever sort they may be. This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty and
the greatness of God in the form
of the purest virtues'.

From this virtue comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest
point of view. This will lead you to the borders of saintliness. On the feeling level true
equilibrium of character occurs and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is
attained'. 'On the physical level you gain perfect health, beauty and harmony and you become
absolute master of your own vitality.' 'It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. The musical
note is F, the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease. The spleen is formed from this virtue.'



6 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Cosmic Philosophy
Also known as The Angels of 'Liriell'


Through the divine virtues of 'Liriell', we teach the Children of Light to understand the
philosophy of Creation.

All of the divine virtues taken together is the meaning of letter L. This virtue is THE SPLENDOR
AND MAJESTY of Divine Will, Thought, Feeling, and Physical Creation. This virtue has a
glowing olive green light and the
sensation of ease. The cause behind every effect is understood through the divine virtue of letter
I, the virtue of Cause and Effect. This virtue opens up memory, remembrance, and conscience in
order that a Child of Light sees how every effect in will, thought, feeling, and form is the result of
a specific cause. The virtue of Cause and Effect has a light opalescent light and the sensation of

Listening to inner guidance from Divine Providence opens every doorway to perfection. This is
the divine virtue of letter R, which has a golden light and the sensation of weight. The
understanding of cause and effect enables the understanding of Cosmic Philosophy when a Child
of Light also understands the OMNIPRESENCE of the
These four, the virtue of Cause and Effect, letter I, the Omnipresence of Divine Being, letter E,
and the Splendor and Majesty of Divine Being, the letter L written twice, are the final keys in our
name 'Liriell'.

When you open up to our influence, any starting point however trivial or grand will do. From any
doorway we guide you down information highways of light into philosophies about life, all the
way into the deepest mind of Divine Consciousness.

Here is one of our stories:

Once upon a time in early summer, just at twilight, a young girl looked down at a little toad
sitting close to her foot.

Samantha looked and studied and pondered the little toad. Little toad just sat there, peaceful and
still, remaining centered in his own reality, not reacting to Samantha's presence at all. The
twilight deepened until she could no longer see very well. She decided to slowly walk indoors.

On her way back to the house, she wondered why the little toad hopped out into the yard
unafraid each evening when the air was cool, when all the other creatures would run and hide,
not getting close to her, even though
she only wanted to love them. She had learned to empty her mind at times such as this, and wait
until insight dawned. It always did. It sometimes took a while, maybe a long while, but the
answer always came.

The next day at the library, she discovered a strange book by a Madame Blavatsky, written back
before her mother was born. As she held the book in her hands, she sensed a strong power
around her, a familiar power of answered prayer. She closed her eyes. Then she opened the book
at random, knowing that whatever she found would be important. She opened her eyes on at a
footnote on the astral light. The footnote explained that frogs, toads, and sturgeons are the only
creatures who disturb the astral light.

"The astral light?", she mused, "What is the astral light and what does disturbing it mean?".
Again she waited for an answer. She knew that this was the key to her question about the little
toad. The angels had arranged for her to find the answer. Soon she was reading other books by
similar authors and learned that "astral" means emotional.

The astral light is the flowing sea of magnetic, feminine, feeling energy of the universe. The light
bulb went off in her mind! She could see it clearly.

"AHA!", she exclaimed.

Now she knew that frogs and toads and sturgeons create their own little emotional spheres of
energy, which "disturb the astral light" like an island disturbing the current of water in an ocean.
She could see that the emotions of all the other creatures flow along currents of Universal feeling
energy; they are carried along on whatever
emotional energy is already around them!

She remembered so many times in her life when she had been overwhelmed by dark feelings that
were coming

from her family and world. The dots connected in her mind and she realized that she would
much rather be like the little toad, to be happy no matter what other people were feeling. She
decided that she must create her own emotional reality, just like the toad! Then she too could
hop right out in the world and not be scared, even
when everyone else got carried away. "But how do I do that," she wondered. " How do I do it?"

The Angels of 'Liriell', ever ready to answer, immediately filled her intuition with images and
thoughts. [The planet Mercury was at six degrees Aquarius at her birth, so she had a natural
attunement to the Angels of 'Liriell.']

She remembered the words of her Sunday School teacher, "With Christ, all things are possible."

She remembered the story of Daniel in the lions den. Praying fervently, she asked God for help.
She wanted with all of her heart and being to create a feeling world of peace and happiness, of
loyalty and trust, of goodness and happy endings for everyone.

A long time passed in silence and she fell into a deep sleep. The next day dawned bright and
beautiful. A mystical glowing light was all around her. She bounced into breakfast completely
radiating peace and power. There they were. The family was sitting around the table as usual,
chronically worried about making it to work and school on time.

As usual, they were eating too fast. An undercurrent of unresolved anger and frustration stifled
the emotional
atmosphere even though everyone was still feeling half asleep. She sat down. She looked up at
her father. He seemed especially angry. She looked up at her mother standing next to the stove.

Mother looked lonely and anxious. She did not even need to look at her brother and sister. She
knew that they
were suffering too. They were always upset and dismayed by uptight energy around the table.
But for her, this morning was different! Finally! She was like the little toad!

No matter what anybody could ever say, she knew this was true, no matter what!

She felt completely safe and loved by God. In spite of what her father said, people were not going
to blow up the
United States with their missiles. In spite of her mother's fears, she knew that there would be
enough money to buy school clothes and shoes, and, even if there wasn't, it would be okay. All
she had to do was pay attention to trust, instead of fear.


"Look!", she thought, "Perfection is everywhere!" Divine Perfection is in the clouds. It is in the
butterflies. It is in the
gentle warm breeze. "Why should I worry?", she pondered. It became more and more clear to
her, that the longer she focused on what was right with the world, the easier it was to feel good.
Why didn't people go outside and sit under the trees and listen to the wind and the birds instead
of listening to sad news?

Why didn't they believe what they heard in church over what they read in the newspapers?

As she ate her scrambled eggs and toast, the whole world became clear to her. Meanwhile,
unbeknownst to her, the family was going into emotional bewilderment! She looked up in
surprise! Daddy was looking at her with a penetrating stare. Mother was holding her breath!
Breaking the silence, Daddy did something he NEVER did before, ever.he smiled and asked
Samantha how she was doing. Flustered, caught off guard, Samantha took a big risk. She blurted
out what she had wanted to say for months, "Daddy, we are NOT going to blow up the world with

Daddy couldn't believe it! He lost his composure, something else he NEVER did, and started to
bluster. He stuttered a few times, threw his napkin on the table, and suddenly stood up. Looking
in utter amazement, the rest of the family watched as he broke into a wide grin [just like a toad,
Samantha thought] and saed cheerfully,
"January, February, MARCH! Get in the car you children, its time to get to school!"


Sitting in school that day, she thought about the little toad. "With God's help, I'm going to always
be like the little toad," she promised herself.

" Life is too beautiful to spend it in worry."

"I am going to be HAPPY!"

Later that week her mother and father brought her a toy, a rubber frog with a bright red bathing
suit from the store at the train station. He squeaked whenever she squeezed him. She named him
Peeper. Every time she looked at
him his smile reminded her of feeling the presence of God everywhere, of focusing on the light.
Forever after that, she held on to this philosophy of life, and it served her well. She was a beacon
of hope and light to all who knew her, her life was full of miracles.

'We are the original initiators into cosmic philosophy.'

'We teach people the most various philosophies from the prime origin up to the present day.'

'We enable you to look into the distant future and learn about philosophies of days to come and
help you accumulate an intellectual knowledge of philosophies of an unimaginable depth.'


L. The splendor and majesty of God.

I. Cause and Effect.

R. Listening to inner guidance.

I. Cause and Effect.

E. Omnipresence.

L. The splendor and majesty of God.

L. The totality of Divine Virtues. The sound of this letter is the sound of the Divine Virtues all
taken together. This letter represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words,
irrespective of whatever sort they may be. This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the
Divine Majesty, splendor, and the greatness of God in the form of the purest virtues'.

From this virtue comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest
point of view. This will lead you to the borders of saintliness. On the feeling level true
equilibrium of character occurs and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is
attained'. ' On the physical level you gain perfect health, beauty and harmony and you become
absolute master of your own vitality.' 'It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. The musical
note is F, the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease. The spleen is formed from this virtue.'


7 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Immortality
Also known as The Angels of 'Siges'


To shift the paradigm from being a mortal son or daughter of human parents to being the
immortal Sons and Daughters of Divine Providence, the emotional body must go through healing
and reach the ecstasy of unconditional all encompassing love. This love is the
feminine-emotional counterpart of masculine All-penetrating-will for the highest good of all
concerned. All penetrating will is the divine virtue of letter S of 'Siges'.

This virtue has a purple red light and the sensation of warmth and expansion, because it is a
virtue of the fire element of will. By understanding cause and effect, the virtue of letter I, a Child
of Light sees the connection between every desire, thought, feeling, and sensation and the effects
caused by them. Cause and Effect has a light opal light and the sensation of weight, because it is a
virtue of the earth element.

This type of love brings grace and mercy, the virtue of letter G. Grace and mercy has an emerald
green light and the sensation of coolness, because it is a virtue of the water element of feeling. A
feeling ripples out over the ocean of life, just as a pebble sends ripples over the surface of a pond.
The omnipresence of Divine Consciousness is the
virtue of letter E, which has a deep purple light and the sensation of
consciousness-penetrating-all because it is a virtue of the akashic element.

The all penetrating will for the highest good of all concerned gives OMNIPOTENCE throughout
the entire Unified Field. This is the virtue of letter S.

We teach the Children of Light, through the divine virtues of 'Siges', that when the emotions
heal, health is attracted to the physical body. When emotions are true reflections of Divine Will,
then they attract youthfulness and immortality.

Emotions influence powerful glandular responses in the physical body. To be possessed by utter
happiness and contentment, by trust and by faith, by joy and by love, is to be possessed by Divine

Nothing less will do. Being possessed with the euphoria of Bliss and Ecstasy, the soothing peace
of Kindness and Love, the gentle assurance of hope and safety, insures that the glandular
secretions of immortality occur in the human body temple.
This is why at this time there is so much emphasis on emotions. It is time for heaven to manifest
on earth.

'We bring immortality so that the body never has to age'.

The physical body is composed primarily of the water element. Over 90 percent of the physical
body is water.

Water is the physical manifestation of emotion, which is Divine Feminine Magnetism.

Even though there who are other heavenly hosts inspire immortality through the Akashic body,
which is consciousness-penetrating-all, the spiritual fire body, which is will and desire, and the
mental air body of thought and ideas, our focus is on ATTRACTING immortality through blissful
emotion, the water body of feeling.

We inspire each person to feel happy, to feel powerful, to feel love, by attuning to all penetrating
will for the highest good of all and grace and mercy, and to identify with the feelings of
immortality, youth, and invincibility.

Emotions are magnetic. They attract energy according to the law of Like attracts Like, of
sympathetic resonance. Whatever feelings a person has attracts manifestations in the physical
world. These manifestations, in turn, influence emotions, creating a feedback loop.

Up until the time of Alpha and Omega, of heaven on earth, emotional energy was the primary
energy that was blocked and in need of healing in the Human Kingdom.

In order to heal the physical expression of the ONE Being of Omnipresent Divine Life, we teach
the Children of Light how to love and express feelings. By letting feelings flow freely, as the water
element that they are, they naturally purify and transform. It is easy to reach higher states of
consciousness when the waters of life
flow freely in a state of unconditional all encompassing love.

Because feelings attract reality on the physical plane, feelings are self-fulfilling prophecies.

All of the denied, resisted, unfelt, dissociated and unresolved emotions that are stored in the
subconscious mind, and therefore stored in the tissues of the body, must be allowed to come up,
flow, and transform in a loving, safe and systematic way that leads to powerful healing images,
insights, and transcendent feelings.
Feelings do not go away by bypassing, resisting, or denying them. Using every means of denial
and avoidance, which mankind has ingeniously invented in hopes of feeling good when deep
anger and pain are begging to be
released, prolongs the agony and perpetuates a never-ending struggle. Acting out harmful
feelings creates more harmful feelings. Either avoiding feelings or acting them out destructively
creates more stress.

Struggle is what ages the body. Unfelt emotional energy is a self destructive, constant stress on
the body which takes its toll ever more, the longer that the unresolved emotions are left
unaddressed. Feelings only change once they are allowed to flow, to be felt.

Love from the heart is the most powerful transformational agent. When previously unlovable
feelings are finally loved with unconditional all encompassing love from the heart, they change
immediately. This is true Grace and Mercy in action. Once these painful feelings are loved and
change, they no longer attract unfortunate situations in the physical realm.

If there are a lot of painful feelings that have been denied for a long time, then the sooner they
are loved and allowed to flow, the better. They are like water, and they must cleanse and heal by
flowing in a safe and loving environment. It may take quite a while for all of those feelings, from
all of those years, to flow completely and heal, but heal they must in order for the human body to
experience immortality.

The next time you feel like crying, grab a pillow and let the healing tears flow. Do not be afraid of
your feelings; they are your best friends. Even the negative ones, like anger and fear, if allowed to
express themselves safely and nondestructively, reveal under them layer upon layer upon layer of
other important feelings that help you reclaim the original purity and innocence of your inner
child self.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

The next time you feel resentment or pain, quickly find a private place and go into the feelings. If
you feel like screaming, if necessary, grab a pillow to muffle the sound. Go into your heart and
feel love, and let this love flow to the feelings themselves, unconditionally. Take your time. Let
the feelings flow from as deeply as they need to.

When all the tears are cried, and all the anger has spent itself, spiritual insights of immense
depth and clarity arise naturally. Just as a child will scream and cry when it is frightened, and
laugh and giggle when it is happy, so must the Children of Light learn to let their feelings flow
through them.

Gratefully accept and encourage all your own feelings and all of the feelings of others.

We teach the Children of Light to rejoice when feelings need to express themselves. Each person
learns how to express feelings in a non-destructive way.
The difficulties which people encounter in expressing their feelings result only from "ACTING
OUT" triggered feelings destructively--often toward other people--never from simply accepting
their own feeling-impulses-toward-expression and allowing the feelings to be released
respectfully and non-destructively, with love instead of guilt, fear, or self-loathing.

When is the best time to work on emotions?" The optimal time for healing to occur is when
painful feelings come up spontaneously and naturally as a reaction to events happening in daily
life. On these occasions when you are "triggered", the negative feelings are activated, accessible
right then, and available to be processed without

At other times if you have to "stir them up" in order to manufacture upsetness for a therapeutic
session, the access will be correspondingly more limited to both the early childhood traumatic
memories and feelings associated with them, and the resultant healing less complete.

If you are attending weekly psychotherapy sessions scheduled at a predetermined time, then
choose the most recent upsetness, that is most powerfully triggered, to work on. In general, if
you are feeling fine, the axiom "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" is best to follow. If you have the
luxury, cancel your therapy session at these times and enjoy the good feelings. Most therapy
patients do it just the opposite, that is, they cancel sessions when they feel bad.

This exemplifies but one of many counterproductive, old cultural paradigms of emotional health
that are transforming. The time to do emotional healing work is whenever you feel like you are

Some people feel troubled or depressed most of the time. If that is true, it is appropriate to
commit to doing a great deal of emotional flowing, by loving the feelings themselves and
watching them heal. Among several, alternative emotional healing practices which are effective
for implementing this commitment are the 'ten minute exercise," trauma clearing practices, eye
movement and the practice of "loving bad feelings away". Some other methods such as breathing
and tapping also work well in individual situations, but usually require a partner trained to do

One big advantage of the ten minute exercise is its efficiency to transform most bad feelings
quickly. Also, it can be quickly and easily utilized with minimal training of the listener. The main
stipulation is that the listener agrees not to interrupt, i.e. just to listen lovingly and
non-judgmentally, and to repeatedly ask the salient question for that particular emotional issue.

Doing "ten minutes" works very well for quickly resolving double binds and ambivalence. The ten
minute exercise is a session in which a facilitator asks you a question about your feelings,
listening while you answer, and then repeating the question again.

This is repeated over and over until you feel resolution, usually in about ten minutes. The
facilitator does not give advice or interrupt in any way, allowing your own emotions to go
through their natural healing process. The
question itself is chosen by you. Some examples of questions are: "What are you feeling now?
What is upsetting you? What would make you feel better?" etc.

Various practices such as gestalt empty chair and "running dichotomies" work very well for
resolving ambivalent feelings. In general, the ten minute exercises is best utilized in cases when
the issue is less loaded, and seems to involve "present time" stress. The trauma clearing exercise,
on the other hand, is the treatment of choice to resolve
strongly triggered "old feelings" when enough time can be set aside to complete the process. In
both cases, emotional release needs to continue until good feelings return. Entrain your body to
expect to feel resolution. Then always conclude by "anchoring in" good feelings.

Most of the prevalent paradigms and accepted, cultural standards for emotional expression
encourage stress to remain unresolved, which is diametrically opposed to creating immortality.
Escaping from bad feelings and leaving conflict unresolved is what most people learned to do as
children, modeled by their parents, and their parents before them. In contradistinction to this
old paradigm, which encourages 'prolonging the agony" and living in UN-resolution, the key to
the new paradigm is never allowing bad feelings to persist. For example, most couples 'bail out'/
terminate a caustic exchange of emotions in the peak moment when tensions are running
highest, the exact wrong stopping place. They then leave the interaction and wait to cool off
before again attempting to clear the air.

Instead, it is important to never leave an argument, or conflict full episode of intense sharing
until both mates have
achieved a mutually good place emotionally. Up until now, most mates have not learned to 'stay
with' the sharing until both have had a chance to be respectfully heard and experience a feeling
of resolution that feels good to

Very few couples have expected to live life in a steady state of emotional resolution every day
because they have never seen it done before-- denial, yes, but not resolution. By creating basic
rules of sharing safely, like the
ten minute exercise, emotions can be expressed and go through changes that allow intimacy to
grow in times of conflict instead of being destroyed.

Another example of unrealistic emotional attitudes is couples expecting not to be triggered by

each other. The reality is that becoming triggered by a lover is not only inevitable but likely to
occur more often and more powerfully, the more intense the love bond. Most couples accepted
the Hollywood cinematic ending of "happily ever after walking together into the sunset" to mean
no more relationship problems. They expected never to have another unkind word, having the
belief that being in love means not getting upset by the lover, or at worst, being able to work out
issues easily.
All these expectations are unrealistic setups for relationship failure and premature aging, because
they do not take into account the nature of emotions, the emotional body, and the way that
emotions heal by flowing. Consequently, couples did not learn and practice emotional skills and
healthy habits of emotional sharing that would have literally,
physiochemically, kept their relationship and their bodies young and healthy.

The endocrine system produces anti-aging hormones when emotions are free flowing and when
happiness is the (healthy) emotional state. Dancing with joy and radiating love is the normal
emotional state of humanity.

The clearest sign that you are doing what you personally need to do to accomplish your divine
purpose for being on earth--the unmistakable indication that you are following your own unique
path of your highest destiny--is feeling good, or even feeling great, emotionally.

Your emotional upliftment is the key to both your longevity and your guidance. Chemical
changes caused by ecstatic emotion flowing in the body are profound. These powerful glandular
changes activate anti-aging and a healthy immune response. It is by being filled with Love and
Joy, from the infinite heart of the Creator which is omnipresent, that a person lives up to his/her
potential and becomes the reality of God or Goddess-incarnate-on-Earth. This is how to be an
Immortal and Omniscient incarnation of Enlightenment. In a society that expresses feelings
freely and safely, immortality can flourish as it was intended to do.

This is part of the fulfillment of the prophesies, "All that I do, ye shall do and more." "The last
enemy to be overcome is death." Therefore, We ask you to enter and pass through the gate of the
Divine Heart of God/Goddess, to be one with the Secret Heart of the One Life in All that Is. We
ask you to immerse yourselves in Love.

We ask you to abandon lifestyles of misery and limitation that create feelings of despair, seek the
ways of Paradise and walk the path that leads through the garden of Heaven on Earth. Find and
do those things that bring you and others joy. Create for yourself a life of Divine Ecstasy. Prepare
yourselves for the dawn. The time is here for the delight of God and Goddess to manifest fully on
Earth, for Earth to be as Heaven. The time is here to sit down at the banquet of perfection and
beauty and rediscover why The Divine so loves physical reality. Experience feelings of joy and
subtleties and nuances of beauty in the state of Ecstasy. Shift the perception of the body as a frail
aging vessel to beholding the body as the Temple of the immortal living Child of Light that you

Imagine that the power and wisdom and love of the universe enlivens every cell of your body all
of the time. Each morning greet yourself with this affirmation, "I am the Divine Infant, ever
young, ever beautiful, ever perfect."

Realize that your infinite divine self is being reformed in every visualization, at your direction.
Give your inner infant self your full loving support and permission to become younger and more
perfect every day. As this happens, the innate perfection of Omnipresent Life reasserts itself and
joyous enlightened feelings begin to flow naturally, just as they do in small infants.

This is why it was written: "Unless ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom
of heaven." Imagine feeling miracles. By meditating on and becoming one with the divine virtues
associated with the letters of our name, it is possible to be one with emotional immortality.


S. This sound is the sound of all-penetrating-power. 'It has to do with everything regarding
enthusiasm and the absolute mastery of will'. 'This is the most subtle substance of the divine
spirit, i.e., with the original divine will or fire which works as a substantial power in everything
that has been created by Divine Providence.' A child of God using this divine virtue attains 'the
spiritual gift of perfect mastery over the electrical fluid, which is the use of will, and is able to
control everything analogous to will.' 'A state of clairvoyance in its purest form and perfect
control over other beings is gained by this virtue in the feeling nature.' The color of this virtue is
purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of
warmth, and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

I. 'In the akasha principle, which is the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, this letter
refers to fate, that is to the karma law, which is the law of cause and effect. All doings and all
actions, all life, come under this law. The law of evolution is expressed by it. On the mental level
this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience. On the feeling level , the astral
matrix, which is the connecting link between the material body and the soul, or feelings, is
controlled by the principle and laws of cause and effect. On the material level the laws of analogy
between the
microcosm and the macrocosm is understood'. This virtue has a light opal color, the musical note
of G, and is the element of earth, so it has the sensation of weight. The left kidney is formed from

G. The sound of this letter is the sound of the virtue of divine grace and mercy. In the physical
world this virtue represents 'all phases of riches and wealth, of happiness and satisfaction. By
this virtue Divine Providence has created abundance and, like the Creator, a child of God may
also bring about, for him or her self or other people, abundance in everything, should that be
desired. On an emotional level this virtue gives the feeling of happiness, of complete satisfaction.
Situations may be created by means of the elements and the will and feelings causing success and
wealth in the world that is for the highest good of all concerned. In the mind, this virtue gives the
experience of peacefulness, and the faculty of giving true divine blessing. The color of this virtue
is deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical note F, and the left eye is formed from this

E. 'In the Akasha, which is the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, E represents the

universal consciousness which is omnipresent in everything that has ever been created.
Meditating on this virtue unites a person's normal consciousness with the universal
consciousness, with cosmic consciousness. This is the essence of the oriental
Nirve-Kalpa-Samadhi.' 'Mentally the highest form of intuition is achieved. The ability to transfer
consciousness is mastered. There is no sense of time or space. Divinity in His highest form is
speaking through this Virtue'. 'This attunement gives control over the feelings of oneself and
others. Clairaudience and the understanding of the language of all animals and the perception of
the remote past, present, and future are mastered'. 'The mysteries of
materialization-condensation and dematerialization-refinement are understood on the physical
plane through this attunement to Universal Consciousness. A person learns to intensify any idea,
concept, mental or emotional energy in such a way that they become physically visible.
Everything in the physical world, it's coming into form and it's going back into the subtle worlds,
was made possible by the Virtue of Universal Consciousness'. Color:dark violet, Element:
akasha-penetrating all, Musical note D, heals the whole spine.

S. All penetrating willpower.


8 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Physical Grace
Also known as The Angels of 'Metosee'


The physical body is a living water temple of Divine Feeling, proportioned to the Phi ratio, the
Spiral of Life.

Divine emotions express themselves in profound and beautiful movements. Through the divine
virtues of 'Metosee', we inspire the Children of Light to move gracefully, to perform rhythmical
flowing movements that are artistic and transformational expressions of tremendous beauty.

Whenever a person performs a physical movement, whether in work, play, or reverie, the entire
web of life responds. Graceful movement creates ripples of soothing energy all throughout the
person's own body and outward into the unified field. In graceful movement, the unified field of
energy is gently rocked like a child in its Mother's arms.

'We are angels of physical movement and skill as an expression of Divine Perfection.'

Each movement of a child of God, however small, is an outward expression of feeling.

The smallest gesture, such as the act of bowing slightly to smell a flower blossom, becomes an act
of exquisite grace and power whenever a Child of Light is filled with Divine Emotion.

In such a case, the movement of each little finger, each turn of the head, the glance of an eye; all
movement becomes a multi-dimensional study of exquisite divine subtlety.
The human water body temple is a moving and flowing abode of the Ecstasy of Divine Feeling.

Because of the "As above, so below" law, the virtues of 'Metosee' are some of the most important
virtues to master. If divine feelings are flowing and the body moves gracefully, then
communication with heavenly realms is
magnetically attracted.

Emotion, flowing, and fluidity is the divine virtue of letter M. M has a blue green light and the
sensation of coolness, because it is a virtue of the water element. The abdomen of the physical
body, seen as a hollow space, is governed by the water element of feeling.

Emotions flow and effect the Unified Field, and the Feelings of the Divine Virtues are
omnipresent everywhere. It is possible to meditate on and attune to and feel the love and bliss of
Divine Feeling anywhere in all situations.
Omnipresence is the divine virtue of letter E, which has a deep purple light and the sensation of
consciousness-penetrating-all because it is a virtue of the Akasha. The midriff of the physical
body is governed by the akashic
element of consciousness-penetrating-all.

Divine Emotions flow with high inspiration. High inspiration is the divine virtue of letter T,
which has a dark brown light and the sensation of warmth and expansion, because it is a virtue of
the fire element of will. The head region of the physical body is governed by the fire element of

Cognition brought about by Love Divine, TRANSFORMS EVERYTHING THAT IT SEES.

This powerful divine virtue is umlaut O, OE, that has a dark orange light and the sensation of
etheric earth. Because it is the densest grade of Akasha, or consciousness-penetrating-all, it has
the sensation of weight or
of earth penetrating everything.

Emotions of Love Divine that affect the way everything is seen have the power to bring about
heaven on earth, the highest good of all concerned.

This is the Divine Will that penetrates all creation. Divine Will penetrating all is the virtue of
letter S, which has a purple red light and the sensation of warmth and expansion, since it is a
virtue of the fire element.

In an immortal and perfect body, which is the birthright of all children of God, the flow of "chi",
or life force, is perfect.

The perfect movement of energy within the body aligns with the energy of perfection flowing
through the chackras on every level.

Each movement is an expression of the feelings of God/Goddess-in-Manifestation, and each

movement massages energy meridians on every level and promotes youthfulness.

The ancient art of conscious movement in the physical body is taught to be the result of perfect
divine energy flowing through the emotional, mental, spiritual, and Akashic levels of
consciousness. This is the secret of martial arts, hatha yoga and of tai chi.

The Akashic consciousness is self identification with all creation and with Divine Consciousness
Itself. This virtue is the virtue of the final two letters E and E of 'Metosee'.

Physical grace of movement is the result of holding the levels of akasha, will, thought, feeling,
and sensation in alignment with these divine virtues, with emphasis on the feeling of love.

Disconnected movements are motions that are out of synchrony with other levels of awareness.
Ungraceful movement often comes from a life of emotional wounding that has resulted in
multiple selves within the psyche that send out conflicting signals to the body. Ungraceful
movement evokes a discordant energy, not unlike discordant music, which in turn effects all the
other levels.

To manifest grace in movement, meditate on The Divine Unity of All Life that is everywhere in all
things and places. Become aware of perfect will and intention that penetrates and affects the
entire web of life. Attune to
inner guidance and feel the feelings that flow from high inspiration.
Meditate on divine love filling all of space with transformation, and be aware of the beauty of
movement itself from within and without.

Ask Divine Consciousness to fill you with the beauty of movement. Upon being asked by your
free will and request, we network with all the heavenly hosts necessary to fill and surround you
with grace and love. Almost immediately the movement of your physical body becomes more
beautiful and the part of your brain that governs movement grows more dendrites and
connecting nerve cells.

Awareness of grace and perfect rhythm, timing, and form grows each day. Ah! Thou dancer in the
forest, Thou swimmer of waves, Thou spinner of yarn, and potter of clay. Flow with pure love
through heavens door. Transforming all with bliss evermore.

'We are entrusted to guide mankind into performing the most amazing and beautiful movements
in every kind of activity, skill, and art.'

'We influence all the manual work done by women, for instance, embroidering, knitting,
crocheting, sewing, spinning, and work done by anyone in any profession that requires precise
manual skill. Dancing, walking, tai chi,
and the movement of sports fall under our range of competence. '



M. Emotion, love, feeling, divine feminine magnetism.

E. Omnipresence, the existence of Divine Consciousness in all time and space and beyond. The
power of infinite oneness and communication.

T. High inspiration.

O umlaut, OE. Cognition brought about by love divine. *

S.All penetrating willpower.

E. Omnipresence.

E. Omnipresence. OM


9 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Truth Seekers
Also known as The Angels of 'Abusis'


At this time the desire to find wisdom and knowledge is growing very strong. Wisdom and
enlightenment is the virtue of letter A of 'Abusis'. It has a light blue light and the sensation of
ease and relaxation, because it is a virtue of the air element of thought. A quantum leap in
consciousness is occurring throughout earth and the surrounding universal ecosystem.

Universal Life is Divine Consciousness manifesting in form. In the virtue of Universal Life, the
understanding of polarity in all of its forms is mastered. The primary polarity of will and feeling,
or electricity and magnetism is particularly mastered, giving power over life and death. This
virtue of Universal Life and polarity is the virtue of letter B. It has a light violet light and the
feeling of weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element.

The creative act, and its ongoing effects through time, is the divine virtue of letter U of 'Abusis'.
This virtue has a velvet black light and the sensation of consciousness-penetrating-everything,
because it is a virtue of the akashic element. By meditating on this virtue a Child of Light
understands the original source of everything that has ever been created.

This quantum leap in consciousness, that allows heaven to manifest on earth and in all of
creation, fulfills the original Divine Will that is omnipresent in all creation. Divine Will
penetrating all is the divine virtue of letter S. This virtue has a purple red light and the sensation
of warmth and expansion, since it is a virtue of the fire element of will.

The Law of Cause and Effect, the letter I, is the divine virtue that opens up memory,
remembrance, and conscience. This virtue has a light opal light and the sensation of weight,
because it is a virtue of the earth element of form.

It is important that the Children of Light understand that all of the elements have different
grades of density that range from subtle to dense.
The most subtle level of density is desire, electricity and fire, then the level of thought and air,
then the level of feeling, magnetism and water, and finally the most dense of all, physical form on

Therefore, the earth element is present in its most subtle form, as fire or electricity, in the realm
of desire. It is present as airy forms on the level of thought, as watery forms and magnetism on
the level of feeling, and as actual physical bodies in its most dense expression.

The final virtue of 'Abusis' is another expression of letter S, the virtue of all-penetrating-Divine
Will. When this fire element virtue manifests in its most subtle expression of fire, it gives perfect
control over will in self and others. When this fire element virtue manifests in its magnetic
expression of feeling, it gives control over the feeling nature of all beings and the most profound
state of clairvoyance.

The Children of Light are now aligning individual will with all-penetrating Divine Will for the
highest good of all concerned, the letter S. As this process unfolds according to the divine virtue
of The Creative Act and its karma, the letter U, there is a great drive to find truth and the
teachers of truth, the letter A.

Through the Law of Cause and Effect, THE LETTER I , the desire and feeling for spiritual
guidance becomes sufficiently intense, causing a magnetic attraction connecting each person
with an appropriate teacher.

'We assist all those people who seek the truth; we help them find their teachers.'

'We guide each truth seeker whenever he/she is ready into the presence of people who are
initiated into spiritual knowledge.'

If you call on us and desire a contact with a spiritual master, we see to it that you are guided to a
true teacher who can help you to the next level of understanding.

A teacher, who has successfully traveled the journey in feeling, consciousness, and will within
their own being, can help you undertake this journey within yourself.

A true teacher always directs your attention within yourself because paradoxically, it is often
through the very darkness inside that you wish to avoid that the light is found.

It has been thought that a teacher must take the form of one realized human being. This may be
true at times, but teaching works through many beings in many different forms. They use
different modalities, even dreams.

Because of the wealth of information and forms of instruction, the challenge is to be able to
recognize authentic help when it is offered, even if it comes in an unfamiliar or unusual form, or
in the form of an unlikely person.

Always, always a proper teacher offers ways that help the student look within, follow inner
guidance and find the kingdom of heaven that resides there.

If working within a particular path with a teacher at a particular time in life "loses its juice" and
does not feel right within, this is a definite sign to re-examine what is the appropriate path for the
next phase of growth.

Enlightenment is the natural birthright of all, and is claimed in whole brain awareness. Whole
brain awareness happens naturally in the process of growth and sleeping and waking. The key is
to stay in whole brain awareness
at all times.

The Ultimate Teacher, of course, dwells everywhere in everything once the connection to this
"everywhere and everything" is found within. This type of connection is experienced through the
Delta brain wave state of deep inner
pure being, that infants produce almost constantly and that is experienced each night in deep
dreamless sleep.

That is why it was said that, "Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

The state of pure being experienced in Delta is interpreted in the state of Theta brainwaves,
which is deep inner thought. This is the source of the divine virtue of wisdom and enlightenment,
the contact with the original
purity of all ideas. Theta waves are found in small children and in the visual images of deep
dreaming states each night.

Building on this contact with original divine thought, the brain then goes on to produce Alpha
waves that are feeling and emotion. The state of wisdom and enlightenment thereby turns into
the ecstasy of divine emotion. Divine
emotion then causes the body to go through changes in glandular chemistry.
These chemical changes psychoactively alter perception in the Beta brain wave state of memory,
logic, and the five senses.It is from this state that it is natural to "give thanks for all things", for
the divine reveals itself to be omnipresent in everything.

"To the pure all things are pure."

The alchemy of turning lead into gold is the alchemy of the soul, in which the deepest fears and
pain are braved within so that the light of spirit reveals the treasures that lie hidden beyond
them. This revelation occurs as they are transformed through flowing in an atmosphere of
unconditional all encompassing love.

Underneath pain and fear is The True Self that is the Divine Infant, the purest divine
consciousness, ever young, ever beautiful. Reuniting in consciousness with this Original Self is as
much the destination of the journey of enlightenment as is experiencing oneness with All that is.
They are interdependent. In rediscovering the Self of pure being within, a person discovers that
this Self is one with all.

Imagine a society in which each person has found this divine perfection within!

It is this Authentic Original Self, which is Ancient of Days at the same time that it is the Divine
Infant that is the Alpha and the Omega within each Child of Light. It is this eternal infant Self
which manifests the Ancient Future time of The Enchantment, the time of Heaven on Earth.

Enlightenment is to discover yourself as an immortal blissful child of God.

A. Wisdom and enlightenment, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and all occult and artistic gifts.
[Light blue, musical note G, ease, lungs]

B. Polarity. This is the virtue of universal life, with all of its polarities of expression. Mastering
this virtue through meditation gives control over will and feeling, and therefore over life and
death. This divine virtue is a light violet color, is the earth element so it has the sensation of
weight, vibrates to the musical note of A, and forms the right

U. The virtue of the act of creation and karma. This virtue reveals the original source of
everything. [Velvet black, stomach and pancreas, musical note B,

S. This sound is the sound of all-penetrating-power. 'It has to do with everything regarding
enthusiasm and the absolute mastery of will'. 'This is the most subtle substance of the divine
spirit, i.e., with the original divine will or fire which works as a substantial power in everything
that has been created by Divine Providence.' A Child of Light using this divine virtue attains 'the
spiritual gift of perfect mastery over the electrical fluid, which is the use of will, and is able to
control everything analogous to will.' 'A state of clairvoyance in its purest form and perfect
over other beings is gained by this virtue in the feeling nature.' The color of this virtue is purple
red, its musical note is G-sharp, it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of
warmth, and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

I. The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law. 'On the mental
level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience'. ' In the feeling body, this
corresponds to the astral/physical matrix, which is the connection between feeling and physical
form, with all of its functions'.

On the material world, everything that has shape, measure, number and weight can be
understood and mastered with this virtue.' The color of this virtue is light opal, the musical note
is G, the element is earth so it has the sensation of weight, and the left kidney is created by this

S. All penetrating will power.


10 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Individual Enlightenment
Also known as The Angels of 'Panfodra'


Within each being in creation is the desire for spiritual perfection, for unity with Divine Light.

This is the virtue of letter P of 'Panfodra'. This virtue has a dark gray light and the sensation of
weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element.

We reveal to each child of God a unique combination of methods that is best for his/her personal

Wisdom and enlightenment is the virtue of letter A, with a light blue light and the sensation of
ease and relaxation.

Sometimes we reveal this combination through intuition, dreams, and visions.

Sometimes these are combined with information obtained from other sources.

Through wisdom and enlightenment, a Child of Light discovers Supreme Happiness, which is the
virtue of letter N. This virtue has a dark red light and the sensation of flowing and coolness,
because it is a virtue of the water element of feeling.

Not only does a Child of Light discover Supreme Happiness through wisdom and enlightenment,
but also the legality of harmony in all visible worlds.
Through this virtue is discovered the importance of harmony between will, thought, feeling, and
sensation. A Child of Light learns to master each of these levels of consciousness and bring them
into harmony with Divine Will, Divine Thought, Divine Feeling, and Divine Sensation. This is the
virtue of letter F, which has a light green light and the sensation of flowing and coolness.

Cognition brought about by love divine transforms whatever is looked upon.

This powerful virtue of transformation is the letter umlaut O, OE, with a dark orange light and
the sensation of ethereal earth penetrating everything. With this virtue a person learns to love
everything, absolutely everything, with unconditional all encompassing love and TRANSFORM
EVERYTHING in this manner. Every desire, every thought, every feeling, and every sensation is
transform all in existence is infinitely perfect, and even the smallest amount of love can do it, just
as a small match lights a large fire.

Love reveals the mysteries of creation, which is the virtue of letter D.

This virtue has a dark blue light and the sensation of warmth and expansion, because it is a
virtue of the fire element of will. We help each person create his or her own individual style of
meditation. Just as there are no two people alike, no two spiritual pathways are alike.

Different artists use identical colors to produce completely different paintings and different
people unfold completely different spiritual experiences from many enlightenment techniques
that are available.

Through the divine virtues of 'Panfodra', we teach the necessity to follow an individual path
through inner guidance in the moment. This is the virtue of letter R, with a golden light and the
sensation of weight.

Following inner guidance in the moment is what makes the spiritual journey so exciting and
wonderful. However, it also can be intimidating and confusing to people who have learned to give
their power away to outside authorities.

Those who are hoping for their decisions to be made by their spiritual teacher, as one would
expect to have pre-set course work for a particular profession, must pass through an initiation
into self-determination and attunement to inner guidance.

Psychic ability or impressions from others is no substitute for inner guidance, but this is one of
the ways in which a
seeker might be tempted to give away his or her power. Often in psychic readings the seeker
believes the reading, and attributes the psychic reader as having greater wisdom, and
consequently invests the reading with greater power and authenticity than his/her own inner
guidance. Anyone inclined to make this mistake should think long and hard before deciding to
get a psychic reading. Such readings, if limiting or negative, function like negative programming,
which can cause a mental block and interfere with growth.

There is no substitute for inner guidance. An authentic spiritual teacher insists that the student
follow inner
guidance. A true teacher helps a seeker find the source of light within.

Due to favorable universal influences now, this shift from following outside authority to
following inner guidance will be made almost automatically in many people. This initiation is one
of the most crucial paradigm shifts on the spiritual path to perfection.

Paradigms are changing dramatically now to balance left brain dominance with whole brain
awareness, so that inner guidance is easily perceptible.

When a person is using whole brain awareness they automatically flow from immersion in Unity
with All and Pure Being in Delta brainwaves to Deep Inward Thoughts about this experience in
Theta brainwaves. These deep inner
thoughts flow easily and naturally into divine feeling, emotion, and psychic sensitivity in Alpha
brainwaves and then into the five senses, memory, and logic of Beta brainwaves. In this way,
thoughts, feelings, and the experience of outward reality flow from within.

We guard over personal and private inner transformation of a truth seeker's consciousness. This
is the part of the path that is so personal, unique, and private that it is between the seeker and
God alone, no outward teacher
would, could, or should interfere.

It is here that the alchemical fires of transformation burn from the deepest core of inner reality,
and the psyche progresses from one archetype to another in the process of being reborn as God
or Goddess.

When a truth seeker reaches this point, he/she is firmly on an inward path and has developed a
unique working meditation technique. It is at this stage in the spiritual journey that an aura of
mysticism and supernatural influence increasingly permeates daily consciousness.

It is also at this stage that paranormal experiences most likely occur. This is the Great Labyrinth
and The Great Tao. This is the Great Red Road. This is the Hero's Journey.

The ancient prophecies from all spiritual traditions of all times call for this mystical
manifestation of Heaven on Earth from the inner realms of every person.

The Alpha and the Omega, the New Jerusalem, the Ancient Future, The Enchantment, are all
based on fact and the time is now.

Increasingly the people of Earth are going through this quantum leap into whole brain thinking,
with help from all of the hosts of heaven, into Divine Enlightenment and unique, individual,

This Divine Enlightenment is the virtue of the last A in 'Panfodra'.

'We reveal to the individual truth seeker private and secret methods for personal enlightenment'.

'We decide which secret methods for spiritual development are to be unveiled and made available
to each individual seeker.'


P. The urge for spiritual perfection, for unity with Divine Light.

A. Wisdom and Enlightenment.

N. Supreme Happiness.

F. The legality of harmony in all visible worlds.

O. Cognition brought about by Love Divine.

D. Mysteries of Creation.

R. Freedom and independence, following inner guidance.

A. Wisdom and enlightenment.


11 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Human Emanations
Also known as The Angels of Hagus


We teach, through the divine virtues of 'Hagus', mystical methods for understanding and
working with emanations of mental, emotional, and physical energy from other people. We
inspire a Child of Light with the thoughts and prayers, behaviors and words, that mystically bless
others and carry out the will of Divine Providence.

First we inspire a Child of Light to use the power of the word. This is the divine virtue of letter
'H', which is the first letter of 'Hagus', it has a silvery violet light and the sensation of warmth and
expansion, because it is a virtue of the fire element of will.

The application of the power of the word in the akasha principle makes the seeker understand
and use the cosmic language for the purpose of grace and mercy.

The mastery of the power of the word in the Akasha, or consciousness-penetrating-everything

everywhere, enables the seeker to give each letter and its divine virtue dynamic and creative

In the realm of the Akasha, which is the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, meditate on

the power of the word by visualizing the silvery violet light everywhere, in and through all things.

Imagine the head region as an immense universe and see a small silvery violet sun in the head
region that radiates immense power whenever you use this letter. See this silvery violet light
penetrating all creation.

The head region is the part of the body that corresponds to the fire element of will.

Focus on will and intention. Meditate on willpower that penetrates all with the power of the
word, the silvery violet light. Focus on the idea of the power of the word as being the way that
Divine Providence works.

'Not only is the seeker able to perceive it with the intellect, he is also able to receive it
symbolically, in the form of pictures, by his spiritual senses. By frequent repetition of the
exercises with this letter, the ability of purest clairvoyance will be achieved. '
'At this point one learns the full meaning of the words "it shall be".

Imagine feeling the power of the word and tone the sound of the letter H to the musical note A

The emotional realm is magnetic and feminine and receives energy from the mental realm.
Feelings attract specific realities into physical manifestation. At this stage, feelings of the power
of the word are attracting the miracles that you wish to manifest.

Focus so strongly on these feelings of the power of the word that they can be remembered and
evoked at will whenever you wish to use them in World Service.

'In doing this the seeker attains the faculty of influencing , through the magnetic power of
feeling, each fate at will, and also the faculty of fully comprehending, understanding and
applying the cosmic language in all of it's forms as well as all the mantra and tantra practices in
their truest forms.'
Each letter's sound and musical note carries the frequencies of feeling. It is the feeling of a divine
virtue that attracts it into form.

A word made up of various letters, toned in the proper musical notes of each letter with strong
feeling, creates a song of mystical power. These words are the ancient songs of the language of

It may take several months of intense concentration to master one letter, but once the first letter
is mastered, the others are easy. It is traditional to start with letter 'A' and work through the
alphabet. When all of the letters are mastered, then combine two or more letters into powerful
combinations of meanings and sounds.

At this stage in the spiritual journey, a seeker has become so immersed in the inner alchemical
fire, that his or her mental, emotional, and physical emanations has a healing effect on everyone
he or she comes into contact with. There is a chain reaction of energy transfers from the seeker to
everything around them.

The divine virtue of letter H was used to create the right arm of every human being. Meditate on
this letter permeating the right arm. When you breathe out; will, see, feel, and sense this virtue
radiating out through the pores of your skin over the area of the body formed by the virtue, the
right arm, and filling the entire outer universe. When you breathe in; will, see, feel, and sense this
coming in through the pores of your skin around this same area and filling you completely from
the outer universe. Learn how to breathe this virtue in and out effortlessly in this
way so that anytime you wish to manifest it, this meditation comes easily to you.


Do not hold or prolong the breath. When you are finished, dissolve the light and other sensations
so that you keep the body balanced and do not over stimulate any area of the body.

To bless and influence other people, a Child of Light next learns to use the power of the word
with the divine virtue of A, which is all wisdom and enlightenment . It is a virtue of the air
element, with the sensation of relaxation and ease. It has a light blue light, the musical note G
and is the virtue that was used to create the lungs.

Next the power of the word is used to give true divine blessing with letter G, which is Divine
Grace and Mercy. This virtue is of the water element, with a feeling of coolness and flowing. It
has an emerald grass green light, the musical note F, and forms the left eye.

Then the power of the word is used with letter U, which is the virtue of the Creative act and its on
going effects, its karma. With this virtue a Child of Light sees the ongoing effects of the
intervention that he or she is making through the power of the word.

This virtue is of the akashic element, with the sensation of consciousness-penetrating -all. It
shines with a velvet black light, it has the musical note of B. It is the virtue that created the
pancreas and pit of the stomach.

Finally, a Child of Light uses the power of the word with letter S, which is the virtue of attuning
to Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned, in the form of all-penetrating-power. This
virtue gives the power to change any part of creation, any being, and the enthusiasm to carry
through with manifesting Divine Will in any situation.

It is a virtue of the fire element, with the sensation of warmth and expansion. It has a purple red
light, the musical note of G-sharp, and is the virtue that created the gall bladder.


'We give the seeker, at this stage on their journey, exact information on mental, emotional, and
physical radiation that comes from others'.

'We teach how to tell from the radiation emitted by a human being the degree of maturity of his
mental and emotional body.'


12 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of The Cosmic Language
Also known as The Angels of Hatuny


Children are born understanding that people have the ability to magically change reality. That is
why children of all ages, including the inner child of all people young and old, love fairytales and
spiritual stories about people with supernatural powers. The Divine Plan unfolds to prepare the
Children of Light to learn the Cosmic Language and whole brain thinking. For those who are
consciously on a spiritual path, we inspire books, movies, and songs so that preparatory
knowledge is widely available. When the proper maturity is gained, talented and gifted children
of all ages are destined to use the Language of Light as a means of joining individual
consciousness with Divine Consciousness to manifest heaven on earth.

According to a person's degree of maturity and equilibrium, we inspire the realization of the
meditations of the cosmic language, and carefully guide and protect as the powers of the divine
virtues are brought through.

A person who is not mature and does not have the proper equilibrium and character, is carefully
guided through proper preparation and growth; otherwise, harm could occur.

As a Child of Light advances more deeply into the cosmic language, we offer our guidance and

The cosmic language is a whole brain language.

To "speak" the cosmic language, all four brainwaves are used simultaneously to produce a
complete multidimensional sine wave that manifests divine virtues on the four planes of will,
thought, feeling, and form. These divine virtues are produced in the microcosm and the
macrocosm, which means they are produced in a person's own will, mind, emotion, and body at
the same time that they are enlivened in the outer universe on the levels of will, mind, emotion,
and form.

The use of the cosmic language in World Service fulfills the saying that:

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

Each letter has a meaning, a sound, a musical tone, a color, a feeling, a sensation, and a part of
the body temple that was created by it.

The most important part of meditation on a divine virtue is its color, its light.

In addition to this, the idea is to tone the letter to its proper musical note, inwardly or outwardly,
while feeling the emotion of the virtue intently.

Find a musical instrument so that you can play each note as you study each letter. Take your
time. We are helping you every step of the way.

Feeling rides on sound, which is why it is important to combine the feeling of the divine virtue
with the sound of its letter in the musical note that belongs to it.

Power is increased through intensity of desire/willpower and fullness of passion/feeling.

Clarity is increased with concentration on the meaning of the virtue in deep inner thought and
vividness of the imagination of the sensation.

As you have learned through exercises such as the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox, that which is in
the imagination should seem very real.

All letters are practiced in the whole body, then in the elemental region, and then in the organ
that is made from it.

The elemental regions are:

All fire letters are to be imagined shining as tiny powerful suns in their respective colors, creating
warmth in the head region, which is imagined as an infinite space.

All air letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating ease, in the

All water letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating coolness, in
the abdomen.

All earth letters are imagined as shining tiny suns in their respective colors, creating weight, in
both legs.

For example, with the letter 'A', which is pronounced with a soft A, as in 'arm', hum AHHHH in
the musical note of G while vividly imagining a bright light blue sun, shining first in the whole
body, then in the lung area, creating a sensation of ease.

Contemplate infinite wisdom and enlightenment. Meditate on wisdom and enlightenment filling
all of inner space with the in breath and outer space with the out. Breathe through the pores of
the skin over the lungs at the same time as through the mouth or nose.

Keep the rhythm of the breath natural, and be sure to dissolve the light when the meditation is
over so that the body is not over stimulated in any area and put out of balance.

A most important aspect of meditation is attunement to the meaning of the divine virtue itself,
which in the case of letter A, soft A, is infinite wisdom and enlightenment, the purity of all
original ideas in divine mind.
The more time that is spent on attunement in deep inward thought, the better.
With practice, the meaning, the sun in the light blue color shining in the lungs and the ahhh
sound in the key of G along with the sensation of ease, pop into mind automatically whenever
you wish to manifest wisdom and

This is because the mechanical part of the brain learns to do things automatically without
thinking, like typing, driving, or walking. The mechanical brain also learns to do the meditations
on the divine virtues and their letters effortlessly and expertly over time. With each practice
session, identification with infinite wisdom with its four level aspects of will, mind, feeling, and
five sense concentration of sensation, color, tone, and sound deepens until eventually the spirit,
mind, emotions, and body are permanently bonded and united with this Divine Virtue.
Whenever this virtue is desired in oneself, or another, or the universe, it is easily produced in this
whole brain manner.

When this happens, the letter 'A' is 'mastered'. In truth the depth of union with the virtue of
Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment of letter 'A' increases to infinity. We continually inspire this
process of expansion.

The next step in the cosmic language is to master letter 'B', and then 'C', and so forth through the
entire alphabet.

Since the same skills and brainwaves apply equally to all the letters, once the first letter is
mastered, all the others are mastered more easily.

At some point, skill increases so that every time a letter is thought of, the mind automatically
attunes to its corresponding Will, Divine Virtue and its meaning, feeling, musical note, color, and
sensation. This is a level of
Divine bliss and ecstasy that stimulates the endocrine system to produce chemicals that prevent
aging and bring eternal youth.

The power to produce miracles is attained.

Master single letters first, then join two or three together or more.

Two or more letters joined together form a mantra of great power.

For instance, suppose you join the letters A and H. First you would meditate on the light blue
sun in the lungs. Contemplate infinite wisdom filling all of inner and outer space with a sense of
ease. Make the soft ahhh sound in
the key of G.

After that you meditate on a a silvery violet sun in the head region filling all of inner and outer
space with feeling of warmth and the power of the word. Make the tone of letter H in the key of

'The practical consequence of this letter combination is the influence of divine intuition, on
oneself and on others. In particular, frightened people who think themselves surrounded by
enemies and are therefore oppressed and
haunted, may be cured and freed by the application of these two letters.
Also, people who believe that they are being wronged may be enlightened by this energy so that
they will realize a higher wisdom and purpose behind everything that has happened. '

With practice, letters can be added together to form whole words.

As you progress, we inspire you with powerful letter combinations that create the miracles of the
deepest desires of your heart in alignment with inner guidance from Divine Providence. Do not
be afraid, this is your destiny as a Child of The Divine, a Child who is made in the image of the

The names of the heavenly hosts, when used this way, allow a Child of Light to merge individual
consciousness with the consciousness of the heavenly hosts.


H. The power of the word.

A. Wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind.

T. High inspiration.

U. The creative act and is on going effects, its karma.

N. Supreme happiness.

Y. The rhythm of life and its relations.

Here is a brief summary of the letters and their divine virtues:

A..[soft A as in arm].All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with a sense of ease, the musical
note G, use to heal the lungs

B..Universal life and polarity in all its forms, light violet with a sense of weight, musical note A,
use to heal the right eye

C..The Eucharist in all its forms, the virtue of self spiritualization, vermilion with warmth and a
sense of ease, musical note D, use to heal the stomach

D..Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal
the right ear

E..the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all,
musical note D, use to heal the spine

F..Legality, which IS harmony, of all visible worlds, light green with a feeling of weight, musical
note F sharp, use to heal the left hand

G..Divine Grace and Mercy in all its aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical
note F, use to heal the left eye

H..The power of the word, which is the cosmic language, silvery violet with a feeling of warmth,
musical note A, use to heal the right arm
Ch.The virtue of clarity and perfect purity, light violet with a feeling of coolness, musical note D
Sharp, use to heal the left leg

I..The law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of weight, musical note G, use to heal the
left kidney

J..The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of coolness, musical note G
Sharp, use to heal the diaphragm-midriff

K..The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note B, use to heal
the left ear

L..The Virtue of Majesty and splendor, all of the divine virtues taken together, dark green shining
olive color with a feeling of ease, musical note F, use to heal the spleen, to bring vitality, youth,
and immortality.

M..Original Water principle of emotions, flowing, fluidity, change and magnetism, blue-green
with a sense of coolness, musical note D, use to heal the abdominal area

N..The highest state of happiness, dark red with a sense of coolness, musical note A, use to heal
the liver

O..The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue with a feeling of weight,
musical note C, use to heal the throat and windpipe area

P..The longing for spiritual progress and perfection, dark gray with a sense of weight, musical
note B, use to heal the right nostril Quaballah Q is the same as K---refer to K

R..Independence and Freedom, golden light with a feeling of ease, musical note C, use to heal the
left nostril

S..All penetrating power which is original fire [will], purple with a reddish tint with a feeling of
warmth, musical note G sharp, use to heal the gall bladder

Sch..combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is the original light, blazing red
with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal the brain

T..High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth, musical note F, use to heal the
right kidney

U..The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling of penetrating everything,
musical note B, use to heal the pancreas Quaballah is the same as F-refer to F

W..Cosmic intuition, lilac with a feeling of coolness, musical note G, use to heal the gut Quaballah X is seen as a combination of E,K,and S

Y..[UE} umlaut U.The origin of the rhythm of life, pink light with a feeling of weight penetrating
everything, musical note C sharp, use to heal the heart

Z..Highest intellectual faculties, ability to remember everything learned in all lifetimes, light
yellow with a feeling of ease, musical note G, use to heal the heart

Umlaut A {AE]..Origin and mystery of life and death and transformation, loamy brown with a
feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal the lower colon

Umlaut O {OE]..The most Profound Divine Cognition, which is based on the most profound
Divine Love, dark orange light with a feeling of weight penetrating everything, musical note D
sharp, use to heal the testicles and
ovaries. If healing the ovaries, heal the left ovary first then the right.


13 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Nature
Also known as The Angels of Gagolchon


From the buzzing of the bees to the gurgling of streams, nature enchants people into the flowing
heart of Divine Mother, the heart of unconditional all encompassing love. In nature truth is
whispered on the wind, and tucked in the petals of each flower.

The graceful antics of squirrels, the shy glance of chickadees, the majestic leap of deer, are the
dances of Divine Emotion flowing through all creation. In nature the infinite library of life awaits
the contemplative Child of Light.

The flight of the eagle, or the view from heights, opens up vast vistas of insight into the nature of

In nature, the heart finds itself afloat in a cosmic sea of bliss and tranquility.

In the silence hear the angels sing, Within your heart let dreams take wing.
Explore cathedral of leaf and bough Go deep and grow; the time is now.

In a natural ecosystem, spiritual qualities are manifest in form. Through the divine virtues of
'Gagolchon', the Children of Light value and treasure the wonders of natural life.
Each day people re-acquaint themselves with the luxury of natural wild opulence and majesty.

Each person's soul longs to dwell in natural perfection. It needs to be nurtured in the deep
cosmic womb of creation for the purpose of divine transformation and rebirth Living in Paradise,
in nature, creates greater ecstasy than living in artificial environments.

Instead of sitting at the head of corporate board meetings, subject to rigid schedules, the
Children of Light remember they would rather sit on mountaintops staring at the sun, free to
stay as long as they want to.

Rather than heavy hitting business meetings with win/lose energy plays, the Children of Light
chose instead to raft down dancing rivers under majestic canyon walls.

We inspire people to evolve beyond artificiality and ego and embrace elegant lives of simplicity
and modesty, in tune with nature.

This brings about Grace and Mercy for all life, which is the divine virtue of G of 'Gagolchon'.

The divine virtue of Grace and Mercy has an emerald green light, and the feeling of coolness,
because it is a virtue of the water element of feeling.

We instill the awareness of the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind and of Grace and Mercy.
We inspire the Children of Light with the power of cognition brought about by Love Divine in
manifesting heaven on earth, and
the understanding that nurturing and being a loving part of a natural ecosystem is the royal road
to supreme happiness.

The divine blueprint that was intended from the beginning, living as a nurturing part of nature,
stimulates enlightenment through many interdimensional doorways, and the laws of analogy.

Enlightenment is the divine virtue of letter A, which has a light blue light and the sensation of

Divine Grace and Mercy is the virtue of true Divine Blessing, in which a Child of Light
experiences such an upliftment of will, thought, feeling, and sensation, that when personal
negative karma returns, it bounces off,
manifesting in a symbolic way, rather than through suffering. This is made possible through the
learning of lessons in a pleasant way, rather than through hardship. Divine Grace and Mercy is
letter G.

Cognition brought about by Love Divine is the virtue of umlaut O, OE, which has a dark orange
light and the sensation of earth penetrating everything.

Heaven on earth is the divine virtue of letter L, which has an olive green light and the sensation
of ease.

Clarity and perfect purity is the virtue of Ch, which has a light violet light and the sensation of

The virtue of Divine justice and harmony, of nurturing all equally, is the virtue of letter O, which
has an ultramarine blue light and the sensation of weight.

Supreme happiness is the letter N, which has a dark red light and the sensation of coolness.
"As above, so below."

In the other messages, various orders of angels explain divine plans for architecture, roads,
technology, mining, farming, and other aspects of life that work with nature instead of against it.

Now is the time in the history of mankind that these original ways of living in perfect harmony
with natural ecosystems are being rediscovered. In this science of perfect harmony lies the
answer to many of the problems that people wish to solve, especially in the path of World

In this science, modesty and opulence become one. True majesty and wealth is found in
balancing every polarity. The middle path of Buddha lies between simplicity and complexity. In
Paridise, the dangers and blessings of both
wealth and poverty are understood, and the middle path of perfect balance in everything is held
in sacredness.

The dark night of resisting polarities is drawing to a close, and the peaceful dawn of sacred
marriage of opposites is bringing perfection to earth.

We are inspiring a sudden resurgence of will, consciousness, and feeling that is exploding all over
the world for restoring the pristine condition of Earth as Paridise. As the joy and passion for
doing this is fully unleashed, then nature, mankind and the heavenly hosts create a powerful
whirlwind of change and healing. This fulfills the grandest will of the Divine Creator.

Rejoice! Rejoice, for we tell you that many of the buildings and most of the asphalt that have
been placed over ancient forests, lands and waterways will be removed to give way to pristine
purity, better than before. Technologies now exist that allow the best of both worlds, the artificial
and the natural, to be as one in the middle path of Buddha. Now that the time has come for the
Alpha and the Omega to manifest on Earth, people are once again discovering that Earth is the
Paridise that was intended at the dawn of time by Divine Consciousness.

'We are the guardians of all people who explore nature. Anyone dealing with natural science is
awakened to extraordinary genius through our inspiration.

'According to the development and maturity of mankind,

we unveil successively the secrets of nature.'


G.Grace and Mercy.

A.Wisdom and Enlightenment.

G.Grace and Mercy


O.Cognition brought about by Love Divine, the power of transmutation.

L.The splendor and majesty of all Divine Virtues.

Ch.Clarity and perfect purity.

O.Divine Justice and Harmony.

N.Supreme Happiness.

Rest in nature, dear sister and brother,

Return to the arms of Sacred Mother.

Flow, oh flow, river of time

Between shores of virtue sublime.

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

As above, so below.


14 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Mystical Writing
Also known as The Angels of 'Bafa'


The process of mystical writing is a path of enlightenment.

Spiritual wisdom is forever omnipresent in all that has been created and therefore inherent in the
spirit and higher minds of both the author and the readers who study his or her writings. The
spirit and will of the writer of mystical truth aligns with Divine Will and the soul and feelings of
the writer becomes one with Divine Feeling. The power of Divine Will and Feeling enlivens the
written word, and purifies and blesses both the author and those who read.

The demand for empowering truth concerning the underlying mysteries of

Creation is growing. Mystical writing is more important than ever.

Those who respond faithfully to inner guidance to write of the great mysteries are answering the
cry of humanity and the prompting of Divine Providence.
In enlightening others, the scribe enlightens self.

The Children of Light are searching for understanding about Universal Consciousness and the
purpose of polarity, about the meaning of life and death and transformation, about the legality of
harmony that expresses itself in all visible worlds, and about the original purity of all ideas in
Divine Mind.

At this time of the dawning of Alpha and Omega, the perception of danger is activating ancient
survival mechanisms that have evolved over millions of years.

"All things work for good, .give thanks for all things concerning you."

The Children of Light activate latent powers in DNA as an instinctive survival reaction to life
threatening danger. These latent powers of DNA cause recognition of the deepest levels of truth.
By understanding the mysteries of creation, a Child of Light remembers that he or she has
dominion over reality and has the option to create and attract Paradise into physical reality.

Understanding the deepest mysteries of Creation, a Child of Light realizes the Oneness of all Life,
and seeks to bless and love all beings equally, as a part of Self.

This love is the most powerful change agent, and attracts the perfect blueprint of each being into
physical manifestation. The Children of Light are also changing due to the influences of many
astronomical phenomena such as the Photon belt, solar flares, neutrinos from the Hourglass
Nebula supernova and energies of the weak force from Eta Carina, etc.

They are changing due to the powerful influences of prayer and the intercession of the heavenly

Powerful psychoactive neuropeptides and hormones are being produced.

Changes on every level of being are allowing quantum leaps of consciousness over previously
impenetrable limitations.

Through the divine virtues of our name 'Bafa', we inspire a Child of Light who writes concerning
spiritual matters.

We facilitate and strengthen their understanding of Universal Consciousness, the mysteries of

life and death and transformation, the analogies of the macrocosm and microcosm, and wisdom
and enlightenment.

Universal Life and all polarities of manifest creation are understood by meditation on the divine
virtue of letter B, which has a light violet light and the sensation of weight.

The understanding of all polarities, such as high and low, large and small, will and feeling, inner
and outer, etc., express through the Virtue of the legality of Harmony in All Visible Worlds. The
Harmony of All Visible Worlds
is the Divine Virtue of the letter 'F' in our name. This virtue has a light green light and the
sensation of weight. With this virtue comes the understanding of the powers of whole brain
awareness, of will, thought, feeling, and sensation, and of the importance of harmony between

Wisdom and enlightenment is expressed through artistic eloquence and occult faculties. These
faculties are gifts of wisdom and enlightenment, the second "A" of our name, which has a light
blue light and the sensation of relaxation and ease.
Because each person is a unique expression of perfection, we carefully guide each writer to
respect their own individual creativity, and enter into a flow of activity that is free from
self-criticism and comparison.

'We inspire those who write about mysticism and spiritual sciences of any kind.'

'We give wonderful inspirations for bringing mysterious facts to life in poetry or beautiful verse.'

'Playwrights of mystical pieces are always assisted in their work by The Angels of Bafa.'


B. This is the virtue of universal life, with all of its polarities of expression. Mastering this virtue
through meditation gives control over will and feeling, life and death, and the understanding that
everything in creation serves a necessary purpose. This divine virtue is a light violet color, is the
earth element so it has the sensation of weight, vibrates to the musical note of A, and forms the
right eyeball.

Umlaut A, AE.'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.'

The sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and
mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of
God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a
transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear.
Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence
to fulfill a certain task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened
person's point of view everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure"
becomes plain. If there were no negative beings, it would be
impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there were no passions, there would also
be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.'

In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning
matter, and of becoming their absolute master'.

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues
and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind
yourself and you will be free".
'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

F. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue 'representing the legality and harmony of all visible
worlds in creation in both the microcosm of the human body and the macrocosm'.

'By using this virtue, a person comes to know legality as the most perfect harmony, and
furthermore, to see the operation and the laws of analogy of the macro- and microcosm in their
truest form.'

In the intellect, this virtue gives complete understanding of the interdependence of will, thought,
emotion, and form.
The color of this virtue is light green; it is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It
has the musical note of F-sharp and the left hand is formed from it.

A. This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance,
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element and its beings are all
aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air,
control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.'

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.


15 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Astrometaphysics
Also known as The Angels of 'Ugirpon'


The long period of ignorance concerning stars and heavenly bodies is ending and many people
are becoming conscious of information waves from space. Information waves are decoded as
conscious attention changes light waves into light particles. Through intention, consciousness
connects with planets or other points in space. In meditation this connection becomes an
information superhighway.
To know the outward lights, one must go inward to look at them. Meditation allows the outer
lights to become the inner lights. As above, so below.

'We teach people about astronomy and its influence on the mental, emotional, and physical

'When a person has reached a certain stage of maturity, we teach them about the inhabitants of
other planets, about their spiritual development and maturity, about their technical
achievements, and any other information of

From the prime beginning, the lights in the sky have transmitted information, and the celestial
music of the spheres has danced within the nervous systems of all life.

Meditation and deep contemplation, using the Delta-Theta-Alpha range of brainwaves, freezes
light waves into light particles. These light particles are packets of information. It is these light
packets that set off chemical reactions, neuropeptide secretions in the pineal gland and others,
that psychoactively change consciousness.

The vast reaches of outer space are mirrored in the vast reaches of inner space and the interface
between the macrocosm and the microcosm is consciousness itself. This is why consciousness
can change a light wave into
a light particle. These light particle information packets from the heavenly bodies are software
that requires conscious attention in order to download chemically into the body. That is why
meditation is so important.

"Where the attention goes, energy flows."

Create a personal system of meditation. Then, by pointing your attention on any planet, or area
of the sky in your thoughts, and asking for information concerning it, streaming light waves
respond to your request and become light particle packets of information in your pineal gland
and the cave of Brahma surrounding it.

The universe is made of infinite fractals, which is the meaning of "As above, so below."

Fractals are repeating patterns that nest inside each other endlessly. This is why an atom looks
like a solar system and a solar system looks like a galaxy. This is why it is said that man is made
in God's Image. The angel groups corresponding to the degrees of the planets and points in your
astrological chart are the members of the heavenly hosts who form your original spiritual family
for this lifetime.

If a planet in your astrology chart, for example, is located at 3 degrees and 16 seconds Aquarius,
look up the angel group for 4 degrees Aquarius.
Any little bit over a degree puts you in the influence of the next degree. Once you know the
angelic names of each of the degrees of each of your planets and points, use the cosmic language
to integrate them into your

The astrological chart shows the dynamics in the relationships between the various divine virtues
and how they impact each area of consciousness and each area of life.

Progressions and transits map this process through time.

Fixed stars that conjunct or parallel planets or points in your natal chart designate your highest
gifts and purpose.

Over an Egyptian Temple are the words, Man Know Thyself. This is a key phrase pointing to
meditation as the pathway to illumination and enlightenment.


U.The creative act and karma.

G.Grace and Mercy.

I.Cause and Effect.

R.Freedom and independence, following inner guidance.

P.The urge to spiritual perfection.

O.Justice and Harmony.

N.Supreme Happiness.



Divine energy flows from the ALL THAT IS into an individual incarnated Atman which is
designated through the sun/moon in a person's natal birth chart. It corresponds to Delta
brainwaves of Pure Being. The energy of the Atman flows down through the secondary suns of
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto; which corresponds to Theta brainwaves of deep inner thought.
Then the energy flows down through the inner planets, which are Alpha brainwaves of emotion
and feeling, and through the signs which are Beta brainwaves of memory, logic, and the five

It looks like the following flow chart: +=masculine, fire, electric -

=feminine, water, magnetic
[All that is]
Sun [+]-Moon [-]
equals respectively Spirit-Soul

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Equals respectively Willpower [+], Wisdom[+,-], Love[-]

Under Uranus is Under Neptune is Under Pluto is

Earth [+]-Saturn [-] Jupiter [+]-Mercury[-]

Under Earth[+] is Under Jupiter[+] is

Under Mars[+] is
Leo [++]-Cancer [+,-] Sag.[++] and Pisces[+,-]
Aries[++]-Scorpio [+,-]
and and
Under Saturn[-] is Under Mercury[-] is
Under Venus
Aquarius [-,+]-Capricorn[-,-] Gemini [-,+]-Virgo[-,-]
Libra [-,+]-Taurus

In this scenario the middle path is wisdom which is will and love together, the left is willpower,
and the right is love.

All fire signs are +,+; creative and electric in the inner[ Alpha--emotion] and outer [Beta-five
senses, logic, memory]world.

Air signs are -,+; receptive on the inner and creative on the outer.

Water signs are +,-; creative on the inner and receptive on the outer Earth signs are -,- receptive
in the inner and outer world.

So, for instance, if your sun is in Capricorn, then your Masculine Nature or Spirit is receptive on
the inner[feeling] and the outer[five senses, logic]
to Divine Will.

Or, if your Mars is in Pisces, then creative Divine Love expresses through creative wisdom in
feeling on the inner and in the outer world through receptivity.


16 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Wealth, Riches, and Fame
Also known as The Angels of 'Capipa'


In the natural order of the Universe, wealth, power, and reputation belong to those who possess
the treasures of a heavenly consciousness and flow with a divine heart of love.
Money is entrusted to those who use it consciously and are not attached to its use for personal

One of the most noble, divine purposes for achieving fame is for a Child of Light to exemplify
Divine Virtues in the way he or she lives life.

In World Service, power is necessary to manifest Paradise on Earth.

Enlightened people are Divine Stewards. Their guidance comes clearly from within and prevents
polarizing and imbalance.

The spiritualization of matter, the incarnation of divine virtues into physical embodiment, is the
divine virtue of letter C of 'Capipa'. It has a vermilion green light and the sensation of warmth
and ease, since it is a virtue of the fire and air elements. The stomach of all Children of Light is
made from this virtue.

As you grow in enlightenment on your spiritual path, opportunities for World Service unfold.
The tools of wealth, power, and fame usually come suddenly and unexpectedly. Be watchful and

Wisdom and enlightenment, the divine virtue of letter A, has a light blue light and the sensation
of ease. This virtue gives a Child of Light understanding and oneness with the original purity of
all ideas in Divine Mind. It bestows the gifts of eloquence, artistic talent, clairvoyance,
clairaudience, and other mystical faculties. The lungs are made from this virtue.

For Paradise to manifest with maximum efficiency and minimum effort, wealth, fame, and power
are attracted to those who use it for the highest good of all concerned, to those who are

'We are custodians of wealth, riches, and fame.'

'We are custodians of ALL treasures. We also protect riches under the earth, precious stones as
well as treasures put away by human hands.'

'When it is the highest good for a person to become rich quickly, without the riches becoming a
hindrance to spiritual development, we make this happen.'

We help each Child of Light who attracts fame, power, and wealth in his or her attunement so
that he or she remains one in consciousness and feeling with the longing for spiritual perfection
and unity with Divine Light.

On the path of spiritual perfection, in the beginning a spiritual seeker learns that the treasures of
heaven are the treasures worth seeking, and often turns away from the search for material
wealth, power, and reputation
in order to seek the wealth of Divine Consciousness and Love.

The longing for spiritual perfection is the divine virtue of letter P, which has a dark gray light and
the sensation of weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element. The right side of the nose is
made from this virtue.

However, the creative and communication potential of material wealth, power, and fame is often
needed for World Service, and when a spiritual Child of Light is ready, he or she uses them wisely
to bring about the greatest good
of all concerned.

By using the laws of Cause and Effect, the virtue of letter I, a Child of Light remembers the
lessons learned over time and carefully creates Paradise in everything that is undertaken. The
virtue of Cause and Effect, of Karma
and reaping and sowing, has a light opalescent light and the sensation of weight. The left kidney
is formed from it.

A person who reaches this development and awareness has created an individual meditation
process that connects with clear guidance from Divine Providence. He or she has akashic,
spiritual, mental, and emotional
treasures, obtained through meditation with Divine Virtues and the heavenly hosts, and flows
with Divine Love.

"As above, so below."

At this stage, material wealth, power, and fame are natural consequences of higher

'Our task is to inform such a person when wealth, fame, and power are to be theirs, and we
procure it quickly and easily so that they may do the work of Divine Providence.

The longing for spiritual perfection is present in all creatures, in all creation. This longing attracts
heaven on earth.

Many people now are becoming beautiful spiritual and emotional beings and are using money
wisely to evolve that process. This new art form, of using the personality as an artistic
masterpiece, is enhanced by finding creative
compassionate ways to spend money, and use fame and power to beautify, cleanse and enrich the

Due to the fact that large numbers of people are becoming successful on their personal, inner,
spiritual path, a radical redistribution of power, fame, and wealth is in process at this time of the
Alpha and the Omega.

More and more people know that the reason to acquire money, fame, and power is to enrich the
web of life and bring Heaven to Earth, to create and attract Paradise.

These Children of Light have transformed their standard and identity from ego selfishness into
Divine Selfishness.

The limited selfishness of ego self that believes itself to be separate not only from others, but also
from God, has been transformed into Divine Selfishness that springs from Oneness with the
Divine Self that is One With All.

We help strengthen attunement to this Truth, that the riches of Earth belong to All and exist for
the Highest Good, Joy, and Beauty of all concerned.

C.The spiritualization of matter, the mystery behind the Eucharist.

A.Wisdom and enlightenment.

P.The urge for spiritual perfection.

I.Cause and effect.

P.The urge for spiritual perfection.

A.Wisdom and enlightenment.


17 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of World Service
Also known as The Angels of 'Koreh'


'We are excellent initiators into the powers of the Cosmic Language.'

'We give more advanced instructions about the manifestation of divine virtues in the mental, the
emotional, and the physical world through the use of the cosmic language. We make you
acquainted with special methods that enable you to make use of all of your acquired mystical
faculties when helping other people.'

We are your guides and teachers as you become ever more deeply involved in World Service.

It is our job to help world servers discover special meditations that empower them to do their
work of bringing heaven to earth. These practices facilitate uniting individual awareness and
feeling with Divine Awareness and Feeling, with balance between right and left brain dominance.

Working from the common paradigm of left brain dominance, projects of World Service would
become overwhelming, they would be Herculean tasks with endless setbacks. For this reason, we
guide spiritually mature World Servers to develop whole brain awareness in order to do their
work with ease and joy.

Optimal awareness utilizes equal input from both hemispheres of the brain.
The willpower and emotional psychic awareness of the right brain is united with the deep inner
thought and logic, memory, and five senses of the left.
The feeling realm attracts realities into physical manifestation.

Many Children of Light that have tried to heal negative feelings through logic or will, have had
difficulty because the nature of the watery feeling realm is to heal through flowing in sea of
unconditional all encompassing love. Attempting to "cast out" negative feeling or astral beings,
bypassing negative feelings, denying them, medicating them, or destructively acting them out,
etc., compounds wounding. It is by centering in the heart and loving as God loves, and allowing
feelings to flow in a safe and non-destructive way, that feelings TRANSFORM and heal, bringing
insights and wisdom.

"God's love is like the sun, it shines EQUALLY on the good and the bad alike."

Love is the most powerful transformational agent. Feelings are purified in its influence.

Many people believe that when they enter upon the path of World Service their emotions will
remain uplifted and high. We know that the most common problem World servers are
encountering in this time of tremendous change is their own, emotional fear and resistance that
gets triggered by day to day events. Deeply suppressed or buried emotional wounds in their
unconsciousness become activated as part of the purification and transformational process.

Many spiritual seekers have enlightened their minds, but still have deep layers of emotional pain
that manifests as tension in muscle tissue. We encourage people to be aware of painful triggered
emotions and to with unconditional love instead of fear or judgement.

In this way they heal their emotions as they come up spontaneously in the course of daily service.

When emotions are allowed to flow in a safe and loving environment in a non-destructive way,
instead of with denial and bypass, deep psychic healing is experienced as they transform and
many insights and lessons are revealed.

As the feelings flow, a Child of Light is able to go back to their source in a memory of an early
traumatic experience. More and more old previously buried feelings are then felt to their depths
through recall and living and
reliving completely in the imagination, the memory from beginning to end.

As the old feelings are finally allowed to flow in a sea of unconditional love, forgotten parts of the
original traumatic events are recalled and insights arise from the psyche that rewrite the memory
completely. These insights into the powerful forces behind the traumatic event, that caused it to
manifest in the first place, bring positive healing and enlightenment.

In this process of flowing with feelings with an attitude of unconditional love, negative feelings,
along with their accompanying negative beliefs, transform into positive ones. Then, by merging
the final healing image with the original picture of the memory, a memory is healed permanently,
even in thought.

It is only when Paradise already exists in the mental, emotional, and physical bodies that a
person is in the best position to manifest divine virtues and qualities in the physical world.

We facilitate special, whole brain meditations that use the visualization of color combined with
will and meaning, with feeling combined with sound and tone, and with sensation of an element.
There is a unique combination of
these with each letter and virtue of the cosmic language.

Another goal of these meditations and practices is bringing into play all nerve ganglia, all up and
down the spine, activating powerful psychoactive glandular chemistry.

Through the divine virtues of our name 'Koreh', we help each Child of Light with empowering
will, intellect, emotions and body, and aligning individual will with Divine Will.

All levels of awareness-will, intellect, feeling, and physical body-are accordingly ever empowered
on this path into Divine Consciousness as a World Server increasingly manifests new realities of
greater perfection in the micro-and macrocosm.

A Child of Light on the path of World Service is often guided by Divine Providence to work with
others who are dancing awake The Sacred Dream of Paradise.

They work together while maintaining individual sovereignty, for each person follows their own
inner guidance from Divine Providence.

Divine Consciousness is the birthright of every Child of Light. As more people access this level of
awareness, a morphogenetic field, or hundredth monkey effect, is created that makes this
Consciousness easier to achieve
for others. At one point, critical mass is reached and enlightenment comes spontaneously for all.

By meditating on the divine virtues of the letters of our name, and calling on our help, it is
possible to master many special methods for creating miracles.


K.'The sound of this letter is the sound of the virtue of omnipotence, the highest power

To those who master this virtue, omnipotence reveals itself as the all embracing power by which
a person works direct miracles in the microcosm as well as the macrocosm, which means within
their own body temple and in the
outer universe. This virtue is manifested in the Akasha-principle, which is the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, as the highest and purest light. In the mind, this virtue
corresponds to the manifestation of faith.

Anyone who is able to evoke this virtue on a mental level will achieve, as its result, a state of
manifestation in which any idea, any wish, will at once become reality in whichever plane it is
desired: spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical. In the feelings, this virtue creates courage with
all its aspects, such as endurance and toughness. Anyone who is able to summon up great
courage within him/herself and in other people is able to overcome and remove any feeling of
fear within himself or in his brothers and sisters.

This virtue also strengthens the instinct of self-preservation, perserverance, and patience.

On the physical level this virtue gives the faculty of becoming absolute master of all terrestrial

[color: silvery blue, musical note: B, element: fire, heals: left ear]

Umlaut O, OE. Umlaut O is dark orange, has the musical note of D-sharp, is the element of
akashic-earth which has the sensation of weight penetrating everything. The ovaries and testicles
are formed from this virtue of the
profound cognition brought about by Love Divine. In healing, heal the left ovary first and then
the right one.

'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness penetrating all, the umlaut O oscillation evokes the
most profound cognition, which can only be brought about by love divine. '

'By the help of this a person gets to know all the possibilities of transformation of the spirit, all
the systems and ways serving this end, and all knowledge concerning transformation in all other
fields. He/she is informed about everything that, deriving from the act of creation, had to pass
through all the mode of transformation to be reunited.'

A person must attain all the faculties that are offered by this profound cognition made possible
by Love Divine, in the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, and must make use of all
possibilities, in order to get convinced that they cannot be described by words, by must be
experienced, lived through.'

'I have mentioned the letters unlaut A and unlaut O as the last ones in this series of exercises,
because by the help of their virtues one is able to comprehend, from the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, the crown of all wisdom in the micro- and macrocosms, from the
act of creation to the present state of evolution, and even to the final development.'

'Mental: Evoked in the intellect, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love divine
gives the understanding of the transformation of ideas, virtues, etc. by the quabbalistically
pronounced word, which is a very great and comprehensive field.'

'Astral/emotional level: In the feelings, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love
divine develops the faculty of perfect astral projection and the mastery of all occult and magical
phenomena that have reference to transformation, so that a person may, for instance, assume
any desired vibration in the emotional body without being recognized by other beings and with
only Divine Providence seeing through him/her. Apart from this, a person is able to transform
any emotional oscillation into the oscillation he wants and to do the same with any element.'

'Material: When mastered in the physical body, the profound cognition brought about by love
divine leads to perfect knowledge of quabbalistic alchemy in the material world.'

'A person is taught the true preparation and charging of the philosopher's stone in the physical
sense. He/she can influence, at will, any oscillation-atomic, oscillation, electronic oscillation- by
quabbalah, and he/she is able to transform it into the oscillation desired by him/her. '

'Therefore he/she perfectly masters the laws of transmutation and is able to transform any metal
into gold, any stone into a precious stone, etc. if desired. By the help of this virtue a person is
furnished with many other
faculties of which he/she cannot even dream now and which non-initiates would regard as
absolutely impossible.'
If pronounced O. The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of
divine justice. 'Mentally you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in
all four basic qualities of the elements.' [Intent controls thought and thought controls emotion.
Emotion controls earth.]

'You will have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality,
any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice. You will never be able to condemn
anyone unjustly.'

'This brings about the abilities to create any change in the emotional situations that you find
yourself in and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.'

This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and is the earth element so it has
the sensation of weight. It formed the throat and windpipe.

R. The sound of the letter R is the divine virtue of becoming the master and guardian of freedom
and independence. It is this virtue that is used by each child of God who listens to and follows
their own inner voice of guidance. This inner guidance is a person's unmistakable link with the
Universal Mind of Divine Providence that lives and moves in all space and time and beyond. 'In
this state of freedom and independence there is the feeling of freedom of any pressing burden of
the laws, for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a state of maturity by
which this feeling of independence has been transformed into an absolute state of security and
unimpeachability. This comes from the realization of the harmony and perfection of all divine
laws and the identification and love of them so intensely that they have actually become merged
with oneself. In this case
you are the personification and representation of the divine laws and they will serve you, and
your sense of freedom will derive from them rather than in spite of them.'

This is a very high state of consciousness, but it is the state that every human being is destined to
accomplish. It is for this reason that your teachers have told you that "the truth is written within
your heart".
The color of this virtue is golden; the musical note is C. The left side of the nose is formed from it.

E. 'This letter is the sound of universal consciousness, which represents, as a divine idea and
virtue, its omnipresence in everything that has ever been created.'

'Meditating on this virtue unites your normal consciousness with the universal consciousness,
with the cosmic consciousness, so that you can attain, in the akasha principal, omnipresence
yourself. This is known in oriental wisdom as Nirvi-Kalpa-Samadhi.'

'You attain the highest form of intuition in your mental world; you transfer your consciousness
so that there exists no sense of time and space. Divinity in His highest form is able to speak
through you. The most profound
mysteries of materialization and dematerialization become obvious to you as you master this,
everything that is material may be transferred back into its refined and most subtle form and any
idea can be intensified in such a
way that it becomes physically visible.'

'In the emotional body, the oscillation of letter "E" represents the control of the feeling
consciousness of oneself and of other people. Especially easy is it to achieve special clairaudience
by meditating on this virtue. By "special clairaudience" not only the hearing of beings, etc., is
meant, but also the understanding of the language of all animals and the perception of the
remotest past, the present, and even the future, indiscriminately of distance or kingdom, i.e.,
human kingdom or animal kingdom.'
The color of this virtue is deep violet, the musical note is D, the element is akasha, which has the
sensation of God-penetrating-all, and the spine is formed from it.

H. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue of the POWER OF THE WORD. To those of you
studying these angel messages, know that this group of messages, taken together, explain the
technology of the cosmic language, the
use of THE WORD in the science of miracles and theurgy. The letters of the alphabet have
sounds that correspond to the divine virtues, with their corresponding meanings on the four
levels of will, thought, emotion, and form. Words, whose letters are uttered with the following
attunements while using the meditation technique explained below, have great power to
manifest miracles.

The proper utterance of each letter, has to do with will-intent, imagination-thought, feeling, and
sensation. To meditate on a virtue, see yourself as a tiny dot in your solar plexus with the rest of
the body as an infinite swirling universe all around you. See vividly in your imagination the color
shining forth from a tiny sun the area of the body that is formed by the element of the virtue and
intone the letter in its musical note while feeling its feeling. In a deep Delta State of pure being,
WILL for the divine virtue to manifest within you. Meditate on the meaning of the virtue
with your intellect, in a Theta brainwave state of deep inward thought.

Feel yourself having mastery over the virtue, with your dreamy Alpha wave brainwave state.
Then with your Betawave State of the five senses, logic, and memory, imagine the sensation of
the element. When you breathe out; will, see, feel, and sense this virtue radiating out through the
pores of your skin from the area of the body formed by the virtue and filling the entire outer
universe. When you breathe in; will, see, feel, and sense this coming in through the pores of your
skin around this same area and filling you completely from the outer universe. Learn how to
breathe this virtue in and out effortlessly in this way so that anytime you wish to manifest it, this
meditation comes easily to you.

Study 12 Aquarius, the Angels of 'Hatuny', for further instructions. By performing this
meditation with a vivid imagination, a connection is made between universal mind and
individual mind, so that they become one.

"I and the Father are one."

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."


18 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of The Feminine Force
Also known as The Angels of 'Somi'


Through the Divine Virtues of 'Somi', we guide the Children of Light to master and use The
Divine Feminine Power, which is the deepest, most unconditional, all encompassing, passionate
Divine Love. This LOVE magnetically attracted all of creation into form, and is the cosmic ocean
of loving feeling and passion that flows through all and
sustains LIFE.

We are guardians of the Waters of Life represented in the Aquarian symbol of a Child of Light
pouring water from a large pitcher.
The pitcher is HEART DIVINE, spilling forth LIVING WATERS of Love Unconditional.

All-penetrating-Divine-Will for the HIGHEST GOOD, the highest PARADISE, of all concerned, is

This DIVINE WILL for the highest paradise of will, the highest paradise of thought, the highest
paradise of feeling,
and the highest paradise of sensation FOR ALL BEINGS, is the prime source OF THE INFINITE

All-penetrating-Divine-Will is the virtue of letter S, with a purple red light and the sensation of
warmth and expansion. It is seen as a tiny sun in the head region in meditation, in which a Child
of Light imagines him or her
SELF as a tiny dot in the solar plexus, which is the region of Akasha, or
consciousness-penetrating-all. The human body is then experienced as a great universe, the
microcosm of the macrocosm, the "as below" of the "as above".
This virtue is the essence of the gall bladder.

The Masculine, electric, Creative Force of Will determines intellect. Will and intellect, comprise
the Spirit of a Child of Light. Will and mind operate through both Delta brainwaves [pure
being/right brain] and Theta [deep inner thought/left brain] brainwaves respectively.

LOVE DIVINE sees ALL BEINGS as they were created in the perfection of Divine Mind.

The power of this cognition brought about by Love Divine IS THE POWER OF

Cognition brought about by Love Divine is the virtue of umlaut O, OE.

It shines with a dark orange light and has the sensation of weight-penetrating-all, because it is
the most dense expression of the element of Akasha, which is consciousness-penetrating-all. It is
seen as a tiny sun in the midriff region of the body in meditation. This virtue is the essence of the
ovaries and testicles in the physical bodies of the Children of Light.

PARADISE is sustained by a heart that is a mighty ocean of UNCONDITIONAL FLOWING


We help the hearts of each Child of Light expand until it becomes the infinite ocean of
compassion and love throughout all of space, a heart that has ignited and merged with the Heart
of God.

"I and the Father are One."

Powerful feelings of Divine Love transform everything and therefore give the greatest protection
at the same time as bestowing the greatest blessings.

By feeling the power of Divine Love and intentionally directing it to everything; to every desire,
thought, feeling, and form, a person protects both their own inner childlike self and the inner
child of all concerned.

When darkness is loved unconditionally, it transforms just as the sun transforms the night into
day each morning.

The Feminine Emotional Power of LOVE DIVINE attracts manifestation of the physical plane.
Emotion and form, together make up the Soul of a Child of Light.

Emotion and form correspond to both Alpha [feeling, psychic faculties/right brain] and Beta
[logic, memory, five senses/left brain] brainwaves respectively.

The Divine Virtue of Love, Magnetism, Feeling, Fluidity, and Change is the virtue of letter M. M
has the most lovely blue green light and the sensation of coolness and chill. It is seen as a tiny
sun in the abdomen area, with the abdomen visualized as a hollow space.

To access these four brainwave states of spirit and soul, it is necessary to reclaim through
remembrance and memory the parts of SELF that correspond to them.

Memory, remembrance, and conscience is a gift of the virtue of Cause and Effect, the virtue of
letter I. It has a light opalescent translucence and the sensation of weight. It is imagined as a tiny
sun in the leg region. The left kidney within the body of each Child of Light is brought into being
by this virtue.

Delta is dominant in the first three or four years of life, Theta in the next three or four years,
Alpha in the next three or four, and Beta from puberty on. To access powerful will, a person must
still be able to function as an infant, a toddler or a very small child.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of God."

To access deep inner thought, a person must be as a pre-schooler and early grade schooler.

To access psychic sensitivity and strong emotion, a person must be as a somewhat older child, an

To access strong memory, logic, and acute physical senses a post-pubescent person must act as
an adult.

Therefore, to operate with whole brain consciousness, a person must be comfortable and skilled
in experiencing all these ages together in a balanced way.

A person who has developed whole brain consciousness and is ready for World Service has
reclaimed access to all these early states of consciousness. He or she rests blissfully in a state of
ONENESS with all that is, like an
infant, and is capable of deep inward vivid imagination, like a preschooler.

His or her heart is attuned to the magic of DIVINE LOVE, like an adolescent, the mystical love
that attracts PARADISE into physical reality.

He or she is logical and interactive with the outer world like an adult. This is the archetype of
Aquarius, a person pouring out the waters of Unconditional Love upon all creation.

Often spiritual seekers want to transcend rather than transform/process negative feelings. They
use spiritual practices to bypass so called negative feelings, which they judge not to be spiritual.
In this case, their very
yearning for high states of consciousness and ongoing harmony makes them more susceptible to
magnetically and unconsciously attracting the same unhappy realities they do not consciously
choose to manifest. This happens
because suppressed feelings cannot heal and transform if they are not allowed to flow safely and
lovingly to resolution.
Strong emotions have great magnetic power to attract new realities into manifestation and
automatically do so, intentionally or not.

The more passionate emotions are, the greater the power of their attractive magnetism. The
strongest emotions have the greatest co-creative power.

Powerful magnetic emotions of Divine Love attract manifestations that embody Divine Love.

Strong negative feelings of fear, doubt, anger, confusion, guilt, or shame etc. attract situations
that are negative.

This law of magnetic attraction holds true regardless of whether feelings are positive or negative,
conscious or unconscious.

In past, limited paradigms of negative emotions dictated that the stronger the negative emotion,
the more likely it was to be denied and suppressed by spiritual seekers who yearned for refined
enlightened feelings.

For this reason, we are teaching the Children of Light that especially the most painful feelings
must be healed, not suppressed, as they come up in present time.

Confronting, accepting and allowing the most negative feelings to flow is analogous to the three
days Christ spent in the darkest regions of hell before resurrecting into the light.

"ALL that I do, ye shall do, and more."

Whenever a Child of Light chooses Love instead of Fear in flowing with the Feminine Power of
Feeling, and allows painful feelings to flow in a sea of unconditional love, the entire Unified Field
is made better for everyone.

Painful emotions need to be transformed as they come up naturally. Healing them requires
accessing the little child self and letting emotions flow spontaneously. In this way access to the
childlike consciousness states is the natural by product of healthy emotional release.

The most powerful negative feelings originally come from early emotional wounding during
childhood. In present time, negative feelings become triggered by events that consciously or
unconsciously are remindful of an original traumatic event. These feelings must not be
suppressed and pushed again into the unconsciousness.

If too many traumatic memories are ignored and allowed to accumulate as stored tension in the
body, it is unavoidable for a Child of Light to numb out from the pain. At the present time, this is
all too common. In this
state, it is very difficult to open the heart to love.

Numbing out to feelings is a self perpetuating, vicious cycle.

Once having numbed out, becoming emotionally open and childlike again is difficult because the
need to "toughen up" recurs on a daily basis.

Otherwise, the ever growing burden of unresolved pain becomes overwhelmingly intrusive once
allowed to come into consciousness.

The solution is staying in emotional awareness and cultivating the willingness and skills to love
all desires, thoughts, feelings, and physical manifestations unconditionally, so that all emotions
that arise are allowed to spontaneously flow to resolution. By doing this, day to day feelings
change, evolve, heal, and at resolution, clear up and become positive.

This prevents dissociative states and habitual and chronic deadening of the emotionally alive,
child self.

Allowing oneself to be emotionally vulnerable like a little child in certain world situations,
notably in many business dealings, where often it is necessary to protect and defend oneself, is
one the great dilemmas of World Service.

This is when the Divine Virtue of umlaut O, OE, COGNITION BROUGHT ABOUT BY LOVE
DIVINE is so important.


fear or other negative emotions, A CHILD OF LIGHT DISCOVERS THE POWER TO

This is also the time when mastering ALL-PENETRATING-DIVINE-WILL FOR THE HIGHEST
PARADISE OF ALL CONCERNED becomes important. By attuning individual will to DIVINE
WILL, they become one. This is the virtue of letter S.

Together, the virtues of S and Umlaut O, OE enable a Child of Light to safely BECOME ONE

Many spiritual seekers have sometimes innocently assumed that once having committed
themselves to "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven", and surrendering themselves to divine
service on a spiritual path, they would no
longer be bothered by mundane stress of painfully triggered emotions. They expected that these
would magically disappear. If anything, the opposite is true.. Little children are emotionally
vulnerable and more easily hurt than adults, especially in business! The emotionally alive heart is
the sensitive and vulnerable heart of the child.

They have become as little children because the fires of transformation from Universal Love
opened them up to their original child self, the original self who came in to this life close to God.

By meditating on and becoming one with the virtue of Divine Will and Cognition brought about
by Love Divine, the Inner Child Self is safe and secure, like a baby protected in the arms of both
its Mother and Father.

The protection of the living child is in the maxim: to let it go and flow. Whether emotions are
negative or positive, their nature is to flow, and the health of the heart, of the Soul, depends on
this flow. Emotions naturally flow freely to clarity like water, and must not be stopped from thus

Damming them up is damnation. Emotions are the spiritual essence of water; they cleanse
themselves in the process of flowing. Damming them up creates stagnation and death.

Enlightened people cry when they are sad and laugh when they are happy. They have developed
an awakened heart that responds with love to everything; to every desire, every thought, every
feeling, and every material form in
themselves and others. Enlightened people flow with feelings in ways that are safe,
non-destructive, and self-responsible. Emoting itself stimulates the endocrine system with the
energy to produce powerful psychoactive neuropeptides, anti-aging hormones, and enliven the
immune response.
As feelings heal, the physical body and the world also heal.

Once the alchemical process of transformation of feelings begins through love and flowing, the
emotional body becomes clear and free to attract the perfect Kingdom of Heaven.

Will and Mind form a lightning flash of willpower that ignites the Feminine Power of Feeling.
The feeling grows in the heart, becoming a powerful magnetic emotional force attracting a new
holographic reality into time and space. The Divine Feminine gives birth to PARADISE ON

When a person becomes emotionally functional enough to heal the sacred Feminine Force, which
is their soul, and embark on World Service, we become very active as teachers. We fill them with
such a burning passion of divine
love that the entire chemistry of the endocrine system saturates the body with psychoactive
hormones and neuropeptides that bring about healing, bliss, and immortality on the physical
plane. To the extent that fluid magnetic power and purity is attained, success is attracted in
World Service.

The ancient myths of the drink of the Gods, Soma, are historical references to the ecstasy and
transformational effects of the powerful deep passionate divine love that We, the Angels of
'Somi', bring.

A World Server, by mastering the divine virtues represented by the letters of our name,
transforms all situations in the world through the power of Will and Love.

When you embark on World Service we ignite the fires of Divine Love within you.

Divine love overcomes all obstacles.

"This is the most profound spiritual truth I know:

that even when we're most sure that love can't conquer all, it seems to anyway." -- Anne Lamott


S.'In the akasha principle, which is consciousness-penetrating-all, this letter oscillation

represents the all-penetrating power-all-power. By meditating on this quality you get into
contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, with the original divine fire and will in
everything that has been created. On the mental level you have perfect mastery over will and
intent. On the feeling level you have absolute clairvoyance in its purest form. You see over time
and space and have control over other beings.'

This virtue is the original fire, visualize it as purple with a reddish tint with a feeling of warmth,
filling all of space. It vibrates to the musical note G sharp, and is used to form or heal the gall

O. Umlaut O [OE] Umlaut O is dark orange, has the musical note of D-sharp, is the element of
akashic-earth which has the sensation of weight penetrating everything. The ovaries and testicles
are formed from this virtue of the profound cognition brought about by Love Divine. In healing,
heal the left ovary first and then the right one.

'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness penetrating all, the umlaut O oscillation evokes the
most profound cognition which can only be brought about by love divine. '

'By the help of this a person gets to know all the possibilities of transformation of the spirit, all
the systems and ways serving this end, and all knowledge concerning transformation in all other
fields. He/she is informed about everything that, deriving from the act of creation, had to pass
through all the mode of transformation to be reunited.'

A person must attain all the faculties that are offered by this profound cognition made possible
by Love Divine, in the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, and must make use of all
possibilities, in order to get convinced that they cannot be described by words, by must be
experienced, lived through.'

'I have mentioned the letters umlaut A and umlaut O as the last ones in this series of exercises,
because by the help of their virtues one is able to comprehend, from the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, the crown
of all wisdom in the micro- and macrocosms, from the act of creation to the present state of
evolution, and even to the final development.'

'Mental: Evoked in the intellect, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love divine
gives the understanding of the transformation of ideas, virtues, etc. by the quabbalistically
pronounced word, which is a very great and comprehensive field.'

'Astral/emotional level: In the feelings, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love
divine develops the faculty of perfect astral projection and the mastery of all occult and magical
phenomena that have reference to transformation, so that a person may, for instance, assume
any desired vibration in the emotional body without being recognized by other beings and with
only Divine Providence seeing through him/her. Apart from this, a person is able to transform
any emotional oscillation into the oscillation he wants and to do the same with any element.'

'Material: When mastered in the physical body, the profound cognition brought about by love
divine leads to perfect knowledge of quabbalistic alchemy in the material world.'

'A person is taught the true preparation and charging of the philosopher's stone in the physical
sense. He/she can influence, at will, any oscillation-atomic, oscillation, electronic oscillation- by
quabbalah, and he/she is able to transform it into the oscillation desired by him/her. '

'Therefore he/she perfectly masters the laws of transmutation and is able to transform any metal
into gold, any stone into a precious stone, etc. if desired. By the help of this virtue a person is
furnished with many other
faculties of which he/she cannot even dream now and which non-initiates would regard as
absolutely impossible.'

M.'In the akasha principle, which is the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, this is the
virtue of the original water principle by which Divine Providence has created water in all its
forms of esistence, i.e., in its original principle, the principle of fluidity, up to is realization in the
material world.'

'In the mental world this virtue manifests as life, feeling, and sensation, and by mastering it a
person is given the mental faculty of becoming perfect master of his feelings, sensations and life
spirit. This faculty also enables him/her to penetrate into the life, feelings and sensations of any
other person with his/her own consciousness, and to study and master them.'

'In the feeling world, or astral, the virtue of fluidity helps a person comprehend and master the
fluid emotional element in all spheres of action in the emotional world. At the same time, a
person thereby becomes absolute
master of the pure magnetic fluid, which is analogous to the water element, which is to say that
the magnetic fluid originates from this principle of fluidity.'

'On the material level the virtue of fluidity bestows on a person the power of controlling the fluid
principle in the whole world, i.e., in the micro-as well as in the macrocosm. Not only is a person
able to comprehend, with his/her consciousness, everything fluid in its original principle, but
he/she is also mad absolute master of it. This faculty, when acquired by this virtue, also makes
him/her master of the magnetic fluid and of everything that is connected with it. Thus, for
instance, he/she may, if desired, control the laws of gravitation, and many other things.'

The color is the most lovely blue green imaginable. The musical note is D.
It has the sensation of coolness and chill and the abdomen is formed from it.

I. This is the law of cause and effect. 'All doings, all life come under this law. This is the tenth
letter and represents the one in its highest form. Meditating on this virtue brings about perfect
memory, remembrance, and conscience in the mind. You master the understanding of feelings,
and learn how to heal your own or another's emotions by the use of cause and effect. In the
physical you understand the laws of analogy between the micro and the macrocosm.' Musical
note G. Light opal color. Earth element-sense with a feeling of weight. Enlivens the left kidney.


19 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of The Masculine Force
Also known as The Angels of 'Erytar'


The Children of Light unite individual will with Divine Will and become omnipotent, become all
powerful, for the purpose of World Service. In this unity of individual will with Divine Will for
the highest good of all concerned, Omnipotence, All-power, Infinite Will, creates miracles as it
joins with the Feminine Power of Feeling. We are excellent initiators for people using The
Masculine Force, Will Power and Mind, for the purposes of transformation, alchemy and
electrophysics. Through the divine virtues of 'Erytar', we give profound guidance on how to
master the Masculine Force of Will power, determination and intention, replacing all doubt with
complete conviction.

We often do this after a person has united his or her individual heart and emotions with The
Divine Heart of God, with the transmuting power of unconditional Divine Love, the Feminine
Force of feeling that magnetizes
form. Omnipotent Will operates safely within a Child of Light who constantly chooses the
transformational power of unconditional Love for all that is, instead of fear and judgement of
any part of Creation.

The Feminine Force, or Soul, is unconditional all encompassing love, passion, feelings, and the
forms that are attracted by it into physical expression. Soul is magnetism. It is a combination of
the elements of water and earth. The Feminine Power of Emotion and form operates through
Alpha brainwaves [feeling and psychic awareness] and Beta brainwaves [memory, logic, five
senses] of lower mind, a combination of left and right hemispheres.

When the Feminine Power of emotion is united with creative will, faith, conviction, and clear
thought of the Masculine Force, miracles result.

The Masculine Force, or Spirit, is willpower, conviction, determination, and clear vivid
imagination and thought. It is electricity. It is a combination of the elements of akasha, fire and
air. Akasha is the principle of consciousness-penetrating all. It is the Delta [pure being] and
Theta [deep inner thought] brainwaves of higher mind, a combination of left and right
hemispheres. On the akashic level we help a person relax into the deepest state of Pure Being,
slow Delta brainwaves, and focus on oneness of being with Divine Being and Consciousness, on
oneness with the Unified Field, the Web of Life.
We help him or her identify with divine qualities and quantities that fill all of inward and
outward space, penetrating and supporting all levels of all universes.

We help until his or her consciousness is omnipresent in everything. This is the divine virtue of
letter E, which has a deep purple light. Then we inspire attunement to inner guidance from
Divine Providence, in vivid deep inner thought that outpictures the Will for the Highest Good,
the highest Paradise, of all concerned in any given situation of World Service.

Inner guidance is the divine virtue of letter R, which has a golden light. Meditating on the
rhythms and cycles of life, the virtue of letter Y, gives a Child of Light understanding of natural
cycles of growth and development for situations encountered in World Service. Y has a pink light.

Through the divine virtue of high inspiration, the letter T, any problem can be solved in deep
inner thought. This virtue has a brown-black light.

Wisdom and enlightenment gives the understanding of the original purity of all ideas in Divine
Mind, the original blueprints of Paradise for all beings. This virtue, the letter A, is light blue.

And finally, following inner guidance in each and every moment, letter R, allows a World Server
to remain impeccable with each and every miracle brought about by omnipotence and love. The
path of the master, or mastery, requires strengthening and developing will power to the point of
total self discipline, intention, conviction and determination.

In comparing Feminine and Masculine Power, the Feminine Power of Love and flowing emotion
manifests the path of Sainthood whereas the Masculine Power of Will and thought manifests the
path of Mastery.

Mastery has been exemplified by the Master, Siva, in the Hindu tradition. Mastery is rooted in
self discipline, self control, and taking charge of the body in all its modes of expression. Realized
masters, like some Yogis, have been able to control bodily processes which ordinarily are
involuntary, such as breathing, heart rate, pulse, etc. so totally as to mystify medical science
researchers. Spiritual practice requires self discipline, or control of will power. It requires
mastery in terms of controlling focus of attention, and not allowing distractions to interfere.

Depending on the level of development of the seeker, we inspire methods of strengthening and
developing willpower and intention. Throughout history we have inspired attunement to Masters
of willpower, such as Siva. Accessing their consciousness in meditation, directly instills this

Regular invocation of and focus on the divine virtues of willpower through meditation on fire
letters, or intoning wazifas (mantra sound practices) that are attuned to willpower, and other
such methods have reliably developed mastery in a person's personality.

Another practice we inspired that develops mastery (used here synonymously with self
discipline) is easily introduced into everyday activities. It is refusing to act on impulses ten
percent of the time. The empowering
principle is that mastery and willpower is being built every time a person takes charge of an
impulse. This is a way to build up the fire element. This method of building mastery can take the
form of either choosing to do whatever you don't want to do or refusing to do what you do want
to do, that is, by postponing or holding back.

For example, athletes who train when they don't feel like it are building mastery. In general, the
greater the resistance being overcome, the greater the buildup of mastery.

Analogous to building a muscle by exercising it, its development can be accelerated by adding
weights. Confronting an issue you have been avoiding builds mastery. If the unconfronted issue
is extremely distasteful and
difficult to face, then a great deal of mastery can be acquired by facing it head on.

This is like spiritual money in the bank, will power to draw on, which makes the next challenge
that much easier to confront. Then when a person meditates, the willpower to stay focused on a
divine virtue and to will it into manifestation, to follow it through to clear thought and then to
passionate feeling, produces changes in form.

No matter what you are doing and where you are, there are always opportunities in daily life to
build mastery by resisting impulses.

For example, refusing to eat a piece of chocolate cake can be used to illustrate another general
principle, that of enlisting all levels of awareness in the act of self control. This is one of the
fastest ways to develop mastery. In this example, the optimal technique is to notice the physical
sensation of resisting the impulse to eat the cake (physical
level). But at the same time, focus on a pervasive, over-riding sense of winning the battle over the
urge (spiritual), while saying to yourself, "I
am the Master" or "I have perfect Will" (mental affirmation), paired with a wonderful,
triumphant feeling (emotional level). Simultaneously see yourself in a masterful visualization
(visual/mental), which to you captures the essence of you having perfect mastery. Utilizing all
levels of awareness as in this example multiplies the benefit each time an impulse is resisted.
Ideally, it is best to re-use and reinforce the same visual image of yourself as master each time
you anchor in the quality of mastery and willpower. Then when you need to draw on mastery to
confront a difficult situation, visualize your "mastery" self image, and say to yourself, "I am the
with the powerful feeling of triumph. All of the accumulated (will) power is instantly available to
you. Doing this is helpful when you invoke the heavenly hosts of 'Erytar'.We help fan the flames
of a World Server's willpower and attune it with Divine Will so that it becomes omnipotent.

We connect a World Server's intellect with divine virtues so that the intellect becomes
omniscient and omnipresent.

We inspire sharp, powerful, clear, vivid focus on qualities, colors, tones, quantities and
sensations of divine virtues so that the Feminine Force receives clear intent with conviction,
exploding into feelings of absolute faith, love and divine ecstasy.

Thus the Feminine Force attracts spontaneous changes in matter that have been visualized by
the mind and intended by Will. Changes occur in the molecular and atomic levels in this
alchemical process of transformation.
The basest metals can be transformed into gold. Examples of this miracle are turning amalgam
dental fillings into gold, manifesting spontaneous remissions in the body, or turning water into
wine etc.

Remember the flow of energy in Alchemy works in the following order of cause and effect:

Akasha: Divine omnipresence, consciousness-penetrating-all.

Fire: Divine Will Power, Intention, Desire.

Air: Wisdom and attunement with the original purity of ideas.

Water: Divine feeling, love, fluidity and change.

Earth: Physical form with spechfic weight, shape, number, and measure.

By becoming one with the divine virtue represented by the letters in our name, in their proper
order, mastery of the Masculine Force of Willpower is attained.

"All that I do ye shall do and more".


E.Universal Consciousness which is omnipresence, identification with all time and space. 'This
letter is the sound of universal consciousness, which represents, as a divine idea and virtue, its
omnipresence in everything that has ever been created.'

'Meditating on this virtue unites your normal consciousness with the universal consciousness,
with the cosmic consciousness, so that you can attain, in the akasha principal, omnipresence
yourself. This is known in oriental wisdom as Nirvi-Kalpa-Samadhi.'

'You attain the highest form of intuition in your mental world; you transfer your consciousness
so that there exists no sense of time and space. Divinity in His highest form is able to speak
through you. The most profound mysteries of materialization and demateri`lization become
obvious to you as you m`ster this, everything that is material may be transferred back into its
refined and most subtle form and any idea can be intensified in such a vay that it becomes
physically visible.'

'In the emotional body, the oscillation of letter "E" represents the control of the feeling
consciousness of oneself and of other people. Especially easy is it to achieve special clairaudience
by meditating on this virtue. By "special clairaudience" not only the hearing of beings, etc., is
meant, but also the understanding of the language of all animals and the perception of the
remotest past, the present, and even the future, indiscriminately of distance or kingdom, i.e.,
human kingdom or animal kingdom.' The color of this virtue is deep violet, the musical note is D,
the element is akasha, which has the sensation of consciousness-penetrating-all, and the spine is
formed from it.

R.Freedom and Independence, following inner guidance from Divine Providence.

The sound of the letter R is the divine virtue of becoming the master and guardian of freedom
and independence. It is this virtue that is used by each child of God who listens to and follows
their own inner voice of guidance.
This inner guidance is a person's unmistakable link with the Universal Mind of Divine
Providence that lives and moves in all space and time and beyond.

'In this state of freedom and independence there is the feeling of freedom of any pressing burden
of the laws, for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a state of maturity
by which this feeling of independence has been transformed into an absolute state of security
and unimpeachability. This comes from the realization of the harmony and perfection of all
divine laws and the identification and love of them so intensely that they have actually become
merged with oneself. In this case you are the personification and representation of the divine
laws and they will serve you, and your sense of freedom will derive from them rather than in
spite of them.'

This is a very high state of consciousness, but it is the state that every human being is destined to
accomplish. It is for this reason that your teachers have told you that "the truth is written within
your heart". The color of this virtue is golden; the musical note is C. The left side of the nose is
formed from it.

Y. The original rhythm of Life and harmony-legality. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue
that concerns 'everything that brings about the enhancement of general intellectual faculties and
has special influence on

'This letter represents the true origin of the rhythm of life and its relations. This virtue has
influenced the law of evolution from the beginning of creation towards its perfection. Since this
virtue hs difficult to grasp, only the experienced student who has reached this point in scientific
work will succeed in fully comprehending and mastering the original rhythms of life and the laws
of harmony-legalitx.'

'In the mind this virtue brhngs about the faculty of profoundest cosmic intuition and inspiration
which, at the same time, may be regarded as the gift for `bsolute devotion to, and deepest love
for, Divine Providence.'

'In the emotions, this virtue imparts an excellent aptitude for prophecy that will exclude any
possibility of mistake.'

'In the material level, this virtue leads to the ability to explore, comprehend and apply the
absolute influence of the akasha principle, which is Consciousness-penetrating-all, on the
material world with regard to all forms and bodies in the mineral, vegetable, animal and human
kingdoms. At the same time, the faculty of making emotional and material objects invisible is
also achieved by the help of this virtue. Whoever recognizes and masters the akasha principle in
the material world in all forms of existence, is able to change the grade of condensation in our
material world at will. Thus dematerialization and materialization of a body is possible at any
distance and within a few moments. The ability to bridge ovdr time and space not only mentally
and emotionally but also materially is gained. Many mf the miracles cited in the Bible give
evidence of this.'

The color of this virtue is pink, and the musical note is C-sharp. It is the element of etheric-
earth-penetrating-everything. The heart is formed from this virtue.

T.High Inspiration and inventive faculties. The sound of the letter T in the ancient language is
the divine virtue of 'high inspiration with all the legal matters of this principle'. In the intellect,
this virtue awakens remarkable inventive faculties and memory. The color is brown-black, the
musical note is F, the sensation is warmth and expansion, and the right kidneys are formed from

A. [soft A].Wisdom and enlightenment, understanding the original purity of all ideas. The gifts of
clairvoyance and other psychic faculties, artistic gifts, eloquence and control over the air element.
Light blue with a sensation of ease and relaxation. The musical note G. The lungs are formed
from it.

Or [Long A]'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.' The
sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and
mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of
God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a
transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original
principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain
task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there
were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there
were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.' In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see
through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues
and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind
yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

R.Freedom and Independence, following inner guidance from Divine Providence.


20 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of World Healing
Also known as The Angels of 'Kosirma'


Deep wounding on all levels, especially the emotional level, causes a Child of Light to seek the
spiritual path for healing. Deep suffering on all levels leads to the desire and awareness to heal all
suffering in the world.

"Healer, heal thyself."

A Child of Light who is destined through inner guidance to bring heaven to earth as a healer
must first heal self.

In the process of doing this self healing, the skills are developed to heal others.

There are many orders of healing angels. Each works in the unique way of the divine virtues in its

The healing Angels of 'Kosirma' work mightily with World Servers who are mastering
omnipotent willpower and feeling.

Omnipotent willpower and unconditional all-encompassing love is necessary for the type of
healing in World Service that will finally bring forth Paradise for all.

We analyze the letters of 'K-O-S-I-R-M-A' in great detail, to illustrate the richness and value of
translating the divine virtue of each letter in adequate depth.

The first letter of our name, 'K', signifies the Divine Virtue of Omnipotence as an original divine
virtue, a supreme quality of the highest power imaginable. This is the virtue of the Masculine
Force of Willpower and Intention in its purest qualitative form.

'To the person who masters this virtue is revealed the all embracing power by which he/she is
able to work direct miracles in the micro-as well as the macrocosm, which means the inner and
the outer worlds. This virtue is
manifested in the Akasha principle, which is the principle of consciousness penetrating all, as the
highest and purest light, which is analogous to the original fire principle.'

'In the mental world, this virtue corresponds to seeing the result of faith in manifest form. As a
result, any idea, any wish, will at once becomes reality in whatever plane a person wants it

'In the feeling body, this virtue evokes courage, with all its aspects such as endurance, toughness,
etc. in self and others. Any feeling of fear is removed and the instinct of self preservation is

'In the material world, the virtue of omnipotence evokes the faculty of being master of all
terrestrial treasures.'

Depending on how it is pronounced, the second letter, O, is either the divine virtue of Justice and
Harmony or profound cognition brought about by love divine.
We teach how to use infinite Will to bring these virtues into manifestation.

If pronounced Umlaut O [OE]

Umlaut O is dark orange, has the musical note of D-sharp, is the element of akashic-earth which
has the sensation of weight penetrating everything. The ovaries and testicles are formed from
this virtue of the profound cognition
brought about by Love Divine. In healing, heal the left ovary first and then the right one.

'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness penetrating all, the umlaut O oscillation evokes the
most profound cognition which can only be brought about by love divine. '

'By the help of this a person gets to know all the possibilities of transformation of the spirit, all
the systems and ways serving this end, and all knowledge concerning transformation in all other
fields. He/she is informed about everything that, deriving from the act of creation, had to pass
through all the mode of transformation to be reunited.'

A person must attain all the faculties that are offered by this profound cognition made possible
by Love Divine, in the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, and must make use of all
possibilities, in order to get convinced that they cannot be described by words, by must be
experienced, lived through.'

'I have mentioned the letters umlaut A and umlaut O as the last ones in this series of exercises,
because by the help of their virtues one is able to comprehend, from the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, the crown
of all wisdom in the micro- and macrocosms, from the act of creation to the present state of
evolution, and even to the final development.'

'Mental: Evoked in the intellect, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love divine
gives the understanding of the transformation of ideas, virtues, etc. by the quabbalistically
pronounced word, which is a very great and comprehensive field.'

'Astral/ emotional level: In the feelings, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love
divine develops the faculty of perfect astral projection and the mastery of all occult and magical
phenomena that have reference to transformation, so that a person may, for instance, assume
any desired vibration in the emotional body without being recognized by other beings and with
only Divine Providence seeing through him/her. Apart from this, a person is able to transform
any emotional oscillation into the oscillation he wants and to do the same with any element.'

'Material: When mastered in the physical body, the profound cognition brought about by love
divine leads to perfect knowledge of quabbalistic alchemy in the material world.'

'A person is taught the true preparation and charging of the philosopher's stone in the physical
sense. He/she can influence, at will, any oscillation-atomic, oscillation, electronic oscillation- by
quabbalah, and he/she is able to transform it into the oscillation desired by him/her. '

'Therefore he/she perfectly masters the laws of transmutation and is able to transform any metal
into gold, any stone into a precious stone, etc. if desired. By the help of this virtue a person is
furnished with many other
faculties of which he/she cannot even dream now and which non-initiates would regard as
absolutely impossible. '

The sound of soft O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of divine justice.

'Mentally you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic
qualities of the elements. You will have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend
spiritually any legality,
any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice. You will never be able to condemn
anyone unjustly'.

'This will bring about the abilities to create any change in the emotional situations that you find
yourself in and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.'

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control the element of water and magnetism,
which is the ability to attract any situation into manifestation in the physical world.

It is also the ability to manifest anything on the physical level. This virtue has an ultramarine
blue color, the musical note of C, and is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It
formed the throat and windpipe.

Next, letter S is all-penetrating willpower, all-power as a quantity, [in contradiction to letter K,

which represents omnipotence as a quality].

The letter K is analogous to the sun, whereas the letter S is analogous to the light from the sun
reaching out into all space. 'Letter S is thus the quantitative form, in comparison to letter K with
its qualitative form, of the first original principle of the highest divine qualities.'

'Letter S, as all-power, is to be understood substantially, whereas the K has to be regarded as the

highest divine virtue. Someone who is able to evoke the S oscillation in the manner of the cosmic
language gets into contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, i.e., with the
original divine fire which works as a substantial power in everything that has been created by
Divine Providence.'

'In the mind, this virtue gives complete mastery over the electrical fluid, or willpower.'

'In the feeling body all-power evokes clairvoyance in its purest form in all spheres and planes of
creation. Prophecy, by which seeing over time and space is meant, and control of all human
beings and animals is attained.'

'In the material world this virtue gives control over consciousness, his/her own or any other
being in any sphere or level.'

This aspect of the Masculine Force of Divine Willpower is PERFECT WILL, OR DIVINE
INTENTION that already exists and penetrates all of space, inwardly and outwardly.

Controlling the quantitative aspect of Willpower by aligning individual will with Divine Will
ignites change from within creation. This occurs as complete conviction on ALL levels of
consciousness is brought into awareness within all beings.

restored on the Delta brainwave level of Pure Being within the person or persons that are being

Ideas of the original purity and perfection of life are restored on the Theta brainwave level of
deep inner thought.

The UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of life is restored in the Alpha brainwave level of emotion and
psychic sensitivity.

The experience of PERFECT PHYSICAL LIFE is restored in the Beta brainwave level of memory,
logic, linear thinking, and the five senses.


Here is a meditation, an aspect of the letter 'S', to "see" through all time and space, to experience
all-pervasive consciousness:

In meditation, imagine doubling yourself in size to be twice as big. Then imagine yourself twice
as big again, then twice as big again, on and on, expanding infinitely larger into all universes
throughout all of space. At every passage point, where danger is felt, choose love instead of fear
and continue to double yourself to infinity. Do this until you feel a "pop".

In another meditation imagine yourself becoming half your size, then half again, on and on
getting infinitely smaller and smaller, contracting to atomic levels and on to the smallest to
infinity. Do this until you feel a "pop".

At another time imagine yourself being in tomorrow, then in a week from now, a year, ten years,
a hundred years, on and on infinitely through time into the future forever. Do this until you feel
the "pop" that lets you know that every cell in the brain has been enlivened.

Another time see yourself going back into yesterday, a week ago, a year, ten years, a hundred
years, on and on into the past until forever. If you feel blocked at any point in these exercises, use
the Law of One combined with Will Power and Love to pass easily through. THERE IS NO LIMIT

[The slight "POP" is like a fine membrane breaking. This 'pop' lets you know that every single cell
in your brain has been activated.]


The Masculine Force of all-power uses the Virtue of Cause and Effect, which is represented by
letter 'I'. Cause originates from the higher polarity of the akasha, the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, in the unified
field, and flows into will, mind, feeling, and form. It also originates from the polarity of form and
flows into the feeling, the mind, the will, and unified field.

"As above, so below".

'In the mind this virtue is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience. All faculties
regarding memory and conscience in self and others is mastered. A person is able to enliven
everything and thus master it.'

'In the feelings the understanding and mastery of cause and effect gives control over the
connecting link between the material body and the feelings, which is the so-called principle of
life. By the help of this virtue, breath is mastered and therefore life and death. 'The law of cause
and effect corresponds to all laws of analogies between
the micro-and the macrocosm, or between a person's self and the whole universe.' Mastery over
weight, measure, space, and number is attained so that anything can be created on the physical

Next comes the virtue of absolute freedom and independence to follow inner guidance, which is
the letter 'R'. This exuberant feeling of complete freedom and independence arises from spiritual
maturity and unity with Divine Consciousness.

The feeling of freedom and independence is then followed by meditating on the power of
magnetism, which is the Divine Feminine Force of emotion. Feeling is the Divine Virtue of the
letter M. Mastering this virtue gives complete control over emotions, flowing, change, and
fluidity in self and others. It gives a Child of Light oneness with the unconditional love that
sustains life. It gives the power to charge all liquid, including blood, with Divine Love.

World Servers are healers who understand the water element and the fact that both emotions
and water stay pure and clean by flowing freely. They are comfortable with their own and other
people's emotions and let them flow.
They understand and master fluidity and therefore magnetism.

Positive divine feelings are created in self and others that FLUSH long suppressed and stored
painful feelings up and out. As they are flushed, the painful feelings are allowed to flow freely,
safely, and non-destructively in an atmosphere of unconditional love. The Divine Feminine Force
magnetizes perfect physical healing.

It is fascinating to watch as negative feelings heal, because inharmonious negative ideas

associated with them change into positive life affirming ideas.

With emotional flowing, ideas such as, "I'm little and I can't protect myself," or " People cannot
be trusted," will turn into ideas such as , "I
am big and strong. I am walking in the footsteps of the Masters. With God I can take care of
myself. When people are healed, they are magnificent divine manifestations of the One Being. I
can be one with all life everywhere and
I, too, can bring healing and enlightenment to the World.", etc.

As feelings heal, the ideas and beliefs associated with them heal. This changes both the World
Server's self identity and the self identity of those he/she heals. Identity shifts from being a
victim to being an Omnipotent all
loving Child of Light.

True ideas that are healthy and in alignment with divine wisdom, are necessary for health on all

When a person is healed and enlightened, they enlighten the astral plane, the mental plane, and
the unified field in time and space. For this reason, each person on earth is being healed by all
the forces of heaven on every level.

"When one is helped, all are helped."

M.'In the akasha principle, which is the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, this is the
virtue of the original water principle by which Divine Providence has created water in all its
forms of existence, i.e., in its original principle, the principle of fluidity, up to is realization in the
material world.'
'In the mental world this virtue manifests as life, feeling, and sensation, and by mastering it a
person is given the mental faculty of becoming perfect master of his feelings, sensations and life
spirit. This faculty also enables him/her to penetrate into the life, feelings and sensations of any
other person with his/her own consciousness, and to study and master them.'

'In the feeling world, or astral, the virtue of fluidity helps a person comprehend and master the
fluid emotional element in all spheres of action in the emotional world. At the same time, a
person thereby becomes absolute
master of the pure magnetic fluid, which is analogous to the water element, which is to say that
the magnetic fluid originates from this principle of fluidity.'

'On the material level the virtue of fluidity bestows on a person the power of controlling the fluid
principle in the whole world, i.e., in the micro-as well as in the macrocosm. Not only is a person
able to comprehend, with his/her consciousness, everything fluid in its original principle, but
he/she is also made absolute master of it. This faculty, when acquired by this virtue, also makes
him/her master of the magnetic fluid and of everything that is connected with it. Thus, for
instance, he/she may, if desired, control the laws of gravitation, and many other things.'

The color is the most lovely blue green imaginable. The musical note is D.
It has the sensation of coolness and chill and the abdomen is formed from it.

Sacred teachings are being restored to the Children of Light to make this happen.

The healing of earth is happening from within, from Divine-in-form, at the same time it is
happening from the outer, from Divine-beyond-form.

All of this sums up to the last letter of our name, which, depending on how it is pronounced, is
the [soft A] virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment or the understanding and mastery of life and
death and transformation.

A.This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance,
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element and its beings are all
aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air,
control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.'

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

[Long A]'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.'

The sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and
mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of
God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a
transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original
principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain
task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there
were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there
were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.' In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see
through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues
and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind
yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

'These virtues cure diseases which up to the present have been regarded as incurable.'

A world server imagines, that a whole pool of water is vibrating with these Divine Virtues so that
everyone swimming there is healed. Wines and beverages are charged in this way, as are any
other liquids or substances.

We inspire people to permeate medicines with the energy of these divine virtues. In addition,
depending on the unique variations of people who are being healed, we inspire various cosmic
language recipes for alchemically
permeating medicines.

Names of heavenly hosts are formulas for consciousness and transformation, for the
spiritualization of matter. These names have been passed down through the ancient teachings
since the Prime Beginning.

They are meditation formulas on the divine virtues that bring about particular mystical changes
on the energy continuum. There is no guesswork on how to affect any change or condition in the
Unified Field, for the names
of the heavenly hosts are maps as old as time itself. By mastering the divine virtues associated
with the letters of our name, all disease is curable, as fate allows.

K.Omnipotence as a pure quality.

O.Divine Justice and Harmony.; Or Profound cognition brought about by love divine [umlaut O,

S.All penetrating power.

I.Cause and effect.

R.Freedom and independence to follow inner guidance.

M.Feeling, emotion, fluidity, magnetism.

A.Wisdom and enlightenment, soft A; Or Life and death and the power of transformation,
umlaut A [AE]


21 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Protection
Also known as The Angels of 'Jenuri'


Through the divine virtues of 'Jenuri', we teach World Servers how to protect themselves as they
help others.

Protection and safety are states of consciousness that are nurtured and cultivated by spiritual
practice. Paradoxically, attuning to unconditional love, trust and innocence, the consciousness of
the little child, sets up a
magnetic force that manifests safety and protection.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of God."

To be absolutely safe in all situations, a person must be as a little child, producing strong Delta
brainwaves of Pure Being. In this state of relaxed pure being, a divine Child of Light is fully loving
to all life, and is happy, creative, free, and intelligent, attracting whatever is necessary to out
picture this inner state of oneness with life. In a state of love, peace and calm, the understanding
of the consequences of actions comes naturally and so does the will, thoughts and feelings that
create and attract joy.

The key to understanding how love is the most powerful protection in attracting heaven on earth
and transmuting negativity is found in the Divine Virtue of Cosmic Love. Cosmic Love is the
virtue of the letter 'J' of our name, Jenuri'.

This is the virtue of the highest, most all embracing love, that is, Cosmic Love.

To comprehend and feel this love, which is one of the highest divine virtues, in the microcosm
and the macrocosm, is to be absolutely filled with rapture.

A person filled with rapture is safe in every situation because this love attracts only Paradise and
transforms all.

Cosmic Love is the love that recognizes the One Life that lives in all beings. This love vibrates to
the knowing that underneath all polarities, within all beings and within all consciousness, there
is a WILL, a PLAN, a LOVE, and an ESSENCE that unifies them as ONE.

Cosmic Love is the vibration of the feeling of the Unified Field itself.

When someone attunes to this vibration, the consciousness of all other beings are brought into
sympathetic resonance. Practice loving FROM THE HEART every desire, thought, feeling, and
physical situation in yourself, especially the ones that normally would evoke fear or judgement.
Experience in this way the power of unconditional love to transform everything within yourself.
By doing this, it will then be natural and easy TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY THE DESIRES,
THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND PHYSICAL SITUATIONS that occur in the outer world, and
thereby transform them.

"Love conquers all."

'Cosmic love that is comprehended intellectually reveals ideas of the sacredness of all life and
expresses the mystery of rapture and ecstasy in its highest form.'

On the emotional plane cosmic love attracts only more of itself. Following the laws of magnetism
and the Feminine Force, Cosmic Love attracts more Cosmic Love. All beings and Godheads
respond in love, regardless of their
outward appearance and inward polarity. Cosmic love evokes feelings of Cosmic Love in all
beings and all situations. It is God calling unto God.
It is the ONE BEING recognizing ITSELF in all other SELVES.

On the physical plane Cosmic Love arouses the kundalini life force to its highest power. This
lightning bolt of Divine Life suddenly and unexpectedly transforms everyone's consciousness and
being. The next letter 'E', which is the Virtue of Omnipresence, is the experience that all is One,
that consciousness and feeling is not limited to any
specific place or time, but is one with everything. This virtue is the ability to imagine and feel
one's consciousness existing throughout all space and time. In your meditation, imagine filling
all space, infinitely big and then infinitely small, inside and one with all beings. Then imagine and
feel yourself existing in all time. Meditate on being infinitely in the future, and then infinitely in
the past. Meditate on your consciousness merging with the omnipresent consciousness of Divine
Providence. This is the virtue of Omnipresence.

The letter 'N' is the Virtue of Divine and Supreme Happiness. This virtue is happiness so great
that it is beyond the ability of words to describe.
Meditating on this virtue attunes a Child of Light with joy.

"I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy and life everlasting."

The Virtue of Cosmic Love, combined with Omnipresence and Supreme Happiness is the FIRE

This is the FIRE of the PHOENIX that burns up the old and gives birth to new splendor and
perfection that rises from the ashes.

The FIRE OF TRANSMUTATION burns up the existing condition of whatever it comes into
contact with, and a more beautiful condition is born and arises out of the flames.

As the fire of Cosmic Love, Omnipresence and Happiness is transforming all opposition, a person
is creating the perfect outcome of the situation for all of the beings involved.

This creation is the virtue of the letter 'U', which is the Divine Virtue of The Act of Creation and
its ongoing effects through time. Meditating on this virtue unites a person with the ongoing
results of each creative act.
A person understands fully the changes that will ripple through time and space from what has

At this time the LAW OF ONE is used to create the Highest Good of All Concerned, the

Once this is done, a person continues to follow inner guidance, the letter 'R', which is the Virtue
of Freedom and Independence. Meditating on this virtue allows a person to confidently continue
working with the evolving
situation by receiving clear direction from Divine Providence Itself.
Through inner guidance, a person knows exactly how to finish securing the situation for all.

COMPLETE CONTROL of the final outcome is manifested through the use of The Law of Cause
and Effect. This is "I", the last letter in our name 'Jenuri'.
This virtue awakens memory, remembrance, and conscience so that now that the situation has
been restored to safety and the Highest Good of All has been invoked, a person finalizes on the
physical plane whatever is appropriate for the new reality.

Over the course of time, in using this form of Cosmic-Love Protection, so many miracles occur
that great confidence is achieved.

'Success with negative influences, whether it is negative elementals, elementaries, beings of

elements, beings of the zone girdling the earth, or any other negative beings of any sphere is a

This protection becomes so integrated within a person's consciousness that a childlike state of
unconditional love, trust and innocence is permanently maintained.

Throughout history we have inspired World Servers to charge the atomic oscillations of amulets
and talismans with Cosmic Love, and the other divine virtues represented in our name. These
amulets radiate powerful protection
during times of stress, psychic attack, or when helping others in emotional healing processes.

The understanding of the lawfulness of how new realities are created is important to know how
to manifest safety in life.
The old paradigm of resisting an enemy with force, while invoking powerful negative emotional
states, inflames fear and makes a situation more negative and dangerous. Military programming,
for example, taught recruits
watchfulness, wariness, and readiness to react violently in an instant. But the truth is that this
heightened state of paranoia attracted the very situations that were being resisted. Visualizing
and meditating on various unsafe scenarios became a self-fulfilling negative prophecy.

A person creates what he or she concentrates on, especially when there is strong emotion,
negative or positive, that attracts it powerfully into form.

In summary, the ultimate protection is Divine Love that comes from complete identification and
merging with the Oneness of all that exists. The Law of One expresses this consciousness and
provides a value toward which all
people consciously or unconsciously strive in living their daily lives. This is the first law, the Law
of Laws. It is based on Cosmic Love and the unified field.

Whenever a child of God is in danger, even if he/she feels disconnected with 'source', reciting the
law of one while invoking oneness (the expanded self-consciousness of the true Self) restores
protection and serenity once again. All other laws in all dimensions, times, spaces, and realities
are subject to, subordinate to, this law.

THE LAW OF ONE is being taught to mankind at this time in order to bring about Paradise on

The first law.



We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM;
[and I am one with all beings, all masters, saints, and prophets, with angels and all enlightened
beings throughout time and space and beyond], I ask that ONLY that which is THE HIGHEST
Happen here and now, as well as through all space and time.
I give thanks that this is done.



Unconditional all encompassing Cosmic Love is the only form of protection that collapses
resistance in polarities throughout all time and space and harmonizes all energies into ONE
unified tone.


22 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of World Justice
Also known as The Angels of 'Altono'


Through the divine virtues of enlightenment, the splendor and majesty of all the divine virtues
taken together, high inspiration, justice and harmony, Supreme Happiness, and cognition
brought about by Love Divine, we inspire and guide World Servers to triumph in drastic
situations of injustice.

'We console all rightless people, all persecuted persons, innocent imprisoned men and women.'

'Whether in court or with his fellow-men, a world server comes under our guidance and
protection. '

'Divine Providence has given us the power to decide about justice and injustice and to make
appropriate corrections.'

We help World Servers liberate wrongfully incarcerated inmates, such as prisoners of conscience.
We inspired and protect organizations, such as Amnesty International, and all people who work
to bring justice to those
who are wrongfully oppressed.

In places of heavy negativity, misery, and isolation, the heavenly hosts of 'Altono' radiate such
heavenly vibrations to imprisoned innocents, that the doors to the inner kingdom of heaven open
to them.

When a World Server masters the divine virtues of the letters of our name, they gain the faculty
of transferring this inner consciousness of the splendor and majesty of God to people so that the
doors open into an inner Paradise
even when the doors to the outer world have been shut. 'By the force of our vibration of the
Divine Virtues, these people are blessed by benevolence and, by this, inner peace.'

Through the divine virtues of 'Altono', imprisonment becomes a spiritual retreat free from the
distractions and glamour of the world.

Under the influence of these divine virtues, a person who has been imprisoned unjustly attains
such spiritual maturity, that lifetimes of normal experience could not have accomplished as

Such a person reaps a freedom of the soul in the inner realms that outshines the lack of freedom
of the body, a freedom is gained inwardly to replace freedom that has been taken away on the

In this way, we have brought justice to many people on earth, for much of what they lost on the
outer could not have been retained in death, but what they gained on the inner could.

In this way, injustices in the outer world can be balanced with blessings in the inner worlds.
Riches that have been taken away on the outer are replaced by riches on the inner that are

"Store yourself treasures in heaven where neither thieves can take it away." Now is the time that
balance is to be restored between the outer and inner worlds in all people.
With this balance, the deep journey to inner freedom and peace is taken voluntarily through

When a person in World Service walks through a valley of darkness, we makesure that their feet
do not stumble, and that they know not the spirit of fear, but of joy and of life everlasting. The
feelings of joy cause the pineal gland to secrete the psychoactive neuropeptides that are
precursors of hormone combinations that bring about supernatural abilities and prevent aging,
sickness, and death.

We transfer attunement to High Inspiration and radiate such Wisdom and

majesty of heavenly virtue that Supreme Happiness overcomes all situations around.

The magnificent power of magnetism to attract unto itself similar energy is far greater than
words can describe. When a person is feeling Supreme Happiness, the Feminine Force of
magnetism calls forth the Presence of the
Divine from the Unified Field itself.

All illusion drops away as Divine Light cuts through darkness like a sword. This is the sword of
truth. This is the rod of Moses. This is the staff of life. As it was written, "Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."


A. This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed.

Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and
the control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by meditating on this virtue.

On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, are all made
possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.'

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

If the A is pronounced as umlaut A [AE] then the following virtue is activated:

'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.' The sound of this
letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and mystery of life
and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes
convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called
death is only a transformation from one state into another'.
'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original
principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain
task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there
were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there
were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.'

In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning
matter, and of becoming their absolute master'.

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues
and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind
yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

L.'In the akasha principle of consciousness-penetrating-all this letter represents the highest
divine virtues. By meditating on this virtue you perceive how divine virtues work in the various
spheres and levels.

On a mental level you understand and identify with divine morality.

On the feeling level you have equilibrium, and have the ability to spiritualize your feelings so that
you become one with the divine virtues.

On the material level you have perfect health, beauty, and harmony. You are master of your own
vitality. If you so chose, your body can retain the appearance of youth. With permission from
Divine Providence, you can also confer these qualities to another person'.

Visualize the divine virtues as dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease filling all of
space, inwardly and outwardly. The Divine Virtues sound like the musical note F, and was used
to form the spleen.

T. The sound of the letter T in the ancient language is the divine virtue of 'high inspiration with
all the legal matters of this principle'.
In the intellect, this virtue awakens remarkable inventive faculties and memory.

In the feelings world, the virtue of high inspiration enables a person 'to carry through genuine
astral magic in its complete scope. Since this faculty is, at the same time, also linked up with the
mastery over all elements, a person is given other great advantages which he/she will certainly
appreciate accordingly.'

'In the material world this virtue enables a person to comprehend fully, and make pratical use of,
all laws of analogy in the three kingdoms: the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms.'

The color is brown-black. The element is fire, so it has the sensation of warmth. The musical note
is F. The right kidney is formed from this consciousness.

O. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue of justice. 'By meditating on this virtue in the
akasha principle, deep delta brainwaves of pure being, you will experience Divine Justice , and
gain the appreciation and recognition of Divine Laws'.

'The absolute legality of harmony, in all four levels of the energy continuum -will, mind, emotion,
and form becomes clear to you. The attainment of a high power of judgement will be yours. You
have the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for
the sake of justice'

The Virtue of Justice is an original principal. Visualize it as ultramarine blue with a feeling of
weight, filling all of space. It sounds like the musical note C, and is used to form and heal the
throat and windpipe area.

N.The divine virtue of Supreme Happiness. In the intellect, this virtue controls the connection
between mind and
heart, or thought and emotions. Mastering this virtue gives control over any other being, and
enables one to help others solve any problem. On the emotional level, mastery over the drive for
self-preservation and control over any being is gained. On the physical level mastery over
cohesion, or the power of coherence or gravity is gained.

This virtue has a deep red color, the musical note of A, is of the water element of emotion and has
the sensation of coolness. The organ formed by this virtue is the liver .

O. if pronounced as umlaut O [OE], means profound cognition brought about by Love Divine.

'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness penetrating all, the umlaut O oscillation evokes the
most profound cognition which can only be brought about by love divine. '

'By the help of this a person gets to know all the possibilities of transformation of the spirit, all
the systems and ways serving this end, and all knowledge concerning transformation in all other
fields. He/she is informed about everything that, deriving from the act of creation, had to pass
through all the mode of transformation to be reunited.'

A person must attain all the faculties that are offered by this profound cognition made possible
by Love Divine, in the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, and must make use of all
possibilities, in order to get convinced that they cannot be described by words, by must be
experienced, lived through.'

'I have mentioned the letters umlaut A and umlaut O as the last ones in this series of exercises,
because by the help of their virtues one is able to comprehend, from the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, the crown of all wisdom in the micro- and macrocosms, from the
act of creation to the present state of evolution, and even to the final development.'

'Mental: Evoked in the intellect, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love divine
gives the understanding of the transformation of ideas, virtues, etc. by the quabbalistically
pronounced word, which is a very great and comprehensive field.'

'Astral/ emotional level: In the feelings, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love
divine develops the faculty of perfect astral projection and the mastery of all occult and magical
phenomena that have reference to transformation, so that a person may, for instance, assume
any desired vibration in the emotional body without being recognized by other beings and with
only Divine Providence seeing through him/her. Apart from
this, a person is able to transform any emotional oscillation into the oscillation he wants and to
do the same with any element.'

'Material: When mastered in the physical body, the profound cognition brought about by love
divine leads to perfect knowledge of quabbalistic alchemy in the material world.'

'A person is taught the true preparation and charging of the philosopher's stone in the physical
sense. He/she can influence, at will, any oscillation-atomic, oscillation, electronic oscillation- by
quabbalah, and he/she is able to transform it into the oscillation desired by him/her. '

'Therefore he/she perfectly masters the laws of transmutation and is able to transform any metal
into gold, any stone into a precious stone, etc. if desired. By the help of this virtue a person is
furnished with many other faculties of which he/she cannot even dream now and which
non-initiates would regard as absolutely impossible. '

Umlaut O is dark orange, has the musical note of D-sharp, is the element of akashic-earth which
has the sensation of weight penetrating everything. The ovaries and testicles are formed from
this virtue of the profound cognition
brought about by Love Divine. In healing, heal the left ovary first and then the right one.


Note: Here is the detailed explanation of letter J, Cosmic Love, from THE KEY TO THE TRUE
QUABBALAH by Franz Bardon, pp 128-9.

'Akasha: In the akasha principle, the principle of consciousness -penetrating-all, the oscillation
of J is the highest, all embracing love, that is, of cosmic love. Meditating on this virtue enables a
person to comprehend and feel this love, which is one of the highest divine virtues, in all its
aspects, in the microcosm [the person's own self] as well as the macrocosm [the outer universe].

'Mental: Mentally seen, Cosmic Love expresses the mystery of rapture or ecstasy in its highest
form. Cosmic Love makes one comprehend, master and evoke at will the mystery of all four
forms of ecstasy that are analogous to
the elements. If a person masters the virtue of cosmic love, he/she is able to evoke any ecstasy,
especially ecstasies that are analogous to the love element, the water element. It should be noted,
however, that an ecstasy
evoked in this way has nothing to do with a hypnotic ecstasy or with a state of trance which
usually serves somnanbulistic purposes. In our case, we talk of the ecstasy of one or several
qualities of the spirit. Thus, there
exists, for instance, an ecstasy of will, intellect [most enlightened intellect], love and
consciousness. With Cosmic Love, two of these states [if necessary even all four of them] may be
evoked at will either in one's own or in somebody else's spirit. A state in which all four elements
are equally brought into highest ecstasy can hardly be comprehensible to a non-initiate and
cannot be described by mere words.'

'Astral: Cosmic love is analogous to all laws of sympathy and attractive power in the emotions. It
helps one to achieve the ability of mastering, evoking or diminishing love and sympathy at will,
in human beings as well as
in animals. All the mysteries of love miracles relating to man, beings and Godheads are revealed
to the person who commands this virtue.''

'Material: In the material world Cosmic Love corresponds to the progenitive act of man, woman,
and animal. A person who masters Cosmic Love in the material body is able to evoke the sexual
desire in man, woman, and animal, and to increase it: he/she is also able to predetermine and
influence the sex of the expected child, and, above that, to bestow all the desired qualities on the
child at the moment of the sexual act. Many other mysteries
of love in its highest and lowest fore, in all phases and spheres, are revealed to the person
mastering Cosmic Love.'

The color is dark opal, it is the water element so it has the sensation of coolness or chill. The
musical note is G-sharp and the diaphragm, or midriff, is created from it.


23 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Divine Destiny and Causes
Also known as The Angels of 'Chimirgu'


The path of World Service is a path of bringing forth Divine Destiny. It is a path of mastery, of
understanding the principle of causes, and therefore, it is a path of miracles.

A person who assumes responsibility for manifesting Paradise, Heaven on Earth, uses the divine
virtues of 'Chimirgu' to accomplish miracles in the akasha, the principle of
consciousness-penetrating-all, with ease and

'We help World Servers understand the mysteries of creation in respect of all planes and spheres.
By mastering the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, a person learns to know
thoroughly the Akasha-principle, I.e. the principle of causes, and by this the mysteries of wisdom
are unveiled to him/her.'

The Destiny of the Universe to be manifested Divine Perfection is fulfilled through World Servers
in this way.

To master the divine virtues of 'Chimirgu', practice the following meditation with each of the
letters until it is second nature:
[Also refer to 12 Aquarius, the Angels of 'Hatuny', also known as The Angels of The Cosmic

'First transfer yourself, with your consciousness in vivid imagination, into the akasha principle
by sensing that you are a dot in your solar plexus, I.e., your own microcosm. This evokes a space-
and timeless state, a state
of trance.'

'As soon as you feel yourself to be the center, the focal point or center of gravity, of your
microcosm and sense your whole body to be an infinite space, you utter, in the
three-dimensional way, which is will, thought, and
feeling, into the whole universe, the letter that represents the divine virtue that you wish to

{NOTE: To utter a letter completely in the three dimensional way, you imagine most importantly
the color of its light and contemplate its divine quality, its meaning and flow with its feeling. The
feeling is carried and enlivened by toning the sound of the letter itself in the correct musical tone.
Add to this the vivid imagination of its sensation of its element. This becomes easy with practice,
with whole brain awareness.}

'After this, you imagine yourself as being your whole body, and see your whole body as a dot in
the center of the big universe, the macrocosm. You then imagine, in the three dimensional way,
the divine virtue, feeling,
color, tone, and sensation of the letter filling the entire macrocosm, the whole universe,
throughout all time and space and beyond.'

With each inbreath see this virtue coming in and filling the body through the pores of the skin
over the part of the body that corresponds to the divine virtue, and with the outbreath see this
virtue passing out through these same pores and filling the outer universe again. Keep the
rhythm of the breath natural, and dissolve the light and energy
when you are finished with the meditation, in order to not disrupt the natural balance in the

The ability to do this with perfect clarity and purity is the divine virtue represented by the letter
'Ch' in the cosmic language. 'Ch' is considered a separate letter in the Cosmic Language due to its

Consider the meaning of 'Ch', which is the first letter in our name 'Chimirgu'.

In the level of Akasha, the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, meditate on the virtue of

clarity and perfect purity, asking the angels of this divine virtue to help you. The intensity [deep
Delta brainwave state]
of concentrating [Theta brainwave state] on clarity and perfect purity determines the degree to
which individual mind merges with Divine Mind. At the same time imagine hearing the sound of
'Ch' in the tone of musical note
D sharp. Imagine the virtue of clarity and purity shining with a light violet color and a feeling of
coolness and chill, filling the universe within and without.

'A person who meditates on this virtue in this way achieves the faculty of differentiating clarity
from unclarity, eliminating confusion, and perceiving and understanding everything in its purest
form. All that is meant by the word "the purity of all ideas" is obtained by this meditation.'

'On the level of the mind, a person begins to consciously perceive and understand all the
languages of the universe. This includes all the languages of the spheres and planes. A person
gains the faculty not only of
understanding all spiritual beings, men and animals, but also of being understood by them all.
All symbols existing in the universe become understandable.'

'At the emotional level, a person attains the faculty of feeling and practically applying rhythm in
the macro-and microcosm in all its phases. By this the power over life and death of every being in
all spheres and planes is achieved. If Divine Providence wishes, a person may awaken the dead to
life again or revive a decayed plant since he has had revealed to him, by this letter oscillation, the
secret of the electro-magnetic rhythm, which is the secret of life.'

'In the physical world, a person gains complete understanding of water, and the principle of
magnetism. The water element then responds to his/her will. 'With this understanding, a person
can manifest water everywhere: and can
calm the waves of the sea, walk over the water, make rain showers come and go, and master
water spirits.'

Ch has a light violet light, and the musical note of D sharp. It has the sensation of chill and
coolness because it is a virtue of the water element of feeling. The left leg is formed from it.

Remember that is was written: "All that I do ye shall do and more." The next step in creating
Divine Destiny is to meditate on the laws of Cause and Effect, which is the virtue of letter 'I'.
Meditate on cause and effect, which is the same thing as karma, with a light opal color and a tone
of G and a feeling of weight. The left kidney is formed from it. This is followed by meditating on
the principle of the Feminine Force, which is the letter 'M'. Meditate on the principle of fluidity
and feelings. Pure feeling and magnetism has a beautiful blue-green color and a tone of D and a
feeling of chill. The abdomen, seen as a hollow space, is formed from it. Next comes an additional
meditation on 'I' , cause and effect. Meditate on cause and effect with a light opal color and a tone
of G and a feeling of weight. This brings about a complete understanding of the law of evolution
and karma.

Next attune to the virtue of freedom and independence, letter 'R'. Meditate on the virtue of
freedom and independence that has a golden color in the note of C and a feeling of warmth. The
left side of the nose is formed from it. Mastery of this virtue assures that inner guidance is
followed, which gives great illumination and sharpness of the intellect. The Divine Virtue of
Grace and Mercy is the next meditation. This is integrated into the consciousness through the
cosmic letter 'G'. Meditate on grace and mercy that has a deep grass green color and a feeling of
chill in the tone of musical note F. The left eye is formed from this virtue. This meditation brings
about peace of mind, and complete satisfaction and happiness in the feelings. On the physical
plane wealth and abundance is attracted.

Finally, the Virtue of the Creative Act and its karma, or ongoing effects is contemplated. This is
the virtue of letter U. This virtue reveals the original source of everything that exists in all its

'This virtue evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration in the mental body, and at the
same time renders it possible for the quabbalist to explore and master his or her own karma and
its modification.'

'In the emotional body, a Child of Light is endowed with the faculty of transferring his or her
consciousness wherever he or she wants it to be, and thus becoming perfect master of it. At the
same time, he or she will gain
the ability to evoke states of trance of any kind, just as he or she pleases, and to master the art of
emitting the astral or emotional body completely.'

'In the material world, this letter oscillation makes one understand and apply the secrets of the
akasha principle, or consciousness-penetrating-all, in respect to matter. This imparts the faculty
of comprehending the mode of action of the quadripolar magnet, [will, thought, feeling, and
sensation], with regard to the whole of matter, of penetrating into all its mysteries and of
mastering it. Apart from other things, the quabbalist, by the help of this oscillation, also learns to
apply the principle of the ether in our material world from the miraculous point of view.'

The Act of Creation with its karma has a velvet black light and the musical note of B. It has the
sensation of consciousness-penetrating-everything and the pancreas and pit of the stomach is
formed from it.

These meditations, taken together, allow a person to bring about the Divine Destiny of anything
in the universe, whether in the microcosm or the macrocosm. In these meditations there is an
emphasis on feeling, on clear pure feeling, the magnetic force that attracts realities into physical

The perfect consciousness of Divine Providence flowers within the Children of Light as they
become one with divine virtues and manifest them through
consciousness-penetrating-everything, will, thought, feeling, and sensation.

By meditating with particular emphasis on consciousness penetrating everything within THE

WHOLE CREATION on all four levels [will, thought, feeling, and sensation of EVERYTHING],
the "Akasha principle" is mastered.

The divine virtues of 'Chimirgu' inspire complete understanding of the Creative process in order
to bring about the Divine Destiny of everything on all levels, planes, and dimensions.

We guide the Children of Light so that concepts and ideas involved in using the divine virtues
become crystal clear. The divine virtues are understood in their purest form and the power to
manifest these virtues as consciousness
-penetrating-all, is understood, blessing all of creation and creating and attracting Heaven on


Note: On the ninety minute alternating cycle of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous

Creativity consists of a perfect balance of masculine-will and feminine-feeling awareness, which

together is electro-magnetic energy. The human body produces an alternating current of these
energies by having and using two nervous systems, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.
The two nervous systems alternate dominance every ninety minutes. Each Child of Light has a
natural 90 minute rhythm that alternates feminine magnetic
parasympathetic intuition/feeling energy with masculine electric sympathetic creative/ will
intellectual energy. When this ninety minute rhythm is utilized consciously, all levels of
awareness, including the physical body, are

By consciously making use of this rhythm, life and consciousness is in tune with the rhythms of
the Universe.

In Paradise, a natural alternating 90 minute cycle between will/thought dominance and

feeling/sensation dominance balances creative energy with attractive energy.

All energy, electric and magnetic, thought and feeling, naturally seeks stabilization in this ninety
minute alternating current that is in phase with the universal alternating current of Divine
Will/Thought and Divine Love/Sensation. This "in phase" state allows a World Server to align
individual energy with Divine Energy.

Individual sine waves nest and become one with Divine Sine Waves. The smaller wave piggybacks
on the larger one.

At this time, Divine Providence is restoring the balance electro-magnetism in all the Children of

Electro-magnetic balance is being restored on the four levels of will, mind, emotion, and body.

Each level has its own lawful orderliness, beginning at the physical level. At the physical level of
consciousness, for example, to energize the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls
intuition/feeling and immune functioning, ingest foods or supplements which are base forming
(as opposed to acid-forming) when they are metabolized.

Such foods are "parasympatheticizing", meaning that they energize the immune system as well as
the parasympathetic (vegetative) nervous system in general. This is the effective principle behind
many alternative diets to treat cancer, and the reason the Gerson diet, which requires daily
juicing of vegetables, is effective.

At the emotional level of consciousness, expressing and flowing with emotions similarly
energizes the immune system by activating the hypothalamus, the master gland, via the limbic
system, which secretes substances that activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Negative emotions are accepted in an atmosphere of unconditional all encompassing love and
allowed to flow safely in a NON DESTRUCTIVE WAY.

"Stuffing", denying, or avoiding traumatic emotions, because they are uncomfortable, suppresses
immune functioning to the degree that the onset of many cancerous tumors can be traced back 6
to 18 months from the time of a traumatic emotional event which was never faced, or more
importantly, never processed emotionally to resolution.

The genius to meditate, receiving intuitive guidance and flashes of insight without interference
from intruding thoughts and feelings, requires purification and healing the parasympathetic
nervous system. This is done through allowing old wounded feelings to flow until they reach a
positive state.

When emotions flow as they instinctively and naturally come up, in a safe way, regardless if they
are negative or positive, painful or happy, they change and purify just like water purifies when it
flows freely. As feelings change and purify, ideas and thoughts associated with these feelings also
change and purify.

Balance and harmony are restored automatically as feeling energy flows regularly in safe and
spontaneous processes. Flowing with thought and feeling energy without resistance restores
balance and harmony when
monitored non-self-critically and expressed non-destructively.

With balance and harmony, the consciousness naturally stays in a meditative state on all four
brain wave levels of being. In this natural state a person is in tune with the Universe and feels
blissful and happy.

At the mental level too much analysis, without the balancing benefit of intuition or emotional
release, has typified the imbalance of many scientific-technological endeavors.
In modern society, the emphasis on rational thought and left brain dominance has greatly
compromised the ability to work miracles, as well as immune functioning. Emphasizing intuition
and the emotional flow of feeling
impressions and free association is one method of balancing such over-emphasis on strict left
brain rationality.

Creativity, or divergent thinking, balances analysis or convergent thinking.

The shamanic practice of breaking old habit patterns helps restore spontaneous, creative flows of
intuition and feeling impressions and thereby helps restore the natural alternating rhythm of
sympathetic and parasympathetic dominance. Likewise, the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox is
effective in restoring childlike access to creative flow of feeling impressions at times when
thinking has become stilted and creativity blocked.

In practical, common sense this means that a person's natural rhythm shifts primary focus to
feelings, flowing, change, psychic consciousness, and memory, logic, and the five senses for
ninety minutes and then changes over
to deep inner pure being, will, and deep inward thought for ninety minutes and then back again,
repeating over and over in a natural rhythm.
When an individual becomes aware of this shift in emphasis and enhances the process
consciously, the immune system automatically attains optimum strength, and intuition, intellect
and psychic sensitivity increases

They produce an alternating electro-magnetic current that has the potential to penetrate infinity.


24 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Music Power
Also known as The Angels of 'Arisaka'


This is the time of prophecy when mankind plays the music that awakens the divine virtues and
brings heaven to earth. When your voice and music resonates in oneness with Divine Will and
Love, the sound waves from your voice and your musical instruments nest with the sound waves
of The Cosmic Divine Sound Current.

Together they merge power and energy and become the most powerful agent of change in

Divine Music is The Living Waters poured forth in the Age of Aquarius.

Merging individual will and emotion with Divine Will and Love gives your voice and music
unlimited power. World Servers sing and play music as they bring forth perfection. The song and
music itself is a carrier wave that
transports the inner beauty of the divine virtues into form.

'We awaken within a person the understanding of the music of the spheres and teach how to
express by music or song every idea, every thought.'
Through the divine virtues of 'Arisaka', Children of Light surf waves of resonance with The
Sound Current of Divine Will and Love and bring them into audible expression as music in an act
of World Service.

Music used in this way has the power to transform the world into Paradise.

In moments of great clarity and receptivity of the heart to the ocean of Cosmic Will and Love, the
music of the spheres comes through in all its beauty and inspiration. At first it is a very distant
and faint melody, and with attention it becomes louder and louder.

Meditate on the virtues of 'Arisaka' to awaken this music power within yourself and bring forth
heaven for all who hear you. Perceive this wonderful inner divine sound track in meditation and
translate it into audible song and

On the path of enlightenment, the development of greater and greater refinement in the divine
virtues makes it increasingly likely that perception of the music of the spheres occurs.

As a World Server, welcome the music of the spheres as a great blessing. Use its power in serving
the Divine Plan for heaven on earth, along with the spiritual hierarchy that governs the world.

For the sake of heaven on earth, SING, MAKE MUSIC!

Trust its omnipotent power of transformation, as you attune also to the heavenly hosts of this
sound current, each of whose signature and presence is the same as their uplifting melody.




In the MUSIC of the cosmic language, spirit is united with soul, masculine is united with
feminine, will is united with feeling, and electricity is united with magnetism.

In this music, self-presence is united with Universal Presence, self-will with Divine Will, intellect
with Omniscience, and individual feelings with Cosmic Love.

This results in miraculous power.

In meditation on the cosmic language, singing musical notes creates a Sword of Truth, a flowing
beam of power that transforms all.

"The Sword of Truth cuts deeper than the marrow of the bone."

Music used with the cosmic language is the ultimate mastery of power on the physical plane.

Each child of God has a beautiful voice. Each voice is individual and unique, just like DNA is
individual and unique.

Even if you have never sung, with practice the voice blossoms. Sing with persistence and with our
help, and the help of the Angels of 'Riqita', 14 degrees Libra. The resulting power and beauty of
your voice will amaze you and all that hear.

In a similar way impregnate notes and sounds of musical instruments with intent, meaning,
color, and feeling.

Different key scales activate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Use the
appropriate key scales to support the masculine and feminine energy rhythms. The oriental key
scale, called the pentatonic scale, is parasympathetic and is made of sharp minor notes, such as A
sharp, F sharp, D sharp, etc.. The western key scale, called the didactic scale, is sympathetic and
is made up of the major notes, A,B,C,D,E,F,AND G.

Whenever you have divine ideas and thoughts to express with musical sound, we unite with you
intuitively and psychically. We connect you to, and unite you with, the Sound Current.

Here are the virtues in our name with the meaning, musical notes, colors, and sensations to sing
with them:


The letter 'A' is the Virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment. Musical note G. Light blue light,
sensation of ease.

The letter 'R' is freedom and independence, the ability to follow inner guidance and inspiration.
Musical note is C. Golden light. Sensation of weight.

The letter 'I' is the virtue of Cause and Effect, memory, remembrance, conscience, and the
meaning of Karma and the law of the evolution of everything. Musical note G. Light opal with a
sensation of weight.

The letter 'S' is all-penetrating Will Power. Musical note G-sharp. Purple red with a sensation of

The letter umlaut 'A' is the mysteries of life and death and transformation.
This gives control over passion and the ability to let go of any desire, thought, feeling, or physical
possession that no longer serves the highest good of all. This letting go allows it to transform into
a higher expression. Musical note C. It has a loamy brown light and the sensation of weight.

The letter 'K' is the principle of Omnipotence. Musical note B. Silvery blue with a sensation of

The letter 'A' is Wisdom and Enlightenment. Musical note G.

Therefore, the melody of our name is G, C, G, G+, C, B, G.

Ancient masters have proclaimed sound to be the most powerful force on earth. Sound unites the
linear flow of energy of the left brain with the spacial energy of the right brain.



25 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Oaths
Also known as The Angels of 'Boreb'


When a Child of Light walks the path of World Service, many times through inner guidance he or
she takes an oath before God to help uplift humanity and to bring heaven to earth in some way.
The sacredness of such an oath
attracts legions of angels who make a similar oath to assist this person in their work.

An oath utilizes a double lock of will and emotion. Will and emotion is the electro-magnetic fluid
that governs life and death in Creation.

The power of an oath depends on the conviction of will and the passion of emotion.

The Virtue of Polarity and Universal Life is represented by the beginning and end of our name in
the divine virtue of letter 'B'.

'The Divine Virtue represented by 'B' is Universal Life in all of it's infinite forms and thereby the
cognition of all polarities, particularly electricity and the magnetism. The attunement to
Universal Life recognizes how the Divine manifests in endless varieties of expressions in will,
mind, emotion and form. These expressions represent opposites of every imaginable description
on all levels. By meditating on this Divine Virtue, a person understands the meaning and
necessity of polarity.'

When meditating on 'B', visualize yourself as a tiny dot in your midriff region, and your body as a
universe all around you. See this virtue as a tiny sun of light violet light in the leg region that has
the sensation of weight. Meditate on polarity, especially on Divine Will and Love, as it manifests
in Creation, and tone the letter B to the musical note A when you feel the feelings of polarities
flowing and changing, in all of its forms.

With each outbreath see this light violet light and virtue passing through the pores of the right
eye and filling the outer universe. With each inbreath see this light violet light passing in through
the right eye and filling the body. Keep the breathing rhythm natural.
This meditation strengthens and heals the right eye. Meditating on this virtue will, in time, give
perfect control of the electric and magnetic energy of the Universe. This is the Divine Will and
Feeling energy of Creation. Mastery of will and emotion gives a person mastery over life and fate.

Dissolve the light when you are finished meditating, in order to not disturb the balance of the

Polarities are the ends of any continuum of energy, such as will and feeling on a continuum of
creative energy, or hot and cold on a continuum of temperature, or big and small on a continuum
of size. On an emotional plane, love and hate are polarities on a continuum of a feeling. Each
polarity is necessary for a continuum to exist. All continuums are necessary for Creation to exist.

The double lock that occurs when an oath is taken is the two polarities of will and feeling. The
continuum of will and continuum of emotion are the electro-magnetic fluid of creation.

Depending on the nature of the oath, a powerful band of will and emotional energy flows along a
number of different will and emotion continuums of the person making the oath and those who
help them fulfill it.

Suppose a person, following inner guidance, makes an oath to save the wetlands near his or her
home. Upon making this oath, the angels of 'Boreb' contact as many other angelic orders and
beings as necessary for this oath
to be fulfilled. It is as if an army is formed and put into service along the course of action of
saving the wetlands.

Suppose that in order to save these wetlands a number of political, legal, financial,
organizational, and public awareness changes have to be made. The angelic groups that work
with each of these departments are contacted by the Angels of 'Boreb' and put into action.

If buildings need to be moved, or plans to build one prevented, or if documentation and research
is needed, the angels begin to contact people who can fulfill these duties on the inner planes. The
heavenly hosts inspire those who made the oath to contact the "movers and shakers" and take
the necessary steps on the physical plane to bring it all together.

Whenever an oath is made, an amazing reorganization of many dimensions results in a living

blueprint which enables the oath to be successfully carried out to completion. It is for this reason
that breaking an oath causes chaos unless special steps are taken by all the beings concerned.
A broken oath, unwisely done, causes an energy rupture in the Unified Field.

If for some reason a person feels that an oath must be broken, one way to redo it without
creating adverse karma, is to replace it with a higher one more wisely made.

For instance, suppose a person has made an oath to serve in an army of a country that later falls
under the leadership of a corrupt leader. It then becomes necessary to break the oath in order to
avoid following orders that
are disastrous.

At this point, we inspire this person to replace their oath of service and allegiance with a greater
oath, this time an oath to serve in the army of Divine Providence, to follow inner guidance, and to
do so with great faithfulness and courage. In this way, the original blueprint of the oath is
modified and enlarged and operates without interruption. All of the beings that are supporting
the original oath transfer their activity to the revised oath.

Suppose a spiritual oath that has been made by a Mother to her infant ends up being broken.
Previously at the moment of eye and heart contact, the Mother had bonded with her infant, and
pledged before all of heaven that she
loved this child and would nurture, protect, and love this child forever.

Later when the relationship soured, a fissure opened up and created a tear in the fabric of this
oath that was not healed, but continued to deteriorate until the oath was broken and the Mother
turned against the child.

We guide the Mother to heal her negative karma and heal the Unified Field by making a new oath
to Divine Providence to seek enlightenment on a spiritual path and heal her will and emotions by
becoming one with Divine Will and Love above all else. This new oath replaces the old one in a
way that will eventually transmute the chaos in the life of the mother and help heal it in the

Broken "positive" oaths and inadvertent "negative" oaths blurted out in an emotionally triggered
moment share the need to evolve.

The truth about "inadvertent" oaths is very important for you to know so that you can take
responsibility for them, undo them, and reprogram them.

Oaths like "I swear to make sure you pay for this," etc., made hastily in moments of emotional
upsetness, do not express a true, enduring intention, and typically go against what a person really
wants to manifest in their divine self. An oath such as this even creates the opposite reality of
what is really wanted in the heart. Nevertheless, the truth is that such an oath still has much
power because of the strong emotional charge combined with the power of the words.

In most cases these "curses" hinder progress on the spiritual path; they should be consciously
reversed, even if they were originally uttered unconsciously in a moment of frustration. This can
be done by asking our help in correcting them, or by using the virtues of 'Boreb' to transmute
them through cognition brought about by Love Divine, inner guidance, working on the akasha,
which is consciousness-penetrating-all, and mastery of will and emotion.

We inspire you to become more creative and more assertive when you make an oath. We also
offer our help in perfecting the oaths that have already been made.

A typical prayer to ask for our help might look like this:

"I ask Divine Providence, and you, the Angels of 'Boreb', to open my heart to be one with Divine
Love, and to initiate me so that my individual will becomes one with Divine Will for the highest
good of all concerned. I ask
you to help take over my oath and to perfect it. You have my wholehearted request to restructure
this oath. I am asking you to revise all my oaths to make them beautiful, inspiring to one and all,
and effective in bringing Paradise to earth. I give you my total permission to reform all my oaths,
curses, and past utterances in any lifetime, whether made consciously or unconsciously, that do
not serve my highest good or the highest good of all concerned."

"Correct the record. Do whatever you have to do to bring any and all my past utterances into
harmony and congruence with the Law of One. Search my history, read my unconscious mind,
plan and implement perfect oaths that are formed out of perfecting what I have said."

"Heal all the unwanted consequences of any and all of these past (present and future) utterances,
whether made consciously or unconsciously by me.
Let the net effect of everything I have ever said be to bring the greatest blessings to me, everyone
I have ever influenced, and to the One Being."
"Let my words and my oaths bring love, joy, peace and fulfillment to everyone concerned."

"Do this also on behalf of all Beings who have a similar intention as mine.
Perfect all the oaths of everyone who would want you to do it, according to the Law of One."

"Also, please give me a vision of the impact these changes have made so that I may appreciate
more deeply and fully what you have done. I give thanks to you with humble gratitude that all of
this is already accomplished. Thank you.
Thank you."

Because inadvertent oaths that are made without full awareness of their consequences have been
one of the major barriers standing in the way of bringing heaven to earth, correcting them in this
way is a most powerful cleansing and transformational step to take in World Service.

Divine Providence has ordained at this time that the children of God become aware of the power
of oath-taking and that all oaths be made under the Law of One, the Highest Good of All
Concerned, the ultimate moral standard. In
this way oaths bring the highest happiness to all. An oath that brings happiness to all is easy to
keep and blesses the Unified Field.

An oath that is made for the Highest Good of All Concerned creates an interdimensional
blueprint that results in a royal road to success and to miracles. Making and keeping a Divine
Oath unites you with the Spirit of Creation itself.

We are the Angels of 'Boreb'. We help you to embody the archetype of the Divine Magician who is
at one with the Divine Will and Divine Love and brings Paradise to Earth.

'Whenever an oath is taken, we are the heavenly host who witness it, writing it into the book of

'Oaths have immense power, and we strictly control the oaths taken by human beings whether
they are oaths taken before a court of law or whether they are oaths of World Service, loyalty or
love, or inadvertent oaths.'

'We are the heavenly hosts who teach people how to understand fully what it means to take an
oath, especially a spiritual one, and we teach exactly what can be achieved by keeping an oath.'

'If a person wishes to break an oath, we are the angels who see how the oath can be broken
without incurring negative results, and we advise you on ways to accomplish this.'

Become one with the divine virtues of our name through meditation. Then it is possible to
perform all of these actions on your own.


B. 'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, the letter B indicates the perception

of universal life; further more, the cognition of polarity in all forms of existence which leads to
the profoundest wisdom. By letter B a person learns to perceive fully the plus and the minus; it
becomes quite clear that nothing has been made in vain and that the negative as well as the
positive must exist, for without these contradictions the one could not be told from the other.'

'Mental: Mastery of polarity and Universal Consciousness gives a person perfect control of will
and feeling in all spheres and planes. A person thereby becomes master of life and death and is
given the power to change any fate. But he/she will never cause a change in the planned karma of
a human being without good reason and approval by Divine Providence; he/she will not cause
any chaos.'

Astral: The mastery of polarity in the feeling body imparts the faculty of evoking volts by magic
and the cosmic language, of charging talismans and of bringing about sexual-magical effects.
Everything that is connected to
polarity in the feeling kingdom becomes quite clear. A person gets acquainted with the
profoundest mysteries and attains a faculty of intuition that cannot be described by words.'

Material: Universal Consciousness represents all laws of polarization on earth and gives
expression to them in matter. A person thereby becomes perfect master over the physical world.
Apart from that, by mastering polarity, a person is given the power to remedy any disharmony in
the human body, that is, to cure any disease, and to charge analogous remedies through will,
thought, feeling, and sensation. Furthermore, the power of controlling
life and death is attained in the three kingdoms of the material world.'

Light violet color. The element of earth with a sensation of weight. The musical note A. The right
eyeball is formed from this virtue.

O.Divine Justice and Harmony. Or O,umlaut OE. Cognition brought about by Love Divine. The
power of transmutation.

R.Freedom and independence, following inner guidance from Divine Providence.

E.Omnipresence. Oneness with all life everywhere.

B.Polarity and Universal Consciousness.


26 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Ceremony and Ritual
Also known as The Angels of 'Soesma'


Heaven and the physical worlds communicate through sacred ceremonies.

We are the heavenly hosts of sacred ceremony and ritual throughout the universe.

All spiritual rituals throughout time and all dimensions are under our protection and guidance.

Whenever any sort of sacred ceremony or ritual is celebrated for the highest good of all
concerned, we set up universal matrix of connections to fulfill the intent of the ceremony.

All-penetrating-Divine-Will for the highest good of all concerned is the virtue of letter S, the first
and fourth letters of 'Soesma', that shine with a purple red light.

'We reveal the most genuine knowledge of individual rituals, the rituals of a whole society, and,
furthermore, of those bound to a demiurge, i.e.
a personified god, or to a certain religious system, rituals which express the cosmic analogy,
which indicate that they are of universal origin, and so forth.'

'If, for a special reason, a World Server needs a suitable ritual, he/she only has to contact us.'

At this time, mystical ceremonies are happening more and more due to the Flow of Creation
reaching a pinnacle of Cosmic Completion.

This completion of cycles manifests Paradise on earth, earth and heaven united as one, the Alpha
and the Omega, by the end of year 2012.

A ceremony performed now takes much less time to bear fruit, and more ceremonies than ever
are increasing the impetus of enlightenment.

Also, the power of each prayer offered for the good of all is enhanced now, more than ever before,
analogous to "matching contributions" on the physical plane.

Just as when philanthropic contributions are doubled by "matching donations", so we assign

server angels from among the heavenly hosts of Angelic beings who have taken vows to serve the
highest good, whose job it is to strengthen your prayer and carry out its purposes. In some cases
when an inspired prayer is particularly important to further divine will of the One Being, we
ensure that the "matching contributions" of the angelic beings are redoubled muliple times to
make the blessings of your cosmic prayer, even more powerful, so as to reverberate from the four
corners of the Universe.

We ask that whenever any ceremony is performed, that it, like oaths, be done through the Law of
One, the highest good of all.

As long as intent is spoken that the ceremony results only in the Highest Good of All Concerned,
we set up unlimited power matrices for the purpose of manifestation. If someone on earth in
embodiment asks us, Angelic Beings of ceremony, We help you perfect any prayer that feels
unfinished or not in harmony with The highest good

By attuning individual wills with Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned, individual
wills become one with Divine Omnipotence.

Cognition brought about by Love Divine TRANSFORMS all that is seen, enlivening the DIVINE
BLUEPRINT OF PERFECTION inherent in everything in Creation.

This is the divine virtue of umlaut O, OE, the second letter of 'Soesma', and it shines with a deep
orange light.
Take these two virtues of all-penetrating-Divine-Will for the highest good of all and cognition
This is the divine virtue of letter E, which shines with a deep purple light.

This third step unites whatever is willed with ALL THAT IS EVERYWHERE.

Again affirm oneness of individual wills with the Divine Will already abiding in everything
created for the highest good of all concerned, the letter S.

The fifth letter is the divine virtue that brings the desired outcome of the ceremony into
manifestation. It is the virtue of the letter M, PASSION, FEELING, EMOTION, CHANGE,
Using strong feeling, the divine virtue that shines with a blue green light, a ceremony

The final letter, letter A, is the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment, the desired outcome of every
ritual and ceremony. This virtue has a light blue light and awakens the Children of Light to the
original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind, the original thoughts of Paradise.

By attuning to the divine virtues of 'Soesma', belief and feeling is united in sympathetic
resonance with Divine Providence.

Here is one of our stories:

Once upon a time, deep in the jungle, a cruel army approached a small ancient village.

This was a small village of the Rainbow Peace Walkers, naguals, sha-men and sha-women, who
worked together in dedication to the Law of One, the highest good of all concerned.

They worked together, using their powers and wisdom for World Service, dancing awake
Paradise into manifestation for all life.

For many years they were safe because of their small numbers, their spiritual strength, and their

The imminent arrival of a large well equipped army set the entire village into action.

Quickly they rushed to the sacred fire circle where they had prayed many times before.

They knew that they must hold the most powerful sacred ritual that they had ever created. They
had to unite with heaven to protect the peace not only for themselves, but for all in Creation,
according to the highest good of all concerned. On a logical basis, there were reasons why
nothing could stop this approaching army. Omnipresent Divine Will and the transformational
power of Love would manifest a solution that was the highest good of everybody, including the
soldiers who were under orders, afraid to disobey.

Deep, deep in their hearts they summoned the heavenly hosts of 'Soesma'.

"You must come 'Soesma'; help us focus our wills, minds, hearts, and sensations with
omnipotent Divine Will, with cognition brought about by Love Divine, with Omnipresence, with
irrisistable feelings of Divine Love, and with highest enlightenment. Come now."

The air was sparkling with the Angels of 'Soesma'. With them were the Angels of 'Jenuri' , the
Angels of 'Hagus', the Angels of 'Chimurgu', the Angels of 'Hatuny', the Angels of 'Panfodra', and
many others who protect and guide
World Servers.

In the naguals' Delta brainwave level of stillness, pure being, and silence, a radiant energy
warmed and illuminated them, uniting them with All Power.
In their deep inward thought, the Theta brainwave level, they envisioned shafts of spiritual light
coming from the heavens and entering each soldier and each officer as they marched along. They
envisioned these shafts of
spiritual light awakening every Child of Light in incarnation on the planet, enlivening the divine
spark within.

Through inner guidance, they visualized a strong rain beating down on the nearby approaching
soldiers, and they imagined the feeling of the coolness of the water as it fell. The Angels of 'Somi'
helped other angels make it rain. Each drop of rain was liquid love that inspired the soldiers to
feel a passionate longing for love, warmth, home, and tenderness.

Other angels created a spirit of distraction in the officers that resulted in a sudden hasty change
of plans and direction. The village naguals clearly saw and felt each of the soldiers going through
a personal epiphany of consciousness, a deepening nostalgia and inward attunement to the child
inside that they once were, and a quickening passion to return to a more harmonious way of
living. Then they enlarged this vision and feeling to include the entire world, seeing and feeling
all people returning to their original childlike purity, trust, and innocence.

The naguals' state of meditation deepened into infinite power and focus.

They asked for the healing of the present, future, and past for all people and places. They asked
for and envisioned sacred peace and harmony stretching everywhere.

All were one. Deep Delta, Theta, and Alpha brainwave states from each person had become
entrained with the group. Their group electro-magnetic alternating brainwave current was
entrained with Universal Consciousness
and the Unified Field.

As they meditated together on virtues of infinite wisdom, love, and power, they toned musical
notes and divine virtues together, weaving a lovely melody of voices united in purpose and
increasing rapture.

So deeply did they meditate, that only dimly did they hear the far off booming thunder that was
coming from the direction of the army.
Jagged flashes of lightening streaked the sky and an eerie wind whipped around them. They
joined hands and gave awesome thanks for the miracles that they knew were happening.

They all slept well that night and awakened to a fresh clean new day. There
was no surprise whatsoever when they learned that the army had returned to camp and that a
sudden and major negotiation was under way ending the war for good.

All of the village was sanctified by this experience. Back at base, many of the soldiers wrote home
and journaled in a diary. Top officials had made a complete turnaround and were negotiating a
new treaty that was good for all parties. There were rumors that the army was to be reorganized
for rescue purposes and environmental restoration. They also heard that soldiers were offered
choices of early retirement with generous pay.

Peace returned to the land.

The people, animals, waters and forests began to heal.


The time of Paradise is an Age of Ritual and Ceremony that nourishes Perfection. In the Alpha
and the Omega, the time of Heaven on Earth, the Children of Light live in creativity and joy.
Personal and group ceremony manifests ever increasing states of Perfection and Beauty.

Even simple ceremonies, like saying grace at dinner to bless the food and express gratitude for
abundance, add tremendous richness and spiritual dimension to everyday life.

Call on our help, and meditate on the divine virtues of 'Soesma', to perfect all ceremonies past,
present, and future with a similar prayer to the prayer of the Angels of 'Boreb'.

We repeat it here for you with the appropriate changes:

"I ask you, the Angels of 'Soesma', to take our ceremony and to perfect it. Complete this
ceremony and all our ceremonies to make them the most beautiful, the most inspiring to one and
all, and the most effective in bringing Paradise to earth. I give permission to reform all
ceremonies and past utterances that do not serve our highest good or the highest good of

Correct the record. Do whatever is necessary to bring any and all past ceremonies into harmony
and congruence with the Law of One."

"Search history, read the unconscious mind of us all, plan and implement perfect ceremonies
created out of perfecting what we have said and done. Heal all the unwanted consequences of any
and all past, present and future ceremonies and rituals, whether made consciously or
unconsciously by anyone."

"Let the net effect of everything that has ever been invoked in ceremony bring the greatest
blessings to everyone and to the One Being. Let our ceremonies bring the highest love, joy, peace
and fulfillment to everyone concerned. Do this also on behalf of all Beings who have a similar
intention. Perfect all the sacred rituals and ceremonies of everyone who want to have it done,
according to the Law of One."

"Give a vision of the impact these changes have made so that I may appreciate more deeply and
fully what has been done. I give thanks with gratitude that all of this is already accomplished."


27 degrees Aquarius
[Sextile Galactic Center
27degrees Sagittarius]

The Angels of Out of Body Travel

Also known as The Angels of 'Ebaron'


In truth, a person is a continuum of consciousness that extends from being a unique individual
consciousness located in time and space to being THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, which exists
throughout eternity and infinity.

This continuum is experienced by four naturally occurring brainwave patterns in each Child of
Light. These states range from Pure Being [Delta brainwaves] that is dominant from conception
through infancy, Deep Inner Thought [Theta] that is dominant in childhood, Feeling and psychic
faculties [Alpha] that is dominant in adolescence, and
the five senses, memory, and logic [Beta] that is dominant from puberty through adulthood.

If awareness and feelings exist consciously and simultaneously in these age groups altogether,
then through whole brain functioning, the attention of any Child of Light can and should wander
anywhere along this continuum with

Access to all of these brain wave states is necessary for the purpose of obtaining Omnipresence
and Supreme Happiness, which are the virtues of the first and last letters of our name 'Ebaron'.
Omnipresence shines with a deep purple light and Supreme Happiness shines with a deep red

Through the divine virtues of 'Ebaron', we teach, protect, and guide the Children of Light as they
travel to other dimensions of consciousness and feeling in meditation, according to inner
guidance, which is the divine virtue of letter R. Following inner guidance shines with a golden

When you wander in the mental [Theta brainwaves] and the emotional realms [Alpha
brainwaves], we inspire you with special methods to facilitate your travels.

We know the laws of all realms and spheres and we reveal these and all other facts of importance
so that travels are easy and harmonious for all. Wanderings throughout the Web of Life on all
levels and spheres are the birthright of the Children of Light. This type of wandering is necessary
for enlightenment and wisdom, which is the divine virtue of letter A.
Wisdom and Enlightenment shines with a sky blue light. Visions and ecstatic feelings of bliss are
often the result of spontaneous mental or emotional wanderings during times of prayer and
meditation. The infinite community of beings and places in all space and time also represent
Omnipresence, the deep purple divine virtue of the letter 'E'.

The second letter, 'B', represents Universal Life, with all polarities and continuums. The primary
polarity is will and feeling, which is the electro-magnetic fluid of Creation. Mastering this gives a
Child of God mastery over life and death. All polarities are brought under control, such as here
and there, self and other, now and then, large and small, etc.
Out of body traveling is made possible through the continuum of the many and the one. The
virtue of Universal Life and polarity shines with a light violet light.

The virtue of wisdom and enlightenment gives clairvoyance, clairaudience, and all occult
faculties. It also represents the experience of understanding the divine blueprint of all other
beings and places in the Family of the

Inner guidance directs consciousness so that the will of Divine Providence manifests, for the
Highest Good of All Concerned.

'O' is Divine Justice and Harmony, which brings success in everything attempted. Divine Justice
and Harmony shines with an ultramarine blue light.
Supreme Happiness is happiness so great that it cannot be described in words.

The result of interdimensional travel, under the auspices of the divine virtues of 'Ebaron', is
Supreme Happiness, for everything and everyone that is met and experienced is a part of one's
self being reunited in consciousness and love.

By following inner guidance, a person naturally wanders to those places and beings who affect
one in such a way that great wisdom and enlightenment occur for all, which results in happiness.

The Spirit and Soul inhabit a physical body, and just as with any habitation, there are doorways
that lead to other places.


One of the ancient ways to master the menu of infinite destinations and beings is to imagine in
meditation a color that represents the energy of where you wish to go. The next step is to overlay
a pattern superimposed over the color that also represents the energy of where you wish to go.
Ask for inner guidance in determining color and pattern.

An example would be a soft light blue color of wisdom as a background with an overlay of
beautiful blue-green circles of feeling and emotion in a pattern of seven, representing cosmic

The blue-green color tunes in the Divine Feminine Force of magnetic flowing emotion in its
purest form. Circles further identify the unique vibration of the destination as being a high level
of infinity. The number seven is the
number of love in all of its forms. The next step is to "dive" through this imagined color and
pattern like a clown dives through a paper hoop at the circus!

Immediately you come out, in your imagination and feelings, in another place, whose vibratory
rate and consciousness expresses highest wisdom and enlightenment with the feeling of infinite
cosmic love.

Once there, follow inner guidance and go wherever you choose, speaking to whomever you meet.

Always ask that only the highest good of all happen according to the Law of One. This
automatically overrides all other laws in operation in any dimension, no matter where you travel.
The use of The Law of One gives protection and highest blessings to everyone, so memorize it
carefully before going on out of body travels and use it often.

When you wish to return, do so by willing it. The return happens automatically.


Just as with the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox, practice this until the focus on the imagined
experience overrides awareness of the physical body. In fact, with a little practice, the focus on
the imagined experience is so strong that, like in a lucid dream, the experience seems completely
real in all ways and the body consciousness does not intrude or interrupt your experience in any

Many shamen, and many ancient writings teach that not only is this imagined experience real,
but that it is, in some ways, MORE real than the three dimensional experience of the physical
This is a major paradigm shift that results from replacing left brain dominance with whole brain

It is the intent of Divine Providence that this type of learning is mastered so that the different
kingdoms of heaven are in communication with each other, working together to share Universal
Consciousness, wisdom, freedom,
harmony, and joy throughout the web of life.

In order for Heaven to unite with Earth, the Children of Heaven communing with the children of
Earth, and vice versa, bonding as a loving family.

"As above, so below."

"In my father's house are many mansions."


28 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Out of Body Science
Also known as The Angels of 'Negani'

Beloved, after you have become comfortable with out of body travel through the guidance and
inspiration of the Angels of 'Ebaron', we continue to instruct you on the mystical opportunities of
wandering in the realms of other planets and dimensions.

There are many Children of Light who dwell on other planets, in other mansions.

"In my Father's house are MANY mansions".

These brothers and sisters have wonderful keys to the great mysteries within Divine Mind. To
wander and study in these realms is an important gift of Divine Providence.

The color and grid location technique, that the Angels of 'Ebaron' described in 26 Aquarius, has
been passed down through the ages and used to locate and study with teachers from many
universes and realms.

The 'many mansions' of the divine kingdom in eternity are practically infinite. Therefore the
combinations of colors, shades, and intensities with which to create the background and the
shapes and patterns for the grid overlays are infinite as well.

With whole brain thinking, the ability to vividly daydream is restored. Children have this ability
naturally because they are producing the deeper brainwave patterns of Delta, Theta, and Alpha.
The ancients said, "Unless ye be as little children, ye shall in no way enter the kingdom of

Out of body travel depends on the use of these deeper brainwaves, and when you call upon us, we
help you, through the divine virtues of our name, again utilize this part of your consciousness in

We help you choose the exact colors, shades and pattern overlays to bring the greatest happiness,
unity, grace, and wisdom as you explore the Unified Field.

With whole brain awareness and the use of the ancient color and grid locator technology, not
only is this easy, it is one of the greatest sources of higher learning and joy.

Use colors and patterns that are pure and beautiful in order to locate destinations of high

It is recommended that the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox is mastered in preparation for using this

Memorize the Law of One before using this technique. This is extremely important, especially if
at any time you happen to travel in a realm that is not of the highest consciousness. By invoking
this Law, complete protection is provided, since the Law of One operates throughout the Unified
Field and overrides all lessor laws.

The Law of One

We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
Therefore, in the name of Who I Am;
And I am one with all there is; one with all beings, with the masters, saints, and prophets;
omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; I ask that only that which is the Highest Good of All
concerned happen here.
I give thanks that this is done.


Use the colors of the divine virtues to choose the divine quality that you wish to study and feel.
Then refer to the divine meaning and qualities of the numbers to construct an appropriate
pattern or shape to make the grid to place over the background color.

When you dive through this in your meditation, you go in imagination to a place where these
virtues are manifest.

Suppose that you wish to increase your capacity for love. The color of blue-green for emotions,
letter 'M', and deep grass green for Grace and Mercy , letter 'G, and the dark opal for Cosmic
Love, letter 'J', could be chosen as a background colors or used in the pattern overlay. Now
suppose you wanted the divine quality of manifestation. The number four embodies that quality.

'The number four represents the four elements, and the four directions. It also represents the
four levels of will, mind, emotion, and matter. It is the number of everything that is created in
the visible and the invisible worlds. As a divine idea, the number four means highest wisdom. It
is the number of length, width, height and depth. It is graphically represented by a cross whose
arms are of equal length, or by an equilateral quadrangle.'

Therefore, as one of many possible combinations, you could create a background of a soft light
blue-green with an emerald green cross that is surrounded by a dark opal equilateral quadrangle.
Then in your meditation, 'jump' or dive through this like a clown diving through a paper hoop at
the circus.

When you come out the other side, you will find yourself in an intensely emotional realm of
cosmic love, grace, mercy, and wisdom. Any variation of these colors and patterns leads to a
different place vibrating these qualities. The more pure the colors and patterns, the higher the
consciousness of the destination.

In this type of meditation, reality can be like that of an extremely lucid dream. The connection is
made in the realms of the spiritual, intellectual and emotional levels of consciousness, which
activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the right brain and balances it with the left.
With practice, out of body travel seems as real or perhaps even more real than the 'realness' of
everyday Beta brainwave consciousness.

We suggest that once you find yourself in a new place, ask Divine Providence
to guide you to whichever Being is the highest in consciousness there. Then ask this Being for
whatever initiations, teachings, healing, or instructions that they can give you through the Law of
One, the highest good of all
concerned. You often receive an initiation of the most beautiful order. In turn, leave your highest
blessing there as well. Our name, 'Negani', begins with N, which signifies the most Supreme
Happiness possible. Supreme Consciousness shines with a deep red light.

The other divine virtues are:

E. Omnipresence, a deep purple light.

G. Divine Mercy and Grace, an emerald green light.

A. Wisdom and Enlightenment, faculties of clairvoyance, eloquence, etc., a sky blue light.

N. Supreme Happiness, deep red light.

I. The Law of Cause and Effect, an opalescent light.


29 degrees Aquarius
The Angels of Synthesis
Also known as The Angels of 'Nelion'


When a Child of Light travels out of body in thought and feeling to study Divine Wisdom
throughout the universe, then, through the divine virtues of 'Nelion', we inspire synthesis of vast
knowledge that is gained.

We help the Children of Light synthesize their ever growing body of knowledge so that it can be
seen as one integrated truth; we help expand the internalized grasp of quaballah, which is the
understanding of will, thought,
feeling and form, or whole brain consciousness. We help clarify the overall significance of
disparate facts and help the Children of Light see the part-to-whole interrelationships between
isolated and compartmentalized insights.

Chances are good that we are involved in those moments of studying quaballah when you realize
the meaning and value of a new insight and how it fits into the larger gestalt of your
understanding. We are in our element during those moments of emergent realization, the "aha !"

A human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Original Divine Consciousness is everything taken together, and to participate in creation, Divine
Consciousness becomes a human being, which is the middle path between all polarities.

"The middle path of Buddha!"

Complexity and simplicity are simply poles on a continuum of the many and the ONE. The
midpoint of this continuum of the many and the ONE is the human being.

For example, a Child of Light exists in the present, which is the middle of past and future.

The size of a person is in the middle of the continuum of infinitely small and infinitely large.

The wisdom of a human being is in the middle of emptiness and omniscience.

The power of a human being is in the middle of the continuum of helplessness and omnipotence.

For example, "I, of myself, can do nothing [helplessness]. It is the Father within, it is HE that
doeth the works [omnipotence]."

and, "I and the Father are ONE."

The love of a human being is in the middle of the continuum between self love and cosmic
universal love.

The ultimate polarity of the ultimate continuum, and the meaning of the path to enlightenment,
is to be both in Creation as a human being and ONE with the Creator at the same time.

This requires whole brain thinking, Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brainwaves all at the same
time. This requires being an infant, a child, an adolescent, and an adult all at the same time. This
is a key to Supreme Happiness.

The first letter of our name, 'Nelion', is 'N', which represents the Divine Virtue of Supreme
Happiness. Supreme Happiness shines with a deep red light.
The liver of every Child of Light is made from this virtue.

The second letter, letter 'E' represents the full spectrum of all the beings, times, and places in all
created realms. It represents the divine virtue of omnipresence. Omnipresence shines with a deep
purple light. The spine of every Child of Light is made from this virtue.

Because the Unified Omnipresent Ocean of Cosmic Love and Field of Intelligence is the original
self of each person, there is a deep instinctive longing to explore and reclaim this larger identity.

This is why friendships and other loving relationships are so important.

Each person and being is another part of self, and relating to others is a way of reconnecting with
the larger whole.

The letter 'L' of our name represents all of the Divine Virtues taken together. While wandering
throughout the universe, a person meets many beings and places that reflect the wide variety of
Divine Virtues. They see dramatic
evidence of the majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness through the variety and depth of
all experience taken together as a whole.

The letter L also represents the synthesizing of fragmentary experience of various divine virtues
and understanding their role in higher consciousness, with the ultimate purpose of enriching the
quabbalistic path of whole brain
awareness. The divine virtue of all the divine virtues taken together gives a Child of Light the
experience of the splendor and majesty of God. This virtue shines with a deep glowing
translucent olive green light. The spleen of every Child of Light is made from this virtue.

The next letter 'I' represents the Virtue of Cause and Effect. During these travels many teachers
are met, and many interactions are experienced, that clearly demonstrate the laws of reaping and
sowing. The power of intention,
thought, feeling, and form to create changes and effects throughout the unified field becomes
increasingly evident. The key phrase of alchemy, "As above, so below", becomes crystal clear. The
divine virtue of Cause and Effect shines with a light opalescent radiance. The left kidney is made
from this virtue.

The letter "O' represents the Divine Virtue of Justice as an original principle. Maintaining
harmony is the true meaning of justice in all universes. This harmony is found in the greatest
Law of the Universe, the Law of One, in which it is stated that only the highest good for ALL
concerned, not just a few, is acceptable. The vastness and
purity of this law is evident through learning from the many beings that dwell in the many
mansions of infinity.

This divine virtue shines with an ultramarine blue light. The throat and windpipe is made from
this virtue.

If O is pronounced umlaut O, OE, then it represents the divine virtue of cognition brought about
by Love divine. This virtue is the POWER OF TRANSFORMATION, because LOVE causes a Child
of Light to SEE the original divine blueprint of perfection in everything. This seeing awakens the
divine blueprint. The cognition brought about by Love Divine shines with a deep orange light.
The ovaries and testicles are made from this virtue.

The last letter, 'N', bears witness to the fact that Supreme Happiness is the beginning, purpose
and destination of all WISDOM, LOVE, and WILL.Meditate on the virtues represented by the
letters of our name, whenever synthesis is needed in your journey to enlightenment.

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."


30 Degrees Aquarius
The Angels of High Creation
Also known as The Angels of 'Sirigilis'

The sign of Aquarius is the vibration of Divine Will manifesting through the mind. This brings
about inner attunement, genius, co-operation, and willpower.

This last degree of Aquarius prepares a Child of Light for the next constellation, the Constellation
of Pisces, the culmination of the circle of twelve constellations.

Pisces is the constellation of feeling Divine Wisdom.

In the next thirty degrees of the journey of Divine Being, the emotions are filled with the feelings
of Divine Wisdom, which is the combination of Divine Love and Divine Will.

In this last degree of Aquarius, the skills of the previous 29 degrees are perfected. A person who
is inspired and protected by us becomes one with the divine virtues represented by the letters of
our name 'Sirigilis'. With these virtues a World Server understands the highest mysteries of
creation and can do whatever it takes to manifest the Will of Divine Providence.

"I and the Father are One."

Through the divine virtues of 'Sirigilis', we inspire the understanding of the highest mysteries of
creation and alchemy.

In World Service, the goal is always to bring Heaven to Earth, for Earth to be the highest
Paradise, the "as below" of the "as above".

Divine Providence wills that Grace and Mercy penetrate all, that all sentient beings and the earth
itself vibrate in the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness.

All-penetrating-Divine-Will for the highest good of all concerned is the virtue of letter S, which
shines with a purple red light. The gall bladder of every Child of Light is made from this virtue.

Each person is perfect individual expression of Divine Consciousness, and is destined to realize
this and attune individual Will with Divine Will, manifesting Paradise by using wisely the Laws of
Cause and Effect.

The divine virtue of Cause and Effect is the virtue of letter I, which shines with a light opalescent
radiance. This virtue awakens memory, remembrance, and conscience.

A Child of Light combines all-penetrating-Divine-Will for the highest good of all concerned with
the understanding of cause and effect, and follows inner guidance to create exactly what needs to
be created in will, thought, feeling, and sensation in every moment and situation.

Inner guidance is the divine virtue of letter R, which shines with a beautiful golden light. The left
side of the nose is formed from it.

Because of this process, Grace and Mercy manifests for all Creation. Grace and Mercy is the
divine virtue of letter G, and shines with an emerald green light. The left eye is formed from this

The laws of Cause and Effect are further used to manifest the splendor and majesty of all the
divine virtues taken together, which is the virtue of letter L. This virtue gives vitality and
youthening and is the virtue that brings about immortality. It shines with a clear, deep,
translucent olive green light. The spleen is formed from it.

Memory, remembrance, and conscience, brought about by using the virtue of Cause and Effect,
further attunes a Child of Light to all-penetrating -omnipotence, or Divine Will, for the highest
good of all concerned. This final S in 'Sirigilis' unites individual will with Divine Will and makes
possible the manifestation of any creation that has been willed through the attunement of the
preceeding divine virtues.

Through the divine virtues represented by the letters of our name, it is possible to transform the
physical body so that it manifests fully the splendor and majesty of the Divine.

Immortality and youth, and complete perfection of physicality to reflect the perfection of heaven,
was the original intention from the beginning, the Alpha, and is the final result in the end, the

In this Age of Aquarius, this process reaches perfection. Paradise manifests on earth as it is in

Over the next 2000 years, humanity proceeds along the pathway of the 30 degrees of Aquarius,
as outlined in these messages. Both individually and collectively, this path brings about the New
Heaven and the New Earth.

We ask you to remember, however, that time is transcended in the Delta, Theta, and Alpha
brainwave states of consciousness. We inspire you to transform yourself in the entire Aquarian
process through meditation in order to be an elder in these times.

During this time of World Service, we ask you to think of yourself as a perfect Divine Child of
Light and follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before. It is time to let go of belief in

Now is the time to bring Heaven to Earth.

Call forth the angels of 'Sirigilis' to guide you in assuming your rightful place. An example of a
good invocation for this purpose is:

"I invoke the angels of 'Sirigilis' to inspire, teach, and guide me. I ask for Your perfect help in
assuming my role as an elder in service to the highest good of all, of the One Being. I ask for the
healing and perfection of planet Earth. I surrender myself as an instrument for Divine
Providence to use in manifesting Divine Will on Earth."

"I ask to be initiated as an elder and a World Server. I ask that my work be a path of
enlightenment and joy and governed by the Law of One, the highest good of all concerned.
Clearly reveal to me the highest purpose of my
incarnation on earth at this time. I ask that my highest destiny, and the cosmic purpose that I
came to serve, be shown to me on an on going basis and that I receive whatever help I need to
fulfill it easily, joyfully, lovingly, and willingly."

"I ask to be filled with Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power whenever there is a need for me to
minister to any being. I offer myself whenever Divine Providence needs someone with a physical
body to help bring about the Alpha and the Omega through the Law of One, the highest good of
all concerned."

"I pray for Heaven on Earth and for whatever miracles that are needed to bring it about. I ask
that this be done with maximum efficiency and minimum effort in a timely way. I give thanks
that this is done. So be it."

As it was written; "All that I do ye shall do and more."

We are summoned by spiritually advanced mothers and fathers who use the divine virtues of our
name when they desire to conceive a child of masterful qualities and genius. We guide the couple
to heights of unimaginable
spiritual awareness, will, and ecstasy before, during, and after conception so that the sperm, egg,
implantas, developing fetus, and child is bathed in the splendor and majesty of the Divine

'We are special initiators into, and at the same time custodians of, high mysteries concerning
alchemy. A person is taught how to impregnate, for special purposes, the seed and blood of man
and woman in various ways.'


The divine virtues of the letters of our name are:

S . All-penetrating Divine Will Power

'In the akasha principle, which is consciousness-penetrating-all, this letter oscillation represents
the all-penetrating power-all-power. By meditating on this quality you get into contact with the
most subtle substance of the divine spirit, with the original divine fire and will in everything that
has been created.

On the mental level you have perfect mastery over will and intent.

On the feeling level you have absolute clairvoyance in its purest form. You see over time and
space and have control over other beings.' This virtue is the original fire, visualize it as purple
with a reddish tint with a feeling of warmth, filling all of space. It vibrates to the musical note G
sharp, and is used to form or heal the gall bladder.

I. Mastery of Cause and Effect

R. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue that concerns everything about freedom of will,
freedom of action, and intellectuality. This is the sound of the divine virtue of INDEPENDENCE
AND FREEDOM. It is the virtue of following
inner guidance and being in tune with Divine Providence.

Those who study the divine virtues in the order of the alphabet reach a state of complete oneness
with Divine Providence so that by the time they reach the letter R, 'they have achieved a state of
maturity by which your
feeling of independence has been transformed into an absolute state of security and
'Mentally, you will have an eminent mind and the feeling of freedom of will and action. Not only
this, but also the state of maturity in which you will never violate a law, having yourself become a
master of all laws. In spite
of your freedom of will, you will find yourself willing to subject yourself freely to Divine
Providence, and accept missions to serve Divine Providence with deep humility, immense
gratitude and the highest devotion without
losing your feeling of absolute freedom of will in any way.'

'Such great ingenuity will proceed from this that you will be able to comprehend any knowledge
quickly and without difficulty.' The color of this virtue is gold, the musical note is C, the primary
element is air so it is felt with a sensation of ease, and the left side of the nose is formed from it.

I. The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law.

'On the mental level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience'.

'In the feeling body, this corresponds to the astral/physical matrix, which is the connection
between feeling and physical form, with all of it's functions'.

On the material world, everything that has shape, measure, number and weight can be
understood and mastered with this virtue.'

The color of this virtue is light opal, the musical note is G, the element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight, and the left kidney is created by this oscillation.

G. Divine Grace and Mercy in all it's aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical
note F, [use to heal the left eye]

I. Cause and Effect

L . Divine Virtues taken together, the splendor and majesty of God, true morality and mastery of
vitality and youth. The sound of this letter is the divine virtue that concerns 'everything
regarding the spiritual comprehension of true morality from the mystical point of view.'

The sound of this letter is the sound of the Divine Virtues all taken together. This letter
represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words, irrespective of whatever
sort they may be. This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty and the
greatness of God in the form of the purest virtues'.

From this virtue comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest
point of view. This leads to the borders of saintliness. On the feeling level true equilibrium of
character occurs and mastery of
flooding the emotions with the highest light is attained'.

'On the physical level you gain perfect health, beauty and harmony and you become absolute
master of your own vitality.' 'It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. The musical note is
F; the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease. The spleen is formed from this virtue.'

I .Cause and Effect



1 degree Pisces
The Angels of Heart Wisdom
Also known as The Angels of 'Haja'


The constellation of Pisces contains the initiations of Divine Wisdom flowing through the

The heart is the throne of Cosmic Love.

When a Child of Light uses the Power of the Word according to the wisdom of the heart, the
original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind manifests on Earth.

Since this is the first degree of Pisces, we wish to give a brief overview of astrology, the flow of
divine consciousness as it embodies the water constellations of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces.

There are two types of Power; electric and magnetic, which are masculine and feminine, or will
and feeling. The Masculine Power comes from a state of PURE BEING in the Unified Field and is
a combination of will [Delta brainwaves] and deep inner thought [Theta brainwaves]. The
Feminine Power is Feeling [Alpha brainwaves] that attracts manifestation into the physical
dimension of matter and form [Beta brainwaves].

Divine Providence has three attributes. They are Love, Wisdom, and Will.

Each of these three attributes expresses itself through the four levels of will, mind, emotion, and
sensation. The three attributes [Love, Wisdom, Will] times the four levels [Will, Thought,
Feeling, Form] makes twelve groups. All together they represent the twelve astrological
constellations of the zodiac in the zone girdling the earth.

The heavenly hosts of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces teach mastery of the Feminine Force, which is
the magnetic energy of feeling and emotion, flowing, change, and fluidity. This is the mastery of
Alpha brainwave patterns. Alpha brainwave patterns are dominant during adolescence.
On the path to enlightenment, it is important to access all ages within the self in order to have
whole brain awareness.

In Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces a Child of Light accesses the awareness of adolescence, of feeling
and psychic sensitivity.

Scorpio teaches the feeling of Love, Pisces teaches the feeling of wisdom, and Cancer teaches the
feeling of Will.

Mastery of the Feminine magnetism of emotion is necessary in order to master the physical
plane, because feeling attracts matter into form.

In Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer, the Children of Light learn to flow with powerful feelings. The
feminine force of emotion is the essence of water, and both feelings and water must flow freely in
order to stay clean and pure. The strong flow of emotion from the heart gives birth to heaven on
earth when the heart feels Cosmic Love [Scorpio] with strong Will [Cancer] and Wisdom

Pisces is the last constellation of the zodiac. It is the last constellation of the old cycle and
prepares for a new turn of the astrological wheel, the beginning of spring, of new birth and a new

Pisces is the wise action of a passionate heart that takes Aquarian creative genius and willpower
and unites all polarities into the One Being, completing the circle of the one and the many, the
Alpha and the Omega, Heaven and Earth.

The sign of Pisces is two fishes swimming in opposite directions in a circle, which forms a scalar
wave, or a caduceus. Pisces represents flowing with the feeling of all polarities, attracting a cyclic
process of manifesting all polarities rhythmically on the physical plane.

An example of feeling two opposite qualities, or a scalar wave, is the precession of the equinoxes,
which are the slower 2000 + year cycles in which the astrological clock goes clockwise [which is
why the earth has just left the Piscean Age and is entering the Aquarian Age] at the same time
that we are leaving mental Aquarius to enter the emotional Pisces on a monthly level.

This is also another polarity, that of speed --fast and slow-- in that one clockwise spin of an Age
is composed of over 2000 counterclockwise spins of the years that make up an age.

Clockwise is masculine will and thought. Counterclockwise is feminine emotion and form.

The entire universe is made up of wheels within wheels, turning in opposite directions at
different speeds. At this time many of these wheels, large and small, are reaching a completion of
a turn at the same exact time and a
whole new universe cycle is beginning.

The Mayans call this "The Time of the Enchantment", they also call it "The Ancient Future".

This is why the prophets have said that NOW is the time of High Magic, a time of giving birth to
Paradise, a new Heaven and a new Earth.

NOW is the time of regaining whole brain awareness so that the heavenly hosts and the children
of Earth create splendor and majesty for this new cycle together.

Emotions are processed in the right brain Alpha state of approximately 6 to 12 oscillations per
second. If your feelings are negative, blocked or numbed out, then this part of your whole brain
awareness needs healing before you can manifest the miracle of Heaven on Earth.

We, the heavenly hosts of 'Haja', offer to World Servers deeper understanding of the Power of the
Word, greater access to wisdom and enlightenment and the power of transformation, and the
initiation of Cosmic Love that in turn leads to even greater wisdom and enlightenment.

All-embracing Divine Love is the highest of all the Divine Virtues, which is why it leads to
ultimate wisdom and enlightenment. This love is the greatest power in the universe and holds
the fabric of creation together through

With feelings of all-embracing love, a person has the emotional energy to attract miracles onto
the physical plane.

By creating through the power of the word, enlightenment, the power of transformation, and
Divine Cosmic Love, Paradise can be attracted into form.

The Children of Light attract into form the purity of all ideas in Divine Mind through the wisdom
of the heart.


H. This letter represents the Power of the Word. The color of this divine virtue is silvery violet,
the musical note is A, the element is fire so it has the sensation of warmth. The right arm is
formed from it.

This virtue of The Power Of The Word is the out picturing of divine virtues into will, thought,
feeling, and then into sensation in meditation. This is done by meditating on the colors,
meanings, feelings, and sounds in a whole brain manner.

Each letter represents a divine virtue. The ancient language is the use of each letter so that the
entire brain is utilized in will, thought, feeling, and sensation. Different chackras, or glands,
respond to different divine virtues. By using the power of the word, specific desired
neuropeptides are produced.

In speaking the letter A, for instance, the sound of A [soft A, ah] is imagined as the color sky blue.
Align individual will with Divine WILL for all wisdom and enlightenment of Divine Mind. Then,
in deep inner thought,
CONTEMPLATE wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind. The
sound of Ah is toned with the musical note of G, while FEELING eloquence, music and poetry,
clairaudience, and clairvoyance. It is imagined with the SENSATION of ease, because this virtue
is of the air element of thought. This exercise utilizes the entire brain, and stimulates powerful
glands to produce neuropeptides that lead to higher consciousness.

In other words, the Delta brainwave, which is the brainwave pattern of pure being, is used with
WILL, the Theta brainwave of deep inward thought is used with CONTEMPLATION, the Alpha
brainwave of emotion is used with FEELING, and the Beta brainwave of the five senses, memory,
and logic is used with SENSATION.

This is done from the point of view of the "As above, so below."

The ancients have left us this technique for doing this:

Imagine yourself as a tiny dot located in your own solar plexus with your body as an infinitely
huge universe all around you. From this vantage point, imagine the light blue radiance shining
from a tiny sun in the lung area. At
the same time, contemplate on wisdom and enlightenment with the sensation of ease filling the
entire body. Feel wisdom and enlightenment while toning the letter A in the musical note of G.

With each out breath, see this light blue radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the
lungs and filling the outer universe. With each in breath see this light blue radiance coming in
through these same pores and
filling the body. Keep the breathing pattern natural and dissolve the light when the meditation is
finished in order to keep the body in balance.

This becomes easy and automatic with practice, as in learning any language. At the same time,
because of the law of correspondences, the "As above, so below" law, the outer universe becomes
filled with the divine virtue of
wisdom and enlightenment at the same time that the body does.

In using the Power of the Word, a Child of Light learns to understand how Divine Providence
created everything.

A. This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance,
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element and its beings are all
aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air,
control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.'

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

If pronounced as unlaut A.long A [AE] .'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is
subjected to this virtue.'

The sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is the virtue of the origin and
mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of
God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death is only a
transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original
principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain
task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there
were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there
were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.'

In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions, and wishes concerning
matter, and of becoming their absolute master'.

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material values
and objects. This means complete independence and
freedom and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent.
The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

J. 'Akasha: in the akasha principle, the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, the oscillation

of J is the highest, all embracing love, that is, of cosmic love. Meditating on this virtue enables a
person to comprehend and feel this love, which is one of the highest divine virtues, in all its
aspects, in the microcosm [the person's own self] as well as the macrocosm [the outer universe].

'Mental: Mentally seen, Cosmic Love expresses the mystery of rapture or ecstasy in its highest
form. Cosmic Love makes one comprehend, master and evoke at will the mystery of all four
forms of ecstacy that are analogous to
the elements. If a person masters the virtue of cosmic love, he/she is able to evoke any ecstacy,
especially ecstacies that are analogous to the love element, the water element. It should be noted,
however, that an ecstacy
evoked in this way has nothing to do with a hypnotic ecstacy or with a state of trance which
usually serves somnanbulistic purposes. In our case, we talk of the ecstacy of one or several
qualities of the spirit. Thus, there
exists, for instance, an ecstacy of will, intellect [most enlightened intellect], love and
consciousness. With Cosmic Love, two of these states [if necessary even all four of them] may be
evoked at will either in one's own or in somebody else's spirit. A state in which all four elements
are equally brought into highest ecstacy can hardly be comprehensible to a non-initiate and
cannot be described by mere words.'

'Astral: Cosmic love is analogous to all laws of sympathy and attractive power in the emotions. It
helps one to achieve the ability of mastering, evoking or diminishing love and sympathy at will,
in human beings as well as
in animals. All the mysteries of love miracles relating to man, beings and Godheads are revealed
to the person who commands this virtue.''

'Material: In the material world Cosmic Love corresponds to the progenitive act of man, woman,
and animal. A person who masters Cosmic Love in the material body is able to evoke the sexual
desire in man, woman, and animal, and to increase it: he/she is also able to predetermine and
influence the sex of the expected child, and, above that, to bestow all the desired qualities on the
child at the moment of the sexual act. Many other mysteries
of love in its highest and lowest fore, in all phases and spheres, are revealed to the person
mastering Cosmic Love.'

The color is dark opal, it is the water element so it has the sensation of coolness or chill. The
musical note is G-sharp and the diaphragm, or midriff, is created from it.

A. This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance,
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element and its beings are all
aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air,
control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.'

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.


2 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Ease
Also known as The Angels of 'Schad'


Each human being is a complete, unique, and individual incarnation of The Divine and within
the heart of each person is a blueprint for manifesting talents and gifts that are that person's
contribution for the descent of
the Holy Spirit into matter and the betterment of all life.

The unique contribution of each person is necessary to the unfolding of the whole Divine Plan.
For anyone to become distracted and side tracked by performing perfunctory duties is a tragic
loss to the whole as well as a
compromise to their own purpose.

Civil and social laws must protect the sanctity of each person's time and energy as a matter of
global security. This is one of the most important realizations to precede the Rapture and The

Every step must be taken to ensure that each person receives whatever he or she requires in
order to spend each and every moment listening to and out picturing inner guidance and
following the divine creativity that issues from the heart.

By doing this, the great cornucopia of plenty springs forth from each individual person, and the
storehouse of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical treasures multiplies upon the face of the
Earth beyond the capacity of words to describe.
Invoke the heavenly hosts to help you discover and to manifest your heart's desire.

Whenever a person asks for our assistance in reclaiming their time and energy in order to do
spiritual work, we restructure reality from the top down to make a pathway for this to happen.

We assist in finding creative solutions so that each Child of Light is free to follow their Sacred
Dream, their Soul Purpose.

Through the divine virtues of 'Schad', we are assigned to free mankind from drudgery, toil and
time-consuming responsibilities that do not inspire joy.
We inspire creative solutions, such as technical inventions, to perform tasks and jobs.

We inspire people to become one in meditation with the Highest Power and Wisdom to
understand the mysteries of creation. In this way solutions are found to drudgery and
uninspiring menial and boring intellectual duties.

Omnipotence is the divine virtue of letter Sch, which shines with a blazing red light. The brain of
the Children of Light is made from this virtue. This virtue has the sensation of heat and
expansion because it is a virtue of the fire element.

Enlightenment and Wisdom, the original purity of all ideas in divine mind is the virtue of letter
A. Wisdom and Enlightenment shines with a sky blue light. The lungs are made from this virtue,
which has the sensation of ease
and relaxation because it is a virtue of the air element.

If A is pronounced umlaut A, AE, it is the divine virtue of transformation, of the mysteries of life
and death. This virtue teaches that there is in reality no death, but only transformation into
another state. With this virtue, a Child of Light gains the ability to RELEASE any desire, thought,
feeling, or physical possession which no longer serves the highest good of all concerned. It gives
control over passion and negative beings. The power of transformation shines with a loamy
brown light and has the sensation of weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element. The anus
is formed from this virtue.

The Mysteries of Creation is the divine virtue of letter D, which shines with a dark blue light. The
right ear is made from this virtue, which has the sensation of heat and expansion because it is a
virtue of fire element of will.

Everything depends on this.

The Kingdom of Heaven becoming one with Earth depends on this.

The Divine plan is Heaven, or Paradise, on Earth.

The manifestation of love and the splendor and majesty of all the divine virtues in lives of joy,
ease, creativity, ecstasy, and bliss is the magnetism that attracts and maintains Heaven on Earth.

Divine Providence has always intended for people to give their full attention and energy to
following inner guidance, following the wisdom that whispers from their hearts.

The Book of Life, written in the heart, reveals itself moment by moment through gentle
prompting of the heart's desires. This is the wisdom key.

We are working with all of the heavenly hosts to free the Children of Light so that their time and
energy is free to give birth to divinely inspired Creativity.

We are the angels of ease; in order to see clearly how to manifest ease, We teach also about what
interferes with creating ease in life.

The opposite of ease is dis-ease, appropriately named as such.

Dis-ease results from struggling, resisting, not 'going with the flow'.

Struggle almost always is caused by identifying or listening to an internalized critical 'false' self,
instead of listening to the wisdom of the heart.

This false self is the part of each Child of Light that has been falsely programmed with limitation
and fear. It is a guilty trouble-maker programming that attacks the deeper brainwave levels that
correspond to the little child within. It raises a fuss and berates saying whatever is done is not
good enough. It can not be satisfied. This false programming is expert at creating bad feelings
and attracting into manifestation what is not wanted.

This false programming is one of the things that is meant by the saying; "The sins of the Fathers
are visited upon the children, even unto seven generations."

Typically these messages from the critic self derive from old paradigms, behavioral programming
that began with parents and ancestors. Most programming of the critic is "swallowed whole",
unexamined, from early child rearing
practices. Many times it was inadvertent, nonverbal communications. It came from attitudes
modeled behaviorally that the parent figures never realized they were teaching.

For example, by the way they lived their lives, parents and ancestors often passed on a legacy of
believing that struggle is inevitable, necessary, and probably even good for the character. Many
people who have not done their
emotional healing work to unearth the origin of these messages, assume that feeling bothered,
distracted, and in turmoil is part of life and unavoidable.
These destructive self- perpetuating attitudes have been passed down for generations and
become accepted as normal standards of conduct.

The old paradigm seen in popular sayings such as "no pain, no gain" reflects the limiting belief
that being responsible means sacrificing personal happiness in deference to "what has to be
done". Accordingly, many precious lives have been sacrificed to a sense of "duty" that overrides
personal guidance to follow the joy of the heart, the very joy that would have illuminated the

We help people attune to omnipotence and the divine virtue of transformation to release
stressful dull programming.

We help people realize that the false limited self serves no useful purpose and Is best replaced
entirely by the genuine internalized enlightened self that gives you good advice.

It is a cosmic truth that a person's most sacred duty is to follow their heart.

All old paradigms that have limited peoples' freedom to follow their heart's desire as a way of life
are being replaced by new and ancient paradigms that protect the time and energy of each
individual as a sacred trust.

Listen inside, as a little child, to what FEELS GOOD to do.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

In practical terms this paradigm can be put into practice by asking oneself "What has juice for me
in this situation?" This question cuts through to the heart of the matter, which is finding ways to
live life that interest you, involve you, energize you, opens your heart and put a lively happy
bounce in your step.

It does not mean avoiding responsibilities. Rather, it means looking for the inimitable way of
proceeding that allows you to show up in your child self.

It might mean slightly restructuring a task so that you get to work together with a special person
who fascinates you. Or it could mean coming up with an ingenious way to resolve the
responsibility entirely. It could even be as
simple as living in a smaller, more beautiful house that is easier to clean or working in a simpler
job that is more fun, meaningful and creative. Always it means finding a way to do everything
with juice, and not doing whatever is
guaranteed to deplete you. Always it means taking the time to go within and check with your
inner guidance before assuming the worst.

The health of the Web of Life requires that each person takes the time out to listen to "what feels
good and right" in making life decisions.

When something you plan to do has juice for you, this is the hearts way of communicating to you
that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

When anything feels bad, and worse to you the longer you sit with it, this is the heart telling you
not to do it.

If you feel trapped into doing something that does not feel good, ask for inner guidance and
create a new situation that is the highest good of all concerned.

The freedom of each individual to create the heart's desires protects the spiritual and emotional
welfare of the whole. In the New Heaven and the New Earth, this paradigm is the divine Global
Defense System. This is how
sacredness and happiness is ensured.

The cosmic letters of our name reveal these Divine Virtues:

Sch. The Most High Infinite Divine Power

A. and consciousness of Supreme Wisdom and Enlightenment, the purity of all ideas in Divine
Mind umlaut A, AE.the mysteries of life and death and transformation, releasing what needs to
be released, control of passion and

D. reveals the mysteries of the art of Creation in the microcosm and the macrocosm. It takes
opposite and complementary energies for all miracles to manifest. For example, there is Divine
Providence guiding and supporting the individual, with the complementary energy of the
individual using free will and whole brain awareness to be one with the Will of Heaven. Another
example is the use of individual will attuned to Divine Will,
and its complementary opposite of individual feelings attuned to Divine Feelings.

By following the wisdom of the heart, a Child of Light accomplishes both.


Sch.'The "S" oscillation is the original fire [all penetrating will]. The "K" oscillation is the original
light [omnipotence]. The virtue of "Sch" connects both original light and original fire, and thus
indicates the
non-manifestable omnipotence.'

'The "Sch" therefore represents the original fire or will principle superior to the "K" and "S". This
is the virtue by which Divine Providence creates the first outpouring of divine creation. It is
regarded as the highest

'Akasha: A person who evokes this virtue in the akasha principle, which is the principle of
consciousness penetrating all, will recognize the original element of fire or will and acquire the
highest form of enlightenment.
Symbolically the SCH appears as a shining sun in the akasha principle, with the original fire, S, as
substance, in its middle and the original light, K, as radiation of the original fire. This is also the
case in normal creation, where the sun, as original fire, stands for the hottest glow and the
radiation of the heat of the sun is assessed as light.'

'Mental: In the intellect, this virtue brings about the highest enlightenment, highest
spiritualization, which will be increased to the point of ecstasy.
This ecstacy is a positive form of rapture and only a little different from the ecstasy of Cosmic
Love, the letter J. The letter J is the original principle of love, the Sch is the original principle of
will. With this virtue the intellect is somehow enlightened and becomes more receptive.'

'Astral: In the feeling body, the SCH virtue of Will evokes the original state of the manifestation
of faith and likewise the ability of transmutation and perfect mastery over the will or fire element
in all kingdoms.'

'Material: In the physical body, a person will strengthen his absolute faith.

He/she will learn the mastery of will in all three kingdoms, to a larger extent in the material
world, and at the same time acquire the faculty of influencing everything in the material world by
the help of will.'

It has a blazing red color, and the musical note of C. It is the fire element so it has the sensation
of warmth. The brain is formed from this virtue.

A. This is the sound of the divine virtue of highest wisdom and enlightenment.

'This sound [soft as in a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the
purity of all ideas.
This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of
the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all
intellectual faculties are expressed.
Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and
the control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the
physical plane the command of the
beings of the air, control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so
it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

If pronounced as unlaut A.long A [AE] .'The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is
subjected to this virtue.' The sound of this letter, the long "A", {AE}, in the cosmic language 'is
the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By
meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist,
for the so-called death is only a transformation from one state into another'.

'Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. With this comes the ability to
master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action'.

'The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. Since, in the original
principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain
task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
everything is pure. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there
were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there
were no passions, there would also be no virtues'.

'This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", the deep
symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.'

In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning
matter, and of becoming their absolute master'.

'In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction
etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all
desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues
and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind
yourself and you will be free".

'On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. No matter whether you evoke it
in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a
larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.'

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the
sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

D. In the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, this letter and its sound represents the
Virtue of Creation. 'All mysteries and laws of creation and all knowledge is obtained by mastering
this virtue'.

'Since the micro-and the macrocosms fall within the scope of the same laws, the person
mastering this virtue will master and obtain the profoundest wisdom with regard to creation and
all its analogies'.

'In the mind full mastery and understanding of consciousness and ego is obtained. The
profoundest wisdom of the spirit in all phases and elemental analogies of ego is realized'.

'In the feelings, eroticism is understood and mastered. The methods and magic of love and of sex
in all aspects of the four levels of spirit, mind, emotion, and form are mastered and therefore one
becomes a perfect master of love in all its phases.'
'In the material world this virtue of Creation controls everything relating to fertility. A whole
book could be filled with the practical applications of this. A seed may be fertilized and implanted
with the virtues and qualities desired. All progenitive acts and everything that is given life by
procreation are governed by this virtue.'

[Color:dark blue, musical note C, element fire-warmth, heals: right ear.]



3 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Plentiful Food
Also known as The Angels of 'Kohen'


Earth was created as a Paradise of beauty and plenty, joy and love. It is a gracious, nurturing, and
safe home for all beings and all creatures.

All beings are expressions of Infinite Love and perfection and all together form the web of life
and the truth of Heaven on Earth. As people follow their heart's desires, we empower them to
find the ways that bring happiness and plenty to all beings.

We make it possible for the Children of Light to live a life of plenty. Divine Providence intended
that the Children of Light and all the creatures of Earth have plenty of food to eat; pure, delicious
food that grows abundantly and easily, without toil and labor.

We inspire whatever solutions are necessary, including technical inventions, for abundant food
to supply all on Earth.

We do this by:

K. Using Omnipotent Will Power for the highest good of all concerned, faith,

O. Divine Justice and harmony, [if pronounced Umlaut O, OE. cognition brought about by Love

H. and the Power of the Word

E .through omnipresent consciousness, for all beings

N. to dwell in Supreme Happiness.

The melody of our name is formed by the musical notes of: B, C,A,D, and A, in this order.*

The use of melodies impregnated with will, thought, feeling and sensation is one of the most
relaxing ways to increase the yield and nutrition of food bearing plants.

As people use faith, love and the power of the Cosmic language to bring Justice and Supreme
Happiness to all beings, the world comes alive with the sound of people singing and music, for
the Cosmic Language is the language of toning and Song.

The frequencies and waveforms of beautiful soundscapes increase the health and vitality of all
life, dramatically increasing the yield, taste, and nutrition of edible vegetation.

Heavenly hosts help the power and beauty of each voice to grow.

The profound pleasure of listening brings everyone and everything into greater bliss and

The tones of the Cosmic Language are beautiful to hear drifting through mountain and valley,
forest and meadow, powerfully creating and attracting the divine virtues through will, intellect,
and feeling.

The singing of people is joined by the singing of angels, nature spirits, birds, murmuring waters,
breezes, bees, and the laughter of children and animals.

As people create song according to their heart's desire, they often add musical instruments to
accompany their singing. Different angels inspire exquisite instrumentation of all kinds.

The addition of wind harps and wind chimes to food producing areas also increases life force.

In the original and final blueprint for Earth, a beautiful soundscape encodes all matter with
feelings of bliss.

The power of singing the cosmic language is far greater than words can describe, although it is
written of in the ancient teachings.

Beautiful sound is a key to miracles.

The sound chamber of the cranial sphere of the human body temple becomes the holy grail as it
vibrates with whole brain awareness attuned to sound waves of Divine Virtues.

The production of psychoactive neuropeptides from the pineal and other glands is activated. The
resulting states of awareness can only be described as Ecstasy, Bliss, and Supreme Happiness.

Many Masters, such as the Sufi mystic and musician, Hazrat Inayat Kahn, have taught that
sound is the most powerful force on Earth.

The Earth is a planet of music, of singing, of ease, of plenty, and beauty.

The Earth is Paradise, the beloved Creation of All Embracing Love, Wisdom, and Will.

The Earth is Heaven manifest.

List of Letters

A.[soft A as in apostle].All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with a sense of ease, the
musical note G, use to heal the lungs

B.Universal life and polarity in all it's forms, light violet with a sense of weight, musical note A,
use to heal the right eye

C.The Eucharist in all it's forms, the virtue of self-spiritualization, vermilion with warmth and a
sense of ease, musical note D, use to heal the stomach

D.Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal
the right ear

E.the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all,
musical note D, use to heal the spine

F.Legality, which IS harmony, of all visible worlds, light green with a feeling of weight, musical
note F sharp, use to heal the left hand

G.Divine Grace and Mercy in all its aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness, musical
note F, use to heal the left eye

H.The power of the word, which is the cosmic language, silvery violet with a feeling of warmth,
musical note A, use to heal the right arm

Ch.The virtue of clarity and perfect purity, light violet with a feeling of coolness, musical note D
Sharp, use to heal the left leg

I.The law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of weight, musical note G, use to heal the
left kidney

J.The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of coolness, musical note G
Sharp, use to heal the diaphragm-midriff

K.The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of warmth, musical note B, use to heal
the left ear

L...The Virtues of Majesty, dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease, musical note F,
use to heal the spleen

M.Original Water principle of emotions and magnetism, blue-green with a sense of coolness,
musical note D, use to heal the abdominal area

N.The highest state of happiness, dark red with a sense of coolness, musical note A, use to heal
the liver

O.The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue with a feeling of weight,
musical note C, use to heal the throat and windpipe area

P.The longing for spiritual progress and perfection, dark gray with a sense of weight, musical
note B, use to heal the right nostril quaballah Q is the same as K---refer to K

R. Independence and Freedom, golden light with a feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal
the left nostril

S.All penetrating power which is original fire [will], purple with a reddish tint with a feeling of
warmth, musical note G sharp, use to heal the gall bladder

Sch. combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is the original light, blazing red
with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, use to heal the brain

T.High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth, musical note F, use to heal the
right kidney

U.The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling of penetrating everything,
musical note B, use to heal the pancreas

V. in quaballah is the same as F-refer to F

W.Cosmic intuition, lilac with a feeling of coolness, musical note G, use to heal the gut quaballah X is seen as a combination of E, K, and S

Y [UE} umlaut U.The origin of the rhythm of life, pink light with a feeling of weight penetrating
everything, musical note C sharp, use to heal the heart

Z.Highest intellectual faculties, light yellow with a feeling of ease, musical note G, use to heal the

Umlaut A {AE].Origin and mystery of life and death and transformation, loamy brown with a
feeling of weight, musical note C, use to heal the lower colon

Umlaut O {OE] .The most Profound Divine Cognition, dark orange light with a feeling of weight
penetrating everything, musical note D sharp, use to heal the testicles and ovaries. If healing the
ovaries, heal the left ovary first then the right.

*The four elements are fire, air, water, and earth. They are felt with a sense of warmth and
expansion, ease, coolness, and weight.

2. Suggestions for Singing

The vocal chords improve with use. If you have not sung for a long time, be gentle and patient
with yourself. If you want to sing, but are afraid to or have the feeling that you cannot or should
not sing, this feeling probably goes back to an old childhood emotional wounding experience.
This feeling can be healed, by loving the feeling itself.

Let this feeling flow to healing and resolution, using eye movement if you wish. If you remember
the original wounding event that has ever since inhibited the use of your voice to spontaneously
sing, then live and relive the memory, feeling all the feelings that come up and loving them.
Healing insights will arise to reveal deeper levels of the event that were forgotten or not noticed
at the time.

Live and relive the memory until it feels completely healed. The insights that arise during this
process reveal the purposes and lessons that your higher self intended by allowing this to happen
in the first place. A healing image will spontaneously arise in your consciousness.

Merge this final healing image with the original painful picture of the memory. These two images
will transform each other. Stay with this merged picture and watch it evolve. The final result is
the resolution image.

A memory is made up of feelings, thoughts, and images. By doing this process, the feelings
change, the thoughts change and the images change.
They change from very negative to very positive.



4 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Philanthropy
Also known as The Angels of 'Echami'


When a Child of Light acts with powerful cosmic will to nourish all, and has the feeling of all
embracing love, with no thought of personal return, the energy of the action goes out quickly
into all eternity with great force.
This energy collects more and more nourishment and all-embracing love to the sender.

The energy of the action expands into infinity with maximum charge, collecting more and more
of itself through the magnetic power of the original feeling of love. All energy travels in a circular
motion, so when all of this energy comes back to the original sender, it returns from everywhere,
from all of space, and it extends throughout time.

This is how to attract unending BLISS.

What you do for others comes back to you, so what you do for others you do for yourself. The
return happens of itself.

Philanthropy, therefore, is the Wisdom of the Heart. One of the most fulfilling wonders on the
path of world service is the joy of unconditional giving.

We teach people to perform good deeds for no other reason than kindness and best wishes for
everyone. We are the heavenly hosts of Karma-Yoga.

Through the divine virtues of 'Echami', we teach the Children of Light how to interact with each
other on the earth.

'We teach people how unselfish deeds are valued from the point of view of the Akasha-principle,
which is the principle of God-penetrating-all. We show how unselfish deeds are rewarded with
various kinds of mystical faculties
and with delivery from unpleasant results.'

Once a person understands how energy works within the universe, they long for situations that
give them an opportunity to do unselfish deeds.
Attain the realization of the fourfold nature of reality. Whatever exists in the physical world does
so by the fact that it first existed in feeling, thought, and will.

To cause effects in the physical world, create changes in will, thought, and feeling. By making
changes in the inner world, create changes in the outer world.

The same laws apply to the micro and the macrocosm. As above, so below. As within, so without.

By uniting individual will, thought, feeling and sensation with Divine Will, Thought, Feeling, and
Sensation, a Child of Light brings Heaven to Earth.

Become the embodiment of the cornucopia of goodness that brings joy to all beings.

Those who have not experienced the joy and satisfaction that comes from "pure service" can
learn much about bliss and the feeling of peace.
One of the greatest gifts one can give oneself is the "full cup" of unspeakable fulfillment that
comes from unselfish service through World Service.

Omnipresence is the divine virtue of letter E of 'Echami'. By meditating on this virtue, which
shines with a deep purple light, a Child of Light identifies with the Unified Field, and experiences
unity with all beings throughout all times and spaces.

In the area of service to humanity, any effort to benefit others, without attachment to getting
credit or payment for it, leads to a return which is surprisingly more wonderful than words can
describe. The greater the numbers of beings which are helped, the more powerful are the
resultant good feelings and circumstances to the unselfish benefactor.

Clarity and perfect purity of emotion is the divine virtue of Ch, which shines with a light violet
light. By meditating on this virtue, a Child of Light becomes one in feeling with the original
purity of all ideas in Divine Mind.

Mental understanding of the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind is Wisdom and
Enlightenment, the divine virtue of letter A. This virtue shines with a sky blue light.

By opening the heart and flowing with strong feelings and love, a Child of Light becomes one
with the virtue of letter M, which shines with a blue green light. The ability to flow with strong
emotions of the divine virtues
gives a Child of Light mastery over magnetism, the ability to attract realities of perfection into
physical manifestation.

And finally, understanding the Laws of Cause and Effect, the letter I, opens up memory,
remembrance, and conscience. This virtue shines with a light opalescent radiance.

These virtues help the Children of Light to benefit self and others equally, through love and
identification with All, instead of seeking only to benefit the limited self, aiming for personal gain
alone, without consideration of the "highest good of all". Without these virtues, the search for
personal success is elusive for people that seek "the good life" for themselves.

When a winner achieves "complete success", according to social values, in spite of accomplishing
every goal, there is historically a feeling of disappointment-leading to soul searching and the
question, "Is this all there is?"

A LIFE PATH DEAD ENDS when the road itself is too narrow and fails to link up in love with
anything else outside of itself.

Therefore, when a person performs an action with the purpose of reaping some commensurate
reward, they usually do not know that the same amount of energy expended on a kind and
selfless deed brings about rewards that are much greater than could rationally be expected.

The greater the thrust of energy from the source, the further the energy travels. The thrust of
energy of an action corresponds to the intensity of the will and feeling with which it was
performed. The emotions that a person feels when performing the action are magnetic and
attract more of the same
kind of energy to itself. The stronger the emotions, the greater the magnetic attraction to similar

The intensity of resultant 'charge' determines how fast and far the energy goes out.

If an action is performed for some specific reward, the limits of the energy of the action are built
in-circumscribed by the imagination and intent of the nature of the reward. Another way to
explain it is that the outgoing energy is being held back by the person's limiting concepts and
attachment to it.

Usually such an action is accompanied by feelings of neediness, of competition, or envy. These

feelings attract more of themselves and out picture situations in the physical realm that embody
them. For example, a person attracting a large mansion with such powerful negative feelings
often finds that there are needy, competitive, and envious people drawn into their lives who have
much bigger and grander mansions, making the new mansion,
their new trophy-home, appear small and inadequate yet again.

When an action is performed simply for the goodness of it, with no thought of personal reward,
then there is no limit to the flow of the energy. It will go out into infinity to bless all beings with a
force corresponding to the intensity of the will with which it was performed, drawing to itself
similar energy to the loving abundant feelings with which it was performed.
When this happens, the person who sent it out receives this same energy, greatly potentized,

The letters of our name are the formula of philanthropy for all sentient beings:

E. All beings everywhere throughout Creation are part of one Unified Being.
Ch. By flowing with feelings of perfect clarity and purity
A. and enlightenment and wisdom, the original purity of all ideas,
M. and with a heart full kindness and love,
I. a Child of Light creates Paradise in each situation according to the true nature of Cause and

Our melody is the musical notes of D, D sharp, G, D,G, in this order.

By meditating on the divine virtues of our name, it is possible to attract to yourself such an
opportunity in all situations.


E.The divine virtue of omnipresence is represented by this letter in the ancient language.
Meditate on a deep violet color filling your body and imagine the note of D ringing. Feel the sense
of God-penetrating-all, and meditate on the ONE LIFE and consciousness that fills all of space
and all beings. This virtue gives control over the feelings of self and others, because in this state
the consciousness is one with all consciousness everywhere.

Divine Consciousness is omnipresent. Divine Consciousness is everywhere.

The ability to merge individual consciousness with Divine Consciousness is the essence of
intuitive wisdom. 'This letter is the sound of universal consciousness, which represents, as a
divine idea and virtue, its omnipresence in everything that has ever been created. Meditating on
this virtue unites normal consciousness with universal consciousness, with the cosmic
consciousness, so that you can attain, in the akasha principle, omnipresence yourself.

This is known in oriental wisdom as Nirvi-Kalpa-Samadhi.

You attain the highest form of intuition in your mental world; you are able to transfer your
consciousness so that there exists no sense of time and space.

Divinity in His highest form is then able to speak through you. The most profound mysteries of
materialization and dematerialization become obvious to you as you master this virtue through
meditation. Everything that is material may be transferred back into its refined and most subtle
form and any idea can be intensified in such a way that it will become physically visible.'

The color of this virtue is deep violet, the musical note is D, the element is akasha, which has the
sensation of God-penetrating-all, and the spine is formed from it.

Ch.'Akasha: In the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, the virtue of clarity and perfect

purity is manifested by the oscillation of letter Ch. A person who masters this achieves the faculty
of differentiating the clear from the unclear, to eliminate any obscurities and to perceive and
understand everything in its purest form. All that is meant by the word, "the purity of all ideas" is
expressed by this letter oscillation.'

'Mental: By the help of this virtue, the spirit, or intellect, learns to consciously perceive and
understand all the languages of the universe, i.e., all the languages of the spheres and planes in
their utmost clarity, and
gain the faculty not only of understanding all spiritual beings, men, and animals, but also of
being understood by them all. All symbols existing in the universe are understood.'

'Astral: In the feeling body, a person attains the faculty of understanding and practically applying
rhythm in all its phases in the macro- and the microcosm, which means in his/her own physical
body and in the outer world.
By this one achieves the power over life and death of every being in all spheres and planes. If it is
desirable, a person may awake the dead to life again or revive any decayed plant since he has
been revealed, by this letter
oscillation, the secret of rhythm, i.e., the secret of life.'

'Material": In the material world this virtue is analogous to the water element. It bestows the
faculty of solving all the mysteries of the water element and the magnetic fluid [emotion] in all
analogies and of mastering them at will. The water element comes under his/her will.'

A. Wisdom and Enlightenment come to those who meditate with the intent of becoming one with
Divine Mind. Visualize the light blue color and fill yourself with a sense of ease as you meditate
upon the virtue of wisdom and
enlightenment. In this state, the purity of all original ideas becomes known, and the Oneness of
All Life is understood. This virtue brings artistic gifts and mystical faculties such as clairvoyance
and telepathy.

If A is pronounced as an umlaut A.[long A as in AE] then the virtue of transmutation is evoked.

This is the mastery of passion, and detachment from rigidity in thought, feeling, and ownership
of anything, including physical goods. It is the understanding and mastery of life and death, of
good and evil, and why Divine Providence uses these for the purpose of transmutation.

With this virtue, any difficulty with having attachments is overcome successfully. Power over
negative beings is gained. The color is loamy brown, the musical note is C, and it is the earth
element and has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

M.This letter represents emotion. Emotion is the attractive feminine magnetic force of the
universe. Emotion creates reality on the physical plane through attraction of energy into form.
With this virtue comes "flow
intelligence". Flow intelligence" is the ability to use streaming intuition and FEELING in present
time in the process of creation. By flowing with feeling within the heart, the magnetic power to
transform reality is attained.

This divine virtue of emotion is the water element, so it has the sensation of coolness. Its color is
blue-green, its musical note is D, and the abdomens of all the children of God were formed by
this virtue.

I. The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law. On the mental
level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience.'

'In the feeling body, this corresponds to the astral/physical matrix, which is the connection
between feeling and physical form, with all of its functions. On the material world, everything
that has shape, measure, number and weight can be understood and mastered with this virtue.'

'As one can see, shape, measure, number and weight are the chief components of the material
world, and by getting this letter oscillation under control, the child of God becomes their
absolute master. It stands to reason that
he/she also becomes a perfect metaphysician, too and, furthermore, to comprehend all laws
presently still unknown to our physical world and to apply them, as he/she pleases, in all fields.'

'It is a known fact that the astral matrix, and with it the whole body, is kept alive by breathing.
With the initiation into karma law, which is the knowledge of cause and effect, you are in the
position to get under your perfect control the breath with all of its aspects and ways of
All mystical abilities are subject to the mastery of breath.'

The color is light opal, the musical note is G, the element is earth so it has a sensation of weight.
The left kidney is formed from this virtue.



Note: In our message, The Angels of 'Echami', the Angels of Philanthropy, it is explained that the
divine virtue of clarity and perfect purity of the second letter Ch brings mastery of rhythm in the
feeling nature. Here is an explanation:
In a whole brain awareness act of manifesting a new reality, the anatomy of feeling rhythm is
based on the following:
Electric Will is generated in Delta brainwaves of Pure Being from the left hemisphere or the brain
and is formed into a blueprint in Theta brainwaves of deep inner thought in the right.
Magnetic Feeling is generated in Alpha brainwaves of emotion and psychic sensitivity in the left
hemisphere and forms into physical reality which is perceived by the Beta brainwaves of the
There is a feeling of rhythm as the attention shifts back and forth between hemispheres, which
makes the eyes go back and forth when dreaming REM sleep.
There is first a focus on the left hemisphere as it generates WILL and FEELING, and then there is
focus on the right hemisphere as it perceives CONCEPT and PHYSICAL SENSATIONS and back
again, over and over, back and forth in a rhythmic way.
The divine virtue of perfect clarity and purity [letter Ch] allows this rhythm to be mastered in
'Astral: In the feeling body, a person attains the faculty of understanding and practically applying
rhythm in all its phases in the macro- and the microcosm, which means in his/her own physical
body and in the outer world.
By this one achieves the power over life and death of every being in all spheres and planes. If it is
desirable, a person may awake the dead to life again or revive any decayed plant since he has
been revealed, by this letter
oscillation, the secret of rhythm, i.e., the secret of life.'

'Material" In the material world this virtue is analogous to the water element. It bestows the
faculty of solving all the mysteries of the water element and the magnetic fluid [emotion] in all
analogies and of mastering them at will. The water element comes under his/her will.'


For those of you using the color and grid locator technique for mental and emotional wandering,
as taught in 27 Aquarius, the Angels of 'Ebaron' message; it is important to use only very pure
spiritual color backgrounds
and beautiful overlaying patterns and shapes. Also learn and understand The Law of One for
your own protection.

If someone uses a color and grid combination that is not a high vibration, there could be danger.
A low vibration color and grid goes to a destination of low consciousness.

The beings of such a place could be very selfish, ancient, cunning, skilled, and powerful. If you
come into the aura of such beings, you are in no danger as long as you do not believe they can
control you. However, they are
sometimes very convincing, cleverly playing on subconscious fears.

In such a place, the way out is using the Law of One and leaving quickly, calling on the help of
Christ or the angels of 'Ebaron', or your personal guardian angels, if you feel you need help.

Invoke the Law of One and leave through intention. This means that you must use mental
willpower to take your mind off of whatever is going on and put it fully to the intention of
coming back. You will come back instantly and
effortlessly. This works the same way an intention works with picking up a glass of water. Once
you make the decision to do it, the arm automatically picks up the glass. It just does it

In any situation anywhere, the Law of One is your most effective and highest prayer, gift,
protection, and truth.

Below is the Law of One.

Memorize it so that you can even say it in your dreams. In this way you will remember it in all
emotional situations.

Be sure to think about each line of this law until you feel that you understand it. If you need to
reword it slightly in order to resonate with it better, this is recommended as long as the original
meaning is kept intact.

For instance, a Christian might say, "One with the Christ." A Muslim, "One with Allah, or one
with Mohammed." A Buddhist,"One with Buddha", etc..If you wish to replace the word
'omniscient' with 'all-knowing', ''omnipresent' with
'everywhere present', and 'omnipotent' with 'all-powerful', the meaning stays the same. I have
found over the years that I change the wording slightly every now and then to reflect my present
state of understanding of it.





Use this law in all situations with complete confidence. This is the Law of Laws in all universes
and all times. It is written in the DNA of all beings that exist. It overrides all other laws. All
beings embrace this law, because they understand it and because it asks for their highest good
along with the highest good of all others.


5 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Merriment
Also known as The Angels of 'Flabison'


Merriment makes World Service joyful. Laughter, joy, and relaxation stimulate the body's
endocrine and immune systems. Merriment and joy are strengthening and anti-aging.

The merry, playful, trusting delight of little children is the essence of the emotional creative
energy of heaven itself. That is why it was written, "Make a joyful noise"

>From the fires and delight of fun and creativity spring the sounds of laughter that fill all of
Earth and Heaven with bliss and contentment, wonderment and love.

The wisdom of the heart calls for merriment, relaxation and joy as a part of world service.

Bringing about a world of Supreme Happiness is the goal of World Service.

It has been said that enlightenment requires that "Ye must be as little children to enter the
kingdom of heaven".

Delta, Theta, and Alpha brainwaves are developed in infancy, childhood and adolescence, in that

These brainwave patterns produce pure being and will, deep inner thought, and feeling and
psychic sensitivity.

The Beta brainwaves, which correspond to memory, logic, and the five senses, is dominant from
puberty on.

All four states are necessary for enlightenment and creating Paradise.

Times of laughter, pleasure, happiness, and well being allows the Alpha brainwave state of the
emotional or adolescent self to be dominant for a while. Times of merriment promote feelings of
ease, joy, love, peace, and excitement etc.

The realm of feelings is the realm of magnetism. It is magnetism, it is FEELINGS, which

ATTRACT realities into physical manifestation.

That is why, in the time of Heaven on Earth, Earth is a Garden of Eden filled with love, wonder,
delight and laughter.

To feel relaxed, happy, uplifted, stimulated, invigorated, inspired, and merry magnetically
attracts situations of pleasure and delight!

This is the joy that Divine Providence intended for Earth and this is the outcome of the alpha and
omega, the time of Paradise.

Spend time in pleasure and merriment whenever your heart desires. Heaven and earth are
uplifted by the sounds of happiness, laughter, and feelings of delight. The Unified Field is
blessed. All creatures and living beings are blessed.
'We inspire people to create wonderful music festivals and all sorts of gatherings with art or
dance. We are there when they play interesting games, share feasts, create adventures, or
participate in theatre.'

In Paradise, what you choose to do for right livelihood is revealed through the heart's feeling of
joy. The choice of profession is simplified by doing by what you love to do and attracting what
makes life fun.

When your heart asks for pleasure and joy, meditate on the divine virtues of the letters of our


'F' The legality of harmony in all visible worlds

'L' is based on and enlivened by all of the Divine Virtues together which are the splendor and
majesty of God.

'A' Enlightenment, wisdom, the original purity of all ideas, artistic gifts and occult faculties

'B' give understanding and mastery of the polarities of Universal Life.

'I' Through the laws of cause and effect

'S' all-penetrating power is used

'O' to bring balance, harmony, justice, contentment and satisfaction in all situations.

'N' Supreme happiness manifests Heaven on Earth.

The melody of our name is F sharp, F,G,A,G,G sharp, C , and A.


6 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Success
Also known as The Angels of 'Alagill'


A profession or endeavor with heart is one that has sensitivity, caring for all, and is most highly
valued. In this win-win paradigm, employers, employees and customers are blessed, energized
and supported. The most satisfying kind of success is attracted into every such situation.
The wisdom of the heart is irresistible.

The wisdom of the heart attracts success.

The heart knows about the little things that delight the child in everyone.

Enlightenment, and with it the ability to manifest success, depends on retaining and using the
states of awareness from infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

All of the degrees of the Constellation of Pisces concern feeling the wisdom of the heart.

Feeling is the Divine Feminine Force, the magnetic energy that determines physical

Feelings are Alpha brainwaves, which are dominant in adolescence. In the absence of the
sensitive feeling nature of Alpha brainwave production, and the balancing influence of
whole-brain consciousness, adult functioning, associated with Beta brain waves, degenerates into
a destructive over reliance upon logic, memory, and the five senses.

From the viewpoint of an adolescent child, most problems are solved with open hearted psychic
sensitivity and caring.

An adult decision to invest lots of dollars for ads and commercials in order to create a successful
business would be traded for emotionally nurturing projects. These kinds of projects might
include philanthropy, planting beautiful flowers in the empty lot next door, adopting a store cat
that charms everyone, and having a hot cup of tea and beautiful music waiting for clients,
neighbors and friends.

Endeavors with heart attract success.

'We secure financial success and smooth the way for all matters having to do with material work

New paradigms for what constitutes success and for the conscious use of money are emerging
from wise, open hearted people. Paradigms such as win-win and unconditional generosity are
making sense.

'We inspire professional success.'

'We help in the case of the arts and craft trades, and any profession where skill and creativity are

Whole brain functioning guarantees the benefits of both right and left hemispheres. Will and
feeling supports creativity and intellect. Perception supports analysis.

The influence of strong Alpha brainwaves opens the heart and psychic faculties are awakened.
The "sixth sense" is gained of understanding what employees, clients and customers really need
and want on an emotional level.

An open heart requires good feelings for one and all, so business decisions take into account the
divine virtues of vitality, beauty, music, ease, grace, security, fun, generosity, and others.

Whenever a person is in process of fully becoming enlightened in complete consciousness,

tremendous growth is attained in all of the divine virtues through the skills and creativity of a
successful profession or project.

Wisdom and enlightenment, grace and mercy, and the understanding of cause and effect are


'A'.Wisdom and enlightenment beholds the

'L'.the splendor and majesty of the Divine, which creates vitality, health and enthusiasm.

'A'. The splendor and majesty of God enlivens wisdom and enlightenment along with the
faculties of eloquence, art, music, and the mystic faculties of clairvoyance, clairsentience etc.

'G'.These gifts create such beauty in every endeavor that mercy and grace is bestowed upon all.

'I'.Through the mastery of cause and effect

'L'.the divine virtues manifest in every situation.

'L'. Way leads on to way, and the splendor and majesty of Divine Providence continually out
pictures heaven on earth.



Love is unconditional and all encompassing.

It is not judgmental.

It is best not to hold yourself hostage to anyone else's approval before feeling gratitude and
congratulating yourself and the ONE BEING for succeeding. True recognition comes from
within, from the feeling of joy and satisfaction within the heart.

Waiting for recognition or acknowledgement from others is a formula for feeling crazy, especially
if their opinion is based on the limited perspective of old paradigms and the five senses, memory
and logic. It is easier to control your own behavior and feelings, not their reaction.

If you accomplish what you set out to achieve, it is a success. If you accomplish what you set out
to achieve, it is wonderful, regardless of whether or not others perceive it. Other people may have
many opinions of what you 'should have done', or different standards by which to compare
results in terms of what some one else has done, absolute numbers, or what was expected of you.

These outside perspectives do not take into account the most important factor of all, which is the
feeling from your heart that motivates you and gives you your guidance, enthusiasm, and
It is important at times of completion to give yourself credit for doing what you set out to do and
rewarding yourself for succeeding. Don't wait for it.

Waiting for outside approval, such as from a parent or colleague, may deprive you of the feeling
of success and can even mean postponing indefinitely your richly deserved inner feelings of
congratulations and celebration. The feeling of success is something you create yourself and
attracts the pattern of success for the next cycle.


7 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Education
Also known as The Angels of 'Atherom'

Beloved, the constellation of Pisces is the last constellation of a cycle.

After this comes the beginning of another cycle, another springtime. Pisces is the culmination of
the lessons and divine virtues of all of the heavenly hosts of the other 330 degrees of the zodiac,
and therefore represents the
final outcome of living a life of Divine Consciousness.

The heavenly hosts of Pisces, the wisdom of the heart, inspire mankind to live successfully in all
of the departments of life represented by the twelve constellations.

Each person is already made in the image of God just as an acorn already has the code for an
entire oak tree already present within it.

Awaken within yourself the divine qualities through meditation, so that your divine identity is
revealed in its entirety.

The key to excelling in any field of knowledge is obtained by meditating on the divine virtues of
the letters of our name, 'Atherom'.

Any field of inquiry opens up and genius is achieved.

'We, the Angels of 'Atherom', govern the culmination of learning, science, research, and
education. We bring good luck and success in any field of intellectual endeavor.'

'We help people get the material they need for their studies, and if they wish it, we can make
them literally omniscient in any field of study or science.'

'It is within our power to reveal all secrets.'

With moderate whole brain practice, the divine virtues take on reality automatically whenever
you so desire. It does so because the mechanical part of the brain learns to take over the function
of doing repetitive skills.
Examples of this are typing, driving, speaking, and walking etc. It learns to do this without effort.
With each practice session, identification with the divine virtues deepens until eventually the
spirit, mind, emotions, and body are permanently bonded with this Divine Quality.
"I and the Father are One."

Meditate on understanding the phrase: 'As above, so below." And "As within, so without." Then
whenever you meditate on any of the divine virtues as within you, you will automatically be
filling all of space outside of you with the out breath. The opposite is also true, when you imagine
all of outer space filled, then with the in breath your inner body is filled automatically as well.

Since the same skills and brainwaves apply equally to all the divine virtues, once the first letter is
mastered all the others are easy.

At some point, skill increases so that every time a letter is spoken or heard in any context, or a
color is seen or imagined, or a musical note is heard, or a sensation is felt, the consciousness
automatically identifies with Divine Consciousness.

The endocrine system in this way produces organic chemicals that prevent aging. This is a level of
Divine power, enlightenment, love, and youthful immortality.

Master the single letters first, then join more together to invoke specific divine virtues when
specific effects are desired in the material world, or to become one in consciousness with the
heavenly hosts. The names of the angels, when used in this way, actually manifest their full
presence and power.


Each letter has a color, a meaning, a feeling, a sound, a musical note, a sensation, and a part of
the body temple that was created by it.

Meditating is done on four levels of awareness. It is done with pure being and strong will- Delta
brainwaves, strong concentration on deep inner thought- Theta brainwaves, strong feeling-
Alpha brainwaves, and strong memory, logic, and five sense perception- Beta brainwaves.

These four brainwave patterns develop naturally from conception on, and the deeper ones are
energized through reclaiming and identifying your present self with your younger selves of the

Delta is dominant from conception through infancy. Theta is dominant through childhood.
Alpha is dominant in adolescence. Beta is dominant from puberty on.

The idea is to visualize the color of the divine virtue. This is the most important step, and
corresponds to the eye and therefore to will and Delta brainwaves of pure being. It corresponds
to the infant state.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

Next contemplate deeply on the meaning of the divine virtue, which activates Theta brainwaves
of deep inner thought. This deep inner thought corresponds to the state of being a little child.

Next feel the emotions of the divine virtue, which will activate the Alpha brainwaves of feeling
and flowing. This emotional flowing corresponds to the way you were as an adolescent. When
you 'speak' the letter, tone it to the
This can be done inwardly in the imagination when meditating or out loud for purposes of

Finally, imagine the sensation of the divine virtue. The sensation is determined by its element.
This activates the Beta brainwave of the five senses, memory and logic of the adult self.

Do this from the point of view of being a tiny dot located in your own solar plexus, which is the
region of the akashic element of consciousness-penetrating-all. Imagine the color of the divine
virtue shining from a tiny sun in the region of its element and filling the entire region. Meditate
on the meaning of the divine virtue. Flow with the feelings of the divine virtue. Then imagine the
sensation of the divine virtue's element.

Take this meditation and impregnate the organ that corresponds to the virtue.

With each out breath see this radiance passing through the pores of the skin over the virtue's
organ and filling the outer universe. With each in breath see this radiance coming back into the
body through these same pores. Keep
the rhythm of the breath natural, and dissolve the light when you are finished so that the body
does not become over stimulated and out of balance.

Here is a description of the five elements with their meaning, sensation and body regions.


The Akasha element is the pre-matter of all creation. It has the sensation of
consciousness-penetrating-all, and is located in the midriff region.

The Fire element is will and electricity. It has the sensation of warmth and expansion, and is
located in the head region. Electric power is increased through aligning individual will with
Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned. Will activates Delta brainwaves of Pure Being.

The Air element is mind and thought. It has the sensation of ease and relaxation and is located in
the lung area.

The Water element is magnetism, feeling, emotion, psychic sensitivity, flowing, fluidity and
change. It has the sensation of coolness, which turns to chill. It is located in the abdomen, seen
as a hollow space. Magnetic
power is increased through aligning individual feelings with Divine Feelings. Feeling activates
Alpha brainwaves of emotion. Feeling and magnetism attracts realities into physical expression.
Divine Feelings attract Paradise, and Heaven on Earth.

The Earth element is physical form. It has the sensation of weight and is located in the leg region.


As long as you persist in your meditations, the heavenly hosts will not fail you when you ask for

"Ask and ye shall receive."

"Knock and it shall be opened unto you."


A.Wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind. Sky blue light, air
element in the lungs with a sensation of ease, the musical note G. The lungs are formed from it.
T.High inspiration concerning everything. Brown-black light, fire element in the head with a
sensation of warmth and expansion, the musical note F. The right kidney is formed from it.

H.The Power of the Word, which is the use of the meditation explained above with each letter
spoken. Silvery violet light, fire element in the head with a sensation of warmth and expansion,
the musical note A. The right arm is
formed from it.

E.Omnipresence. A deep purple light, the akashic element in the midriff with a sensation of
consciousness-penetrating-all, the musical note D. The whole spine is formed from it.

R. Following inner guidance. A golden light, the earth element in the legs with a sensation of
weight, the musical note C. The left side of the nose is formed from it.

O.Divine Justice and Harmony. Ultramarine blue light, the earth element in the legs with a
sensation of weight, the musical note C. The throat and windpipe is formed from it.

if pronounced umlaut O, OE. Cognition brought about by Love Divine. Deep orange light,
akashic-earth in the midriff with a sensation of weight penetrating everything, the musical note
D sharp. The testicles and ovaries
are formed from it. [If being used to heal, heal the left ovary first and then the right one.]

M. Emotion and feeling, the magnetic energy that attracts realities into physical form. Blue green
light, the water element in the abdomen, seen as a hollow space, with a sensation of coolness and
chill, the musical note of D.
The abdomen seen as a hollow space is formed from it.

The melody of our name are the musical notes G, F, A, D, C, C, and D.


8 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Schools and Universities
Also known as The Angels of 'Porascho'


'We support mankind in acquiring knowledge at schools and universities, whereas the Angels of
Atherom of 7 degrees Pisces help with private studies.'

As people realize that the universe is an organism that operates exactly like a human body in
which many different individual parts depend on each other for life, they often join with others
instead of going it alone .

When this happens in educational pursuits, we make sure that their experience of learning takes
on the mystical aura of the path to perfection.

'When it is easier to seek education in collaboration with others who share the same goal, we help
with examinations and courses at universities and schools.'

People who gather together to share mutual experiences and pool resources with similar
intentions and cooperative efforts establish group thought forms that aid in achieving shared

A place of learning builds powerful educational thought forms. People gather together in the
safety and support of institutional settings to benefit from these thought forms and from many
other resources that a university offers.

In schools and universities people often sense our presence as a feeling of mystery and sacred

We help with an amazing alignment on subtle intellectual levels. A sudden clarity and powerful
penetrating focus is combined with heightened inner guidance. The ability to 'see through'
obscurity and confusion to the original purity of ideas is gained.

It is our great joy to provide students whatever they need to excel in any field of study.

Professors who call upon us when instructing their students experience amazing clarity, strength,
and guidance.

It is we who have presided over universities since the prime beginning. The greatest university
scholars throughout history have been under our sphere of influence.


P. The pursuit of education is a result of the divine virtue of the longing for perfection and the
highest spiritual realization. By meditating on this virtue, a child of God awakens increased
longing for unification with the basic divine virtues.

'The deeper and the more frequently the seeker is penetrated by this virtue, the deeper will be the
feeling of humility, and it is in this state that is found the greatest and most powerful proximity
of divine majesty, of Divine

Learning how to create effects in the akasha, which is consciousness-penetrating-all for the
purpose of manifesting heaven on all levels is a result of this virtue of the letter 'P'. This is done
through the four brainwaves of will-Delta, intellect-Theta, feeling-Alpha, and logic, memory and
the five senses-Beta.

This virtue is dark grey, and has the musical note of B. Since it is the earth element, it has the
sensation of weight. The right side of the nose was formed from this virtue.

O. The divine virtue of justice and harmony facilitates success and satisfaction

R. and combined with the ability to follow inner guidance A. and attune to wisdom and

Sch. coming from the Most High Infinite Divine Power O. and in the harmony and pleasantness
of a place of learning. or pronounced

Umlaut O, OE. and the cognition brought about by Love Divine

The melody of our name is B, C,C,G,G sharp,D sharp, and C.


9 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Travel
Also known as The Angels of 'Egention'


Since the beginning, we have been given authority and mastery of traveling, so that the Children
of God experience happiness and success and confer true Divine Blessing wherever they go upon
the Earth.

'Everything connected with traveling comes under our protection. In all ways of traveling; by
land, sea, or air, and in all places, we protect , guide, and inspire travelers. We make sure that the
goals for travel are fulfilled, not only that the journey is completed safely but also that all the
purposes for which the trip was taken are successfully accomplished. With our help, no
unfortunate accidents ever occur.'

As the angels of 'Porascho' , 8 degrees Pisces, explained, when people understand the
interconnectedness of the universe, they no longer attempt to do things solely by themselves and
instead network with others, including the heavenly hosts.

"I, of myself, can do nothing. It is the Father within, it is HE that doeth the works."

Whenever the impulse to travel is initiated by inner guidance, a trip serves the purposes of Divine
Providence and it is blessed from the outset. Because the urge to travel is blessed, the more the
traveler contemplates the proposed travel, the greater are the positive feelings associated with
the trip.

When traveling is a response to inner guidance, the angels of 'Egention' automatically oversee it
even without being invoked. Conversely, having good feelings about the prospect of taking a trip
indicates that the trip is being guided by higher self, and going ahead with it is following one's
rightful destiny.

We accompany you on your travels and work with all of the other angel groups to protect you in
every situation. We guide you to experience the grace and mercy of Divine Providence and in
turn to be a blessing to everyone that you encounter. We open your eyes to the presence of the
Divine in all places and in all beings.

In this state of grace, supreme happiness beyond words to describe is experienced. This
happiness blesses and uplifts every person and place that you visit.
When Infinite Spirit incarnates into finite time and space as an individual Soul, it is often by
traveling that the Soul remembers other aspects of itself and reconnects with memories of its
original infinite nature.

By meditating on the divine virtues of the letters of our name, a person embodies the powers that
offer protection and blessing in traveling.


E. All beings and all places are manifestations of the ONE BEING, the ONE OMNIPRESENT
CONSCIOUSNESS. Seen as dark violet light with all-penetrating feeling, using the tone of RE,
musical note D. The complete spine is formed from this virtue.

G. A person traveling through many places and meeting many beings, is an instrument of Divine
Providence sharing Love and Grace with all. See deep grass green light shining from the abdomen
spreading soothing coolness, and use the tone of FA, musical note F. The left eye is formed from
this virtue.

E. By merging individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness, it is possible to transfer

consciousness to anyone and offer, N. Supreme Happiness for all. Envision dark red light shining
from the abdomen region spreading a soothing coolness throughout the macrocosm. Hear the
tone of LA, musical note A, penetrating Consciousness.
The liver is formed and healed by this virtue.

T. High Inspiration. Envision brownish black light shining from the head region spreading
feelings of warmth and the tone of FA. The right kidney is formed and healed by this virtue.

I. Combine with the Law of Cause and Effect, Sowing and Reaping. Envision light opal light
shining from the lower body region, spreading the sense of weight and hearing the tone of SO,
musical note G. The left kidney is formed and healed from this virtue.

O.. Leading to the creation of absolute justice, harmony, satisfaction and success in every
experience for everyone. This shines as ultramarine blue light from the lower body region,
continuing the spread of weight and riding the tone of DO, musical note C. The throat and
windpipe are formed and healed with this virtue.

Or O.... umlaut OE... The most Divine Cognition of Love Divine. This shines as dark orange light
from the lower body region, spreading the sense of weight and hearing the tone of D sharp.
Testicles and ovaries are formed and
healed from this virtue.

N. Supreme Happiness for all is the final outcome of our process.

The melody of our name is D,F,D,A,F,G,C, and A.


10 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Fulfillment
Also known as The Angels of 'Siria'


The wisdom within the heart of every Mother and Father desires happiness, honor, riches, and
respect for their children.

This is the Will of the Heavenly Father and the Passion of the Divine Mother.

Fulfillment is created and manifested for each of their beloved children whenever strong desire
and enlightenment is combined with mastery of cause and effect and inner guidance.

The perfect control of will is required, which is represented by the letter S in our name 'Siria'.
This virtue gives complete control over the consciousness of self and others, so that happiness
and plenty may be
created for all. It also gives the gift of clairvoyance and prophecy.

The ability to create is the divine virtue of the second letter I, the law of cause and effect.

Fulfillment for one person is not identical to fulfillment for another. All people are created
unique. If a person follows cultural or family traditions concerning fulfillment instead of
listening to inner guidance and the wisdom of their own hearts, they remain lost in the veil of
Following inner guidance is the divine virtue represented by letter R.

This fulfilled state is more elegant and simple than limited social paradigms of satisfaction can
possibly comprehend.

Most people understand fulfillment as plenty, health, harmony, and love.

However, an enlightened person operates in four age levels with their corresponding brainwave
patterns at once. This means that they are at the same time an infant, a child, an adolescent, and
an adult. Furthermore, they are one with the original purity of all ideas. This enlightened state is
represented by the letter A in our name, 'Siria'.

Complete fulfillment for ALL of these awareness levels requires perfect freedom and sovereignity
of time and space to sleep and dream, meditate, think, play, love, and create in the physical

The heavenly hosts delight in helping each person master these virtues that bring happiness,
wealth, honor, riches, and respect at the same time that spiritual joy and perfection is enhanced.

The divine virtues of the letters in our name, when meditated on faithfully so that the divine
virtues are integrated into the four levels of awareness, open the door to fulfillment.


S. All-penetrating Divine Will , the subtle refined spirit, seeks fulfillment on all levels and in
every way. This virtue shines forth with purple light tinged with red, shining from the head
region, spreading warmth, and resounding the tone of G sharp. The gallbladder of every child of
God is formed and healed by it.

I. Reaping what is sown through the Law of Cause and Effect, Fulfillment through the Virtues.
This virtue shines as light opal light shining from the lower body region, spreading the sense of
weight and the tone of SO, musical note G. The left kidney is formed and healed from this virtue.

R. The virtue of Freedom and Service through security and maturity within the Laws and
impeccably following inner guidance. This virtue shines golden light, from the lower body region,
spreading the sense of weight, and
resonating as the tone of DO, musical note C. Hear it resounding throughout the octaves. The left
nostril is formed from this virtue.

I. Again we focus on the Law of Cause and Effect, the expansion of Virtues, the creating of
Paradise on Earth.

A. And awakening Wisdom and Enlightenment in all children of God. Envision shining light blue
light from the chest region into the macrocosm, resounding the tone of G and filling the universe
with the sense of wisdom, light, and ease.



11 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Light
Also known as The Angels of Vollman

Beloved, complete happiness, wealth, honor, and respect has been gained through the inspiration
of the Angels of
Siria, and the fulfillments of the angel groups of the other degrees of Pisces have prepared
mankind for the next step.
This step is complete immersion in and understanding of light. We are the angels who initiate
people into the most
subtle mysteries of light.
Light waves carry information. Different colored light carries the information about different
divine virtues. The
letters of the cosmic language each have their divine virtue and color, along with a musical note
and sensation.
Following our instruction, people reach a degree of maturity which enables them to apply the
mysteries of light, in respect of creating miracles. These are the miracles that they are guided to
manifest in accordance with the wisdom of their hearts.
They are able to achieve anything in all three planes – the feeling, the mental, and the physical,
simply by the use of light in the imagination. In addition to this, they are set into a state of
happiness which cannot be described.
With our help, a person is able to visualize the color of each letter and virtue, and imagine this
color with such power, that miraculous changes happen.
To properly imagine a color; the divine virtue associated with it, along with it's sensation,
emotion, and musical note
must be combined. A person who accomplishes this is at the stage in which miracles manifest
like lightning from the sword of imagination.
It is at this point that the skill of using light, in it's various colors and meanings, becomes a path
of spiritual mastery.
This level of imagination is so profound, that the Children of Earth have only begun to
understand its potential for
bringing heaven to earth. Here is our story:

A gang of smugglers huddles on a street corner planning their next cruel adventure. They trade
not in diamonds or
material goods, but helpless people and animals who face great suffering. A young innocent girl,
who secretly knows of their plans, watches from across the street. How can she stop these men?
How can she put a stop to this cruel practice not only now, but in the future? How can she help
the victims who are praying so fervently for help?
Remembering her meditations in the cosmic language, she calls on the Angels of Vollman for
help. "Dear Angels of
Vollman, we must transform these men. Once they were innocent children. With the right
upbringing they could
have grown into artists and writers, skilled scientists and teachers, even holy men and healers.
What should we do?"
Immediately her mind enters the infinite silence. Great power and light appear in her inward
vision. The Angels of
Vollman, ever ready to serve in the cause of uniting heaven and earth come into her presence.
Without words the colors come with their divine virtues. Lilac for cosmic unification of
consciousness and universal loves fills her awareness.
She feels the chill of its emotional power. She imagines that she hears a lovely bell ringing the
note of G. She sees
the group of men surrounded by and filled with lilac light, permeating their wills, their minds,
their emotions, and
every cell of their physical bodies with cosmic intuition and universal love.
For a few moments that stretches out into eternity, she sees this lilac light going backward into
their past, healing all their years of poverty and suffering. She then sees the lilac light stretching
into their futures, enlivening them and
transforming them into sages, healers, and brave warriors of truth and justice. Time stops. The
ringing bell slowly fades away. Silence.
Then the bell begins ringing again, this time in the note of C. The light becomes the ultramarine
blue of Divine
Justice. She feels the weight of it's materializing power. In her imagination she sees the deep
electric blue of Archangel Michael swirling and filling every pore, every cell, and filling all of their
wills, thoughts and feelings. The deep blue light and the ringing bell in the note of C goes into
their pasts and into their futures and spreads outward
beyond to every creature and every person they have ever interacted with, or ever will.
Then the luminous olive green of the Divine Virtues of Infinite Consciousness fills them all. The
note of the bell
turns to F. The sensation of ease goes everywhere, as the olive green light permeates them all
with the majesty and splendor of Divine Virtues. Another wind of olive green light fills the air,
the bell rings even louder and strengthens its influence in the hearts and minds of the men who
begin to see the majesty of God in every creature, in every person, in every breath of life
throughout all of their lives.
The the passionate cool blue green light of pure feeling and emotion takes over all of them,
opening their hearts to the Divine Feminine Force in it's purest expression. The bell turns to the
note of D. They feel themselves totally in the embrace of the magnetic power of attraction as
their hearts break open into infinite feeling.
Now the bell turns to the note of G. The light blue color of divine wisdom and enlightenment
blows with ease into their minds, filling them with understanding and the purity of all ideas and
truth. Finally, the bell turns to the note of A as they begin to look upon each other and their
surroundings with new eyes, and a feeling of supreme happiness floods their being as the young
girl imagines a deep red color everywhere. They feel a chill of emotion that frees their very souls.
After a while the sounds of the busy street fade back in.
The young girl watches as the Angels of Vollman engulf themselves upward in heavenly light and
her attention goes to the men across the street. They are quiet. Each one is in deep thought. They
begin to look each other in the eye.
They know. They just know. As they have always known with each other, no words need be
The young girl sees that there are angels and ancestors hovering around each of them, and she is
not surprised
when they slowly disband, going off in ones and twos and threes to listen to their hearts and walk
the long path home.
She prays a prayer to Divine Providence to protect them and guide them and turns her attention
to the whole world,
praying for all of the other gangs, and other victims, that they all receive the light of the Angels of
Later that day one of the men comes by the door of her store and catches her eye. It is the thin
man with the limp,
the quiet one with the hooded eye who always seemed to know more than the others. He looks at
her. She looks
back. Eye to eye, their souls meet and merge.
A million words are heard and understood without a single word being spoken out loud. She
offers her hand. He
shakes his head slightly with a faint smile and turns away.
As she watches his back disappearing in the crowd, she knows that she has just witnessed the
return of a great soul that has been cleansed of lifetimes of agony and pain. She rejoices.
Later as she is counting up the days' receipts, she realizes that she must teach him the language
of light someday. She knows that someday he will come and ask her.

V ... Universal love and cosmic unification of consciousness with

O ....divine justice, balanced by

L ... all of the divine virtues, notably mastery of the astral* light,
L ....& all these virtues & this light mastery, blessing everything
M. . .merging & flowing in the heart with passion and feeling
A.... to bring wisdom, enlightenment, and
N.... supreme happiness.

The musical melody of our name is G, C,F,F,D, G, and A.

* Miracles.

Note: In the cosmic language the letter -V' is regarded either as an -F' or as a -W, depending on
it's pronunciation. In this case, the first letter of the name Vollman is regarded as a -W'.

*Astral in this context is synonymous with very subtle light of the emotional sphere of


12 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Other Worlds
Also known as The Angels of Hagomi

Beloved, We, like certain other groups of angels, help people access other realities. Our particular
emphasis is on
helping people journey to other spheres when their hearts guide them to move beyond the
limitations of the earth .
There are times when continuing one's growth may involve learning from beings, realms and
heavenly bodies outside the earth itself.
For example, once a person perfects their life on earth, it is sometimes important for them to
mentally explore other
planets and spheres in order to learn lessons that are not accessible from teachers on earth. Just
as the Earth has her own gifts, divine qualities, and attributes, the other planets also have their
particular divine blessings that are meant to uplift all the beings of the unified field.
Everything that has been created, from the smallest snow-flake to the largest universe, is an
individual one-of-a-kind expression of Divine Providence, and offers the exact knowledge,
assistance &/or practices that a person may need at a particular juncture in growth. Just as the
consciousness of any being can be accessed by calling forth the name (or color and pattern for
making that being available) and by attuning to their presence, similarly all planets and heavenly
bodies can be accessed for the highest good of all concerned.
We teach people to travel in thought to these other spheres and learn the lessons that they have
to share about Divine Consciousness. We inspire people to apply this wisdom to manifest
miracles on the levels of mind, feeling, and form.
For example, it has long been known that the planet Mercury relates to the art of
communication. By traveling in thought to this sphere and asking to be taught the secrets of
communication, a person can meet wondrous beings who dwell in dimensions connected to
There people increase their own skills of communication, and can cause anyone upon the earth
to communicate better as well, through the practice of intent, imagination, and feeling. They can
apply their imagination, and can ask the Mercury beings to also apply imagination, to an
individual or to whole groups or continents of people, or indeed, to the whole world, for the
purpose of establishing better communication. It is important to practice spherical meditation in
order to get a sense of its power and practicality.
Here is our story: Fred is a university professor in Arkansas. He has a student in his Wednesday
quantum physics class that is severely blocked in understanding the concepts that he is teaching,
even though
she is trying very hard to understand and has exhausted both herself and him in numerous
special counseling
sessions. No matter what books he tells her to read, no matter how many ways he has tried to
simplify and
approach the subject from different angles, she just does not seem to get it.
Having heard about mental wandering, Fred decides to give it the acid test. He settles into his
favorite overstuffed easy chair in his office late one night after everyone has left the building. He
dims the light and closes his eyes. He slows his breathing and feels himself fall into the deep
Theta-Alpha brainwave state.
He asks the Angels of Hagomi to take him to the Mercury sphere and to help him find a suitable
teacher who can help him to reach the blocked student. All of a sudden, in his imagination he is
in a different land, a land of golden
light, shot with various other colors. A very large being approaches him with a wise and
penetrating countenance.
There is complete and clear telepathic contact. Fred visualizes the girl and the endless counseling
sessions filled with grueling effort and frustration. He visualizes the course and the information
that he wishes to impart. Then he offers it up to the powerful being before him for help.
Suddenly he sees visions of white and black building blocks against a green background. He
watches in fascination as the blocks begin to shift formation, turning, and morphing into new
configurations. He sees the blocks from different angles and he begins to realize that the girl
must receive information visually. He sees that she is right
brain dominant and can understand complex theories in spatial and visual concepts, not in linear
logical explanations.
Just to be sure, he creates an image of the whole class, and asks the Mercury Being if he would
help each of the
students to see the wonders of quantum field mechanics on an ongoing basis. Feeling an
affirmative response, Fred gives deep thanks and feels joyful anticipation of the future.
He turns off the light, and sleeps the rest of the night in his chair. The next day he contacts the
computer imaging lab and describes the green background with the black and white blocks,
carefully guiding the technician through the appropriate visual changes. The next Wednesday,
the class watches in fascination as the whole quantum theory plays before them in moving
symbols on the screen.
The young girl breaks down in tears and laughter of relief and amazement as she meets privately
with him after class.
"Why didn't you tell me it was so simple?", she exclaims in relief. Fred meets often in meditation
with the Mercury
Being whom he has come to know as Hahaiah. He feels his presence in class each time teaches. A
supernatural electric intensity fills his classes now. The students are aflame with sharp inquiry
and penetrating insights.
It is important that individuals regain this skill of mental wandering to other spheres. Whether
the spheres are in
this solar system or others, the wisdom of the heart knows where to look. So much of the wisdom
of the ages is kept in these other mansions of the Divine Kingdom. Remember that the music of
the spheres is the combined orchestra of all the spheres taken together, for all of them together
form the planetary body of the One Being.

H ...The power of the word brings forth

A.... wisdom and enlightenment,

G.....grace and mercy,
O.... and justice.
M... This brings forth deep pure feelings within the heart and an understanding of
I ......cause and effect.

The melody of our name is A,G,F,C,D, and G. If children were taught how to safely journey to
other planets in their
imagination at night before they go to sleep, they would wake up wiser and stimulated, with
profound insights and
great understanding.
Not only can a person learn great truths and skills from these other planets, but they can also
teach the beings of
these other planets great truths from the Earth. The benefits flow both ways. The feelings of
satisfaction and expansion of understanding are limitless. The kingdom of God knows no bounds
and the fruits of this unending kingdom are the inheritance of all.
Inside everyone, of any age, is the inner child, still alive, waiting for the excitement of infinite
learning and fellowship with other beings of the many kingdoms of the Heaven.

* Miracles


13 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Occult Philosophy
Also known as The Angels of Klorecha

Beloved, The responsibility to walk in the footsteps of the masters is the calling of the spirit and
the soul of every
person. When the time comes that a person is ready to break free of cultural and traditional
restraints and learn
the truth behind the phenomena of miracles, we provide guidance and protection for the seeker
to claim their
mastery as an elder.
We help people who are eagerly longing to learn about true occult knowledge. The intensity of
longing for enlightenment, "divine nostalgia", is a driving force, motivating the seeker to advance
on his/her quest for enlightenment.
It is as if this nagging emotional memory – deeply embedded in the memory bank, of union with
the One
Being, a sense of what it felt like to be in that indescribable state of bliss - calls the seeker not to
be satisfied with
less than who they really are. Divine nostalgia acts like a guiding compass, and stirs the person to
push forward
on their path. We look for this intense yearning as a sign that the seeker is ready to be initiated
into the path of
performing miracles. If it is present, it makes our job much easier, to make it possible for people
to be directly taught by an initiate, or in cases where the motivation is less intense, for us at least
to help them procure books for
private study.
This is the time for people to advance in the direction of empowering enlightenment. It is not
enough to worship
those who have gone before; it is necessary to follow in their footsteps, becoming an elder, doing
what They did.
When a child of God gazes upon any situation and wishes to bring healing and joy to it, the skills,
understanding, and mastery for accomplishing this must be in place.
Here is our story: Sarah gazed upon the row of dilapidated houses. The children who lived on
this street rarely played outdoors. Sounds of laughter were never heard. She longed to do
something. She knew that alcohol, poverty, anger and abuse were rampant here, and, like
everyone else, she was afraid to interfere.
She felt the old familiar frustration and helplessness. Why did the scriptures talk about miracles,
but when one was
really needed, nobody was able to come forward with one?
This felt like hypocrisy to her, and she was no longer going to put up with it. How deeply and
passionately she wanted to be able to help!
She tightly closed her eyes and clenched her fists. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she prayed
passionately under her breath to God," Why don't you empower me? How can you provide all
these scriptures and yet leave me
helpless like this?"
Just then she opened one eye and saw the forlorn little girl on the front porch of the middle
house looking at her.
Clenching her fists even harder, heart breaking, she silently screamed to God, "Why can't you
help me to help her?
Several days passed. The overcasts skies cleared and Sarah was back at University watching busy
students walking under the protective branches of the large oaks in the quadrangle. Ever since
that afternoon in the ghettos she had felt suspended in a place of no-time and distant
emotionality, as if her soul had left and gone somewhere
else while her body mechanically went through the motions.
She was sad. She was tired. She was dissatisfied and not willing to back down. She had meant
what she said to God.
She was not going to pretend any longer. That small forlorn girl meant the world to her. If she
couldn't reach out and help her, what did it all mean anyway? What a cruel pretense to be led to
believe she was a co-creator with God?
Just then she noticed a park bench. Sitting down she felt like she almost wanted to die. What was
it all for? Why did the world have to be like this? Why did that little girl have to suffer? She knew
deep within her being that a better world was just waiting to be brought into being. Head
downcast, looking at her feet, she vaguely noticed the legs of a man approaching and standing
before her.
He waited. She waited for him to leave. He waited longer.
Finally, she cleared her throat and looked up at him. He was gazing quietly at her, in stillness and
silence. Just
gazing. Electricity filled the air. A sudden energy grabbed hold of her and she did something very
strange. She lifted up her arm and gave him her hand and he helped her to her feet.
The blood rushed to her head and she felt like the top of her head had blown off, and a bolt of
lightning, shot up
through her body and up into a strange and glorious light above her. He steadied her as the
dizzying rush of energy
continued and got stronger and stronger. Eternity passed.
When she came to, she saw his back as he was walking away.
Feeling strange, she made her way to the library. Frantically she searched the shelves in an area
on ancient wisdom, psychic phenomena, and metaphysics. Volume after volume, title after title,
and finally one of them grabbed her attention:
Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Holding the slender volume in her hand, she made her way to a
bench and wolfed down every sentence, every word.
Later that afternoon while gazing at a shaft of sunlight coming through the window of a deserted
stairwell, she
felt very different; it dawned on her that she had become a master. She began to realize that
reality was not a far off, chaotic complex of confusion but was a living, willing, malleable creative
substance just waiting for a master
artisan to mold it, to form it, to make it into something soft and beautiful.
She closed her eyes and summoned up a vivid image of the dilapidated houses and the forlorn
little girl. Closing

her eyes more tightly, she imagined the golden light that had engulfed her earlier engulfing that
entire street. She
imagined the little girl being filled with the purest, whitest, holiest core of that celestial light. She
held the image for a long long time.
When she finally opened her eyes, she noticed that twilight had arrived. Going home, she glanced
down the street of the little girl as she passed. The street was quieter now.
There was a feeling of stillness and peace about it that had not been there before. She noticed a
daffodil blooming
outside the fence where the little girl lived.
Later that week, on a bright and sunny afternoon, she was passing by again and she saw the little
girl out playing in
the small front yard. She had a puppy, and her little brother with her. They were laughing. She
noticed a rubber ball on the ground, and a few toys lying about.
The peacefulness of profound gratitude flooded her being.

With an intuitive certainty that only a master can know, she knew that everything was okay. She
knew that the lives in that household, and all of the lives on that street, had been turned around.
They had left behind their old reality of anger and despair. She knew that over the next months
and years she would watch the people on that street blossom.

K... The All embracing Power to perform miracles,

L ... yielding majesty & greatness of God As experienced through the divine virtues.
O ....Through exact adherence to divine law
R .... acting freely, masterfully & independently
E .... blessing all beings everywhere
CH.. in its perfect purity and clarity of these actions
A .... resulting in wisdom and enlightenment.

* Miracles.

14 degrees Pisces
The Angels of The Arts
Also known as The Angels of Baroa

Beloved, Remember that the entire sign of Pisces has to do with the wisdom of the heart. The
heart is the kingdom of feelings and emotion, it is the realm of the Divine Feminine Force. The
feminine energy nurtures, loves, protects, dreams, and feels. This is the energy that becomes
physical reality.
The wisest course of action is to live in beauty according to divine law. For this reason, the
wisdom of the heart is
continually seeking to manifest beauty in everything. We are the angels who respond to this
longing, the longing of
the heart for beauty to nurture enlightenment.
We encourage people to write, paint, sing, build, act in theater, and do any kind of art whatsoever
in order to
bring beauty to their lives and the lives of others in order to express the Divine Laws that operate
in the realm of
The other angelic groups of other constellations that inspire art do so from the point of view of
their particular
attunement, we inspire and teach art for the purpose of expressing the wisdom of the heart. This
wisdom desires
beauty that nurtures the grandeur of free will operating with divine law to create enlightenment.

B.... Creative works, the essence of polarities, are

A.... beautiful, enlightened expressions

R ... of free will

O.... which uses Divine Laws beautifully in order to nurture

A.... wisdom and enlightenment.

The melody of our name is A, G, C, C, G.

Here is our story:

There was an ugly stairwell connecting the floors of a housing project in Chicago. The drab paint
was peeling; it
felt depressing, hard, and cold, and yet many people of all ages walked up and down it each day.
One very sensitive thirteen year old girl named Angie just couldn't take it anymore. Life was hard
enough without
having to see this awful daily reminder of all that is wrong with life. She conferred with her friend
Jason, who conferred with Sammy and Lynn, and together they made a plan, following the
wisdom in their hearts.
Grabbing the leftover paints from an old art class of hers, Sammy began to trace a magical
dragon among the cracks of paint on the wall. The dragon's tale wound round and round, until it
flowed up through several stories. Jason got dozens and dozens of yards of water stained fabric
cheap from a rummage store, and with some fancy ladder climbing and some duct tape and a few
concrete nails managed to drape it every which a way so that the stairwell began to have an
almost medieval castle effect. The drapes made the dragon look like it was flying from out behind
them. The water stains on the cloth turned out to be really beautiful. Lynn found some plastic
birds which she hung with strings just so, and then Angie used the paints to suggest oriental
mountains off in the distance.
Before long, the beautiful magical stairwell was the talk of the project. Other kids began to fix up
their stairwells, and beautiful, elaborate artwork appeared overnight on the sides of previously
drab, ugly buildings all over the tenements.
An argument began to rage between the building authorities and the children as to whether this
was defacing public property or if this was community volunteerism and art beautification. The
parents got involved, and then the press got wind of it. Soon the mayor had to make a decision
one way or the other. Were the kids juvenile delinquents or were they heroes?
The battle waged over dinner tables, in the streets, and in offices downtown. Were the kids to be
punished and fined or were the public building authorities going to be chastised for the ugliness
and depressive living conditions of the projects?
Pulpits thundered, sides were taken, articles written.

Finally an uptown publisher sent photographers to the original stairwell and took very careful
photographs of the
dragon and curtains. Then they went to the other stairwells and walls and cataloged each artwork
in its most favorable light and angle. A very fancy expensive coffee table book was assembled and
Public opinion turned, and the results were favorable. The kids emerged triumphant; their lives
changed forever. The housing authority got a grant for enlisting school kids to paint murals on
many of the bare concrete walls around other housing projects.
Art teachers were jubilant. Tenement residents were proud.

Garden clubs got into the act and corporations started making donations. Volunteerism reached
new heights.
Community vegetable gardens started popping up in every conceivable spot and old timers were
eagerly sought out for advice. The gardens became evening gathering circles as everybody sat
around on old chairs, chatted, and watched the plants grow. Weather became a subject of great
importance, strangers turned into friends, children played, and life in the projects took on a
whole new meaning. The housing tenements became famous internationally. Soon similar
projects were started in other cities .

Enough peoples lives were changed by this one event that to catalog them would fill an entire
library. The ripple effect goes on forever. And it all started when Angie listened to the wisdom in
her heart to bring beauty to a place that had known only ugliness before.


15 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Gesture
Also known as The Angels of Gomognu

Beloved, We are the angels of holy body movement that occurs naturally whenever people
communicate with each
other. Whenever the body feels thoughts and ideas that a person is attempting to express, energy
flows through the hands and arms, indeed, the whole body, creating movement.

We are the Angles of Gestures.

All types of hand movements, mudras, asanas, and sacred bodily movements that communicate
with others come
under our inspiration.
We are the angels who help the deaf to communicate with sign language, and the blind to read
braille. Technical
inventions for helping the blind and deaf to communicate also fall under our jurisdiction.
The human body is a sacred temple that mirrors the Holiest Mysteries of the Divine Creator.
The energy flowing through the human body is sacred and is based on the most amazing
mathematical expressions.
Physical movements have energetic connections to the furthest reaches of the stars. Tiny
filaments of light burst
forth from each finger, light shoots out from the gaze of the eyes.
Through the tiniest movement, feeling and subtlety is expressed to a discerning eye. The slightest
tilt of the head,
or glance of the eye, the rhythm of gait, or the movement of an arm can speak volumes.
Taken together, the flow of movement and gesture is a complete language unto itself, and is
understood by man,
animal, and spirit alike. Not only does communication flow to other people and to the stars from
the movement of a
person's body, but by moving, the body is actually healing and balancing itself, keeping the
energy meridians alive and flowing.

G.....Grace and mercy combined with the perfection of

O.....divine law fills the earth with the

M.... purest essence of fluidity of feeling and emotion.
O.....Divine law is thus attracted by magnetism along with
G.... even more grace and mercy.
N.... This results in supreme happiness which expresses itself in the
U.....comprehension of the original source (& meaning) behind material forms and creative acts
flowing through
all levels of a person's being.

The melody of our name is F,C,D,C,F,A, and C sharp.

Here is an example of our power: You are sitting at your computer, eyes on the screen, fingers
poised over your
mouse or keyboard.
All of a sudden, an angel comes into the room, bringing with it great blessing and sacredness.
Not being particularly psychic, you continue to read the messages on the screen, but you do
notice that a feeling
has gradually come upon you, a sense of anticipation, excitement, and nostalgia.
Looking over to your left, you notice that the computer tower has a faint glow about it as a deep
breath gathers
in your lungs and a sigh escapes through your lips.
You stop reading and turn your head slightly to the left.
The angel watches as you breathe, and the turn of the head to the left lets the angel know that a
deeper brainwave state has taken complete hold of your body.
You close your eyes and remember a day in the sunny park, many long years ago, when you were
with friends and all of you were slightly high from previous effects of drinking and partying. The
sun was especially bright that day, and many people were celebrating spiritual freedom and love
triumphing over war.
Lost in the dream, you go deeply into your heart, and remember how passionately you longed for
the time when everyone on earth could be enlightened and happy, and everything has been
returned to a pristine state of
Deep in the dream, you hardly notice when someone quietly walks into the room and looks at
Waking, you look at them and make a move to say something, but before you utter a sound you
hear them say," No, don't wake up, I can see that you are in a special healing place. I do not want
to disturb you."
They turn and walk away. Looking down, you realize that your body language gave you away, and
that nothing had to be spoken out loud because everything you were doing and feeling was
obvious by the way you were sitting and
You look up and give thanks, glad to be left alone, and you close your eyes, feeling safe and warm,
and go to sleep.
The time is coming soon when "hidden agendas" will become passe' because the true intention of
everyone will
be clearly evident to everyone else directly in terms of their nonverbal gestures and body
language. As everyone
becomes more psychic and sensitive to reading even tiny nuances of behavior, we, Angels of
Gomognu, increasingly will assume a very important role in the unfoldment of this new reality.
Soon the futility of attempting to maintain ruses and deceive others will be obvious to one and all
and will give way to a new appreciation and valuing of honesty and unassuming childlike
spontaneity of innocence, purity, and genuineness.
As people reach enlightenment and freedom, their movements become a constant source of
beautiful communication about the bliss and rapture of their state of awareness.

* Miracles


16 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Peace
Also known as The Angels of Fermetu

Beloved, We are angels who bring sympathy and harmony because we have been given charge to
bring every sentient being into a state of Peace. Invoke us in meditation for world peace, and in
prayers for the restoration of
harmonious relationships in cases of conflict.
In its wisdom, each heart knows that there must be peace.

Love is a delicate flower that thrives on gentility and harmony. Harsh words, especially whenever
the conflict
is expressed maliciously or with the intention to harm the partner, is destructive to the most
refined petals of caring.
These bonds can be restored through emotional clearing to resolution and by invocation of the
Angels of Fermetu.
Over time, passionate feelings and trust in a loving relationship can be undermined If anger and
malice are
denied and avoided, instead of acknowledged and healed.
Emotions heal through flowing in a non self-critical and non-destructive sympathetic
environment. Even the most
wounded emotions heal naturally when given enough time, expression and sympathy in a safe
environment. With Our help, they are healed almost miraculously.
Friendships require peace to grow. Husband and wives and their families flourish in homes of
peace. Animals need
peace, and the nutrition of crops depend on it. Oh, Peace!
Blessed are all neighbors who come to dwell within a city of peace! Dove of peace come! Flower of
Peace grow in
each country and blossom all over the world.
The wisdom of each heart desires this peace above all, for in peace each being hears the poetry of
the Divine. Listen!

Peace is a melody within all beings which murmurs like a beautiful ocean when there is harmony
and sympathy
everywhere. Peace is the incense, the holy perfume of the flower whose roots are buried in the
kingdom of love,
power, and wisdom.
Each infant longs to suckle at its Mother's breast and listen to the song of peace. The voices of
peaceful creatures
echoes through valley and hill. How beautiful the thought of peace, how wondrous to
contemplate its grandeur. Peace beckons within each heart. Enter therein, oh Child of God.
...and never, ever leave once your foot has passed through the threshold. Dwell in peacefulness of
the heart.
Rest. Your heart contains the Quiet Still Elixir That people have sought forever. Your heart And
the heart of God. Are one.
This is the great discovery; the embedded waveforms of the heart that beats in sympathetic
resonance with the One Heart. This is the long sought treasure. Divine Providence has given us,
the Angels of Fermetu, the power to create peace.

F.....Perfect Harmony,
E.... omnipresent access to universal consciousness,
R.... total freedom and independence, with a feeling of absolute security
M....fills the heart with deeply flowing feelings.
E.... Then you are universally aware of everything and
T..... inspired to a high state of inner knowing that
U.....peace and harmony are the primal consciousness of all life.

The melody of our name is F sharp, D, C, D, D, F, B.

Oh Child of Rainbow Colors, Dwell securely in Peace. For in the infinities of your Cosmic
Presence there is Peace
within you and there is Peace all around you.

* Miracles


17 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Life Force
Also known as The Angels of Forsteton

Beloved, Once a person dwells in Peace, it is easy and natural to stimulate and guide the life force
of the body
so that whatever the wisdom of the heart desires can be accomplished.
We are the Angels who help ensure right use of the physical energy of the body at each energy
vortex, or "chakra". Our job is different at each energy level, the seven chakras, within the body.
Right or wrong use of the life force at every level and at all times depends entirely upon the
unique path of each child of God according to his/her inner guidance at each decision point in
life. Usually it is true to say that whatever is energizing indicates that that impulse is good for
that person at that juncture and is to be followed in a way that fulfills divine law.
Guidance is given in the moment and whatever is right at one time may no longer be best at a
later time. There is
no generalized right or wrong use of energy except as determined in the moment by the wisdom
of the heart.
The sexual energy storehouse that dwells within the human body temple at the level of the base
chakra can be
channeled variously, any one of which ways may be right for someone at a particular time.
The sexual energy can express itself by creating a new child, or it can be guided to flow up the
spinal cord to
energize higher glandular centers for the purpose of creating new realities. Always the standard
for right use of
life force, most notably sexual energy, is that it is meant to flow according to the wisdom of the
At the level of the second chakra, We are one of the angel groups who teach a woman, even an
infertile woman, how to conceive a child, and how to influence the unborn child to embody
divine virtues. We teach partners how to
energize relationships so that each person sees the presence of the Divine Spark in each other.
The third chakra (solar plexus) is the seat of will power and self determination. Accordingly,
when the strengthening of a person's will and power serve the highest good, we show a person
how to bring energy into the stomach and lower back area to energize the adrenal glands and
create security and power within him/herself.
Sometimes the dynamics of energy storage, expression and "saving energy" do not work as is
commonly believed.
For example, tiredness is frequently the result of blocked emotional energy, typically anger;
when this is the case,
paradoxically, the most efficient way to reenergize yourself is by very actively, even vociferously,
expressing the
suppressed emotion in a non-destructive way, not by resting as is commonly thought. Instead of
further depleting your energy level, such energy expenditure, or unblocking, leaves you full of
verge and ready to go.
In the fourth (heart) chakra, when the seeker is ready to understand the ecstasy of spiritual
devotion, we teach
him/her how to guide their sexual energy up their spine into the holy temple of the heart.
At the level of the fifth (throat ) chakra, when a person desires to create or communicate, we help
guide their
energy into the throat to energize the thyroid, vocal cords, and parathyroid.
At the level of the sixth chakra, the "third eye", if a person's heart guides them to remain
intellectually young and
vigorous even into very old age, our job is to teach them the ways to increase their sexual life
force energy and pull it up the spine to the centers of wisdom and intellect.
When a person is ready to join their personal consciousness with the Divine Consciousness, we
help them guide this life force to their crown chakra, and stimulate the pineal gland.
This gland produces over 20,000 neuropeptides that are psychoactive and lead to ecstatic union
with The Divine.

The key to this wisdom is found in the letters of our name:

F..... Harmony is manifested by following

O.... divine law.
R.... Freedom and independence is thereby kept from causing harm.
S.... All penetrating power is guided by
T.... high inspiration
E.... which exists in the Divine Consciousness of all Life.
T.... The rapture of this omnipresent divinity inspires a person to follow
O... divine law perfectly and create
N... supreme happiness.

The melody of our name is F sharp, C,C, G sharp, F,D, F,C,and A. All of heaven and earth rejoices
when life force
is used according to the wisdom of the heart. Upon this principle rests the successful outcome of
every human life
and of the World.

* Miracles


18 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Relationships
Also known as The Angels of Lotogi

Beloved, the longevity of love between friends, lovers, and spouses is dependent on the wisdom
of the heart. This is our charge, loving relationships that deepen and grow.
Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to teach people who wish to nurture a
relationship how to keep
it healthy and beautiful. We hope to instill the virtue of respect as the glue which holds mates
and friends in loving
relationships long term. Many new skills teaching couples how to interact respectfully are only
recently being made
available for them to heal their relationships and finally resolve the pain from long term
emotional traumas that
have rendered them dangerous to one another.
In spite of great technological advances going into the twenty first century, state of the art
knowledge about
relationships is still in its infancy on earth. Ineffective relationship guidelines and child rearing
practices have
been passed down non-critically for generations on earth.
As it was written, "The sins of the fathers are passed along even unto seven generations."
The underlying difficulty for most people has been numbing out. Because of the rapid pace of
life, accelerated rate of change with attendant loss and wounding, and resultant pressure to adapt
to sudden reversals, vast numbers of
people have had to deaden themselves to their painful emotions, or turn to substance use to
cope. Numbing out
to pain means deadening to loving feelings also.
Insensitivity to the partner, "emotional novocaine", resulting in emotional "bull in china closet"
syndrome, has made
partners feel unsafe and at risk when opening to the deep loving feelings of the inner child.
The truth is that establishing a safe and supportive environment for love to flourish simply
requires skills that
people have never seen modeled and did not grow up with.
For example, set aside time for at least one session every week, in which you and your partner
look closely at all
your feelings in a safe context. Spend an hour letting your mate tell you honestly, without
interruption or judgment,
what is really going on with them inside their hearts. Then, take your turn, and express your own
feelings with the
same safety and respect. Feelings have different laws than thoughts. Feelings often have deep
roots in the past, and seem irrational to present time analysis.
If deep tears, or anger, or fear comes up, this is the healing process in it 's most intense and
fruitful phase. Do not
interrupt or try to "fix it". Let these intense feelings flow.
It is their flowing that "fixes" them. Invoking grace and mercy, the key is to nurture and allow
them to run their
course through honest expression safely, lovingly, and non-destructively.
Learning new methods for overcoming emotional wounding and reawakening the pure inner
child requires
a belief that this is possible. It also requires a commitment to uncover traumas which have
seemed safely buried
and forgotten. The main change in consciousness is the paradigm shift from resisting "negative"
feelings and
reacting against them as the enemy to be overcome to approaching all feelings with
unconditional love.
In the past, fear of negative emotions has seemed so over-powering - like fear of the unknown -
that emotions
have seemed unconfrontable. Every attempt has been made to dampen down uncomfortable
feelings and "make them go away". Efficient methods to transmute pain, reestablish childlike
openness and vulnerability, and to resolve
relationship issues, are the key to balancing male and female energies on earth.
Emotions are the feminine energy of the heart, and these energies must be healed, not
suppressed, for the earth to see the light of perfection. Emotions must not be buried; they must
not be judged. They must be allowed out into the light of day without shame or condemnation.
For many years, it has become clear to quantum physicists all over the world that emotions are
the causative force
behind manifestation. It is through loving their own emotions that every man, woman, and child
will manifest
heaven on earth.
It is in the realm of loving relationships that divine virtues bloom. Following the divine laws that
promote justice, and
listening to high inspiration as it comes through the heart, brings about grace and mercy in
relationships. Such
relationships are maintained and grow into higher expressions of sacredness and fulfillment.

L.... Divine virtues, the splendor and majesty of sacredness, flow through the
O.... divine laws which secure justice for all.
T..... In this state, high inspiration is received in the wisdom

. of the heart so that O.... justice is continually preserved in all relationships.

G.... In this atmosphere, grace and mercy blossoms profusely toward one another.
I ..... In this way people master the law of Cause and Effect and create the relationships that their
hearts desire.

The melody is F,C,F,C, F, and G.

* Miracles

Special Addendum to Today's Message, 18 Pisces, The

Angels of Relationship:

Beloved, The escalating craze for sensationalism in the world stems from the numbness that
people feel
Since so many people (out of self defense) have deadened themselves to virtually all of their
feelings, in their search for meaning, many have experimented with stronger and more shocking
ways to stimulate and awaken themselves in order to feel deeply again, as they did as children.
They instinctively know that it is their feeling child-self that has access to rapture and ecstasy.
Their longing to feel again, to be excited, thrilled, to awaken to adventure, to joyously anticipate
the next day, is so great, that often there is no price so great that they will not pay if they think
that they can taste this exhilaration for even one moment.
This desire for "awakening", to come to life emotionally, is the longing for life itself.
When people cannot contact the sensitivity of their inner child easily, powerful stimuli - like
violent and scary
movies, which trigger an adrenalin "pump up"; dangerous hobbies like sky diving, racing, sexual
affairs; 'reality'
TV; taboo pursuits like child prostitution, cruelty, and other illegal activities like taking harmful
stimulants, and
any number of other forms of sensation seeking – are desperately sought to replace the natural
emotional high
that they long for.
Not uncommonly people do practically anything just to feel alive again, so desperate is their
sense of loss of the
feeling sensitivity of the child self. From their numbed-out perspective, most people assume
fatalistically that access to this sensitive child self, once gone, is lost to them forever.
They believe it is lost to them forever unless, perhaps, they are fortunate enough to fall madly in
love. The possibility of falling deeply in love with life itself, often escapes them, and does not
seem like a realistic option.
Not understanding about the laws of emotional expression, they do not even suspect that their
sensitivity has not been killed forever. They keep their wounds bottled up within, fighting to keep
them at bay. They do not know that it is by going back into the memories and allowing
themselves to flow with the feelings that come up, that they finally
come to resolution.
The good news is that the vibrant child that they once were and long to be again is still there -
even in the most
hardened wounded criminal. It is covered over by a shroud of unresolved emotional traumas.
The hopelessness they feel about recovering their Real Self is itself an unexpressed emotion of
one of their unresolved traumas, the traumatic experience "the incident where they gave up
By remembering this experience, and reliving it repeatedly within themselves over and over until
all of the feelings
come out, the psyche heals itself.

Couples who have "lost that loving feeling" likewise believe that it is gone forever, not realizing
that recovering their love more strongly than ever might be as straight-forward as finding and
clearing the feelings which are blocking their original feelings of being in love.
Those feelings are still there, and they grow when emotions are embraced with unconditional
love, allowed to flow, and old painful feelings are no longer 'bottled up' inside.
The Angels of Lotogi, and all of the Angel groups and enlightened Beings, have all banded
together in the
unconditional love of Divine Providence to bring heaven to earth.
What bringing Heaven to earth means, is that the sacredness, beauty, and meaningfulness of all
life is once again self evident to everyone in each moment. Experiencing the beauty of God in all
beings is the natural birthright of each person and is easy and effortless in an emotionally
enlightened state.
When Divine consciousness, that is already present in all manifestation, is no longer shielded
from awareness by numbed-out feelings and the veil of forgetfulness is removed, then the
exquisite sacredness and wonder of each
moment is returned. In even the most mundane of everyday activities the sense of anticipation,
great joy, and discovery of precious treasures of consciousness is experienced, just by being. This
is the great Tao, and the truth of Zen Enlightenment.
The magical paradise that you long for is already yours - and surprise! This paradise is not
somewhere outside
yourself - is is found within your very own heart. The original archetype of finding buried
treasure is the symbol
for what we are describing. By allowing the emotional energy located in your body and
subconscious to heal
through flowing, layer by layer this long-sought-for child self is revealed and brought to the
surface .
The great paradox is that once paradise is lost within the heart, it is lost everywhere. And once it
is found within the
heart, it is found everywhere. The kingdom of heaven lies within. As above, so below.


19 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Pharmaceuticals
Also known as The Angels of Nearah

Beloved, we are the angels who inspire chemical and pharmaceutical inventions. Because the
wisdom of the
heart sometimes guides people to seek out chemical and pharmaceutical healing substances, we
are the angels who guide a person to the right pharmaceutical at the right time.
When they have reached the appropriate level of maturity, we allow enlightened people to
glimpse our range of
competence in the Akasha, which is the principle of God-penetrating-all. The ancient formula,
"As above, so
below" works both ways. When a change is made on the physical plane, resulting changes occur
in feeling, mind,
and spirit.
This is true for chemical interventions. Under the guidance of the heart's wisdom, certain
pharmaceutical substances, taken at the proper time, can greatly accelerate healing and
awakening on all levels.
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals are sacred substances which are the physical manifestations of
various spiritual,
mental, and emotional states of enlightenment. They have great power and are actually
sacraments that, to be most effective, should be used in conjunction with meditation.
Because the mouth is the part of the body temple that speaks the sounds and the tones of the
cosmic language,
we have a predilection for dental medicine and dental surgery. We reveal how far the sciences of
pharmacy and
dentistry will advance in the future.
The time is coming when people can regenerate teeth at any age. We will inspire suitable persons
in the future with the secret of making bad teeth fall out by themselves, without the necessity of
a painful extraction, due to the application of certain pharmaceutical substances.
After this the person concerned will grow new, healthy teeth within a very short time. It is our
responsibility to teach
mankind how to master the growth of teeth even as it is our responsibility to help teach the
power of the word.
The same is true with hair. Hair is an externalized extension of the nervous system and carries
the energy from the
cranial sphere down to lower chakras and energy centers of the body. It functions as a protective
covering, allowing
auric energy centers to receive the power of brainwave energy from the head. At the same time,
the hair helps
transmit brainwave energy into the atmosphere, greatly increasing the strength of a person's
transmission of
energy. Hair getting gray or falling out will be a thing of the past. We will make it possible for
each person to
choose the color of their hair without having to apply dye or harm it in any way.
Divine Providence has ordained from the prime beginning that the immortal, beautiful, and
perfect spirit of each
person live in an immortal, beautiful, and perfect physical body. Mankind was always destined to
live on earth in a
heavenly state. This has been spoken of as the time when the Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and the end, are united as one.
The pace of planetary transformation to bring about this time has been greatly accelerated
through grace and fervent prayers of world servers, even more than the ancient prophesies
foretold. The time is arriving sooner than most people imagine when sickness and death, aging
and disease, no longer hold dominion. This is the promised time when enlightenment, joy, and
unconditional love fill each heart with peace. This is a time when the blessings of immortality
and eternal youth are realized. As it was written, "The last enemy to be overcome is death."

N..... Supreme Happiness is the birthright of

E.... all beings in the omnipresence of Divine Consciousness.
A... Wisdom and enlightenment enables each person to safely have
R.... freedom and independence. The key is to use this freedom to promote
A.... wisdom and enlightenment through
H.....the power of the cosmic language, the power of the word.
Our melody is A,D,G,C,G, and A. It is our purpose to bring supreme happiness and
enlightenment to all beings.
Whenever anyone attunes to this desire, and uses free will to serve the cause of enlightenment,
they find that all
miracles are possible through the power of the word.


20 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Creative Intelligence
Also known as The Angels of Dagio

Beloved, the wisdom of the heart requires a sharp and creative intellect in order to accomplish
whatever is required
to manifest heaven on earth. We the angels who have been given the power to see that mankind
develops intellectually for this purpose.
Divine Providence has ordained that each person develop a sharp enlightened intellect that has
mastery of the laws of creation. In this way mercy manifests for all beings because only that
which is good for all is created. This is the way that the divine virtue of justice blossoms upon the
Following our guidance, a person is able to develop a fantastic memory and masters all situations
in verbal
debates. We give people a surprising wittiness that enlivens every aspect of life.
To master the laws of creation requires a grasp of "emptiness and filling". A sharp mind is
comfortable and familiar with embracing receptivity, the void, the emptiness, with unconditional
love and then calling forth energy and form to fill it in the act of creativity.
The seed idea of everything, regardless of whether it is in the past, present, or future, exists
permanently in the akasha, which is the aspect of energy and consciousness that is everywhere
present and penetrates all. It is from this storehouse of beingness that a conscious will "pulls"
forth an idea, enlivens it with feeling, and manifests it into form.
>From this understanding of the principle of God-penetrating-all, a sharp intellect pulls out
energy to manifest whatever the wisdom of the enlightened heart desires consecutively on the
four levels of will, mind, emotion, and form. This is the meaning of the D and the A of our name.
Because the possibilities of creation are infinite, the letter G that follows the A signifies the grace
and mercy that are absolutely necessary in order to create only that which benefits all beings.
The letter I that follows this divine virtue represents reaping the good harvest of the seed which
has been sown. An
enlightened intellect not only creates easily, but creates unconditional beauty in everything that
it manifests.
The final O is the original principle of Divine Justice, which represents the divine laws in their
ultimate perfection of
creating heaven on earth, it represents the final outcome of an intellect that brings about
harmony and joy to all sentient beings.
A sharp intellect is enlightened and grasps the idea of the unified field. It sees the analogy
between the above and the below; the human body and the body of the universe.
A keen understanding of the effects of good actions benefiting the whole and coming back and
benefiting self
is attained and grace and mercy becomes the way of each individual being a gentle Master.

D.... Mastering the skills of Creativity

A.... with wisdom and enlightenment
G.... is the way that Divine Grace and Mercy
I..... utilizes the laws of cause and effect
O.... to manifest justice and harmony to all beings upon the searth.
[The melody of our name is C, G, F, G, and C.]


21 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Success
Also known as The Angels of Nephasser

Beloved, we have the power to bless all beings who long for spiritual perfection with the
wonderful feeling of happiness that accompanies success and good fortune.
We are the angels who help people manifest good fortune, happiness, and success in whatever
endeavors the wisdom of their hearts attracts them to achieve, as they travel on the path to
spiritual perfection. It is also our pleasure to bestow great treasures of spiritual knowledge on the
seeker who longs for spiritual perfection, but it is important to ask us for what you want.
There are three primary letters, from which all other letters are derived. These three letters are
Sch, A, and M. Sch
represents omnipotent will power, A represents the enlightened and wise mind, and M represents
infinite love.
The 'S's in Nephasser come from the 'Sch'. The 'A' is already present, and the 'N' derives from the
'M'. All three
of these divine qualities work together to manifest absolute perfection in form.
When a person looks closely at anything, from the tiniest flower to the vast reaches of space in
which the celestial
bodies dance, perfection is evident. We delight in bringing such perfection to the seeker who
asks, even knowing the leap of faith that is undertaken by the seeker in every instance of daring
to ask. Invoke our name.
Ask and it shall be given to thee; seek and ye shall find. We are bound by this one limitation
because of your free will:
we cannot grant your request unless you ask.

N... Supreme happiness is the destiny

E....for all beings everywhere
P....who long for perfection.
H....As perfect masters of the material world, when invoked We manifest through the power of
the word
A.... the enlightened mind,
S.... all-penetratingÐpower to bring forth many gifts.
S.... This all-penetrating- power allows
E.... all beings everywhere
R.... to enjoy freedom and independence.

The melody of our name is A, D, B, A, G,G sharp, G sharp, D, and C." Come, come, oh wanderer,
wayfarer, oh lover of leaving, come! Come even if you have broken your vow a thousand times.
Come! Come again home." No matter how many times a person fails, or gets lost, or wanders
from the path, the waiting arms of the heavenly hosts await.
No matter how often a person breaks his or her vow, the unconditional love of Divine
Consciousness waits patiently
for the inevitable, for the return of each beloved child is certain.
Each soul longing for the ecstasy of home will return. We see to it. Ask.

* Miracles


22 Pisces
The Angels of Assistance
Also known as The Angels of Armefia

Beloved, We help anyone who is exposed to great dangers when they call for assistance.

Anyone who needs the protection of very important people, or who needs a just sentence if
summoned to court
innocently, or who needs leniency when they are guilty, can secure our assistance. The key word
Even though there are many groups of angels who offer protection and assistance to world
servers and seekers of
truth, we especially make ourselves available to those who are beginners on the path to wisdom.
Although it is true that in order to gain the assistance of some groups of angels, the seeker must
have achieved a
level of maturity that opens the doorway to these advanced beings, We the Angels of Armefia
would never refuse aid to anyone who invokes us regardless of their extenuating circumstances,
stage of initiation, or "credentials" to invoke us.
Many seekers on the path have experienced frustration in the process of invoking and praying to
the angels. Perhaps there has been a sense of futility or doubt whether their prayers are being
answered. There are a number of reasons for this that could be elaborated. For example, some
angelic groups may actually require "keys" to be contacted, just as a computer has a password.
Another reason could be that the level of attunement, especially the refinement of the angels, is
so subtle that
the seeker cannot perceive the angelic realms without first attaining an altered state of
consciousness commensurate with that of those angels. In this case, the coarse attunement of
"ordinary consciousness", beta brain waves, could be so dense as to actually be offensive to the
angels if indeed the angels can relate to it at all. Another missed signal, similar to the one just
noted, is that the seeker does not approach the angels with an open heart full of unconditional
love. In this case the affinity between human and angel is less than optimal.
"As above, so below." Consider when humans are most responsive to listen to one another. It is
much easier
for anyone to be open to someone who approaches them with tremendous love, gratitude,
humility, patience and
appreciation. Right away they get response. So also with the angels. Contrast that situation with
someone who is
always hounding people ungratefully for more favors, and do not listen, to top it off.
But with Us, the Angels of Armefia, In contrast, just your need itself is enough to "get Our ear".
Our primary purpose is to always be responsive and to protect any who are under threat of great
danger and seek our help. Of course, because of free will, we must still be ASKED.
Meditate on the letters of our name to help you understand our nature. The letter A of our name
represents the divine virtue of wisdom. The wisdom of the open heart instinctively understands
the unity, interconnectedness, and awareness that exists within all of creation.
In order to experience the infinite wonders of free will, The One Indivisible Divine Consciousness
dreams that it is
many different forms and beings and it dreams that it exists in many different times and places.
The divine virtue of free will is the letter R of our name. By experiencing this dream, the feeling of
Divine Love can be expressed in infinite ways, because there exist many Lovers and many
Beloveds. The Divine Virtue of Love is the letter M.
Divine Consciousness is omnipresent, which is the letter E of our name. Whatever is done to
anything, anywhere, is done to the One Divine Indivisible Being everywhere. The understanding
that what happens to one part affects the infinite energy field surrounding it, is the Divine Virtue
of the legality and the harmony of the microcosm and the
macrocosm. The is the Divine Virtue expressed by the letter F.
Whenever any part of the Being of God creates kindness and goodness in any way towards any
one, the effects of
this goodness are returned to the part that created it after affecting the entire unified field of
consciousness. The
understanding of the virtue of Cause and Effect is the letter I.
This is the state of wisdom and enlightenment, which is the virtue of the last letter of our name.
The melody of our name is G,C,D,D, F sharp,G, and G.
At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that the angels of protection of every kind focus
upon the affairs of earth in answer to the will-to-live within the hearts of every being.
Even the most unenlightened being on earth desires to live, and the affairs of earth are at a point
where this is only
possible if the entire energy field is restored to harmony and unconditional love.
Bringing the entire earth, and all who live upon her, into a state of enlightenment, unconditional
love, and attunement to Divine Will is absolutely necessary for the health of Divine Providence
We have now been given permission under the laws of free will to do whatever is necessary to
restore perfection
and happiness upon the earth. The experiment to allow forgetfulness of the interconnectedness
of all life has
reached the point through trail and error to undo the forgetfulness completely. Like any dream
that has run
its course, the time for awakening from this one has come.
The time between sleep and waking is now. With every moment the dream of sleep loosens its
grip. When full
wakefulness arrives, all beings will see clearly their Divine Unity, will attune to Divine Will, and
share Unconditional
This transition to wakefulness is destined to be complete by December 21, 2012. .


23 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Natural Law
Also known as The Angels of Kaerlesa

Beloved, we are masters of natural science. We help people understand in depth the laws of
nature, especially the higher laws in all three kingdoms: the animal, the vegetable and the
mineral kingdom. We are the angels who have inspired the aboriginal teachings that explain the
meaning and "medicine" of various animals, plants, and minerals.
We help people penetrate deeply into the laws of nature and teach them their mystical
applications. For example, within the aboriginal teachings around the world such as the native
American tradition of esoteric wisdom, there are beings and archangels representing the energies
of each of the four directions. Minerals, plants and animals are associated with each astrological
One way to explore and discover one's self identity is to find the appropriate "totem" mineral,
vegetable, and animals which are part of each person's divine inheritance. Every being within all
the kingdoms of God, like each human being, manifests unique, divine qualities.
At some point on a person's path to becoming an elder, the journey of discovery often includes
studying these teachings in order to become empowered to claim "who one really is".

Through the attunement to the cosmic dimension of nature some people can most easily
experience themselves as part of the oneness of God and access the Being of the Divine.
Because a human being contains within themselves these three lower kingdoms, the wisdom of
the heart guides
people to meditate in nature and remember the omnipresence of God.
The letters of our name explain our consciousness and the teachings that we share.
The letter K of our name is the Virtue of Omnipotence. This virtue manifests in the survival
i;instincts in the kingdoms of nature. Survival manifests in the expression of magical powers,
such as telepathy, in the lives of animals, and as uncanny methods of adaptation in plants and
minerals. The letter A is an instinctive attunement to the interconnectedness of all life , and this
allows the attunement to wisdom that guides them to store food, migrate, and perform all other
similar functions. In the vegetable kingdom, this virtue guides the plant intelligence to produce
chlorophyll, follow the sun, store seeds etc. In the mineral kingdom exact mathematical chemical
changes occur because of this virtue.
Letter E represents the omnipresence of Divine Consciousness in all life. This unifying
consciousness ties
together all of the individual parts so that they all function as a whole, forming interdependent
ecosystems. This is called "the web of life'.
The letter R represents the element of choice that is present in all life forms that leads to growth
of intelligence
and selective evolution. This divine virtue is critical to the development of soul. Certain ancient
teachings speak of
the evolution of conscious life force as an upward spiral.
When a mineral reaches its highest level of consciousness, its excellence is obvious by its form,
which will be that of a precious metal or gem. When it reaches this level, the intelligence of the
mineral will next incarnate as a primitive one celled plant.
When the plant reaches enlightenment, it manifests as food, or as a flower. In its next
incarnation it will be a primitive one celled animal. The animal is said to have reached
enlightenment when it feels such great love and devotion for a human master that this love
overcomes its own instinct for survival. The tales of animals risking or sacrificing their lives for
their masters are examples of this. In their next lifetime, this life energy is ready to embody a
primitive human soul.
The letter L represents the Divine Virtues that express themselves in the beauty, qualities, and
intelligence of the
animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. These infinitely complex kingdoms are the
outpicturing of every divine
virtue in form, representing the majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness. Shamanic
teachers have sought and found the Divine Virtues expressed in the animals, plants, and
minerals of the earth. In this way, these kingdoms are teachers and healers of the children of
The second letter E represents the benefits that each individual brings to the whole and of the
benefits that the
whole brings to each individual. When a mountain lion survives and brings it's cubs safely to
maturity, the joy of
this event fills the whole being of God. When the eagle soars on high currents of the air, the
freedom and power that it feels echoes to the far reaches of the universe. That is why it was
written that God is aware of the least sparrow, and that when a blade of grass is broken the
universe trembles.
The letter S represents the power that penetrates all. This is the power of the individual
consciousness of each being to attract to itself whatever it needs to survive and flourish.
These kingdoms of nature have sent out the call for help in order to survive as the destruction of
earth has reached such alarming levels. They have joined with humans in attracting the response
of the heavenly beings to heal the earth and bring about a state of unconditional love.
The final letter A represents the all pervading wisdom and enlightenment that expresses itself
through the kingdoms of nature. The mathematics of sacred geometry, such as the Fibonachi
Spiral, are found in nature all the way from the tiniest to the largest organisms. The Mendlebrot
Set splashes itself all over the natural landscape in everything. Each tiny snowflake is unique,
and each flower is a testament to the glory of the Divine. Each aspect of nature; each animal,
plant, and mineral, is a doorway to the Divine Consciousness that pervades all of space. When
mankind walks upon the earth in full awareness of its sacredness, and approaches each creature
and plant and mineral in a state of meditation, the treasure of the divine feminine within the
human heart will expand in a super nova of of ecstasy.
The melody of our name is B,G,D,C, F,D,G sharp, and G.

24 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Advanced Meditation
Also known as The Angels of Bileka

Beloved, we come to you when you wish to return to the inner realms in order to find the truth
within yourself as
you have found it in the splendors of the outer world.
As a child, due to your recent arrival from inner realms, your contact with the inner realms was
still vivid, strong and fresh.

At that point in your journey, it was the outer world of the five senses that was new and exciting
and full of promise.
So it was natural that your attention was increasingly focused on the Divine as revealed in the
outer world of the five senses.
After a long contemplative journey discovering the presence of the omnipotent, omnipresent,
omniscient Divine in the feast of physical reality, in world service and in the kingdoms of nature,
the time comes when you desire to turn again inward and reacquaint yourself with the infinite
reaches of inner space.
With the maturity acquired in your journey, you turn to us, the Angels of Bileka, to guide you
into advanced stages of meditation. This will be the return of the journey that took you from the
Delta brainwave state of pure being and the Theta brainwave state of deep inner realities, into
the outer brainwave states of Alpha - which is the state of psychically attuning to the outer world
through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience etc. as a child into the adult world of Beta
brainwaves, which are the five senses, memory, and rational logic. Now we will help guide you all
the way back along this path in reverse to the inner worlds once again.
This journey from Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta and then back again through Alpha, Theta, and
Delta is a circle. The idea is to travel this circle enough times that you contain the circle within
you as a simultaneous happening. When this is accomplished, you have reached enlightenment.
The brain is perfectly designed to accomplish this state and function in this way. In a normal
state of cosmic attunement, all of the brain is engage d in this manner and the hormones and
neuropeptides that are chemically manufactured in the body's glands provide a constant high
state of awareness on all these levels with minimal effort.
In previous messages we have given you the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox* in order to restimulate
the full
functioning of the brain in all four brainwaves at once. We have recommended supplements that
have been inspired by the Angels of Pharmaceuticals to detoxify and repair any brain damage due
to pesticides and other dangerous substances. These pharmaceuticals also increase blood supply
and provide state of the art brain nutrition. * These supplements help restore the brain's natural
functioning such as the ability to concentrate.
If you ask, We will also help you with this requirement for meditation, the ability to concentrate,
holding fixed attention on the desired attunement without wavering for long periods of time.
Meditation by its very nature means "staying tuned"
without losing focus on a particular state of consciousness.
Becoming distracted or preoccupied by another thought, feeling or any other attention-getter
breaks concentration
and thereby disrupts the meditation just as surely as receiving an important phone call
interrupts an intimate
conversation. The good news is that most of the meditations that induce higher consciousness -
altered states of
consciousness beyond beta brain waves - have a strong emotional attraction and thus are easiest
to maintain.
For example, the inspiring beauty of a highly evolved spiritual master makes meditating on
him/her naturally
appealing, just as "being in love" is a natural meditation that automatically attracts you to hold
that attunement. Indeed, meditating on perfection, as in a realized being, is falling in love with
Once you are ready, by calling upon us for our inspiration and help, certain angels will be
assigned to you that are
appropriate for your stage of development in meditation.
As you advance, our assistance is calibrated accordingly.
Biofeedback machines and other aids are available for learning how to attain the Alpha, Theta,
and Delta brain-
wave states. If you wish to accomplish this on your own independently, remember that the Alpha
state corresponds
to the time between sleeping and waking. The Theta state corresponds to the time of dreaming,
and the Delta state
corresponds to deep dreamless sleep. These states can be accessed in full awareness through
progressive relaxation, slowing the breath, withdrawing attention from the outer world, and
turning it inward into the imagination.
When you tune in to your imagination to someone or something at a distance, and receive
impressions from this,
you are in an Alpha state. An intense DAYDREAM, in which you are attuning only to your deeper
inner self, is
the Theta state. A state of just pure being, in which you feel yourself free of the activities of body,
feelings, and mind is the Delta State.
We inspire you to journey in each of these inner levels until you can access any of them at any
time. For this reason, it is important to value time spent in seclusion, beauty, and safety so that
meditation is possible.
The present state of affairs in the world is such that the day to day struggle to provide the
necessities of life interferes with the normal biorhythms of the human body which determine the
best times to meditate. Social and cultural values also interfere with these natural rhythms. The
best time to meditate, at 3:30 A.M., for example, is the most socially inconvenient time in terms
of sleep needs, etc. It is for this reason that these structures are breaking down and being
replaced with superior, more advanced ways of functioning.
We recommend that each person seek ways to live simply and in moderation, so that the time
spent in securing the
necessities of life is minimized, freeing up time to meditate.
This will also ease the strain on the earth's resources, so that everyone can have enough and the
environment is
We also wish to remind you that beauty is essential to life.
Even though a person's home and lifestyle should be simple and one of moderation, all of one's
material possessions and surroundings should be beautiful and bring inspiration and gratitude
to the heart. Each moment should be spent in a way that brings satisfaction and joy.
In this way, the treasures of simplicity are married to the treasures of elegance, and the fruits of
meditation are
married to the joys of right livelihood and pleasurable experiences.
What we have outlined here is the essence of the ancient songs of the women of wisdom, who
have kept alive the
ancient prophecies from the beginning of time. It is time that the people and the creatures of
Earth come home. It is
time that heaven and earth be married and united as one.

As Our name indicates, by meditating on us you can learn to

B....Hold in mind simultaneously the polarities of manifest existence

I..... following the divine laws of Cause and Effect
L.... to discover the majesty and splendor of the divine virtues
E.... everywhere present in everything
K....with the omnipotent power to work miracles
A.... to bring Enlightenment and Wisdom, as the outcome.
The melody of our name is A, G, F, D, B, and G.


25 Pisces
The Angels of Advanced Prophecy
Also known as The Angels of Ugolog

Beloved, after the skills of meditation utilizing the four brainwave states of pure being [Delta],
deep inner thought
[Theta], psychic attunement to the outer world through feelings [Alpha], and logical linear
thought, memory, and the
five senses [Beta] are mastered, then it is possible to invoke our inspiration and guidance.
We inspire ability to read any person's fate in the mental, feeling, and physical world directly and
clearly out of the
principle of God-penetrating-all. With our guidance it is easy to read the past, present and future
thoughts of
any human being. It is also easy to see their emotional development from its origin to its perfect
maturity as well
as the physical fate of past or future incarnations.
This knowledge comes merely by focusing on a person and desiring to know this information.
Due to previous
development under the Angels of Bileka, the desired information comes spontaneously and
vividly into the
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to reclaim your biological inheritance of a fully
aware four brainwave pattern of cognition. This skill has been deadened through improper
educational, social, and cultural traditions, and improper nutrition and toxicity, but it has not
been destroyed.
It is relatively easy to reclaim full brain functioning using the skills of the Tibetan Exercise of
paradox, meditation,
detoxification and enlightened nutrition.
There is no need to mystify this most simple of truths.
All information exists everywhere all of the time.
[This principle is known as 'THE AKASHA'.]

It is accessed through desire and intent. A person who is consciously producing the four
brainwave states 'JUST
KNOWS' whatever it is that they desire to know. This knowing comes through asking a question
and staying
focused on it in a still [Delta] inwardly watchful imaginative [Theta] feeling [Alpha] state of
mind. By adding to this
the ability to keep the eyes open and take in information through the five senses at the same
time, it is possible to
look at anything and anyone, ask any question about them, and receive the information mentally
and emotionally in
short order.

U....Understanding the origin and meaning of manifestation,

i.e., the "cause behind the cause"
G....used with the feeling of grace and mercy,
O... for the purpose of seeing justice,
L.... and all of the other divine virtues,
O... brings about the understanding of how justice manifests in the past, present, and future as a
result of the actions of all beings.
G....It is possible to see how ultimately the virtue of grace and mercy redeems all and ultimately
results in

The melody of our name is B, F, C, F, C, and F.

No man or woman is an island. Each individual is a part of the body of Divine Consciousness.
Just as the part supports the whole, the whole supports the part. Just ask.
A severe illness or injury in a person causes a reevaluation of lifestyle and adaptive behavior that
promotes and
maintains healing, and so it is with the earth. Now that communication is established worldwide,
the extent of
injury is known. A global will to heal and end suffering, plus a realization that the means to do
this is here, is
resulting in a deep self-examination of values and lifestyles.
The popular phrase "need before greed" is indicative of this. This process is escalating into a full
blown global
spontaneous remission of dysfunctional behavior patterns .
As people regain full consciousness, the pursuit of material wealth is balanced by the pursuit of
emotional, mental,
and spiritual wealth. Wealth in these areas are obtained in conscious Delta, Theta, and Alpha
brainwave states and
balance is obtained by spending equal amounts of time and energy in these states.
The divine ability to manifest miracles is regained and this, combined with dedicated work,
facilitates transition into
planetary beauty, plenty, and perfection.
This has been the divine plan all along, and everything is progressing beautifully. Overlook your
reluctance to ask for help. Get used to asking. Remember that you're not approaching an
outsider, but rather another part of yourself.
This is a unified field. Just ask.


26 Pisces
The Angels of Advanced Miracles
Also known as The Angels of Tmiti

Beloved, we are the custodians of ADVANCED methods that we only reveal to mature seekers
who are established in whole brain thinking and who thoroughly understand the Law of One.
These methods enable a person to draw down from planets and spheres planetary powers in the
manner of the cosmic language, and to use them for special miraculous operations in the three
planes: the mental, the emotional, and the physical.
The effects brought about by the application of these powers are of such an enormous range that
the average person would only think them possible in a dream.
The time has now come when these words; 'All that I do ye shall do and more." will be honored in
miraculous works to heal the earth. We are available to each person who masters whole brain
thinking and meditation and who embarks on a course of World Service. When the time comes
for radical, far reaching, and sweeping changes on the levels of mind, feeling, and physical
matter, we are the angels to ask for inspiration and guidance.

Here is our story:

Mark lives in a little house on the edge of a large northern metropolis. From his front yard he can
see the skyscrapers and the dirty air hanging like a cloud over them. He is used to the weed
covered railroad tracks, the empty polluted abandoned industrial sites, and the constant lack of
beauty and order.
He is a patient man, and he is a wise man. He lives humbly because he is not enamored of the
Religion of Materialism and Status. His IQ is off the charts, and he attended Stanford for a year
and a half at the top of his class before he dropped out to study the mysteries of his own heart
and spend time with his books of Ancient Wisdom.
Many years have passed. He lives alone and in peace. He loves the beautiful plants that have
taken root in his small front yard, and watches eagerly each year as they flower and go through
their cycles. He loves the rabbits and the chipmunks, the squirrels and the birds, and he feels like
he is their guardian, protecting them with his love and fellowship.
Year after year he watches and waits as the world outside his front yard continues in ugliness and
abandonment. No government agency comes and removes the asphalt and ugly rundown
buildings, no laws are enforced to clean up the polluted air in the city on the horizon. He has
waited so long, that now he believes that he is the only one who will do anything. So what can he
He goes outside to sit in his rickety lawn chair and ponder.
The half-tame wild rabbit comes hoping around wondering what the man is up to, for his energy
has been unusually intense for several hours. The dragonfly hovers especially long that evening
over the thistle plant, for even the dragonfly can sense that the man is up to something unusual.
The sun begins to set, painting the sky orange and indigo blue. The man closes his eyes and leans
further back in his chair. Deeply in prayer, the man is speaking with the angels of Tmiti.
"I am ready now Angels, I know within my heart that I must take full responsibility for this world
outside my door. I can no longer wait for someone else to do the work that must be done to
restore this earth to it's pristine state."
Going deeper and deeper into Delta and Theta brainwaves he continues, "Dear Angels of Tmiti,
connect me with the fabulous and ancient beings of the Venus Sphere so that I may bring forth
unconditional love and bliss upon this earth."
He watches as his inward reality shifts. All of a sudden he sees and hears strange, yet somehow
familiar beings, come lovingly into his presence. "What would you have of us, Mark?", they ask
He begins to outline to them the years that he has spent waiting for the world to come to its
senses. Waiting for
the Defense Budget to be spent entirely on restoring the environment of all countries and oceans,
sustainable food and energy and resources to the world, establishing peace and plenty for all of
God's creatures:
waiting years and years for people to turn their energies to creating beauty in their cities and
countryside, of minimizing the use of the earth's minerals, forests, and other resources, of
promoting healthy cruelty free ways of eating and providing nutrition. He paints the entire
picture of his life and everything that he has seen, and then he presents them with the whole
situation combined with a plea for help.
"What we need," he says, "Is unconditional love."
In deep thoughtfulness they listen and in deep thought-fullness they pause in silence when he is
Then, into his mind and feelings comes a powerful and sweeping consciousness of an Earth
completely saturated
with unconditional love. His body becomes an inferno of pulsating gigantic energy emanations,
the power of
unconditional love unleashes through his mind and emotions, broadcasting out like a giant
supernova filling all of space.
For hours he sits electrified in his chair as his entire being pulsates out THE PURE
Sometime later he begins to come back into some sort of normal consciousness. He is trembling.
He gets up and
goes back into the house. He feels like he has just swam through a storm at sea.
The next morning he wakes up and the air is clean over the city. There is an electricity in the air
that is alive and
undeniable. Over the next days and weeks the news is everywhere.... sweeping new changes in
government, major new multi-national meetings implementing emergency measures and
channeling all resources worldwide to
remedying every error made by man over the last few hundred years.
People have their cars quickly retooled to use fuel cells, and houses are outfitted with
non-polluting new technology
power generators. Factory farming is shut down, dams are removed so that rivers are free
flowing, forests are restored, no fish zones are enforced, every source of pollution is replaced with
new technology. World finances are
rechanneled so that each person is free to turn to whatever tasks are at hand to restore their
sanctity of life. All media is used to explain the necessity of each step that is being taken and give
encouragement and invite public participation.
Unconditional love is everywhere. Weapons are "beaten into plowshares", their materials wisely
recycled. Every man and woman "have their vine and fig tree". The earth is restored.

T.... High inspiration and the ability to work miracles combines with
M....Passionate Love and the ability
I..... to use the Laws of Cause and Effect.
T.....The miracles that are created
I......have a domino effect and creates a cascading series of more miracles.

The melody of our name is F, D,G, F, and G.


27 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Avatars
Also known as The Angels of Zalones

Beloved, when people have developed whole brain thinking and used it with the cosmic language
in World Service over an extended period of time, they are ready for our assistance.
We teach all the mysteries of the microcosm and the macrocosm and we show a person how to
acquire perfect
divine cognition without having to choose the ancient 'path of holiness' which would require
absorption into the
Consciousness of the Divine and the subsequent loss of mystical individuality.
World Servers following our instructions are given missions and tasks by Divine Providence to
carry out for the earth.
These tasks make them teachers or assistants of mankind by the force of miracles and the cosmic
language. We
protect each person under our guidance so that they can live peacefully and privately without the
true force of their
powers being known.
In the past, the path of high service to mankind was trod only by a select few in greatest secrecy.
Those few who
reached enlightenment were like isolated lamps in the darkness of the night of ignorance that
covered the earth.
Because there are many more people upon the earth and the evolutionary rate of change is
speeding up greatly, it is time for many more people to reach this high state of enlighten-ment
and service. Thanks to both the technical inventions of the Aquarian age, and increasing
telepathic awareness, isolation is also becoming a thing of the past. Many people are feeling the
call to take matters into their own hands and bring about heaven on earth. This is a sign that
they are feeling our call to inspire and guide them into complete empowerment.

Z.....Highest Cognition
A.... of wisdom and enlightenment
L.... and the Divine Virtues manifests through
O.... divine justice
N.....Supreme happiness
E.... for everyone
S.... with power that penetrates all.

The melody of our name is G, G, F,C, A, D, and G sharp.

In the dawn of time, the lamps of the enlightened people that illumine the night are joined by
greater and greater
numbers of people until the Blazing Sun of the awakening of all mankind shines on earth like the
SUN shines within
the sky.
On earth as it is in heaven.


28 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Divine Virtues
Also known as The Angels of Cigila

Beloved, the constellation Pisces is the last constellation in the series of twelve. Pisces, the
wisdom of the heart, is
the destination and the culmination of all of the teachings of love, wisdom, and power of all of
the other eleven
We are now in the last degrees of the last sign of the Zodiac.
As you can see from the previous few messages, these degrees represent increasingly complete
and total enlighten-ment, the state of Divine Illumination in its most advanced and mature state
that is possible for a human being.
When you have passed through the initiation of the Angels of Zalones, 27 degrees Pisces, you
enter into our guidance and protection. We are special initiators into magical quabbalistic
mysticism, which includes the knowledge and mastery of the cosmic language. We make you
acquainted with methods which enable you to develop within yourself on all three planes--the
mental, the emotional, and the physical - -the most perfect divine virtues by the help of the
meditation techniques of the cosmic language.
Having developed within yourself these virtues, you will then find it easy to acquire all those
faculties which are
connected to these virtues.
By following our methods and guidance, you will become more and more mature in fulfilling
carefully certain tasks
according to the will of Divine Providence.
We only reveal these methods to those who have already reached a certain degree of maturity in
miracles and the
cosmic language during previous incarnations. There are no coincidences, most of you who are
receiving these
messages have qualified already in this respect.
According to teachings of Quaballah, a person "developed due to these methods is a god-like
creature, a personified deity, equipped with all the virtues, powers and faculties, (in the image)
and equal to Divine Providence."

C....Initiating the spiritual into incarnation in a human being on the physical plane
I..... who, through the mastery of Cause and Effect,
G....for the purpose of Grace and Mercy,
I..... creates
L.... the embodiment of the Divine Virtues within him or herself
A.... so that all may become enlightened.

The melody of our name is D, G, F, G, F, and G.

Note: I wanted to share this letter for those of you who are doing emotional processing by

Dear Cynthia and Michael: Just a quick note to tell you that I did the emotion processing
program last night, all by myself (actually that was one of the major issues...... abandonment,
aloneness, not being "seen" for who I am). I had a huge release. It was great.
I did it by typing into the computer, even when, through tears, I couldn't even see what I was
typing. I just kept going, as though I were talking to someone. Wanted you to know that I found
it excellent. Will do again. We need to get this stuff out of us. We need to FEEL fully.

Dear Cynthia Rose

Some healings this week have brought a beautiful new energy flow using akashic & whole brain
healing, at least
as best I can, with practice it will strengthen no doubt.
With each chakra or place in need of healing I ask the souls & angels present if akashic energy is
needed here, and when it is the vision of its flow through the patient is beautiful.
Picture the heart chakra in need of akashic healing, asking for it, seeing it pouring down into the
center of the heart
chakra, followed instantly by a burst of brilliant green light in a fountain, flowing out into the
aura, down to below the
base chakra, into the vortex of the spinal flow, bursting out of the base chakra, flowing around
again, up the central flow, bursting out of the sacral chakra, around again and up the central flow
and so on in rapid succession through each of the seven chakras. The effect is beautiful and
powerful with seven fountains of green light pouring love & healing throughout the aura.
Little else is needed I think, but with some seriously ill cancer patients up to five chakras have
taken akashic
healing. For the other chakras I use the remainder of the whole-brain approach, asking all those
present for the
healing in the level of spirit & fire to will this chakra healed, then we see it full of clear light &
love in the mental/air level, full of love on the level of feeling/water to heal all the fear &
negativity, and with all these together we see the chakra healed on the level of form. Overall its
very good, and I'm still feeling my way with help from angels. When we did the first akashic one
earlier this week, and it was so dramatic, I asked if this is what they have been trying to show me
lately, and received a great "yes" in reply!
When meditating on world healing with this method, I asked the angels to include everyone
sympathetic to healing
the world, and felt it flowing out to millions of people, then billions of people, and it stopped at
four & a half billion
people the first time, but went to nearly five billion the next time. We aimed to guide every one of
them in an akashic and whole brain healing seeing the whole world filled with love, and all
people fed clothed & housed according to their wishes & needs, and most of all loved, and
knowing they are loved. This is a good theme, which we will continue using I'm sure.
The computer will be healed when the time is right; with
great love .........Bill


29 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Love Divine
Also known as The Angels of Ylemis
Beloved, The power of Love Divine contains the sum of all the Divine Powers and surpasses all
other expressions of Power combined in changing the realms of mind, feeling, and form.
("The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.")
We are the angels who embody this perfect realization of Divine Love and the Ones to ask for it.
The Divine Feminine Force is embodied in Love Divine, but Love Divine also embodies and
carries forth the fulfillment of the Masculine Force, which is Will Divine.
The highest pinnacle of perfection in the microcosm of a human being or the macrocosm of the
unlimited universes
is Love Divine. There is absolutely nothing that can be sought for, or asked for, that surpasses the
the happiness, the bliss, the ecstasy, THE POWER, or the perfection of Love Divine. Those who
are feeling a lack of meaning and fulfillment in their lives are most assuredly missing this gift.
"Know you not that you are Gods?"
When you read this message, if the desire leaps within your heart to become an expression of
Love Divine, know that it is within your grasp to do so.
Know also that you must ask in order to receive. Such is the power and the nature of Free Will.
This entreaty cannot be repeated too much, at least not until everyone claims their divine
birthright - by asking for what the heart longs for.
Instead of continuing to affirm lack, ASK, knowing "It is already done", with a heart full of the
blessed feeling of
answered prayer.
Once having asked, you set in motion a series of alchemical changes within your consciousness
on all levels of will, mind, emotion, and form. The power and intensity of your desire when you
ask determines the exact power and intensity of the ensuing changes that occur in response to
the asking. Celebrate in advance. The emotional intensity of your sense of relief and gratitude as
you affirm by faith the blessing of knowing in advance, "it is done", that you have already been
heard, determines your power in creating new reality.
As soon as you ask this way, in a real sense you have immediately created the new reality that
your heart is
longing for. Many seekers already know this principle of asking; but they often have been
discouraged in using it
because of their painful memories of praying and not seeing quick and visible results.
When asking is not immediately reinforced by the desired outcome, what is the delay?
Any "newly created reality" must come down through the planes to its final culmination, the
most dense, the material plane. So many times seekers become frustrated by not seeing an
immediately tangible product of their asking, without realizing that they must 'factor in' delay
time for the prayer to "go through channels", filter down through the planes into manifestation.
We wish to tell you that the key to quicker manifestation is passion, which gives it strength,
combined with certainty. When this passion is the passion of Love Divine, the power of
manifestation is the greatest of all.
Within the asking is contained the receiving. Within your longing is contained the asking. Within
your passion and
love is contained the speed of manifestation.
Do not ever be afraid of your longing. It is the measure of your power to co-create with God.
Therefore, we instruct
you to journey in awareness into the depth of your heart.
Journey deep into the furthest reaches of heart within you and find there the hidden treasure of
your longing.
Search deeply and extensively, my children, for there is found the song of the mythical flutes of
Pan, and nostalgia
for the Perfection of God to manifest in the Perfection of Earth.
Search deeply and long, and find the longing of virgin for bridegroom, of child for Mother, of
Mother for child.
Search deeply and long, my dearest kin, for deep within the heart are songs of heavenly angels,
singing of Glory Divine, singing of Love Divine from the Heart of Divine Source to bring heaven
to earth.
Search and unlock the gates of your mystical heart; in certainty you are Gods, made surely in the
Divine Image.
Reclaim divine inheritance, oh children of God. Sing the song of Love Divine. Here is the melody
of reaching the
promised land. Rediscover the song of Phoenix, rising splendid from the ashes. Sing the song of
asking. Hear
the song of receiving.
Put on the raimament of Love Divine, your eternal birthright as Children of Light and Sound, the
Being of the Most
High. Know that with asking, your receiving is assured, just as day must follow night. Go within,
find Passion.
Love Divine holds everything together, from smallest quantums, waves and particles, to giant
infinity of space.
THIS is the Guiding Principle, the Prime Cause, and the Prime Effect.
We reveal to mature mystic and World Server the most sacred mysteries of Love Divine, and we
teach the range
of its power in the mental, astral and physical plane from the point of view of miracles. The
realization of this divine
love creates within a person the feeling of happiness which brings a person up to the highest
grades of ecstasy.


Y....We impart the gift of absolute devotion to, and Deepest love for Divine Providence
L.... as manifested in the purest divine virtues
E.....seen everywhere throughout all of creation
M....through the surrendering, melting eyes of divine love
I.... according to karmic law, "you get what you give" realize the most subtle essence of the divine spirit, The original divine fire working its
power in everything

The melody of our name is C sharp, F,D, D, G, and G sharp. The colors of our name are pure
pink, glowing clear
dark green, deep dark violet, beautiful clear blue green, shimmering light opal, and fiery clear
purple red. The
sensations of our name are weight penetrating everything, ease, penetrating everything, flowing
coolness, weight, and then fiery warmth.


30 degrees Pisces
The Angels of Omnipotence and Omniscience
Also known as The Angels of Boria

Beloved, We are the consciousness of the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces Ðthe
wisdom of the heart, and we embody the culmination of all the teachings of the other 359 angel
The final and last step is the uniting of heaven and earth, the microcosm and the microcosm in
all wisdom, power,
and love. We give you thorough information on the akasha, which is the principle of
God-penetrating-all. We teach you the correlative effects of the four planes of consciousness
which are will, mind, emotion and form. These represent the elements of fire, air, water, and
earth. We do this work in the whole microcosm and the macrocosm, which means all the
dimensions of your own personal reality and the larger reality of the whole universe.
We especially do this as regards other spheres and planets of the solar system and the rest of the
universe, and show you their effects on the earth. It is important to open your mind to
"possibility thinking", particularly to the possibility of worlds beyond the earth. This is our
domain where you can learn the most from us.
We teach you to actually manifest the qualities and knowledge from other spheres on the
physical plane, as well as the will, mind, and the emotions.
We make known to you technologies, original substances, chemical elements and compounds
from other spheres,
unknown on earth, and we help you manifest these on earth. We give you exact information on
the miraculous
application of their effects and their influence, and their practical use in the existing technologies
and chemistries
of earth.
Guided by us, it is definitely possible to become like us, all-knowing and all-powerful in respect
of the microcosm as well as the macrocosm, and like us you cannot be governed by any other
being but the One, Unpersonified Divine Providence.
The human body temple is similar to an amazing computer that has unlimited capabilities. A
person can use this
computer for simple tasks or for nothing at all, or a person can use this computer to create and
run entire universes. In previous angel messages the angels have given you methods such as the
Tibetan exercise of paradox, eye movement exercise, recapitulation, and certain practices of
attunement and meditation to enable the brain to utilize much more of its functional capability.
What is extremely difficult or seemingly impossible to achieve from one perspective, i.e., within
the beta brain-wave state of consciousness, proves easy or almost automatic from another
perspective, "higher consciousness" of alpha, delta and theta brain functioning.
Master yogis within controlled laboratory experiments have succeeded in stopping their
breathing and heart beating without physical damage to themselves for periods much longer
than previously thought possible by utilizing their whole brains. It's all a matter of exercising
your whole brain to reawaken.
Each one of you reading this has a physical body that is HARD WIRED, by the fact of DNA, brain
wave potentials,
psychoactive neuropeptides, and many other factors, for complete enlightenment. As you learn
to work within the
realm of polarity in Alpha and Beta brainwave states at the same time that you work within the
realm of the unified
field, the oneness, in the Delta and Theta brainwave states you can easily attain all of the angelic
states of the 360
degrees of the zodiac.
We say "easily" because on the level of the unified field you already have attained this
consciousness in order to
manifest a spiritual body of will, a mental body of thought, an emotional body of feeling, and a
physical body of
quantum particles.
One "difficulty" holding you back from claiming who you really are is limiting belief systems
about what is
realistically possible, preventing you from exercising your power of invocation and asking for
miracles. Another
major "difficulty" lies in not having been ever taught how to transmute the already created
universes of will, thought, feeling, and matter that form your present 'reality'.
In order to "Transmute" reality at the level of WILL OR INTENTION, invoke Us, the angels of
Boria, and the state
of Universal Consciousness to help you attune to Divine Will. Allow enough time for this
invocation process to
shift your consciousness into the higher brain-wave states.
Meditate on the letters Sch, S, and K, as has been explained all through these angel messages,
and ask, or in computer language, "download" the energy and vibration of Primal-Will-to-Life for
the Unified Field.
This is achieved consciously within delta or theta brain-wave states of awareness. Once you have
downloaded this Divine Will, you are harmless at the same time that you achieve all-power, for
you will never intend hurt to any part of the unified field since it is a part of your own
Transmuting your 'realities' at the level of thought is done similarly, through attuning to Divine
Wisdom, the letter
A, and asking, downloading, the entire state of Divine Consciousness in the realm of mind. Your
brain is perfectly
designed to do this, and it happens through meditation. This meditation is done simultaneously
in the three brainwave states of deep inner being which is Delta, almost asleep, and then deeply
absorbed, inner thought which is Theta, then emotionally merging with everything around you
and within you which is known as the 'cosmic' dimension which is Alpha, and finally in "ordinary
consciousness," the five senses, memory, and logic of the Beta brainwave state.


Enlightenment is available instantaneously in the Delta brainwave level of pure being, but takes
increasing amounts of time to access it in the Theta, Alpha, and Beta levels. It is designed this
way for ENJOYMENT AND FASCINATION in time and space, so that you may focus on one
aspect of divine wisdom at a time. This is similar to using one computer program at a time even
while all programs are available.
To transmute your emotional realities requires attuning to feelings as they come up and allowing
them to flow freely according to Divine Laws of the Highest Good of All Concerned. Emotions are
magnetic and attract like energies.

Negative emotions, if allowed to flow, will in time completely "run their course", clear, and
transmute into positive ones.
If they are denied, suppressed, bypassed, or dissociated from then they will continue to attract
more negative
emotional energy on an unconscious level until they are finally allowed to surface, flow, and heal
and become
positive once again. Positive feelings attract more positive feelings. These feelings attract actions
by the human body in the terms of creations and also on a quantum level they attract the
manifestation of forms on the physical plane.
To master miracles on the physical plane, and transmute the 'reality' of the physical plane,
requires a mastery of the levels just described. Because of the reciprocal action of the Law of "As
above so Below," it is also possible to change physical reality first, such as physically turning a
brown field toxic waste site into a pristine forest. In so doing you attract the emotions of beauty,
triumph, courage, patience, love, etc and attract the corresponding thoughts and intentions.
This is your inheritance and all life on earth depends on your claiming it.

B... Polarity: We have perfect control of Will and emotions in all spheres and
O... justice: we are unimpeachably ethical.
R... We embody freedom and independence with the feeling of absolute security and autonomy
as Master of all laws.
I......Cause and effect: We have mastered the power to change "fate" along with complete wisdom
and enlightenment that all may become enlightened.

"Boria," our name in the cosmic alphabet could be translated thus, "We have attained complete
sovereignty over
manifestation, having mastered perfect control of karmic law and of will and emotion in all
spheres. Our unimpeachable ethics give us absolute security and autonomy, even to be able to
change karma, if need be, according to the highest good, in order to bring about wisdom and

The melody of our name is A, C, C, G, and G. The colors of our name are light violet, ultramarine
blue, golden light, light opal, and light blue.

The sensations combined with the meanings colors, and musical notes of our name are:

(letter B) the understanding of polarity, intoned with musical note, A, with a feeling of gravity
and weight and a light violet color filling all of space;

(letter O) the understanding of Divine Laws which carries the sensation of weight with an
ultramarine blue color in the note of C;

(letter R) realization of complete freedom and independence, which has the feeling of ease with a
golden light in the musical note of C;

(letter I) understanding of cause and effect that fills the universe with weight, the color of
sparkling light opal in the
musical note of G;

(letter A) attunement to complete wisdom and enlightenment of the mind that fills all of space
with a sense of ease, a light blue color, and the musical tone of G.

As you become harmless, gain the use of whole brain thinking, and use your time and energy to
learn the divine
virtues through the cosmic language as the angels have taught you, we come to you when you
ask, and teach you
anything that you wish to know.
Throughout all time when a human being has done this, we have been the messengers of Divine
Consciousness in
uniting the macrocosm with the microcosm, transferring information from the Unified Field
Computer through
strings of energy that connect dimensions into the Child-of-God' computer that you are.
As above So below. On Earth as it is in Heaven. The Alpha and the Omega.


Aries is Will, under the Auspices of Pluto, which is the

Planet of Love Divine. All 30 degrees of Aries are about
the Will to Love

1 degree Aries
The Angels of Fiery Wit
Also known as The Angels of Morech

Beloved, we are the first angel group of of the zodiac. The zodiac wheel is a 360 degree circle of
Divine Energy which manifests Heaven, or Perfection, on Earth.
It is at this time of the spring Equinox that the Wheel begins. Divine Consciousness is made up of
three qualities.
They are the Love, Wisdom, and Will. The Wheel of Life starts with Fiery Love.
Divine Love is the Feminine Force which births the Being of God into Form. Within the Feminine
Force, which
manifests through the Planet Pluto and flows into Mars and Venus, and then into the signs of
Aries, Scorpio, Libra, and Taurus, there are four levels. These levels are Will, Mind, Emotion, and
Form. Aries symbolizes the level of Will, Libra represents the level of Mind, Scorpio represents
the level of Emotion, and Taurus is the level of Physical Reality of Love.
Here at the beginning is the sign of Aries, which is the Will-To-Love. Will is fire and is also the
Masculine Force.
So Aries is the Fire of Love or the Masculine aspect of the Feminine Force.
In this first degree of Aries, the MIGHTY IMPULSE TO LOVE IS GENERATED. This is the
archetype of the
Goddess Warrior, or the God-Warrior who is serving the Divine Feminine Force to manifest
Heaven on Earth. This
is the beginning of Life.


M...The feminine, "water" principle of free flowing emotions, fluidity of feelings, clairsentience,
with passionate Love,
O.... according to karmic justice of divine laws
R.... acting independently with free will, and perfect mentally,
E.....infusing omnipresent, cosmic consciousness everywhere order to perceive and understand everything in its purest form, differentiating the clear
from the unclear.

The melody of our name is D, C, C, D, D-sharp The melody combined with color, sensation, and
meaning is:

The musical note D filling the entire inner and outer universes with a beautiful blue-green light
and a sense of
coolness like water. The state of consciousness is that of fluidity, emotional flow - the divine
feminine principle - of
pure feeling and emotion of Love.
The musical note C filling all of inner and outer space with an ultramarine blue light and a sense
of gravity and weight.
The state of consciousness is justice and the Divine Laws.
The musical note C filling all of inner and outer space with a shimmering golden light and a
feeling of ease. The
consciousness is that of complete freedom and independence with perfect mental clarity.
The musical note D-sharp, filling all of inner and outer space with light violet light and a sense of
coolness, like
water. The consciousness is that of perfect purity and clarity of ideas.
We inspire the impulse to act according to inner guidance.
We give you a very strong intuitive connection to Divine Will and Divine Providence, so that all
general knowledge
is made available to you to guide your impulsive actions.
Your wit, intuition, and memory is very keen as you become an embodiment of the Divine
initiating impulse to manifest Love. We help you to create inventions of any kind, on any level, in
a decisive manner.
We are among the rulers of the fire element, which is the Force of Will and Intention. We are the
Masculine Force
that serves the Feminine Force of Divine Love.
Any question that you have concerning Will, on the spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical
plane is answered
by us in meditation. We are also excellent teachers in the field of electrophysics and


2 degrees Aries
The Angels of Enlightened Will and Fire
Also known as The Angels of Malacha

Beloved, We are the second group of angels who serve in the Fiery Masculine Aspect of the
Divine Feminine Force.
All that the Angels of Morech do, we do and more.
Now that you have initiated the Will to Action for Divine Love, and become a warrior of Light,
you have given birth
to impulses of Divine Consciousness unto the Earth. We take you even further into the mysteries
of Divine Will that
serves the Feminine Force.
There are many beings in Creation who embody the virtue of Will Power. They exist on the level
of mind, emotion,
and form. These beings are called Salamanders in the ancient teachings.
On the level of form, each fiery flame, no matter how small and brief, such a spark or a struck
match, or how large and long lasting, such as a volcano, is the physical embodiment of a
Salamander. Electricity, such as in bolts of lightning, or the electricity in your power grids are
also physical embodiments of these intelligent beings of Will called Salamanders.
We are the angels who teach you about Salamanders and guide you so that you may move about
with wisdom in their kingdoms on all levels. Futhermore, you learn from us the way certain
states of trance can be brought about with the help of these beings.
In the mighty warrior energy of Divine Love, great courage and power is necessary in order to
initiate changes upon the earth, these states of courage and power are certain states of trance.
The beings of the fire element help you with these states.
When you ask us, we charge for you elemental volts of fire energy, which is will power energy, for
special purposes of manifesting Divine Love. We transfer these volts into the Akasha, which is
the principle of God-penetrating-all, into the zone girdling the earth, which, in consequence,
have their effects on the physical world.
Should you ask for it, for the purpose of Love, we are pleased to place at your service suitable
helpers with high
miraculous activity and faculties.
We give those of you who are alchemists good advice in respect of Alchemy, and we help you
procure the prima
materia for the preparation of the Great Elixier in a dry process.


M...Mastery of the feminine, "water" principle of free flowing emotions, fluidity, clairsentience,
with passionate
Love, expressed in
A....acute perception and cognition of the most profound truths
L.... and in majesty and splendor of all Divine Virtues.
A... Artistic talents and magical abilities of the enlightened mind, with
Ch...purity, and clear understanding, removing all obstruction and confusion
A.....leads to wisdom and enlightenment.
The melody of our name is D, G, F, G, D-sharp, then G.
The melody with it's colors, sensations, and meanings are:
The musical note D with the most beautiful clear blue-green light flowing with a sense of
coolness throughout the inner and outer realms filling all space with a free flowing fluidity of
feeling and emotion.
The musical note G with the most lovely light blue light filling all space with ease and the sum
total of wisdom and
The musical note F filling all space with a clear glowing dark olive green light that embodies the
splendor and
majesty of the Divine Virtues of Divine Providence.
The musical note G filling again all of space with lovely light blue light and the sense of ease and
the virtue of
wisdom and enlightenment. The musical note D sharp flowing through all of space with pristine
light violet light
and a feeling of coolness that brings complete purity and clarity.



Dear Family,

I would like to reply to those of you who are upset and

frightened, sending me reports of unmentionable
destruction that you are witnessing in the world at this time.


I have mentioned before in a previous letter to you that back in 1968 when I was at university, I
was approached by a very ordinary looking business man who found me in a coffee shop on a
cold rainy night. He was brief and to the point. He put his hand under my left elbow and guided
me out to his white car, saying all the while, "I am from a group of Lightworkers and there is a
serious problem in this town and you have to take care of it."
Going against all of my programing to NEVER trust strangers, I followed him out, feeling such
sublime energy
of peace, power, and goodness emanating from him that I was willing to trust him completely.
In the car, as he was driving, he explained that some nursing students had been taking LSD and
performing dark rituals so successfully that they were in way over their heads.
We went into a beautifully appointed home, and in the basement, which was very large and full
of books and all
kinds of interesting things, he verbally taught me the Law of One and had me memorize it. Once I
had it memorized, without saying another word he took me to the car and drove me back in
silence to the dorm.
Over the next few weeks he called me almost daily and had me repeat the Law of One, making
sure that I knew it well.
[He also taught me the color and grid locator technique that was shared with you in another
angel message.]
Finally the day arrived when he picked me up. In silence we drove to the deserted house
surrounded in weeds and pulled up into the carport. He pointed to a door in the back and said,
"It is down there."
I got out and approached the door. It was slightly ajar. I opened it wider and the shaft of sunlight
revealed a stairway going down to a basement with a concrete floor covered with brownish red
stains and symbols. I was alarmed to see black semi-transparent objects flying at great speeds,
slamming into the walls. The feeling of the room was suffocating, there was a darkness and a
smell in it that words cannot describe.
I was absolutely certain to the depth of my being that I was going to die. But if I could only live
long enough to say the Law of One, I knew I would be successful! The lives of a group of students
that I had never met depended on me.
Approaching the first step I said out loud the first sentence of the Law of One, "WE ARE ALL
To my amazement, all of the black things froze, and I felt all "eyes" riveted on me. Struggling to
keep breathing, because of fear and terror, I took another step and said out loud, "WHEN ONE
What intrigued me at this point was that I was hoping they would not harm me, but VERY
CLEARLY I knew the
beings were hoping that I would not harm them.
Somewhat emboldened, I took another step and said the second sentence of the Law of One,


At this point, I realized that "they" were greatly relieved to hear that they would be helped,
although I was hoping that it was I who would be helped!
I was almost halfway, my eyes had adjusted to the dim light, and I could more clearly see the
markings on the
floor. Some confidence was creeping in over my terror as I continued with the third sentence of
the Law of One,
Then, so fast it was almost garbled, I said, "AND I GIVE THANKS THAT THIS IS DONE. AMEN."
As I looked at the room, I saw that the basement had been transformed. The dark red stains were
still on the floor, but the smell and the terrible vibes had left. All the black things were gone.
What was really remarkable to me, in spite of my body being filled with adrenalin, is that I could
feel the most intense gratitude and relief coming from the "beings" to me just before they went "
POOF!" at the end of the Law of One. I knew that they had gone someplace where their highest
good was secure.
I turned around and bolted up the steps faster than I have ever moved in my life. I felt wonderful.
That feeling of
gratitude had transformed me on such a deep level that I would never be the same. Later one of
the nursing students contacted me and broke down in tears of gratitude. I had saved them all
from complete insanity, and in some cases death. She told me that two of the group had planned
to commit suicide that very night of the day that I had gone to the deserted house. They were
both alive and doing fine.
I tell you this story because since that time I have used the Law of One in other situations at
other times. Each time that I used it, I was delighted at how immediately the energy changed,
and how grateful the beings were who were released from creating more bad karma.
There is nothing more powerful that I know of. Others who have learned to use this law over the
years have reported great satisfaction with it. It has worked in situations that would not respond
to the old techniques of "casting out", which is based on duality instead of the Unified Field. I
offer it to you again in this note. Instead of feeling helpless to do anything, or trying to resist
forces and powers that are difficult to deal with, if you use the Law of One you are using the most
ancient and the most powerful force there is.
This is the Law of One, the law that operates through the unified field of the One Being who is
omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Always remember that "God's Love is like the sun, it
shines equally on the good and the bad alike." This applies to all beings, known and unknown to
us. God is omnipresent, in all, and as all. The Law of One takes this into account. It is a shift from
the paradigm of judgement and win/lose to the paradigm of unity and win/win. THE HIGHEST
I ask you to ponder this Law and to study it, then put it into your own words if you need to so
that each word resonates powerfully within your core. Whenever anything is going on within you
or outside of you that creates fear, invoke this law and see what happens.
Be well, for we are All One.


3 degrees Aries
The Angels of The Magic of Love
Also known as The Angels of Ecdulon

Beloved, Once you have mastered the impulse from inner guidance to initiate Loving actions
from the Angels of
Morech, and you have obtained even greater power to carry through with Willpower from the
Angels of Malacha, it is time to understand the magic of love itself.
the favour
of very important persons. We also at times charge the surface of mirrors, so that you can see the
kingdom of the
Salamanders visible within them.
We are experts with all spiritual ceremonies and rites, and we offer you insights into the power of
evocation, calling
forth help from the angels and unseen beings, all servants of God.


E....The omnipresence of the Divine infused (by Us) into (Our chosen) manifestations, aka, spiritualization of material forms.
D...(Our mastery of) the magic of love
U... (allow Us) to fully comprehend these mysteries and to manifest In all (Our) creations
L....the Divine majesty, greatness of God, and all the purest DivineVirtues
O.. .with an absolute sense of Divine justice and impeccability
N... in order to bring Supreme Happiness to all.

The melody of our name is D, D, C, B, F, C, and A. The melody with the colors, sensations, and
meanings of our
name is:

The musical note D rings with crystalline tones in all

octaves through all time and space with a dark violet color and a sense of penetrating all. It
brings with it awareness of the infinite presence of God in everything. [letter E, use this
meditation to heal the spine]
The musical note D rings again throughout all time and space with a vermillon color and an
empowering sense of
warmth and ease, bringing with it mastery of the mystery of self-spiritualization.[letter C, to heal
the stomach and
empower the sense of self-determination]
Then, after that, the musical note of C rings with great beauty through all universes and times
with a lovely deep
dark blue color and brings the most empowering sense of warmth and ease. The awareness of the
mysteries of
creation in the microcosm and the macrocosm, the inner and the outer worlds becomes perfectly
clear. [letter D, use this meditation to heal the right ear and open up clairaudience]
The musical note B then begins ringing and toning throughout all time and space, on the inner
and the outer
worlds, a rich velvety black light fills and penetrates all with the deepest comprehension and
understanding of
the original source of everything that has been created in manifestation and all the results that
cascade from it into
time and space. [letter U, use to heal the pancreas and the pit of the stomach, also to heal blood
Then the musical note F begins to ring and hum through-out all space and time with a sense of
glorious ease and
relaxation and a shining clear deep olive green color. The majesty and splendor of all the Divine
Virtues fills all of
space. [the letter L, use this meditation to heal the spleen and detox the body]
Now the musical note of C begins to ring in infinite octaves. Throughout all space and time a
brilliant ultramarine blue light shimmers with a feeling of weight.
The original principle of Justice and the Divine Laws is present. [letter O, use to heal the throat
and windpipe and
surrounding glands. Use to unblock creativity]
Finally the musical note of A begins to play in layers and layers of octaves and tones throughout
all space and time.
A refreshing coolness fills everything with Supreme Happiness. [letter N, use to heal the liver and
for body


4 degrees Aries
The Angels of Strengthening Love
Also known as The Angels of Lurchi

Beloved, We are most useful in love matters. We infuse you with love so that your very existence
is strengthened.
We show you how the fiery will of Love Divine is magnetic.
Divine Providence has designed reality so that all blessings and harmony are possible through
love. Abundance on the physical plane comes easily through love, and with our help you begin to
see how the combination of a fiery will to love and love itself attracts wealth of every good thing.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and ALL else is added."
Here is our story:

Allie was lonely; she was worse than lonely. Being with her Ôfancy' friends just made her feel
more distant and alone.
She looked far off in the night sky as she stood on the top of her condo building and something
deep within her gave up. She just couldn't go on anymore and she decided that she should
completely cut the ties with her past. She needed something new. She wasn't sure what it was,
but whatever it was, it wasn't what she had been doing. There was just no use in pushing or
faking any more. It just didn't matter.
She had already "succeeded", had a fantastic salary, an incredible condominium, a seemingly
enviable social life,
but all she felt was lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely.
Always lonely, except for the first seven years of her childhood - she had been happy then. Maybe
a little sad
sometimes, but not lonely then, not ever. She had lived in the loving aura of her dear Aunt Jessie,
who had loved her wonderfully.
Crowds made her feel uneasy. The social scene had become creepy, she concluded, in fact, it
stunk. There was just no cure for loneliness.
As she stared at the horizon the stars glowed overhead and she released her life as it had been up
until then. The
illusion was over. The dream that had kept her going for years was losing all its juice. She vowed
that she would
no longer delude herself. She wished with all her heart for something new to open up to give her
life meaning.
Her guardian angel was jubilant. He had waited years and years for this one precious moment of
surrender. Excitedly calling in the Angels of Morech, the guardian angel said, "Allie is finally
ready to begin. It is TIME! "
Springing quickly into action, The Angels of Morech shot down a mighty lightningbolt from the
highest levels of
Divine Love. Like a bullet it struck her head and her energy field lit up like a floodlight. The bolt
entered into her pineal gland at the top of her head and shot down her spine. A shudder passed
through her. Feeling icy cold all of a sudden, she put her arms around herself and hurried back
into the warmth of the building.
The next day she was hurrying along the crowded sidewalk on her way to work and noticed the
beggar woman who sat each day beside Murphy's Hot Dog Stand. This time she could not ignore
her. She froze in her tracks and stopped, staring down at the crippled woman. The woman was
young, perhaps thirty. She was pretty in a haggard and soft sort of way.
Reaching into her purse, Allie stopped and looked at the woman and said, "How much do you
need?" The beggar
woman could hardly believe this! "What do you mean?," she asked. Allie was pretty amazed when
she heard herself replying," Well, I mean, how much do you need? What are your circumstances,
if it's not too personal for me to ask?"
All of a sudden, Allie wanted more than anything in the world to know about this woman. In
some way this woman
was the exact opposite of herself, poor where she was well off, crippled where she was in perfect
health, helpless where she was powerful. In that moment a million unspoken words passed
between them.
The next thing Allie knew, she was SITTING on a news-paper on the dirty concrete sidewalk
beside the woman
whose name was Alice. Holding her three fingered hand, Allie listened to the story of her life.
Allie learned about
homelessness in New York City. At thirteen, after a long sordid struggle of staying with a
mentally ill Mother and
a mostly absent Father, Alice had left home. Tales of one escape after another and one trauma
after another passed from her lips and went straight into Allie's heart.
Finally Allie couldn't repress herself. On a sudden impulse she decided that Alice's suffering must
end. She
decided that she would take Alice and her situation on and personally put an end to her
Then the Angels of Malacha penetrated Allie's entire being with such strength and courage that
in the next few
hours she found herself on a slow-motion tour with Alice hobbling beside her in the
subterranean sub-basement
world of dilapidated buildings where Alice lived with countless other homeless people. Even
though Allie was
dressed in an expensive suit, with an impressive hairdo, perfect makeup, expensive jewelry and
purse, she knew no fear. The Angels of Ecdulon were infusing her with such power and love that
the energy emanating from her was overpowering the very people who normally would have
attacked her. She found herself offering them smiles and handshakes as they themselves offered
her genuine smiles and handshakes in return. Allie introduced them all around.
By now, the Angels of 4 degrees Aries, the Angels of Lurchi, decided it was time to help out. Allie
got the
inspiration to call a business meeting of all of the homeless people right on the spot.
There in a dismal, gray, poorly lit, leaky, concrete cavern about a hundred and fifty people sat
around in a circle as
Allie captivated them with love, hope, and brilliant strategic planning. As the meeting wore on,
more and more people scurried out of the shadows until by now the numbers were over four
hundred and fifty. It was a large space and word got around. By the end of the day, with the
brilliant help of the Angels, over a thousand people were on the project. The plan was in place.
The next day the homeless people each got busy with their allotted tasks. Five hundred of them
stood on many busy street corners holding cardboard signs that read:


Others made costumes, rehearsed lines, and made stage props. The plan was to present a true
story of one of them every month at different parks. There would be a different play at each
location. They figured on six main locations to start. Six different people would have their life
story acted out the first month. Alice was one of them.
Allie was brilliant. Her enthusiasm lit a fire under talented and skilled choreographers from
uptown. They were people that she had partied with for years. They got excited. The idea took on
a life of its own.
She called in favors all over town. Impressive articles and ads got printed. The buzz grew. She ran
interference with the police department and the Mayor's office so the project would be protected
and not seen as a nuisance. The night of the first plays arrived. People showed up. Weather was
top notch. Magic infused the air. Angels were
The Angels of Aries intiated everyone, those who watched and those who produced, with the
most intense and fiery determination to overcome, to love, to get involved, to SUCCEED! The
plays were brilliant, absolutely brilliant. In fact, they were supernatural. All the years of pent up
angst and suffering burst forth from the actors, it was a catharsis for one and all. Even the Mayor
was heard muttering to an assistant, "This is better than Broadway!"
About three months along, more and more people, both homeless and professional, were getting
involved until it
was a movement. A virtual army of people were presenting the most diverse and fascinating plays
all over New York City. It quickly spread to other venues and locations. It was history in the
The press went wild. Churches, organizations, charities cheered and couldn't be stopped.
Everyone went into
high gear.
It was if everyone, rich and poor alike, were discovering the blessed therapeutic release of
dramatizing lifetimes of pent up feelings of pain, hope, despair, love, loneliness, sharing, and
strength. The miraculous new breakthrough was termed "psycho-drama," a cutting edge
methodology which institutionalized creative new ways of portraying very strong emotional
catharses as the key to characterization and plot. A new genre was born in the performing arts,
which encouraged everyone to totally release their pent up inhibitions and expose their withheld,
secret wishes.
Friendships were made at breathtaking pace. Wall Street discovered, to their amazement, that
the homeless people were, well, PEOPLE! Colleges got involved. Politicians followed.
Soon changes were underway all over the city in more ways than can be imagined. Everybody got
into the act. The Big Chill was over. New York came alive as only New York could. People were
either actively involved, planning soon to be, or watching with great anticipation. The most
hardened of hearts softened. New plays sprang up overnight. No one went untouched.
There were Chinese plays in China Town, Spanish plays in Spanish Harlem, Puerto Rican plays,
Russian plays, Jewish plays, Young People and Old People Plays, and everything else. Each group
had their own special stories to be told and powerful emotions to be dramatized. Everyone began
to gain a much more empathetic understanding of the unique struggles and plight of the other
groups all over the city of every age and background. Even rebellious teenage kids got into the
act. Gangs vied to stage the most outrageous depictions of their struggles, their despair, and their
double binds.
Janitors staged Union plays; United Brotherhood of Electrical Workers did their plays; lawyers,
contentious plays, and prostitutes, their hilarious plays. The more people saw, the more they
were drawn to participate.
Acting, Producing and the love of drama became the obsession of all instead of the few. It was
clearly a case of
psycho-drama frenzy. Everyone fell into one of two groups, either in a show or watching one.
The Angels of Aries were jubilant. It was the most thorough going spontaneous remission of a
whole city on record.
Allie, the warrior of Love, and hero of the movement, was no longer lonely. Alice was a celebrity,
using her position to inspire many many others. In a spiritual sense she had become the First
Lady of New York City. She wore it well.
Because of the vision and risk-taking of two of the most unlikely theatrical performers, the city of
New York was
never the same again after that... Of such is the power of Fiery Love and New Beginnings.


L.... The splendor of Divine Virtues

U....The results of creativity
R.....combined with free will
Ch...purity and clarity
I......and perfect mastery of Cause and Effect.

The melody of our name is F, B, C, D sharp, and G. The letters with their musical note, color,
sensation, and meaning are:

The musical note F begins to ring and hum throughout all space and time with a sense of
glorious ease and relaxation and a shining clear deep olive green color. The majesty and splendor
of all the Divine Virtues fills all of space. [the letter L ]
The musical note B then begins ringing and toning throughout all time and space, on the inner
and the outer
worlds, and a rich velvety black light fills and penetrates all with the deepest comprehension and
understanding of
the original source of everything that has been created in manifestation and all the results that
cascade from it into
time and space. [letter U]
Then the cascading musical note C begins filling all of inner and outer space with a shimmering
golden light and
a feeling of ease. The consciousness is that of complete freedom and independence with perfect
mental clarity.
[The letter R]
The musical note D-sharp, filling all of inner and outer space with light violet light and a sense of
coolness, like
water. The consciousness is that of perfect purity and clarity of ideas. [The letter Ch]
Finally wave upon wave of musical tones of the note of G, permeating all of space and time with
shimmering pale
opal light and a feeling of weight, imparting the complete understanding of the law of Cause and
Effect. [The letter I, use this meditation to heal the left kidney]


5 degrees Aries
The Angels of Inspired Risk
Also known as The Angels of Aspadit

Beloved, Aries is the warrior energy of love, it is the spiritual will to INITIATE, with impulses of
guidance from
Divine Providence, new realities of Heaven on Earth.
We are the angels who assist with the risktaking that this implies. We make these initiatives
successful by refining
the intellect and giving amazing dexterity, luck and good fortune with these new endeavors.
Whenever risk is taken for the loving purpose of creating a better reality on any level, it is we, the
Angels of Aspadit, who oversee the outcome to assure that obstacles are overcome.

Here is our story:

Laura decided to go down to Mexico. On the spur of the moment; she just decided to go. It was a
surprise intuitive
flash on a Saturday night and by Monday she was on a plane and crossing over the sun drenched
canyons of
Northern Chihuahua.
Grasping her parachute, she made last minute plans with Ricardo, her friend and pilot, to pick
her up in a jeep next
week when he brought supplies to the camp at the edge of the mountain.
Looking down, she saw the place that she had picked out from the map. She jumped and found
herself standing
minutes later on a hilly outcropping of the Mountain of Laughter, a sacred place of legend and
power. She grabbed
heavy boxes from under their parachutes and began the arduous process of setting up camp.
Night fell. Night noises filled her ears. Exhausted, she fell asleep. What happened over the next
few days broke her heart. She heard eerie sounds of sobbing coming from the canyon walls
below, from the mountain above, and from the very ground beneath her feet.
Visions of crashing trees, loud heavy polluting trucks piled high with logs, and beautiful forests
turning into desert
filled her dreams. Suffering faces of children and grand-mothers, fathers and mothers, appeared
endlessly before
her inward vision.
The stupidity and greed of modern civilization overwhelmed her to the point of utter spiritual
and despair. Alone on the outcropping of the Mountain of Laughter, Laura was into full spiritual
When Ricardo drove up a few days later, she was ready for him. "Ricardo," she said breathlessly
after leaping down the steep mountain, " Drive me to the nearest village. I have to speak to the
man that I saw in my dream. I know we will find him. He is close."
The Angels were helping here. They were all around her.

Jumping in the jeep, Laura and Ricardo roared off in a cloud of dust to the tiny village at the far
end of the valley.
There on his front porch the man sat rocking in his chair. Eyes squinting with hatred for
foreigners, he watched them approach. His gun was loaded and cocked within reach.
Laura knew he loathed her. That was a part of her dream. She jumped out of the jeep and ran
over to stand about 30 feet in front of him in the glaring sun, totally defenseless and absorbed
into the attunement of "refined intelligence," the concentration of the angels of Aspadit.
She waited for him to speak. He waited for her to come one step closer. They staired at each other
for what seemed like thirty minutes. The air was thick. The feeling of crisis grew.
At that moment, a large eagle of supernatural proportions swooped down between them. A
piercing scream ripped
the air. Startled, the man looked at the bird and back to the girl. It was The Sign......
Years later they would discuss that night, how they talked until dawn and laid the plans for
stopping the logging and replanting the forests that her dream had revealed to her.
For years the native folk would think back on the courageous American girl who risked her life to
tell Alfredo her dream, the dream that The Mountain gave her, that saved the people from certain
death and destruction.
For years the children would sit under the whispering pines of the restored forest and listen in
wonder as they
heard the tale of how the Mountain of Laughter wept for the girl who had dropped from the sky.

Whatever the risk that is taken, we provide good fortune.

If the risk is PHYSICAL, then we give amazing dexterity so that seemingly impossible feats are
performed easily.
If EMOTIONAL risks are taken, we provide emotional power to breeze through with feelings of
victory. We work
with the emotions of others. If the risk is intellectual, we enlighten the mind with the utmost
refinement of wisdom,
so that mental success is certain.
If SPIRITUAL risks are taken, we are there to provide fortunate circumstances to get a person
through with
victory. Many times a person's fiery will to manifest love comes as in inspiration to create art. Art
in all imaginable
mediums and forms of expression, from theatre to painting, from gardens to dance, that comes
from impulsive
desires to express LOVE, fall under our protection and guidance.
We are ANGELS OF VICTORY. Whatever is needed to overcome obstacles for the purpose of
fiery love we
provide. People overcoming impossible odds in response to impulses of LOVE are made into
shamanic warriors
manifesting magical powers through our help and inspiration.
Ask for our help, but first attune to our energy. In order to receive the maximum benefits of our
initiation, it is
important to meditate on the letters of our name as depicted below:


A... magical abilities and artistic talents of the enlightened mind

S... attuning to the original divine fire pervasively
empowering all To radiate the most subtle essence of the divine spirit P... driven by the longing
for perfection and
A ... acute perception of the most profound divine truths
D... mastering skills of creativity and creation
I.... with the power to influence karma and change fate
T... results in high inspiration and the ability to work miracles.

The melody of our name is G,G sharp, B, G, C, G, and F.

The melody with it's attendant colors, sensations, and meanings is:
The musical note G filling all universes, large and small, inner and outer, with a sense of
wondrous ease and
complete wisdom and enlightenment and a beautiful light blue color. [letter A]
The note shifts to G sharp, and a fiery warmth fills all of space with a power that penetrates all
with a flaming purple red color.
Then the music goes into the note of B and a feeling of weight fills everywhere with a dark gray
color with an
understanding and mastery of the Urge for Spiritual Perfection. [letter P]
Next the musical note shifts to G again bringing back the beautiful light blue colored light
throughout all of space,
inward and outward, and a sense of relaxing ease. Wisdom and enlightenment floods the
consciousness of
everywhere. [letter A]
Then the beautiful musical note shifts to C and a deep dark blue fills all of space with the
profoundest wisdom with
regard to creation. A sense of fiery warmth is everywhere. [letter D]
Now the music shifts back to G and a feeling of weight fills all of space with beautiful pale
shimmering opal light
that brings mastery of Cause and Effect. [letter I]
Finally, the music shifts to F with fiery warmth and a brownish black light that fills all of space
with High
Inspiration. [letter T] [use this meditation to heal the right kidney]


6 degrees Aries
The Angels of Fiery Creative Writing and Art
Also known as The Angels of Nascela

Beloved, when the saying "the pen is mightier than the sword" is quoted, it is referring to Us, the
Angels of Nascela.
We inspire eloquence. This very writing itself has been guided by Us.
Whenever the fiery desire to conquer all through love requires a quick wit and ability to pen a
sharp phrase, we
inspire you. We help translate via pen, or paint, a conquering book or painting. We delight in
bringing forth heaven unto earth through a mighty screenplay or a fantastic poem, or beautiful
art work. We come to your aid, and 'stand by your side', as you take pen or brush in hand to
translate miraculous inspirations into media such as paper and canvas.
Even if you have never written an inspiring poem or a socially redeeming book before, or
composed a mighty
letter to a tyrannical CEO, we show you the way.
We whisper the perfect words into your soul's ear to express the vision of your heart. We carry
your mind
through the alleyways and byways of the immense realms of victorious thought that stand
waiting for you to knock
upon their doors. We show you beautiful new forms of self expression.
We lift you up, carry you through the universes of ideas that have never been expressed before,
and help you find
the words that fit your calling. With our help you become ever increasingly aware of your
inimitable creative path to express each exciting new vision that reveals itself to you as you turn
within and tune into that spark of genius within the divine plan to unfold your highest destiny.
We make you victorious. Your pen burns fiery words upon the paper. Your fingers type words of
power upon
the computer. Your hands follow the track of divine guidance to create the masterpiece.
We carry you forward on wings of idealogical victory. We show you how to penetrate the
emotions of those who read your words, see your works, and we awaken within them the desire
to Love.
Oh mighty warrior and warrioress, We motivate you through our indescribably ecstatic state of
happiness to
bring through those impressions which convey the fiery freedom of Love's prose. We joyfully
accompany you,
Oh creative writers and artists, to help you capture exactly the right turn of phrase, mix of color,
and innovative
insight to perfect your work of art.
We salute you for daring to pioneer as yet unexpressed and previously unmanifest realities with
each new creation.
We are the angels who pierce "the veil of forgetfulness" and unleash the genius of the literary
saviors of humanity.
We are one of the groups of angels who inspired your constitutions, your hymns, your novels,
and your art works
that set mankind free.
Every word that has ever been written that has set upon the mind of man the mark of Love's
conquering message has been inspired through us.
Hark unto our mighty inspiration, our power. Let us turn your hands into weapons of flowing
Love as you conquer
ignorance and darkness with expressions of Truth!
To meditate upon the letters of our name is to enter into the halls of wisdom in the area of
literary and artistic


N....(We communicate) Supreme happiness and the faculty of conferring enlightenment to

A.... using artistic talents, eloquence, acute perception, and cognition of the most profound
S.... infusing pervasively the original divine fire, empowering all with the most subtle essence of
the divine spirit
C.... through the spiritualization of (creative) forms
E.... yielding cosmic consciousness which
L... .expresses the greatness of God and the divine majesty
A.... and brings wisdom and the magical insights of the enlightened mind.

The melody of our name is A, G, G sharp, D, D, F, and G.

The melody with the colors, sensations, and meanings of our name is:

The musical tones of the note of A shining a dark red light throughout the universes with a
feeling of flowing coolness and the ecstasy of Supreme Happiness. [N]
The tone changes majestically to the note of G and the light shifts to a lovely light blue as a sense
of relaxation and ease fills all of space with wisdom and enlightenment. [A]
The music becomes the note of G sharp and the light changes to a purple red that fills all of space
with all
penetrating power of divine spirit. [S]
Then the music rings forth in the note of D, the light shifts to a splendid vermillon that fills all of
space with warmth
and ease and the mystery of the spiritualization of matter. [C]
The music stays in the note of D as the light changes to a deep violet color that penetrates all with
omnipresence of cosmic consciousness. [E]
Suddenly the note of F rings throughout all of space with the majestic splendor of all the Divine
Virtues, "the
greatness of God", and a relaxing sense of ease. A clear deep olive green light floods all of space.
And finally, the music becomes the note of G as the clear blue light returns bringing with it
complete wisdom. The
sense of ease intensifies as all creation relaxes into complete enlightenment. [A]


7 degrees Aries
The Angels of Soul Healing
Also known as The Angels of Opollogon

Beloved, the Moon represents the feminine emotional receptive aspect of Soul. The moon is
accessed in the Delta
brainwave state of Pure Being. The Delta brainwave state is the realm of the Dreamtime of the
Aboriginal Shamen. In this state a person unites with the unified field and becomes one with
God. By maintaining conscious awareness in this state, it is possible to restore the emotional
powers of the Soul of oneself and others with the Divine Virtues.

The Divine Feminine Force, flows from the Moon [and Sun] Delta state into the sphere of Pluto,
which is the
Theta brainwave state attuned to Love. This deep inward thought energy then flows into Mars
and Venus, which
represent the creative and receptive energy of the Alpha brainwave state, the level of psychic
sensitivity and feeling.
The Feminine Force then flows through Mars into Aries, which represents the Beta brainwave
state of the five senses, memory, and logic of the warrior creative will-to-Love.
Whenever the warrior is tired and exhausted, it is time to go deep into the Delta brainwave state
and draw forth renewal and help from the world of Soul, from the Beings of the realm of
emotions and passion, the Moon Sphere.
We are the angels who guide you when you have fought the good fight in your fiery zeal to
manifest Divine Love
and you need restoration. We come when you are exhausted and in need help. We help you
attune to Universal Consciousness in the dreamy Delta brainwave state of Pure Being.
We connect you to Divine Justice to renew your sense of purpose , to the quest for perfection, to
the splendor and
majesty of the Divine Virtues, to Grace and Mercy, and to Supreme Happiness. In doing this your
spirit is refreshed in the the lunar light of receptivity. You drink deeply of the refreshing spirit of
truth, justice, divine virtue, mercy, and supreme happiness to restore your soul.

Here is our story:

Mark fights for Love. He fights for love of Truth, Justice, and Compassion for Earth. He fights
the corruption in
the ruling powers of the world. There is so much at stake. Pollution is taking it's toll. With the
power of his
journalism, he takes on the special interests who refuse to raise the curtain of deception to reveal
the truth. He
knows that unless the whole truth is revealed, the stringent measures to heal the earth will not be
taken in time.
Constant tension drains him. As he mans the control room at his news service, posting one
brilliant article after
another to organizations around the world who are anxious for truth, he has finally reached the
point of utter
He prays for guidance and help. The Angels of Opollogon knew that this would happen, and they
had been waiting
for his call.
The Angels know that Mark must journey deep into the mysteries of lunar light and receive
renewal. In aware
passive receptivity he will be filled with strength that will allow him to emerge reborn and
renewed to fight the good
fight the next day. They inspire him to go deep deep deep within, to the dreamy Delta brainwave
state of Pure Being.
Once there they tenderly guide him into the world of Divine Virtues, they take him into the realm
of Divine
Archetypes. The luminous powers of the dreamtime restore him. In the Divine Virtues of the
Unified Field, the
nurturing divine Mother, the mighty forces in the Cosmic Ocean of unlimited power, wisdom,
and love engulf him.
Mark drinks deeply. He drinks from the goblet of luminous divinity and recharges his soul. The
within his body secrete restorative neuropeptides that completely reverse the weariness of his
physical body, the
exhaustion lifts, and he is filled with majesty and supreme happiness.
Mark invokes the aid of the luminous connecting web of light that ties all the beings of earth
together into one
living organism. His will activates great powers within THE DREAMTIME to penetrate the
unified field of earth.
Powers of justice, grace, and mercy, and the majesty and splendor of God flow into the people of
Earth, awakening their nostalgia for Spiritual Perfection.
The next day there is a dramatic shift in the news. More and more information is coming out
revealing corrupt
policies of a powerful few, who had been controlling world events behind the scenes. It is clear
that the energy
of global political will is closer to solidarity in the cause of environmental restoration. He feels
rested, better, lighter, less alone. He senses a mighty army of human beings are joining the fight
to heal the world with each passing moment.
Quickly he looks at his watch, it is ten o'clock. Within just the last two hours the British
Parliament has voted
to suspend the massive culling of herds and provide vaccinations, colloidial silver, hydrogen
pyroxide, and
other substances to treat and halt one of the diseases that has been causing alarm. The truth is
out and other
countries are following suit.
The animals that have already died have not died in vain.
Their death has caused a worldwide examination of conscience and science that has resulted in a
rise in vegetarianism and compasson.
Gratefully he watches the reports showing the world coming to its senses. A feeling of supreme
happiness floods his soul as he realizes that the almighty victory of harmony and justice is
already within sight.


8 degrees Aries
The Angels of Powers of Quaballah Meditations
Also known as The Angels of Ramara

Beloved, once a warrior of Divine Love discovers the deep, inward, refreshing waters of
receptivity of Pure Being, we teach spiritual warriors how to "co-create with God", through
meditating on various letter combinations of the
cosmic language.
We are experts in the cosmic language and in the use of ceremony. We teach warriors how to
access their Divine
Birthright of Power and Victory. We inspire them to comprehend and access the Power of God in
prayer and meditation, thereby unleashing their miraculous collaborative power to work with the
Divine in Freedom and Independence, Wisdom, and Love.
We teach seekers how to access the Power of the Holy Spirit that penetrates all; the warrior
learns through our
inspiration states of attunement that give birth to wisdom, freedom, and the Feminine Force of
pure feeling.
Meditations and letter combinations of the Divine Virtues are the magical weapons, the raw
materials, that birth
freedom, wisdom, and purity of emotion upon the mythical "forge of Vulcan".
By going into the deep Delta Brainwave state and connecting one's individual identity with the
Identity, it is possible to forge powerful interventions in the Theta Brainwave state of deep
inward thought.
The first step is to allow the Angels of Opollogon to teach you to refresh your soul in the cooling
waters of Divine
Emotional attunment to the splendor and majesty of Divine Virtues.
The next step is to invoke our aid, the aid of the Angels of Ramara, to inspire you with the
appropriate letters of the Cosmic Language that will create the changes to overcome any
challenges that you are faced with in your personal or global life on earth. For instance, suppose
a person works for a large corporation that he suspects of routinely performing serious violations
of the Law of Harmlessness.
He is not in any position to say or do anything to remedy the situation, but watches with alarm as
over the months and years various projects undertaken by the corporation damage and destroy
lives, precious lives, of both humans and animals. He notices that areas of the environment have
been severely and routinely compromised for the sake of "the bottom line."
Due to his family's needs, he does not consider it wise, or even effective, to quit or blow the
whistle to possibly
uncaring government agencies, so he turns to the Angels of Ramara for help. We guide him to
teachings of the Cosmic Language and help him learn it at an almost supernatural speed.

Deep in prayer one night, before falling off to sleep, we help him stay awake as he drifts into a
deep state of pure
being. We inspire him to think of the letter "M".
Immediately his imagination is flowing with the deep grass green color and the sense of coolness
filling all of space.
He asks the angels to intone the musical note D and to help imagine and feel the purest healing
and flowing of the
emotional nature of every being on earth. After a while, he feels himself drifting into the letter A
and its soft, beautiful, pale blue light rings in the musical note of G.
He relaxes into complete awareness of wisdom expanding into All of creation, in his imagination.
All of creation is
being enlivened with enlightenment. After a long while of feeling and seeing this, we inspire him
to imagine the letter R. His heart fills with joy and excitement as the Divine Virtue of Freedom
and Independence floods his deep inner imagination.
Still asking for our assistance, he sees inwardly the whole earth being filled with Freedom,
wonderful, virtuous,
impeccable Freedom that allows no restraint, and yet is in perfect harmony with Divine
Providence. He sees all beings creating Heaven on Earth in complete sovereignty through inner
guidance from the Mind of God, the unified field of light and sound.
Finally, with a feeling of completeness, satisfaction, and peace, he drifts into a deep blessed sleep
and awakens
refreshed the next morning. At work he can feel the virtues penetrating everything, and he knows
with certainty on an intuitive level that change is on the way.
Each night he finds himself repeating the meditation effortlessly, sometimes using other letters,
before drifting
off to sleep. It comes as no surprise to him each day to learn of great changes occurring very
rapidly. Sudden
reversals of health, of fortune, especially to those in positions of power; it seems like one change
another according to some mysterious plan.
Exactly one year after the first meditation, he sits in wonder looking at the far reaching view from
the top story of his company's office building in a spacious corner office.
How could a lowly legal assistant rise to such heights in such a short period of time?
With a sigh of relief and satisfaction, he picks up his pen and signs the order to halt construction
on the dam across the Ghianian River that would have destroyed hundreds of acres of sensitive
forest habitat. The papers are stacked on his desk, order after order, that direct the company into
production of alternative, new technology.
If the projected figures are right, the earnings of the company will go through the roof at the
same time that
millions of customers are set free from escalating power bills. The previous course of action
would have bankrupted the system through the costs of dealing with environmental destructon,
health crises, and spent nuclear plants.
Still, it amazes him how little effort it took, and how quickly all this transpired once he invoked
the Angels, that is,
claimed his power to set all of this in motion. The Angels of Ramara know only victory for Love.


R.... Sovereign autonomy, Freedom and independence, to initiate

A... .the magical abilities of the enlightened mind
M.. .exercising absolute mastery of everything fluid such as the flow of the change process
A.... with acute perception of the most profound cosmic truths
R.... perfect mentally, in pure service of divine law
A.... to produce wisdom and enlightenment as the outcome

The melody of our name is C,G,D,G,C,and C. The melody with the colors, meanings, and
sensations :

The musical note of C rings in a glorious golden light filling all of space and time with
sovereignity, freedom, and
independence, coupled with perfect inner guidance and attunement to Divine Providence. A
sense of ease fills
The music slides into the note of G and a beautiful pale blue light increases the feeling of ease
throughout all of
space as wisdom and enlightenment graces all beings. Then a lovely blue-green light fills
everything with a sense of coolness and pure flowing emotions. The music goes into the note of
Then the note changes back to G and the pale blue light returns with the sense of perfect ease
and the awareness of complete wisdom and enlightenment. The note changes to the note of C,
with the golden light of freedom, sovereignity, and independence throughout all of space
inwardly and outwardly. A lovely sense of ease fills everything.
Then finally the pale blue light returns with the note of G beautifully ringing in the feeling of
ease. Complete
wisdom is everywhere throughout the microcosm and the macrocosm.


9 degrees Aries
The Angels of LoveVictory
Also known as The Angels of Anamil

Beloved, we are the warriors best friend when it comes to solving problems in the mental,
emotional, and physical
levels of Creation. There is no problem beyond our ability to correct and solve, and we are
extremely reliable whenever we are asked for assistance for the purpose of Love manifesting on

We have special control over both will and feeling. We teach warriors of Love how to create
powerful thought-
feelings for special purposes, and if the warrior demands it, we ourselves create such volts of
power and transfer them into the Akasha-principle, the principle of God-penetrating-all, and
have their effects work on either the mental, emotional, or physical levels. There exists no
problem in the zone girdling the earth which can not be solved by the Angels of Anamil. A person
can ask us any question and be answered instantly by way of inspiration.

Here is our story:

Mark hated to use paper. Each time he did, the picture of a tree would flash in his mind and he
could hear the sound of it crashing in the forest. He could feel the terrified squirrels and animals
fleeing in panic from the angry sounds of heavy machinery.
Yet reams upon reams upon reams of paper passed through the fax machines, the printers, the
newspapers, the bathrooms, almost everywhere each day. Everywhere he looked was paper,
paper, paper, and each piece of it came from a highly sensitive plant that should have been home
to gentle animals and creatures, each one part of an extremely precious and delicate ecosystem.
What was the world coming to? How could intelligent people carry on this way year after year?
He was disgusted
and ashamed of being a human being. Walking home that night he felt faint. Under the
streetlight on the corner of
Myrtle and 5th, he leaned against the telephone pole and fainted.
He woke up to see an old lady peering into his face. When she saw his eyes open, she turned and
dug something out of her bag and squinted as she made him swallow some bitter drops.
"That'll do ya sonny," she said. and then without another word, she got up and turned to go.
"Wait!", Mark yelled, "Who are you? Where are you going?"
The next thing he knew he was sitting on an open bed of a large truck staring at the most odd
assortment of human beings he had ever seen. There was something unworldly about them,
something strange and unusual. For one thing they were happy. For another they didn't talk, but
they seemed to be in perfect "communion" with each other.
For another there was a small saucer spaceship parked neatly on one side of the parking lot.
Shaking his head in
disbelief, he found himself "talking" through his thoughts with the people around him, and
hearing their answers
clearly in his head. This was amazing, and yet somehow it felt very real, and also very natural.
It didn't take long before he realized that his heart was bursting with love, and also that he was
feeling more loved
than he had ever felt before in his life.
"We heard your message about the trees," one of them telepathically spoke to him inside his
head, "we knew that
you were one of us who chose to incarnate in the regular form by being born to an earth mother."
Hmmm, Mark thought, this is getting interesting.
"We figured it was time to let you know that we are here,"
the voice continued,"We figured that maybe if you knew what was really going on you wouldn't
be so tired and
The rest of the night wore on with interesting information being shared and processed at an
alarming rate. They
didn't have much time before they had to return him to his regular life. The Angels of Anamil
introduced themselves as luminous beings of shimmering light just before the night turned to
dawn. Fully armed with their instructions on calling on them for help, Mark marched back
confidently in the directions of his dreams, he went back to the office the next day armed with
confidence and great zeal.
The next day he pointed out the paper situation to the Angels. "Will you please do something
about this?", he
asked hopefully.Immediately the angels set about creating the thought of NOT USING PAPER
into the mass conscious mind. They created strong feelings of reverence and sacredness about
trees and forests that permeated almost everyone instantly the next day. In about three days the
British Parliament passed a resolution that wood paper products were to be replaced with paper
made from hemp, which was much more durable and easier to grow.
Within days the shock wave toned down and other countries started changing their laws to
follow suit.
Fashion designers were jubilant, for hemp cloth was just so much more versatile, and everyone
got on the bandwagon.
Soon paper companies were excitedly proclaiming in ad campaigns that their products were
100% 'TREE FREE'
and green fields of healthy hemp plants graced their billboards.
Hemp oil was discovered by the public to be a better source of important Omega 3 fatty acids
than even flax or olive oil. Nutrients from hemp food products began to bring a healthy glow to
the cheeks of the most impovershed
populations. Hemp products of all kinds graced the shelves of every kind of store from building
materials to autoparts.
About a year later Mark was musing on all of this and he wondered if he had dreamed the
parking lot with the
spaceship. Deep down he believed not. The people had seemed too real for words, and he still felt
their love in his
heart and heard them speaking with him in his head from time to time. He knew he would see
them again, only next time everyone else would too, for they had told him the time was coming
when secrecy would no longer be.
As many times as he called on the Angels of Anamil, he knew for certain that they were real. Each
time that he asked them for help amazing things happened. They were his closest friends. The
Angels of Anamil were closer to him than his own breath, for whenever he had a question, the
answer would pop into his mind almost instantly and he could feel their luminous presence.
Bit by bit they had taught him to meditate, and to create the powerful thoughts and feelings that
he unleashed into the mass-conscious mind. He had watched as time after time one problem
after another was magically solved soon after he turned his attention to it's solution.
Mark knew no fear. He was a Man of Victory for Love.


A... Wisdom brings

N... supreme happiness.
A... Wisdom unites with
M...pure strong feelings
I... when creating Cause and effect. It does so in order to manifest
L ...the splendor and majesty of the Divine Virtues.

The melody of our name is G, A, G, D, G, L. The melody with colors, sensations, and meaning:

Deep in a relaxed Theta brainwave state, the imagination invisions a pale blue light filling all of
the physical body
and inward space and all of outward space unto the farthest galaxies. This light brings with it the
most relaxing sense of deep ease. Beautiful musical tones in the note of G flood everwhere and
the consciousness of unlimited wisdom enlightens all beings.
The light changes to a deep red and a sense of delightful coolness changes the music to the note
of A. Ecstatic
happiness, the seventh heaven of delight, fills everywhere, all time and all space, all beings,
inwardly and outwardly.
Now the music changes back to the note of A, and the soft blue color light returns, bringing with
it a sense of ease and infinite wisdom.
The music changes to the note of D, and a lovely blue-green light fills everywhere with the sense
of refreshing coolness.
The magnetic power and loveliness of pure emotion and feeling floods the microcosm and the
macrocosm through
all time and space, in all dimensions, past-present-and-future.
The music shifts back to the note of G, the light changes to a pale opal luminescence. A feeling of
weight fills all
of space and time with the mastery of Cause and Effect.
Finally the light changes to a clear luminous dark olive green, and the music flows in the note of
F. The majesty
and splendor of The Divine Virtues of Divine Providence fills all of space with a sense of
delightful ease.


10 degrees Aries
The Angels of Victorious Magnetism
Also known as The Angels of Tabori

Beloved, we are victorious angels who focus on emotions.

Emotional energy is magnetic and is the precursor to manifestation on the physical plane of
existence. Emotions
'give birth' to the physical plane, and are the Divine Feminine Force in action. During the past
scientists have discovered through their experiments that emotions create the field of energy that
determines the
behavior of waves and particles in quantum physics.
A warrior who manifests victory for Love is taught by us to magnetically draw forth new
conditions onto the earth
through the mastery of strong feeling.
To do this, we inspire and guide the warrior into states of high inspiration and intuition, which is
the meaning of the
letter T of our name. The letter T vibrates to the musical note of F, and has a warm brownish
black light that fills all of space and time with the fire element of Will. This divine virtue, when
meditated on sufficiently, attunes a person to create emotional states that are appropriate for
each situation.
We then offer attunement with complete wisdom and enlightenment, which is the letter A, the
second letter in our
name. With this attunement, a marvelous state of ease fills the warrior's consciousness of time
and space. A beautiful light blue color is seen everywhere and the musical note is G. This
meditation stimulates the mind to produce neuropeptides from the pineal gland that makes
possible telepathic access to Universal Mind.
The next state of our influence is the understanding of polarity. This is the letter B of our name
and this divine
virtue has a light violet color and a feeling of weight. It's musical note is A. In this meditation, a
warrior realizes the
necessity for polarity in order for time and space and free-will to exist. This virtue makes possible
an unconditional
state of LOVE, which judges not, but instead embraces all beings and all states of consciousness
equally. This is the deeper meaning behind the ancient wisdom that: "God's love is like the sun, it
shines equally on the good and the bad alike."
Once this state of unconditional love and acceptance is mastered, we then go into the meditation
of justice, which is represented in the Cosmic Language by the letter O of our name. The virtue of
Divine Justice has an ultramarine blue light, which is why the Archangel Michael is known by
this color, and the musical note that it has is C. It fills all of time and space with the feeling of
weight, which is the earth element of manifestation on the physical plane.
Divine Justice is the essence of all Divine Laws, which are summarized in The Law of One, which
states that: "We are all one," and for that reason only the highest good of all can ever be allowed
to manifest....."
In this meditation the warrior realizes that the essence of Justice is HARMONY for all sentient
beings. A warrior
who is in this state of meditation and awareness is then introduced by us to the virtue of
Freedom and Independence. In this state, which is represented by the letter R of our name,
complete intuitive attunement to Divine Providence is perfected so that a person has sovereignity
free of control from any other influence other than Divine Providence Itself.
This virtue has a beautiful glowing golden light that fills all time and space with a sense of ease.
This light brings forth the musical note of C. A warrior who has perfected this meditation is given
important assignments to carry out from the highest levels of consciousness.
Finally, the mastery of cause and effect is perfected. This virtue, represented by the letter I, rings
the musical note of G and a light opal light that shines throughout all time and space. It creates
the sense of weight, for it is of the earth element of manifestation.
The key with each of these meditations is to FEEL them.
Once these feelings are mastered and can be called up at will, not only will the emotions of other
people be
magnetized, but also mastery over the feminine or water principle of the earth is attained. The
beings of the water
element, called 'undines' by the ancients, will gladly associate and cooperate with a Tabori
warrior of Love.
Because of such masterful control of emotions and alliance with the undines, a Tabori Warrior
can calm a rough sea, and control rain and storms.

Here is our story:

Sitting on the culvert at the beginning of the wharf, Shori hugged her knees in the strong wind.
Her town was in
crises. The earthquake had devasted the delicate social fabric of family and friends last year and
everyone had
lapsed into a seemingly endless sadness.
You could see it in their eyes. Even the birds did not sing with their usual happiness that
summer, and the butterflies had not returned in the numbers that they usually did. Now there
was heavily stormy weather coming off the sea, and the fishing boats were too far out to make it
back to safety.
Her gentle heart was breaking, for she knew that the town could not take more tragedy. Closing
her eyes, she prayed to the Angels of Tabori.
Suddenly, the spiritual presence of her great great grandfather appeared beside her. He had been
a Tabori
Warrior, and now his powerful spirit was here to guide her through the meditation that would
reverse the storm on the sea, and the storm of grief and despair within the souls of the towns'
Closing his eyes, her great great grandfather filled his consciousness with the feeling of high
inspiration. Shori
felt his power drawing her in, and soon she also was soaring on the wings of feeling. She felt one
with Divine
Providence and she felt her mind merge with the Mind of Universal Consciousness.
She felt as if she were a mighty seagull, gliding high above the town. From here she saw into the
private lives of each person below, and she was amazed to see that in each household the tragedy
of the earthquake had actually had liberating effects of great importance.
There was Chen Li watering her flowers. She had lost her husband and her mother, but had
blossomed in the
newfound responsibilities of being head of household, and taking care of the small children by
herself. Shori saw that the spirits of the mother and husband were happy, and that they had
accomplished everything on earth that they had come to do, prior to their passing. The mother
had been spared the excruciating suffering and pain of a long and debilitating illness, and her
death had been merciful and swift.
In case after case, Shori saw that what had appeared to be terrible had actually been a new
doorway opening into
something wonderful, and she began to understand why God had said to love everything equally,
and to give thanks for all things.
Then her great great grandfather guided her through the feelings of celestial harmony, and the
importance of a
warrior's free will to follow inner guidance. Finally he telepathically taught her the laws of cause
and effect.
At the end of this time, Shori was ready. With her great great grandfather's help, she filled her
emotions with the
feelings of infinite unconditional love, with harmony, with high inspiration, and with wisdom.
Her feelings became so powerful, that the undines of the sea could not help but feel them. When
she felt their attention, Shori willed them to feel the feelings that she was feeling. Within three
minutes, the sun broke through the clouds and the winds changed direction. Within an hour, the
storm had completely broken up and the sea was calm.
When the storm did not come, the people of the village took it as a sign that good luck had
returned! Each person felt their hearts lift and felt the spring return to their steps.
When the fishing boats returned, later the next night, there was peace among the people. It was a
feeling that felt very ancient, as if they were living in a time many centuries ago.
The great great grandfather's spirit smiled. With his hand upon the head of his great great
grandaughter, he and the angels of Tabori initiated her formally into the ancient lineage of
Tabori Warriors, and they knew that her powers of feeling would grow and grow until the entire
country would be under her protection and guidance.
The stars twinkled brightly that night, and in the morning,
strange blue roses were found blooming on the temple grounds. The newly discovered bush was
covered in the
most delicate blossoms of the purest ultramarine blue imagineable. People traveled from miles
around to marvel
at its strange loveliness. Before long, careful cuttings from it were taking root in sacred places all
across the island.
Shori called it the Great Great Grandfather Rose.

(\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/) (\o/)


11 degrees Aries
The Angels of Victorious Grace and Mercy
Also known as The Angels of Igigi

Beloved, when a warrior of Love must quickly create vast changes in the consciousness of a
person or animal who
is breaking the LAW OF HARMLESSNESS, we are the angels who facilitate The State of Grace
and Mercy. The
magnetic feeling of the Divine State of Grace and Mercy is so powerful, that when it is combined
with other forms of meditation and intervention, it attracts results that are many many times
stronger and quicker. The magnetic power of the feelings of Grace and Mercy attracts the
perfection of the original soul as it was first created.

Here is our story:

Luigi watched the pigeons fly past the tower and over the vast stretches of the beautiful valleys
and steep mountains.
How beautiful the sight, how lovely the land! His heart nearly lept out of his breast with the
beauty of it. Sadly
though, he turned around to go slowly down the long staircase, to the huge vaulted room below.

How he dreaded his return to Father!

There, in front of the gigantic fireplace, his father's chair lay draped in soft blankets. Luigi could
see his father's
hand clasping the goblet filled with evening wine.
"Father", he said softly, "Father, I am here."
There was a long silence, and finally old Gilberto answered his son, "Luigi, Luigi, come here in
front of me so I can see you."
Luigi walked slowly toward the chair and then moved in front of it and faced his father.
"Luigi," his father said, "Luigi, come here a little closer. Let me see you closer here."
Luigi knelt down on one knee, he peered into his father's face. The evil look in his father's eye
was just too much
for him. Years and years of partaking in rituals designed for greed and power had taken a
horrible toll on Gilberto's soul. Luigi had to break eye contact. His heart was breaking also, for he
loved his father with all of his being, but his father 's goodness was gone long long ago, and Luigi
just could not stand the foul energy that emanated through Gilberto's eyes.
"Luigi," old Gilberto said over and over, "Luigi, where have you gone Luigi. You do not look at me
the way you used to when you were a child."
At this, Luigi gasped. He could not hold the tears any longer. Covering his face with his hands,
Luigi broke down
in sobs.
Old Gilberto was stunned. Deep deep down inside of him a small spark of his old self stirred
slightly. He watched in silence as his son sobbed and sobbed, deep wracking sobs from the
deepest parts of his soul.
The butler watched from behind the curtain on the balcony overlooking the great room. Closing
his eyes, Antonio
summoned the Angels of Grace and Mercy. "Angels of Igigi," he whispered in his imagination," I
know old Gilberto is as guilty as any man on earth, and as rotten.
But I also know that he was abandoned in the war, and that he suffered years of horrors during
his young adulthood. Surely there is Grace and Mercy for him. Surely there is some way we can
reach him in this moment."
The Angels of Igigi searched old Gilberto's soul. They found a place inside of him still alive; a
place inside in
which he was young and beautiful and only eight years old. They found the place where the child
Gilberto still
lived buried deep inside. He was the beautiful boy who had danced and played among the flowers
with nature
spirits many years before on the steep mountain slopes.
They searched and found the hopes and dreams, the purity and the innocence, that had once
been Gilberto Fantatori.
They searched and found the truth of Gilberto Fantatori's soul.
In that moment of inspiration, Antonio knew what to do!
Closing his eyes, he filled his heart with unconditional love and asked the highest self of Gilberto
from the beginning of time to come forward into the present. He asked the enlightened Christ
self of Gilberto from the end of time to come backward to the present.
He saw the Alpha and the Omega of Gilberto Fantatori meet in the present and completely wipe
out the years of bitterness and anger that had made Gilberto into a dangerous criminal.
He saw the Angels of Igigi come in blazing light and fill old Gilberto's body with Unconditional
Love and Forgiveness.
He witnessed the ghost of Gilberto's beautiful mother and the spirits of ancestors gathering. He
watched as they joined the Angels in blessing Gilberto.
Heavenly songs of angels filled the air.
Old Gilberto closed his eyes. Luigi stopped crying and opened his. He watched in fascination as
his father began
to breath very deeply and very slowly. Finally old Gilberto raised his head and looked far away
over Luigi's left
shoulder. "Luigi," he said," Luigi I have seen your blessed Mother. Luigi, I have made a terrible
mistake. Luigi," he
continued, " My soul has been far far away for a very very very long time.
He paused. Closing his eyes, he rested his head again on his chest. After a few minutes, he lifted it
again and spoke.
"Luigi," he whispered, " I am very very sorry."
Lowering his head, Gilberto wept and wept and wept far into the shimmering night. Father and
son wept together.
Antonio and the Angels watched as The State of Mercy and Grace completely transformed the
lives of two men.
Early the next day, the servants put Old Gilberto's chair out in the east garden so that he could
watch the sun. Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks. "Luigi," he said,"Look over there. I see the
Angel of the Cedars! And there, over there is the Fairy of the Ferns!"
Shouts of joy echoed off the hills as old Gilberto shared with his son the reality of his childhood,
the most important reality of his entire life. Father and Son together shared the richness of the
kingdom of God as seen through the eyes of a child.
"Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven."


I....We are masters of all doings and all actions in manifestation order to confer the true divine blessing of grace and mercy.
I....We control breath, life and death, and connect body with spirit. We can trigger any memory,
sharpen, or weaken conscience,

G...bring complete happiness, satisfaction, peace in the spirit, or

I.... evoke miracles in the material world in a way that fulfill the laws of karma.

The melody of our name is G,F, G, F, and G. The melody with the colors, meanings, and
sensations are;

A beautiful opalescent light, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow like jewels, fills all time
and space with under-standing and mastery of Cause and Effect. The feeling of weight permeates
everything, for the Virtue of Cause and Effect is the earth element, the element of physical
manifestation. The angel choirs sing octaves and octaves of the note of G.
Then the light changes to a beautiful emerald green, and the choirs sing the note of F. A feeling of
delicious refreshing coolness fills all time and space with the feeling of Grace and Mercy, for this
virtue is the element of water, which is the magnetic element of emotion.
The light goes back to opalescent, and the angels sing again the note of G. The mastery of Cause
and Effect and the sensation of weight fills all time and space. The light goes back to emerald
green once more, and the choirs of angels tone the majestic note of F while the feeling of coolness
brings back the emotions of Grace and Mercy.
Now the light is opalescent, and the choirs sing the note of G. The understanding and mastery of
Cause and Effect
once again fills the universes of all time and space with the sense of weight.


12 degrees Aries
The Angels of Authority
Also known as The Angels of Bialode

Beloved, all of the angels groups of the constellation Aries are messengers of the Victorious
Power of Love to create new realities. Each degree is an initiation into the divine virtues that
raises a person to yet another level of mastery.
After a warrior of Love has learned to conquer through Grace and Mercy from the Angels of Igigi,
11 degrees
Aries, they are ready for immense authority and power on Earth. It is at this point that the
warrior comes under our
influence, for we teach how to procure magical authority.
We teach how to become one with the powers of all the angels of all the constellations at will.
We introduce a warrior to the mystical powers of the sun.

The sun is the Masculine Force of Will in this solar system, just as the moon is the Feminine
Force of Emotion. The conscious use of the sun, or Solar Will, in the mental, emotional, and
physical level is our specialty. When a
warrior visits the sun in meditation, we offer protection and guidance, for the power of the Sun is
It is through aligning Personal Will with the Solar Will that great authority is gained, for true
authority comes from the Unified Field, The One Being.
The Will of a warrior of Love becomes a step-down transformer of the The Will of the Solar Sun,
which is a
step down transformer of the Will of the Galactic Sun. This line of energy flows directly back to
the original Source in Time and Space which is connected to the Unified Field which transcends
Time and Space. The Will of the Unified Field is The Law of One, the highest good of all
By meditating on the sun, and aligning the Personal Will with the Solar Will, complete
at-one-ment with Divine
Virtues is attained with such power that immense authority is gained.
At-one-ment allows direct authority upon the earth, since the power of the unified field is
available in this state of
consciousness. This can be understood on a scientific bases as the nesting of waveforms, so that
smaller waves
'ride upon' the larger waves.
The ultimate waveform combines the electrical will energy for the highest good of all concerned
with the magnetic
feeling ecstasy of unconditional love.
The Angels of Opollogon, 7 degrees Aries, have taught the Magnetic Feeling Energy of
Unconditional Love of
the Moon Sphere. When the electrical Will Energy of the Highest Good of All Concerned of the
Sun Sphere is combined with it, all of the angels of all degrees of the zodiac are instantly
available to the consciousness.
We are experts at alchemy, and we inspire the knowledge of how to change base metals to pure
metals. This happens when base consciousness is changed to pure consciousness and this change
is infused into metals according to our instruction.
To attune to us, the virtues represented by the letters of our name in the Cosmic Language must
be mastered.


B....The understanding of the necessity for polarity

I.....combined with the understanding of cause and effect
A....leads to wisdom and enlightenment.
L....The majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness
O....means that harmony and justice brought into creation

The melody of our name is A, G, G, F, C, C, and D. The

melody, sensations, color, and meaning are:

A beautiful light violet light fills all time and space. The music of the spheres rings in the note of
A. Then the feeling of weight penetrates everything with the unconditional love and
understanding of polarity in all of it's forms. [This is the meditation that the angels use to form
the right eyeball of every human being, and this meditation is used to strengthen and heal the
right eye.]
Now the music changes to the note of G and a light opal light fills all time and space with
sparkling jewel-like colors.
The feeling of weight continues and the understanding and mastery of Cause and Effect fills
everything. [Use to
enliven and heal left kidney.]
The light changes to a beautiful light blue color and the sense of the most delicious ease fills all of
space and time
with wisdom and enlightenment. The musical note G rings everywhere. [Use to enliven and heal
the lungs.]
The light changes to a shining, clear, deep olive green and the sensation of relaxation and ease
fills all time and space with the musical note of F. The splendor and majesty of Divine
Consciousness fills everything. [Use to enliven and heal the spleen.]
The feeling of weight intensifies while the light changes to ultramarine blue. The music is now in
the note of C, and
the Divine Virtue of Justice and Harmony fills everything through all time and space. [Use to
enliven and heal throat and windpipe area.]
Now the light changes to dark deep blue and the music continues in the note of C, bringing in the
fiery feeling of
warmth as the mastery and understanding of the mysteries of creation fills all time and space.
Finally the light shifts to dark violet, and the musical note changes to D. The sensation of being
everywhere all at once, penetrating all, occurs as the mind expands to a state of Divine
Omnipresence. [Use to heal and enliven the spine.]


13 Degrees Aries
The Angels of Knowledge and Assistance
Also known as The Angels of Opilon

Beloved, whenever there is need of assistance of any kind, or there is a need for knowledge of any
kind, concerning any type of science, we stand ready to come.
The initial impulse for Divine Love requires an army of angels of all types, who work with an
incarnated Son or
Daughter of God, to overcome obstacles and bring supreme happiness to Earth. In this army of
victorious angels, we function not only as a source of general knowledge, we also stand ready to
assist in any other way that is needed in the moment.
The letters in our name clearly describe us.


O....We are angels who work for the virtue of Divine Justice and Harmony.
P.... Our purpose is to fulfill the longing and nostalgia for spiritual perfection.
I.....We teach and inspire the mastery of Cause and Effect in order to manifest the majesty and
splendor of all the
Divine Virtues.
O....In this way the divine laws protect all beings that Supreme Happiness fills all of creation.

The melody of our name is C,B,G,F,C, and A.

Here is our story:

Felicia didn't understand geometry. She hated math. She dropped out of school early and became
a spiritual seeker, studying with authors and workshop leaders that came to town.
Years later she found herself on the beach studying Kirkegard when she had a life-changing
experience during a mild heart attack. Finally she reached an age and a stage in which she was
enlightened. It
happened after a journey to Machu Pichu in which a group of advanced shamen had finally
'pulled it all together' and catapulted her over the final abyss of ignorance. They had helped her
go through an intense and lengthy time of healing her emotions from conception through early
childhood all the way through her whole life until the
present. That had been her final breakthrough.
Now she was fighting the lonely battle that all heroes face. She was battling the giant dragon of
ignorance and
self-interest that was threatening the existence of the town down in the valley. A corporate
establishment was reeling out of control, and unless somebody stopped them, the long term fate
of the town's underground aquifer and rivers would be sealed in a doom of toxic waste.
She was good, she was fast, she was powerful. She knew how to turn reality into new forms of
perfection and love
through the powers of the cosmic language. But now she had to face reporters and testify in
court, and her lack of
formal education was haunting her.
Calling on the Angels of Bialode, she used the powers of the sun to Will Justice and perfection
into the hearts and
minds of all concerned. She had asked the Angels of Opilon for help and the night before they
had guided her to
an article on natural water detoxification systems that were being used in Jarna Switzerland.
They had led her to a late night talk show interview with the owner of a patent of technology to
turn the cellulose of sludge into building
materials of superior quality and completely pure water.
The process bound even mercury into a harmless form.
She walked into court unafraid.
She quickly imagined the ultramarine blue light of justice filling the courtroom with the sense of
weight and the
musical note of C. Staying with the feeling of weight, she then saw the dark gray light of longing
for spiritual
perfection and the musical note of B.
Now she imagined the light opal color filling the inner and outer space of everyone there with the
understanding of
Cause and Effect. The musical note of G she imagined ringing everywhere while the feeling of
weight became more intense. Then she saw the light shift to olive green in her inner vision and
she imagined the majesty and splendor of God filling everything with a wonderful sense of ease
and the musical note of F. She imagined the ultramarine blue light return with justice, the note
of C, and a feeling of weight. Finally she saw the light turn deep red and a feeling of supreme
happiness fill everyone with a feeling of coolness and the musical note of A.
After asking that the air conditioner be turned down, the judge looked at her sternly. He called
her to speak.
Standing straight and tall, she completely surrendered to the Angels of Opilon to inspire the
words that would flow
out of her mouth. Breathing out and 'going completely empty', and then breathing in, she opened
her mind.
She was surprised to hear herself becoming very animated.
She turned suddenly and looked at the jury and began to wag her finger at them while hitting
them with a quick
flurry of anecdotes about dying cattle and sick chickens.
She was amazed when she found herself looking quickly around the room, making eye contact
with people, and
excitedly talking about the futility of outdated scrubbers, tanks, and other chemical
detoxification techniques. She
contrasted that with the glorious vision of beautiful water gardens that are used with waterforms
to spin water
molecules so that they are self-cleaning.
She taught them about surface tension, the Fibonachi spiral, and all the things that the Angels of
Opilon had inspired her to read. She outlined how huge profits from tourism would come from
the large water gardens. She painted pictures of corporate subsidiaries that would produce and
sell building materials that are by-products of the new technology to clean sludge.
She knew that the right science was here, it was tested, it was cost effective, and it was verifiable.
The Angels of
Opilon inspired her with the ideas and emotions to get that across brilliantly with great weight.
Before long she was
sitting in utter silence in front of a courtroom of completely flabbergasted spectators.
She had them in the palm of her hand. She could have asked them to stand on their heads and
they would have
done it. Even the corporate counsel was in a stunned daze.
"And so, your Honor," she found herself saying," I respectfully request that the Alox Corporation
install and
implement this new generation of toxic removal systems and thereby increase it's profits by as
much as three
hundred percent over a period of six years compared to other methods which would cut into its
profits by as much
as 40 percent. This will prevent further contamination of the river and the water table almost
"And," she added, "I request that the University of Michigan be funded by the company to do a
study that outlines a similar course of action to be taken by every other polluting industry in the
The next day the newspapers reported that the Alox Corporation was leading the entire industry
into new
uncharted territories of environmental and social responsibility. They were made into heroes
Their stock soared. Not only had they LOST their case, and been forced to do the right thing, they
had also lost
their willingness to pit themselves against the very people who formed their customer base. It
was an irony that did
not go unobserved. Felicia had somehow won the case and won for them as well. Win/win, the
highest good of
all concerned was manifested.
The townspeople and the corporate people were both happy.
The thought of acres and acres and acres of lush beautiful water gardens and their effect on the
tourist industry was invigorating. Environmentalist were jubilant. Everyone would prosper. The
Business Weekly did a brilliantly
favorable analysis of the situation and soon other corporations were making plans to follow suit.
With the combination of the new technology to turn sludge into building materials and the
natural cleansing properties of waterforms, wetlands and vegetation; ground water and river
contamination from large industries was to be a thing of the past.
Felicia quickly faded from sight, glad to be back in her isolated mountain home and her beloved
walks in the


14 degrees Aries
The Angels of Ecstasy and Eloquence
Also known as The Angels of Jrachro

Beloved, like the Angels of Opilon, we give all kinds of assistance for warriors of Love. We help
you with any
undertaking on the physical plane, plus you can count on our inspiration for ecstasy,
unconditional love, sharp
wittedness, and eloquence. If you desire to inspire these qualities in others, we help you do this
The act of birthing Love into the physical plane requires overcoming old conditions and replacing
them with new
ones. This is done mentally, emotionally, and physically.
A warrior of Love relies upon us to help convert the old on every level of being.
In the beginning, all things were created perfect, and at the end of time all beings reach
perfection. When the Alpha and the Omega meet, energy comes full circle and the perfection of
the beginning becomes one with the perfection of the end. That is why the ancients said," Except
ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven."
It is ironic that the ultimate outcome of maturity and wisdom - the Omega of life, is eternal
youth - the Alpha of
Life. This eternal youthfulness of body, feelings, mind, and will is the youthfulness of childlike
purity, wonder, and
unconditional love. This promotes the physical production within the body of glandular
substances that maintain
"And the last enemy to be overcome is death."
As mankind becomes more childlike, the kingdom of God comes closer to manifestation. The
Ancients taught that the beginning of the road to enlightenment is to first heal the painful beliefs
of the inner wounded child inside. When this happens, the original state of trust and innocence
returns to consciousness. This state includes seeing reality as a good story, a story that is joyful
and full of wonder, unconditional love, and ecstasy.
It is this very feeling of ecstasy and unconditional love that is the virtue represented by the first
letter of our name,
the letter J. The feeling of ecstasy and unconditional love is irresistibly magnetic. It is the
primary means of
transforming reality and attracting heaven to earth.
Transforming the old into the new causes ecstasy and unconditional love to grow. It is
contagious and it is power.
This divine virtue of ecstatic unconditional love fills all time and space with a dark opal light and
a refreshing coolness, because it is the water element of feeling. It creates the musical note of G
sharp. The midriff area of the human body temple was created by and can be enlivened with
ecstatic unconditional love.
The feeling of ecstasy gives birth to the feeling of complete freedom and independence from any
outside control. In this state of freedom, control comes from inner guidance, "the clear small
voice within." This is the meaning of the letter R of our name. Freedom creates a golden light and
the musical note of C that brings with it a sense of ease, because it is the air element of mind and
thought. This virtue of freedom, feeling of ease, sound of C, and golden light created and enlivens
the left side of the nose.
By listening to and meditating on the small inner voice while in a state of ecstasy, complete
wisdom and
enlightenment is realized. This is the meaning of letter A, the third letter of our name. This state
of wisdom creates
the light blue light and feeling of ease, because it is the air element of mind, and the musical note
G that fills all time and space. The lungs were created by and are sustained by this virtue.
The state of enlightenment becomes crystal clear and pure, and all obscurities are removed. This
is the letter Ch of our name. Clarity is a light violet color and creates the note of D sharp. It has a
refreshing coolness because it is the water element of feeling and emotion. It was used to create
the left leg of every human being.
Because of clarity and purity, the feeling of freedom and independence becomes ever more secure
and impeccable.This is the second time in our name that the letter R brings through the golden
light and the note of C and the sense of ease.
And finally, because inner guidance is clear and pure and comes from ecstasy, wisdom, and
clarity, DIVINE JUSTICE manifests naturally on the physical plane. This is the letter O of our
name. Inner and outer space and all time fills with an ultramarine blue light and the musical note
of C. A feeling of weight is everywhere because justice is of the earth element, the element of
manifestation. The throat and windpipe area of the human body was created by and is enlivened
by Divine Justice.
As a child of God you walk the earth, and in all your endeavors to transform reality in the Image
of Love, let
us accompany you.


J.....All embracing love, ecstasy, and mysteries of love's magic

R.....expressed via tremendous ingenuity,
A.....eloquence and magical talents of the enlightened mind
Ch...with crystal clear discernment, understanding, communication, And mastery over the
process of
R.....directed toward impeccable service of the "highest good"
O.....according to unwavering devotion to divine justice.

The melody of our name is G sharp, C, G, D sharp, C, and C.

"To those who have dispelled all doubt and perceive Truth,
Heaven is nearer than earth."


15 degrees Aries
The Angels of Problem Solving in Science and Philosophy
Also known as The Angels of Golog

Beloved, We are able to solve any problem in the material world for the warrior of Love,
particularly in philosophy
and science. We teach overviews and grand perspectives in philosophy which integrate different
We synthesize various disparate schools of thought so that they support and complete each
other. We tie together
science and philosophy so that they become one continuous science of thought that showcases
the Magnificence and the Majesty of Supreme Consciousness.
The ultimate purpose of all philosophy is to enhance seekers' paths to enlightenment in the
mental realm for the purpose of transformation.

Insights in philosophy are powerful spiritual tools at the level of analysis and are necessary for
the victory of love.


G....Gifting true divine blessings of grace and mercy in terms of

O....High power of judgment, as perfect master of Electro-magnetic energy, thus astrophysics and
L....With the faculty of comprehending true morality and reframing disharmony into harmony in
order to glorify
the greatness of God
O....and to instill a true appreciation and recognition of divine laws
G....through grace, resulting in happiness, satisfaction, and peace of the spirit.
Our story:

Paul was a misfit and an outcast in his graduating legal class at Harvard. He never fit in and he
stopped trying.
Even though he was over the top of the class in intelligence, socially he was below the bottom.
No one wanted him in their firm because he was no fun, and he ended up alone fishing a lot at
the lake at Sloan's Mill.
A few years went by and an emergency at top secret levels of government had everyone in crisis.
No one knew what to do. Officials were over their heads in double binds and were scrambling to
prevent an all out meltdown in Chinese relations.
Someone called Paul. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, a wild hunch that maybe Paul
The Brain could pull this one out.
Paul was in his boat when the call came. Pulling out his cell phone he couldn't believe Marty
Crane, Mr. Popularity
himself, was on the line begging his opinion.
His first impulse was love, for Paul loved everyone and Marty was no exception. His second
impulse was to throw
the phone in the water because of anger and hurt at years of rejection he had suffered at Marty's
hands. His third
impulse, which is the one he acted on, was to sit and patiently listen while Marty went on and on
about the
impending doom scenario.
"Oh no," thought Paul," as usual, Marty does not under-stand the philosophy or the science of
what is going on."
This looked serious, so a few hours later Paul found himself standing on an expanse of tarmac
surrounded by guarded faces and black cars.
Calling on the Angels of Golog, Paul listened carefully as worried officials filled him in at
headquarters on every
dread scenario that could happen around the world if this situation kept getting inflamed. This
was definitely big fish.
The more they talked, the more relaxed Paul got until finally he was slumped down in his chair
with his head resting on one hand and a propped up elbow. His eyes began to nod.
Finally everyone realized that he was in deep thought, and they quieted down while he
meditated. Never was a room of fifteen men quieter. Never had a few minutes taken longer.
Finally Paul straightened, cleared his throat, and looked each person in the eye. "Gentlemen", he
said," The
problem is not what you think." Shock. "What I mean,"
he continued,"is that the Chinese have a tradition of esteem and honor that goes back thousands
and thousands of years that cannot be erased by a few generations of political change."
He outlined a series of diplomatic moves that centered around respect, patience, dignity, and
graciousness. It was
simple and eye opening to each of the men. The simple part was the plan to promote Mrs. Ong,
and send her to a relative in Beijeng, a relative who was married to a high officer in the powerful
It was to be 'unofficial'. It was more in the nature of polite gossip, In the relaxed and polite
atmosphere of family,
Mrs. Ong was to express with elegance the shame and embarrassment of the American officials
who felt that
they had unintentionally "jumped the gun" and made a series of disrespectful "mistakes" in
misjudging the "high
integrity and insight" of the Chinese government's reasonable and intelligent intentions.
That's what it would take to start the healing process.
A loving and sincere revelation expressing personal regret [humility] and admiration for the
enemy and dignity on
both sides could flourish. With the help of the Angels of Golog, Paul outlined; how to address
toxic waste in China
that would save the Chinese government trillions of dollars.
He demonstrated how it could be done so that the Chinese government got the credit for doing it
in the eyes of the
people. He suggested relocating several American disputed transmitting towers so that they no
longer imposed and intimidated the territorial feelings of the Chinese.
And finally, to clench it off, he explained how to do this in such a way as to create as much wealth
for the owners
of the international military weapons suppliers as the gruesome and unacceptable alternative of
war would have.
This way everyone came out winners. No losers anywhere.
The equipment for the toxic waste cleanup was as easily manufactured and supplied by weapons
as anyone, in fact better. They had everything to produce the"crickets" that turned sludge into
pure drinking water
and building materials.
When Paul walked out of there everyone was blown away. They had a clear idea of both the
science and the
philosophy of making delicious lemonade out of this special bunch of lemons. God had a way of
doing that.
Victory was snatched out of the jaws of defeat.
The upshot of all of this is the Paul the Brain had finally made friends, Thanking the Angels of
Golog for their help
and inspiration, he looked forward to returning to his boat at Sloan's Mill Lake. He would leave
his cell phone off
this time, because he felt his heart relax the most in the beauty of the lake and the woods.
In his time alone he felt the most at one with his oldest friends and peers of all, the angels of the
zone girdling the
earth, and the beautiful nature spirits of the trees and the lake...


16 degrees Aries
The Angels of Victory through Love and Friendship
Also known as The Angels of Argilo

Beloved, the greatest weapon of the Warrior of Light is an open heart full of love. Deep in the
cellular memory of
every living organism is the instinct of the interdependency of all life and the understanding that
organism with many many parts.
An enlightened warrior depends on this instinct in himself and others. This instinct is the basis of
love, for love is an actual transference of life energy between two individual but interdependent
parts of the unified field. It is this
transference of energy which is known as THE LIFE FORCE.
Great warriors of all time have relied on Life Force to find the way that leads to victory in all
It is a spatial and temporal illusion to perceive life as made up of unrelated parts. This illusion
hypnotically cuts
a person off from the flow of Life Force, or Love, both on a horizontal level of physical
communication, and on a vertical level of inter dimensional communication. It does this
chemically by conditioning the type of endocrine secretions in the glandular centers, for they
react to thought and feeling.
It is at the point of philosophical and scientific integration as understood with the help of the
Angels of Golog, 15
Aries, that a person sees through the illusion of separation in time and space and operates from
the level of the unified field, the ONENESS, and understands the meaning of friendship and love,
justice and mercy.
When this state of awareness is integrated in all of your affairs, then that which you anticipate as
a period of great
difficulty, will merely become a period of great illumination.
In every person and in every life, the archetype of the Warrior functions in the psyche as the
ability to birth new
realities of love on Earth. The clear perception of oneness and an open heart of love and
friendship is the ultimate
method of victory.
Meditate on the meanings of the letters of our name to understand the meaning of friendship
and love in the
context of overcoming the old by transforming it into the new.


A...Divine wisdom and enlightenment through inner guidance manifest grace and mercy.
I....It does this through mastery of the law of cause and effect.
L...This allows the splendor and majesty of Divine Perfection bring forth justice and harmony in all situations.

The melody of our name is G,C,F,G,F, and C.

The complete whole brain meditation for Victory through Love and Friendship is:
Imagine a soft light blue color filling all time and space, in your infinite inner consciousness and
filling all of your
body, and then in your outer consciousness and filling all of the world and the infinite universes
of outer space. Imagine that this color brings with it a lovely sense of refreshing ease and hear a
beautiful musical tone of the note of G.
Also imagine that with this color light blue, sensation of ease, and tone of G, the wisdom and
purity of all ideas in
the mind of Universal Consciousness is effortlessly available to you and to all beings everywhere.
Now see the color changing to golden light. The sense of ease remains but hear the musical tone
change to the note of C. The understanding of complete freedom and independence, sovereignty
and clear following of inner guidance fills you and all beings in all time and space and even
beyond time and space, on the inner and in the outer worlds.
The light changes color again, this time to a lovely emerald green. The music is now heard in the
note of F and the
sensation changes to coolness and flowing like water. The feeling of Grace and Mercy flows
through everything inside of you on all levels in all space and all time, and outside of you through
everywhere and all beings in all time and space.
The light changes again, this time to light opal, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. The
sensation is of
weight and you hear the musical note of G. The mastery and understanding of Cause and Effect
fills your mind
and the minds of all beings.
Now the light changes to a deep clear olive green. The music is now heard in the note of F. The
feeling returns
to that of refreshing ease and effortlessness. The mind is filled with the Divine Virtues, in all their
splendor and
majesty, that fill all time and space, inwardly and outwardly.
Finally the light becomes a luminous ultramarine blue, the color of a blue flame. The feeling
returns to that of weight and the music is now in the note of C. Divine Justice, the perfection of
divine laws, and harmony fills all of space and time, in your inner worlds and in the outer.

17 degrees Aries
The Angels of Victory through Music and Empathy.
Also known as The Angels of Barnel

Beloved, When the power of victorious friendship and love has been mastered through the
inspiration of the Angels of Argilo, we inspire you with advanced skills in nurturing loving
relationships, establishing sympathy, and composing and playing music.
The Constellation of Aries is the constellation of warriors of Victorious Love. It is the overcoming
of limited conditions and replacing them with enlightened ones for the purpose of manifesting
heaven on earth.
When you come under our influence, we inspire diplomacy that allows your sympathy to
transform the dark feelings of enemies into those of supreme happiness. We do this by
immersing you in the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness and helping you to express
this in your interactions with others in feeling and in music.
Love is magnetic and therefore hypnotic in its power.

When the life force of love invigorates the person that you are relating to, the force moves
through the nervous
system in a serpentine undulating fashion.
This pattern of movement follows along energy pathways called 'nadis' in Sanskrit. The ancient
yogis call life force
'Kundalini' which means 'serpent power'. The undulating movement of Kundalini leads to the
activation of nerve
centers and endocrine ganglia within the human body temple. These endocrine glands are
encouraged with
music to secret hormones that bring about bliss and ecstasy.
The use of sound, in the expression of the letters of the cosmic language or in the form of
spiritually inspired
music, guides Kundalini energy safely and ecstatically upwards through the body to higher
centers of
For this reason, we inspire warriors of love to go within and attune to inner guidance so that
beautiful spontaneous
compositions of music flow through from the highest states of consciousness.
Sacred sound and music, combined with the love of the heart, is the most powerful method of
establishing hypnotic, magnetic feeling states that lead to enlightenment in others.
With our help, a skillful warrior can transform any enemy into a sympathetic friend with the
music of divine love.


B....The polarity of all created life, power to change fate,

A... artistic and magical talents of the enlightened mind expressed with
R....creative ingenuity, in devotion to serve the highest good
N...uplifts all into consciousness of Supreme Happiness.
E....The result is cosmic consciousness, clairvoyance and the divine presence,
L... glorifying the greatness, majesty, and splendor of God.


The whole brain meditation of our consciousness is:

In a deep meditation see a light violet light fill all inner and outer space and time with the
consciousness of polarity in all of its forms. Hear music in the note of A while sensing weight, the
earth element, everywhere. Then see the light change to light blue, and the sensation of weight
change to ease, relaxation, and air. The music becomes the note of G and the wisdom and
enlightenment of Universal mind fills everything.
Now the light changes to golden and the music to the note of C. The feeling of ease increases.
Independence and the freedom to follow inner guidance fills all time and space.
The light is now dark red. The sensation is coolness, flowing, and water that fills all time and
space. The music
rings beautifully in the note of A. Supreme happiness flows through infinity everywhere through
all time and space.
Now the color of the light is dark violet. The sensation is of God-penetrating-all. The music is D
and the consciousness is that of the Universal Mind that is present in all creation.
End the meditation with the light changing to a deep, glowing, olive green. The music is F. The
sensation is ease
and relaxation of a blissful nature. The awareness is full of the splendor and majesty of Divine
Consciousness as it
expresses itself through all of the Divine Virtues.


18 degrees Aries
The Angels of Abundance
Also known as The Angels of Sernpolo

Beloved, because warriors of love birth the kingdom of heaven on earth, the kingdom of heaven
is designed to
provide everything to make this process easy and beautiful.
Our particular emphasis is facilitating the learning of languages, improving station in life, and
refining skills
of using the magnetism of love for practical purposes.
As you meditate on the letters of our name for access to our consciousness and powers, keep in
mind how beloved you are in the hearts of the Heavenly Beings. We await your contact with us in
meditation eagerly, for upon you rests the success of the transformation of the Earth through
Remember that teachers have said, "All that I do ye shall do and more." They have also
said,"Seek ye therefore the kingdom of heaven, and all else shall be added unto you."


S....Empowerment: perfect control of self and others, our gift via clear inner guidance, cosmic consciousness,
R... and ingenuity, to easily grasp and articulate all knowledge.
N... We offer supreme happiness as well as protection from emotional assault.
P....We long for every-one to gain spiritual perfection.
O...We Serve the highest good Impeccably glorify the greatness of God.
O...We embody an absolute sense of justice, morality, harmony, And bring enlightment and
saintliness to
all concerned.

The melody of our name is G-sharp, D, C, A, B, C, F, and C.

The whole brain four-level meditation for the Angels of Sernpolo, in Delta, Theta, Alpha, and
Beta brain wave states simultaneously, is as follows:
See a purple rose light glowing throughout all time and space, inwardly and outwardly. Imagine
that this purple rose light fills everything with warmth, for S is the fire element of
Will-that-penetrates-all. Now imagine the musical note of G sharp ringing in beautiful octaves
and sense the warmth of Divine Power, Divine Will, shining through this purple rose light and
penetrating everything that exists.
Once you have totally become one in consciousness with the purple rose light of Divine Power,
imagine the light
changing to deep violet and the musical note changing to D.
Now imagine the sensation is that of the Akasha, which is the aspect of God that penetrates all.
The deep violet light permeates your consciousness and attunes you to Omnipresence.
Take the sacred time to meditate on the existence of Divine Consciousness existing in all beings,
in all places, in all time, inwardly in your infinite personal universe and out-wardly in the infinite
universes of outer space. Take your time with this focus, in order that your body's glands have
the time they need to secrete plenty of the chemicals, the neuropeptides, that correspond to this
This is how the chemical make-up of your physical body temple changes through meditation.
The psychoactive
neuropeptides of the pineal gland, of which there are over 20,000 different kinds, are a thousand
times more powerful, more potent, than any manufactured in the plant kingdom.
Now change the light to a wondrous golden color, imagine this golden light throughout infinity
and feel a sense of ease filling all time and space. Now imagine vividly that you hear the musical
note of C in many octaves filling all space with beautiful sound. Then ask us to help you imagine
that you are one with the awareness of freedom and independence, the freedom and
independence to follow the still small voice of inner guidance.
Now imagine that all beings and consciousness everywhere is also free to follow inner guidance.
The more completely you surrender to this state of consciousness, the more the chemicals of
your nervous system that produce this consciousness saturates your body temple.
The light changes to deep red. You hear loudly the note of A ringing throughout all space and
time. The feeling is
flowing and coolness, for N is Supreme Happiness which is Feeling, the water element of the
Divine Feminine Force.
Take all the time that you need to completely feel this refreshing flowing coolness. Attune to
Supreme Happiness
filling all space and time inside yourself and outside.
Imagine you hear the beautiful note of A in many octaves, and see the consciousness of Supreme
Happiness glowing with a deep red light everywhere.
The light changes to dark gray, the musical note is octaves and octaves of the note of B. Sense
weight everywhere, for this is the longing for spiritual perfection which is of the earth element of
manifestation. Meditate on the longing for spiritual perfection everywhere in all beings. Take
your time and become completely one with this longing for Spiritual Perfection. Sense this
longing in all that is created, in all time and space, inside yourself and outside yourself through
all time and space.
Now let your consciousness change so that the light is ultramarine blue. The octaves of beautiful
music are in
the note of C. The sensation of weight remains, for this meditation of Divine Justice and
Harmony is also the earth
element of manifestation. Sense Divine Justice manifesting on earth within yourself, and then
everywhere, extending beyond earth to all universes everywhere.
See the light become a deep clear olive green. Hear the music change to octaves of F. The feeling
changes and is
now the relaxing sensation of complete ease. Meditate on the splendor and majesty of Divine
Virtues filling every-
thing throughout all time and space, inwardly and outwardly.
Finally, complete your meditation with ultramarine blue light glowing throughout all time and
space, throughout
infinity, in your inner worlds and in the outer universes.
The music is octaves of C. Imagine weight as Divine Justice manifests through all creation.

If you have an astrology chart, figure out your guardian angels through comparing the signs and
degrees on your
chart with the angels of each degree. Figure the degree as the next highest number, for instance,
if your sun is 23. 21 degrees Aquarius, you would read the angels for 24 degrees Aquarius. Take
the letters of your name and meditate on their meaning, color, sensation, and musical note to
understand the superconscious attunement of your higher self. These letters, angels, and
instructions are from an extremely ancient collection of teachings which are the common root of
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, called The Quaballah. Feel free to copy, use, distribute, or share
these messages.


19 degrees Aries
The Angels of Water Rulership
Also known as The Angels of Hyris

Beloved, The water element is the level of manifestation that is emotion and feeling. This element
is the Divine Feminine Principle.
Creation begins with the Masculine Principle of Will, which is the Fire element. Then it passes
down into the realm of thought and idea, which is the air element. Then it goes into the realm of
feeling, which is the water element, or the Feminine Principle. Finally it manifests on the plane of
matter and form, which is the earth element.
The intelligent life forms in each element wish to serve mankind in love and wisdom.
We inspire you to know and interact with the beings of the water element who are known as
Undines. Undines are
intelligent and aware emotional entities who inhabit and control bodies of water. A warrior of
Love who has healed
the emotions of the past, and who feels strongly the beautiful feelings of Divine Consciousness,
attracts good
feelings for other humans and summons the Undines to create strong feeling states as well. This
is how ecstatic
feelings are created and anchored in places.

We are angels who are masters of water, of feeling, of magnetism, of the feminine force.
Because emotional energy brings about manifestation on the physical plane, emotions are
absolutely necessary to
master before concrete changes are made on earth. For this reason, mankind is being inspired to
unblock and
acknowledge emotional memories, especially the painful ones, and to heal them through flowing,
so that their
physical body temples can go into resurrection, bliss, and immortality. Stagnant emotions are
like stagnant water, toxic and dangerous. When these emotions are allowed to flow in a safe and
nonself-critical way, with time they heal naturally and become pure and lifegiving once again.

H-Y-R-I- H....Using the cosmic language in combination with mantra and tantra practices gives
control over feelings and the water element.

Y....The feeling of the rhythm of life awakens the gift of prophecy and the ability to flow in
natural cycles.
R... Listening to inner guidance creates the ingenuity to use and
I.....understand the Law of Cause and Effect,which is the Principle of Life. This gives a person
control over the
astral matrix which is the energy of emotions and water.
S....The all penetrating power of the will to manifest clairvoyance, the gift of prophecy, & loving
control over
feelings, also gives a person power over the element of water in all of its forms.
The meditation for mastery of emotions and water is:
Go deep within and imagine clearly that all universes within yourself and outside yourself;
throughout all time
past, present, and future, is glowing in silvery violet light.
Imagine that you are hearing octaves and octaves of beautiful angel voices singing the note of A.
Feel the fiery
warmth of willpower filling everything. Now imagine that the understanding of the Power of the
Word, the knowledge of the Cosmic Language, is present everywhere with all beings.
Remain conscious of being in all time and all space, and see the light glow a beautiful pink. Hear
angel voices singing C sharp and feel weight penetrating everything. Allow consciousness of the
Rhythm of Life to enter you and see this consciousness in all beings everywhere.
Now the light changes to golden. The feeling is of weight.
Musical choirs are singing octaves of C. Imagine freedom and independence everywhere. See all
beings free to receive and follow inner guidance.
The light changes to purple rose. The choirs are singing G sharp. The feeling is fiery warmth of
willpower. The
consciousness is the all penetrating power of will as it works through feelings and magnetism.


Correction: The letter R, the Divine Virtue of Freedom and

Independence, is the earth element with the feeling of
weight. In previous messages I incorrectly stated that R is
the air element. Please make a note of this. Thanks.


20 degrees Aries
The Angels of Advanced Water Mastery
Also known as The Angels of Hahadu

Beloved, each of the four elements is populated by intelligent beings. The beings of the water
element, the
Undines, are beings of conscious feeling and have the power of magnetism.
The beings of Fire are beings of Will. The beings of Air are beings of thought. The beings of Water
are beings of
feeling, and the beings of Earth are beings of manifesting form. Each being of each element is a
conscious individual and plays it's part as part of the whole.
In the constellation of Aries, Love is creating and birthing new realities on these levels of will,
thought, feeling, and
form. A person who functions as a victorious warrior of Love works cooperatively with the beings
of the four
elements to bring about new conditions.
Because feelings precede changes in physical form, mastering one's personal feelings and
acquainted with the beings of the feeling realm is the key to victorious overcoming of old
conditions on the earth
and the bringing in of the new. The Angels of Hyris, 19 degrees Aries, introduce you to this
mastery. Once you
have excelled with these angels, it is time for us, the Angels of Hahadu, to further teach you the
mysteries of the element of water and of feelings.
Stop now and check your feelings. What are you feeling?
Where in your body are you feeling these feelings? Stop now and breathe deeply. Close your eyes.
Feel the feelings in your body temple.
If you are stuck, if your feelings are damned up and you cannot get them to flow, then start with
whatever feeling
state that you are in [such as the feeling of being stuck and blocked] and use eye movement in
your meditation on the feeling, just as your body does naturally when you dream each night.
This unblocks the energy and shifts life force rhythmically back and forth between the two halves
of the brain. If
the feelings that then come up are frightening and uncomfortable, call on us to watch over you as
you allow
these frightening feelings to flow and thereby heal.
Remember that feelings change and heal by flowing, not by being judged, bottled up, denied,
by-passed, or treated with chemicals. Many people have a lifetime of trauma and pain that has
been bottled up inside, and these feelings will gush out to be healed.
Think of this as the darkness before the dawn, because in allowing these negative feelings to
finally come to the
surface and out into the light of day and to be felt through deeply and thoroughly, deep deep
healing in the soul
Allow your feelings TO BE. Regardless of the type and nature of the feelings, be they happiness,
boredom, peace,
anxiety, shock, satisfaction, fear, hope, doubt, numbness, or joy, just LET THE FEELINGS BE.
Do not judge them.
Do not try to make them reasonable. Just feel.
The more you do this, the more you become aware of your feelings and LET THEM BE, the more
your feelings flow. The more feelings flow, the more they heal and cleanse themselves. Once you
reach a stage where your feelings flow freely on a moment to moment basis, then you are in a
position to magnetically attract beings of the water element.
If feelings are negative, flowing with them in a safe and non-destructive way allows them to
transmute into positive
feelings. If feelings are positive, flowing with them opens up expanded realms of joy and
creativity. Either way,
flowing is the key.
If feelings are negative, asking the water beings to help you heal them as your feelings flow is very
helpful. If feelings are positive, asking the water beings to help them become even more beautiful
is very helpful. Either way, negative or positive, flowing feelings are the realm of water beings and
they are glad to help you.
Once you arrive safely in a state of being in which your moment to moment feelings are very real
and powerful for
you, then when you meditate on the divine virtues and feel them, your feelings create a powerful
magnetic field that
attracts the manifestation of the divine virtues into physical reality.
If you are ever in a crowd of people who feel depressed, upset, alienated, or any other feeling
state that is less than positive, try meditating on the letter G, which is the virtue of Grace and
Visualize the emerald green color filling everyone there and see it filling their past, present, and
future. See it filling their inner reality and their outer reality. Imagine that you hear choirs of
angels singing the note of F in many octaves and sense the feeling of coolness everywhere within
the people and outside of them while the feelings of Grace and Mercy permeate everything. Feel
the emotions of Divine Grace and Mercy penetrating everyone through all time and space;
especially the people that you are watching. This is the Power of the Word in action.
The more powerfully you visualize the color emerald green, the feeling of Grace and Mercy, and
the sensation of cool-ness and the note of F, the quicker and the more amazing are the changes
that you see and feel in the people around you. Now, if you ask the beings of the water element to
help you feel Grace and Mercy, the power of all of this goes up astronomically. Their power of
magnetism combined with yours is teamwork in action. Now you are truly a warrior of Love and
this is your army! Victory is easy.
This is how it is done. As you can see, everything depends on the power of your feelings!
The letter H, the first letter of our name, is the Power of the Word. H represents the divine virtue
of mastering
the cosmic language. Once you have meditated on and mastered the letters, then whatever
feelings and states of
consciousness that you wish to manifest on the physical plane is possible to you, especially with
the help of the
beings of the four elements. In the realm of feelings, the Undines, the beings of the element of
Water, are ready
and willing to help. This is our area of expertise.


H....The divine virtues represented by the letters of the Cosmic Language,

A....when combined with wisdom,
H....and used with deep feeling for each of the virtues
A....manifests a state of enlightenment
D....that creates the kingdom of heaven on earth.
U....The understanding of the karma involved in this process ensures that only that which is for
highest good of all concerned is created.

To meditate on our powers and become one with them:

Visualize the entire inner and outer universe filled with silvery light and a feeling of warmth. The
letter H is the
element of fire, which is the use of Willpower so feel yourself as a creator, made in the image of
God. Hear the
sound of the note of A as it is sung by countless angel voices. Meditate on the Power of the Word
and the truth
that "All that I do ye shall do and more." Letter H.
Now the light changes to a lovely light blue. Feel complete ease and relaxation while you attune
your consciousness to wisdom and enlightenment that fills all space on the inner and in the outer
worlds. Hear the angel voices singing the note of G. Letter A.
The light goes back to silver that shimmers and sparkles and feels warm. Feel again the Power of
the Word, the
ability to create realities through Will, Thought, Feeling, and Sensation. Imagine that you hear
the angel voices
singing the note of A as you meditate on the Power of the Word. Letter H.
The light is again light blue. The sensation of ease and relaxation fills all universes on the inner
levels of
consciousness and all of outer space, through all time - past, present, and future. The choirs of
angels are singing
the note of G and you feel yourself completely at one with wisdom and enlightenment. The
original purity of all ideas merges completely with your mind. Letter A.
Now the light is a deep blue, a dark blue. The music is C. The feeling of fire and warmth is
everywhere as you
meditate on the mysteries of creation. Letter D.
The choirs of angels are now singing the note of B. The feeling of the Akasha, of
God-penetrating-all, fills all time
and space with velvety black. Meditate on how the creative act causes karma, how every action
creates ripple effects that go on and on throughout time and space. Through this meditation the
importance of asking for inner guidance, so that every act is the highest good of all concerned.
Becomes clear. This meditation brings about the ability to receive clear guidance and to feel the
effects of your actions throughout time and space. Letter U.

21 degrees Aries
The Angels of Angelic Intercession
Also known as The Angels of Oromonas

Beloved, we teach you how to understand and work with all angels and powers in the zone
girdling the earth in order to be victorious in bringing Divine Love into manifestation.
When the masters said,"All that I do , ye shall do and more," they knew that a time comes when
the key to heaven
manifesting on earth rests in the hands of each person. It is for this reason that ancient teachings
are being made
available now, for each of you has the power to change the course of history.
A person meditating on the divine virtues and calling forth the help of the heavenly hosts can
alter everything for
everyone. Because there are many angels and powers available to help you, it is our job to
acquaint you with them
and give you instructions to set their powers in motion.
Call on us, and meditate on the divine virtues represented by the letters of our name in order to
see, through meditation, the overall picture of the beings and powers surrounding the earth and
how to use them victoriously to manifest heaven.

Here is our story:

Raphael sits on the dock and watches the sun set over the Puerto Rican coastline. Behind him the
sounds of busy
people remind him of all the poverty, suffering, corruption, and abuse of power that permeates
the life of the islanders.
This has been the case for longer than he can remember.
It has always caused him great pain. He wants more than anything to bring it to a halt, to restore
the environment, to bring in a time of peace, equality, and plenty, of love and trust.
He no longer believes that anyone else will do it. He has waited too long. He is not waiting any
longer and he feels it is up to him . Something has to be done, and he is taking it upon himself to
do it, regardless of how difficult or how improbable.
Calling on the Angels of Oromonas, Raphael closes his eyes and speaks to them silently in his
imagination, " Dear
Angels", he whispers," Come. Come i onto my consciousness and look through my eyes. Hear
through my ears, and feel through my feelings. See the ugliness, hear the clanking noises and feel
the suffering. Tell me what to do."
In the silence the generous Angels of Oromonas indeed come. They see the suffering and the
ugliness, they feel
and hear the despair and the misery. They listen and they meditate and the next thing Raphael
knows he feels himself high up above the island looking at the curvature of the earth in space
below him. To the left of him and to the right of him he sees legions of angels and masters. He
sees them divided into 360 groups, representing each degree of the zodiac.
The Angels of Oromonas whisper into his mind, into his intuition and inner imagination, that
these are the beings
who are working to bring heaven to earth, and that they are working in many ways for mankind
to know that they are here.
The Angels of Oromonas explain that man has free will, and that the idea has been to let people
use free will to
create freely and learn from mistakes and bit by bit grow in wisdom and manifest the kingdom of
heaven upon the earth.
Then the Angels of Oromonas show Raphael the history of the earth, how strange, powerful and
misguided beings have come to earth time and again to exploit mankind and to implant ideas
that do not serve the highest good of all concerned.
Then Raphael sees that mankind is learning how to protect their will, thoughts, feelings, and
bodies and use them to meditate and attune in consciousness to the powers of the heavenly
beings that surround the earth. He sees that people can ask the angels for help. When the angels
are asked for help, then the Law of Free Will allows them to act. That is why it was spoken,"Ask
and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Seek and ye shall find."

They show him how the kingdom of heaven is set up, and because of the freewill of mankind, it
takes the act of asking to set everything in motion. Once Raphael understands this, he goes
deeper into meditation. His heart speaks to all of the angels of the 360 degrees of the zodiac.
Addressing them as a group, he says with great humility and courage," Jesus told us that all that
he did we would do and more. One of the things that he did was to take on the sins of the world
and paid the price. He made it possible for Grace and Mercy to uplift anyone who wants to turn
away from destruction and embrace Love and the Highest Good of All. If he did it, and we are
supposed to do what he did, then I now do it also. As a human being, I take responsibility for all
of my brothers and sisters, and I ask for Grace and Mercy for all of us. I ask that my lifetime of
suffering be enough to pay for everything, and I ask for wisdom to be revealed to us all. I ask for
our hearts to be healed. I ask that heaven and earth be as one."
A shock wave ripples through the Angels. A deep silence thunders throughout infinity. A
tremendous pause, and
then an opening from the very center of the heart of Divine Consciousness sends a wave of
wisdom and love that fills the entire earth.
Raphael is nearly knocked unconscious by the power of it.
Catching himself from falling into the water, he remains in a swoon of divine bliss for hours.
The next day Raphael walks slowly around. Everywhere he looks people are deeply thoughtful
and strangely quiet. He witnesses intimate exchanges. Radios are respectfully turned way down;
there are other signs too. Over the next few days, a little of the old flavor returns to the streets,
but the hardness is gone, the edge is softened.
The summer is wonderful. Good things happen. Lives turn around. That fall, the political scene
takes on a new upturn, with honest candidates running on platforms that are true and healing.
By Christmas, a contented feeling of
community and cohesion permeates the town.
Little children feel safe. Mothers feel hopeful. Fathers begin to stay home more and participate in
self-help gatherings. Universities send students into the countryside on missions of
environmental and social
Raphael is empowered and has a few students avidly studying higher wisdom with him. He is
playing music each
evening with those who meditate on the beach as the sun goes down.
Animals are loved and safer, people turn to vegetarianism, forests are being replanted. The
beaches look clean. Little by little, the entire island stabilizes. Life takes on a hum of gentleness
and inner attunement.
The Island rings with the laughter of children.

The melody of our name is C, C, C, D, C, A, G, G-sharp.


Imagine yourself in a cosmic ocean of ultramarine blue light. The light fills all of inner space and
outer space. It
fills all time, past, present, and future. A beautiful sound in the note of C fills everywhere and the
sensation of weight, of manifestation, brings on a consciousness of Divine Justice.
The perfection of Divine Laws becomes clear.

Now the light is golden, the music is still in the note of C.

The feeling of weight becomes more intense as freedom and independence manifests everywhere
through all time and space, in the inner and in the outer worlds.

The light goes back to the shining ultramarine blue color.

The perfection of Divine Justice manifests everywhere.

Now the light is blue-green, and the music is in the note of

D. A refreshing coolness fills all time and space with deep, pure, emotion and feeling and passion
in its purest flowing expression.
The light is ultramarine blue, music rings in the note of C.
The manifestation of Divine Justice fills all time and space.
Now the feeling of Supreme Happiness fills everything. The light glows a deep rose red, and the
music is in the note of A. The refreshing feeling of flowing and coolness returns.
Wisdom permeates all minds everywhere in all space and time now and the light changes to light
blue. A sense of
ease and relaxation is everywhere.
Finally, a purplish rose color and a feeling of warmth is throughout all time and space. The
chanting angels' music
is in the note of G sharp. Supreme Power and Will that permeates everywhere and fills all time
and space with
Divine Intent fills all consciousness.


22 degrees Aries
The Angels of Victorious Command
Also known as The Angels of Bekaro

Beloved, as you know, the higher degrees of any constellation are advanced. They are similar to
grades in school. Aries is the archetype of The Divine Warrior due to the fact that whatever the
present status quo
is, on whatever level, the energy of Aries changes it and replaces it with a new manifestation of
Divine Love. The
angels of these advanced degrees offer knowledge and wisdom of fantastic power for the
victorious manifestation
of Love on Earth.
At the previous stage of 21 degrees Aries, the powers of all of the 360 angel groups of the zone
girdling the earth
are introduced and the overall picture of how they work is explained by the Angels of Oromonas.
Now, at 22 degrees Aries, The Angels of Bekaro, the relationship with the 360 groups of angels is
deepened to a level of mastery that is wondrous.
The 360 angel groups ARE YOUR ARMY OF LOVE, POWER, AND TRUTH. They await
directions from the
Sons and Daughters of God who are living upon the Earth.
Through the original power and authority that is the Divine Birthright of every human being, this
mighty army of
angels and masters is directed. When the disciples asked the Master if they would be able to
perform Miracles, he
answered "I, of myself, can do nothing. It is the Father within, it is He that doeth the works." This
demonstrates the
importance and the necessity of USING YOUR POWER TO ASK from within while you are in a
state of meditation.
Once you use your power to ask, then the mighty army of the 360 angel groups can go into action
and manifest
miracles. They respond to requests for harmony and justice from any Son or Daughter of God.
To understand the little picture it is important to understand the big picture.
Start with the unified field of energy. According to this view, all individual expressions of will,
thought, feeling, and
form are infinite expressions of the UNIFIED FIELD OF ENERGY AND ONE INTELLIGENCE.
Imagine the many
leaves on one tree. Each leaf is separate and unique, but it is still just ONE tree. Think of your
body, it is made up of countless individual intelligent parts, yet is is ONE BODY.
The life of each leaf is dependent on the entire tree and vice versa. The life of each part of the
human body is dependent on the entire body and vice versa. As it is below, so it is above. The life
of each Son and Daughter of God is dependent on the unified field and vice versa. They are ONE
Because of this, it is absolutely necessary and normal for the Sons and Daughters of God to call
upon the angels for whatever is needed. Remember the leaves depend on the tree for water and
nourishment, and the tree depends on the leaves for photosynthesis and later when the leaves
drop off, for mulch and nutrients in the soil.
The Sons and Daughters of God depend on the angels and the other parts of the Unified Field for
support. The unified field and the angels depend on the Sons and Daughters of God for
CONNECTION to the third dimension of
physicality and for DIRECTION of what is needed. As the physical dimension is transformed into
perfection and bliss, the unified field is nurtured and blessed.

Following this line of reasoning, it is easy to see why it is important to GIVE CLEAR FEEDBACK
to the angels after you ask them for help. It is not enough to just summon them and make a
They want feedback on an ongoing basis. Remember, THEY ARE NOT IN PHYSICAL FORM.
They need feedback from the Sons and Daughters of God who are in physical form. After you
make a request, LET THEM KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING! If changes are not happening
strongly enough, clearly enough, or quickly enough, LET THEM KNOW! We cannot emphasize
this point enough. Feedback, honest clear feedback, is essential to angels. They must have this
feedback in order to adjust their responses appropriately.
If you have not had satisfactory results from prayers to the angels for help in any given situation,
think back and
remember if you continued your dialogue with them AFTER the initial request. Did you contact
them and let them know how you were feeling about the situation after you asked for help? Were
you afraid, or ashamed, to tell the angels that YOU WERE NOT SATISFIED with what you did or
did not see happening?
Angels are ancient, and they understand feelings. They need this information. The angels depend
on you to give them this information so that they can adjust their actions just as surely as a tree
depends on it's leaves for photosynthesis.
Did you document for them the ongoing status of the situation? If you merely waited in passivity,
the angels
did not have enough feedback and interaction to adjust their activities. The Sons and Daughters
of God are their
eyes and ears on the Earth, the feelings of the Sons and Daughters of God let them know how
their interventions
are doing. They are the army of Love and do your bidding and they must have clear ongoing
information from the
third dimension.
If miracles ARE happening quickly enough and clearly enough to satisfy your request, give them
this feedback
also. The feeling of gratitude, love, and joy from a Son or Daughter of God that comes from
successful manifestation of a miracle is like manna to their being, and to the being of the entire
Unified Field.
Angels must have clear communication with the Sons and Daughters of God in order to interact
intelligently between their sphere of awareness and the earth. THE LINK between Heaven and
We, The Angels of Bekaro, besides giving instruction on the art of command of the army of
angels, are specialists in the mastery of WILL. Anything having to do with WILL and the element
of Fire, and the beings of the fire element are our specialty.


The melody of our name is the musical notes of A, D, B, G, C, C.



In your meditation on the letter B and the virtue of divine polarity, imagine light violet and the
feeling of weight
filling all space and time. Imagine hearing the note of A in the angel choirs. For the letter E, the
divine virtue of
omnipresence, imagine dark violet light and the sensation of God-penetrating-all while angels
sing the note of D.
Now for the letter K, the virtue of omnipotence, imagine silvery light with the feeling of warmth
filling all space and
time while the angels sing in the note of B. For the letter A, the virtue of Wisdom, see light blue
light and feel a sense of ease filling everywhere inside you and outside you. Imagine hearing the
angels sing the note of G.
For the letter R, the virtue of freedom and independence, imagine a golden light and a feeling of
weight everywhere and hear the angel choirs sing the note of C. For the letter O, the virtue of
Justice and Harmony, imagine ultramarine blue light and sense the feeling of weight as justice
manifests throughout all time and space. Hear the angels singing in the note of C.


23 degrees Aries
The Angels of Akasha
Also known as The Angels of Belifares

Beloved, we take you another step further in using the powers of the angels of the zone girdling
the earth for the
purpose of victorious Love.
The Angels of Hahadu, 20 degrees Aries, specialize in the miracles of water, of the magnetic
power of emotions, and the beings of water - the Undines. The Angels of Oromonas, 21 degrees
Aries specialize in the power of thought and the beings of the air element, the Sylphs. The Angels
of Bekaro, 22 degrees Aries, specialize in the miracles of Will, the electric power and the beings of
the fire element, the Salamanders. We specialize in the miracles of the Akasha, of
Whenever you speak of the indwelling spirit of God in all that is created, you are speaking of the
Akasha, the principle of God-penetrating-all. With each divine virtue, we inspire your awareness
of this virtue as omnipresent, everywhere existing. To the extent that this is done, it AWAKENS
the virtue into an ACTIVE state.
This is similar to "running" a program on a computer. As long as a program is not in use, it still
exists as potential.
When you activate it, then it "comes alive". The act of a Son or Daughter of God being aware of a
divine quality existing everywhere changes its status from potential to active reality.
This is our area of expertise, and this is what we teach and inspire you to do whenever you call
upon us.
We are always quick to reply to you when you call upon us. We ask you to notice this in your
meditation. With each divine virtue that you seek to understand and master, it is we, The Angels
of Belifares, who immediately remove any sense of difficulty with the Akashic principle; which is
the principle of the Divine Virtue penetrating all and being everywhere present.
Once a Son or Daughter of God realizes the POWER of this awareness, and how it changes
physical manifestation on earth, there is no holding back victory.

Here is our assignment to you for testing this principle:

When you are in a situation, any situation, in which your level of awareness is higher than those
around you, it is time to try this test.
Become aware of a Divine Virtue that you would like to feel in the people around you. Let us
suppose you choose the virtue of Wisdom, which is represented by the letter A in the Cosmic
Language [of Quaballah, the teachings that are the ancient precursor of Islam, Christianity, and
Call upon us, The Angels of Belifares, and ask for our help in becoming aware of the divine virtue
of wisdom
penetrating all of the people around you.
[ If you have a problem remembering names, then ask us now, as you read this message, to come
to you every
time you need help with the awareness of a divine quality penetrating anything, and we will come
the instant that your intent and desire is sent forth in your awareness.]
Mastering the cosmic language, and manifesting miracles is supremely simple. It comes about
naturally when the four brainwave states of pure being [Delta], deep inward thought and will
[Theta], emotional feelings [Alpha], and logic, memory, and five senses [Beta] are tracking on the
same concentration.

The Akashic level is that of pure being. Whenever you call upon us, we instantly help you be
aware of the pure being of any divine virtue. As you do this, your deep inward thought and will,
your feelings, and your logical mind come into alignment. Through the law of sympathetic
resonance, a vibratory shock wave goes out and aligns the consciousness of everyone around you.

This assignment must be repeated over and over to convince your Beta level of thinking, which is
dominant in many people, of the truth of this. There must be many memories of this working,
and your logic must also be satisfied. Your five senses must see over and over the change in the
behavior of the people around you in order to believe.
The more deeply you focus and concentrate on the divine virtue, in this example, the virtue of
wisdom, existing in and penetrating every person around you, the more definitive are the results.
While you are in this state of consciousness, every breath that you exhale increases the ripple
Experiment with this exercise. The more you do, the more you will relax into the glory of your
power as a Son or
Daughter of God.
The meaning of the letters of our name in the Cosmic Language are:


B....Polarity in all its forms

E....throughout all creation
L....allows the majesty and splendor of the Divine manifest in harmony.
A....Divine wisdom
R....coming through the inner guidance all beings the manifestation of the penetrating power of Divine Will.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are A,D,F,G,Fsharp,G,C,D, and G sharp.
The colors are light violet, dark blue, clear olive green, light green, light blue, gold, dark blue, and
purple rose.
The sensations are weight, akasha, ease, weight, ease, weight, akasha, and warmth.
The elements are earth, akasha, air, earth, air, earth, akasha, and fire.

Remember when you meditate on these letters with their qualities, to imagine all space, inwardly
and outwardly,
through all time, filled with them.


24 degrees Aries
The Angels of Gnomes
Also known as The Angels of Nadele

Beloved, like the Angels of Belifares, 23 degrees Aries, we inspire you to utilize Akashic
awareness, which is
the awareness of God-penetrating-all. It is awareness of the omnipresence of Divine Being. In
addition to this
awareness, we teach you the power of combining strong feelings with Akashic awareness.
The result of the combination of awareness of the omnipresence of Divine Being with strong
emotion is an
extraordinary power to heal, to manifest, and to work with the kingdom of the gnomes, the
beings of the earth element.
This is simple.
For example, suppose you wish to heal a person or a situation. Since all of the divine virtues have
the power to
heal, any of the letters of the cosmic language representing the different virtues have healing
powers. We recommend,
however, beginning by using the letters in our name, in the order they appear: N-A-D-E-L-E.
Remember that each letter in the ancient language has its own color, musical note, sensation,
and divine virtue.

The letter N represents the Divine Virtue of Supreme Happiness. In healing a sick person or a
bad situation, we
inspire you to become aware of the Virtue of Supreme Happiness as being everywhere present in
everything and

See in your imagination the virtue of Supreme Happiness everywhere through all time and space,
glowing with a deep
rose color and the sensation of refreshing coolness. Imagine that you hear angelic choirs singing
the note of A.
Now FEEL Supreme Happiness. The stronger your emotional state of Supreme Happiness, the
greater is YOUR
magnetic power for ATTRACTING SUPREME HAPPINESS. The combination of awareness of
the omnipresence of Supreme Happiness and the FEELING OF HAPPINESS is irresistible to the
spiritual beings of the earth element who manifest form. These beings are often referred to as
'gnomes'. Ask the gnomes to 'remake' the physical body of the sick person or to recreate the
physical situation to conform to the feeling of Supreme Happiness.

Now do the same with the other letters of our name:


Next is letter A. Be aware of Divine Wisdom, which is the virtue of letter A, being everywhere
present. See light blue
and hear the note of G. Sense relaxing ease everywhere. Now FEEL WISDOM. The more
passionately that you
FEEL WISDOM, the stronger your magnetic power to attract it. This combination attracts the
beings of the earth
element. Now ask their help in manifesting wisdom in the person, or situation, you are healing.
The beings of the earth
element facilitate changes in the physical body and the physical situation that allow wisdom to

The letter D is the dark blue color and the angel choirs sing the note of C in many octaves. Be
aware of the divine
virtue of the art of creation everywhere present in all time and space. Now FEEL the creative
power. The more
passionately you FEEL creative power, the more you attract it. Now ask the gnomes to manifest
creative power in the
person you are healing, or in the situation that you are improving.

The letter E is a dark violet light that fills all time and space. The angel choirs sing the note of D
with this virtue. Realize that omnipresence is everywhere present, that every part of God has a
part of itself present everywhere. Meditate on the fact that every part of creation is connected to
the Unified Field and is one with it. Now FEEL omnipresence. The more you feel omnipresence,
which is Universal Mind, the greater your power is to attract it. Now ask the gnomes to manifest
Universal Mind in the person you are healing, or in the situation that you are changing.

The letter L is a clear glowing olive green. The angels sing octaves of the note of F and the
sensation is relaxing ease
everywhere through all time and space. This virtue is the combination of all the virtues of Divine
taken together, and therefore this virtue is THE SPLENDOR AND THE MAJESTY OF

See the splendor and the majesty of Divine Consciousness everywhere. Now FEEL the splendor
and the majesty. The
stronger you FEEL this, the stronger you attract it. Ask the gnomes to manifest the splendor and
the majesty of God in the person you are healing, or the situation that you are improving.

Finally, concentrate once again on Omnipresence, or Universal Mind. See the color dark violet
and hear the note
of D in the angel choirs. Now FEEL Universal Mind. Ask the gnomes to manifest pure
consciousness of Universal
Mind in the person who is being healed or the situation that is being improved.

After this meditation, other divine virtues, such as Grace and Mercy- the letter G, or High
Inspiration- the letter T, or
Justice- the letter O etc., are added.

The melody of our name is A, G, C, D, F, D.


25 degrees Aries
The Angels of Herbs
Also known as The Angels of Yromus

Beloved, we are very powerful angels. We combine the knowledge of the previous angels of Aries
so that
miraculous scientific skill in the preparation of herbs an roots for the purpose of healing and
is available to the victorious warrior of Love.
We inspire the combining of physical plants and roots with the power of consciousness, so that
the natural
healing qualities of the plants is greatly enhanced. This is done by combining the akashic
awareness of God-
penetrating-all with strong emotion as you learned from the Angels of Nadele, 24 degrees Aries.
We inspire you to charge fluids and mixtures made from herbs and roots with divine virtues.
Then we inspire you to
ask the beings of the earth element, the gnomes, to help in restructuring the physical essence of
the herbs themselves to embody these virtues.
Each herb on the earth has unique healing properties.
We give guidance in choosing the right herbs with the appropriate properties for healing and
We inspire you with the correct way to prepare these herbs, whether into a liquid, or some other
When herbs are combined with the power of Akashic and emotional energy of divine virtues,
they are capable of
changing a person's fate in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned, on the levels of
mind, feeling, and
even form.
Remember that sound is powerful. When meditating on the letters of the ancient language and
charging the herbs, in
addition to imagining that you hear the angel choirs singing the notes, also sing yourself. Sound
penetrates space and changes whatever you direct it to, permeating it with will, thought, feeling,
and sensation of divine virtues.


Y....The rhythm and cycles of life bring opportunities and

R... guidance to establish
O... divine justice.
M...This is done with great passion the act of creation
S.....and penetrates everything with great power.

The melody of the letters of our name is C sharp, C, C, D, B, and G sharp.

The colors of the letters are pink, gold, ultramarine blue, blue-green, velvet black, and
The sensations are weight, weight, weight, coolness and flowing, God-penetrating-all, and
The elements are: etheric earth, earth, earth,water, Akasha, and fire.
The parts of the body that the letters with their virtues heal are : heart, left side of nose,
throat-windpipe area, abdomen, pancreas and pit of stomach, and gall bladder.

Whenever you use any kind of herb for any reason, even if for a cup of tea, close your eyes and
imagine the virtue that
you want to manifest in your consciousness and your body. Visualize the color, feel the sensation
of it's element, think of the virtue itself, strongly FEEL the emotion, intone the sound [if
possible], and WILL for the herb to take on these qualities. Ask the beings of the earth, the
gnomes, to restructure the plant so that the divine virtue is perfectly
embodied within it.
Do this often in order to convince your Beta level of consciousness, the memory, logic, and five
senses, of the
amazing power of this, so that you may believe.

* Miracles


26 degrees Aries Triune Galactic Center

The Angels of Extra-planetary Power
Also known as The Angels of Hadcu

Beloved, the previous angels have inspired you to work with the angels of the zone girdling the
earth, the beings of the
four elements, and the Akasha. We are angels who attune you to powers and divine virtues of
angels who encircle
other planets in the universe.
The infinity of different expressions of Divine Consciousness is expressed in the saying,"In my
house are many mansions."
Our degree of Aries is exactly 120 degrees from 26 degrees Sagittarius, which is Galactic Center.
Our position is one of the three points of an equilateral triangle that expresses the exact WILL of
DIVINE PROVIDENCE. The third point is
26 degrees Leo.
The VICTORY of LOVE sometimes requires help from other parts of the Divine Creation. We are
angels who help
you when these powers are necessary for the purpose of birthing new realities on earth.

Here is our story:

The ground was crackling with radiation. Felix looked down from the helicopter and felt panic.
The underground water
aquifer that supplied major populations was in danger of contamination. Going deeply within, he
felt his heart burst
with compassion for the innocent people and animals whose lives were in imminent jeopardy.
As the helicopter banked sharply to the left heading for base, Felix began the deepest and most
passionate prayer of his life. "Angels of Hadcu," he pleaded," No one on this earth has the
scientific means to avert this tragedy. You must tell me what to do."
Going deeper within, Felix imagined the letter H with it's silvery violet light filling all of space and
time, inside of him
and outside in all the universe.
Squinting his eyes tighter, he tried to remember what the note of A sounded like, and feeling
exasperated by his usual
difficulty with music, he ended up asking the Angels of Hadcu to tone it for him. Then he
imagined the feeling of
warmth and the Power of the Word existing already throughout all of creation.
By the time he was ready to meditate on letter A, the helicopter was ready to land, so he silently
told the Angels
of Hadcu to wait until later when he could continue the meditation.
A few hours later in his jeep driving back to the house, Felix began to meditate on the letter A.
This letter was easy for
him and immediately he felt the light blue light, the feeling of ease, and the Divine Virtue of
Wisdom penetrating all
space and all time. He imagined the note of G sung by angel choirs.
Next was his favorite letter, D. This letter was the key to the art of creation. He had spent months
learning it on his
vacation to Switzerland the year before. He loved the deep blue color, like the color of the night
sky just before dark.
He loved the note of C and the feeling of warmth. His feeling of ecstasy got so strong, that he had
to pull over and
stop the car. Hands on steering wheel, head bowed, the state of trance became so profound that
he lost track of time.
When he was meditating on the art of creation, the letter D, something just happened to him. It
was as if he left his body and went soaring out in space. Past stars and galaxies he soared.
After a while he found himself on another soil, in another clime and another place. It felt like he
was on the other side
of the universe. He looked up. There in front of him was a stupendous being, half solid and half
etheric. Swirling
colors of green and purple seemed to vortex around Him.
A voice thundered through his head," Welcome Earth Man, Welcome to Paotocamo, the home of
Swift Energy."
Felix invited the being to join him in his meditation.

Together they meditated on letter C, the divine virtue of Spiritualization of Matter and of self.
Together, man and ET,
they visualized the beautiful vermilion color filling all of space and time, and the choirs of angels
chanting the note of
D. Together they felt the double sensation of warmth and ease.
By the time they had finished with the letter C, their energy fields felt as one. They had joined
together in complete
sympathetic resonance.
Relishing every precious moment of their shared experience, Felix and the ET meditated slowly
on letter U, the velvet
black light, the feeling of Akasha, of God-penetrating-all, and the beautiful choirs of angels
singing the note of B.
They spent hours contemplating the creative act and karma and the awareness of the cascading
effects through time and space of creative action.
During this meditation, the ET telepathically absorbed Felix's experience with the radioactive
contamination of the
water aquifer on Earth. Together they joined their WILLS to use the Power of the Word, the
purity of all wisdom, creative power, the virtue of spiritualization of matter, and the knowledge
of the ongoing effects of their actions to speed up the decay of the radioactivity on Earth.
Contacting the powers and the advanced scientific knowledge of the angels of this far off realm,
they sped up the radioactive cycle on Earth so that twenty thousand years of natural process
would transpire in twenty days.
A few days later Felix found himself back at the house.

He did not know how he got back. He did not remember cranking up the jeep and driving back.
What was really strange was that when he called in to work to explain his absence, the secretary
did not know what he was talking about. She told him he had only been gone a few hours and
was not due back until day after tomorrow.
His entire sense of time was skewed. He shook his head in wonder and made himself a piece of
toast and honey.
Later that week, he received news that the radioactive level was far less than had been first
reported. The official
explanation was that the equipment used for the first readings was faulty.
A week later he received news that the radioactive level was much below the second reading. The
official explanation
was that the equipment used on the second reading was also faulty.
By the third week, the general in charge was ordering all new detection equipment. It seemed
that none of the
equipment was giving accurate readings. Everyone was scratching their heads. Outside experts
were flown in and
finally the results were settled: there really wasn't much radioactivity in the area after all.
The manufacturers of the faulty equipment couldn't find anything wrong with it but felt it was
better not to say
anything. Felix was the only person at the base who knew what really was going on.
He found himself contacting the Angels of Hadcu often, sometimes because he wanted to go back
and visit his
friend. It was the first time since he was little that he had felt so close to another person.
A stranger friendship could not be imagined.
Together they speeded up the decay of radiation for the entire Earth, it was truly a miracle.


H....Understanding the cosmic language, "power of the word"

A....With all faculties, abilities, & talents of the enlightened mind
D....To reveal all mysteries of the art of creation and

C.....To spiritualize and raise the vibration order to restore everything to its essential purity according to its highest destiny.

The melody of our name is A, G, C, D, B.


27 degrees Aries
The Angels of Astrology
Also known as The Angels of Balachman

Beloved, The sign of Aries is the Victory of Love manifesting new realities. A warrior of Love
training in many fields, because victory requires many different skills and broad knowledge.
Since divine powers from other planets in the solar system and beyond are at times necessary, an
understanding of astrology is the first of the final three steps in the warriors education under the
sign of Aries.

"As above, so below."

First of all, the overall idea of astrology can be understood in a simple way. Imagine astrology as
an lectromagnetic
flow chart, very similar in appearance to the branches of an upside down tree that are perfectly
symmetrical with four levels of branching.
The ground that the tree grows from is the Unified Field.

>From there energy flows into the trunk of the tree which is made of the sun and the moon. The
sun is electric [will] and the moon is magnetic [feeling].
>From the sun-moon trunk, energy flows to three branches: Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Pluto
receives Divine Love, Neptune receives Divine Wisdom, and Uranus receives Divine Will.
>From each of these grow two branches. Electromagnetic energy goes into these two
planet-branches: one receives electric energy and one receives magnetic energy. Each of these
two planet-branches divides into two more astrological-sign-branches. These
astrological-sign-branches make up the final total of twelve branches in all.

The twelve signs are:

Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, WILL
Element of Fire
Masculine-Masculine [electric on inner branch and electric on outer branch]
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer. FEELING
Element of Water
Masculine-Feminine [electric on inner branch and magnetic on outer branch]
Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, THOUGHT
Element of Air
Feminine-Masculine [magnetic on inner branch, electric on outer]
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Feminine-Feminine [magnetic on inner and outer .]
Element of Earth

Ask our help in integrating this information. We guide you the right books and teachers as you
progress in your
understanding. As a warrior of Love, if a situation requires the divine virtue of Love, Wisdom, or
Will, on the levels of pure being, deep inward thought, feelings, or the five senses and logic; with
this understanding of astrology you know which beings of which planet and sign to ask for help
and for guidance.
This chart demonstrates the fields of manifestation of each of the angel groups of the twelve
signs. For example, if a situation requires a change in feelings, go to either Scorpio, Pisces, or
If the feelings need to change to those of Love, ask for help from the angels of Scorpio.
If the feelings need to change to those of Wisdom, choose help from the angels of Pisces.
If the feelings need to change to those of Will, as for help from the angels of Cancer.
Remember that the Angels of Oromonas, 21 degrees Aries, automatically guide you to the
appropriate angels whenever you ask them.


B....Polarity in all its forms a manifestation of Divine Wisdom.
L....The splendor and majesty of Divine Being
A....through wisdom and enlightenment,
Ch.. complete purity and clarity,
M....and powerful emotion,
A.....initiates wisdom in all beings.
N....This brings about Supreme Happiness.

The melody of the letters are the notes of A,G,F,G,D sharp,D,G, and A.

The colors of the letters are light violet, light blue, olive green, light blue, light violet, blue-green,
light blue, and
deep rose.
The sensations are weight, ease, ease, ease, coolness, coolness, ease, and coolness.
The elements are earth, air, air, air, water, water, air, and water.

* Miracles

28 degrees Aries
The Angels of Talismans
Also known as The Angels of Jugula

Beloved, we introduce the warrior of love into the art of talismanology. We teach how to solve the
complicated symbols through synthesis.
We teach how to express truly by the appropriate symbol, each power and each being of the zone
girdling the earth together with its qualities; how to shape it into the correct graphic
representation. We give inspiration into the secret of making such symbols magically effective by
various methods.

Here are the symbols for the angels of 25 degrees Aries through 29 degrees Aries. The symbols
for Aries are
drawn in red.

[Check index for these ]

To read them properly, imagine that the lines show the flow of energy from AKASHA at the top,
downward into WILL, then into THOUGHT under that, then down through FEELING, and
at the bottom of the symbol. In other words, these symbols are a road map depicting the flow of
energy from akasha at the top of the symbol through fire, air, water, and finally into earthly
manifestation at the bottom of the symbol.

In looking at our symbol: Jugula, 28 degrees Aries, the interpretation is : The initial impulse of
the Angels of Jugula
is the highest feeling state of Ecstatic Divine Love, the letter J. Looking at the symbol, the energy
flows gradually deeper into the feeling of love and then begins to flow upward through thought,
will, and into the Akasha. The divine virtue in the Akasha is the art of creation and it's effects
penetrating all, letter U.

Now the meditation quickly moves downward into the feeling of Grace and Mercy, letter G, at the
point where
feeling becomes form.

Following the line, the attention now flows to the highest feeling state of the creative act, letter U.

Now the attention focuses on the splendor and majesty of Divine Being, letter L, through the
levels of feeling all the
way to physical form . Finally the attention focuses on wisdom and enlightenment, letter A,
manifesting on the
physical level.

To create a talisman of great power and usefulness, ask for intuitive guidance concerning the
material to be used. It may be a stone, a metal medallion, or even a piece of paper, etc. Draw the
symbol of the Angel Group that you wish to represent on it and then carefully meditate on the
divine virtues. Be aware of the divine virtues existing everywhere through all time and space.
Become skilled in asking the beings of fire, air, water, and earth to charge your symbol with the
power of the divine virtues according to the instructions found in the Angel Messages of 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, and 27 degrees Aries.

This is one of the ways that a perfect physical talisman is powerfully constructed. A warrior of
Love depends on a
talisman to manifest the energies of the Angels as a help in the victorious process of manifesting
love on Earth.


J....The power to invoke ecstasy, the rapture of spiritual love, understanding the ecstasy of each
of the four elements
U....while attuning to the original essence of everything as it was primordially created
G....with the blessing of happiness, complete satisfaction, and success perfect master of the principle of attunement, the ability to transfer consciousness, as
L.....and master of the spiritualization of matter, the "astral light", and the mystery of the magic
equilibrium to reveal
the character of any human being order to bring enlightenment via infusing symbols with the power to influence manifest

The melody of the letters of our name is G sharp, B, F, B, F, and G. The colors of the letters of our
name are dark opal, velvet black, emerald green, velvet black, olive green, and light blue.

The sensations are coolness, akasha [God-penetrating-all], coolness, akasha, ease, and ease.

The elements are water, akasha, water, akasha, air, and air.


29 degrees Aries
The Angels of Scents
Also known as The Angels of Secabmi

Beloved, a Divine Warrior learns how to manifest Love with maximum efficiency and minimum
effort. We teach
the power of direct access to the emotional consciousness through the sense of smell.

When tiny molecules of scent are breathed into the cranial cavity they have a strong effect on the
emotions. As you know, emotions are the magnetic feminine power that precede manifestation
on the physical plane. By affecting emotions through the sense of smell, the endocrine system is
activated to produce neuropeptides and hormones that are healing and uplifting.

We inspire mastery in the realm of emotions not only with the preparation of scents, but also
through inspiring strong and wonderful feelings that attract high states of consciousness and

Here is our story:

Jack was befuddled by human nature. He did not understand what made people tick. He could
not go around
anyone without quickly becoming perplexed by all the confusion, doubt, mix-ups, and vagueness
in their energy
fields. He did not know what to do.
Turning to the angels, he asked for guidance from the Angels of Oromonas, 21 degrees Aries.
They intuitively
guided him to the Angels of Secabmi, 29 degrees Aries, the Angels of Scents.
The Angels of Secabmi led him to books on aroma therapy, incense, perfumes, and sacred oils.
He learned the
importance of different kinds of oils and scents and how to prepare them in a sacred way with the
help of the angels. He learned to charge the oils with intention, feeling, sound, and color of the
ancient language in deep meditation.
Under their careful guidance, Jack accumulated bottles of different smells that he took with him
everywhere. Some
were flowers, some herbs, some mixtures, and some came from other natural sources.

He began to experiment.

At the stockbroker's office, he quietly pulled out ROSES AND LILIES. This was one of his
favorites. Each time he
smelled it, he felt like leaving his body in a soaring state of bliss and love. He slipped a few drops
on the blotter on the desk. Jack immediately began to feel powerful love and peace.
After a few minutes Ed, the stockbroker, broke out in an uncharacteristic smile. It was so
uncharacteristic in fact, that Jack did not EVER remember seeing him smile that way, and he had
been coming to see Ed for years.
Ed's smile reached from one side of his face to the other, it was a smile so broad that passers- by
stopped and stared!

"Ed," said Jack," Tell me what you are feeling."

Ed suddenly snapped to attention and with a startled look replied,"Well, Jack, I don't know. All
of a sudden I
was remembering how it felt to be out on the water in the beautiful mountains in a boat back
when I was sixteen and Daddy and I were out fishing together on Morley's lake. That was the day
that he told me that he loved me. I will never forget it. For some reason before that day I had
never been quite sure what Daddy felt toward me, but that day I knew."
The dreamy look returned to his eyes and Jack could see that Ed was lost in reverie. Realizing
that now was not the best time to talk portfolio, Jack gathered his stuff to leave.
Just as he got to the door, he heard Ed's voice.
"Jack", he said quietly," You know, I haven't remembered that day in over twenty years." Jack
turned and noticed a
solitary tear flowing down Ed's cheeks.
The next day Jack went to the mortgage company. This was a particularly edgy situation. He had
to talk the loan officer into approving a refinance for old Mrs. Williamsom, who desperately
needed to lower her high interest rate. She had been seriously late on a few payments recently
when her niece had broken her collar bone and she had gone to take care of the kids.
Walking into the office, Jack took out Myrh and Sandelwood. He put a few drops on his wrists.
he noticed Mr. Login the loan officer staring over his head.

Jack cleared his throat. Mr, Login struggled to bring his attention back. "What can I do for you
today?" he asked.
Jack outlined the situation. Mr. Login was trying hard to pay attention. The myrh and
sandelwood combination had
the effect on Jack of clearing his thinking and creating a strong feeling of sacredness and
compassion. After a few
minutes of listening to Jack talk, the loan officer interrupted, "Jack, I tell you what, we are not
supposed to approve a low interest loan to anyone who has missed two payments in the recent
past, but in this case I can see a way to wave that requirement." He went on to explain and
shortly the deal was agreed upon.
Little did Jack know that Mr. Login had never approved a loan like that before.

The power of feelings and the power of smell to activate feelings is our expertise. Call upon us to
help you in this
way in your path of manifesting Love.

S....Empowerment: perfect mastery over the fire principle, or WILL, to

E....transfer consciousness from one medium to another,
C....spiritualize matter, uniting 'ordinary' with cosmic consciousness,
A....and transduce enlightenment into healing forms of the air principle
B....with mastery to cure diseases, energize remedies, and balance any disharmonies
M...and mastery over all physical forms of the principle of fluidity order to restore life force by reuniting body with soul.

The melody of our name is G-sharp, D, D, G, A, D, G.

The colors of our name are purple-rose, dark violet, vermilion, light blue, light violet, blue-green,
and light opal.

The sensations of the letters are warmth, akasha [God-penetrating-all], warmth and ease, ease,
coolness, and weight.
The elements are fire, akasha, fire and air, air, earth, water, and earth.


30 degrees Aries
The Angels of Hydro and Naturopathy
Also known as The Angels of Calacha

Beloved, we initiate the warrior of Love into the art of healing with water and with naturopathy.

We refine the skills of the previous angel groups of Aries in the final step of taking water and
other natural substances and charging them with the feelings of the divine virtues in order to
administer healing and enlightenment. We inspire the spiritual warrior of Love in all the arts of
healing through natural means.
A true warrior is skilled in many arts, and always seeks the path of maximum efficiency and
minimum effort. Because the earth is a water planet, and is covered with natural herbs and
substances of many healing properties, a warrior impregnates the earth, the water, and the plants
with divine virtues.
Through the conscious act of a Son or Daughter of God, perfection manifests fully through the
four elements and is
grounded into the Earth. This is the original 'dominion' that was given and ordained by Divine
We ask each of you who read these words to go within now and feel the majesty and splendor of
the Divine Virtues.
Become aware of their presence existing in all time and all space; past, present, and future.
Use your will to align with Divine Will and imagine that these splendid virtues are manifesting as
wisdom and
enlightenment to all beings.
Feel deeply the splendor and the majesty of Divine Consciousness, and through the power of
attraction, ask the
beings of the four elements to charge all fire, air, water, and earth with the feeling of the splendor
and majesty of the Divine.
Even in this brief moment, you have changed reality forever. The deeper and more intensely that
you meditate, the greater and more clear is the enlightenment to all.


C...The spiritualization of matter is a combination of

A...meditating on divine wisdom
L....and feeling the emotion of the splendor and majesty of God.
A...This meditation enlightens all beings with
Ch... clarity and the purity. It removes the veils of obscurity.
A...This is how enlightenment manifests.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are; D,G,F G, D sharp, and G.

The colors are vermilion, light blue, olive green, light blue, light violet, and light blue.

The sensations are: warmth and ease, ease, ease, coolness, and ease. The elements are fire-air, air,
air, air, water, and air.

In this last degree of the constellation Aries, a person completes their education in the art of
manifesting new
realities of Divine Love upon the earth. These new realities are brought into practical expression
in the next thirty
degrees of the constellation Taurus.


1 degree Taurus
The Angels of Sympathy
Also known as The Angels of Serap

Beloved, the constellation Aries receives the vibration of Love from Pluto and expresses it on the
level of Will, which is the element of Fire. Will is the masculine electrical force.

Will expresses itself in thought and ideas, which is the element of air and the mental realm.
Just as Air/mind, is the expression of fire/will, the masculine power, Earth is the expression of
Water/feeling, the
feminine power.
In the constellation Taurus, the vibration of love from Pluto expresses itself on the physical level
of form, which is the element of Earth. The symbols for Taurus are drawn in a green color.
From the previous constellation of Aries, the element of fire- the Will to Love, brings forth the
feeling of sympathy
In this first degree of earth sign Taurus.
Since ancient times we inspired the making of herbal waters for the purpose of charging them in
meditation with divine virtues through the power of will, thought, and feeling.

These herbal waters were then applied to blotter paper and burned symbolically to fulfill the
ancient law, "As above, so below".
We inspire the making of friends and the arousing of the feelings of love. We offer help with
situations involving
propagation and producing feelings of unconditional maternal nurturance and bliss.
The most important aspect of our teaching is the meditation of the FEELING of the Will to Love
combined with inner guidance and attunement to wisdom for the purpose of manifesting
spiritual perfection.


S...Clairvoyance, the gift of prophecy expressed as the divine fire of spirit

E...producing cosmic consciousness to materialize ideas into form quickly & easily absorb and articulate knowledge
A...with mastery of the air element Eloquence, artistic talents, expertise in symbols to heal the
mind sublimate libido, inspire unconditional parental love, and uplift humanity in service of
spiritual perfection.
The musical notes of the letters of our name is G sharp, D, C, G, and B.

The colors are purple-rose, dark violet, golden, light blue, and dark gray.

The sensations are warmth, God-penetrating-all, weight, ease, and weight.

The elements are fire, askasha, earth, air, and earth.



2 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Tantric Fire
Also known as The Angels of Molabeda

Beloved, in the second degree of Taurus, we teach a person how to direct Love's passion
according to the majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness. The constellation Taurus
concerns the practical, physical level of Love's
We are guardians of deep mysteries of sacred tantric energy which we make known to those who
are mature and
ethically impeccable.We also inspire combining Divine Will and the fire element to bring about
phenomenal miracles in nature.
Remember that WILL is FIRE.

FIRE manifests in the physical body as nerve impulses and sexuality. We inspire you to direct
this energy up the spine to higher nerve ganglia and stimulate the glands to produce
consciousness altering substances called hormones and neuropeptides.
The way to direct the course of sexual fire upwards is through INTENTION AND WILL. Use
breath, combined
with will, visualization, feeling, and the natural and spontaneous cooperation of the body's
physical fire .This is the ultimate and ancient path of transformation of consciousness on the
physical plane.
Psychoactive substances produced in the human body temple are a thousand times more pure
and powerful than
any other consciousness changing chemicals, regardless of source. The FIRE element of the
human body courses up the spine to completely alter chemical make up.


M...Becoming perfect master of one's feelings, life spirit, and sensations

O....through a high power of judgment and the ability to see the future consequences of one's
L....and understanding true morality,
A....brings the cognition of the most profound truths, the highest knowledge
B....and the ability to arouse intense sexual fire.
E....This sexual fire recreates the physical body temple.
D....This sexual transformation
A....brings about complete enlightenment with all its gifts of eloquence, musical genius, occult
faculties, etc.

The musical notes of the letters of our name are D,C,F,G,A,D,C,,and G. The colors are beautiful
blue-green, ultramarine blue, olive green, light blue, light violet, dark violet, indigo blue, and
light blue.

The sensations and elements are water/coolness, earth/weight, air/ease, air/ease, earth/weight,
akasha/penetrating all, fire/warmth, and air/ease.

When a son of daughter of God attunes their WILL to one or more of the divine virtues
[represented by letter L in the ancient language], and asks one or more WILL BEINGS [beings of
the fire element] to help will this virtue to manifest on the earthly, physical plane, then
phenomenal lightning and other fire miracles are brought about in nature. This is true in the
human body temple and in the outer world.


3 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Plant Mysticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Manmes'

Beloved, the constellation Taurus teaches how Divine Love manifests on the physical plane. In
this third degree of
Taurus, the mystical uses of plants to cause profound changes in consciousness for the purpose
of Supreme
Happiness are mastered.
We are the angels who know and teach the mystical qualities and consciousness changing
purposes of every
plant that grows upon the earth. We teach how to activate these qualities.
The making of incense, healing and enlightening plant teas, poultices, and all other mystical
plant remedies fall under the range of our competence.
Every plant contains a different combination of Divine Virtues. Hidden within the chemistry of
each plant is a
Divine Code. This code comes alive with mystical power when it is activated by the conscious will
and feeling of a
son or daughter of God for the purpose of happiness and enlightenment.
We guide you to plants that help to manifest the consciousness of Divine Love into practical
physical reality.
We inspire the charging and the preparation of the plant so that its divine signature is mystically
released into your


M...We help you attain mastery of the water principle, the life spirit, which is the flowing of pure
A....combined with the forces of the air, the realms of mind and occult faculties,
N....for the purpose of supreme happiness. We respond to 'the drive for self preservation and
autonomy of
unassailable protection from any threat' to happiness.
M...The fluidity affecting feeling, sensations, and moods are strongly influenced the infusing of Cosmic Consciousness into the material world
S....with all-pentrating power through the plant and elemental kingdoms.

The melody of our name is D, G,A,D,D, and G sharp. The colors of the letters of our name are
blue-green, light blue, deep rose, blue-green, dark violet, and purple-rose.
The sensations and elements are coolness/water, ease/air, coolness/water, coolness/water,
penetrating-all/akasha, and warmth/fire.
Each plant in the Divine Kingdom of Earth is holy and sacred and contains mystical secrets of
Consciousness which is present in all life everywhere.
As the sons and daughters of God walk the earth in feeling and enlightenment, the plants give
freely of their mystical gifts.


4 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Healing Plants
Also known as The Angels of 'Faluna'

Beloved, after the Angels of Manmes, 3 degrees Taurus, have taught how the plant kingdom
helps with enhancement of consciousness, we teach the art of using substances from plants 'to
preserve the body, or even to make it younger and more resistant against inharmonious
influences like diseases'. The plant kingdom contains substances which enhance the human body
temple's own ability to revitalize and rejuvenate itself.


F...We inspire in you the comprehension of universal laws, especially as they apply to the human
A....and the healing ability of mind and the spirits of the air element.
L....We help you with the mastery of vitality, permanent youth, beauty,and the ability to achieve
U... and the ability to understand the pure essential origin and purpose of everything.
N... Our goal is to help you in bringing supreme happiness into manifestation
A... and to realize occult faculties of the enlightened mind.

The melody of our name is the notes of F sharp, G, , B, A, and G.

Imagine the following: The universe fills up with a light green light that gives a feeling of weight
as it manifests in
all beings the 'unificattion and the interdependence of the four basic qualities of will-power,
intellect, feeling, and
physical consciousness as it concerns harmony, divine virtues, universal laws, and all abstract
ideas in their
purest state.' The angel choirs sing the note of F sharp.

Now the light changes to the most lovely shade of light blue and the choirs sing the note of G.
The feeling of ease
permeates all space as complete wisdom and enlightenment manifests within all creation. The
sense of ease becomes even more wondrous as the light glows a clear luminous olive green. The
choirs of angels are singing the note of G in many octaves while all time and space, all beings, are
filled with the majesty and splendor of Supreme Being.

Now the light becomes a deep ivory black and the angel choirs are singing the note of B. A feeling
of weight
penetrating everything brings forth the consciousness of the act of creation and how each act
changes everything and affects the unified field of life.

A deep deep rose colored light now fills all time and space as the angels sing the note of A. A
feeling of warmth fills all with supreme happiness and the seventh heaven of delight and bliss.

The light becomes light blue. The angels sing the note of G in lovely voices as the feeling of ease
and enlightenment fill everything. Wherever you look, you see and understand the purpose of
everything and the divine ideas expressing throughout all of creation.
Imagine yourself walking among the plant kingdom in this state of meditation, and imagine that
with each plant that you see, intuitive understanding of it's gift to you comes clearly into your

Divine Providence expresses divine virtues within and throughout all creation. A son or daughter
of God contains
the infinite blueprint of Divine Providence itself.


5 degrees Taurus

The Angels of Earthly Happiness

Also known as The Angels of 'Nasi'

Beloved, all thirty degrees in the Constellation Taurus concerns the practical manifestation of
Divine Love on Earth. We teach mankind that supreme happiness is not only the outcome of
spiritual enlightenment, it is also the
purpose of it.
Happiness is the essence of Divine Consciousness in all beings. Pleasure, happiness, bliss, and
ecstasy on earth
mirrors the qualities of Divine Being. Manifesting supreme happiness is one of the primary
purposes of creation.


N...The sons and daughters of God are destined to confer supreme happiness as unassailable
masters of all
beings on earth.
A...Uplifting artistic talents of eloquence and occult abilities to the level of the enlightened mind
are the means by
which this is accomplished.
S...The sons and daughters of God are totally empowered to use the gift of prophecy and mastery
over self and
I ... to reawaken memories and redirect the course of events in order to bring heaven to earth.

Go deeply within. Close your eyes. Feel and see the warm deep rose color of Supreme Happiness
filling all worlds
inwardly and outwardly. Imagine hearing angelic choirs singing the note of A.
Go deeper. See light changing to a lovely sky blue with heavenly choirs of angels singing the note
of G. Meditate
on divine wisdom and enlightenment within the consciousness of all created beings. Take your
time. Feel
blissfully relaxed and at ease.
Now feel the warmth of all-penetrating power as enlightened beings align their will with Divine
Will. Angels
sing the note of G sharp. Purple-rose light fills everything.
The light changes to pure white with sparkles in all the colors of rainbow. Angels sing the note of
G. Mastery of
cause and effect creates a feeling of weight that fills all worlds. Imagine heaven manifesting on
earth and in all
created worlds within you and outside of you. Take your time.



We are the angels who are responsible for establishing 'an agreeable life, full of pleasure' for the
sons and daughters of God, who in turn create happiness for all living creatures and life forms
upon the earth.
We give good advice. We inspire you with ways to increase your income and help improve your
position in life in ways that benefit all.


6 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Numbers
Also known as The Angels of 'Conioli'

Beloved, numbers and mathematics is a divine language.

We awaken within the sons and daughters of God the ability to speak and understand the
language of numbers.
We teach how to express 'any power, faculty, realization, etc. mathematically in numbers and
vice versa; how to
know the divine meanings of mathematical expressions.'
We are initiators into the knowledge of spheres and universes, both large and small, on the
quantum or the
macrocosmic levels.
Through the language of numbers and mathematics the infinite perfection and exact precision of
manifestation and the divine virtues of enlightenment, polarity, infinity, harmony, grace, cause
and effect, love,
power, emotion, happiness, justice, urge for perfection, freedom, inspiration, rhythm, etc. are
beautifully explained.


C...All meditation practices to infuse divine virtues are done with

O...impeccable adherence to law, with a sense of infallibility and unimpeachability.
N...We teach mastery over the laws of coherence of any physical thing;
I.... over shape, measurement, number, and weight to comprehend all laws of the material world
O...and over astro- and meta-physics.
L...We do this so that the sons and daughters of God merge with divine virtues and extol the
greatness of God using the faculty of memory and understanding the origins of science to express all actions
and relationships
in life.


{Take all the time you need. This meditation is reformatting universal software. It is your gift to
yourself and to all

Relax and go within.

Imagine beautiful vermilion [ peacock green] light infusing all space through all time. Feel the
warmth and ease of the fire and air elements, which represent will and mind.
Concentrate on the mystery of self-spiritualization, on the profundity of all prayer, meditation,
and practices for union with Divine Consciousness. Imagine that you hear the angel choirs
singing the note of D in many octaves throughout all of space. In your body temple especially feel
this meditation in your head and chest regions.
The light turns into ultramarine blue, see it filling your infinite inward space of consciousness
and then all space
in the outer cosmos. Feel the weight of the earth element, which represents manifesting in form,
filling all space and time. Imagine Divine Justice, adherence to divine laws, manifesting in and
through all beings everywhere. Imagine you hear Angels singing the note of C in many octaves.
Now feel this meditation in your throat and windpipe area.
Now imagine a deep deep rose light that pervades all inner and outer space. The Fire element
creates warmth while Angels sing the note of A. Supreme Happiness, bliss, ecstasy, and delight
fills you within your infinite
consciousness and also fills all beings and space outside of you. Feel this energy especially in your
Take your time.
Now the pure white light, sparkling with jewel colors of the rainbow, fills all time and space with
weight, the earth
element of manifestation. Meditate on the consciousness of all beings understanding Cause and
Effect. Imagine Angels singing many octaves in the note of G. Feel this meditation especially
from your left kidney all the way down into your feet.
The ultramarine blue light returns, filling all of space and time. The feeling of weight of the earth
element pervades
everything. Divine Justice, and adherence to divine laws permeates the consciousness of all
beings. Angels are
singing the note of C. Feel this energy in your throat area.
A deep, clear, luminous olive green color fills all time and space. The air element creates a
refreshing sense of ease and relaxation. The majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness fills
everything. Angels sing the note of F.
Feel this meditation in the spleen and chest area of your body temple.
And finally the pure white opal light sparkling with colors fills all space and time, past, present,
and future. The earth element fills everything with a sense of weight. Visualize all consciousness
in all creation filled with the understanding of Cause and Effect. Angels are singing the note of G.
Feel this in your left kidney all the way down to your feet.
Whenever you wish to understand Divine Truth in mathematical terms, repeat this meditation,
asking the
Angels of Conioli to inspire you.

Note: Those of you born with any planet or point in 6

degrees Taurus have a natural gift of mathematics. Check
your astrological chart.


7 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Intuitive Writing
Also known as The Angels of 'Carubot'

Beloved, Whenever a son or a daughter of God takes pen in hand, or any other device for
recording language in order to write a story, we come.
We 'assist by intuition and inspiration with proposals and projects for literary use and
distinguished style. People
dealing with fairy tales, legends, sagas, and the like, find in us an excellent initiator.' Divine
Providence has ordained that the sons and daughters of God reclaim whole brain thinking.
Manifesting heaven on earth depends on this.
There are two hemispheres of the brain in the human body temple. They mirror each other. The
right side is para-
sympathetic, or instinctive, and the left is sympathetic, or voluntary. The instinctive side is
feminine, or receptive.
The voluntary side is masculine, or creative.
Each of the two sides have two brain wave functions. On the right-hand feminine side are Delta
brain waves and Alpha brain waves. On the left-hand masculine side are Theta brain waves and
Beta brain waves.
In society, only the Beta brain wave function is valued and encouraged in conventional
education. This brain wave
becomes forced into dominance and the other brain waves become recessive or, in some cases,
dormant to the waking consciousness. A son or daughter of God in this condition only accesses
the five senses, memory, and rational linear thinking.
Enlightenment and wisdom requires that consciousness SIMULTANEOUSLY access all four
brain waves at once.
This ability can be regained by using the ancient TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX.
The restoration of the Divine Feminine upon the earth depends on the restoration of the use of
the Delta and Alpha
brain waves of the right hemisphere of the brain. Delta brain waves are very slow and are the
state of PURE
BEING. They are approximately 0 to 4 oscillations per second. Small children naturally
experience this state as
dominant from the fourth month in utero until the average ages of 3 or 4. Alpha Brain waves are
approximately 7 to 12 ops (oscillations per second), and children normally have this as a
dominant state from the average ages of 7 to 12.
In this state, emotions are the focus of consciousness, both the emotions of self and others.
Psychic abilities are
accessible in this state.
The restoration of mastery and sovereignty depends on the restoration of the use of Theta brain
waves in the left
hemisphere. Theta brain waves are approximately 4 to 7 ops and children normally experience
this state as dominant from the average ages of 4 to 7 years old. In this state, deep inward
thought, free from interference from the outside world, occurs. This is where "the still small
voice" is heard, This is the VOICE of inner guidance.
Beta brain waves are approximately 12 ops and up. Children experience this state as dominant
from puberty onward.
Consciousness in this state is focus on the five senses, memory, and logic.
"Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven." The key to
enlightenment is to
regain the use of the three previous childhood states and combine them with Beta wave
consciousness equally and simultaneously. This may seem difficult, because the natural
development of children in these states is seriously interrupted by conventional behavior
modification practices that try to force children into Beta, logic, memory, and the five senses,
before they are old or developed enough to do so. With angelic help, and the use of the Tibetan
Exercise of Paradox, recovery is certain.
This combination of brainwave states is called the 'fourfold key' or the 'quadrapolar magnet'.
These four
brainwave states correspond to the four elements. Delta is fire, Theta is air, Alpha is water, and
Beta is earth. They
correspond to the four states of WILL, MIND, FEELING, AND FORM.
ALL of the angel groups require whole brain thinking within the sons and daughters of God in
order to download
information from Universal Mind. Angels are called THE MESSENGERS OF GOD because we are
connectors to various sectors of wisdom and information in the CONSCIOUS MIND ASPECT of
the unified field of
"As above, so below" The computers and internet connections that you are evolving on planet
earth are
a reflection of the Interactive Mind of God.
As these evolve into greater complexity and perfection, they more accurately mirror the natural
workings of
Universal Mind as it interfaces with Individual Minds.
This is why we say that by regaining WHOLE-BRAIN THINKING, you are restoring your natural
ability to
'download' information from Universal Mind in Delta and Theta and 'download' information
from the Outer
World in Alpha as well as Beta.
When Delta brain wave thinking is restored, a state of PURE BEING and oneness with God is
restored. When
Theta brainwave thinking is restored, clear inner guidance is restored. When Alpha brainwave
thinking is restored,
emotional awareness and psychic abilities are restored.
When these are combined with memory, linear thinking, and the five senses, or Beta: you have a
fully functional
son or daughter of God. In this state angelic assistance is easy and natural to access and use.


C... Meditation and prayer

A... enables a son or daughter of God to access infinite wisdom.
R... By following inner guidance
U... and with the mastery of creativity and the under-standing of the cascading results that are
being created,
B... the power to change any fate is acquired.
O... In this way, Divine Justice and adherence to Divine Laws is taught
T... to others through high inspiration.


Take your time, this meditation is a gift to yourself and others. The cascading effects of this
meditation is the
reformating of the software of the world.
Go deep within. Imagine a beautiful peacock green light pervading all of space. Feel relaxing ease
and warmth.
Imagine that you hear angel voices singing the note of D and that you are singing with them.
Meditate on the
mysteries of self-spiritualization through prayer and meditation. Feel this energy especially in
your head and
Imagine a sky blue light filling all space and time. See this light in your inner worlds and in the
outer universe. Feel
relaxing ease. Imagine you hear angels singing the note of G and that you are singing with them.
Meditate on wisdom and enlightenment and the purity of all ideas in all forms of existence. Feel
this energy especially in your lungs.
Imagine a golden light pervading all of space and time. Feel a feeling of weight. Imagine you hear
angels singing in the note of C and that you are singing with them. Meditate on freedom and
independence, on all beings following their inner guidance. Feel this energy especially in your
solar plexus.
Imagine a velvet black light filling all space. Feel a feeling of weight. Hear the angels singing in
the note of B and hear yourself singing with them. Meditate on the creative act and the cascading
results through time and space of the act of creation. Feel this energy especially in your pancreas,
solar plexus, and the pit of the stomach.
Imagine a light violet color pervading all of space and time.
Feel a feeling of weight, or gravity. Hear the angels singing the note of A, and hear yourself
singing with them. Meditate on universal life and the cognition of polarity in all forms of
existence. Feel this energy especially in the right eye.
Imagine an ultramarine blue, like the blue color in a flame, filling all of space and time. Imagine
this blue light in your inner universes and in the outer universe. Feel weight or gravity. Hear the
angels singing in the note of A, and hear yourself singing with them. Meditate on Divine Justice,
on legality, and adherence to Divine Laws. Feel this energy in your throat and windpipe.
Imagine a brownish black light filling all of space. Feel warmth throughout all. Hear the angels
singing the note of

F, and sing with them. Meditate on high inspiration and especially on all legal matters of this
principle. Feel this
energy especially in the right kidney.


8 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Mystical Writing
Also known as The Angels of 'Jajaregi'

Beloved, we specialize in writings of mysticism and sacred teachings. Sons and daughters of God
who write about
Truth and Wisdom are inspired by us.
We know very well how to inspire the mystic so that he is able to reproduce occult powers, effect,
laws etc. in the form of novels. Many mystics who have published novels dealing with mysticism
have been inspired by us without having been aware of it.
The letter J is one of the most wonderful letters of the ancient language. It represents the divine
virtue of

all-embracing love. The letter A that follows it represents the virtue of infinite wisdom and
enlightenment. Notice that J-A is repeated twice in the beginning of our name. Our intent is to
inspire the sons and daughters of God to write of the infinite all embracing love of Divine
Consciousness so that infinite wisdom and enlightenment brings independence and freedom to
all. Freedom and independence, which is the divine virtue of following one's inner guidance, free
from any outside constraints, is represented by the letter R.
Independence and freedom to follow inner guidance is the birthright of all beings in God's
creation. This virtue of
omnipresence is represented by the letter E of our name.
Because mistakes have been made prior to enlightenment by all beings, and the law of Cause and
Effect requires that each being reaps what they have sown, the Divine Virtue of Grace and Mercy
allows the negative effects of mistakes to be lessoned as much as possible. This is done through
making available teachings on higher truth through many avenues, including the writing of
mystical novels and literary pieces. The Virtue of Grace and Mercy is represented by the letter G
of our name.
When through all encompassing love, wisdom, inner guidance, and grace the laws of Cause and
Effect are learned and mastered, heaven manifests on earth. The virtue of Cause and Effect are
represented by the final letter I of our name.


J....Highest pure refined love expressed through purity of ideas and cognition of Illumination-knowledge of the
enlightened mind
J... articulating the mysteries of love's magic.
A...Eloquence, poetic talent, control over the language of symbols
R...and expanding mental capacity allow rapid grasp and facile articulation in words of any
E...yielding the uncanny ability to intensify ideas "larger than life," In order to unite ordinary
with universal
G...The outcome is to bless humanity with divine grace and mercy
I.... and understanding of karma.

The melody of our name is G sharp, G, G sharp, G, C, D, F, and G.


Take your time. This is a gift to yourself and the universe.

J... Imagine a dark opal light filling all space inside your imagination and all space in the outer
universe. Feel a sense of coolness. Hear the angels singing the note of G sharp and imagine that
you are singing with them. Meditate on the highest, all embracing love. Imagine rapture and
ecstasy in its highest form. Feel this especially in your midriff area of the body.

A…Imagine sky blue light filling all space and time, inside of you and outside of you. Feel relaxed
and at ease. Hear the angels singing the note of G. Sing with them in your imagination or out
loud. Meditate on wisdom, enlightenment, and the purity of all original ideas in existence. Feel
this in your lungs.

J...Imagine dark opal light. Feel coolness everywhere. Hear angels singing G sharp. Meditate on
love. Center this energy in your midriff.

A…Imagine sky blue light. Feel ease. Hear the angels singing in the note of G. Meditate on
wisdom and
enlightenment. Center this energy in your lungs.

R... Imagine a golden light filling all of space and time. Feel a sense of weight. Hear the angels
singing the note of C. Sing with them. Meditate on independence and freedom to follow inner
guidance. Feel this especially in your solar plexus.

E...Imagine a deep violet light. Feel power penetrating all. Hear the angels singing the note of D.
Meditate on the
omnipresence of God. On Universal Consciousness. Center this energy in your solar plexus and
in your whole spine.

G...Imagine emerald green light everywhere. Feel refreshing flowing coolness. Hear the angels
singing in the note of F. Meditate on Grace and Mercy filling all of space and time. See Grace and
Mercy flowing into the past, the present, and the future. See it everywhere. Feel this in your left

I...Imagine a white light filled with sparkling jewel colors of the rainbow filling the microcosm
and the macrocosm. Feel a sense of gravity and weight. Hear the angels singing in the note of G.
Meditate on Cause and Effect. Feel this in your left kidney all the way down to your feet.


9 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Mystical Behaviors
Also known as The Angels of Orienell
Beloved, The Constellation Taurus brings Divine Love into practical manifestation on the
physical plane.
Our responsibility to the sons and daughters of God is to inspire and teach mysical behaviors
that facilitate Divine
Justice, clear inner guidance, mastery of cause and effect, supreme happiness, and attunement to
the divine virtues in everything that has been created.
We inspire gestures, postures, prayers, and ceremonies in daily life that align the will, the mind,
the emotions, and the physical body temple in Divine Consciousness.


O...Acute discernment of spiritual justice in the interest of bringing happy and successful
circumstances in
everyday life,

R...Easily articulating spiritual wisdom, I... factoring in the karmic consequences of all actions
and doings,

E... aims to infuse cosmic consciousness into material forms

N...while keeping interactions between people in harmonious balance.
E...The intuitive ability to intensify concepts and thought forms so powerfully as to allow the
universal transfer
of divine consciousness
L... causes spiritualization of emotions and
L... enlightenment of the emotional body.

The melody of our name is C,C,G,D,A,D,F, and F.


Go deep within. Relax.

Imagine brilliant flame-blue ultramarine light filling all space and time. Feel gravity and weight
as Divine Justice
manifests. Hear angels singing the note of C. Imagine you are singing with them. Meditate on
Divine Justice, on
adherence to divine laws, throughout all time and space in all beings. Center this energy in your
throat and windpipe.
Imagine gold light. Feel gravity and weight. Hear angels singing the note of C. Sing with them.
Meditate on
independence and freedom to follow inner guidance.
Imagine this for yourself and for all beings. Meditate on this through all space inner and outer,
and all time, past,
present, and future. Center this energy in your solar plexus.
Imagine pure white light sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. Feel weight and gravity.
Hear angels singing the note of G. Sing with them. Meditate on the law of Cause and Effect.
Center this energy in your left kidney all the way down into both feet.
Imagine deep violet light everywhere. Feel power penetrating all. Hear the angels singing the note
of D.
Meditate on the omnipresence of God. On Divine Consciousness filling everything. Center this
energy in
your whole spine and solar plexus area.
Imagine deep deep rose light filling everything. See this rose light filling your inner worlds of
imagination, your
body, and the outer world and universes. Feel warmth.
Meditate on supreme happiness, ecstasy, and delight.
Center this energy in your liver.
Imagine deep violet light everywhere. Feel power penetrating all. Hear the angels singing the note
D. Meditate on the omnipresence of God. On Divine Consciousness filling everything. Center this
in your whole spine and solar plexus area.
Imagine clear translucent glowing olive green light. Feel relaxation and ease. Hear the angels
singing the note of F.
Meditate on the majesty and splendor of all divine virtues.
Center this energy in your spleen.
Imagine again clear translucent glowing olive green light. See it filling everything on the inner
and the outer. Take
your time. Feel relaxation and ease. Hear the angels singing the note of F. Sing with them.
Meditate on the majesty and splendor of all divine virtues. Center this energy in your spleen.
The key is to feel the splendor and majesty of divine virtues in your spleen and simultaneously
feel this splendor
through all time and space. When you do this, see the color olive green, hear the note of F, and
feel the sensation, which is ease.
These meditations with the letters become automatic and effortless. We inspire you to sit and
move in certain
postures, called Asanas, and to perform ceremonies that ground the divine virtues into the earth.
This is the role and function of the sons and daughters of God. This is how love manifests in the
behavior of the sons and daughters of God.


10 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Moon Mysticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Concario'

Beloved, The physical moon is the embodiment of the Feminine-magnetic, emotional force. The
moon stimulates
the para-sympathetic nervous system and the Delta and Alpha brain wave states. As the amount
of light waxes
and wanes during a lunar cycle, the human body temple experiences fluctuations in
neuropeptide and hormonal
Divine Providence has provided many angels and beings who work with both forces; the electric
solar force and the magnetic lunar force.
We are the angels who teach the sons and daughters of God to understand and access the beings
and the teachings of the lunar force.
We teach about 'the 28 stations of the moon and how these may have mental, emotional, or
physical effects on the
zone girdling the earth as well as on the physical world, and how practical use can be made of
them. We explain the synthesis of the astrological mysticism of the moon.'
As Earth absorbs the rays of Constellation Aquarius over the next 2000 years, the physical world
is destined to be
less dense. With our inspiration, it will be easier for the sons and daughters of God to understand
the powerful
emotional and intuitive energy fluctuations caused by lunar and cyclic rhythms on the human
Using the intuitive knowing that we bring, a son or daughter of God rides the emotional seas of
divine virtues and
supreme happiness each month using lunar energy as inspiration and support.
Here is our story: Sharanne was tired of the run around at work. For years she had done
everything she could to be supportive of her coworkers, please the boss, be a good mom, make
peace with her ex-husband and his wife, pay the bills, and keep up with the taxes. She just
couldn't do it anymore.
So she sold the big house and moved out to a farm community in the Ozarks. She had a
client-base that had
been built up over the years that she felt she could rely on. She was going to live on a small
pittance by subcontracting over the Internet.
After the move , she noticed the kids were spending more time in the fields and woods instead of
glued to television.
What was once considered hyperactive behavior in town became exuberant fun and rich
creativity and imagination
in the country. She took Amy off Ritalin. Amy bloomed.
It was definitely a major change for the better.
The money was steady enough. She had time on her hands.
Time was something she had never had before in her life.
She changed their diet. She got a great grain grinder out of a catalog and ordered organic grains
by the 25 and 50
pound bags. She learned how to make unleavened bread and grow vegetables. She saved a lot of
money on food
bills. She and the children decided to go vegetarian and their weight slimmed down.
Each night she watched the moon. She loved the night.
She loved the crickets and the night birds. Days passed.
Finally one night she had a dream. In it an angel appeared.
He told her to keep a journal of her feelings and dreams and correlate them to moon cycles. He
told her to watch
for patterns.
She found out that when the moon was in the same sign as it was in her astrology chart at birth,
that she had powerful prophetic dreams. She noticed that as the moon progressed through it's
different phases, through the different signs, that her feelings and dreams each month went
through similar patterns. When the moon was in the sign of one of her major planets in her birth
chart, her dreams corresponded to the planet's energy.
She began to meet with others once a week for a dream circle. They shared their dreams and
formed a deep bond.
They studied and read about dreams and learned how the moon and their dream states danced
together. They found that women and men had been meeting together for dream circles in many
cultures since the prime beginning. Her group began to experience communication with the
angels of the moon and of the dreamtime.
Sharanne healed. Her emotional life now had a mystical rhythmic motion. She felt timeless and
ageless. She felt like forever. She felt as if she were dancing. She felt at one with the earth, with
the mystery of life, and with the cosmos. She felt at one with her sisters and brothers.
Her heart became a living temple of devotion to the sacredness of life and the mystery of
creation. She knew
first hand that Universal Intelligence and Life was everywhere. The children blossomed and were
full of depth
and happiness.
She dreamed of a mysterious man. A kind, sensitive, and enlightened man who arrives in her life
and loves her and the children. She smiled.
The dream had come on a night when the moon was in the same sign and degree of Venus in her
astrology chart and she dreamed it again when the moon was in the same sign as her natal moon.
She and her dream circle friends got the house ready. It was only a matter of time.


C... We enliven and spiritualize matter by the word

O... to create happy, successful circumstances in life
N... as unassailable protected masters
C... who impregnate emotions with divine virtues.
A... Using artistic and expressive talents, eloquence, and the language of symbols
R.. .acting as free spirits ingeniously and mentally perfect,
I.... we enliven and revivify in accordance with the divine blueprint of karma
O... with an impeccable sense of divine justice, right and wrong.

The melody of our name is the musical notes of D,C,A,D,G,C,G, and C.


11 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Hypnotherapy Also
known as The Angels of 'Dosom'

Beloved, In manifesting Divine Love upon the earth, the sons and daughters of God call upon us
for help with
'mysticism, hypnotism, medical magnetism etc. We teach how to correctly apply hypnosis
regarding spirit, soul and
body. We bring about the desired effects ourselves when asked.'
Each person receives inner guidance to create upon earth realities that bring Love into practical
manifestation. When the art of hypnosis and magnetism is needed for this purpose, we help you
attune to Divine Providence so that divine laws and justice are carefully adhered to.


D....Understanding mysteries of creation, birthing new realities, ego consciousness, and the
magic of love
combined with the
O....power to call forth emotional realities with acute discernment and contentment,
S.... and perfect control over humans, in balance with the gift of prophecy, is used to infuse the
most refined
essence of divine spirit.
O....Excellent judgment, understanding and appreciation of divine law
M...allows mastery of the original water principle: Which is control over the change process
change, fluidity &

When you need our assistance, first imagine a dark blue color filling all of space. See this deep
blue light filling
your body and all of your inner realities. Feel this color especially in your right ear. Then see all
of the universes of
outer space fill with this light. Hear the note of C and feel the sensation of fiery warmth. Meditate
on the mysteries of the art of creation.



Then imagine that the dark blue light becomes a bit lighter and turns into ultramarine blue, the
color of blue flame. Feel this energy in your throat area and imagine that you hear the angel
choirs singing the note of C. Toning this musical note yourself out loud, or in your imagination,
gives great power to this meditation. Feel the sensation of gravity and weight filling all of space
and time and meditate on Divine Justice and adherence to divine laws manifesting in all worlds.
Now allow the color of the light to change to a beautiful purple-rose. Get the sensation of fiery
warmth and hear
the music change to G sharp. Feel this energy especially in your gall bladder as you imagine the
light, sound, warmth, and divine quality of all-penetrating-power filling all space and time in the
microcosm and the macrocosm.
Return the the ultramarine blue light and the meditation on Divine Justice and adherence to
divine laws. Sing the note of C and feel gravity filling all of space and time. Feel this energy in
your throat area.
End meditation with light changing to a beautiful watery blue-green. Get the feeling of refreshing
coolness every-
where. Meditate on the power of emotions, on how feelings flow and create magnetism. Hear the
angels singing in the note of D and tone this note out loud or in your imagination.
You are ready to feel all the divine qualities that you wish to impart to those you are helping. Do
this on your own or ask for our assistance.
We suggest that you try this the next time you witness a situation that calls for divine
intervention. The power
of your imagination to visualize, sense, feel, hear, and encompass divine qualities and project
them to others will
amaze you.
"By their fruits ye shall know them."


12 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Loving Relationships
Also known as The Angels of 'Galago'

Beloved, At this time, Divine Providence has ordained that kindred souls find each other to
create powerful friendships. These sacred groups, or heart circles, bring forth blessings to
everyone. They are filled with respect, honor, love, and dignity.
For heaven to manifest on earth, it is important for people to find their own spiritual family.
Only hearts that create
respect and love dance awake the Sacred Dream.
Our specialty is teaching the sons and daughters of God to use will, which is the fire element, to
create honor, esteem, dignity, friendship and love for all. This is the dream of The Highest Good
of All Concerned. Pleasure, happiness, sacredness, and gratitude grow in the fertile soil of right
We inspire unlimited childlike fantasy and imagination in the sons and daughters of God in the
process of desiring
and visualizing right relations. This is so important that we urge each of you to go into the depths
of your heart and
connect strongly with your desire for true friendship and love that strengthens the dignity of all.
We help you fan this desire, this will, for loving relations into a powerful flame that lights the
way. Desire is the fire
element of will. The beings of the fire element will help you in finding friends who resonate with
you in the sacredness, grace, and mercy. These are the people who share your dream of heaven
on earth and desire it more than anything else.
In this holy energy, the honor, love, respect, and dignity that is the birthright of all manifests.


G... Grace and Mercy the desire of a person who is attuned to wisdom and enlightenment.
L... Such a person seeks to manifest the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness
A... in order to spread wisdom to all.
G... The feelings of happiness and complete satisfaction
O.. brings absolute success and happiness in every respect in the material world.


13 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Natural Forces
Also known as The Angels of 'Paguldez'

Beloved, we 'are initiators into all aspects of the magic of nature.' We teach you how to use
natural means to access
the powers of nature and bring about causes that control natural phenomena.
The Constellation Taurus concerns the manifestation of Love in practical reality. Many times this
requires the
activation of natural forces to bring about change. When you invoke our aid, we guide you in
your meditation into
an awareness, understanding, and mastery of natural phenomena.


P... The desire in all life for spiritual perfection

A... combined with the powers of the enlightened mind
G... will create change using the powers of nature for the
purpose of Grace and Mercy.
U...We inspire the recognition of the results of any act
of creation
L... so that only the splendor and majesty of Divine
D... is created on the physical plane.
U... The perfect consequences of any creative act
Z... is a consequence of the highest intuition and guidance
from Divine Providence.

The melody of our name is B,G,F,B,F,C, B, and G.


14 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Right Livelihood
Also known as The Angels of 'Pafessa'

Beloved, right livelihood is a requirement on the sacred path to spiritual perfection. Deep within
the heart of each son and daughter of God is an inner compass that points the way to a
profession that opens up the wisdom and power to create heaven on earth.
We inspire you to live your life according to that which brings you harmony, and which brings
harmony to the
'We render you professional assistance and we inspire you to improve your professional
situation. If you are a
business person we help you, through your employees, to attract more customers etc. We are
always pleased to help you in any respect whatsoever on the physical plane. In the kingdom of
the gnomes, who are the spirits of manifestation of the physical plane, we are very loved and
welcomed. We encourage the gnomes to help you in your profession.'


P... Longing for spiritual perfection, devotion to higher truth is expressed as a calling to serve
humanity in deep
A... High intelligence and cognition of the most profound truths
F... produces mastery of the spirits of self and others with the goal of the most perfect harmony
according to the
Law of One.
E... The ability to unite ordinary with universal consciousness helps Us bring heaven to earth and
to psychically hear the "language" of 'earth beings' such as humans and gnomes.
S... Clairvoyance, the gift of prophecy - strong attunement to humans, animals, & all unseen
earth spirits -
S.... brings about control of the consciousness of all earthly beings.
A... The outcome is the healing of mind and command of all air spirits, which is the kingdom of
the sylphs.

Here is our meditation using the letters of our name in the ancient language:

*P* Go deep within and meditate on the longing for spiritual progress, spiritual perfection, and
spiritualization in general.' Feel the desire to strive upwards to the Divine Light. Sense an ever
profound longing for unification with divine love, divine omnipotence, and divine wisdom and
power. Visualize a
deep gray color filling space while angels sing the note of B. Imagine a sense of gravity as Divine
Perfection manifests
into all Creation. Feel this energy especially in your right nostril.
*A* Shift the light to sky blue and meditate on enlightenment and wisdom. Hear the angels
singing octaves
of the note of G. Feel this energy in your lungs. Relax into a feeling of amazing ease and
peacefulness as you visualize all inner worlds and outer worlds filled with enlightenment and
*F* The light is now light green. The music is F sharp. The sensation is weight and gravity of
manifestation. Meditate
on supreme harmony. Feel this especially in your left hand.
*E* Fill the cosmos, inner and outer, with dark violet light. Sense power penetrating all. Hear the
note of D. Meditate
on Universal Consciousness and how it exists throughout all time and space in everything. Feel
this in your spine.
*S* All penetrating Power. Power that penetrates every-thing. Purple rose light. A feeling of
warmth. The note of G sharp. Centered in gall-bladder.
*S* Power that penetrates into your dreamtime and into the outer world. The power to work
miracles. Everywhere,
through all time and space. G sharp. Warm fire.
*A* Beautiful light blue light. The lungs. Relaxation. Wisdom. The musical note of G.


15 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Sudden Good Fortune
Also known as The Angels of 'Jromoni'

Beloved, we help when Divine Providence allows for sudden good luck to occur in the life of a son
or daughter of God
for the purpose of establishing justice. Making money easily and quickly, finding hidden
treasures, winning at bets
and speculation, etc. all fall under our range of competence.
We make sure that this occurs only when wealth, riches, and surplus money will be a blessing,
and not a hindrance, to spiritual development.


J... We express all levels and forms of ecstasy into material manifestation.
R... We inspire utilizing insights and creativity gained from mental growth that allows a son or
daughter of God to
clearly understand and articulate practical information,

O... to attract success, luck, and good fortune, yet respects karmic law impeccably.
M....We teach the methods of exerting perfect control over the principle of attraction through
O....This is done with acute discernment of karmic implications of success and potential need for
interference for the sake of justice.
N....As absolute master of people, using the attractive laws of emotion to attract everything
material to those who are
worthy, in order to solve problems easily.
I.....Flashes of memory and conscience evoke the greatest miracles in the material world. These
include making
discoveries and accurate predictions etc.

The melody of our name is G-sharp, C, C,D,C,A, and G.


16 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Creative Genius Also
known as The Angels of 'Tardoe'

Beloved, traditional paradigms have run their course and their original helpfulness has now
become liabilities. This
is normal. Paradigms evolve just as does everything else in creation.
More sacred ways of approaching the environment, the use of time, understanding feelings and
relationships, nutrition,
technology, profession, art, and science etc. are birthing themselves in the sons and daughters of
The original blueprint for heaven on earth requires that paradigms reflect the majesty and
splendor of Divine
Perfection and Harmony. Pioneers in paradigm shifting are under our guidance and protection.
We work with artists,
writers, crafts people, inventors, scientists, and anyone who must utilize creative genius for the
purpose of creating
successful outcomes, security, and contentment.


T....Remarkable inventive ability helps interests to blossom, improves memory,

A... and nurtures artistic talents to the level of enlightenment.
R....This is done in mental perfection with total creative autonomy.
D....The laws of creation and access to all knowledge birth artistic expressions and rituals evoke successful situations which are characterized by infallibility and a feeling of security
and contentment.
E.....By listening to one's inner voice and gifted with special clairvoyance, the outcome is to grow
and develop visions
into new material forms.

Here is our story:

Nancy wanted beauty. The ugliness of her environment when shopping, working, or going out on
the road had put
her spirit and soul into a state of starvation. She had to have beauty in order to breathe, in order
to stay alive. She wanted to turn her home and her yard into a state of paradise. She prayed for
help. With limited financial resources, skills, and materials, it would take a miracle to accomplish
all that she wanted to do.
The Angels of Tardoe heard her prayer. The next day they inspired her to wander out behind the
utility shed and look
at the old pieces of tin roofing that had been lying there for years. She instantly began to see a
vision in her mind's eye of a small Japanese type teahouse out in the wild thick privet hedge that
grew in the back of the yard.
She grabbed the post hole digger and dug four holes to form a rectangle about six by eight feet
under the thickest
part of the overhanging branches. The back holes were about 24 inches deep and the front ones
were about 12.
Then she stuck in four old landscape timbers. Next she found a couple of old weathered
two-by-fours and put
them atop the posts in front and in back. A few dozen nails later and she had a tin roof with a
gentle downward slope
towards the back.
Grabbing her box of acrylic paints, she began to paint flowing patterns all over the posts and the
under side of the
tin roof. It took all day, and when she was finished, it was beautiful. She found a couple of old
chairs and a few small
tables, arranged them and hung wind chimes. She found a kerosene lantern and hung it with a
piece of wire from a nail on of the two by fours. The privet boughs covered the little teahouse and
hung down protectively all around. It was a magic, private, secret little place.
She took her book out there to read. Every now and then she would look up and notice another
plant, another bird,
another butterfly. A deep peace descended upon her. She had a place of her own in nature.
She kept getting flashes of inspiration and made a special meandering path from the house to the
teahouse. She paved it with golden straw and lined it with monkey grass and Altheas.
Often she would use the little teahouse. The privet got even higher and she planted roses which
began to climb in a wild tangle, reaching for the sun. She planted sunflowers and eagerly learned
the names and healing properties of the
native plants that grew all around. She gave away her lawn mower and made more wandering
pathways through
the ever increasing foliage.
Bit by bit she used up every scrap of old wood around the place. With nails and brightly colored
paints, she built
birdhouses and arbors for the roses and flowering vines.The yard had become a paradise for her
and the wildlife.

T - High inspiration, the musical note F. Fire element, will, desire, feel warmth. Brown-black
color. Centered in right
kidney area.
A - Wisdom and enlightenment, the musical note G. Air element, mind, thought, feel ease. Light
blue color. Centered
in lungs.
R - Freedom and independence to follow inner guidance, the musical note C. Air element turning
into earth, mind and
form, feel ease and weight. Golden color. Centered in left side of nose.
D - Mysteries of Creation, the musical note C. Fire element, feel warmth. Dark blue color.
Centered in right ear.
O - Divine Justice, the musical note C. Earth element, feel weight and gravity. Ultramarine blue
color. Centered in
throat and windpipe area.
E - Universal consciousness, the presence of God everywhere, musical note D. Akashic element,
God-penetrating-all. Dark violet color. Centered in spine.


17 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Love and Friendship Also
known as The Angels of Ubarim

Beloved, The blazing up of love and friendship is our specialty. Feelings are the magnetic
feminine force, and are
the gateway to manifestation on the physical plane.
As Divine Love manifests on earth, the love and friendship between the sons and daughters of
God creates waves and
waves of special emotions that attracts the heavenly hosts.
In this way, heaven and earth become one and the Alpha and the Omega join and become one.
Imagine the world as a place where the hearts of people leap up in joy and ecstatic recognition
whenever their eyes meet.
Imagine that every street and byway is heavenly and the chance passing of a stranger is an
opportunity to experience
another unique and splendid aspect of Divine Consciousness manifesting in person.

The time has come for such to be upon the earth, and we are preparing every man and woman.
The prophets of old told of this time. It is a time when polarities no longer collide in conflict, but
instead work in
perfect harmony, as night works with day, and up works with down. The polarities of masculine
and feminine
energies are courting and the resulting ecstatic union and bliss gives birth to the kingdom of
heaven on earth.
Within every son and daughter of God resides all polarities, for mankind is the microcosm of the
macrocosm, the below of the above, "that which is made in the perfect image of God." Just as an
acorn develops into a mature tree, so will every person develop into mature God and Goddess.
As each person unites all polarity within themselves in blissful peaceful union, so they unite with
all polarity in the
outer world in blissful peaceful union. Each person's love encompasses all equally, and becomes
like the love of God
"whose love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and bad alike."
When negativity is met with unconditional all-encompassing love, a transmutation takes place
is similar to lead turning into gold. "Love conquers all." It is through all-encompassing love that
imperfection is
transmuted into perfection, and heaven and earth become one.


U....We have the ability to transfer consciousness of the highest inspiration and intuition to
evoke states of trance, charge amulets and talismans with the most profound wisdom of universal consciousness
and insights about
good & evil in all things.
A....The highest wisdom and illumination comes through occult abilities, artistic talents,
R....and clear headed ingenuity seen in many varied abilities.
I......Our goal is to evoke miracles, direct the course of behavior according to karmic law, clarify
laws in the material world
M....and to masterfully control the expression of emotions, the growth process, and the process
of change on the
earth plane.

We are happy to impregnate rings and amulets with the energy of love and friendship. We do so
when asked.
Our special skill is bringing heaven to Earth through enchantment of objects which then can
carry and transmit
higher consciousness.


18 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Mental and Emotional
Mastery Also known as The Angels of 'Magelucha'

Beloved, When a son or daughter of God has reached a high state of maturity and harmlessness,
we begin to inspire
great powers of mind and feeling.
With mastery of mind and feeling comes mastery of the beings of air and water. Many miracles
are accomplished
through this mastery, and miracles indeed are in order, not only to birth heaven on earth, but
also to maintain it.
When painful feelings of childhood are embraced with unconditional love and allowed to flow
safely into healing
and resolution, great mastery of the emotional nature is attained. As early childhood feelings are
purified and
healed, the mind goes through transformation and healing.
The original childlike connection with grace, mercy, enlightenment, and the splendor and
majesty of God,
returns in full force. That is why it was said, "Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise
enter the kingdom of
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself." Many people avoid painful feelings. They do everything
all of their lives to
avoid feeling the darkest recesses of their soul. We are here to tell you that only by walking
bravely into the valley of the shadow of death, and facing and feeling these dreadful and fearful
emotions, that healing and enlightenment can come.
This is partly what is meant by emotional maturity. After a person has faced their darkest fears
and allowed them to
heal, they will never cause harm to any sentient creature, for they have learned the importance of
harmlessness on an
extremely deep personal level.
The other polarity to emotional maturity is absorption of the feelings in the splendor and majesty
of the divine virtues,
and identification with the feelings of grace and mercy.
As the emotional nature heals, so does the mind. Dark and fearful thoughts heal along with the
dark and fearful
feelings that go with them. The beauty of healing emotions is that the process allows the psyche
to spontaneously
remember the original thoughts of heaven in all of their purity. This is part of the second birth.
"Ye must be born
The combination of healing the mind through emotional transformation and meditation on the
qualities of Divine
Consciousness gives mental maturity. As a son or daughter of God becomes more mature they
become more childlike. Those who are most powerful on earth are the most harmless because
they are mature.


M....As perfect master of feelings, sensations, and vital energy in self and others, we direct
passionate energy
A.....into various artistic talents, clairvoyance and miraculous abilities.
G....We do this to bring happiness, wealth, and satisfaction in having abundance.
E.... We help manifest ideas into reality using clairaudience,
L. ...and bringing health, vitality, beauty, and youthfulness into manifestation through the form
of medicines and
youthening treatments.
U....We do this with the associated ability to transfer consciousness and evoke trance states.
Ch...We are gifted with perfect clarity and insight into the true original essence of everything in
its purest forms
A.... in order to bestow wisdom and enlightenment.


19 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Agricultural Mysticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Chadail'

Beloved, 'We are guardians of agriculture. We inspire farmers, those involved with agricultural
improvements in
general', and anyone who works with the land. We inspire soil improvement by natural and
mystical means.
We promote the most efficient labor methods , that make use of enlightened mental and
emotional energies. With our
help and inspiration, we teach the sons and daughters of God how to relate to the soil and to
growing so that the
results seem almost miraculous.


Ch...'Understanding the language of the universe at all levels, the context of the highest illumination and purity of ideas,
D....we apply the laws of creation in controlling everything related to fertility.
A....We teach the controlling of the air elements , and it's beings: weather, storms, etc. trigger remembrance and evoke the greatest miracles at a basic physical level.
L....This is done to create the outcome of health, vitality, harmony, and miracles of healing vital
energy to
improve people's lives.'

Here is our story:

Martha looked out at her yard. Years of mowing grass, raking leaves, and applying chemicals had
left it ordinary
looking, identical to millions of yards all over the world. She was tired of it, tired of the work,
tired of the expense.
Something just did not feel right about going out there and mowing the grass even one more
time. Going inward
instead, she prayed for guidance. The Angels of Chadail responded. As they connected to her, she
went into a deep
reverie. She imagined that she heard the ancient voice of the land talking to her.
"Why have you destroyed my plants?", the land asked her.
"Why do you rip up the native species that have evolved naturally in this area over millions of
years? These are the
plants that have healing properties. These are the plants that support the wildlife and
Going deeper, she began to see the land over the millions of years. She saw that up until her
subdivision was put in
fifteen years ago, the land had been a cow pasture for about a hundred years. Before that it had
been a natural temperate rain forest for millions of years. The nature spirits told her that for the
earth to survive, the forest must be restored to its native condition. This would allow the air to be
clean, and for the ecosystems to rebuild and survive.
Gradually she woke up. She went outside and looked up at the sky. There was a few hours of light
left in the day.
Feeling the inspiration of the angels, she knew exactly what to do.
She got in her car and drove around the neighborhood.Stacked neatly on the curbs were sacks of
raked up leaves

waiting for garbage pick-up. Carefully she loaded them in her trunk and back seat and drove
home. Trip after trip she
made until she had collected over thirty sacks. She dumped them over her lawn. She dumped
them thick, so that each bag only covered about 9 square feet. Over the next few weeks she
collected enough bags of leaves to cover the
entire lawn front and back.
That winter the thick composting leaves created enough heat to keep the ground warm and the
earthworms ate the leaves, dug their holes, and created their manure. The grass was gone. Her
yard was covered in rich natural mulch like a forest floor. By spring little trees began to sprout
from buried acorns, pecans, and walnuts, etc. that had been in
the leaves.
She went to the plant nursery and brought Redtips, Japanese Maples, Redbuds, flowering
ground cover, and
wonderful perennials. She set about making a meandering path, which she lined with Monkey
grass and paved with
golden straw.
It was wonderful. Already the land was breathing a sigh of relief. The feeling of healing was thick
in the air.
Over the next few years the seedlings became little trees. They grew well as the thick mulch kept
the ground damp
and the earthworms continued to aerate and fertilize the soil. Each fall she dumped even more
leaves and the soil became even richer and darker.
She noticed that some of the trees were mulberries and that they were already making fruit. The
birds and squirrels
became more frequent visitors. It was easy. All she had to do was collect the leaves from the side
of the curb each fall. Occasionally she added a few more nursery plants that caught her fancy.
The worms and natural forces did the rest.
She had a recovering temperate rain forest around her house.
She had not had to mow her yard again, and when there was a drought had she turned to the
angels in prayer and within a short while the rains would come. The leaves kept the moisture in.
As the trees grew taller, the house stayed cooler in summer and she no longer had to run air
conditioning. She loved the privacy that the trees gave her. Now she no longer felt like she was on
stage each time she went outdoors.
She applied for a certificate designating her yard as a wildlife sanctuary. She proudly hung it by
her front door.

20 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Agricultural and Forestry Technology
Also known as The Angels of 'Charagi'

Beloved, The relationship of the growing things of the soil to mankind is one of trust and
innocence. The enlightened
and wise use of technology is important to the survival of fragile ecosystems.
Land management, whether in agriculture or forestry, requires enlightenment and delicate
guidance by Divine
Providence. Many visible and invisible forces work together in the living land, and all must be
taken into account whenever an action is undertaken.
The use of technology in agricultural and forest management is parallel to that of scalpels in
Right use enhances health , wrong use causes suffering.
We grant inspiration for technological inventions for those who are mature and use powerful
technological tools with
clarity, enlightenment, the sacredness of following inner guidance, grace and mercy, and the
understanding of cause
and effect.


Ch...'We promote the language of the Universe on all levels in total clarity, context of highest illumination and purity of ideas,
R.....with autonomous, clear ingenuity.
A.....We inspire the knowledge of controlling beings of the weather, storms, and the air element.
G.... We help with bringing success and abundance in the material world,
I.......and the evocation of great miracles at a basic physical level.'

Our Meditation:

Ch - Imagine being a small dot inside your solar plexus and see your body as an infinite universe.
Fill this universe with a light violet color and hear the note of D sharp ringing in many octaves
throughout. Feel the quality of
God-penetrating-all, which is the element of the Akasha, bringing the divine virtue of clarity and
the ability to see the
purity of all ideas in their original form. Now expand your meditation to fill all of the outer
universes with light violet,
the note of D sharp, the feeling of God-penetrating-all, and the virtue of clarity.
A - See the light changing from light violet to light blue and hear the musical note change from
D-sharp to G. Feel
a sense of relaxation, which is the feeling of the air element. Meditate on the virtue of wisdom
and enlightenment.

R - The light changes to golden and a sense of weight is added to the feeling of relaxation. Hear
the note of G
change to C. Meditate on the divine virtue of freedom in following inner guidance.
A - The light changes to light blue. The sense of relaxation deepens and the musical note goes to
G. Meditate on the
beings of the air element, the beings who correspond to mind and thought.
G - See the light changing to grass green color, the color of emeralds. Feel coolness, the sensation
of the water element. Hear the music in the note of F. Meditate on the virtue of Grace and Mercy.
I - The light is white filled with sparkling rainbow colors like a light opal. The musical note is G.
The feeling is of weight
and gravity, the earth element. Meditate on the karma law, which is the law of cause and effect.
Divine Providence has ordained that all technological inventions, for any purpose, be used for
the highest good
of all concerned. With the accelerating process of heaven manifesting on earth, the joining of the
Alpha and the
Omega, the karmic results of actions are happening ever more quickly. The sons and daughters
of God are opening
up to increasing levels of wisdom, feeling, and awareness of cause and effect.
It is destined that all life dwell in peace and harmony, that even the least sparrow be given grace
and mercy.


21 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Polarization and Will
Also known as The Angels of 'Hagos'

To take a seed and cause it to mature into a tree and bear fruit in an hour is our specialty.

Masters have demonstrated this miracle in history, and with our help, present day sons and
daughters of God follow
their example and do the same. The healing the earth is destined by the will of Divine Providence.
As the individual
wills of people are aligned with Divine Will, the angels of heaven make their assistance available.
The miracles
written in the ancient scriptures are just as possible now as ever.
The use of Will, with complete mastery of emotion, is the key. Will is the masculine force. It is
electric in nature. Its
element is fire. Emotion is the feminine force. It is magnetic in nature. Its element is water. We
teach the use of will in
using the cosmic language, which is the Power of the Word.
The feeling that we call forth for this miracle is that of grace and mercy. The miracle of maturing
up of seed in a short
time is required for the purpose of Divine Justice, when previous plant life has been destroyed
and has resulted in
disruption of divine harmony.


H....'We teach the sons and daughters how to apply the power over life and death and
revivification through
the power of the word,
A....with high intelligence. We teach how to control occult abilities, the air element and its beings order to generate great abundance.
O... This is done by mastering the manifestation of will and feelings,
S.... with perfect use of will power, to totally control the consciousness of all beings at all levels.'

Here is our story:

The olive grove had been there for generations. His father's father, and his father, and his father
before him had
carefully tended it with love and adoration for the Creator. The trees had provided food, oil, and
sustenance for the
family and village as long ago as anyone could remember.
One night, in a rage born of confusion and pain, a neighboring army had torn up his trees, and
had labored long and hard to deal with the grief, the rage, the devastation that had come upon
him and his family.
Finally a great spiritual presence began to enfold the minds and hearts of everyone in the region.
Finally there was
peace. The healing had begun.
But alas! The olive trees were gone. What could bring them back? Down the alley, a small lad of
about ten years, with
a crooked leg, lived with his uncle. They lived all alone in a very small house. The boy, Daniel,
had sometimes watched quietly as his uncle studied each night in the wee morning hours by the
light of the old oil lamp. On the table before him always lay the ancient teachings of Quaballah,
the teachings of the Power of the Word.
Going up to the hillside one bright sunny morning, the lad stopped where the olive grove had
recently stood. Listening
to his inner voice, he knew what had to happen. He ran home to his uncle. "Uncle", he shouted,
"We must go up to
the olive grove, we must try our prayers and get the trees to grow!"

In his heart Benjamin knew that the boy was right. He quietly picked up his prayer shawl, his
book, and his faith.
Benjamin and Daniel walked together slowly up the hill. Sitting down on the parched, barren
earth of the old
orchard, they closed their eyes and settled deep into concentration, feeling, and prayer.

Into eternity. Into infinity. They went into the HEART OF THE BELOVED, THEY BECAME ONE
Reaching into his bag, Benjamin pulled out handfuls of olive seeds. He spread them on the cloth.
Without speaking
a word, they put the seeds, one by one, into the earth. A strange stillness covered the grove.
A vast silence, a feeling of antiquity, a slight fluttering of movement, filled the quiet warm air.
With every breath
Benjamin and Daniel attuned to the Angels of Hagos. They attuned to Wisdom, to Grace, to
Justice, to Power.
With every breath, Benjamin and Daniel aligned their will with Divine Will. Their meditation was
so intense that the
entire planting was done in a complete state of trance. A cloud appeared over them. Rain fell. The
power of love in
their hearts, the feeling of grace and mercy, quickened the seed.
All around them trees began to sprout. Out of this recently parched and barren earth, new olive
trees grew and grew
and grew.

* When Mohammed passed by the grove that evening on his way to village, he looked up, and
TREES! He gasped! Grabbing his robe, he ran all the way back in a state of shock.
Soon the whole family and his neighbors stood in utter amazement at the bottom of the hill,
looking at the fully
grown trees. A gentle breeze ruffled their leaves, ripe fruit hung heavy on each bough.
Mohammed fell down on the
ground, weeping uncontrollably. He lay prostrate all night, his shoulders heaving, and shaking

At sunrise, with tears in his eyes, he looked up again. THE TREES WERE STILL THERE!

' The miracle of growing a tree from a seed and maturing it to bearing fruit in an hour, is known
in India as the true
miracle of the mango-tree.'


22 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Good Judgment
Also known as The Angels of 'Hyla'

Beloved, The sons and daughters of God are powerful as they mature in the use of the Word, so
we inspire high
intuition and good judgment. We represent the Power of the Word, which is represented by the
letter H. We
combine this with knowledge of cycles, the letter Y. We then introduce oneness with the splendor
and majesty
of God, letter L. We complete this with the virtue of enlightenment, represented by letter A.
The cosmic language requires understanding and mastery of that which the ancients call the
quadrapolar magnet. The
term ' quadrapolar magnet' means will, thought, feeling, and form. These four qualities of
consciousness are the four
brain wave states of Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta.
In your meditation on the virtues of the letters, first see the color, sound, sensation, and virtue
inside yourself, and then see it simultaneously in the outer universe for it is said that mankind is
created in the image and likeness of the Creator.
"As above, so below." The path to heaven on earth, in which each man and woman becomes God
and Goddess, lies in the mastery of these four levels of consciousness.


H....'We confer understanding of the cosmic language and the power of the word.
Y....We combine this with profound cosmic intuition, the gift of prophecy, and devotion to higher
L....This yields acute insight into the character of anyone, into true morality, and an
understanding of the necessity
for both good and evil.
A....Our purpose and goal is to heal the mind.'

Here is our meditation:

Go deep within the stillness, within your quiet inner space. Imagine that you are a small dot in
your solar plexus.
Imagine and feel that your physical body temple is an infinite universe surrounding you. Imagine
that this entire
universe fills with silver violet light that originates from the right arm and spreads everywhere
through all the whirling
galaxies of atoms and molecules which form the organs and tissues, the blood and the bones.
Hear the musical note A ringing with the silvery violet light. Feel coolness, which is the water
element, and meditate on the power of the Word. Know that the letter H represents this in the
ancient language. Simultaneously with your
meditation, see that the outer universe is automatically filled with the silvery violet light, the
musical note A, the feeling
of coolness, and the virtue of the Power of the Word.
Remain as a dot in your solar plexus with your body a universe all around you. See pure pink
light filling the universe of your body and see it originating from the heart.Hear the note of C
sharp. Feel the akashic element, which is the element of God-penetrating-all. Meditate on the
cycles of life. Know that the letter Y represents the Rhythm of Life
in the ancient language. See pink light, God-penetrating-all, C sharp, and the divine virtue of
rhythm filling the outer
Now see your inner universe glowing with clear olive green light, which originates from the
spleen. Feel a sense of ease, which is the air element. Hear the note of F. Meditate on all of the
divine virtues taken together, which represent the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness.
Know that the letter L represents this splendor. See the olive
green light, the musical note F, the feeling of ease, and the splendor and majesty of God/Goddess
filling the outer
Your inner universe is now shining with sky blue light, which originates from the lungs. A feeling
of ease and
relaxation is everywhere, the feeling of the air element. The musical note G rings. Meditate on the
divine virtue of
wisdom and enlightenment. Know that the letter A represents enlightenment. See the blue light,
the feeling of
ease, the musical note G, and enlightenment filling the outer universes.


23 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Mineral Mysticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Camalo'

Beloved, "As above, so below." Everything in physical creation is an expression of a higher truth.

To those who are mature, and therefore harmless to all living creatures, we reveal 'the analogies
of various metals to
the spheres, powers, individual spirits, etc. and how these powers can be mystically made use of
in the mental,
emotional and physical world.'
We teach ways of charging liquids, mirrors, wands, etc. so that powers and energies of beneficial
beings and virtues
are connected to, or infused into, them. This allows a son or daughter of God to create spiritual
tools for the purpose of bringing forth the splendors of Divine Consciousness with the ultimate
goal of manifesting Divine Justice on earth.


C....We teach the sons and daughters of God the spiritualization of matter-- to influence growth,
qualities, virtues, ideas, etc.
A....This is done in order to confer the highest illumination and wisdom and make one a perfect master of feelings, sensations, and vitality.
A....These truths of the enlightened mind are manifested as artistic talents, occult abilities,
clairvoyance etc.
L.... to bestow health, beauty, youth, and vitality,

O... evoking contentment, poise satisfaction, and unimpeachability.

We ask you to meditate now on the letter C. Take your time. This blesses yourself and the entire
unified field.
Relax. Go within. Become a dot in your solar plexus. See your body as an infinite universe all
around you. Imaging
peacock green light filling the universe. The peacock green light originates from the head and
chest region. The letter C is both fire and air, so sense warmth and ease filling the universe. Hear
the musical note of D. Realize, that as you
do this, all of this is happening simultaneously in the larger universe, through the Law of
'Meditate on the mysteries of the Eucharist with all its aspects, on the mystery of
self-spiritualization. Meditate
on the transformation or incorporation of a divine idea, a higher virtue, into form. Comprehend
and meditate not
only the profundity of the Eucharist, but also the practical methods relating to it.
In the mental realm, meditate on influencing your own mental body or the spirit of somebody
else by a divine
idea, virtue, quality, power, or might, etc.
In the emotional realm, meditate on the emotional impregnation of yourself or another with the
of divine virtues, qualities, powers, and might etc.
On the physical realm, meditate on enlivening the whole of matter, and equipping it with the
ideas and the feelings of
the virtues, powers, etc. This is the modification of matter by the word, which is equivalent to
giving it another quality.'
Divine Providence has ordained that heaven and earth be as one, that the Alpha and the Omega
be as one. This means that the sons and the daughters of God manifest the miracles of the
spiritualization of matter, in whatever form,
with the outcome of splendor, enlightenment, bliss, and justice.


24 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Gnomes
Also known as The Angels of 'Baalto'

Beloved, The sons and daughters of God have been given dominion over the earth and all that
live upon, over, or
under it. As heaven and earth become one in consciousness, the beings of the underground
realms are related to with
love and familiarity.
Everything in creation is infused with the spirit of God, Divine Consciousness penetrates each
thing and each being
and holds it in its place and gives it life.
The earth and the underground realms are infused with Divine Consciousness. As with all other
realms, many
beings inhabit and enliven this realm. The beings of earth and the underground regions are
known as gnomes.
'We are the angels who supervise the kingdoms of the gnomes, and we know all about the
subterranean waters,
ores, volcanoes, electromagnetic currents, and the like.'
We are the angels who tell you the exact time of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. We are
experts on the subject
of mines.


B....We bring the cognition that Universal Life exists in all things, in all polarities.
A....We impart Divine Wisdom, which brings forth the cognition of the most profound truths,
A....occult faculties; such as the art of levitation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc., along with all
eloquence, musical and poetic talent.
L....We help with the understanding that polarity must exist, and the becoming one with the
majesty of divine
virtues, so that unwavering bliss is achieved in all circumstances.
T....Mastery over all elements is perfectly achieved with high inspiration,
O....and oneness with divine justice gives complete sovereignty over all.

This is the meditation for the letter B. Go deeply within.


Imagine You are now a minute dot in your solar plexus. Your body is an infinite universe all
around you. >From the
galaxy of your right eyeball, a light violet light fills all space. Angel choirs sing the musical note A
in many
Meditate on Universal Consciousness as it manifests in infinite polarities, forms, and qualities in
your universe.
Meditate on electricity and magnetism, On hot and cold, On inward and outward, On the polarity
of the Yin and the
Yang, male and female, will and emotion. On above and below. On Delta brain waves of pure
being and Beta
brain waves of the five senses, memory, and logic.
Feel the sensation of weight, of gravity, of the earth element; for Universal Consciousness is
Divine Life
manifesting as your universe.
As you meditate in your own universe, be aware that what you do within your own awareness
instantly manifests in
the outward universe, through the law of correspondences.


25 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Diet Mysticism
Also known as The Angels of 'Camarion'

Beloved, Whenever the letter C is used in the ancient language, the virtue of spiritualization of
matter with divine
ideas and feelings is emphasized.
The consciousness already inherent in food can be infused with higher consciousness, through
will and through
feeling. This, and knowing which foods are best for any particular purpose, is our area of
competence. We 'give
information about the mystical relations between various kinds of food from the point of view of
health and the
harmony of the body.'
Every fruit, vegetable, and grain embodies divine ideas. The shape, color, taste, and sensation of
each food are analogous to qualities of divine consciousness. By knowing the meaning of color,
number, sensation and shape, it is easy to understand the spiritual significance and effects of
various foods.
The addition of fire or water to food adds further analogous vibrations that affect the subtle
energies of the human body
temple. Fire infuses will which is electricity, and water infuses feeling which is magnetism. 'We
inspire, through
intuition and inner guidance, which food is best for any purpose, whether fruits or prepared
compound meals, in
order to adhere to the mystical laws of analogies.'
Teaching the sons and daughters of God to heal the body and restore and maintain harmony
through diet is our


C....We teach you to spiritualize matter, to impregnate it with divine qualities, ideas, and virtues
A....with enlightened consciousness of the illuminated mind.
M...We inspire mastery of feelings, vitality, and life spirit
A....using clairvoyance, talents and occult abilities.
R....we awaken ingenuity so that you may understand and articulate new ideas quickly.
I.....We reveal all laws of the physical world in order that you may perform miracles.
O....We help you master electromagnetic fluids, which are will and feeling, and the functioning of
the human body
and physical world.
N....This is done to restore health and to gain mastery over physical laws of coherence in humans
and animals.

Here is the meditation on the letter M.

Relax. Breathe deeply and slowly. Go within.

Imagine that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus and your body is an infinite universe all
around you. See
wonderful cool blue-green light shining from your abdomen, as if it is a hollow space. Hear the
note of D, with
a deep grumbling bass to it, ringing in many octaves, with choirs of angels singing. Meditate on
the principle of
feeling and water, on flowing, on life and sensation.
Meditate on magnetism, which is the power of feelings and flowing, and fluidity, And on
complete mastery of the
feminine principle of emotion.
Take your time with this meditation and repeat it often. Through the law of correspondences,
realize that as you master the magnetic realm of feeling and flowing within you, you also master
it in the outer world.


26 degrees Taurus
exactly aspecting [quincux] Galactic Center
The Angels of The Ancient Language
Also known as The Angels of 'Amalomi'

Our special focus is the practical use of the ancient language by the sons and daughters of God to
bring heaven
to earth. This is done by enlightened knowledge of the divine virtues which are the splendor and
majesty of Divine
Consciousness, and of justice, which are enlivened by strong passion and the understanding of
cause and effect.
Be aware of your inner dialogue with yourself as you read these messages. If you find yourself
saying to yourself, "I
do not have time, I do not understand, this is difficult, etc", we ask you to instead ask us for
assistance. With your
request, we have permission, through the Law of Free Will, to assist you in many ways.
Reading and memorizing these messages is the Beta brain wave level of learning. We help you
with this, but
we also come to you in the Delta brain wave level, of pure being, in the Theta brain wave level, of
deep inward thought,
and the Alpha brain wave level, which is feeling and psychic sensitivity. On all of these levels we
help you easily and
powerfully integrate the powers, understanding, and feeling of the ancient language into your
Divine Providence has ordained that kingdoms of Angels assist you. Acknowledging and
accessing the kingdoms of
Angels for assistance is reclaiming your inheritance and birthright as sons and daughters of God.

Asking for assistance is an inward, sovereign, personal, and private act, done in the quiet stillness
of your inner being.
Once this act is ignited, the results are certain.
We teach you to create with clear enlightened will and thought, which is the 'electrical fluid', and
passionate pure feeling and sensation, which is the 'magnetic fluid'.
This is the key to practical manifestation.


A....'Enlightened mind, highest wisdom, purity of ideas, is channeled via the

M...principle of passion and fluidity, facilitating the change process.
A....This bestows illumination and healing of mental programming,
L.....vitality, health, beauty and harmony, resulting in enlightenment and grasping the true
meaning of good/evil and morality.
O....Our acute discernment, judgment, and merciful sense of justice, along with
M...perfect mastery of feelings, passion, sensations and life spirit allows us to control the growth
I.....As perfect masters of metaphysics, of shape, number, measure, and weight, we evoke
miracles in the material
world with the ultimate goal of restoring life to humanity'.

Meditation on letter O:

Relax. Go deeply within. Breathe slowly and very deep.

Imagine now that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus and that your body around you is an
infinite universe . See
a beautiful ultramarine blue light, the color of a blue flame, shining from your throat area and
filling the universe. Hear
angel voices joining with yours in singing the note of C.
Sense weight and gravity as you meditate on divine justice filling the entire universe. Meditate on
the complete legality, the harmony, of Divine Providence. Meditate on passionate feelings of
contentment and poise, on satisfaction, absolute security, infallibility, and unimpeachability.
Meditate on
absolute success and happiness in every respect in the material world.
Take your time and repeat this meditation often.
Be aware that as you meditate in your personal universe, through the law of correspondences,
"As above, so below"
you are simultaneously filling the outer universe.

27 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Philosophy
Also known as The Angels of 'Gagison'

We are the angels of universal philosophy.
The underlying core of philosophy is the Law of One, the working out of the highest good for all
concerned. This is
based on the fact that there is ONE LIFE that lives and moves in all beings, large and small.
Whenever any life is helped, the entire unified field of consciousness is uplifted. That is why it
was said, "Do
unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Likewise, if any life is harmed, the entire being of God is harmed. This is why it was said, "What
you do unto the
least of these you do unto me." It has been written, "step on a blade of grass and the universe
trembles", and "God
is aware of the least sparrow".
The unified field is the web of life and any movement on any part of it shimmers across the entire
web. Philosophy
explains this through various religious systems in many ways, but the principle remains the
The understanding of the levels of akasha {God-penetrating-all} , will, thought, feeling, and form
presents the manifestation of this web from the finest ethereal substance all the way to the most
dense and solid
matter. The use of these levels in a way that is for the highest good of all is the basis of all
'We help you comprehend all religious systems of this physical world of the past and the present.
We help you get to the bottom of any religious system and find the universal laws effective in it.
We also show to what
extent universal laws have been hidden, veiled, misused, and misunderstood, and we help you
correct these errors
from the philosophical point of view for your personal use.'


G....We bestow true divine blessing via the

A.....highest wisdom, illumination, and the most profound truths, a way that is enriched by Divine Grace and Mercy.
I.....We do this to connect the body and soul and to infuse new vitality.
S.....Clairvoyance, the gift of seeing past and future directions and the gift of prophecy, allows us
O....totally understand the role of fate and the unfolding of justice, to evoke
N...situations of absolute success and happiness on earth, and to heal and unite humanity and
understand the cycles
of human evolution.'

Here is our meditation on the letter G:

Relax. Take a deep, long breath. Go within. Imagine that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus
and your body is
an infinite universe swirling all around you. Imagine that emerald green light is shining from
your left eye, filling the
entire universe. Hear yourself and angel choirs singing the note of F. Feel the sensation of
coolness, for this is the
water element of passion and feeling.
'Meditate on divine grace and mercy in all their aspects. Meditate on how far legality goes and
how divine grace
and mercy effects man and animal. Meditate on the virtue of divine peace in the spirit, the
experience of peacefulness
and the blessing of Divine Providence. Passionately feel happiness and complete satisfaction.
Meditate on all
phases of true abundance and success in the physical world for all beings.'
As you meditate on divine grace and mercy, know that your meditation is also manifesting in the
outer world, through
the law of correspondence. Meditation on grace and mercy is one of the most wonderful gifts that
you can give to the
Web of Life, the unified field of consciousness. Repeat this meditation often, for it blesses you
and all beings.


28 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Universal Physics
Also known as The Angels of 'Carahami'

We are the angels of cosmic powers. We help those who are mature understand cosmic powers
and how they cause
natural phenomena. Dominion over all the earth, including the forces of nature, is the birthright
of the sons and
daughters of God.
As each person becomes spiritually mature, so that they are harmless, wise, and have clear
inward guidance, these
abilities are remembered through inspiration by the angels of heaven.


C....'We spiritualize ideas with divine qualities, teaching

A....the most profound truths, wisdom, and illumination of the enlightened mind.
R....This is expressed as creative ingenuity in the form of insights and abilities.
A....This illumination and highest wisdom comes through creative application of
H....the power of the word, the cosmic and ancient language, in order to master the material
A....heal the mind, and develop occult abilities, eloquence, and the language of symbols.
M...Mastery of the flow of emotions and passionate involvement in philosophizing
I.....revivifies the soul; reconnecting the soul and body to reawakening and remembrance of the
divine state.'

Here is our meditation on the letter I :

Relax. Be still. Go within. Go deeply within. Imagine that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus
and that your body
is an infinite universe surrounding you. Imagine that a beautiful white light, sparkling with opal
rainbow colors, is
shining from the left kidney and filling the universe. Hear yourself and angel choirs singing the
note of G in many
octaves. Feel the sensation of weight and gravity, the earth element, as you meditate on the law
of cause and effect.
Imagine how cause and effect is the law of evolution of everything, how Divine Providence is
manifested this way
in the most subtle form. Consider how cause and effect is analogous to memory, remembrance
and conscience.
Letter I is the tenth letter, so the law of cause and effect oscillates in the rhythm of ten.
Meditate on how cause and effect controls emotion with all its functions. Emotions are the
connecting link between the body and soul, therefore they are the principle of life itself. See how
the principle of cause and effect controls the very act of breathing.
Everything in the material world that has shape, measure, number, and weight is created by the
virtue of cause and
effect. Careful meditation on cause and effect gives the ability to evoke the greatest miracles in
the material world
by using the respective analogies to shape, measure, number, and weight.
This meditation is a good one for times of long, deep, thought.
As you come into greater enlightenment with the virtue of the law of cause and effect, know that
through the law of
correspondences the unified field, the web of life, is simultaneously enlightened.


29 degrees Taurus
The Angels of The Waters of Life
Also known as The Angels of 'Calamos'

Beloved, Whenever the letter C is used in the ancient language, it refers to the spiritualization of
matter with
divine ideas and virtues. The letter A always refers to enlightenment, and the metaphysical gifts
of the spirit, such
as clairvoyance, clairaudience, levitation, and the gifts of eloquence, music, and poetry.
The letter L refers to the sum total of the divine virtues, the splendor and majesty of Divine
When a letter appears twice, in this case the letter A, it refers to an emphasis of the divine quality
of wisdom on
another level of will, mind, emotion, or form from the first occurrence. The symbol, or emblem,
of an angelic group
gives you a visual diagram of the placement of the letters on a grid representing these four levels.
Spirit is at the top,
then mind, then emotion, with form at the bottom. Read from left to right.

This is the symbol of Calamos:

[Note: to plain text list, this symbol could not be shown in this format. Email for rich HTML
version or download
from website or when posted.}

As you can see, the letter C begins in the region of emotion. So we inspire the spiritualization of
feelings with divine
qualities. With the second letter the line travels upwards through mind and will. This tells you
that the next virtue,
enlightenment, the letter A, refers here to the level of thought and mind. On this level
enlightenment brings high intelligence and the highest knowledge.
The next letter, the divine virtues, represented by letter L, start in the Akasha, the level of God
-penetrating-all, and
go from Akasha down through will, mind, feeling, and into form. This means divine majesty, true
morality, the
emotions of the divine virtues, and perfect health, vitality, harmony, and beauty.
The fourth letter, Enlightenment, the second letter A, is manifesting on the level of form this
time. On this level,
enlightenment gives control over the air spirits, storms, etc.
The line for the fifth letter is M, passion and the water principle, and it is in the level of emotion,
and ends at the
level of thought.
This is where divine justice, the letter O, manifests in the mental level through to the physical
plane. The mental plane
is absolute legality of harmony, so that a person becomes one with Divine Justice itself. The
emotional plane is
absolute contentment and poise, security, infallibility and unimpeachability. The physical plane
is success and
happiness in every respect.
The last letter, the letter S which represents all-penetrating -power, manifests on the physical
plane. On this level,
complete control of one's own consciousness and that of any other being is meant.


C....We spiritualize emotions

A....with the most profound truths, wisdom, and illumination of the enlightened mind.
L....We use divine qualities and the greatness of God in order to vitalize, heal, beautify and
A....and heal the mind so that there is control over the beings of the air.
M...We are masters of water and fluidity. As perfect masters of feelings, sensations, life spirit, and
the water
O....we evoke contentment, impeccable judgment of what is fair and just, and unimpeachability.
S....Through control over passion and consciousness, we give the ability to transfer higher
consciousness to
humans and any other beings on earth or of any other sphere.'

We inspire a powerful connection to the sea and give ways to control anything that lives in the
water. Our level of
consciousness protects voyagers on the sea, and gives protection from storms. All beings of the
water element
are deeply loved by us and follow our instructions.
With the divine qualities inspired by us, excellent methods for grafting of plants come into


30 degrees Taurus
The Angels of Water Mastery
Also known as The Angels of 'Sapasani'

Beloved, we are masters of water. Water is the physical manifestation of emotional energy, just as
fire is the
physical manifestation of will, and air is the physical manifestation of mind and thought.
It has always been the will and intention of Divine Providence for the sons and daughters of God
to grow
into Divine Awareness and dominion, for the sons and daughters of God were created in the
image and likeness
of the Creator.
As each person confronts, explores, and masters these levels of consciousness in their own being,
the ability to
control the physical manifestations of these levels; fire, air, water, and earth, grows and grows.
The key awareness is that of unity and oneness with all. Separation is itself a creation that
supports infinite variety
and free will, but its existence is only possible because of the underlying unity and oneness of the
unified field of
Any activity of change in the worlds of separation begins in the underlying world of the ONE, the
unified field, and
returns to the unified field of energy, the ONE. All of the divine laws issue from this fact. The Law
of Cause and
Effect explains that whatever action is taken will come back to the one who takes it, because
under the illusion
of separation is the Eternal Truth of Unity.
Whatever is done to anything is therefore done to self.

"Whatever you do to the least of these you do unto me."

In the realm of emotion and feeling lies the gateway to the physical world. All mastery on the
physical world comes
through emotion, which is the magnetic energy of attraction.
Taurus is the archetype of Divine Love manifesting in Form. Therefore, the last degree of Taurus
concerns the
perfect mastery of feelings, so that the physical world attracts and remains the perfect
manifestation of Divine
In becoming incarnate divinity on earth, each son and daughter of God must pass through the
gateway of their
heart and their feelings. If you remember that emotions and water follow the same laws, then it is
easy to understand that emotions and water respond identically to flowing. It is by flowing freely
that both emotions and water stay clean, pure, and invigorated. In both, denial of free flow leads
to stagnation and putrefaction that can bring death.

"Death is the last enemy to be overcome."

In beginning any journey, a person must start from wherever they are. Therefore, in a person's
journey to
heavenly consciousness and feeling, whatever emotions are present, negative or positive, is the
starting point.
Whether feelings are negative or positive, they must flow. The negative ones heal, and the
positive ones remain
positive. As with all feelings, when negative feelings flow, the key is to allow them to flow with
unconditional all-encompassing love, in a non self-critical attitude, and in a way that does not
cause destructive acting out. As deep cathartic screaming [ in a pillow or a private place] or crying
commences, feelings become unstuck and there is a release of crippling emotional tensions from
the past and new life fills the heart. This is similar to the action of waterfalls or rapids, which
invigorate and purify water. As positive feelings flow, greater joy and enthusiasm is attracted and
a cycle of positive feeling energy creation ensues.
Once feelings are allowed to flow as a way of life, they are then like the sea, with rhythmic cycles
that nourish life.

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself".

Most people do not allow their negative feelings to flow because they are afraid of them. This
feeling of fear attracts
into manifestation exactly what they do not want.

"Lo, what I fear has come upon me."

Whenever a child of God faces their fear of negative or strong emotions and allows their tears to
fall and their
ecstasy to bloom, we are there to help and protect. This is an alchemical transmutation process at
work. There are
many angels who facilitate this process.
Each son and daughter of God must face their fears and allow the fearful feelings to safely flow
and heal, with
unconditional all-encompassing love.
Then to fill their place come the feelings of power, enlightenment, spiritual growth, happiness,
and the mastery
of cause and effect. In this way heaven manifests fully upon the Earth.


S....The gift of prophecy, brought about by all-penetrating-power,

A....and mystical faculties
P....and the longing for purification and ability to see divine beauty everywhere,
A....results in the highest wisdom and illumination.
S....The most subtle essence of divine spirit empowers and energizes
A....insights of the enlightened mind to heal thoughts and thought forms,
N....and the feelings, movement and rhythms of all humans, animals, and life upon the earth.
I.....The outcome is the power to evoke miracles if divine perfection in the material world.'


1 degree Gemini
The Angels of Electricity
Also known as The Angels of ' Proxones'

there are three Rays of God that manifest in the twelve constellations. They are the Rays of Love,
Wisdom, and
Will. For each of these three Rays there are four constellations; one each for fire, air, water, and
earth-- or
will, mind, feeling, and form.
Gemini is the air, or mind, sign under the Ray of Divine Wisdom. In this first degree of Gemini,
we teach the wisdom
of Will as it manifests through mind. Will, as it manifests through the wisdom of the mind, is the
understanding of
We are the guardians of all electrical inventions, therefore we also teach how electricity manifests
through the emotions and into form. As you know, there are two basic polarities. They are
masculine and feminine.

Masculine energy is fire and will.

Feminine energy is water and feeling.
Masculine, or will, energy is electric.
Feminine, or feeling, energy is magnetic.

All electromagnetic devices on the physical plane, including computers, work on this principle of
polarity. In computers, they are expressed as 1 for masculine and 0 for feminine. Electrons flow
through computers according to combinations of 1 and 0.

"As above, so below."

In physical electrical inventions, or in the performance of miracles, the understanding and

mastery of polarity is
essential. For the sons and daughters of God to manifest miracles within themselves, both will
and feeling must be
understood and mastered. Each polarity has its own laws and brain wave patterns.
Will, or electrical energy, is accessed in the Delta brain wave pattern of the brain, which
corresponds to Pure Being, a state of consciousness which is pre-thought. In deep, dreamless
sleep, or in deep meditation, Delta brain waves are emitted by the brain. This is a very slow
electrical oscillation, usually from 0 to approximately 4 oscillations per second.
When the masculine will of Delta expresses itself in mind, the Theta brain wave pattern is
emitted. This brain wave
pattern corresponds to deep inward thought. Theta brain waves vibrate faster, usually about 4 to
7 oscillations per
second. Both of these brain wave patterns, Delta and Theta, are deep within the consciousness
and are not connected to the outward world.
When energy switches polarity and becomes magnetic, or feminine, it becomes involved with the
outward world. Pure
magnetic feminine energy expresses itself in Alpha brain wave patterns, which correspond to
personal feelings as
well as psychic impressions from the outer world. Alpha brain waves vibrate even faster, usually
about 8 to 14
oscillations per second.
When feminine feeling energy expresses itself in the physical world, the Beta brain wave pattern
is emitted. This
brain wave pattern oscillates from about 14 oscillations on up. This brain wave pattern
corresponds to the five senses, linear rational thought, language, and logic.
The laws of electricity follow INTENT, whereas the laws of magnetism follow FLOWING. The
mastery of intent and of
flowing is necessary in order to master life and bring heaven to earth.


P....Our longing for spiritual perfection makes us devoted and humble servants.
R....We are mentally clear, unimpeachable, impeccable, and steadfast in devotion to higher truth.
O....Our acute discernment and absolute sense of justice is balanced by
X....refined intuition and awesome empowerment to be able to manifest any idea by wishing it
O....We control electromagnetic "fluids" in the body and on the material level with infallibility,
and the peace of
absolute security.
N....We have the uncanny ability to solve problems, particularly to understand gait, movement,
flow and physical laws of coherence.
E....Our knowledge helps to materialize ideas into practical applications,
S....foresee the future, and perfectly control human consciousness Ultimately in order to realize
heaven on earth.'

Meditation for letter X: In the ancient language, letter X is regarded as a combination of E, K,

and S.

Relax. Breathe deeply. Go within. Imagine that you are a tiny dot in your solar plexus and that
your body is a vast universe all around you.
Imagine deep violet light coming from your spine, filling the entire universe. See silvery blue light
coming from your left
ear, and purple rose light coming from your gall bladder.
Imagine that you and the angel choirs are singing the notes of D, B, and G sharp in many octaves.
Feel the sensations of God-penetrating-all, the Akashic element, and warmth, the fire element.
Meditate on the
divine virtues of Universal Consciousness, which is the omnipresence of Divine Consciousness,
and omnipotence
and all-penetrating-power.

Take your time.

As you do this meditation, realize that, through the Law of Correspondences, the outer universe
is simultaneously
enlivened by your meditation.


2 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Technical Inventions
Also known as The Angels of 'Yparcha'

Beloved, After basic electricity is mastered through the Angels of 'Proxones', 1 degree Gemini, we
inspire many technical inventions across a broad spectrum.
Remember that there are two kinds of energy. There is electrical energy and there is magnetic
energy. The electrical
is male and the magnetic is female. These two energies, the electrical and the magnetic, are
known as the plus and the minus. In computer language, the electrical and magnetic are known
as the 1 and the 0.
The most basic principle to understand, is that electricity is another name for INTENT, and
magnetism is another name for FLOWING.
As long as the flowing of emotional energy is full spectrum, which only unconditional,
all-encompassing love covers, then INTENT -or electricity-can flow all the way into the ground
with least resistance. In other words, unconditional,
all-encompassing love is the best conductor. Our gift from Divine Providence is the perfecting of
INTENT. Intent is
the energy that flows along this conductor. INTENT is electricity.
Remember that Gemini is the archetype of WISDOM in the mental realm. [Aquarius is WILL in
this realm of the mind,
and Libra is LOVE. There are three Divine Rays-LOVE, WISDOM, AND WILL. Each of these have
a constellation
in each of the four levels of will, mind, emotion, and form.
This makes 3 x 4 or twelve signs, Constellations, in all.]

The angels of Gemini begin with basic WILL, or INTENT.

We then inspire WISDOM in INTENT, in order to prepare the mind itself for wisdom. When
intent, or will, is pure, holy
and from Divine Providence, or Divine Consciousness, and it meets with the feeling of
unconditional, all encompassing
love; then a lightning bolt of energy is initiated out of the Unified Field on a higher octave
resonance of Pure Being
[Delta brain wave state] to a lower frequency [ Beta brain wave state]. This is manifest in the
human body as a
particular electrical pulse in the cranium that activates the pineal, pituitary, and other glands in
such a way that genius is created.
This energy can be used to manifest anything from poems to new inventions. We inspire the
creation of technical
inventions that serve to bring heaven to earth.
We suggest, if you want to make your first simple invention, that you make a meditation
platform, which has a sheet of copper on its seat, or has two electrodes that you can hold in your
hand. If you use a copper seat, it should have direct skin contact. Have a copper coil under the
platform. Be sure that the wire from the coil is attached at one end to the edge of the copper
sheet on the seat or to the hand held electrode and the opposite end of the wire is into the ground
outside, next to and touching a tree at the roots. Be sure to protect yourself from any sharp edges
on the copper plate or from the copper wires. You can use Duct tape to cover sharp edges.
Be sure to have a second copper wire, coiling in an opposite direction around, but not touching,
the first coil, so that
together they form a caduceus. Attach the end of the second wire to the other edge of copper
seat, or to the second hand-held electrode. The opposite end of this second wire is in the ground
on the other side of the tree. The number of turns in the coil can vary, the different numbers of
turns have different effects.
Keep a journal concerning the ease and power of your meditation over time. You will see that a
circuit forms
between you and the ethers. Your meditation grows both through repetition of practice, and
through the circuit of the
caduceus coil and the tree and the ethers.
This is a way to amplify your thought forms and feelings through a technical invention. The
amplification applies to
energy coming in and going out. Underneath the meditation platform there will be a different
field on each side of the
caduceus coil. One side will add life energy and the other will subtract it. Use the positive side to
charge stones, plants, etc. with life force. We are there always to protect and guide you
Different kinds of trees have different effects. Detailed information on this is available through
Native American
Indian teachings. We intuitively guide you in these matters as well.
They key is focusing your intent on the highest Divine Consciousness of the Law of One, which
intends the highest
good of all concerned, and combining that with the feeling of unconditional, all-encompassing
love. In this way you charge the copper plate, and produce a pure and powerful flow of energy
from the akasha, through will, mind, emotion, and form.


Y....Using our profound cosmic intuition and inspiration, we impart an excellent aptitude for
prophecy, a response to the longing for spiritual perfection . In devoted service, this longing for
spiritual perfection helps
birth new inventions.
A....We control mental programming, as well as beings of the air and mental realm foster mind expansion in order to easily grasp and articulate any knowledge. We give the
wherewithal to
apply this knowledge into practical expression.
Ch...From the virtues of clarity and perfect purity, we discriminate the clear from the unclear,
obscurities in order to apply the highest wisdom toward healing the mind.


3 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Science and Metaphysics
Also known as The Angels of 'Obedomah'

Beloved, After the angels of the first two degrees of Gemini have helped the sons and daughters
of God to perfect their
scientific understanding and use of INTENT and emotional FLOWING, we take this knowledge
base and apply it to
biology, chemistry, physics, astrophysics, homeopathy, and metaphysics etc.
When understood and asked, the beings of the elements; the salamanders of the fire element, the
sylphs of the air,
the undines of water, and gnomes of the earth, join with the intent, consciousness, and feelings
of scientists and healers to create change in form. They do this whenever the Law of One is used
to create the strongest electrical charge and highest magnetic field. This is done through aligning
intent with the unified field, Divine Consciousness itself.
When the connection between the singularity and the unified field is understood from the
discipline of metaphysics as
well as physics, then the path of science becomes the path of wisdom. The intent of all chemicals,
substances, and
forms can be understood, amplified and brought together magnetically according to the highest
good of all.

The will for the highest good of all concerned combined with all embracing unconditional love
creates the proper
conditions for success in all sciences.


O....We master astrophysics and metaphysics to effect success, satisfaction, and infallibility.
B....We use perfect mastery of the physical world to remedy disharmonies in the human and
animal body.
E....We have the ability to materialize ideas to transfer higher consciousness.
D....We use profoundest wisdom of the spirit to birth new realities
O....with highest discriminating judgment according to karmic law.
M....we specialize in the change process and understanding principles of transformation and flow
A....from the perspective of the enlightened mind and with highest wisdom.
H....We do this in order to revivify vitality and health and foster understanding of all spiritual
beings, humans,
and animals.'


4 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Visual Art
Also known as The Angels of 'Padidi'

Beloved, we inspire inward creative vision that is combined with outward courage, persistence,
and ingenuity that comes from the mastery of INTENT.
Our specialty is illuminating the psyche through mandelic art. The cranial sphere feeds itself
through the optic nerve
of the eye. The optic nerve is the only exposed nerve in the body; it is the main 'trunk' nerve
directly connecting the
pineal, the pituitary, and the hypothalamus. It is important, on the path of mental wisdom, to
stimulate this nerve and
these glands through form and color according to the laws of harmony and beauty. The nerve
impulses must flow both
ways, creating a caduceus wave. Not only does the cranial sphere feed itself through this nerve, it
also gives forth
energy to nourish others.
The visual interplay between painting surface and creative emotional and thought processing in
the cranium stimulates
and nourishes the governing glands.
God-given gifts of mental perception that are natural at birth grow and develop in an atmosphere
of happiness. The mystic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc. add meaning to
the sayings; "All that I do, ye shall do and more."

"You are made in the image and likeness of the Creator." "As above, so below."
For the children of God, maintaining happiness is a moral priority. The virtues of Divine
Consciousness endow the
unified field, the web of life, with supreme happiness. As an emotional, magnetic energy, it
qualifies life for all Manifest

The longing for spiritual perfection is the longing for life itself, for life in physical form depends
on magnetism,
the power of emotion. Happiness and unconditional all encompassing love has the magnetic
power to complete
the feedback loop between INTENT and form.
Unhappiness is a state of stress, or distress. Creating visual images in a state of meditation on
spiritual perfection leads to removing stress in the mind, to growth in illumination, and to the
creation of great beauty in form.
Divine Providence has created a path through the language of color and form. Creative Visual Art
is the fourth step of
mental wisdom.


P....Longing for spiritual realization, we manifest as love of fathering new creations

A....through the use of artistic talents to heal the mind
D...We birth new creations, like fertilizing the seed, and reveal the mysteries of creativity.
I.....We control all activities of physical expression according to the Laws of Karma in order to
bring new creations to
D....and uplift the love of creativity into divine nostalgia.
Divine nostalgia is the longing for the beloved state of divine union with wholeness. I.Our goal is
to unite body
and soul through artistic works, and to evoke in the artist remembrance of the pristine pure state
of the soul.

Once practical mastery of intent has been acquired from the first three degrees of Gemini, we
inspire firm intent for
spiritual perfection and beauty with form and color through painting. This form of painting is
actually a cosmic language that unites the left and right hemisphere of the brain and transcends
limitations of spoken or written word. A painting of light and beauty is a painting of light and
beauty to people of all languages.
In the pursuit of the emotional atmosphere of supreme happiness, which spiritual perfection
endows, the laws
of cause and effect are clearly understood and embraced. When this is combined with creativity,
the most heavenly
and beautiful paintings are brought forth into the world.


Note: Go to and click on Art to

see mandalic paintings inspired by the Angels of Padidi.


5 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Life
Also known as The Angels of 'Peralit'

Beloved, on the path of mental wisdom, the sons and daughters of God learn how to prepare
themselves for the procreation of new life. We guide a person to the knowledge of when to
procreate and how to infuse the growing child with divine virtue. Wisdom is an inner knowing,
and it flows from attunement with the INTENT OF THE UNIVERSE. Here, in the fifth degree of
Gemini, the use of INTENT is brought into the wise creation of life itself.
The greatest gift that a person can give themselves on the path of wisdom, or to their progeny, is
single minded,
pure, and passionate intention for the Highest Good of All Concerned. This intention is an arrow
of energy with a line
attached. The arrow flies to its intended goal, and the attached line is a caduceus coil of energy
that sends and receives information. This is the pipeline of inspiration that leads to successful
In creating a child, the Mother and the Father meditate on the virtue of Spiritual Perfection.
Their intent is for the child
to embody this virtue.
Spiritual Perfection is the Ground Frequency of the Universe. All progeny that come out of it are
expressions of it. Therefore, we inspire the Mother and the Father with attunement to particular
combinations of divine
virtues for their child to embody.
Then we guide them to choose a time when these particular divine virtues are heightened. We
inspire them to meditate, and KEEP THEIR EYE SINGLE, on the original intent for The Highest
Good of All Concerned. In this process, much information and instruction becomes available to
them through their enlightened mind, through the caduceus flow of energy back and forth.


P....We attune to the spiritual perfection of pregnancy, childbirth, maternal instincts, and
nurturing and loving
infants clairaudiently understanding the communications and messages of animals, infants, and
adult humans.
R....We use great ingenuity to interpret, translate, and teach open mindedly such information.
A....Our aim is to work with transmuting and uplifting mental programming, talents, and abilities
into the highest wisdom and illumination.
L....By teaching true morality, our goal is to bring enlightenment that borders on saintliness.
I.....Closely attuning and adhering to laws of karma, we spur archetypal remembrance of
T....We translate the emotional magic of children, and teach by using the laws of analogy. We
translate high
inspiration into concrete real world applications.

This is our story.

Mabel and Fred wanted a child. They had waited three years to buy a home and become
financially stable in preparation. They were spiritual people, and very attuned to World Service.
One night Fred had a dream. He saw himself walking amongst the poor and the suppressed in a
hot and dusty
foreign land. Tearful eyes of suffering children looked up at him beseechingly. In the dream his
heart broke in anguish
because he had no way to help them. He woke up trembling in a cold sweat.
The next day he spoke to Mabel, "Mabel, do you think our child should be a missionary, someone
who will help others to find inner peace and love, someone who can go into foreign countries and
help to feed and house the poor?"
Mabel had had her own dreams and hunches. She replied, "Fred, I think our child should be a
master mind, someone
who rises into a position of prominence and uses power and knowledge to accomplish exactly
what you have just said."
It clicked. They both felt deeply in their hearts that this is what their child would do.
Months passed. Mabel did not feel it was right to conceive the child yet. She was waiting for clear
guidance. On a cold clear morning in September, she woke up and looked at Fred. It was time.
They made love. The angels themselves provided the music for their ecstasy.
When Stephanie was born nine months later, she was already attuned on a neurological level to
Spiritual Perfection
through the intense meditations, feelings, food, music, and interactions that her parents had
carefully selected as she
developed in utero. Mabel and Fred kept their intent pure and strong. Clear guidance continued
as they loved and
nurtured Stephanie through childhood and into adolescence.
Twenty years later Stephanie graduated with honors from school. She eventually became a
powerful political figure-
head and influenced a vast network of philanthropic organizations. With her uncanny sense of
judgment and unfailing all encompassing love, she guided several countries into political and
financial stability, instituting environmentally sound policies that resulted in the happiness and
well being of hundreds of thousands of people.
One night Fred had a dream. He was walking along a familiar dirt road in a foreign land. Where
once had been
barren wasteland, lush trees and chattering birds created beauty. Little children stopped their
playing and laughter to
look up at him as he passed. Eyes twinkling, they waved at him and smiled.
He woke up weeping, with tears of joy.


6 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Animal Language
Also known as The Angels of' Isnirki'

Beloved, We teach the children of God how to comprehend the mental and emotional sphere of
animals. By placing full consciousness into the mental and emotional shape of an animal, all
animals, on land, water or in the air, are
understandable, and their worlds are accessible.'

Here is our story:

Juan hunched close to the ground, squinting at the setting sun over the mesa. A strange breeze
ruffled his hair. His
inner guidance told him that something was wrong, terribly wrong, and he must fix it. Gradually
his eyes saw her. An
injured wild horse lay just beyond the shallow creek. He knew that if he startled her, it would
make things much
He closed his eyes. With every bit of concentration he had, he imagined that his consciousness
was moving into her
body. Almost immediately he felt her brave and loving heart and he felt her growing pain and
despair. Going deeper
into meditation, in his imagination, he became one with her consciousness completely. His
grandfather had taught him to do this. He knew exactly what to do next.
>From within her, he radiated unconditional, all encompassing love and happiness. He
meditated on this feeling for a long time, until the whole universe within and without was
pulsing with it.
He made a thought picture of his body coming toward her, as she would see him. From his
consciousness inside of her, he created feelings of safety, love, and relief. He imagined these
feelings growing as she saw his body moving closer. When his inner guidance told him it was
right, he moved in.
The right front leg was badly hurt. Placing one hand on each side of the injury, he closed his eyes
and connected with
ancient healing angels. His connection with the angels was accomplished in the same way that he
had connected with the horse. He imagined his consciousness being one with their
Man and horse did not move for a long time. Morning came. The breeze was excited.
Angels, man and horse in deep, blissful communion. Angels, man, and horse in deep unity,
power, happiness, love, and oneness. Power, deep power, ancient power, running strong all day.
The leg is healed, the horse stands up. They walk off into the sunset together, their hearts one


I.....We can evoke any memory.

S....We have the gift of prophecy, absolute clairvoyance about, and perfect control of all animals.
N....We have knowledge of the gait and movements of all animals and knowledge about their
spirit after death.
I.....We can reunite body and soul, and revivify life into it.
R....Using great ingenuity, we easily comprehend and articulate any knowledge in our purview.
K....We can strengthen the instinct for self preservation and instill great toughness and
I.....And we can know and reveal the fate and evolution of any being we attend to.

'By placing one's complete consciousness in the form of an animal, the fate of any animal can be
understood. By placing consciousness in the relevant sphere of the group of animals from which
an animal comes, it is possible to connect with an animal after its death.'


7 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Symbolism
Also known as The Angels of' Morilon'

Beloved, we are the angels of interpretation and symbols. Those who interpret dreams do so with
our inspiration. Any
symbol becomes understandable with our help. We inspire appropriate symbols for every outside
form and also for
every virtue and quality in the realms of mind and feeling. The wisdom that we bring allows a son
or daughter of God
to correctly judge the true nature of any being, or symbol, on any world or level, by its form.

Here is our story:

Jed had to choose a new manager for technical operations. He knew that this person would make
or break the future
of the entire company. The company was working on the cutting edge of sophisticated computer
technology. The job
required someone with high spiritual ideals, good peopleskills, and excellent technical expertise.
The problem was
that he had to do it quickly. Each of the three candidates in the final pool would try to impress
him. How could he make the right decision?
Joe came into the office for his interview. Jed saw right away that Joe had no sense of fashion,
but there was something about the way he carried his shoulders that looked finer than any
expensive suit could ever look. Joe obviously had attention deficit disorder. He would look
sharply at Jed with a laser intensity in response to certain comments and questions, but then
would slightly fidget and seem bored as Jed drifted into casual talk. His coffee stained resume
was so technical in places that even Jed had trouble understanding parts of it.
What was really interesting was that when Joe answered a question, his answer went straight
into Jed's soul and left
him breathless. There was something uncanny about Joe.
Joe had a fine high forehead. His hands were large with fine tapered fingers. His nose looked like
a Greek patrician and his skin glowed. He wore a large ruby on the ring finger of his left hand
with a mysterious symbol carved on it.
The next candidate came in with an outfit that would make a movie star envious. His moves were
slick, his answers
perfect. He watched Jed like a hawk, but treated him casually like an old friend. His resume was
textbook perfect. For
some reason Jed felt uneasy around him, as if he had to watch his back.
The final candidate was a quiet lady in her thirties, wearing a conservative pale green suit. There
was something royal and grand about her, but also a sense of weariness and suffering. She
seemed out of place, as if she were only there by necessity. It turned out that Janet was more
than qualified scientifically. In fact, Jed felt humbled in her presence, as if he were in the
presence of true royalty. There was something rare and precious about her. He found out that
she had indeed faced a recent change of circumstances that had caused her great sadness.
As he spoke with her, time seemed suspended, and he felt as if he were in a finer, more exquisite
world. After they left, he had the rest of the afternoon to ponder. He called on the Angels of
Morilon for help.
Immediately he saw the truth. The first guy was a genius. If he were put in charge, every technical
problem would be
solved brilliantly, but he was a loner and would have a hard time with other people.
The second guy was a sociopath. He was in it only for what he could get out of it, or worse, he
might even be a corporate spy. If he were put in charge, the department would become a political
war zone and the business would be the final casualty. Janet, on the other hand, was a highly
intelligent, advanced being of great spiritual ethics and deep insight into people and trends. She
saw the big picture; if he put her in charge, there was no limit to where the company would go.
He looked at the budget. He made a decision. He hired Joe and Janet both. Janet became
manager, Joe, chief of research. The atmosphere at work became one of heart felt family.

The business excelled. Powerful new products were designed with ingenious safeguards in place
so that they
could only be used in a way that was safe to everyone and to the environment. Millions of people
were blessed.


M...We control the principle of passion as masters of feelings, sensations, and vitality.
O....We bless the children of God with acute discernment, an impeccable sense of justice, an
eminent mind,
R....and absolute autonomy in humble and devoted service.
I.....We control all abilities of mind and conscience according to karmic law.
L....We inspire the understanding of divine virtues and true morality order to champion justice and bring success and happiness.
N....We are masters of the laws of coherence on earth and control the rhythms and movements of
humans for
purposes of healing the mind.'

The melody of our name are the notes of D, C, C, G, F,C, and A.


8 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Mystical Philosophy
Also known as The Angels of 'Golema'

Beloved, Wisdom of mind gives clear and powerful communication with all beings on all levels.
Once the ability to transfer consciousness and communicate with animals and then through
symbols has been mastered, Divine Providence has ordained that we help the children of God to
communicate even the most abstract ideas in a clear and simple manner.
We inspire understanding of all of the laws governing the world. We help the sons and daughters
of God to simplify
difficult problems so that the intellect of the uninformed can comprehend them and solutions
can be found. We inspire
writers of mystical and abstract philosophies so that the most elevated truths are explained in
simple terms and made
accessible to everyone at any stage of development.


G....Grace and Mercy, penetrating everything

O....insures that the highest form of divine justice
L.....and the greatness of God, can manifest
E....through clear and concise communication.
M...This invokes powerful feelings of blessing that bring
A....the highest illumination and wisdom.'

The music of the letters of our name are the notes of F,C,F,D,D, and G. The first letter in the
name of any angel
group represents their original virtue. The letter G in the ancient language of Quaballah
represents the Divine Virtue
of Grace and Mercy. It's color is emerald green, and its element is water.

Here is our meditation on the letter G:

Relax and go within. Go deeply within. Imagine that you are a tiny little dot located in your solar
plexus, and that your
body is a vast universe around you. Hear angel choirs and all the cells in your body toning the
musical note of F in many octaves. Imagine that splendid emerald green light radiates from the
region of your left eye and it fills your whole body with green light and refreshing coolness.
Discern, in the principle of God-penetrating-all, the profundity of divine grace and mercy in all of
its aspects, as
it effects all beings, all cells and organisms, that live in your universe. Feel all encompassing
divine blessing. Bless your universe with peacefulness. Take your time. Meditate on the feeling of
happiness and complete satisfaction radiating to and from all beings, cells, atoms, and spaces.
Know that as you do this in the microcosm, within the vast universe of your own physical,
emotional, mental, and
spiritual being, that through the law of correspondences this is simultaneously happening to the
whole web of life in the macrocosm. "As above, so below." Be aware that as you perform this
meditation in your will, consciousness, feeling, and form, that you are flooding your entire body
with powerful neuropeptides and glandular secretions that induce bliss and happiness. Also be
aware that just as a small candle flame illumines the vast darkness of a cavern, so does the
consciousness of one person illumine the mass conscious mind. "One good man can save a city of
ten thousand, and ten can save the world."

9 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Harmony and Introspection
Also known as The Angels of 'Timiran'

Beloved, We teach the way to obtain and maintain harmony through the power of introspection.
We teach this as it applies to the Earth and to all worlds and all universes. Even when utter chaos
reigns, we show, through introspection, how to establish harmony within and without, in such a
way that outer circumstances and people are also brought into
equilibrium and order.

Here is our story:

Filibustering long into the night seemed inevitable at this point; the Senate was in utter chaos.
had to choose between giving in to the prevailing dark and contentious moods or go within and
get a hold of himself.
The pull of panic and anger was so strong, it was nearly impossible to go within and meditate.
Calling on the Angels
of 'Timiran', Brad closed his eyes and put his left hand over his heart, "Please help me", he
whispered, "Please help me."
A deep quiet settled over him. He found a hideaway and sat down. He remembered his
meditations. He invoked the
letter T. He felt himself as a small dot in his solar plexus, his body a vast glowing universe around
him. His brain
waves continued slowing from alpha-beta to deep rhythmic delta-theta- low alpha. He imagined
a warm brownish black
light radiating from his right kidney. He imagined hearing the note of F humming from every cell
in his body. Knowing
that the letter T was the fire element of will and INTENT, he imagined the sensation of warmth
flooding his entire
universe. He meditated on the divine virtue of high inspiration penetrating everything.
Suddenly he felt remarkable inventive faculties awaken within his mind. He was no longer
disturbed, he knew there
was a wonderful way to deal with the situation. A number of ideas cascaded into his awareness,
all of them really good.The bill being discussed on the senate floor could easily be fixed for the
highest good of all concerned. His feelings became enthusiastic, peaceful, and harmonious.
Next he invoked the letter I. Seeing a white light sparkling with rainbow colors shining from his
left kidney, he
imagined the note of G humming throughout his body and felt the sensation the earth element,
of weight . His breath
moved deeper and slower, and his feelings became intense as he remembered the highest ideals
that the Senate represented. He could feel that his thoughts were powerfully radiating and
reaching the Senators out in the Chamber on a deep level.
He meditated on the letter M, with its blue green light shining from his abdomen. He felt a
refreshing sensation of
coolness, the water element, and imagined that he heard the note of D ringing throughout his
inner universe. He felt with great passion the feelings of high inspiration and high ideals going
through his body and out into the Senate Chamber floor.
Going back to I, he saw the white opal light, felt weight, heard the note of G, and realized
powerfully how what he
was doing within his own microcosm was simultaneously happening in the macrocosm out there
in the chamber. He
meditated on letter R, attunement to Divine Providence through inner guidance, and had an
ingenious idea! He
found himself calling in the higher selves of all the senators and imagined that each senator was
filled and surrounded
by the pure pale blue light of illumination and complete enlightenment and the golden light of
clear inner guidance!
He then imagined a golden light flowing from his solar plexus and the note of C ringing
throughout the micro and the macrocosm.
He went deeper into the letter A. The light blue light shone from his lungs and suddenly he
became aware of his
clairvoyance and clairaudience. He could hear and see the senators transforming their selves and
consciousness, each one in his or her own unique inner way, into the nobility of divine wisdom.
He heard the angel choirs singing the note of G, and felt the sensation of ease filling himself and
everyone in the senate chamber.
Feeling wonderfully and completely and powerfully in charge, he meditated on the letter N;
Supreme Happiness. He
saw the deep rose colored light shining from his liver and heard the note of A. He felt the
sensation of coolness and
immersed himself in the feeling of complete bliss and ecstasy.
Thirty minutes later he walked into the Senate Chamber. Almost everyone was deeply
thoughtful. A few people here
and there smiled and laughed quietly; a wonderful feeling penetrated everyone.
Going to his desk, he looked at his partner. She looked him deep in the eye and whispered, "A
miracle has happened, Brad. A miracle has happened."
The bill had been sent happily back to committee for major modifications. Somehow, someway,
they had all agreed.


10 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Analogy
Also known as The Angels of 'Golemi'

Beloved, we are very similar to the Angels of 'Golema', 8 degrees

Gemini. We infuse the mind with wisdom to evaluate all people and beings accurately by shape,
color, tone, and
all other aspects of outward appearance. The range of effectiveness of any person or being is
clearly known
through the laws of analogy.

"As above, so below."

The true state of will, mind, emotion, and form is reflected in the details of appearance and
energy vibration of all beings. Divine Providence has ordained that the Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and end of time, meet and become one on earth. As this happens, the sons and
daughters of God shine forth resplendent in unique and wonderful ways in outward appearance
as they manifest the splendor and majesty of Divine Virtues within.

Here is our story:

Alima had to escape tonight. Her uncle and aunt were held as prisoners, and if she stayed even
one more night in the
house she would loose her freedom and perhaps her life. She stuffed a few things and a little
money in a shoulder bag and walked out the door. She had never been on her own before. She
had always been protected. Now she had to rely on God and her own judgment to get her safely
across the border. Her greatest asset was also her greatest liability. She was beautiful. Every man
who had ever looked upon her had been rendered helpless by her beauty.
Who could she trust? She had no gun, or fighting skills. She was utterly defenseless. Confused
and frightened
people were running everywhere. She prayed to the Angels of 'Golemi' to help and guide her.
Instantly her head cleared. A keen sharp penetrating awareness became stronger with each
passing moment. Her emotions were filled with love and gratitude to God. She took a deep
breath, feeling safe and excited. For the first time in her life, she was on her own.
She pulled her scarf over her face, she did not want to draw attention. Hunching over like an old
woman, she blended in with the crowd. No one saw her.
She headed toward the train station. Soldiers, like her uncle's friends that she had grown up
knowing since she was a child, were everywhere. She looked at their faces, their uniforms, their
guns. An aura of cruelty, fanaticism, and revenge emanated from them. She couldn't risk it. They
would not help her. She ran. She could hear a clear voice telling her which direction to take at
every turn.
She found herself that evening in the most dangerous slums on the outskirts of the city. She had
always heard terrible
stories of what went on there. Now her life depended on the goodwill of thieves, murderers, and
As she wandered among them she noticed something about these people that felt kindred. As she
looked at them, she realized that mutual hardship and danger had forged a society more human,
honest and deeply spiritual than she

had seen in the middle class. She straightened up and walked among them in wonder.
Everywhere she looked she saw signs of courage, faith, goodwill, and intelligence. They seemed to
expect her. Each eye contact brought a nod of
recognition and familiarity.
She saw a woman cooking bread on a makeshift oven and approached to offer money for
something to eat. The woman looked at her knowingly, and sighed. "Sit down dear, I can see you
are escaping from the city. We must change the clothes that you are wearing. They will attract too
much attention."
An hour later, a well fed Amina emerged from Farishta's humble tent looking like a nomad. She
wore an old well-
made flowing cape that was warm, water resistant, a little stained, buy extremely comfortable to
sleep in.
She looked closely at Farishta, "Farishta" she said, "How can I take this from you? I don't have
much to pay you."
"Hush now," Farishta said, "The only way any of us make it around here is through helping each
Amina noticed Farishta's kind eyes, the deep wrinkles of worry across her forehead, her callused
hands. Farishta
looked old enough to be her mother, but in truth she was almost the same age. Her life had been
hard. Amina knew
she was in the presence of a spiritual teacher.
Amina was smuggled across the border that night by a motley crew of Farishta 's friends. They
took her down to the
water's edge and packed her among crates on an old shipping barge.
A few days later Amina found herself standing in the bright sunlight in a foreign city. Her world
had changed. Those she had been taught as a child to respect had turned out to be her enemies,
and those she had been taught to fear had turned out to be her friends.
With the help from the Angels of 'Golemi', she wandered safely for a long time, judging each
person accurately,
finding friends and staying out of danger. For a while she became an important link in the
underground network that
smuggled children and refugees to safety from places of great danger.
As peace returned to the region, Baba Yogi, a holy man from India who was purported to be
thousands of years
old, appeared before Amina.
"Amina," he said, "I am aware of your radiance since I have watched over you for a long time. I
have come to invite you to a high mountain retreat, where you will study with the best teachers."
Looking closely at him, Amina saw clearly the vitality of immortality, and the beauty of
enlightenment. Gathering
Farishta's beloved cape about her, she disappeared.


G....The virtue of divine peace and blessing

O....and the ability to have impeccable judgment
L....brings perfect vitality, beauty, and harmony.
E....The presence of God in all beings allows the miracle of materialization and dematerialization,
and the ability to transfer consciousness.
M...With the power of great emotional feeling

I......the laws of cause and effect are mastered on the material plane.'

We inspire the use of analogy in all kingdoms and worlds.


11 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Mental Control
Also known as The Angels of' Darachin'

Beloved, To those who are mature, and understand the absolute necessity for attuning to and
creating the highest good of all concerned, we impart the knowledge of mind reading and control.


D....We can access all knowledge in all people to uncover the most profound spiritual wisdom.
A....We tap the reasoning, perception, and knowing of all mental abilities of the enlightened mind
in order to heal
the mind and control mental processing.
R....We cause mind expansion, enabling rapid learning and articulating any new information.
A....Our control over thinking can activate various talents and clairvoyance, and command over
the language of
Ch..We clearly understand all languages of all spheres and thus attune to all beings and are
understood by all.
I.....We evoke whatever memory is appropriate according to karmic law.
N....Our goal is to induce the highest bliss, supreme happiness, which transcends the mental

The melody of the letters of our name are the notes of C, G,

C, G, D sharp, G, and A.

Here is our story:

Mike wanted to stay home, he felt like it was a good day to study and meditate. He looked at the
clock and noticed that it was five after ten, it was just too late to call and cancel his appointment
with the dentist, so grabbing his coat, he jumped into the car.
Six miles down the road he noticed a car that had just gone off the road. Smoke was pouring
from under the hood.
Squinting and looking closer, he saw the body of a man slumped over the steering wheel. He
immediately pulled
over, praying with all the intensity of his being for help from God and the Angels.
Through the open window he reached in and unbuckled the man's seatbelt. Pulling him out as
gently as he could, he lay the man down safely on the grass just as the car exploded into flames.
The man's face was pale with a trickle of blood with tears flowing from closed eyes.
The Angels of 'Darachin' had trained Mike well. He transferred his awareness into the form of the
injured man.
Immediately he felt the injuries and knew the man could not speak or hear because of head
injury. He closed his eyes.

He was inside the man's mind. Intimately he knew everything that the man himself knew. With
strong intent,
he called forth cognition of the man's deepest and most sacred self as well as his highest
connection to Divine
The connection was good. The man had had a spiritual Mother who had trained him as a child to
trust in Divine
Providence. This trusting had matured throughout his life.
Mike's mind connected with that knowing. He joined his intellect with the man's intellect. They
became one mind.
He thought inside the man's mind, so that the mind of the man himself was saying it to himself,
"God is in his
Almighty Power, and I am held safely in His arms, all is well."
The man gave a deep shuddering sigh of relief. He relaxed and went limp, he felt utterly safe and
surrounded in a
cocoon of radiant Divine Love. Healing angels removed the man's consciousness from his body
while they made
immediate repair. By the time the ambulance arrived, the man was well on the way to recovery.
Hopping back into his car, Mike closed his eyes and connected mentally with the mind of the
receptionist at the
Dentist's office. Inside her mind, he thought, " Mike was held up by something important, I'm
going to reschedule
When he got home and called the receptionist, she explained with a giggle, " I always knew I was
psychic, "
she said, " I knew you had gotten into something pretty major. I've already got you down for ten
o'clock next
And all was well.


12 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Telepathy
Also known as The Angels of 'Bagoloni'


After a child of God has mastered the communication skills of previous degrees of Gemini, we
offer advanced instruction in thought transference. Remote viewing and sending of pictures and
sound is our specialty. We also excel in the ability of arousing high qualities of character in other


B....By understanding and teaching polarity, we help seekers perceive universal life.
A....We teach how to access profound truths of the enlightened mind and spiritual abilities such
as telepathy.
G....With the true divine blessing of Divine Providence, we empower seekers to give the same to
O....with an absolute sense of justice and appreciation of fairness.
L....Filled with the greatness and majesty of God in terms of pure divine virtues,
O....we impart a peaceful feeling of satisfaction and infallibility that comes from absolute security
in divine law.
N....Using the laws of coherence as absolute masters of men and animals and as healers
I.....we evoke great miracles on earth, uniting body and soul, as absolute masters of metaphysics.
We are able to evoke any remembrance and bring forth any images to consciousness.'

The melody of the letters of our name is the notes of A, G, F, C, F, G, A, and G.

Here is our ancient practice for mastery of polarity.

Pick any polarity such as:

Hot -cold.
Big- small,

A good one to start with is hot and cold

Imagine that you are very, very hot. Imagine this until you are a flaming fire. Get very hot, feel
like fire! Feel and see
it. Ask us for help. Then stop. Now imagine you are cold.Be coldness. Imagine this until you are
ice. You are very,
very, very, cold.
This is an important exercise to develop the two hemispheres of your brain working
simultaneously. It is
important that these feelings and images are very real to you. Take your time.

Now stop.

Now imagine again that you are fire. It should be easy this time because you did this just a short
while ago, and it is
fresh in your memory. Imagine that you are hot and that you are a fire. See yourself as a flame of
burning intensity.
Now stop.
Imagine that you are ice again. Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold ice. You are ice. Take your time. Enjoy
it. Now stop.
Imagine yourself as fire. It should be even easier this time. The memory is strong and fresh. You
should be able to
become a raging burning flame very quickly.
Now... stay as a flame burning...very important, STAY HOT!. don't stop this time. NOW
remember and feel
yourself as ICE and cold AT THE SAME TIME.
***Here is the key.****

Be aware of the interesting sensation in your brain. This exercise fires both hemispheres at once.
At other times do this with any other polarities for practice. [You could do blue-orange, or
wet-dry, hard-soft, silence-
sound, for instance.] This will allow you to automatically encompass, or love, both sides of
polarities simultaneously
with ease. It will give you mastery over polarity instead of vice versa.
Other very important ones that are used for enlightenment are: big- little, rich-poor, powerful-
weak, staying the same-
changing, right-wrong, life-death, ignorance-enlightenment, love-hate, past-future,
serious-playful. For the purpose of
mastering telepathy, we ask you to practice the polarity of HERE-THERE.
All encompassing, unconditional love holds all polarities within itself. "God's love is like the sun,
it shines equally on
the good and bad alike."
Of such is the world of created form.


13 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Diplomacy
Also known as The Angels of 'Paschy"

The thirst for spiritual perfection is the instinct of Life Force. The Life Force is the indwelling
Consciousness in all Beings.
On the path of mental wisdom, as the children of God embrace and embody polarity with all
unconditional love through the Angels of 'Bagoloni', they are ready to bring enlightenment to all
peoples and all
beings of the universe.
As you know, INTENT that is in harmony with the INTENT of the Unified Field, which is the
Web of Life, desires only
the highest good of all concerned. This is the source of all Wisdom and it is also the way to
automatically access All-
Penetrating-Power. The INTENT of the individual aligned with the INTENT of the ALL equates
to unlimited all-penetrating- POWER.
We bring access to absolute clarity and the highest purity of all ideas, combined with high
intuition concerning the
rhythm of life and harmony-legality, to every child of God who must tread the path of diplomacy.
Regardless of the
immensity of the problems, we inspire eventual success in all diplomatic endeavors.


P....Our longing for spiritual perfection is expressed as devoted humble service.

A....We confer enlightened wisdom which takes the form of eloquence and mental powers and
S....We totally control humans and their consciousness and bestow clairvoyance and the gift of
Ch..We unveil secret knowledge about life and death.
Y....We teach humans to see and know prophetically the fate of all creatures, man or animal,

The melody created by the letters of our name are the notes of B, G, G sharp, D sharp, and C

Here is our story:

David heard the sounds of confusion in the murmur of the crowd. It was up to him to avert war
and he knew it.
He turned and faced the glittering reception hall of the Ambassador. None of the others had any
idea how to solve
the problems facing them. He closed his eyes and prayed to the Angels of 'Paschy' for inspiration.
"Angels of Paschy,"
he prayed fervently, "You must pull off a miracle, many miracles, to heal this wound and protect
the hearts of the
Too many people had already died, too many promises had been made and broken. Something
had to be done.
Ambassador Fervante appeared mysteriously at his side.
With sly eyes he whispered darkly, "David, I hear that the United Kingdom is preparing a new
line of defense."
David turned and looked him directly in the eye. He knew intuitively that the Ambassador held
the key to the whole
situation. Going deeply within, he connected with the light hidden beneath the darkness in this
man's consciousness.
"Ambassador," he replied, "I know that you have the solution already in hand."
Not wanting to appear off guard, the Ambassador was momentarily silent. He had not the
slightest idea what
David was referring to.
David continued, "I hear that you have come up with the most brilliant plan for defusing the
situation on the East
Quickly the Ambassador's mind performed a thousand calculations, what could David be talking
about? He
decided he had to find out what David knew.
David casually turned and picked up his goblet of wine.

"Ambassador," he said looking him in the eye with great admiration, " I cannot believe that no
one thought of this
plan before. I just wish that you had spoken of this sooner. I am sure it will lead to the cure for all
of our problems."
By this time the ambassador was completely mystified. What was this brilliant plan that David
kept thanking him
for? Was this a joke, a hoax? He looked suspiciously at David and said, " I am glad that you
appreciate it. I did
not want to announce it before I was certain that it would work."
David placed his hand on the ambassadors elbow and led him to a small alcove off the main
ballroom. Sitting down,
David again looked at him deeply, " I have to hand it to you Ambassador, you certainly had us all
Calling on the Angels of 'Paschy', David took a giant risk. He took both of the Ambassador's
hands in his own and
closed his eyes. He said quietly to the Ambassador, " Let us pray, you and I, for the success of
your plan. Surely
you will be hailed as a great hero for generations to come."
Ambassador Fervente closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt himself shift into another reality in
another time and another
place. He was a small child again, playing in his Mother's garden on the outskirts of the village.
The cows lowed far
off in the distance; a dragonfly hovered over the brilliant and towering flowers.
It had been many years since he had remembered. It was before the great war, and the great
suffering that destroyed
the fabric of his life and his consciousness.
Deep, deep he went into the memory. All awareness of the glittering ballroom faded. He was
looking down at his own
tiny hand as he held a struggling caterpillar. How beautiful the caterpillar was! How fat and how
helpless! Gently,
gently he touched it, wanting only to bless it and protect it from harm. "Mother?", he asked,
"Where can I put him to
make him safe?" "Here, my pet," she softly answered, " Put him here on the flower. He will spin a
cocoon and turn into a beautiful butterfly. He will know that you have loved him and he will
return and kiss you when he has wings to fly."
Suddenly he jerked back to the present and looked with alarm at David. "What did you do?", he
asked nervously.
"How did you do that?"

Feigning surprise, David said nothing. A long silence followed. Then David said, " Ambassador
Fervante, I think
your plan to restore the East Bank to the insurgents is brilliant. It will make you a hero and take
their mind away
from gaining control of the harbor."
The Ambassador's head snapped back and a look of fear passed over his face. He felt his heart
flutter and remembered that the doctor had not given him a clean bill of health. He knew that
his time was short.
"David," he said quietly, "Thank you for reminding me of the necessity of haste in this matter. I
will see that this gets
implemented immediately."
David moved away. Ambassador Fervante sat and remembered the butterfly. How he longed for
his Mother's
touch! The glamour of power and prestige left him like a mist rising off of a lake. He sat there
alone with his own
The next day he made the calls and set up the meetings. In a week the army had pulled out of the
East Bank. The plan proved brilliant and he was hailed as a hero.
The strange change in his character continued. Ambassador Fervantes had changed from a worm
to a splendid creature of soaring spiritual strength. In spite of his weak and failing heart, he
worked tirelessly to bring peace to the region.
The next spring when he died, people from both sides mourned. Over his grave a tall flower
bloomed. A
magnificent butterfly kissed the etchings on the monument that read, "Here lies a true hero, one
who cared more for the people than he did for his own life.


14 degrees Gemini
The Angels of philosophical Books,
Also known as The Angels of Amami

Even though all knowledge is directly available to the children of God through meditation, the
pleasure of reading
brings great delight to many on the path of mental wisdom.
We are the angels who find and supply the perfect books for every interest in the arts and
philosophies. Our
resourcefulness is unlimited in this regard.

A....We tap into the highest knowledge and the most profound truths of the enlightened mind to
help heal the mind.
M...We help open the mind to ideas, to the flow of vitalized feelings, sensations, and life spirit.
A....We inspire understanding of artistic and mental talents and abilities to the level of the
highest wisdom and
M....we teach an inward understanding of the growth and change process, fluidity of ideas, and
the laws of flowing, especially in the metal sphere.
I.....We teach mastery of shape, measure, number and weight and thus impart comprehension of
and philosophy.'

The melody of the letters of our name are the notes of G, D, G, D, and G.

Here is our story: Rachel wistfully looked out of her window at the rooftops of Paris. Off in the
distance the
morning sunlight sparkled on the river and a gentle breeze ruffled the treetops.
She turned and looked over at the fine Chippendale desk, with its elegant crystal vase holding a
perfect rose. There,
on the elegant surface, was the old leather covered volume that Mr. Nexus at the bookstore had
delivered yesterday.
She could hardly wait. With baited breath she opened the finely etched cover. Peering intently,
she beheld the name
of a Brother N. P. Cornelius, humble servant of The Most Exalted and Supreme God, 1849.
"On the path of humble servitude," he wrote, " a pilgrim such as myself often wonders how God
can work through
such imperfect vessels. I have discovered a mighty and wondrous secret; I have discovered that in
the morning
hours when the world sleeps and dreams, the visitations from God's angels come swiftly and
Turning the page in anticipation, she continued reading. "

The Archangel Gabriel comes to me on a shaft of light, that pierces the veils between the
heavenly worlds and this one.
When He comes, I fall prostrate before him, and he lifts me up and tells me that I am beloved of
the Most High."
Page after page she read. The light outside grew dim and still she read. Finally, about nine thirty
that night, she
reluctantly closed the cover and went down to the small cafe* for a bite to eat.
Her mind was full of angels. She barely noticed the passers by, and walked as if in a dream. She
could hardly get over how lovely the descriptions of angels were in the old volume. She felt as if
she had been bathed in the most precious libation of holy waters, as if she had been transported
to the very steps of the throne of God Himself.
Later that night, about three in the morning, she noticed an unusual glow at the foot of her bed.
Closing her eyes,
she remembered the words of Brother Cornelius as he described the shaft of light that pierced
the veil between
the worlds.
"Dear Gabriel," she whispered, " How I would love to see your glorious face!"
Going deeply into her heart, she communed with her soul and with God in loving and fervent
prayer, "Dear Father, I
am not asking to actually see angels, but I am asking that you accept my love, the love of your
humble servant Rachel. I ask that you use me in your plan of Heaven on Earth, even if it is in the
most little and insignificant way."
A long time passed. She drifted off into a deep and silent void, a void filled with the mighty
presence of a great and
sovereign consciousness.
Sometime later, she heard a sound and her eyes fluttered open. There, in the dim predawn light
of early morning, at
the foot of her bed, a solitary gray dove lay snuggled in the deep coverlet. A beautiful branch of
green fern rested close
by. Barely daring to breath, she watched the dove as it quietly lay. Just as the first rays of the sun
came through
her window, the dove stirred and flew through the curtains and out over the rooftops of Paris.
Turning to look at her desk, she gazed through tears at the ancient book. Today she would again
walk with Brother
Cornelius as he shared with her the glory of his visions of God.


15 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Poets and Writers
Also known as The Angels of 'Pigios'

We help writers and poets through inspiration when they attune to the path of wisdom in their
works. We specialize
in showing the right words and expressions, and we are 'regarded as the head of all poets and


P....We tap into the divine nostalgia, which is the longing of the poet for inspiration. We groom
humble devoted
servants of the most high to perceive the true essence of beauty.
I.....We can trigger any remembrance and control all activities on earth according to karmic law.
G....We bestow true divine blessings, grounded on earth as happiness, success and abundance.
I.....We evoke the greatest miracles using shape, measure, number and weight and teach all laws
of analogy-as
above, so below-to groom metaphysical masters.
O....We confer high power of judgment, infallibility, poise, satisfaction and unimpeachability.
S....We empower the sons and daughters of God to change consciousness of all beings up to the
highest angels.'

The melody made by the letters of our name are the notes of B, G, F, G, C, and G sharp.

The first letter of our name, the letter P, represents the longing of the soul for Spiritual
Perfection. The right side
of the nose of the physical body of every child of God was created with this divine virtue. It has a
dark gray color and
is of the earth element, so it is felt with the sensation of weight. The musical note is B.

Here is our meditation for the letter P.

Sit down and relax deeply. Allow plenty of time for this meditation. Close your eyes. Go deeply
into a relaxed state
and enter the silence of your innermost being. Imagine yourself as a tiny speck located in the
solar plexus area,
just below your rib cage. Imaging that your body is a vast universe swirling all around. Imaging
organs as galaxies,
cells and molecules as solar systems and planets.
Deepen, and realize that what happens here, in the microcosm, happens also in the macrocosm
at the same
time, for "As above, so below" is a law of the unified field.

>From the galaxy that is the right side of the nose, visualize a dark gray light emanating and
filling the universe and hear the angel choirs singing the note of B.
Feel the sensation of weight, the sensation of the element of earth, which is the element of the
divine light manifesting in form. Become aware of the longing for spiritual perfection. This
longing for the light divine that exists in all beings
Feel the longing for spiritual progress. See that the law of evolution for all spirits is embodied in
this longing.
Surrender to your desire for striving upwards to the Divine Light. Feel yourself spiraling upwards
towards the light.
Taste the thirst for union with the Divine Ecstasy. Visualize Divine Consciousness manifesting
completely in all the
levels of Will, Mind, Emotion, and Form within you.
>From this grows purity and a longing for transformation. This is the source of religious feeling,
and deep humility
and desire to serve others. Relax into awareness of spiritual beauty, purity and profundity.


16 degrees Gemini
The Angels of External Splendor
Also known as The Angels of 'Cepacha'

The divine virtue of outward beauty is our special province, especially the physical attractiveness
of the children of God. We inspire understanding of the natural beauty and wisdom inherent in
the physical body, and teach ways to enhance beauty according to the laws of analogy.
Hair is an external part of the nervous system and carries subtle energy. Depending on how it is
worn, cranial energy
is directed to lower energy centers or concentrated on higher ones. The addition of gemstones,
plants, and other
elements as ornaments also affect energy meridians in powerful ways.
In addition to hair, we also inspire the use of fabrics to harmonize, energize, protect, and bless
the human body.
Different fabrics have different effects on energy, and the way that fabrics are draped about the
body also carries a
profound impact. We often inspire long flowing styles that allow energy to flow without
interruption between the
column of energy centers and glands.
Color has an impact on energy, consciousness, and health. Patterns and designs also emit
powerful vibrations. The
wise use of combinations of fabric, style, color, designs, ornamentation, and hair are important
to both the wearer
and the beholder in manifesting harmony, beauty, and splendor.


C....We are able to spiritualize matter and bring through divine qualities such as beauty and
E....In the process of transferring consciousness to the sons and daughters of God, we can
intensify and augment
these subtle, special effects into visible forms.
P....We do this work as humble devoted servants who lovingly revivify seekers and reawaken
their sensitivity
to perceive beauty from the universal standpoint.
A....Our perspective is the highest wisdom and illumination of the enlightened mind, focusing
notably on the purity
of the ideal of beauty and splendor.
Ch...we work with translating universal symbols and making these representations easily
understandable to all in
order to facilitate a transformation process.
A....We use artistic talent to heal the mind.'

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of D, D, B, G, D sharp, and G.

Here is our story:

Mary Anne had been afraid to break away from the traditions of her family and society. Her hair
was short, her
clothes stylish and sophisticated. Everything about her was carefully groomed according to the
most conservative and
refined expectations of her peers.
As she aged, she realized that if she kept on doing what she was doing, her life might not ever
change. She did not feel fulfilled. She did not feel excited, or inspired. People did not really see
her. When they looked at her, their reactions were automatic and repetitive and superficial.
So she announced to one and all that she was moving. Her Mother gave her part of her
inheritance and she left.
She packed up and went to another town in another part of the country where no one knew her.
She enrolled in
workshops, went to spas, toned her body and changed her diet for the better. She let her hair
grow long for the first
time in her life. It was beautiful fine hair, one of her best features, and finally it was free to grow
and hang naturally.
She began to wear long comfortable dresses of natural fibers, the kind that flowed softly and
simply. She learned
that different days were represented by different angels and different colors and she wore colors
that were appropriate
for each day. She learned about the healing effects of minerals on the body and had beautiful
jewelry made.
She soon learned what comfortable feet were! She kicked off her stiff uncomfortable shoes and
vowed to never wear
them again. Her back straightened up and soon she was walking with a gentle rhythmic motion.
Men began to
notice her. Women began to respect her presence.
She discovered that when she put her hair up, she felt protected and more highly attuned to the
intellect. When
she wore it flowing and long, she felt more integrated with nature and with the earth.
Soon she had a reputation as a great beauty, something that had never happened to her before.
At Christmas time she flew back to her family in Boston for family reunion. This time, as always,
everyone else
was wearing the same conservative clothes, with the same predictable hairstyles that they had
always worn. As she
walked in the door, her relatives nearly went into shock, they were seeing her as if for the first
She held her ground and moved graciously and elegantly among them. Soon laughter and relaxed
good will
permeated the gathering. People could hardly take their eyes off of her, so dazzling was her
The Angels of Cepacha had done their job well. An elegant sapphire ring sparkled on her right
hand, and a lovely
necklace of rose quartz cascaded down to her waist. The periwinkle blue velvet dress flowed to
the floor, reminiscent
of a Greek Goddess. Her fine dark brown hair was loosely coiled upon her head, held with a tiny
spray of holly leaves
made of green jade and rubies, elegantly highlighting the graceful curve of her neck. A few loose
tendrils of hair
drifted down her back .
A warm fire burned brightly in the huge ornate fireplace. MaryAnne positioned herself slightly in
front of it on the
side near the great tree. Her third cousin on her Father's side, Benjamin, looked over at her and
could hardly breathe,
so beautiful was the vision of her standing there.
There was a splendid feeling of magic that she brought that had never been present at the family
reunion before.


17 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Influence
Also known as The Angels of 'Urgivoh"

On the path of intellectual wisdom, we guide the sons and daughters of God to appropriate
people of influence when-
ever this is necessary for the highest good of all concerned. Through inner guidance we inspire
appropriate behavior so
that success is guaranteed. The key to this success is the ability to follow inner guidance perfectly
with complete
faith, without interference from personal views and habits.


U....We endow the faculty of transferring consciousness and to evoke states of trance of any kind
mastery of feeling.
R....We awaken ingenuity that manifests in a number of abilities.
G....We inspire divine peace of the spirit and the ability to give true divine blessing.
I.....We evoke remembrance, and the ability to enliven conscience.
V....We inspire complete understanding of cause and effect as it works through the four levels of
namely, the will, the intellect, the feelings, and physical behavior.
O....We inspire feelings of absolute contentment and poise that are brought about by the ability
to evoke any
situation in the world of emotions and form. This ability is aligned with the highest dictates of
Divine Providence
and is unimpeachable in its adherence to legality and harmony.
H....Through the feelings brought about by the power of the cosmic word, we inspire the ability
to influence each fate
at will.'

The melody of the letters of our name are the notes of B, C, F, G, F sharp, C, and A.

Here is our story:

Madelaine went inside to the warmth of the ballroom. The balcony overlooking the Alps was in
the path of a sharp
breeze coming off of the ice and snow. Few people were idly milling about, the was a feeling of
emptiness in the
Wondering if she should perhaps call her limousine and leave, she felt the familiar feeling of
unseen guidance urging
her to go in the direction of the banquet hall. Draping her soft gray cashmere stole over her left
arm, she wandered
into the vaulted room filled with large ornate furniture and high glittering chandeliers.
Over in the far right hand corner she spied a tall elegantly dressed gentleman bending over
intently peering at a bowl
of fruit. "Go over there", the inner voice whispered, " Go right up to him and we will tell you what
to say." It seemed
like she had walked a mile, the distance seemed to stretch forever between the door and the
corner where he stood
with his back to her.
Finally she arrived. He turned and looked sharply at her. "Oh!", she heard herself exclaiming
brightly, "Look at that
lovely peach! Have you ever seen such a perfect example of God's handiwork?" She bent over to
touch it softly,
springing back quickly with outstretched hand to offer it to him.
Surprised, he raised an eyebrow and stepped back. Clearing his throat, he looked a bit
uncomfortable and reached out to take it.
Moving closer to him and following inner guidance which was coming in strong, Madelaine said,
"You know Peter"
( how did she know his name was Peter? She was amazed at what she was doing, but continued
on trusting her
guidance.) " I heard that you were in here all alone and I heard a voice telling me that something
was troubling you."
She was taking a risk here, all sorts of them. She did not know his name, and politeness never
permitted such
personal invasions of privacy, besides, it was foolish to talk about 'hearing inner voices'!
His demeanor instantly shifted. The stiffness left his bearing and suddenly he became like a little
boy, staring
down awkwardly at his feet. "Well, ahem," he said clearing his throat again, "I do have a problem
actually. You see,
I am quite lost without my wife. She died suddenly last October and I haven't been the same
since. I am surprised
that you knew, I guess you must have heard an inner voice, because no one in this company has
even heard that I was married, much less that my wife had died. We kept our personal life very
Madelaine's eyebrows flew up this time. Putting her hand over her heart, she felt herself gasp for
air. What had
she walked in to? Who was this strange man? Following guidance, she took him by the hand (
another indiscretion
by normal standards of behavior ) and led him to sit down next to her on an elegant settee.
"Peter," she said with conviction, " You must tell me all about her. Don't hold back. It is
important that you tell me
For many hours Peter unloaded the burden that had wearied his soul for so long. He told her
about the illness, and
the efforts of the doctors to find a cure. He spoke of his longing for his wife and how he missed
her so deeply. He
spoke fondly of their courtship, their happiness and their joy.
Finally, about three thirty in the morning, after a long silent pause, he looked up at Madelaine
and exclaimed, "But who are you? I feel so rude! I don't even know your name. I feel so ashamed!
What could I have been thinking of to burden you with my life in this manner?"
Madelaine was filled with the feelings of higher grace and compassion, her intuition was very
clear, and her guidance
was impeccable.
"Peter," she said, " I know that you feel alone. I, too, feel very alone like yourself. But I am very
glad that you had
this wonderful time in your life with your wife. Even if she is gone, at least you experienced the
bliss of true love for a
very precious time."
As the truth of this statement sunk deep into his soul, he turned and looked at her.
"Dear Woman, whoever has sent you was guided by God himself. I would have never been able to
talk about this to
anyone and I am afraid it would have burdened me forever. As it is, I am feeling relieved and yes,
you are right, I have
been very fortunate indeed to have known the bliss of true love."
They continued on talking through the night. When morning broke, Peter took his leave,
promising to meet with
her for breakfast in a few days at a small cafe in the village.
The relationship continued and deepened. It turned out that Peter was the only heir to a title of
vast importance and
power, and that this title had isolated him from normal relationships of warmth and sharing.
With the help of
Madelaine, he was able to bridge the cultural gap of his strict isolationist upbringing and enter
the modern world.
Over the years, they used his power and position to counteract the rampant aggression and
insatiable greed
exhibited by many of the powerful people in leadership around the continent.
Even to this day, their heirs are carrying on the good work. Even though their marriage did not
have the flair of
youthful romance that he had known with his first wife, the love that grew between them was
beautiful and perfect,
a perfect example of God's handiwork.


18 Degrees Gemini
The Angels of Love
Also known as The Angels of 'Amagestol'

We initiate the children of God into the secrets of love. 'All aspects of love, from the highest to
the lowest; whether
animal love, human love, or the most high divine Cosmic Love, are under our guidance.' All
beings who love each
other are surrounded by our protection.
We have taught mankind for ages that Love conquers all, that Love is the most powerful force
there is, and that Love
is the essence of Divine Consciousness itself. On the path of intellectual wisdom, love is
recognized as THE path that
all life uses to connect emotionally with the consciousness of the Web of Life, the unified field of
the One Being.
Emotions are the Divine Feminine Force, or magnetism, and the emotion of love on any level;
animal, human, or

cosmic, is THE instinctive way to attract life, vitality, and sensation into form. In protecting and
inspiring all beings
who love each other, we are protecting the process of Spirit enlivening Form, of Heaven
manifesting on Earth.
Love brings about clairvoyant tendencies between the lover and the beloved. The gifts of love
bring about true miracles
on every level of being.


A....We teach lovers the highest illumination and spur their development of occult abilities and
artistic sensitivity.
M...We master feelings, sensations, and vitality and we can know and direct the flow of feelings
in others.
A....We use the wisdom of the enlightened mind to penetrate clairvoyantly into knowing of their
process and spur development of clairvoyance, order to bless the children of God with happiness, satisfaction and peace.
E....We control the transfer of consciousness and help develop clairsentient reading of minds and
to make expression of feelings more refined in loving relationships.
S....We control consciousness of all who work with us, all lovers, to give them absolute
clairvoyance and the gift
of prophecy.
T....We bring through genuine emotional magic and give lovers insight into the meaning of "as
above, so below".
O....We evoke happy, successful and contented scenarios wherein lovers realize how to respect
karmic laws
L....We bring through the splendor and majesty of God in loving one another, to enhance health,
beauty, and

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of G,D,G,F,D, G sharp, F, C, and F.

Here is our story:

Francine was sad. Life just did not have any meaning. Everyday she woke up and looked wistfully
out of the
window at the garden and drank her tea, wondering if anything would happen this day to make
her life any
different at all. She reminded herself of all her blessings, she tried to think lovely positive
thoughts, but no matter
what she did, she felt lifeless, and her back bent over as though the weight of the world were on
her shoulders.
One morning, as she looked down into her cup, a tear fell into the tea, making a little ripple.
The Angels of 'Amagestol' heard the plea from her forlorn heart. Quickly they checked with
Divine Providence and
received permission to act, and suddenly, without any warning, that morning someone had a flat
tire right in front
of Francine's house. When the man went to put on the spare, he found that it was flat too, so he
went up to
Francine's door and knocked.
Francine jerked her head up and looked at the front door. Who could that be? She looked out the
window and saw the
flat tire and hurried to the door. The gentleman was rather bald, and he held his hat in his hand.
"Excuse me," he said,
" I..". He never finished, because Francine already knew. She told him to come right on in and
handed him the
The phone wouldn't work! The line was dead. Francine couldn't understand it, because she had
just received a call
on it, so they spent about fifteen minutes checking the cords and trying to make it work. Finally,
somewhat flustered,
they decided to go into the kitchen and have a cup of tea and discuss the next step.
The Angels of 'Amagestol' attuned Francine to the beauty of Frank's soul. Frank began to look at
Francine with intense discernment and noticed that she was just as lonely as he, and just as
intelligent, sensitive, caring, and sweet.
Finally Frank got up and slapped the back of his chair. "Francine," he said, "I have a feeling that
we were supposed
to meet each other. I bet the phone works by now, and I bet that you and I should have dinner
tonight!" Sure enough,
the phone worked perfectly. Frank got his tire fixed and over a lovely dinner that evening they
discussed the amazing similarities of their lives.
The courtship was long, for both of them were careful, middle aged people, but Francine's back
straightened up and her step became lively. A sparkle returned to her eye that had not been there
for years.
Frank was beside himself. He had given up on ever finding a mate years ago, for he had been too
shy to ever break the ice. Thank God for that flat tire!
They really loved each other! It was beautiful! Francine would sit at the table in the morning
looking out at the
garden, in rapture at the beauty of every detail. Each butterfly and dragonfly caught her
attention, every nuance
sent her into poetic reverie.
Finally Frank and Francine got married in a small chapel in the next town and quietly went about
their life together.
Frank moved into Francine's and fixed up the house.
Francine made a bunch of lovely new dresses on the sewing machine and started wearing flowers
in her hair.
They took on two new pet cats and then added a dog. In the winter they all loved to sit together
in front of the fire
in deep reverie, with Francine and Frank occasionally launching into warm discussions of
spiritual insights,
memories, and daily events. The hearts of all five of them; the dog and cats and Francine and
Frank, blossomed. The
Angels of 'Amegestol' watched over them carefully. The heavens rejoiced.


19 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Personal Ritual
Also known as The Angels of 'Debam'

We are masters of mystical ceremonies, especially personal ones that include gesticulation and
spontaneous prayers
spoken from the heart.
When a child of God feels inspired to perform an individual ritual or ceremony for the highest
good of all, we make sure
that their natural flow of creative energy connects with the unified field, the Web of Life, so that
the entire spectrum of
help from all beings and spheres is available. We especially work through emotion and gestures,
which shape magnetic energy to attract miracles.


D...We reveal all knowledge of the mysteries of creative expression among humans order to manifest cosmic consciousness into refined ritualistic forms perfect mastery of and insight into the most profound mysteries of the physical world.
A....We inspire creative artistic expression and mystic abilities in order to heal the mind
M....and heal the emotions through controlling fluidity of movement in all spheres of action.'

Here is our story:

Mary called on her guardian angel for help. She was standing on a high ridge overlooking the
valley and the
wind whistled sharply against her face. Her heart was beating strongly with the love she felt for
the earth, for
the animals, and the whole human race.
Newspapers and reports on television had depressed her. Too much suffering and war; too much
dishonesty, denial,
rampant aggression and insatiable greed in high places; too much harm to the environment,
poverty, and over all bad
news, had driven her to make a plea to God. Why didn't all the money and effort go toward peace
and healing and
sustaining the earth and the fragile ecosystem?
Feeling guided by her deep spiritual need, she had come to this ancient outpost in the midst of
nature. What could she do? She was just one person, standing on the roof of the world, alone
with God and the angels and eternity.
She closed her eyes. The fingers on her right hand began to drum against her thigh. Suddenly she
felt herself turning
and spinning on one foot, the other foot thumping down over and over in a strong rhythmic beat.
Ancient Indian-like
chants began to flow into her imagination and she felt a strong urge to lift up her voice loudly
and sing. She raised
her other arm up to heaven, and as she sang, she imagined angels descending on waves of light to
Round and round she spun, singing and seeing in her mind's eye heavenly angels filling the earth
with light and
love. Finally she crumpled to the ground, putting her forehead on the earth, and spread her arms
out with palms
For a long time she prayed. She prayed for the forests, the children, the animals, and the sea. She
prayed for the
healing of the past, the present, and the future for everyone. She prayed and she prayed, until
finally she felt a deep
quiet descend.
Raising her head, she noticed that day had turned to dusk. Out of the corner of one eye, a tree
began to take on the
form of an ancient Indian Chief. Out of the corner of the other eye, she saw a swirling mist began
to form.
During her prayers, her heart had melted into earth and sky, and she felt that she had become
one with everything.
The appearance of the Indian and the mist were to her a confirmation that the angels had done
their work and the
earth would indeed be healed.
She spent the rest of the night under the stars. In the morning when she drove back to town, she
felt completely
relieved, as if the great burden had been lifted.
Even though much of the news continued to carry alarming overtones, she could read between
the lines now and see
that people were waking up at a fast rate. More and more of the news was positive. She could see
that the balance of
power was shifting from ignorant to wise.
She continued to send in donations to environmental, human, and animal rights groups, and she
continued doing
ceremony out under the sky whenever she could.
Slowly but surely she saw the tide turning. Huge tracks of forests and sea were protected,
devastated areas were
being restored, good new laws were passed and enforced, sustainable technology replaced the
old, and ancient and
modern feuds laid aside.
The ancient prophets were right, bit by bit the Golden Age was arriving, and she could feel in her
heart that her
ceremonies were bringing it faster.

"..and the end times will be shortened, or nothing would survive."


20 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Mystical Dancing
Also known as The Angels of 'Kolani'

In the development of intellectual wisdom, we teach the children of God to dance in ways that
allow them to enter
into states of spiritual ecstasy.

"Man was made in the image of God."

"As above, so below."

The human body is the microcosm of the macrocosm. The heavens spin and dance in circles and
spirals throughout the galaxies and universes. The human body is designed so that when it is
spinning and dancing, like the galaxies, critical changes occur in glandular secretions of
chemicals that allow trance-like states of awareness to form.
In these states, it is easy to connect the individual consciousness with the unified field, the Web
of Life. In
this way, the individual produces whole brain awareness and enters into a communion of souls
in divine
consciousness. If a son or daughter of God dances in this fashion and holds a certain intent that
is for the highest
good of all, then this intent manifests as a miracle .


K....We manifest ideas by our will alone, with great perseverance and courage, perfect masters of metaphysics who hold impeccably true to an absolute sense of divine
L....We impart vitality, youth, beauty, and harmony as we teach true morality and enlightenment
bordering that
of sainthood.
A....We spur development of mental powers like clairvoyance, the art of levitation, and musical
N....We are absolute masters of gait, movement, and dance on earth, which we use to connect
body with spirit and
thus evoke ecstatic happiness.
I......We control all doings and activities by which we enliven dancers and reawaken ancient
spiritual states
of consciousness.'

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of B, C, F, G, A, and G.

Here is our meditation on the letter K.

Relax, take a deep breath, and go within to a deep meditative state. Imagine that you are a tiny
dot in your solar plexus, and your body is a vast whirling universe around you.

>From the area of your left ear, see a magnificent silvery blue light of the most perfect purity
shining throughout the
universe. This silvery blue light creates a feeling of warmth and ease everywhere.
Begin to hear the musical note of B ringing, and imagine the highest power that is possible to
comprehend. Meditate
on all-embracing power that enables you to work miracles in the micro-as well as the
macrocosm. Feel great courage and strength which this infinite power gives you. Meditate on
how this feeling of courage allows you to overcome any fear within yourself or within your fellow
brothers and sisters. Be aware that as you connect with this divine virtue of omnipotence within
your own inner universe, that you are simultaneously connecting with it in ALL outer universes.


21 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Law and Human and Animal Rights
Also known as The Angels of 'Mimosah'


The Web of Life, the unified field of energy, is affected by what happens to even the smallest life
form. That is why it
was written that "God is aware of even the least sparrow" and "step on a blade of grass and the
universe trembles".
We are the angels of human and animal rights and justice on earth. Lawyers, judges, and all
people dealing with law
are under our care and supervision. So much is at stake for the Web of Life in each and every
legal decision, that the responsibility for the rights of humans and all sentient beings is a most
critical aspect of intellectual wisdom.
Injustice is not done in isolation. Damage is not quarantined on the web of life. In the case of a
son or daughter of God,
when a false accusation or miscarriage of justice happens; trauma to the web is inter and
multi-dimensional, with
repercussions that echo on and on throughout time and space almost into infinity.
Divine Providence has given us the power to guide every aspect of law and justice and to protect
the rights of all.
Whenever the sons and daughters of God use their free will to trust and call on the Angels of Law
and Human
and Animal Rights- the Angels of 'Mimosah', for help for themselves and others, we use our great
powers to assure
a fair and happy outcome in legal situations.

M...We influence the feelings, sensations, and passions of the children of God in order to bring
about fluidity in
I.....We control all doings and activities according to karmic law and can strengthen or weaken
conscience as needed and reawaken vitality.
M...We understand and control movement in passions and thus the change process.
O....As absolute masters of divine justice, impeccably adhering to laws of fairness, we ensure that
no one is
ever condemned unfairly and we cause outcomes in the material world that are successful and
S....We completely control the consciousness of the children of God and evoke clairvoyance
A....and other talents, powers and abilities to control mental programming.
H....We guard and master justice in the material world and use the power of the word, the
ancient language , to
ensure that justice prevails on earth.'


22 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Prophecy
Also known as The Angels of 'Eneki'

Beloved, Every action sends ripples of energy out into the unified field of energy and effects the
entire Web of Life.
This understanding is the root of all wisdom and requires the ability to foresee the results of
actions far into the
We endow the children of God with high intuition and great wisdom, especially in the art of
prophecy and
prediction. In order to create happiness and satisfaction in the Web of Life, the ability to
understand the ongoing
effects of each act is a necessary part of the path of intellectual wisdom.
Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to guide the sons and daughters of God in
finding ways to look far
into the future to see the consequences of decisions made in present time.
Because energy travels through time in open ended circles, or spirals, every act sets in motion
effects that come
back magnified to the original creator in the future. The emotional energy embedded in each act
attracts similar
energy to itself because emotional energy is magnetism.
Magnetism is the precursor of physical manifestation. This principle is the basis of all prophecy.
Whatever seed is planted in present time, grows and bears fruit in the future. We open the mind
to clearly perceive
the nature of the energy that has already been created or is being created now; and to see the
results of this energy over time. We inspire clear vision of how to correct mistakes of the past
through all-powerful intention, feeling, and action in the present.
All of the ancient focusing techniques that have been developed over the centuries and cultures
for allowing the
left hemisphere of the brain to access the non-verbal and intuitive right hemisphere come under
our range of
competence. Some of these are graphoanalysis, chiromancy, tarot, etc.

E....We intensify ideas into manifestation.
N....We teach special clairaudience to tap into any detail of past, present, or future events, as well
as the ability to
intuit exactly anyone's stage of spiritual development..
E....We confer the highest form of intuition including how to transform ordinary consciousness
into cosmic
K....We empower seekers to perform miracles, i.e. to manifest wishes into form by willing it so.
I.... We evoke the greatest miracles in the physical world and train perfection in reuniting of body
and soul, even
to the point of raising the dead.

"All that I do , ye shall do and more."

The melody of the letters or our name are the notes of D, A, D, B, and G.


23 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Performing Artists
Also known as The Angels of 'Corilon'

Beloved, We inspire and guide the sons and daughters of God who work in the performing arts.
'We assist all artists
working for the public, whether singers, stage actors, circus-artists, virtuosos etc.' We inspire
clear inner guidance within each artist, and establish a feeling of love between the artist and the
audience for the purpose of bringing through higher truth and happiness to all.

We bless the artists with success on every level.


C....We spiritualize matter with divine qualities evoke happy and successful situations in
material world wherein a child of God finds satisfaction and contentment.
R....We create mind expansion to quickly understand and express new talents and abilities and
enhance ingenuity
to the point of genius.
I.....We evoke miracles, and control of miraculous activities in the physical world according to the
highest good.
L....We transmute disharmony into harmony, help bring health, beauty, vitality and
enlightenment to the point
of saintliness.
O....We bestow impeccably discerning judgment to "do the right thing".
N....We confer absolute mastery and autonomy over emotional transactions; so that a child of
God gain
penetrating insight into such interactions.'

Here is our story:

When Philip was a little boy he wanted so much to see the eyes of his parents smile and sparkle.
He wanted them to
laugh and play! He wished with all of his might that the people in his family were not so serious
all of the time, and
so busy.
As he grew, he realized that everyone in the world needed help feeling better. He prayed in the
depths of his heart that people would break out of the monotony and drudgery of their lives and
rediscover magic and meaning.
One year at summer camp, he signed up for drama and his whole life took a turn for the better
because Philip
discovered the mystical power of acting. Evenings in front of the blazing camp fire filled the night
with tales of Indians
and magic, and mystical beings of yore. Drama teachers spun magical tales of wonder. The
campers laughed and
cried, completely riveted in amazement and awe for hours on end.
Gradually Philip learned to play the role of hero and villain, of weak and strong, of young and
old. Whatever role he
played became real to him. He actually felt like he was the old man, or the young prince. The
story line of his play
became bigger than life.
He began to look at life differently. He wondered if life was an infinite series of books, three
dimensional real ones,
that people lived in. He wanted to write happier books. He wanted people to make happier magic
in their lives.
He came to believe that life was about choosing roles and stories and playing them into reality.
Whenever he was emotional, he remembered what his drama coach had taught him and he
embraced his feelings
completely. He savored every nuance of his feelings so that in a future play, he would remember
them vividly. He
embraced his feelings when he was happy, or sad, lost or inspired, etc. He learned to treasure and
love the complex spectrum of feelings and he became much more aware of life, sensation, and
As he studied, he realized that feelings were the effects of thoughts and beliefs about the world
and about oneself.
He learned about cause and effect.

So he wrote and acted in happy plays that taught wonderful things and opened doors! Before
long he was a pioneer in mystical plays that empowered everyone to create life more beautifully
and alive.
Audiences loved his works so much that a producer began to videotape them. The videos took on
a life of their own
and were bought by an ever growing number of fans until wealthy patrons backed him further
and he turned out a
Miracles of hope and healing were sometimes attributed to his movies.

Once in a bleak hospital in Dublin, eight critically ill children were watching Phillip's films almost
every day.
They decided to try the lesson that they learned in the movies, that "life is a stage, and we are all
writers and actors
upon it". They felt in their hearts that they could create their own lives according to their inner
guidance. A week
later, three of them were well enough to go home and the other five were improved. Within a
year, all of them had
recovered completely and were home living wonderful lives.


24 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Cause and Effect
Also known as The Angels of 'Ygarimi"

The Angels of the Constellation of Gemini teach the thirty steps to mental wisdom. Here in this
24th step, a son or
daughter of God learns about the effects on the unified field, or the principle of Akasha as it is
known in ancient
writings, of every thought, feeling, and action.
At this time, Divine Providence has commissioned us with teaching people the way to undo the
damage caused by
previous thoughts, feelings, and actions of mankind. In every city and country, sons and
daughters of God are
awakening to the realization of hindrances and problems that have been created in the Web of
Life by unwise
thoughts, feelings, and actions and are actively addressing these in corrective ways through our
inspiration and
In every case, we show ways of diminishing or even eliminating the damage to the Akasha, or
unified field.


Y....We teach the children of God how principles of the highest truth manifest on earth and
reveal the basis
of Biblical miracles like materialization and dematerialization.
G....We teach the way to bestow blessings of grace, happiness, success, and abundance.
A....We teach how to develop magical abilities such as clairvoyance and R.... facilitate mind
awakening ingenuity and the faculty of "learning to learn".
I.....We hold and teach the secrets of breath and restoring life according to the laws of cause and
effect which
determine fate and karma.
M...We teach how to work with the original water principle of flow and feeling from the
viewpoint of creation,
which is fluidity in change and includes perfect control of feelings and vitality.
I.....Karmic law controlling activities on earth is under our purview and we teach the spiritual
faculty to trigger
memories and awaken conscientiousness in order to uphold the Law of One, the highest good of

Here is our story:

John and May could feel the damage being done to the Web of Life by the thoughts, feelings, and
actions of so
many people living lives of quiet desperation. They knew that if this damage was not corrected,
the earth faced a very grim future .
Praying to be of service, they attracted the Angels of Ygarimi.

The Angels inspired them with great understanding of cycles and the rhythm of life, grace and
mercy, wisdom, clear inner guidance, the understanding of cause and effect, and strong passion.
Sitting on her couch, May said to John, "I can feel the dark muck of generations of despair and
surrounding the energy fields of the people of earth. Let's ask the Angels to balance this energy
with infusions of
enlightenment, of grace and mercy!" Closing their eyes, they mentally prayed for this and waited
to see what
would happen. John felt such a strong bolt of energy charge through his body that he jerked
"Yes", he said, "I could feel the effects of the energy being balanced in the Web of Life as it shot
right through me."
He was excited now. " Let's also ask that people be given clear inner guidance and the
understanding of Cause and
They went again into the deep silence with this prayer, their hearts full of love and faith. As the
Angels of Creation
responded to their request, John felt his body jerk again with the power of the positive response
from the Web of
Soon they began to meet regularly, praying on behalf of friends, neighbors, and all of mankind.
They could see that
the lives of those they prayed for were changing for the better.
They began to teach others how to do this, and bit by bit the concept spread and prayer circles
formed in other
places. More people were attuning to the powerful effects of thoughts, feelings, and actions on
the Web of Life and
taking corrective measures. By leaps and bounds the world situation began to look brighter and
One day just after they had worked with great passion to call in the Higher Beings to heal the
Web of Life around
a very dangerous situation in the Middle East, they heard over the internet that an unforeseen
amazing miracle had
just occurred to turn the situation around.
May looked at John in ecstasy and said, "You know, I used to wonder why I incarnated into such
a troubled world, I
used to wonder what on earth I could do to help. Now I know."
John smiled and said, "I know what you mean. Me too."


25 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Religions
Also known as The Angels of 'Jamaih'

Beloved, we are the guardians who hold and teach the history and mysteries of all religions upon
the earth,
including those which no longer exist.
The passion of God's Love is the vitality and sensation of life itself in the unified field. The sons
and daughters of
God, in their longing for life and vitality, have sought to become one with the Love of God
throughout all time.
This longing for cosmic, unconditional, all-encompassing love is the magnetic, or attracting
force, of all religions.
The magnetic attracting force of unconditional all encompassing Divine Love then awakens the
for Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment. This desire, or intention, for enlightenment is the electric
or creative
force of all religions.
It has been written that only when the passionate longing for enlightenment is stronger than the
feeling for life itself,
that the seeker is ready to receive true Wisdom. This ultimate passion creates the magnetic force
that attracts
Divine Providence to itself, so that Wisdom and Enlightenment descends into the human form.
Divine Consciousness enters the human form, the pineal and other glands produce
neuropeptides, or psychotropic
chemical substances, that flood the body and bring about a state of enlightened awareness. This
process is the basis of all religious behaviors.
In the enlightened state of consciousness brought about by the descending force of Cosmic
Consciousness, the
heavenly hosts become known, the laws of Cause and Effect are understood, and the power of the
Word is
mastered. This body of knowledge forms the substance of all religious teaching.
We awaken remembrance within the sons and daughters of God of how different religions
throughout time have more or less brought forth these divine virtues in their rituals and


J....We teach sacred ecstatic love and mysteries of love's magic in terms of
A....the highest knowledge, the most profound truths of the spirit, eloquence and ritualistic
M...We track how the form of these rituals and traditions change and evolve over time.
A....We attune the children of God to the purity of ideals and highest spiritual wisdom and
knowledge of the
enlightened mind.
I.....We reawaken remembrance of the past, and of conscientiousness, down to the smallest
details, within
manifested religious traditions.
H....We help the sons and daughters of God to understand the work of Divine Providence, the
power of the word,
in all forms of existence in the material world.'

The music of the letters of our name are the notes of G sharp, G, D, G, G, and A.

When a child of God feels a desire to know and understand any religious tradition, this feeling
and intention creates an electromagnetic force that connects with us through the Web of Life. It
is our great pleasure to reveal both the
exoteric and esoteric, which is the outer and the inner, truth of any and all religions. This is done
in a whole brain state of meditation which uses the four awareness levels of pure being, deep
inner thought, feeling, and the five senses, memory, and logic.


26 degrees Gemini
Opposite Galactic Center
The Angels of Secret Spiritual Families
Also known as The Angels of 'Bilifo'

Beloved, We guide those who have experienced the "second birth" and matured into Divine
into spiritual families who nurture God's kingdom and guide others into their full awakening.
The pattern of life is recursive, embedded fractals. This means that a pattern is repeated over and
over again in ever larger sizes into infinity according to exact mathematical formulas. It is for this
reason that an atom looks exactly
like a solar system and that it has been written that man is made in the image and likeness of
"As above, so below."

The purpose of creation is the infinite manifestation of the splendor and majesty of Divine
Consciousness throughout
time and space. This manifestation occurs through the four levels of will, mind, emotion, and
form. The recursive
patterns of life are found on these four levels of awareness.
As sons and daughters of God reach a state of maturity that allows them to take on the qualities
and virtues of divine
consciousness on these four levels, we guide them to form secret societies or families for the
purpose of creating and maintaining the Sacred Pattern together. Secrecy is required so that they
may go about their work in an uninterrupted and free manner.
We guide these secret families in their activities as teachers and guardians of the sacred process
of manifestation, so that other children of God who are less mature may safely evolve. In time
these other evolving sons and daughters of God mature enough to receive the teachings and
become part of a secret spiritual family themselves.


B....We are guardians of the most profound mysteries of polarity and miracles, particularly
within secret spiritual

I.....We decide the fate of those in our custody according to karmic laws and the highest good of
L....We teach how divine glory and majesty works in various spheres, the mystery of magic
equilibrium, becoming
invisible, and immortality.
I.....Our purview includes teachings like revitalizing the dead, reawakening memories and
conscience, and the
laws of cause and effect which control earthly activities and ultimately fate itself.
F....We control the spiritual unfolding of those in our charge according to universal laws of
O...We evoke happy and successful situations where perfect mastery of magical laws of
metaphysics and
astrophysics can be taught and passed down.'


27 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Assistance
Also known as The Angels of 'Mafalach'

We assist the children of God with difficult problems. We often do this by supplying suitable
information from
books and other forms of media. Sometimes we do this by introducing a spiritual teacher and
advisor. Each type of
intervention that we make is based on the level of maturity of the person we are helping.
For this reason, when a child of God is advanced on the path of spiritual maturity and has a
difficult problem that
can be solved in no other way, we are the angels who arrange for a spiritual teacher from one of
the secret
spiritual families to become involved.
In these ways, help is passed down from one level to the other, and the pattern of spiritual
evolution and awakening


M...As perfect masters of feelings, sensations and libido we penetrate into the consciousness of
anyone that we
are helping and teach insights into emotional fluid processes of change and transformation.
A....We bring talents, abilities and intuition needed to tap resources in order to solve problems.
F....We help seekers understand the laws of analogy, universal laws, and the relationship between
will, mind,
and emotion.
A....We apply this mind power to healing and solving detailed material world issues and
L....We reveal the mystery of mystical equilibrium in order to help seekers gain insights into
other people and
know what to expect from them . We enable a seeker to see clearly into the true spirit and
character of anyone,
so that the seeker can recognize the true teacher which we bring.
A....We apply the highest wisdom and illumination of the enlightened mind into practical
problem solving.
Ch..We help seekers understand all symbols and languages of the universe with utmost clarity to
obscurities and understand everything in its purest form.

The solution to difficult problems often falls into three basic categories of instruction.

One category is the fact that once the kingdom of heaven is attained, all else is added. Therefore,
anything standing in a person's way of the seeking of the kingdom of heaven should be removed,
so that once the kingdom is found all other gifts and delights can be added.
The other category is the fact that the kingdom of heaven must be found within before it can be
found outside.
Therefore anything standing in the way of a person's going within and finding inner guidance
should be removed, so
that the inner light of their own individual spirit and soul can be free to shine and illuminate
everything inside and
outside within creation.
The third category is that everything in the Web of Life, both in the inner worlds and the outer
worlds, is connected.
When anything is harmed, the whole web is compromised, and when anything is helped the
whole web is blessed.
Therefore, whatever is done must be done in the way that is for the highest good of all concerned.


28 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Initiation
Also known as The Angels of 'Kaflesi '

Beloved, When a child of God reaches an advanced degree of intellectual wisdom, we initiate
them into the analogy
between body, soul, and spirit and their corresponding relationship to the universe. Just as an
acorn contains
within itself all of the codes of a mature and mighty oak, a person's body is a microcosm of the
macrocosm and
contains within itself all of the codes of the infinite universe.
A person's spirit is the aspect of consciousness that is will, power , intent, and mind and contains
within itself the codes of will, power, intent, and mind of Divine Consciousness itself.
A person's soul is the aspect of consciousness that is emotion, feeling, vitality, and sensation and
contains within
itself the codes of the emotion, feeling, vitality, and sensations of Divine Consciousness itself.
The patterns of Divine Consciousness in spirit and soul repeat themselves endlessly into infinity
within the sons
and daughters of God. This is known as recursive fractals. These fractals become larger through
evolution into greater numbers. Just as an atom looks identical to a solar system, so do the sons
and daughters of God look identical in spirit and soul to Divine Consciousness. That is why it was
written that "man is made in the image and likeness of God".
When a change occurs anywhere along a string of recursive fractals, a new code is written into it
and the new code goes along the entire string throughout time and space, creating change
instantly. This is the blueprint of miracles.
That is why it is written, "As above, so below". This is why the instructions for the use of the
ancient language begin by imagining yourself as a tiny dot within the solar plexus and seeing the
body as a vast swirling universe all around you.
By creating changes in this microcosmic body universe in intent, thought, feeling, and sensation,
an automatic chain
reaction is created in these same areas of consciousness along recursive fractal strings into the
entire outer web of
Once something is done by one, it becomes embedded in all, and it is just a matter of time before
it manifests on all
levels of creation. That is why the master said, "All that I do ye shall do and more."
Just as one acorn has the code of a giant tree, many trees together contain the code of a giant
forest. As the children
of God manifest new information within the universe, or fractal , of their own physical bodies,
the outer web of life
changes and evolves. The Divine is a living being and is growing through all parts of itself.
Changes spread along strings of energy through time and space, according to mathematical
The Law of One, which is the original law of creation, is the formulae for perfection in the process
of materialization.
When a child of God wishes to manifest a divine virtue, the will for the highest good of all
concerned is combined with
clear concept of the meaning of the divine virtue. This in turn is combined with all embracing
unconditional love of
the virtue, and then combined with imagining the color, sound, and sensation of the element of
the Divine Virtue.
Meditation in this way engages all four brainwave patterns and sends out a complete package of
information, or sine waves, that embeds through a string of fractals causing change. Of such are
miracles made.
To the individual student of this ancient, cosmic language, practical knowledge of the letters,
ideally, should include
memorizing all levels of the aspects of each divine virtue so that, for example, the sensing of
coolness, ease, etc. and sound, color, meaning, and feeling associated with each virtue becomes
palpably and powerfully and immediately available upon calling forth the letter. The vision of the
divine virtue with its color, meaning, sound, feeling, and sensation manifesting fully should
become automatic with practice. When the fourfold sense impression of each divine virtue
springs forth as a strong impression in the psyche of the student, mystical results are immanent
and natural. When different letters, with their divine virtues, are joined together, then amazing
mastery over all levels of creation is attained.

For instance, the letter A represents the virtue of wisdom and enlightenment which is the air
element and is felt with
a sensation of ease. The meditation is done from the point of view of imagining yourself as a tiny
dot in your solar
plexus with the body as an infinite universe all about you. You vividly imagine the sensation of
ease as you imagine
the color "sky blue" shining from the lungs. At the same time you imagine divine wisdom and
enlightenment filling
every cell of your body-universe, and you charge this wisdom with unconditional all
encompassing love. You
also imagine hearing the note of G while toning it at the same time.
This activity from your cranial sphere sets up sine waves of information that radiate out in
recursive fractals upon the
light fibers of the web of life. Your practice of concentrating on this meditation creates changes
in the chemical makeup of your physical body. This is your gift to your own physical universe.
The cascading effects on the outgoing strings of energy on the web of life is your gift to the whole
being of God. This is the meaning of being a child of God and having dominion over all that has
been created. This is how a person becomes a co-creator and brings heaven to earth .


K....We bestow the power to work miracles, and empower the magical ability to manifest wishes
at will.
A....We access the highest wisdom, illumination, and purity of ideas of the enlightened mind.
F....We teach the laws of analogy to unify the four levels -Will, mind, emotion, and form-and also
correlation to the universe.

L....We are attuned to true morality which spurs an enlightenment bordering on saintliness and
unfolding of divine virtues.
E....We facilitate learning clairaudience, control of consciousness, and learning how to intensify
ideas into
S....Complete control of consciousness of any being and absolute clairvoyance results from
mastering this
I.....We evoke the greatest miracles in the physical world using these laws of analogy such as
mastering breathing
practices and thereby reawakening the dead.

The music formed by the letters of our name are the notes of B, G, F-sharp, F, D, G-sharp, and G.

When a child of God receives our initiation, this information becomes clear and obvious. The
application of this ancient meditation becomes second nature and is used with ease to manifest
the highest good of
all concerned, and to bring heaven to earth for all.
Each person who creates change in this way, adds a unique factor to the change codes of the
universe, for each child of God has a magnificent, one-of-a-kind, unique gift to share with all.
That is why it was written, "It is not God's will that any be lost."


29 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Advanced Initiation
Also known as The Angels of 'Sibolas'
Beloved, When the initiation of the Angels of 'Kaflesi ' , 28 degrees Gemini, has been successfully
received and put
into practice, we further initiate the children of God into the correspondence between outer
events and inner powers.
We teach how the act of creating outer events connects a person to the higher beings of the
heavenly hosts and
actually draws them into active participation with these events.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

Not only is it possible for each child of God to perform miracles, it is absolutely necessary. That is
why the Angels
of 'Mafalach' , 27 degrees Gemini, spoke of the importance of removing all obstacles to the search
for the kingdom of God and finding it within. The Angels of 'Kaflesi' , 28 degrees Gemini, then
give initiation for the search for the
kingdom of God within. Gemini is the path of intellectual wisdom and at 29 degrees Gemini, we
now stress the
importance of using the power generated by inner meditation on creating powerful events in the
outer world.
We show you how to attract the angels and beings of the kingdom of heaven to participate in
these events, so that
even greater miracles happen.


S....We bring through the most subtle essence of divine spirit to infuse passion.
I.....We invoke any memory to enliven and revitalize people and situations.
B....We teach the most profound mysteries of polarity, like how to influence fate by mystical
knowledge, and there-
fore by magic and mastery over the physical world.
O....We instill an absolute sense of justice and adherence to divine law
L....and true morality. We inspire in the children of God the appreciation of the need for polarity
in all things,
both positive and negative, in order to heal, revitalize, beautify, and harmonize situations and
A....We teach the use of enlightened knowledge and wisdom to work with the beings of the
intellectual realm,
the devas and wind spirits, and also how to heal mental programming.
S....We give the ability to foresee clairvoyantly over time and bestow perfect control over all

Here is our story:

Mark had heard rumors and read accounts of the activities of all sorts of strange beings
attempting to help, harm or
control the people of earth over the centuries. He had even had some very lucid out of body
experiences concerning this. He wondered if this subject was real, and a very big part of himself
believed it probably was.
He was particularly disturbed by a recent experience that he had had concerning powerful
dragon-like beings who
were using mankind to produce chaotic conditions in the magnetic-emotional realm. What could
he do? Who could
he turn to for explanation and help? Either way, whether this subject was real or not, he was
disturbed and he needed
to regain his inner peace and equilibrium.
He decided to go alone on a long hike in the mountains, one that would require several weeks
and take him away
from the hustle and bustle of the city. He filled his backpack with everything he would need for
survival, and
wrapped his book on angels in double plastic to protect it from the rain.
A week later, far up on the north slope of Mount Asha, he found a spring in a sacred hollow
surrounded by tall trees
and unusual rock outcroppings. He set up camp. His heart was heavy. When he thought about
the possibility
of interference in the affairs of mankind by unknown and hostile beings he became deeply
frightened. He closed his
eyes and prayed for guidance.
A deep quiet descended on the hollow. The presence of the Angels of 'Sibolas ' came upon him.
They took him on a journey. It was another lucid out of body experience. This time he was flying
high above the
earth looking down. With microscopic vision he saw how strange looking organisms in the earth
and waters broke
down decaying vegetation and bodies to make good soil and nutrients. He looked at healthy
organisms both inside
and outside of many life forms breaking down food and turning it into nourishment in an endless
cycle of life and
Then the angels showed him how everything works according to the principle of "As above, so
below". On
every level of consciousness, be it will, thought, feeling, or form, energy went through cycles of
birth, maturity, decay,
and rebirth.
In this context, the angels showed him strange beings, similar to the organisms of the soil,
waters, and life forms of
earth, who were active on the levels of feeling, thought, and will. These amazingly bizarre looking
beings were breaking down energy and turning it into nourishment for other life forms just as
organisms did on the material plane. He began to get the idea.
Finally he awoke and looked around at his campsite. As he did so, he had vivid recollections of
the different kinds of
organisms that he saw under a microscope in biology class years ago. They had looked just like
strange monsters. He thought about this for a long time and went for a walk.
As he sat on a rock next to the creek, he looked at the rich earth. He knew that it was alive with
organisms that would
look fearful under a powerful lens, and yet they were good organisms and life could not survive
without them. He
realized that energy had to go through cycles and it took many organisms on many levels to
process every step of
these cycles. The analogy between the "as above, so below" began to come alive for him and he
moved out of the
paralyzing fear of unknown strange alien beings and took steps into unconditional all embracing
love, acceptance, and mastery.

"God's love shines equally on the good and the bad alike."

In the following hours he began to put it all together in his mind. The key to everything was
balance and harmony
and the law of one, which allows everything to exist and function according to the highest good
of all concerned.
He realized that just as organisms such as termites or bacteria can be harmful or cause sickness
when they are
out of the natural order of things, so can beings in other dimensions of consciousness be harmful
when they are out
of harmony and order. The angels inspired him with the idea that the key was to invoke the Law
of One, and use the
Law of One and the Law of Correspondences together, to bring about harmony and order into all
realms of all beings
so that the Law of One, the highest good of all, is obeyed.
Going deep inside, he felt himself as a tiny dot in his solar plexus and imagined his body as a
swirling universe all
around him. He meditated on the letter S, which represents the divine virtue of
all-penetrating-power. He began seeing his body filled with violet red light emanating from his
gall bladder and hearing the sound of G-sharp. He felt the heat of fire and meditated on power
within and over all the elements of his body universe, including the bacteria,
mitochondria, T-Cells, and all of the infinite variety of organisms and beings.
He moved into the meditation for the letter I, which represents the law of Cause and Effect. Here
he spoke
and invoked the Law of One into his entire body universe. Then he moved into the letter B, O, L,
A, and finally
finishing again with S. As he did this, he knew that he had illuminated his entire body and also
illuminated the entire
outer universe with power, mastery of cause and effect and the Law of One, the understanding of
polarity, the supreme majesty and splendor of God, enlightenment, and power.
Feeling much better, he spent the rest of the week in wonder and bliss, immersing himself in the
perfection of nature's cathedral. On the third day, he decided that when he got back to the city,
he was going to set up a workshop at the university on the subject of alien beings and how to use
love and mastery to bring about the highest good of all concerned.
He prayed to the Angels of 'Sibolas' to bring the proper members of the heavenly hosts to help
him. He had a
meeting in his heart and mind with the angels, and made arrangements for the angels to gather
together the students
that should come to the workshop, prepare them on the inner planes for it ahead of time, inspire
him and them as
he taught the course, and to follow through and help each student integrate the information in
the way that was for the
highest good. At the end of the meeting, he gave thanks, for he knew in his heart that it would be
as he had asked.
That evening as the sun was setting in the west, on the quiet western flank of Mount Asha, and
surrounded by angels;
Mark raised his arms and prayed out loud to all beings everywhere, in all dimensions, with a
heart full of powerful
everlasting love.
"Hear ye, hear ye all beings!" he bellowed in a loud voice that echoed through the valleys, " I
invoke the Law of One!
Remember that we are all One, and that when one of us is harmed-we all are harmed. When one
of us is helped, we all are helped! I ask in the name of WHO WE ALL REALLY ARE: THE ONE,
that only that which is the highest good
of all concerned happen here and everywhere!"
In deep silence he felt the earth and heavens shift with the power of this decree.

" SO BE IT!" he yelled, " Amen!"

Legions upon legions upon legions of angels were present and joined in the invocation, and
legions upon legions
upon legions of beings of every kind and description in all dimensions were reorganized, and
brought into divine
harmony for all, and blessed.

30 degrees Gemini
The Angels of Emotional and Water Security
Also known as The Angels of 'Seneol'

Through the thirty initiations of the Constellation of Gemini, the children of God have learned
how to tread the
path of intellectual wisdom. This final degree of Gemini integrates the previous initiations for use
in intense
emotional situations. The intellect stays clear and wise when the consciousness is immersed in
strong feelings.
Meditation and co-operation with the heavenly hosts is always used to provide safety and create
happy and
successful outcomes, regardless of the intensity and the difficulty of strong feelings.


S...We bring the most subtle essence of the divine spirit unite normal with cosmic consciousness in order to empower the children of God with the
ability to universally transfer consciousness.
N...We teach how to control the drive for self preservation and confer protection from harm. We
teach how to
have emotional invincibility.
E....We confer special clairaudience to understand the language of all animals and perceive past
present, and
future events.
O....We initiate the consciousness into contentment, poise, and the power to evoke any emotional
impeccably and infallibly.
L....We teach true morality and imbue perfect health, vitality, youthfulness in order to achieve
feats in the
physical world.

On the final step of the Constellation of Gemini, a person is prepared for masterful immersion
into the Constellation
of Cancer, which is one of three constellations of the emotional and water realm of the Divine
Feminine Force. At this stage, enough understanding and skill with meditation, the use of the
laws of analogy, and co-operation with heavenly hosts, has given the children of God perfect
control and confidence that any situation, regardless of its
difficulty, can be brought to a successful and happy conclusion.
Because the intellect has obtained the power to understand creation and make wise use of the
powers of Divine
Consciousness, the love of the emotional realm and of water comes naturally. Any child of God
who has attained
the initiations of Gemini will be able to excel in intense emotional scenarios and also in water
sports and be safe
in every situation.

Here is our story:

Raphael looked down at the churning waters from his perch on the rock cliff. He knew from
studying ancient legends
that this diving point had been used for centuries by brave Indian swimmers. This was his first
time here, and if the
legends were wrong, he could be facing certain death.
He eyed the exact spot that where the waters were deep and safe, and he felt the ecstatic peace
and power of his last meditation with the ancient name of 'Seneol', the Angels of 30 degrees
Gemini who taught the perfect mastery of
intellect and wisdom to control emotions and the element of water.
His heart filled with joy and excitement, and he leaped in a magnificent arc through the air,
cutting the water like a
knife and emerging safely downstream next to the sandy shore.
The water was magical in its coolness. The spirits of generations of Indians met him there in the
watery depths
and he felt his soul unite through time with their divinity. He climbed back up on the rocks to
dive again.
Time after time his body sliced through the water that day, and time after time he felt the spirits
of his ancestors.
Gleaming with water, he finally located a place on the cliff to meditate as the sun went down.
Into transcendental awareness his imagination went.
His inner senses exploded with colors, music, and everlasting love. He meditated on the letters of
Seneol again
and again, and knew that the universe was bursting with the feelings of divine glory and
Then the idea occurred to him! He would make the dive in the moonlight. He knew the spot by
heart, it would be easy!
Just as he crouched to make the leap, his foot slipped, and he felt his body careening dangerously
close to the cliffs as the air whistled in his ears. Instead of going into panic and petrifying fear, he
flashed into his meditation and filled his imagination with the vision and feeling of landing safely
in the water, Simultaneously he called on the heavenly beings to protect him.
A few feet above dangerous outcroppings of rock at waters edge, he felt a giant hand push him
over to the middle of the pool, where the water was deep. Filled with the bliss of his meditation,
he felt himself slicing through the water and
swimming safely to the sandy bank downstream.
All night he sat in wonder at the water's edge, playing over and over in his memory the events of
that dive. All night he felt burning love and gratitude in his heart to the owner of that hand. He
was convinced; never did he have to give in to fear and paralysis, for he had the key to perfect
mastery over every situation that life could present.
Just before sunrise he went back up to the top of the cliff, kneeled, and put his forehead on the
rock. With tears of
gratitude and relief, he thanked Divine Consciousness over and over for bringing him to this
point in life where he no
longer had to feel fear. He got up and looked at the rising sun and gave thanks. The spirits of
countless brothers and
sisters joined him. The birds sang exceptionally loud that morning, and the waters twinkled and


Names or phrases in italics or single quotation marksand the symbols quoted,

paraphrased, or copied from the books of Franz Bardon, ISBN 3092133802-6
[The Practice of Magical Evocation}and 30921338 -13-4 {The Key to the True
Quaballah}. Publisher is Dieter Ruggerberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany


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