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Briana Nieves

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 14559
April 27, 2020


I learned a lot from this class. Two years ago, I was pursuing a degree in computer programming,

so my knowledge of the topics discussed in class were partially familiar to me already. I was able

to test those skills in a more challenging way than in my previous courses. The classes I was

taking provided more in-depth processes to programs such as word and excel, but their content

was taught over an entire semester. The fact remains the average use of those programs does not

exceed beyond what was taught in EDT 180. I was also surprised by the amount of information I

did not already know. Even though I was keen to learn technology-based programs, there were

parts of EDT 180 that were not part of the computer programming curriculum. For example, I

had to submit a recorded, edited, and published video and be able to embed it in a website. I have

never filmed my own footage for a video before and when I began trying to, I realized there was

a lot more to it than I anticipated. Issues I had never considered popped up, like lighting and

background noise. My usual routine for this class included working on assignments late at night,

and if I wanted to have decent lighting for the video I filmed I had to complete the project before

sunset. At the same time, because of the quarantine, that is also when my home is the loudest. I

was able to eventually overcome these obstacles with a lot of trial and error, and this was a skill I

never would have learned in the computer programming degree.

I am currently a Special and Elementary Education major enrolled into the Mary Lou Fulton

teacher’s college at Arizona State University. This program is vastly different from the computer

programming degree, where I was once encouraged to follow the methods others had created to

code efficiently, I am now being encouraged to think outside the box and do what I can to

improve the lives of others. It is the most refreshing experience I’ve had since enrolling at ASU.

Briana Nieves
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 14559
April 27, 2020

This class is no exception. While there is a tried-and-true method for each of these assignments,

we are left to choose our own way to do things in a way that makes sense to us. While most

everyone in this class will be applying what they learned in careers that are different from mine, I

will be using what I learned to figure out ways to show my students to not fear technology.

Growing up I was no stranger to smart phones and the increasing market in tablets and laptops.

While I embraced the changes the devices brought to my life, I was also eager to see if I could

make technology perform the way I wanted it to. My hope is that with the new knowledge I

gained in class, as well as struggling to complete tasks on a weekly basis, I will better be able to

relate to my students and assist them in t their own struggles.

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