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Problem 3 Cooling Atoms by laser

To study the properties of isolated atoms with a high degree of precision they must be kept almost at rest
for a length of time. A method has recently been developed to do this. It is called “laser cooling” and is
illustrated by the problem below.

In a vacuum chamber a well collimated beam of Na23 atoms (coming from the evaporation of a sample at
103 K) is illuminated head-on with a high intensity laser beam (fig. 3.1). The frequency of laser is chosen
so there will be resonant absorption of a photon by those atoms whose velocity is v0. When the light is
absorbed, these atoms are exited to the first energy level, which has a mean value E above the ground
state and uncertainty of ! (fig. 3.2).

For this process, the atom’s decrease in velocity "v1 is given by "v1 = v1 – v0. Light is then emitted by the
atom as it returns to its ground state. The atom’s velocity changes by "v’ = v’1 – v1 and its direction of
motion changes by an angle # (fig. 3.3).

This sequence of absorption and emission takes place many times until the velocity of the atoms has
decreased by a given amount "v such that resonant absorption of light at frequency v no longer occurs. It
is then necessary to change the frequency of laser so as to maintain resonant absorption. The atoms
moving at the new velocity are further slowed down until some of them have a velocity close to zero.

As first approximation we may ignore any atomic interaction processes apart from the spontaneous
absorption and emission light described above.
Furthermore, we may assume the laser to be so intense that the atoms spend practically no time in the
ground state.


a) Find the laser frequency needed ensure the resonant absorption of the light by those atoms whose
kinetic energy of the atoms inside the region behind the collimator. Also find the reduction in the
velocity of these atoms, "v1, after the absorption process.

b) Light of the frequency calculated in question a) is absorbed by atoms which velocities lie within a
range "v0. Calculate this velocity range.
c) When an atom emits light, its direction of motion changes by ! from initial direction. Calculate !.
d) Find the maximum possible velocity decrease "v for a given frequency.
e) What is the approximate number N of absorption-emission events necessary to reduce the velocity of
an atom from is initial value vo
-found in question a) above- almost to zero? Assume the atom travels in a straight line.
f)Find the time t that the process in question e takes. Calculate the distance "S an atom travels in this
E = 3,36#10-19 J
$ = 7,0#10-27 J
c = 3#108 ms-1
mp = 1,67#10-27 kg
h = 6,62#10-34 Js
k = 1,38#10-23 JK-1
where c is speed of light, h is Planck’s constant, k is the Boltzmann constant, and mp is the mass of

Solution Problem 1
a) Calculation of the velocity at the instant before impact
Equating the potential gravitational energy to the kinetic energy at the instant before impact we can arrive
at the pre-impact velocity v0:
mgh = (1)
from which we may solve for v0 as follows:

V0 = 2 gh (2)
b) Calculation of the vertical component of the velocity at the instant after impact
Let v2x and v2y be the horizontal and vertical components, respectively, of the velocity of the mass center
an instant after impact. The height attained in the vertical direction will be %h and then:
v 22y = 2g%h (3)

from which, in terms of % (or the restitution coefficient c = % ):

v2y = 2g%h = cv0 (4)
c) General equations for the variations of linear and angular momenta in the time interval of the

Considering that the linear impulse of the forces is equal to the variation of the linear momentum and
that the angular impulse of the torques is equal to the variation of the angular momentum, we have:

Iy = ! N (t )dt
= mv0 + mv2y = m (1 + c) 2 gh (5)


Ix = ! f (t )dt
r = mv2x (6)

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