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Polarity in Arc Welding – Straight, Reverse & Alternating Polarity

Arc welding is one type of fusion welding process where base metals are fused by applying
heat in order to form coalescence. Required heat is supplied by an electric arc constituted
between positive and negative terminals of an electric circuit inbuilt with a power source. For
welding purpose work metal is made one terminal and the electrode is made another, and thus
arc constitutes in between them in the external circuit. Since electrons always flow from
negative terminal to positive terminal of any external circuit, so based on the connection
made, two cases are possible:

1. Electrode is connected with negative terminal of the power source;

whereas, base metals are connected with positive terminal.
2. Base metals are connected with the negative terminal of the power
source; whereas, electrode is connected with positive terminal.

However, if the power source provides alternating current (AC) then both
conditions occur one after another in every cycle. Basically arc welding
power sources can provide either DC or AC type current. Some modern
power sources also contain facility to convert one from another
(integrated with AC-DC converter), so these sources can supply both AC
and DC power. Therefore, arc welding can be carried out in any of the
following three polarities; however, each has certain advantages over
others as elaborated in the successive sections.

Polarity indicates direction of flow of current (in other word – electrons) between base plates
and electrode in the external circuit. Remember, current flow direction is considered as
opposite to flow of electrons.

Three different polarities used in arc

 Direct Current Straight Polarity—occurs when electrode is made
negative and base plates are made positive. Thus electrons flow
from electrode tip to base plates.
 Direct Current Reverse Polarity—occurs when electrode is made
positive and base plates are made negative. Thus electrons flow
from base plates to electrode.
 Alternating Current Polarity—if power source provides AC
current then above two cases will occur one after another in every
cycle. In one half of the cycle, electrode will be negative (so base
plates will be positive) and in the next half, electrode will be positive
(so base plate will be negative). Number of cycles per second
depends on frequency of supply. For example, with a 60Hz supply,
60 cycles occur in every second.
Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP)
polarity in arc welding
With direct current (DC) power supply, when electrode is connected with
positive terminal and base plates with the negative terminal, then it is
termed as Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP) or Direct Current
Reverse Polarity (DCRP). So electrons liberate from base plate and flow
towards electrode via the outer circuit. Continuous flow of avalanche of
electrons in a small passage produces the arc (source of heat).

Electrons, emitting from the base plates (negative polarity), are accelerated due
to presence of potential difference and are allowed to strike the electrode
(positive polarity) at a very high velocity. Upon striking, kinetic energy of
electrons is converted to thermal energy, which ultimately results in high heat
generation at the vicinity of electrode tip. As a thumb rule, it is considered that
two-third (66%) of the entire arc heat is generated at electrode; whereas, only
one-third (33%) heat is generated at base plate. As a result, electrode melts
down quickly and metal deposition rate increases (for consumable electrodes
only). On the other hand, base plates do not fuse properly due to lack of
sufficient heat and thus various defects arise, such as insufficient fusion, lack of
penetration, high reinforcement, etc. However, stream of electron flow from base
plate remove oil, coating, oxide layer or dust particles present on the base plate
surface (termed as oxide cleaning action).

Direct Current Reverse Polarity (DCRP) in Arc Welding:

Arc welding power sources can supply either AC or DC or both forms of
current. In case of DC polarity, current flows only in one direction;
whereas, in case of AC, current flow direction reverses in every cycle
(number of cycles per second depends on the frequency of supply). Now,
in arc welding, base metals are connected with one terminal and the
electrode is connected with other terminal. Under presence of sufficient
potential difference, continuous flow of electrons between them through a
small gap constitutes the arc (prime source of heat in arc welding).

Depending on the connection of base metals and electrode with the ports
of power supply, DC polarity can be subdivided into two categories—
Direct Current Straight Polarity (DCSP) and Direct Current Reverse Polarity
(DCRP). It is to be noted that for AC supply, both polarities occur one after
another in every cycle for a number of times (equals to frequency of

 DCSP or DCEN—Base plate is positive and electrode is negative.

 DCRP or DCEP—Base plate is negative and electrode is positive.
Advantages of DCEP polarity in arc welding
 Better arc cleaning action so less chance of inclusion defects.
 High volume deposition rate for consumable electrode, so faster welding.
 Better performance for welding thin plates. It reduces distortion level,
residual stress, complete cutting, etc.
 Suitable for joining metals with low melting points, such as copper and

Disadvantages of DCEP polarity in arc welding

 Shorter electrode life for non-consumable electrodes.
 Higher level of reinforcement if speed is not adjusted properly.
 Insufficient melting and incomplete penetration.
 Cannot fuse properly thick plates or metals having high melting point.

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