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Think about a work or life decision that you made and later regretted.

Why did you regret it?

What happened in the end?

Claudia: Hi Andrea, how are you?

Andrea: Hi Claudia, I am very good thanks to God, and you?

Claudia: Very well Andrea. Tell me, how it with you and your family during this quarantine?

Andrea: Girl, my health is very good and my family too, my dad, my mom and my daughter are

Claudia: And how are things financially, are you still working as a Spanish teacher? I suppose you
teach virtual classes.

Andrea: No, Claudia. I am working with a transport company, that I created.

Claudia: Oh! That sounds good Andrea, it is very important to have another source of income.

Andrea: Yes Claudia, everything was perfect until this coronavirus epidemic began.

Claudia: What happened?

Andrea: Due to the pandemic small business owners have suffered a lot. Now my cars are parked
in the garage since persons are at home.

Claudia: Oh, my God! Is the taxi service not working in Colombia?

Andrea: Yes Claudia, some taxis still operate. My cars operated with applications like Uber, Didi,
Beat, are companies that have their clients’ private vehicles; however, they are not legal in
Colombia yet.

Claudia: What I meant was the Transportation Sector, is it very badly affected by the COVID-19?

Andrea: Yes, of course, and my Venezuelan drivers are very desperate at home.

Claudia: And don’t these companies provide financial aid?

Andrea: Well, so far, they have not done so. I regret having dropped out of the school where I

Claudia: Ok, But I am sure you didn't know that this was going to happen.

Andrea: I did not. I must apply for whatever education opportunities that may still exist in order
to have an income during this quarantine.

Claudia: All educational institutions are working virtually and you have a good curriculum.

Andrea: Yes Claudia, I'll be waiting for some of them to call me.

Claudia: I will pray for you my friend, so that everything can work according to God’s will.

Andrea: Thanks Claudia. I hope so too. Good night

Claudia: Good night Andrea.

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