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Choices Lesson: Using Learning Stations

Class: Algebra

Grade Level: 9th Grade

Unit: Linear and Exponential Functions

Teacher: Ms. Brynn Jacobi

The students will be able to:
- Distinguish between linear and exponential functions.
- Demonstrate how each function behaves graphically
- Identify when to apply each function.

Iowa Core Curriculum-Subject Area Standard

1. Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with exponential
a. Prove that linear functions grow by equal differences over equal intervals, and that
exponential functions grow by equal factors over equal intervals.
b. Recognize situations in which one quantity changes at a constant rate per unit
interval relative to another.
c. Recognize situations in which a quantity grows or decays by a constant percent rate
per unit interval relative to another. (F-LE.1.)
Essential Question
What do different functions represent (why and when do we use them)?

Anticipatory Set (10 minutes)

Teaching: Activities (70 minutes)

Direct instruction portion of the lesson:
- “Let’s go through the characteristics of exponential and linear functions
- Starting with linear functions:
- The slope, m, represents how much the value changes. It is a ratio of the change in y / the
change in x.
o This can also be written as
- b is the y-intercept, meaning that this is where the graph crosses the y-axis
- Linear functions represent a constant change
- Forms a straight line

- Now onto exponential functions:

- The coefficient, a, represents our starting point, or the value at 0
- The base, b, is what we call a rate of change
- x is the number of times the value is being measured. This is often measured in time (i.e.
number of years)
- represents exponential change, meaning the amount of change is increasing or decreasing
as time passes
- Forms a curve

Chart for students to write in their notes:

Linear Exponential
y=mx+b y=a b x
Constant Growth Exponential Growth
Common Difference Common Ratio
Straight Line Curved Line
b, where line crosses y-axis a, where line crosses y-axis
Grows Slowest Grows Fastest

Learning Station Part of Lesson:

Students will go through 6 learning stations. They will be given roughly 10 minutes to complete
each of the stations. They will fill out all of their answers on a sheet of notebook paper and turn
it in at the end of class.

Station 1: Choose one of the following to complete.

- Create a song that provides the details of comparing linear and exponential functions
- Create a dance that represents the key points
- Write a script of a play that incorporates linear and exponential functions

Station 2: Graph the following equations and identify the rates of change/slope, intercepts and
values from 0-5.
- Y=3x+7 ; y=8x-4 ; y=2.5x+3
- Y=4(2)x ; y=6(3.5)x ; y=3(1.5)x

Station 3: Come up with an example in an area of interest of yours (sports, clubs, hobbies, etc.)
where you can apply/create an exponential function to represent it. Then solve. You can use the
internet and your peers for help, but it should be unique.

Station 4: Get on the internet and find a real world example of when a linear function can be
used and when an exponential function can be used.

Station 5: Come up with an example in an area of interest of yours (sports, clubs, hobbies, etc.)
where you can apply/create a linear function to represent it. Then solve it. You can use the
internet and your peers for help, but it should be unique.

Students will then share their examples (station 5 & 6) with the class, providing a brief
explanation of how and why it works.

Closure (10 minutes)

Put the blank chart back on the board and fill it out with the students input. You can have more
than what was originally on the chart from the lesson. Let students brainstorm with a partner.
Pass around a sheet of paper and each students need to write down one thing. It can be small
details or big picture. Once they finish, take the paper and start putting the ideas in the correct
column with their help.

Independent Practice

Create a PowerPoint “Lesson” of how to go through the two examples that they came up with for
stations 5 & 6


Test Question:

Graph y=2.5x+3 and y=3(2.5)x. Identify the rates of change/slope, intercepts and values from 0-
5. Compare and contrast the two graphs and state which grows faster and why.

Computers/Laptops, pen and paper

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