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AIESEC in Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Gedung AS II-2 FISIP, Jalan Babarsari No.2 Tambak Bayan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
fb: AIESEC UPN Veteran Yogyakarta | twitter: @AIESEC_UPNVY | mail:

November, 8th 2019

To whom it may concern,

It is a pleasure for me to write this recommendation letter to Diva Carissa, because of

her performance and activeness during the internship period, I recommend her to be
considered a member of AIESEC in UPNVY.

The first time I saw Diva Carissa I assume that she is very quite and calm. After the time
goes by, she still the same as I assumed before. But I see other perspectives of her. She
always attend all the meeting I have set. Which means she is interested in this
organization and want to explore more about it and about herself as well. I see her
potential and her willingness in term of finance knowledge. I believe she will be one of
the next generation of AIESEC in UPNVY 2020.

AIESECly yours,

Shafira Aprilia Widiyani


AIESEC Empowering Young People for Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential since 1948

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