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Every individual is independent though related; temporary relations

are dramatic in nature. Reality is within the permanent pure soul self,
not in temporary relations.
The more abnormality in basic human living form, the more abnor-
mality in nature. Such abnormality in human/nature relationship, is To me wherever there is life I see God. In each individual soul, I
how we experience changes in nature. experience oneness everywhere and therefore I cannot insult myself.
How can I hurt others when I am one with all? This is the Self
2. Realized Experience State.
Human/nature relationship balances because the requirement of one
is to supply the other and the requirement of the other is to supply 8.
the one. The vital energy of the electrical subtle body keeps the whole body
active, in motion and balanced. The vital energy cannot stand the
imbalance of the ignorant mistaken state of food and water intake.
Real search for happiness in life is - not to build opinions this way These garbage like materials are unloaded and dumped continuously
or that way, or by building definite opinions about happiness. True in certain parts of the body, where they are stored. This microscopic
happiness lies in understanding the cause behind such happiness. mountain of garbage starts the decay, resulting in a cancerous disease.

4. 9.
Egoism itself is not bad, but the harm that egoism entails is damaging, In this material world, there is no happiness like having the feeling
one must be very vigilant about that. When one begins to understand of pangs of intense hunger.
what great damage egoism causes, that very experience is the state
of development. 10.

5. Expressive projection means to put experience in words though it

seems that one owns those words, but it is not that way. Actually,
Egoism is born & egoism passes away, not the body; and it is egoism it is not the function of expressing but the function of being expressive.
that gets liberated, not the soul. In principle, the soul by its very Expressing is ownership of action; being expressive is the function
nature of infinite bliss with other infinite attributes is independent of instrument through which the experience is coming out in words
and free. For every individual soul, it was so, it is so and it will be that is the divine speech of an enlightened emancipated Real Pure
so perpetually upon liberation from egoism and Karmic bonded state Soul Self experience.
in migration.

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11. 16.

The speaker is not the experienced self. The experienced state and Pure Soul (Suddhatma) is a non-physical, perpetual, formless Real
the experience within are totally different from the speaker. The Divine element with its infinite intrinsic latent potential attributes.
person through whom the speech comes from is not the speaker by
the right of speaking; it is the function of previously ingrained 17.
molecular recordings that today come out through experience. It is Body parts are operated by certain inner subtle Relative body functions
the instrument (Nimitt) that draws out the speech & not the speaker. of intelligence, ego, and consciousness. These internal functions
This is the general principle for everybody regarding speech functions always operate first in subtle form, after which their gross operations
of life. Speech is a recorded tape. are followed by their grossly operated body parts, which are physically
operated in a natural manner and scientifically timed. Therefore,
12. whatever outside body activity happens, it first takes place inside the
body on the subtle plane level and then the result is seen outside.
Memories are on account of ‘Ignorance’ of root cause of the good
and bad fortune aspects of life. 18.

The Guide is a mere instrument, which can be made use of, when
there is use for it. By itself the instrument cannot operate. The Body
Weeping is nothing but the release of the suppressed stored feelings is also like that but people do not know it, and out of ignorance, they
within; it is a natural escape system of the body. It is beneficial assume ownership of this instrument.
when such weeping is just weeping without any anti-feelings or any
hidden expectations. 19.

By far all living forms are mere instruments with a discharging

14. power of life, power that goes on getting discharged, the way power
from a battery constantly gets discharged. Those are man made
Present human life is 100% effect and is the result of past life causes
batteries and this is a natural battery, constantly being discharged by
that were generated and accumulated by way of opinions and
the power that was charged in the past and now as live bodies,
expressions in the form of molecular subtle seedlings. (These
discharging batterywise. Life is lived out through the three
seedlings result into gross newborn life owing to matter, space
discharging batteries of mind, speech and body.
and time conscientious causes.)
An effect is where you cannot do anything to offer change because
A Seedling is a cause and sprouting is an effect. In effects, you an effect is a result.
cannot do anything to effect any change but in causes, you can do
everything to direct them for positive results (effects).

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21. 29.
There can never be any effect without a cause nor a cause without Nobody seems bothered about the present breathing for which they
an effect. Cause is the test as a charge and effect is the result of the have paid a great price.
test as discharge.
22. ‘Knowledge Light’ and ‘Vision Light’ together are basically the
Not to claim any knowledge, inspite of having knowledge is the sign functional aspects of the ‘Divine Light’ within. One is not aware of
of an open mind and one who is open always gains from all around these functional aspects out of ignorance of one’s own Real Self.
and never loses.
23. Humans are scared of death because the understanding of human life
The best business of life, even by reason, rationality and logic has and living is based on physical living, which is transitory. Everybody
to be one wherein one is never a loser, always a winner by remaining knows about the transitory nature of life within him or her. Nobody
away from competitions of all sorts. wants to be snatched away under the sway of ignorant wrong beliefs.

24. 32.

One ought to like to desire/yearn to meet a live body temple. The very belief of living life independently is dependency itself
because of ignorance about ones own Real Self.
A live person is a lively ocean.
Meditation is a natural soul function and is a result of a self realized
26. state, not an activity, not dwelling at the mind level and not yoga that
Happiness and sorrow both are sufferings, any suffering is physical are physical and/or metaphysical in nature.
but temporary, and you are permanent.

27. An ideal relationship is The ‘Shiva-Parvati’ relation in the sense that

The very nature of matter physique is activity, whether it is live ‘Prakruti’ the name bearer Self is disciple to the ‘Realized Shiva’
matter or non-live, both are subtly active with its intrinsic nature. form that has opened out within name bearer self and is, as such, the
The decaying process indicates such intrinsic activity nature of matter Principal disciple of ‘Lord Shiva’.
all the time.
28. Openness means “Real” greatness that is Relatively disguised.
There is no individual, agency or power outside of you that can bind Relative living is a total disciple attitude that ‘greatness is within’.
you unless you want to be bound. It is difficult to be revealed to the ordinary person, for them to

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comprehend that understanding has to be an inner attitude, an inner

state of understanding and not an understanding of the outer Self.
‘I + My’ = tensions and worries, that occur and reoccur.
A true follower does not claim the ownership of anything, otherwise
he is not a true follower. The best armor and decorative ornament for a female is modesty
(Lajja); with this quality, she is protected and can progress.
The word follower means to follow, in the sense, being subservient
to every living form as well as every non-living form. Obstruction is created by ones own ignorance.

38. 46.

Desires are not wrong; desires which are responsible for wandering ‘Understanding’ is not the function of language.
from life to life are wrong. Real Freedom is emancipation from
desires which are responsible for wandering. Everybody desires 47.
freedom but freedom from desire is important. As one’s conduct becomes ‘absolute’ (Keval) it means all opinions
vanish, all ownership vanishes and all stickiness is gone. The level
39. to which one’s conduct is opening out as absolute will manifest at
Do not do anything unjust to ‘your self’ / file no. I’ that makes you the same extent and time, as absolute knowledge.
40. ‘Darshan’ means viewing things without having opinions. It is a
The word ‘Maya’ relates to a ‘decision compartment’ of your owned great art to learn the insight of a ‘Gnani’. A ‘Gnani’ has to be
action. It is ‘MY’ attachment to the illusory ‘I’ state. understood through his inner state and not from outer features.

41. 49.

‘I + My’ = a migratory state of tensions and worries. Experience is individual, having nothing to do with togetherness;
this is the fundamental principle of ‘Vitaragas’.
All remembrance of the past causes worry. Remembrance is based
on the ‘illusory belief of I’ (egoism), which causes misery. “Dada Bhagvan” used to say that “I may be talking about myself
as a Nimitt” but you have to see him in your vision as ‘Paramatma’,
live ‘Parmatma’, otherwise you will not benefit exactly.

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51. 57.

It is never possible to open up to anybody except to a ‘Gnani-a Self Effort is that, after which no efforts are needed, it has to be final and
Realized One’. that is Real spontaneous effort that is naturally happening, that is
instrumental doership.
Belief and language are very different; language is accepted all over
When you reach the core of anything basic, there are infinite energies.
the world but belief is not. Belief is a very subtle part, whereas
language is a very gross part. Communications in language cannot 59.
convey beliefs. Real ‘Penance’-’Tap’ is spontaneous and borne with equanimity
within, not from any activity.
People do not know what is in their hand and what is not. If people
know, what is in their hand then life would be wonderful. Belief is ‘Conduct’ is a result, it is not the function of achievement; it is the
the only thing you have in your hand, but it has to be “Center” based result out of original effort (Purusharth), passing through ‘Penance’
(Soul) for non-dual freedom of Real experience. (‘Tap’).
‘Understanding’ is the result of ‘Vision’ and unless ‘Vision’ is
Principle is always common sense in the realm of understanding and achieved and acquired, which happens only through the ‘Grace’ of
not in the realm of activity. a ‘Gnani Purush’ and after which ‘Pragna’ (‘Divine Vision’) opens
within, it will not happen otherwise by any manner and/or means
“Kanu Dada” about His Divine Self Experience: “We are independent
of all the dependencies in Our Own State of Perpetuality, because we By knowing the science of ‘Relative’ life aspects of knowledge in its
are intrinsically subservient always towards ‘One and All’, as the exact sense, human life and living all around will be peaceful and
basic responsibility enjoined upon human beings naturally, as a part happy inwardly even in today’s disturbed times through understanding
of Mother Nature through Mother Nature as a Cosmic Whole.” of ‘Akram Vignan’ as revealed by “Dada Bhagvan “ in recent times.
‘Divine vision’ is singular vision; it is never subject to any dual
Thinking has nothing to do with a non-physical liberated aspect forces. All troubles and difficulties of duality of life forces are in
because the process of thinking is an attribute of the mind, which is plurality.
physical, even at high thinking levels of the mind.

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64. 71.

Knowledge is not the function of language or word; it is beyond The ‘Aagna’ (Dictates of an Independent) is to remain in the present
words and that is experience. Experience is freedom from the effects and well utilize the present to its full efficiency and value to experience
of all change and changing modifications aspects and that experience the very Real being, and that happens only through Pure Soul
is stable and not subject to change. ‘Purusharthth’of ‘Real View Point’.

65. 72.

Soul experience is not spiritual experience. Spiritual experience is ‘Relative View Point’ is given to ‘file no. I’ because after all relative
subject to change and Soul experience is freedom from all change life and living through the whole life process, you have to get yourself
and changing modifications aspects, that is, it is not subject to change. stabilized by real viewpoint. Stabilized as real, in all relative situations
which are of passing nature and unless that happens, the stability on
66. real side can not occur at all and therefore Relative View Point is
‘Prakruti’ means action done with particularity in a particular object very important vis-A-vis Real View Point.
modification as subjective belief and it results as a carried forward
causal body-forming molecular structure resulting in the present
effective body, through related Scientific Circumstantial Evidences. It is a great joy to live our life, laughing at our own self.

67. 74.

‘Pure Soul’ state is God-abode state. Soul has no physical motion. The best way to weep is to weep inside.

68. 75.

Understanding results into behavior, behavior that is inner behavior Pure love is the function of giving out only one-sided that is without
that is the state of being. any expectation in return.

69. 76.

‘Vitarag path’ is exactly opposite of world-view path, that is worldly To get liberation from all activities and yet be in the vast ocean of
living. activity means you are relatively inactive and really fully active by
Pure Soul Vision Sate and yet things go on naturally, happening.
‘Tap’ (inner penance) is the most pertinent part of this Real path
(‘Vitarag Path’) of liberation. It is a must without which the inherent Whereas elemental time is experienceable only in the present state,
relative naturality cannot open out. Relative time is subject to past and future.

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78. 84.

“Vasudev Incarnate” means single individual who is the highest It is better not to be dashed against a wall that is live. It is better
developed Positive Life Form Protector and Sustainer State as sum to be dashed against the wall, which is material so that it is a medically
total of all positive attitudes of all human forms of the whole world. repairable gross material injury; otherwise, it is very difficult and
even though apparently there is no scar, the infliction can be very
deep at heart, mind, and ego level. So avoid conflicts, and such
‘Narayan’(‘Vasudev) means sum total of all Nara (Man) individual’s avoidance is not achievable by physical activity but only by inner
positive aspects side, developing only in the ‘One’. understanding of this science. This science relates to past causes of
human life resulting in the attendant effects of conflicts, which are
80. to be understandably avoided in present life.
A teacher who is accepted as a teacher and yet who is learningwise 85.
with everybody, is the best teacher.
Experience is not something, which can be achieved by effort; nor
through the means of effort of any sort can there ever be an experience;
experience is finality and after that, nothing remains to be achieved.
‘Hisab’ means the past credit-debit account’s accountability in the
present credit-debit life living. 86.

‘Tirthankar’ State is the final Absolute Experience State result of

82. previous experiment. In anything that is a state of making, there is
‘Shuddhatma’ (Pure Soul) has no motion, it is perpetual and still. A every chance of regression.
living entity with such an individual experience is absolute in terms
of all types of motion - the subtle within and the gross physically.
The Final Liberated Positioning of Perpetual and Still (Infinitely ‘Atma’ (Soul) as All Knowing Open Absolute - only when the ‘Atma’
Blissful State in the Vastness of space just above the Universe) is the is Known as the Knower.
result of the past motion experimented state on account of the
Perpetual Motion Element.This element is one with the Vastness of
Universal Expanse, and, not above where there is only Elemental Awakened State - A state in the body on subtle plane wherein sleep
Space existence with Infinite Individual Liberated Souls in their is there and yet it is not there, body is resting and yet one is alert;
Infinite Blissful State Alike. for ‘Gnani Mahatma’ (A Self Realized One) such is the Awakened
83. 89.
Present tense is the only all time tense, as ‘it was there’, ‘it is’ now To see the formless within the aspectual forms of a Live Liberated
and ‘it will be’ in future. This is the perpetual truth of individually State is called ‘Nididhyasan’, and when you see that, that seeing
Pure Soul wise experienceable absolute state. function is again formless because it is divine-vision wise.

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90. 99.

Very attack of any sort of ‘opinion’ within the dual nature is the All that is physical is the other self, ‘Relative self’, perishable,
initiation of Karma by way of seedling. destructible, subject to constant change, never remaining the same at
anytime and that which always goes on changing, and ‘Pure Soul’ as
91. “Real Self’ is always the same in all situation and independent,
indestructible, nor subject to any change at all.
‘Wrong-belief’ is the root cause of ‘egoism’.
Unless there is knowing power within, you cannot know anything.
‘Wrong-beliefs’ are infinite, whereas ‘right-belief’ is singular.

93. When “knower” is ‘known’, everything is known in the universe.

If one understands the real friendship aspect, one would never have 102.
feelings of enmity towards anybody outside, even though faced by Science is something that is original not subject to anything. It is
one who is enemy-like. independent, and the perpetual Law is that it is always applicable
with common sense.
To understand the relation of relative in its real sense, requires a
Spiritual science is the science of Relative life and Real being; a
basic condition of being impartial towards one’s own relative body science of Relative temporary life and living and the perpetual Real
self. being.
Responsibility is that where there is no burden.
‘Victory’ means where there is no defeat at all.
If the Knower is Known, everything is known. Charged mind means, which is causal in nature, results in birth next
time. Birth and death cycle is based on mind level.

To know “who am I”, and ‘who am I not’, and here to know ‘who 106.
am I not’ is more important and results in inner peace and is bliss
It is natural for any Relative event to happen.
After all efforts done with open eyes, and in full alertness, that which
No body can improve anybody else other than ones’ own self. If one
occurs as the resulting effect is “Vyavasthit””Scientific Circumstantial
has improved one’s self, the whole world is improved for him and
that is an eternal principle.

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108. 117.

Freedom is total freedom from superiority as well as inferiority ‘Renouncement’ is not of things, house, wife or children. No, it is
complexes. the ‘attaching force’ that is to be renounced and in present times that
is only possible after Self Realization first, through the grace of
109. Atma-Gnani Self Realized One.
The relation of Friendship is the highest among all relations; so also
one between mother and child relation.
Renouncement is not an activity. It is the result of higher form of
110. thinking, which comes out of simpler way of living.
Wandering in all forms of life in three genders and three types of
physical and biological prakruties is called Ved Karma.
In Kali Age, that is present disturbed times, miseries are very much
111. beneficial for one, who wants to seek solution to life’s puzzles,
‘Real Sarswati’ is a speech, language that is being spoken out without experienced day in and day out by everybody.
any kind of feelings of ownership, whatsoever.
112. Timing is the main factor in the unfolding of all Relative happenings.
Bhagvad Gita - It is a dialogue of morals for mortals.
113. Whatever comes to you, accept it as it is, without any opinion, and
‘Deceit’ (Kapat) will not allow one to be straightforward in dealings. when this happens, “Shivji” (God Kingdom) is always ready to open
out within you.
‘Nidhidhyashan’ of an Atma-Gnani is the easiest way to approach
your ‘Real Self’. Best age for attaining perpetual happiness is youth.

115. 123.

Encompass the Relative activity, for, if not encompassed slips are World is not created by God, yet world is never without a creator.
bound to occur. World and World Conglomerate is just a projected Soul existence
that is constantly subject to life changes and modifications.
‘Aagna’ and Aagnawise living is dharma manifest.
One is one’s own creator; one’s own sustainer and one’s own destroyer
and therefore, one can aspire for perpetual freedom.

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125. 135.

Within us, whatever happens, do not opine and quarrel, just observe ‘Sincerity’ and morality relate to neighbor aspect - that is body-
and accept it as it is as of your own account. This is the surest way relation self - how much sincere and moral you are to your own
to Inner peace. neighbor (own body as ‘File no. I’) and consequent to other relations
as well.
An incident has so many causes that get together scientifically and
happens; if one cause is missing the incident will not happen. Unless sincerity and morality are inside you, none of the aspects
outside you can be disturbing to you in any way whatsoever. This
127. is an all time principle.
Prayer is that which is spontaneous from heart and that is without 137.
any previous arrangement or thought.
Observing State as Knower-Seer (Samayeek) is determination to
128. overcome inner obstacles (Parakram Bhav-Purusharth), by achieving
final goal in all Relative and Real spheres, to open out our “Oneness
The occurrence of an accident has too many causes.
with Pure Soul Sate”(Shukladhyan).
Life is nothing but full of incidents.
If anything happens within, then only it happens without. Knower
and Seer can never be the doer, neither can a doer ever be Knower
and Seer; the two always are, always were and always will be very
There can never be a “Center” without a ‘Circumference’ nor there separate in their own states. This is an Eternal Principle.
can ever be a ‘Circumference’ without a “Center”.
Purity relates to that state where duality disappears.
Everybody is individually independent though socially dependent.
‘Brahmcharya’ means without opining and revealing any way
Obliging is not by activity but by heart (helping attitude). regarding Celibacy aspect opinionwise that “I am a Brahmachari”
and that is Real physical Brahmacharya.

Whole nature is nothing but reflection of human ego in various 141.

forms Real life is one, which is even ‘Samta Bhaav’ in any situation, so
you will experience ‘Peace’ inside.

State of being at any given time is called ‘parinati’.

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142. 152.

If somebody is depressed, just pat him, he will be energized and Sensitivity is basically obstructive in ‘Dharma’.
Total independence is the result of full understanding of permanence
Meditation is an activity, it requires head; prayer is done by heart. of Soulwise Knowing of the temporary aspects of life in living forms.

144. 154.

Knowledge is that, which is applicable by/to everybody. Final meaning of surrendering is to surrender to one who has neither
a superior nor a subordinate.
There is nothing in the universe that can be compared to divine
vision (‘Divya Chakshoo’ of Real Self). Unless you want to depress anybody, you will never get depressed.
Whatever happens in Cosmos is in accordance with the Supreme law
For realization of ones own self, no language, no education is required.
of nature, which is ‘No-Law Law’ and that is ‘Scientific
Only the grace of Self Realized One approached with humility will
Circumstantial Evidences’. In life, whatever happens just happens
result in Self Realization.
and one tries ‘to be’ in this happening ‘by becoming’ in it (that is
147. by being in it).
Friendly relation is not physical but is metaphysical and it relates to 157.
ones feelings (bhav).
“Bhagvat Vyavhar” is a result of Divine Vision (Pragna State) and
148. not the result of activity.
Satsang is not an activity; it is coming together of realized souls for 158.
Satsang togetherness with ‘Real View Point’ state inside.
‘Thought’ is nothing but the wandering of egoism in the molecularly
149. discharged displaying body function in the mind.
‘Grace’ is free from any give and take activity. 159.
150. ‘An experiment’ is that process wherein no activity is there by
‘Darshan’ is the beginning aspect and ‘Gnan’ is the final aspect. ‘doership’ but natural activity.

151. 160.

From whoever you learn is a ‘Guru’. In these times, children are the For a true ‘Mahatma’with ‘Aagna’, “Real View Point Visionwise”,
best ‘Gurus’. there can not be looking back at all to a moment past. Your past

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moment modification reflection will be reflected but you cannot look 170.
back to it and that is your Present State’ as a ‘Mahatma’. Nature is nothing but a display of what is projected by human being
161. in human forms and stored there in a supreme computer like data
that is fed data.
‘Geeta’ is but a “Center” ‘Circumference’ relationship, “Center” as
“Shudhdhatma” and ‘Circumference’ as ‘Prakruti’. 171.

162. Expression is nothing but a flow of words that is instrumentally

coming out as drawn by ‘live instrument’. Unless there is ‘Nimitt-
Where there are responsibilities only there can be true democracy. Naimittik’, speech cannot come out.
Nobody can interfere with anybody’s Relative likewise.
‘Moksh Marg’ is nothing but individualistic ‘Aagna’ following for
164. ‘ones own sake’. So much so, it would result in living out an ever
peaceful and blissful life in a humble and subservient manner.
Nobody can improve anybody except one’s own self.
165. 173.

You cannot change any of the happenings but where it is your Knowledge is that which never results in any duality. One WHO has
choice to change while you are breathing, make best of it by ‘Nischay Known the ‘Knower has Known all-Without Duality.’
and prayers’. Do not dwell on happenings but dwell on this.
Adjustment means, during the whole life process, one would not
How can “Dada Bhagvan” a theorem, be a theory but to be live come into conflict ever once despite conflicting situations that one
theoremwise-theorem as Real theorized-theoremwise living in form faces because one would not experience it as conflict.
of Self Realized Aptaputras and Mahatmas!!!
Unless a goal is set, it can never be achieved as a goal.
Once the “Knower” is ‘Known’, everything is known and whatever
is known for one as a knower, there is nothing that remains to be 176.
The greatest negation of being a human being is to say ‘I can not do
168. it’, and it is a great loss of human life resulting in gaining lower form
of animal life. This is a principle of Nature.
Sublimation is a word to indicate pacification of the turbulence. All
tabulating factors that were there at mind level are gone and destroyed. 177.
169. Knowledge means light that enlightens, the light that is original, on
Every human form potentially is absolute. its own, perpetual, uniform and all pervading, omniscient, omni
knowing; that enlightens and that light is within, not without and

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therefore the inquiry and search for Divine Light has to be within
and not without, through the medium and ‘Grace of Divine One’
who has Realized. The more strong you become by way of material possession and by
destructions, the more the chances of its resulting in fear complex.
A true Jain in the Divine language of ‘Tirthankaras’ is the direct
listener and observer of ‘Gnani’ or ‘Tirthankara’ and technically Retirement means retirement from inner state of being as a State,
such a one is known as ‘Bhav Jain’. which is not subject to any of the prejudicial disturbances of any
sort, that is inner subtle within or physical without.
‘Shant Rus (Trupti)’ means that happiness, the result of which is
final, beyond which you are not desirous of achieving any thing else. There is no victory other than that, whereby you make anybody, who
is out to win, a winner and you as loser; that is the greatest victory.
Faith is not something that can be enforced on anybody.
The ‘flow of Grace’ is Divine.
181. 190.
Positivity is a human’s real scientific way of approach to life. Liabilities can either be of credit or debit nature; both are liabilities,
182. because they are subject to duality; whatever is subject to duality is
a liability.
Life is nothing but “Echo” i.e. the effects that are the result of
projection of causes of past. The projections are through verbal 191.
‘opinion’ and ‘expressions’, which is a body function and not Soul It is not speech that does ‘kalyan’ (world well-being). It is the ‘State
function. of Being’ that does ‘kalyan’.
Responsible lessons are those lessons that come only from a State
that is responsible basically to one and therefore to all. As parents, your function is not to teach your kids but just guide
them with positive understanding without least interference.

Theory is always a result from experience; experience does not open 193.
out of theory. Experience is the cause and theory is the result. Speech is the only indicating factor of anybodies’ inside.
Unless you have bowed down first, others will not bow down to you.
Very nature of the world is ‘Tit for Tat’. When there is no ‘Tit’ then
It is a principle and it has to be attitude wise, from within by “totally
from where Tat will come? ‘Tit’ means to opine. When there is,
detached humility with ‘I know nothing’ ever attitude”.
no opinion left then how there can be ‘Tat’?

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195. 205.

Thought process is a discharging aspect of the physical mind that A real teacher is one who while teaching also learns from the students.
was previously charged in previous lives.
Belief is not destiny; it is a state of existence.
‘Moksh’ is happiness with freedom, in any situation.
197. 207.

‘Concern’ means non-dual aspect. ‘Nature’ is nothing but the natural, orderly dispensing help
arrangement of living forms, for the living forms to get phased out
198. living-wise, life-wise.
‘Selfish’ means not deceiving anybody but being ‘Pakka
Shuddhatma’wise. 208.

199. No-Law Law is the Supreme Natural Law, which governs all living
forms without any discrimination, without any fear or favor.
‘Human law’ is based on common sense.
200. 209.

Quarrels and conflicts result from greed. Divine living can never be social living.

201. 210.
To grab others happiness is to lose our happiness and to give happiness Life is nothing but an ‘emptying out’ process; ‘emptying out’ of
is to always feel happy within. what? ‘Emptying out of power’ that is being discharged out.
Competition is not bad, but competition with a purpose that is to win,
is definitely backtracking. It is like putting the horse behind the cart. Life is 100% drama, but when? When you know, view life as a
drama, not otherwise, but who will know that? The Knower, you as
203. Knower, when you know body as distinctly separate from you as
Word culture is important, not race, because, word is the basic your neighbor then and then only it is drama with you as in a
communicative and expressive medium for propagation of positive neighborly relation.
understanding of the cultural values of races. This is very important
for inter-dependent global societies, in the present context. 212.

‘Retirement’ means not retirement from work but real retirement is

retirement from ‘wrong belief of doership’ by that belief, believing
When we are happy inside then and then only can we make others that ‘I am the doer of all the actions of the body that may be of mind,
happy outside. speech or body physique’.

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213. 220.
Body is natural, but people live unnaturally in the natural body and ‘Bhav-Jain’ means hearty desire and feeling of inner conscious
that is because of ignorance; Because of that, the natural benefit of
worshipful attitude of ‘Tirthankaras and Vitragas’, even though one
happy living is lost.
may be born as jain or otherwise.
To progress in life towards happiness, be a learner-follower even
though you are a guide. You say ‘my house’ but when can you enjoy the ownership of your
house? Only when this house, by inner belief, does not belong to you
and yet is your house.
The principle behind positive progress in life is to get deceived with
knowledge, not without knowledge. 222.
216. Living is unnatural and lived out part is natural; nobody is aware of
The way, life is lived out as projections is ‘Karma’ and lived out life this fine distinction.
part is ‘Karmafal’. This is a very subtle distinction that is dividable
into two exact compartments, that is ‘decision part (Karma’)’ and 223.
‘decided part (Karmafal’)’ destiny. Anything beyond these two parts
In this world, nothing is worthy of knowing except that which has
of life compartments that is believed to be as of one’s own power of
Doership’ is but an illusion! It is beyond reach and not within to be Known, except the One and only One, thatis the ‘Knower’
human power, but is ‘Naturally, Inspirationally, Operative’ as within. If the ‘Knower’ is Known, there remains nothing that needs
‘Scientific Circumstantial Evidence’, and ‘inner subtle body activities to be known and everything is known; so, after all, that has to be the
with gross outer operations’ happen!! final pursuit in life.
‘Public trust’ -’physical body’ means ‘body without ownership’, that
is as per nature’s design. In “Relative living”, Nature is helpful and in “Real living” ‘Pragna’
meaning, “Right Knowledge Vision Power” is helpful.
‘Laghu’ indicates dealing with everybody with utmost humility so 225.
that others will not experience it as egoistic dealing. Divine Experience of the ‘Pure Soul’ is nothing but understanding,
219. that is Constant understanding that whatever happens is ‘Relative’
Flexibility should be there in life. Flexibility does not mean weakness and “I am Real-Pure Soul”, just knowing and seeing all happenings
or that you succumb but it is, looking to the situation and within and without as relative happenings.
circumstances, you adapt and adjust and that results in utmost humility
(‘laghultam bhav) and you will be happy all around, every where, 226.
and when it is to the full scale, then the whole world is yours, whole
Unnatural in-take makes things happen unnaturally.
world belongs to you.

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227. 237.
When the present is taken care of, everything, whatever is balance Drama means Real, Real means like Real but not Really Real but
future living, is taken care of automatically, everything, every way Relatively (temporarily) Real.
and that too, to the full account of the present.
Absolute ‘normality’ is the liberated state of experience in everybody.
Though speech is subject to ‘Vyavasthit Shakti’ (power), when one
sees ‘Shuddhatma’ (Divine Vision-wise) in Self and everybody else 239.
one can truly control one’s speech. “Digamber” State is Pure Soul without all covering veils that are the
229. Relative covering - Karmic veils.

‘Will power’ is not in the body part, but between the soul and the 240.
body, in a subtle state. In fact, everybody is faultless by one’s vision; which vision? Real
230. or Relative? Relative vision. One’s Relative View-point ought to be
The moment you start seeing things as they are, your Divine
Knowledge wisdom will automatically open out. 241.

231. ‘Tirthankar’ is a state of result; anything that is State of making,

Memory is the function of body based on egoism; unless egoism is there is a chance of regression.
there, nobody can ever remember anything and therefore it is Relative. 242.
232. To see the formless through form is called ‘Nididhyasan’ and seeing
To live in neighborly relation with the name bearer is the biggest function then again is formless, clear ‘Seer Vision’ (Darshan).
form of free liberated living.
It is the sticky part within which is bothersome, and not the outer
‘Circumstantial evidence’ relate only to human society; whereas, body; the physical body part is not at all bothersome, but unfortunately,
‘Scientific Circumstantial Evidence’ relates to whole nature. it is punished for nothing, for no fault of its own. Body is nothing
234. but result. How can you punish a result?!
Unless you hurt others, pain cannot come to you. 244.

235. Suffering (‘karmafal’) is the result of doership-which doership? Past

doership (‘karma’).
‘Shuddhatma’ (‘Pure Soul’) Knowledge Vision can never discriminate
between good and bad; it just Sees and Knows events as they are. 245.
236. We have no quarrel with intellect; accept it as it is, but intellect
Existence in human form is a great natural miracle. should not be allowed in our private chamber within us.

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Happiness is nothing else but to feel happiness in the all around

atmosphere, which is all the time, filled with happiness in all

Accept the God (‘Daive’) given gift with great pleasure even if it is

All over whatever you see that is pleasant to eye, is verily because
of the presence of soul only!

A man without fear of God is like an engine without a flywheel.


Belief and language are totally different, belief being the very subtle
part and language being the gross part. So even the correctness of
language can not exactly convey the belief part, though it is allowed
there subtly, belief-wise within.

What lies in your hand for development and progress is only the
belief part of life.

‘I’ as Name bearer will always be borrower.


Limitation is very important when life is encashed.


Knowing what we actually are, yet believing ourselves to be someone

better is hypocrisy.

Facts never require any justification.

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