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- It is an Ilocano term meaning “celebration of abundance”.

- This dance features women balancing on their heads a banga or clay pot
which they use to fetch water from the river or well, or in which to cook
rice. The dance culminates with the women laying stomach down on
stage, and rolling from side to side, all while balancing the pot.

Binuyugan Festival

- A festival that celebrates the arrival of the “Maitum”, an Ilocano-speaking

community, at Sarangani Province.
- It is the biggest event in the country which specifically use the traditional
Ilocano dance.

The Maitum

- The term refers to the black stones of the Saub River. It has been a local
folklore that the stones became black when the princess and her lover
went through the said river when they were escaping the princess’ father
who disapproved their union.
- It is a visayan term meaning “Black”.
- They are internationally famous for the “Maitum Anthropomorphic
Potteries, ancient burial jars that look like humans. These were found at
the Ayub Cave.

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