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Art I Syllabus

Hello and welcome students and parents to my art room! I look forward to all the
awesome artwork my 2020-2021 students will be making this year!
I LOVE art and hope to inspire my students to enjoy it as well!

Class Rules
1. Come to class on time
2. Come prepared to work. Always have a pencil.
3. Be kind and respectful to others
4. Listen and follow instructions
5. Clean up after yourself
6. Take good care of all art supplies

Student Expectations
1. At the beginning of class you should be seated and working on your warm-up
3. You MUST be working on an art assignment until you are directed by the teacher to clean up
4. Practice sketching every day
5. Always try your best! Don’t give up or get discouraged, practice until you get better
6. Phones are to be out of sight unless otherwise instructed.
7. Follow classroom rules and procedures

Grading Policy
Daily Grade: 60%
Includes: Daily participation, warm-ups

Projects: 30%
Includes: Final project, sketches, rough drafts

Quizzes: 10%

Teacher Contact Information:

Room #ABC
Conference Period: 3rd, 09:45—10:30 am
Tutorials available

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