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Your English friend, Emma, has sent you some birthday money for
you to buy a music CD. Write an email to Emma.

- thank Emma for the present

- say which music CD you're going to
- explain why you have chosen this CD.

Hi Emma,
Thanks a million for the money. I was thinking in
buying one of Maroon5 because there is a new
song that is called secret of the movie that I

This is part of a letter you received from a English friend. Write a
letter to your friend.

I went to a great restaurant with

my family last night. Which do you
prefer: eating at home or in
restaurants? Tell me about your
favourite place to eat.
Write a story

How I met my best friend

Your friend Alex has invited you to a party this Saturday
afternoon, but you can't go. Write an email to Alex.

- apologise to Alex
- explain why you can't go
- suggest another day when you
could meet
This is part of a letter you received from a British friend. Write
a letter answering the questions.

My favourite subjects at school

are history and art. I don't like
maths. Tell me about the subjects
you study and what you think
about them! What would you like
to study in the future? Why?
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

I was really excited when I

opened the letter.
2)You would like to borrow a book from your Australian
friend Charlie. Write him an email.

- tell him which book you'd like to borrow

- explain why you need to borrow this book
- say how long you need the book for.
Write a letter.

We might have a school trip to

your country next year. What do
you think is the best time of
year to visit? What are the most
interesting things for teenagers
to do in your area?
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

I was on the bus when I got a

text message.
2) You are going to the cinema this afternoon, and
you'd like to inc¡vite your Canadian friend Daryl.
Write him a note.

- invite Daryl to the cinema

- tell him about the film you plan to see
- suggest a time to meet
Write a letter giving your friend some advice.

I'm starting a new school next

term and I'm worried because I
won't know anyone there. What
do you think are the best ways
to make new friends?Please
write back soon.
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

As soon as I woke up I
knew that it was going to
be a special day.
2) You have invited your friend Joe to stay with
you next month, but you now need to delay this
visit. Write a note to Joe.

- apologise to Joe
- explain why the visit has to be
- suggest when it would be
convenient for Joe to come.
Write a letter.

I know you often go to the

cinema. Tell me about the
last film you saw and whether
you enjoyed it.
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

Carla looked at the car in

2) You've just had a wonderful holiday staying with
some English-speaking friends in the countryside.
Write an email to your friends.

- thank them for your stay

- say what you most enjoyed
about the countryside
- suggest where you could
meet each other next
Write a letter to your penfriend.

In your next letter, could you

give me some advice? Tell me
how you keep fit and healthy!
Write a story

An exciting adventure
2) You've recently moved to a town and have
bought this postcard of the town to send to your

- explained why you have moved

- tell your friend what facilities
the town has
- say what you dislike about
living there.
Write a letter.

I want to find out about

music in your country. Are
there many live concerts?
What music do you like
listening to?
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

It was a fantastic party.

2) You've received some good news and want to
tell your friend in Australia about it.

- explain your good news

- say how you feel about it
- ask about your friend's
Write a letter.

You're keen on cooking,

aren't you? What meals do
you like to cook? Where do
you buy all your food from?
Write a story.

A broken window
2) You're going to spend some time with your
Scottish friend Douglas next Saturday. Write him
an email.

- arrange to meet Douglas

next Saturday
- suggest something you could
do together
- say how long you'll be able
to spend with him.
Write a letter.

Could you give me some

advice? I want to travel
around your country for a
month. Where should I go?
What should I see?
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

I wanted to leave the city

as soon as possible.
2) You are on holiday in the mountains. Write a
letter to your friend Alex.

- explain when your holiday

- tell him where you're
- say what you're enjoying
most about the holiday.
Write a letter.

In your last letter, you said

you had made some changes
to your room. What does it
look like now? What new
furniture have you got? Tell
me all about it!
Write a story.

A difficult day
2) You want to invite Maria, an English-speaking
student who is staying with you, to go out tonight
with you and your friends.

- invite her to go out with you

all tonight
- say where you plan to spend
the evening
- suggest what time she should
be ready.
Write a letter.

I know I spend too much

time watching television!
How much television do
you watch? What else do
you do to relax?
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

The ship left the harbour at

2) You're planning a surprise party for your cousin
and want to invite an English-speaking friend to
the party.

- invite your friend to the

- say when it will take place
- explain why you want to
surprise your cousin.
Write a letter

I've just bought a new

computer game. Do you like
playing games on the
computer – or have you got
a Play Station? What else
do you use the computer
Write a story

Winning the prize

2) You're going to a concert this evening with a
group of friends and want to ask Pat to come too.

- ask Pat to join you at

the concert this evening
- explain where the
concert will take place
- tell Pat what sort of
music will be performed.
Write a letter
It's so hot here! What's the
weather like in your country
at the moment? What outdoor
activities are you able to do
at this time of year? Tell me
about it.
Write a story. It must begin with this sentence:

I was standing beside someone

2) Some English friends are going to visit Madrid
and have asked you to recommend a hotel there.

- Say which hotel your friends

should book
- explain why you're
recommending the hotel
- suggest what they could do
near the hotel.
Write a letter.
I want to earn some money
at the weekends, so I'm
loking for a part-time job
ina café or a shop. Which
do you think would be more
fun? Write soon – I need
your advice!
Write a story

The empty house

2) You want to borrow your English friend Sam's

- explain why you need to

borrow the bicycle
- say how long you'll need it
- tell Sam when you 'll
return it.
Write a letter

My sister's getting married

next week and we're all
excited about the wedding.
Tell me about weddings in
your country. What do
people wear? Do they eat
special food?
Write a story.
I was on the beach when my
mobile phone rang.
2) A new shopping centre has opened in your
town, and you're going there on Saturday.

- invite Rosie to visit the

shopping centre with you
- explain why you want to
go there
- suggest a good place to
Write a letter

A new gym has opened near

my house. I go there twice
a week. What sports
facilities are available near
where you live? How often
do you do sport?
Write a story

The lost birthday present

2) You're going to miss your English class

- apologise for missing

tomorrow's class
- explain why you can't be
- suggest what you could
do to cover the work you
Write a letter

I've just bought some new

trousers. They're black
and I really like them. Tell
me about the clothes you
like wearing. Do you enjoy
shopping for clothes?

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