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International Journal of Advanced Scientific

Research & Development e-ISSN: 2395-6089
p-ISSN: 2394-8906
Vol. 02, Spl. Iss. 02, Ver. II, Aug’ 2015, pp. 417 – 421

A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development in

Reliance Communication Limited, Chennai
Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies, A.V.C. College (Autonomous),


Article History: Effective training is an investment in the human resource
Received: 18 Jul 2015; of an organization, with both immediate and long-range
Accepted: 19 Jul 2015; returns the study emphasizes the importance of training as
Published online: 10 Aug 2015.
an important human resource development vehicle in the
present day commutative world obsolescence among
Key words:
employees and the need to cope with the technological,
Training & Development,
Efficiency & Effectiveness. organizational and social changes make continues learning
and updating of skills indispensable in any other
organization. The study provides suitable suggestions to
evolve meaningful, relevant and effective training
programmes that match the job profiles of various
categories of employees of the organization so that the
organization improves is efficiency and effectiveness.
Training should always be utilized knowledge
dissemination and development.
Copyright © 2015 IJASRD. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Common Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.

Every organization needs the services of trained people for performing the
activities in a systemic way. Training is a collection of actions, which enables the
organization to achieve its goals. “Training needs can be identified by detecting the
existing skills from the job requirements”. In the mid ‘940s after World War-II, training
was first adopted by large commercial organizations in the west as part of their regular
commercial activity. Thus western companies created formal training functions in their
organizational structure. Initially, the training was limited to technical training.
Nevertheless completion grew, commercial organization experienced a need for
management training because of the complexities involved in the management of large
organizations. In India, the industrialization process began only after independence in
1947. At that time, it was the Government of India, which realized the need for rapid
How to cite this article: Bhuvaneshwari, K., (2015). “A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development in
Reliance Communication Limited, Chennai”. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development
(IJASRD), 02 (02/II), [Special Issue – Aug’ 2015], pp. 417 – 421.
A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development in Reliance Communication Limited,

industrialization on the country as the most effective means of rapid economic

development. With the erection of huge complexes like SAIL, Coal India and other large
public sector undertaking training of workers and managers became top priority for the

1.1 Meaning of Training

Training is the act increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
specified job, it can be viewed a s a systematic planning process which has it
organizational purpose to impart and provide learning experience, This is done with a
view to bring about improvement in an employee and thus enabling him make his
contribution in greater measure in meeting the goals and objectives of the organization.

1.2 Scope of Training

With the recognition of training as an important avenue for development, during
the last few years, the scope and application of training has been considerably widened.
While, largely, it still remains a key tool for enhancing job-related performance and
organizational effectiveness, its value is being increasingly acknowledged in
engendering behavioral changes and in developing life, skills, leading to personal
growth. It equips an individual with the competencies that help him/her to cope with
day-to-day problems of living and manage interpersonal relations, improving him/her
interpersonal effectiveness. Training has influenced every face, of an individual’s life. As
a result of these developments human relation and relation and personal development
training now occupy a significant place in the realm of training.

1.3 Training
It helps an individual to learn how to perform his present job satisfactorily.
Development involves preparing an individual for a future job and growth of the
individual in all aspects. Training is the result initiatives taken by the management.

1.4 Development
It complements training because human resources can exert their full potential
only when the learning process goes far beyond simple routine. Training is, thus a
reactive process whereas development is a proactive process.

1.5 Objectives of the study

The study is subject to the following objectives
1. To study the efficient training system adopted by the reliance
communications ltd.
2. To study the employee’s development programme implemented by reliance
communication ltd.
3. To assume the employees opinion about the training and developments
Volume 02, Special Issue 02, Version II | 10th & 11th August’ 2015 418
International Conference on Innovation in Commerce and Management (ICONICM – 2015) |
Organized by Department of Commerce, A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampandal,
Mayiladuthurai – 609 305, Tamil Nadu, India.

The study is based on both primary data as well as secondary data. The primary
data were collected by construction as well as structured questionnaire
The secondary data were collected from the records and magazines and sample

Table – 1: The Programme have been more Beneficial

Sl. No Opinion No. of Respondents Perentage
1 Agree 44 59
2 Little 23 30
3 Difficult to say 8 11
Total 75 100
Source: Primary Data
Table 1 shows the respondents training programme would have been more
beneficial. From the table it is seen that 59% of the employee that the programme have
been more beneficial feel. 30% feel little and the remaining, 11% feel difficult to say the
programme. Therefore it is inferred that the majority of the respondents feel the
programme would have been more beneficial.

Table – 2: Individual Development after Training Period

Sl. No Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Highly 29 39
2 Medium 34 45
3 Low 12 16
Total 75 100
Source: Primary Data
Table 2 shows the training programme given to there is developed or not after
training period. From the table it is seen that 45% feel individual development after
training period is medium average, 39% feel highly and the remaining 16% feel low to
the individual development after training programme. Therefore it is inferred that the
majority of the respondents feel after training period individual development was

Table – 3: Training Related to the Job

Sl.No Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Strongly agree 29 39
2 Agree 33 44
3 Disagree 13 17
Total 75 100
Source: Primary Data
Table 3 shows the training related to the job From the table it reveals that 44%
feel that the training was related to the job, 39 % feel strongly agree and remaining 17%

419 Volume 02, Special Issue 02, Version II | 10th & 11th August’ 2015
A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development in Reliance Communication Limited,

feel disagree. Therefore it is inferred that the majority of the respondents state that
training was related to the job.

Table – 4: New Technology Adopted

Sl.No Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Yes 55 73
2 No 20 27
Total 75 100
Source: Primary Data
Table 4 shows the new technology adopted by the company. From the table it
shows that majority of the respondents 73% feel that the new technologies are adopted,
and the remaining 27% feel denied the new technologies are adopted by the company.
Therefore it is inferred that the majority of the respondents state that new technologies
were adopted.

Table – 5: Important Skill for Professional Development

Sl. No Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Negotiation skill 8 11
2 Presentation Skill 21 28
3 Technical skill 25 33
4 Project management 4 5
5 Skills assessment 5 7
6 Information technology 10 13
7 Other please specify 2 3
Total 75 100
Source: Primary Data
Table 5 Shows skills would you find important and for the professional
development. From the table it is seen that majority of the respondents (33%) feel
Technical skill, 28% feel presentation skill, 13% feel information Technology, 11% feel
negotiation skill, 7% feel skills Assessment, 5% feel project management and the
remaining 3% feel others.


3.1 Findings
1. Majority(53%) of the respondents are used the language in English
2. Most of the respondents (24%+65%) feel trainees’ participation during training was
3. Majority of the respondents preferred both theoretical and practical training (40%)
4. Majority (64%) of the respondents feel that their personal needs were satisfied
during training.

Volume 02, Special Issue 02, Version II | 10th & 11th August’ 2015 420
International Conference on Innovation in Commerce and Management (ICONICM – 2015) |
Organized by Department of Commerce, A.V.C. College (Autonomous), Mannampandal,
Mayiladuthurai – 609 305, Tamil Nadu, India.

5. Nearly (59%) of the respondents feel that the training programme have been
6. Majority (40%) of the respondents a feel the relationship with trainer was good.
7. Nearly (73%) of the respondents agree the introduction of new technology.
8. Nearly (41%) of the respondents feel that the training get advice and support from
supervisor/line manger during training.

3.2 Suggestions
The greater attention should be given on training. Greater investment in skills
development and staff training are required. Training programmes that have been
1. Supervisor/manger staff may be allowed to training their subordinate in the place
2. On the job training may be given more importance.
3. Needs for multiplication addition hands to cops with an increased production of
goods and service.
4. Old employees, needs refresher training to enable them to keep abreast of the
changing techniques methods and use of sophisticated tools and equipment.

The organization must follow a step-by-step approach towards improving
professionalism. They need to evaluate existing skill base to identify gaps, formulate
training programmes and plans, and develop performance assessment criteria based on
job descriptions.

[1] Greenaway, R. (1986) "The Training and Development of Development Trainers"
Research Project presented to the Manpower Services Commission for Brathay
Hall Trust, Ambleside
[2] Everard, K.B. (1987) Development Training – Progress and Prospects, Development
Training Advisory Group
[3] Allcock, R.S. (1988) Development Training: A Personal View, Endeavour Training,
[4] Bill C. and Greenaway R. (1989). The Competences of Development Trainers. The
Training Agency, Manpower Services Commission ISBN 0 86392 300-3
[5] Everard, K.B. (1993) The History of Development Training published by the author,
chair of DTAG (the Development Training Advisory Group) funded by DTAG and

421 Volume 02, Special Issue 02, Version II | 10th & 11th August’ 2015

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