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Vocabulary Words

1. Abdicate (AB-di-keyt)
- Verb
To give up a right, claim or high office, such as a monarchy.
2. Benign (bih-NAHYN)
- Adjective
Having a tendency toward kindness and gentleness.
Harmless in effect.
3. Congest (kuhn-JEST)
- Verb
To clog or overfill.
To cause the accumulation of too much blood or mucus.
4. Discordant (dis-KAWR-dnt)
- Adjective
1. Disagreeing; conflicting.
2. Displeasing and harsh to the ear.
5. Exemplify (ig-ZEM-pluh-fahy)
- Verb
To illustrate or clarify with examples.
To provide or be an example of.
6. Facetious (fuh-SEE-shus)
- Adjective
Humorous; not meant to be serious.
Unconcerned with serious matters.
7. Gullible (GUHL-uh-buhl)
- Adjective
Easily taken advantage of or deceived; naive.
8. Hindrance (HIN-druhns)
- Noun
The condition of being impeded or stopped.
The act of stopping, impeding or preventing.
Someone or something that hinders.
9. Interpreter (in-TUR-pri-ter)
- Noun
A person who gives an oral translation between people speaking in different languages.
One who provides a detailed explanation on the work of others, such as a literary work.
10. Jurisdiction (joor-is-DIK-shun)
- Noun
The authority to interpret law and administer justice.
Authoritative power.
The area where the law is administered.

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