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English 1

Oral production activity unit 4

Topic: A restaurant in town

Student: Giancarlo Cotrina Lope

Course: English 1

Link to video:

Peruvian food is the most delicious. Mi Barrunto is a good Peruvian
restaurant at 935 Sebastian Barranca in the Victoria. If I want to eat a
good meal, I usually go to Mi Barrunto. They sell the best seafood.
Today, Mi Barrunto is selling Ceviche of fish, pork rinds, seafood and
soups. A plate of fagots costs only S /. 25.00 and a soup costs S /.
40.00. It has beautiful decorations. There are pictures of famous
soccer players. There are comfortable chairs. In addition, there is
always good attention.
My Barrunto is open every day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Visit Mi barrunto soon and enjoy the best seafood.

This task is due on Sunday, September 15th 2019 at 23:59 p.m.

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