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Oleksiy Honcharuk named as a prime minister of Ukraine

Oleksiy Honcharuk has been appointed as New Prime of Ukraine. He is 35 year old and has only 3 years
of experience. He is youngest Prime Minister of Ukraine. He has been Nominated by president
Volodymyr Zelensky who is himself Novice and was a comedian before
entering this post. Mr. Honcharuk has replaced 41 year old Volodymyr
Groysman after he submitted his resignation.Mr. Honcharuk was a student of
Law and public administration.He later co-founded a law firm at the age of
24.He has been given adjectives like “Team Player” and “Workaholic”.He was
appointed as Deputy head of the Office of the president of Ukraine Zelensky
and on 28th may 2019.Before becoming the deputy head, supervising and an
European Union funded NGO.Honcharuk’s father Valeriy was from Social
Democratic Party of Ukraine.
Zelensky's election win took place against a backdrop of war that has killed more than 13,000
people in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk and Luhansk region, with government forces fighting
Russia-backed separatists. The conflict followed Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 which
in turn came after Ukraine overthrew Moscow-backed leader Viktor Yanukovich earlier that year.

Honcharuk is known for his well organized vision and has the ability to achieve results.In one of
his interviews he has made an emotional appeal to IMF for their Coorperation , which is
extremely important for Ukraine.The country would work with IMF for next 3-4 years to improve
the condition of Ukraine.

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