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AXE 6: Citizenship and virtual worlds

Understanding the media : story telling or telling the truth ?

Mission 1 : observe the cartoon, read the quote and answer the questions (book page 18/19)

Look at the cartoon.

a. Focus on the letters. Explain what has happened.

b. Where can you 'like' a news story on the web ?

c. Explain how fake news stories can spread: focus on the role
played by social media users in the cartoon.

d. Link the cartoon with the quote, what word do they have in
common ?
e. Explain why users sometimes mistake fake news for real

a news story = a news item = an item of news

social media = social networking service/site
fake = false = fabricated legitimate légitime
supported by étayé(e) par
to allow sb to do sth permettre à qqn de faire qch
to approve of sth approuver qqch
to contribute to + V-ing contribuer à + V
to fact-check sth vérifier la véracité de qqch
to have difficulty + V-ing avoir des difficultés à + V

Mission 2 : read the headlines and make a choice

a. Read the headlines and decide which

are real and which are fake.

b. Explain why you did not believe the

fake news headlines


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