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Music Video Proposal

Song: I'll Show You

Artists: Justin Bieber

This music video explores the theme of love and heartbreak as the
protagonist conveys the message of showing someone he loves the
'right path'. It also explores loneliness within society. This is why I
decided to incorporate a natural iconography because it is a natural
emotion. In order to make this effective, I decided to use a main
character, Jack who will be the one feeling left out as he's ignored by
everybody (everybody to him is that one special person).

By acknowledging my audience, I made sure the video was effective

enough for them to enjoy, while understanding the underlying concept
behind the music video. The target demographic audience would be
towards both genders, but mainly towards females in their teenage
years. When it make for the funding for this video, SIB Records, an
independent company which allows us to have a budget of £123,000 to
fund the crew members used, access to equipment such as a tripod,
Canon X80D, 2 LED Lights, 3 Soft-box Lights gimbal, a clapboard
and most importantly, an SD Card with a spare in case of any
unexpected emergencies.

A final point I will cover will be the forms of distribution and

marketing campaigns needed for a music video as the overall
probability of success or failure highly depends on the profitability of
their marketing campaign. I would like to follow key marketing

Marketing Techniques
To make sure the music video is successfully distributed and marketed
through the marketing campaign created, we will need to focus on a
wide range of target audiences so the number of views multiplys,
leading to the snowball effect. Not only is this beneficial to the profit,
but this also assists within increasing the publicity for the artists, Justin
Bieber. The best methods of doing this would be through advertising
on multimedia websites such as beginning an Facebook campaign,
twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. Once the music video is released, we
can begin synergizing with companies create a larger buzz of the songs
publication. SIB Records strives for the best possibilities all through
the click of a button.

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