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Science & Engineering processes & Practices

 ask questions and define problems
 develop and use models
 plan and carry out investigations
 analyze and interpret data
 use mathematics and computational thinking
 construct explanations and design solutions
 engage in argument from evidence
 obtain, evaluate, and communicate information

 Observation - using your five senses to make sense of the world
around you; qualitative and quantitative.
 Prediction – the forecasting of future events.
 Inference – an explanation for an observation.
 Communication – articulation and expression through written and
verbal methods.
 Classification – organizing things into classes or categories of the same
 Measurement – involves assigning numbers.
 Estimation – involves judging an approximate amount or value.
 Categorizing – the thinking process that deals with patterns of groups
and classes.
 Comparing/Contrast – to examine in order to discover likenesses or
 Ordering – putting objects or events in a linear format (pattern of
 Relating – seeing relationships between and among things in our
 Applying – the process by which we use knowledge.

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