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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ______ Level: ______

Black Mirror Nosedive Episode Activity

1) Where are they?
2) What does the attendant tell her?
A) Your flight is delayed;
B) Your flight is canceled;
3) Why can’t she take the next flight?
4) What does Lacie ask?
A) Can you supervise? B) Are you a superviser?
C) Can I talk to the superviser? D) Can you call the superviser?
5) What does the attendant tell the security guard?
A) Intimacy and Profanation; B) Intimation and Offence;
C) Intimidation and Profantion; D) Intimidation and Profanity;
6) What does the security guard do?
7) Where are they?
8) How does their conversation sound?
A) Sincere; B) Hypocritical;
C) Trustworth; D) Friendly;

9) What pet does the woman have? What’s it name?

10) Why does Lacie wish the woman good luck?
A) She’s going to buy a new pet; B) She’s going to start work;
C) It’s her first day at a new company; D) She got a promotion;

11) Write your opinion about this episode:


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