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*​Verb List Book​* 

  *​ Master English: Gerunds and Infinitives​* 

Page 2-3 :​ Common verbs followed by the Gerund 
Page 4-5 :​ Common verbs followed by the Infinitive 
Page 6-7 :​ Common Go + Gerund Activity Expressions

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*​Verbs Followed by the Gerund
No.  Verb  Example Sentence 
1  admit  The man admitted stealing the car 
2  advise  Doctors advise not drinking too much alcohol 
3  appreciate  I appreciated my friends helping me. 
4  avoid  They avoided driving the car in the snow 
5  begin  She began to like her job after one month. 
6  can't bear  Chris can't bear commuting to work everyday. 
7  can't help  She can't help eating the delicious cake 
9  can't stand  She can't stand her boss making dirty jokes. 
10  consider  I considered going to this university. 
11  continue  Michael continued watching the boring movie. 
12  delay  She delayed going to the gym. 
13  deny  The man denied stealing the wallet. 
14  despise  My father despised hearing the neighbors gossip. 
15  discuss  They discussed buying the house. 
16  dislike  Henry dislikes washing the dishes. 
17  don't mind  He doesn't mind waiting for his girlfriend for hours. 
18  dread  I dreaded taking the final exams. 
19  enjoy  She enjoyed shopping for Christmas gifts. 
20  finish  Phoebe finished cooking for the party. 
21  forget  He forgot buying meeting his friend in the bar. 
22  hate  Brad hates waking up early. 
23  imagine  They imagined traveling the world together. 
24  involve  Sarah's work involves coordinating with clients 
25  keep (on)  The dog kept following his owner going to work. 

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26  like  He likes playing video games. 
27  love  I love learning different languages. 
28  mention  Sabrina mentioned meeting up at the mall. 
29  mind  I don't mind listening to this song on repeat. 
30  miss  He misses playing with his dog back home. 
31  need  The software needs updating to get the latest features
32  practice  The group practiced dancing for their performance. 
33  prefer  The woman preferred walking than taking the bus. 
34  propose  She proposed studying first before going to the cinema
35  quit  Thomas quit smoking when he became a dad. 
36  recommend  Vanessa recommends eating at the Italian restaurant. 
37  regret  He regrets quitting his job. 
38  remember  They remembered greeting her on her birthday. 
39  resist  John resisted enlisting in the army. 
40  risk  The stuntman always risks getting hurt. 
41  start  He has started exercising every morning. 
42  stop  I stopped eating junk foods. 
The man at the travel agency suggested visiting Japan
43  suggest  this time of the year. 
44  tolerate  She tolerates him snoring loudly. 
45  try  Athletes tried beating the Olympic record. 

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*​Verbs Followed by the Infinitive
No​.  Verb Example Sentence
1  agree  My sister agreed to lend me money 
2  appear  The money appears to be gone 
3  arrange  We arranged to rent a car on holidays 
4  ask  The student asked to go to the toilet 
5  begin  She began to talk about her ex-boyfriend 
6  choose  Andrew chose to stay at home. 
7  claim  Mollie claimed to be good at dancing. 
8  continue  I continued to read the book. 
9  decide  Nathan decided to quit his job. 
10  demand  They demanded to know the truth. 
11  deserve  She deserves to be happy. 
12  expect  David expects to graduate this semester. 
13  fail  We failed to catch our flight. 
14  forget  He forgot to greet her on her birthday. 
15  (be allowed to)  Rob gets to join his friends on a winter vacation. 
16  happen  My mother happens to know the shop owner. 
17  hate  She hates to wait for a long time. 
18  hesitate  Bea hesitated to ask her teacher a question. 
19  hope  He hopes to audition to the singing contest. 
20  intend  They intend to buy a house next year. 
21  learn  She learned to cook when she lived by herself. 
22  like  Theo likes to play outdoors. 
23  love  I love to watch television shows. 
24  manage  Camille managed to pass the college admission test. 

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25  need  We need to clean the house. 
26  offer  My father offered to bring me to school. 
27  plan  They plan to get married next year. 
28  prefer  Mike prefers to have lunch outside. 
29  prepare  She prepared to study for the exams. 
30  pretend  Linda pretended to enjoy the movie. 
31  promise  He promised to study better. 
32  refuse  Ethan refused to go to school. 
33  regret  I regret to inform you that you didn't get the job. 
34  remember  He did not remember to buy the groceries. 
35  seem  They seemed to like their daughter's boyfriend. 
36  start  I started to learn French when I was young. 
37  tend  She tends to forget things easily. 
38  threaten  Diana threatened to sue her boss. 
39  try  We tried to arrive early, but traffic was bad. 
40  wait  Leo waited to call his girlfriend when she was not bus
41  want  He wants to be friends with the other kids. 
42  would like  I would like to travel the world. 

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*​Activities: Go + Gerund Form
Activity  Go + Gerund 
Activity 1  go boating 
Activity 2  go bowling 
Activity 3  go bungee jumping 
Activity 4  go camping 
Activity 5  go canoeing 
Activity 6  go climbing 
Activity 7  go dancing 
Activity 8  go fishing 
Activity 9  go hiking 
Activity 10  go horseback riding 
Activity 11  go hunting 
Activity 12  go jogging 
Activity 13  go kayaking 
Activity 14  go mountain climbing 
Activity 15  go paragliding 
Activity 16  go parasailing 
Activity 17  go rollerblading 
Activity 18  go running 
Activity 19  go sailing 
Activity 20  go scuba diving 
Activity 21  go shopping 
Activity 22  go sightseeing 
Activity 23  go skateboarding 
Activity 24  go skating 

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Activity 25  go skiing 
Activity 26  go skydiving 
Activity 27  go sledding 
Activity 28  go snorkeling 
Activity 29  go snowboarding 
Activity 30  go spearfishing 
Activity 31  go surfing 
Activity 32  go trekking 
Activity 33  go water skiing 
Activity 34  go window shopping 
Activity 35  go windsurfing 

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