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The jackal and the sun child

There was a forest. Where jackals residesreside. They look like a wild dog. One day a jackal saw
very beautiful girl sat on a rock. She was not a normal girl. She was a sun child and rare to see.
The jackal said to the sun child’ that who are you? To what work to for what work you came
here? The girl requested to jackal that could you carry me to my house? I have a ring. It belong
to me. I will give you. Then he agreed. She sat on his back. Her heat was hurting him very badly.
He thought that this judgment was an error for me. He said to sun child that you get off from my
back. She was relaxing on his back. So, she didn’t want to get off from his back. Then he started
running fast and kept running ep continue. When he jumped inon a field. Then she rolled down
from his back. Because she had not any experienced. How to ride. After that he ran away with a
visible black mark on his back. Since then all the jackal had a black mark on his back.

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