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1. I think have just tremendous is still relevant to the because Roosevelt clearly identify on freedom
of freedom of speech and expression, to freedom of religion, freedom of life and you can or
needy person, and freedom from dread going to be any war. Just like President Franklin D.
Roosevelt say is that in fact.

In the days of world war II, president Franklin D. Roosevelt identify liberty efforts should be
made to be maintained at in the war but missing argument for option, namely freedom of speech
and expression, freedom of religion, freedom from want life, and freedom from dread going to
war[ CITATION Fra42 \l 1033 ]

The kind of a violation of human rights which occurs most often is violence against human.
Because violence is an act that most easily accomplished by the strong to oppress the underdog.
The act of violation of human rights it is always going on with various forms and. Forms of
violence Most frequent victims are women and children. Pad a principle of violence is the root of
violations of human rights.

There are several human rights attached to pad a every soul children across Indonesia as
stipulated in child protection constitution. Freedom to worship god in accordance, the protection
of health insurance, and the right have education are the contents of the child protection
Constitution. Temporary protection which are specifically given among others to children in an
emergency situation, who face the law, the son of minority groups and isolated, children in
sexually exploited economy, as a child, the abuse of narcotics, the victims of physical violence.

The Indonesian military (TNI) officially have a responsibility to defense external. And police
the republic of Indonesia internal security but in practice. The division of responsibility still not
clear. Together them known as a unit of security. Military playing of a role to play in internal
security issues. Especially in areas affected by conflict such as Aceh.
2. As a personal self the inherent right of, everyone is entitled to protection personal self, the
family, honor, dignity, the wealth under its control, and are entitled to security and protection
from threats fear to do or not do something which is a human rights

While Alan Westin (1967) defines the right to privacy as the claims, group of bits that arrive, or
institution to decide how when, on how, and the degree to which information about them
communicated to others. The usually made from privacy[ CITATION wes67 \l 1033 ]

Speeches, F. D. (1942). Roosevelt's foreign polycy.

westin. (1967). privacy and freedom . new york: atheneum .

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