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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My presentation outline

A. Find a topic of personal interest. Imagine you are going to present that topic
orally to your teacher and classmates at school. For this part of the evidence
you need to carry out exhaustive research in order to be able to present all the
necessary information related to your selected topic. Report the most important
aspects of your research through a brainstorm of the ideas and concepts that
you think will be relevant to the presentation.


Example of topic: Aviation.

 Aviation refers to the use of commercial and non-commercial aircrafts

for transportation of people or goods.

 The A380, manufactured by the Airbus Industry, is the biggest plane

ever made.


Topic: Social Networks

 Social networks are internet sites that allow people to connect with their
friends and even make new friendships, virtually, and share content, interact,
create communities on similar interests: work, readings, games, friendship,
relationships, and relationships trade.

B. Now, structure your presentation using the Signpost language learnt during this
learning activity. Present your outline through presentation cards. Use as many
cards as you need.

Remember: Each presentation card should include a

heading, a phrase at the bottom, a number and it should be
organized by numbering and bulleting.


Structure: I’m going to divide this talk into five parts.

1. Early beginnings.
2. Civil aviation.
3. Commercial aviation.
4. Modern aircrafts manufacturers:
a. Airbus.
b. Boeing.
c. Embraer.
5. The most famous aircrafts in history:
a. Concorde.
b. Boeing 747.
c. Airbus A380.

Let’s turn now to the first part: the early beginnings

of aviation…
[Bottom phrase]

C. To complete the evidence, you must now write a complete list of references
using the guidelines given by the American Psychological Association (APA). Do
not forget to organize your references alphabetically.
Social Networks

Structure: I’m going to divide this talk into four parts.

1) Origin and Evolution of Social Networks.

2) Types of social networks

3) Importance of Social Networks in society.

a) Advantages

b) Disadvantages

4) Conclusion

Let’s turn now to the first part: the early beginnings of Social
1) Origin and Evolution of Social Networks.

The origin of social networks dates back to 1995, when Randy Conrads
created the website. With this social network it is intended
that people can recover or maintain contact with former colleagues of the
school, institute or university. In 1997 comes, which allows
users to create profiles, list of friends and send messages.

From 1997 to 2001, technological evolution facilitated new tools that allowed
websites such as LiveJournal or the Swedish LunaStorm to be at the
forefront and make their users feel involved. A year later Friendster was
born, a portal to arrange appointments online that enjoyed a success that
was also its ruin (technical difficulties could not cope with the high demand
for services).
Social Networks

2) Types of social networks

Types of social networks:

There are two types of social networks that are best known for the way they
are organized and the openness they offer to their audience.

Horizontal social networks

Horizontal social networks are sites that are more open to everyone and
do not have a defined theme. Participation in these virtual spaces is free
and their only purpose is to share with others.

As an example of these social platforms we have Facebook that does not

have a central theme and the audience is totally varied, there is also Orkut
in Brazil,, Twitter and Tuenti in Spain.

Vertical social networks

Compared to horizontal social networks, these websites are dedicated to

specific topics, around which users come together to form an online thematic
community. They are more closed spaces. Thematic social networks are
diverse, but we can name some known categories:

social networks types linkedinSocial social networks. Its purpose is to help

grow professional connections among users. For example, Viadeo, Xing,
Social Networks

3) Importance social networks in the society

Social networks are becoming very important in today's society, reflecting the
need of the human being for expression and recognition, well Aristotle said
"Man is a sociable being by nature", because to meet their physical and spiritual
needs you need to live in society , since being a rational and individual creature,
is not self-sufficient and requires the help and protection of others of its kind, for
that reason it forms communities ". But what is a Social Network? We could
define it as a form of social interaction, where there is a dynamic exchange
between people, groups and institutions that share tastes or preferences among
themselves, achieving a sense of belonging and developing a fabric that acts
for the welfare of the entire community.

a) Advantages
•They allow you to meet people, and reconnect with those you had years
without seeing
•It allows you to keep up with those people
•It allows you to organize events, and even send invitations without even
leaving the chair
•You can even be informed about current events and events, social and
academic, political, of any kind
a) Disadvantages

 Give freedom to unwanted people who know about all your

 Your uploaded images can be used for any purpose
 Your life stops being private
 You can lose more time pending what happens there than in your
real life.

4) Conclusion

Social networks are one of the most striking phenomena of a new

communication philosophy, where millions of people intervene daily. The
increase in the number of users in the most recent years is also striking. If
we ask ourselves what this intense interactive online transfer is, the answer
can be simple. Man has an innate need to communicate with others, the
computer can be a perfect tool to unite people from different parts of the
world and, however, with common interests. Social networks also located in
mobile telephony, complement it, as happens with email and other
traditional communication systems, consequently, social networks have
become digital platforms for interpersonal interaction. There are those who
suggest that they are part of the individualism of the 21st century, but the
truth is that they can serve to nurture the personal life of users, not only by
expanding professional skills but also with a great capacity to establish
numerous contacts for other purposes.

 Padrón. G. (2011). Origen. 2018, de Las redes Sociales Sitio web: sociales-

 Sedano, G. (2018). Tipos de Redes Sociales. 2018, de Webespacio Sitio


 Santay, S. (2018). Importancia en las Redes Sociales en la Sociedad.

2018, de Infogram Sitio web: sociales-y-su-

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterio de evaluación
Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las diferentes
estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

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