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LIFE SCIENCE 2020 – 2021


Biology is the study of living things – this includes organisms, their physiological
mechanisms, development, heredity patterns, evolution, and community interactions.
We will be primarily working with the Next Generation Science Standard throughout the
year. Thus, each lesson will utilize at least one of the eight Science and Engineering
practices and apply any of the seven crosscutting concepts to ensure that you gather a
strong understanding of the core ideas. The overall goal of this class is for you to be able
to think about a phenomenon scientifically and apply your understandings to solve real-
world problems. While science may appear to be a challenging subject, every lesson and
activity you do sets you up for success in the class. When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS! You
can always come in before school and/or during break and lunch for additional help.


The grading system is designed to reveal your expertise of the subject matter through
test taking and inquiry-based projects that relate to a specific learning objective in the
classroom. Academic grades will be determined by using a point-system. Grades will be
updated weekly and both the parent and the student will have access to it online.

A: 100 – 90%
B: 89 – 80%
C: 79 – 70%
D: 69 – 60%
F: Below 59%


Late work will be accepted, but 10% off of the total points will be deducted for each day
that the assignment is late. 50% is the maximum percentage taken off.

To make up in-class assignments from an excused absence, you will be allowed the same
amount of time from when you were absent. (Ex: If you were absent for 2 day, then you
will be given 2 days to make-up the work)

To make-up tests, you will have up to 3 days from when you return to class.

• Students that receive less than a 50% on a test will be allowed to retake it within
two weeks.
It is your responsibility to find out what work was missed and to make sure all
assignments have been completed on time.

Extra credit opportunities will be available for students with completed assignments.
Student with incomplete assignments will have to turn in their work before getting any
extra credit.

ü Textbook
ü #2 Pencil
ü Pens (Blue, Black, and Red)
ü Loose-leaf paper
ü Calculator
ü Science Journal – only used for science

Before the Lesson

As you enter the classroom, you should be prepared to do science!

• Homework is turned into the “Homework Bin” as you come in

• Students will be expected to be seated in their assigned seats when the bell rings
• The agenda, including both classwork and homework, and the objective should
be written down on the notebook before getting started on the warm-up

During the Lesson

• Interruptions of the class are not acceptable

- Absolutely no talking when the teacher or a student is presenting
• Students engaged in collaboration respect each other’s ideas
• Respect your neighbors – keep limbs and objects to yourself
• Student may not leave the class without permission

End of Lesson

• In-Class assignments must be complete and stamped before the closing activity
• All materials must be put away and returned to their original “homes”
- Ensuring that the classroom is clean and dry
- Class will not be dismissed otherwise.
• You must remain in your seat until dismissed

1. Show respect for the teacher, your classmates, and yourself.

- This includes school and personal property as well

2. Pay attention and participate in ALL classroom activities

3. Raise your hand to speak or ask for help

4. NO Cellphones or headphones/Airpods

5. NO food and drinks in the classroom except for water.

6. Do not leave your seat without permission

7. NO Cheating

8. Be on time - Unexcused tardies will cost participation points!


Students must follow the classroom rules and expectations throughout the year. Failing
to do so will result in a set of disciplinary measures along with a loss of privileges,
equipment, and activities.

1st offense - Warning

2nd offense – A written statement

3rd Offense – Detention

4th Offense – Counselor and parent phone call

*Depending on the severity of the incidence, greater consequences may have to be


There will be no tolerance for any level of plagiarism, thus, suspected violation will
follow the school’s procedure for academic dishonesty. In addition to the consequences
implemented by the school, the student will also receive a “0” on the plagiarized

As a science course, you will be applying and investigating data from various research
articles, so, please ensure that proper citations are provided when referring to any
evidence from previous studies. To learn more about how to cite you sources you can
visit the link below:

What is considered as academic dishonesty?

• Copying another person’s ideas or work

• Presenting another’s written or spoken ideas as one’s own work
• Not citing a source or citing a false source
• Falsifying research data
• Using unauthorized materials/resources that are not permitted for an exam

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