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Static Magnetotherapy for Pain Relief: A Critical Review

In ancient times they occupied magnets to cure different diseases. And based on
that, currently after an arduous search for trials, reports and research some cases
could be ruled out and different studies were approved which would be suitable for
this research and the result was that no evidence was found for the benefit of the
use of magnetotherapy as they lack scientific evidence to support the use of
magnetic-static therapy for pain and try to compare it with placebo.

What is placebo? Substance that lacks curative action, but produces a therapeutic
effect if the patient takes it convinced that it is a really effective drug; it has the
same appearance, taste and shape as a real drug, but it is made of inert products
and without any active substance.

It is clear that we know that the use of magnets or magnetic therapy is very
common today, and there may be doctors who say it is true and people try to
believe the same thing. But this study is based on the knowledge of medical
specialists, scientists, physicses and engineers. Throughout the engineering career
in electronics we know that the use of magnets is essential and that there is
electromagnetic theory (electric and magnetic fields) Electromagnetic interaction is
one of the four fundamental forces of the known universe. The principles of
electromagnetism find applications in various disciplines, such as microwaves,
antennas, etc. Electromagnetic devices include, radio/TV, phones.

Magnetic fields for which they are generated need a very important factor, which is
energy, and if we analyze this definition, we are energy and when we apply friction
with a balloon we generate a magnetic-static field, which this study speaks of; but
that's an empty perspective, without study and study talks to know if magnets
actually work in our bodies to cure ailments. The images generate magnetic fields
and the study of these can be somewhat complicated and difficult to understand as
electric currents flow and engineering is mainly occupied to know the exact
behavior. These magnetic fields help you know the exact current that can enter
and exit, of course there are a number of formulas (law of gauss, ampere law,
maxwell principle,etc.)

And we as engineers know the power of these magnetic fields and what they can
do. The article notes "there is only scientifically proven and evidence-based
medicine, backed by solid data" and this study lacks scientific evidence, but many
people opt for "medicine" that lacks study, called alternative medicine. Several
studies on their effects on medical treatments were published on magnets. Many
sources of information or evidence were scrapped due to lack of valid evidence.
Although tests were done in different parts of the world with different people,
applying these magnets to know if they have a benefit with this magnetotherapy-
static therapy for pain and it was proven that there was a failure, let's say basic
failures such as the polarization of the magnets and the location where to place
them. They created bracelets that bring magnets that help for pains. And when you
try this they realized that placebo is true, one knows and can say that the power of
the mind is very great and when you tell a person this will cure you and convince
you of it, the person will stop feeling pain. In conclusion, having done many
studies, science and doctors said that it lacks evidence to know that they are true,
ruling out their use as real, attributing the results to other phenomena, such as

And they concluded that more tests are needed than had already been done to
continue occupying them and leave the door open for other studies since there is
no evidence or basis for how people may feel a reduction in their pains, since
some scientific response does not yet exist. of course magnets have a great
influence on the universe, but this study does not demonstrate validity evidence
that this method does serve to cure ailments.

1. Ability (capacidad): possession of the means or skill to do something,
talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.
2. Adequiacy (adecuado): the state or quality of being adequate
3. Alike (igual): similar to each other
4. Attempt (intento): make an effort to achieve or complete (something,
typically a difficult task or action).
5. Blinded (cegado): unable too see
6. Clockwise (derecha): in the same direction as the way in which the hands
of a clock move around.
7. Copper (cobre): a red-brown metal, the chemical element of atomic
number. a copper coin, especially a penny. a reddish-brown color like that of
copper, a small butterfly of North America and Eurasia. The upper surface of
its wings is typically bright reddish-orange or purple.
8. Database (base): a large amount of information stored in a computer
system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed
9. Debunked (desacreditado): to show that something is less important, less
good, or less true than it has been made to appear
10. Decrease (disminucion): make or become smaller or fewer in size,
amount, intensity, or degree.
11. Discomfort (malestar): a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or
mentally, or something that causes this
12. Discovered (descubirto): find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in
the course of a search.
13. Disease (enfermedad): (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused
by infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident
14. Draw (dibujar): produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks,
especially with a pen or pencil, on paper.
15. Either (cualquiera de las dos): used before the first of two (or occasionally
more) alternatives that are being specified (the other being introduced by
“or”). used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made.
16. End-of-study (fin del estudio)
17. Enrichment (enriqueciento): the action of improving or enhancing the
quality or value of something.
18. Fields (campos): an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or
pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
19. Grounded (anclado): well balanced and sensible.
20. However (sin embargo): used to introduce a statement that contrasts with
or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
21. Inadvertently (sin darse cuenta): without intention; accidentally.
22. Insight (vision): the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive
understanding of a person or thing.
23. Insoles (plantillas): a removable sole worn in a shoe for warmth, as a
deodorizer, or to improve the fit
24. Involving (participacion): (of a situation or event) include (something) as a
necessary part or result.
25. Issues (cuestiones): distribute
26. Lacks (carece): the state of being without or not having enough of
27. Legitimate (legitimo): conforming to the law or to rules.
28. Mattress (colchon): a fabric case filled with deformable or resilient
material, used for sleeping on.
29. Myofascial (miofacial)
30. Narrowing (estrechamiento): become or make less wide. become or make
more limited or restricted in extent or scope.
31. Nearly (casi): very close to; almost
32. Necklaces (collares): an ornamental chain or string of beads, jewels, or
links worn around the neck. (chiefly in South Africa) a tire doused or filled
with gasoline, placed around a victim's neck, and set on fire.
33. Non-statistically (no estadisticamente)
34. Outcome (resultado): the way a thing turns out; a consequence
35. Pacemakers (marcapasos) Device: regulates heartbeat
36. Painful (doloroso): (of a part of the body) affected with pain.
37. Poorly (mal): in a way or at a level that is considered inadequate
38. Pumps (bombas): a mechanical device using suction or pressure to raise
or move liquids, compress gases, or force air into inflatable objects such as
39. Randomised (aleatorios): relating to experimental research where subjects
are selected for particular treatments by chance
40. Roots (raices): family origins, or the particular place you come from and the
experiences you have had living there. to make a group of people move to
where you want them to go, especially in a kind, helpful, and careful way
41. Scar (cicatrices): a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a
wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective
tissue has developed.
42. Scoring (puntuacion): gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game.
43. Sham (farsa): a thing that is not what it is purported to be
44. Shepherd (pastor): a person who tends and rears sheep. a person who
tends and rears sheep.
45. Standardisation (normalizacion): of the type previously mentioned.
46. Such (tal): of the type previously mentioned
47. Suggested (sugerido): put forward for consideration.
48. Surfaced (surgido): having an outside part or upper layer, especially of a
specified kind.
49. Surgical (quirurgico): relating to or used in surgery.
50. Surrounding (circundante): all around, in the area
51. Survery (encuesta): of a person or their eyes) look carefully and thoroughly
at (someone or something), especially so as to appraise them. investigate
the opinions or experience of (a group of people) by asking them questions.
52. Testing (pruebas): take measures to check the quality, performance, or
reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or
53. Thereafter (despues): after that time
54. Transcutaneous (transcutanea): existing, applied, or measured across the
depth of the skin
55. Treating (tratar): behave toward or deal with in a certain way.
56. Unproven (sin demostrar): not demonstrated by evidence or argument to
be true or existing.
57. Uncertainty (incertidumbre): the state of being uncertain
58. Understood (entendido): perceive the intended meaning of (words, a
language, or a speaker).
59. Warranted (garantizado): justify or necessitate (a certain course of action).
60. Without (sin): in the absence of.

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