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The Egyptian mythology is the set of myths from ancient Egypt that are the
description of the functioning of the world through different deities. The culture of
Egypt is characterized by seeing and believing that each event was a divine work,
for example the rivers, vegetation, the soon and moon, they are of his main divine
beliefs. The Egyptian religion had ancient origins that are really difficult to trace
nevertheless they expert said that lasted for at least 3,500 years.
Consequently the Egyptian religion is really vast. For this reason, they created a lot
of confusing gods and each one plays a role in their universe. As I mentioned before
they Egyptians explain the natural phenomena with divine events because people at
that time weren’t able to explain this things, so they were quickly related to different
types of gods. The majority of this gods are depicted with human bodies and animal
heads, and some of human form. Even so is important to clarify that even didn’t
have a process of aggrupation of Egyptian towns, each one of these, they did
everything possible to maintain the different beliefs, which resulted in a veneration
of many gods, so the divinities acquired a greater or lesser relevance depending of
the religious center or cult. Other thing that is important to understand from the
culture of Egypt and their religion is that the existence of the humans is
comprehended as a grain of a cosmic dust presided over supernatural forces in the
forms of many deities, as we saw before, which comprised the Egyptian pantheon.

As said before the quantity of gods is really big, so just to name some of this
godheads that in the culture are the most important.

Ra: Also named “Sun God” is the most important god of the all culture, Ra was the
symbol of life the god who control the cycle of dead and resurrection. Ra receives
different names, in the sunrise was Jepri; in midday was Horajiti and on the
evenings was named Atum.
Amon or Amun: Also considered as the god who created the world, but in the city of
Tebas at the beginning this god was consider the god that control the wind. This god
was described physically like a normal human with two plumes in his head.
Osiris: The god of nature and vegetation, but also the god with the charge of the
judgment of the dead on the Duat (the underworld).He was going to reign this world,
but he’s brother kill him.
If Osiris died and hadn’t been resurrected, Horus wouldn’t have existed

In conclusion, the Egyptian Mythology is one of the most confusing and extensive
of human culture likewise one of the most interesting that explains the origin of the
things as the Egyptians perceived it.

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