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Uncertain, but assuming a connection with the
Accursed Years
curse of Isildur, the Accursed Years would have The long years of Isildur's curse
run from c. II 3430 (when the Last Alliance was
summoned) until 13 March III 3019 when
Aragorn released the Dead from their curse (a
total of about 3,030 years)

Years of the First Age Second Age Third Age Fourth Age

A term of uncertain meaning, but apparently a reference to the long years during which the Dead Men dwelt beneath the
Originally Men of the Mountains
Dwimorberg. Cursed by Isildur for their faithlessness at the end of the Second Age, they remained accursed throughout the
Settlements Third Age until they were released by Aragorn, and hence from the perspective of the Dead, the Accursed Years were
The Paths of the Dead practically synonymous with the Third Age.
Some sources suggest the alternative possibility that the Accursed Years equate to the Dark Years, the time in the Second
The e in 'Accursed' is usually pronounced, hence
Age when Sauron ruled in Middle-earth. That's a perfectly possible explanation (at one point the Dead are even referred to
'accurséd' rather than 'accurst'
as 'Dead Men out of the Dark Years'1). However the natural connection between the name 'Accursed' and the curse of Isildur
Meaning seems to favour the former explanation.
Thought to relate to the curse of Isildur

Other names
Possibly equivalent to the Dark Years Notes

Indexes: 1 Specifically, they are so called by Théoden in The Return of the King V 3, The Muster of Rohan.

Alphabetical: A
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About this entry: Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2008, 2012. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.
Updated 15 December 2012
This entry is complete
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