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Web Engineering

the older systems and systems personnel to build

applications anew—reflecting their youthful exu-
berance and technological superiority—with insuf-
ficient attention to the users’ needs and without
sound methods of building and testing the appli-

cations. These themes have dominated software
engineering and information systems research and
conferences for more than 30 years.
The information technology community is

Creating a
accustomed to continuous change and has
responded to change in the past by taking stock
and creating new fields of study. Here, then, we
take a close look at Web-based application devel-

Discipline among
opment and argue that there’s more to such work
than computer science, software engineering, and
information systems encompass. Our communi-
ty proposed the term “Web engineering” in 1998

with the first international workshop on Web
engineering,1 and this has since been used by
many. However, the term Web engineering is still
unfamiliar to many and not fully understood. We
argue that the information technology commu-
Yogesh Deshpande and Steve Hansen nity should view Web engineering as a new,
University of Western Sydney, Australia emerging discipline in its own right, rather than
subsuming it mainly under software engineering.2

hile the World Wide Web may Perceptions of the Web and Web-based
Web engineering is a be “just another application of applications
discipline among distributed computing” to some The Web has reached a level of public con-
disciplines, cutting computer scientists, it is now sciousness and a level of hype whereby almost
across computer widely acknowledged as a medium to deploy and everyone encountering the Web for the first time
science, information develop applications. At the same time, there’s a comes to it with some preconceived notions about
systems, and certain déjà vu about the development of Web- what it might do. These perceptions directly affect
software based applications, reminiscent of the 1960s, the way Web developers may work within and
engineering, as well before computing professionals acknowledged that outside organizations.
as benefitting from computer applications involved much more than Compared to the general public, our first major
several non-IT expertise in programming and general intelligence. experience of the Web was relatively more inno-
specializations. Today’s Web-based application developers gen- cent and significantly instructive. Even after more
Intertwining so many erally seem young, full of energy, conversant in than 20 years of information technology back-
disciplines presents a new technologies, and as though they’re enjoying ground for each of us, we found the Web an amaz-
unique problem for themselves (analogous to the programming fra- ing experience. On the other hand, the centralized
organization and ternity of the 1960s). In contrast, those in charge information technology services within the uni-
development. Here of corporate applications and systems generally versity were profoundly upset by it. With hind-
we discuss Web seem old, tired, and weighed down by legacy sys- sight, we now understand that they saw it as a
engineering’s tems (the same perceptions we had of people thoroughly unsettling experience—beyond their
classification, define using unit record systems). current competence, budget, and corporate con-
its characteristics, The similarities of this scenario are actually cerns—whereas we tried to grapple with the impli-
and contrast its much more in-depth than simply discerning out- cations of transcending physical boundaries in
present issues with ward appearances. There are real dangers that the information dissemination.
previous problems in new Web technology and the pace at which it’s Soon after that, we put up the faculty Web site
information changing may divide the information technology as an experiment and realized the Web can unset-
technology. community, and the Web-based application devel- tle people in other ways, too. We were half-
opers may repeat the mistakes of their predeces- prepared to face the somewhat expected criticisms
sors. The 1960s programmers generally disregarded about its looks and organization, but there were

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other issues that, taken together, made us aware with both information technology and noninfor-
of the possible extra dimensions (such as graphic mation technology professionals and lay people.
design, information ownership, network perfor- As a result, we organized the first international
mance) that impinge on Web-based (application) workshop on Web engineering at WWW7, fol-
development. Additionally, we then encountered lowed by a similar workshop at the International
indifference and even hostility from some of our Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE99),
colleagues within academe and industry who and have continued with these two conferences
regarded the Web as frivolous, full of pretty pic- (WWW8, WWW9, and ICSE2000), interacting
tures, and of no consequence to serious informa- with slightly different audiences.
tion technology—including legacy systems. What follows is the result of these deliberations
As we continued our work—developing sites and the work carried out so far. It seems to us that
and simple database applications—it became obvi- Web-based application development has now pro-
ous that the Web-based application development gressed sufficiently far—and is expanding suffi-
didn’t fit into any neat category, such as comput- ciently fast—to justify proposing it as a new field
er science, software engineering, or information of study that draws from computer science, soft-
systems, even though it drew from them. It also ware engineering, and information systems but
became increasingly clear that the information also as distinct from them. Moreover, the influ-
technology community wasn’t concerned with ences don’t simply stop at these disciplines—
information dissemination (and hence with Web they’re derived from many others. This further
site design and management, information struc- underlines the need to recognize Web engineer-
turing, and document and link management) nor ing as a discipline in its own right.
did it see much potential in the Web as a medium
for application deployment and development. Characteristics and development
At this stage, the major contribution from infor- There are many important and distinguishing
mation technology came only from those who characteristics of the Web-based applications.
built network infrastructures, created protocols and They include a relatively standard interface across
tools for the Web, and carried out research in the applications and platforms, applications which
computer security area. The software industry disseminate information, the underlying princi-
seemed dominated by its corporate bias and was ples of graphic design, issues of security, legal,
slow to realize the enormous reach of the Web and social, and ethical ramifications, attention to site,
its potential to change the nature of applications. document and link management, influences of
The 1997 Australasian Web (AusWeb97) confer- hypertext and hypermedia, network and Web per-
ence provided an early indication of this apathy. formance, and evolving standards, protocols, and
Organized by a noninformation technology tools. These give rise to a potential world-wide
department of an Australian university, it drew 200 user base, possibilities in end user computing, evo-
participants, only 15 of whom were from recog- lutionary systems development, and completely
nized information technology departments, new types of applications.
including three from our own group. Most of the
delegates were Web (site) designers, part of the Application development and user orientation
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), or from the In developing applications and systems—
public relations, education, library, and hypertext assuming a stable hardware and operating system
communities. This pattern repeated at the follow- environment—developers divide specifications
ing year’s conference, which was merged with the into three segments:
Seventh World Wide Web conference (WWW7) in
Brisbane in April 1998. ❚ Process logic
We became concerned at the divide between
the Web community and the mainstream infor- ❚ Data management
mation technology professionals and researchers,
April–June 2001

because it reminded us of the early PC and main- ❚ User interface

frame communities in the 1980s. We also began
to identify more dimensions to the Web-based Partly as a consequence of practices dating
developmental work that fell outside the main back to the 1960s—and partly because of the time
boundaries of information technology, so we constraints under which such systems are devel-
started to discuss our concerns and perceptions oped—developers perfect the process logic and

data management first. They deal with the user experienced application developers will find that
interface later and generally in a hurry. It there- Web-based development requires newer methods
fore isn’t surprising that the users of information and wider awareness than the current software
systems have complained for decades about the engineering practices engender.
poor quality of the interface.
Users find the Web appealing because of its Wider user base and graphic design
consistent user interface (dictated by the use of Web-based applications, almost by definition,
HTML). Additionally, the Web’s effective platform are meant for a more inclusive user base, which
independence also frees the user from many goes beyond the previous confines of depart-
headaches inherent in learning different inter- ments, divisions, or organizations. One conse-
faces. These two characteristics of the Web envi- quence is that application developers may not
ronment contrast strongly with the need to know who the users are. These applications could
customize the user interfaces for each non-Web- be within an organization (intranets), across a
based application depending on the hardware and number of organizations (extranets), or over the
software packages in use. Thus, Web-based appli- Internet. The users may come from specifically
cations benefit from spending less time in creating identified or targeted groups or remain unidenti-
interfaces. By freeing the application developers fied even when they use the systems. Systems
from designing interfaces every time, the Web lets analysis and design methodologies have until
developers concentrate on back-end processing, now advocated fairly explicit identification of the
such as process logic and data management. users. It’s a new challenge to devise methods to
deal effectively with unknown users.
Categories User interfaces for applications must consider
We can divide Web-based applications into unknown users (current and future) and com-
two broad categories—informational applications pete—indirectly—with the interfaces that com-
(dissemination/presentation) and software appli- petitors and even collaborators create. Now that
cations (in the usual sense). Web surfers have seen alternatives, they won’t be
Information technology professionals didn’t satisfied with the merely functional interfaces
consider the first category as part of their domain they’ve had to deal with before. So, creating aes-
and consequently didn’t take much notice of the thetically pleasing Web sites and pages has become
Web in the initial stages. They also considered part of the application development. Accordingly,
Web technology development as inadequate and graphic designers become a necessary part of the
unstable to support back-end applications as well development team. Although the Web is suppos-
as hampered by the slow speed of networks. edly platform independent, in reality the range of
However, the advent of faster networks, new stan- monitors and the proliferation of browser versions
dards and improved database connectivity, better can create problems when developing a standard
understanding of security issues, and commercial interface for an application. This adds a new
imperatives of e-commerce have now persuaded dimension to testing applications as well.
many information technology departments to
take the Web environment more seriously. Security considerations
Meanwhile, other noninformation technology The Web opens applications and servers to the
departments and both information technology world. Developers must be aware then of the pos-
and noninformation technology enthusiasts went sible security issues and preferably include—as
on to create Web-based applications—without necessary—experts from the Web security area.
any reference to the old information technology
professionals—replicating the 1960s experience of Legal, social, and ethical issues
not including or learning from the experience of We’ve observed scores of Web site/page devel-
the previous generation of application builders. opers (with and without an information technol-
Thus, possibly two types of Web-based application ogy background) and we’ve been surprised by
IEEE MultiMedia

developers exist: those who come from the tradi- how much and how easily everyone tends to
tional applications and who need to update their downplay the legal, social, and ethical issues.
technical knowledge, and those who need to learn Simply put, the Web adds an element of publish-
from the lessons of the last four decades to devel- ing to whatever else the developers may do and
op good methods and practices. this brings with it the responsibilities of the pub-
However, our experience suggests that even lishing industry. The Web makes it easy to copy

elements from other sites, to publish information Information structuring, hypertext, multimedia,
about users without their permission, and even to and hypermedia
steal identities. Therefore, privacy for clients must Information structuring isn’t a new topic for
be guaranteed. Even an interface’s design and application developers because database design
construction can interfere with copyright and strategies pay explicit attention to information
intellectual property rights. structuring. However, the introduction of hyper-
Also, we must afford access to handicapped links, multimedia, and hypermedia now compli-
people. The New South Wales government in cates the scene, going beyond the traditional
Australia, for example, requires that its sites be numbers and text that developers have dealt with
accessible to visually impaired people. Until now, previously. Structuring this information for efficient
application developers operated within the con- and reliable management is an area where a lot of
fines of organizations and haven’t developed suf- research occurs and new methods are being devised.
ficient awareness of the consequences of their
actions when they are exposed to the rest of the End user computing
world. Even where criminal or mischievous ele- The era of end user computing started with the
ment is absent, acts of omission and commission mass arrival of PCs in the mid 1980s. Information
can have consequences both for developers and technology professionals have justifiably criticized
their organizations, as the Napster case shows. We it for its deficiencies—its lack of formal methods,
know of several examples first hand where copy- insufficient understanding of theory, and poor
right and privacy violations have taken place and maintenance, for example. The Web greatly
our colleagues and students weren’t even aware of amplifies the end users’ reach—beyond the desk-
their transgressions. One such case in fact led to top PC to the Internet—both in accessing and
publicity in the local media and had to be cleared publishing information. The end users will har-
up before more misunderstandings arose. ness this power to solve their problems, regardless
Fortunately, the editor responsible in the latter of whether information technology professionals
case exonerated the concerned person and apolo- help. It’s imperative that we devise methods and
gized for any offense caused. The media and expe- processes to assist end users, develop their appli-
rienced Web designers highlight some of these cations, and take the message of systematic devel-
issues, but we tend to dismiss them rather easily. opment, testing, and maintenance to them along
with the responsibilities of deploying the applica-
Site, document, and link management tions on the Web.
A Web site quickly grows to thousands of com- Software engineering is meant to address prob-
puter files with hyperlinks criss-crossing through- lems of large, team-based projects. End user pro-
out. Therefore, any site or application developer jects are unlikely to fall into this category but
must not only cater to the application’s function- must be addressed now, to increase the reliability
ality (process logic and data management) but of applications and at the same time release the
also to the structure and constituting elements of creative power of people in general.
its design at a more detailed level (such as docu-
ments and links). Links may be broken or missing New types of applications
for a variety of reasons, anything from simply Until now, application developers were con-
changing the file’s name—an oversight—to fined to specific places and organizations and rarely
restructuring any portion of the site. Published combined resources from diverse origins. The Web
information easily becomes outdated; even when can link widely dispersed sites, organizations, and
it isn’t, the visitors need reassurance that what resources. The Environmental Defense Fund, for
was last updated six months before is still valid. example, links detailed US maps with public
Web developers might not undertake some of this domain information on chemical dumping to cre-
routine maintenance, leaving it to the adminis- ate an information system accessible across the
trative—as opposed to technical—personnel. Web. Problems and issues of distributed, collabo-
April–June 2001

Thus, there’s a need for new methods from com- rative, and cooperative applications will arise in
puter science and software engineering disciplines this environment and it’s up to us to find solutions.
for site management. We also need new policies
for management and human resources for their Evolutionary systems development
effective implementation. For an early effort in Many systems development methodologies are
defining new jobs, see Hansen et al.3 popular now and the waterfall method2 of appli-

cation development dominates discussions. A spe- Virtual organizations
cific problem identified in systems development Globalization, internetworking, and the Web
is the effort spent on working to a specification. have led some experts to speculate about creating
We arrive at the specifications after consulting virtual organizations where people could belong
with a set of users identified at a project’s start. to an organization but live and work anywhere in
However, users’ requirements continue to change the world. The ubiquity of networks would over-
even before the final implementation of a system. come geography and time differences. The kinds
Web-based applications frequently deal with of applications enabling such organizations and
completely unidentified users, and their expecta- their development are mainly in the realm of
tions (requirements) and behavior patterns decide research for now.
whether the application is successful. An addi-
tional complicating factor is that, as mentioned Web engineering
before, such applications are likely to compete The foregoing analysis and discussion identi-
against similar offers from other organizations. fies the new elements of Web-based applications
This introduces a new variable of popularity—and that aren’t covered by parts of computer science,
hence, durability—of the application. Under- software engineering, or information systems. The
standing users’ requirements in these circum- analysis also establishes the need for systematic
stances becomes much more complicated than it approaches, and development strategies for Web-
was before. Again, new methods of user analysis based application development. In 1998, we pro-
are required for Web-based applications. posed calling Web-based application development
“Web engineering.”
Network and Web performance
Until now, we’ve implemented network appli- Computer science, software engineering,
cations in environments with known network information systems, and Web engineering
capabilities. We’ve regarded network application In a nutshell, computer science concentrates
tuning as a technical issue for the experts. on hardware and (systems) software to get opti-
However, Web-based application developers can’t mal and reliable performance. Software engineer-
afford such luxuries. Their decisions on where and ing addresses large-scale, team-based projects
what to include in Web pages (for example, text, while information systems, originating from data
images, other multimedia objects, and database processing, concerns itself with information sys-
connections) affect the time to download infor- tems within organizational units.
mation and the subsequent use of the application. Engineering itself is a term that people under-
They also have to make assumptions about the stand fairly well even though individual disci-
kind of networks their anonymous users access. plines within engineering debate from time to
Thus, Web-based applications acquire another time what constitutes their own specializations.
dimension of complexity. When discussing the term in the context of soft-
ware engineering, Berry4 noted that, “Engineering
Evolving standards, protocols, and tools is about the systematic application of scientific
Web technology is changing fast, and develop- knowledge in creating and building cost-effective
ers are continually adding new standards, proto- solutions to practical problems.”
cols, and tools. There’s also the imperative—driven With Berry’s definition in mind, Web engi-
by competition—to adapt to and adopt changing neering can be defined as the application of a sys-
technology almost as soon as it’s available. There tematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to
are applications for DOS 3.1 still in use in various development, operation, and maintenance of the
organizations around the world. It’s almost impos- Web-based applications or the application of engi-
sible to think of any Web-based applications based neering to Web-based software.5
on HTML 2.0—or for that matter, HTML 3.2—and Web engineering is thus an early identification
these developments are only a few years old. These of a rapidly growing field with a much more for-
IEEE MultiMedia

changes in Web technology raise questions about ward looking approach than just implying a col-
maintenance of applications and training of per- lection of preexisting and proven development
sonnel. For an individual application developer, practices. It draws not only from computer science,
keeping track of new developments and the com- software engineering, and information systems, but
petition introduces extra dimensions with an also from other disciplines. As such, it identifies the
urgency previously unencountered. next stage in information technology evolution.

During the last 50 years, computing has Yogesh Deshpande is a senior lec-
changed the way the world works and the Web is turer in computing at the School
changing it even faster. Even with the mass par- of Computing and Information
ticipation and influence implicit in the Web, the Technology and a founding mem-
information technology community has a great ber of the Web-based Information
responsibility to actively guide the development Systems and Methodologies
of Web-based applications. Information technol- (WebISM) Research Group at the University of Western
ogy has seen many very significant changes in the Sydney. He has BStat and MStat degrees from the Indian
past and has responded by creating new fields of Statistical Institute and MSc and PhD degrees from the
study. Web-based application development now London School of Economics. His research interests
has reached such a stage. Since so many fields include Web engineering and design, information sys-
influence Web-based applications outside com- tems, end user computing, and simulation modelling.
puter science, software engineering, and informa- Deshpande is a member of the Operational Research
tion systems, it’s time to acknowledge this as Web Society, the ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society. He’s
engineering—a discipline in its own right. MM also a member of the WebNet 2001 Conference program
1. Proc. 1st Int’ Workshop on Web Eng. (WebE 98), 14
Apr. 1998, Steve Hansen is an associate pro-
webe98/. fessor in the Department of
2. R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Computing and Information
Perspective, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000. Systems and the director of the
3. S. Hansen and Y. Deshpande, “A Skills Hierarchy for PlatformWeb project team at the
Web Information System Development,” Proc. University of Western Sydney.
Australasian Web Conf. (AusWeb 97), Southern Cross Hansen has an MSc degree from Sydney University. He
Univ. Press, Lismore, Australia, 1997, pp. 114-121. has won the University service award for the
4. D. Berry, Academic Legitimacy of the Software PlatformWeb project designed to help in Web-based
Engineering Discipline, SEI tech. report CMU/SEI-92- teaching delivery and student administration.
TR-34, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1992. PlatformWeb received an honorable mention at the
5. S. Murugesan et al., “Web Engineering: A New Australasian Web, AusWeb 99 conference. He actively
Discipline for Web-Based System Development,” works for and advocates the integration of Web engi-
Online Proc. 1st Int’l Conf. Software Eng., Workshop neering with institutional operations. His interests are
on Web Eng., in the areas of Web engineering, electronic communi-
san/icse99-WebE/ICSE99-WebE-Proc/San.doc. cations, technology management, and in the diffusion
and adoption of innovations.

Readers may contact Deshpande and Hansen at the WebISM Research Group, University of Western Sydney,
Campbelltown Campus, Locked bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia, email {y.deshpande,
April–June 2001


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