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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My professional profile

1. Looking for a job is one of the most important activities someone has to do in
life. For this evidence you will need to write your own professional profile with
the objective of getting your dream job.

For writing your profile, you need to take into account the following aspects.

 What have you studied?

I studied Fashion design
Adobe Photoshop Sena (virtual)
Esthetician (Cosmetology)

 What have you been doing recently?

At this moment I am at home for the quarantine and I was taking care of my
father, he was very ill and died a month ago.

 What is your experience in the field?

My experience in the field of fashion, I am very creative and innovation is an
important strength, I also love to draw and when I took my first collection it
was very new and spectacular, I learned to operate industrial machines and
learned to sew.

 Which are your professional qualities?

Having knowledge on how to innovate and propose trends, being aware of
marketing strategies to launch new trends, communication is paramount to
be able to express ideas clearly and precisely to express the details of each

 Which is your motivation for getting that job?

My main motivation is to create and dream of being independent, designing
costumes and having a specific objective, since it really is to master cutting
and sewing, to master the color chart, and to define new collections for major
fashion shows.

 What is your availability for the job?

My availability for work. I have to be very honest and make clear what my
time limitations are, make it clear that my schedule is flexible enough, to
show that I have a certain degree of commitment to work.

 Do you plan to study anything else?

At the moment I want to finish the semesters of English, and of course, I do
want to continue studying with Sena, because to complement I want to study
pattern making, and keep learning more every day, therefore I have to take
advantage of studying and controlling my effort, constancy and dedication.

 Are you willing to travel?

Well to answer first I have to find out where I would have to go and how often
the trips would be, it would be the perfect time for me to answer my
concerns, the strategy would be to get the best job offer, to be asked, and so
I can analyze if it is worth traveling and knowing the contract time and if you
would work full time.

You can include some of the following useful language for writing your profile, or
you can look for more vocabulary in this learning activity glossary. Include a
picture of yourself (it can be unreal).

look for / look forward to / work out / experience / apply for / to be

promoted / work agreement / employee / temporary work / full time
work / freelance worker / season worker

Luz Marina Sánchez Buitrago

Date of Birth: December 28, 1966
Address: 4D Street # 34-28
Phone: 3113876720
Manizales, Colombia

I consider myself a responsible, dynamic and creative person, with ease of
adaptation and ability to work as team, in high pressure conditions, with
initiative to solve problems efficient and achieve the goals and objectives
set by the company.


Primary: Manizales
High School: Bogota
College: Arturo Tejada Cano
Marget School: Esthetician


Management, cutting fabric rolls to make clothes of all lines, Embroidering
on industrial machines and taking out production, and then doing
dispatches for the entire United States.

Yeim Blays
Work as a designer, doing Fashion Catalogs, Brochures.

Make white point

Embroidery, Doing pattern Making


Access a position in the area of Fashion Design, Marketing to contribute to

my training and work experience in achieving the general goals of the
company and thus gain more experience and self-improvement.


Lucero Rios
Telephone 8891342

Francisco Pineda
Cell 3162436362


Isabel Cristina Sánchez

Cell 3132774418

Martha Lucia Sánchez

Cell 3124514985

2. Now, read the phrasal verbs below and write a definition for each of them using
your own words. Include an example and a picture to illustrate the action. One
is done for you.

Phrasal verbs
To get up To go away To look after

Fuente: SENA

Definition: to arise from Definition: Definition:

Example: Example:
Example: I usually get up
at 5:00 a.m.
Come back To put on To look for

Definition: Definition: Definition:

Example: Example: Example:

To go back To take off To call back

Definition: Definition: Definition:

Example: Example: Example:

To hurry up To try on To ask for

Definition: Definition: Definition:

Example: Example: Example:

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta
el contexto requerido.

 Intercambia información personal para postularse a un empleo teniendo en

cuenta la estructura gramatical y vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical


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