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Nama : Verrel Brayen Siahaya

NIM : C1714201052

Kelas : III.A

On-line learning

Study unit 10 on page 33-35

A. What do you say as you are taking a patint’s blood pressure, pulse and


Nurse : Excuse me,sir,How are you feeling today?

Patient ; I’m feeling better nurse

Nurse : Sir, I’m going to take your pulse, temperature and blood pressure.
Are you willing?

Patient ; Seru.

Nurse : First, let’s take your temperature and pulse. Please place this
thermometer under your armpit. Ath the same, i’m going to take your

Patient ; OK

Nurse : Next let’s take your blood pressure, i’m going to place this cuff
around your arm. It will be a little tight. Please relax.

OK your blood pressure is fine. Is done sir..

Patient ; thank you

B. Answer the following questions according to your knowleg and experience.

Page 34

1. What is normal blood pressure? When is medical intervention necassary?

Answer: Normal blood plessure if ranges from 110/80MmHg to 139/89 Mmhg.

Performed every shift in the morning, afternoon, and night. And when the
patient is going to do surgery, dialysis and chemotherapy

2. What is the normal body temperature in Farenheit and Celsius?

Answer: the normal body temperature in farenheit is 98,6˚ degree, and celsius is
36,5˚ degree
3. What are some things that can cause changes in a patient’s pulse rate, blood
pressure, or temperature?

Answer: When a weak pulse is affected by an abnormal or abnormal heart pump

rate. Blood pressure is above normal or hypertension and is brought normal
or hypotension, usually influenced by lifestyle, eating patterns, or hereditary
diseases. Temperatures exceeding 37.5˚ degrees Celsius indicate fever.

4. What equipment is necassary for performing these procedures?

Answer: the equipment needed is sphygmomanometer and thermometer

C. Find the meaning the following vocabulary

Blood pressure: tekanan darah

Breath : nafas

Fahrenheit : Fahrenheit

Thermometer : termometer

Cuff : manset

Systolic : sistolik

Stethosco : stetoskop

Blood pressure monitor : monitor tekanan darah

Diastolic : diastolik

Temperature : suhu

Place : tempat

Sphygmomanometer : alat ukur tekanan darah

Pulse : nadi

Relax : santai

Celsius : celcius

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