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Woah, who's at that table over there? / woah quienes estan en esa mesa?

Don't look at them, just don't / no las mires NO

We call those three 'The Plastics'/ las llamamos las plasticas

They're shiny, fake, and hard/ brillantes y falsas son

They play their little mind games/ juegan con la mente

All around the schoolyard/ de toda esta escuela

They might insult your clothing/ insultan a tu ropa

Or make fun of your name/ y a tu nombre tambien

Like they mocked Jen Morecock/ como con jen morecock

'Til she burst into flames/ hasta que colapso

And Ms. Morecock was a teacher/ y ms. Morecock era una profesora

Regina George is the queen bee/ regina George es la queen bee

She's always dressed up/ ella siempre se viste bien

She always wins Spring Fling Queen/ ella siempre es la reina del baile

We're just drones who work for her/ solo somos drones que trabajan para ella

Then die/ y mueren

My name is Regina George / mi nombre es regina george

And I am a massive deal/ y yo soy quien manda aca

Fear me, love me/ miedo tenes al verme pasar

Stand and stare at me

And these, these are real y si soy real

I have money and looks I am like drunk with power tengo dinero y glamour

This whole school humps to my leg y el mundo entero a mis pies

Like a chiuaua todos vienen hacia mi como un chiuahua

My name is Regina George mi nombre es regina george

And I am a massive deal y yo soy quien manda aca

I don't care who you are no me importa quien sos vos

I don't care how you feel ni como te sentis

That's Gretchen Wieners esa es Gretchen wieners

She knows everything about everybody sabe todo sobre todos

That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets por eso su pelo es tan grande, esta lleno de


Yes, Regina si, regina

No, Regina no, regina

Every waking hour todo el tiempo

I spend making sure Regina me preocupo para que regina

George can stay in power George este en la cima

Regina is the queen regina es la reina

But I'm the head of worker bees pero yo soy la que piensa

As I am seated at her right hand estoy sentada a la derecha

Like a Jewish Princess Jesus y a su orden sin problema

That is Karen Smith ella es Karen smith

The dumbest person you will ever meet la persona mas tonta que vas a conocer

I once saw her put a "D" in the word "orange" una vez la vi poner una D en la palabra naranja

My name is Karen mi nombre es Karen

My hair is shiny mi pelo brilla

My teeth are perfect mi falda es corta

My skirt is tiny y es amarilla

My name is Karen mi nombre es Karen

I may not be smart y no soy muy lista

That's it eso es todo

Right bien

We never really do this nunca hacemos esto

But how'd you like to pero ven a

Have lunch with us this week sentarte con nosotras

Oh, it's okay, I- oh, esta bii-----

No, no need for you to thank us no, no hay que agradecernos

But- pee-----

There's no need to even speak ni siquiera hay que hablar

Wear something nice and grab a tray usa algo rosa y sientate

'Cause we don't do this everyday esto no solemos hacer

Say here's where you belong deci que aca pertences

Say here's where you belong deci que aca pertences

No, really, say it no, enserio, decilo

Say here's where you belong deci que aca pertences

Come sit with us tomorrow sentate con nosotras

It'll be fetch sera muy fetch

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