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Name: Colored Galaxy LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

identify and understand the elements of art, including After a live color-mixing demonstration students
line, shape, COLOR, texture, form, space, and value, as will construct and design a unique color wheel
the fundamentals of art in personal artwork galaxy while identifying different color families.
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
Grade: 10-12th Subject: ART I

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: Color, color types, scheme Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

What skills must be taught: Repetition, word list, worksheet prep

Color schemes, color mixing, pattern, composition, brush techniques before actual project

Assessment: (C5)
Criteria: 4 planets (color wheel, warm colors, cool colors, monochromatic), creating secondary colors by mixing 2
primary colors, unique patterns on planets, clean brush strokes

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Non-linquistic representation (power of visual support Remember- Students will access a powerpoint with mixing equations
to help them with retention.
in learning). Live demonstration: color mixing,
Live demonstration will be recorded to use at later point to help with
monitoring students’ mixings recalling
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – Constant Visual Examples, live demonstration Reference images available on phone
Materials available: planet paper, stencils for planets
Auditory – and paint
Discuss requirements, Live demonstration
Examples of other styles
Kinesethic –
Walk around and interact to discuss each student’s

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Observation & conversation: So let’s look around at your table partners. Can you tell who has a warm color top/cool color top? Is there
anyone that has neither color scheme?

2. If you needed to paint a rainbow at home, but only had enough paint to buy 3 bottles of paint, what 3 could you buy to be able to make
the typical R,O,Y,G,B,V rainbow?
As we are looking at this color wheel, how can we explain the difference between primary and secondary colors?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Conversation Starter- as students walk in I'll sort them Exit Pass- students will fill out exit ticket and use
into color schemes (warm, cool and neutral) and have markers to group color dots into the appropriate color
them discuss in their groups the differences between schemes
groups and why they're grouped together
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Discuss color mixing (verbal and visual examples), mixing techniques, brushstroke techniques
Model the above mention techniques

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

• Color worksheet – should be done before the planets are drawn. This will be reference when students start painting
• Students will design planets and then lightly color the shapes in with colored pencil. This will make it easier for them
to know where to paint their colors.
• Mixing colors after teacher demonstration.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

• Painting their planets
• Cut and glue their planets on black paper
• Add stars on final paper

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

2 students in other class period cannot use their
dominant hand and instead of struggling to hold brush
they can paint their planets with fingers. (clean lines
not expected from students with dominant hand

OBJECTIVE: Student should create a unique galaxy while displaying an understanding of the color wheel and paint
Rigor mixing.

Retrieval Open with colored galaxy presentation. Re-introduce the assignment and move to the next step in project.

Relevance Discuss color schemes of what students are wearing to make it relevant to them. Relate back to sports
teams (use of complementary colors)
Routing Live demonstration of color mixing, monitor students’ mixing

Retaining / Rehearsing
Discuss the planets expected and what colors they should be using for each. Ask questions to make sure they understand.

Color worksheet
Design unique planets and lightly color in with colored pencils
Mix paint and then paint planets
Cut and glue planets on black background paper
Add final details to galaxy


Will be able to know if they know the material because colors might not look correct

Formative assessment

Planets on board, Color schemes on board/individual worksheets, design options available

Remember working through your color worksheet. We can relate back to the color schemes from that step in project

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