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Derives from the Greek word
“eros” (desire), and pertains
to any work of art that deals
with sexually stimulating Fifty Shades of Grey –
material. The medium ranges sometimes called soft porn
from painting, photography, by haters, and “mommy
music, literature, film, porn” by critics
sculptures to stage plays. The
difference between erotica and
pornography is gratuitous sex, it
just is. Erotica is sex and art.

Don’t Look Now - was another

controversial sexy film released
in 1973 for containing an
explicit sex scene between
Donald Sutherland and Julie
Christie. Rumor had it that the
sex scene was not a simulation.

Lady Chatterleys’ Lover – D.H.

Lawrence’s novel may seem
tame now in the light of other
sexually explicit novels, but in
1959 the publishers (Penguin)

were charged with the Obscene

Publications Act over the novel.

Erotica – Madonna’s fifth

album released in 1992. A
book called Sex was released
alongside it, containing
sexually explicit photographs,

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