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REG. ID# 180672


Q1.Write a short note on Coefficient of restitution [e].

Coefficient of restitution [e] is the ratio of magnitude of restoration
impulse to the magnitude of deformation impulse. It is also defined as
the ratio of final velocity to the initial velocity between
two objects after their collision.  This ratio tells us how much
energy is lost during the impact or in other word how much kinetic
energy is remains after the impact. If collision is perfectly elastic
e=1(means no energy is lost) and if perfectly plastic e=0 (all the energy
is lost in heat and sound).It’s value lies between 0-1.Different material
have different value of e.

Here v1’ and v2’ are velocities after the impact and v1 and v2 are
before impact.
Q2. How this parameter is used in calculating impact
conditions in Direct and Oblique Impact.
Direct Central Impact
When two bodies collide each other two force act on it one is
deformation force Fd and other is restoring force Fr. Moreover, the
momentum equation contains two unknows v1’ and v2’ which cannot
be solve using single equation. So we use coefficient of restitution e
with conservation of momentum equation to solve the unknowns.

For particle 1

For particle 2
We eliminate Vo between 1 and 2 an get

Oblique central Impact

In oblique central impact the body collide at some angle.
Figure representation

a) Before the impact bodies approaching each other

b) During impact
c) After the impact
d) Direction of impulse
Now there are four unknowns v1’, v2’,Ɵ1’,Ɵ 2 '
So we need four equation to solve the oblique impact. So we use
coefficient of restitution e in the direction of impulse i.e.(n-
direction where the forces of restoration and deformation are
acting ) along with the momentum equation to get the solution..

Q3. Also discuss engineering design applications where

e can be used as a useful design parameter.
1. In sports

a)Speed after impact

The coefficient of restitution can be used for determing the speed of
the ball after it collides with the ball.By finding the kinetic energy of ball
before and after the impact e can be determined. This will help in
manufacturing the bat and ball.

Similarly it can also used for other sports such as golf ball or football.
b)Drop test of Sports ball
It can also be used for deteming the rebound height of the ball after it
collide with the floor or anyother thing .It can helpful for manufacting
basketball or table tenis ball.

2. In industry:
It is a useful parameter in car manufacturing industries to reduce the
impact of collision on the body of the car to prevent so many injuries
for theperson sitting in the car.When a car collides with with other car
or with wall or anyother thing it can rebound with some velocity, that
can be dangerous for passengers sitting in the car.But if we design the
car so that the rebound velocity is zero(e=0) than it can safe the
Q4.How to derive four equations to solve the problem
of oblique impact. Your mathematical derivation should
be supported by appropriate diagrams.
The four needed equations are as follows.

From the fig(d) it is clear that impulse is acting in n-direction so

from law of conservation of linear momentum, momentum of the
system is conserved in n-direction.

∫ Fdt =∆ G

∫ Fdt =G 2−G 1

This equation says that momentum of both the particle before

and after the impact is conserved in n-direction since impulse is
acting in n-direction.
So ,we have equation (1) from the above figure

Since no
impulse is acting in t-direction as seen from the figure so
momentum of each particle remain conserved in t-direction.

So the equation (2) and (3) are

As impulse is acting in n-direction this means that forces of

restoration and deformation are acting n-direction so coefficient
of restitution e also acts in n-direction since it is ratio of these two
So equation (4) is

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