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1.- Have you ever had an accident?

Yes, I had. When I was child, I had an accident when riding bicycle... nothing serious

2.- Have you ever met any foreigners?

I never had the chance to meet a foreigner.

3.- Do you have a car? What is your dream car?

No. I do not have a car. The car of my dreams is to have a Ferrari.

4.- what is the next expensive thing your family wants to buy?

A house.

5.- Have you ever fixed anything yourself?

Never.....too much for me.

6.- how much did you paid for your last pair of shoes you bought?

I haven't had to pay anything beyond $40 for shoes.

7.- Do you get mad easily?

No. Do not get angry easily.

8.- what do you think you’ll be doing next summer?

The next summer I'll start my own business.

9.- What is the highest grade you have ever got on an English test?

The highest grade I got an English test was ninety-eight.

10.- Who makes more money, a truck driver or a waitress?

I think that a driver makes more money than a waitress.

11.- How long do you study per week?

I study twenty-eight hours per week.

12.- How long do you work per week?

I work eight hours a day and six days a week

13.- What kind of music do you like?

The kind of music I like is the cumbia.

14.- What happens if you fail the English exam?

If I do not pass the English exam my parents would be angry.

15.- How long has it been since you had your cellphone bought?

I bought my cell phone for five months.

16.- What time do you go to bed?

I usually go to bed at ten o'clock at night.

17.- What do you think people should do when they have a cold?

The people should dress wrap.

18.- If you could talk to the president what would you tell him?

If I could talk to the president I would say that fulfils its promises.

19.- What is it that you like the most about parties?

What I most like about the parties is dancing.

20.- Are you allowed to use a calculator at school?

I think if this allowed the use of calculators in schools.

21.- Where would you go if you had six months’ vacation?

I would go on vacation for the whole Peru.

22.- What do you have to do to keep healthy?

I try to eat healthy and make sport.

23.- How many years would you have to study if you wanted to be a doctor?

I think five years would have to study to be a doctor.

24.- What countries would you like to visit?

I would like to visit France.

25.- Did you have any free time yesterday?

Yesterday I had no free time because I work and study.

26.- Which is more expensive cars of motorbikes?

The cars are more expensive than motorbikes.

27.- How long have you known your best friend?

I know my best friend for fifteen years.

28.- Where would you like to be right now?

Right now I would like to be with my grandparents.

29.- How old were you when you first rode a bicycle?

The first time I rode a bicycle was five years old.

30.- If you fell down and hurt your finger , what would you do?

If I hurt a finger, I'd go to the doctor.

31.- Would you work if you were rich?

If I were rich I would continue to work.

32.- Has this course been more difficult for you than previous one?

Yes. This course has been more difficult than the last.

33.- Where do most woman carry their money?

I think in the portfolio for shopping.

34.- If you were offered a job in the US. Would you take it?

Yes. I think it's a great opportunity to work.

35.- When you have a headache what do you do about it?

When I have a headache I take a pill to stop the pain.

36.- Do you sleep well when it is hot, cold, raining?

Yes. I sleep well. I have no problem with the weather.

37.- Have you been saving money? What for?

Yes. I'm saving money to buy an apartment.

38.- What do people set alarm clocks for?

I think not to fall asleep and not go late to work.

39.- How will you use English in the future?

The English will help me to find jobs entry level to evaluate my happiness and support for my

40.- What do you do when you are angry?

When I am angry I cry, I cry a lot.

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