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Mata Pelajaran
Pelajaran :: BAHASA
Waktu :: 90
90 menit
Hari, Tanggal
Tanggal :: Rabu,
Rabu, 21
21 Maret
Maret 2012
2012 Pukul
Pukul :: 07.30
07.30 –– 09.00

I. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer!

The following text is for question1
Store in room temperature
1. The notice means that we .... keep the product high or cool temperature
a. Must b. Should c. Are allowed to d. Are forbidden to
The following text is for questions 2 to 3
Frida, pls meet me @ the canteen aft school.
I wanna discuss our Indoonesian paper. Thx
From : Riko
12/03/2012 11:46 a.m.
2. What is the massage about?
a. An invitation to a meeting c. Information about something
b. A cancellation of a appoinment d. A request to meet someone
3. Why does Riko want to meet Frida?
a. To ask about her problem c. To discuss their paper
b. To share his problem d. To solve their problem

The following text is for questions 4 to 6

TransJakarta is a bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Jakarta. It was the first BRT system in Southern and
Southeast Asia. TransJakarta started on 15th January 2004. As of March 2011, there were 10 corridors (or
line) in operation, with five more to be built. TransJakarta is designed to provide Jakarta citizen with a fast
public transportation system to help reduce rush hour traffic. It is used by approximately 280.000 people
every day. The buses run in special lanes, and the ticket prices are subsidized by the regional goverment.
Currently, TransJakarta has the world’s longes BRT routes wiht 172 km system length and has more than
520 buses in operation.

4. “It was the first BRT system in Southern and Southeast Asia.”
What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
a. Jakarta b. TransJakarta c. A Jakarta bus d. The first BRT system
5. How old is TransJakarta now?
a. Six years old b. Seven years old c. Eight years old d. Sixteen years old
6. What is the purpose of operation TransJakarta?
a. To make the first BRT system in Southern and Southeast Asia
b. To provide people with comfortable pubic transport
c. To balance the number of vehicles on the street
d. To help reduce traffic congestion

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The following text is for questions 7 to 9
Once upon a time, in Kalimantan there lived a mother with her daughter. The daughter, named Lisa
Yadomaru, was a beautiful girl. However, she had a bad personality. She was an arrogant, lazy girl. She
never helped her mother do the housework.
One day, Lisa and her mother wanted to buy something in the market. The location of the market was
really a long way from their house, so they had to walk miles away.
Lisa walked in front of her mother. She wore a beautiful dress. Meanwhile, her mother walked behind
her. Her dress was dirty and ugly. No one expected that the two people were a mother and her daughter.
Along the journey, people were so impressed with Lisa’s beauty. However, they wondered who the old
woman walking behind her was. Then, one of them asked Lisa, “Hey, beautiful girl, is that yuor mother
who is walking behind you?”
Lisa arrogantly said, “Of course not, she is my maid”.
They continued their journey. And than, a young man met them and asked, “Hey Sweetie, is that your
mother who is walking behind you?”
“No, She’s really differend from me. How could you say that she is my mother? She is my maid,”
replied Lisa.
Every time they walked, Lisa said that the woman walking behind her was her maid. She never admitted
that the woman was her mother.
Her mother was really disappointed with Lisa. She couldn’t bear it. Lisa’s sentence had hurt her. The
poor mother finally prayed to God, “Oh, God. I can’t stand this. My doughter always humiliates me. I am
so disappointed with her. Please give her punishment.” With the power of God, suddenly Lisa’s body
turned into the stone. Lisa cried and asked for a help, “Please .... for give me, Mom .... please help me.
But, it was too late. All of Lisa’s body had turned into a stone.
Although all of Lisa’s body had turned into a stone, people could see that the stone was crying. The
people called the stone ‘The crying stone’.

7. The following statements are TRUE about Lisa, except ....

a. She was dilligent b. She was beautiful c. She was arrogant d. She was lazy
8. Why was Lisa’s mother angry with her?
a. Lisa disobeyed her advice c. Lisa never did the housework
b. Lisa didn’t admit her as her mother d. Lisa was a selfish girl
9. What can we learn from the story?
a. We should treat our mother well c. We should be smart
b. We should be diligent d. We should obey our parents
The following text is for questions 10 to 11

10. What is being advertised?

a. A newspaper b. A free website c. A magazine d. An electronic device
11. The costumers will get the following benefits, except ....
a. Free subscription b. Free access c. Free delivery d. Discounts

The following text is for questions 12 to 13

We have recently changed the name of our business from PT Karunia to PT Anugerah. There has been
no change in management. We will also be providing the same products and fine service on which we have
built our reputation in the industry.
Thank you for being once of our valued customers. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

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12. What is the announcement about?
a. The change business management c. The appreciation of customers’ cooperation
b. The change of the name of a business d. The reputation of a business management
13. Which statement is not true according to the text?
a. The company will provide fine service c. The company appreciates it’s customers’ cooperation
b. The company will provide the same products d. There will be a change in management

The following text is for questions 14 to 16

Making syrup is easy and simple. You just need sugar and water boiled together.
What you’ll need :
 Water  A stirring spoon  Refrigerator
 Sugar  Flavourings (optional)  Corn syrup (optional)
 A saucepan  Glass jar
How to make :
1) Determine which type of simple syrup you want to make, thin simple syrup (a ratio of 3 parts water to 1
part sugar), medium simple syrup (a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part sugar) or thick simple syrup (a ratio
of 1 part water to 1 part sugar).
2) In a high-sided saucepan over medium-high heat, bring cold water and sugar to a boil.
3) Turn the head to low and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture is clear,
approximately 3 minutes. Remember-the longer you boil it, the thicker the syrup will be when cooled.
4) You can add flavourings (you can steep almost anything into your smple syrup such as extracts, fruit
juices, herbs and spices). Just put them in once the waterboils right before adding the sugar, and strain
them out before bottling.
5) After boiling, let the syrup cool to room temperature.
6) Pour the syrup into a tightly sealed, clean glass jar and store in the refregerator (any clean and sealable
container can be used). The syrup can be refrigerated for up to 1 month. You can also stir in 1 tablespoon
corn syrup to help ensure the syrup stays smooth.

14. The ratio of water to sugar in thick simple syrup is ....

a. 3 : 1 b. 2 : 1 c. 1 : 1 d. 1 : 2
15. When should we add flavourings into the boiling water?
a. Before adding the sugar c. After turning the heat to low
b. After adding the sugar d. After pouring syrup into the botle
16. “Remember-the longer you boil it, .... “ (step 3). What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
a. The water c. The mixture of water and flavourings
b. The sugar d. The mixture of water and sugar

For questions 17 to 19, complete the text with the suitable words.
Let’s .... (17) an experiment about how water gets from the ground to the leaves of a plant.
You will need: 4 full glasses of water, red, blue, green and yellow food colouring. 3 white carnations
and a sharp knife.
Now, here are the steps.
 Mix one colour into each of your four glasses of water. The stronger the colour of the water, the ....
(18) the experiment will be.
 Put your first carnation into glass.
 Put your second carnation into another glass.
 Take your final carnition and slice the stem lengthwise so .... (19) looks like two smaller stems, both of
which remain attached to the flower.
 Put one half of the stem into your third glass of coloured water and the other half into the fourth glass.
 Put the flowers out of the sunlight and wait a day or so. Then, look at each of the flowers.

17. a. do b. does c. did d. doing

18. a . effective b. more effective c. most effective d. is expensive
19. a . he b. she c. we d. it
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The following text is for questions 20 to 21
To : Sofi
We have parted for some years, but memories will never die. Friendship will last forever.
Now, it’s time to meet and greer our old friends in our reunion party.
Date/time : Saturday, 7th Juli 2012 at 7 p.m.
Place : Bhineka Hall
Don’t miss it!
The committee chief

20. What the purpuse of the text?

a. To greet someone b. To invite someone c. To advertise something d. To describe something
21. When will the event be held?
a. In the morning b. In the afternoon c. In the evening d. At midninght
22. Since is don’t loudly baby speak the sleeping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is ...
a. 3-6-4-8-2-1-5-7 b. 3-6-4-1-7-5-2-8 c. 3-6-4-7-5-8-1-2 d. 3-6-4-2-1-5-7-8
23. (1). He crep into the darkest corner of the henhouse to hide his shame
(2). Just then an eagle flew by. She swooped down and seized the rooster in her talons and carried him
(3). After long, hard struggle one rooster could fight no more
(4). “look at me!” he said. “I am the king of the farmyard.”
(5). Two rooster once had a fight too decide who would be king of the farmyard
(6). The winner flew to the top of the farmer’s house, crowing and flapping his wings, to let the world
know he was the new king.
The proper arrangement of the jumbled sentence to make a good tex is ....
a. 5-3-4-6-2-1 b. 5-3-4-1-2-3 c. 5-3-1-6-4-2 d. 5-3-1-2-4-6
The following text is for questions 24 to 27
The Legend of Telaga Pasir
Once upon time, there lived a couple called Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir in the jungle of Lawu
Mountain, East Java. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Every
day she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.
It was a beautiful morning when Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking,
he stumbled upon something. He looked at it and was curious what it was. It looked like an egg, but it was
very big. He put the egg back to the ground.
When he was at home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about the egg. Nyai Pasir asked him to bring the egg
home so that they would eat it.
On the following day, when Kyai Pasir went to the field, he looked for the egg and found it. He then
brought it home. Nyai Pasir also wondered that the egg was very big. Then, she boiled it and they both ate
the egg.
They both felt fery full, and it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell a sleep. In the
morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath, then he went to the field.
On the way to the field, he feld his body so uncomfortable. He felt itchy. He stretched his body.
Suddenly, he felt his throat so hot and very thirsty. He was so shocked! He saw his skin changing into
scales. A horn was growing on his head, and he also had a tail. He had changed into a dragon!
Maenwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She panicked and ran to the field to look for her
husband. When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon moving his body on the ground.
Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk, but they were too
weak to do that. They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies so heavily that
it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole. The
water came out very much, and it changed into a lake. Since then, people named the lake Telaga Pasir.
24. What is the purpose of the text ?
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a. To entertain the readers c. To describe something
b. To explain how something was formed d. To talk about past experience
25. Were did Kyai Pasir find the egg ?
a. At his field c. On the way from his house to the field
b. At the beach d. On the way from his house to the beach
26. How was the lake formed ?
a. From the water which the dragons spewed out c. From a beach nearby the field
b. From the hole made by the dragons’ movement d. From the curse of Nyai Pasir
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 6 ?
a. What happened to Kyai and Nyai Pasir before eating the egg
b. How Kyai Pasir changed into a dragon
c. How Nyai Pasir changed into a dragon
d. How the dragons moved

The following text is for questions 28 to 30

Yesterday evening my sister Anna called home. She said that her motorbike broke down on the way
home. She asked me if i could pick her up at Cemerlang repair shop near her office.
I really wanted to help her, but I was too afraid to ride a motorbike downtown. Luckily, my father came
home just in time, so I told him what happened to Anna. Actually, I was reluctant to ask father to do it since
he looked exhausted. What a relief when my father said it was okay. So, he took out his motorbike and
picked up my sister. Oh, my father is a great father, and I love him very much.

28. What happened to Anna ?

a. She was stuck in a trafic jam c. Her motorbike broke down
b. She lost her motorbike d. She couldn’t arrive home early
29. Who picked Anna finally ?
a. Her father b. Her sister c. Her brother d. The writer
30. Where might Anna be when she was picked up ?
a. In her office b. On the road c. At the repair shop d. In a bus station

The following text is for questions 31 and 32

Dear Anindya,
Wish you many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health, wealth, and prosperity in your life.
Happy Birthday

31. What does Meita do for Anindya’s birthday ?

a. She wishes her many happy returns of the day c. She shares her health
b. She gives her prosperity d. She returns her love
32. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. To give warm wished on someone’s birthday c. To announce someone’s birthday
b. To congratulate someone on her success d. To entertain the readers

The following text is for questions 33 to 35

Good morning, everyone. How’s life today? I hope everyone is happy and healty.
Well, today you will have a new friend from Australia. She’s Caroline. She’s just moved to Indonesia
because her father is the new CEO of Australian Bank in Indonesia.
Caroline has white skin, a prominent nose and shoulder-length blond hair. You know what. The girl
with blue eyes is tall and beautiful. Some people that she looks like a movie star. She also has charming
Caroline is very interested in arts. She’s very good at singing, playing the piano and the guitar, and
drawing. She holds some Australian best artist’s trophies.
Well guys, here she is Caroline, here are your new friends.

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33. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe a new teacher c. To tell who the new student lives with
b. To describe a new student d. To tell what the new students is good at
34. What is the third paragraph about?
a. The new student’s father c. The new student’s physical appearances
b. The new student’s hobbies d. The new student’s achievement in arts
35. The following statements are TRUE according to the text, except ....
a. Caroline is an Australian c. Caroline is talented in playing music and arts
b. Caroline’s father is banker d. Caroline has white skin, a prominent nose and long blond hair

The following text is for questions 36 to 39

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) or hippo in the ancient Greek means “river horse”. This
is a large, herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family
Hippopotamidac (the other is the Pygmy Hippopotamus). After the elephant, the hippopotamus is the third
largest land mammal and the heaviest extant Artiodactyl.
Hippos are semi-aquatic. They inhabbit rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps, and live in groups of 5 to
30 females and young. During the day they remain cool by staying in the water or mud. Reproduction and
childbirth both occur in water. They emerge at dusk to graze on grass. While hippopotamuses rest near each
other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity and hippos are not territorial on land.

36. What is the text about?

a. It discribes a particular hippo c. It explains where and how hippos live
b. It discribes hippos in general d. It discribes a certain hippo which lives in Sahara, Africa.
37. What does a hippo eat according to the text?
a. Grass b. Grass and meat c. Fish d. Grass and fish
38. “Hippos are semi-aquatic” (paragraph 2). What does the sentence mean?
a. Hippos can only be found in water
b. Hippos drink a lot of water every day
c. Hippos make their body cool by staying in water
d. Hippos mustly spend their time in water and emerge at dusk to graze
39. “.... grazing is a solitary activity, and hippos are not territorial on land.” (paragraph 2). The underlined
word has similar meaning to ....
a. Alone b. In groups c. In couples d. Together with their females

The following text is for questions 40 to 43

Actually there was nothing special about my childhood. I lived with my parent in a small village, and I
was just like other country boys. But my life changed when my parents decided to move to Jakarta. At that
time I was only thirteen years old.
Living in a big and modern city is far different from living in a small and traditional village. However, I
thought living in the country was the best moment in my life. In the new place, especially in my new school,
I became shy and nervous. The other boys in my class were tough, and they often laughed at my country
ways. Therefore, I didn’t have many friends.
However, I became more interested in computer. You know, I always liked computers, so I spent most of
my time to read computer books. I was very unhappy at that time, but I’m glad this happened because I
finally decided to become a professional programmer. Now I have beentrying to get my master degree in a
computer science.

40. How old was the writer when he moved to Jakarta?

a. 11 years old b. 12 years old c. 13 years old d. 14 years old
41. Which of the following statemants is NOT TRUE about the writer?
a. He was interested in computer c. He loved living in country better than in the city
b. The boys in the writer’s school were tough d. He became a role model among the students in
his new school
42. What did the writer do to spend most of his time?
a. He read computer books c. He took a computer course
b. He hung out with his friends d. He played computer games
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43. What happens to the writer now?
a. He becomes a professional programmer c. He becomes a famous computer technician
b. He becomes a lecturer at computer science d. He opens his own computer store an training centre
For questions 44 to 46, complete the text with the suitable words.
One day two men were walking through the desert. They had an argument, and the first man slapped the
second one in the face. The second man was hurt, then he .... (44) in the sand : “Today my best friend
slapped me in the face.”
They kept on walking until they found an oasis. The second man got stuck in the mire. He started
drowning, but the firs man saved .... (45). Then, he wrote on a stone : “Today my best friend saved my life.”
The first man asked the second one .... (46) he did it. The second man replied, “When someone hurts us,
we should write it down on sand where the wind of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does
something good for us, we must engrave it on a stone where no wind can ever erase it.”

44. a. Write b. Wrote c. Writes d. Is writing

45. a. It b. Them c. Him d. Her
46. a. How b. What c. Why d. Where

The following text is for questions 47 to 48

To :
CC :
Subject : my field trip to Boscha
Dear Mira,
How’s your life? I hope everything is all right with you.
Mira, I’d like to share my experience. Last Mondey my classmates and I had a field trip to Boscha
Observatory in Lembang. We went there by bus. We departed from school at around 8 o’clock in the
morning. During the trip we were singing and clapping our hands. Most of us admired the scenery that we
were passing by it was really beautiful. One and half hours later we arrived there. We directlywent inside
the observatory. We saw a big telescope. In turns we saw the sky through it. It was amazing! Oh, I really
want to go there again.
Well, that’s all I want to tell you. I wish I could go there again.

47. What is the text about?

a. Vera’s experience c. Mira’s field trip with her classmates
b. Vera and her classmates d. The description of Boscha Observatory
48. “In turns we saw the sky through it”. What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
a. The observatory b. Sky c. The trip d. The telescope
The following text is for questions 47 to 48

Dear Tonny,
Hope that your graduation brings brightness to your future
It’s a step to be better

49. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To greet someone c. To motivate someone
b. To congretulate someone d. To remind someone
50. Why does Sandra send such a text?
a. She passed her final exam c. Tonny has graduated from school
b. She has graduated from school d. Tonny has made his dream come true

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