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BLS 4033








9th DECEMBER 2014


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Title Page

Table of Contents i

Abstract ii

List of Figures/Tables/Illustration iii

1.0) INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………...……1
1.1) Background of Study………………………………………………………………………….1
1.1.1. The definition of Error Analysis
1.1.2. Previous Study in Error Analysis
1.1.3. Recognition of Error and Mistake
1.1.4. Issue in Determining the Learner’s Error
1.2) Statement of Problem………………………………………………………..………………5
1.3) Significance of Study……………………………………….…………………………………5


2.1) Theoretical Foundation of Error Analysis………………………………………………6
2.1.1. Interlanguage Theory
2.1.2. Interference Theory
2.2) Theoretical Framework in Analyzing Error………………………………….………..8
2.2.1. Error Analysis Procedure
2.2.2. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

3.0) METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………………….……..……..…13
3.1) Error Analysis Procedure
3.1.1. Choosing the Language Corpus
3.1.2. Identifying Error
3.1.3. Classifying Error

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3.1.4. Explaining Error
3.1.5. Evaluating Error
4.0) FINDING………………………………………………………………………………….………....……15
4.1) Complete Transcription of the Interview………………………………………..…..15
4.2) Analysis of the Transcription……………………………………………………….…….30
4.3) Calculation on the Percentage of Recurring Error……………………….……….72
5.0) CONCLUSION……………………………………………..………………….….…………………..…88

6.0) RECOMMENDATION……………………………………………..………………….….……….……89

7.0) REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………….…………92

8.0) APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………….………………………94

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Unawareness on the particular system or rule exists in English language’s component

often happen to the learner of language particularly in the process of acquiring the second
language. Repetitive unconscious mistakes deemed as an error caused by the unacquainted to
the language rules often regarded as one of the integral part of language learning. There are
two major approaches to the study of learner’s errors, namely contrastive analysis and error
analysis. Commonly recognized as branches of Applied Linguistic Science, Error analysis
cannot be studied properly without touching upon the notion of Contrastive analysis. This paper
observes in detail the three components of error theories: Error analysis and Interlanguage
theory and Interference Effect and the frequency of errors make by the student .Using Error
Analysis Procedure developed by S.P Corder, the procedures of error analysis were conducted
by examining the learner’s output on spoken utterances which later analyzed further using
Dulay et al.’s (1982) Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The verbatim analysis of the spoken sample
indicates higher frequency of learner’s errors are made frequently on Omission (44.54%),
followed by Addition (21.01%), Misordering (17.65%) and lastly Misinformation (16.8%).

Index Terms - Error, Error Analysis, Interlanguage, Interference and Surface Strategy

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List of Figures/Tables/Illustration:

 TABLE 1: 5 Fossilization Process of Interlanguage (adapted from Selinker 1972)

 TABLE 2: Positive and Negative Transfer (Adapted from Khansir,2012)

 TABLE 3: Error Analysis Procedure by S.P Corder

 TABLE 4: Detailed description on Surface Strategy Taxonomy

 TABLE 5: Examples of Error Committed by Learner

 TABLE 6: Full Analysis of Transcribed Interview

 TABLE 7: Total Percentages of Error Committed by Learner

 TABLE 8: Percentage of Error Occurrences for Element in Simple Addition

 TABLE 9: Percentage of Error Occurrences for Misordering Error

 TABLE 10: Percentage of Error Occurrences in Omission Error

 TABLE 11: Percentage of Error Occurrences in Misinformation Error

 TABLE 12: Error Occurrences in Addition

 TABLE 13: Error Occurrences in Misinformation

 TABLE 14: Error Occurrences in Misordering

 TABLE 15: Error Occurrences in Omission

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Common popular belief about learning the second language would be the production of
many erroneous form of language structure made by second language learner that in fact,
would never be produced by the native people of the language. This belief somehow constitutes
the conviction in the second language attitude which later integrated and embedded further into
some of the theoretical concepts in Second Language Learning.

In order to form a better concept of understand on how learners actually acquiring their
second language, current focus on modern teaching are now based on placing the higher
important in the realization of errors committed by the learners both in spoken and written
respectively. The study of error are now commonly regards as the part of the language
learning’s investigation process to help second language learner in assessing the difficulties of
the language and implementing strategic solution based on several issue and challenges faced
by student in learning the second language.

1.1) Background of Study

Commonly recognized as branches of Applied Linguistics Science which primarily

emerged in the sixties, Error Analysis served as a feedback to Contrastive Analysis Theory
which considered native language interference as the major source of errors in second
language learning. Applied linguistic is commonly defined as the “discipline represents an effort
to find practical applications for modern scientific linguistics” (Mackey 1965). It is the study
about the language, ways it is learned and how the language itself is further utilized either to
achieve some specific purposes or to solve some a real world problem (Schmitt and Murcia,
2002). Contrastively, in depth studies on error analysis however reveal that learner errors are
not only caused by the interference from learner’s native language but implicitly implied the
existence of some universal strategies.

1.1.1) The definition of Error Analysis

According to Corder in 1981, error analysis can be defined as “the study and analysis of
the errors made by second and foreign language learners”[ CITATION Cor81 \l 1033 ].
Alternatively, the field of error analysis accordingly to another scholar also may be defined as
“dealing with the differences between the way people learning a language speak and the way

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adult native speakers of the language use the language” (Richard,1971). Both definition
primarily concerned about the distinction of rules exist between two languages and how the
second language learner face difficulties in discerning the distinctive rules to be applied
differently in the similar context of utterances and writing purposes. Erdogan later summarized
the importance of those definitions and scope of error analysis as method in which the finding of
theoretical error analysis may contribute to the organization of the remedial courses, devising
appropriate materials for teaching practice and formulating effective learning strategies for both
learners and language instructors respectively (Erdogan, 2005).

The leading concept of error analysis is to study the learner’s error trailed after the
system operating within the learner in which being observed, analyzed and further classified
beforehand (Brown, 1980). In examining second and foreign language in particular, error
analysis plays an important role in the language acquisition study in general since it is
fundamental requirement for every language instructor to fully aware on their student’s pattern
of recurring errors in order to reduce or to evade those errors from being repeated. Susanti
(2008) further acknowledged the conceptual framework of the error analysis method by stating
that “student cannot learn in the class without knowing an error is made, either by him or by
somebody else’. This view further elucidates the significance of errors made by the student in
the process of learning the language. Additionally, Corder (1987) also optimistically agree that
errors play a significant roles in informing the teacher on the learner’s progress and what still
left for him to be learnt accordingly to the learner’s goal in acquiring the second language
(Corder 1987 as cited in Erdogan 2005).

1.1.2) Previous Study in Error Analysis

There are many studies already being conducted in the field of the applied error analysis
especially in the beginning of 1983 up until now. Smithies and Holzknecht’s work on error
analysis dealt with the study on error committed in written English materials by tertiary level
student in Papua New Guinea in 1983. The entire student received proper English education for
the last ten years starting in primary school and evidently spoke 212 different mother tongues.
The wide percentage of errors that recorded comprised of extensive range of errors from
articles (11.37%), prepositions (10.6%) and verb form (10.5%) including omission and addition.

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Recent study on error analysis by Gustinefa in 2007 dealt with an errors made by the
10th grade student in Islamic School in Tangerang. The corpus taken into account was the
written journal entries and the analysis was based on the error made on the language
components that classified further into addition, omission, substitution and ordering. The result
of the analysis indicates that substitution errors are the most made by the student constitutes
around 39.5% of the whole percentage followed by the omission errors (28.5%) and additional
errors (18.4%).

Prior to the research conducted in both studies, it can be further concluded that large
portion of errors committed by the student learning English as their second language are largely
caused by the intralingual transfer in which caused typically by overgeneralization, simplication,
and incompetency in the learner’s knowledge of English grammatical rules. Both of the work can
be utilized effectively by the teachers in upgrading certain aspect in their classroom teaching
process based on the hint on how far the learners already improving their skill supported by the
presented evidence.

1.1.3) Recognition of Error and Mistake

In error analysis, there are two terms referring to the different thing in which the first
indicates to the systematic and consistent deviance while the second suggesting the deviation
due to the performance factors. The explanations provided denote the definition of an error and
mistake respectively[ CITATION Cor81 \l 1033 ]. Errors characterized the learner’s linguistic
system at a given stage of learning while mistake are normally irregular and can be readily
corrected by the learner once the attention is drawn to them.

The major distinction between those two are distinguishable in the level of learner’s
competency and performance level in which arise due to the imperfect competence and
performance in the target language. Errors are usually produced by the learners who do not yet
fully comprehend the command rules of institutionalized language system in the process of
encoding and articulating speech. Contrastively, mistakes are characterized by the similar
occurrences in the performance under the heightened frequency of certain psychological
conditions like increase in stress, indecision and fatigue.

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1.1.4) Issue in Determining the Learner’s Error

Errors and mistakes are the two different things that characterized by the several distinct
characteristic altogether. Analyzing the mistake committed by the learners in their either spoken
utterances or the written materials cannot be easily presumed as an error. Several researchers
in the late 1960 and early 1970s pointed that “language of second language learners is
systematic and that learner errors are not random mistakes but evidence of rule-governed
behavior” (Selinker, 1972). In general, it is not an easy task for the sentences to be judged as
free from errors because even a perfectly well-formed sentence can be erroneous in context.

Even though the sentences are well formed, free from any omission, addition, wrong
selection and misordering, there is no guarantee of the absent of errors. The two main criteria
for the sentences to be judged as free from errors when they fulfill two of these criteria which
are acceptable and appropriate. Acceptable in the sense of the sentence indicate the original
meaning of what the speaker intended to say while appropriate can be achieved via the non
ambiguous sentences.

Error can be caused by many factors, internally and externally. Lack of competency in
the target language and grammatical mastery of the language is one of the major factors. Some
redundant pattern involved in the construction of the language structure is mainly influenced by
the learner’s mother tongue. Another factor that might contributes to the errors committed by the
students are stemmed from the usage of “loan word” extensively adopted by the media to
illustrate certain concept, idea and notion that is not currently available in the learner’s first

The fact that English is deemed as the flourishing language comprises of the
linguistically complex rules and multifaceted structure served as the intrinsic difficulties for the
second language learner in learning the language successfully. Overgeneralization also often
takes place when the student mistakenly creates a deviant structure based on the presumption
on the basis of his experience of other structures in the target language. In addition, lack of
exposure to target language, poor access to the educational materials together with the non-
conducive environment for the student to thrive in also serve as the external factors that
influence the learner to commit errors in the target language [ CITATION Ahm131 \l 1033 ]

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1.2) Statement of Problem

In learning second language, learner often challenged by the certain incompetency in conveying
their language production be it spoken or written without having to be laced by any trace of
erroneous error. This is deemed impossible since learners not only cognitively threaten by the
unconscious error made repetitively but also by the type of mistakes caused by the learner’s
incapability in utilizing the known language system correctly. A method that able to indicate
which phase the learner’s are currently in and the difficulties faced by the learner in that
particular stage are crucial and significant to help finding ways to solve the learner’s problem on
acquiring the ideal second language components effectively.

1.3) Significant of Study

The study that has been conducted using Surface Strategy Taxonomy (Dulay, Burt and
Krashen, 1982) allowed us to discover the major errors that are committed by students of
University Sultan Zainal Abidin. With this, the error are narrowed down and tackled right at the
centre. It is important to do this as there are various errors that can be detected and without
being able to know which one is which, the research will be too wide to be carried out. Not just
that, it also serve an indicators of student’s level of English proficiency. Therefore, with this
study, we can aim at the heart of the problem and take swift control of the situation.

Secondly, the study makes it possible for researchers and lecturers alike on improvise
on the current teaching materials and methods. From the study, weakness of students can be
measured as well as their ability to use English correctly. Henceforth using that as a second
starting line, lecturers are able to revise their teaching, implementing the appropriate methods
as well as using the suitable materials in classes.

Lastly, this study will open a new doorway in creating a new teaching method in
approach to solve the problem at hand. This step is important as to give greater impact in
increasing student’s English proficiency. The new steps implemented will be focusing on
empowering student’s oral abilities to speak fluently and eliminating errors from their speech.
This is important to comply with the university’s aims to create graduates that are multi-capable
and increasing their marketability.

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2.1) Theoretical Foundation of Error Analysis

2.1.1 Interlanguage Theory

According to the Second Language Acquisition theory, learners build up a system for
themselves which is different in some ways from their first language and second language
systems, which are called Interlanguage. The concept of Interlanguage was formerly suggested
by Selinker in 1972 aimed to draw learner’s attention to the possibility that while learning second
language, a learner may develop separate internalized mental grammar that characterized as
distinct language variety or system with its own particular characteristics and rules differs from
both his/her mother tongue and the target language.

Interlanguage typically characterized by the set of linguistic rules which can further
generate novel utterances and according to Ellis (1990), very importance in providing the
explanation for “for how both children and adults acquire a second language” (Ellis, 1990).
Interlanguage productions typically have the characteristic of language that hardly conform to
the general expectation on what native speakers of the target language usually produce, not an
fixed translation of native language utterances, spoken utterances not randomly produced and
interlanguage usually spoken either by adults or by children when second language acquisition
is not simultaneous acquired with the first language (Tarone, 1976).

Selinker in 1972 further explore the Interlanguage impact on the second language
learning and proposed the 5 fossilization processes that indicated the learner’s tendency to stop
developing their interlanguage grammar in the direction of the target language. The 5
fossilization processes are as follow:

Fossilization Process Criteria

Language Transfer Sometimes rules and subsystems of the Interlanguage may
result from transfer from the first language.
Transfer of Training Some elements of the Interlanguage may result from specific
features of the training process used to teach the second
Strategies of Second Some elements of the Interlanguage may result from a specific
Language Learning approach to the material to be learned.
Strategies of Second Some elements of the Interlanguage may result from specific
Language Communication ways people learn to communicate with native speakers of the

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target language.
Overgeneralization of the Some elements of the Interlanguage may be the product of
Target Language Linguistic overgeneralization of the rules and semantic features of the
Materials target language.

TABLE 1: 5 Fossilization Process of Interlanguage (adapted from Selinker 1972)

2.1.2) Interference of First language (L1) into Second Language (L2)

Behaviorist learning theory asserts that “old habits contribute in the way of learning new
habits” and thus if taken into context, individual who learn many languages tend to transfer the
realization device from his first language into the second language prior to the cognitive notion
that the first and second language share a similar meaning but failed to discern that it should be
expressed in different ways (Ellis, 1990). Smooth acquisition of the second language often be
interfered by the first language grammar which already being programmed inside one’s
individual mind prior to the learning process that take place previously (Abdullah, 2013).
Bose (2005) mentioned that there are two types of transfer between mother tongue and
target language which served as the reasons that explained errors made by the learner in both
written and oral construction which are negative and positive transfer[ CITATION Ali12 \l 1033 ].

Type of Transfer Explanation

Positive Transfer The forms between the mother tongue and the target
language is similar
Negative Transfer The forms of the target language and those of the learner's
mother tongue are different from each other

TABLE 2: Positive and Negative Transfer (Adapted from Khansir,2012)

2.2) Theoretical Framework in Analyzing Error

2.2.1) S.P Corder’s Error Analysis Procedure

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Error Analysis Procedure have been develop by S.P Corder back in the year 1974 commenting
on the errors that can be classified through a comparison process in which similar to the
process involved in the contrastive analysis procedures. Error analysis is considered as a 5
staged procedures consist of several stages. The concept are thoroughly based on the original
erroneous utterance and later compared with the constructed one but exclusively in term of the
linguistic categories such as error in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantic entirely
based on a range of models.

The procedures can be summarized in the 5 staged procedures as being illustrated in

the figures below:


1  Decide on the size of sample
 Decide on the medium of sample taken:
Choosing the language spoken (orally) or written (writing)
corpus  Decide the homogeneity of the sample :
background, age, type of education &
2  There must be a difference between
errors and mistake
Identifying error in the corpus  Rather tedious to identify
 Only occurring errors are identified for
further process/procedure
3  Every error committed by the
respondents will be classified in
accordance with grammatical aspects:
Classifying Error phonology, morphology, syntax and
 More focus and emphasis are on:
morphological and syntactical aspects of
the English language.
4  An attempt is made to identify the
causes of errors :
 Interlingual errors: errors are caused by
Explaining Error mother tongue interference.
 Intralingual and developmental errors:

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errors occur during the learning process
of the L2 at a stage when the learners
have not really acquired the knowledge.
5  Involves in assessing the seriousness of
each error.
Evaluating Error  This step is made to take principled
teaching decisions.
 Error evaluation is necessary only if the
purpose of the error analysis is

TABLE 3: Error Analysis Procedure by S.P Corder

2.2.2) Surface Strategy Taxonomy (Dulay, Burt and Krashen, 1982)

Surface Strategy Taxanomy proposed by Dulay, Burt and Krashen in 1982 is a

taxonomy developed in analyzing error made by the learners which consist of several
alternatives for error classification as a result of comparative categorization and communicative
effect taxonomy (Dulay, Burt and Krashen, 1982). This taxonomy divides learner errors into four
categories which are Omission, Addition, Misinformation and Misordering. Classifying errors
using the surface strategy taxonomy is very practical since it can physically highlight the
cognitive process underlying learner’s reconstruction of the mother tongue and target language.
In addition, this taxonomy also emphasizing that errors are inevitable since the learner are
actively progressing towards producing the target language while utilizing their temporary
principle in the former language. Below is the detailed description of each category presented in
the surface strategy taxonomy.


Omission Refers to the absence of - Why do you Missing of
an item which must be always look (at) preposition at in
present in a well-formed me? the sentences
Addition The presence of an extra Double We discuss inclusion of
item which must not be marking (about) our preposition

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present in a well formed Regularizatio homework about in the
utterance is n sentence
characteristic for
Misinformatio Refers to the use of the I did this The missing of
n wrong form of the Regularizatio by spin the -ing form
morpheme or structure n handle

Archi Form
Instead of:
I did this by
spinning the

Misordering Whom did you prepositions are

sent the letter? incorrectly
Instead of:
To whom did
you send the

TABLE 4: Detailed description on Surface Strategy Taxonomy

The table below indicates several types of error that frequently omitted by the learners in
producing utterances as well as in written form.


Noun and verb inflection -ed

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Article And
Verb auxiliaries will
Preposition On

Regularization Regular plural (-s) Mouses

Past tense marker (- Goed


Double marking He didn’t went to Kuala Lumpur”

“She doesn’t knows your name”

The birds doesn’t live in the water
Simple addition
“We stay in over there”
Misinformation Regularization “runned” for “run”
Archi form “that houses are theirs”
Alternating form “this cats”
Misordering Marked by miss-ordering “I don’t remember what is her name”
for a morpheme or a Instead of : “I don’t know what her name is”
group of morphemes in
“What your mother is doing?
the sentence
Instead of: “What is your mother doing?”

TABLE 5: Examples of Error Committed by Learner

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3.1) Error Analysis Procedure

3.1.1) Choosing the Language Corpus

The size of the sample population taken for the corpus involved 5 undergraduate
students from two faculties which is Faculty of Law and International Relation and Faculty of
Islamic Contemporary respectively. All the female respondents consisting of four Malay and one
Indian are currently the third year Unisza student majoring in the Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of
Dakwah and Bachelor of Shari’ah. The samples of the corpus are taken using the Oral
Discourse Completion Task (ODCT) via the interview session.

The group interview was conducted with 5 interviewees together with 3 interviewers and
the corpus sample is tape-recorded for the analysis purposes and further references. The 29
minutes and 36 second’s record was then fully transcribed into written discourse consist of 3701

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words altogether. In order to elicit an oral response from the interviewer, a set of semi-
structured question was prepared prior to the interview session. The questions revolved around
the general topic on student life and consist of 12 questions altogether. The duration taken for
the one-shot interview was about 29 minutes and 36 seconds and fully conducted in Unisza’s

3.1.2) Identifying Error in the Corpus

In order to differentiate between the errors and mistakes made by the student, we
constantly calculated the percentage of recurring mistake produced by the interviewee. Mistake
that happen due to the slips of tongue ( save -> cave) and slip of the thought (messing->
mesmerizing) are not taken into account. Please refer to the table in the Analysis of the
Finding’s Chapter for more details.

3.1.3) Classifying Error

All the error committed by the students is classified accordingly using the Surface
Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay, Burt and Krashen. The errors are classified accordingly to the
types of mistake made that largely involved omission, addition, misinformation and misordering.
Please refer to the table in the Analysis of the Finding’s Chapter for more details.

3.1.4) Explaining Error

The errors committed are further explained in details and the corrections are offered
accordingly to their verbatim sentence. Some errors are caused by the learner’s incompetency
in the second language’s rule and knowledge while others are caused by the positive and
negative transfer from first language into their target language. Such transfer that also called as
Interference deals with the underlying cognitive knowledge that control’s the learner production
of language formation.

3.1.5) Evaluating Error

The seriousness of each errors made by the student are fully assessed in order to
familiarized and exposed the teacher toward the effective principles to be taken in the future
solidly based on the learner’s competency and current performance in the language. The

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recommendations for the strategic teaching methods are later were provided in the
recommendation section.


4.1) Complete Transcription of the Interview

DURATION TAKEN: 29 min 36 second



1. Muhd Hilmi Che Ahamad (Bach of English with Communication)

2. Nur Izzati bt Rozman (Bach of English with Communication)

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3. Mohd Amirul Akmal bin Nor Yusre (Bach of English with Communication)


1. Keerthana Rajendran -Faculty of Law and Internal Relation (Bach of Law with Honour)
2. Wan Raihanah bt Wan Mohammad- Faculty of Islamic Contemporary ( Bach of Dakwah)
3. Siti Sarah bt Mohd. Zubir- Faculty of Islamic Contemporary (Bach of Dakwah)
4. Ku Nur Hafizah Ku Suhair- Faculty of Islamic Contemporary (Bach of Shari’ah)
5. Wan Nur Amanina bt Wan Mohd Sharif- Faculty of Islamic Contemporary (Bach of

(A) Introductory Remark

Hilmi: Right, Bismillahhirrahmannirrahhim, Assalamu’alaikum. First of all thank you you guys for
participating in our~ inaudible emm.. first of all we are from Bachelor of English student, we are
currently in semester seven doing research pertaining the error in er.. speaking er.. so basically
can we first (1) could you guys please first introduce yourself. Right, so we get from the right

KIthana: introduce myself [ hilmi: introduce yourself] my name is kithana,(1) errr .. I’m from
Klang, Selangor and I’m a law student second year

Hilmi: ok

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Aisyah: my name is aisyah [cough] I’m from Terengganu, I study in inaudible

Hana: ok my name inaudible hana. Err..(1.2) from Besut, Terengganu. (1.2)And study

Nor: ok my name is tengku norhafizan binti shari. I’m from Kelantan. Erm.. my course is dakwah
(1) I’m <X second X> years

Nina: my name is nina, im from Kelantan. My course is dakwah [hilmi: dakwah]

(B) Latest Issue in Unisza

Hilmi: so if I could recap again and you you are from what faculty? [kithana : law] law faculty,
FKI, (1) the same [nor: we all] FKI, FKI, alright. Erm (bg cough) major question over here, are
you guys happy studying in unisza?

Nor: of course ^ sigh

Aisyah: of course yes

Nor: ermm.. yes

Hilmi: you

Nina: of course

Kithana: of course no

HIlmi: of course no. (laugh) @ ok of course no, that there’s there’s an issue over here. Eh why
is that?

Kithana: because~ im from Klang and the lifestyle is totally different [hilmi: hmm] and I cant
adopt this situation. First is I like to shopping (bg laugh). There are no shopping mall at all and –
so proper with the dress code, cannot wear this type of dress, cannot wear that type of dress,
and cannot like Indians we normally like very close to all the Chinese you know talk to them
guys sitting together to eat. In Klang its normal, we are friends, nothing between us. But here, at
night, we cannot sit together or do assignment also, nothing is there. See that’s the problem in
unisza, its like this

Izzati: so~ that’s one of the issue? [Kithana: yeah] that make you felt... disappointed

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Kithana: and another thing it’s a lot [Izzati:ok]

Hilmi: you are done? So you guys over here say you guys are happy studying in unisza :long
silence: anyone? Perhaps you?

Akmal: like you can meet new friends or you got the course that you want [many: yes][izzati:
like the environment]

Nor: near, <x near x> to … – my [izzati: hometown] yes hometown

Izzati: you are from Kelantan right ? [nor: Kelantan]

Hilmi:then so we went to the second question. Do you guys aware of any issue that happen in
unisza right now?

Kithana: yes, PRK

Hilmi: we got PRK. How about nina?

Nina: flood. [nor: flood] [hilmi: flood?]

Aisyah: err.. same hhh @ [hilmi: same with you]

Hana; err.. flood [Akmal: nina right there bg laugh]

Hilmi: right, prk versus flood. Ok erm .. could you please describe about the issue what the prk,
what is it about.

Kithana: ok, prk is of course everywhere got pembangkang and opposition and it was like I
didn’t think that this same current issue will happen in unisza too. And those student if the hepa
know this student is from opposition, they will try their best to cancel their name [hilmi: hmm]
and I’m one of the victim

Hilmi: so basically you are affected by the issue right

Kithana: yes, a lot

Akmal: how about you guys? Like [hilmi :about the flood] about the flood

Nor: ehem, I cannot attend to class, cant go % anywhere [hilmi: hmm] just aa... just just stay at

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Akmal: how about you guys?

Hilmi: what do you think about the flood is it [Akmal: is it bad] bad

Hana: hhhs @ [hilmi: how bad is it?] so bad because aa… we live err … [hilmi: outside?]
outside yea, from unisza, so--- hard to come to unisza bg laugh [izzati: difficult] yes

Hilmi: so erm.. the flood affect your house outside? No? You are not living outside is it?

Kithana: because the flood we got one day off right from unisza. Can sleep, bg laugh finish
assignment, [Akmal: but mostly sleep]laugh but its so bad.

(C) Topic on Class and Assignment

Hilmi: so, ok you are saying about assignment, so, do you have any assignment due this week?
I mean you need to send the assignment this week.

Kithana: I just cleared up already [hilmi: all of the assignment] now, just now only, ten minutes
ago [hilmi: aa}

Hilmi: how about you guys? Any assignment [nor: well] need to be sent?

Nor: many assignment

Hilmi: I bet today last day right because its Thursday and you are supposed hand in the
assignment then it must today right. Is it? Bg laugh. Do you guys have any assignment?

Aisyah: yes

Hilmi: so how many assignment? [nor:ermm] Or should I say assignments^?

Kithana: no currently zero

Hilmi: ok that one finished already. How many is it?

Kithana: all the subjects

Hilmi: all the subjects? Any numbers

Kithana: aa.. got seven law subjects, inaudible

Hilmi: aaa, and you guys?

94 | P a g e
Akmal: what, what are your assignment about?

Aisyah: tahrij hadis

Akmal: can you tell us more about the assignment

Nor: we-we .., we need to search from .. book about hadis

Hilmi: so what exactly is tahrij hadis? [aisyah: tahrij] tahrij means keluar right?

Nor: keluarkan hadis. Transfer hadis err .. and then do some report [Akmal: ahaa]

Akmal: and you guys, same work?

Nina: yes [Akmal: ok] all of this individual

Akmal: all of this is individual work [izzati: is it individu?]

Nina: individu [hilmi: individu]

Hilmi: so how do you find the subject? Is it <x really x>.. you like it? Or you hate it? Or you want
to put everything in the dustbin?

Izzati: like you do it because of the mark? [hilmi: a little]

Hilmi: why is that?

Hana: inaudible cough inaudible

Nor: compulsory to .. take you know to take, and need to.. send and need to send because ..
we can get mark from lecturer.

Hilmi: like you say before you got seven assignment in law is it. So how do you find it, the

Kithana: very terrible [very terrible laugh] because for us third sem theres no university subject
about us so in one law subject means everything will push through to toward to ready inaudible
so really hate it

Hilmi: so basically you are saying that you find it inaudible. Ok, do you guys like doing individual
assignment or group assignment?

Aisyah: us group

95 | P a g e
Hilmi: group over here, anyone [Hana: individual] individual, individual, individual, [nina: group]
group, ok. Team group, team individual. Hana individual. Why individual ?

Kithana: the first thing now because its raining outside [hilmi: hmm] so its so tough for us to
come together, sit together doing stuff and that. another thing is – ok la if we choose our own
group member we know that, ok people is capable to do this or not. If the lecturers choose
means some of them is lazy to work and they you know they kind of another party that, sure this
girls will finish for us. So we really hate this, and theres groupmate have some problems with
their friends [hilmi: hmm] and this group thinks we are anti with the boys [hilmi: laugh]

Hilmi: so you guys? Why individual?

Aisyah: because I inaudible from

Hilmi: why is it?

Aisyah: because I’m I.. only as inaudible make the work [hilmi: ok] inaudible we hhhs @

Hilmi: pardon? Ahha

Aisyah: cough, we inaudible

Hilmi: you don’t include anyone else [aisyah: its just me] [Akmal:inaudible]

Akmal: you can do anything you want so its less inaudible

Hilmi: so the group team, why?

Nor: I think, <x we X> can discuss about problem and – uh cooperate

(D) Personality Trait and Ways to Handle Rumors and Gossip

Hilmi: so basically the work is much much [nor: ah teamwork] leeway right? Ok, leading to that
question, in ten second – tell me what kind of personality you have. Who are you. If im for
example I say im a humorous guy, and like to joke [Akmal: a fat guy] a fat guy perhaps, ok. for
example of me. So in ten seconds please tell us what kind of personality you guys have.

Kithana: inaudible so aa I need someone to talk to me [hilmi: laugh] and so I cannot stay alone.
That’s why – aa – although my roommate wont be there in the room, I’ll listen to songs singing
and all the thing, call my mum, and sometimes people disturb me means I get what inaudible

96 | P a g e
[Akmal: hurm] so like there few people in front there and I dont like means I don’t like you. Don’t
talk to me at all. I wont tell this person is like this to other person bring stories and so on

Hana: inaudible [hilmi; hmm] everything is … so inaudible

Aisyah: I am inaudible .. cough I am funny

Izzati; so you love to make jokes? Tell funny story, like

Aisyah: yeah inaudible [Hilmi: laugh] inaudible and er = cop this friend [hilmi: hmm] err...
inaudible err inaudible laugh

Izzati: mean you laugh and making jokes [aisyah: laugh] is it is it because you want to bring the
happiness to everyone because just err .. just all the time

Akmal: and everybody love your jokes [aisyah: laugh]

Hilmi: all right then, how about [Akmal: how about you] you?

Nor: I think im friendly [hilmi: hmm] I inaudible long pause

Hilmi: because you like to make friends is it?

Nor: inaudible

Nina: inaudible long pause …

Akmal: a shy person [nor: laugh]

Nina: really shy

Hilmi; ok then, erm… let say that someone.. that you love.. you knew them, they stab you from
the back. Tikam belakang. How do you react?

Izzati: somebody cheat on you, telling ^liars, ^lies, like that. how do you react to that?

Hilmi: what would you do? What would you say to them. let say, you have a friend and
somehow in front of you this friend say good thing about you, but beside you, behind you she
said something horrible, something is not good about you. How do <x you x>.. , what do you say
about that?

Hana: ignore her [hilmi: ignore her] inaudible

97 | P a g e
Hilmi: forgive. Ok, ok we got answer for this.

Nor: advise [hana: advice]

Hilmi: ok you got advice

Hana: forgive and inaudible

Hilmi: forgive and forgot perhaps

Nina: inaudible = talk

Nor: talk to her [aisyah: sometimes]

Hilmi: so let say you experience this particular event, say err.. , this is a real situation where you
in who by someone else who you are not forgive (1) in any way, ok.. How do you handle this,
how do you face (1) this event? What did you do?

Kithana: I think I will ask for some help because if she a true friend she wont do like this.
Something is there, that’s why she tend to do like that [hilmi: hmm] so I’ll ask my self what then
ask my, approach another friend tell me what, what have I mean, hot temper or what like, or
what. Then after that I’ll err.. usually ask my mum la (Hx), because mum is the good friend of
me and the bestest and she’ll call her and tell her everything from there I know this is the real
story. [hilmi: hmm] then after that I inaudible the inaudible this thing la you tell this thing that’s
why (H) im bad with you. Then I’ll do forgive you [hilmi; that’s it?] that’s it. End of story (Hx)

Hilmi: you meet him meet her and slap her in the face perhaps (Hx). (H) You talk bad about me
eh? You talk bad about me! [aisyah: no] or you just simply walk away. What do you do in this

Nina: < X hmm? X>

Hilmi: what would you do?

Nina; inaudible got this inaudible <X hmm X> meet her and ask her, ask <X her X> about … –
why, why [hilmi: why she do that] inaudible

98 | P a g e
Izzati: so you said that you want to confront her right? You want to ask her whether what kind of
mistake did you make, and make her do things, things that is bad, terrible like that. so what is
the first step would you take bg coughing, laugh

Hana: make her … inaudible [izzati: ok] cough

(E) Cooking Stuff

Izzati: ok, so move to the next question^. Moving on. So.. , im aware that all of you are women,
you know how to cook rice, right? So could you tell me, the steps needed..(1) to be done to
prepare a fried chicken

Kithana: for me I don’t know how to cook (Hx).

Izzati: ok.. for you you don’t know how to cook.

Kithana: but I do know how to make salad

Izzati: so you don’t know how to fry chicken? [kithana: no]

Kithana: because since born.., I got maid so everything the maid [hilmi: laugh] so I don’t know
how to cook. [hilmi: ok]

Nina: inaudible flou inaudible inaudible then mix all this [Izzati: turmeric?] then inaudible kuali

Izzati: just wait for it to be fully cooked. So err.. do you need err.. , do we need to err like
waiting for the oil to err.. to be like hot or something like that?

Nina: < X hmm? X>

Hilmi: do.. we need after (1) we pour the oil into the pan, do we need to wait first or simply
[aisyah; wait first] put in the chicken

Aisyah: wait first [hana: wait first]

Hilmi: wait first, ok. Wait until the, the oil become hot [hana; yes]

Izzati: so how you decide that the~ the chicken is already [hilmi: cooked] cooked

Nina: < X yellow X>

99 | P a g e
Izzati: yellow. Ok, so.. do you prefer to cook or dine outside? Of course you like.. prefer to dine
outside right? Hhh Bg laugh you don’t have to cook [kithana: yeah] you have maid. You?

Nor: cough I like to buy,… to buy food.

Izzati: so (1) you live in hostel right [nor: yea] so.. you are not allowed to cook? So just its all,
the solution is just to [nor: buy] buy outside. Just buy everything. Ok

Hilmi: which one do you prefer, buy the food at café or.. – just make it yourself, cook.

Aisyah: cook [hilmi: pardon?]

Izzati: cook. Because you live outside right? So erm do you buy the groceries like monthly or

Aisyah: inaudible

Izzati: monthly [hilmi: monthly] so you prefer to share with you friends or just individual?

Aisyah: share

Izzati; share with friend. So what kind of thing that you share with your friend? Like the rice or –

Hana: inaudible

Izzati: ok.. So is it, is it make it more – is it make it more like erm..

Hilmi: is it much save for you? [izzati: yea] is it you save more money when you share food?

Hana: inaudible

(F) Beauty vs Brain

Izzati: ok so.. moving on. Which one do you think is better? Beauty or brain?

Hilmi: as for woman, which one is.. compulsory for them? be smart or to look cute?

Kithana: smart

Hilmi: smart.

100 | P a g e
Izzati: why is it so?

Kithana: how, everyone want to look beautiful means every inaudible. This is the wise the god
creates us so inaudible with ease heart. So brain means the brain, woman cant er.. know er..
everything inaudible. If you want to marry a guy, a guy should see hows talent is the girl. Not
like someone who look beautiful but theres nothing inside them. Inaudible we cannot do
anything with just pretty only, we have to be smart inaudible.

Izzati: so which one is more lasting? Beauty or the brain? The beauty?

Kithana: if you are smart, beauty is there.

Izzati: ok [ hilmi: hmm] have you ever find that’s close to you that have both trait? Beauty and
brain [kithana: yeah].

Kithana: well she [izzati: yeah] shes erm, doing medical science degree scholarship in
australia. Shes very beauty and smart [izzati: hmm] inaudible inaudible

Nina: inaudible inaudible because they inaudible [izzati: hmm]

Izzati: so guy might point that a women with brain is beautiful. So you erm, having a brain is a
good enough right? So does it mean that we don’t need beauty at all?

Nina: inaudible [izzati: hmm] inaudible

Izzati: so we need both. Ok.. so what about you? Need right?

Nor: I think brain is important

Hilmi: is it more important compared to beauty?

Nor: yes err.. inaudible

(G) Of being a Superhuman and desired Superpower

Hilmi: because [izzati: he meant to ask laugh] so you give up. Ok. Long pause. Ah right,
another question. If you were to have a superpower ok, what kind of superpower do you want to
have? ..For me I like to have a super strength. So may I ask, what is it?

Kithana: inaudible [hilmi: what again?] to get on somewhere

Hilmi: to get on somewhere is your superpower right?

101 | P a g e
Izzati: so you might need a teleport. You might need.. be there, here and there, at the library at
the same time. You can do something at room

Kithana: all at once [izzati: yeah]

Izzati: so what about you?

Hana: inaudible, cough.

Hilmi: you want to be able to do everything? Why is that? long pause so you can do
everything? You?

Nina: inaudible

(H) Marriage and Relationship

Izzati: ok, this superpower thingy is so complicated laugh. So we move [hilmi: we move on] we
move on to the more simple question. If somebody ask you right now in this very time, ask for
your hand for a marriage. What would you, <x what x> would you answer.

Hilmi: someone what to marry you right now [izzati: yeah] inaudible

Hana: I will say no inaudible

Kithana: ill ask my friend, because from friend only you know inaudible

Hilmi: ok

Kithana: from there I can know if the guy is good for me, because for me that is inaudible but if
they say no, so~ first parents, from parents i can know whether the guy is suitable for them
because when im married to him they have to marry my family so, so their parents still living
with us so its ok, then there will be togetherness so ill ask my parents first.

Izzati: so every decision that you make depends on your parents?

Kithana: aaa not everything. But I’ll put my parents at the first decision.

Izzati: you its about their priority [kithana: yeah] ok.

Hilmi: hmm over here? What will you say?

Aisyah: cough think first

102 | P a g e
(I) Biggest Challenge Faced in Life

Hilmi: think first. Long pause or you have someone already in your mind? Laugh. Ok then,
moving on. Ok, err… I believe that you are, I believe you are all twenty and above is it? Twenty
years old and above. Ok so what are the challenges that you face throughout your life. The
most, the most challenging thing of all.

Hana: inaudible

Hilmi: hmm? Study? Study is the most challenging stuff that you face.

Nor: many, many assignment. Before finish, before graduate.

Nina: yes, assignment [hilmi: yes?]

Hilmi: you guys?

Aisyah: speaking [izzati: public speaking?]

Hilmi: where was it? When was it? When, when, when do you need to, [aisyah: presentation]
pardon? Ah ok, presentation . not assignment perhaps.

Izzati: so is it difficult? Erm, we need to prepare right a lot?

Kithana: communicate with the people who are not from each [izzati: ok] er.. like Europeans,
Africans [hilmi: aha] err.. the people differently err… you couldn’t meet them on us.

Izzati: so.. is it because of the accent?

Kithana: aa maybe and their style they are free. Everything, like their lifestyle. So to
communicate with them you have to know them first like [izzati: so] .

(J) Preferences on Exotic Animals

Hilmi: so we are coming to almost the end of the question. Just go to the last question. Who
would take exotic animal as a pet? Exotic by mean er.. like er.. iguana or snake [izzati: lion] yea
lion. You? No. how about you over here? No.? no. ?

Kithana: I like snake.

Hilmi: snake? Why is that?

103 | P a g e
Kithana: err because how to put, reptiles like that [izzati: ok] I’ve seen exhibition on er.. snake.
Because erm.. snake everybody say they really poison and none of them go near at them so
this give me encourage why not im the first person to touch it and bear the feeling, like that

Izzati: so you dare to challenge right?

Hilmi: so why do you guys say no?

Hana: inaudible

Hilmi: scared. Yes of aa exotic animal. You? Is it because you scared [nina: inaudible] what

Nina: geli

Hilmi: geli laugh. <x Or or or x> you feel err... uncomfortable with it? Is it?

Izzati: but what about a baby lion? The fluffy one. [nor: just see] just see? You don’t want to
touch it? Even though its small, little curl

Aisyah: inaudible

Hilmi: incomprehensible. Ahaa. Ok laugh, to end pur interview today, just a simple question
one. What do you think about this interview, is it difficult or is it err.. Mesmerizing with your mind
is it? Do you think this activity that we done right now is really difficult? No? what?

Nor: some question is.. tricky [izzati: difficult?] no, tricky

Hilmi: tricky, right. Over here ?

Izzati: how do you find the question? bg phone bg announcement

Hilmi: I think is ok, its ok laugh

Kithana: was very easy by the time with third question.

Hilmi: third question, right. So erm with that comment. Ok, cool.

(K) Random Thought on this Interview

Izzati: can you possibly guess what we want to do with this interview? What we are conducting
actually. X:err Do you have an idea or not?

104 | P a g e
Kithana: err.. to know the capacity of student in their err.. what inaudible English and sorry to
say but why do you conduct I don’t know. Erm.. which faculties students use English [izzati: ok]

Izzati: so close enough [hilmi: you?] I think so

Hilmi: and you, what do you think?

Hana: inaudible

Hilmi: you got no idea, laugh right. So that’s it [izzati: that’s it]. So thank you guys for lending <x
us x> your time with the interview and I bid you farewell and thank you again.

Kithana: may I know for what the interview inaudible

4.2) Analysis of the Transcription

(A) Introductory Remark

Hilmi: Right, Bismillahhirrahmannirrahhim, Assalamu’alaikum. First of all thank you you guys for
participating in our~ inaudible emm.. first of all we are from Bachelor of English student, we are
currently in semester seven doing research pertaining the error in er.. speaking er.. so basically
can we first (1) could you guys please first introduce yourself. Right, so we get from the right

105 | P a g e
Addition(Simple Addition-you)

Thank you you guys for participating in our…

Thank you guys for participating in our…


We are from Bachelor of English student

We are student from Bachelor of English


Could you guys please first introduce yourself?

Could you guys please introduce yourself first?

Misinformation-Alternating Form (get-have)

So we get from the right here

So we have from right here

Addition (article-the)

So we get from the right here

So we have from right here

KIthana: introduce myself [ hilmi: introduce yourself] my name is Kithana,(1) errr .. I’m from
Klang, Selangor and I’m a law student, second year.

Omission (Verb inflection- ing)

Introduce ( ) myself

Introducing myself…

106 | P a g e
Hana: ok my name inaudible hana. Err..(1.2) from Besut, Terengganu. (1.2) And study

Omission (Verb Auxiliaries-is)

My name ( ) Hana.

My name is Hana.

Omission (Personal Pronouns- I)

Err… ( ) from Besut, Terengganu

Err… I am from Besut, Terengganu

Omission (Verb Auxiliary-am)

Err… ( ) from Besut, Terengganu

Err… I am from Besut, Terengganu

Nor: ok my name is Tengku Norhafizan binti Shari. I’m from Kelantan. Erm.. My course is
dakwah (1) I’m <X second X> years

Omission (Preposition)

I am ( ) second years

I am in my second year

Omission (Possessive Pronoun)

I am ( ) second years

I am in my second year

Misinformation (Archi-Form)

I am ( ) second years

I am in my second year

107 | P a g e
*One-singular = First year

*Two-plural = Second years

(B) Latest Issue in Unisza

Hilmi: so if I could recap again and you you are from what faculty?

Addition (Simple Addition-If)

So if I could recap again

If I could recap again

108 | P a g e
Addition (Simple Addition-you)

…and you you are from what faculty?

…and you are from what faculty?


…you are from what faculty?

…Which faculty you are from?

Addition (Simple Addition-and)

So if I could recap again and you you are from what faculty?

So if I could recap again and you you are from what faculty?

Kithana : Law Faculty.

Omission (-‘s)/ (Preposition -of)

Law Faculty

Law’s faculty @ Faculty of Law

Nor: we all FKI… FKI, (1) the same

Omission ( Auxiliary Verb –are)

We ( ) all ( )

We are all FKI’s

Omission ( Possessive- ‘s)

We ( ) all ( )

109 | P a g e
We are all FKI’s

Omission (noun-all, faculty)

( ) The same ( )

All from the same faculty.

Hilmi: FKI, alright. Erm (bg cough)… major question over here, are you guys happy studying in

Omission (Article-the)

( ) Major question over here…

The major question over here…

HIlmi: of course no. (laugh) @ Ok of course no, that there’s there’s an issue over here. Eh why
is that?

Addition (Simple addition-directive determiner “that”)

That there’s there’s an issue over here

There is an issue over here

Omission ( -so)

Why is that?

Why is that so?

Kithana: Because~ I’m from Klang and the lifestyle is totally different [Hilmi: hmm] and I can’t
adopt this situation. First is I like to shopping (bg laugh). There are no shopping mall at all and –
so proper with the dress code, cannot wear this type of dress, cannot wear that type of dress,

110 | P a g e
and cannot like Indians we normally like very close to all the Chinese you know talk to them
guys sitting together to eat. In Klang its normal, we are friends, nothing between us. But here, at
night, we cannot sit together or do assignment also, nothing is there. See that’s the problem in
unisza, it’s like this.

Addition (Auxiliary verb-is)

First is I like to shopping

First, I like to shop

Addition (verb inflection-ing)

First is I like to shopping

Firstly, I like to shop

Misinformation (-auxiliary verb “is” to signal pluralization)

There are no shopping mall at all

There is no shopping mall at all

Omission (personal pronouns-we)

…( ) talk to them

…we talk to them

Omission (Auxiliary Verb-is)

…nothing ( ) between us

…nothing is between us


…we cannot sit together or do assignment

…we cannot sit or do assignment together

111 | P a g e
Misinformation (Alternating Form)

…it’s like this.

…it’s like that.

Izzati: so~ that’s one of the issue [Kithana: yeah] that make you felt... disappointed?

Omission (Noun Inflection)

That’s one of the issue( )

That’s one of the issues

Hilmi: you are done? So you guys over here say you guys are happy studying in unisza :long
silence: anyone? Perhaps you?


You are done?

Are you done?

Omission (Verb Inflection to show past event)

So you guys over here say you guys are happy

So you guys over here said you guys are happy

Addition (Simple Addition-guys)

So you guys over here say you guys are happy

So you guys over here said you are happy


Perhaps you?

You want to answer perhaps?

112 | P a g e

Perhaps you?

You want to answer perhaps?

Akmal: Like you can meet new friends or you got the course that you want [many: yes][izzati:
like the environment]

Omission (have)

You got the course that you want

You’ve got the course that you want

Izzati: You are from Kelantan right?

Nor: Kelantan.



Yes, I am from Kelantan.

Hilmi: Then so we went to the second question. Do you guys aware of any issue that happen in
unisza right now?

Addition (Simple addition-then)

Then so we went to the second question

So we went to the second question

Misinformation (went)

Then so we went to the second question

113 | P a g e
So we go to the second question.


Do you guys aware of any issue that happen…

Do you guys aware on any issue that happen…

Aisyah: err.. same hhh @ [hilmi: same with you]



(I have the) same (problem too.)

Hilmi: Right, PRK versus flood. Ok erm .. Could you please describe about the issue. What the
PRK. What is it about?

Omission (-all)

Right, PRK versus flood.

All right, PRK versus flood.

Addition (Simple Addition)

Could you please describe about the issue

Could you please describe the issue?

Omission (Verb Auxiliaries)

What ( ) the PRK?

What is PRK?

Addition (Article-the)

114 | P a g e
What the PRK?

What is PRK?


What is it about?

What it is about?

Kithana: Okay. PRK is of course everywhere got pembangkang and opposition and it was like I
didn’t think that this same current issue will happen in unisza too. And those student if the HEPA
know this student is from opposition, they will try their best to cancel their name [hilmi: hmm]
and I’m one of the victim.

Addition (Simple addition)

…got pembangkang and opposition

…got opposition

Misinformation (Alternating form)

…I didn’t think that

…I don’t think that

Misinformation (Archi-form)

…they will try their best to cancel their name

…they will try their best to cancel his/her name.

Akmal: How about you guys? Like [hilmi: About the flood] about the flood?

Addition(Simple Addition)

Like about the flood

115 | P a g e
Like the flood.

Nor: ehem, I cannot attend to class, can’t go % anywhere [hilmi: hmm] just aa... just just stay at

Misinformation (Alternative Form)

I cannot attend to class.

I cannot go to class.

Omission (Personal Pronouns-I)

( ) Just stay at hostel.

I just stayed at hostel.

Omission (Verb inflection-ed)

Just stay at hostel.

I just stayed at hostel.

Hana: hhhs @ [hilmi: how bad is it?] so bad because aa… we live err … [hilmi: outside?]
outside yea, from unisza, so--- hard to come to unisza bg laugh [izzati: difficult?] yes

Misinformation (Alternative Form)

So hard to come to unisza

So difficult to come to Unisza

Hilmi: so erm.. The flood affect your house outside? No? You are not living outside is it?

Omission ( Verb Inflection)

The flood affect your house

116 | P a g e
The flood affects your house

Kithana: Because the flood we got one day off right from unisza. Can sleep, bg laugh finish
assignment, [Akmal: but mostly sleep]laugh but it’s so bad.

Omission (Preposition)

Because ( ) the flood

Because of the flood

(C) Topic on Class and Assignment

Hilmi: So, ok you are saying about assignment, so, do you have any assignment due this
week? I mean you need to send the assignment this week.


I mean you need to send the assignment this week.

I mean the assignment you need to send this week.

117 | P a g e
Kithana: I just cleared up already [hilmi: all of the assignment?] now, just now only, ten minutes
ago [Hilmi: aa}


Just now only

Only just now

Hilmi: How about you guys? Any assignment [nor: Well] need to be sent?

Omission (Noun Inflection-s)

Any assignment( ) need to be sent?

Any assignments need to be sent?

Hilmi: I bet today last day, right? Because it’s Thursday and you are supposed hand in the
assignment then it must today right. Is it? Bg laugh. Do you guys have any assignment?

Omission ( Auxiliary verb-is & Article-the)

I bet today ( ) last day, right?

I bet today is the last day, right?

Omission (Preposition-to)

You are supposed ( ) hand in the assignment.

You are supposed to hand in the assignment.

Omission (Copula be)

It must ( ) today right?

It must be today right?

Omission (Negation)

118 | P a g e
Is ( ) it?

Isn’t it?

Akmal: What, what are your assignment about?

Omission (noun inflection-s)

What are your assignment about?

What are your assignments about?

Nor: we-we .., we need to search from .. book about hadis

Misinformation (Alternating form)

We need to search from book about hadis

We need to search a book about hadis

Akmal: And you guys, same work?

Nina: Yes [Akmal: ok] all of this individual


All of this individual

This is for individual

Akmal: All of this is individual work? [Izzati: Is it individu?]


Is it individu?

119 | P a g e
Is it individual?

Hilmi: Like you say before you got seven assignment in law is it. So how do you find it, the

Omission (noun inflection-s)

…you got seven assignment( )…

…you got seven assignments…

Omission (negation)

…is it.

…isn’t it.

Kithana: Very terrible [very terrible laugh] because for us third sem there is no university
subject about us so in one law subject means everything will push through to toward to ready
inaudible so really hate it.


…because for us third sem there is no university subject

…because there is no university subject for us in third sem

Omission (Personal pronouns-I)

…so ( ) really hate it.

…so I really hate it.

Hilmi: So basically you are saying that you find it inaudible. Ok, do you guys like doing
individual assignment or group assignment?

Addition (Simple Addition-doing + assignment)

…do you guys like doing individual assignment or group assignment?

120 | P a g e
…do you like individual or group assignment?

Aisyah: Us group.

Omission (Auxiliary verb-is & Conjunction-for)

Us group.

For us is group.

Hilmi: Group over here, anyone [Hana: Individual] Individual, Individual, Individual, [Nina:
Group] Group, ok. Team group. Team individual. Hana individual. Why individual?

Omission (Auxiliary verb-is)

Hana ( ) individual.

Hana is for individual.

Omission (Conjunction-for)

Hana ( ) individual.

Hana is for individual.

Kithana: The first thing now because it’s raining outside [Hilmi: hmm] so it’s so tough for us to
come together, sit together doing stuff and that. Another thing is – Okay la if we choose our own
group member we know that, okay people is capable to do this or not. If the lecturers choose
means some of them is lazy to work and they you know they kind of another party that, sure this

121 | P a g e
girls will finish for us. So we really hate this, and there’s group mate have some problems with
their friends [Hilmi: hmm] and this group thinks we are anti with the boys [Hilmi: laugh]


The first thing now because it’s raining

The first thing because it’s raining now

Nor: I think, <x we X> can discuss about problem and – uh cooperate.

Omission (Article-the)

…can discuss about problem…

…can discuss about the problem…

(D) Personality Trait and Ways to Handle Rumors and Gossip

Hilmi: So basically the work is much much [nor: Ah teamwork] leeway right? Ok, leading to that
question, in ten second – tell me what kind of personality you have. Who are you? If I’m for
example I say I’m a humorous guy, and like to joke [Akmal: A fat guy] A fat guy perhaps, ok. For
example of me. So in ten seconds please tell us what kind of personality you guys have.

Misinformation ( Alternative form)

…leading to that question…

122 | P a g e
…moving to next question...

Misinformation ( Alternative form)

If I’m for example…

If me for example...


For example of me.

Me for example…

Kithana: inaudible So aa I need someone to talk to me [hilmi: laugh] and so I cannot stay alone.
That’s why – aa – although my roommate won’t be there in the room, I’ll listen to songs singing
and all the thing, call my mum, and sometimes people disturb me means I get what inaudible
[Akmal: Hurm] so like there few people in front there and I don’t like means I don’t like you.
Don’t talk to me at all. I won’t tell this person is like this to other person bring stories and so on.

Addition ( Personal Pronouns-me)

I need someone to talk to me…

I need someone to talk to…

Addition (Simple Addition-conjunction “so”)

…and so I cannot stay alone.

…and I cannot stay alone.

Omission (Auxiliary Verb –are)

…there ( ) few people

…there are few people

123 | P a g e
Akmal: And everybody love your jokes [Aisyah: laugh]

Omission (Inflectional Verb-s)

And everybody love( ) your jokes…

And everybody loves your jokes…

Hilmi: All right then, how about [Akmal: How about you] you?

Nor: I think I’m friendly [hilmi: hmm] I inaudible long pause

Hilmi: Because you like to make friends is it?


Because you like to make friends is it?

Is it because you like to make friends?

Izzati: Somebody cheat on you, telling ^liars, ^lies, like that. How do you react to that?


…telling liars…

…telling lies…

Kithana: I think I will ask for some help because if she a true friend she won’t do like this.
Something is there, that’s why she tend to do like that [Hilmi: hmm] So I’ll ask myself what then

124 | P a g e
ask my, approach another friend tell me what, what have I mean, hot temper or what like, or
what. Then after that I’ll err.. Usually ask my mum la (Hx), because mum is the good friend of
me and the bestest and she’ll call her and tell her everything from there I know this is the real
story. [Hilmi: hmm] Then after that I inaudible the inaudible this thing la you tell this thing that’s
why (H) I’m bad with you. Then I’ll do forgive you [Hilmi; that’s it?] That’s it. End of story (Hx)

Omission (Auxiliary Verb-is)

…if she a true

…if she is a true

Addition (Simple Addition)

…she won’t do like this

…she won’t do this

Addition (Simple Addition)

…she tend to do like that

…she tend to do that

Omission (Preposition-to)

…approach another friend tell me what

…approach another friend to tell me what

Misinformation (Alternating Form)

…mum is the good friend of me

…mum is the good friend of mine

Addition (Simple Addition)

…Then I’ll do forgive you

…Then I’ll forgive you

125 | P a g e
(E) Cooking Stuff

Izzati: Ok, so move to the next question^. Moving on. So.. , I’m aware that all of you are
women; you know how to cook rice, right? So could you tell me, the steps needed..(1) to be
done to prepare a fried chicken.

Addition(Simple addition)

…the steps needed to be done to prepare a fried chicken.

…the steps needed to prepare a fried chicken.

126 | P a g e
Kithana: Because since born.., I got maid so everything the maid [Hilmi: laugh] so I don’t know
how to cook. [Hilmi: ok]

Addition (Simply addition)

Because since born...

Since I was born…

Omission (Personal Pronouns-I)

Because since born...

Since I was born…

Omission (Auxiliary verb-was)

Because since born...

Since I was born…

Hilmi: Do.. We need after (1) we pour the oil into the pan, do we need to wait first or simply
[aisyah; wait first] put in the chicken?

Addition (Simple Addition)

…or simply put in the chicken?

…or simply put the chicken?

Hilmi: Is it much save for you? [izzati: Yea] is it you save more money when you share food?

127 | P a g e
Hana: inaudible

Misinformation (Alternative form)

Is it much save for you?

Is it much economic for you?

(F) Beauty vs Brain

Kithana: How, everyone want to look beautiful means every (inaudible). This is the wise the god
creates us so inaudible with ease heart. So brain means the brain, woman cant er.. know er..
everything inaudible. If you want to marry a guy, a guy should see how’s talent is the girl. Not
like someone who look beautiful but there’s nothing inside them. Inaudible we cannot do
anything with just pretty only, we have to be smart inaudible.

Omission( Noun Inflection-ed)

…a guy should see how’s talent is the girl

128 | P a g e
…a guy should see how’s talented is the girl

Omission( Copula be)

… we cannot do anything with just pretty only

… we cannot do anything with just being pretty only

Izzati: So which one is more lasting? Beauty or the brain? The beauty?


So which one is more lasting?

So which one is lasting more?

(G) Of being a Superhuman and desired Superpower

Izzati: So you might need a teleport. You might need.. be there, here and there, at the library at
the same time. You can do something at room

Omission (Preposition-to)

You might need.. be there

You might need to be there

129 | P a g e
(H) Marriage and Relationship

Izzati: Ok, this superpower thingy is so complicated (laugh). So we move [Hilmi: we move on]
we move on to the more simple question. If somebody ask you right now in this very time, ask
for your hand for a marriage. What would you, <x what x> would you answer.

Addition (simple addition-more)

…more simple question.

…simpler question.

130 | P a g e
Kithana: I’ll ask my friend, because from friend only you know inaudible


…because from friend only you know

…because you know only from friend

Kithana: From there I can know if the guy is good for me, because for me that is inaudible but if
they say no, so~ first parents, from parents i can know whether the guy is suitable for them
because when im married to him they have to marry my family so, so their parents still living
with us so its ok, then there will be togetherness so ill ask my parents first.

Misinformation (Alternative form-modal can)

From there I can know…

From there I will know…

Misinformation (Alternative form-modal can)

…from parents I can know whether the guy is suitable…

…from parents I will know whether the guy is suitable…


…from parents I can know whether the guy is suitable

I will know whether the guy is suitable from parents…

131 | P a g e
(I) Biggest Challenge Faced in Life

Hilmi: Think first. [Long pause] Or you have someone already in your mind? Laugh. Ok then,
moving on. Ok, err… I believe that you are, I believe you are all twenty and above is it? Twenty
years old and above. Ok so what are the challenges that you face throughout your life. The
most, the most challenging thing of all.


Or you have someone already in your mind?

132 | P a g e
Or you already have someone in your mind?

Omission (Negation)

…are all twenty and above is it?

…are all twenty and above isn’t it?

Izzati: So is it difficult? Erm, we need to prepare right a lot?


We need to prepare right a lot?

we need to prepare a lot right?

(J) Preferences on Exotic Animals

Hilmi: So we are coming to almost the end of the question. Just go to the last question. Who
would take exotic animal as a pet? Exotic by mean er.. like er.. iguana or snake [izzati: lion] yea
lion. You? No. how about you over here? No.? no. ?


So we are coming to almost the end of the question.

133 | P a g e
So we are coming almost to the end of the question.

Hilmi: Snake? Why is that?

Kithana: err Because how to put, reptiles like that [izzati: ok] I’ve seen exhibition on er.. snake.
Because erm.. snake everybody say they really poison and none of them go near at them so
this give me encourage why not im the first person to touch it and bear the feeling, like that.

Omission (verb inflection-ed)

…everybody say they really poison

..everybody said they are really poisonous

Omission (auxiliary verb-are)

…everybody say they ( )really poison

..everybody say they are really poisonous

Misinformation(Alternative form)

…everybody say they really poison( )

..everybody said they are really poisonous

Hilmi: [Incomprehensible]. Ahaa. Ok [laugh], to end out interview today, just a simple question
one. What do you think about this interview, is it difficult or is it err.. Mesmerizing with your mind
is it? Do you think this activity that we done right now is really difficult? No? What?

Nor: Some question is.. tricky [izzati: Difficult?] no, ricky

Hilmi: Tricky, right. Over here?

Izzati: How do you find the question? [bg phone bg announcement]

Hilmi: I think is ok, it’s ok [laugh]

134 | P a g e
Kithana: Was very easy by the time with third question.

Omission (Personal pronouns-It)

Was very easy

It was very easy

Hilmi: Third question, right. So erm with that comment. Ok, cool.

(K) Random Thought on this Interview

Izzati: Can you possibly guess what we want to do with this interview? What we are conducting
actually. X: err Do you have an idea or not?

Kithana: err.. To know the capacity of student in their err.. what inaudible English and sorry to
say but why do you conduct I don’t know. Erm.. Which faculty’s students use English [izzati:

Misinformation (Alternating form)

…sorry to say but why do you

…sorry to ask but why do you

135 | P a g e
Izzati: So close enough [Hilmi: you?] I think so

Hilmi: And you, what do you think?

Hana: inaudible

Hilmi: You got no idea, laugh right. So that’s it [izzati: That’s it]. So thank you guys for lending
<x us x> your time with the interview and I bid you farewell and thank you again.

Misinformation (Alternating form)

You got no idea..

You have no idea..

Kithana: May I know for what the interview [inaudible]


May I know for what the interview?

May I know the interview for what?



Addition Thank you you guys for Thank you guys for Simple addition of
INTRODUCTORY participating in our… participating in our… personal pronouns
Misordering Could you guys please Could you guys Sentence
first introduce yourself? please introduce misordering
yourself first?

136 | P a g e
Misordering We are from Bachelor We are student from Sentence
of English student Bachelor of English misordering

Misinformatio So we get from the So we have from right (Alternating Form)

n right here here (get-have)

Addition So we get from the So we have from right (article-the)

right here here

Omission Introduce ( ) myself Introducing myself… (Verb inflection-


Omission My name ( ) Hana. My name is Hana. (Verb Auxiliaries-is)

Omission Err… ( ) from Besut, Err… I am from (Personal Pronouns-

Terengganu Besut, Terengganu I)

Omission Err… ( ) from Besut, Err… I am from (Verb Auxiliary-am)

Terengganu Besut, Terengganu

Omission I am ( ) second years I am in my second (Preposition)


Omission I am ( ) second years I am in my second (Possessive

year Pronoun)
Misinformatio I am ( ) second years I am in my second (Archi-Form)
n year
Addition So if I could recap If I could recap again (Simple Addition-If)
Addition …and you you are from …and you are from (Simple Addition-
what faculty? what faculty? you)
Misordering …you are from what …Which faculty you
faculty? are from?

137 | P a g e
IN UNISZA Addition So if I could recap So if I could recap (Simple Addition-
again and you you are again and you you are and)
from what faculty? from what faculty?
Omission Law Faculty Law’s faculty @ (-‘s)/ (Preposition
Faculty of Law -of)
Omission We ( ) all ( ) We are all FKI’s ( Auxiliary Verb –
Omission We ( ) all ( ) We are all FKI’s ( Possessive- ‘s)
Omission ( ) The same All from the same (noun-all, faculty)
( ) faculty.
Omission ( ) Major question The major question (Article-the)
over here… over here…
Addition That there’s an issue There is an issue over (Simple addition-
over here here directive determiner
Omission Why is that? Why is that so? ( -so)
Addition First is I like to First, I like to shop (Auxiliary verb-is)
Addition First is I like to Firstly, I like to shop (verb inflection-ing)
Misinformatio There are no shopping There is no shopping (-auxiliary verb “is”
n mall at all mall at all to signal
Omission …( ) talk to them …we talk to them (personal pronouns-
Omission …nothing ( ) between …nothing is between (Auxiliary Verb-is)
us us
Misordering …we cannot sit …we cannot sit or do
together or do assignment together
Misinformatio …it’s like this. …it’s like that. (Alternating Form)
Omission That’s one of the issue( That’s one of the (Noun Inflection)
) issues
Misordering You are done? Are you done?

138 | P a g e
Omission So you guys over here So you guys over here (Verb Inflection to
say you guys are happy said you guys are show past event)
Addition So you guys over here So you guys over here (Simple Addition-
say you guys are happy said you are happy guys)
Misordering Perhaps you? You want to answer
Omission Perhaps you? You want to answer
Omission You got the course that You’ve got the course (have)
you want that you want
Omission Kelantan. Yes, I am from
Addition Then so we went to the So we went to the (Simple addition-
second question second question then)
Misinformatio Then so we went to the So we go to the (went)
n second question second question.
Misinformatio Do you guys aware of Do you guys aware on
n any issue that happen… any issue that
Omission Same. (I have the) same
(problem too.)
Omission Right, PRK versus All right, PRK versus (-all)
flood. flood.
Addition Could you please Could you please (Simple Addition)
describe about the issue describe the issue?
Omission What ( ) the PRK? What is PRK? (Verb Auxiliaries)
Addition What the PRK? What is PRK? (Article-the)
Misordering What is it about? What it is about?
Addition …got pembangkang …got opposition (Simple addition)
and opposition
Misinformatio …I didn’t think that …I don’t think that (Alternating form)
Misinformatio …they will try their …they will try their Archi-form
n best to cancel their best to cancel his/her

139 | P a g e
name name
Addition Like about the flood Like the flood. (Simple Addition)
Misinformatio I cannot attend to class. I cannot go to class. (Alternative Form)
Omission ( ) Just stay at hostel. I just stayed at hostel. (Personal Pronouns-
Omission Just stay at hostel. I just stayed at hostel. (Verb inflection-ed)
Misinformatio So hard to come to So difficult to come to (Alternative Form)
n unisza Unisza
Omission The flood affect your The flood affects your ( Verb Inflection)
house house
Omission Because ( ) the flood Because of the flood (Preposition)
TOPIC ON CLASS Misordering I mean you need to I mean the assignment
& ASSIGNMENTS send the assignment you need to send this
this week. week.
Misordering Just now only Only just now
Omission Any assignment( ) need Any assignments need (Noun Inflection-s)
to be sent? to be sent?
Omission I bet today ( ) last I bet today is the last ( Auxiliary verb-is &
day, right? day, right? Article-the)
Omission You are supposed ( ) You are supposed to (Preposition-to)
hand in the assignment. hand in the
Omission It must ( ) today right? It must be today right? (Copula be)
Omission Is ( ) it? Isn’t it? (Negation)
Omission What are your What are your (noun inflection-s)
assignment about? assignments about?
Misinformatio We need to search from We need to search a (Alternating form)
n book about hadis book about hadis
Misordering All of this individual This is for individual
Omission Is it individu? Is it individual?
Omission …you got seven …you got seven (noun inflection-s)
assignment( )… assignments…
Omission …is it. …isn’t it. (negation)
Misordering …because for us third …because there is no
sem there is no university subject for

140 | P a g e
university subject us in third sem
Omission …so ( ) really hate it. …so I really hate it. (Personal pronouns-
Addition …do you guys like …do you like (Simple Addition-
doing individual individual or group doing + assignment)
assignment or group assignment?
Omission Us group. For us is group. (Auxiliary verb-is &
Omission Hana ( ) individual. Hana is for individual. (Auxiliary verb-is)
Omission Hana ( ) individual. Hana is for individual (Conjunction-for)
Misordering The first thing now The first thing
because it’s raining because it’s raining
Omission …can discuss about …can discuss about (Article-the)
problem… the problem…
PERSONALITY Misinformatio …leading to that …moving to next ( Alternative form)
TRAITS & WAYS n question… question...
TO HANDLE Misinformatio If I’m for example… If me for example... ( Alternative form)

Misordering For example of me. Me for example…
Addition I need someone to talk I need someone to talk ( Personal Pronouns-
to me… to… me)
Addition …and so I cannot stay …and I cannot stay (Simple Addition-
alone. alone. conjunction “so”)
Omission …there ( ) few people …there are few (Auxiliary Verb –
people are)
Omission And everybody love( ) And everybody loves (Inflectional Verb-s)
your jokes… your jokes…
Misordering Because you like to Is it because you like
make friends is it? to make friends?
Addition …telling liars… …telling lies…
Omission …if she a true …if she is a true (Auxiliary Verb-is)
Addition …she won’t do like this …she won’t do this (Simple Addition)
Addition …she tend to do like …she tend to do that (Simple Addition)

141 | P a g e
Omission …approach another …approach another (Preposition-to)
friend tell me what friend to tell me what
Misinformatio …mum is the good …mum is the good (Alternating Form)
n friend of me friend of mine
Addition …Then I’ll do forgive …Then I’ll forgive (Simple Addition)
you you
COOKING STUFF Addition …the steps needed to …the steps needed to (Simple addition)
be done to prepare a prepare a fried
fried chicken. chicken.
Addition Because since born... Since I was born… (Simply addition)
Omission Because since born... Since I was born… (Personal Pronouns-
Omission Because since born... Since I was born… (Auxiliary verb-was)
Addition …or simply put in the …or simply put the (Simple Addition)
chicken? chicken?
Misinformatio Is it much save for you? Is it much economic (Alternative form)
n for you?
BEAUTY VS Omission …a guy should see …a guy should see ( Noun Inflection-ed)
BRAIN how’s talent is the girl how’s talented is the
Omission … we cannot do … we cannot do ( Copula be)
anything with just anything with just
pretty only being pretty only
Misordering So which one is more So which one is
lasting? lasting more?
OF BEING Omission You might need.. be You might need to be (Preposition-to)
SUPERHUMAN there there
MARRIAGE & Addition …more simple …simpler question. (simple addition-
RELATIONSHIP question. more)
Misordering …because from friend …because you know
only you know only from friend
Misinformatio From there I can From there I will (Alternative form-

142 | P a g e
n know… know… modal can)
Misinformatio …from parents I can …from parents I will (Alternative form-
n know whether the guy know whether the guy modal can)
is suitable… is suitable…
Misordering …from parents I can I will know whether
know whether the guy the guy is suitable
is suitable from parents…
BIGGEST Misordering Or you have someone Or you already have
CHALLENGE already in your mind? someone in your
Omission …are all twenty and …are all twenty and (Negation)
above is it? above isn’t it?
Misordering We need to prepare we need to prepare a
right a lot? lot right?
PREFERENCES Misordering So we are coming to So we are coming
OF EXOTIC almost the end of the almost to the end of
ANIMALS question. the question.
Omission …everybody say they ..everybody said they (verb inflection-ed)
really poison are really poisonous
Omission …everybody say they ( ..everybody say they (auxiliary verb-are)
)really poison are really poisonous
Misinformatio …everybody say they ..everybody said they (Alternative form)
n really poison( ) are really poisonous
Omission Was very easy It was very easy (Personal pronouns-
RANDOM Misinformatio …sorry to say but why …sorry to ask but (Alternating form)
THOUGHT ON n do you why do you
THE INTERVIEW Misinformatio You got no idea.. You have no idea.. (Alternating form)
Misordering May I know for what May I know the
the interview? interview for what?

TABLE 6: Full Analysis of Transcribed Interview

143 | P a g e
4.3) Calculation on the Percentage of Recurring Error


Addition 25 21.01
Misordering 21 17.65
Misinformation 20 16.8
Omission 53 44.54
TOTAL 119 100.00

TABLE 7: Total Percentages of Error Committed by Learner


Personal Pronouns (You) 2 3 12.00
Personal Pronouns (Me) 1
Article (The) 2 2 8.00
Conjunction (Because) 1 4 16.00
Conjunction (And) 1
Conjunction (so) 2
Directive Determiner (That) 1 1 4.00
Verb Inflection (-ing) 1 2 8.00
Verb Inflection (-s) 1
Auxiliary Verb (Is) 1 4 16.00
Auxiliary Verb (doing) 1
Auxiliary Verb (do) 2
Preposition (in) 1 1 4.00
Repeated Word 8 8 32.00
TOTAL 25 25

TABLE 8: Percentage of Error Occurrences for Element in Simple Addition



144 | P a g e
Explanation 6 27.27
Interrogative 9 40.91
Statement 4 18.18
Imperative 1 4.55
Descriptive 1 4.55
Narrative 1 4.55
TOTAL 22 100

TABLE 9: Percentage of Error Occurrences for Misordering Error


Verb inflection (- ing) 1 1.92
Verb Inflection (-ed) 4 7.69
6 11.54
Verb Inflection (-s) 1 1.92
Verb Auxiliaries (is) 7 13.46
Verb Auxiliaries (are) 2 3.85
Verb Auxiliaries (be) 3 5.77
Verb Auxiliaries (was) 1 1.92 15 28.85
Verb Auxiliary (am) 1 1.92
Auxiliary Verb (are) 1 1.92
Personal Pronouns ( I) 4 7.69
Personal Pronouns (We) 1 1.92
Personal Pronouns (It) 1 1.92
Possessive Pronouns 2 3.85 8 15.38
Preposition 5 9.62
Preposition (of) 1 1.92
6 11.54
Noun 2 3.85 2 3.85

145 | P a g e
Noun Inflection 5 9.62 5 9.62
Article (the) 3 5.77 3 5.77
Conjunction 3 5.77 3 5.77
Determiner 1 1.92 1 1.92
Negation 3 5.77 3 5.77

TOTAL 52 100.00 52 100.00

TABLE 10: Percentage of Error Occurrences in Omission Error

146 | P a g e
MISINFORMATIO Regularization 0 0
Archi-Form 4 20
N Alternating Form 16 80
TOTAL 20 100

TABLE 11: Percentage of Error Occurrences in Misinformation Error


INTRODUCTORY Addition Thank you you guys for Thank you guys for Simple addition

147 | P a g e
REMARKS participating in our… participating in our… personal pronouns ‘Yo

Addition So we get from the right So we have from right (article-the)

here here

LATEST ISSUES Addition So if I could recap again If I could recap again (Simple Addition-If)
IN UNISZA Addition …and you you are from …and you are from (Simple Addition-you)
what faculty? what faculty?
Addition So if I could recap again So if I could recap (Simple Addition-and)
and you you are from what again and you you are
faculty? from what faculty?
Addition That there’s an issue over There is an issue over (Simple addition-dire
here here determiner “that”)
Addition First is I like to shopping First, I like to shop (Auxiliary verb-is)
Addition First is I like to shopping Firstly, I like to shop (verb inflection-ing)
Addition So you guys over here say So you guys over here (Simple Addition-guys
you guys are happy said you are happy
Addition Then so we went to the So we went to the (Simple addition-then)
second question second question
Addition Could you please describe Could you please (Simple Addition)
about the issue describe the issue?
Addition What the PRK? What is PRK? (Article-the)
Addition …got pembangkang and …got opposition (Simple addition)
Addition Like about the flood Like the flood. (Simple Addition)
Addition …do you guys like doing …do you like (Simple Addition-doin
individual assignment or individual or group assignment)
group assignment? assignment?
Addition I need someone to talk to I need someone to talk ( Personal Pronouns-m
me… to…
Addition …and so I cannot stay …and I cannot stay (Simple Addi
alone. alone. conjunction “so”)
Addition …telling liars… …telling lies…
Addition …she won’t do like this …she won’t do this (Simple Addition)
Addition …she tend to do like that …she tend to do that (Simple Addition)

Addition …Then I’ll do forgive …Then I’ll forgive (Simple

you you Addition

148 | P a g e
COOKING STUFF Addition …the steps needed to …the steps needed to (Simple
be done to prepare a prepare a fried addition)
fried chicken. chicken.
Addition Because since born... Since I was born… (Simply
Addition …or simply put in the …or simply put the (Simple
chicken? chicken? Addition
MARRIAGE & Addition …more simple …simpler question. (simple
RELATIONSHIP question. addition-

TABLE 12: Error Occurrences in Addition


Misinformation So we get from the right So we have from right (Alternating Form)
here here (get-have)

Misinformation I am ( ) second years I am in my second year (Archi-Form)

149 | P a g e
Misinformation There are no shopping There is no shopping mall (-auxiliary verb “is” to
mall at all at all signal pluralization)
Misinformation …it’s like this. …it’s like that. (Alternating Form)
Misinformation Then so we went to the So we go to the second (went)
second question question.
Misinformation Do you guys aware of any Do you guys aware on
issue that happen… any issue that happen…
Misinformation …I didn’t think that …I don’t think that (Alternating form)
Misinformation …they will try their best to …they will try their best Archi-form
cancel their name to cancel his/her name
Misinformation I cannot attend to class. I cannot go to class. (Alternative Form)
Misinformation So hard to come to unisza So difficult to come to (Alternative Form)
Misinformation We need to search from We need to search a book (Alternating form)
about hadis
book about hadis
PERSONALITY Misinformation …leading to that …moving to next ( Alternative form)
TRAITS & question… question...
WAYS TO Misinformation If I’m for example… If me for example... ( Alternative form)
Misinformation …mum is the good friend …mum is the good friend (Alternating Form)
of me of mine
Misinformation Is it much save for you? Is it much economic for (Alternative form)
Misinformation From there I can know… From there I will know… (Alternative form-
modal can)
Misinformation …from parents I can know …from parents I will (Alternative form-
whether the guy is know whether the guy is modal can)
suitable… suitable…
Misinformation …everybody say they ..everybody said they are (Alternative form)
really poison( ) really poisonous
RANDOM Misinformation …sorry to say but why do …sorry to ask but why do (Alternating form)
THOUGHT ON you you
THE Misinformation You got no idea.. You have no idea.. (Alternating form)


TABLE 13: Error Occurrences in Misinformation

150 | P a g e
Misordering Could you guys please Could you guys INTERROGATIVE
first introduce yourself? please introduce
yourself first?
Misordering We are from Bachelor of We are student STATEMENT
English student from Bachelor of
Misordering …you are from what …Which faculty INTERROGATIVE
faculty? you are from?
Misordering …we cannot sit together …we cannot sit or EXPLANATION
or do assignment do assignment

151 | P a g e
Misordering You are done? Are you done? INTERROGATIVE
Misordering Perhaps you? You want to answer IMPERATIVE
Misordering What is it about? What it is about? INTERROGATIVE
TOPIC ON Misordering I mean you need to send I mean the EXPLANATION
CLASS & the assignment this week. assignment you
ASSIGNMENTS need to send this
Misordering Just now only Only just now DESCRIPTIVE
Misordering All of this individual This is for EXPLANATION
Misordering …because for us third sem …because there is EXPLANATION
there is no university no university
subject subject for us in
third sem
Misordering The first thing now The first thing MAKING STATEMENT
because it’s raining because it’s raining
Misordering For example of me. Me for example… NARRATIVE
Misordering Because you like to make Is it because you INTERROGATIVE
friends is it? like to make
Misordering So which one is more So which one is INTERROGATIVE
lasting? lasting more?
Misordering …because from friend …because you MAKING STATEMENT
only you know know only from
Misordering …from parents I can know I will know whether EXPLANATION
whether the guy is suitable the guy is suitable
from parents…
BIGGEST Misordering Or you have someone Or you already INTERROGATIVE
CHALLENGE already in your mind? have someone in
FACED IN your mind?
LIFE Misordering We need to prepare right a we need to prepare INTERROGATIVE
lot? a lot right?
PREFERENCES Misordering So we are coming to So we are coming MAKING STATEMENT

152 | P a g e
OF EXOTIC almost the end of the almost to the end of
ANIMALS question. the question.
Misordering May I know for what the May I know the INTERROGATIVE
interview? interview for what?

TABLE 14: Error Occurrences in Misordering


Omission Introduce ( ) myself Introducing (Verb inflection- ing)
Omission My name ( ) Hana. My name is Hana. (Verb Auxiliaries-is)

Omission Err… ( ) from Besut, Err… I am from (Personal Pronouns- I)

Terengganu Besut, Terengganu

Omission Err… ( ) from Besut, Err… I am from (Verb Auxiliary-am)

Terengganu Besut, Terengganu

Omission I am ( ) second years I am in my second (Preposition)


Omission I am ( ) second years I am in my second (Possessive Pronoun)

Omission Law Faculty Law’s faculty @ (-‘s)/ (Preposition -of)

153 | P a g e
Faculty of Law
Omission We ( ) all ( ) We are all FKI’s ( Auxiliary Verb –are)
Omission We ( ) all ( ) We are all FKI’s ( Possessive- ‘s)
Omission ( ) The same ( ) All from the same (noun-all, faculty)
Omission ( ) Major question over The major question (Article-the)
here… over here…
Omission Why is that? Why is that so? ( -so)
Omission …( ) talk to them …we talk to them (personal pronouns-we)
Omission …nothing ( ) between us …nothing is (Auxiliary Verb-is)
between us
Omission That’s one of the issue( ) That’s one of the (Noun Inflection)
Omission So you guys over here say So you guys over (Verb Inflection to show
you guys are happy here said you guys past event)
are happy
Omission Perhaps you? You want to answer
Omission You got the course that you You’ve got the (have)
want course that you want
Omission Kelantan. Yes, I am from
Omission Same. (I have the) same
(problem too.)
Omission Right, PRK versus flood. All right, PRK (-all)
versus flood.
Omission What ( ) the PRK? What is PRK? (Verb Auxiliaries)
Omission ( ) Just stay at hostel. I just stayed at (Personal Pronouns-I)
Omission Just stay at hostel. I just stayed at (Verb inflection-ed)
Omission The flood affect your house The flood affects ( Verb Inflection)
your house
Omission Because ( ) the flood Because of the flood (Preposition)
Omission Any assignment( ) need to Any assignments (Noun Inflection-s)
be sent? need to be sent?
Omission I bet today ( ) last day, I bet today is the last ( Auxiliary verb-is &
right? day, right? Article-the)

154 | P a g e
Omission You are supposed ( ) hand You are supposed to (Preposition-to)
in the assignment. hand in the
Omission It must ( ) today right? It must be today (Copula be)
Omission Is ( ) it? Isn’t it? (Negation)
Omission What are your assignment What are your (noun inflection-s)
about? assignments about?
Omission Is it individu? Is it individual?
Omission …you got seven …you got seven (noun inflection-s)
assignment( )… assignments…
Omission …is it. …isn’t it. (negation)
Omission …so ( ) really hate it. …so I really hate it. (Personal pronouns-I)
Omission Us group. For us is group. (Auxiliary verb-is &
Omission Hana ( ) individual. Hana is for (Auxiliary verb-is)
Omission Hana ( ) individual. Hana is for (Conjunction-for)
Omission …can discuss about …can discuss about (Article-the)
problem… the problem…
Omission …there ( ) few people …there are few (Auxiliary Verb –are)
Omission And everybody love( ) your And everybody (Inflectional Verb-s)
jokes… loves your jokes…
Omission …if she a true …if she is a true (Auxiliary Verb-is)
Omission …approach another friend …approach another (Preposition-to)
tell me what friend to tell me
Omission Because since born... Since I was born… (Personal Pronouns-I)
Omission Because since born... Since I was born… (Auxiliary verb-was)
BEAUTY VS Omission …a guy should see how’s …a guy should see ( Noun Inflection-ed)
BRAIN talent is the girl how’s talented is the
Omission … we cannot do anything … we cannot do ( Copula be)
with just pretty only anything with just
being pretty only
OF BEING Omission You might need.. be there You might need to (Preposition-to)

155 | P a g e
Omission …are all twenty and above …are all twenty and (Negation)
is it? above isn’t it?
Omission …everybody say they ..everybody said (verb inflection-ed)
really poison they are really
Omission …everybody say they ( ..everybody say they (auxiliary verb-are)
)really poison are really poisonous
Omission Was very easy It was very easy (Personal pronouns-It)

TABLE 15: Error Occurrences in Omission

156 | P a g e

Based on the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that the highest error committed by the
student learning the second language in their spoken utterances would be Ommission
(44.54%), followed by the Addition (21.01%), Misordering (17.65%) and finally Misinformation
(16.80%). Looking closely into the pattern of error produced by the learner, it can be further
concluded that learner tend to make a recurring error when it comes to the verb.

For instance, in analyzing the linguistic component of language which prone to be

omitted and lacing the source of erroneous utterances among the learner would be verb
auxiliaries (28.85%), personal pronouns (15.38%) and verb inflection (11.54%) which constitute
the major percentage of 55.77 % of omission errors. The same goes to the misinformation
errors in which speakers tend to commit alternating-form type of error which constitutes higher
percentage of 80%. As for the misordering error, speakers are prone to conduct an error
whenever it comes to the construction of Interrogative sentence which constitutes larger
percentage of 40.91% followed steeply by Explanation and Statement with 40.91% and 18.18 %
respectively. In the case of Addition error, simple addition was largely commits by the speaker
contributing to the 100% of the types of addition error committed by the learner. However, upon
close inspection, it can be further positioned that the major linguistic components that contribute
to the error would be random repeated word constitute major percentage of 32% followed by
conjunction (16%), auxiliary verb (16%) and personal pronouns (12%).

In reexamining the occurrences of pattern made by the speaker in producing the

verbatim error, it can be further concluded that the main emphasis should be critically placed on
the correct usage of verb auxiliaries and personal pronouns. These two elements should be
more emphasized by the language instructor on their correct usage in order to prevent the
learners from making the similar mistake in the future.

157 | P a g e

Based on the analysis of the finding, there are some recommendations for practice that can be
utilized both by teacher and student:

1. The major interference problem faced by the student should be addressed clearly by the
instructor to make them aware on the situation they were currently in. Any ungrammatical
sentence construction made by the student must be corrected immediately by the instructor
and further explained to avoid confusion among the learner. In giving the feedback, the
instructor must possess the good command in both first and second language knowledge so
that the input given are more effective and free from any oversight error.

2. More emphasis should be given to written exercises and practice both inside and outside
the classroom. This is to ensure that the student able to effectively conveyed their abstract
knowledge on the linguistic component of the language (competency) into the concrete form
of the language structure affectively (performance) without being tarnished by any repetitive

3. Linguistic error caused not only by pedagogical but also emotional factors. In helping the
student to advance their understanding on this issue, any kinds of discussions conducted
between teacher and student on possible ways to detect the error and plausible factors that
lead to the error are deemed importance to enhance greater student’s understanding on this
issue. Teacher should allocate some time for the extra consultation with the student to help
the student in shaping their learning strategy as well as giving continuous feedback.

4. Any exceptions to the rule in the English language regarding grammar, terminology and
verbal articulation must be clearly explained by the teacher to the student in any effective
way possible. Via this effort, the students are expected to become highly motivated to learn
and explore further on language content and structure. Extra materials and activities that
were based on the target language also have to be frequently conducted as a stimulus
inside the class to ensure that the student receive optimum reinforcement on the language,
thus help them to reinforce positive routine of proper habit on acquiring the second language
system correctly.

158 | P a g e
5. As a language instructor, teacher must always frequently remind the student to be aware on
their underlying knowledge of the first language and encourage the student to frequently
practicing thinking in target language whenever they want to produce a written material to
avoid any language interference effect. This kind of encouragement may facilitate in
familiarizing student with the authenticity of the native language structure of the foreign
language and minimizing recurring error that sometimes can also be caused by the
student’s inability to apply the rule of the know language system correctly.

6. Every language instructor most possesses their own teaching material that is not only
genuine but also creative. Any variety of teaching techniques needs to be exposed to the
student in order to familiarize them to the correction without any indication of mistake. Some
of the suggested methods would be hearing correction, underlining mistake or searching
using the correct language.

159 | P a g e


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