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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Your Questions

Reviewed by: Karen A. Ravin, MD

Experts are still learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19), so we don't have a lot of
information about it yet. Here are answers to some questions you may have.

How Does Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread?

People can (1) catch coronavirus from others who have the virus. This happens when (2) an
infected person sneezes or coughs, (3) sending tiny droplets into the air. These can (4) land in
the nose, mouth, or eyes of someone nearby, or (5) be breathed in.

People also can (6) get infected if they (7) touch an infected droplet on a surface and then (8)
touch their own nose, mouth, or eyes.

Can Someone Who's Infected (9) Spread Coronavirus (COVID-19) if They Don't
Have Symptoms?

The virus spreads most easily when an infected person has symptoms. But some spread might
be possible before symptoms start. It can take 2–14 days after someone (10) is exposed to the
virus for symptoms to show up.

Is My Child (11) at Risk for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Experts are still learning about coronavirus, but it seems (12) to cause a milder illness in
children than in adults or older people. Most people who have died from coronavirus were
older adults.

Can Someone Get Coronavirus (COVID-19) From (13) Packaged Foods or (14)
Animal Products From Areas Where People Are Infected?

It doesn't appear that (15) coronavirus can spread through packaged foods or animal
products. It's still important to use good food safety practices, such as handling (16) raw meat
with care and not eating raw or undercooked animal products.

Can Someone Get Coronavirus (COVID-19) From a Package Sent From Areas
Where People Are Infected?

There's no evidence that someone can (17) be infected through a package. (18) The risk is very
low because the packages are shipped over a period of days or weeks and it's not likely that
the virus would survive.

Can Pets Get Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Probably not. Experts believe the virus came from wild animals at a market in China. But cats,
dogs, and other pets don't seem to catch the virus or (18) transfer it to people.

Who Should (19)Wear a Face Mask?

You should wear a face mask if:
● You are taking care of someone who is (or might be) infected with coronavirus.
● You are coughing or sneezing.
● You are a (20) health care provider.

What Should I Do if a Family Member Has Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The symptoms of coronavirus ((21) fever, cough, and trouble breathing) can look a lot like
illnesses from other viruses. If a family member has trouble breathing, (22) go to the
emergency room or (23) call an ambulance right away.

Call your doctor if someone in your family has a fever, cough, or other flu-like symptoms. If
this person has been near someone with coronavirus or lived in or traveled to an area where
lots of people have coronavirus, tell the doctor. The doctor can decide whether your family
member can (24) be treated at home, should come in for a visit, can have a (25) telehealth
visit, and/or needs (26) to be tested for coronavirus.

How Do Doctors Test People for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

To test someone for coronavirus, doctors send (27) a mucus sample from the nose and back of
the throat to a lab. If the person (28) coughs up mucus, doctors might send that for testing

How Can We Protect Ourselves From Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

As with other viruses, (29) the best ways to protect yourself and your family are:
● (30) Avoid people who are sick.
● Try (31) to stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from someone who is coughing or
● (32) Wash your hands well and often. Wash for at least 20 seconds with soap and
water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Teach your kids to do the same.
● Try not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.
● Use a household cleaner or wipe to clean surfaces and objects that people touch a lot.
● Follow recommendations from your local health authority, especially if there are
people with coronavirus in your area.

How Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treated?

Currently, (33) there's no medicine or vaccine for coronavirus. Most people with the illness,
including children, get better with rest and fluids. People who are very ill get care in a hospital
with breathing help, IV fluids, and other treatments. (34) Antibiotics can't treat viruses so
they won't help with the coronavirus. Medicines for the flu don't work either because the
(35) coronavirus is different from the flu virus.

Doctors and scientists are working to create (36) a treatment and vaccine for coronavirus, but
this will take time.

Should We Cancel Our Travel Plans Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Your decision to travel depends on where you plan to go and whether any travelers are older
adults or have medical problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
currently recommends avoiding all nonessential travel to China, Iran, South Korea, and Italy.
The CDC also recommends that older adults or those with medical problems consider not
traveling to Japan. Visit the CDC's site for (37) up-to-date travel information.
Some things to keep in mind:
● If you travel on an airplane and sit near someone who has coronavirus, it is possible
(38) to get infected.
● Cruises bring many people together in an environment where coronavirus could
spread easily. Some cruises have been canceled. If you've booked a cruise, consider
not going until later. If you do go now, (39) be aware that many countries have strict
screening policies. Also, if someone on your cruise tests positive for coronavirus, you
could (40) be quarantined. That means you may need to stay on the ship away from
others for a period of time.

What Is the Future of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Experts aren't sure what will happen. Some things that may influence what happens with
coronavirus include:

● how effective areas are at (41) controlling its spread

● how long it takes (42) to develop medicines to treat coronavirus
● how long it takes (43) to develop a COVID-19 vaccine

Where Can I Get Updated Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Check the CDC and (44) World Health Organization (WHO) websites for (45) up-to-date,
reliable information about coronavirus.

Reviewed by: Karen A. Ravin, MD

Date reviewed: March 2020


(1) złapać koronowirusa

(2) zarażona osoba kicha lub kaszle
(3) wysyłając małe kropelki w powietrze
(4) wylądować w nosie, ustach
(5) być wdychanym
(6) zakazić się
(7) dotknij zainfekowanej kropli na powierzchni
(8) dotykać własnego nosa, ust lub oczu
(9) rozprzestrzenianie koronawirusa
(10) jest narażony na wirusa
(11) zagrożony koronawirusem
(12) powodować łagodniejszą chorobę u dzieci
(13) Żywność pakowana lub
(14) Produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego z obszarów, na których ludzie są zarażeni
(15) koronawirus może się rozprzestrzeniać
(16) surowe mięso
(17) zostać zainfekowanym przez pakiet
(18) przekazać to ludziom
(19) nosić maskę na twarz
(20) służby zdrowia
(21) gorączka, kaszel i problemy z oddychaniem
(22) idź na izbę przyjęć
(23) natychmiast wezwać pogotowie ratunkowe
(24) być leczonym w domu
(25) wizyta telezdrowia
(26) zostać przetestowanym na koronawirusa
(27) próbka śluzu z nosa i tylnej części gardła
(28) kaszle śluzem
(29) najlepsze sposoby na ochronę siebie i swojej rodziny
(30) unikaj ludzi chorych
(31) pozostać w odległości co najmniej 2 stóp
(32) dobrze umyj ręce
(33) nie ma leku ani szczepionki przeciwko koronawirusowi
(34) antybiotyki nie mogą leczyć wirusów
(35) koronawirus różni się od wirusa grypy
(36) leczenie i szczepionka przeciw koronawirusowi
(37) aktualne informacje dotyczące podróży
(38) zarazić się
(39) być świadomym
(40) poddać się kwarantannie
(41) kontrolowanie jego rozprzestrzeniania
(42) do opracowania leków do leczenia koronawirusa
(43) opracować szczepionkę COVID-19
(44) Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia
(45) aktualny

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